#lbr there are a ton of good quotes on this show
frau-kali · 4 months
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 “And this war. Their war. Flint’s war. My war. It will not be bargained away to avoid a fight, to save John Silver’s life, or his men’s, or mine.”
Black Sails Anniversary Week
Day 1 - Favourite Quote: Madi to Woodes Rogers, 4x09
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sweetcircuits · 1 year
hey so out of nowhere i started hyperfixating on this show and i haven’t even actually watched it yet (besides reading a few fics and listening to the theme song, it’s a bop)…and i won’t lie, it’s mainly because of chiro, i find him really cute
is the fandom still alive or have i missed the boat? cuz i was a baby during the show’s original run
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Hi and welcome!! The SRMTHFG fandom is definitely still alive and kicking! We're not as active now as we have been in the past, but there's a TON OF REALLY REALLY FUCKING AWESOME ART/FICS/GIFS/META here!
A couple of blogs I would recommend if you want srmthfg content: @sweetcircuits - gifs, art @srmthfgifs - gifs @srmthg - big blog that reblogs all kind of content @projectaffectivity - art, meta @monkeysmobilize - art @nobodysaidmonkey - meta @tauriatalksmonkeys - fics, meta @yetanothersrmthfg - art @superrobotmonkeyteamramblingsgo - art, meta, fics @formlessmonkeys - art, meta, memes @incorrect-srmthfg-quotes - memes I also recommend looking through the srmthfg and srmthg tags! But if you haven't watched the show yet - there's two pretty big twists in the show and because the show is so old nobody tags for them, so be careful looking through blogs and tags if that's something you mind.
The theme song ABSOLUTELY SLAPS lbr, it's by the same artists that did the theme song for the OG Teen Titans series! AND YES CHIRO!!! Chiro is a beloved blorbo of this fandom, he's also my personal second favorite character (very close second, Otto is my favorite XD) Chiro's adorable and kickass and a huge nerd and he has a very good, pure heart and determination in spades. He deserves all the good things.
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jyndor · 3 years
I’m rewatching the Puppetmaster for ~research~ and ugh.This is such a good episode but I cannot stand the treatment of Hama and also Katara’s special bending ability. And I’m gonna talk about it because I can’t help myself. But I also want to offer a solution maybe something that the writers could have done instead. Granted I’m a white US American so while I am about to talk about imperialism, anti-indigenous racism and racialized misogyny, I am coming from a position of privilege here and ymmv. It’s important that we as fans (especially white fans) acknowledge the things that our favorite stories can do better so that we can make our fandoms safer for everyone.
And btw fans of color have been talking about this so I definitely am going to be quoting some phenomenal bits of critique I have read on here. Also you should follow @shewhotellsstories and @visibilityofcolor for anti-racist fandom commentary.
I am also going to talk about grooming, so just be aware if that is a trigger for you.
I. Hama as a Campfire Horror Story Monster
The episode starts out with the Gaang camping in a creepy forest telling ghost stories to each other. Set to spooky music, Katara tells a story about something that happened to Kya, a friend named Nini (likely) dying in a snowstorm and then haunting her family’s home as a ghost. Immediately after, Toph hears people screaming under the ground - and then Hama finds them and invites them to her inn.
Every so often, Hama says something spooky with the spooky music playing. Katara immediately takes to Hama, but the others (especially Sokka) find her pretty unnerving. Katara says she reminds her of Gran Gran before Sokka starts snooping around and finds a bunch of puppets and a comb from the Southern Water Tribe. It’s the standard horror movie fakeout.
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Every so often we get an artfully placed hint about Hama’s agenda - pulling water out of thin air, showing Katara that “plants - and all living things” are made of water. And oh yeah, she makes herself ice claws. Cool skill, but in the context of the episode, a little more unnerving.
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The “moon monster” that Old Man Ding mentions, the alleged Moon spirit, turns out to be Hama (of course) and the tension builds to a peak as the Gaang rush to save Katara from the “dark puppetmaster” that has imprisoned the villagers.
Meanwhile Hama and Katara stand under the full moon washed in spooky cool lighting with an ominous breeze around them. You see Hama practically transform into a monster in a way sort of reminiscent to a werewolf - her fingers become claw-like, her veins pop out. I don’t think it’s a stretch to say it’s a coincidence that as she reveals her true agenda, she becomes less human in appearance. Which... okay I’ll get to that later.
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While I can’t say that Katara fits the Final Girl trope very well, I do think it’s interesting to note that horror movies often do feature women as heroes who defeat the monster/killer/whatever and usually the Final Girl is used to allow audiences to experience the full horror of the villain, which absolutely is how Katara is used here. Yes, her friends come to help, but she saves everyone in the end (my queen).
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So here’s why that’s bullshit.
Framing Hama as a horror story monster make sense when you don’t think about the Implications of framing the indigenous woman POW living surrounded by people who have benefited from Fire Nation imperialism. It does - it’s a common trope: the reclusive witch who first seems kindly to some lost/wandering children before revealing her true intention - to use them for her own purposes. Yeah, I know they’re playing on Hansel and Gretel. But yeah, I’m gonna call bullshit on that too - drawing on a c*nnabalistic witch for inspiration when you’re writing an indigenous woman character is probably not the way to go.
II. Hama the Puppetmaster* and Groomer
A puppet master is obviously a puppeteer, and Hama has puppets (creepy though they may be). But in terms of the underlying meaning, she’s a chessmaster, an Emperor Palpatine/Dick Cheney kind of master manipulator who works mostly through other people. What most people would consider a psychopath (in layman’s terms). When her friendly mask falls, she is terrifying.
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She is cold, calculating, manipulative as fuck - she isolates Katara almost immediately. Hama uses Katara’s desire to connect with her culture to groom her to become a weapon. It’s actually such a good example of grooming that it has to be purposeful:
Targeting a victim - Hama hears that Katara and Sokka are from the SWT. She also hears Katara tell a story about Kya. To Hama, a waterbender from her own culture is a hell of a target.
Gaining trust - Hama reaches out to Katara in particular, is especially kind to her, gives her individual attention that the others don’t get. She prepares a SWT feast for them and tells the Gaang about her heritage when they go snooping.
Filling a need - so once Hama has given Katara reason to trust her about waterbending, she promises Katara to pass on SWT waterbending heritage that only Hama knows. She fills a unique need of Katara’s.
Isolation - From then on out, we don’t see Katara with the rest of the Gaang until the end of the episode. Hama seems like a normal teacher but she does start to drop little hints, pushing Katara very gently to see how she will react to her real agenda and desensitizing Katara to what would otherwise seem unacceptable coming from someone else who hasn’t established that unique trust. “You’ve got to keep an open mind, Katara.”
So this would be the point at which Hama would make sexual contact but this is metaphorical so that obviously doesn’t happen. What does happen is Hama pushes Katara’s limits. She makes her pretty uncomfortable with the idea of killing the fire lilies for water, but when Hama appeals to their shared history of marginalization she gets over it.
Maintaining control: Hama makes her final move, which is obviously bloodbending, and reveals her true agenda - and when Katara refuses to manipulative living beings’ blood, Hama violates her bodily agency. And not only this, but she pushes Katara into bloodbending when she victimizes the Gaang, fully realizing her control. 
Hama sees it as a victory, and telling Katara breaks down at the end in one of the most emotional scenes in the show. She feels like so many of us have felt at some point: violated, betrayed by someone we trusted. And then they never really deal with that.
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I actually think that’s the point of The Puppetmaster, especially given ATLA being a show for children. I think it’s supposed to be a metaphor for csa.
And... okay.
Undoubtedly it is important to send these messages to kids. And yes, people usually are victimized by those closest to them, by those in their own communities. But not indigenous women. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but according to the National Congress of American Indians, Native American women  and girls are more likely to be sexually assaulted by non-NA men. 57% of cases are perpetrated by white men. Not the people in their communities.
Choosing to tell this story with an indigenous woman POW (who very likely would have been victimized herself lbr) is a choice that I find really aggravating. When writers tell stories with a Point, it is incredibly important for those writers to understand the implications of what they are saying about the characters who they are using to make that point.
Like I’m not saying don’t make that point, or don’t use Katara (who would in real life be at a higher risk of sexual violence than the others) to make it, but why make the perpetrator someone who is statistically unlikely to be Katara’s abuser? I’m not sure I have a good answer to that question. My guess is, like with making Hama animalistic and about as unsympathetic as it gets, the writers just had blinders on about the cultural implications of what they were saying.
Not even considering the whole victimizing-the-“innocents”-of-the-Fire-Nation-town plot, Hama’s not a good person. This is probably because she was driven mad by the need for revenge, which, eurgh okay, but still it’s very apparent that she is not interested in winning over Katara’s support directly or honestly.
