#lack of pamcakes
imtherain · 2 years
Glasses in the Night
More Corinthian because a girl has needs.
Title is lame, but it’s all you get today. This is PWP, not super graphic, but an idea I’ve had bouncing around for ages. Was going to try to make a fuller story out of it but nope. The muses decided they had other plans for me.
Warnings: PWP, sexy times, blindfold, idk if something else needs to be tagged let me know.
His hands drifted away for a moment, their loss raising goosebumps along my naked flesh. When they returned they moved across my skin with something soft, silky, between the warm callouses of his fingers.
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“Do you trust me?” His voice was velvet and smooth against my neck. I nodded, eyes closed as his lips traced their way up to my ear. I was putty in his hands and we both knew it. “Good,”
“Close your eyes for me,” He purred against the shell of my ear. 
“What is this?” I couldn’t help but ask, my eyes landing on the long silk scarf that he had woven between his fingers.
“I want to see you, without these glasses on,” He said. His hand, not preoccupied with the silk, came up to my chin, turning me to see myself in the dark glass reflection that had always made up the top part of his face.
“And I can’t see you?” I asked. He chuckled softly.
“Fraid not, darlin’,” His voice was low and he kissed me again.
“Ok,” I took the silk from him and raised it to my eyes. I would do anything for him when we were alone like this. Without question. Without thought.
In the comfort of my bed, the darkness of the night, there was nothing else outside of me, but him.
“No peeking now,” He nipped my ear before tying the silk snuggly behind my head. I felt for his hands and found them, as he turned me around to lay on my back before him.
“I won’t,” I said. I heard the sound of his glasses clicking shut and felt my heart race. I didn’t know what he hid behind them, but the fact that he had his glasses off made my blood sing. The warm metal frame slid against my palm.
“Hold onto these for me, would ya, princess?” I nodded quickly, my other hand reaching out to touch him. He chuckled as I felt around blindly, until he took pity on me and let me touch his chest. He leaned down and my hand slid up to his neck, bringing him down to kiss me. He shifted his weight to center himself between my thighs as we kissed, his tongue pressing into my mouth as my legs moved to accommodate him. 
I moaned into him when his length pressed against my core.
“Are you ready for me already, darlin’?” He almost mocked. “Barely even touched you, and you’re soaking wet?”
“Mhmm,” I mumbled. “All for you,” 
“Good girl,” He leaned in to kiss me again before using his teeth to trace his way down my throat. When his clever smile found my nipple I gasped and arched for him. He chuckled as he rolled the bud between his teeth, taking pleasure in the way my body always came alight for him. He took his time moving to the other one before placing open mouth kisses down my stomach.
I felt his hands along my sides, moving to adjust my hips so he had better access to drop his head between them. I bucked when I felt him blow cool air across my hot folds. 
He was sitting up against the headboard and I was split open across his lap. He arms around me, holding me to him tightly, as though he were afraid I would float way as he fucked up into me. I had one hand braced on the wall behind him, clutching his glasses as though they were the only thing holding me together. The other hand, lost in his hair. I pressed our foreheads together, as though I could feel him better if we were touching there. He groaned and moved his face so the bridge of my nose fell against his, and for the first time, I could feel his face without those glasses. Somehow it felt both more intimate and more dirty that he had them off while I was blinded. I tipped my face up to press my lips between his eyes, and as I did so he just pushed himself into me harder. I gasped and froze there, mouth slightly parted against that spot where his glasses always rested, as I came undone for him. 
After he pushed me through the orgasm and into a second one, he stilled beneath me, but his arms only loosened slightly.
“Fuck,” He groaned, pulling back just an inch. I felt his lips against my jaw and moved to catch them with my own. “You’re something else, darlin’,” He chuckled.
“You’re not bad yourself,” I said back, voice airy and soft. I wanted to reach up and take off the blind fold, to see his face bare, but when I reached up for the silk tied around my head, he stopped me.
“Now, now,” He chided. “I didn’t tell you that could come off yet,” I felt his hand trace its way along the inside of my arm to reach for his glasses and, perhaps in a panic, I moved to clutch the frames to my chest, as though I could hide them from him.
“I want to see you,” I told him. “Can I see you?”
“You don’t want to see,” He said softly. It pained him, in some way, but he wouldn’t budge. 
“But it’s you,” I tried. I brought one hand up to his face, and while he leaned into the touch, when my fingers drifted towards his eyes, he nipped at my palm.
“Trust me,” His voice was the same, charming, sassy, brave. But he felt something else inside, something cold and dark, the knowing that if I saw what he was hiding, I wouldn’t want to stay.
“It won’t scare me,” I leaned in to kiss him, aiming for his nose, but getting his cheek when he turned away. “Please?”
“As much as I like it when you beg,” He teased. I felt his hand come for the glasses again, and when he closed those strong fingers around mine, I knew I had to let it go. I let him take the glasses back.
He removed the blindfold and I sat on his lap, the two of us still connected, and he grinned at me, that charming, cheshire grin.
“See? This is better,” He rolled his hips against me, trying to distract me. I moaned at the sensation because I was still too sensitive. My head fell into his shoulder. He rolled his hips again, earning a whimper.
“Please,” I begged. I didn’t know if it was a plea for more, or for him to stop.
“You are so pretty when you beg,” I could hear his grin as I squeezed my eyes shut against him. He grabbed me by the back of the hair to pull me out of hiding. It wasn’t gentle, but it wasn’t mean. “I want you to watch me as I fuck you this time,” My eyes were round as I looked at my reflection in the glass of his eyes. But I nodded.
He moved us so that I was on my back, and he loomed over me. I let my legs fall open for him and he chuckled at my eagerness. One hand came down to slap at my thigh before moving my leg to hook over his hip. I moaned for him as he lined himself up once again.
We both groaned when he sank in once more.
[More Corinthian (Angst)]
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ay4kshalatus · 2 years
anon: hcs of five with a shy s/o hehe
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hcs of five with a shy s/o...
this unlocked the softer side of his old grumpy self.
at first, he doesn't have patience with people like you. rolling his eyes and do the work.
but the more he pay attention to you, the more he found it adorable...
you're shy for almost everything, making sure if everything is at place.
he reminded you of a cat, so cautious. always seeking for approval like giving him kisses and hugs.
feeling bit brave to give him affections? you ended up blushing red and shying away. [he drags you back anyways]
your reactions what makes his heart blooming flowers. you can catch him smiling like an idiot in love.
he either encourage you to do whatever you want or he'll do it for you.
his patience for you too is unbelievably amusing.
"you all idiots!! useless piece of craps!" then later, "wait y/n, what's your opinion about this plan?"
so considerate af 😭😭💀
he just don't wanna leave you sulking on the corner, unwelcomed.
plus- he's a hypocrite..
glaring menacingly to someone even his own siblings and being softy to you.
"yes y/n? do you need something?"
teasing him with it is no use.
bro hold his simpiness as a medal.
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reblogs and comments are highly appreciated!! -pam
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imtherain · 2 years
What Doesn’t Kill You, Kills You Slower
So I watched the Sandman show, and while I love me a Dream, I couldn’t help but love the Corinthian more. I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m not.
Please enjoy, if you comment I’ll be more likely to post smut later hehe 
[I did it, I posted smut, kinda.]
For now, this is angst and maybe some fluff if you squint.
Warnings: Implied smut, vague mentions of murder, one scene of potentially assault (tho nothing actually is described/happens), some talk of love for the loveless, and one big ole broken heart.
“Well, well, what’s a pretty thing like you doing in a place like this?” He was blond, well dressed, wearing dark glasses and a smile.
“Not looking for trouble,” I smiled a bit before taking a sip from my glass. This bar was one of the only ones in town that didn’t care if you sat alone drinking, and, usually, no one said a thing. I wasn’t even drinking alcohol tonight.
“Now who said anything about trouble?” He slid into the empty bar stool next to me, leaning back against the bar.
“I can smell it on you,” I told him and his grin almost faltered. He knew he was trouble too.
“Can you now?” I was surprised to see this only intrigued him. “And what does trouble smell like?” I thought for a moment before answering. I could tell him the truth, that I was a sort of empath, who could sense far more than I should about a person, just by looking at them, or touching them, or smelling them in some cases.
“Metal,” I said and he chuckled. “Iron, like blood. Old alleys. Late nights. Car exhaust. A woman’s perfume, a man’s cologne.” I told him. He sobered at that. I’d struck something in him and I didn’t care.
“Can I buy you a drink?” He offered, to my surprise. I looked at my mostly empty glass.
“I’m not drinking tonight,” I told him. “This is a kiddie cocktail,” 
“How about a coffee then?”
“I doubt they sell coffee here,” 
“There are plenty of places in this fine city that sell coffee,” His charm was back on, and I should have known better than to linger much longer. But he was interesting. He smelled interesting. He looked interesting. And if he leaned just a little bit closer, I bet he’d taste interesting too.
“Sure,” I said. And his cocky grin widened like a cat’s.
In a way, I knew what he was. That he wasn’t human. That to him, I would only be a play thing to eventually discard. But I had always had a terrible urge to self-destruct, so I didn’t care.
The worst he could do was kill me, right?
