direnightshade · 1 year
All Too Well (Part Two)
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Last year, @burningdownthedark hit both @leatherboundbirate and I with an idea for an au of our au, featuring All Too Well and I thought you know, I’m going to write about this. AND NO SHOCKER HERE but I’m still in the process of doing so. This is the second part, which is a follow up to the Intro, which you can read here.
Warnings: Female Reader, Angst, Daddy Kink, Gendered Pet Names, Student/Teacher Power Dynamic, Light Choking/Gagging Word Count: 1,435 As always, you can find this over on AO3.
Months later the mild warmth of early Autumn days has long since given way to the bitter and whipping winds of a colder than normal winter, but in the confines of a locked office, the two of you remain oh so warm. Panted breaths remain hushed to prevent those kept at bay by the closed door from becoming privy to what’s currently unfolding as clumsy hands fumble with a belt, the buckle soon knocking heavily against the exposed wooden top of the desk between your parted legs. Jack utters a soft hush against your lips, swallowing down a moan that slips free from your lips when deft fingers pull aside dampened fabric to explore your already glistening cunt. You respond in kind, wrapping a hand around the thick girth of his half-hard cock, causing his hips to buck further into your grasp; a silent urging for you to continue.
“That’s it, Princess,” he gasps into your mouth when your hand gives a tentative squeeze before setting a steady rhythm. “Want you to get Daddy nice ‘n’ hard before I–mmmfffuck–wreck this little pussy.”
A happy little noise is emitted, something akin to a breathy laugh or maybe a gasp—perhaps a mix of the two, Jack cannot really tell. Truthfully, he’s too far gone to really care, lost in the way that your soft hand strokes up and down his cock that now stands rigid against your palm. His hips begin to give tentative thrusts that move in perfect rhythm with your hand and this time, when your thumb glides along the head of his cock to spread and smear the beads of precum that have already gathered, it is Jack who is forced to be as quiet as possible. His lips part against yours, and a puff of hot air fans across your face as he huffs out a silent moan in response to the touch. God, he’s going to miss this when—
No, he shakes the thought from his mind.
He’s going to enjoy this moment with you. And enjoy he does when he pulls his fingers from your slick cunt, watching as they glisten beneath the harsh fluorescent lights overhead.
“Open,” he instructs.
It comes as no surprise to him that you do as you’re told, opening your mouth to reveal your tongue to him. He slides his fingers in, showing little mercy when he jabs them into the back of your throat. He likes this, likes watching as your happy expression changes to one of focus and concentration as you struggle not to choke on thick digits. You fail, of course. You always fail—small choking noises fill the room, and as you struggle against him, he can feel the way that your hand inadvertently grips and squeezes his cock tighter, as if doing so helps to brace you through moments such as this. His cock throbs against your palm and, fuck, he’d love nothing more than to have you on your knees in front of him, his angry, red cock shoved deep into the back of your throat as you fight against him, struggling to breathe while he stuffs you full.
He shakes the image from his mind, chasing away darker thoughts that always linger so dangerously close—too close for his liking.
Now that his fingers have been sufficiently cleaned, he pulls them free from your mouth and uses the spit that now covers them to slicken his cock once he chases away the hand that had been holding it mere seconds ago. Even held in his large hand, his cock still manages to look impressive and intimidating and though he knows that you yield to him so perfectly, taking him with little complaint each time, he cannot help but wonder if this is finally the time you tell him that it is too much.
Jack takes a step forward, his slacks now slipping down to the midway points of his thighs from the movement. He takes his time now, teasing the both of you as he slides the head of his cock up along your wet pussy, circling it around your clit over and over again. He loves this moment, as torturous as it is for him, because he knows that it is even more so for you; the light taps his doles out onto the sensitive bundle of nerves coupled with the ceaseless circling are almost always guaranteed to have your body trembling beneath his.
Oh, how he loves to see you at his mercy.
He waits until you are teetering so dangerously close to the edge, right when you begin to spasm and clench around nothing, though you’re still not quite there yet. Only then does he allow his cock to slip down until it notches in the warmth of your cunt, and without allowing for any accommodation to his girth, Jack seizes forward, stopping only when he can go no further, until he is buried in you completely. It’s risky, he knows, doing this to you when there are people right outside of the door, administrators who could hear if you so much as let a moan or a scream slip past those pretty lips of yours. But it’s the thrill of such a notion that Jack loves so much. Even in spite of his rough handling, how he purposely tries to coax the faintest little whimper from you—tries to see how much he can get away with—you always manage to stay perfectly quiet.
His perfect girl.
Your pussy feels as if it was made for him, gripping him tightly, bringing him closer and closer to his release with each stroke of his cock against your soft, slick walls. The desk squeaks once beneath you on a particularly rough thrust, and though Jack shifts his attention to the door, his hips never once cease their relentless onslaught. His brow is beaded with sweat when he looks back to you, brows now pinched in concentration and face reddened by the strain of keeping quiet. He slips a hand between the two of you to work a calloused thumb against your already sensitive and stiffened clit, circling it over and over again until finally—fuck, finally—he can feel your cunt fluttering around him and gripping him even tighter than before. His free hand is quick to slip over your mouth, perhaps gripping a little too hard as he stops the cries that always inevitably slip free in spite of your best efforts to keep them at bay.
Jack, the very man who you’ve heard snarling, grunting, and growling like a feral beast possessed in your most heated of moments, cums with birthing more than the tiniest whimper. Throwing his head back, veins and tendons straining with the effort of being silent in a moment when he’d love nothing more than to roar with ferocity, his hips stutter and then still entirely. His cock throbs with each rope of cum that he shoots deep into your greedy little cunt. When he finally settles, the all too intense sensation passing, he bends down to deposit a single kiss to your lips.
“I love you,” you whisper up to him like a prayer, the words you’ve held onto for months now finally spilling free.
There is the faintest curving of his lips, you notice, but… Jack finds that he can’t bring himself to say it. The words are trapped in his throat, stuck behind a blockade of other emotions he cannot bear to burden you with here and now. It never comes, the verbal reciprocation you’d desperately been hoping for. Instead, Jack leans in once more and presses a tender kiss to your forehead, allowing his lips to linger for longer than necessary before pulling away from you to tuck himself back into his pants and make himself look presentable once again.
With a quick glance at the watch that adorns his wrist, he looks back at where you remain atop his desk. “If you hurry, you can make it to your creative writing class on time.”
It’s impossible to miss the disappointment that flashes across your face when he finally speaks. Jack falls silent again when you all but throw yourself off of his desk, avoiding any and all eye contact with him as you work to fix your appearance before gathering the collegiate materials you’d left on a nearby seat when you’d first entered his office earlier in the day.
There are no more words exchanged when you vacate his office, leaving him standing in the center of the room, a hand passing through thinning hair. All that remains is a deafening silence.
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hopeamarsu · 1 year
Hey, M! I'm here to return some of the soft asks! Can you please tell us about 10 15 18?
