#like actually headass
femme-malewife · 1 year
Seeing something you really don’t want to remember and just going:
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tender-hearteddd · 1 year
cannot take eren smut seriously when his english dub VA sounds like the kid in ur history class who has a worrying obsession with WW2 mixed with a muppet having phone sex with his discord kitten 😭😭😭
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sacreblugh · 18 days
has anyone else been recently hit with a dose of old lonely man lately?
like i have been waking up from 5 to 6 in the morning on my own to just listen to the birdsong. been eating a lot more oatmeal and soups. taking midday naps when i can. staring out the window when the sun starts to fall or just standing on my porch wistfully with my hands behind my back. and fuck man i got like three jigsaw puzzle apps now and my 70s rock compilation cds are getting more play than a ps5 on display at walmart
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match highlights: sergio's volley failure
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lildoodlenoodle · 9 months
The ways in which i accidentally trigger myself are always insane and surprising. I can talk and explore freely the most evil nasty shit but the second I talk about surface level shit I’m fucking gone.
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bibleofficial · 1 year
euthanized the wrong animal like can we start just killing jockeys instead ?
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I completely agree! I'm glad you don't mind at least, but of course, it's totally natural to be predisposed to liking what you end up liking. I think that's gonna happen no matter what and it's not something that ever needs to be suppressed. There are very obvious patterns in my favorite characters and pairings for a reason lol
Same! I'm very selective as well, so a fic that stands out that much is always gonna be one for the books. I'm thrilled the language barrier didn't get in the way. The scene at the park GETS ME like the way Jo just knows that it's gonna eat away at Masato and does his best to accommodate instead of dragging him straight home like bro😭😭
I've always wanted to know what differs in Jo's and Arakawa's "parenting styles" that made Masato have such a clear "favorite," and maybe it's things like that that build up. ALSO AGREE on the drama theme in Confession, there's a bit of that in Y7 as-is so it was a great choice to hone in on and highlight it.
I knew you'd say that haha, but I think my subconscious simply understands that if I'd trust anyone with AraSawa, it's you. Also no worries, I genuinely wasn't even expecting a reply until you got home, godspeed lol--super excited to see what you come up with, and I hope you enjoyed your trip + the sushi!
Of course! Nothing wrong with liking what you end up liking. I only worry about it so I don't miss out on good things just because I'm not familiar with it or it's something new- trying to be open minded and ready to try different things and all :]
YEAHYEAH it especially felt great since like. Jo seeing Masato cry about not being able to walk was of course what got him back into his life, so it was nice to loop back to that and instead of Jo not being able to do anything like the first time, he go to be there for him now ;;
On the topic of parenting styles though, I'm genuinely surprised I haven't let slip any of my personal notes about how they parent Masato- or at least how I've speculated they parent him (of course we see how Masumi takes care of him more, so the 'speculation' part more so lies on Jo's end since obviously we didn't get to see it as explicitly). I actually thought of writing up a post about their parenting styles, but I thought I'd be repeating a lot of points we went over uu;;
Even if I might not ever write a fic, I'm glad that I've gotten the mark of approval for AraSawa interpretations (I guess my silly comics are the closest to written fics huh lmao)!
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elmainlcye · 2 years
defending nancy wheeler on tumblr isn’t enough i need steve’s nail bat
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heyitslapis · 1 month
I'm cleaning out pics from my computer & found some art of my OCs in December the first year i made them. Pink Tourmaline, Apatite & Emerald are there, but I completely forgot that I didn't make my Jasper until the following year
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incarnateirony · 4 months
The time for Reasoning with those without Reason ends, between here and the end of the month. Good luck with your rolls. Hope she was worth the cost. 30 car pileup on aisle three because shealyn refuses to dismount my dick and stop being a vapid bitch who won't read a book above middle school, but frozen 3 coming soon
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hellt00th · 8 months
I really don't mind ace astarion headcanons bc it DOES work with his character, after he's had time to figure out what his preferences are but I need yall headasses to stop saying he said he's ace.
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What he ACTUALLY said is he doesn't know how to be with someone, no matter how much he'd like to be. WILDLY different than saying he's ace. He's got severe ptsd when it comes to sex and having sexual trauma does not equate to being ace automatically. At best thats incredibly belitting, and at worst its outright homophobic bc you're erasing someone's identity because they have trauma they haven't processed/healed from.
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nardos-primetime · 2 months
Rise appreciation bc I can't sleep
I find it so funny how when I was younger I didn't wanna get into ANY tmnt bc it seemed basic and boring and now I can't sleep because of these losers I love them so much.
