974jerome · 1 year
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Un matin face à l’océan indien
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leehamwriting · 8 months
Meurtres aux Kerguelen - Olivier MONTIN & Sophie LAURENT - 2020 - Ed. L'Harmattan
Quatrième de couverture Maël, commissaire de police expert en criminologie, est en vacances à La Réunion lorsqu’il est soudain missionné pour se rendre sur l’île de Kerguelen _ en plein cœur du sud de l’océan Indien _ à la suite d’un horrible homicide. L’histoire se déroule à bord du navire La Curieuse, sur les “bases vie” des 3 îles de Kerguelen, d’Amsterdam et de Crozet ou encore sur le…
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patriyotrenione · 11 months
Cliches, stereotypes and prejudices about Réunion Islanders
Reunion, an island rich in culture and diversity, is often the victim of clichés and prejudice. Discover the preconceived ideas that persist about the Réunionese and their life on the island, as well as the realities that deserve to be brought to light.
Reunion, the jewel of the Indian Ocean, is an island of many riches, both cultural and natural. Yet, despite its beauty and diversity, it is often reduced to clichés and stereotypes that do not reflect the reality of its inhabitants or their daily lives.
When the TV show "Camping Paradis" chose Réunion as the backdrop for one of its episodes, it could have been an opportunity to introduce the general public to the true essence of the island. Unfortunately, some viewers only saw the usual clichés, reinforcing the prejudices that persist against Réunionese.
In this article, we explore these persistent preconceptions, discuss the realities of Réunionese life and deconstruct the prejudices that obscure the island's true beauty.
Clichés about Réunion and its people:
When it comes to Reunion and its people, clichés are many and varied. They often stem from a misunderstanding of the island and a simplistic vision that fails to take into account its cultural and ethnic richness.
Among the most common misconceptions is that of an exotic island where everything is easy and paradise-like. Some people think that Reunion Islanders spend their days on the beach, dancing the maloya, and that life is a perpetual party. Nothing could be further from the truth, because like everywhere else, daily life on La Réunion is made up of challenges and hard work.
Another recurring cliché concerns the island's lack of development. Some people still imagine Réunion as an underdeveloped land where modernity has yet to take root. However, Réunion is constantly evolving economically, socially and culturally.
Racism and prejudice are also persistent clichés. We still sometimes hear derogatory remarks about the color of Réunionese skin or their ethnic origin. These stereotypes in no way reflect the reality of an island where diverse cultures coexist harmoniously.
The realities of Réunionese life:
Reunion is a land of contrasts, where modernity and tradition mingle, where nature offers breathtaking landscapes, and where cultural richness is unrivalled.
Reunion's reality is that of a people proud of their identity and history. The people of Reunion are attached to their roots, which they cultivate through their Creole language, music, cuisine and customs.
Life on Reunion Island is punctuated by an exceptional blend of cultures, each contributing its own stone to the island's cultural edifice. This diversity is a source of great pride for the Réunionese.
The island's economy is booming, with tourism, agriculture and new technologies all contributing to its development.
Reunion is also a place where solidarity and mutual aid are strong values. Reunion's inhabitants are committed to preserving their natural environment and cultural heritage, while working towards a future that respects their identity.
Clichés, stereotypes and prejudices about Réunion and its people are hard to dispel. Yet behind these simplistic representations lies an island rich in diversity, culture and history.
It's time to overcome these preconceptions and discover Réunion in a new light, embracing its complexity and richness. By ridding ourselves of these clichés, we can finally fully appreciate the beauty of this island and its people.
As Frantz Fanon said, "Each generation must, in relative opacity, discover its mission, fulfill it or betray it". By deconstructing clichés about La Réunion, we can help fulfill the mission of a world that is more open, inclusive and respectful of diversity.