Hi H! 🤗
I hope you are relaxing and enjoying the weekend fully! It’s wonderful to see you pop here 💜
10. Daytime or nighttime? Which do you prefer?
During winter, I definitely prefer the daytime because daylight comes in short bursts. During summer, I adore nighttime because the light doesn’t fully leave us and it’s so magical to have some light during the night hours.
So I guess my answer is a little silly but it really depends on the time of the year. I’m a creature they needs the light.
15. What's a topic that fascinates you?
Egypt and the history of pharaohs! I could talk about it for hours and I’m always ready to find out more. I’m always excited to watch a new documentary or a YouTube video about Egypt or read a book that focuses there. Fiction and non-fiction.
It’s a dream of mine to eventually visit the Valley of the Kings and I’m pretty sure I’ll bawl once I get there.
18. Which genre of movies/shows is your favorite to watch?
For TV, definitely crime shows. I love CSI, Criminal Minds, Without a Trace, Bones, NCIS etc. Its also so much fun if it was a supernatural element to it like Warehouse 13 and Grimm. I just gobble that stuff up as quick as I can!
For movies, I tend to gravitate towards action and mystery films. My comfort movies are old Agatha Christie book films and the Mummy (yes, I see the connection to the previous question too!). But I also love musicals and a good musical movie is always something that cheers me up.
I’m definitely a little chaotic in my answers but I hope it’s okay. Thank you so much for asking ❤️
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reylokisses · 1 month
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Happy Star Wars Day, everyone!
If you don’t celebrate it, I hope you have a great day anyway ☺️
I’ve decided to open my ask box for Star Wars weekend- I was always too afraid before, but now seems as good a time as any 😆
And many more!
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cas-backwards-tie · 1 year
Here's The Deal...
So here's the deal... I have been pursuing my real life goals and accomplishments the past two years. This summer I have about a month and a half before I have to go into essentially a work-study opportunity which is going to help propel the rest of my career. What does this mean?
Though I know I've always been sparse when it comes to getting things out and finishing projects with my writing, I think that perhaps it might be worth it to post the drafts, snippets, imagines, WIPs, and ideas I've had over the years either in store in my drafts, or in my docs. I have stuff ranging from either Supernatural, DC Comics, ADCU of course, TUA, and of course some more recent developments on the Marvel, Grishaverse, and DBH content I'd been putting out. The question is... would anyone be interested in that?
I'm such a perfectionist at times when it comes to things like this, that... I'm even doubting if I should post this halfway through writing this. HOWEVER, I will say that some things will be incredibly brief. And for that purpose, it's exactly why I'm asking if anyone would be interested in reading/seeing these things. If so, I can post them, and even tag people. I'm just curious, since, I haven't written for some of these fandoms in a while, but am wanting to get back into writing over the summer, that perhaps it might be worthwhile. What do we think?
tagging: (forever taglist) @ohdamnadam , @safarigirlsp , @jynzandtonic , (mutuals+ ppl I think would be supportive) @kylo-ren-writes , @itsaconquestofimagination , @leatherboundbirate , @purplebtsmagic , @morby , @reylokisses , @thepilotanon , @maybe-your-left , @direnightshade , @glassbxttless , @mariesackler , @caillea , @wayward-rose (people whose fandoms it'd effect + above) @mrswhozeewhatsis , @sacklerscumrag , @formerly-anonhamster , @clumsycopy , @xenteaart , @driversmutbucket , @in-silks-and-flesh-and-leather , @barbers-glimmerin-darlin , @millenialcatlady , @floral-and-fine , @sithlordintraining , @moonlightsolo , @ussrootcanal , @callmehopeless
Maybe also just a reason to tag my mutuals and get back in connection with them cause I'm in a place now that I'm graduating and less busy that I can be a better friend and get connected again. <3
and if I didn't tag you, that doesn't mean you're not included. These are just some people I've thought of, or like, or were connected to present or in the past, and have also supported me. <3
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starlightsearches · 1 year
15 Questions / 15 Mutuals
Thank you for the tag @daydreamsofren and @leatherboundbirate
Are you named after anyone? nope! i am named after a color though.
When was the last time you cried? i don't remember . . . i had a really bad sinus headache a few weeks ago and i think i cried over that.
Do you have kids? nope. just my students :0)
Do you use sarcasm a lot? we had a guest speaker in one of my teacher classes forever ago who told us that sarcasm is evil and godless and she was so intimidating and impressive it kind of scarred me so i don't really use sarcasm anymore.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? i have no idea . . . maybe smiles but i'm not very observant so idk
What’s your eye color? brown
Scary movie or happy ending? for me?? i'm only interested in happy endings. but i'll watch whatever.
Any special talents? i pick up most crafty things pretty quick—i can sew and crochet and cross-stitch and a bunch of other stuff.
Where were you born? a hospital in utah over easter
What are your hobbies? reading, writing, sewing, crocheting, watching movies, being annoying and hopefully roller skating eventually!
Do you have any pets? nope
What sports do you play/have you played? i'm not and never was a sports kid, but i was color guard captain in high school.
How tall are you? 5'8"
Favorite subject in school? english and creative writing ✌️
Dream job? I'd love to tell stories for a living as an author or a screen writer or something. i do also love teaching, though, and working with kids so i'm happy where i am!
No-pressure tags: @theold-ultraviolence, @always-andromeda, @finniestoncrane, @daryldamnson, @myrrh-dock, @lemongingerart and anybody else who wants to participate 💖
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sacklerscumrag · 1 year
15 Questions / 15 Mutuals
Thank you for the tag my love @leatherboundbirate <3
Are you named after anyone? nope
When was the last time you cried? um last night, i was reading an angsty fic and it got to me ajdhjshdf
Do you use sarcasm a lot? me? never  😏 
What’s the first thing you notice about people? their eyes
What’s your eye color? the darkest brown you can imagine lol
Scary movie or happy ending? my instinct is telling me scary movie
Any special talents? i dont think so?  😭  (im boring i know)
Where were you born? doesnt matter, i hate it there lol
What are your hobbies? writing, reading, drawing, playing on my switch
Do you have any pets? yes! i have a dog
What sports do you play/have you played? im as uncoordinated as it gets, next question lol
How tall are you? 5'3
Favorite subject in school? science <3
Dream job? i cant say because its my job right now :( but i dream of being Sacklers silly little housewife
tagging anyone who would like to join! :)
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clydeloganlover · 1 year
15 Questions / 15 Mutuals
Thank you for the tag @leatherboundbirate
Are you named after anyone? Nope.
When was the last time you cried? Today (has been happening a lot lately)
Do you have kids? no
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Sometimes
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Eyes
What’s your eye colour? Green
Scary movie or a happy ending? Depends on my mood. Usually scary
Any special talents? None
Where were you born? August '85
What are your hobbies? Reading, writing, listening to music, crocheting, drawing, watching movies
Do you have any pets? a cat
What sports do you play/have you played? Used to play soccer and futsal mostly
How tall are you? 6′ish
Favourite subject in school? None
Dream job? Never had one as never really thought I was good enough to have one
Tagging (no pressure): @courtvanfleet @patersonspoems @bored-now-blog @pulpwriterx @fictionalthirst @judypahtootee @driversmutbucket @driversbubbles @wayward-rose @vividlittlevox @kylodriver15 @macksayev @loveofaddy @temowritez @rensolodriver
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direnightshade · 1 year
All Too Well (Intro)
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Last year, @burningdownthedark hit both @leatherboundbirate and I with an idea for an au of our au, featuring All Too Well and I thought you know, I'm going to write about this. AND NO SHOCKER HERE but I'm still in the process of doing so. But this is a little smidge of a teaser. An intro to the piece, if you will.
