#larger peice
mahiiimahiiii · 5 months
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Since you guys like the previous ma'ri and aturius post have another this one took me 2 months but I hope you enjoy the turnout as much as I did
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bleepblopbloop56 · 1 year
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My casey jones jr patch is COMPLETE!
(Pattern for free here!!)
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indigo-ghost-girl · 3 months
Infinite was bored.
Boredom. It was the only emotion he had been feeling since the only one who’d had any chance of defeating him, had been locked up on the death egg. This war had been dragging out for months.
The resistance were like ants. He could stomp them easily no problem yet, alike ants they always kept coming back. Back from their little ant hill of a resistance base they still couldn’t locate. No matter how many he defeated, two more seemed to take their place. It was tedious work. And so very, very dull.
Beating around the blue hero had only been entertaining for a short time. The speedster refused to break or show any type of emotion other than smug rebellion, regardless of how much pressure Infinite asserted onto him. The lack of a reaction had bored him and Infinite had decided he wasn’t worth the time.
The jackal adjusted his mask in thought, it had a small habit of slipping down his face every once in a while.
He supposed… He could try picking another favourite…
A habit infinite had picked up about two months ago, his first attempt to counteract the problem he faced. His solution had been to choose a random soldier of the resistance, typically the most garishly coloured or the most skilled, and delegate them the favourite. He would then run rings around this soldier for a while, let him escape a few times. His goal in the end had been to indirectly train them in a way, to be something of a challenge to fight.
He would never pick any of the main commander group of course, he was ordered to take them out on site. Something Infinite regrettably hadn’t been able to achieve… yet.
They had experience and training on their side. And they were fast. Infinite could respect that at least, they were skilled: persistent but that was exactly what made them so annoying.
Eggman knew nothing of his little hobby, the jackal didn’t care if he found out, but Infinite knew there would be consequences if he did.
Eggman, such irony that the Jackal should turn to assist a human of all creatures. Yet that human had power, militaristic and brain.
This world favoured the strong. It didn’t matter how many people you had on your side, if they didn’t have power they were useless. He had learnt that the hard way.
The humans… they hadn’t offered the Mobians any support in the takeover of their home islands, their “world”. Not that it mattered to him. Once the islands were under his control, Eggman would set his sights on them… it was only a matter of time.
Humans were selfish like that. Caring more about their own skins than any others. A wise choice, Infinite thought, their decision not to get involved delayed the inevitable for them. Let them live their selfish little lives a little longer.
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Study of a caribou skull, pencil on paper
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sm-baby · 4 months
How would The Rook work then?👁️
Evolution guide:
NOTE: Anyone can evolve! Even if they are a plushy or a different kind of toy! this is not limited to the-- uh-- people with the fluffy hair-
Pawns -
Dominantly (in a genes sense) small and are known to be cute.
All chess peices start as pawns.
Pawns have the ability to evolve into any chess peice(other than the king) if they reach the end of the opposing kingdom.
Rook -
Will evolve to have more muscle mass, and strength, as well as be more durable after evolving into a rook. HARD hitters.
They could grow taller or stay the same size.
A pawn evolves into a rook after being promoted.
Knight -
will evolve to be taller(usually taller than a rook), have more stamina/energy, precision and agility.
A pawn evolves into a knight after being promoted.
Bishop -
Have more of a spiritual connections with their god, prayers would be more easily answered. Also have cool healing powers.
Bishops are very tall! Though not as tall as the king or queen.
Pawns will evolve into bishops only when promoted by another bishop! (It involves a lot of religious training like IRL bishops)
Queen -
Will evolve to naturally be larger than most chess pieces!
Pawns will evolve into a queen during coronations!
The king evolves to be the LARGEST in the kingdom!
Can only evolve during a coronation!
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pearlsinmyhair · 9 months
⭑ idiot.
hobie x fem!reader one shot. mentions of injury and blood. NOT TRAGIC ITS OK I PROMISE-
your heart was pounding in your chest as you raced through the city, webbing for the area where hobie’s signal disappeared. his watch must have been damaged at some point in the anomaly capture.
you called his name, circling the wreckage and looking down for any sign of your favorite spider. there was nothing but rubble, and your stomach started to sink as you struggled to find him.
you landed on one of the larger peices of debris and called again. you counted five seconds of silence before you heard a distant yell of your name.
you rushed over to the sound, picking up peices of concrete and asphalt to find the source.
light streamed down onto hobie’s beaten and bloody face as you pulled away the last piece. he coughed, and you reached in to pull him out. he stumbled, holding something close to his chest as he took deep breaths.
he leaned against you, resting his head against your shoulder as his knees buckled. you helped lower him down to the ground, supporting him so he wouldn’t fall. your hands found his face, tipping it up to examine it.
“hobie, what the hell were you thinking?” you asked, your voice desperate as some tears welled up in your eyes. he pressed his cheek to yours as he caught his breath.
“had to save ‘er.” he whispered, and you looked down at hobie’s crossed arms to find something stashed safely inside.
a baby, precious and untouched. she looked up at you with wide eyes, stretching out her hands and curling her fingers into fists.
hobie moved his head to rest against your shoulder so he could peer down at the girl, and she cooed happily, patting hobie’s chest with one of her tiny hands. he chuckled, and you looked sideways at him.
