#latino headcanons yes pls!!!!?
orfeoarte · 1 year
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he's been confessing his love over and over in Spanish thinking Vash didn't know
poor guy
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articalextraordinaire · 11 months
hi guys, sorry for dying lmao. anyways... do you guys want some ninjago ethnic and cultural headcanons??? (theyre almost all east/south/southeast asian btw // srry if u wanted more central/western asian rep.. caucasus dont count theyre too european /hj)
Arin: y'know the fact that there's like a ton of different tribes in papua new guinea? yeah, maybe one of those but i don't wanna be disrespectful so i'll do more research first before fully commiting. other thoughts are timorese or other indigenous groups from/near eastern indonesia.
Sora: look at those cat ears and try to tell me that she is NOT japanese. just- cmon man. plus, imperium is like a futuristic imperial japan or a futuristic version of that time the tokugawa family was in charge and locked down the country.
Lloyd (as well as the entire FSM bloodline): either tibetian or bhutanese. FSM just gives some budhist vibes so yeah. this isnt going to be about religion but religion does kind of affect ethnicity and culture so it does have a very minor role in making these headcanons. nepali works too but nepal is kinda nore hindu so yeah..
Kai and Nya: indomalay. mostly the indo part.. like- cmon, fire and water, indonesia is an archipelago with a shit ton of volcanoes (philippines too but we'll get there, sandali lang muna ;) ) i cant get into specifics cuz im not too well-researched but yeah. also, vibes 👌
Zane: siberian or he's from one of the islands extremely north of japan that japan and russia keep on disputing over. purely because of geography and ✨vibes✨
Cole: mixed black latino-filipino. as a filipino myself i wanted to make someone filipino =). since a lotta people were making cole black, i thought that i might as well make him mixed <3. plus, the philippines is also a former spanish colony so it just makes sense. if you want a more specific country, either colombia or the dominican republic are cool. not very well-researched on the different latin american countries so if anyone wants to tell me the most appropriate country for cole pls let me know 🥰.
Jay: umm, i sorta have a dillema over this. im thinking either korean or he's from somewhere in the gobi desert like mongolia or inner mongolia (its a province in china btw). korean bc the entertainment and beauty industry as well as the student and work culture kinda fit him. but somewhere in the gobi desert is nice bc the desert is where he grew up. maybe he's korean but grew up in a mongolian-chinese environment but yeah, im not too sure about him 🤷‍♀️. im leaning more towards korean but yeah, not sure.
Wyldfyre: i um... this was very hard. first of all, she's not gonna be asian since i couldn't find a good enough area in asia and well, im pretty sure she's not from ninjago so she doesn't have to be asian. so, i got maori in northern new zealand but 1. i know nothing about the maori people 2. it might be disrespectful to portray them like that. and 3. er, the geography is kinda off. where she grew up looks very desert-y and volcanic. i think a more suitable reigon is in south america towards the coast like peru or chile but um i know even less about the those reigions than new zealand. plus, it has the same first 2 problems i listed earlier. (yes im ignoring her clothes for these headcanons srry guys my brain loves topography too much) TLDR; idk man shes too hard to sort out lol. it adds more to her mystery and chaotic energy anyway so yeah.
if u know more abt latin american countries, pls give me pointers so that i can have more accurate headcanons for cole and wyldfyre. i can do my own research for kai, nya, and arin but any help with that is also very much appreciated 👍. peace ✌️
(this is what happens when u become a geography nerd... im not at my full potential yet bc my latin american knowledge and all of africa knowledge sucks. but yeah. bye fr this timeee)
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franciskirkland · 8 months
omg yes 👎✒️🔥💛🪞
aaaaa tysm 💖💖💖 not sure if u got it but i sent you one as well!
👎 worst character design: hima did seychelles so dirty (*cough cough* colorism) and i will never not be mad about that. like... girl is an AFRICAN NATION. let her be black. also scotland's canon design is wack. he is a burly redhead. to me.