He didn’t ask to come over until the third time I saw him. I was sitting in the park, enjoying the afternoon sun as it faded into dusk, watching people run and play and live. They sometimes made me bitter for my lack of life, but not today. Today it pleased me to just see that there was life outside of me.
“Why the long face, darlin’?” I didn’t bother looking at him as he joined me.
“Just melancholy today,” I replied. I saw no reason to lie to him. He came and went as he pleased, never telling me his name, never asking to stay. And yet, he always came back, circling me, like a vulture over bones. And I always let him get close, because I was a moth, caught in the charming man’s flame.
“Want me to fix that for you?” He asked, his cadence implying something best done in private.
“Is that why you’re here?” I asked, raised eyebrow. He chuckled.
“It could be,” 
“You could have just about anyone in this park, hell there are three different people checking you out right now, and you want me to believe you want me?” I laughed. It wasn’t so much a problem of self-esteem as it was one of statistics. Pretty man with a charming grin? He was a conquest type. Take and take and take. He pointed a finger and someone showed up to suck it.
“You’re right,” He leaned back and put his arm across the back of the bench. His fingers trailed across my shoulder, making me shiver without warning. He clicked his tongue. “I could have anyone in this park, but I came here for you,” 
“You want me to believe that? You won’t even tell me your name,” I could feel his fingers drawing closer to my neck as he tried to tease me. I swallowed hard around the sense that he was telling the truth. I could feel the way he wanted this to go, low whispers, skin on skin, soft sheets. A growl. A moan. Fireworks. 
“You haven’t given me your name either,” He speaks as though he knows my name already.
“I’ll tell you mine, if you tell me yours,” I gave him a smirk, knowing I’d caught him.
“Take me back to your apartment, and let me tear you apart,” He said, sounding serious.
“Is that an offer or a threat?” But I had turned to face him, daring him to say more.
“Yes,” His grin twitched towards feral and I felt my center start to smolder.
The worst he could do was kill me.
And so we fell into a sort of dance together. I lived my life without him, and every so often, he’d drift in and leave again. He never asked me for more. I told him it was enough. 
“It’s been awhile,” I said to the blond man standing in my doorway with his hand behind his back.
“I’ve been away on…business,” He gave me his Cheshire grin. I didn’t ask what he meant by his pause. “I brought you these,” He pulled out a bouquet of flowers from behind his back and I couldn’t help but smile. I know he was here for sex and nothing more. He could find anywhere else to sleep, and my cooking wasn’t good enough to warrant his attentions. But it was nice, in a way, that he pretended there was more between us.
“Flowers? Surprisingly old fashioned of you,” I chided but he just smirked as he watched my smile grow. He knew I had a soft spot for flowers. 
“May I come in, darlin’?” He purred. I glanced up at him from over the flowers as I smelled them. They were almost strong enough to cover the scent of what he’d been up to.
I had known for a while what he did, I could taste it when he kissed me. Taste the screams, the fear, the utter joy he felt. And yet, somehow, I kept letting him come back here as he pleased. Afterall, the worst he could do was kill me too.
I stepped aside and let him in, closing and locking the door behind him. I walked past him to set the flowers on the counter, about to go looking for a vase.
“Did you want dinner first, or…” I was cut off by his mouth crashing into mine. Formalities were gone, now there was only skin, touch, and sin.
The flowers were knocked to the ground as he bent me over my kitchen island, tearing me apart as I begged him for more. Just one more. Just one more.
As always, I ended up naked, in bed, while I watched him redress. It was late, the stars all out and shining. I watched him fix his hair in my mirror.
“Do you ever think about staying?” I asked. He paused as though he’d forgotten I was there.
“If you ever felt like it anyway, you’d be welcome to stay.” I shrugged as if it didn’t matter. He grinned at that.
“You not only invite Trouble into your home, but now you ask him to stay?” He joined me on the bed, his hand rubbing the outside of my exposed thigh. The blanket was draped between my legs and up my body, but only enough to preserve some pretend modesty and keep the chill from my skin.
“The worst you could do is kill me,” I said, meeting his glasses as though they were his eyes. I didn’t need to know what was behind them to know I really didn’t want to see. He chuckled at that.
“You are an interesting little bunny, aren’t you?” He leaned in to kiss me. It struck me as odd that he gave such tenderness when we were done with all the rest. It was not unwelcomed.
“I know you travel a lot, just wanted you to know there’s a familiar bed if you ever want to rest in it,” I told him. I knew he was weary but not why. We did not talk about our lives. I didn’t ask, he didn’t tell. And he didn’t ask of mine either.
“I’ve got somewhere to be tonight, but I’ll keep that in mind,” While he was still grinning, this smirk was a bit more serious. As though he’d been surprised by my offer, but pleased.
My heart ached at the thought he might stay.
I was at a club, it was someone’s birthday so I’d come out to party. One of the few times I drank alcohol and I was feeling light and airy and full of starlight. A stranger came to dance with me. I smiled and laughed as we danced. His hands were greedy, looking for edges to squeeze. I laughed and pushed him away. The air was heavy in his presence. He wanted from me and I did not want to give.
I tried to find my friends, but I could not seem to be free of the man long enough to locate them. The music was loud, lights all spinning. Hands kept touching me. He spoke into my ear, “Let’s take this outside,” 
His grip on my wrist was too strong to break. I let him pull me through the crowd, thinking the bouncers would be able to save me if I asked. But they were distracted as the man pulled me out into the cool night air.
“Let me go, I want to go back inside,” I told him.
“Why? It’s much quieter out here, and we can have some, privacy,” He grinned and it made my blood icy. He had no good intentions.
“I think the lady would like you to leave her alone,” A smooth voice said from behind me. I knew that voice, even if it was darker than I’d ever heard it before.
“No, mate, we’re fine here,” The man said. His grip on my wrist was tight enough to bruise.
“I think you should let me go before he comes over here,” I warned. I could smell the rage of the man in dark glasses. The man from the club laughed. 
“You think I can’t take some dandy wearing shades at night?” He didn’t get to enjoy his wit as he was suddenly shoved away from me. I rubbed my wrist as I looked up at the back of the blond man before me. Something hungry in me knew how this would end. Knew there would be blood.
It was almost too fast to see, but blood was indeed spilled. A knife, a scream, warm blood. Pure joy.
“Now then, I think you owe the lady an apology,” The man from the club was held up by his collar before me. He was missing an eye completely. I didn’t know what to do except stand there. I could taste his fear on my tongue, like honey and lightning.
“So…sorry,” The man slurred. I looked up to the dark glasses I knew too well. He was smiling as he took his knife and slit the man’s throat in front of me.
I should have ran, been scared, screamed. Anything. But I just watched the man from the club sink inside himself and collapse to the ground. 
“You ok, darlin’?” The voice I knew. I nodded.
“I want to go home,” I said.
“Alright,” He looked down at the man bleeding across the alley. “Let me finish up with him and I’ll take you home, ok?” I nodded.
He stepped forward and pulled a soft cloth from his pocket. He took my face easily in his hands and I was stiff, but did not pull away. He wiped at a spot of blood that must have found itself flung my way.
“There you go,” His smile was softer now. Understanding. He leaned in and kissed the spot that had been marred. “Go wait for me out front like a good girl, would ya?” 
“Ok,” I went to wait by the thrum of people headed into or out of the club. After some time, one of the bounces finally asked if they needed to call me a ride. I told them no, that I was waiting for someone. They left me be.
“You ready?” My heart jumped at his voice. Exactly the same as every other time he’d spoken to me. Happy, sharp, dangerously charming. Dangerous in more ways than one. He offered me his arm and I took it, surprised I felt comforted by his warmth.
He took me home.
“Are you staying?” I asked as he followed me inside. I went straight to my bathroom to take off my makeup and clothes. It seemed like too much to have on my skin after everything.
“If you ask me to stay,” He replied, following me.
“Please stay?” I hadn’t asked him for anything before. But I didn’t want to be alone tonight. He came closer and kissed my forehead.
“Of course, darlin’,” Somehow his smile always reached his glasses, even if they hid his eyes.
I woke, some weeks later, with arms wrapped around my middle. I didn’t need to look to know who it was, as there was only one person who could get into my house without a key.
“Did I wake you?” He asked, face nuzzled into the back of my neck. His lips pressed a soft kiss there that danced along my spine.
“I’m surprised you didn’t,” I replied, finding his hands in the dark. He let me touch them as though they were mine to touch. “Did you lock the door behind you?”
“Would you believe me if I told you the door was never unlocked?” 
“Perhaps,” I smiled softly. Another kiss and a sigh.
“I shouldn’t stay long,” He said. There was worry in his voice. Something had changed for him.
“No one can find you here,” I told him. He chuckled. 
“The one looking for me can find me anywhere, and since I know you dream of me, he’ll find me all the sooner,” 
“So you came to say goodbye?” I was surprised to feel how my heart ached.
“Only for now, only until I free myself of him,” Another kiss to soft skin. A promise made.
“Promise me you’ll be careful?” 
“I’ll try, darlin’, that’s all I can promise,” I nodded. He held me closer.
When he didn’t come back, I waited. I waited for weeks, for months. I waited until one night, I had a dream about a man in a long black coat.
“I don’t know how, but you were special to him,” The dark man said. Somehow I knew exactly who we were talking about.