“never would have taken you for the baby type. always kind of thought that mayday was an outlier.” you said softly, and his gaze shifted to you.
“nah, i’ve always liked ‘em. you just haven’t seen me around ‘em before.” he said.
the baby girl giggled, and you both looked down once more.
“so… all is forgiven?” hobie tried, smiling at you.
you clicked your tongue against the roof of your mouth, brushing some dried blood from his cheek with your thumb. “this time? yes.” you said, moving the same hand to his jaw to bring him close.
“you’re an idiot.” you mumbled as his mouth brushed yours, and he grinned.
“only for you.” he said before pressing his lips to yours, the baby watching curiously.
“hey, what did i say about PDA on the job!” shouted miguel, who had followed the same trail as you to find hobie.
“respectfully, boss, i’d like to be allowed to kiss my girl after nearly getting smushed under concrete, thank you.” hobie retorted before moving a hand to the back of your neck and pulling you back to him.
i’m steady-fast working through all my drafts (there’s 25 💀) and this one’s been in here forever. here you go, some non-angst for once.
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harrierttv · 3 months
Oh My god it is done!! Finally! been a while since Ive done a larger peice of work, but here it is!
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Both a lighter and Darker version of baby Polytheus meeting Buttercup deep in ther wildrness of Centopia~ Why must the foliage be soooooo detailed?? Bain of my existence! And yes, I am in fact incapable of giving characters happy backstories, but at least the baby snake got a tiny turlte friend~
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gegewrites · 2 years
Jesse Pinkman- Mr.Whites daughter
Just smut, just smut. I’m in love with Jesse, I’d risk it all for Aaron Paul ngl.
This peice is part of a larger series called mr.whites daughter that I’m working on, gonna post when it’s close to completed
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Your pov-
I decided to take the afternoon shift at work because I was going to jesses tonight to watch a movie and eat takeout and mutually forget everything that's happened in the last two days, such as the bathtub incident, the man in the basement, the fact that he was no longer selling his house, oh and how he’s cooking meth with my dad. Jesse and I use to date in highschool, from sophomore to senior year, we split up when I went to college for pharmaceutical chemistry and so yess I stoped out my sophomore year and started working at a bar. Never told my parents.
I parked my car in the driveway, turned the engine off and I saw the door open. Jesse was standing there in his red long sleeve and his black jeans. he had a smile on his face as I closed the door, holding a 6 pack in one hand.
"Yo I think I have a boner." He laughed as I locked my car and walked over.
"For me or this?" I held the 6 pack up.
"Both I think." I laughed as I walked past him into the house. He closed the door behind us and i put the 6 pack on the coffee table. I felt his hands on my waist as I took my phone and wallet out of my pockets.
"Hi Jesse." I spin around and in grip and tossed the items in my hand onto the couch.
"Hi (y/n)." He mimicked me with a  smile. I stood on my toes a bit and caught his lips on mine. He leaned down as he returned it, his hands holding me closer to him. I snaked my arms over and around  his neck, and smiled into the kiss. We broke it off a few seconds later and he looked at me with blue eyes glazed over in a  look I've been craving since I last saw him. I couldn't help but steal another.
"I'm in love with you." I whispered.
"Same." He whispered back,"but!" He picked me up and I gasped as I wrapped my legs around his waist and laughed, I held onto his shoulders tightly,"you're here now yo, you ain't leavin for college or some shit so you can't leave me now."
"Last time I checked, you said it was better if I just left you so you didn't distract me." I raised my brow and he rolled his eyes.
"We work together now bitch." He laughed and gave me a kiss,"work place PDA now."
"Not for awhile."
"Ya okay, whatever you say yo." He started waking away from the couch.
"Let's get baked and roll one out first." He winked, as he walked down the shirt hall to the stairs.
"Fine." I sighed jokingly and hugged onto his as he walked up the stairs, I knew he wouldn't drop me, he was strong then he looked but it didn't stop the nervousness of it,"please don't me please don't drop me."
"I ain't dropping you till I get you to my bed."  His hand moved from my back to the back of my neck and his other sat under my ass holding me up. He placed a kiss on my shoulder as he turned down the hall to his room.
I kissed his neck as he walked into his room and instead of dropping me in the bed. He sat down and held me close as I straddled him thighs, my lips kissing his neck and his jaw, not nipping him just kissing, until His hand tangled into my hair, holding me closer to his neck. So I took it as the signal to just bite him and I did, right on his pulse point.
"About Fuckin time." He groaned, my teeth nibbled on his skin sucking it, creating that famous hickey he always had when we were dating. I licked it and blew on it and he sighed rolling his head back a bit more as I kissed it.
"Mine now bitch." I whispered into his ear as he placed a firm grasp on my ass. He pulled me away from him by my hair and made me look at him. His tongue swiped over his bottom lip slowly and he bit as he looked in my eyes. My clit  throbbed immediately and he smirked and came to kiss my neck, titling my head a bit to get the area he wanted. His kissed his trail to the area, from my collar bone, to my pulse, and down to where my shoulder Met my neck. I moaned as sucked and nibbled on the area, he used the hand on my ass to start making me grind on him slowly yet hard, I took over at action as his tongue licked my skin and his hands moved from their positions and sat on my waist.
