#like all of the specialists have so many negative traits but i feel like people only ever talk about sky or riven
floralovebot · 1 year
What kind of vices do you think Helia has?
OUGH i love talking about the many problems he has <333
Here are some of his canon vices!
Very self-deprecating - It gets better later on and especially as Flora hypes him up, but Helia tends to think of himself and his actions in a very negative way and doesn't do much to challenge that narrative. He unconsciously relies on the others to make himself feel better a lot!
Self-critical - A thing that can be good in moderation, but like all vices, Helia takes it too far. He's overly observant and critical of himself to the point where it's like he's playing the observer all the time. He then gets anxious and convinces himself he's a horrible person cause he made One mistake. Way to go dude
Escapist - He has a hard time sticking around once he's convinced himself that people would be better off without him.
On a similar note, avoiding conflict. It may not seem obvious since Helia occasionally calls out the others, but that only happens when he's genuinely not in the wrong (or doesn't feel in the wrong). If something happens that he thinks he caused or was involved in, he tends to avoid that conflict and fallout.
And if I'm being honest, avoidance in general. Again, it's one of those things that gets missed easily, but that sort of mysteriousness/shyness that people often see in Helia? That's usually avoidance from him! He avoids talking to people unless they speak to him first, he avoids telling people about himself or his life, he'll outright ignore people if he doesn't like them, etcetc. There are times when it's for a good reason (not talking to the trix for example) and times when it's incredibly annoying and counterproductive (like with the specialists or flora). It should be noted that this behavior mostly shows up in his personal life rather than on missions but if anything, I think that shows he's aware of this but doesn't change it.
Impulsive - Again, it may not seem like it but Helia is very impulsive! A lot of the decisions he makes throughout canon are done in the moment and with very little thinking. It's easy to miss because Helia is a fast thinker and quick on his feet so his actions often seem more planned out than they actually are, but if you look at the individual actions themselves and how quick he makes them after Just thinking of them, it gets really obvious. In the show, I'd say the best and most well-known example would be in his introduction episode, aka the monster stunt. Again, it's easy to miss, but that wasn't planning or cautious thinking from him, that was full on impulsivity (both grabbing the monster And leaving). Other good examples would be the Shaab Stone arc in the comics (literally an entire arc of Helia being impulsive as hell), the s2 florelia kiss scene, Helia saving Sky in s2 when they're in Darkar's Fortress, and him running up to every enemy.
I'm not sure what you would call this, maybe recklessness?, but Helia often has very little regard for his own safety. He regularly puts himself into dangerous situations that he doesn't Need to be in without thinking about how badly it's gonna hurt him. Well,,, he does think about whether or not it'll kill him, but if the answer is "no", then it doesn't matter how much danger he's in, he's gonna do it. This often ends with one of the specialists yelling at him which is funny but Still. I do think it's important to note that he's not reckless with the other's safety (he's overly cautious with them) but he definitely is with his own.
I feel like there are others I Could list but they don't show up quite enough for me to call them his vices (ie the occasional stubbornness, lack of confidence, or jealousy). I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS LIST OF HIS MENTAL ANGUISHES I KNOW I DO
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sysmedsaresexist · 1 year
Hello - wanted to ask as someone in an endogenic system.
What are your general opinions on endogenic systems and their existence? I'm asking because I saw one of your recent posts and am confused.
Is it a case of viewing us as completely separete and sharing no actual similarities with DID/OSDD as a phenomenon in the slightest (like viewing it only as a spiritual belief, for example), or of being open to considering our validity once there's enough reaserch done on us, or being open to accepting us because you think that all real systems who claim to be endo are actually traumagenic without knowing it? Or is it something else? I genuinely want to understand where you're coming from on this.
(Also, I think it might need adding: having DID/OSDD, imo, is a very different experience to being endogenic in many ways, and to claim that it isn't wouldn't be truthful. However, I do think that there are some links between both the phenomena and that they shouldn't be disregarded as completely unrelated).
Wish you a good day!
Hey, I appreciate you taking the time to ask, that's a fair question
I suppose, honestly, a bit of all of the answers (let me explain), starting with stating the biggest one upfront
I believe in the perception of multiple selves.
Funnily enough, so do some of the most prominent DD specialists in the world (Ross has written extensively on it).
But I don't believe it's comparable to DID in any way, shape, or form.
There are a lot of "types" of plurality.
I support people having religious beliefs about their plurality, though I ask that it not be in my personal spaces because hearing talk of it is triggering based on my own trauma, and because it tends to start confusing us and causes us to dissociate in really messy ways. I don't think religion/spirituality and mental health mix very well in cases like DID. It's not a disbelief in or disregarding of their experiences, but more of a, "please don't compare that to DID, it's not the same, and the potential that I'll be influenced in negative ways is too great." Like, some of my alters could be easily convinced time/space travel is possible and that I'm a gateway. Believe me, that's going to make my life hell. The issue here is the comparison to a mental disorder.
I believe in the perception of various self states, and being very emotionally and mentally tuned to different emotions and moods that can feel and appear to be separate from yourself. I believe that people genuinely experience themselves this way. However, I firmly believe and support the research into the physical cause/mechanism of DID, and that it is not what endogenics are experiencing.
I believe there are people that are purposefully causing themselves to dissociate in an attempt to create headmates (or whatever is most similar to alters in DID). I do not believe they are actually capable of this, unfortunately, because dissociation is only one key part of DID, and the brain is no longer capable of dissociating to that degree after adolescence-- it's a learned trait in childhood that is limited by biological predispositions (this is why some people can experience extreme trauma in childhood but will not develop DID/OSDD).
I do believe they can train themselves to experience multiple selves as an internal perception, though, and that dissociation greatly helps this process.
Do I think it's healthy? For some, maybe, but generally no. That's pretty understandable considering my experiences, though, if you ask me. Like, people purposefully dissociating and disowning parts of themselves kind of goes against everything in the treatment of my disorder, where we need to work on embracing and coming to terms with other parts of ourselves.
The biggest takeaway:
These are actually the minority of cases, and the experiences are not comparable based on physical mechanisms
So on to the rest.
I believe a lot of endogenic systems ARE DID/OSDD systems. This realization happens frequently, and having run this blog and seen SO MANY different reasons why people think they're not DID/OSDD has made it clear that there's a distinct lack of understanding among the endogenic community of how DID/OSDD functions and what's considered a "normal" experience. My most popular post is a list of things that are actually totally normal in DID/OSDD, and it's filled with people going, "oh 😬". There's a lack of understanding around trauma and what that is. There's a lack of understanding and some EXTREMELY ableist views around what being "disordered" looks like and what dysfunction in the DSM is.
I think there are also many people that are experiencing a different mental disorder and that are exasperating their symptoms by aligning themselves with endogenic communities. It's really hard to talk to that community about what other disorders (BPD, OCD, schizophrenia, delusions, etc) are actually like. As much as there's a misunderstanding about DID, it's twice as bad for other disorders. Talking about other possibilities doesn't mean I don't believe their experiences, but learning what might ACTUALLY be driving your behavior and mood will help you plan your healing journey (because let's not lie, many in the endogenic community are struggling with several different issues, and there are likely just as many in the DID community going through this, too).
Like it's not a one community problem, but the endogenic community IS harder to talk to about this stuff because any question of one's perception or experiences is basically taboo.
And I think more research will come out, eventually, that'll help me form a more solid opinion and understanding of both experiences.
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romiyaro · 2 years
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ᴄʜᴘ. 02
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ᴛᴡ/ᴄᴡ: ʜʏʙʀɪᴅꜱ, ꜰᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ, ʙʀᴀᴛ ᴛᴀᴍᴇʀ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ, ꜱᴇxᴜᴀʟ ᴛʜᴇᴍᴇꜱ, ᴅᴀʀᴋ ᴛʜᴇᴍᴇꜱ, ᴏᴘ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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ʟɪɴᴋꜱ: ᴘʀᴇᴠ | ɴᴇxᴛ | ᴍ.ʟɪꜱᴛ
ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ: @pulchritxde @fayelvsu @that-one-wall @nanamis-wifey-reye @shaak-ti-s @lucyrocks86
ɴᴇᴛᴡᴏʀᴋ: @tokyometronetwork
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“Stop that!” Gojo whines, shoving at your face with his huge palm.
Swatting his hand away, you raise a brow at him, “Stop what?” 
“Stop frowning! It’s making me anxious!” He whines again. You raise both your brows at him, “Me frowning makes you anxious?”
“No!” His voice is high-pitched and worked up as he explains, “You are anxious. That makes me anxious. It’s a negative trait of being a hybrid. You pick up others’ general emotions.”
You nod your head. You knew that already. Hybrids often picked up people’s emotions with their heightened sense of smell. It’s something about them picking up the hormonal scents released by humans when they felt strong emotions, and how that led to the hybrids’ bodies replicating the humans by releasing the very same hormones, but in exaggerated amounts. At least, that’s what the hybrid specialist, Dr. Hirugami said the last time you questioned him about Sukuna’s pissed mood swings during his monthly check-up. The rest just flew over your head, mind focusing more on keeping the muzzled sukuna tackled to the bed. No restraints were strong enough to restrain the self-acclaimed hybrid king.
“I don’t know, Gojo. Something’s amiss,” you ponder. It’s rare for you to get a chance to idle around like this in the lounge, even rare for the snowy-haired hybrid to be free as well. But now that your hands are free of stubborn hybrids and bossy authorities, your mind can’t help but go back over the stuff that happened over the few days.
“Hmm, tell me. It might help you pinpoint the reason.” Gojo suggests. And you are. once again, mind-blown by how supportive he is. 
Because, from all the harsh training he receives every day, you would imagine him to have some personal vendetta against the human race. You know you would. But no, here he is, kneeling before your seated form, cerulean eyes looking at you with concern as he offers you help.
So you exhale heavily and say what’s on your mind, “It’s Sukuna. Something’s off about him.” You pause to collect your thoughts.
Gojo tilts his head, “What is?”
“I don’t know. He hasn’t been himself since Mahito broke in. It’s like- he’s so quiet, and obedient. And he isn’t responding to my provocations either. Like he’s planning something big.” The uneasiness increases in your gut, a dark foreboding you know not to ignore. “Something’s happening, Gojo. We must be prepared.”
You don’t know why you say that. You don’t want to scare the poor guy. But the discomfort you feel right now? It’s not the normal discomfort you feel when you realize a blood-thirsty hybrid’s behind you or Sukuna’s waiting outside the bathroom door to rip your guts out. No. This is on a much larger scale. And you have an inkling it’s got something to do with the Crime Syndicate.
While you're entangled in your inner turmoil, you don't even notice the big palms clasping yours until you feel their cold temperature against your skin. Gojo looks into your eyes, his firm grasp bringing you back to reality, “We are prepared, y/n. The agency has you, me, Nanamin, Suguru and so many more working in the back. We might as well be prepared for world annihilation. You don’t have to worry about it all by yourself.”
You gaze deep into his eyes, the blue in them keeping you entranced for a long minute. His words reverberate in your ears, but they touch your heart. You feel your body lighten; like a heavy burden was lifted off of your shoulders. 
Of course. How could you forget? You weren’t alone in this. There were so many. So many people working 24/7 in the agency; always watching your back no matter what.
Gojo hums, watching the unease leave your eyes and he gets up, opting to sit beside you. His hands never leave yours though. “I know this isn’t over, y/n. Why don’t you tell me exactly what happened that day?”
You know he’s referring to the day Mahito broke in. No one had officially interrogated you, simply choosing to believe what you reported instead. So, feeling that this might be a good review of that day, you tell him everything.
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“Wait wait wait, hold on a second. Did you just refer to yourself as mommy?” Gojo snorts. You scowl at him, “Yeah, I did. But that’s beside the point. I was just trying to rile him up. He talks way more when he’s feeling pissed or provoked.”
“Sure, sure,” he chuckles mirthfully, “Go ahead, mommy~”. You roll your eyes at him before continuing the story, “Anyways, Sukuna retorts back with- uh-”, you try hard to remember his exact words, imitating his grouchy tone, “ ‘those lowlives are not my friends’”.