“He was special to me,” I told him, unashamed.
“Do you know what he was?” 
“Was?” I felt my throat close. This one had taken him, but he was sorry for it.
“I am sorry to say, he was unmade,” 
“Why?” I asked.
“He no longer served the purpose I made him for,” 
“Are you God?” He didn’t look like a god, but that didn’t mean much.
“I am the King of Dreams,” He told me.
“And you made him?” I asked. Dream nodded. 
“He was my best nightmare, but he decided to disobey my commands, and wreak havoc on the waking world. He had to be stopped.” I nodded because I knew it was true.
“I know,” My voice was watery.
“He asked me something, before he was unmade,” Dream said. I looked up at him and there was sympathy in his voice. “At first, I thought it was an attempt at escaping his fate,”
“What did he ask?” I was scared to hear the answer, but I knew this was my only chance to know it.
“He asked me to tell you his name,” and my heart broke. So he was really gone. “Do you wish to know it?” I could only nod, knowing if I opened my mouth, a sob would follow.
“He was called The Corinthian.” Dream said. “And I believe he loved you in whatever way he was capable. Which is strange, because I did not make him in a way that fostered love,” 
“He never asked anything of me,” I told Dream. “I only hope he’s not suffering wherever you sent him,” 
“I unmade him, he feels no pain,” A kindness perhaps. Tears slid down my cheeks.
“Thank you for telling me,” I said. “At least now I know I do not need to wait for him,” 
“I am sorry that this is how it must be,” 
“I knew he was trouble from the day I met him,” I almost smiled remembering the smirk on his face at that bar so long ago.
“Go in peace,” Dream said. I nodded and the whole dream slid away.
I woke to my empty room, the curtains were drawn so there was no light coming in from outside. I wiped at my face with my hands, unsurprised to find it wet with tears shed with my eyes closed.
There were worse things he could do than kill me after all.
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imtherain · 4 days
Apparently they're making a new Hellboy reboot (potentially a series) and there has been basically zero publicity about it. I found the Wikipedia and like two vague articles.
It'll be all new actors, and it's based on the Crooked Man comics.
(screenshot is from Reddit)
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And the wiki
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imtherain · 2 years
Bucky Barnes Angst Drabble
This is not only the first thing I have posted in over a year (other than reblogs) this is also my first drabble. I had this idea ages ago but wanted to make it story to post, but alas, I have not made it that far yet. So here it is.
Warning: Angst, minor dubcon allusions, long relationship, you were given as a “pet/plaything” to the Winter Soldier to satisfy his baser needs. It’s a drabble so there isn’t much detail on all that.
So you were given to the Winter Soldier as a play thing/pet/toy whatever and you lived with him at hydra for ages. At first you hated him and hydra and everything but you took what he gave you cuz he was commanded and couldn't really do anything else. But eventually you started seeing the cracks in his cage and decided you liked him still. You didn't like what was happening but you liked that he was there. Maybe it's Stockholm-ish but whatever. Trauma bonded.  And he knows that every soft touch, every moan, while perhaps true enough, were still the caged bird singing and that if you were given your freedom, you'd never want to see him again. For a long time that's fine cuz he knows the both of you are never getting out alive.
Time passes and one day he sees you again. Your hair is shorter now or longer. You're smiling at someone, laughing. Oh god, has he ever heard you laugh? And he can't help but follow you, to see how you are. He doesn't dare talk to you, he doesn't deserve to and he doesn't want to disturb you. You left. Why would you want him back? But then the sun goes down and you walk home alone. You should be scared of the dark, but after all you've been through, the dark is a comfort. He follows you to your apartment, thinking he still hasn't been seen. But you spotted him ages ago. With your hand on the front door you turn towards the shadows that hide him and ask if he'd like to come in. He doesn't say anything as his form dissolves from the darkness but he follows you, as silent as the soldier you remembered from way back, into your home.
It's nice, warm. There's a lot of color. He wondered if you'd always liked color or if that was new. He thought about all the things he didn't know about you. All the things he should have asked when you were together. You give him warm tea and he holds it thinking about nights he held you for warmth. Neither of you speak for a long time. Maybe a small "how have you been?" "Good." But nothing more. You sit there looking at him and he's looking around your place. He has so many things he wants to say but no words to say them. He hadn't even told his therapist about you yet.
"You look good, Soldier," you break the silence at last. "I'm glad for that." And his eyes snap to yours. 
"I'm Bucky now," he tells you. You nod, sad smile. 
"Bucky," he can't help the way his heart aches to hear you say his name. His real name. He would give anything to hear it again. 
"And you're y/n, right?" He asks hopefully. 
"I changed it to (some other name) but yes, I'm y/n." And he nods because he understands. The silence falls again. He wants to reach out and touch you. To make sure you're real. He grips the cup until it cracks. You don't say anything while you watch the tea bleed across the counter.
"Are you happy?" Bucky asks at last. 
"Are you?" You counter. How could either of you be happy after what happened? How could you sleep alone when you'd spent so much of your life wrapped in him? How could you tell him that when he finally thawed out you were scared he wouldn't want you anymore? How you, surely, would only be a reminder of what had happened? 
How could he tell you he loved you?
So you sat in silence some more after cleaning up the tea.
The clock said midnight when he finally stood. You stood too, hopeful, but unsure what you were hoping for. He pauses as you both look at each other. 
"Do you have somewhere to stay?" You ask.
"I actually live on the other side of town," he admits. 
"Funny we ended up in the same place," you almost laugh. But your heart is aching for him too. He takes a step towards you and your eyes perk up. If you could just touch him, make sure he's alright...
"Do you have nightmares still?" He asked. You stop up short before you nod. "I do too." And for some reason that's all you needed to hear before you crossed the room and wrapped your arms around him, holding him as tightly as you did when he came back from long missions. But unlike all those times, his arms held you back and you could feel his breath in your hair and the longer you stayed like that, the more you were sure he was crying into your neck and you were crying too as you ran your fingers over his hair and shoulders and back.
"It's ok, it's ok," you shushed him. "I'm right here."  You tell him and he just holds you tighter and you're sure if he lets you go you'd both break into a million pieces.
You find yourself in bed with him, both clothed, but his hands are under your shirt. He did the same thing before, always searching for skin. You could feel him all over you as you cradled him to your chest.
When morning comes you're sure he'll be gone. That it was some sort of dream. But as the sun wakes you, he's still there, still wrapped around you as if he never wanted to let you go again. He looked so different in the morning light, soft, long lashes, plush lips. You wondered what it would be like to kiss Bucky instead of the Soldier. Your fingers trace his cheek and his eyes open slowly. When they register your face, he smiles. It was beautiful and soft and warm and it made you wonder ...
Had you ever seen him smile before?
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imtherain · 2 years
Oh my god can we get more corinthian smut, maybe a part two to the one you posted and it’s placed a few months later and they have an established relationship and he lets her see him without the glasses finally
Pretty please, if you accept suggestions but it was literally so good
*thinks about how literally five minutes ago was writing oc in an established relationship, seeing him without glasses the first time, and it leading to smut*
Yes. Yes I can do that. 👀😬
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imtherain · 2 years
the way you write corinthian >>>>
thank you for blessing my evening 🫣
Always happy to help 😘
I've got more planned as well, including a potential part two to What Doesn't Kill You, and a brand new fic that's kinda dark but still sexy
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imtherain · 2 years
From my experience, no, lion dancers do not use harnesses. Insane wizardry! 🤯
😨 those poor bumcheeks
But legit, that is so amazing and anyone who doesn't know what this ask is referring to, go look up professional dragon dancing. It's wonderful
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imtherain · 2 years
your fic what doesn't kill you kills you slower is SO so S O GOOD !!!! 😩😭 im speechless
your writing is amazing im dying inside this is the most perfect corinthian content thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU
hope you are planning on writing more sandman stuff can't wait to read more of your work!!!! so good!!
Thank you so much for saying so! It makes me feel so good and it definitely makes me want to write/post more. I have a few things cooking for more Corinthian stories and maybe even a Dream story eventually.
I still can't believe you liked my story so much! 🧡😭
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imtherain · 2 years
Hey do you care for a chat and get to know each other more better?
Does this work for people?
0 notes
imtherain · 3 years
Did I post two stories today? Yes. I also have no idea what’s going on.
This is a Karl Heisenberg fic, so that’s a warning all on it’s own. I love my hobo metal daddy.
More warnings: unconventional relationship, maybe dubcon (she was kinda a slave/pet?) he calls her Pup if that weirds you out, oral (both ways baby), unprotected sex, bruises, mild domestic violence? Yelling, controlling behavior? idk if you’re weird about hobo man things, please proceed carefully or don’t read. If something else should be warned, let me know.
Here you go ya filthy mongrels (specifically @amethystmoonprincess because she introduced me to Daddy in the first place)
Karl Heisenberg had won you in a bet with his sister, Lady Dimitrescu. You had been held captive there as a maid to the Lady and her daughters and had lived a fairly decent life considering most everyone else in the Village had lost life or limb to Mother Miranda and her Family. Honestly, you were quite lucky, and thought of yourself as such.
