#kuroo teturou
megumismom · 1 month
Random ask, who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in any media, like anime/manga, tv series, books, etc (can be canon or non-canon)? Feel free if you want to write the reasons or not of why you love them....
Thanks for this ask sm!!!!!! I was so excited to answer it, I had to log in on my laptop to type this all out lmao I have very strong feelings about ships and shipping, and my favorite characters!! Sorry in advance this isn't a list, but more of an essay, I just can't make myself to choose only 10 ships!
Well, first, I love obsessive relationships, so one of my favorite ships is definitely Xie Lian/Hua Cheng (Heaven Official's Blessing)
and while we're on danmei, honorable mentions for Chu Wanning/Mo Ran (The Husky and His White Cat Shizun) and Mobei-jun/Shang Qinghua (the side couple in The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System).
I love Genshin Impact, and I have several ships that I love and that I think would and should be canon if China weren't viciously homophobic, but my favorites are Childe/Zhongli and Kaedehara Kazuha/Tomo (aka Kazuha's best friend). I also love Alhaitham/Kaveh.
When it comes to anime, I'm genuinely convinced jjk is partially a bl bcs of Gojo Satoru/Getou Suguru. Like best friends to lovers to enemies is THE BEST trope (I love suffering). And along those lines, another favorite is Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya, but I do also ship Dazai with Oda, I like the weird relationship they have, and I like the fact that them having romantic feelings for each other just makes their dynamic even more fucked up.
When it comes to kind of sweet ships, I love Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, and I especially love to read all the single parent Din Djarin fics, they're so sweet!! Another one is probably Kozume Kenma/Kuroo Teturou. Fun fact: I never finished watching Haikyuu!!, I just love their vibes, and have a lot of feelings about best friends to lovers ships evidently lmao I'm also going to add Eddie Diaz/Evan Buckley here bcs they're a combo version of the other two ships containing my favorite things (single dads and bestiism to lovers). They're a new favorite ship, but I think they're here to stay
And lastly, my favorite ships from books. Starting with Jude/Cardan (The Folk of The Air), I like it when men are pathetic and that's what really appeals to me in this ship lmao And then there are the classic ships if you were on booklr during 2012-2015, which are Ronan Lynch/Adam Parrish (The Raven Cycle), and Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood (Shadowhunters). Let me just be very clear, I've never watched the tv show, so my love is only for the book series ship.
Anyways, thanks so much for this ask, I've had lots of fun thinking about it and answering it <3
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janellion · 4 years
KAYLAAAAA i am Back ! HSHXH i would like to request hcs of the reader taking care of their drunk boyfriend(s) 👉👈 may i ask for tsukki, bokuto, kuroo, and akaashi? Hdhxbb i hope it's not too much !!! if it is, tsukki and bokuto would do omg aaaAAA i love you so much bb 💞💗💗💗 and idk if i've told you this before already but i LOVE LOVE LOVE your writing like it's one of the best i've ever read !!!! pls stay healthy and safe, i love you!!!!!
RON BB U MAKING A BITCH SOFT OMG 😭😭💗💗✨✨ thank you SO SO MUCH!!’ it means the world to me that you enjoy my writing!!! i’d love to write these for you!!! (i’m sorry they took so long bb 🥺😭 ILY!!)
taking care of your drunk!boyfriend hcs
ft. tsukki, bokuto, kuroo, akaashi
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tsukki doesn’t drink that much but when he does, he gets SOFT
i don’t mean like he’s crying and all over you
but those things that he only usually thinks? like “wow they’re the most beautiful person i’ve ever seen”
and he doesn’t realize that he does, he’s really just thinking out loud and so when you’re all flustered at hearing him being so sweet and honest, words that he usually reserves for tender and special moments, he just quirks an eyebrow like “what? did i say something?”