Gojo chuckles at your poor initiation, but it dies down when your words register, “Friends? You mean there were more people other than Mahito who broke in?”
You shrug, you had already considered that probability, “Maybe. Or maybe he’s just referring to the Crime Syndicate.”
“Oh. Did you question him about it any further?” Gojo probes.
“Yeah, I did.” You sigh, “But it’s like someone switched on a cap over his mood recently. He isn’t even responding to my provocations. And he’s always looking at me so smugly like he knows a secret that I don’t.”
He definitely knows something you don't. And one interaction particularly stands out to you. 
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The night was cold; typical of the winter season as you walked into your apartment. Peeling off the layers of clothes off you, you waited for the usual arrival of your hybrid. Sukuna sauntered into the hall, hands buried in the pockets of his sweatpants, smirking at you. 
“Welcome home, y/n.” His voice is husky, deep, and sexy and it's affecting you in all the wrong damned ways. This had to be the first time he ever called you anything other than an expletive. You never imagined hearing your name on Sukuna’s tongue would be this hot. 
You mentally slap yourself out of that temporary haze. Hybrids can smell human emotions, and you couldn’t afford to let him have that advantage over you. 
But from the way his smirk widened, you had a hunch he was playing with you. 
You ignored the way his eyes rake up and down your body, bold tongue licking at his lower lip seductively. Turning around, you placed your purse on the surprisingly unharmed table. Usually, when you leave for work, you punch Sukuna out cold and then unlock his chains, setting him free to stretch out and roam inside the well-locked apartment. The agency even provided you with an iron door just for this purpose. That explains why the experts were so shocked when the break-in happened. The iron door usually opens only with your voice. 
So when you normally returned home, the furniture would be in absolute disarray, having faced the wrath of an imprisoned code black. But not this time. The furniture is exactly as it was when you left for work. Not normal in the slightest. And you questioned him about it.
“Gave up on destroying the furniture? I was hoping you would break this table too. Nanamin promised me to get my favorite oakwood table if you did.” you jest, ready for him to attack you now that you had your back to him.
But that attack never came. Instead, you heard a low magnetic chuckle. “Nah. Now that I know I have to live here for a bit, I might as well enjoy these useless little human creations.” 
That struck a weird chord with you but you played along, always on guard and ready for a sneak attack. What was weirder was that when the clock struck ten, instead of him waiting for you to punch him out cold, Sukuna himself took the initiative to go to his humongous cage in the guest bedroom, locking himself in and falling asleep on his queen-sized bed. Disbelieving his acts, you locked the cage with extra care that night.
You gulp, omitting that part while retelling the story to Gojo. There was no way you would let him know how horny you felt being ogled by a code black. It was humiliating. And morbid. Your mind again went back to that odd memory.
When you turned around to head for your bed after locking his cage, his voice stopped you, his words once again sending that unfamiliar tingle down your spine. “I can smell you, y’know. And I’ll give you that; you smell delicious.”
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shiningclown69 · 2 years
Sky vs Riven
Lord this might be a bit controversial but
Thinking abt the amt of flak Sky gets compared to Riven + a bit of Rivusa
(I speak a bit negatively abt Rivusa, Riven and Sky in general here. Just a wee bit. If you're really miffed abt that, don't read this methinks. I'm sorry don't cyberbully me, this is just a thought dump. If you don’t agree with me, that’s fine.)
This is q long + all over the place bc I couldn’t categorise this into a proper list
Why do more people like Riven?
Like ofc ik there are ppl who dislike Riven (myself included, until i decided i liked him derogotarily) but there are MANY hardcore fans for Riven. He's arguably the most popular specialist imo
But I feel a disproportionate amt of ppl dislike Sky? Or have just general negative feelings about him. I really wonder why is that
This might piss some ppl off but i think AS A RIVEN ENJOYER (derogotary) :
Ppl like Riven bc of his sad backstory??? Which might make his actions more forgivable to some people bc he's somebody you can kinda pity/feel for. He's a lil edgey/troublemaker too so that's more exciting
I think ppl also like Riven bc of his rs w Musa...bc they wanna root for them to resolve their problems and get back together
Ik ppl say they dislike the drama but man I feel the drama plays a part in the enjoyment for some ppl??? Bc if they liked the healthy rs best, they would have chosen Brandon/Stella or Tecna/Timmy or Aisha/Nabu to be their fave ship, but yet somehow Rivusa edges those out above all
Idk, or maybe they just like Musa and Riven as individual characters -> thus ship. I can't really vouch for that, bc I don't particularly like Musa... (im sorry Rus) However, I can understand the concept of wanting to ship charas together bc u like both charas individually (See: Brandon/Riven), so I can kinda see why?
TLDR I think Riven’s sympathetic backstory gives ppl more motivation to forgive him and see him as misunderstood character. That, in conjunction with his “bad boy” personality and rocky relationship with Musa adds to more people rooting for him.
Why do people dislike Sky?
Ok now back to Sky. Maybe its bc of that 3k tumblr essay i read on Sky, but I feel he's hated more than he deserves to be
Like, he's just a guy. He's just a dude.
Ironcially, I think this is a reason why ppl dislike him too. Bc he's so painfully generic as a protagonist, he just automatically gets disliked by most ppl. Kinda like why ppl dislike Bloom sometimes bc shes a protag
Another reason for the hate might be that Sky also has the biggest story presence among the specialists (only Riven comes close). Bc of his generic personality, I think ppl wished more spotlight was given to other specialists, and perceived that Sky was hogging up all the spotlight bc of his protag standing. This reasoning is kinda similar to why some ppl dislike Bloom once again.
I think another reason why is also his privilege + ignorance. He's the richest guy in the group bc of his royal status and has the most storylines/voice lines surrounding this background. His privilege is made super clear by the show. I can't really say whether the show portrayed his privilege in a uncritical light or not, but the fans probably didn't like that he was so obviously privileged.
I think this is a common trait Sky shares with Stella, who also has a lot of lines where she mentions her privileged lifestyle. Idk if ppl ignore Stella's privilege or not, but I think Sky gets a lot more flak for it compared to Stella? Fyi I DO like Stella, she’s my fave winx. I just theorise that Stella gets less flak for it bc she has a broken family + neglectful childhood.
Then again, Sky's family is possibly one of the worst in the show. So idk.
Also I feel like the show didn’t frame Sky particularly well. I’m pretty sure the rest of the guys are also q privileged in some way. Its just that Sky’s privilege is put at the forefront by the show, and that’s why so many ppl perceive him as that type of guy
Helia is literally Saladin’s grandson. Timmy’s family are some of the most esteemed inventors/scientists in Magix. Nabu’s family is exceptionally wealthy.  Brandon’s background is mostly a mystery, but I read on the Russian winx wiki that his parents are working for Sky's parents
 Another reason why I like the winx comics is that they explore this area. Helia literally gets placed to the captain position by Saladin in one comic. Even if its bc Saladin believes Helia is truly capable, many ppl (esp Riven) thinks its bc of nepotism, and I honestly can’t blame Riven for that. HOWEVER the comics does try to redeem Helia when he makes a big mistake, causing him to doubt his ability to lead and leave Red Fountain. In addition, he rejects help from his family and struggles to make ends meet during this period.
The show does try to do this for Sky, but they do it kinda poorly? The 2 instances I can think of is when he rejects Diaspro’s help in S1, and that scene in S4 where he rejects his father’s precious crystals at the pawn shop. (Except they completely undermined that scene when Riven is seen later trying to pay for their groceries with those same crystals, which means Sky took it in the end :,)). The scenes (esp esp the s4 one) almost feel a bit performative to me????
Anyway, I feel ppl are far less forgiving when a characters prominent flaw is privilege + ignorance. That’s reasonable, bc it just feels like a non-problem almost and is harder to relate to/feel bad for. BUT ALSO I feel like Sky shouldn’t be getting so much hate for it, bc its ultimately a flaw that’s completely circumstantial/out of his control. And this is coming from a person who dislikes Sky.
The last reason I can think of why ppl dislike Sky is his rs with Bloom, Diaspro and his jealousy issues.
We’ll talk about Diaspro first. Unlike many other ppl in the fandom...man I just kinda wanna get over the identity swap thing? I agree that Sky did not handle that well, but neither did Bloom. Idk, I just kinda wanna get over that “he didn’t apologise properly” for it part and let it go. Maybe its just me??????? I think he should have apologised too but not everyone can be Brandon, and I feel that moment got too harped upon. 
I also feel like he didn’t tell Bloom about Diaspro bc he thought that his rs w her wouldn’t matter bc he didnt love her. Evidently that’s not the case, but I feel that’s just his general ignorance? And I feel like he’s somewhat more conscious of Bloom’s disdain for Diaspro after that, which means he learnt from it.
Idk if ppl think this way, but I also feel Sky wasn’t undecisive in choosing whether he wanted to be with Diaspro or Bloom. He obviously loves Bloom, Diaspro and his parents are just in the way of that.
It might be overplayed, but I actually like the dilemma of him having to make the tough choice to choose. I think this is quite well put in Comic #15, where Sky is clearly sullen to meet Diaspro and her family again. He has already told his parents his choice, but his parents urge him to think about the consequences of his actions. Diaspro’s parents are very powerful, and marrying her would bring great prosperity to the kingdom he will inherit in the future. The stern line “You can’t only think for yourself.” from his mother right after he says “I wish people would stop telling me what to do.” is q a powerful moment. I really like that scene bc it better exemplifies the gravity of the situation compared to the show. Sky is just put on the spot with a very difficult decision to make as a SIXTEEN YEAR OLD. The choice of Bloom might as well not be an option with how much his parents passively pressure him
I also think he feels an obligation to be nice to Diaspro (parents aside) bc she’s his childhood friend. He probably struggles to be outright mean to her bc he has some lingering feelings of friendship towards her + she hasn’t done anything to harm him (until S3, at which point he just severs his rs with her)
I do think they could have handled the Diaspro plot better in the show, but that’s just the way it is. Diaspro herself is quite an interesting character, but I’m not gonna expand on that here. 
Ok time to address Sky’s jealousy. This man has been jealous of Avalon, Andy and a sentient Unicorn. This is the most valid reason to hate Sky imo, but I also feel jealousy is q a common feeling for ppl to have.
In certain scenarios his jealousy is also kinda valid? Like why is Bloom kissing Andy?????? Plus Stella encouraged Bloom to be more frisky with other men like im sorry but no pls don’t....(Though the way Sky tackled this jealousy was so bad....like he just paid attention to other women instead)
His anger at Avalon is also q ????, but I imagine part of it probably stems from the fact he thinks its a bit creepy that Avalon is being so close to Bloom (which is valid)
As for the unicorn, well...its confusing to say the least. In his defense, I don’t think he’s jealous, more of just pissed at Elas in general. If a godamn talking unicorn kept interrupting me and my girlfriend’s private time together, I would be pissed too. This unexpectedly counts as a valid one???????
Oh god am I really ending this heavy post on the unicorn topic?? Really?????
TLDR I think a culmination of all the factors above (being generic, privilege and ignorance, Diaspro, jealousy) amounted to Sky being greatly disliked by the fandom. And honestly I feel it’s the showrunners fault? 
But I also appreciate that Sky is a flawed character (even if the show implies he’s not). I wish the show explored more into the specialists’ flaws and life in general, Sky included. Winx in general is a show with a lot of untapped/wasted potential imo, which is a bit sad. But that paves the way for ppl to do it better, so I’ll make peace with that. 
Anyway, that’s my two cents on the matter. This ended up being a Sky defense post from a person who doesn’t care abt Sky, amazing. 
If you’ve managed to read this far, gold star for you. 
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revengeofthestims · 2 years
30 Days of Autism Acceptance 2022: Day 16
April 16th: Talk about discovering yourself as an autistic person. When did you first find out you were autistic? If you were diagnosed, what was that process like? If you are self diagnosed, when did you first start to suspect that you could be autistic? How did you feel about it when you first found out compared to how you feel about it now? Have you gotten to a place of acceptance? What does being autistic mean to you?