Moving into the Factory with Heisenberg had been an...adjustment. He was clear that he expected you to keep his bed warm and to keep him entertained as he required. At first, this frightened you, but he turned out to be a rather good host. He made sure you were fed well, clothed, comfortable, and most nights he worked too late to ask you for sex. Even when he did require sex from you, it was surprisingly good. He took what he wanted, sure, but he also made sure you got off at least once, which was more than you could say about previous partners. So as time went on, you found yourself fond of the metal worker, to the point you even looked forward to the nights he asked for your attentions, wondering if there was something more you could do for him to show him you enjoyed him.
A few weeks into your time with Heisenberg he gave you a rough collar made of thick metal. He put it on you, locking it in place with his powers. This means you are mine, he had said. No one else is to touch you but me. You’d be lying if the words hadn’t sent a sharp jolt of pleasure through your entire body. The edges rubbed a bit, but you knew he’d made it with his own hands, and you, you found yourself touching it whenever you were alone, wondering when next you’d see him.
One day you came up with a plan.
You’d been trying to think of ways to do something for Karl, knowing there wasn’t much you could do outside of the bedroom. He didn’t let you roam the Factory, as it was dangerous without him. He didn’t let you go outside where you could easily be picked up by the lycans. For the most part you stayed in the chambers of his bedroom, and waited for him. However, you’d discovered, if you were careful, you could still sneak out to get a little sunshine during the day, and even walk into the village if you were quick to return before dark. The next chance you got, you found yourself in a place you thought you’d never return to.
“Y/N,” It was Bela who found you in the grand hall of Castle Dimitrescu. “I thought you belonged to that manthing now,” 
“I do, I...um… need to ask a favor,” You said, feeling nervous now to be at the mercy of the vampires again. Bela raised an eyebrow at you, but smiled.
“Anything for you, sweet one,” Her grin was hungry. “We’ll ask Mother,” She took your arm and pulled you deeper into the Castle. 
Soon enough you found yourself before your old Mistress and once she heard your request, all she could do was laugh.
But she agreed, nonetheless.
You waited nervously for Karl to come to bed for the night. You were dressed in your new lingerie that Lady Dimitrescu has so graciously helped you procure. It was a black one piece, with the sides cut away, accented with a bit of lace and leather straps that circled each arm and each thigh. It fit you perfectly by some astonishing stroke of luck. You were glad that it was never cold in the Factory, as your new get up did nothing against the temperature of the air.
After what seemed like hours, you finally heard Karl enter the bedroom. A clank and a thud signaled he locked the door for the night. You waited, bouncing from foot to foot, as he took his time heading to the part of the chambers that held the bed, the place you currently stood, tingling with anticipation. Would he like the lingerie? Would he praise you? Would he ignore you and go straight to bed?
“And where did you get that, Pup?” Karl’s voice was low and gravely. You felt your skin getting warm under his gaze as he carefully removed his glasses and stowed them in the pocket of his coat. He came closer, carefully removing his hat as his eyes devoured you.
“I asked my old Mistress for a favor,” You admitted happily. “She happened to have this laying around and let me take it. She even gave me some scraps of silk to wrap my collar in so that it doesn’t chafe as much.” You smiled up at him. 
“You went to that bitch?” Just so quickly, the hungry gaze froze over and everything was wrong. “I thought I told you to never leave this place?”
“I...I wanted to surprise you,” You stammer, taking a step back and bumping into the vanity that he’d made for you. There was a clamor of items falling over as you found yourself with nowhere to go. Karl’s hand cracked across your cheek. A mix of surprise and hurt knocked you to the ground, tears springing to your eyes.
“Never, and I mean never, go to her again. For any reason.” He snapped, looming over your form on the floor. You nodded. “I can’t hear you, mutt,” 
“I won’t, I promise,” You replied, trying to hide the tears in your voice. How had it gone so wrong? You thought he’d like the surprise. That he’d praise you for your ingenuity. That he’d kiss you and take you to bed and fuck you like he had so many nights before…
“Good,” He turned away from you and went back to the other room where he banged around. You hurried to the bathroom to hide your shame and change out of the stupid outfit you’d gotten from Lady Dimitrescu.
When you returned to the bedroom, Karl was back, frowning as he watched you step out from the bathroom. 
“On the bed,” He commanded and you did so, head down. You were wearing only a tshirt, one of Karl's old ones, over your underwear. Your normal attire for bed. You sat far enough onto the bed that you were able to sit cross legged. You didn’t look at him as he joined you.
One of Karl’s large hands gripped your chin and pointed your face up, but your eyes darted past his and to the ceiling. He huffed once and undid the collar from your throat. Your eyes snapped to his face, panic setting in as he removed the item that was his claim to you. Had you made him so angry that he didn’t want you anymore? How would you ever make it up to him? 
“Just for tonight, no collar,” He muttered. “Don’t get used to it.” He set the collar on the bed next to him and picked up a small pot of something. He dipped one finger into it before taking your chin again, moving you so that he could apply the balm to the chafed areas on your neck. Mostly it hadn’t been bothering you, but now that the collar was gone, the skin remembered it was injured.
His hands were rough with callouses but gentle as he massaged the balm into your skin. It felt nice on the angry skin. You hummed slightly before you could stop yourself. When Karl was done, he held onto your chin for a long time, just looking into your face. You wanted to look away, look anywhere but into his eyes, but somehow he held your gaze. His eyes traced the lines of your face until they stilled at your lips. He sighed heavily.
“If you want something foolish, like new underwear or something, ask me about it next time, hey?” He said. You nodded.
“I will,” Your voice was small. 
“Good girl,” Karl said softly. He stood and tossed the open collar onto the vanity along with the ointment he’d used on your neck, then went about getting himself ready for the night. You crawled into the bed and waited for him, wondering where the two of you stood. Surely he’d still use you in the normal ways? Or would he take his anger out on you? Or worse yet, maybe he’d ignore you completely…
Heisenberg got into the bed with a groan, surely tired and sore from another long day in the Factory. You waited for him to make a move, but he didn't. You watched him with baited breath, wondering if you should say something, but you don't want to anger him again.
“What are you looking at, Pup?” He finally asked, turning his face towards you. There was a ghost of humor in his voice.
“Nothing, sorry,” You hurried to get comfortable, turning your back to your Master. He huffed again, not quite content with this answer. He groaned and rolled onto his stomach, jostling you in the process.
“Be a doll and rub these old shoulders would ya?” He asked, though you knew it wasn’t really a request. You sat up and leaned over him, running your hands over the broad plane of his bare back. You resisted the urge to trace the scars that littered his skin.
He hummed as you pressed the pads of your fingers into his skin and you felt sound race through your fingers and into the center of your chest. You were glad to have made him feel something good, especially after how your previous plan had played out.
After a moment Karl spoke again.
“Don’t half-ass it,” He grunted. You lean harder into your hands and work at the tightness that was perpetually in his shoulders and he groaned as the tension finally eased. “There you go, Pup, just like that,” 
After a few more minutes of rubbing his shoulders, your hands stilled on his back. He was warm to the touch. He was always so warm.
“Anything else?” You asked, voice small. You moved away from him, but he moved to pin you beneath him, spreading your legs with his own so he could settle against you. You froze, unsure of what his intentions were. He just stared at you for a long moment before touching you cheek, which had a slight bruise from where he’d smacked you before. His eyes focused on the darker patch of your skin for a long moment before he spoke.
“Tell me, pet, what is your favorite thing I’ve done to you?” He watched your face as you thought, likely seeing the surprise as it danced through your eyes. He never asked such a thing before, and while he was always sure that you enjoyed yourself to some extent, he’d never been overly concerned with your feelings during sex. “Don’t be shy,”
“Umm,” Your face grew warm as your brain scattered through the million different feelings that were overwhelming you. The pressure of him over you made your mind spiral off into thoughts of sordid affairs, and his question brought up questions of his feelings towards you, yours towards him and, of course, an answer to the question. “I like it when you...when you use your tongue,” You squeezed your eyes shut while he chuckled, leaning down to lick his way carefully to your ear.
“And where do you like me to use my tongue, Pup?” He whispered, his voice a deep growl against the shell of your ear. You shivered and he surely felt it.
“When you’re between my legs,” You squeak out, eyes still screwed shut. You felt his teeth tease the lobe of your ear as he moved his hips against you slowly. You let out a strangled cry as pleasure shot through you at the sensation.
“When I eat your pussy?” He chuckled again as you nodded against the pillow. “Say it,” 
“I like it when you eat my...my…” You weren’t used to using such coarse language yourself, only hearing it when he was carried away with fucking you.
“Pussy,” Karl filled in. “Say it for me, baby, I need to hear you say it.” You opened your eyes and looked up at him. He was grinning, but there was a seriousness to his eyes.
“I like it when you eat my pussy,” You whispered. His grin got wider and he laughed.
“There you go!” He leaned down and covered your mouth with his, surprising you. You had no idea what he was on about, but it didn’t seem he was so mad anymore, so that was good at least. You melted into his kiss, hands balling against the hair on his chest. He grinned into your mouth and plunged his tongue in to take dominance of the kiss. 
You couldn’t help but arch up into him as the kiss continued. You were trying to make up for your mistake. You let out an unhappy whine when he pulled away.
“Easy Pup,” Karl warned, moving to run his mouth down your neck. You arched for him again. “Needy tonight, aren’t you?” He sounded so pleased. He made his way down until his face stilled at your thighs.
