#leafmiilk does stuff
catboy-jaebeom · 2 years
week three of #got7revival: fave choreo
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Eclipse — Choreographed by Yugyeom ( among others )
I'm no dancer in any way but I cannot take my eyes off of this choreography ever since I first saw it. there is something so elegant and so pretty about it all! the imagery especially always takes my breath away. the tilting, back and forth, like on a spinning top, the half-sun, when they cover each other's eyes, or the Z Youngjae draws and which the others copy behind him? so gorgeous;;
( I also adore the original / demo version of Eclipse worlds more than the one they released in the end >< when will they pull a Taylor Swift and release a GOT7's version of all of their songs huh ;; )
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catboy-jaebeom · 1 year
leafmiilk → deer-in-neonlights
it's been a while coming but it's time for my bi-annual ( every two years not twice a year qkskdkf ) username change!
it's obviously a play on deer in headlights but instead of fear or absolute power in the face of death, however you wanna see it, it's to invoke the image of a deer in awe. because the world is beautiful regardless of all the ugly things happening to us, I think, and to believe in a bright future has always kept me going, so.
I am not entirely satisfied with it, and I might change it again soon if I do end up coming up with something better ( and there is an entirely different, kpop-themed username that I keep contemplating about but lakskllsflwlwd albeit tempting I think it might too out there for people to take it as the good-natured joke it is idk ).
if you could do me a favour and like this so I know you've seen it, that'd be nice, thank you !
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catboy-jaebeom · 2 years
week one of #got7revival: bias & wrecker
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bias: Jaebeom & Youngjae
jaebeom was the first member of GOT7 I found while looking for faceclaims for my fantasy novel about one and a half years ago ( march 2021 ) ; he got me and a friend into kpop and the rest is history. I love this weird cat guy ( affectionate ) with his twin moles and the utter passion and leadership he always brings to the table. I also adore that he talks about his depression and anxiety so relatively openly. he wouldn't need to, and yet he does, and I respect that a lot. it makes even me feel better about myself, and I thought I had a really good grip on mine.
once I knew the members and had gotten familiar with their character and all, I started gravitating towards youngjae as well. I sometimes wonder whether he wouldn't have been my ( actual / only ) bias in GOT7 if a) jaebeom wasn't so very special to me that it feels wrong to switch biases, and b) I had already known the members when I had gotten into GOT7, or if GOT7 hadn't been my very first group and I had already been much more familiar with how groups worked and all that. he's 97 percent shy, innocent maknae, and 3 percent a wicked minx who nobody can be mad at and I love that for him.
the bottom line is that I bias them both and they seem to be okay with having shared custody, if you wanna call it that. I'm calling it that now.
btw, I always consider those people the bias that I have a soft spot for, who I relate to on a personality level, who make me feel all warm and cozy when I watch them do their thing — and the wrecker is the one that just wrecks me with their visuals or voice or whatever it is. I can't look at them for long because that's overwhelming because they're so v attractive ( not saying my biases aren't, but the wreckers just take a bat and swing it at me, while the biases just don't cause that reaction in my brain ) idk, I hope this makes sense, but I've heard people describe biases as the ones that are in "first place" and the wreckers are trying to dethrone them and that's just not my definition of it. kakdif no hate tho! just wanted to explain that.
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wrecker: Mark & Yugyeom
mark, oh mark. I couldn't tell you what exactly it was that reeled me in, but it might have been his stupidly attractive smirks and his cute little fangs and his deeper voice — there is just something about mark that wrecks me so bad. his iconic lines in Turn Up or The New Era take me out every time, my gods. I'm also so happy he actually released this solo album despite nearly all of the songs being some flavour of sad. I feel honoured to be part of this journey of his, and I'm personally a really big fan of more darker songs so this is perfect. what would I give to see him live wow.
yugyeom. aodofoaldlf. he was one of my initial biases and then faded from my bias list very naturally when he wasn't the only other guy anymore that I recognized. I always admired his dance skills and courage, and I vibe with how he keeps everyone going when it's 3 am and they've been filming for 14 hours already. but he wasn't a bias anymore. and then I saw him live this may ( 2022 ) and he has been haunting and wrecking me ever since. how can one man be so cute and so passionate at the same time I do not understand.