* also the antisemitic history of this trope hmm.
III. Hama and The Victims of Genocide Victimizing Oppressors #NotAllFireNation
Okay. So this is the part that I think annoys me the most because it’s so bad. Like, imagine for a minute that you’re a white guy and you’re gonna tell a story about a victim of genocide who is completely divorced from her culture and homeland, and furthermore is an escaped prisoner of war who has radicalized in prison - okay it just hit me, I know what they MIGHT have been going for, like maybe some kind of anti-Gitmo statement? But that didn’t happen. People who were stolen away from Iraq and imprisoned illegally in Guantanamo Bay, and who were released after being detained illegally, haven’t really shown any real radicalization. They’re pissed at the US for victimizing them, but like that seems pretty fair considering so many of them did nothing wrong.
That’s been the US government’s excuse for not releasing innocent people who were detained illegally. The idea that prisoners of war radicalized in Gitmo so they can’t be released because they’ll attack the US is propaganda. I’m not saying it hasn’t happened, but that’s where it comes from.
Considering the time period ATLA was written, considering how much of it was inspired by the US wars of aggression and imperialism, considering how political ATLA is (and why it was so popular during its initial run - during the years that Bush lost a ton of popularity) I think if that’s what they were thinking about, that’s not great.
But for all of Avatar’s good messaging on imperialism and war, it’s still written from a white US American mindset. Well surely I’m not responsible, surely you shouldn’t imprison and abuse me, a random white girl in the States. It’s my government, which I cannot control because of two-party politics or some shit.
So first off, that’s shitty because oppression is often about systems, not individuals. Sure we need to always consider the individual experiences of people who are victimized, but the people who are benefiting from imperialism? Me? Fuck if I care if someone in El Salvador or Iraq or Chile or idk any of the countries we have meddled in, let alone from a marginalized community in the United States, hates white US Americans for what our government has done - and that’s even silly because white US citizens support our government. Like we think the institutions are sound, although sometimes we don’t support the guy in charge. We think the cops are going to help us, even though that isn’t really the case.
Why frame it about what she’s doing to the Fire Nation civilians at all? Why make Hama the villain? I don’t think they wanted her to be unsympathetic, I mean they tell her story and I don’t think anyone would conclude that it doesn’t justify her desire for revenge, but why tell this story through a victim of genocide?
Recently I saw a post by @sunkin-akh where they point out that Hama basically quotes Malcolm X:
I was literally just watching the Hama episode again and I just noticed for the first time that while forcing Katara to bloodbend she says that they must fight back against the Fire Nation (and she used this exact phrase) “by any means necessary”, which is Frantz Fanon’s phrase popularized by Malcolm X during the Civil Rights Movement (iirc). They directly compared Black liberation to Hama’s evil acts and it disgusted me.
The full context:
Hama: The choice [to use bloodbending] is not yours. The power exists. And it’s your duty to use the gifts you’ve been given to win this war. Katara, they tried to wipe us out, our entire culture, your mother.
Katara: I know.
Hama: Then you should understand what I’m talking about. We’re the last waterbenders of the Southern Tribe, we have to fight these people whenever we can, wherever they are, with any means necessary.
I find that so appalling because it is framing resistance, specifically anti-racist resistance, as barbaric and monstrous. And given the way that Hama is portrayed at this point, about as inhuman as anyone in ATLA, that is extra gross.
Finally, after Katara defeats Hama, she is lead away by the authorities in CHAINS.
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So now the FN cops are the good authorities who we’re gonna trust a SWT waterbender with? I mean she’s a villain so we’re probably not supposed to feel bad for her, like yeah sure the FN is usually bad but she’s a criminal so it’s okay that they take a POW back into custody.
No, no, no.
I know I am reading into this far more than the writers intended - but that’s kind of the point of critically engaging with media. Because shockingly writers don’t always question their choices - they are people and have implicit biases just like all of us. When those writers come from a privileged culture that has colonized the culture they are using as “inspiration” for their story, they need to be extra mindful of how they represent those people.
IV: How To Write Hama
Well, I’m not gonna talk over indigenous fans on this one on specifics, and you should read this rewrite by @kispesan​  but my thoughts generally are:
lose the horror framing it’s just not right for this context and this character
don’t frame Malcolm X as a villain because that’s nasty and racist
have Katara learn to use bloodbending in ways that she is comfortable with (and not just like once in one episode where she’s extra vengeful and the hero of the show doesn’t approve of her actions JFC) and don’t make the dark-skinned girl the only character whose special bending skill is dubious (I know she also has healing but still)
bring Hama home
have indigenous people in the writers room
Anyway, I’ve gone on wayyy too long. Let me know if I am speaking out of turn please if you feel that I am. and I’m sure I had other thoughts but if you want to read some other good pieces of Hama meta, I’ve listed some below:
post and another post by @marsreds​
this post and this post by @visibilityofcolor​
this post by @shewhotellsstories​
anyway katara is a queen and should have been allowed to heal, and hama never should have been irredeemable because if you can make iroh redeemable, if the show was going to redeem AZULA, you can make hama redeemable.
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
This isn't a meme thing or anything but I was wondering if you had a top ten favorite characters from books? I actually end up getting a lot of good book recs from reading your blog so I was just curious lol.
LOL I wasn't going to do this ask because I was like ugh I suck at top ten lists because I can never pick just ten. But then I thought about it for like, five whole seconds and realized I DO have ten standout characters in answer to this so its like oh hey, learned something new about myself today! Lmao.
Anyway, in no particular order:
1) Anyanwu - from Wild Seed by Octavia Butler - Can not stress how like fucking...formative Anyanwu's character was for me as an abused kid who first read this when I was like 12. The book heavily deals with the back and forth across centuries between these two immortals, Anyanwu and Doro, as Doro basically tries to control her every which way he can, and Anyanwu just defies him at every turn, and it just....you love to see it. She's a bad-ass and I adore her.
2) Prince Corwin and Merle Corey/Merlin - from Chronicles of Amber by Roger Zelazny - Yes I'm cheating but its me so you should have seen that coming. Another fave series from when I was in middle school, its ten books in total, and the first five are in Corwin's POV and the second five are in the POV of his son Merle/Merlin. So I maintain it counts. And is fine. Shhh, let it go, Elsa said so. ANYWAY, I actually probably like Merle better than his dad, because I mean, lbr, Corwin is a total asshole. But he's MY asshole, y'know? Wait, that came out wrong. Don't quote me there. But you know what I mean. Merle is a lot more level-headed, and quick-witted I think, and I like his supporting cast of relatives who want to kill him and he sometimes want to kill more than his dad's supporting cast of relatives who want to kill him and he always wants to kill, but like. Both are Valid. Also shout out to Fiona and Rinaldo, with a side shout out to Flora, who are probably my next three favorites from the series. Dara would be up there too but she knows what she did.
3) Elric/Corum/Dorian/etc - from the Eternal Champion books by Michael Moorcock - Look I'm already cheating so why not continue on a theme. But basically this counts too, I'm just saying. See Michael Moorcock's big project going all the way back to the 60s was he created a fantasy multiverse of different dimensions where this one Eternal Champion, meant to balance the scales between the Lords of Law and the Lords of Chaos, like, is reborn over and over again in different incarnations but who are all essentially him. So Elric of Melnibone, Dorian Hawkmoon, Corum I can never remember his last name.....they're all essentially the same guy.....but they're all at the same time very very very different, and they have extremely different storylines. But I maintain if you're gonna read one you kinda gotta just read them all, all Pokemon like and such forth, because the real beauty of these books is seeing the familiar traces of the Eternal Champion threaded through each of these incarnations but also contrasting how different they are from each other and like, looking at what makes them so different each time and how much it stems from their environment and situations, etc.
4) Civet - from the Dragons of the Inland Sea series by Laurence Yep - This is a kids' series, like for ages 10-12 kinda, but easily my favorite from when I was a kid. I reread them so many times, and I love pretty much all the characters from Shimmer to Thorn to Monkey, but Civet was always a standout. She's essentially a tragic character and her ending is bittersweet, but like.....she fully knows who she is and what she's about and makes no apologies for that, and she ends on exactly the note she wants to. Like, her story and her characterization was pretty damn dark for such a young-aimed series, but that's part of what drew me to it, it managed to capture the tone it set out to convey but in a completely age-appropriate way, and in an era when most books aimed at kids dumbed down most of their story concepts and themes, this one was refreshing for just being....real. Despite being blatantly fantasy. Also the Boneless King is one of the best villains ever, despite being deliberately over the top a lot of the times....idk what it was about him, but he was just chilling.