His broad hands ran their way up and down your thighs, pressing them apart and teasing you in one motion. Your eyes were wide, was he really going to pleasure you like you’d mentioned? Your core tingled with excitement at the thought. He pushed your shirt up to expose your underwear, taking his time to trace the band before slipping his fingers under it and pulling down the fabric that was between him and his favorite part of you.
“Are you wet already, Pup?” He tsked. It was true, as soon as he’d pinned you, you’d found yourself aroused. “Such a good girl for me,” You held your breath as he fought the fabric the rest of the way down your legs, struggling a bit since he was on top of you. He cursed mildly as he finally freed the plain garment and tossed it across the room. 
“You...you don’t have to,” You stammered, trying to give him an out. You were still feeling guilty for making him so angry.
“I don’t recall asking your permission,” Karl smirked, leaning down and taking a long lick directly up your folds. You gasped at the sensation as though someone had run ice up your spine. “Besides, I enjoy this,” He leaned back in and held you still with his strong hands on your thighs. The calluses on his fingers dragged across the soft flesh there and sent sparks to your center. His mouth covered your slit and his tongue dove in, teasing your clit as you writhed beneath him. Your hands found their way into his wavy hair and wound themselves tightly into the length. If he noticed, he didn’t mind, making no move to remove your fingers.
When he stuck his tongue into your waiting hole, your hips jerked upwards towards him, he chuckled as he adjusted his grip and went back for more.
“Oh fuck,” You mumbled. 
“What? Do you enjoy this?” He mocked. You just nodded your head feverantly and pulled his head back towards your center. His chuckle vibrated your nerves just right as he pulled your bud into his mouth, sucking on it, hard. 
"More, please more," You begged, breathing fast. The man between your legs grinned, moving so that he could stick two of his fingers in his mouth before sliding them into your waiting wetness. You moaned loudly at the sensation of his thick digits stretching you. Karl had eaten you out before, sure, but this was different. And so good.
“Cum for me, Pup,” He murmured against your thigh, looking up at you with lust blown eyes. You’d never seen him like this before and it made your stomach flutter in a whole new way. When he mouth connected with your clit again, it was mere moments before you came undone on his face.
He pushed you through the orgasm until you were a stuttering, shivering mess. He kissed the inside of your thigh and pulled himself up over you again. You could feel his waiting bulge press itself against you and you moaned, arching your hips into him. He chuckled and leaned down to kiss you, the flavor of your arousal mixing with the flavor of his tongue. 
When Heisenberg pulled away with eyes still fiery with desire. You couldn’t help but smile up at him, pushing on his shoulders to make him lay flat on his back. He let you take control enough to do so, but you could tell by the look in his eyes that you were on thin ice. 
“I...I want to return the favor,” You managed. Karl’s face softened slightly before he nodded.
“Get to it then,” He settled himself more comfortably against the pillows and crossed his arms behind his head. You worked his belt open and he lifted his hips so you could pull his pants down his legs, discarding the fabric on the floor behind you.
You looked up at him for another moment before dipping your head to kiss his chest, hands ghosting across his ribs as you made your way down to his hips. He hummed, pleased with this turn of events.
You took a moment to kiss each of his sturdy hips, dancing your nose through the trail of fur that lined his stomach as you passed from one hip to the other. Then you took his cock, already hard and weeping, in your hand, angling it up so you could run your tongue along the bottom of it before sliding his girth into your warm mouth.
Karl groaned as you hollowed your cheeks around him, pumping your head and hand in time so ensure his entire length was worshiped. 
“That’s it, take it nice and deep,” Karl growled as you worked him. He grew restless quickly though, his hand coming to grip the back of your hair, urging you to take him deeper into your throat. You sputtered as his tip activated your gag reflex. He chuckled. “Too much for you, Pup?” 
You closed your eyes and focused on not gagging again as he let you draw back before he pushed back in. The next time he let you pull back, you let him slide out of your mouth so you could catch your breath. He allowed it. You wiped your face on the back of your hand as you looked up at him. He held your eyes for a long moment before he huffed and motioned for you move.
“Now you’re gonna ride me, got it?” He said and you nodded happily. You’d never gotten to be on top before and it excited you, sending heat back to your core. You moved to straddle him, using your hand to guide him into your waiting center.
You both groaned as you became fully seated against Karl. His hands quickly found your hips and he guided you as you began to move against him, bracing your hands on his chest for better leverage. 
“Fuck,” He growled as you moved against him. “Just like that, fuck, you’re so tight,” He bucked his hips up into you as if to prove his point. You whined, wanting more. He chuckled beneath you, pulling you harder onto his cock. You’d have bruises on your hips, you were sure, but that was nothing new, and nothing you didn’t enjoy.
“Hnng, please, I can’t…” You weren’t used to this angle, and it sent you into a spiral of need and confusion. It felt good, but you wanted more, you wanted him pounding you into the mattress, leaving no room between the two of you as he mercilessly took what he wanted. What you now willingly gave.
“Aww, not used to having to do the work, huh? Poor baby,” Karl mocked. You leaned back, trying to find a better angle and found it, letting out a cry of surprise as his cock stroked your gspot just right. He jerked your hips towards him, meeting you with a thrust of his hips until you were right at the edge of another orgasm.
“I’m close,” You cried out, not sure what you expected him to do with that information. He normally didn’t care that much about you. But tonight had been different.
“Cum for me, Pup, ride me through your high,” Karl groaned, not letting up on his assault on your center. Just like that, the coil of pleasure in your stomach snapped and you came, crying out his name. As the high faded you felt your limbs turn to jelly, but Karl wasn’t done with you yet.
Before you could collapse against him, he flipped you over and pulled your legs around his waist, burying himself as deep into you as he could go, while your overstimulated core pulsed around him. You were going to protest, but his mouth crashed into yours and you got lost in the sensation of his tongue against yours. 
His hips stuttered as he came inside you with a loud growl against your neck.
For a moment you both stayed like that, still connected while you caught your collective breath. Eventually, Karl noticed he was still atop you and moved away with a grunt. You laid there for a moment and watched him look around, presumably for his pants. He gave up quickly and headed into the bathroom. You watched his naked backside and scarred back disappear into the other room.
You brought a hand up to your face and couldn’t help but grin. What had started out as a disaster had turned out rather well for you, considering. 
“What are you grinning about?” Karl’s voice pulled you back from your blissed out haze.
“That was...really nice,” You said, face warming under his gaze. As soon as it left your mouth you realized it sounded silly. He nodded.
“It was,” He agreed. “Go get cleaned up,” He commanded with a nod of his head towards the bathroom. You hurried to do as he asked.
When you were clean and back in your nighttime attire once more, you joined Karl in the bed. He reached over and pulled you flush with his chest, his long, work strengthened arms, closing around you. You stiffened, unsure of what he was doing. He normally wasn’t one to cuddle, unless he’d had a nightmare and didn’t think you were awake anyway.
“I don’t want you to go up to that damned castle again, ya hear me?” He said. You nodded. “You shouldn’t be leaving the Factory at all,” He added.
“I like to get some sunshine sometimes,” You said. Maybe the evening’s events had emboldened you, but it also terrified you that you would be confined to the metal walls of the Factory, never having hope of seeing the sun again. Karl growled, dipping his face so his nose was in your hair.
“I don’t like you wandering around out there,” He said. “Not alone anyway,” 
“I could take one of the Lycans with me,” You offered, knowing they were wild but did listen to him. He scoffed.
“Those beasts would rather eat you than play guard dog,” He thought for a moment before he sighed. “You wanna go outside, you come ask me. If I’m not too busy, I’ll take you myself.” You didn’t say anything, surprise stopping your brain from forming a reply. Was he...was he being nice to you?
“Oh...ok.” You murmured. He adjusted himself behind you and let out a long breath. 
“Now, go to sleep,” he said.
“Goodnight,” You said. He grunted vaguely in response, and honestly, that was good enough for you.
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imtherain · 2 years
Check out this cool rock skull I have! It's Yooperlite!
Check me out on Instagram @goddessofgemsandstars
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imtherain · 2 years
I associate Doc Oc and David Harbor with you :)
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😳🥺🥺🥺 both big daddies
Tho tbh I haven't thought of David Harbour in a hot minute. I'll have to go give him some love soon.
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Also both of these are from my saved files on my phone and I'm sorry I have no idea where they're from.
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imtherain · 4 years
Stalker - Hannibal Nonsense
So I fell in love with murder hubban and decided literally ten seconds ago that I was gonna post this before I talked myself out of it.
Technically Hannibal x Reader love story/fluff? Nothing particularly naughty happens. Maybe one day there will be a smutty part two, but we’ll see.
Warnings: Murder Hubban - stalker - fear - suicide - inappropriately affectionate therapist
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You’d been seeing Dr. Lector for a while now. Technically, you were his patient, but after he’d found out how much you struggled to pay his large fees, he stopped charging you and opted instead to handle you off the books. You were grateful for that, because of all the therapists you’d seen, Hannibal Lector was the only one who ever seemed to believe you.
“How are you feeling today, Y/N?” Dr. Lector asked as you stood near the window, looking carefully into the street below.