"I've been dreaming of this for awhile." He kissed my jaw,"every night," he kissed the other side of my neck," Wakin up thinking you're right there next to me again."  He kissed right where my v line ended,"makin me feel like a Fuckin teenager."
"Let's be honest, you're still one." I giggled and she scoffed, giving me his famous side smile.
"I don't fuck like one." He shook his head.
"Mmm tell me more." I put on s porn star accent and he laughed as he pulled my shirt up and off. I didn't have a bra on, this shirt was a bit tight so it held them pretty well, and..
"You got them pierced."  He said in aww and I felt him grow harder under me.
"I got them done when I dropped out." His hands moved up my waste, over my ribs and he took them into his hands, admiring them.
"They're Fuckin gorgeous." He practically drooled and his didn't seem to notice the piercings I had in. I got them custom made, it was a J and a P decorated in red garnets.
"Glad you like them."I pushed my chest into his hands, his thumbs massages them and then  he let out a slight gasp.
"Oh my god, yo are those my initials?" He asked, his eyes darting from my boobs and to my eyes.
"Yes." I nodded.
"When the hell did you get those?"
"I got them a few months ago." I admitted.
"How often do you wear them?" His thumb brushed over them in a circle and i sharply exhaled from mh nose.
"A lot." He smirked, boring his rings in between his teeth.
"I'm gonna fuck you so good now."  He quickly rolled us over so I was on my back.  I let my arms drop over my head as his right hand massaged my boob and his to he licked the other one. His tongue flicking over it.
"Jesse." I moaned as he switched the other nipple, showing it equal attention.
"You're so fucking hot."  He growled as he kissed down my ribs, his fingers hooking into my belt loops as he looked up at me. I looked down at him, biting my lips and propping myself up on my elbows.
"What?" He unbuttoned and in zipped my jeans and shrugged,"Jesse?"
"I'm just thinkin." He grinned as he pulled my jeans down my legs leaving me in my black lace thong,"ah shit!"
He fell onto his ass and laughed.
"What the fuck Jess." I laughed.
"This just keeps on getting better and Fuckin better yo!" He got back onto his knees and pulled my legs over his shoulders from the back of my knees. I laughed and threaded my fingers through his hair as he kissed the inside of my thigh.
"I love you." I awed and felt him smile on my skin, planting kisses and he placed his final one right over my lace covered clit. I moaned as his index and middle finger hooked onto my thing and moved it out of way, wasting no time to dip his tongue to my clit and gave it a ohard lick,"fuuuck."
I pushed my hips into his face, and let out a whine.
"Fuckin A." His face left your thighs and his fingers hooked into hem of my thong and pulled it down my legs letting my legs fall but not for long as he quickly put them back and resumed his position,"you taste so good."
I couldn't help but moan as he sucked and licked my clit, altering between the two.
"Oh god Jesse." I grabbed onto his hair and he groaned,"oh shit."
One of Jesses hands that sat on my hip, slid on of my legs off of him, pushing my knee to my chest a bit, his index and middle finger circled around my drooling heat and then he slid the right in. My back arched off the bed and I moaned as i he started to work his fingers fast, already curled and hitting my gspot.
"Oh my goood!" I gasped in the Moan as he gave my clit a hard suck.
"So Fuckin good Baby." He praised, leaving my clit but he kept his fingers moving inside of me, he held onto my thigh as he pushed it closer into me as he came down to my lips and kissed me. His lips and tongue tasted like me and I loved it. I cupped just face his face with my hand and moaned as I felt a familiar hear start building.
"Ahh god Jess." I moaned as he kissed my jaw.
"You gonna cum for me?" He whispered into my ear and I nodded,"you are huh?"
"Yes Jesse fuck." I ground my hips into his hand and he picked up the pace s little, and added a deeper curl, hitting exactly where he needed to,"oh my god!"
He went back down to clit, sucking on it harshly. My hee dug into his back snd my hands balled up the comforter. Loud and erotic moans fell from my lips.
My orgasm hit me like a tsunami, literally. My back arched off the bed as moans and his name and swears spewed from my mouth as he continued fingering and eating me out. I could feel how wet the Inside of my thighs were, and could only imagine how wet his jaw and chin was.
He stopped slowly after, letting my leg drop from his shoulder as I heard him laugh.
"I've missed that." I opened my eyes a bit and saw him smilies at me with that cheeky grin, his red long sleeve was wet around the collar. He wiped his chin and jaw with his sleeve and he took of the peice of clothing off, exposing his nice ass body underneath it. I sat up and undid his belt as he pet my hair, I looked up at him meeting his blue eyes and unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. He pushed me down as he took his jeans and his boxers off, exposing his hard cock.
"I wanna ride you." I sat up,"please."
"Say less." He chuckled sitting down and I straddled him. His cock restung against my stomach as his Hands sat on my waist. I lifted myself up a bit using my grasp on his shoulder, with my free hand I lined him up. He moaned as I lowered down onto his tip and I rested my forehead on his shoulder.
"Fuckin hell." I moaned as he lowered me down another inch, giving me a few seconds to adjust. White boy was packing.
"Take me so well babe." He hissed as he lowered me down a lot more this time,"so good."