Honestly, I don't remember much about how my diagnosis happened/what it was like because I was diagnosed as a kid (like, around my last year of preschool). But I do know (partly from my own memories and partly from asking my parents) that I showed autistic traits when I was in kindergarten, such as special interests and playing better on my own, which is why she tried to get me diagnosed. Apart from that, I only vaguely remember having to see some psychologists (including a specialist who literally worked in another town and so I had to be taken out of town to see her) to be tested, and that I didn't exactly understand what that was for. I just went with it.
IDK how I felt right when I first found out, I probably didn't realize there was anything very different or "weird" with me. But I do remember that in elementary school, I realized how negatively most people saw autism and autistic kids at the time (and I feel that so many people still do), and I internalized those negative and harmful ideas. I'd honestly rather not talk about that time in my life, but basically, it was a dark time and I'm glad I'm past that.
As for how I feel about it now... Yeah, I can say I've gotten to a place of acceptance. Taking time to learn about autism from the internet as a teenager, particularly from blogs, videos and such by autistic people themselves, helped me understand not just myself, but other autistic people better and I think it taught me to be a better person in general. I think I could still do better at understanding, but I'll keep trying to.
To me, being autistic has meant different things over the years. The meaning went from just being me to being a weirdo and a freak as I initially realized I was autistic, and as I grew up, it went back to just being me with all its positives and negatives. I think I'm alright with being me. Even with my difficulties. In fact, I think I benefited from growing up different and having to accept that.
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firjii · 5 years
Boomers are autistic/ADHD too
Yanno what I’m just saying it and maybe I’ll get called a traitor or whatever but that doesn’t stop this from being a distinct possibility: there’s a lot of untreated, undiagnosed, unacknowledged ADHD and autism among boomers. I notice it every single day and I can’t believe more people don’t talk about it.
Stay with me because this gets long.
They didn’t know shit for shit about the brain when boomers were children. Hyper or “disobedient” children were beaten or given some other utterly useless and frequently detrimental punishment. Institutionalization was considered totally acceptable in moderately severe autism cases. Therapy as we know it was typically reserved for people who were so cripplingly traumatized in some way that there was literally no other choice. It was usually damage control after the fact, not intervention.
Yes, autism and ADHD have some form of research history spanning several centuries, but your average regular person didn’t know that (and still doesn’t always, since the 20th century is often egregiously known as the century of “new” medical “fads”). Your average doctor didn’t necessarily know about it. It was a relatively fringe topic, so not all psychiatrists/psychologists learned it because it was a blip (or nothing) on the syllabus unless maybe you were specializing in children or developmental disabilities (and there......really weren’t a lot of either such specialist up to a certain point :///).
Everyone else affected by it but deemed functional or marriable enough to try living in the world just dealt with it, for better and worse. Many of the blatantly obvious signs we now use for diagnosis were lumped in as a personality type/trait at best or an intelligence marker at worst.
And I get where that comes from......sort of. Brian is a persistently loud talker, Amy is deeply claustrophobic, Sam gets nervous easier than some other people, Alex needs a tiny bit more time to hand copy an address. Who is ND on closer investigation? Maybe all, maybe none. You can show a few signs without them being part of a big dire diagnosis conspiracy. Far be it for me to try to call someone something they’re not.
But given how many people are disregarded or misdiagnosed in general for anything medically-related whatsoever, it’s too easy to use that line of thought to dismiss a legitimate case or just plain avoid a problem. 
Some affected boomers thrived and found careers that valued (and even normalized!!)  hyperfocusing, attention to detail, channeled hyperactivity, etc. (LOOKIN AT YOU, COMPUTER ENGINEERS AND VARIOUS TECHIE INVENTORS). Some of them had/have somewhat chaotic or strained home lives, but for all intents and purposes, they do or have done at least some of what they wanted to in life.
But many others didn’t. Think about all the kids who were called “unteachable” so they barely finished high school (for fuck’s sake it was hard to even get humane tutoring for dyslexia), could barely ever keep a job, and in some cases weren’t truly prepared for having kids because they struggled to take care of themselves as it was.
Think about the stay-at-home moms who turned into lowkey addicts or alcoholics to escape feelings of uselessness/insignificance simply because sometimes they forgot to or couldn’t do something that day and everyone around them shamed them about all those little things for years or decades. We like to joke about yuppy drunks (and yes that was/is a real problem), but it wasn’t always about disgusting social habits.
Many of that generation blames the problems they’re dealing with right now on age, and that’s a close enough approximation in practice that a lot of people don’t dispute it. To be fair, age does really do that shit to people: you forget things easier, you can’t always finish a task but you’re not sure why, you don’t always have the energy you want/need, etc. Sometimes age is just age.
But I remember differently. I remember seeing those things because I was dealing with them too and couldn’t understand why the grownups were so upset at themselves when actually mistake XYZ wasn’t really a huge crisis and wasn’t a big deal – because there were double standards, both external and self-imposed. No one questioned them much with me – a small child at the time – but they were a big shitting deal when it came to an outwardly functional adult. I remember all the oddities, quirks, and problems that these people were dealing with as young as their late 30s in some cases.
That’s not age, it’s a goddamn brain issue. Age is now complicating things, yes. But so many want to pretend that they were completely normal before they turned 50 or 60 or whatever, at which point they promptly and swiftly had an overnight change. That’s not fair to anyone. It’s emotionally ruthless and medically sloppy, and yet a lot of them go on believing it anyway.
I genuinely feel that this is a reason why some boomers are so baffled or disbelieving of ND issues in their own kids and their kids’ kids. They can sometimes see younger generations’ problems in their own lives and even relate to them, but they’re so used to it – and in many cases, got zero help in learning how to manage it – that they don’t get what the big deal is about shoehorning people into miserable, unhealthy, or borderline hazardous life patterns. They assume that the massive struggle, intense frustration, and subsequent other negative health side effects are just….part of life and you either sink or swim.
And I…....kinda get that mentality because putting stock in “no excuses” does push some people to do better?? And yes you should be mindful of self-imposed excuses stopping you from doing things??
But now that overall lack of acknowledgement means that we have multiple generations who still default to believing that most of their problems are solely voluntary and conscious decisions, always and exclusively their own fault, something that they “could” just walk away from forever if they “chose” to.
We have multiple generations who still assume that they’re alone in their problems and even that they kind of deserve shitty or abusive behavior from others because they’re “bad” and “should have seen it coming” or “need to smarten up.”
We have children and grown-ass adults alike who are totally unprepared to deal with lifelong problems on top of things like broken economies and increasingly demanding neurotypicals’ social standards (because yeah, even though us younger folks warmly welcome things like the shift from calling to texting, that can still reach absurd levels of maintenance and anxiety because now the older generations assume that just because a few people are extremely “with it” that the rest of us are too).
And all because some people are so terrified of labels that they’re also willing to totally deny the existence of some very real medical stuff even though they themselves might be dealing with it.
I’m not trying to excuse crappy parents, bad home environments, bad education experiences, or anything else negative. I’m also not trying to blame all of psychology’s faults on one generation.
I’m just saying that it’s not that surprising if you really stop and think about it.
Psychology and neurology have come a long way in a fairly short time (granted it still needs to go much further, but at least we’ve started) and it kinda makes you wonder if things would be different now if our parents and grandparents had known then what we know now.
ASD doesn’t have an age limit. Just because it’s close to impossible for some people (especially borderlines and maskers) to get a formal diagnosis once they’re legal adults doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist at 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, or 80. It’s more a question of whether anyone bothers to, well...ask questions.
So yes, some people are just unapologetic assholes who don’t want to hear the truth or entertain any notions other than their own, even after being presented with hard evidence. They’re obsessed with normality, sometimes to the point of fetishization. Fuck them entirely, I agree.
But don’t assume that the younger generations own the copyright on neurodivergency. We just happen to live in a time when it’s starting to be less deniable so some of us can take action sooner to deal with it.
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silversabl-inova · 4 years
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( same information beneath the read more if you’d rather click through. ) BIOGRAPHY | BASICS | WANTED ARCS
i can bear any   p a i n   as long as it has meaning.
CHARACTER NAME/ALIAS: Silvija “Silver” Sablinova
FACECLAIM: Katherina McNamara
AGE (physical age as well, if different): Twenty three (23)
SPECIES (human, metahuman, alien, etc): Human
... Is ‘both’ an okay answer? I’m sure she thinks her identity is secret, but her name is Silver Sablinova, it’s not like... a leap to guess she’s the Silver Sable.  I guess it’s probably secret to the rest of the world because I don’t think she’s “famous” yet, but in her home country and the criminal underworld of eastern Europe, she’s probably pretty well known for her more infamous capabilities.
She prefers the term “secular recovery operative” but she’d be most appropriately dubbed a nationalistic bounty hunter.
[ + ]: PROUD - The third generation of Symkarian nationalists, Silver’s childhood was quickly marred by an airstrike that stole her mother’s life and destabilized her entire country, causing a civil war. Ever since, all Silver’s life has felt like a battle: for freedom, for justice, for family, and for peace. She knows her family history like the back of her hand, and because of this, she knows that fateful day was the result of her own family lineage doing everything it can to protect Symkaria & its people - but in the end, they had done anything but. The last surviving member of the Sablinova line, it’s Silver’s duty to restore balance to Symkaria, and she holds this duty deep in her heart, fueling the fire inside her. Everything in her life can be boiled down to ending the war in Symkaria - nothing else matters to her, and Silver’s duty to her country & compassion for her people are, arguably, her best qualities. [ + ]: RESOURCEFUL - There’s nothing in a room that Silver can’t make into a weapon at a moment’s notice. She’s not above fighting dirty to achieve the upperhand, and if her arsenal of gadgets won’t do the trick, than whatever’s closest to her will have to do. Locked in an empty room? No matter - she’s trained her entire life for the inevitable day when that situation arises, and when it does, her foe will be shocked to learn that she is the deadliest weapon of all. [ + ]: UNWAVERING - Devotion is one thing, but Silver is unwavering in her support. Once past her icy exterior, Silver tends to show her devotion with actions rather than words. She’s the first to interject herself into a dangerous situation to protect those she cares about; that circle is too small to allow any harm in its way, and Sable would break any law or commit any crime to safeguard those closest to her. It’s why her heart has such exclusive access - that kind of loyalty is, quite literally, worth dying for.
[ - ]: COLD - There’s a certain sharpness Silver tends to adopt when dealing with... people. Whether it be her version of professionalism, or just a product of her childhood, Silver’s apathetic approach to most interactions may give the impression of aloofness or distance. Bridging that gap is difficult for her, and for what she can’t give people emotionally, she tries to supplement with non-verbal acts of compassion. Not everyone has the ability to see through her stony exterior, or bone dry humor, and she often comes across as unhospitable or unconcerned, even if she’s anything but. [ - ]: DETACHED - Sometimes, you have to be selfish to be selfless. Silver has to remind herself of this fact constantly to keep herself in check; it’s easy to be swept up in the warmth of compassion for all, but a good leader knows when to draw the hard line between what’s good for everyone, and what’s good for your people. Silver has to draw that hard line far more than she’d like to - her one track mind is on brand for the Wild Pack’s affairs, but on a larger scale, this self-centeredness can spell disaster when they’re not careful. She just continues to tell herself that if Symkaria will ever be restored to its former glory, she needs to become as comfortable as she can with restricting big picture empathy. [ - ]: INFALLIBLE - When Silver makes a choice, be it over a contract or a personal matter, she becomes quite obstinate that her decision was the best possible one. In most cases, thankfully, it ends up being true; however, when Silver does make a mistake, she will outright refuse to accept responsibility, instead often blaming all other factors surrounding the situation for impeding her. If the mistake is a deadly error that costs innocent lives, than her adamance  increases tenfold, but in her heart, she knows she’s not free from wrongdoing - she just refuses to relent her headstrong exterior for fear of losing the respect of the Wild Pack.
