bbreaddog · 2 years
If you want the books but can't buy them, @/jatpbook has scans of all of them
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fiddlepickdouglas · 1 year
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You’ve made it onto r/tumblr bestie, how does it feel
How did I miss this?!
Lmaoooooo don't make me Tumblr famous now, we don't want that 😅😅😅
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legolasghosty · 11 months
I blame @latinposeidon for this. This post he made inspired it. I failed in the 'Don't write a ficlet' department. Enjoy!
Hmmmm, which color, Willie wondered, his fingers dancing over the sea of black lids in Julie's drawer. Okay, this probably wasn't what she'd meant when she said he could borrow some of her stuff for the band's gig tonight, but well, Willie had been eyeballing her nail polish collection for like a month now.
What, it was pretty. The little flashes of color always caught their eye in the best way when other people wore it. And without Caleb around to police their wardrobe choices, he could finally give it a try.
Though maybe there was a reason Willie hadn't just asked Julie outright if he could borrow hers. Maybe he was a bit nervous about how it would look. Maybe they couldn't quite shake Caleb's disapproving glares, couldn't always ignore the nightmares of that same expression coming from the faces of Julie or Luke or Reggie...
Willie tried not to think about the dreams where Alex gave him that look.
But those were just dreams and this was real. Willie wanted to do this and they were going to. He just had to pick a color already.
"Everybody decent in-" Julie started, entering the room and cutting herself off at the sight of Willie hunched over her desk. "What's going on in here?" she asked slowly.
Oh geez, this wasn't good. She was going to get mad. Boys weren't supposed to wear nail polish. And they definitely weren't supposed to just take stuff without asking. There went Willie's friendship with the one lifer who could see him-
"Ooo, are we doing nails?" Julie questioned, peering over their shoulder into the drawer. "Perfect, I needed to do something with mine anyways."
Willie just stared at her for a long moment. What? She wasn't upset? Why wasn't she upset? Was she pretending? Why would she-
"Willie, you're spiraling," Julie said softly, touching his arm. "You're doing that same glazed-over thing Reggie does. What's going on?"
Willie shook his head. Right. This was Julie, not Caleb. She'd already let them borrow and tie up her hoodies and oversized band shirts more than once. She hadn't batted an eye when he walked in on Alex braiding their hair. It was fine.
"I just haven't painted my nails before," Willie confessed, voice much softer than he'd intended. "Caleb didn't let us."
Julie bit her lower lip and nodded. Willie didn't talk about Caleb much, so he wasn't surprised that she didn't really know what to do with this information.
"It's fine," he added. "Just got in my head for a second." More than a second, but who was counting? "Well there's no Caleb here now," Julie said after another silent moment. She reached for the drawer, fingers wrapping around one of the bottles. "What color do you want?" Willie was a little startled by their own laughter. "Well that's what I was trying to figure out," they explained, twisting the black ring around their middle finger.
Julie gave him a long, appraising look. "How do you feel about pink?" she asked, after taking in his black shorts and purple and white crop top.
"Isn't pink more Alex's color?" Willie asked slowly. He couldn't stop himself from checking out the options though. That one was almost the same color Alex's cheeks got when Willie kissed them.
"Well yeah, so it'll make him lose his mind," Julie retorted. "Pick a color."
Willie grinned and grabbed a cotton candy bottle of polish.
"Perfect," Julie agreed, choosing a dark purple color of her own. "I'll do you, you do me."
Willie nodded, grinning. They perched on her desk, letting her take the chair. Julie laid out some paper towels in case of any drips and they got to work.
And Alex did lose his mind a bit over the pink on Willie's fingertips. Though he confessed later, when it was just the two of them curled up in the loft of the garage, that it was Willie's grin that got him first. And really, what was Willie supposed to say to that? Alex was just being too cute. All Willie could really do was kiss him at that point, his pink nails tangled in the pink string of Alex's hoodie.
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lyxchen · 1 year
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Okay so Tumblr won't let me see your ask but luckily I took a screenshot so here you go. I finally finished this wip (that is btw inspired by something @latinposeidon once said) and I'm really glad I did <3
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Some floaty willex kiss for you :3
Here's the ask game
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michelangelinden · 1 year
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@latinposeidon said this, I said "bet" (to myself), here we go.
Willex. 800 words. Rated T (for language).
It's—kinda become a thing. Willie pulling Alex in to kiss him by whatever he can grab of him.
At first it had just been his hand, when they were walking and Willie was getting tired, they'd gently tug at his hand, Alex would turn, and Willie would pull a little more to get him to press his lips to theirs.
Then there were obviously times where Alex had been out of reach, for whatever reason, where Willie would reach out a hand until he had been able to grab Alex's sleeve and tug at it like a toddler to get his attention, and then some more for Alex go get what Willie wanted (to be smooched, if that wasn't clear).