✒️ hc that contradicts canon: uhhh heck. i'm sure several of them do. in human AUs i like to play around with heights because i definitely do not have a size kink.
also apparently it's a canon fact that america doesn't drink but i think he'd be a total beer guy but not pretentious craft beer. like. bud light.
🔥 hot take: ok i post a lot of takes about the FACE characters so here's something different. germany is kind of an overrated character i don't dislike him i just don't see the appeal ok ludwig stans pls don't come at me
romano isn't a whiny uwu baby i think he exudes toxic masculinity actually. iconic. love to hate it.
💛 a friendship that should exist but doesn't: russia and cuba for obvious reasons!!! come on
🪞 appearance headcanon for a fave: again i post so much about england and france i'm gonna diverge here. i'm an albino prussia truther. also i'm feral for a deeply tanned, smooth shaven, fairly muscular america. like himbo twunk football player vibes. CHUBBY CUBA. chubby afro-latino cuba. with dreadlocks. thank you
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o3o-aya · 2 years
can we stop with the lgbtq arguments and some of the slander for Abuela in Encanto??
like pls??
we can have headcanons yes but stop pushing that Luisa is trans, when she isn’t-
like dam we ain’t allowed to have big strong women who like to dress up??
or Isabela?? just because she didn’t want to marry Mariano doesn’t mean she’s a lesbian 
she was her family’s perfect golden child in a LATINO household. she was expected to marry someone as “perfect” as she was.
it’s a movie about generational trauma. not the alphabet mafia.
as someone who is part of the lgbtq community, i would love the representation yes, but that isn’t going to happen just overnight with Disney.
there are other shows and movies you can watch that have lgbtq representation in them.
also, stop acting like Alma was the true villain here. 
she literally saw her husband get macheted to death, she became a single mother to THREE babies, and she had the weight of an entire village on her shoulders.
she didn’t have time to properly grieve her loss or focus on her own trauma of watching her husband get chopped to bits.
i agree that they forgave her to easily but she APOLOGIZED
that’s literally the most that most Latino families will get from the head of the family. most of the time there is no apologize, just gaslighting and gatekeeping.
Alma admitted her wrongs, most Latinos don’t get that apology that they deserve or their trauma is just swept under the rug.
all of this nonsense is coming from white people who literally have nothing to do.
this was made for Latino representation and making everyone aware of generation trauma in Latino households, and that alone.
but hey, maybe a different Disney movie
so please stop, i beg of you.
sincerely, a queer Latinx
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bow-wow-wark-wark · 3 years
26. About your favorite Division - why do you love them?
Dhjdjd jejeje ok so I'm going to do all 3 again bc I like rambling.
I had mentioned matenro a bit before so hopefully this will be short. Well I like how nice they're, lol they all just want a good life and to chill and hang out and have fun, that's sweet. I find the religious motifs super interesting and that weird idea they seem to have with like repenting and owing people a lot of things. Lol is a little unhealthy so I find it super interesting. I like how supportive hifumi and jakurai are of doppo and how encouraging they are with each other. They have a lot of trust and I like how on board hifumi is about murdering doppos boss lol.
I love mtc bc I just love all of them, their personalities are all so funny, I like how their all so like fighty, like even if jyuto and rio seem more tame they're always down for the brawl, they're just really similar while being super different. I like how they just seem to understand each other well, their motivations and the values they carry, they respect that. How good friends they are and how much they value that friendship and each others happiness, they are very willing to take that L for each other. They are so caring and worry for the other so much!!! Even if it's on that subtle off hand way you can very much tell. Their songs are good, they're silly and I like how they're like "oooooh were so tough" I find it super funny, and it's also really cool. Yes you are so tough ooooo. I like how since samatoki and rio are more similar they bring way more trouble to jyuto lol, and I like how despite how much jyuto complains he really loves mtc and sticks with them anyways. Good friends over all.
