#like I didn't REALLY need a first hand experience to write this but thx anyway brain
werewolfdays · 3 years
24 please!
24. “Can I touch you?”
My patient groaned and swayed in his seat as he watched me get the stitches ready, “I hate needles.” 
“Don’t worry, this won’t hurt as badly as you think it will.” I assured him, “You can have a lollipop after.” 
A hearty laugh relaxed his more tense muscles, “Is that your way of saying I need to grow up?”
“No, I’ve dealt with people that whine a lot more than you do.” Memories of practically every single time I had to patch Jayde up came to mind. If nothing else, she taught me how to deal with difficult patients. “And I really do have a jar of candy hidden in one of the cabinets.”
“Well, in that case,” He sat up a little straighter and offered his wounded arm. 
I made sure that I was careful with every stitch so I would cause the least amount of pain possible. The injured werewolf only flinched a couple of times and was mostly successful in maintaining a neutral face. Whenever he lost the battle and grimaced, I offered an encouraging smile to help ease his discomfort. 
“You’re doing great.” I told him as I moved on to the next laceration.
“That sounds patronizing.” He grumbled. 
In an effort to take his mind off of it while I worked, I asked, “What’s your favorite flavor?” 
“Green apple.” 
“I love anything blue, myself. So, lucky for you, I have plenty of green apple.” 
He chuckled again and shook his head, “Can’t believe you’re bribing me with candy like I’m a five year old.” 
I raised a brow at him, “It’s working, isn’t it?” 
I grinned in satisfaction and concentrated back on my work.
Someone suddenly came into view out of the corner of my eye, approaching with haste. I was too busy focusing on the stitches to bother with looking up, but the person stopped right beside me. “Just a second.” I muttered, trying not to sound irritated at my workspace being invaded. 
“Sorry to interrupt,” Toby said, revealing the presence looming anxiously over me, “but I think Jayde needs your help with something.”
“Uh...” I started distractedly as I tied a knot, “Can it wait?” 
“No, not really.”
I stopped abruptly at his answer to meet his gaze. Toby was dressed in workout clothes, most likely having been in the training room with Jayde all afternoon. His expression looked worried, making me fear that something bad had happened. He certainly wouldn’t be stopping me in the middle of treating someone if it wasn’t important. 
My heart did a somersault and I looked at my patient with a wince of apology, putting my equipment back down on the tray beside me, “I’m really sorry, but I should go see what’s wrong. I’ll send Malcolm over to finish this up and then you can go check the far right cabinet behind the latex gloves. Grab a handful of whatever you want.” 
My patient nodded in understanding, though he looked a bit confused, “Yeah, sure. Thank you.” 
As soon as Toby and I were quickly making our way to the training room, in the privacy of the empty hallways, I finally looked over at him with concern, “Is she okay?”
“She’s having an episode.” He explained. 
I wasn’t surprised, but I still frowned. She hasn’t had a bad panic attack in a while. I had hoped the streak would continue on its momentum, but I guess PTSD was an unpredictable foe. “How bad?”
Since our destination was right around the corner, Toby shrugged, “You’ll see.” 
The first thing I heard before the door even fully opened was Jayde snapping menacingly at someone, “I need you to leave me the fuck alone!”
As I stepped into the room, I got a look at the scene. Jayde was sitting on the floor, her back leaning against a weight bench, and the heels of her hands pressing into her eyes. I could see how intensely her muscles trembled, how uneven breaths made her body shift restlessly, like it was impossible for her to find a comfortable position to stay in. Skye hovered close to her, pleading with her older sister to cooperate with her attempts at fixing the situation. 
“Don’t shut me out, Jayde, I’m trying to help you!” Skye reached down, but Jayde flinched away from her, “Come on, talk to me. Please?”
I quickly inserted myself in between them. It wasn’t Skye’s fault, her intentions were good, but she didn’t quite understand how to properly handle this. Being desperate for a solution only put more pressure on Jayde, backing her into a corner and making things worse. It was evident in the mumbled curse that escaped her clenched teeth. My chest pinched at the sound. 
I put my arm out and herded Skye away. She opened her mouth to protest, but I cut her off with a nod and kept my voice calm, yet firm, “I know. It’s okay, just give her some space.” 
Toby didn’t question me, he grabbed Skye’s arm and pulled her back to fulfill my request. “Do your thing, Nadya.” 
“Thanks.” I said and turned back to Jayde. I carefully approached and slowly sat down beside her, propping my elbow up on the bench to lean my head on my hand. Not too close, but not too far that she couldn’t feel my presence. “Hi, Jay.” I whispered softly. 
All she did was shake her head, her fingers shaking as much as her heavy exhale, “You should be at the clinic.”
“I’m right where I need to be.” I took a few quiet moments to study her. Despite being so close, Jayde still refused to look up at me. In fact, she wouldn’t look up at all and kept her hands over her eyes. Almost as if she was shielding herself from something. “What is it?”
“It’s the…” She gestured vaguely above her, “The fucking lights.”
My gaze drifted up to the ceiling. The lightbulbs must have been replaced recently with a more heavy duty bulb because I noticed that the training room was a lot brighter than it used to be. That’s when I understood. The new lights reminded me of the fluorescents at the hospital, which meant they reminded Jayde of the lights that shone down on her nearly twenty-four seven during the three years she spent as a captive. 
I glanced at Toby and Skye, “Can you turn those off?”
Skye nodded and rushed to the switch on the wall before Toby got the chance. 
With the absence of harsh light from above, softer sun rays peeked in through the windows and illuminated the training room instead. I watched Jayde carefully. Prolonged seconds passed in silence before she finally lowered her hands from her face. She still kept her gaze on the ground, her muscles twitching anxiously as clipped breaths echoed in the space. 
