#lauronk answers
lauronk · 1 month
I really liked your fic reccs. Do you have any “Ellie on her period”’faves?
hi! sorry for the delayed answer, it took me a bit to dig through my bookmarks! here's the ones i've enjoyed:
the road to healing, paved in blood by @boopernatural
patron saints by @marceltheshellwithflipflopson
cramps and closets by @penandinkprincess (and shifting paradigms, also by pen, has a brief part about ellie getting her period)
not to self-promote here but my own back and forth, up and down also has a brief bit of ellie getting her period. it is only a short part out of the whole story though, so it may not be what you're looking for
these are the ones i have, that i've read and enjoyed myself, but i know there's plenty of others out there! if anyone else has recs they'd like to add, please let me know and i'll happily update the post!
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bumblepony · 14 days
rules: answer + tag 9 people you want to get know better and/or catch up with!
Thank you for the tag @sixhours for the tag!
Favorite color: Purple, deep purples.
Last song: Billie Eilish, "Lunch". All I can say is Yum!
Currently reading: I'm rereading You Only Live Twice by @hypnotisedfireflies
Currently watching: "Anne with an E" on Netflix.
Currently craving: Nothing really, just enjoying the quiet.
Coffee or tea: I am a tea girl until the world ends.
Tagging (if you haven't had a chance to participate yet, no pressure!):
@march-flowerr @ameerawrites @oliviassunrise @lauronk @dancingonmoonbeams @ayeleye
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22thumbs · 7 days
rules: answer + tag 9 people you want to get know better and/or catch up with!
Thanks for tagging me, @beerandyarn!!
Favorite color: Dark grey. I love that it's neutral but can be dramatic. Grey can go with any color to make that color pop. Favorite combination, grey with red
Last song: Deutschland by Rammstein. It's one of those songs that I have on endless repeat.
Currently reading: A bunch of Joel and Din fanfiction. Book, I'm currenly making my way through- A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara
Currently watching: Not watching anything currently but I did just finish watching Fallout.
Currently craving: Dark chocolate mousse cake
Coffee or tea: This is a tough one. It's hard to decide. I love chai flavored tea so I'll go with tea but I do like a cup of coffee with flavored creamer in the morning.
Tagging: @mihstar, @beefrobeefcal, @wreckedtodeathandback, @lauronk, @blueeyesatnight, @cowboyatlarge, @din-jarring, Also anyone else who'd love to be tagged.
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becomethesun · 18 days
Fanfic Work In Progress Guessing Game
Send me a word, if it’s in my WIP document I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in.
Thanks for the tags @ameerawrites and @bumblepony!!
Tagging @marceltheshellwithflipflopson @toointojoelmiller @march-flowerr @chronicallyonlinewriter @lauronk and anyone else who wants to play!
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microsofttothemax · 3 months
tagged by @clickergossip for top five tv shows!! you can be surprised at my answers lol most of them are cartoons
rise of the tmnt: you can pry this show from my cold dead hands. i love these boys so much and you can fight me on that. the show is v funny (even tho its a kids show technically JANSNSJSJ) and overall the characters are so shape and well animated. esp leo, his design kills i love it
stranger things: okay the show kinda bombed for s4 for me but i still love it. the characters are so complex and real and their CHARACTER DEVELOPMENTS??? LOVE THEM. also love ronancy v much im currently pushing them together like barbie dolls. lumax is adorable, mike kinda sucks, and hopper is so dad-shaped
the owl house: longtime followers of mine know this one was gonna show up 💀💀 i LOVE this show so much and was v emotional and meaningful to me. i kinda found it when i was questioning my identity and this show somewhat helped me find it?? idk its weird but anyways. hunter is lowkey ftm coded, lumity is so cute and well-developed (and raeda ofc) and i absolutely love willow and lilith. overall a great show and im hugging it close to my chest rn
arcane: okay yes i love caitvi v much but i mainly only watch it to enjoy vander parenting his kids for the first 3 episodes. this show was awesome and i love it dearly. spiderverse-style animation, the fighting and combat in this is SICK and so pleasing to look at. definitely one of my fav shows and im already ecstatic for the 2nd season
gravity falls: im rewatching it rn 💀 but anyway i love it and all its silly stuff. love dipper and mabel, true sibling core, and i still vibe to that intro bc it goes HARD!!!
i think you’ll find that im a big animation guy now!! WHOOPS
tags (bc i forgot WHOOPS)
@lauronk, @bearrycool, @jinxedgods, @st4rgems, and anyone else previously tagged or whoever wants to join!!