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Alongside that rise content would sneak into random things and I'd normally just scroll past, along with noticing cool looking pfps (which were mostly just screenshots FROM THE SHOW? THE ART IS THAT CLEAN MY HEADASS THOUGHT IT LOOKED COOL) Like even when I wasn't obsessed the designs solely gave them all so much personality while being pleasing on the eye, not many cartoons have that inherent pull with their art design for me and now that I AM a fan I want to choke past me and throw him in front of the screen dude this show is AMAZING and I'm happy to be a part of this community now even if I'm not a SUPER consistent or great creator. The fact I can just have FUN here is so insane and awesome.
(NOT to mention these turtles are actually helping me learn more about my own issues to hopefully be able to work on them more)
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Local turtles change some randos life to the point of violent hyperfixation (his sleep schedule has been destroyed and will not recover for months)
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STILL obsessed with the fact Hobie wears a full ass outfit everyday. Jessica too. I'm so serious.
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Like they were probably in their universe thinking that's normal then they pull up to HQ and see a bunch of Spider-people nearly butt-naked in spandex suits just trodding about bootys and balls all out
And they both saw that and we're like "Yeaaahh.. my black ass is NOT doing that"
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and then they just kept wearing clothes.
Just the thought of them being like 'Actually y'all look fucking ridiculous in those suits but I can keep that to myself' is so funny cause it's SO THEM.
Hobie already thinks most of them are monkeys in a circus
And if it's not Jessica's job she probably doesn't give a rats ass what foolishness y'all are up to. She has her man to go home to. Bye.
Jessica probably pulled up on Day 1 like "I understand everything else - one question though: What the hell y'all hiding y'all faces for? We's hiding our faces now??? Cause it's giving Phantom of the Opera. 🤨😐'
I headcanon Jessica is Hobies mentor and I bet the day they met he saw her and was like
"... Nah bruv, the fucking suits-"
"I know. Just- I just can't with it. I can't."
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They wake up and the two of them put on some earrings, some lip gloss, and at least two belts before even leaving the crib. As they should!!!!
At least once Miguel has tried to call them on a mission and they've gone 'Nah, it's wash day.'
They have to do their hair. They're not turning up in someone's universe in no bonnet. Call someone else goddammit
Meanwhile Peter's out here in some slippers. Humbling reality headass.
Like y'all are not on the same level.
Meanwhile Miguel double cheeked up out in the open. Like hey buddy gym shorts maybe? Just a thought?
Not to bodyshame you Miguel but if you turn around again I'm gonna have to have a talk with HR on the real
Give Miles back his clothes he was fresh as hell. Miles G. on to something
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a-girl-called-bob · 2 years
sure hope i don't get hit with that bug that sometimes makes users post all of their drafts, i have some real depressing shit in there
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lovebugdrabbles · 20 days
Wriothesley Headcanons n$4w vers
notes: i need readers to please go into this believing bro is 35 years of age MINIMUM. or u won't get my VISION. also, my tags are messy bc it's my first time posting my writing on tumblr so just pretend ik how to tag my writing.
warnings: n$4w obvs, 1k words, untitled sentences for the aesthetic, semi-lit, i do use apostrophes, shortened words/abbreviations, i want him in a muzzle so that's mentioned, inappropriate use of handcuffs, i mention he gets rough, i write him as a sweetie pie lowkey tho, tbh it’s a little vanilla, i made a joke abt being ford tough and i feel that warrants a warning, biting, pet name ‘doll’ used, (brief mention) ass slapping , (brief mention) hair pulling, i call him a teddy bear a couple times, (mentioned) slight manhandling, i get a little too into imaging him subby, oops, i also get a bit caught up in soft dom wriothesley,
now playing |◁ II ▷| ‘doin time’ by sublime
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methinks he's defff vers/switch but will fully let a partner take over or will take control himself. i don't believe he's picky in this department for a moment. i think he might prefer dom however his dom side has limits.
i bet he's sooo vocal. letting every little grunt and moan out. word vomits too. whatever he’s thinking, his partner will hear it.
big softie. idc. he is a SWEET MAN. 'love should be warm' headass.
so many pet names for his partner. doll, baby, baby-doll, babe, sweetheart, hon/honey. but doll or sweetheart r his faves.
using his title in bed makes him melt.
like i don't think he's malicious in bed. like truly. he seems teddy-bearish to me but i could be looking thru rose colored glasses i must say.
