suhali · 6 months
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kalira · 1 year
Have you read calls the storm of fire by Morcai? (https://archiveofourown.org/works/1185800) It's a Valdemar oneshot about how White Foal Pass has become a bit strange after Lavan's final stand.
I have, though I haven't reread it in several years at least; it's excellent and I find the posited everything very much . . . it makes a lot of sense to me; both because of how Lavan died (basically calling a Final Strike, though his Gift wasn't mage gift) and, frankly, how his Gift was on the whole. I really loved it!
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shrimpbat · 10 days
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happy pride month from them and me :3
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onlyshestandsthere · 8 months
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Title: be my mirror (my sword and shield)
Chapter: 21/?
Pairing: Jade Claymore/Kit Tanthalos
Tags: Enemies to Lovers//Bone Reaver Jade Claymore//Kit gets taken instead of Airk//Slow Burn//Hurt/Comfort//PTSD//Psychological Torture//Angst with a Happy Ending
Angry blue eyes glared at Jade from beneath short dark locks that fell into her face. Sharp cheekbones, straight nose, and a strong jaw gave her an imperious air, and despite the fact that she was shorter than Jade – and tied to a tree – she still somehow gave the impression that she was looking down at her. This was even more impressive given the entire left side of her face was one massive bruise, and her eye was swollen almost completely shut.
Or: Bone Reaver Jade is tasked with escorting a prisoner to the Immemorial City for their new ally, the Crone.
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dozydawn · 8 months
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Dominique Lavanant on the set of Désiré (1996) directed by French director Bernard Murat, based on the Sacha Guitry's play by the same title.
Photo by Fabián Cevallos.
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checkoutmybookshelf · 5 months
He's Just a Herald and He's On Fire!
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So, if there is one consistent theme with protagonists in Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar universe, it's that there is a STARTLING number of them who are misfits in their families, misunderstood, and a little anxious and melancholic about the whole thing. You'd think that this would get boring fast, but Lackey manages to mix up the details enough that they don't meld together in my head, and in point of fact, I have actual favorites. One of whom we are talking about today. That's what this post is for. Lan Chitward is one of my favorite herald protagonists. Let's talk Brightly Burning.
Hi, hello, welcome. If this is your first time on my blog, please be warned that this is A SPOILERIFIC ZONE. I will SPOIL THE CRAP OUT OF THIS BOOK. Consider yourself warned.
Y'all, I am a Shakespeare scholar, so if I ever post anything along the lines of "Tragedies suck and I hate them," please send help, I've been kidnapped. Your girl LOVES a good tragedy, and that's really what this book is: An Amazing Tragedy. But that's just the end for Herald Lavan Firestorm and his Companion Kalira.
At the beginning of this book, we meet Lavan "Lan" Chitward, ugly ducking son of a pair of extremely prosperous merchants who feels ignored, misunderstood, and transplanted from the place that made him happiest. Kiddo has zero desire to follow either of his parents into their trades, so when they hit their wits' ends, said parents send Lan to a merchant-run school so Lan can find himself a direction in life that he feels will suit him.
Lan's parents might not be able to empathize or communicate with their son, but they did try to set him up for success. They tried. They get a couple of points for that. Not a lot. But a couple.
Unfortunately for Lan, he gets to discover the downsides of private school firsthand when he is relentlessly and cruelly bullied by older students. Lan's anxiety and very real, rational fear of bodily and social harm get so bad that to save his life, his Firestarting Gift explodes out of his control. By the time the smoke clears, four boys are dead and Lan is being carted up to the palace to explain to Herald Pol what on earth had been happening in his school and how the fire started. Stress from being questioned makes Lan lose control again, but before he can start a second killer fire, Kalira chooses Lan. Handily, Kalira is the daughter of Pol's companion, Satiran, so Pol is aware from the jump that Lan is more than just Kalira's Choice: The two are lifebonded.
Go nuts, Ao3.
However, this is about when the members of the heraldic circle start looking at each other sideways and going, "oh no. Firestarting Gifts usually only pop up when we're going to need them..." So while Lan is getting tutored by Pol, Kalira, his new best friend Tuck, and Pol's daughter Eleanor, Karse is causing trouble at the border--like preparing to invade and burn all the heralds to death trouble. Karse is not your friend, and their sun priests tend to target heralds and healers, and the only thing worse than being killed by Karsite troops is being taken alive to be burned at the stake or--for healers--be forced to use your gift until you burn out and die. So: Bad Situation.