5) Jack the Bodiless and Diamond Mask - from the Galactic Milieu series by Julian May - These are linked as well because they're a couple and their stories intertwine so much that there's no real point in separating them y'know? That's my story and I'm sticking to it. But anyway, they're a weird choice for me because Julian May is hit or miss for me overall....I HATE her Saga of the Pliocene Epic, which is technically in the same universe as her Galactic Milieu series, but they have totally different vibes and the latter series doesn't contain any of the elements from the Saga of the Pliocene that I loathe, so it just works. Plus it has Jack and Diamond Mask, and like.....I don't actually know why I love them so much? They're just so different from pretty much any other characters I've ever read. Like, May does a lot of really high concept stuff across the board, but Jack and Diamond Mask are like.....high concept character wise? If that makes sense? Its okay if it doesn't. I'm literally just spitting words out here. Honestly, its hard to say anything specific about them because so much of their characters conceptually just doesn't make sense without knowing the in-universe concepts that led to them even existing, but like. They're weird and off the wall but still astoundingly human for all that and I love them.
6) Naomi Nagata - from the Expanse books by James S. A. Corey - I mean, if you've seen me ramble all the Naomi love in my live-watches of The Expanse TV show, this should be no surprise, but my love for her in the books like, exists manifold. She's great in both, but the books cover so much more content-wise, that her character has so much more room to breathe and be explored in all kinds of directions the TV show never touches on. The funny thing is, I actually prefer the TV characterizations overall....I think the authors of the books are actually pretty shit at characterization a lot of the time, but the basic thread of Naomi's character is consistent and the sheer abundance of story material she has in the books like.....keeps me going back to them even just for her. Her conflict with Marco in the books in particular just has so much more depth than in the show....like, I don't hate the show's version at all, anyone who's seen my posts there knows that lol, and I'm not actually even sure which version I actually like more in terms of that particular storyline.....but I just love that both versions are so different, while still being recognizably the same, y'know? I don't even know. Nobody knows. Its a mystery. Just nod and say yes, shh, its fine.
7) Locke Lamora - from The Lies of Locke Lamora/The Gentleman Bastards series by Scott Lynch. This is an odd one for me, because in one sense Locke is a very contrived archetypal character from an author that doesn't always pull it off as successfully as I feel he thinks he does.....like, what I mean is Locke is inherently that type of character that is SUPPOSED to push buttons and straddle a line between likable and unlikable....and to be fair, that is VERY hard to pull off without at least some of the time falling on the wrong side of that line and alienating at least some readers. But there's something very genuine or sincere feeling about the character underneath all that, which is ironic for a character who is an acknowledged pathological liar and hardly ever tells the truth....like I said, its an odd one for me because I can't actually put my finger on what makes this particular character work for me when so many similar characters just bug the crap out of me.
8) Damien - from Black Sun Rising/The Coldfire trilogy by C. S. Friedman - This one is a whole fucking lie because I don't actually even like Damien that much lmao, but the thing is, I don't have a particular fondness for any of the characters in this series? But I gotta put it on the list anyway because I just love the world in this series so much, and its practically a character in and of itself. Like, so this was a science fantasy series set on a distant planet in the future but otherwise steeped in fantasy archetypes about spirit creatures that only Adepts could see, and like, Fae and life energy and sorcery that had roots in scientific principles but was otherworldly all the same. And that's like.....all literally my jam, and so I can't deny that this series was very formative for me even if its not the best example of those concepts. Its just the one I tend to go back to the most in my mind, like....the world and its characters are very standout and larger than life for me, even if they don't specifically APPEAL to me? They're impactful all the same. Its another odd one. I'm odd. You just kinda gotta roll with it. Its a thing. Its factual.
9) Yeine Darr - from The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N. K. Jemisin - This was a tough one because I love literally everything by Jemisin and all her characters are just so....ooof. They're very very real, even in the most fantastical of settings. I have mad characterization envy every time I read her stuff, but like. Its so good. So really the struggle was picking one character or even two, because I mean, The Fifth Season and its sequels are easily her best known works and have a ton of fantastic characters, and I think her Dreamblood duology is vastly overlooked but in the end I had to go with The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms even if just cuz of nostalgia. Its the first of her works and when I first started reading her and so its just.....anyway, if I was gonna go with that, it had to be Yeine, because she's so central to everything and also just....fantastic. Nahadoth and Sieh are also standout characters who get mentioned a lot in talk of this trilogy, and they're both such big personalities that at times they kinda overshadow Yeine, but Yeine has such a compelling.....undercurrent to her that she never actually gets lost in the shuffle even when surrounded by all these larger than life gods, and just. You love to see it. I do anyway. And its my list so nyah. But also if you're gonna read Jemisin, read everything Jemisin. It just makes sense, y'know? Good for the pores.
10) Cayal and Arkady - from The Immortal Prince/The Tide Lords by Jennifer Fallon - All the other Tide Lords can rot, but Cayal is hilarious in a depressing way. He's a ten thousand year old immortal whose greatest wish is just to die, which is how he meets Arkady who is a historian who just wants to like....know everything he knows once she realizes he actually is the figure of legend he professes to be and is so mad at him for not really giving a shit about all the weight of history he's been present for, but Cayal's just like, umm, I LIVED it so that's why I don't care, I'm allowed to not care, that shit hurt. Did you miss the part where one of the other Tide Lords threw a fucking meteor at me? And Arkady, distinctly unimpressed, is just like....I thought YOU did that, to Jasper. And Cayal's like, no that doesn't sound right. And Arkady's just like, you literally JUST told me that story. And Cayal's like, huh. I must have been lying. I do that sometimes. And Arkady's like, I thought you never lie, that's your whole thing? And Cayal's like, ahah, but what if THAT was a lie too? And Arkady's just like, bitch I hate you so goddamn much, how are you the worst of all the Immortals while still the only one who will actually talk to me and answer my questions. Cayal's like, we may never know.
Anyway, there's my list but like there's a lot more obviously because I'm me, I don't do moderation, its against my religion, but also I have to stop some time and the ask was for ten and those were the ten that popped into my head so they must be the right ones! Probably. Until I change my mind at least.
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laufire · 4 years
In depth fandom ask: the last fandom you joined bc I can't remember it now
Well, I guess the last fandom I’ve properly joined --making a few edits, starting yet-another-WIP etc.-- is Black Sails, so. Plus I want to talk about it a little, spoiler-free, in case you decide to watch it ^-^ (I’ll leave that to the s3 post I need to finish...).
Top 5 favourite characters: Max is my number one, without a doubt, and of the rest of my faves Silver has an edge... but the remaining positions are a tough fight between Flint, Jack, Madi and Miranda, and I honestly can’t choose DD:
Other characters you like: Mr. Scott, Anne, Idelle, the Maroon Queen, Billy, Eme, Abigail... This show has a lot of great characters tbh.
Least favourite characters: I still loathe Peter Ashe with every fiber of my being. Alfred Hamilton is obviously The Worst(TM). And though it hasn’t grown into hate (yet), I don’t like Woodes Rogers one bit ¬¬
Otps: Flint/Miranda, and the combos in Flint/Madi/Silver and Anne/Jack/Max (in no particular order at the moment because I just HAVE TONS OF FEELS ABOUT THEM ALL).
Notps: I don’t have strong NOPE feelings towards anything, but I’m not into Eleanor/Max (which is a dynamic I actually really like BUT that I’m glad it doesn’t return to shippiness LOL); Eleanor/Rogers (I might be indifferent towards Eleanor most of the time but I haaaaaate Rogers for her. RUN GIRL), Flint/Vane (booooooooring).
Favourite friendships: Max & Silver (THE duo I swear), Jack & Max, Flint & Silver, Idelle & Max (I might not have said so before but I guess I like a little conflict LMFAO), Billy & Flint (NOT a friendship, but their relationship absolutely cracks me up I swear. “Who’s Billy?” XDDD).
Favourite family: Madi’s family, which is all I can say without getting spoilery. I just. *lies down on the floor overcome with emotions* xDD
Favourite episodes: the problem with binge-watching (okay, I’ve taken s3 more slowly but) is that they all kinda blur together LOL. Hmm. The season finales are all *chefs kiss* so far (sometimes in a very painful way... I’m looking at you s2. Though the ominous Flint/Silver moments in the s3 were A LOT too); any in which I get to see Max & Silver scheming together ofc. And the first handful of eps in s3 were particularly enjoyable to me because I was drowning in PURE ANGST and Flint & Silver feels xDD (I can’t NOT believe the fandom seems to call one of those “the shark date” asñldfjasdfñl).