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clementinenve · 2 years
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C’est la couleur de cette eau qui m’a inspiré le design du site ! Le lagon de la Réunion est d’une beauté incroyable, pleins de poissons différents, des coraux encore intacts par endroit. Si vous avez de la chance, vous pourrez également observer une raie ou une tortue ! 🥹🐠🧡 #travel #lareunion #laréunion #watercolor #sea #ocean #lagoon #snorkeling #traveling #traveltips #travellover (à Lagon De L'ermitage) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cja693-rODg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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moon-wane · 2 years
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📍Palm Trees #lareunion #landscapephotography #laréunion #ansedescascades #cascade #landscape #reunionisland #photooftheday #photography #palmtrees #paradisiaque #tourismereunion #reunionisland #palm #oursweetfrance #tourisme #paysage #igersfrance #nature #naturephotography #france_focus_on (at Anse Des Cascades L'île De La Réunion) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfZhUO2oD5F/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fashionsprinted · 10 months
We're All Creatures Of Habit. Let's Understand Why And How To Change Them.
Follow us in YouTube; @Empower_Her_2030
Examine the Podcast here; https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLa2vr49bcy5jyzGpHrCjnEtQksqaqMdxo
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andre-rober · 8 months
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Alédipartou Lamontraz mon bann Fonnkèr pou lo zié dann kartié sin Pir Laréunion Tapkal Hang'art. Mersi lantouraz hang'art.
Dites le autour de vous. Exposition de mes poésie visuelle pour l'inauguration de l'espace Tapkal au hang'art saint Pierre La Réunion. Merci à l'équipe.
#andrérobèr2023 #fonnkèrpoulozié #poésievisuelle #andrérobèr #Tapkal #artcontemporain
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uwukyu69 · 1 year
#reforme #laréunion #revolte #retraite #revolution #greve #manifestation #lycee
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jogallice · 1 year
L’Observatoire de Physique de l’Atmosphère de La Réunion labellisé au niveau mondial pour son travail sur le climat.
See on Scoop.it - JamesO
Un label valorisant le travail de recherches sur le climat : le mardi 29/11/22, l’Observatoire de Physique de l’Atmosphère de La Réunion (OPAR) a été labellisé par l’Organisation Météorologique Mondiale. Il rejoint le cercle très restreint des 30 stations de référence mondiale, pour ses observations de qualité liées au changement climatique. Une distinction obtenue notamment grâce au travail des scientifiques de l’observatoire du Maïdo.
JamesO's insight:
Via l’agence JamesO Média❗️N.D.L.R. : article de presse publié par Outre-mer la 1ère le mardi 29/11/22.
  ℹ️ JamesO.InfO 🏞
🗞 Le média de demain 📰
  #sciences #scientifiques #recherches
#environnement #écologie #climat
#LaRéunion #OutreMer
  Le fil gris de JamesO.InfO
#formation #éducation #savoirs
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974jerome · 1 year
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Le vol du paille en queue
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lapassiondeslivres · 2 years
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« Lâchez prise. » 
Une romance douce et chaude. Un entre-deux qui vous fera voyager vers La Réunion pour un hiver douillet et pleins de secrets. 7/10
#Spicysunnychristmas #NetGalleyFrance #romance #newromance #vacances #couple #voyage #militaire #LaRéunion #îles #mensonges #secrets #relation #attirance #amour #amitié #famille #beauté #estimedesoi #suggestiondelecture #lecturedusoir #chronique #servicepresse 
Ma chronique complète: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=639121087819587&set=a.547452486986448
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onceuponagingercat · 3 years
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La pension d’Alix
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cheetahcamp · 3 years
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Coucher de soleil , La Réunion
Pour Matisse, la mer est un second ciel ...
© EmbRun
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echappee-australe · 4 years
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Le volcan et ses paysages magnifiques ! 🌋 . . #reunionisland #iledelareunion #reunion974 #landscapes #happy #summer #instagood #gotoreunion #expatlife #travel #CetEteJeVisiteLaFrance #traveling #lovetotravel #goodvibes #igerslareunion #laréunion #landscapes #reuniontourism #photography #photo #deuter #baby #igersfrance #PhotoOfTheDay #volcano (à Piton de la Fournaise) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEgnWOrpbR0/?igshid=s5cg2xxxbw7e
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gwenaelleblog · 4 years
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islandsvoice · 5 years
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Papa: "Mets toi devant le caroussel Lisa je te prends en photo!!!!" . . . . . . . . . . #discover #caroussel #rennes #bretagne #travel #travelblogger #lifestyle #beautifulplaces #wonderfulplaces #france #beautiful #laréunion #réunionnaise #happy #prépa #tourdefrance #ECS (à Rennes, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzLrz3ThyhB/?igshid=1hbo0yb7mbf9r
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