"Forgot how good you felt." I whispered and kissed below his ear as he dropped me all the way down, sheathing him completely. I let out a moaned gasp as he stretched me to fit him.
"Good girl." He rubbed my back,"such a good girl."
He started moving em slowly, I sat up, pushing myself into him as my head rolled back. His cock was hitting everything, I could feel his veins against my velvet walls.
"Damnit." I groaned as he held onto my hips tighter and moved me a bit faster, adding in a hard thrust down,"Jess!"
"Come on, take it, you know you can." He placed a broad lick up the center of my neck and he bounced me harder, pulling me up so only his tip was in me and then all the way down to his balls,"just like that baby."
"Holy fuck." I whimpered out as I took a hit more control, adding a fast speed and a light grind which case him to let out a eye rolling moan.
"Goddamn bitch." He thrusted up into me, causing me to almost see stars,"like that bitch?" He obviously saw how my body reacted to that and loved it cause he did it again,"you do huh?"
"Ye-es!" I moaned he dropped me down in his cock harder a few more times before flipping us over so he was on top.
"Then I'm gonna Fuckin give it to ya." He set the pace, a nice even thrust that ended hard and made my boobs bounce and made me grab onto the comforter and his arm that was propped over my head. My legs were wrapped out his waist. The angle that was was thrusting into me was pure bliss. He was hitting every good spot imaginable.
With the orgasm he gifted me with previously I wasn't gonna last very long, he could tell, my hands we gripping onto him for dear life, I moaning loudly, my back was arched off the bed. He was also getting closer, his hand on my thigh was gripping me tighter, he was moaning and groaning louder and more eroticly.
"Gonna make this-this  pussy mine again." He groaned,  my nails raked up his back in response.
"Please." I whispered,"Aah fuck! Fu-uck!"
"Cum for me, show me who's you are bitch." He growled into my ear and I did just that.
I held onto him and he dropped to his elbow to hold me closer to him, his hand moved from my thigh and under my back, holding my stomach to him. My eyes were clamped shut, as wave after wage of pure ecstasy shot through me.
He fucked me through my orgasm before cumming deep inside of me, thrusting slow as he did.
"God fuuuck." He groaned, his forehead was resting my chest in between my boobs. My fingers traced up his back and neck and into his hair, carding through it.
"That was amazing." I sighed with a giggle and he chuckled and looked up at me.
"Hell ya it was." He stood up and held onto my thighs as he slowly pulled out of me and collapsed onto the bed next to me.
I looked up at the ceiling and felt his eyes on me so I looked over and saw him smiling at me once again.
"You smile a lot when you're around me." I pointed out.
"Can't help it." He sat up and ran his hand through his hair,"imma go get somethin to clean you up."
"Mm, don’t be long.” I hummed and he walked back to me and placed a kiss on my lips and walked away without saying anything.
The night ended by us sitting in the living room and watching MTV while eating takeout pizza and a 6 pack of old style as he also told me everything my father and him have done so far, like getting the RV, killing two men, my dad smoking pot in his dinning room, the meth lab in his basement, he told me all of it….and I wanted in.
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priestly-prince · 2 months
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Howdy all! Let me remind you of my patreon!
Support starts from only £1 a month! Everyone who signs up can make requests for content, that you will see posted before anywhere else, in larger sizes and higher qualities!
Tier 1 sees all my sketches as and when they're posted. Tier 2 sees 2 finished colour pieces per month. Tier 3 sees 2 NSFT matture peices per month.
Pledges will help me save up to move out and get a new place to live with my fiancee. Even just a £1 pledge helps, because all support, no matter how small, adds up!
Please share and reblog this promo to help me reach new people!
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piratefern · 1 month
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(so you can tell whos who, and for those unfamiliar with rainworld)
I drew the main three rainworld characters from the base game and gave them environmental adaptations according to their play style for sillies :3
I gave survivor a more average slugcat body type as it serves as the “normal mode” of sorts in the base game. The back legs are spring like and adapted for jumping and quick manoeuvres. They have a streamlined head shape to allow for this movement, but their dew claws are also adapted into a hook like shape to improve grip on poles and ledges. They have a balljoint in the front legs to improve with this as it gives a fuller range of motion. They also have more omnivorous teeth, with molars, carnassials and incisors! They are fitted with big ears for good hearing, whiskers to measure spaces, and reflective eyes to improve with vision in the dark due to many areas being underground. Ontop of this they have a strong prehensile tail to allow for easier escape from predators.
some little things I added for sillies are the claw marks on the back and neck along with a bite mark where they would have gotten away from a lizard :3
Monk has similar base adaptations like the other slugcats such as the spring legs and good vision :3 But their nose is incredibly pointy, forcing the teeth into a more rodent like shape which aided in consumption of fruit but not excluding meats. They are also more streamlined than survivor, smaller and with shorter legs; their ball joints in the lower arms are stiffened for strength and their dew claw is similar to that of a cat’s. These factors are all to help improve running speed, and allows for monk to escape into smaller areas more effectively, they are less able to pick and choose fights like survivor but they aren’t incapable of killing.