One time, when they were getting more comfortable in their relationship and both ultimately bolder, Willie had slipped a finger through Alex's beltloop and twisted him into his arms before pressing their lips together. If Alex wasn't so distracted by Willie kissing him senseless, he'd have melted right into the floor by the action. In the back of his mind he remembers Reggie and Julie giggling somewhere in the background.
Alex's favourite way for Willie to pull him in (until now at least) was when Willie had grabbed a handful of the front of Alex's hoodie the second they reached each other after a great gig. The kiss had been crushing, urgent (incredibly hot, if Alex could say so himself) and he thought about it for weeks. Especially because a few minutes later, when they were talking, nerves calmed a little, Willie had hooked a finger through Alex's necklace and used that to get him closer again (neither worried about breaking the necklace because there wasn't much tugging needed to get Alex to kiss Willie again).
Now there's a new competitor for "favourite way Willie uses to pull Alex in."
It's at band practice. Willie is sitting on the couch, vibing, being their biggest fan, clapping loudly after every song. They're having a small break before focusing on their newest song, and Alex walks over to the couch because he knows Willie has to leave soon to get to something. Willie is already getting up, ready to tell him their goodbyes.
"You really can't stay until the end of practice?" Alex asks with a small pout.
"You'll literally see each other tomorrow," Luke chimes in from somewhere by the piano.
"Shut up!" Alex calls back and suppresses a roll of his eyes.
Willie in front of him giggles and it immediately pulls Alex's attention back to him.
"I'll literally see you again tomorrow," Willie repeats teasingly. Their hands find Alex's waist, slowly sliding down to his hips.
This time Alex does roll his eyes, although very fondly. "God forbid I wanna spend time with my boyfriend."
"Well, the boyfriend is very sorry he has to leave now, but they promise to be back for practice tomorrow." Willie's thumb dips underneath the waistband of Alex's sweats and it's only mildly distracting. (Very mildly.)
"That is acceptable," Alex manages to respond.
"Are you gonna play Long Weekend for me tomorrow?" Willie asks. He's blinking up at Alex like he sometimes does when they're trying to convince him to do something illegal with them. Their hands slide to Alex's front and begin fiddling with the strings of his sweats. Now it's getting really distracting.
"I—I'm sure that can be arranged." Alex swallows. "I'll suggest it."
Willie smiles. "Thanks, baby."
Alex doesn't get to respond anything, just feels the tug at the strings where Willie pulls at them to pull him in. They kiss him, slow and innocently sweet, and before Alex can consider reciprocating, Willie is already pulling back.
"See you tomorrow," he says, ties a bow into the strings, pecks Alex's cheek, and then turns and exits the garage.
Alex stares after them. He feels like he left his brain somewhere around "Long Weekend".
The entire garage is silent around him.
"What did I just witness?" Luke asks.
Alex responds by slowly lowering himself to the ground.
"Gimme—gimme a sec," he announces before he's fully lying down on his back, eyes towards the ceiling.
It takes him too long to fully comprehend what just happened.
Reggie doesn't hesitate to drop down on his stomach next to him, propped up on his elbows, chin in his palms, legs kicking.
"So, how are we feeling about that?" he asks cheekily.
"I need to process this," Alex responds weakly.
Behind his eyes runs the scene he just experienced, Willie's expression, the petname, them pulling at his fucking pants' strings of all things.
"Can we expect this to be done before the end of practice?" Luke pipes up.
"Let the boy suffer," Julie says, "he just got knocked out cold by his own boyfriend."
"Do you wanna plan a revenge attack?" Reggie asks Alex, entirely too invested.
"I don't—I can't—" Alex says uselessly, still not recovered.
That person was gonna be the death of him.
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theladyfae · 2 months
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did not consider i might be booping a little too enthusiastically til i switched to desktop :/
(@latinposeidon why must u stand out)
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missmitchieg · 2 years
God, every time I look at @latinposeidon's blog, I end up getting so annoyed that it wasn't 20 episodes with filler and breathers for character and relationship development purposes and we didn't get a s2 all over again.