Ultimately, the command decision is made to send Lan to the front. Lan at this point is an emotionally unstable, half-trained at best trainee herald. The poor kid is getting yeeted into a situation he is absolutely unprepared to handle. Before he and Pol even MAKE it to the front, they're attacked by a scout group and Pol is blinded--put a pin in that, we're going to come back to it. So Lan gets to the front already traumatized and somewhat sans his trusted mentor. It's not good.
Ultimately, the title of this book comes back to haunt Lan and Kalira: they burn, too brightly. Kalira takes an arrow in battle to save Lan, and in his grief and rage, Lan unleashes his final strike, taking out the Karsite army, an entire pine forest, and even some of his own soldiers--firestorms are hard to aim. Lan is posthumously raised to full Herald rank, and losing their entire army puts Karse on the shelf. It's the very definition of a pyrrhic victory, however. Lan burned himself out at age sixteen. He was a half-trained child doing his level best, and he was put in a situation that he was objectively unready for. It's heartbreaking, it's tragic...it's WONDERFULLY done.
The entire time you're reading this book and falling in love with Lan and Kalira, you're thinking "they'll be alright, won't they? They have to be alright." But you have enough other beloved characters that you get to know well enough that you also get to mourn with them once Lan and Kalira are gone. You get pulled into this story and you just want to hug Lan and stick him somewhere safe. This is one of my favorite Valdemar books, no question.
This is where I want to just briefly come back to Herald Pol and the attack that costs him his sight. I have no objection about the context in which this occurs. Shit happens in war. It's tragic, it's traumatic, it COMPLETELY SUCKS, but there aren't any red flags in terms of how Pol is disabled. There is also a fairly realistic period in which Pol is trying to adjust to not having sight. He also can see through Satiran's eyes for short periods of time because magic, but since this comes with a cost in energy and magic and doesn't inherently negate the disability, we're still fine. It's an emergency stopgap measure, not a functional cure. So far, so fine.
Unfortunately, there are a couple of things I don't love about how Pol's blinding is handled. The first thing is a bit "your mileage may vary" rather than a genuinely harmful negative representation, but it threw up a faint red flag when I was reading, so I'm talking about it. Traumatic injuries are so described for a reason; people have very very valid feelings and reactions to being suddenly and violently disabled, and part of adjusting is having the time and space to work through those feelings. Now. Pol and Lan are literally in a war zone, they are indispensably important figures, so they can't just be sent home. There also kind of isn't time and space to deal with the emotions in a war zone. All of that is fair enough. It would suck to have to just swallow the feels and keep functioning, and that could even lead to some good narrative tension.
That's not what happens though.
I'll just give you the text from the book for this bit:
Some time during the ride to headquarters, Pol had made up his mind on several points; it had given him relief from the pain to work things logically through in that way. Losing his eyesight was not going to be a tragedy, and if Ilea could not Heal him, then he would simply accept that. The events of the evening only confirmed that belief. He worked through everything as logically as he could during the ride, and during that night and the day and night that followed, in his dreams he was able to employ a technique called directed dreaming to work through things emotionally. It wasn't easy; he exhausted himself all over again, weeping for what he had lost and raging against everyone involved, including himself. But it had to be done, and quickly, and dreams were the best and least harmful place to do so.
I'm not going to say that his experience as a Herald and soldier don't give this some credibility, and I'm not going to say that narrative compression isn't a thing that writers can and do use to get characters from emotional point a to point b, but this stretched my credibility just a skooch and made me go, "They're going to keep him blind, right?"
Reader, they healed him at the end of the book. Can we PLEASE let him live a full herald life while blind??? He was no less effective without his sight than with it, and A LITTLE PHYSICAL DISABILITY REP AMONG THE ACTIVE-DUTY HERALDS WOULD BE LOVELY. Plenty of them live with anxiety, depression, hypervigilance, or other mental health challenges, but heaven forbid a herald have a physical disability.