Warnings: Daddy Kink, Power Dynamics, Professor/Student Dynamic, Gendered Pet Name(s) Word Count: 333 This is also on AO3, if you're interested in reading there.
“I don’t want to go back home—back to reality.”
The large, warm hand that rests on your bare thigh gives a reassuring squeeze as Jack looks over at you from his spot behind the wheel. The air is still tinged with a hint of summery warmth—warm enough to keep the windows down as he drives—in spite of the leaves that have already begun to change in the early Autumn days, coloring the hills in small pops of reds and yellows. Jack’s hair, now streaked with gray, tousles in the breeze as his thumb taps lightly against the wheel.
“I know, Princess.” Slowly, his foot presses down onto the brake, the car rolling to a gradual stop at the intersection. “C’mere,” he says before pouting his lips out to signal his need for more of your affection.
The scent of his cologne is much stronger now that you’re leaning across the console, a hand grazing the soft fabric of the scarf—your scarf—that hangs loosely from his neck. The more that you lean into him, the further his hand inadvertently slides up your thigh until it is disappearing beneath the flowy material of your dress, fingers grazing along your rapidly dampening underwear. A sound of satisfaction rumbles in the depths of Jack’s chest when your lips finally close the distance to meet his. The kiss is slow and unhurried complete with tongues that glide along one another and teeth that nip at plush bottom lips.
“Did you have a nice weekend,” he asks when the kiss comes to an end.
“Yes, Daddy.”
Jack is on the verge of leaning in for another kiss when a horn blares loudly from behind. His eyes shift to look at the light which has now switched to green and moves his foot off the brake to step on the gas. The hand at your thigh gives another squeeze before slipping away entirely as the sound of your mischievous giggles and the slide of his zipper fill the car’s interior.
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hopeamarsu · 1 year
15 Questions / 15 Mutuals
Thank you @daydreamsofren and @leatherboundbirate for tagging me ❤️💚
Are you named after anyone? Yes. I share my name with my grand-grand-grandmother.
When was the last time you cried? Twice last Saturday while watching the Anastasia musical. There is a song in there that really went deep inside my bones and also a song we used as are first dance in our wedding.
Do you have kids? Yeah, two gremlins.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Mhmm, sometimes. When it's warranted.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Smile
What’s your eye color? Green
Scary movie or happy ending? Happy endings all around!
Any special talents? I'm a good singer, does that count? Also my Googling skills are legendary among my family.
Where were you born? In 1988.
What are your hobbies? Swimming, organizing events, reading, yoga (when I have time), more reading, trying to be a writer
Do you have any pets? Yeah, two other gremlins with sharp nails (cats)
What sports do you play/have you played? Ooof. I've tried many sports with varying levels of failure. I did dance for over 10 years.
How tall are you? 5'4" (165cm)
Favorite subject in school? Languages (I studied English, Swedish and German, with some Spanish sprinkled in) and history
Dream job? My realistic dream job is what I have now. Call me silly but I really love the IT stuff. Unrealistic dream job would be singing on the stage but that'll never happen lol
Tagging everyone who wants to join in!
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reylokisses · 1 year
Happy Star Wars Day, everybody!
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Sending love and season’s greetings to:
And many more ❤️
May the Fourth be with you!
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gladneyfam · 2 years
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Thank you to the lovely @glassbxttless for being kind enough to create a little BHB family portrait!
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jynzandtonic · 3 years
Does anyone know a good lawyer we need to sue Noah Babadok
Well, you’re gonna have to talk to @leatherboundbirate about this one…
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nurseofren · 2 years
Unless you count our occasional interactions as talking but either way you’re one of my favorite mutuals!
Tumblr is so weird in that it’s like we, us two, are in a room as mutuals and maybe we don’t talk often but we kind of tap on each other’s shoulders and chuckle at the same posts often. So yee I agree and ditto to you my frand ((:
Send me a color
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glassbxttless · 2 years
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Clyde Logan x f!Reader
NSFW Alphabet: B (body part: their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Word Count: 577
Warnings: heavily focused on breasts, a slight lactation kink
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Clyde is thankful for the layout of the trailer. How he can see through the bathroom door and the side of the shower from where he lays in bed after his own shower. He can hear your quiet hum, floating around him, as the pitter pattering of the water falling around your body. He blinks just a few times and sighs happily when he hears the water shut off. This is his favorite part of your mornings together. He listens to the shower curtain pull back and he catches a glimpse of you stepping out. Water droplets rolling down the curves of your body. And he focuses right at your chest.
The swell of your breasts has always been one of his favorite parts of your body, physically. There was obviously so much more to you that just something pretty to touch, feel, fuck. But he does let himself admire how your breasts become fuller with each pregnancy, how they feel so heavy when he holds them in his hands, how you can easily squeeze your nipple and have a thin stream of milk come pouring out. He can’t help the thoughts that flood into his brain as he watches you dry off. How he would love to lay you down on your back, get his cock snug in the valley of your tits, watching the tip disappear and reappear with each of his thrusts. He sighs heavily, jeans not doing much to hide his semi-hard bulge, as he watches you start to get ready for the day before he’s rolling out of bed, lugging his tired body into the bathroom with you.
You’re leaning over the counter just a bit, applying a layer of mascara as he presses up behind you. His left arm wrapping around your middle as he uses his right hand to tilt your face towards him for his morning kiss. His hand is dropping from your jaw, grazing over your tits. They’re only covered with the thin lace of your bra, he can still see the slight puff of your nipples. And he can feel the way they start to pebble up and harden under his touch. He cups one of your breasts, his fingers resting just under the swell. and he gives it a squeeze. You smile at him, loving the quiet moments you spend with one another before your children are getting up and causing more than a gentle roar. And when you hear the baby start to cry, you give his hip a gentle tap and you leave him looking in the mirror.
Clyde really loves his shoulders, they bear the weight of his kids when he rides them around, they keep you laughing when he tosses you over one to carry you into your bedroom. They’re broad, his t-shirts cling to them in a way that drives you absolutely wild— and he thinks of that as a perk. His shoulders are one of the only joints on his body that move with just as much ease as they did in his teens. And for that he’s forever thankful.
He loves when your hands start at his shoulders on long nights, gently working out the knots that have taken up residency there. He’d moan, roll his head side to side, he’d feel your lips against his skin. And you’ll inevitably leave the darkest mark there for his t-shirt to cover up.
Clyde Logan loves his shoulders and your tits.