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I have discovered the drawback of keeping this as a Jatp blog while posting about anything but Jatp
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@latinposeidon @theladyfae @concerto-roblox @ky-loves-jatp
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miasbraindump · 11 months
People you'd like to know better - tagged by @catastrxblues (ty bestie)
last song: 'coming of age' by Maisie Peters - her album came out last week and this one is currently my fav, the whole album has been on repeat all week came she's this close 🤏🏼 to her first UK #1 album
currently watching: n/a - I honestly don't remember the last show I watched but all of my energy is going into my excitement for the Percy Jackson show on Disney+ cause my sister & were obsessed with them growing up (I still am)
currently reading: The Stolen Heir by Holly Black - I bought this book I January when it first came out (a forbidden planet edition hardback!) but have only just picked it up as my 3rd book of the year. love it so far cause Holly Black's writing is just *chef's kiss*🤌🏼 and Suen is a badass.
current obsession: Finding work in the music industry - I want to go into the live music industry after college & uni so I've been trying to find a part-time job bit also reach out to artists I follow & see if I can help out at their concerts when they're near me it's a success so far. (self promo: check out my concert blog @miashyperfixations)
don't have 9 people to tag so imma just put 3 @speaknowtelevision @latinposeidon @ghostiewriter/@ghostie-hub
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hopeurokays · 2 years
"when you get this say your 5 favorite movies and tag 15 people"
tagged by @myworldisfictional also started a new post cause the other was really long
avengers infinity war
enola holmes
the santa clause
tagging: @peachrollups @avenging-fandoms @ejcaswelll @ginawylie @ginaporterr @portwellbabe @kitsnicket @latinposeidon @rickybown @multiplums @jackharlows @pretty-boy-caswell @amysangel @cramseys @ificouldtakeusback & anyone else that wants to <3
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bbreaddog · 1 year
tagged by @jmrothwell 💕 (thank you!!)
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to,  publish. then, send this ask/tag 10 of your favourite followers  (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶✨
1. Petals On The Moon - Wasia Project
This has been stuck in my head since it came out the few days ago. Olivia’s VOICE AHHHH it’s so smooth and clear and buttery and the amount of control she has over it gives her SO much freedom and flexibility and agility and i could nerd out about her voice for ages LIKE. She is actual vocal goals for me
2. Will They Won’t They - Jeremy Shada
I kinda love his EP more than his album 😬 anyway I LOVE THIS SONG it’s so versatile for ships, but also just generally a really fucking good song
3. Now or Never - Julie and The Phantoms
I don’t religiously listen to jatp as much as I used to, but I regularly rotate songs through the one playlist i made specifically for rotating songs so I don’t get bored of it and abandon it—it’s become my go to playlist for everything now
4. Career Day - The Format
It’s been exactly 10 years since I last listened to this band bc it was attached to bad memories, but now I’ve been rediscovering their music again without feeling like utter shite and it’s SO FREAKING GOOOOOOOOOD
This song feels like driving down the highway with your friends in the backseat, windows down and belting the outro from the top of your lungs… it’s so good it is so freaking good it is such a good time ahhhhhh
5. Telepath - Conan Gray
JUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH……..
I’m tagging @fiddlepickdouglas @universefulloflove @borfbork @roseverdict @olgalenski @latinposeidon @cuddlycryptid @ventus713 @m-eowdy @bottled-star27
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eepybubble · 2 years
for the ask game you rb !! julie and the phantoms (duh) or, if you’ve already gotten that one, wednesday addams !
thank you for sending!! :)
Favorite character: alex mercer Least Favorite character: ehhh trevor or luke ig?? i don't hate them just not my favorite 5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): willex, flarrie, julie x flynn, ruke, luke x alex (past relationship) Character I find most attractive: umm julie alex willie Character I would marry: julie alex willie (if they weren't gay ofc) Character I would be best friends with: alex (i hope) a random thought: jatp aladdin au is floating in my head rn An unpopular opinion: juke is a stereotypical m/f ship where the two main characters get together again, i don't really ship it (it's okay if you're into that tho) My Canon OTP: girl nobody is canon My Non-canon OTP: willex Most Badass Character: julie Most Epic Villain: caleb i suppose Pairing I am not a fan of: juke/nick x julie Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): luke (go see latinposeidons posts on him he explains stuff well) also bobby/trevor maybe? Favourite Friendship: alex and julie or flynn and julie Character I most identify with: alex Character I wish I could be: flynn? she's pretty cool much confidence
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legolasghosty · 2 years
Hi Legolas, I'm about to be annoying and excessive again 💜
3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25 all for JATP
Hiiiii, thanks for the ask!
Okay... *cracks knuckles and does some stretches*... here we go.
3: What inspires you to keep creating fanworks?
Answered here!
4: What are your favorite types of fanworks to make?
The thing I do the most(and am probably the best at) is writing fanfics, mostly one shots and stuff cause I have a short attention span, lol! But I also love drawing when I have the time and ideas for it. It's so fun and occasionally turns out pretty!
6: What has been one of your favorite fandom experiences?
Okay, there's so many, but one thing that has been really special for me is that, pretty soon after I got into reading fics on AO3, I started betaing a long fic for @michelangelinden. It's called Between Chaos and Contentment(and a Little Creativity), and just... getting the chapters early and editing and screaming about them with him and just... the whole thing has been absolutely amazing!!! I love them and that fic so much!!! (everyone should go read it!)