he's def a bit rough tho but i think it'd be in a playful way. there is times he’d get too into the moment and grab on a bit too tight to a thigh or the hair he's running a hand thru or snap his hips a little too hard but he doesn't mean to and will apologize immediately and try to make it up to a partner or even stop mid-session to make sure the other party is alright.
not opposed to using the cuffs if a partner asks. on him or his partner. but he needs enthusiastic consent before or he won't do it.
i do think he’s actually rlly good abt asking for consent to do things tho. but he does it in a way that it feels like part of sex and not just asking for permission ‘you like that?’, ‘you wanna keep going, doll?’ ‘wanna keep taking me?’ but he will make said doll use their words or he won’t keep going. mans is a whore for hearing a partner beg or ask him to do something and he's not above it either.
he seems like the type to wanna hold hands while going at it. like if his hands can reach his partners they are intertwined or at least touching. a pinkie wrapped around the other at the very least. he feels closer and just… better with it
y'all know the shirt that says 'warning this bitch bites' he needs it. will leave marks that last for days and absolutely loves if a partner does it too. but he does feel a bit guilty after especially if it's a hard bite so will pepper kisses on them after.
seeing his bite marks on a partner drives him crazy tho. like, makes him stop in his tracks and wakes up smth in him like a sleeper agent.
kisses thru-out the ordeal soz u can pry this from my cold dead hands. he feels a little guilty if he isn't kissing a hand, a clavicle or any piece of skin he can delicately place a smooch on occasionally when he's not biting ofc.
additionally: my brain has been occasionally FOGGED w thoughts of him in a muzzle. i'm drooling rn actually. i think he'd have a love-hate relationship with it since he wouldn't be able to kiss or bite a partner but he absolutely bends at a partner’s will when they tug on the bars and that's the best part for him
honestly i don't think he'd be comfortable going much harder than what i've mentioned. maybe he'd allow a few slaps on the ass but idk just seems out of character imo. being rough and tumble is for work and the ring and i think he'd keep it that way.
i did say he's a switch/vers so it's time to talk abt both sides of the coin :))))
when he's in a particularly subby mood; he's pathetic. a complete mess of a man.
its so satisfying to see a guy so high in power just groveling to someone.
i bet he looks at a partner w the biggest puppy dog eyes, mumling the softest and breathiest pleases, his hair all tousled and falling over his face. he thinks he's willing to do anything a partner orders him to do atp.
especially interested in peppering kisses on a partner when he's in this mood. nuzzling and sighing as he wraps his arms around his partner and smooches.
this is the time he is very much not opposed to the handcuffs on him.
i think he'd asked to be praised or called a good boy on these nights. i don't make the rules.
this is when he gets vocal. whimpering included too.
but the facade almost immediately drops when aftercare starts.
on the topic of a dom wriothesley; honestly i dont see him getting into the rough dom role but staying more of a soft dom and being very comfortable there.
that is where the word vomit happens, talking a partner through it all when he's in this mood, telling them how good they feel, they're being so good, or to quiet down despite being a bit noisy himself but that's what his biting is for.
moaning into every bite. teeth marks and hickeys covering a partner the next morning leading to that system overload i touched on earlier.
willing to try more positions when he's in this mood fs but he truly believes you cant go wrong w the classics. *cough cough* missionary
this is when he gets real into it and loses himself in the moment like i mentioned earlier. hips bucking and hands reaching to hold onto a partner like they'll escape.
he gets a little bit rougher but its still not in a mean way more in a 'oh yeah? watch this.' type way. pulling a partner closer of man handling them to hold their hips in a better position.
occasionally those pet names get a very adamant 'my' in front of them.
i think this is when his most comfortable area of aftercare comes in but not before one last thing.
he'd like to stay holding a partner for a bit afterwards, letting everyone regain their bearings before hopping into aftercare mode if he was the one in control.
aftercare on top tho. tea, running a bath, helping a partner bathe if they so want, helping a partner get dressed if they're super sore, massages, just all out pampering, especially if he gets a little rough.
he equally enjoys reciving aftercare but is hesitant bc he says he's fine or he's built tough. BUILT FORD TOUGH. sorry idk where that came from and he is but the guy needs to let a partner take care of him sometimes.
the 'love is supposed to be warm' line weighs heavy on me if u cant tell. he's just a teddy bear :(( ugh i'll sob.
la fin !
