heartfeltarcher · 24 days
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schweiden adler boys
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cunning-pope · 2 months
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I’ve been thinking about Sappho, & I’ve been coming back to this kourai, a grave marker for a young girl. Sappho is often painted in Classical Greek dress, however Sappho lived during the Archaic period, so her dress may have been more like this. Thanks to the #athensarchaeologicalmuseum for the peek into the past!
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tenowls · 1 month
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bro hes literally just standing there
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New covers for the light novels, each made look like the cover of Sportiva.
Translation of the quotes / headlines:
Kageyama 1:
“The Monsters of Spring High”
Shoyo Hinata/Korai Hoshiumi [Little giant's genes]
Kotaro Bokuto/Kyoomi Sakusaya[Memory of the legendary five days]
Inarizaki High School V Karasuno High School [Giant Killing of the Century]
Hinata 1:
BRAZIL [Close coverage of the sand ninja] Shoyo Hinata
ARGENTINA [Why did you go to the other side of the world] Tooru Oikawa
Climb up, adventurer. - V1 league promotion survival
A generation of monsters aiming to rise to the top
[Sendai Frogs] Tsukishima/Koganekawa [Tamaman Elephants] Kindaichi/Onagata [Nichikyaku Automobile Lions] Yamagata
Small and strong is cool
Super minionism.
[Opening interview] “Those who challenge height”
"Small Soldiers Who Challenge the World" Hinata/ Yaku
Pursue “the ideal end”
[Ultimate all-rounder] Kiyoomi Sakusa
Be strong, be right, and follow your own path!
[Japan's main gun Ushiwaka] Wakatoshi Ushijima
"I'm not interested in winning or losing. Is it fun or boring?"
Is it Kodzuken? [E-sports special issue]
[Let's talk about Kodzuken!] Lev Haiba (Model) /Tetsuro Kuroo (Japan Volleyball Association member)
The patron saint arrives
``How many times have they saved the team?
Libero Special Feature [From Europe with love] Yaku
[Learn from the craftsmen!] Komori/Inunaki/Heiwajima
Hinata 2:
For the sake of my friends, the sun will rise again.
[Will he be the savior of Japan?] - Shoyo Hinata
"I don't care whether it's praise or insults." Challenger style
[Compete against the world with three swords]
I am an ordinary ace
If you have the energy, you can do the opening interview.
[Japan's spirited spirit] Kotaro Bokuto
[Talk about old and new teammates]
Kageyama 2:
Thorough debate! Who is Japan's command tower?
[Control the monsters] - Kageyama Tobio
[What's wrong with being super aggressive]
[Strength that accepts weakness]
Insignificant Pride Theory
[World-class control tower from Miyagi] Toru Oikawa “Adversity is my true strength”
[Mentor speaks] Jose Blanco “People are defeated when they set their limits.”
[Testimony of an old friend] Hajime Iwaizumi (Japanese Team Athletic Trainer “Proud partner + big idiot”)
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lyykaia · 2 months
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my piece for @monsterballzine 💥
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fish-with-more-eyes · 5 months
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bit of a different post -- my presentation for hq powerpoint night in the foxglove digest discord! :)
i probably could've done more characters but for some reason i committed to drawing everything skjdfhsdkj
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bloopy-writes · 6 days
Rules for the Japanese National Team- written by Iwaizumi Hajime, Athletic Trainer
Hinata, Kageyama, Atsumu, and Bokuto are no longer allowed within 50 feet of the kitchen, if you want to eat, you can starve or beg someone else to make food for you.
Bokuto and Kuroo are no longer allowed to be left alone for more than 2 minutes at a time. Also pringles are banned you guys are athletes that shouldn’t be eating this junk anyways.