Favourite season/book/movie: oof. I honestly can’t pick; s1 is probably the “least” because the others include better moments for some of my secondary faves, and because there’s a plot that’s really hard to watch... BUT it has things on it I adore to pieces too. s1-2 doesn’t have Madi (major drawback xD), and s3 is after one of my faves’ death... but frankly they’re all neck and neck so far.
Favourite quotes: “I am ruined over you” always comes to mind DD: “Liked is just as good as feared”; Max combo with Eleanor about sand (typing that down made me think of Anidala LMFAO. The scene itself is very different though! xD) in the s1 finale; “in another time, in another place, they would call me a queen”; “this ends when I grant them my forgiveness, not the other way around”, Mr. Scott’s “No. Only YOU.”... honestly, this show’s dialogue is just too good(TM), I could just quote it all back xD. And of course, I HAVE to mention “WHO’S BILLY”. It’s the law.
Best musical moment: the score is perfection all around, but given that I never skip the intro just to listen and watch it... yeah, the intro xD
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: well, I *might* have lost it the moment CAPTAIN FLINT COMES OUT TO LONG JOHN SILVER OVER A BONFIRE, IDK XDD
When it really disappointed you: the fact that I won’t get to see a fully fleshed out Mr. Scott-Silver dynamic is MAJORLY disappointing, let me tell you. That Flint’s actor didn’t somehow get his mother (aka Maggie Smith aka Professor McGonagall aka Lady Violet) on the show too ¬¬. LOL.
Saddest moment: character’s deaths of two of the characters listed on “top 5”/“others you like” xD.
Most well done character death: the hanging in 3x09 was well done and served its purpose.
Favourite guest star: for a value of “guest star”... I’m going with Idelle.
Favourite cast member: Jessica Parker Kennedy is the one that I know and love for other projects she’s done.
Character you wish was still alive: THE ONE WE TRAGICALLY LOST IN 2x09.
One thing you hope really happens: I’m cheating because I know there’s some of that in s4, but I want to watch more Flint/Madi interactions pls.
Most shocking twist: well, I wasn’t spoiled for Mr. Scott’s plot in s3 so I was (pleasantly) surprised by that xD
When did you start watching/reading?: a little over two weeks ago; I watched (devoured) s1-s2 and 3x01-3x04 in a few days because I wanted to meet Madi, and then I tragically had to slow down :(((
Best animal/creature: I will always love Treasure Islands’  parrot that Silver named after Flint LMFAO.
Favourite location: Nassau aka Max’s ~domain xD. And Miranda’s house.
Trope you wish they would stop using: noooooone. I love the tropes this show reuses LMFAO. Romantic Betrayals(TM), triumvirates, “good things happen in the dark/away from civilization”, the power of narratives, social climbing and revolt... bring them oooooon.
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: quite a few xD. But one that really stands out to me is the dialogue; both the ~deep and sorrowful type (there were so many quotes where I had to take a break to freak out properly lol), and the humorous ones.
Funniest moments: I know I’m repeating myself, but I recently rewatched the pilot to edit some scenes and I keep remember the WHO’S BILLY one xDD (which I maintain it was Flint trolling him. He could give Abigail a rundown of Billy’s whole life story AND he shamelessly checked him out that one time. Flint knows who Billy is, he’s just an asshole xD). Really, all the scenes between Billy and Flint in that episode are comedic gold lmfao. Billy’s “oh dear I fucked up” expression when he tells Flint the crew has started to think him weak and Flint looks half a second away from murdering him right there, his WTF face at Flint’s antics with the stolen page... Gold, seriously.
Couple you would like to see: I meannnnnn. I would’ve been very happy if the show had decided to go with Flint/Madi/Silver, for one. Bonus if Miranda could’ve been included. Or just explicit Flint/Silver in poly arrangements (THEY ARE IN LOVE, IT’S JUST ~COMPLICATED XD).
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: MAGGIE SMITH DAMMIT.
Favourite outfit: literally everything Max wears in s3. Eleanor’s s1-s2 outfits were things I’d love to wear too. Flint’s ~dramatic coat. Miranda’s collection of supposedly-puritan-but-showing-the-goods dresses xDD (and ofc her London clothes), Jack’s clothes (he’s Nassau’s fashion icon lbr).
Favourite item: the books!! Especially when Flint gave Miranda “La Galatea” as a gift (given that sometimes he reminds me of my OC Latoya, you might understand the freakout I had when he gave the other member of my OTP a book titled like that xDD).
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: no, but I kinda want to. I did have a Treasure Planet computer game I tragically can’t find... it was about collecting money in increasingly difficult scenarios LOL. And I probably have more pirate-y/Treasure Island theme stuff. I had a long pirate phase xD
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: Max’s because I like being on the winning team, thanks xD (though I do ~align more with Flint and Madi’s lbr...).
Most boring plotline: Eleanor and Vane’s ~romance is not at all badly written... but the fact that I find both of them boring kinda ruins the whole thing because I always wish that time went to someone else xD. Also, Blackbeard. Meh.
Most laughably bad moment: n/a.
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: the London flashback where Miranda goes to Flint’s house unannounced to take him to an art gallery, she finds him half-naked and he gets all awkward about it lmao. And then they hook up in the carriage :DDD
Most layered character: we get to explore Flint and Silver the most. Silver’s development in particular is something that never ceases to impress me ngl.
Most one dimensional character: except the one-note characters I wouldn’t really call anyone completely one-dimensional, tbh. Though I do think the fandom attributes more complexity to Thomas than it’s seen in canon? Like, I like what I see; I think he’s functional, he works well, and he adds wonderfully to Flint’s (and Miranda’s) story, but I don’t see him as a full character in his own right. Which is perfectly fine for the narrative so far, but I fear it might fall apart for me at the very end.
Scariest moment: I never know what to say in this... I mean, I guess Flint killing a man with his bare hands in the pilot Like That was scary xD. I understand why Silver freaked out LOL.
Grossest moment: any of Max’s interactions with Vane tbh. Stay away from her ¬¬
Best looking male: Flint has that ruggedly handsome thing going on for him, if you’re into that (and sometimes I do appreciate his ~aesthetics... very sad he shaved his head in s3 though. Like, I get you did it for the Angst, honey, and trust me, I Feel U, but still). I feel like I might be forgetting someone, but seriously, none of the dudes in this show so far do anything for me LOL. I can honestly say I love them for their personalities xDD
Best looking female: I have a weakness for Max, but Miranda, Madi, Anne, the Maroon Queen, Idelle, Eme... all of them are gorgeous in their own way. This show is good for sapphic women’s enjoyment in that sense xDD.
Who you’re crushing on (if any): I could crush on any of the women mentioned above tbh.
Favourite cast moment: I have literally only seen this post about an interview where Flint’s actor says he’s too old to party with The Youth of the cast and just wants to chill on the weekend... with bonus Max and Eleanor’s actress talking about how Vane’s once climbed the side of a building up AND back down. I’m with you, Toby Stephens, you don’t need those shenanigans xDD
Favourite transportation: the Walrus, for sentimental reasons LOL. I liked stolen Spanish warship too.
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): lots of good ones, though I think my fave might be the one of Miranda sitting by the window in London. Or the one of Charles Town burning down, I liked that :))) (I remember thinking “Flint better go full Daenerys on them”. And he did! It was nice xD).
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: n/a, so far.
Best promo: n/a.
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: I liked it from the word go, but the moment that TRULY cemented it for me was in 1x03, with Max making a decision that I... frankly didn’t expect. It made things worse for her in the short-term, the storyline itself was difficult and disturbing to watch and I still have some mixed feelings about it. But what it said about her as a character and how her journey goes after that... I was in awe of her, and of the show.
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karmilleryn · 4 years
For the current situation, and going along with our collective hc of way more of the Foxes being POC than are explicitly identified as such in canon:
(I can’t find them now to link them, but I’m pretty sure I saw a post the other day that said the Foxes would totally kneel during the national anthem, and I def saw one that said something like “Andrew said ACAB” with quotes from the book [like him calling Higgins “Pig Higgins” and saying he didn’t trust the FBI to give Neil back, I think], so this kinda runs along the same lines as those)
Even though Neil doesn’t usually like to think about/embrace his fame and influence, he does like to use it sometimes for good, like when he can set an example for others.
(But not being so outspoken that the Moriyamas would be bothered. Which, idk if that would be the case with this, but let’s just say it’s fine lol.)
And this is one of those times. Especially because this is an issue that directly affects some of his closest friends family. Nobody fucks with his fellow Foxes.
(The originals at least - the ones from his freshman year. The ones after, minus Robin, can fuck right off lol.)