Bat: they mean so much to me!! I like how strong willed they all are. They're so willing to get over grudges just like matenro lol, and like bettering themselves and being stronger. Also how they're just a tight knit family :) they're the epitome of found family for reals. I like how hitoya is like tsk pesky kids but would do anything for them!! Their songs are all bomb and they have some of the nicest voices in all of hypmic.
27. Drop a headcanon for your favorite Division.
Would anyone mind if I dropped a headcanon for each divi, no? No? Ok, 1st every single hypmic characther is neurodivergent, I'm saying this now so it doesnt get repetitive lol I'm also not specifying bc theres some I'm not that sure about and yeah.
BB: we all know I headcanon BB as Puerto Rican so another one is that they're all nonbinary!! I think it would be hilarious if ichiro was like a huge kuuko stan and bought like merch of him just like how people say other charas would do, like jiro and saburo would own ichiro merch. I'm aware it's not a Puerto Rican food but since BB likes curry so much I think they would like hilachas (rice with tomato sauce, meat and some vegetables) last I think they would all run like a Yahoo answers forum type of thing: ichiro probs about like anime, like giving recks and over all discussion , jiro anime too but he could also do music or football, saburo would go into any forum he has any knowledge of and school people that say shit wrong.
Mtc: they have like a designated person for each task that the others cant do, jyuto drives and rio and samatoki cook. Jyuto tries to get into a cook off with samatoki (just so they can impress rio) and he cooks so badly they get food poisoning. They're all transmasc. Samatoki doesnt like fish.
I dont have any fp headcanos pls dont kill me!! Except they're all nonbinary and use neo pronouns but after that not really lol.... soz
Matenro: jakurai doesnt like fish (something he shares with samatoki), hifumis sister had a raccoon tail haircut and bc doppo probably loved her and looked up to her he also got a raccoon tail haircut. I think I didnt say it when I talked about hifumi headcanos but he's also latino. Jakurai has a photo of hifumi and doppo on his office and some people confuse them for his sons. The real matenro icon is the virgencita plis.
Bat: since both kuuko and jyushi have painted nails I think it would be fun if they also painted hitoyas. I know it makes no sense with canon timeline but I like the idea that kuuko and hitoya somehow kept in contact after the trial thing bc how else would kuuko now about his whole jakurai shtick? Also since they keep in contact (could also be in canon timeline) for Ichiros bday he asks hitoya to buy him an exclusive pokemon card to give it to him. (If it's on canon timeline is their make up gift) jyushi is also in those Yahoo forum things and that's where he meets jiro and they become friends!!
Dotsuhon: sasara is my latino icon!!! Rei is also puerto rican since hes is bbs father and all that, so then when all of dotsuhon go out drinking rei and sasara have this bad tendency of speaking only in spanish to each other and rosho gets very pissed bc he doesnt understand anything. With that and the fact that I said dotsuhon matenro line up would be fun, but hifumi sasara and rei all talk in spanish while jakurai, doppo and rosho sit there like 😶😐🧍🏽‍♂️(I'm sorry for side lining them but this is so funny)The real reason why dotsuhon lost is bc they do a pelea de canchinflines fight to decide the winner and since Rosho has never done that it doesnt go too well. Rei banda song when? Sasara does one of those queres ser mi novio? Mariachi and sign things on roshos. Sasara has comedy skits in Spanish that he does with Rei. (They can actually be a comedic trio now)
28. Do you follow any of the seiyuu outside of HypMic?
No lol.... I do know that some of them voice other charas of stuff I've watched or want to watch but actually follow no, I barely know their names lol 😅
29. Did you pay attention during the livestreams/radio shows? Have you learned anything about (J)hiphop culture?
I've never seen any 😭😭😭 so no not really lmao...
This got super long so here's that
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denkilightning · 4 years
I'd like to hear your 1-C kids headcanons!