“Not great, Doctor,” You admitted. “I think he’s back,”
“Who’s back?” He asked, though you knew he knew. You’d told him all about the ex-boyfriend that used to stalk you. How you had nightmares he’d come back for you. A restraining order did nothing when someone was as determined as your ex.
“RJ,” You tell him. “My crazy ex, people keep telling me I’m imaging it, that he has no way to know I moved out here,”
“Your worries are quite valid, Y/N, as I recall, RJ tried to kill you last time you saw him,” Dr. Lector said, his voice even and clinical. You loved the cadence and often wondered what it would be like for him to talk to you at night, in whispers, to put you to sleep. You couldn’t see anyone in the street that looked like RJ, so you turned away.
“There’s no way he could know I’m here,” You said. “Plus, he’s not supposed to leave his state,”
“Often, those with a singular mind, do not care much for the laws of man,” Dr. Lector said.
“Are you saying he could be out there?” You couldn’t help the fear in your voice.
“All I’m saying, my dear, is that anything is possible,” Dr. Lector said, a small, knowing smile on his face.
 Your next session was the same. You were happy to be in the safety of Dr. Lector’s office, because even if RJ was out there, surely he wouldn’t come inside. He was more of a “stand in the rain and watch through a window” type after all.
“Do you still suspect RJ is in town?” Dr. Lector asked. You nodded, miserably. “Do you have evidence?”
“He left me flowers,” You said. “They were clearly pulled from the neighbor’s garden, dirt, roots and all, but he left them on my door step.”
“Have you called the police?” Dr. Lector asked.
“Ha, what will they do? Give me another piece of paper that tells him he can’t come near me? A lot of good the last one did,” You sat heavily on the chair across from Dr. Lector. The next time you spoke, you were much more serious. “I’m thinking about buying a gun.”
“Would you be prepared to use one?” He asked. You turned your eyes to him and watched him observe you. You always wondered if he could see into your soul, and you really wanted to believe he could. He was the only human on the planet that ever seemed to understand you without any sort of judgement, therapy aside.
“I would rather have one and never need it, than need it and not have one,” You tell him. “RJ is bigger than me, I couldn’t fight him off even with self-defense training. Even with adrenaline in my veins as his hands closed around my throat...” You shudder remembering the feeling of his hands on your neck, his eyes wild as he screamed at you about how if he couldn’t have you, no one else ever would. Dr. Lector had seen you through a lot of flashbacks and had helped you manage your trauma to the point where even the nightmares weren’t keeping you up for weeks at a time anymore. In a way, you owed Dr. Lector the life you were currently living.
“I understand completely, it would give you a sense of power, the very sense of power that RJ had taken from you. Tell me something, do you often think about if you had the opportunity to use a gun against him?” If you didn’t know any better there was a spark of something hungry in his eyes as he asked this. But no, he was clinical, he was surely just asking to make sure you weren’t a hazard to anyone else.
“Sometimes,” You whisper. “I wonder if I’d finally be able to sleep with a window open again, if I’d feel safe enough to go to the grocery store alone, to go for a walk on a beautiful day...” There was something almost dreamy about your voice now. “It would be good closure at least, right?”
“Death is a funny thing, as it does not always give us the gifts we asked it for,” Dr. Lector said.
“I just need to know he can’t hurt me anymore,” You said, eyes filling with tears. “I hate feeling like he’s waiting around every corner, it makes me feel so weak. If I could just...” You stopped yourself from admitting your fantasy.
“Just?” Dr. Lector pressed. If not in therapy, where else would you be able to admit to the darkness inside of you?
“If I could just get him back for what he’s done, hurt him somehow, scare him off. That would be enough. But I know RJ, he wouldn’t accept that either. It’s me or him. I don’t know if I can kill him, but I know what I’d do to keep him from killing me,” You told him. “Even if I have to kill me first,”
“Y/N,” Dr. Lector chided. “You promised me that you wouldn’t talk about killing yourself if you weren’t serious,”
“I am serious,” You told him. “It’s been crossing my mind a lot, especially after the flowers. He knows where I live, he probably follows me around town every day. He knows where I work, where all my friends live. If I were dead...”
“Enough,” Dr. Lector stood. “Your life is not your own, Y/N, it is not yours to take.”
“Then who’s life is it?” You look up at him as he crossed to stand directly before you. If you moved, just slightly, your knees would knock into his legs.
“That’s for you to decide,” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his silk handkerchief. It was a fashionably garish shade of gold and patterned in red. He took your chin in his sure and gentle hand and blotted at your tears.
“Do you want it?” You asked, voice small.
“Do you wish to give it to me?” Was his reply. You watched his face as he finished drying your tears, begging for something to give away his feelings for you...but you saw nothing definitive, so you said nothing in return.
 Your next session had you running into the office, busting through the door without much care if there was someone else in Dr. Lector’s office or not. Luckily, there was no one, just the doctor himself, sitting behind his ornate desk, reading something on his tablet.
“Y/N, my dear, you’re quite early for our appointment,” Dr. Lector said looking up at you. Your hair was wild and your eyes were scared. “Has something happened?”
“He’s outside,” You said in rush. “He followed me here from work, he said,” Your panic clawed up your throat remembering how RJ had laughed at you, saying you were weak for going to therapy. How he’d broke you and no one would be able to put you back together. You felt a sob tear through your lungs and you covered your mouth. Dr. Lector stood and came to check on you, brushing back your hair and holding your face in his hands.
“Did he hurt you?” His voice was stiff and even. You shook your head.
“No, but he said I was broken,” You tell him. Dr. Lector hummed once and then went back towards his desk to grab something from his drawing supplies. He slipped it carefully up his sleeve and headed for the door.
“Wait here please,”
“No! Don’t go out there! I couldn’t stand it if he hurt you,” You cried out. Hannibal’s face rose in a smirk.
“Don’t worry, my dear, I’ll be fine, I assure you.” And with that, he slipped out into the hall. You hurried to the window, peering out in time to see Dr. Lector leave the building. RJ stood from his spot against the wall. You watched as the two spoke, Hannibal motioned to the building once and RJ laughed. You couldn’t believe there had been a time when RJ’s laugh brought you joy. When RJ struck Dr. Lector you turned away.
Your mind was muddy on a good day, but now the water inside you was opaque, black. There was almost a calmness to it, a surety. No one will want you after me, not after what I’ve done. RJ’s words echoed across the water, causing ripples, turned to tides. You’re broken, weak, useless...you’re better off dead. The tides turned to tidal waves and the blackness pulled you under.
Hannibal came back into the office, wiping his hands on his handkerchief.
“Y/N, RJ sends his apologies for interfering with your treatments,” He looked around, not seeing you where he had left you. His eyes slowly traveled up to the lofted library, where he saw you standing on the wrong side of the railing. “What are you doing?” He asked. There was no panic, no worry. It was simple question.
“I’m going to jump, RJ is right, I’m better off dead,” You said. He nods slowly as if that made sense.
“I’m afraid a fall from that height will hardly kill you,” Dr. Lector moved to his desk and replaced the item he’d taken from it before going out to talk with RJ. He turned back up to you. “Why don’t you come down from there and we can discuss what happened tonight?” He was right, and you felt like a fool yet again. Your eyes welled up and spilled over.
“I don’t...I don’t think I can,” You mumble. In fact, while you no longer wanted to jump to your doom, you realized that you were too scared to move back the way you came. You would surely fall anyway.
“Do you need me to come help you?” He asked, almost as though speaking to a child needing their shoes tied. You nodded weakly. He smirked slightly, more to himself than you, and made his way up to where you were.
“I’m sorry,” You said as he stopped behind you. He placed one arm under yours and reached around your ribs so that he had a good grip on you.
“Let go of the railing now, I’ve got you,” He murmured and you did as he asked. He quite handily pulled you back over the railing, catching your legs in his other arm as he brought you over the top. He stood with you in his arms like that, a bride without a wedding, before setting you back on your feet. You wiped your face on your sleeve.
You followed Dr. Lector down to the main floor of the office.
“Would you like something to drink?” He offered. You shook your head, one arm held tightly around your ribs, replacing the pressure he’d given you with your own as though you could make the contact last. You watched him pour himself a glass of wine and then followed him with your eyes as he came to stand before you. He held out the wine, an offering, and you just shook your head again.
Hannibal held eye contact with you as he swirled the wine in the glass, just under his nose, before he took his first sip. He tipped his head as he looked at you, before setting down his glass and seating himself behind you on the plush couch you had slept briefly on after a particularly rough session.
He patted the spot next to him.
Slowly, wondering if it were some sort of trick, you slid on careful feet closer to him until he was looking up at you, ever patient. He patted the spot again, with a smirk he didn’t try to hide. You loosened your arm from around your ribs and sank into the seat next to him.
Hannibal adjusted so that his arm was behind you, as though, of course he had to move to make you more comfortable.
“Tell me more about why you climbed up there,” He said. You looked up at him, turning so that you faced him and your shoulder brushed his bicep.
“I just wanted it all to stop,” You said. He nodded. “For a moment, being dead seemed the best option. I see the error in that now. I’m a coward.”
“Come now, you are braver than that,” Hannibal said. “You were telling me, just the other day, how you went to the grocery store alone, you haven’t done that since RJ came to town.”