So when the protests start, once Neil gets Andrew on board,
(which probs wouldn’t be too hard for Neil/OOC for Andrew bc if nothing else, Andrew hates cops
and Neil could reason that it would earn Andrew some brownie points with their pro team’s PR [they’d be on the same team by now, right?] by doing what they’d actually want him to for once
[which he has to do every once in a while to not get fired from/kicked off the team... the last time might have been when he created his Twitter account in the first place lol. Neil’s slightly better at following the rules, but only slightly, and only because, again, he has the Moriyamas watching him]
assuming they’re on a good team that actually shows/want them to show support for this rather than staying out of it
and he was probs bribed with some ice cream too, lbr lol)
Neil tweets this [I’m just writing it out since I have no clue how to make social media edits, and putting slashes in the tagging so I don’t actually tag anyone accidentally lol]:
‪@/neiljos10: “I’m challenging the Exy community to join me & @/ajminyard in supporting #BlackLivesMatter by putting on your favorite Black Exy player’s jersey and joining your local protest. (As well as donating if you can and continuing to educate yourself, which we are also doing.) #ExyForBLM‬”
(And makes it a thread with another tweet - he’s getting better at technology! - that tells them not to use the actual hashtag for BLM, just #ExyForBLM, so they don’t clog up the other hashtag and push down tweets with resources, etc. [Although would quote tweeting his tweet still do that since his had it? I don’t know those details of Twitter that well lol.])
Attached is a pic of Neil and Andrew from behind (so you can read the names on their jerseys), standing side by side at a protest, holding protest signs facing toward the camera with different messages of support
Neil is wearing a Boyd jersey (either his old 04 Fox one or his current pro one)
And Neil got Andrew to wear an old Wilds 01 Fox jersey
Dan replies to the tweet with several hearts and these reaction pics of Matt attached:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
And later quote tweets it with a pic of them at a protest, either wearing each other’s jerseys or ones for other Black players they want to support [I couldn’t decide which I liked better... maybe one at the first protest they go to and the other at the next one because you know they’ll keep showing up]
Andrew replies to it simply saying: “Junkie”
Allison quote tweets it with a pic of her at a protest wearing an old Gordon 06 Fox jersey
And a shit ton of fans and players quote tweet and/or fill the hashtag with pics/tweets of them accepting the challenge/following suit/showing support
(coaches, refs, announcers, etc., would probably tweet to show support without the pics since they can’t show favorites by wearing one specific jersey?)
Anyway that’s it idk how to end it also sorry this got way too long lol
(If anyone more talented/skilled than me sees this and happens to want to draw or make edits of these tweets/pics, feel free! Just credit/tag me please!)
((The credit for the idea of using those pics for Matt and knowing that they even existed goes to a post I’ve seen on here that’s a Snapchat edit where Matt (at least I think it was Matt... esp bc the pics are of Reece King, who most people fancast as Matt, myself included lol) finally snaps a pic of Andreil kissing so he posts it, and then at least one if not two (can’t remember which) of those pics above as his reaction, and then a blurry pic of him running away saying something like even if they catch him and he dies, Allison or someone still owes him for winning the Fox bet of being first to get a pic of them. I tried so hard to find that post to link it here (and to get the pic from it to use it), but again, no luck. So I just Googled pics of Reece King crying lol bc I at least knew it was him! And I actually found a series of four (all at separate links bc they were all separate posts that I found under “related” of course lol), so I decided to use them all as a full face journey haha. So here’s where I found them: [x] [x] [x] [x] ))
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jq37 · 5 years
hey hey hey!! have u seen the new bloodkeep episode, and if so..... thoughts?
**spoilers for avanash and double pants the caged elf and the crown**
(I have another ask that I’m going to use to talk about the airship ambush ep)
Rekha on Fantasy Spelling: “J, apostrophe, O, H, Umlaut, N.”/ “An umlaut over the H???”
I love that this episode starts with them arguing politics with an eagle. Brennan takes every opportunity to start talking philosophy.
“Please don’t call it seed.”
I love than no one calls Leiland by his goth name at all. I don’t even remember what it is right now. He’s just Leiland, the giant mess of a Walmart ringwraith.
So the Vingury show up and everyone makes a point to be as unnatural and creepy as possible for the drama of it all instead of acting natural.
Leiland doing a full of Mice and Men on poor Deckland. That’s just what I was thinking before Matt made the reference.
I think Barbarian is such a fun class for a new player. Not a ton of of complications. Just messing people up.
I wonder what would have happened if they had tried to persuade one of the Vingury into making a sacrifice instead of ambushing Deckland.
OK, what did Deckland do to Leiland? Or vice versa?
Efink Skype calls Maggie’s dad who beats the tar out of Zaul’nazh when he finds out he knocked her up without putting a ring on it. “SHOW ME YOUR HANDS.”
Anyway, lbr. This episode is only important for two reasons: Avanash and Double Pants.
Based on the character image, I thought Avanash was going to be a straight Gollum expy but y’all. Y’all.
Sidenote, since the players know this is a LOTR game, I wonder how much meta-gaming they have to stop themselves from doing. Like, “OK, this is this character so I know they can be corrupted.”
“This dude is full crazy.”
“Oh hey.”
“Don’t make this gesture at him.”
“I guess the only query I would raise here is how are you going to keep my bones.”
The comedic brilliance of Avanash truly is the completely even and normal sentences that melt into complete nonsense. 
“Are you them? What?”
This is just going to turn into me quoting everything Avanash said if I don’t rein it in now. 
“What does this lady think she is? A river? HELP.”
Lilith going off on being sensitive about mental health terminology, even though she’s a full evil general of the magic empire trying to genocide like 3 races. 
“WHAT IS CRAZY ABOUT WANTING YOUR BONES?” I want that on a shirt so bad. 
Everyone just breaks down. No one can handle Avanash. Not even DnD vet Matt who has sat through some insanity. In terms of just pure humor, Avanash is Bren’s best NPC ever. 
Markus’s question about the first five things he would do was a really smart move I think. Like, within this craziness, a very smart PC move. 
Not even Brennan can keep a straight face. “I’m gonna be very clear.” He has to stop to crack up. 
Maggie’s go to move is to just promise people shopping trips. 
Good on Brennan for being such a cool DM. Bargaining for spell slots. Giving Jessa advantage on the pants roll to reward the, “She was a design major” improv. I would love to play at his table. 
And then Leiland going off about child sweatshops. Sohkbar, “That’s where you draw the line?”
Lilith started making the “Where do eagles wear their pants” point and at first I was like, “Girl what?” but then, as she went on, I was like, “Hmm, she might be on to something.” Anyway
Jessa coming in CLUTCH. A 19 and a NAT 20. Top of her class! What a wild roll on such a plot irrelevant thing. I love DnD so much. 
 For such a mercenary guy, Markus is kind of nice. Trying to give Leiland a morale boost last ep. Paying Jessa in this ep and offering to give her a commission for his crew, even though she would have done it for free to help her mom most likely. 
The rest of the party is overseeing this very important plot point and Maggie is like, “Shopping episode!”
I was trying to figure out Efink’s name the other day and I didn’t so to find out in this ep that it’s KNIFE BACKWARDS and I didn’t notice murdered me instantly. 
Also, I spent 2 hours trying to reverse that, “What do you have there?/A knife!/No!” gif  for a post after this ep but tumblr wouldn’t let me post it. But I want you to know that I tried. 
Efink and Lilith’s friendship is so funny to me.
“Stop saying mean things about my friend!”
Also, I forgot to mention before, Stalker getting covered in spiders and being like, “AHHHH. Eh, not so bad.”
“I don’t use this word lightly. This guy is a Goober.”
Brennan’s happy DM face right to the camera set me on edge until the reveal. You never wanna see your DM make that face.
Markus and Leiland have a heart to heart. Leiland lightly flirts with Markus. I am here for it. 
Pushing Avanash in the lava was in character but I would have kept him around. There are still 3 non-Leiland Vingury. They could hypothetically made another crown. 
Good on Erika for enlisting Stalker’s tracking skills. These PC’s really make use of the story elements to help them out. 
All of the snapping and hand punching and stuff Brennan does is hypnotizing to me. 
Cut back to Maggie who is still shopping. Wild.
Oh, wait. There’s one more important thing in this episode. Maggie using Power Word: Kill on the torture dude.  Like, not the actual spell, but that’s basically what happened. 
“Cool. Maybe next time that will be the first thing out of your mouth instead of your fucking tight five.”
Truly brutal.
I didn’t know dire bats were a thing before now but I love them.
Olag is back because of course he is. 
“mISTRESS? You asshole!”
“How do you become the villains of the villains?”