and you pretend like he didn’t, bc you love hearing the things he has to say
taking care of him involves a lot of,,, tough love
he is stubborn and wants to take care of himself
he only lets you take care of him when you’re firm but sweet with him
speaking of, you’re the ONLY ONE that he let’s take care of him
even though it does take some extra coaxing on your part, anyone else would be outright refused except for you
when you go to pick him up or the boys drop him off, they always seem a little extra tired because they’ve been dealing w drunk tsukki without you and he is DIFFICULT
like “we need to bribe him to get into the car” kind of difficult
but they’re really just bribing him with getting to see you
tsukki isn’t a super cuddly or physically affectionate person, but as soon as he sees you he melts
will draw you in for a hug with those long arms of his and just hold you until he starts swaying and you both fall on the ground
the nights end with him passed out in bed and you gently removing his glasses
he never brings it up the next day bc he’s embarrassed, but he thanks you in his own little ways, whether that’s a tender kiss to your temple as you make him something for his hangover, or your favorite flowers the next time he goes out for errands
a knock on the door pulls you from your current task, piquing your interest and making you wonder — isn’t it a little late for them to be back? i figured kei would just stay with kuroo. as you head to the front door, you peek your head through the window to see none other than your tall slightly red faced boyfriend batting away the presumably helpful hand that kuroo is offering him.
as soon as you open the door and tsukki’s eyes land on you, the annoyed and frustrated look on his face melts into one of calm adoration. he takes a step through the threshold, placing a large slender hand on your shoulder, drawing you into his chest and inhaling the scent of your hair.
you look at kuroo over tsukki’s shoulder, suppressing a grin as you see kuroo’s growing. “you should have heard him on the way here, he was so excited to see you,” he comments to you under his breath as he moves to head back to the boys leaning against his car in varying levels of intoxication.
you shoot him a “good luck!” as he walks away before the door slams, blocking kuroo’s retreating back. you try and pull away from tsukki, only to feel him pull you in closer in response.
“those guys were pissing me off,” you hear tsukki’s voice muffled into into your hair. you can’t help but smile at the softness in his voice despite the harshness of his words.
“let’s get you to bed,” you laugh softly, prying his arms ground around your waist and holding his hands in yours between you.
as you go to walk down the hall, tsukki’s grip on your hands tightens as he pulls you back to him, bringing one hand to your check and the other to the small of your back.
he looks at you intensely through his glasses, face slightly flushed, but eyes soft and mouth slipping into a small smile.
“you’re the most beautiful thing i’ve ever seen”
i’ve written a bit abt drunk!bo here BUT yk i can always go off abt my hubby
OK SO bokuto is one of those “i’m myself but x100” kind of drunks
he is so excited and enthusiastic about things when he’s in a good mood
but he’s so down in the dumps and sad if he’s in a bad mood
fortunately!! you are always there to manage his moods, whether that’s extreme elation or intense sadness
a smile from you or a squeeze of your hand is all it takes to bring him back to his normal cheerful and exuberant self
BUT i hope that you don’t mind shirtless!bokuto (who could???) bc this man is CONSTANTLY TAKING HIS SHIRT OFF WHEN HE DRINKS
on the rare occasions where he goes out with tanaka, these two get kicked out of places SO FAST for public indecency
taking care of drunk!bokuto is a pretty involved affair
as soon as he sees you or the guys drop him back off to you, he is running full speed toward you, often forgetting his size and underestimating his speed
you’ve learned after the first few times that you need to brace yourself for impact bc he has crashed into you more times than you can count
this often results in you either on your back on the floor, or bo sweeping you up in a giant hug as he squeezes you tightly
the man REFUSES to take care of himself, does not want to eat or drink water until you offer it to him
if you bribe him w a kiss? man will do anything
the reason why he refuses to take care of himself? he just wants to spend time w you and shower you with love and affection!!
you’re trying to brush your teeth? good thing you only need one hand bc bo is holding the other!
trying to fix the bed? good luck bc bo has his arms around your waist and is nuzzling his face into your neck
fortunately, drunk!bo is also very sleepy, so after a lot of hand holding and hugging and wildly affectionate and inappropriate compliments, he is ready to pass out
unfortunately, he’s only able to fall asleep with you in his arms, so i hope your phone is charged!!
also, get ready to take a shower in the morning bc drunk!bokuto DROOLS
it’s ok tho bc he’s so cute abt it in the morning & will DEFINITELY insist on showering w you to help you,,, clean off 👀
a loud cry rings through the neighborhood prompting loud “shhhh” noises from the boys around your boyfriend. you smile in amusement as you look out the front window at the scene before you.
bokuto just dropped his phone as he was getting out of the car and proceeded to drop onto his knees, face buried in his hands as he cries out, “NOO WHAT DID I DO THEYRE GONE KUROO GONEEE,” as he gingerly picks up his phone and looks at the lock screen.
even from your vantage point in the house you can see the barely concealed snicker fhat escapes kuroo’s lips as he gestures to tsukki to help heft the large crying man to his feet.
