#leia jedi knight
alexversenaberrie · 1 year
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Visions of future...
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Star Wars Legends + text posts
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Aww Daddy Anakin hugging his baby girl Leia 🥰🥹🥺
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readzilla13 · 1 year
This line from Han in The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy has me rolling
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Like Han, it's been TWENTY YEARS. No, NOT EVEN twenty years. Han you were ALIVE when the Jedi Order was around. My favorite star wars thing is how everyone acts like the Empire has been around for a a crazy long time when it's only been TWENTY YEARS.
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bibxrbie · 11 days
My radical hot take about the 'Happily Ever After - Padme and Anakin raise Luke and Leia on Naboo AU' that everyone keeps dreaming about, is that Luke should still be a Jedi. Not one of those 'exceptions made, he still lives with his mom and dad, and being a Jedi is the equivalent of attending boarding school' Jedi people write about. No, I'm talking given to the Temple at four years old, raised communally by other Jedi, who becomes someone's padawan, and decides later in life if he wants to make contact with his birth parents. I'm saying he should be a Jedi, who's dedicated to the Jedi, who loves being a Jedi, and would always choose to be a Jedi.
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winters0689 · 1 month
Happy May 4th! May The Fourth Be With You! Shoutout to some of my favorite force sensitives!
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rollplayinggame · 2 years
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Space Wars
“This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster. An elegant weapon, for a more civilized age.” - Ben Kenobi 
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Credits to me ❤
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patelladislocation · 9 months
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loml 😌✅️
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The EU is Forever
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April 25, 2014, was a dark-ass day for those of us who loved the Star Wars Expanded Universe canon. I was literally in the middle of the end of my first year as an MA student, and 2/3 of the bookshelves in the apartment my then-fiance, now-husband, shared held my Star Wars books. I'm not here to say that every book was great (lookin' at you, Splinter of the Mind's Eye), or even that every bad book was in so-bad-its-good territory (heart eyes at Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor), but the Star Wars EU got me through high school. So let's talk Young Jedi Knights.
There is no "these were the first Star Wars books I picked up and fell instantly in love with" story with these books, my journey to the Star Wars books was random as all hell, partly because this was the franchise that really taught me how to marshall and organize a sprawling set of books, do the research to read them in something like an order, and really start to engage deeply and take notes. (There may have been a 4-inch binder full of notes. It might still live in my Dad's house.)
I actually was first introduced to Star Wars (the original trilogy) when I was TA-ing in 8th grade and that teacher needed something to keep her class occupied for a couple of days. In the last week of school that year, I basically lived in the library and read the Black Fleet Crisis trilogy. Needless to say, I had QUESTIONS. Because I still hadn't figured out book research, I then picked up Vector Prime, and STILL had massive questions, once I got over *that* scene.
Young Jedi Knights wasn't the first Jacen and Jaina I picked up--I started with some of the novels earlier when they're younger--but I loved this series. This particular cohort of Jedi ended up being so crucial for so many reasons to the EU timeline, and seeing their training, their friendship, their mishaps, and how they interact with the galaxy made the later novels just so much more poignant.
There was a sense of YA speedrunning a lot of pretty common coming-of-age tropes (lookin' at you, Zekk... honestly, he and Kyp Durron needed to learn to BACK OFF and take no as a goddamn answer) and a boarding-school-in-space vibe, but there were also a few things that I thought were done particularly well. I wouldn't be me if I didn't call out with how much nuance Tenel Ka's arm loss was handled, particularly in terms of letting her have time to grieve and allowing her to adapt on her own without bowing to Ta'a Chume's frankly ableist attempt to use the incident to pull her graddaughter further into her Hapan heritage at the cost of her Dathomiri one. Seriously, for a YA book published in 1996, this was learning to live with a disability done really well. And I appreciated the hell out of Tenel Ka herself not letting Jacen do the guilty hovering and overcompensating with unnecessary and unwanted help. That was an excellent boundary to set, and quite frankly is something that people TODAY are terrible at, so this whole storyline was well done.
Equally well done was the fleshing out of Raynar and Lowbacca in the Diversity Alliance arc. Poor Raynar started so pompous and so absolutely unconsciously privileged, but watching your father self-sacrifice to protect humanity at large is a stiff price to pay to learn a little humility. (The absolute kicker is what happens during the Yuuzhan Vong War and subsequent Swarm War; poor Raynar does NOT have an easy run of life).
Lowbacca was an interesting look at friends/siblings dragging you into an extremist perepecting and RAPIDLY getting in over your head. There is also an interesting look at those who choose to stay in those organizations and those who choose to escape. And again, this was 1997, so the massive resurgence in fascism, right-wing extremism, and incel-ness wasn't the monstrosity it is in the year of our lord 2022. The Diversity Alliance arc just got more relevant the older I got, not less.
The Solo twins are, objectively, the marquee characters in these books, because the EU objective was the Skywalker/Solo show. Just straight out, Jaina is my favorite Solo kid. No contest. Her entire arc over the EU was twisty, detailed, nuanced, and never anything less than fascinating, and that began from the first books that focused on the kids. Her training on Yavin 4 in these books really solidifies her as technical. Jaina likes machines; she likes to take things apart, put them back together, and make them better. She is, like her father and uncle, a pilot at heart. That said, I'd be lying if I didn't say that both she and Jacen are a little one-note 1990s YA protagonists. They have their one major things (she's a mechanic, he's basically the Star Wars Kratt Brothers) and their things and relationships drive everything. They are arguably not the most interesting characters in these books, but they do tend to drive the books because they are the Solo twins.
That said, the plots, side characters, and general vibe of these books made them some of my favorites, and the nostalgia is strong with these books.
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jely-bely · 2 years
Young Jedi Besties
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Ezra and Leia hanging out
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Skywalker Twins with there parents
It’s so heartbreaking that Hayden Christensen would never get a chance to meet Carrie Fisher.
RIP our Star Wars Princess (1956-2016)
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sobiwan · 5 months
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In my Star Wars AU, Obi-Wan & Sabe live on Tatooine protecting Luke. However, in this commission, Sabe is decides to be lazy and sunbath in the Leia slave bikini by the Fraim brothers.
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dinlukewarrior · 1 year
Luke is so embarrassing in the rancor pit fight…just running away, throwing rocks and bones like an idiot…doesn’t even use the force, fully throws a rock at his enemy…and I love him
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caaaatttsss-meow · 2 years
I really wish Carrie was still alive to see Vivien Lyra Blair play young Leia; she would of been so proud.
Carrie would of grandmother'd the fuck out of that little girl.
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mjlegacy · 2 years
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