This is a pattern I'm noticing more and more in books. Soldiers and soldier-adjacent characters can experience mental illness and disability, but not physical. It's that really annoying mind-body split looming large, and I don't have a good solution for this other than letting active duty characters also have physical disabilities, rather than having them be cured, retired, or in roles that never require them to be in the field. And I do get that like...if you are physically disabled, your best bet is not to be in a fight, but that's not how LIFE works. Sometimes the fight comes to you, or your expertise is needed in the field. It happens. LET IT.
Other than my growing frustration with disability rep in military, military-adjacent, and martial-esque organizations in fiction, I love this book to little tiny pieces. It's a beautifully executed tragedy without being self-indulgent or unnecessarily maudlin.
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cklukilutz · 4 months
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Stumbled upon Riko and Savvy's 6 month wedding anniversary party while tuning in to Djay Yams. 💝
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aaliyahunleashed · 4 months
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Happy Valentine's Day Art by @lavanwright via IG.
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quietparanoiac · 1 year
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Vous n'aurez pas l'Alsace et la Lorraine (1977)
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peaceeandcoolestvibes · 2 months
#la vdd que sois unos descarados#el IQ de la gente de aquí es bajo y estas cosas les chocan#pero 🥹 os lo dijimos 🥹#que rico decir ✨ OS LO DIJIMOS ✨#encima si tan inmunizados estáis ¿qué os importa lo que haga el resto?#yo oí de cada argumento más estúpido 😂😂😂#o sea esque no podía ser cierto#las cotas que alcanzó este tema eran embarazosas#en otros países se reían#de echo en Francia se comenta lo preocupante que es la falta de consciencia de la población española#pero por muchos temas eh#no es por nada pero hay que espabilar un poco#el otro día lo hablaba con los de la clínica#en mi facultad fui la única de mi clase que no se puso nada 😂😂😂😂 y en la UPC mas del 75% decía que no entendía la presión y que no tenían#porque ponerse nada sin haber verificado que funciona#MENOS MAL QUE HAY GENTE QUE PIENSA MACHO ADJJQDKAK ME MEO DE LA RISA TÍO#muchos dentistas tampoco se pusieron esa mierda#ahora estas muerto o tienes discapacidad POR ESA V***NA y es tu problema!!! ellos se lavan las manos#tras hacer presión manipular y vender a este pueblo#JUAAAAAAS CHAVAL#vaya gol por toda la escuadra 🥅#por eso hay que ✨ UTILIZAR EL CEREBRO ✨#no se si importa más tu salud o ir a la discoteca#porque mucho descerebrado joven se la puso para irse de fiesta 🥹#que pena macho#cada día mueren como 10 deportistas normalitos#los de elite bien panchos y vivitos y coleando#si ya mueren 10 - cuanta población civil muere diariamente?#💀💀💀💀#perro sanche dijo que hay que VAKUNA VAKUNA Y VAKUNAAA
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suhali · 1 year
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kalira · 1 year
Written for Small Fandom Fest on Dreamwidth!
T; 1k Lavan/Kalira
Kalira would race through any obstacle to be with her Chosen when he needs her . . . and he always needs her - most especially when the dragon of his Gift rages, searing through his nightmares.
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shrimpbat · 28 days
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this took way to long to put out sorry
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onlyshestandsthere · 11 months
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Title: be my mirror (my sword and shield)
Chapter: 13/?
Pairing: Jade Claymore/Kit Tanthalos
Tags: Enemies to Lovers//Bone Reaver Jade Claymore//Kit gets taken instead of Airk//Hurt/Comfort//Slow Burn//Psychological Torture//PTSD//Angst with a Happy Ending
Angry blue eyes glared at Jade from beneath short dark locks that fell into her face. Sharp cheekbones, straight nose, and a strong jaw gave her an imperious air, and despite the fact that she was shorter than Jade – and tied to a tree – she still somehow gave the impression that she was looking down at her. This was even more impressive given the entire left side of her face was one massive bruise, and her eye was swollen almost completely shut.
Or: Bone Reaver Jade is tasked with escorting a prisoner to the Immemorial City for their new ally, the Crone.
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kaoharu · 4 months
let me lock onto your route bitch
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senterya · 5 months
I'm revamping the character page and bc of a sorting function on it I'm just dumping characters in there in order of age and
what do you mean Oxxha is four years old today????
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