“bro, i promise [Name] is fine, that’s just your lock screen, they’re in the house.” at this point kuroo pauses and looks up, seeing your face in lit up in the window.
“bo, look! they’re right there! why don’t you go give the door your secret knock and see them?” kuroo says, pointing to you at the window.
of course, you can’t hear this, but you do see the way that bokuto’s eyes light up as he brings his gaze to meet yours, and the wide smile that’s already across his previously tear-stained face.
with that, he is running full speed to the front door, and you barely have time to process the change in mood before you hear your signature shared secret knock on the front door.
laughing in anticipation, you throw the door open at the finish of the knock, only to be wrapped up in two sturdy arms, bo feet your lifting off the ground in his excitement.
finally setting you down, he looks at you with shining eyes, the grin on his face spreading with every passing second.
“i missed you”
so poor kuroo is usually stuck as the designated driver (he switches off with akaashi)
when he does get to drink though? his nerdy and flirty sides come out in the BEST possible way
he loves to use chemistry pick up lines on you, whether you’re out on the town together or you’re cuddled up in your bed after he gets dropped off for the night
you’ll be playing with his hair or he’ll be playing with yours and all of a sudden he’ll pull away and all the warning you’ll get is a slight glint in his eye and the traces of a mischievous smile as he says:
Do you have 11 protons? Cause your sodium fine
You must be a compound of beryllium and barium...because your a total BaBe
as soon as the lines are out of his mouth you can feel heat rushing up your neck and cheeks as your eyes widen slightly
kuroo always laughs gently, a light blush coloring his cheeks as he pulls away
he loves to do this bc it always yields his favorite sight: you flustered and embarassed at his sudden flirtatiousness
kuroo is pretty responsible so you don’t really,,, need to take care of him?
but you DO get to listen to a lot of really entertaining stories about things that have happened throughout the night he spent out with the boys
he likes to lay his head in your lap with his eyes closed as you run your fingers through his hair and gently massage his scalp, humming gently and laughing as he recounts the tales of his night
you WILL have to convince him to go to bed tho bc drunk!kuroo wants to stay up ALL NIGHT and spend time with you, cuddling and watching tv or some movies (he WILL try and convince you to watch a fun documentary)
but you’ll have to resist his charms and pickup lines
he does NOT make it easy on you though
will even go as far as to lay on the ground and make you drag him to your bedroom, barely concealing his laughter
he’ll eventually take pity on you and walk with you to the bedroom, but not before swinging his arm over your shoulder and leaning a bunch of his weight on you (he can’t make it too easy!)
the night always ends with the two of you facing each other, his arm slung over your waist as he traces every inch of your face with his eyes
you hear the loud honk of a horn as you receive a “here” text from your boyfriend. you open the door, not sure what to expect since it’s been quite some time since kuroo actually let loose.
you definitely weren’t expecting a grinning bokuto with his hand around kuroo’s waist as your dark haired boyfriend grinned at you with a mischievous look in his eye.
“[Name]!” bokuto exclaims in his signature booming and excited voice. “Your boyfriend here was practicing lines on me all night to get ready to see you,” he says, laughter in his voice.
“bro, you weren’t supposed to tell them!” kuroo turns to bokuto, eyebrows slightly furrowed, “it was supposed to be a surprise!”
bokuto simply laughs and shakes his head, removing his arm from around kuroo’s waist and going to clap you on the shoulder. “good luck,” he says with a wink before walking back to the car, yelling at a slightly flushed akaashi that “he’s next!”
with bokuto gone, all of kuroo’s attention is on you. the mischievous look on his eye has been replaced by one that’s softer, full of love and adoration. his smile, however, still slightly betrays the rest of his face as he leans in close to you, arm resting on one side of your face as the other goes to his hip.
“You must be related to Alfred Nobel, because baby you are dynamite!” slips past his lips and you can’t help but laugh, heat rushing to your face as you take in his words.
his suaveness, however, falters as he loses his balance and crashes into you through the threshold.
he pulls back from you, face lingering inches from yours as he grins again.