My version of monk doesn’t have any visible scars to push the fact that they are adapted to opt for escaping rather than fighting :D
I ran out of red ink on the red slugcat, typical, hehe :3 Hunter has adapted for physical strength to improve success when, well, hunting! I had to take note that hunter does fight with spears rather than claws and teeth, so I noted that they wouldn’t be too drastic from the other slug cats, but still a lot stronger. So i gave them a more robust jaw for improved biteforce because fuck that apparently, as well as very ancient canines like that of thyacoleo to emphasise a meat based diet. Furthermore the dew claw is adapted into more of a proto-thumb than the others to aid in object handling, such as spears and debris. I say proto-thumb as it isn’t a fully formed opposable thumb, but more acts as something for the object being throw to lie on, improving accuracy and damage! The tail isn’t as prehensile as hunter’s body doesn’t need to rely on climbing to escape due to improved offensive adaptations. They don’t have whiskers due to their larger size, but have an improved sense of smell to track prey more effectively as they are a solitary predator.
My hunter has the infection around their back area like usual, but also has scars under their chin and the tip of the tail has been bit off from a vulture attack, where as the eye scar i believe came from a scavenger attack in cannon? But i could be wrong. I chose a vulture as they are the apex predator in most regions, and would make more sense them giving hunter the extra scars rather that a more secondary based predator such as lizards (like with survivor). The ears have also been affected, but thats up to you whether you think it’s infection or scaring, I can’t decide :3
Hope you guys like my headcannons, i love making adaptations for things its fun :3 reminds me a little of all tomorrows (but obviously nowhere near that scale lmao)
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pansyfemme · 9 days
ooooh I know you answered the ask about art mediums like an hour ago but I'm so curious about the neocolors... would love to hear your thoughts on them
they’re a really wonderful and underused medium.. they layer really well! they especially work really well on smooth paper, smooth bristol is great and i tried them on yupo once and was extremly impressed. these are some peices i did with neocolors.. the wax is semi transparent and layers very well,you can build it up in light, thin layers or press super hard and it looks great. the bottom spread was just done using the basic 10 color set, so you get a lot out of limited colors! they’re a really awesome medium! i tried the posca wax pastels as well, i like them fine, but in all honestly i think getting a smaller set of neocolors is more bang for your buck than the larger sets of the posca wax pastels, the quality of the neocolors is really high and worth the money.
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understandableparadox · 6 months
Queer Charecters in One Peice.
The queer community lives and dies but those who remain in sight. What constitutes this sight? From top down, it's Activism. Advocating for yourself, those around you and those you will never see. Community, advocating for yourself and those around you. Then there is seeing yourself as something worthy of protecting, worthy of expression.  Worthy to speak in your own defense. That was an exceedingly pretentious opening for a post regarding one piece and its themes but I do believe that it's a good flat layer in which we can build our understanding of the importance of seeing Militant Queer characters. 
To be militant means to be combative and aggressive in support of a political or social cause, often in favor of extreme and confrontational methods. It is often shown to be a negative state of being. Survivors of the rise of JpegTubers angrily waving their stick puppet around yapping yelping and parking because a lesbian was miffed that she was only socially acceptable as a tab on someone's browser may sit this explanation out, please enjoy the cookies, pizza and soda left outside of the seminar hall, don't bitch about them being store brand tho. 
We still see this bastardization of what it means to be militant in shows and movies, Milquetoast hand wringing writers eager to join the laughs at the straw men they crafted with dyed hair and pronouns waved about to pantomime the faux outrage they believe comes with being militant. “Ah yes, those Snowflakes will most certainly care that I'm placing this Sticker on the back of my truck~! Mmmm, their outrage, delightful, tasty, a Special Little treat for a Special Little Man~ WAIT NO, BIG MAN, BIG MAN, BEHOLD THE BALLS ON MY TRUCK, A SIGN THAT MY OWN BALLS ARE JUST AS SWOLLEN AND ENGORGED, A BEACON OF MASCULINITY THAT ANY MEDICAL PRACTITIONER WILL WEEP AT!” What was I talking about…? 
Oh yeah if i ask you to come up with a list of characters that follow this little diddy. A well meaning, white suburbanite, oft well to do who is overly vocale on social issues much to the detriment to their own social circles. Switching the tracks, a young black woman with a protective hairstyle or Big afro. Maybe a green jacket in most weathers.Attends rallies and goes about abusing bullhorns via shouting about black issues, often alienating her from her own friend group or creating discord between them because she may have white friends that are rather Perturbed by her rhetoric.  The second may be played to attempt a positive characterization but it still comes from the same hay bale. 
This character comes from a shift in public perception that the Advocates words must be genial and pleasant if it is to make the mark. That their struggles must be made palatable and consumable to the larger audience if they are to be accepted. Of course this is a larger load of shit then the streets of london prior to the advent of public plumbing. 
Yes this is the Malcom x vs Martin luther bullshit again, a million smarter authors have penned this shit enough time for the squids to beg for a bit reprieve and I promise i'm not going to go over it to much as I have nothing clever to say on it aside from a brief summary of pop cultural digestion and acidic markings. 
Martin Luther is seen as the Soft Figure, the Proper advocate. The one that will go to a place and make a heart warming street and march and hope the police will beat them a little bit softer or hope the towns water pressure isnt as bad (an unforgivable assertion by the by, those marches were massively disruptive, you cant march that many people down a large street and not have it be in some way fucking disrubtive.) This gets turned into someone like Professor X, one who balks at his own power and helps humanity in hopes of appealing to the shared empathy of all. This is contrasted to Malcolm X, the black panther movement, the Threat of violence in service to a social cause. The Scary Other. This is morphed to magneto, the one who demands mutant acceptance now but is revealed to be a mutant supremacist. Song Meet Dance. 