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@sacklerscumrag @miraclesabound @d-dark-thoughts-girl @xjsteph @fizzywoohoo @candycanes19 @thepriceofstars @2000andwhat @mariesackler @clydesducktape @loganluckylover @themuseic @clydesfavoritegirl @caillea @maybe-your-left @driversmutbucket @tashastrange89 @daughterofaries @cornmousequeen @alpha-lobito @mrs-kylo-ren @peachyproserpina @mrs-gucci @millenialcatlady @leatherboundbirate @jynzandtonic @paterson-blue @awkward-katiesaur @daydreamsofren @qvinteroexc @eagerforhoney @purplebtsmagic @hedgy-hog @jahnairis @simpin_mama @thepalaceofmelanie @emi11ie @theoncrayjoy @einmal-im-traum @starsandroots
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paterson-blue · 3 years
Fever Pitch
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(gif by @violadvis )
Summary: A mix-up at your pharmacy causes your heat to come early. Your aid options are limited.
Word Count: 5,994
Warnings: A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha!Sackler, Omega!Gender Neutral Reader, mild dubcon (smut is consented to during a heat), can be read as friends with benefits or friends to lovers, is the love unrequited or not??? you decide, heat aids, mentions of sex toys, Sackler is a good alpha, Sackler is soft, lotsa cum, dirty talk, mating cylces/in heat, unprotected sex (no chance of pregnancy), breeding kink, nesting, knotting, A/B/O biology, brief worry of non-con mating bite but none takes place — let me know if I need to add anything else!
A/N: Shout out to @leatherboundbirate for beta reading this and encouraging all my A/B/O wants & needs.
Prefer AO3? I gotcha!
You’re curled up on your couch reading a book when your front door slams open. At this point, you’re so used to it happening that you don’t even flinch—instead, you look up, finding exactly the scene you thought you would.
Sackler barges in, barefoot and bare chested, a mallet in one hand and his phone in the other. He’s not looking at you, too focused on squinting at the little screen.
“Hey kid, guess what I juuuuuhhhhhhhhst—oooohhhh” His words warble in his throat, cutting off into what can only be described as an honest to god moan. You stare at him, brows arched. He’s frozen in place, head tilted up at an odd angle, dark eyes darting around the room. You move to set your book down onto your lap and his unblinking gaze snaps to you. You see him swallow, and wait for him to speak. He doesn’t.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You finally ask him, wondering what the actual hell had gotten into him. He blinks, chest heaving a large, gasping inhale that you can hear, and then he’s physically backtracking out of your apartment.
“Nothing I gotta go.” He yelps, slamming the door shut behind him. You listen to him stomp back down the hallway to his own unit. Perplexed, you grab your phone from the coffee table, opening up your ongoing text thread with him. Before you can type anything you see three tell-tale grey dots pop up on his end. You wait to see what he says, watching the dots linger for at least a full minute, before they disappear.
Huh. Weirdo.
You debate pursuing it but odds are it was just Sackler being… Sackler. Sometimes he did shit you really wished you didn’t know about, and you weren’t sure you wanted to open whatever new can of worms this was. So you toss your phone to the side, leaning back against the couch cushions and opening up your book once more.
You get the call from your pharmacist later that day. Hurried explanations, frantic apologies--your last suppressant prescription had gotten mixed up with someone else’s. Nothing dangerous, you’d been assured, but since it was a lower dosage than your body was used to it might not, well, work. Your heat would be hitting sooner rather than later--like, the next 48-hours soon.
Human error. Mistakes happen, right?
Inconvenient, unpleasant, but not the end of the world. You could call into work, they’d give you a medical excuse. You’d call your friend who always helped you through your heats--they’d come over and feed you and fuck you silly until the fever broke, the way they always did. It was fine, things were fine. No reason to panic.
Except, well, you call your friend and they’re out of town. They apologize profusely, but you tell them not to worry. It’s not like it’s their fault. Your suppressants usually kept your heats to a tight schedule, one that was marked on your calendar in red ink. Having one now was abnormal, unexpected.
You think about riding it out alone. You’d done it before—bravely, desperately. You had more than enough toys for it, really. Enough to keep you stuffed for days, enough that you could grind back on while in whatever nest you built for yourself. Ones that mimicked knots, ones that mimicked two alphas at once, ones that were filthy and debauched and perfect.
But they weren’t perfect, were they? Not during a heat. They were never enough, never real. And you needed real. It hurt without real, it was torture without real. You’d done it before and it had been a fucking nightmare. The fever had been so intense that you thought you were going mad, you’d been crawling out of your skin--it had been so fucking painful that it scared you. You never wanted to live through a heat on your own again. And yet, here you were, with no other choice.
No other choice.
You eye your phone where it lay on the coffee table, chewing on your bottom lip nervously. Sackler. The thought of him brings your earlier interaction to the forefront of your mind, and you feel yourself flush as you realize what must have happened. He’d scented it, scented you. He’d moaned at the smell of your heat. He’d known, and he’d left--hadn’t even asked you why the fuck your heat was three weeks early.
Of course, asshole or not, Sackler was Sackler: king of helping people through their heats. He was practically running a fucking business at this point, probably had a huge complex schedule of all the omegas he was assisting. How terribly charitable of him.
It's not that you don’t approve! You support it--he was respectful, caring, gentle, giving. At least, he was in this context. You’d met a couple of the omegas who relied on him during their heats, and they’d had nothing but fantastic things to say. ‘Best alpha I’ve ever been with, so attentive and communicative. S’got a gorgeous cock,’ one of them--Wes--had told you while drunk at a party. You’d hummed, not really wanting to hear all of this about Sackler of all people (or did you? Things were confusing as of late).
Point was, for all of his chaos, Sackler was apparently a very responsible, doting alpha when the time came. It was tempting. He was right down the hall, had this whole thing down to a science. Surely he wouldn’t mind. It was nothing that would damage the friendship the two of you had. Both of you were practiced at shit like this. He was just… easy access.
Having properly convinced yourself, you snatch up your phone, plugging in his number before you can change your mind. You were too embarrassed to go talk to him in person, not to mention you had no idea when your heat would trigger. Still, this didn’t seem like a very text-friendly situation, so… calling it was. He answers on the second ring, quicker than normal.
“Kid.” He intones, voice low and even. You swallow hard, not liking how the mere sound of him makes you clench your thighs together.
“Sackler, hey, I’m--” you pause, cringing at how lame you sound, “-I need to talk to you about something.”
There’s a small pause. You can hear him take a slow, deep breath; he lets it out just as slowly. “...This about your heat?” His voice is quieter this time, and in the background you hear his music being turned off. You fidget, your heart rate picking up in your chest. It’s fine, this isn’t a big deal. It’s just Sackler. Sighing, you steel yourself for what you’re about to say next.
“Yeah. So, listen. The pharmacy screwed up my suppressants, gave me the wrong ones--”
“Yo, what? That’s fuuuuucked up.”