Indomitable Will: unnaturally strong willpower, able to resist all forms of temptation, including subordination manipulation, telepathy, subliminal seduction, & mind control.
Weapons Specialist: skilled with a katana, throwing projectiles, stun guns, & dual-wield fighting.
Master Martial Artist: and gymnast!
Multilingual: Fluent in seven languages - English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Somali, & Symkarian
Human: Quite literally, she’s human. No level of aptitude with guns, throwing knives, Kevlar bodysuits, or martial arts will help her defeat super-powered foes, and even though she can keep up with the best of them, a well timed sniper would write the end to Silver’s story immediately.
The Wild Pack: One of the last vestiges of her family history, Silver’s pledge to lead the Wild Pack includes protecting them, at all costs. There’s few honors she holds higher than the privilege to be apart of their ranks, let alone their commander in chief. She wouldn’t jeopardize their well-being for any contract, no matter how ludicrous.
Symkaria: It goes without saying that on the global playing field, Symkaria is the beating heart of Silver’s allegiances. She loves her country, and she would do anything to return it to the glory of her childhood - even if that means aligning with the wrong people for the right amount of time. Silver’s compassion for her countrymen - and longing for what used to be - outranks her perception of the bigger picture.
Well. I love Silver Sable, off the bat - the Spiderverse is pretty much my favorite comic conglomerate in the world, so I feel pretty comfortable writing characters derived from it. I dig a good villain, or at least, antagonists, and I just feel like Silver is one of those characters you can really dig your teeth into & flesh out so many different layers. The death of her mother at a young age, the duty to a country she saw prosper & implode within her lifetime, the lineage to uphold within The Wild Pack, and moving forward, the mending of Symkaria & creation of Sable International -- they’re all different strokes of the same woman, and I love poking & prodding around them all to see what sticks!
Money. She’s only there to fulfill a contract - she’s been hired by the ISA to retrieve any powered people she can find. She’s not a big fan of Sokovia as of late, especially given their recent catastrophes. The damage to Sokovia had a ripple effect, upsetting the socioeconomic standard of neighboring countries. This, of course, includes Symkaria; getting powered people out of Sokovia will hopefully halt the continued destabilization she’s watched through her country even further off balance, making it easier for the oppressive regime currently in place to make swooping laws
(I would like to offer your current players the ability to opt into this plot! I don’t want to assume anyone wants her as an antagonist - if no one’s interested, she can certainly creep along the sidelines within the city of Matchak in the name of reconaissance. I would die if she & the Wild Pack were part of the reason why people are going missing in the woods, or at the very least, they begin to provide intelligence as to who or what is causing it.)
No, Silver & her team aren’t superpowered and thus, outside the scope of the Accords, the ISA, or anybody else, for that matter.
(Well, maybe not Interpol, but that’s not her chief concern... ever.)
Thou Shalt Not Kill: Silver doesn’t consider herself a mercenary, unlike the rest of her crew, and for good reason. She staunchly keeps to a “no kill” rule; her clients pay her for retrieval, not assassination (and even if they did, her price would be too high). Silver specifically accepts contracts that require her to bring the target back alive, preferably to face trial. It’s a moral and economical decision - she believes in the hard lines of justice, and typically, the Wild Pack will get hired to also run security for these high profile trials. It’s a win-win in her eyes, especially because this moral alignment begins & ends with her; she can’t force the Wild Pack, a band of true mercenaries, to abide by that rule unless it’s part of the fine print. Otherwise, they don’t get paid.
I’m Not Your Silver Lining: Silver does not “connect” well with others. Even the Wild Pack, despite being raised within their ranks, has become inexplicably difficult for her to bond with after she assumed a leadership rule over them. She doesn’t put herself on any kind of pedestal; it’s just lonely at the top, and heavy is the head that wears the.. crown? Tactical helmet? Whatever. Regardless, her icy exterior isn’t the result of her pride, but her inability to display outward affection. It makes her quite difficult to befriend, let alone romance.
Anything You Can Do...: She does not do well with being confronted with her own mortality, chiefly the indisputable fact that she is not super powered. She’s quick to start a fight with anyone who dares to say it. Silver has accomodated this woeful transgression of fate in every way she could, keeping a strict training routine that began in her childhood and never letting herself have a “real” life outside of the Wild Pack. Stories of her “powers,” passed in hushed whispers around Symkaria, never failed to bring the smallest of smiles to the Ice Queen’s lips, before quickly melting away. She feels uncomfortable around true superpowered individuals, knowing she’s at a tactical disadvantage at all times, so Silver prefers the company of augmented humans or just normal people.
Peter Parker: NEVERENDING PLOTS FOR SPIDEY!!!! I’m partial to Silver being an antagonist against Spiderman; I’m also partial to them being begruding partners, and pretty much everything in between! There’s a lot of back story I would want to establish with Peter’s player, since Silver does have some background in NYC at the Symkarian Embassy. Has she heard of him from her time in America, and can’t believe her eyes when she sees web residue in the forests of Sokovia? Maybe he intrigues her, in the sense of cat-and-mouse, the chase for a target that she can never quite catch. Anyway, I just like that they’re well matched and could endlessly go in circles around one another!
Dick Grayson: Silver will not take well to other mercenaries on her turf, and if she finds herself losing targets - and money - because of some dick in a spandex suit, she’s going to intervene the only way she knows how: a tactical net and a stun gun, to haul his ass off to ISA, or whoever offers the highest bid for his head. Either way, their connection would be openly antagonistic, and it’d be way more enjoyable if he continously slips through her fingers through the fault of only her own.
Tony Stark / Bruce Wayne: Waaaaaay in the future, but right off the bat - I know I’d love to lay the groundwork for Silver to have Tony and/or Bruce help her begin the first drafts of Sable International weaponry, specifically the special red energy blasters they use as well as their unique armor.
I like the idea of Tony trying to spear head any kind of science based project, but obviously, he has his own demons that he’s struggling with re: his inventions, so that would be the slowest of burns for Silver to actually convince him to help her of all people. Potentially, it would be easier to recruit Bruce because she has a hard moral alignment of Justice, which may appeal to him, but it also may not since she doesn’t have an issue breaking other countries’ laws to acquire her target. It really depends! I’m open to either or both options.
POTENTIAL CHARACTER ARCS: ( ohhhhh buddy... )
THE WILD PACK: Silver’s ascenscion to leader of the Wild Pack may not be a new development, but  I don’t think she has quite the handle over her role as her father had. At the moment, she’s still trying to prove herself that she was their best choice. It doesn’t help that she was merely picked for lineages’ sake, the group being “passed on” to her, despite there being members who were more qualified and possibly, even more respected than a Sablinova. It’s caused Silver to retreat within herself, for now, as she tries to feel out what’s the best version of herself to be that can actively command their respect. I want to see her grow within this role, specifically finding her stride and proving herself as not just her father’s daughter, but her own person. I’m mainly focused on her accepting the weight of her father’s death as a “positive” burden to shoulder, because it gave her the Wild Pack, but without anyone to banter off of, I want to remain a little removed from addressing her relationships with individual members until I get a better idea of her.
THE BAD GUY?: At the moment, she’s not very concerned with anyone’s opinion of her, outside of the Wild Pack’s. If that means that she’s comes across as a “villain” for simply doing her job, she doesn’t quite care - everyone has to make a living somehow, and she hasn’t seen these so-called “superheros” do very much to help anyone other than themselves. Sure, individual civilians are great to rescue, but they hold no concern for the bigger picture when it comes to their actions.
THE GLOBAL PEACE AGENCY: I don’t know what the hell is going to happen with this group, but boy am I excited! Regardless of whether their true to their name, I think Silver’s entire personality is tailored to be taken advantage of by them, especially if they promise stability for Symkaria. As long as she’s not exposed to intel that hints at bad intentions, she’d probably operate at their beck and call, until her trust in their motivations becomes fractured.
SABLE INTERNATIONAL: I want Sable International to come to fruition!!! I don’t know how, or why, but I just love that journey for her! Maybe as a retirement plan from “bounty hunting,” so she can lean more into private security consulting? Maybe as a tactical weaponry distributor that could rival Lex Luthor / Trask / Oscorps’ on the global market, but in the name of “good”? Maybe something happens to the Wild Pack and it’s the only way she can keep herself sane in the following months? WHO KNOWS!!! I’m always open to ideas!
Silvija Sablinova and her mother, Sacha, were sleeping peacefully in their beds the morning that the Sablinova family was changed forever. It was too early to even be awake, dawn having not yet struck its colorful brilliance across the lavender-grey when the drone peppered the valley. It wasn’t the first time such an act of aggression was lobbed across their way, but this time, her father Ernest wasn’t there to save them, away on an assignment with his Wild Pack. It was the end of February, the winter of 2002. Silver was five, and from that moment on, she never left her father’s side again.
After that, the story sounds the same. Daddy's little girl raised to be his right hand; there's no softness, no grief, only purpose for them both to find vengenance for her mother's killer. Not a border nor an army could keep them from finding whoever ordered the strike, and with the Wild Pack by their side, their path toward retribution knew no limit. In the mean time, they trained, and Silver's entire life began and end at all the same lines as her father's. It would be nice, if the story could stop there, but it never does.
For generations, the Sablinova's served the monarchy that ruled over Symkaria, until World War II threw the entire planet off-kilter and brought their beloved country into turmoil. Her grandfather was a prolific Nazi hunter and a national hero, actively fighting against the civil war threatening to break out across the land. Her father followed in his footsteps, his career more focused on collecting HYDRA agents with terror charges, alongside his infamous band of mercenaries as they brought countless criminals to justice. In 2017, when it was exposed that HYDRA had infiltrated SHIELD, a frequent employer of the Wild Pack...It was no surprise they would be targeted, but once again, Symkaria became the battleground of their disposal; their loved ones targeted, their neighborhoods raided, and soon, they were left no choice but to go underground.
Silver was there the day that her father's tenure as their fearless leader came to a shuddering halt, face to face with the man who hadn't just taken her mother from them. He'd destroyed their homeland in the name of the enemy. He'd taken peace from innocents without a second thought. In his final act of treachery, he stole her father's life and body, slipping through the Wild Pack's clutches as they gave desperate chase, but to no avail. She was the natural choice as his successor; it was a lifetime achievement tainted with sorrow and defeat.
The hunt has never ended, despite what Silver says. She knows her father's dead, and she'll probably never find the man who destroyed her family, but still, she waits. Until then, it was business as usual; catch the bad guys, bring them to justice, rinse & repeat. No duty is monotonous when it serves a greater purpose, but eventually, even Silver couldn't stop herself from pushing the Wild Pack toward Sokovia. Their unrest had begun to bubble over and spill across its borders, eventually displacing refugees and criminal activity into Symkaria's own. Silver Sable may be investigating client contracts, but Silver Sablinova is bidding her time, waiting for something, anything to help her either accept the fate that's been handed to her, or to find the man that caused it.
Until then, all she can do is be stronger than she was the day before.