“Even if there wasn't gravity on earth, I'd still fall for you”
similar to kuroo, akaashi is often the designated driver or signature “responsible friend”
when he DOES go more wild it’s because someone bokuto convinces him to do something crazy for some reason his bachelor party
on those nights where he does participate more in shenanigans, he gets SOFT
not in the same way that tsukki or bokuto get soft, but in a very special way that is Signature Akaashi
the guys will drop him off and they will all be waving and smiling at you, faces soft
akaash’s softness is infectious and inspiring, and all of them are going to go home to their own partners and be extra soft and sweet bc of him and his love for you
akaashi’s love language is quality time, and this is never more obvious than on the nights when you’re taking care of him after a fun night out with the boys
he just wants to be with you, whether that be on the couch as you finish up your book or show, talking to you as you shower for the night, or at the kitchen table as you have a midnight snack
his eyes soften and drink in the sight of you under the bright kitchen lights, or the soft glow of the tv, or through the foggy mirror of the bathroom
anything you ask of him is yours, so taking care of him is very easy
you’re both in bed as soon as you’d like to be, whether that’s one hour or five hours after he gets done with the boys
this is bc all akaashi wants to do is hold you in his arms and look at you, whispering into the quiet space between you how much he loves you and how much you mean to him
he’s not usually big on being very affectionate with his words, so when he says them, you KNOW he means them more than anything
even though he was the one that went out, he’s always the last one to fall asleep bc he wants to memorize the way you look in this exact moment, and tuck it away into his collection of favorite memories
your phone buzzes on the couch next to you, drawing your attention from the show you put on as you wait for your boyfriend to get dropped off.
accepting the phone and bringing it to your ear, you hear the calm and deep voice of the man you know and love.
“hi love, we’re almost to the house,” rings through the speaker. a chorus of “AWWWHS” and “OOOOHS” echo in the background as you hear the unmistakable voices of the boys in the car. a smile tugs at your lips at the shenanigans, and widens at akaashi’s soft chuckle. “see you soon,” you say as you hear the sound of a car pull up.
making your way to the door, you open it to reveal the slightly flushed face of your boyfriend as he gets out of the car, accepting the hand that bokuto offers in assistance.
the softness in akaashi’s eyes is unmistakable as he makes his way toward you, his gaze never straying from your face.
bokuto chuckles behind him, waving briefly at akaashi’s back before walking around to the front of the car.
as akaashi reaches the front step, he wraps an arm around your waist and brings you in for a soft but firm kiss, pulling away with a gentle smile and shining eyes.
the “OOOHS” and “AHHHS” ring out from the car again, but there’s a softness to them.
regardless, you pay them no mind as you look into akaashi’s eyes, a small smile playing on your lips.
“it’s nice to see you too,” you say through a grin.
“i’ve been wanting to do that all night”
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a/n: tysm for reading!! ty @strawbirb for the bokuto idea!! my requests are OPEN. i’m slow but i will get to them! 🥰✨
general taglist (also my faves 🥰) : @oyakags @cosmictooru @over5feettall @kaidasen @achoohq @kuronekomama @anianimol @strawbirb @spriteandnicotine
writing taglist: @softkatsuki
(pls lmk if you’d like to be on a taglist!)
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doingitforbokuto · 4 years
hello! would it be possible to request how kuroo and/or oikawa react to their s/o getting a nosebleed, sorry if this is really niche!!
Kuroo, Oikawa when their s/o gets a nosebleed
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as he became team captain he felt the need to take care of his sweet, unknowing kouhai
so he started doing research on how to react when other people get injured
literal mom
pesters everyone with how to take care of themselves
but when you get a nosebleed he freaks out
blames it all on you not taking better care of yourself, whether it makes sense or not
like I said, literal mom - the only thing missing is him saying “it‘s cause you‘re always on that damn phone“
actually knows what to do so you‘re in good hands
gets you to the nurse and gets you an ice pack to put on the back of your neck and everything
he will stay with you until it stops, looking way more worried than you
people who will walk in almost think it‘s him who is injured
but no, he is just a dork who loves you very, very much
he makes sure it‘s nothing serious tho
so be prepared to be pestered with question about why you got it, how you got it, if it happened before etc etc
it may be annoying but trust me, without knowing that everything truly is okay Kuroo will freak out
he‘d go home and spend hours on the internet doing research on why people have nosebleeds
he takes it too far sometimes
but he just wants you to be okay!