Whoever locks Oikawa and Ushijima in a closet together can pay for any damages caused
Kageyama is not allowed to play truth or dare-he’s too easily influenced
If you call Yaku short, I’m not helping you recover from the damages caused
Suna is not allowed to blackmail the coach to get out of extra practice it doesn’t end well for anyone
Aran is not allowed to room with Atsumu or Suns in the Olympic village because this poor man has suffered enough
I don’t care how good of an idea it seems, no one is allowed to listen to Houshimi after 2 am
Sakusa is banned from bleaching other peoples rooms no matter how bad they stink- still technically an invasion of privacy
Kuroo is not allowed to try and convince new recruits that they should give him money
Atsumu is not allowed to use his brother as a body double to get out of practice
Ushijima and Kageyama aren’t allowed to give interviews together without a third person present
Bokuto is not allowed to give interviews with other people
Hinata and Kageyama aren’t allowed to teach children because no one actually understands what they’re saying
If you get caught doing something stupid you are not allowed to call Officer Daichi Sawamura to bail you out that is still illegal and he doesn’t even work in Tokyo
Suna and Oikawa are to be kept away from each other at all costs
Atsumu and Oikawa can hang out with each other only if they stop arguing over who’s kageyamas favorite
No secret handshakes allowed
Glitter bombs are only allowed if glitter does not get on Iwaizumi
If anyone asks if Iwaizumi is a babysitter the answer is legally no
The first person to convince the administration that Iwaizumi deserves a raise will get free food for a month
Houshimi and Atsumu are two halves of a whole idiot and are not allowed to plan team bonding activities again
Kidnapping Oikawa does not count as a team bonding activity unless you murder him and bond over trying to hide the body
Iwaizumi Hajime loves his job no matter how much you all make him want to retire
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drawnbymabel · 4 months
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rainb0wrae · 2 months
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amezure · 6 months
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Support me on PATREON! 🍑
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kakasau · 3 months
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oldmama · 18 days
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hongarrae · 4 months
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short kings!!!
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 month
[KAGEYAMA TOBIO squints at his phone screen, his eyebrows knitted together and mouth pinched in a frown. A stranger would think him irritated, but his friends know he is just uncertain. Flanking either side of him are HOSHIUMI KOURAI and MIYA ATSUMU. Atsumu looks amused, while Hoshiumi pats Kageyama's shoulder comfortingly. This is, after all, their fifth take of what is meant to be the first scene of the video.]
KAGEYAMA: What's wrong with saying, "I'm passing the phone to Miya Atsumu"? Isn't that what I'm supposed to do?
HOSHIUMI: You're not supposed to say their name, Kageyama! You're supposed to describe them in a way that's funny. So, like, if I were passing it to Hinata, I'd say, "I'm passing the phone to someone who ditched us to go play in the sand for two years!"
ATSUMU: I guess I’m just so great that there’s nothin’ bad to say about me, huh, Tobio? 
[Kageyama’s gaze goes slack for a minute—it’s obvious he’s thinking about something. Then he looks directly into the camera.]
KAGEYAMA: I’m passing the phone to someone who lost to me in Kuroo-san's JVA-sponsored poll of who the sexiest setter was.
[Cut scene to black.]
— excerpt from a fic where japan's national volleyball team tries to make a pr video, but everything goes wrong
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Being Team Japan’s Manager:
The Team Crushes on Their Manager
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Team Japan x GN! reader
Warnings: fluff, swearing
AN: this was due approx. 570 of you ago but nevertheless, here we go 🎉
Where do I even start?
Probably from the beginning because that’s when it ALL started
It was your first day as Team Japan’s new manager
No other job prospects huh Yn?
You were filled with hope and a renewed sense of purpose 🤩
You’d always loved Volleyball whether you played it, watched it or read a very specific manga surrounding it 👀
It was safe to say you were a fan!
The job seemed relatively straightforward
You’d come to work, take care of a bunch of world class athletes, clock out and repeat
Easy right?
You walked into the building on your first day and it started almost immediately
There is no easing into this job YN 😌
“Well hello there gorgeous,” a very untoned blonde who seriously needed his roots retouched whistled
“Umm hi! I was wondering if you could-” you started to say before being unfortunately interrupted 🙄
“You want my autograph don’t ya sweetheart?” The blonde smirked, conveniently pulling out a sharpie that seemed to manifest from thin air
“Oh no, I’m looking for-” you try to say again before again being interrupted
“ATSUMU!” A voice shouted as you saw a rather angry looking man with black spiky hair marching up to you and the blonde, “what did I tell you about harassing guests?”
“I wasn’t harassing ‘em!” The blonde, known as Atsumu shouted back
Meanwhile you are just standing there like 🧍
“If you weren’t harassing them, then why do they look like they wanna run for their lives?” Another tall man with curly black hair replied, approaching from behind you
“SHUT YER TRAP SAKUSA!” Atsumu yelled again as the spiky haired man spoke
“If you both don’t get your asses back into that gym right now!”