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catboy-jaebeom · 2 years
week two of #got7revival: fave era
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visually: JayB's Piercing Era
this was the first look and the first couple of pictures I've ever seen of Jaebeom, and although I wasn't present yet when it happened, mentally I'm still there and I cannot wait for him to maybe at least get his nose pierced again. YOU GUYS WILL NOT BELIEVE WHAT HAS HAPPENED!! I've seen the posts of non-ahgase asking who the "piercing guy in GOT7" was, and I wish I had already been a kpop fan at that time, but alas. ( the long hair is a very pretty bonus, too!! )
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musically: Breath of Love: Last Piece Era
now, I'm a post-Encore ahgase, and GOT7, the album, was my first comeback ( but I'll get to that in a second ) but Breath of Love is such a no-skip album, and both Breath and Last Piece are bangers. I also really adore the Last Piece choreography and the fact that, again, every member wrote a song for the album;;
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fan....dom..wise?? : GOT7 Era
my very first comeback, and what a comeback that was. nothing's brought me more joy in the past few months than the excitement and the guessing and the feeling of community during the three or so months that they teased and spoiled and released content.
the things GOT7 did? unprecedented and iconic. the first fan con day was on my birthday, even, and never has spending the day on twitter made me as happy as it has that day.
just a few weeks prior, on may 5th, I had gotten to see Yugyeom in concert, which was my first kpop concert, ever, and as I was traveling back home a day or so later, the article came out about how they were reportedly making a comeback that month qksktktt.
I won't ever forget all the videos and interactions, and how we all photoshopped helmets onto our profile pictures, and then wrapped them in foil and put those pink hearts on them, because that's just how we roll, apparently — or when Bam joined us, even. oh and how I joined my first group order, too. so many firsts and it was such lovely moments ;;;
I'm still a baby ahgase, really, but I feel like that was my rite of passage, and I'll always look back on it fondly. 💚
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catboy-jaebeom · 1 year
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_timcheng shares a video of Mark Tuan at #BulgariSerpentiLightUp
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catboy-jaebeom · 2 years
week seven of #got7revival: the moment that made you an ahgase
this question is incredibly hard to answer, because I don't think it was one single moment, it was a couple that made me think "okay, yeah, maybe I'm in this deeper than I thought" and then didn't turn back around, lol, because I didn't feel I really wanted to. so, here's a few moments during the last one year and eight month since I got into kpop and GOT7.
late-March 2021
I am looking for faceclaims for my original characters and Pinterest offers me the famous pictures of Jaebeom and that shoot on the rooftop with his anti-eyebrow piercing and the nose ring, and I am gone. my friend A shows me another one of them and kinda looks up GOT7 out curiosity and sends me some of their songs; I spend the next few hours — and days — on a deep dive into the rabbit hole, and the rest is history.
July 2021
A sends me the bodyshop ad Youngjae did for that white musk perfume. I'm out with friends at the time and in the inner city, shopping district. about twenty minutes later I've bought the shower gel of that line. I tell another kpop friend ( a veteran army and atiny ) that I think now that I've actually bought a product simply because one of my kpop boys has promoted it ( and of course because I actually love the smell ) there is no going back for me. she laughs but agrees.
late summer 2021
curious about Jinyoung's acting efforts, A and I watch He Is Psychometric and love it, and then start with The Devil's Judge ( which I have yet to finish, yes, I know, gods, where has the past year gone to wjkddk ). I also watch Yaksha on release date in April the following year.
mostly winter 2021
Mark releases a couple songs and I remember writing a whole Text on how My Life has moved me. ( tho I've never sent it to him or anything, but man, My Life. )
April 2022
for my ahgase anniversary I create a fan twt account, and my first tweet is something along the lines of "now that we might be getting a comeback soon, I might as well." mind you, that was before they ever confirmed anything, but that was definitely one of the moments where I realized that, yes, I'm definitely in this for the long run now.