Now what the fuck does all of this have to do with one piece? Simple. It is the story of the Militant Other. 
But do I hear someone say, it's a shounen manga that's filled with gratuitous fighting! Of course we're going to see those labeled as the “other” being militant! Well I must simply retort that you are trespassing, please leave im vary scared, im holding a sword and quivering in place, my fucking teeth are chattering, get out please, you can have a bottle of water on your way out but take no more I beg of thee. 
The story of one piece is about characters that are othered at birth, made others by circumstance and society or choosing to embrace their otherness and becoming militant.  Who shall we look at first? The main character?! Oh you treat me so well, what a delight~!
Now Luffy and his story isn't inherently tied to him being queer but it sets up a very clear arc path for other queer characters that we will see later on in this post. If you are not aware, luffy is almost violently asexual, by violent i mean in that way that if I was an obnoxious power scaler i could easily list it as a power feat. please note the episode when he first met boa hancock, a woman drawn to be sexually attractive with the explicit power of turning people who find her cute or attractive into stone. Luffy gets hit with this and just ignores it. Fuck you it counts and I like it… ok im sorry, i dont know how you reacted to that information, that was so rude of me, im so sorry, please sit down, you can have another water bottle ontop of the courtesy failed robbery water bottle you recived. Please try to remain hydrated. 
Funny aside, Luffy is Himself. He is always Himself. There is no situation in which he can act as anything other than himself in all situations the self that he embodies is indelible. He understands this about himself thus surrounds himself with people that are able to not change the self but help the self become more with the promise of the same happening to those around him. 
He is also astoundingly passionate in what he believes in, he is passionate about the causes of his friends, he is passionate about the causes of people he finds to be good. This passion often shows itself as Extreme, Violent and one may even say Confrontational. Of course some may not consider punching someone directly in the face multiple times as confrontational but apply your better judgment to this matter as you consider it. 
Luffy is a militant activist. When he supports a cause, it's mostly for its ideological aspects. He believes that people should be free in the most basic of terms, they should be free to travel, grow, eat, laugh. Anything that hinders that is a direct insult to Luffy's ongoing system of thought and means you are going to be punched or ignored. 
Lets keep going down the line to see who else fits in this theme, shall we? No? What the fuck man? I gave you two water bottles, and they're like…Good water bottles, they don't even have those squiggly walls, they're like… smooth plastic square bottles. 
Well I'm going with or without you, starting with my beloved Bon clay. We meet bon prior to the start of the alabasta arc, fished out of the water by the straw hat crew in which he gives his express thanks, here we are given a stark humanization. We get to see him eagerly match pace with the energy of the crew, eagerly feeding into their jokes, showing off his powers, laughing with them.  
A side note. Laughing has always been made a huge deal in one piece, whether it's the other characters' starkly unique laughs or most arcs ending off with the crew and cast laughing. It's a show of celebration, that you are in a joyous mood, that you are Happy. I wonder if that's important to any narrative theme… anyways
I think this is all astoundingly important because they show bon clay as a fun weirdo who is in love with the self they have become before they are shown as a part of the villains crew. It establishes that they are more than their narrative born role as a minor antagonist, they are a complex human that is capable of complex thoughts and ideology. Show cased by the end of the arc, the exact moment that i fell in love with them, like really fucking hard. I'm talking about running into senpai, bread in mouth. My hearts going doki doki, doctors are flipping shit trying to label it as heart arrhythmia but oh no it's not you P.H.Dick it's the power of love burning like a goddamn cyclone smashing into a oil refinery, that explosion isn't disrupting the wind flow but it is sucking up those flames like a really well thought out sexual innuendo that your super duper impressed by and think is really funny and want to congratulate me on for making such a cool sexual joke. 
They sacrifices himself in order to allow the straw hats to escape from alabasta. Ending their appearance with a heartfelt farewell to the crew that they have fought with only a day ago, that he was willing to kill on orders a day ago. Leaving them with the words
“One may stray from the path of a man, one may stray from the path of a woman, but we never stray from the path of a human.”
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FUCK THATS A REALLY GOOD LINE, anyways we see him again later in impel down in one of the hell layers, with even the scorching heat and arid air unable to squash his eccentric personality like the god damn wonder they are. Dancing in the depths of hell they soon hear that luffy has broken in and rush lower through the layers to meet up with them, Eager to join up and fight with him. 
Again, we are seeing behavior Vary similar to luffy, that actions which serve their passions are to be taken always. A passion for friendship, loyalty, all of that. The willingness to serve time in a massive human rights violation of a prison…ok thats a little vague, thats most prisons… Anyways we do get to see more of bon clay's belief system as we meet both our next queer character and our next militant character. 
Ivankov. They to me are the true exemplification of all three levels of advocacy in service to a group of peoples existence. At the most basic level, ivankov cannot hide who they are, it's impossible, I mean look at her! He has powers that can increase the size of their face, they wear makeup so thick it can be peeled off, they are Violently of the self. 