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pinkrival · 4 years
anonymous said: I read your post about bedes gardevoir and that had me wondering if stereotypes about fairy types being 'girly' effected how fairy specialists were perceived. I really like that swsh gave us a male fairy specialist that has a strong personality.
               if anyone is curious about the gardevoir headcanon, you can find it here!
               that aside, honestly anon, i couldn’t agree with you more. one of the things i really love about bede is that he doesn’t lose his edge even after he gets his character development. he’s in a much better, much healthier place — yet that doesn’t necessarily mean he has to sacrifice his pride or ambition? as someone who struggles a lot with self-confidence issues, i just find the message that you can gain satisfaction from your skills and accomplishments without it being seen as a negative trait really inspiring.      ( i also just think the way he acts is incredibly entertaining in general? he’s a brat but a fun brat. )
               i haven’t had many opportunities to delve as deeply into the matter as i would like, but i definitely feel as though fairy types and those who train them come with a certain reputation. i would imagine it isn’t unlike how the real world fanbase sees them? the ignorant are quick to write fairy types off as gaudy, nauseatingly pink and strictly feminine. the more knowledgeable consider them something unsettling — something to be feared.      ( and rightfully so, though that still doesn’t leave the most flattering impression. ) the trainers who specialize in them are regarded in much the same way, hence gardevoir’s original jerkass trainer not wanting a pokemon with feminine association on his team.      ( because, you know, we just love some good old fashioned fragile masculinity. /s )
               in one of my threads with a younger bede, he actually considers asking for a fairy as his starter      ( because he’s always felt drawn to them ) only to quickly discard the idea because he’s afraid the type may be ❝ too girly. ❞ this stereotypical interpretation of fairy types being something ❝ just for girls ❞ is especially relevant in the context of this blog, because my bede is trans. and yes, he did struggle with that — he did struggle with the idea of training fairy types, because he was nervous about how people would look at him because of it.      ( as if his choice of pokemon somehow invalidated his gender identity. )
               at one point, bede’s insecurity was so crippling, he genuinely couldn’t bring himself to wear ballonlea’s uniform.      ( it was too pink, too pastel, too girly. he wanted his loose jacket back. ) this held true for a good portion of his time training in fairy boot camp, in fact. it took bede freezing up and having a genuine panic attack in the locker room over the thought of being seen, swathed in pink with a team of fairy types, before opal finally intervened. she gave him some nice grandmotherly advice about letting his skill and confidence speak for him and ❝ pink ❞ being a philosophy with no inherent gender.      ( which i would honestly really love to turn into a thread someday — opal muns, hit me up! ) 
               bede still isn’t entirely comfortable in the uniform by the time he crashes the finals      ( which is part of the reason why he complains about it ) but it’s a marked improvement that he’s willingly wearing the outfit at all. he gives it his best and lets his skill and confidence speak for him, and walks out of the battle feeling... surprisingly good about himself.
               presently, bede has more or less embraced his fairy prince persona.      ( or fairy king, considering his full name. ) if anyone tries to give him trouble over his choice of type specialty, he’s liable to laugh in their face before showing them precisely why fairy types demand their respect.
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nerdarchy-blog · 4 years
The follow up to 2017’s Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, on Nov. 17, 2020 fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons upcoming Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything must indeed possess powerful magic to contain so much stuff in 192 pages — the exact page count of its predecessor according to Jeremy Crawford, principal rules designer of the game. The product of 18 months work the book includes material for Dungeons Masters and players of 5E D&D alike. I had an opportunity to join the press briefing with Crawford and Greg Tito, communications and press relations director for D&D and let me tell you, sitting on this was really exciting. Reading and hearing what players speculated on and wanting to say, “You’re all right! It’s all in the book. All the character options and new stuff you’re guessing about are inside!” So let’s get into Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything.
On the cover for Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything Tasha holds an ornate grimoire covered with symbols from the planes of existence in stunning art by Magali Villeneuve.
A delightful conversation about 5E D&D
No sense burying the lead — all the options and fresh new modular content you thought might be in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything is there. Subclasses for all the classes are in there. Alternate class features from the most popular Unearthed Arcana in the entirety of 5E D&D are in there. The artificer class is in there — including some tweaks, new infusions and the Armorer subclass that was loved by people, according to Crawford. The Aberrant Mind sorcerer, UA’s most highly rated content ever, is in there and so are many from the past year. Spell Versatility and new Beast Master Companions are in there and I know there’s untold numbers of players stoked to hear this. There’s new artwork for the Artillerist Artificer Specialist that was shared during the briefing too.
A human artificer balances his Eldritch Cannon on his shoulder as seen in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything. [Art by Brian Valeza]
Like XGtE the book explores the titular character’s wonderfully complex point of view in comments on the content throughout, with nods to Tasha’s history in her comments and captions. One clue about Tasha’s mysterious origin reveals itself on the cover. The tattoo on her cheek is a chicken leg, which Crawford explained is an “echo of the chicken-legged hut that Baba Yaga lives in.”
A bunch of subclasses and class features only chicken scratches the surface of the scope of material. Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything is organized into four chapters. While perusing the material in the book readers learn more about Tasha and the lore surrounding her. Tasha’s life has involved the fantastic since the very beginning of her origins in the fey realms. As she became a brilliant and powerful wizard her adventures took her to other planes and dimensions so she is unfazed by beings of any sort, least of all her frenemy Mordenkainen.
Character options
Spells and magic items
Group patrons
Tools for Dungeon Masters
Customizing your origin is an important part of the development of the book and something the design team seems particularly proud of, for good reason. Players love the idea of more personalized character origin stories. I use This Is Your Life stuff from XGtE all the time and TCoE builds on that tremendously. Like, seriously a lot. The design goal was tools for players to create truly unique characters with amazingly magical origins and backstories.
This includes modifying traits during character creation to better reflect the story players want to tell and offers a lineage template with fill-in-the-blanks tools to totally personalize characters. The Lineage System introduces a new way to approach creating and playing characters and adventures in 5E D&D, a responsibility the design team takes very seriously as stewards of the game. During the press briefing Crawford and Tito explained how TCoE is one of multiple books demonstrating a shift in how D&D handles things like race.
Other changes include the removal of negative racial modifiers for certain races from Volo’s Guide to Monsters via errata. Crawford explained how their original intention for races like kobold and orc was as Monstrous Adventurers, separate from standard character options. This is why those options are included in their own section in VGtM along with options considered more powerful than standard in some cases, like yuan-ti and to a lesser extent goblins. Because this context is lost through the way so many players engage with 5E D&D through online tools and resources like D&D Beyond, it became a pain point for players and TCoE will include updated versions. Hooray for kobold and orc enthusiasts!
The Lineage System offers tools to create characters not bound by a species archetype. I love the way Crawford explained how this modular piece of content interacts with existing 5E D&D material. The core game, what is presented in the Player’s Handbook and other sources, illustrates an archetypal adventuring character like an elf. Choosing this option for your character represents playing Elfie McElferson in other words — the exact kind of elf that comes to mind when you think of D&D elves. The Lineage System gives players and DMs tools to disentangle characters’ personal traits with cultural traits. And worry not! The path to customization is very smooth according to Crawford, who emphasized it is not complicated at all.
Along with the new class options and alternate features players can customize how each class feels. This includes something that worms its way into the mind of every edition of D&D sooner or later.
Psionics! The Aberrant Mind is just one of the psionic themed subclasses from UA. Along with a few others, these psionic subclasses use a modifed version of the playtest mechanics, which Crawford described as “evolved.” I’m pretty middle of the road when it comes to psionics, neither thrilled to use them or abhorred by their inclusion in the game but I’ve got to say I really dug that Psionic Talent die so I hope that’s what he meant.
During the press briefing they did not get too deep into new spells and magic items in TCoE but there are some tidbits to share. For starters Tasha adds new spells of her own design to D&D canon. Tasha’s caustic brew and Tasha’s otherworldly guise are two mentioned and I’m excited to see more. Spells named for the wizards who created them evokes a sense of mystery and wonder in all D&D players and after all her incredible excursions and magical experimentation I’m certain Tasha’s influence on 5E D&D will be immense.
Spellcasters can boost their power with new spell focus magic items too, which sounds awesome. There’s got to be a magical cauldron, right? One of the magic items Crawford talked about sounds totally awesome — the Tarokka Deck. Not like, any old prophetic card deck though. This is THE Tarokka Deck, an artifact capable of trapping spirits. Can I tell you I lost track of what they said for a moment because I was daydreaming about a Ghostbusters inspired 5E D&D campaign.
Sidekicks (remember them?) get expanded in TCoE too. Resources to create your own customized sidekicks sounds like a lot of fun new toys to play with. When asked what the most surprising thing about the book is, Crawford revealed there’s a sidekick class. You can play as a Warrior, Expert or Spellcaster, which offers a slimmed down experience for perhaps new players or those looking for less complexity. This sounds awesome to me. I’ve used the Sidekicks content from UA several times and it is terrific, so more of that and more ways to use it can’t go wrong.
More than that though Crawford was surprised by “how much liberty players have to customize.” The Lineage System, tons of new class options and alternate features, spells, feats (wow I didn’t even mention those!) all combine to create more levers and dials players and DMs can use to tailor our game experiences and tell the kinds of stories we want with exactly the kinds of characters we imagine.
“Our work on the game is a delightful conversation with the community that never ends,” as Crawford put it. With tremendous amounts of fun, cool sounding new content like they’re brewing up in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, I don’t doubt it.
#gallery-0-3 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-3 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-3 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-3 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
A tiefling sorcerer levitates several feet off the ground. [Art by Kieran Yanner]
A lineup of four homunculus servants. [Art by Irina Nordsol]
The young wizard Tasha studies her spellbook in front of Baba Yaga’s hut. Looming nearby is Baba Yaga herself, watching her adopted daughter intently. [Art by Brian Valeza]
This is a massive tome holding secrets of ultimate evil. The exterior of the book reflects the evil within. The covers are made of dark demon scales, which are trimmed in rune-carved metal shaped to look like demonic claws. [Art by David Sladek]
Two wood elf lads swim in a glittering pond, which is fed by a waterfall that pours out of a face carved in a bluff. [Art by Robin Olausson]
A youthful merfolk king lounges on his throne underwater. [Art by Andrew Mar]
Using a psychic spell, a wizard battles a troglodyte underground. [Art by Andrew Mar]
Sidekicks will be expanded in the fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything. [Image courtesy Wizards of the Coast]
An alternate cover art version is only available through local game stores. [Art by Wylie Beckert]
A heavy, ominous storm brews at sea as clouds gather. But these are not normal storm clouds. These have formed into a churning mass of enormous skulls in the sky. [Art by Titus Lunter]
Oh! Are you still here? One last thing I’ll mention is the section on Magical Environments includes Eldritch Storms, magical fruits and magical roads, a Mirror Realm and a Mimic Colony. Stay nerdy.
Congrats! That new #DnD stuff you thought would be in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything is in there. #staynerdy The follow up to 2017's Xanathar's Guide to Everything, on Nov. 17, 2020 fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons upcoming…
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pinpuku · 5 years
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pokemon partner + team + trainerclass + region request for @hvnlykook
original request & description under “keep reading”
Zodiac: Pisces
Favorite animals: dogs, house cats, big cats (tigers, cheetahs, panthers, etc), foxes, pandas & rabbits
Favorite colors: black, pink & different tones of cyan!
Favorite types: water! I also like psychic & ghost
Hobbies: creative writing, learning foreign languages, photography, reading, singing, watching movies & definitely traveling
Aspirations: a lot! but my mains would probably be: travel to many parts of the world whether it be alone or with family/friends, be close to fluent in at least 2-3 foreign languages, find a career that I enjoy & pays well enough
Favorite type of area: the city! occasionally, I enjoy sitting by a pretty, clean body of water (beaches, pools, lakes, etc)
Where I live/dream of living: I live in a diverse city, which I love, but if I ever end up leaving my heart in another part of the world, there’s a chance I’d move
Negative traits: impatient, a bit impulsive, pretty indecisive in a group setting (deciding among others where to eat or where to hang out, lol), lazy, kind of stubborn, worried to the point that it can become paranoia
Positive traits: adaptable, charming, curious, empathetic, honest, imaginative, observant
Hello~ Doing this one was fun because I realized 5/6 of the illustrations I used are all “ :D ” haha. I think you would be a good water type specialist!
♡ Your partner is Lapras! Lapras is the perfect pokemon for anyone who loves travel, communication & singing as a lifestyle or hobby. Being probably the most popular ride-pokemon on water, Lapras excels as an adventure buddy. Lapras was once very endangered, but they are now pretty common in various seas due to extensive preservation efforts. You might even run into other Lapras pods when out & about with your own Lapras. They are very intelligent & social pokemon, being naturally able to understand human speech if exposed to it long enough. Although not a psychic type, it does rarely have slight telepathic powers that enable them to communicate with humans directly! An ace when it comes to languages & communication, Lapras is a wonderful learning buddy to have when you go explore other places & cultures. Lapras are docile & gentle by rule, so there are no particular safety hazards or special training issues with this species. Naturally musical, Lapras also have beautiful singing voices & they enjoy expressing their talent with others. They are very emotional & sensitive creatures, so someone with an empathetic nature is the best match for Lapras. Lapras usually have carefree attitudes. If you’re ever worried or stressed, go take a ride on Lapras’s back and clear your mind on the water. Lapras will love to look at the stars with you & maybe sing you a special song from time to time.  