May 5th 2022
the Yugyeom concert in Berlin!! my very first kpop concert ever, and my gods was it good. I won't forget meeting so many kind ahgase who immediately adopted me when realizing how baby I was in terms of being an ahgase. and I definitely won't forget Yugyeom performing and dancing and speaking English ;; it was a great day.
May 21st – May 23rd 2022
comeback weekend !!!! I talked about that already in my Fave Era post, but the fun we had not only on that weekend but also in the weeks leading up to it with all the concept pictures and the teaser for the album tracks and the MV, and then when we edited all those hardhats onto our icons and all. what a good time that was, wow. also when JayB managed to transfer the rights for GOT7 and all the music and all that, I remember I was so incredibly proud of him, of them, and of me in a way because I had clearly picked the right group to stan.
September-ish 2022
since I kept talking about GOT7 and other kpop groups to one of my mutuals on here, he asked to listen to them, whether I could send him some MV or song to listen to, one that I recommend. ever since, I keep throwing him new videos and have made playlists and share exciting news with him, and I feel if you're at the point where you can casually and calmly recommend their music to someone else and it feels great to see them like your group, you've definitely earned your place, right?
Honourable Mentions
somewhen in April last year I was watching one of those things you didn't notice in ____ videos, and finally realized that Mark is in fact the oldest and not the maknae. yes, he fooled another one. that was also the moment I realised I finally knew all of their names and could attach them to faces so that was nice.
when I listened to the mindset clips Jaebeom had made, and felt so very comforted and understood. him sharing all of that is something very precious to me, I feel honoured he did that and that we are able to hear it. I think he's helping so many people with it.
that afternoon a few months ago when I went through yt and watched a lot of X reacts to GOT7 for the first time videos, and let me tell you how much fun it was to, like, see them fall in love, vibe with the songs, and point out certain members like I had a year prior. also the amounts of time people already knew Jackson but nobody else kadkkfkdd.
anyway, thank you @def-jaes for hosting this GOT7 revival this was so so so much fun! especially to see everyone come together and create !! we should do that more often <3
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catboy-jaebeom · 2 years
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Jin Oshiro, STRAY 2019
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Raphael Santiago, Shadowhunters
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Dmitry, Yaşamayanlar ( The Immortals )
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Lorraine Broughton, Atomic Blonde
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Alice Abernathy, Resident Evil movies
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Marina Andrieski, The Magicians
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Kim Seung-hyu, Love & Wish
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Max, Black Sails
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Fenris, Dragon Age 2
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"Who are your favourite characters?" immediately forgets every piece of media ever
feel free to ignore tho! @meant-to-be-a-hero @twigsnbones @queenmismatched @quakeitbreakit @sestralena @hyuckieslove @dracaenia ( and feel free to do it even if you're not tagged, I also forgot the usernames of everyone, apparently )
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catboy-jaebeom · 2 years
I'm so sick of advertisement. I'm so sick of unskippable ads. I'm so tired of click bait and aggressive headlines. when will companies realize that all this does is deter me from the product and also the service the ad runs in. when they did that black mirror episode with the ads that you had to watch or it would play unbearable peep noises, it was not supposed to be an instruction on how to target users in the future. I'm so tired. I'm so sick. I hate algorithms. I hate nfts. I hate it all so much. the nearly only source of purchase recommendations I listen to is my friends. when will this late-stage capitalism finally go and breathe its last breath, I'm begging at this point.
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catboy-jaebeom · 2 years
oh to feel as safe and sound and happy, holed up in the wardrobe, as my cat right now
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catboy-jaebeom · 2 years
was tagged by @hyuckieslove 🤍
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I'm tagging @awek-s @dracaenia @kyubins @moon-jun @tigerbaby @ltmdiscography but feel free to ignore if you're tagged / do it even if you're not !!
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catboy-jaebeom · 2 years
my hair ! is very pretty !! and very soft !!! and n o b o d y !!?!! is petting it !?? or playing with it ???!!? and I honestly think that is an absolute CRIME !!!!!!!!!