Atsumu rolled his eyes before responding, “yes Iwaizumi” and turning to leave
But not before shooting a very unsolicited wink in your direction 🙄
“Stop making people feel so uncomfortable,” Sakusa berated as he and Atsumu argued back to the gym
“I’m so sorry about that. You must be Yn?” Iwaizumi asked turning to you as you smiled back widely
“That’s me!” You giggled as Iwaizumi’s eyes widened and his face turned pink at your sheer adorableness
Iwaizumi is just happy that you seem excited
He’s tired Yn, help him please
Iwaizumi begins showing you around the gym while various, rather large men walk past you
You excitedly ask questions, smiling and laughing
The guys are all like 👀👀👀👀👀
They’d heard about a new prospective manager starting but dang, you were way cuter than they imagined
After the tour you made your way to the gym with Iwaizumi to finally meet the team
As you stood there, adorable and bubbly, they all just stared at you like a bunch of creeps 😅
You remember in Season 2 when Yachi joined Karasuno and Suga had to tell Noya and Tanaka to stop staring…
Yeah that’s exactly what’s happening right now 😂
Iwaizumi is giving everyone his death glare because there is absolutely no way he’s letting anyone ruin this for him!
Iwa rn 👉🏻 🔥 👄🔥
Of course you notice them all looking at you but you simply think it’s because you are new
Delusion is always the solution Yn
“And finally, this is Yn, our new manager. I expect nothing but respect and kindness from you guys!” Coach yells as you smile and wave a greeting
“I’m so excited to work with you all!” You say, smiling bright as your eyes sparkle with excitement
This was the first of many incidents that sealed your fate
Now some of the team members fell hard for you immediately
*cough* ATSUMU, BOKUTO, HINATA *cough*
While others took a while to warm up to you
They all thought you were cute and sweet sure but it was your actions that spoke the loudest
For example…
“Hey Sakusa, I heard you are particular about laundry and hygiene, if you could please tell me the products you prefer so I can accommodate you? Oh and I’d you’d like, I can wear a mask around you to make you more comfortable!” You excitedly spoke, standing 6 feet apart from Sakusa so as to not be right in his space
Sakusa rn 👉🏻👁️👄👁️
“Umm sure I can text you a list and you don’t have to wear a mask if you aren’t comfortable,” he responds, honestly shocked because who are you
You wave your hands and smile, “oh no it’s really ok! I’m very accommodating!”
It was safe to say you’d captured our precious Sakusa’s attention
But it doesn’t stop there
“Hey Suna, I noticed you left your arm guards in on the bench yesterday! I washed them for you last night oh and I recorded a video of Atsumu flubbing a serve and accidently hitting Kageyama. I can send it to you if you’d like?” You laughed as Suna just stared in awe
Who the heck were you and why were you so amazing!
Not only that but you provided help to Aran and Ushijima when it came to taking diligent notes about the teams progress
Made sure Kageyama had plenty to eat and got enough sleep
You measured down to the very millimeter for jump heights, making sure Hoshiumi knew exactly where he stood against the other players
You stayed late to help Komori and Yaku with their receiving practice
You came early to unlock the gym for Atsumu, Bokuto and Hinata because lord knows they can’t be out of the gym for more than 8 hours 🙄
You even made sure the guys all followed Iwaizumi’s strict training regime to ensure they all stayed healthy and in the best shape!
It was easy to see why they all had fallen for you!
Competent, pretty, kind, amazing and funny? A perfect combination!
It had been about 6 months and you’d more than proven your worth as a manager
You’d even spent time outside of practice with all of them both individually as well as in groups
Surprisingly they’d all managed to keep their little crushes on you to a minimum
They respected you and didn’t want to mess up anything
When I say “they” I actually mean “most of them”…
Because, ya know, some people just can’t stop themselves 👀
It was safe to say they all knew each other had a crush on their precious manager
But for the sake of teamwork, most of them kept it to themselves
However, there is some people who can only hold it in so long
“I’m thinking about asking YN out this weekend,” Atsumu boldly and nonchalantly says
And just like that, the entire locker room halts
“Excuse me?” Yaku says, staring at Atsumu like he’s about to commit a felony
“What? YN is such a cutie and so awesome! Is it really a surprise that I’d ask them out?” Atsumu replies
All eyes narrow on the setter as he looks back confused
“And what makes you think YN even likes you?” Suna jokes as the rest of the team nods
“Awe come on! It’s pretty safe to say Yn has a crush on me, look at all the stuff they do for me,” Atsumu continues
“So? YN does that for all of us. Plus, maybe another one of us wants to ask them out?” Sakusa adds as Atsumu narrows his eyes
“Ok then, who wants to ask YN out?”