“Mm-hm, so basically my heat is gonna come, like, fucking tomorrow, I don’t know. I called my aid, but they’re out of town, and I-- Listen, I know you help out a lot of people, and I also know we’ve never… done that before, but maybe, if you don’t have anyone else on your schedule this week, maybe you wouldn’t mind, uhm… helping me?”
Complete, utter silence. So much so that you pull your phone from your ear to check if he was still on the other end. The call is still connected so you hold it back up to your face, ready to ask him if he’d somehow not heard you, but then he speaks.
“I can’t.”
Your heart sinks, and you try your best to keep the disappointment out of your voice as well as the anxiety slowly building up within you. “Oh. Right, I’m--sorry, I know its a last minute ask and you’re probably, uh, all booked up--”
“I didn’t say that.” He interrupts, sounding a little on edge. “I’m not busy, I’m just saying no. So, no.”
You wince at his tone. A part of your brain shrinks, whines, telling you Alpha is mad. You made Alpha mad. Alpha doesn’t want you. You shove away the thought, physically shaking it out of your head. “Ohhkayyy.” You draw the word out, your chest feeling all tight. “Is it--I mean, you just… Is it because we’re friends? Or you’re just not… not interested.”
“I just can’t.” His voice is flat, controlled, so unlike him. It makes you angry. Sure, some of it was probably irritation from your looming heat and the fear of spending it alone, but some of it was just him. Here you were, being vulnerable with him, and he was just shoving you away. Wasn’t he supposed to be this magical, wonderful alpha? Wasn’t he supposed to be your friend? Your frustration makes you lash out in a way you normally wouldn't.
“You can’t. Right. Jesus, Sackler, it’s one heat. I’m not asking you to fuckin’ court me or marry me or some shit. I wouldn’t ask you if I wasn’t desperate, okay? I don’t--I can’t be alone again—”
“I can’t because I’ll fuckin’ bite you, okay?” His words are rushed out, brusque.
You laugh, the sound sharp. “You’ll ‘bite me’? Oh fuck off, asshole, all anyone ever talks about is how controlled of an alpha you are. Don’t give me some bullshit excuse. It’s not like you’re off mating all the other omegas you spend heats and ruts with.”
“Yeah, well, they’re not you.” He snaps at you and you blink in surprise, the frown on your face only deepening. What the fuck did that mean?
“What he fuck does that mean?” You ask, and you can hear the tension in your own voice. He doesn’t respond, the line quiet aside from his steady breathing. You grit your teeth, sighing hotly through your nose as you shut your eyes. “Alright. Whatever. Listen, Sackler, I’m just--”
“Omega.” And oh, he’s using the voice. That voice. The one that makes you all dumbstruck, makes you want to cower in submission, makes you want to give him everything he ever asks for and beg his forgiveness for your backtalk. All alpha. He’s never used it on you before; he wasn’t supposed to. “I said no.”
You’re speechless, breath catching in your throat as your mind goes blank and your heat surges within you. You want to babble, want to tell him you’re sorry, want to tell him you’ll be good, you won’t push him again, please don’t be mad, please. You think you feel slick between your thighs, the telltale sign of the fever about to sweep over you. Fuck, it was even earlier than you’d thought it would be.
It takes you forever to realize he’s hung up.
Adam doesn’t hear from you for two whole days. He doesn’t want to admit to himself how worried he is, doesn’t dare walk past your apartment lest he hears something. Or, fuck, scents you. He doesn’t think he’d be able to control himself, and that’s not a situation he wants either of you to be in. So he takes the back stairwell, forces himself not to text or call, forces himself not to set a care package outside your door.
It’s killing him. His head is a loud, constant thrum: Omega needs you, Omega hurting, take care of Omega, protect Omega, fuck Omega, knot Omega, breed Omega. Pretty Omega, smells so good, makes you feel so nice, bite Omega, bite, bite, bite, mate.
He can’t stop it, the endless chanting in his mind. He works out, he runs his power tools day and night, working on various projects that go unfinished while he starts a brand new one. Turns his music up as loud as he can to try to drown everything out, scrubs his skin under boiling hot water in the shower in attempts to end its prickling. His heart pounds in his chest as the water slowly turns his pale skin bright red, stomach twisting as he thinks of you just down the hall.
He imagines you in a comfortable nest in your bed, soft pillows and blankets and clothes that all smell like you. Omega would make the perfect nest for Alpha, would be so good. He wonders how you’re taking care of yourself, wonders what myriad of toys you have at your disposal. Fuck, he wonders how wet you are, how much you’re soaking your sheets. His mouth waters as he thinks about it; goddamn, he wants to taste it, wants it all over him, wants his senses to drown in it.
Omega would open right up for you, take you so easily, would feel so good. Adam swallows hard, groaning as he leans against the shower wall, one of his hands slipping down to encircle his cock. He strokes himself slowly, just to take the edge off. Did you have one of those toys that mimicked a knot? Filled you with fake cum? Let your body believe, for just a split second, that it was actually being bred? Omega wants your knot, not anyone else’s. Only yours, only your cum. Omega needs it, needs you.
A low growl leaves his lips, and he clenches his hand at the base of his cock before wrenching the faucet to cold. He gasps at the shock of the freezing water; slams his fist against the tile in frustration. He can’t do this. He just can’t. It won’t take the edge off, he knows; it’ll just make things worse. He waits until his dick softens before clambering out of the shower, scrubbing his shaggy hair with a towel as he walks naked to his room.
Two calls from you on his phone.
His heart clenches up in his chest, fear filling him immediately, a million horrible scenarios entering his head. Your earlier words echo in his mind, that you can’t be alone again. Some omegas got sick if they spent their heats alone, some went crazy from the fever, overheated from the inside out without the balm of a warm body taking care of them. An alpha was ideal, but betas did the trick in a pinch. Fuck, he should have listened, should have… he didn’t know—put you in touch with someone he knew, who did what he did. Who could have helped you.
The thought of you with someone else makes an involuntary growl leave him, his hackles rising. He wouldn’t just give you to someone else. Never. Not when you were his.
He groans, pressing his palms into his eyes. No, no, no--you weren’t his. You were his friend, he cared about you, he needed you. He had no claim over you. And yet, it was some imaginary claim that caused him to fail you. Jesus fucking Christ, you were suffering right now and it was all his fault, wasn’t it?
He’s stabbing his thick fingers at the phone screen in a rush, calling you back as he sits heavily on his bed. His leg shakes anxiously as ringing echoes through the line, and his concern honestly has him considering breaking down your fucking door to make sure you’re still alive before, suddenly, you’re picking up.
“Alphaaaa.” You sigh into the phone, and Adam’s whole body clenches, his breath catching in his throat. He grits his jaw, closing his eyes as if it’ll block out his instincts. He says your name, trying to keep his tone gentle and even, to be the alpha he knows he can be. Controlled.
“Why did you call me? Are you okay? Do you need help?” The questions spill from his mouth one after the other without giving you time to respond. He forces himself to stop speaking, needing to hear your answers.
“M’not okay and you know it.” It sounds like you’re pouting, and it makes his chest loosen just a little. You continue, voice all breathy. “It hurts, Alpha. It’s… It’s not enough, ‘ve cum so many times and it’s not working. Its not real, it’s not good, it’s not you.”