♡ The rest of your team would be Azumarill, Vaporeon, Slowpoke, Finneon & Suicune! I usually don’t give out legendaries, but I will from time to time if they are a species with multiple members. Suicune is powerful & is rarely under the undership of a trainer. Yours would most likely be befriended but not technically owned, however ownership IS possible with some legendaries. Suicune is known for purifying water. With Suicune nearby, all the waters you visit will always be pristine.
♡ Your trainer class is “Sightseer”! I picked female because your blog says your name is Tiffany, but if I’m wrong the male equivalent also works! Sightseers are full of life & curiosity. Experiencing other cultures, meeting new people, traveling etc... They want to get the best pictures and selfies of every place they go! Making memories is the goal.
♡ A good region for you would be Kalos! Kalos has thriving, rich culture & history. There are many sites to see & the diversity in this region is 2nd to only Unova. Kalos & Alola are by far the most popular regions when it comes to vacation, tourism & travel. You will feel right at home! 
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theperennialworld · 4 years
Karma and Astrology!
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We often read and talk about Karma and how it is impacting or has impacted our lives. Rarely, we give the heed to the fact that what is the magnitude of that impact. There are belief systems which try and designate and justify it in several forms. The idea is to analyse and explore those belief systems and see if they make any logical sense. Karma is nothing but an outcome of the deeds and actions one undertakes. In the derivative form, it can be further sub-categorized as good and bad karma. Further down, it involves the past, present and future (by and large, irrespective of my personal belief). That's how anyone believing in Karma would sum it up to in a nutshell. So, what is good karma? There are several ways to define it but I don't resonate with most and find them irrelevant especially in today's context (more on this follows below). To me, good karma is anything that generates a positive vibe from within. 
This does not necessarily mean that good karma is universally good. No, it's not. What one considers as a good Karma could be a bad Karma for someone else (it's subjective and tends to change). What would you call betting money, winning (or stealing) and donating for charity? One can find enough reasons to bottle it down either way. It's erratic to the situation. And most likely creates an equilibrium of good and bad. The point here is - if the deed (or action) is generating positive vibes it could well be labelled as 'Good Karma' because the positive vibes ultimately instil positive energy, the ultimate source of human existence. And the same can be concluded for bad karma. A lot of people integrate the past karma to the present situation (or reverberations) and the present karma to what could happen in the future. I believe that the energy source that runs the system is like water, neutral (not literally). It can be accustomed to the situation it is in. The deeds turn this to positive or negative and that defines who we are and what could be a possible outcome of that action (but only restricted to that action). Now my understanding of how the past karmas (or the deed's outcome) impact our present and similarly how the present karma would eventually impact the future is just like a domino effect, one leads to the other. The good karma gives you enough positive energy to fuel the next good karma and so on. Similarly, a decision or defining outcome of good karma would lead to the outcomes of other activities and actions of the future. It's that simple and to me logical. These outcomes are dependent and linked to each other, one leading the other directly or indirectly. Now, these vibes eventually become a trait of our personality and predominantly define our character - Positive or negative (again subject to perception). The subsequent things that take place in our lives are governed by this trait and are the by-products of the initial actions and we end up attributing it to the good (or bad) karma. Let's take a detour for a while and talk a bit about beliefs in astrology and then we see if really there is any connection with the Karma. Astrology systems believe that the positioning of planets and stars impact the lives of humans on this planet in lot many ways than what one can comprehend.   A very interesting point I read somewhere and it remained with me since is the independence of Astrology from the distance of planets. A planet could be on either side of the sun and still have an effect on us. There is no justification for that and if it is true, why other tens of thousands of planets in the universe don't impact us (because distances don't matter right?). The reality could be different. For instance, kids born in certain months would be learning alongside kids much younger. They would get an obvious advantage of more developed mind studying/learning the same things as their younger friends. Wouldn't that create a difference which can be presented via several conclusions under astrology? This is just an instance. And an accumulation of such instances would add up and be impactful over a period of time. I feel there is a huge disconnect between what is being claimed (sold) and the forecasted reality (could be delusional). The probable truth, I believe, lies somewhere in between. When we read an interpretation chart or a list of traits, more often than not we end up believing (rather convincing self) on certain things and also overlooking a few which probably don't fit that well. If all people born under one sign have more of less common traits then all specialists from a particular field, in the majority, should have birthdays falling in the same month. Same goes another way round - People born in same month should develop as like-minded individuals. Many a time we tend to ignore the differences tagging them as trivial. But these trivial differences 'customize us' as an individual much different from others. This ultimately leads to the choices and decisions we make in our lives. A classic example of the difference - I am born under a sign which labels me as a party person and someone with loud choices in music, colours and similar such things; but I am the exact opposite of that. I have never been a party person nor I have liked the loud side of music or colour palette. But still, if I want to, I could convince myself that a lot of traits fit in well with my sun sign. And that's where is the catch - The framework is the same (we are all homo sapiens after all!). The customization is what sets us apart and that is an outcome of so many variables - Our socioeconomic condition, the geography, people around us, the education, the environment and upbringing we received and so and so forth. It has nothing to do with the alignment of stars. Scientifically speaking, there are four types of fundamental forces that define the existence of human beings - gravity, electromagnetism, nuclear-strong, and nuclear-weak. A lot happening on this planet can be attributed to these four forces. Often times, we confuse the forces with that of outcomes of Karmas. The moon, for example, controls the tidal effect on Earth (and this is a scientific fact). The human body is predominantly water and hence the impact on us is natural and obvious. The effects of planets are similar on us (by the way of the utilisation of these natural forces).   The astrology uses the Zodiac signs (constellations), the ecliptic sectors and the planets. Though, as scientific as it may seem there are so many questions that remained unanswered in the process of defining the horoscopes and astrological charts. The solutions, in fact, are more arbitrary as the 'how' is missing and focus is given to 'what' without substantial evidence. Wearing a stone could solve a problem? But how? that remains unanswered. I have tried to find the logic but no convincing and clears answers came in. What I could derive is that it's a fanciful fiction which gives more of a psychological effect than anything else. What you strongly believe in, has the most powerful psychological effect (and this is science!) Now coming back to the original topic of Karma. A lot of people believe that the bad Karma or their aftereffects can be subsided down and for them, astrology comes to the rescue. Nothing wrong in believing in something and following it (at least it gives you the peace of mind). But what baffles me is the justification in defence of following a belief. It's not rational when someone tells you that something sure does impact but it's beyond science and hence can defy logics and the whys and hows thrown at it and hence can duck the understanding. To me, it's not a science but rather an empirical, waited for long enough in the wings of logic without much success but have triumphed the art of seeding the belief in way too many minds to be able to start making any sense and to ask the questions (or counter questions). We are not the victims of the bad karma. Rather we are just experiencing an after effect of a previous decision (of this very life). When we fail to acknowledge, the domino effect continues and it keeps on reinforcing our belief of being a victim of bad karma (or lucky enough because of good karma). This further percolated down as misapprehensions (to those around us) and become the seeds of developing a wrong understanding. The rectification lies in the differentiation of bad vs good karma and correcting the future course and to a large extent - the present. Vedic astrology intensely clasps on karma and reincarnation and it claims that an individual subconscious chose the specifics of next birth and the accumulated karma eventually is carried over to next birth. If this were true, would a subconscious want to be born as an animal or an insect? They are living beings too and sure carry a life. Who are these trillion of subconscious minds who chose this life? Also, it defies the logic and science of evolution, without digging too deep in this subject. Back in Babylonian and ancient times, these seemed more convincing without the need to probe the logic behind. With the advancement of science and as it is uncovering the mysteries, the pseudo logic falters and it is eventually termed as the belief beyond science. And which is where my apprehension in typical astrology comes in. There is no quantitative brief. With the same factors and details, different astrologers would give a different analysis of past, present and future and as I said, our mind ends up picking the selective information, believing in it and eventually living it and subconsciously negating what doesn't fit the bill. Why this analysis is different in the first place if the inputs are the same? Now as the science is able to establish the 'origin' of human existence, the process of evolution, the older theories become more hogwash until proven otherwise by the way of the logical counter. Till that happens the preference is pretty much upon us. Both the worlds are here to stay and both can bottle down their beliefs convincingly with more than enough set of believers on either side. The choice is ours!
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momo-de-avis · 5 years
Ok yes, i read the thread, it sounds like a nightmare. But isn't it a little bit suspicious that *none* of the several mental health specialists (or whoever they consulted) believe the parents? Certainly, as specialists, they are more than familiar with disorders where people lie and decieve. And it isn't as if there's no witnesses to the kids weird behaviour - there are many. Plus the odd situations at school + the hospital thing (where, come on, they wanted to blame the baby's parents (1/2)
(2/2) the least they could have done to clean their name And help the nephew is to honestly expose the case and hope it will further a better in depth evaluation of the kid's mental health). But idk. That's just what i think rn. I wanna know what people have to say.
OP actually states there aren’t witnesses to any of the shit this kid pulls off. That’s the main issue. That’s why SO MANY people in the replies are telling OP to properly document via hidden cameras. Because the kid has picked up on what defines good behaviour and has a repertoire
It is NOT strange at all that mental health experts would overlook it. Firstly, we don’t know what sort of mental health experts we are talking about and under what circumstances did they visit them. It is likely that the parents simply found a therapist and hoped it would work out, but it didn’t. People with antisocial disorder are known to be VERY difficult to get through because they are very good at lying and manipulating. There’s also the issue of a child being too young to be properly diagnosed.
I think people are downplaying just how proficient at lying psychopathic children can be. And I don’t say this as a negative or positive or whatever thing, I say this as a factual thing. It’s one of the dominant traits of anti social disorder, and OP states clearly just how manipulative the child in question is. It is also very obvious he has caught on to what sort of manipulative devices work, considering he has managed to convince people that his parents are abusive and that the mention of CPS is a clear threat.
And of course, there’s the issue of the fact that this is apparently in the US, which I don’t know how it goes. Were it in Portugal, it wouldn’t surprise me AT ALL if he was dismissed as just another kid and the parents kind of wackos, because our public psychiatric system is not tailored to catch these cases.
Second of all, a case like this is not caught onto with just a few consultations. It requires proper documentation because of the mentioned problem above of the child’s manipualtion.
Thirdly, CPS will always look at the parents, not another child as a suspect of abuse
Like, I don’t think people fully understand how serious and very real cases like these are. It’s why I honestly detest compulsive victimization based on pre-conceptios which I get, I honestly get, but right now, I honestly do NOT feel the littlest bit inclined at doubting these parents, especially when there is a little girl being exposed to this who right now is looking very much like a possible victim of something FAR WORSE than a case of a dead animal.
If this is fake, let me tell you the person really knows well about psychology because they’ve gotten all the checks on it (killing animals, wetting the bed or defecating until past a normal age, manipulation and lack of regret, etc -- these are all symptoms).
And besides, like I said, cases like this are very very real.
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serpentlynn · 5 years
HOLY SHIT IS THAT [ BLAKE JENNER ]?! Oh, wait it’s just [ RYDER LYNN ]. Damn, [ HE/HIM ] looks good for [ 24 ], good thing that they’re [ BISEXUAL ], I might have a chance. I hear that they call them the [ GOOFBALL ] of the [ SOUTHSIDE ]. I guess that’s because they’re [ ROMANTIC ] and [ GENUINE ]. But I don’t think a lot of people know that they’re also [ GULLIBLE ] and [ OVERDRAMATIC ]. Can’t wait to see what kind of trouble [ LOGAN/25/CST/TRANSPHOBIA ] will bring.