Efink being, “Y’all, I can be queen of the good guys and get us all hall passes. We’re good.” She’s selfish but she’s also gonna get everyone out w/ her so there are layers here. 
“You’re a large bird.”/ “You’re a large asshole.”
Efink kills Stalker which is another short sighted move I think but also very in character.
Anyway, they escape on Markus’ ship but are ambushed by his brother’s ship which is the lead in to next ep’s airship battle, which I’ll cover next!
Anyway, very curious about where this story is going to end seeing as we want the PC’s to succeed but a success for them means, like, straight genocide. 
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seoulscenarios · 6 years
College AU! Han Jisung
i may have gotten a little carried away with the linguistics part,,, i studied a linguistics module and poured my own damn feelings into this lmao
-Major: Linguistics with TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)
-Minor: Lyrical Composition,, though he kept pretty quiet about it
-Sports: none,,, he tried joining Hyunjin’s basketball team but he got cut from the team during tryouts for Naruto running across the court which was apparently against the rules
-Clubs: Jisung joined the dance club but gave up after two weeks bc Minho kept making him do all the difficult stuff lmao, is a part of the art club bc he likes to draw, esp characters, and design artwork for 3RACHAs posters/mixtape covers,,,, all the posters you see advertised around campus for the next 3RACHA gig, yeah those were designed by J.One lmao
-So,,, linguistics???
-Jisung honestly couldn’t tell you why he ended up majoring in linguistics when he first got to college bc it’s such a weird niche subject
-9 times out of 10 he ends up having to explain what the hell linguistics is to people bc they have no clue
-It’s the study of language
-So like you’re learning a language??
-No,,, I study how language is formed and used and structured
-……. So no actual language??
-Honestly Jisung is a bit sick of it tbh, like there’s only so many times he can explain what it is before he wants to explode with anger
-So whilst Jisung didn’t know why he chose linguistics at first, he soon realised that he loved learning about syntax, semantics and pragmatics behind language,,,, he just really loved it
-It also helped him when he was writing lyrics and more often than not, he ended up helping Chan and Changbin with their lyrics when they had an awkward phrase or there was no flow in the lyric
-It really did come in handy for the three of them when they were writing songs late at night and Jisung’s linguistic brain took over when he was checking lyrics
-However,,,, as much as he enjoyed linguistics he actually really despised it at the same time
-I mean,,, idk about you but linguistics is really really REALLY hard to learn and get your head around
-Like if you don’t get something, it makes learning and understanding literally everything else so difficult
-Jisung constantly had an IPA chart in his hand trying to learn the symbols for different consonants and vowels when he was trying to study
-Which,, was hardly ever bc linguistics revision made him want to CRY most of the time bc he couldn’t think of anything worse than writing out the correct pronunciation of sentences or annotate sentences with their different particle abbreviations or,,,, the actual worst which was learning the different phonological rules
-So yeah, Jisung was the literal definition of winging it when it came to his linguistic exams having crammed the night before and bouncing off the wall from 4 espresso shots he had just downed
-He wasn’t that stressed about the exam bc,,, well if everyone else finds it difficult they’ll just lower the grade boundary lmao
-Whilst Jisung seemed like a good kid during class,,,, most of the time was not
-Boy has a LOT of energy and spends most of class literally bouncing in his seat or constantly yelling to a friend across the room from him
-He was asked to leave a few times bc of class disruption and Jisung literally did the Naruto run out of class whilst everyone cheered him on bc of how distraught their teacher was at him
-They didn’t hate him, oh no, bc he was a kind hearted kid he just,,,, was a bit too much sometimes esp for a 9am linguistic class where everyone was literally dead on their feet and he was bouncing off the walls, yelling the answers out even if they were wrong
-He was a much appreciated addition to the class though bc otherwise,,, that class would be DEAD and no one would participate so they were just glad Jisung was there so they didn’t have to answer
-And you bet ur ass when he had to a presentation there were tons of anime references and bad slideshow transition bc that’s who Jisung is a person and he thought they were funny,,, tho the look on one of the examiners face made him slightly regret it but his other examiner was crying at the effects so u win some u lose some Jisung thought
-So alongside his linguistics major, he also took a TESOL path bc he learnt how to speak English so he wanted to help others learn how to
-He always tested out his methods on Jeongin bc,,, they lived together and Jisung literally locked him the living room so he could practice his teaching methods on him lmao
-Jeongin always protested and tried to run away to literally anyone’s house but Jisung just caught him in a hug,,,, and Jeongin could never refuse a hug even if it was from one of his most annoying hyungs
-Besides,,, it meant he got free English lessons without having to be taught by a stuffy professor
-Jisung was a very,, enigmatic teacher and the kind of teacher that would never make a class boring
-In fact, many of the students who signed up for English classes tried to request him despite the fact that u know,,, there were quite a few TESOL students who needed the students to teach as well
-But for the 1-1 sessions,,, Jisung was so oversubscribed that they literally had to redistribute the students so Jisung could get some damn rest,,,, I mean he tried to protest saying that it was fine but the professors were like JISUNG NO
-JISUNG YES he yelled, trying to redo his schedule so he could accommodate all the students before one of his classmates literally had to rip his planner out of his hands and another one grabbed his pen so he couldn’t write any of it down
-Poor baby,,, he just wanted to teach
-A lot of his students came out of their 1-1 classes extremely overwhelmed and had gone to his professor to ask if Jisung is always that enthusiastic and that maybe he should calm down on the coffee
-The gag? Jisung doesn’t even drink coffee unless he accidentally pulls an all nighter before an exam
-The professor just shook his head and was like,,, no that’s just Jisung
-O h
-Jisung wasn’t always the most well prepared for his classes though, preferring to have a very lax lesson plan and once he got called to the head of departments office bc apparently teaching the students English using Beyonce lyrics wasn’t appropriate no matter how much they seemed to enjoy it
-Jisung was offended bc,,, did she just insult Queen Bey just now?? He was going to argue but he didn’t want to get ANOTHER warning bc the last time he was called there was bc he showed his students The Bee Movie and one kid on the feedback form just quoted the opening monologue for his response to “what did you learn that helped improve your English skills?”
-Jisung just felt that learning English through academics wasn’t interesting and certainly wasn’t going to make anyone enjoy it or learn much from it so he liked to use a lot of songs and films and tv shows that had helped him learn English all those years ago
-He still went to Chan and Felix’s flat though just to make sure he could still understand English and that he was still able to English bc lbr here,,, English is extremely difficult
-Like even for Jisung, who lived in Malaysia in his childhood and could speak and understand English well, it’s still hard bc it’s not his native language
-Sometimes Chan had to look over his teaching notes and correct all the English on it bc Jisung had made them the night before and was clearly extremely tired bc it was a jumble of Korean and English that shouldn’t even be together and,,,, were those Zico lyrics in the corner???? JISUNG NO
-But yeah, Chan was very helpful towards Jisung bc of all the help Jisung gave to him when they wrote lyrics together so he was extremely willing to help Jisung with his English
-Heck, he even taught Jisung English once a week so Jisung would feel more comfortable speaking English with his students and his professors bc he wasn’t afraid of getting the answer wrong exactly,,, but still at the back of his mind was that lingering feeling of disappointment if he got it extremely wrong and everyone knew that it was wrong
-The English lessons chan gave to him was extremely useful and he felt even more confident when he went to teach bc he knew that Chan’s lessons would pay off
-You, however, were not a linguistics major
-You studied TESOL full time bc you really wanted to be an English teacher
-You used to volunteer at elementary schools whilst you were a high school student, giving out free English lessons to the kids
-Whilst you may not be as crazy as Jisung was when he taught English, you were still extremely charismatic and enthusiastic bc you had so much passion and love for it
-You met Jisung in a rather,,,, unusual fashion
-It was your first day of classes and you were running late bc you had a meeting with your academic advisor which should have only been a few minutes but ended up being way longer,,, you were polite enough to hear her out but honestly u just wanted to blast
-You didn’t want to miss your first TESOL class bc hello,, that was your damn major
-There was still a seat just by the door which you managed to grab before the professor could give you an evil glare for being late to class lmao
-You knew that this would be your spot for the duration of this module bc that’s just how seating arrangements worked,,, u choose one spot and suddenly it’s yours for the rest of the semester/year
-Unfortunately, you couldn’t make that class the next week bc you had doctors appointment during that particular class
-Which, fortunately, for Jisung meant there was one free space when he actually turned up to class that week
-He didn’t mean to not turn up the previous introduction class,, but honestly he kinda gathered he wouldn’t miss anything that he couldn’t find out from the information pack online or by talking to other students lmao
-So when he turned up the week and saw everyone else sat in their respective seats he sighed but spotted a spare one just by the door
-You weren’t there so, without thinking, he just went and sat in it pulling out his notes
-The third week of class comes round, and you arrive to class to see a boy sat in “your” seat and ur fuming bc hello,,,, did he not realise that the seat was already claimed by you
-You stalked up to it and placed your hands on the desk, tapping impatiently
-The boy looked up from his phone and pulled a headphone out, and you could hear a heavy beat with a melodic voice rapping over the top bleed out through the now free headphone
-“I believe you’re sat in my seat”
-The boy just looked at you confused from under his black bangs and beanie
-“But,,, I was sat here last week?”