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For their community, we have the new kama queendom, she has created a paradise in the depths of super hell jail to protect those around her. Even outside of the jail he has done much of the same by creating the okama queendom, the island outside of government control in which men and women flock in order to be able to express their true selves. Notably, despite ivenkovs ability to turn men into women, many of them do not make use of this power. They are free to express themselves without the expectation of fitting into that role visually. That's the community aspect to me. 
Then we get the more militant activism, ivenkovs role as a member of the revolutionary army. The way he provides an outpost in the middle of the grand line, his funding through his miracle medical work, his willingness to fight for those she will never ever see. 
And there are more, we see other queer characters in the revolutionary army, and they have yet to be shown in any sort of negative light. Their militant activism, their willingness to fight and rally others to fight for a cause is shown to be positive. 
The desire to fight for a cause throughout one piece is shown to be an overall positive cause, all forms of it. Whether it's through the more peaceful methods such as otohime or through violence and confrontation such as Fisher tiger. 
So to reiterate because this is getting hella long, I love One Piece because it allows its queer characters to fight for what they believe in, in any way that they desire. That queer characters are allowed to be weird, they are allowed to be evil, they are ugly, beautiful, powerful, anything and everything! 
Thank you for reading.
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shardbinder · 1 year
Some destiny 2 environment drawings I've done recently. These are both an exercise im doing to help with speed and how to do environment concepts as well as peices for a much larger project I've started on that i hope to share more on soon!
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Free to use for wallpapers with credit!
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yetanothergreyjedi · 1 year
Ghosts of Our Pasts: 9
DP x DC Crossover
Danny Fenton and Damian Wayne Siblings AU
Masterpost Previous Next
Dani: Yo, what's with the massive group chat I just got dropped into?
Dani: I'm assuming you guys have to do with this
Tucker: ....did... did we forget to send you Danny’s new number? 
Dani: he has a NEW one? I just swapped his contact information like 2 weeks ago 
Tucker: it's actually the same number just backwards... present from the Backwards Day Ghost 
Dani: WOW
Tucker: it was miserable 
Dani: I'm sure
Dani: so about the group chat?
Tucker: Danny met his bio-sibling and he had a fraid too, so idk its like fraid inlaws or something? 
Dani: Bio-sibling? Danny's adopted? 
Tucker:Shouldn't you know this?
Dani: Why would I?
Tucker: You're his cousin....
Dani: Oh... I forgot I told you guys that...  
Tucker: ?
Dani: I'm his clone
Tucker: this is gonna be a wild story isn't it
* Dani started a call that lasted 31 minutes *
Jazz: Danny why did you just put me in a group chat with like 25 people in it?
Danny: Sibling groupchat 
Jazz: What? 
Jazz: Danny, I'm going to need a bit more explanation than that. 
Jazz: you didn't get cloned again?
Jazz: Did you???
Jazz: Danny?
* 1 missed call from Jazz *
* 2 missed calls from Jazz *
* 3 missed calls from Jazz *
Jazz: please tell me Danny lost his phone again and isn't in some kind of trouble. 
Tucker: Oh, it's in his bag... he's out rn...
Jazz: out where?
Jazz: I thought this was supposed to be a 'laying low' vacation? 
Sam: that was before he met his brother 
Jazz: his brother? 
Tucker: yeah! Apparently he's related to the Batman!
Jazz: you left him alone with his brother 
Sam: Yeah...?
Jazz: the brother that killed him?
* multiple people are typing *
So yeah, Danny was officially tasting emotions now. He realized as Damian looked him over. The flour-y taste of concern was replaced with a salty-savory pride as he confirmed that, no, Danny hadn't been shot. (Well, he would've been, if he hadn't decided to not be tangible.) Then Bio-dad dropped down, mugger dude gave off another milk-sour wave of fear. Then Bio-dad saw the gun and huh, he didn't think describe how disappointment tasted with human words. But maybe he should be focusing less on what flavors most accurately described his stupid new empath ability and focus more on the situation at hand.
Together Dami and Bio-dad explained the normal process of cuffing criminals in obvious places so the police can find them. It was simple, didn't really require Danny to do anything, so he disassembled the weapon while he listened. Which he probably shouldn't have done, because now he was being asked to hand it over as evidence...
"Uh..." Danny fished the larger pieces back out of his pocket, but their was a lot of little ones, because he might've phased the screws out to take apart the fun little inner bits and he ended up dropping tiny metal parts all over the sidewalk. 
There was a beat of silence, then Damian clicked his tongue with a little "Tt," and Danny flushed. 
"Sorry..." Danny started.
"It's fine," the Bat said. Amusement, it turned out, tasted like raspberries.
Danny, holding a deadly weapon: "is this a fidget toy?"
Somebody told me once that they didn't see any Canon evidence that Sam and Tucker knew Dani was a clone. And like, their lives are so crazy that peice of information falling into a crack, sure. Where did Danny's concerned about vlad cloning people came from. Like they didn't question it, vlad is weird. They could see him doing it... oh... he did do it? That makes more sense than a sudden semi rational fear.
Also Batman has absolutely noticed some weird things about Danny. But he also knows that Danny has "a weird conglomeration" of Lazarus put side effects, and that Danny said "mood" about being in other dimensions. It might be ooc for him to be patient with answers, but he's in my story so he's gotta play by my rules.