Literally all hands shoot up as the guys look around at each other, eyes wide as the realization sinks in
Soon the shock wears off and they narrow their eyes at each other like a duel in the Ok corral is about to go down 😑
“Well there’s no way all of us asking out YN would be a good idea. We’d probably scare them away!” Komori mentioned
“Nah, if Atsumu hasn’t scared them yet, pretty sure we’re safe,” Aran remarked as Atsumu looked at his friend, offended by his remarks
“What if we draw lots?” Hyakuzawa questioned
“That’s not really far to YN tho, what if they have a particular interest in a member?” Yaku answered
“First one to ask Yn out then?” Hakuba remarked
“Oh yeah, just a bunch of grown ass men running up to YN screaming ‘YN GO OUT WITH ME!’ That sounds like nightmare fuel!” Hoshiumi replied
“Ok so then we let Yn decide,” Iwa added, coming through the doors having just listened to the conversation, “we do our best to win YN’s affections and we let them decide.”
The team all nodded in agreement, ready for the challenge of winning their precious YN’s heart
The next morning, the gym felt different
You could tell immediately the moment you stepped in
“Good morning YN, I bought you coffee!” Iwaizumi smiled, handing you a cup of your favorite pick me up
“Thanks Hajime! I really needed this!”
“Hey Yn, I thought maybe you’d wanna have lunch with me today? My treat,” Yaku interrupted
“That would be awesome Mori!”
“Here Yn, I know how much you love these flowers so I got up early to go to the market to get some,” Sakusa flushed, pushing the flowers in your direction
“Wow thanks Kiyoomi! They are beautiful!”
Were these boys being weird? Sure
Were you gonna fight it? Absolutely not
Now these shenanigans continued for a few weeks and at first they were innocent
But then bringing you coffee, flowers or the occasional chocolate morphed into full blown outings
“Hey YN, I’m going to the art museum this weekend? You wanna come?” Komori asked as your eyes lit up
You loved art!!
“Hey YN, I’m gonna grab sushi tonight after practice, you wanna come?” Gao would ask as your mouth salivated
You loved sushi!
“Hey YN, I’m planning on going to the dog park with Hirugami tonight, you wanna come?” Hoshiumi would ask
Dogs? Say less!
“Hey YN, there’s a new cat cafe that just opened up, you wanna go with me?” Suna would declare
It took you a while to catch on that there was something strange going on with these guys
While the putting seemed innocent, their motives definitely were not
After a while, you’d finally gotten sick of it all and just asked
It was after practice, the gym was quiet
And there you were
“What is up with you guys taking me on all these dates for?”
… there to ruin it
Their amount of wide-eyed staring and red faces gave them away quicker than a smoking volcano
You sighed, knowing you had to tell them the truth
“Listen guys, I like you all but only as friends and coworkers ok?”
They all collectively sighed, having all been rejected at the same time
You felt bad but at the same time, they needed to know your feelings for them were platonic
“Hey we can still go out and have fun but it’ll only be as friends ok? Plus I have a boyfriend already.”
Their eyes all shot up at you, wondering who exactly it would be
“Wait you had a boyfriend this whole time?” Atsumu questioned
Yep :D
“Like before you even started working with us?” Yaku asked
Yep : D
“Ok then how come we’ve never met him before?” Sakusa demanded as you smiled
“Oh you have, he talks about you guys all the time!” You respond as everyone but Iwaizumi looks confused
“YN you’re not dating him, please YN anyone but him!” Iwa shouts, running up to you and shaking you as your grin devilishly
It seems to finally hit the others as their eyes go from shocked to horrified in a matter of seconds.
Before they can even process his name, they hear a “yoohoo Yn-Chan” radiate throughout the gym
Surprise an Oikawa ending 😅 if you didn’t see it coming, do you even know who I am? I will always work that man into everything possible!
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ushikage-luvr · 7 months
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I love these tiny panels because it looks like Ushijima's crush just walked into the room and his friends are teasing him about it
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