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aaa okok thank yall! as i said, i based them all off the canon extras so here they are! (with low quality and horribly colored little screencaps!) class 1-c!! name, (gender, prons, ethnicity/race) quirk + additional notes!
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1.  kai aomidori 
male, he/him
japanese turkish
mood swing: can manipulate people’s emotions with his sweat (or tears or spit, body fluids in general)
he was based off color turquoise
2. momotarou akaki 
female, she/her
peachy nutrients: can alter peoples nutrients/body chemicals and shit (idk im not a stem) if she touches them. the longer she touches them the longer the effect lasts
can you guess how shitty i am at quirks
3. kaihei umigame
male, he/him
sea turtle: the fuck a sea turtle can do
nah seriously its mainly a mutation quirk and idk what sea turtles do i just wanted a fucking sea turtle 
4. akira kawamoto 
nonbinary, he/she/they
dj: can make any sound with the movement of their body
that is the motherfucker i talked about. they just watched hitoshi declaring war on class 1a and took pictures lmao. theyre a motherfucker who gives big denki/toga vibes and theyre great
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5. hogo kabaa 
female, she/her 
japanese -central asian? sth? ‘m not sure-
shield: she can create shield all over her body, can’t do it on others though and without proper training theyre quite small (also very tiring)
definitely a friend of sappho
6. kenkou gouken 
nonbinary, he/they/ze 
health check: can see the state of physical health of any person and what caused the unhealthy state if he touches them
remember akira? yeah these two are dating lmao
7. hitoshi shinsou 
male, he/him
japanese jewish
m’ baby <3 hes the reason i question my romantic orientation lmao
8. rio shinbou 
female, she/her 
philipino japanese
death-glare: can sense how dead someone is by looking at them
i have a feeling shes a lesbian
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9. suijin shimizu 
male, he/him
water lily: has the medical abilities of an american white water lily
one of The Boys(tm) that are pretty basic and like forgetable, every class has ‘em
10. attikusu suugaku 
nonbinary, she/they
japanese greek
can solve any already-solved algebra equation (like, ‘already solved’ in the science world, so they cant just go boom solved the unsolvable)
lmao in that little headshot its hitoshi’s ass dagjkahdkj also i got an e(? is that what its called in english, i mean a 2) on my last math test and i almost cried in class
11. koujou seichou 
nonbinary, they/them
plant growth: can fasten the growth/regeneration of every biological creature but only in places they touch
just a simple witch whos always short on storm water
12. kasshoku chikara 
nonbinary, he/him
half middle eastern japanese
triple up: can triple up the strength of anything they touch, works on humans too (basically amps the physics force)
his name literally means ‘brown’ and ‘power/strength’ so yea. brown power
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13. kirameki  hana 
female, she/her 
sparkles: what is says on the tin lmao
yes everyone calls her sparkles
14. kuriiro hayato 
male he/him 
japanese latino
falcon eyes: basically hatsumes quirk: has a sight of a falcon
can you guess hes the last one ive done
15. miru majimena 
female, she/her
japanese polynesian (cook island)
faux checker: she can tell when something is true or faux or whether someone’s lying by looking at them. she sees an aureola of a certain color around them
she likes keys. and the auerola is based on my sight with glasses on when its lowkey foggy and shit on my way to school. it looks cool af. also shes half polynesian because miru is a polynesian godess so yeah good luck for me with the research
16. hachi murasakiiro 
nonbinary, they/she/he
sideways figure eight: can make any emitter quirk effect last longer with a touch
theyre jirous cousin! and the sideways figure eight is a different name for the infinity sign and their given name means eight so theres that. also eight is a lucky number so thats cute
17. mike mori
nonbinary, they/them
good luck charm: gets vibes whether something will bring good or bad luck, gets the best vibes in nature (forests specifically)
why they get the best vibes in nature? because their family name is forest gimmie a break!