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lauronk · 6 days
Hi I need you to know that your bad things happen bingo 'knife to the throat' fic absolutely wrecked me!!
It was such a perfect like canon divergence and was written so vividly that I felt like I could imagine everything as it happened
I really hope one day there's a follow up to how things change and then Tommy and Maria seeing what happens, but if you don't plan to, do you have any headcanons or ideas about how things would change?
Thanks again for giving me the perfect fic to read over the weekend!!
first of all thank you so much this is so unbelievably kind
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second, i am kind of toying with writing a follow up? because honestly this is one that i could have written another 10k on and i made myself stop where i did. but if i do it'll be a minute because i have [pause for counting] three other things i'm actively working on rn
BUT i will share some follow-up ideas/headcanons under the cut (mainly in case anyone wants it to remain a surprise if i ever get around to it)
they wait out the winter in jackson, so they miss the entirety of silver lake (i haven't figured it out yet, but i still want david to die because [kim kardashian voice] it's what he deserves)
during the months they spend in jackson they have some nice sort of chill time, both of them getting a sense of normalcy
joel still kind of freaks out about tommy having a baby but it's not quite as bad bc he's also not in the headspace of forcing ellie to go with tommy, her being abducted has already sort of pushed him into the well i guess i have a kid now sort of mindset
but he is still fully struggling with the i'm too old too slow can't protect her gonna get her killed sort of feelings that have only been amplified by her getting abducted and him not being able to stop it
would love for joel and maria to have a good heart to heart because i will always support the j&m besties agenda, i love maria so much
when the weather clears they leave for the university and of course find nothing there
possibly? find remnants? of silver lake? but most everyone has died? idk on this part yet but there's no joel getting stabbed and ellie getting locked in a cage
continue on to salt lake city, get there and find it abandoned because marlene et al have since given ellie (and joel and tess by extension) up for dead and think their attempt at a cure is over
because they left as opposed to being killed, there's not much left behind in terms of their plans or anything, and j&e can't find indication of where they've gone or anything (oh no how sad 😐)
takes some doing but joel convinces ellie that they need to go back to jackson, promises to keep an ear out for any potential leads in the future for a cure
ellie of course has Feelings about not being able to save the world, joel does his best to help her through them
they go home
golf averted
the end
so, more or less, another massive fucking section lmao honestly i didn't realize how much i had in my head for it until i started typing it all out here haha
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lauronk · 3 months
Fanfiction specialty: making us love Ellie and Joel in every universe.
stahp 🙈 i wish i had another alterations-verse snip to share, since i do have like 3-4 more ideas for non-canon joel and ellie
but since i don't i hope you'll accept this slightly-off-from-canon snip with no context, from a work that'll probably see the light of day sometime after bthb is done 😅
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lauronk · 18 days
For the wip guessing game: nap
okay so i don’t have “nap” so feel free to send me another! but i have a few snaps so if that’s acceptable i’ll use that (and you can still send me another)
“Stop!” Joel snaps, leaning forward even as it makes more blood spill down his neck, hot and tacky. “Leave her alone!”
the game
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lauronk · 1 day
Oooh I’m so interested in comatose
comatose is the next one on my bthb card that i’m working on! got a really good prompt from an anon, so it’s in the beginning stages now! here’s a snip:
“You know you can talk to me about anything,” he tries one more time, watching her go with apprehension. “Whatever’s buggin’ you, even if it’s me. Especially if it’s me.”
Ellie stops moving, head tilting. This time, the smile reaches her eyes. “I know that.”