8: Who are three fanwork creators (fic writers, gifmakers, artists, meta writers, etc.) that you love seeing on your dash?
Okay, these are in no particular order. First one has to be @latinposeidon. The headcanons and all the fun stuff he posts is amazing! @wr0temyway0ut is another lovely one that I love seeing around! His SMAUs my beloved!!! Last one I'll put here is @lyxchen! Her art is so pretty!!!! I love it so much!
9: What’s a fanwork that made you laugh?
Answered here! But also I have more so... One of yours that cracks me up every time is When the Moon Hits Your Eye Like a Big Pizza Pie, that's a Werewolf. Luke as a werewolf and just... doing weird stuff! I love it, it(and the whole series) makes me laugh every single time!
10: What’s a fanwork that made you cry?
Answered here!
11: What’s a fanwork that made you squeal?
Oh gosh... so many... Here's a good one! I'm Feeling Like I Missed You All This Time by Puddlesandparkinglots! Adorable Willex meeting and getting to know each other and getting together fic! I go back to this one when I need a pick-me-up <3
15: What three fanworks are you the proudest of making?
Answered here!
16: Are there fanworks in JatP that you’ve revisited multiple times?
Yes. Tons. I have a whole list in my head of Willex cuddle fics I go read when I'm feeling depresso. I am a chronic rewatcher/reader/listener. Everything I recommend in here or any other ask is probably something I've read at least three times. Well here's one from the list... Just Let Me Adore You by @julies-butterflies! So cute and soft, I love them so much!
18: What fanwork of yours would you like more fans to check out?
Oh. Um. Well, I don't think anyone should have to read any of my stuff, cause I don't think it's very good. I guess if I have to send you to any of mine, it would probably be You Are My Getaway. It's a cute little Willex fic that I wrote for Michelangelinden(tagged above on a previous question), and I think it turned out pretty cute!
19: What fanwork by someone else would you like more fans to check out?
Answered here! But also I have more so... Petals Under the Edges of my Skin by QueenoftheQuill. I just adore this fic so much and everyone should read it, even if you don't ship Julie and Bobby. It's just fricking gorgeous!
21: What is a recent fic you read for JatP that you enjoyed?
Geez, again with the hard questions? So many good ones! Just going through my AO3 history to the most recent one, We Can Lay Low by @curvesomesunsets. So cute!!!
22: Tag someone who brings great vibes to the JatP fandom!
Uhhh, all y'all? Wait, that's too many people... who haven't I tagged yet on here? @molinapattersons and @fandomscraziness22 both bring the lovely angst vibes that I could never have, so I deeply appreciate them both! I could go on for hours about their fics... and about other people here in the fandom! It's a good time here!
25: What unique thing do you think you bring to the JatP fandom?
... Am I allowed to say absolutely nothing? Like, I don't really... add much. I mostly enjoy everyone else's amazingness, rather than put in the stress and effort to put out my own stuff. I guess I'm a decent beta reader, so I help make other people's stuff better?
Whew, okay, that was a lot. Thank you so much for the ask, these were so fun!!!! Also, I'm so sorry to all the random people I tagged in here. Not trying to bother you, I promise! Just telling the humans how amazing you all are! Y'all are cool and deserve all the kudos and comments and screaming!
Send me some numbers from this list and I'll answer the questions!
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lyxchen · 2 years
Thank you SO Much @latinposeidon for making me notice the Alex and Reggie harmonies at the end of Edge of Great because now I can't unhear them and it's honestly the best thing that could have ever happened to me!!
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michelangelinden · 1 year
You beautiful criminal (if you could even consider art a crime)
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Beloved grafftiti fic.
This was inspired by @latinposeidon's post about Willie doing graffiti!
Thanks @legolasghosty for beta reading, beloved <33
Check out the art at the end of the fic or come back tomorrow to see it here 👀
AO3 link and taglist in the reblog
Willex. 13.5k words. rated T (for swearing)
Harold Mercer, Assistant Manager, waves Alex off and grabs the water he holds out for him.
“You’ve seen the wall outside right? The—graffiti, or whatever they call it?”
“Uh, yes, I have.” Alex doesn’t mention that he stared at it for three whole minutes, entirely too long.
“Do me a favor and clean it up.”
Yep, there it is.
“Sure, Dad.”
Harold Mercer, Assistant Manager, raises an eyebrow at his assistant. Alex suppresses a sigh.
“I will, Mr. Mercer.”
the one where Alex works a summer job at his dad's company and some person keeps spraying graffiti to the outer wall that he has to clean up (and then there's also the hot barista down the road who he has to worry about)
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theladyfae · 11 months
!! beestea meetup today was so fucking unreal @latinposeidon @thegirlfulloffandoms ily 🥹 <3
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