-“And I was sat here in the first week which makes this MY seat so move it before I drop kick you outta this seat”
-The boy just laughed, before gathering his stuff and placing it on the empty seat next to you,,,, guess that person didn’t want to go to class this week
-(Plot twist: they did turn up albeit 10 minutes late and they realised,,, they lost their seat to Jisung forever and rumour has it the department had to steal a new table for the classroom)
-You just sighed, placing your bag heavily on the table whilst the other boy just sat there, tapping his fingers in time with the music
-Little did you know that this was going to be the beginning of your friendship with Jisung
-As the class started you couldn’t help but be drawn to the boy next to you as he bounced excitedly in his seat whilst your professor spouted some nonsense about how to teach the possessive case as easily as possible
-You couldn’t help but smile as Jisung yelled out nonsense answers to the questions asked by both professor and students, and you full on laughed as Jisung got into a friendly debate with the teacher and the teacher just gave up halfway through
-You caught Jisung’s eye as he sat back down in his seat once the teacher turned his attention elsewhere and he just grinned at you, seeing the smile that was playing around your mouth
-When the two of you were partnered up for a quiz that was going to happen next lesson and the class split off in order to delegate revision
-“I’m Jisung!” the boy, Jisung you now knew, burst out excitedly
-You laughed at his enthusiasm and he smiled at you, before introducing yourself
-“And I’m Y/N, pleasure to meet you Jisung”
-And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the beginning of a beautiful if slightly crazy friendship
-You see, Jisung brought out the loud, childish side in you especially during class whilst you had the ability to mellow him slightly when he got just a little too raucous when challenging a teacher or throwing out answers
-The two of you became extremely close friends, even hanging out with each other at the others flats
-You could be seen playing video games most days instead of studying or having Netflix binges when you should’ve been making lesson plans
-But it was all in good fun, considering you hadn’t failed any classes yet and you had a good social life as well
-Jisung introduced you to his friends and you were essentially one of them now
-Like, you frequently had the boys over in your flat even without Jisung being there
-You came back one day after class with Jisung in tow and found Seungmin and Hyunjin sat outside your door, pouting bc Changbin kicked them out of their apartment bc he “needed space to think for his new track and he couldn’t hear himself think over the sound of a law book being thrown at Hyunjin whilst he was playing overwatch so you NEED TO LEAVE BEFORE I DRAG YOU OUT” to which Hyunjin had replied with “can you even reach my neck?” and Changbin nearly tackled Hyunjin so Seungmin dragged him away before he would be looking for a new flatmate
-You just roll your eyes before unlocking your door and letting them in, knowing they feared the wrath of Changbin lmao
-I mean, they knew where everything was in the flat now so nothing was sacred
-But only Jisung knew where your secret stash of snacks were :’)
-True friendship
-Before you knew it, everyone but Changbin had turned up to your tiny flat for an impromptu movie night
-Chan and Woojin had brought along snacks and drinks, and a very disgruntled Jeongin who just wanted to sleep, whilst Felix and Minho brought more blankets and pillows and set up a pillow fort in front of your TV
-You watch in utter horror as popcorn ends up in every corner of the room before the film had even started bc Hyunjin was retelling his story of nearly being killed by Changbin that afternoon and they all retaliated by throwing popcorn at him
-The boys decided to watch a horror film, and you were less than thrilled
-You didn’t hate them,, you just hated the jump scares and sometimes you had to sleep with the light on just in case
-As you grabbed the drinks bottles from the kitchen, you navigated your way through the pile of boys that had accumulated on your sofa and floor placing the bottles on the floor next to the table
-Frowning, you couldn’t see any free spaces to sit on your sofa and you were slightly annoyed,,,, bc hello it’s your flat AND you sofa u didn’t care that you had guests they were your friends
-As you stood there trying to figure out where to sit, a hand wrapped itself around your wrist and you looked down to see Jisung staring up at you, gesturing to a space next to him
-Knowing there was nowhere else to sit, you begrudgingly sat next to him and Jisung smiled really widely as he felt the heat from your body next to his
-As the film progressed, you found yourself moving closer and closer to Jisung the more jump scares that occurred
-Safe to say, you whimpered quite a lot and at one point you buried you face into Jisung’s chest trying to calm down
-Jisung,,, was pretty concerned with you bc he didn’t know that you were scared of horror films so rather than laughing at you like he would do with the boys,,, he grabbed your hand and rubbed circles onto the back of it soothingly in an attempt to calm you down
-By the end of the film you were basically sat in Jisung’s lap and he had one arm wrapped around your shoulders and his other hand holding yours uwu
-You didn’t realise the film was over until you heard someone, who sounded suspiciously like Seungmin, cough and you practically leapt out of Jisung’s lap
-You didn’t see the smirks Hyunjin and Minho sent Jisung’s way bc you were too embarrassed to admit the fact you were scared and needed Jisung to protect you lmao
-Deciding the night was still young, the boys picked another film and at this point,, you were extremely tired
-The last film had worn you out emotionally and you found yourself drifting off during the second one
-As you did, you shuffled closer to Jisung bc he was warm and soft and you missed the warmth to be quite honest
-As you rested your head on his shoulder, your hand found his and entangled your fingers together before getting comfortable to watch the film
-Jisung was a blushing MESS at your actions tbh,,, like who allowed you to be so cute and play with his heart like this
-The smirks on Hyunjin and Minho’s faces only grew wider as Jisung sent them a panicked look
-You’ll thank us later was what Minho mouthed at him, before turning his attention back to the film that was playing
-Jisung could not find it in him to concentrate on the film, instead choosing to take in your features one by one
-The way your eyelashes rested perfectly on your cheekbones, how your eyebrows would furrow as you shuffled trying to get comfier and the feel on your fingers intertwined with his made his heart rate pick up and left him breathless
-I mean, Jisung had always acknowledged that you were attractive and when you ended up spending more time with him and you got closer,,,, he began to notice everything about you, and whilst sometimes he had trouble recalling what his friends told him sometimes,, he managed to always remember everything you said so clearly
-He gasped,, realising that he had maybe developed a tiny crush on you
-On the opposite side of the room you could see the victory gleaming in Minho and Hyunjin’s eyes
-U see,,, they already knew Jisung had a crush on you and they were just trying to get him to realise it so they could see the two of you happy together bc,,,, boy did they know how much you liked him as well
-Out of all Jisung’s friends, you had grown the closest to Minho and it was to him that you had vented everything about Jisung to,,,, he was just trying to figure out a way to make you realise you had a crush on him too
-Luckily,,, Minho needn’t interfere at all bc after the movie had finished both you and Jisung had fallen asleep and the rest of the boys had left to two you asleep on your apartment floor
-You woke up the next day feeling incredibly warm and extremely uncomfortable
-You rolled over only to encounter an obstacle,,,, cracking an eye open it looked familiar and you realised that your hand was entangled with someone else’s and all of a sudden the images of last night came flooding back into your head
-You clinging onto Jisung, him rubbing soothing circles onto your hand, holding his hand,,,, and then falling asleep
-What you didn’t realise through all this was that Jisung too was waking up
-It wasn’t until you were observing Jisung’s face that you realised his eyes were in fact open and he was staring at you with a soft smile on his face
-Groaning, you reached for a pillow behind you and threw it at him
-Jisung’s laugh echoed loudly in your ears before he launched a pillow at you
-Well,,, it was just a full on pillow fight after that for a good ten minutes until you had all the pillows and Jisung pleaded mercy
-“Fine, I win and you get to make breakfast instead” you conceded, hugging one of the pillows and Jisung begrudgingly agreed, trudging to the kitchen
-10 minutes later, he served you a plate of toast with different toppings and you couldn’t help but laugh bc you forgot how incompetent Jisung was in the kitchen
-As the two of you ate the toast, your eyes kept drifting to Jisung
-His messy hair was almost comical but you found it endearing somehow, and his face was kind of puffy from just having woken up but there was something so intimate about the scene that you kind of wanted to take a photo of how domestic you felt
-As you finished your slice, you took a sip of water admiring Jisung’s features when all of a sudden he made his way over to you
-He leant in and kissed the corner of your lips, before pulling away and smiling at you
-“You had something there”
-Um Y/N.exe has stopped working
-You were literally dying right now,, like wtf
-Why was he being so smooth all of a sudden
-Your brain just went into overdrive and the only logical solution you could think of was pretty damn crazy
-Your head and heart were both in agreement at the solution
-So you just stand up to meet him and grab the collar of his t-shirt and planted a kiss right on his lips
-He was,,, shocked to say the least but goddamn relieved that you reciprocated his feelings
-The two of you pulled apart and sat in silence for a few minutes,,, no one daring to break the silence
-“Soooo,,,, you wanna go on a date?”