“You confuse bravery with foolishness,” You said back, no venom in your voice.
“Do I?”
“Yes, because sometimes it is easier to know where the danger is. If I see RJ, I know which direction to run,” You told him. Hannibal’s hand came up to brush carefully against your cheek. It was still damp, as your eyes were still running rivers. You just stopped caring.
“You will not have to be afraid of him forever,” Hannibal said, pulling you into his shoulder.
“Do you promise?” You mumbled into the fine fabric of his suit coat as your arms went around him. You shouldn’t hug him, but you really needed a hug and he seemed more than ok with it. Hannibal’s arms closed around you and you cried as he ran his hand over your back, up to your head, and tucked you under his chin.
“I promise,” He murmured. “One day you will be free of that man,”
Not long after, you found yourself curled up on the couch, your head in Hannibal’s lap as he gently stroked your hair. It was calming and made you sleepy. As you looked up at him, you noticed how soft his features had gotten while he looked at you. He was always such a serious man, it was nice to see his cheeks dressed in contented peace.
“You asked me once, if I would like to keep your life,” Hannibal said after the silence grew too long. “What do you imagine I would do with it?”
“Promise not to laugh?” You asked. He nodded. “I always fantasize that you whisk me away to Paris, or Rome, somewhere old and new all at once. You would tell me all about the architecture, the art, the bloody things that took place in squares now lined with coffee shops. We’d go in first class,” You almost giggled. “I’ve never flown first class before, and you’d drink red wine, or champagne, and I’d drink Fresca, because that’s the only thing I’ve ever drank on a plane, and you’d hold my hand,” You caught the hand that wasn’t in your hair and laced your fingers together. “Just like this, because flying makes me nervous. And it would be like a dream,” He let the image float there in the air for a moment before he spoke. He didn’t unlace your fingers, instead his thumb rubbed the part of your skin closest to it.
“I’d take you to Florence,” Hannibal said, tipping his head to see you from a different angle. His hand stilled on your head. “The city where I became a man,”
“Florence?” You mused dreamily. “I like that.” He hummed and continued to stroke your hair for what seemed like a long, pleasant time. While you laid there, it was as though there was nothing else in the world. No RJ. No job. No rent. Just you and some handsome man, touching you like he cared.
“I hate to ruin the moment, darling, but I do have one last appointment this evening,” Hannibal spoke softly, to ease you out of the light slumber you’d found yourself in, still cradled in his lap.
He helped you sit up, and brushed your hair down with deft fingers.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I surely took up too much of your time,” You worried, getting to your feet and adjusting yourself quickly.
“You have never wasted my time,” Hannibal said. He stood as well, righting his suit and brushing his shoulder as though to make sure it had dried after your tears.
“I haven’t ruined your jacket have I?” You asked, sheepish. He shook his head.
“Nothing the cleaners cannot remedy. Now, do you have a safe way home? If not, you can wait in the other room until I’m done and I’ll take you home myself.” He asked, eyes trained on your face to see your reaction. He would know if you lied. He always did.
“I can call a cab from the waiting room,” You assured him. He nodded as though this was satisfactory. “You probably scared RJ off for the night anyway,”
“Good.” He took your face in his hands again and tipped you one way and then the other. “Your face seems to have returned to its normal, lovely, color. I think you should be alright for the evening. Have I given you my private number, in case you need me outside of office hours?” You blush at the thought of late night chats with Dr. Lector.
“You haven’t,” You said. He tisked.
“That won’t do, here, let me get it for you,” He went to his desk and you followed, nervous feet. He took a long moment to write, in beautiful calligraphy, and when he caught you trying to read it over his shoulder, he turned, with a little smile, to hide it from you. It was a secret note then. You couldn’t help but grin. He blew on the ink for a moment and then folded it. “There. Now, you hurry home and get some rest,”
“Yes, Dr. Lector,” You agreed, holding the note to your chest. He scoffed lightly.
“I’ve told you many times, Y/N, you are not a patient, you may call me Hannibal. In fact, I rather must insist on it.” He watched you blush at the sign of intimacy.
“Thank you,” You said. He stood to walk you out.
“Have a good night, my dear,” Hannibal kissed your cheek, a previously chaste event that you looked forward to for the wrong reasons. Now it seemed to have something hotter behind it.
“Have a good night, Hannibal,” You smiled around the name, heart fluttering when he smiled back.
In the cab ride home you opened his note and smiled to yourself. The calligraphy was perfect, spelling out Hannibal Lector and his number in crisp and curly strokes. Under it, a sentence, a command really. 
Please call me tonight at 8pm
                                                                                        And, of course, you did.
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imtherain · 3 years
Guys my Heisenberg inspired hat purchase came today!
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imtherain · 5 years
You Dirty Perv
So. I do not ask you to forgive me for this, but have some Beetlejuice Smut. My fanfic writing heart has been across like seven fandoms in the last month, so who knows when I’ll do anything specific thing. But for the moment, this dirty rat man owns my heart.
ENJOY or not. Either way.
WARNINGS: Smut, you know, sex and stuff. Spit roasting reader. Talk of naughty body bits and various bodily fluids. Don’t have sex with demons kids.
tagging these lovely peeps
@aethersghoulette who is actually at fault for this since she tells me WAY too many wonderful Beej related things.
@negansdirtygirl22 and @wer14evr because you’re both amazing and like our wonderfully naughty Ghost with the Most
You Dirty Perv
You had made friends with Lydia Deetz in college and you had spent every break with her and her ragtag group of family, both the living and the dead. Your own family couldn’t care less about where you went after you turned 18, so it was refreshing to have a family, that was not only willing to love you, but loved you more than anyone else ever had.
Including the Ghost with the Most, Beetlejuice himself.
It started out as harmless flirting, but after one too many times falling asleep against each other during long weekend movie binges, you both had to admit that there was more between you than “just friends”. Nothing proved this more than when he started following you home.
Now, he could be found in your apartment just as often as he was found at Lydia’s house. Especially when he was feeling frisky.
“Y/N, hey Y/N, baby,” Beetlejuice’s voice came from your closet. You rolled your eyes and went to open it and let him out.
“What the devil are you doing in there?” You asked with a laugh.
“I was trying to find those red panties you showed me the other day, I need them for something,” He had an armful of your clothes, which he had pulled from their hangers. You rolled your eyes knowing he wouldn’t be hanging those back up.
“What could you possibly need those red panties for Beet Juice?” You ask.
“Uhhh,” He thought for a second. “Science.”
“Sure,” You didn’t buy it for a second and you both knew it. “You could have just asked,” You walked over to the dresser you kept your underwear and such in and produced the panties in question.
“Hot momma,” Beetlejuice said reaching for them. You pulled them back and wiggled your eyebrows at him. “Oh, come on babes, don’t tease me like this,”
“I happen to enjoy teasing you,” You grinned bringing the red fabric up to your face to smell. “Too bad I haven’t worn these in a while, huh?” His hair flashed magenta and you knew you had him.
“Maybe you should change that, those poor things look lonely,” Beetlejuice said, mischief coloring his hair light green again with highlights of that lusty pink.
“They’re not the only ones,” You lamented. “It’s been like, what? A week? Two weeks? Since you were here for more than a hot minute?”
“Baaaaaabes,” He whined. “I promised to behave, remember?” Beetlejuice came closer and you held the red panties back again, thinking he meant to snag them. But he was distracted by your hair, which he casually brushed back behind your ear.
“Yeah, behave as in ‘don’t eat my textbooks’, behave as in ‘help me do the dishes without flooding my kitchen’, behave as in ‘cuddle with me without your hand down my goddamn pants’,” You chide him. With each example, he inched even closer. You could feel him pressed along your entire body, fingers still playing with a strand of hair that didn’t want to lay right.
“You like my hands down your pants though, babysnakes,” His hair was magenta again.
“Oh, I do, too bad it’s been over a week since you’ve touched me.” You playfully hit him across the face with the red panties still in your hand and he chuckled like the dirty perv he was. “A girl could think you’ve forgotten her,” You added dramatically. Beetlejuice’s hands were on your hips now, pulling you even closer as his face came closer to yours. You could feel his breath on your cheek and were happy to smell he’d been eating the mints you’d gotten him. They were special bug shaped ones that you ordered for him online.
“If you need some attention, you could just ask, I’m only three words away.” He chuckled. You rolled your eyes at him.
“Says the guy that came in here, unannounced, looking for my panties,”
“I need those for science, not because I missed you,” Beetlejuice corrected. His hands were roaming now, one grabbed a handful of your ass and the other was making its way up your side. You grunted at him as he squeezed your butt.
“Aww, you did miss me.” You smirked.
“Maybe a little,” Beetlejuice leaned in to growl in your ear. “I’ve missed making you scream,”
“If you wanna hear me scream, Beetlebee, you just gotta ask,” You grin back.
“Please?” His eyes got big and hopeful.
“As long as you stay the whole night,” You told him, arms around his neck. You rubbed your noses together and he grinned at you. You knew he loved the soft love just as much as the naughty stuff, even if he only ever asked for the naughty stuff.
“I’m a busy guy, might not be able to stay till morning,”
“Then no dice,” You whispered it in his ear and his grip on your ass tightened as though he thought you were going to slip away from him.