“Can I touch you?” I asked. Receiving a nod in consent, I reached over and grabbed one of her clammy hands, bringing it up to cradle it against my chest in both of mine. I wanted her to feel my heartbeat. To focus on my relaxed pace of breath to try and match it. “Take your time and just breathe. I’m right here.” 
Jayde’s grip became stronger than steel, but she didn’t hurt me. I remained in the same spot on the floor, not moving any closer or asking anything more of her. I only brushed the tips of my fingers soothingly along the back of her hand and waited patiently for her to tell me what she needed. 
“Can you talk about something?” She eventually asked. 
“I had this patient that was afraid of needles today. He tried to convince me that he didn’t need stitches, even though he bled all over the place. To calm him down while I stitched him up, I told him he could have some candy when I was done. Worked like a charm.” I gave Jayde an amused smile. She still hadn’t looked at me yet, but I saw the corner of her mouth start to curl up just a fraction. “If only you were that easy.” 
The sound of her soft chuckle made my heart flutter. “Like you haven’t found effective methods with me.” 
“True.” I admitted, bringing her hand up to plant a kiss on her scarred knuckles. The touch pulled a long sigh from her lungs, easing some of the rigidity in her muscles. “But I think you like being difficult. It’s fun for you, isn’t it?” 
She shook her head, “Not when it’s like this. This is stupid.”
“It’s not stupid, Jay.” I reminded her without hesitation, “It’s just how it is sometimes.” 
“I wish it didn’t have to be at all.”
“We get through it, don’t we?” 
Jayde took another deep breath before her gaze finally met mine. Her midnight eyes glittered with unshed tears that were gradually dissipating as she stared at me. “You get me through it.” 
I smiled and placed my hand on her thigh, giving her a loving squeeze, “How about you and I go for a walk?”
She looked up at Skye and Toby, her expression becoming slightly ashamed now that she had calmed down a bit. Toby offered a reassuring smile, while Skye’s face fell in her own guilt. My lips pursed. I didn’t want either of them to feel bad, this wasn’t anyone’s fault, but I couldn’t fix every negative emotion in the room by myself. 
“I wanna get back to training.” Jayde said, mustering some confidence into her voice. “And you need to get back to the clinic.”
“Just a few minutes of fresh air.” I gently urged. 
Skye spoke up, “It might help, Jayde.” 
The two sisters shared a look and an understanding passed between them. One that I couldn’t fully decipher, but it felt like apologies and forgiveness were conveyed in their silent language. Then Jayde nodded and leaned in to kiss my temple, “Alright. Just a few minutes.” 
My hand cupped her cheek and I gave her a warm peck. “I promise we’ll go back to being responsible right after.” 
“You’re all about being responsible, aren’t you?” She teased as she stood up.
“Sometimes.” I replied with a wink once I got to my feet, and started to lead her out of the training room. 
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Hey, I've been thinking abt requesting something like this for a bit. It's something that doesn't pertain to a lot of people but I thought I might request it anyways. Can I request Kris with a best friend who's mute? I hope that's not too hard to write but it would be nice to read something where I can actually feel like the reader in the story lol. It can just be headcannons if you want but I'd really like something longer. Also can it be platonic but in a way where they're basically dating?Thx
Kris with 'just a friend' who happens to be mute.
This ended up taking longer than anticipated. Usually I wouldn't apologize but it's not every day you run into someone with the same medical condition as you.
• Now, we're going to be assuming Kris can talk
Obviously they don't talk often, but if you're around they usually do a little interpreting.
You two were practically forced to become friends.
When you two entered your first year of school everyone compared you for both being so quiet. That lead to you two actually becoming friends.
"Hey! I don't think I caught your name. Mine's Noelle, what's yours?"
Silence was all a young Noelle got in return, of course by this point she had some experience dealing with quiet people such as Kris.
"Not much of a talker huh? I know just the person who you should play with!"
Noelle practically dragged you two together, and together you stayed.
For the first year or two of school you two redefined the phrase' stuck together like glue'
By this point everyone knew that neither of you were open for much conversation. Especially you.
As the year progressed you and Kris didn't drift apart like Kris did with some of the other people they knew.
The closest you two have ever been is right after Asriel left town.
You had to basically play defense with Kris to avoid them having a whole breakdown.
This is where people started asking each other the question 'Are you SURE those two aren't dating?'
No, the answer is no whoever was being asked probably didn't know.
Enough backstory, more SSS (Silent Specific Subjects)
When you switched teachers from Toriel, who was very aware of your silence, to Alphys who was not to aware to begin with things changed.
You and Kris' desks were separated and Alphys would call on you to answer questions like the rest of the class
Eventually she got the gist of it because whenever she would call on you Kris would raise their hand as fast as possible to answer the question for you, most likely getting it wrong.
Unexpectedly, Berdly thought this was just your way of expressing how dumb you were. It doesn't matter if you're actually very gifted, Berdly saw you panic when you were called on and then your best friend had to answer for you.
His favorite thing to do to you was telling something relating to your unintelligence and then watch as you struggle to express your unhappiness to Kris, Toriel, or Alphys.
Of course Kris would catch on to why you were unhappy quicker than the other two.
That only applies to you if you don't know some for of sign language.
Kris would probably learn too, you might have to force them, though.
Susie treats you about the same as Kris, mostly because she can hardly tell the difference between the two of you.
"Quiet nerd and quieter nerd. You two are gonna do the history project, then I'm gonna say that I did all the work. Got it?"
People really think you two are dating, even you some times.
You two are extremely close, Kris make it their duty to protect you, even if you don't really need it.
But it is nice to know that as long as you stick with Kris, think are going to be ok.
Hope you enjoyed
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