There’s not really anything else he can say - he can’t force her to talk to him, can’t pry open her head and see what’s going through it. So Joel just has to nod in response. “Alright. Night then, baby. I’ll be up in a bit.”
Ellie turns and retreats up the stairs. “Night Joel. Don’t stay up past your bedtime, old man.”
Joel just snorts, watching her take the stairs two at a time in her socked feet, listening for the sound of her bedroom door closing. “Little shit,” he murmurs affectionately.
the game
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lauronk · 6 days
Hello! Sorry if you've answered this before
Is there any chance of a Joel/Tess future in bus fic?
hi! thank you so much for the ask!
currently, no. mainly because joel and ellie have moved out to wyoming and she’s still in boston, and tess in the modern world (at least my version of her here) doesn’t strike me as the type to uproot her life and move across the country for a man she broke up with because he was a shitty partner, even if he’s seemingly got it together now. but i do plan for her to make at least one more appearance in turn the page for some closure there, and she gets to meet ellie 😉
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lauronk · 3 months
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best? [two-birds note: you do not have to say who'd write it best because we all know you'd be the one to write it best]
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
cracks knuckles alright let's heckin' go
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
this one is really hard tbh - all the plots i can think of are either ones i am writing or ones that you and other friends have written. and the list of who would write it best is like a mile long and DOES NOT include me
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
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54 words of busfic for you my love
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
i'm gonna cheat and i'm gonna link TWO and you can't stop me.
🪼 - i have this absolute masterpiece from my friend rocky (@stillboldlygoing) based on my "joel and ellie see the moonlight jellies from stardew valley" fic. it's amazing, it's perfect, it's stupendous, it - i could go on forever.
🚌 - and then i have this other absolute masterpiece from my homie @mote-of-star-dust who perfectly captured one of my favorite moments out of bus fic. it's so perfect, it's exactly what was in my head when i wrote it, i am still not over the fact that not one but TWO people liked my stories enough to make art from them 😭
writer truth or dare asks
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lauronk · 1 month
Separated Before Jackson!
i'm so excited to be working on this one ngl. no idea how long it's gonna be, so no idea when i'll start posting (i wanna make sure to give myself a couple chapters wiggle room). but here's another snip!
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the wip list
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lauronk · 3 months
Top five joel daddy moments
oh heck 😭 okay
1. joel when sarah gives him the watch
2. joel teaching ellie to shoot
3. literally every moment that he’s trying to reassure Sarah when they’re running for their lives
4. “it wasn’t time that did it”
5. joel murdering a whole hospital
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lauronk · 1 month
2 for the wip game? Sounds good haha
2. ellie gets in a fight i haven't started on this one yet other than an outline, but it's essentially joel getting pulled to the school in jackson because ellie punched a kid. turns out the kid had been snapping her bra strap and then he smacked her on the ass and ellie hauled off and punched him (deservedly so) so now she's in trouble
and girl dad joel who we all love pretty much looks at the person in charge of the school and is like the fuck do you mean SHE'S in trouble
nothing super big or crazy in terms of plot, i just wanna write joel being overprotective
the wip list
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lauronk · 1 month
joel owns a bar!!!!
ahh yes one of my many other alterations-verse ideas (sidebar, thanks to whoever it was that sent me the AU idea list, i will literally never run out of them now)
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the wip list
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lauronk · 3 months
36 & 39!
36. how do you come up with fic titles? what's the one you're most proud of?
i use song lyrics! i have a google doc full of lyrics that have jumped out at me that i'm constantly adding to. when i finish a fic i'll go through and see if one jumps out at me that seems to fit. if not then i'll start searching "song lyrics about [x]" and see what comes up. and most proud of - that's kind of a tough one tbh. it's a toss up between if you never bleed, you're never gonna grow (which is also just my favorite fic i've written) and there's nothing surgery can do (which is just the most on-the-nose title possible for that story lmao)
39. wildest au scenario you have written?
it's not super wild really, but sometimes i still wonder what part of my brain was like PUT THEM ON A BUS, y'know? like of all the alternate meetings, where did my mind pull a bus from?
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