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you two are actually making out (Iwizumi told him to stop doing it at school but he doesn’t listen) as Oikawa feels something wet on your face
pulling away, he is about to ask if you‘ve started crying when he sees the blood smeared across your face
it looks horible tbh
he almost passes out
you basically have to take care of him
one hand pressing a tissue to your nose, the other one grabbing his arm and dragging him behind you
when you reach the school nurse she just sees the blood all over the face of a half-unconscious boy and freaks out too
it takes a bit for you to explain what happened
admittedly, it is a little embarassing to explain to the school nurse that you got a nosebleed as you were making out with your boyfriend and didn‘t notice in time
but at least she helps you with your problem, Oikawa sat in a nearby chair as you wip the blood off your face first
his face comes second, the feeling of a cloth on his face bringing him back slowly
“that was disgusting“ he says, looking yoou dead in the eye
“clean your own face then“ you grun, throwing the cloth in his lap
“admit it“ he says, resting his head on your shoulder as you turned away from him “I am such a good kisser that you got so unbelievably horny you got a nosebleed“
sometimes you really wish Iwa was there to punch him for you
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Hello I just recently came over you blog, and I love your take on yama. He is my starboi, and I want him the best but i also love to see him suffer. I love the Nekoma!Yams w/ brothers. I was wondering if you could do a hc about their relationship with their step parent. I noticed that the brother seemed to refer to them with their name, not mom/dad. What are their relationship with their new family. i feel like yams takes time to warm up to his to his stepdad since he grew up with just his mom
Hi omg I’m glad u love my Yams. He’s my son and when I first met his character I was going through some rough times and really felt a connection and he’s still my favorite character to write to this day. 
ALSO THANK YOU for liking the Eiichi au I love it so much and really wish I had put in on ao3 or smth bc looking through my tag is tiring lmao. HC’s! 
So Tetsurou and Eiichi love Yam’s mom Aoi. They do! But it’s weird to call her mom, because they have their own, and they saw her on occasion before she died, y’know? 
It’s typical “step-kid, step-parent” with the whole title thing. Tadashi calls the boys’ dad “Ren” bc y’know that’s his name and he kinda didn’t have a good relationship with his real dad so it’s weird. 
The whole family coming together happened when Tadashi was 7 (if I remember correctly) and Tetsu was 10 and Eii-nii was 13, so they were relatively young (esp. Tadashi). Tetsu and Eii weren’t shy at all, but it took Tadashi a good six months before he realizes that these kids were there to protect him, not be mean, and he slowly warmed up to them. 
Tetsu and Eii LOVE Aoi, and she loves them. They’re just like her own sons, by now, and if anyone were to hurt them she’d be the first in line to kick their ass; also, by extension, Kenma is also her child. No exceptions. 
Aoi calls the boys Tetsu and Eii-chan, and as much as Eiichi just hates being babies it’s endearing and cute. 
Ren is a bit different with Tadashi. They aren’t close, but they don’t hate each other. He just doesn’t really understand having a shy kid, bc Tetsu and Eii are so outgoing and loud. But Ren is good to Aoi and Tadashi can see how happy his mother is, so he does his best to make Ren happy (bc he’s secretly terrified that if he’s bad Ren will leave his mother and break her heart) (that’ll never happen but he thinks so anyway). 
Tetsu and Eii like to play games, bc they introduce people to their parents as “our parents” but call Aoi by her name and it confuses a lot of people until Tadashi whispers in their ear that Aoi is their step-mother. 
It ruins the game, but the boys could never stay mad at their baby brother. 
Tetsu and Eii get very jealous when Tadashi isn’t paying attention to them, and are very protective of him (just ask the entire nekoma volleyball team and tsukki about that one) 
In conclusion, 
I really love these boys and this AU. 
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indigohitoshi · 4 years
guilt || kuroo tetsurou
warnings: angst🦋✨🧚🏼‍♀️🌈part 2 to i still care
a week has gone by since your last interaction. you tried to tell your friends you were fine, but since your breakdown on your finsta, no one was really buying it. kuroo would try to catch your eye in the hallway, wanting you to budge. but you ghosted him, acting as if you didn’t know him.
it was when you were finally walking alone in the grand hallway, phone to your face when you looked up and saw him. he tried to smile but your blank expression drove it away, “im sorry,” he started, “i really want to talk about this. what happened between us,” kuroo walked with you.
you held your head high, “i have a place to be right now, but we can talk after school.” you opened a door into a classroom, taking a seat next to another boy he had never heard of before. you seemed...embarass to be around him. letting out pity laughs at his annoying demeanor.
“so who was that boy?” was the first thing kuroo asked you as you met him behind the gym.
“great opening,” you rolled your eyes and leaned against the wall, “so what did you want to talk about?”