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Full Name: Ryder Alexander Lynn
Nickname: Ry
Sex/Gender: Cis Male
Birthday: March 16, 1995
Age: 24
Astrological Sign: Pisces 
Occupation: Works at the Twilight Drive In
Spoken Languages: English
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Birthplace: Southside of Riverdale
Relationship status: Single
Hair Color/Style: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Face Claim: Blake Jenner
Height: 6′1
Weight: 168 lbs
Tattoos: Serpent tattoo on his upper arm
Piercings: None
Unique Attributes: Birthmark on his shoulder
Defining Gestures/Movements: He’s constantly moving in one way or another
Posture: Okay, certainly not winning any awards but it’s good
Pet Peeves: People talking during movies, liars/unreliable people, negative people
Hobbies/Interests: Drums 
Special Skills/Abilities:
Likes: Comics, superheroes, pineapples on pizza, Scooby Doo
Dislikes: Wearing socks, hockey
Insecurities: Though it’s better than it used to be, he still gets insecure about his dyslexia sometimes
Quirks/Eccentricities: Over the top
Strengths: Optimistic, kind hearted
Weaknesses: Dyslexic, disorganized 
Speaking Style: Casual
Temperament: Over excited
Immediate Family: Frank Lynn (Father), Peggy Lynn (Mother)
How do they feel about their family? He loves them very much
How does their family feel about them? They will do what they can to make sure their son has a good life
Pets: None
Where do they live? A trailer in Sunnyside
Description of their home: It’s not huge but it’s good enough for his family
Description of their bedroom: Disorganized
Introvert or Extrovert?
Optimist or Pessimist?
Leader or Follower?
Confident or Self-Conscious?
Cautious or Careless?
Religious or Secular?
Passionate or Apathetic?
Book Smarts or Street Smarts?
Compliments or Insults?
Pajamas or Lingerie?
Favorite Color: Orange
Favorite Clothing Style/Outfit: Ryder has a very casual style, jeans, t-shirts, hoodies, whatever’s comfortable
Favorite Bands/Songs/Type of Music: He likes classic rock the most but he’s pretty open to anything
Favorite Movies: Due to his parents owning the Twilight Drive In, he loves movies. Superhero/Action movies, animated movies, thriller movies, he loves getting sucked into the story
Favorite Books: He doesn’t really do a lot of reading but he likes comics
Favorite Foods/Drinks: Soda, 100%. He likes Dr. Pepper the most but he’s pretty much addicted to soda
Favorite Sports/Sports Teams: Football, but he likes basketball enough
Favorite Time of Day: Afternoon
Favorite Weather/Season: Fall
Favorite Animal: Lion
Fears/Superstitions: He believes in all kinds of paranormal stuff, ghosts, aliens, Bigfoot, if someone says it doesn’t exist, chances are Ryder thinks it does
Political Views: Liberal
Addictions: None
Best School Subject: He wasn’t really good at most of them, so he’d probably say gym
Worst School Subject: English was by far his worst one
School Clubs/Sports: He was in the Glee club
How does he get money? Working at the Twilight Drive In
How is he with technology? Pretty decent
Fondest Memory: When he got his first A on a test
Deepest, Darkest Secret: When he was eleven he was molested by his babysitter and has a harder time opening up and trusting girls as a result.
Dream Vacation: He really wants to go to Los Angeles
Best thing that has ever happened to this character: Finding out that he has dyslexia, while he isn’t huge on it, it at least helped explain why he was always having trouble in school
Worst thing that has ever happened to this character: Besides his babysitter, probably when he couldn’t make it into college. Even though he knew chances were low, he still wanted to go
What do they want to be when they grow up? He really doesn’t know. He likes a lot of different things but has a hard time sticking to one to pursue
Perfect Date: Going on a walk around town and eating dinner, he really doesn’t need too much.
Ryder always had trouble in school, he’d study for hours on end and still end up with B’s as his absolute highest, it was only after confiding in a friend in third grade that he had trouble reading and that friend told a teacher did he see a specialist and find out he has dyslexia. Which was a fact he didn’t disclose to many for a while until he got more comfortable with it. Though it still is a challenge for him sometimes and he doesn’t like to talk about it often.
Another challenge for Ryder is trusting people. Girls specifically. When he was eleven years old, his parents were out of town and he had a babysitter who walked in on him in the shower. After she went home and his parents came back, he never told anyone about it, but he does think it did something to him and caused his trust issues.
He got his Serpent tattoo and was officially a Serpent when he was 16, and he’s enjoyed it for the most part. They aren’t as crazy as the Ghoulies or anything and he’s very loyal to them. If anyone was to learn something about him, it’s likely to be one of his fellow snakes before anyone else.
Ryder went to high school on the Northside, it had better programs for dyslexic kids than on the Southside and his parents wanted him to get through school the best he can, and it went really well. He joined Glee, made some friends, almost thought he was going to get into college, but the last part didn’t happen. His grades were better since he was getting help with his dyslexia, but not good enough to get into any colleges.
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sirro85-blog · 6 years
Humans are Weird: Addiction
T'Loss marvelled as the humans poured themselves small glasses of more concentrated poison and with a chant of "drink 'em high, drink 'em low: friends forever, here we go!" performed "shots".
Many of the more junior members of his unit were drinking with the humans keen to take part in this ritualistic celebration following their successful operation. T'Loss had insisted that those in his command stopped after they had imbibed 3 of the human "units" knowing how poorly his race tolerated the ethanol.
"It's good to see humans can even corrupt entirely different xenotypes to their ways of debauchery and excess"
T'Loss turned and saw Major Kovac standing a few strides away, he was clutching a mug of steaming brown liquid, T'Loss assumed it was filled with coffee seemingly ever present in the Major's life.
"Our juveniles can be foolish in the extreme, it is understandable to see humans with your fractional life spans behave so perilously and for the Rahtoul to be swept along by it when you proved so...adept in this last campaign."
Gesturing at the steaming mug of coffee T'Loss asked, "you do not partake?"
"No." The Major answered
"A command issue?" T'Loss half queried, the captain had already explained why she only stayed for a single drink.
"Not for me, I don't drink any alcohol"
"I believed it part of your culture?"
"Well part of some of our cultures certainly," the Major said, "I don't drink because I'm from a long line of alcoholics"
T'Loss didn't recognise the word: alcoholic.
"My parents and their parents were addicted to alcohol, they drank it to the point that it controlled their lives, it killed them in the end." The Major explained.
"I am sorry for your loss," stated T'Loss, recognising the human custom, "I don't understand, addiction?"
Major Kovac sighed and turned his head away from T'Loss slightly, "Well in my family it's alcohol or narcotics...Well that's true of so many families, especially Glasgow my home town"
T'Loss paused, he'd been through this before with humans, "I'm sorry I do not understand the word addiction"
Major Kovac grinned and shook his head, "of course you don't, well it's when humans develop a physical and psychological need for a substance or action" he paused and gave a little groan, "this might take a while...Humans release Serotonin and dopamine when they enjoy something, or rather the enjoyment is the serotonin...I don't fully understand it but essentially if you experience pleasure there's serotonin involved...dopamine is in there also, oh and endorphins there is a pleasure experience of some kind involved with endorphins, i don't know I'm a specialist in urban conflict not an endocrinologist"
T'Loss nodded, it was known how human brains responded to chemical release.
"Well if a human starts to use a specific substance or action to elicit this pleasure response that can become the only source of their pleasure...is a simplistic way of describing it. If the human becomes reliant on the substance then, at the very least, they experience severely low mood if they don't partake in the action or substance, we call it getting a fix."
"And this dependence on the addictive source of serotonin is viewed as a negative?" T'Loss did not see a danger with this.
"Well not always, in the case of my father he started drinking alcohol more than socially normal and it's inebriating effects led to his unemployment, eventually he lived his remaining life perpetually drunk and died from the poisoning effects." The Major appeared to lose his train of thought and stared into the distance, "not all addictions are necessarily bad but they become an issue when they become the focus of your life."
"So addiction is an issue when it has affected your life negatively?" T'Loss asked, feeling he was beginning to understand, "it has a neuro-chemical manifestation but is only viewed in the negative if it's impacting on social constructs?" T'Loss felt something akin to panic, it was known that human behaviour was literally alien, more so than any other race, they were quick to anger, pack-bond and to feel joy, it was an entire race of badly raised juveniles. "As a species you all accept the risk of alcohol!?" He choked out staring at his juniors now watching one soldier "Strapedo" a bottle of wine.
"Ahh most people enjoy a drink in the evening or at the weekend to limited ill effects, it's just people like my family that take it too far...and yes as a society in general we accept that."
"You have a genetic disposition to alcoholism?" Why hadn't this been bred out?
"I suppose I do, but perhaps it's behavioural, at times it seems worth it, some of our greatest minds have had addictions."
"So only certain members of your race can become addicts, I used that correctly?" Perhaps the Rahtoul could screen fore this trait before hiring any humans in the future.
"Yes, you did," the major paused, "well, I suppose we all have some form of addiction, I 'need' my coffee, but without it all I suffer is headaches, irritation and increased fatigue, also 'needing' caffeine is so socially acceptable, we print it on t-shirts, that being said we do the same with alcohol..." Major Kovac grinned, "amongst my group of Godless lunatics I have 31 smokers, I'm not supposed to know that 12 of them take pain relief medications they aren't prescribed, about eight have real adrenaline addictions, a solid core of them probably 40-50 would easily be described as addicted to the gym-they get super cranky and stressed if they don't work out," he paused looking fondly at his "godless lunatics" and gave a small smile, "I probably fit that description too, and the Captain, Becca probably easily fits the description of a sex addict."
"Addiction is intrinsic to your nature?" T'Loss said struggling to keep his voice calm, inside he felt both awe and dread sweeping through him.
"We like pleasure releases and will seek them out, repeatedly."
T'Loss stared at the band of humans on his vessel, quite how these bizarre chemically dependant, impulse driven juveniles with apparently no impulse control or common sense had ever managed to get out of their caves let alone manage interstellar travel while chasing every second of pleasure they could find baffled him. Humans it seemed were entirely driven by their emotions and desires.
So I am aware that I haven't really done justice to the intricacies of addiction, feel free to add to the recovery and treatment aspects. Feedback is always appreciated =).
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techxbillionaire · 5 years
A Better Man
I compiled an old RP between me and @icexandxcool so it is easier to read. I don’t think we will ever continue it but I was asked about doing this so I have. It begins at the end of legends of tomorrow season 2. They drop Len back off in the time line without his memories of being a memeber of the legion of doom. It hasn’t been edited and please remember it was an rp so that’s why there are weird perspective switches. Anyways enjoy!
A Better Man
“No, I mean better.”
Ray can hear Mick’s gruff voice from just beyond the warehouse door where he is hiding and waiting. The sound of the new tech he designed, let’s him know that it’s done. Leonard’s memories are gone. Mick appears at his side only moments later with a grim expression on his already grim features. “You sure about this pretty?”
“He has an eidetic memory. If someone can beat my tech it's him. We don’t want remnants of events sticking around. He needs to get on the ship with us. The team wouldn’t be the same without him.” Ray recites the answer he’s been giving everyone when asked about his decision to stay in 2012. He’ll be playing henchman to captain cold.
Mick pats Ray on the shoulder a rare physical gesture obviously strategic, “which is the bullshit you fed the team. What’s your angle.”
Unable to resist looking at Mick when the pyromaniac initiates contact Ray is the cause of his own undoing. He is a horrible liar at the best of times and Mick knows something more is at play here, has known for a while just hasn’t called Ray out on it. Sighing deeply Ray let’s his gaze drift over to where Len is standing, still looking so uncharacteristically confused. “I just want to know him,” he admits quietly.
Mick shakes his head, “he ain’t the guy from the waverider, pretty. He’s cruel and guarded. He’ll hate you more than he did the first time.”
Ray nods, “I know.”
“Moron, then why you doing this,” Mick demands.