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end notes: tysm for reading the ravings of a madman !! i've had so many random ass thoughts abt him since playing the story quests lmfao and i wanted to get out of my fluffy/horror writing comfort zone so i wrote basically what i think he's like in bed jsjsjs. i may be posting some stuff on boothill from honkai star rail but it'll probably be more rambling just about robotics and prosthesis for now if i post. if i don't post that i'm wrapping up a wriolette fic soon and that will be up here or on my ao3 under the same user !! till next timeee
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s3lfinvolvedh3athen · 9 months
Drabble/ one-shot of why Eren never has his hair in a ponytail.
expanding on this post
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The bathroom was a mess. Hair caked onto the counters and sink. Leave-in conditioner smudging the mirror and broken hair ties everywhere. You'd kill him if his frustrations weren't already getting the job done.
"Ughhh, babe! Where do you keep those spiral hair ties of yours?"
Rolling your eyes, you turn up the volume on your laptop. It's been the same routine everyday for the past two weeks.
I'm just trying to find my look headass. Niggas can't find their 'look' without messing up your bathroom and using up your products?
The sleek bun, the 'wet look' and even the mohawk. Which, by the way, was a completely unnecessary waste of gel.
Aunt Jackie better sponsor your ass with the amount of money you've spent on her products.
Stepping into the room with a pleased smile on his face and a ridiculous high ponytail on his head, Eren stood on the couch in front of you.
With a sigh, you pause what's playing on your screen and look up at him expectantly.
"Well, what do you think?"
"I think you better get your ass to cleaning my bathroom"
"Wow, so you ain't even gonna compliment my hair? It's giving jealous."
"Yeah, you're just mad 'cause I'm eating you up right now."
"Only thing you're eating up is my money with the way you've been wasting my products. Get your Ariana Grande looking ass into that bathroom and make sure it's spotless."
Muttering under his breath about 'a loveless home' and kissing his teeth, he drags his feet towards the bathroom to "make sure it's spotless".
A couple of minutes go by and you really, really need to pee. Putting your laptop to the side, you make your way to the hopefully clean bathroom. Stopping at the door when you see your boyfriend at the centre of the mess, checking himself out in the mirror.
"Dunno, i think i'm really pulling this off"
"Babe, you know I love you right? And you know I would never say anything mean unless it was coming from a good place, right?"
"That fuckass ponytail needs to go. Just put your hair up in a messy bun or something. Or at least don't have the ponytail so high like damn"
"Oh, so you just came in here to hate?" he asks amusedly while wiping down the counters
"I came in here to piss, so if you'll excuse me."
Moving past your huffy boyfriend, you walk towards the toilet. Sighing contently as you finish up and move to wash your hands.
Drying your hands, you see Eren bend down into a deep squat to pick up a couple of broken hair ties and stray hairs.
That fuckass ponytail needs to go and you had the funniest idea on how to make that happen.
Silently approaching him from behind, he briefly turns to you before getting back to the task at hand.
"You good babe- y/n what the FUCK?!"
Reaching for the band of his shorts, you use all your strength to pull him up so his ass meets your pelvis. Grabbing his hair to keep him balanced.
thrust, thrust, thrust
"Babe?? What the actual fuck are you doing. Unhand me!"
"Fuck princess you feel so good. Yeah, throw that ass back and make it clap I'm bout to nut" you said with a low, gravelly voice and accompanying thrust.
"Yeah baby, take this dick," thrust.
Finally managing to push you off him with a scream, you burst out laughing at his now lopsided ponytail and unamused expression.
Taking a couple of breaths and composing yourself. You look directly at his chest because Jesus almighty, anything from the neck up would launch you into hysterics.
Walking out of the bathroom you speak out as you approach the couch. "Ayt princess, get rid of the ponytail and finish cleaning up. Love youuu"
After settling back onto the couch, you laugh when Eren finally leaves the bathroom. Mini-trash bag in hand and indent's in his hair from the retired ponytail.
"You didn't have to do all that forreal"
"Yeah, yeah. Do me a favour and get me a snack from the kitchen princess"
"The fuck? I ain't getting you shit."
"Awhhh, but babeeee. We can cuddle. I'll even be big spoon."
"Nah... okay fine." He really couldn't say no to you.
"Love you... nigga say it back"
Approaching the couch, he throws you snack at you. Picking you up and laying the both of you down with your back to his chest and a kiss on your cheek.
"I guess I love you too."
Why's he fronting like he's not obsessed with you?
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Fuckass ponytails on men are in the same category as fuckass bobs on women idc.
This is wayyy longer than i intended but here y'all go.
tags: @st4rb3rr13s @zorosbigbootyassgirlfriend
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