“i-i… i don’t know,” he spoke truthfully, “i came to apologize. you don’t deserve what i did, everytime i see you i get this feeling im going to vomit-”
“that’s guilt, kuroo,” you snapped, “i talk now. the boy i was with? im talking to him. you left me for something i couldn’t live up to, you know that? if you weren’t ready for a relationship with me–you could’ve said no. we always do this, you know that? you feel bad because of my birthday, you apologize. we talk, you do some stupid shit, we stop talking, you apologize. it’s an endless fucking cycle, im so mentally exhausted.” you weren’t even crying, simply staring into the wall as if it were the prettiest thing in the world, “you broke me.”
“i’ve dated two people to get over you and it keeps breaking me. how could you tell me you care about me and then leave me in a matter of days? was i not enough? you words sit with me to this day, you called me selfish. i hate you, kuroo.” you sounded as if you’d been rehearsing this.
kuroo stood in shock, “have i really-?”
“yes, you did,” you were about to grab your things and leave when he grabbed your wrist.
“you’re perfect, you know that?” kuroo whispered, “that stupid boy i saw you with–that’s not you. he doesn’t even seem relatively smart, i heard his homeroom teacher call him stupid.” your eyes met his for the first time, and he realized there was still leftover love, “i miss you.” kuroo has tears in his eyes, “im sorry, but im not ready to get into a relationship right now. volleyball’s everything i have going for me.”
you scoffed, pulling away your wrist, “i don’t trust you for shit.”
“i love you, let’s restart,” kuroo begged, “please, (first name).”
“don’t you dare call me that,” you tried to walk away but he grabbed you by your wrist again, “kuroo–let me go! let me go, you didn’t have trouble doing it the first time!” you used your free hand to pound against his chest, tears now forming in your eyes, “it’s not fair, every moment i spend is getting over you. you can’t come in and tell me you love me and say you’re not ready for a relationship!” you choked on sobs.
kuroo held you close, allowing you to scratch and hit him. he knew you’d had pent up anger since the break-up, he did too. he was angry at himself, he wanted to cry out and tell you he was sorry over and over again. everytime you cried i hate you it tore his heart apart piece by piece. you gave up after thirty minutes of screaming and crying and physically hurting the boy.
“don’t you have volleyball practice?” you both were sitting, your back was against kuroo’s chest and his arms were around your waist.
“yeah,” kuroo burried his face in your shoulder, “you’re more important,” he whispered.
you turned so you could face him, “i don’t forgive you.” you let out a sigh, “but you wanted to start over, right? im (first and last name), but my friends call me (first name),” you stuck out your hand.
kuroo smiled softly, shaking your hand, “im kuroo teturou, my friends call me rooster head,” he joked.
“well, nice to meet you then, rooster head.”
kuroo wasn’t even complaining about the nickname, because at least you had finally considered him a friend.
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ao3feed-daisuga · 3 years
There Cheerleaders...That’s it
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2MV1xKj
by PanPunkWh0re
Yahaba, Oikawa, and Kunimi are doing great! They’re all on the cheer team, they’re all doing good in school(well good enough), they have good groups of friends. Things couldn’t be better, until they do. As soon as Senior year started, the football team got fucking hot.
Words: 1136, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kindaichi Yuutarou, Kyoutani Kentarou, Yahaba Shigeru, Iwaizumi Hajime, Hanamaki Takahiro, Matsukawa Issei, Akaashi Keiji, Bokuto Koutarou, Kuroo Tetsurou, Kozume Kenma, Sugawara Koushi, Watari Shinji
Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Hanamaki Takahiro/Matsukawa Issei, Kyoutani Kentarou/Yahaba Shigeru, Kindaichi Yuutarou/Kunimi Akira, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi, Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou, Kozume Kenma/Kuroo Tetsurou
Additional Tags: Cheerleaders, cheerleading au, Texting, Cheerleader!Oikawa Tooru, Cheerleader!Yahaba Shigeru, Cheerleader!Sugawara Koushi, Cheerleader!Akaashi Keiji, Cheerleader!Kozume Kenma, Cheerleader!Kunumi Akira, Football player!Iwaizumi Hajime, Football player!Kentarou Kyoutani, Football player!Kindaichi Yuutarou, Football player!Bokuto Koutarou, Football player!Kuroo Teturou, Football player!Watari Shinji, Football player!Sugamura Daichi, Fan!Hanamaki Takahiro, Fan!Mattsukawa Issei, I don’t know what else to tag lmao, Kunimi honestly only cares about making out but it’s fine, we won’t dwell on it, Chatting & Messaging, Not a complete chatfic, Football, BAMF Kyoutani Kentarou, Different POV threw out story, There all in the same year/ are around he same age, beacuse I said so, I’m calling it senior year, cause I’m to lazy to think about it, there all seniors
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2MV1xKj
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lovely-angst · 7 years
can I get some scenarios for oikawa and kuroo where they try to convince their shy s/o to let them introduce them to their teammates?