Fuck, his heart hurts. He knows you don’t mean it, not like this, not in the midst of your heat. Even if you weren’t half out of your mind, you wouldn’t mean it the way he does. He’s sure of it. Because he’s him, and you’re you, and it just… it’s not how life works. And yet you’re begging for him, saying you need him, and it’s taking everything he has to stay sane.
“I can’t. I told you I can’t--”
“You won’t bite me, I know you won’t. You’re so nice, so sure of yourself, so wonderful, so big, so pretty, smell so good.”
Adam’s free hand twists into the sheets and he gulps, heaving in a shuddering breath in an attempt to center himself. Your name falls from his lips again, but this time instead of a warning it's a plea. He needs you to stop. He can’t---he can’t--
“Good Alpha, I know you are. Gooood Alpha, you’ll take care of me the way I need. And I neeeeed it, I do, I do. It’s not enough, fucking myself isn’t enough. It’s so fucking hot in here, Sackler, please, I can’t cool down, I’m--what if it gets worse?”
Your words make him shiver, and he unclenches his hands from the sheets to ruck his fingers through his hair, shoving it off his forehead. Fuck. Fuck. What if it got worse? He brings his thumb to his mouth, chewing on the side of it nervously as he tries to just… to figure things out in his head. And also ignore the suspicious wet sounds coming from your end of the line.
You gasp abruptly, and Adam freezes. It doesn’t sound like a good gasp, and the whimper that follows is more pained than pleased. He rushes to speak, words jumbling together. “What, what happened, are you alright?”
“Adam.” You say his name--his actual name--and he swears his heart stops. You continue speaking, and suddenly you sound more lucid, voice on edge; you sound scared. “Adam, it hurts. It really, really fucking hurts, and it’s just getting worse. I don’t--” Your voice cracks, and you suck in a shaky breath, the noise on the brink of a sob. “-I don’t know what to do. I wasn’t ready for this, I don’t--Adam.”
He breaks.
“Hey--hey, okay, I’m--fuck, I’m coming over, okay? Just lemme get some shit, I’ll be right there, I promise. Omega, I promise.” He’s already standing, yanking on a pair of gym shorts and nothing else before grabbing his duffel and throwing shit into it haphazardly. You whine into the phone and he hums to you, wanting to comfort you. He’d made up his mind, and he’d--he’d keep his control as much as he could. But he couldn’t leave you alone like this. Not you.
He’s pounding at your door in less than five minutes, chest heaving like he’s just run a damn marathon. He swears he can already smell you, and he rests his forehead on the doorframe, groaning softly. You’re wild-eyed and naked when you answer, and he pushes himself into your apartment, slamming the door shut and locking it behind him, not wanting anyone else to have the privilege of seeing you, scenting you, wanting you.
“You’re here.” You breathe, gaze traveling over him hungrily, as if you can’t get enough. Adam nods, taking a step back to press himself against the door, trying to get used to the overpowering scent of your slick. Fuuuuck, it was sparking each and every one of his senses, setting his nerves alight. Staying in control was going to be just as difficult as he thought. He’d never been sent into rut from an omega’s heat; he sure as fuck hoped that didn’t start now.
“Tell me you want this.” He grits out, whole body tense as he looks you over. You were beautiful. You were always beautiful, but this? It was better than his imagination, than all his dreams. You, naked in front of him, covered in sweat, slick soaking your thighs, your hands, your stomach.
You nod at him, swallowing hard as you take a step forward, pupils blown wide. Adam holds back a whine, not daring to make a sound, make a move. He needs to hear you say it, to feel better about this. Somehow, you know--you read it in his expression. Because you speak, your voice shaking even though he can tell you’re trying to keep it together.
“I want this, Adam. I trust you.” You reach out and touch, sliding your hand over his side, the contact and your words causing him to tremble. He knows your coherence won’t last long, and he can’t let things get bad for you--not again. So he just nods, putting just as much trust into you as you are into him. He pulls you close, kissing you as softly as he can manage, groaning low and loud at the taste of you.
Mate. Mate, mate, mate, mate. His mind clings to the singular word, echoing it over and over, needy and desperate. He’s ushering you back into your bedroom as quickly as he can, trying to remember the half-formulated plan he’d come up with while packing.
“Hey, look,” he croons to you as soon as he gets you seated on your bed, “-I brought these for you. For your nest.” He gestures to the pile of various fabrics you had piled meticulously around the edge of your mattress before opening his duffel and pulling out all the clothes, towels, and blankets he’d been able to shove in. “They, uh, smell like me. I didn’t know if you wanted them or not…”
He trails off, feeling himself start to blush, and he knows--he knows--that it’ll go up to his ears. You make a pleased noise, grabbing eagerly at the material, and Adam’s quick to drop a kiss to the top of your head. “I’m--I’m gonna go into the kitchen, okay? I’ll be really quick, I promise. Just wanna get us some water, see what sorta food you got that we can snack on for fast protein. I brought some gatorade and, uh, ham.” Shit, he feels stupid, feels so underprepared. Usually he was better than this, had everything planned out to a tee.
But you just nod, too busy adding his belongings to your nest to pay him any mind. He doesn’t have much time until the fever rises again, so he scurries out into the kitchen, puttering around, finding what he can. He wants you to eat something, knows you’ve probably just been scrounging for the past couple days. Fuck, he’d been so stupid to leave you alone. He doesn’t think he’ll ever stop beating himself up about it.
By the time he comes back into your room, you’re curled up in bed, face nuzzled into the damp towel he’d just dried himself off with. Heat fills him at the sight, and he quickly averts his eyes in order to focus on setting down everything in his arms. It was mostly bottles of water, but he’d been able to cut up some fruit as well as throw together some cheese, ham, and crackers. It wasn’t much, but it was something. As soon as he fucks you properly you’ll have a true break in your heat where you can sleep; he’ll prep better meals then.
“Here, I made some shit. Can you eat a little for me, please?” He keeps his tone even and soothing, reaching a hand out for you. You take it, let him help you off the bed and to his side. Humming, you nuzzle your face into his pale chest; he shivers when your tongue pokes out to lap at one of his nipples. “Kid, c’mon.” He breathes, a hand coming up to settle on your back. “Need you to eat something before it comes back. Drink some water, too.”
You huff out a hot little puff of air against his skin, and then pull away. “Fine, but only if you get naked.”
Well. It’s not like he’s going to say no.
As soon as he strips off his shorts you reach for some of the clementine slices he’s prepared, popping them into your mouth one-by-one. He can’t help but slot himself behind you, pressing his bare chest to your bare back and his cheek to the side of your head.
“How’re you feeling?” He asks as he settles his palms on your hips, ignoring the slight tremble in his hands. You hum, reaching for more slices of fruit and bringing them up to his mouth. Adam takes them from your fingers, sighing at the intimacy, feeling it soothe his soul.