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catboy-jaebeom · 2 years
this vessel is a shapeshifting lie
hi, I'm Autumn, but you can call me Leaf or Faon as well, my pronouns are they/them, I currently live in central europe, am very queer, and was born in '95. after more than a decade on this hellsite ( affectionate ) — which is btw insane, like?? ten years??? — I think I'm staying for good. and what better way to sorta commemorate this decision than to finally write up an about me that I can pin? nothing, the answer is— [ untintelligiable ]
I've pretty early on decided not to have a sideblog for all of my hundreds of interests. so, on this blog I reblog and post everything I like to reblog or post. at the moment that's mostly kpop, pretty aesthetic stuff, and whichever show has currently caught my interest; I also reblog stuff about old favourites like dragon age, the Craig!Bond movies, marvel and DC stuff, shadowhunters and others. I really like vampires, languages, and I'm a plant parent and future university student, as well as a writer, a witch and fanfiction author. you can follow me on my irregularly updated writing blog @splittergheist ( that's the only sideblog worth noting tho ).
my last tumblr wrapped I think said it's like 90 percent reblogs and 10 percent original posts on here; I'm not really a gif maker or anything of the sort, but I will reblog every single Spirit - Stallion of Cimarron gif set that crosses my dash.
be kind in my inbox or I'll simply delete your ask. I tag all of my posts, but if you ask ( kindly ) I will try to remember tagging specific things! I also copy someone's previous tags sometimes and add 'prev tags' to comment on them or to immortalize them; but I really hate people using only prev tags, I don't think that's practical at all.
underneath the read more you'll find kpop related stuff and a tiny, stupid but lovely thing one of my mutuals wrote. thank you for reading, I hope your day finds you well. <3
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@meant-to-be-a-hero was kind and stupid enough to actually write me a character reference for this because he's lovely like that.
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How do you sum up Autumn in five lines or less?
The Best kpop teacher, they're the Author Of Everything You Wanted To Know About GOT7 And Some Things You Didn't for a reason - I owe everything I know to them.
Master Of Keyboard Smashes. The nuance, the skill, the variation, impeccable.
They can command conversation like no one else. Do you want to talk about multiple insane, hilarious, amazing things in quick succession? Then they're your person.
Basically, Autumn is 10/10, highly recommended. Is that five lines? Who knows, I wrote this in Notepad.
—Lem, who 1000% knows what he's talking about.
and now, for the kpop people reading this, an abbreviated list of the groups I like and stan, and my biases and wreckers.
if you've come here from twitter, please don't try and start a fight over multistanning / solostanning, or over voting and streaming. this is tumblr, not twitter, and we don't do that here. you can find me on twitter @ ahgasevenbirds.
ult group: GOT7 ( post-Encore / GOT7 era )
other groups & solo artists I like: NCT, G-IDLE, Kim Junsu aka XIA, ITZY, ATEEZ, Wonho & Monsta X, ONEUS, SHINee, SVT, MOMOLAND, MAMAMOO, EXO, KARD,...
biases: Jay B, Youngjae - GOT7; Yuta, Xiaojun, Renjun - NCT; Seonghwa, Yunho - ATEEZ; Leedo, Keonhee - ONEUS; Taemin, Minho - SHINee; Joshua - SVT; Nancy - MOMOLAND; Sehun, Yixing - EXO
wreckers: Mark, Yugyeom - GOT7; Ten, Johnny - NCT; Yeosang - ATEEZ; Seoho - ONEUS; Mingyu - SVT; Kai - EXO
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catboy-jaebeom · 2 years
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oh and while I'm here, this was from the Yugyeom concert in Berlin which was so so so so good aaaah, he played GOT7 songs too and he danced so well ugh I love him and I loved that concert.
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catboy-jaebeom · 2 years
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Wonho was amazing tonight even if we didn't see a lot of him from where we were standing. Thank you for this unforgettable night, ugh, I made a whole bunch of friends, too and met some familiar faces!! 💙 He was absolutely adorable, btw, and there was a stretching intermission where he did it and we copied amskdkfgk.
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catboy-jaebeom · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶✨
Dúlamán by Malinda
The Archer by Taylor Swift
HIT by Seventeen
The Boys of Summer by Don Henley
Running Up That Hill ( A Deal With God ) by STANZI & Ametaphor
how dare you make me choose five wow kakfkaldmt
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catboy-jaebeom · 2 years
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