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arabriddler · 6 months
just finished Philophobia and I'm so normal about it (lying)
I know I just left you a mile long comment but I had one question about a recent chapter, is Cocktail the bird you drew in that one peice where Oswalds wearing a shirt that says something like "I'm a luxury few can afford"? I know it's a silly question but I'm very curious
that's all thank you! also congrats on finishing Philopobia!
thank you so much !
Also,don’t worry no silly questions here
answering your question, not exactly
warning for terrible drawings of birds.
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The bird he’s holding her is a cockatoo actually. I love them but they’re larger than the one mentioned in Philophobia.
cocktail is very tiny actually.
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little guy! fun fact Oswald styles his hair like them
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perigilpin · 1 year
a little mystery to figure out
Bo-Katan x The Armorer
The royal warrior fallen from grace and the steadfast spiritual leader, ideological opposites with a common goal. It’s the sun and the moon, now perfectly aligned in an eclipse, and no one can look away.
Written for the @swfemmefrenzy prompt Mand’alor
At first it simply reads as a strong showing of solidarity between the two factions. The pair’s mutual respect and partnership is a sign of understanding that all walks of life, all ways to be a Mandalorian, will be honored here on thier home world.
Such it is that when the Mand’alor speaks to the crowd, it is always The Armorer at her right hand. And when the Armorer leads ceremony at the Living Waters, the Mand’alor always stands not far behind her, in support.
Yet it is not just pomp and ceremony that tie the two together. It is no secret that they can often be found side by side by side talking on this or that, in the trenches rebuilding, overseeing the foundlings training, or just sitting by the fire. (At least one observer has even claimed to have seen them walking through the gardens together while talking in hushed tones.)
In short, where one goes the other is sure to follow.
So it’s no shock that the rumor mill is set ablaze. It’s a common ground a both groups have vested interest in, and they trade peices of information like currency.
( “The Mand’alor used to be involved with a Jedi”, a Nite-Owl whispers to a member of the Covert as they haul debris together to clear room for a larger camp.
“We don’t even know The Armorer’s real name. I don’t think anyone does.” he replies.)
Perhaps the first whispers started back on Nevvaro, within the Covert, when then now Mand’alor emerged scandalously bare faced from the humble forge, walking side by side with thier leader. Or maybe it was during the battle for Mandalor, as silver and gold sliced and swung in perfect sync as they led the charge.
It’s quite the tale really.
The royal warrior fallen from grace and the steadfast spiritual leader, ideological opposites with a common goal. It’s the sun and the moon, now perfectly aligned in an eclipse, and no one can look away.
So of course people talk, as they always have, as they always will.
Sparring partners debate as they clash. (“I heard they got secretly married right after the battle for Mandalor.”
Then the adamant reply, “No way. I bet they actually hate each other. It’s gotta be be just for show.”)
Friends whisper to each other in the dining hall.(“Do you think the Manda’lor has seen her face?”)
There is one thing everyone agrees on though, and that is that there is much work to do.
Especially so in the forge. The Mand’alor has been leading parties in to the destroyed imperial base. First as search parties, now to gather the fallen imperial’s pieces of bastardised beskar.
The shiny white armor plates begin to stack up in the back of the forge, and while it means much work, it also means new armor for foundlings and repairs for those damaged in battle.
On this particular day, a curious gaggle of both helmeted and bare faced young Mandalorians watch The Armorer from a distance in the shadows of the cavernous great forge hall. She hammers at the forge, methodically working a large peice of metal until the sound of a small vehicle breaks her from her trance.
It’s the Mand’alor, backing up a speeder full of shining white imperial helmets, chest plates, and miscellaneous pieces.
The helmetless woman jumps straight of out the seat over the side of the speeder, and gestures with a flourish to the bounty. She says something playfully that, even straining, the group can’t quite manage to hear.
What they do hear is a laugh tempered with the lightest static from a voice modulator, that resounds throughout the cavernous chamber. The Armorer then closes the gap between herself and The Mand’alor, gently placing her gloved hands on the other woman’s shoulders before letting them fall, tenderly grazing the length of her arms on the way down.
“Ooo! I told you!” One of the foundlings squeals from the shadows , “They’re definitely in love.”
“They are not” her friend parries, not as quietly as they should have , “Just because YOU are in love with our Manda’lor does not mean everyone else is too.”
“Phstt, shut up! You’re just mad you lost our bet.” She playfully swats at her friend but the beskar on beskar contact sends a high pitched ping throughout the chamber and both Bo-Katan and The Armorer turn thier heads to to look in thier direction.
“Run! Let’s get out of here.”
“You owe me 10 credits!”
“I do not, that didn’t prove anything!”
Their voices carry throughout the chamber as they scurry away, despite their best efforts.
In the distance, on the grand pedestal of the ancient forge, Bo-Katan smiles despite herself focusing her attention back on The Armorer.
“I have to get this speeder back to the landing platform, but after that...” she lifts her hand to play with the ruffled furs on the edge of The Armorer’s cape, “I’m plenty free to prove anything you’d like.”
“Well my tracinya’ika” she replies in the soft voice that Bo-Katan has come to know is just for her, “I might have a few ideas.”
“This is the way.”
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