“I feel better now that you’re here. It doesn’t… hurt as much.” It’s the truth. The second you’d laid eyes on him, smelled him, felt his touch—your heat had quelled, had receded for a moment. His mere presence reassured your mind and body that you weren’t alone, that someone was here to take care of you. You reach up to feed him the last piece of clementine and this time he sucks at your fingers after taking it into his mouth. You sigh happily, leaning back against his warm chest.
“Eat some more. Then hydrate.” Adam says after releasing your fingers, pressing his face into your neck. He feels when his cheek rubs against your mating gland; you whimper at the contact. “You smell so good,” he croaks out, mouth watering. Forcing himself to pull away, he waits for you to start on the plate of protein and eventually move to chug from one of the water bottles. “Good Omega.” He murmurs, rubbing his hands up and down your sides, praising you.
He shoves a couple bites into his mouth after you’re all done, eager to get back to where you were waiting for him in your nest. He clambers up beside you after moving the water closer, his hard cock bobbing between his legs. There’s a large wet patch of slick on the duvet; Adam wants to press his face into it, wants to lick it up. “I’ll wash the bedding next chance I get.” He says instead, cheeks flushing.
You make a noncommittal hum, reaching for him, and he goes. He slots himself over you the way he’s dreamed of, body pressed to yours, cock sliding against your soft stomach. “Fuck.” He moans, and he can’t help when his face migrates straight to the crook of your shoulder to your gland. Your scent is strongest here, and he nuzzles against it. He wants your essence all over his face, wants it imprinted into his skin, his senses.
“Perfect. Such a sweet, perfect omega for me. I always knew you would be.” He takes a deep inhale, and before he knows it he’s lapping at your gland, moaning at the heady taste. It’s messy and unrefined, his head emptying of all thought but you, his mate, his omega. Mate, mate, mate. He sucks at the swollen, sensitive patch of skin and you cry out, hands flying up to clutch at his back.
“Alpha, please.” You keen, feeling dizzy at the sensation of his tongue sweeping over your mark, of his plush lips sucking at your skin, at the slight scratch of his facial hair. “Bite me, fuck me, knot me, mate me.” You barely hear your own pleading, but Sackler does. He lets out a broken moan before yanking his head up and away from you.
He pants as he presses his forehead to yours, his nose nuzzling against your cheek. “I can’t. I—I won’t. Not now, not like this.” His voice sounds pained, and it hurts you, makes you whimper.
“Alpha doesnt want me?” You question, voice shaky, and Adam’s quick to soothe you.
“I want you. I want you.” He tugs at one of your hands, guiding it to his hard cock as he stares you down. “I want you so fuckin’ bad. You’re—“ he hesitates, but the vulnerable look in your eyes forces him to keep going, “-you’re my omega. And I’ll make you my omega. As soon as this heat passes, as—as soon as we can actually talk. Okay?”
His heart thuds in his chest at his confession, even though he knows you’re hearing it through a haze of heat and desperation. Maybe if he’s lucky you won’t remember this conversation; maybe he won’t lose you at the end of all this. He’ll see you through the fever, take care of you, make sure you’re okay. And then things will… go back to normal.
He just has to make sure to keep his bite to himself.
Your hand squeezes his cock gently, right at the base where his knot will pop; it makes him feel lightheaded with want. He tries to ignore the sensation, to focus on you. Your eyes look a little more glazed, and he swears he can feel the heat coming off your skin. The fever was taking hold again, then.
“Pretty Alpha,” you say suddenly, voice taking on a dreamy intonation, “-big Alpha, nice Alpha.” Your nimble fingers rub just under the head of his cock, and Adam can smell when another rush of slick leaves your body.
He groans, and then he’s moving, reaching for a pillow to shove under your hips. It would be easier, really, to take you from the back; to fuck you at a punishing pace, hold you down against the mattress and make you take him, take his knot. It’s what he’d do with anyone else. But he can’t help it—he wants to see your face when he fucks you for the first time. He needs to know it’s you, and needs you to know it’s him.
You’re starting to make hitched out little whimpers, and he presses his large hand just under your belly button, giving you comforting pressure to focus on. “Shhh, shhh—you’re alright, Omega. I’m here, okay? I’ve got you.” He uses words he’s said before with his past partners, clutching at the script in his head as if it’ll give him control, give him sanity.
The initial slide into you is heaven. Slick and warm and easy, your body taking his cock like you were made for him. He isn’t even fucking breathing, every single fiber of his being hyper focused on the feeling of the two of you, together. How it should be. You let out a little mewl of relief when he bottoms out, your body relaxing against the mattress as your heat settles into something warm and thrumming and happy.
Adam can feel it, can taste it in the air—how his body makes yours feel, how it soothes you. He leans in to nuzzle his face against your cheek, chest rumbling in something akin to a pleased purr. Take good care of Omega. Love them, help them, make them feel nice. Your omega, yours.
He lets out a little growl, adjusting his grip on your hips, and then he’s arching his back to fuck into you as hard and fast as he can in this position. You need it like this after being by yourself, but honestly, he needs it, too. He lets out sharp pants and grunts into your ear, breathing hot against your skin. Fuck, you felt so fucking good—surely the other omegas he’d been with hadn’t felt like this. He can’t remember, not with your wet, velvet heat clenching around his cock.
Jesus fuckin’ Christ, he was gonna pop his knot any second.
It’s too soon, too fast; he doesn’t want it to be over. It’s just the first time, he tells himself. Give Omega your knot, impress Omega, fill Omega. Omega will want more. More, more, more.
He snarls, determination overtaking him as his hips work overtime, the slapping of his skin against yours growing louder as he fucks you roughly. You sob, clawing at his back, chanting Alpha, Alpha, Alpha, Adam. It’s all he can do to stop himself from wrenching your head to the side and burying his teeth into your mating gland. His mouth waters at the thought of it.
Slick gushes from you when you cum, soaking the both of you as you cry and writhe on his cock. Adam’s eyes roll back in his head, and he rubs his face against yours, scenting you, letting his facial hair brush against your soft skin.
“Fuuuuck.” He bites out, and yes, fuck, yes, there—his knot was swelling, catching at your entrance with each pump of his hips. “Jeeeezus, fuck yeah, good fuckin’ omega. Gonna take my big fat knot, huh? Gonna fuck you full of my cum, breed you like you fuckin’ deserve.”
He’s babbling, mindless; all he can focus on now is his urge to shove his knot into your tight little hole, have you clench down on him as he cums and cums and cums. All it takes is a couple more hard snaps of his hips, and then—
—his knot locks inside of you, and Adam bellows out your name, his orgasm fuckin’ blindsiding him. He swears it’s never felt like this before, his whole body shaking so hard that he collapses on top of you, his hips still rutting frantically between your legs. He’s never felt so out of control of his body, so fucking feral, panting and grunting as his balls pulse over and over and over again.
You take him all, your palms sliding over his sweaty back, letting out little whimpers as his cum floods inside of you. You feel so full, close to bursting, but his knot won’t let a single drop escape. He keeps jerking his hips into you as if trying to get deeper, little involuntary sobs leaving his throat with each movement.