I made this longer than I hoped; Kuroo under the cut!
“I don’t know Tooru, what if they don’t like me?” Your fingers weaved in between each other nervously as you looked down at the floor. Oikawa had invited you to come to practice with him so he could introduce you to his team since they haven’t seen you yet and were doubting Oikawa that he had a girlfriend.
“Why wouldn’t they like you?” Your eyes glance up and meet Oikawa’s, shrugging your shoulders before looking away, “I don’t know, I don’t wanna disappoint them. Your fangirls are very pretty and I’m sure they’re expecting someone just as gorgeous, but I’m not.”
Oikawa looks at you disappointed, you were always so insecure because of his fangirls, even when he tried to tell you otherwise countless times. “Well, you should get going, practice is about to start isn’t it?” Leaning up, you kiss his cheek before turning away with a small wave and heading home.
Before you could leave far enough, Oikawa reaches out a hand and grabs your wrist, stopping you in the process. “Tooru?” Retracting his hand back, he pulls you towards him before hauling you over his shoulder, “Tooru! What are you doing!”
Students passing by gave you two weird and confused looks as Oikawa carried you away towards what looked like the gym. “I don’t wanna go!” You wailed as Oikawa slid the door open and set you down on the ground. “(Name) is here!”
Everybody turned towards you and being the shy person you are, you hid behind Oikawa, holding the bottom of his jacket tightly. “Come on, they’re the best bunch of people,” Oikawa says trying to ease your nervousness.
Walking over to the team, Iwaizumi stepped forward first with his arms crossed over his chest, “Iwa-chan! This is my girlfriend I’ve been telling you about!” Oikawa chirps as he steps aside to show you, your hand still holding onto his jacket.
“So, you carried her over here against her own will? Are you sure you didn’t just kidnap a girl to act as your girlfriend?” A chuckle escapes your lips as Oikawa frowns at the man in front of him. “Of course not! She is my precious girlfriend! She just didn’t want to come, but I had to take her here to prove a point!”
“A point to us? That you actually have a girlfriend?” Iwaizumi questions as Oikawa scrunches his brows together and pulls you around to the front, your cheeks turning pink as you stood before the team. “At first yes, but she thinks you guys won’t like her because she thinks she’s not cute enough!”
“What really?” A voice pops up and a male with pinkish hair makes his way to the front, “Anybody who can handle Oikawa has my approval!” He jokes as Oikawa frowns again, “Well, at least you know the team likes you,” Oikawa says, hugging you as you rub his back to comfort him, “Don’t be sad, they’re just happy that you found me.” You say, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Yeah, they’re just jealous.”
“Do you want to come today babe?” Kuroo asks as he sets his lunch beside you at lunch, picking food from your bento instead of eating his own. “I don’t know, I’m too nervous to go..”
“What there to be nervous about? You’ve met Kenma, he likes you.” Kuroo says trying to help, but you shake your head and pick up an octopus sausage from your bento, “He’s your best friend, that’s different.”
“Well, you won’t know until you actually go.” Looking over at him, you give him a tight smile, “I’m not good with introductions, I get too shy..” Kuroo gives you a grin, “I think it’s cute when you get shy, you get cling onto me.”
“Hey now,” you warn before you go back to your previous state, “But maybe another day Teturou.” Kuroo gave you a small smile and nodded, taking another piece of your bento as you scolded him.
You felt bad for always declining to meet the team, and felt guilty because Kuroo was always so respectful to your answers and choices. After school was over, you nervously walked over to the gym and took a deep breath before entering the gym.
Your presence was noticed immediately and the boys made their way towards you, your heart beating faster with each step. “U-Um, is Teturou here?” You asked quietly as they hovered over you.
“Oh, Kuroo! Yeah, let me call him!” A tall silver haired male says as he stands up straight and turns around, “Kuroo! There’s a cute girl looking for you!” He yells as your cheeks heating up.