“I could reschedule,” He mumbled, admonished. You kissed the scruff on his cheek and kissed your way back to his ear.
“Good boy,” Beetlejuice shivered at the praise and groaned low in his throat.
“Baby, you’re gonna get it,” He threatened. You just nipped his ear again. “I had a thought,”
“Oh, is it a dirty thought?” You asked cheerfully, pulling back to look at his face.
“All my thoughts are dirty babes,” Beetlejuice grinned back. He snapped behind and two clones of him appeared, each wearing his, beautiful, lecherous face. He turned you around in his arms and purred in your ear. “I was thinking about how much I used to like watching you touching yourself, when I used to sneak around here.”
“Yeah?” You asked, face warming as his plan began to unfold. The red panties that started all this were still clutched in your hand, and though he had tried to snag them twice, you’d kept your grip on them.
“And I really like touching you,” then, under his breath, “and myself, SO,” He motioned to the two clone who waived at you. “You deal with them and I’ll watch.”
“You dirty perv,” You smiled though because one of the things that had drawn the two of you together, other than Lydia anyway, was that you were both dirty, nasty, perverts. You just happened to be better at hiding it in public situations.
“That wasn’t a no,” Beetlejuice grinned taking a long smell of your hair. “Please, babes, we’ll make sure you enjoy it,”
“Oh, I don’t doubt that,” You step away from Beetlejuice and got closer to the clones, who were both chuckling like the nasty depraved soul they were molded from. “I’m calling you Bee, and you Jay,” You said pointing to each clone. All three ghosts chuckled at that.
“We’re gonna make you feel so good, babes,” Bee said. Bee led you over to the bed and Jay followed. Beetlejuice himself moved to float nearby so he had the best view. Bee began to kiss you and you melted into him. The clones were always so close to the real thing, but you knew Beetlejuice well enough now to tell the difference.
So, when he did try to fool you, it was never hard to tell when you were touching a clone and not the real thing. That didn’t stop you from loving it. They were different but they were still his. You moaned, more for their pleasure than your own, and a dirty chuckle ran through them. Bee pushed you onto the bed and began to remove your clothes. In no time at all both Bee and Jay were kissing and nipping at various parts of your skin, making you squirm and pant and beg for more.
“God you guys are the worst,” You moan as Jay moved his teeth to nip little hickies into the inside of your thigh. It hadn’t escaped you that you were the only one naked. Jay pulled you off the bed and back up against his chest. You could feel the diamond hard dick in his pants pressed up against your backside as his hands came up to grope your chest. You moaned again, this time because you needed to, as Bee moved so that he was sitting on the edge of the bed. You saw Bee undo his pants and pull himself out.
Another chuckle ran through them.
“I know that you control these guys, Beej, but damn, a girl’s flattered,” You chuckle, watching Bee stroke his already straining, leaking dick. It was one of your favorite things about Beetlejuice, how obvious he made it that he wanted you.
“Want a taste?” Bee offered and you nodded, licking your lips. Jay pushed you forward so that you had to catch yourself on Bee’s lap.
“These guys work hard,” Beetlejuice said from above you. “Make sure you show them how much you appreciate them.” Instead of replying, you took Bee’s cock from him and bent your head to take him into your mouth.
You grinned, to the best of your abilities with your mouth full, as all three hissed at the sight and feel.
As you worked Bee, Jay knelt behind you and began to tease you with his tongue. Your knees began to shake because, damn, the attention Jay was laving on your pussy was killing you, you’d been without attention for too long it seemed. Luckily, he braced you so you wouldn’t fall, and just went harder, assaulting you, entrance to clit and back again, with his magically long tongue.
You groaned around Bee’s dick, backing off long enough to moan out a command.
“More,” Another dirty chuckle through the group and Jay’s tongue left you. You whimpered at the loss, but Bee just fisted a hand in your hair and brought you back down until he was pressing himself against the back of your throat. You had to focus on not gagging for a moment while you tried to swallow him.
You felt hands on your hips and suddenly you were wonderfully full. Jay pressed himself inside you until he bottomed out with a moan. You groaned around Bee who was still guiding your mouth up and down his cock. God, it felt amazing.
“Look at you,” Beetlejuice said as he floated around for a different angle. “Taking our cocks like a champ,” Part of you wanted to flip him off, but you were more focused on the task at hand. Plus, he knew how much you loved it when he filled you up from behind. Bee’s hand in your hair tightened as he started to lose his composure.
“Shit, babes, with you sucking like that I’m gonna cum,” Bee groaned, hips pressing his cock deeper before he did just as he warned and came down your throat.
“Good girl,” Beetlejuice purred from next to Bee as you swallowed. “Alright big guy, time to tap out,” Beetlejuice patted Bee’s shoulder causing the clone to disappear as you pulled back enough to wipe your mouth. You moaned and whined pathetically as Jay kept up is work, hips against your ass. He was making you hot and bothered, but he seemed to know just when to back off to keep the orgasm you wanted from building too much.
Beetlejuice took over Bee’s spot and while you were happy enough to go to work on his cock with your mouth, he stopped you, pulling you up and away from Jay in one motion.
“Don’t stop,” You whine as Jay backed off, leaving you empty and unsatisfied. “Beetle,” You had your hands braced on his shoulders as you pouted at him, upset because you hadn’t got to finish yourself.
“Hey, don’t give me that look, babes, you should know,” He kissed you, his tongue taking whatever it wanted from your mouth before moving to nip his way to your ear. “You only get to cum on my cock,” A shiver ran through you at the growling tone he used. You mewled for him, grinding your hips. You wanted him and he knew what a mess his clones had made you.
“Please Beetles, please,” You begged. His hands found their way to your hips and he adjusted you so that he could tease you with his tip. You moaned, half annoyed he was teasing you, half in love with the feeling he built up so expertly inside you.
“Say my name,” He commanded. “You want my cock, beg for it,”
“Please Beetlejuice, please” You whined for him, just like you knew he liked. “Beetlejuice baby please, I want your cock.” Always sure not to say his name back to back. You’d accidently banished him in the middle of sex before, so you made sure you didn’t do it again.
“Well, since you asked so nicely,” He let your eager hips slip down over the length of him. You both let out a groan. “Baby you fit me just right,” You moved your hips against him, loving the feel of him stretching you. The real thing was just a bit bigger than his clones ever were, and you figured he did that on purpose. So that his real dick was the only one that could truly satisfy you.
“Fuck, Beetlejuice,” You groan. “I’m already close,”
“Not so fast,” Beetlejuice moved so that you couldn’t make any more friction. You made a displeased noise in your throat. “I haven’t seen you in a week, and you look so beautiful, the panting mess you are,” He kissed your face, which you were sure was red and tearstained from the clones.
“Beetle…” You complain.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of you.” He sucked in air as you squeezed your walls around him. “Shit, that ain’t fair babes,” His voice was thick with need and his hair was flaring magenta. You pulled your fingers through his locks and squeezed your inner muscles along him again, happy that he’d lost enough composure that you could move yourself along him again.
Suddenly Beetlejuice had you pinned on your back and you giggled up at him, legs locking around his waist. You knew, if he really wanted to, he could overpower you and slip away, but his teasing was for both of you. And you were slowly getting the upper hand.
“Hold these for a moment, love, will ya?” You took your red panties, which had never left your fist, and shoved them into Beetlejuice’s mouth. He grinned as his teeth closed around the fabric and a groan escaped him, eyes rolling back in his head. “Fuck, you’re cute,” You chuckled at him as he rutted his hips deeper into you. You could feel your orgasm building behind your pelvis. All you needed now was just a touch more persuasion and you’d come undone and break into a million white hot points of light. His head fell into your shoulder as he focused on making you scream. You got lost in the sensation of him, the feeling of his cool skin on your hot skin, the graveyard smell of him, dirt, wet grass, stone, and the sounds he made would make a poor star blush. He let out muffled whimpers and moans in turns, feeling so strongly he didn’t care what noised he made in response to yours.
You felt yourself tip over the edge and as your muscles all tightened and your body exploded. You let out a scream that might have shook the windows, but you were too busy digging your nails into Beetlejuice’s back to notice slash care.
As your walls fluttered around him, Beetlejuice came too, a low whimper coming out around the red fabric still stuck in his mouth.
As your brains cleared of the post-orgasm high, you chuckled a bit and ran your fingers lovingly over the green stubble on Beetlejuice’s cheeks. He grinned like a doofus around the fabric in his mouth. You shook your head and reached up to pull the panties from his mouth. He let you, but scrunched up his face as you tossed them away.
“I still need those babes,” Beetlejuice whined. He began to pull away, but your legs held him inside you still.
“Don’t leave yet,” You smile, pulling him down to kiss him again.
“What? You miss me that much?” Beetlejuice asked. His voice was teasing but something in his eyes gave away the fear that hid behind the cockiness. He kissed him, softly this time.
“Always,” You assured him. “Even when I’m rehanging all the clothes you dumped on my floor,” You giggled as his face lit up.
“Good,” He moved so that he could cover your face in kisses as he pressed you into the bed again with your hips still joined. “Cuz I just decided I’m staying,”
“All night?” You asked hopefully.
“Forever,” He grinned before kissing you, almost ruining the moment by shoving that devilishly long tongue of his down your throat.
[Master List]
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