You feel like you’re fucking floating.
The burn of your heat is gone, leaving only the glow of your orgasm, of being filled. You can’t even feel all the muscle aches you know you’ll have later. Adam’s giant body isn’t even heavy; it’s a warm, comforting weight—anchoring you to him, intimate in the best way.
Sackler. This is Sackler. A little piece of your mind nags at you; you quickly tell it to fuck off. Yeah, this was Sackler, and he was everything you’d been needing, everything you wanted, so good to you, so wonderful, perfect, beautiful Alpha.
… Okay, so maybe your heat was still around, but at least it was in the background for a bit.
Adam lets out an unintelligible groan, and you can’t help the laugh that leaves your chest, the sound bright and airy. He hums at you, nuzzles into your neck—you feel him start to lap at the sweaty skin near your gland, the flat of his tongue sparking against your nerve endings. Alpha was cuddly. You’d pleased Alpha.
He’s aware enough to shift himself, maneuvering the two of you—slowly, gently—into a comfortable position on your sides to wait until his knot goes down. It’s not the most ideal arrangement, your thighs linked awkwardly, half on top of him, but it works. You liked being face to face with him, anyway.
Adam watches you with those big brown eyes, gaze soft as he rubs a hand over your ribs. He wants to ask how you’re feeling, if he’d been good, if you were happy. But he can see that you’re tired, and he knows this break from your heat will only last so long before the fever returns again.
“Get some sleep, kid.” He tells you, voice soft as he angles your head towards his chest. You lean into him willingly, fluttering around his knot as you curl up to him. Adam forces himself not to moan even as the action makes his cock pulse once more, giving you more of his cum. He clings to the to-do list inside his head, the things he needs to get done after his knot goes down—the things he needs to do to take care of you. His omega.
taglist friends!
@leatherboundbirate @direnightshade @glassbxttless @mariesackler @millenialcatlady @peachyproserpina @barbers-glimmerin-darlin @jynzandtonic @cornmousequeen @icarusinthesea @heartofjakku
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direnightshade · 2 years
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In the spirit of one of the hottest fucking months of the year, I need some Gladney fam vacation filth, specifically us with Jack during a family vacation to Miami 🥴🔥😵‍💫 Thinking about that man in a tropical button-down shirt, masses of sticky sweaty chest hair poofing out of the top, a gold chain necklace nestling in the pile, cigar constantly dangling from his teeth PLEASE I'M SO HORNY FOR IT :damnit:
So from the Smutty Prompt List I'm asking for
#31 “I cant stop picturing you sucking my dick like that ice lolly pop”
#9 “Don’t give me that look”
326 “Come here, you can sit on my lap till I’m (/you're?) finished”
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MA'AM PLEASE I HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THIS ALL WEEK. MY GOD. Something about Miami Jack fucks me up even worse. :heavybreathing: Here is my one shitty edit for this post:
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Anyways, we should know the drill by now, but just in case:
Warnings: Stepcest, Daddy Kink, Oral (M Receiving), Fingering, Gendered Pet Names Word Count: 862
“Fuck off, Ben! You can’t just push someone’s ball out of the way like that!”
“Oh, what, like we’re playing an actual game? Lighten the fuck up.”
“He’s right, Ben—” “Ohhhhh you fuck off.”
The all too familiar set of squabbling voices fades into the background of a hot Miami day as Ben, Kylo, and Matt putt an array of colorful golf balls into the small course set up in the backyard of the Air BnB Jack has rented out for the week.
“BOYS,” Jack bellows from his spot on the outdoor sectional, smoke from the cigar he’d just had in his mouth now wafting up into the atmosphere. “Knock it off or the game is over.” “Fuck this!” Matt tosses his putter down without so much as a care and whirls around to vacate the space. “I’m going inside to play pool.”
Ben’s putter is the next to fall, soon followed by Kylo’s as the three of them exchange the heat of a southern Florida afternoon for the cool air conditioning of the home that sits behind where you and Jack are currently perched on the outdoor furniture. As silence once again descends upon the back lawn, Jack takes another puff of his cigar while his gaze simultaneously slides over to where you sit.
He studies you as you suck on the freezer pop, the colored juice draining quickly from the ice. Jack can feel the all too familiar stirrings of interest as his cock begins to fill out in the confines of the linen shorts that he wears.
A smile curves your lips around the plastic that holds the delicious morsel you suck on when your eyes meet his. “Don’t give me that look,” he says almost immediately, shifting his weight on the couch’s cushions.
“What look,” you ask, the question posed with a playful sense of carelessness. “I’m just finishing this off…”
Jack’s nostrils flare when your tongue darts out to run along the top of the ice—back and forth and back and forth. Fuck, he knows what you’re up to and yet he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t entertaining the thought. “Come here,” he instructs with a firm pat of his hand against the top of his thigh, “you can sit on my lap ‘til you’re finished.”
Never one to turn down an invite, you happily oblige, moving from your spot on the couch and onto his lap, your back now resting against the damp heat of Jack’s chest. Almost immediately, one of his large hands settles onto your hip, giving a firm squeeze whilst the other hand brings the cigar to his mouth for yet another puff. “I can’t stop picturing you sucking my dick like that ice pop, babygirl,” he whispers gruffly, hot breath brushing along your ear, the words accompanied by billowing smoke.
The hand at your hip migrates further inward when he speaks, fingers now toying with the edge of the bathing suit that you wear. “Go on,” he urges as his fingers disappear beneath the material to stroke calloused fingers along your slick folds. “Keep sucking.”
You do as instructed, though the flavor has long since been drained from the treat, leaving nothing but rapidly melting ice. Jack watches with rapt attention as you suck and suck, his fingers languidly swirling against your clit until your hips are rutting against his hand. It’s impossible for you to miss, the way that his dick fills out beneath the confines of his shorts, poking and prodding at your ass as you move against him.
“That’s it,” Jack says with a grunt, two fingers easily slipping into the warmth of your cunt. He presses heel of his palm against your clit and allows you to fuck yourself against his hand on his fingers, the last of your ice pop now discarded carelessly onto the sofa cushion beside you, leaving the melted contents to soak into the fabric. “C’mon, Princess, you can do it for me. Let me feel you. That’s my girl.”
The praises that fall so freely from Jack’s mouth are enough to send you tumbling over the edge as you cum on his hand with a series of moans. Only when you finally manage to come down from your high does Jack pull his hand free to suck and lick at the taste of you on his fingers, stopping only when he’s cleaned them completely.
He doesn’t have to instruct you on what to do next, you’ve been in his presence long enough to know just what he’ll ask of you. You slide off of his body and turn to face him as you rest on your knees, hands instantly moving to the brim of his shorts. Jack’s hips lift to aid you in pulling them down just enough to allow his cock to spring free, the hefty girth slapping against his belly.
“Go on,” he says, a large hand reaching out to palm the back of your head and guide your mouth to the head of his cock. Placing the cigar in his mouth in preparation of taking another puff, his words become muffled when he speaks again. “Finish Daddy off.”
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