“What?” You heard Kuroo’s voice shout back and his footsteps jogging over towards the group of boys that were slowly parting for him. His face lightened up when he saw you, “Teturou!”
“(Name)? What are you doing here?” He asked as you run to him, holding his hand tightly, “I felt bad for declining all your offers to meet the team, so I thought I’d stop by.” He chuckled and teased you a bit before looking over at the team.
“Alright guys, this here is my lovely girlfriend (Name). she was too shy to meet you guys, so be nice to her.” You smiled at the team and gave them a small wave as they greeted you back. Even though you had just met them, you felt really comfortable around the team.
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hai-kyuu · 7 years
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dxxtruction · 9 years
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Kuroo makeup test? (A really bad one)
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janellion · 4 years
favorite song: perfect two by auburn, character: kuroo tetsuro please? congratulations on your 200/250 followers, kayla!! ^^ (i ship you with bokuaka bc i support polyships)
hi anon!! tysm for sending this in!! and thank you for your patience! this song made me NOSTALGIC OMG i remember listening to this years ago and i am SO SOFT FOR IT WOW
also tysm for the ship ahh!! i actually have some bokayshi (bokuaka x kayla) hcs here if you’d like to read them!! but also I LOVE BOKUAKA SO MUCH!! probably my favorite ship so this makes me so so happy to read omg, thank you so much bb 🥺😭 i hope you enjoy this!!
kuroo + perfect two - auburn 
kuroo always makes sure to have an extra sweater or sweatshirt for you in is car, no matter the time of year 
whether it’s for you to use a as a pillow or blanket while he drives, or wear when he takes you on a night drive to see a meteor shower that he read about earlier that day 
he always wants to be prepared for anything that you may need 
this goes far beyond sweaters or sweatshirts, though 
you need a water bottle on a hike? he packed an extra one 
you forgot hand sanitizer for a shopping trip? the lotion you usually use every night before bed when you two go on a trip? he’s smiling at you gently as he pulls them out of his bag, giving you a gentle nudge with his elbow as he chuckles and hands it over to you and all he wants in exchange is a kiss
but he also loves it when you take care of him? 
when he’s had a long day at work as The Man  all he wants to do is come home, lay his head on your lap, and feel your fingers gently carding through his hair as you tell him about your day 
just the sound of your voice is enough for him to relax, letting go of all the stress that he’s carried throughout the day 
in a totally sfw way usually he LOVES showering with you 
if you wash his hair? he will swoon, melt at your touch, and whine as soon as you tell him the water is going to start getting cold 
he loves watching tv with you when the both of your have the time 
he has a wide variety of things that he likes to watch, that range from the stupidest shows you could think of (i see him liking big mouth on netflix) to sophisticated documentaries 
he’ll either lay down with his head in your lap with is tall form stretched out on the couch, legs dangling off the edge as his eyes are trained on whatever you’ve decided to watch 
he always wants to do rock paper scissors or something of the sort to determine who gets to pick what you watch 
usually he tries to distract you with a kiss or picking you up and throwing you onto the couch, but he finds himself losing more often than not because he gets distracted by how cute you look when you’re focusing on beating him 
honestly, to him it doesn’t matter that much what you watch because he’s likely to be asleep in the first 20 minutes, too comforted by your hand on his shoulder or in his hair and the soft sounds of your breath and laughter as you watch the show for him to focus on anything for long 
eventually, the show will end and you’ll both have fallen asleep 
kuroo always wakes up first between the two of you, and after a moment of relishing in the comfort of laying in your lap, he pushes himself off the couch 
he looks down at you, a small smile on his face and eyes full of love before scooping you up in his arms and carrying you to bed, taking care not to wake you up as he lays you down gently in bed 
as he climbs in next to you, he can’t help but draw you closer, even at the risk of waking you up, his head nuzzling into your neck as he relaxes for the night
he knows that sometimes you wake up, a small smile on your face as you feel him pull you into his chest, but he’s grateful you don’t tease him about it 
he just loves the opportunity to be sweet and soft with you, and show you how much you mean to him, even if it is in something as small as an “i love you” whispered into your hair as he drifts off to sleep  
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hai-kyuu · 9 years
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HQログ by KKCH
Posted with permission of the artist! Check out their other amazing work and make sure to give them ten stars ^w^
Do not repost or remove credits!
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