-“Sure, let me get dressed and let’s go”
-So your relationship,, is definitely not unexpected and was met with great enthusiasm from the boys bc finally,, you had stopped pining
-We didn’t pine!!!
-Look,,, listening to both of you gushing about the other to me was SICKENING and can therefore be seen as pining good day to you
-You and Jisung was very high energy and mainly bc of Jisung bc he would not ! stop! Talking! 99% of the time and u were like,,, babe I love you but pls shut up
-And he would get all pouty which could only be solved if you kissed him
-One day Minho asked you how put up with Jisung being loud for so long and you were like,,, easy! There’s a trick, an off switch of sorts. Care to find out?
-Minho,,, was intrigued but also wary bc hello,,, this is Jisung we’re talking about
-You walked over to Jisung and tapped his shoulder whilst he was talking to Hyunjin about the killing streak he got on overwatch last night you just planted a kiss on his cheek and Jisung stopped talking and giggled shyly before kissing ur cheek back
-You sauntered back to Minho with a smug look on your face whilst Minho,,,, just had a very disgusted look on his face he knew he shouldn’t have trusted you to have a simple answer to his question
-One thing you didn’t know about Jisung was the fact he was part of 3RACHA
-Like you had heard of them,,, you just weren’t big on the campus social life tbh so most things like this kinda went straight past you
-You noticed, however, now you were dating Jisung was that twice a week would disappear for a few hours then occasionally on weekends he would go missing for the entire night
-Not that you were worried that he was doing anything bad bc you trusted Jisung wasn’t THAT stupid to get arrested or something (you hadn’t ruled it out entirely as this is Jisung we’re talking about, he would get arrested for disturbing the peace or something at 3am)
-You just wondered what Jisung was doing bc you were curious
-You waited a few weeks to see if he would tell you and when he hadn’t you just straight up asked him where he went
-He was a little startled, but rather than giving you an answer he just grabbed your hand and tugged you out of the door and towards campus
-“Jisung, babe, please tell me where we’re going” you panted as he weaved through the unfamiliar corridors of a building you had never been in before
-Without warning, he opened a door and pulled you into a,,,,
-Recording studio???
-“Babe,,, what is all this?”
-“I probably told you that I did lyrical composition alongside linguistics right??”
-“Briefly, you were pretty quiet about it to be honest”
-“Well, with Chan-hyung and Changbin-hyung, we uh, write songs and perform them sometimes”
-“Really?! That’s so cool”
-“You think so?” he asked you shyly, ruffling his hair nervously
-“HELL YEAH that’s amazing, could I maybe hear some of the stuff you’ve done?”
-Jisung smiled, slipping into a chair in front of the chair looking extremely professional and began clicking on stuff and bringing up a track
-He plugged in a pair of headphones and slipped them onto your ears, pressing play
-You heard his voice intertwine with the smooth melody and you were in awe at his sheer talent, like you were so shocked that your boyfriend could sing AND rap extremely well
-Jisung sat watching the expressions on your face as the song played, smiling as he saw the different emotions flash upon yourself
-When the song ended you flung yourself at him and began kissing him all over his face whilst he laughed at the sudden affection
-You leant in to kiss him deeply and he just leaned back in the chair pulling you closer to him
-The kiss probably would’ve got more intense if Chan and Changbin hadn’t walked in just in the moment and literally screamed at the fact their friends were tainting their recording studio (it wasn’t actually theirs but the music department graciously let them use it out of hours)
-You threw yourself off Jisung and were extremely red in the face, and Jisung had the audacity to grin at his hyungs
-Changbin just threw a pillow from one of the chairs at him, glaring at him as he took a seat in the other chair whilst Chan just glanced between the two of you
-“I’ll just get going” you said awkwardly, backing towards the door when Jisung shot up and pulled you from the door so he could walk you home
-I can’t believe I have to sit in this seat,,, it’s TAINTED changbin
-It’s your own fault
-???? How ????
-Idk,,, just your bad luck
-You and Jisung were an extremely clingy couple,,, like skinship central
-Jisung absolutely loved loved LOVED it when you would wrap him in a back hug bc it made him very happy and he just loved the feeling of your arms wrapped so securely around him and your hot breath tickling the back of his neck
-Seungmin had to have his law books confiscated whenever you hung out together bc he would just keep throwing them at Jisung whenever he would kiss you or show any affection
-Cue Jisung chasing after Seungmin to try and tackle him and plant a kiss on his cheek,,,, he succeeded but at what cost
-Seungmin nearly throttling him, that was the cost
-Despite the excessive skinship, you and Jisung wouldn’t change your relationship for the world
-You were just the loud, clingy couple that hyped each other up even in the most mundane thing
-Like,, you did a presentation for one of your classes and Jisung waited outside for your class to finish and when you left the class he threw confetti at you before screaming about how much his baby did him proud
-If this was literally any other couple the whole of campus would’ve been like wtf are they crazy but when they heard Jisung scream they were just like,,, ofc
-Hey Y/N u wanna go
-On a date with me./ OH YOU DO./ OHH
dating college jisung is just a big meme filled mess tbh
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vertigoambrosia · 6 years
i applied to one (1) job today, which is good b/c yesterday part of the ceiling broke in my office
anyway here’s shotgun
oh, a cold open?
oh, vimeo desyncing again?
i love how non-wrestler characters have like, opinions on what goes on in the promotion
it’s little scenes like that one that really sell the wxw world
oh hey these matches were taped at the fan expo
ugh john shut up you’re terrible
oh and we dramatic now!
i love it
oh my god i love this
he wears a mask to protect him from our hatred
they probably should have had him do that as a promo byhismelf though
it’s kind weird to have him do a full monologue not looking at us
eyfbo pls take the titles from them
awwwwww david
and heres our favorite besties
HAHAHA avalanche thinks spiked jackets are business casual
omg please have monster consulting travel
aww emil pls
still a douche at heart
bobby lucky deserves everything
OHHHHH i like this
i mean it’s another heel vs heel, but it’s fun to see them interact
also obviously we’re building towards lucky vs bobby and i want that very much
gross boy vs strange boy
give the strange boy the belt
hah i feel a lil bad that julian pace does not like being called a car boy
i keep forgetting ‘vollgas’ is pronounces ‘follgas’ because german is weird about v and w
oh noooo i can see myself on camera
i’m in the back but i was wearing my david starr shirt and it looks real bright
i didn’t know if the seats were general or not so i didn’t sit when i had the chance :(
fan expo was kinda weird for me cause i was too nervous to ask any questions
and apparently other people were too cause there weren’t a ton (besides people needling bones)
and i was feeling shy so i don’t remember talking to any wrestlers
also i didn’t understand some of the q&as and was out late the night before
it was all fine but i felt weird so it’s kinda weird watching it back
looking forward to seeing what tarkan does to fuck with bobby though
‘yeah sure i’m useful’
uh oh i heard that veda match was...not good
really it annoys me that like half of the womens title defenses have been 4 ways
toni’s not gonna be back until may but i will be kinda pissed if they don’t really build up a contender in the meantime
poor david apparently fucked up his shoulder :( he had to cancel stuff for this weekend; hopefully he won’t be out for too long though
also apparently he’s actually in the states for a full continuous month :O
anyway here’s ilja
with eyes like the fucking hypnotoad
i wish they had waited to announce this title match until after this promo aired
hah ilja quoting ric flair is so weird but also great
i hope someday his family can be at a show :3
true colors is in dresden but constantin is probably too young
either to be out so late or to really ‘get’ it
how many pairs of weird contacts does this man have
jonah rock is fine but for some reason i’m not really into him
‘i’ve fought legitimate ninjas’ lmao that is such a great line
sadly i don’t know enough about noah to make jokes about who the legit ninjas are
cmj just gonan lecture like they’re children
yes i’m sure if we have a nice talk everything will be ok
‘i took the titles because i’m so awesome’ shut up andy
a duckling what does that even mean andy
hahaha cmj’s all like ‘lbr u totally cheated, ok’
hahahahahahaha andy has an agent?
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