18. ichirou rapisu 
male, he/him
understanding: understands every language written and spoken, cant speak any of them though
his name has absolutely nothing to do with anything. fuck you horikoshi i spent too much time on name websites and other shit like that to even care at this point
sorry if i sound tired or pissed, its cus I Am
anyway pls ask me about them  or like their dynamics with hitoshi and shit
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kamissato · 5 years
Percy Jackson is not Latino
FIRST AND PRINCIPAL: pls don't call me racist or something like that. i'm not racist and i'm latina, so i can talk about this topic freely; i know of what im talking about.
secondly: sorry for my bad english, i'm trying my best.
Okay, let's start.
What is "Latin America"?
Latin America is a term that is referred to the the countries of the american continent in witch the people talks languages derived from latin (spanish, french and portuguese).
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How we called people who lives in Latin America?
We called them LATINOS.
What is a Latino?
Latino is a person who were BORN and RAISED in LATIN AMERICA.
Knowing that, here are some points:
Some people people think that Percy is Latino because he has tan skin; latino is not a skin color!! Latinos can be white too, they're not all poc. Stop that, please.
Also, some people AFFIRM that Sally is latina because she know how to cook well?? And because she know how to do sauces?? Um, she can know that and not be latina. Latino is NOT only speak some words in spanish and know how to cook mexican food!!
Another argument: "Percy lives in Spanish Harlem". ... Yes, so? He can live there, interect with Latino Culture and NOT BE latino, because Percy weren't borned in Latin America guys!!!!!!
you can only be latino if you were born and raised in latin america~
Maybe Percy has latino descendant but he is not latino, at least not until RR confirm that.
It's annoying for a white latino see how people tells you that you're not latino because you're white. It's annoying for a latino see how people call themself latinos when they NEVER suffered what latinos suffer everyday.
If you see Percy latino as a headcanon is okay, if you assume that is Percy latino... Please no.
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herecomesnaya · 6 years
Why do some people headcanon jason as latino?
lemme start out by saying that if a POC wants to hc a white character as another race then that’s fine and dandy and not what I’m talking about here, go have fun making your own representation when canon won’t give you any
I have some Problems with the Latino!Jason headcanons, because the above is often not what I see in fandom. a very unfortunate handful of people seem to make Jason Latino for the same reason they often make Tim Asian: stereotyping. (especially cringeworthy if it’s a white person doing this. pls, fellow whites, I am Begging U, the Good Ally Diversity Brownie Points are not worth it)
Jason is the poor kid from the slums with the abusive parents, so he’s Latino, while Tim is the smart rich kid who’s good with computers, therefore, Asian! even though it’d make far more sense to hc Jason as Asian, seeing as Lady Shiva was a genuine consideration for his parenthood. (I mean, his parents both turned out to be white anyway, so this hc isn’t TOTALLY sensible, but it still makes more sense than “ha ha poor Latino so original and enlightened”)
what bothers me most about it, though, is that this headcanon (like so many other racebending ones, especially done by Look How Not-Racist I Am whites) often comes off as an excuse to push MORE stereotypes on Jason, because he can’t possibly be non-white and still act like he does in canon, right? no, we have to have him make tacos and churros for the Batfam every week. because that’s in-character. (and yes, this is a Real Actual Post I’ve seen with my own two eyes, which immediately took 5 years off my original lifespan)
I have a lot to say about white people racebending in fandom especially, like how it’s a transparent attempt to pretend you’re diverse while still favoring all the pretty (canonically) white boys instead of paying attention to canon POC (Duke Thomas whomst?), and how it lets you ensure your own privileges and biases remain unchecked because “I headcanon the ENTIRE BATFAM as nonwhite, how can I be racist??” like what you do in fandom is the same as making an active effort to unlearn internalized racism and support canonically nonwhite things made by nonwhite creators, buuuuut I’ll leave it at that lmao.
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