“Because he changed my fate Mick.” Ray boldly declares, “I was supposed to die. Yes, you intervened but ultimately it’s Len’s fate that was cut short so mine could be altered. I just… I just want to do the same for him.”
Mick drops his hand away from Ray’s shoulder and nods. He leaves him too it then. Confident that if anyone can melt the icy heart of Captain Cold it was the boy scout.
No one was willing to change fate with the spear but maybe fate would let them have this one gimme for being so good about that. There had to be a loop hole somewhere and Ray would find it. In Len’s past he would find a way to save the man’s future.
Taking a deep breath Ray steadies himself. Pushing off the wall he turns to enters the room currently occupied by one Leonard Snart. He takes another deep breath and runs his hand over his newly shaven head. Ray had drastically changed his look so he could convince anyone who notices that he only closely resembles Ray Palmer. A buzz cut and a thick coat of stubble give him a rougher look. His already toned body and broad shoulders help as well. He at least looks the part.
“Heya, Leonard Snart right? I was told I could find you here. Names Lucky.” Too bad that all goes to shit as soon as he opens his mouth.
Len leans back against a desk he’d dragged out of the offices weeks ago for this armored truck job that’s been completely botched. It’s thanks to a new player in town he’d been almost entirely unaware of in any capacity of acceptance when it comes to rumors about things called “the Streak.” The impossible… made flesh.
This place is feeling… off to him today. He’s never put much stock in feelings of deja vu. Mostly because his mind never forgets and so he simply knows whether he’s been somewhere or met someone before, but right now he completely understands why so many people find it so frustrating. His whole being feels taut. Pulled in an unidentifiable direction, and he does not like it.
He’s alone in the warehouse at first. He shot a member of his crew here yesterday, knowing he would lose the others and not caring in the least. He has a reputation to maintain in the criminal underworld or he’ll have just any fool coming to his calls for grunts who can follow orders. Besides! He’s discovered he has bigger fish to fry. In the form of the very same Khandaq diamond going on display at the local museum now that “the Flash” has botched the truck heist. He’s going to need a way to defeat this fast moving Do Gooder if he’s ever going to get his hands on his current goal.
He wants that chunk of ice.
That thought carries far more weight inside of him than he understands souring his mood even further. His right hand twitches, fingers folding into his palm by his right thigh as if he were reaching for something that should be there but isn’t and he finds his frustration mounting. He shakes his hand out after a millisecond post the involuntary response to thoughts of the Flash as his enemy. Brow furrowed, he rubs his wrist when a voice breaks his concentration on his sense of loss. As if he were missing some vital part of himself somehow. He’s perfectly whole but he can’t shake the feeling that he’s lost something… something beyond his scope of comprehension of the moment. He hates feeling like this, but he pushes aside his irritation. His frustration he lets bleed off his aura in waves. He’s all out of patience after losing his crew yesterday.
The man is tall, broad shouldered and built like a mixed martial artist. Heavy enough to take on a middleweight wrestler. Maybe even a heavyweight if he’s skilled. He looks intimidating… except for the softness around his eyes and the fact that he sounds like a friendly neighbor rather than any kind of criminal.
“Lucky, hm?” He drawls and folds his arms aginst his chest, low and relaxed, as he increases his lounging position against his work bench desk. He is the king of his castle and he will not tolerate unwanted intruders. “I have a fairly good idea of who you’ve spoken too… shall I assume then that you are looking to join my new crew despite recent… unfortunate events?”
‘Unfortunate events’ was one way to put it and yes Ray was prepared. How well that preparation holds up under pressure is a whole other thing. He’d been warned by Mick, and then Sara, and then by Stein of the kind of man he was attempting to help. It seemed kind of cruel to have such a negative outlook on a man who ultimately dies for them all but Ray understands.
They warned him because of what happened to Amaya, because they don’t want it to happen to him. Liabilities get disposed of by this current Cold. This is the time in which he earned his mantel, and Ray wasn’t allowed to stop him. Some deaths shape not only Len but Barry as well. Ray has been warned and believes himself mentally prepared for this but Len’s words of introduction crack his resolve.
Len has openings in his crew because he killed one of his previous crew members. It was cut and dry. Calculated and cold. Ray swallowed down the bile rising up into his mouth. No point in getting cold feet now, he wanted to bare witness to the man Leonard Snart will become. All his broken pieces included. Rubbing his sweaty palms onto his thighs he holds out his hand Ray knows it’s going to be rejected but it’s a sign of respect and he can’t shake all his habits.
“I heard, not from whoever your thinking of though. Just heard… but that’s besides the point, I was looking for you because you’re you.” Ray was not getting anywhere fast but still he keeps going, “no, well, yes… what I mean is, I’m a tech specialist, support. I want to be part of a team that utilizes my abilities but in order for that to happen I need a leader who isn’t a muscle head.”
That’s interesting. “What makes you think I need a tech expert, Lucky? Or that I actually will build another crew after… terminating the last one? It’s bold of you… to just walk into the bear’s den like this…”
Len stares Lucky down, sizing him up, measuring his mettle. “And if I wanted a practical interview? A… demonstration of your technical prowess of sorts? Are you prepared to fail knowing that you became a liability the moment you walked through that door?”
Ray laughs because maybe he was a little giddy from getting to actually talk to Len. The entire time he’d been with the legion it was only fire fights and one liners. Eobard was obviously careful to keep Len from the team. He also maybe laughed because showing off is something he can do. Taking a reckless step foreword Ray replies with two fingers moving in a sign for running in front of his face.
“The streak.” Ray says confidently despite feeling a little silly for saying it like this, “is why you’re looking for a new crew. The rest of the criminals are running scared but you, you aren’t that timid.” He sugar coats his words with compliments, stroking the illustrious ego of captain cold. He readies his ‘miniature bomb’ in his hand, shows off the little throwing star to Snart before tossing it towards a cargo box. With a blue flash the box shrinks down small enough to fit into the palm of his hand.
Ray leans down picks it up and tosses it towards Len, “I only have one stipulation for my continued loyalty and services. I’m purely support. I tinker with the tech, but I never, NEVER set foot in a bank, vault or armoured car.” His words gruff and harsher than he would normally phrase things thanks to Sara and Mick practically writing this bit out in script format.
Len catches the tossed container with deft efficiency and then opens his hand to study the oddly light rectangle of metal. “Cool under pressure. A trait I admire.”
He lifts the shrunken container and then tosses it back to Lucky. “Let’s take better care of our potential assets and targets though shall we? That’s going to be a mess in there… if you can return it to its normal size again that is.”
He’s got this…. itch at the back of his mind. It’s triggering his sense of knowing, but that usually flawless recall is stymied and Len is quickly becoming irritable with frustration. “How do I know you’re not a plant? How do you plan to earn enough of my trust that I don’t send you straight to the coroner?”
Ray sets the container down on the ground an appropriate distance away from them. “The affects wear off after a time limit. You can’t sustain this amount of atom minimization without constant power output. Depending on the materials it can be as quick as a minute or as long as a day. It’s still a prototype so there are some bugs. Not ready for heists yet.” His explanation is said mostly to his watch as he counts down. It takes another thirty seconds but than the crate returns to its original size.
“Mm, alright. Fair enough. You’re tech savvy. I’ve heard rumors that some things were taken from STAR labs and they’re being fenced to the highest bidder. I meet the… “man of business” in two hours. You’ll come with me. Make sure there isn’t anything else of value besides the two pieces I’m already taking. Got it?“
That sense of knowing, like he should be familiar with this whole scene… but… that something was still… off.
Ray nods excited to be included so quickly and on an excursion he had heard about prior. Makes preparing his mind for the impending murder easier. The man stole the guns because of financial problems and Barry later takes care of his family so it isn’t all bad. Ray still feels a lump of guilt forming in his gut but he pushes it aside in favour of winning Len’s trust. "I can do that. What kind of tech are you already interested in?? And from STAR labs too” ray whistles, “that’s some fancy stuff. Cutting edge even.”
“You’ll see soon enough. In the meantime, I’ve ordered us something to eat. The pizza delivery boy will be here soon. See that he’s taken care of. I have some research to attend.”
Len straightens and swings around to the working side of the desk, settling in the chair and waking up his laptop. He’s irritated with this sense of wrongness and he can’t seem to shake it. He wonders if it might be that he finds Lucky attractive and that it’s been far too long since he’s gotten laid… but deems that ridiculous. He’s not that hard pressed yet.
Ray nods and turns to go keep a look out for the delivery boy but hesitates. He looks back at Len and clears his throat to get the man’s attention. “You can trust me Len. I know that doesn’t carry weight but…” cutting himself off Ray shakes his head. His eyes are a little sad when he turns back to the entrance of the warehouse. Sighing deeply he pushes himself to walk away.
Each step feels like it’s sinking deeper in mud pulling him down. Ray, if anything could persevere. So, he ignores his heavy emotions in favour of playing his part. That little slip up can’t happen again. This needs to be organic, he doesn’t want to trigger Len’s sharp mind and eidetic memory. Auto pilot takes over as it often does when Ray is working out a complex problem. He pays for the pizza and returns to the room Len was in, a bit of a daze floating over his head like a cloud.
Len had been about to bristle and growl at Lucky that they weren’t so well acquainted yet that he should be calling him by his first name, but something in that sad, sad expression stops him. He feels that sense of not knowing something he should know spike and lets the incident go in favor of searching for answers on the internet. Lucky returns looking dazed. “Let me guess. She was beautiful and you’re in need of a little… alone time.”
Ray startles, “wah?!” He blushes at the implications behind Len’s words and stammers through a few more attempts at ‘what’ before managing, “no uh, just thinking out a problem I haven’t solved yet.” Coming up to the desk he lays the pizza between them turned toward Len so the thief can grab his first. Ray takes this moment to cool off his cheeks hoping his beard mostly covered his blush. He leans on the desk and grabs himself a slice to munch on.
“So, have you had a chance to catch the hobbit yet?” Rays asks reaching for anything to talk about to fill the silence. He avoids personal questions or questions that could appear as digging for information which left little to be desired in conversation starters.
Len goes stone silent. Swallows his bite of pizza and then stands, setting his bitten slice on a napkin on the desk. “Will you excuse me.”
Then he disappears down the hall that was behind him. He locks himself in the bathroom and paces. Now isn’t the time to let that ice cold need for revenge rise to the surface. Lisa has been dead for a long time… he’ll never rest until Lewis Snart is rotting in hell. But… he isn’t about to tell any of that to Lucky.
Ray startles back up into a standing position almost dropping his slice of pizza as he nods to Len’s words. He watches the man stalk out, worry etched into every line of his face. Ray was missing something. He closes his eyes and places greasy fingers on the bridge of his nose. He’d picked the hobbit because it came out around this time in 2012. What significances does that movie hold for Len. Outside of being a closet nerd there was no reason for such a uncharacteristic reaction to the mention of that movie.
Pursing his lips he tries to go through all the little facts he knows about Len. The things he discovered by overhearing conversations he wasn’t supposed too and then the stories Mick told to him after Len… well after. Nothing is clicking which just cements his growing concern he is missing something important. How to discover what it could be is going to be hard.
After going around in circles Ray gives up for now. Living alongside Len is the only way to find answers so he will just have to stick it out. He goes back to eating his pizza well he waits on Len to return.
Len returns composed and cool and settles in his chair. He resumes his research - now on the growing numbers of reports on the Streak - and starts on his pizza slice again. Absently he asks, “What can you tell me about the Streak, Lucky?”
Wasn’t that a question and a half. Ray was tempted to start off with correcting the name because ‘the streak’ is lame but he holds back. What can Ray say? Gnawing on his pizza slice he considers his options. Would providing no insight make him useless and then disposable. Was this a test from Len or just an inquiry. Ray honestly doesn’t know and no amount of studying Len’s face was giving him answers.
The script was used up, now he needed to stick around all by himself. He was clever, a genius even. He could do this. Hopefully. “Uh… he’s fast?” Ray answers and it is no where near as confident as it needs to be. Throwing caution to the wind he adds, “probably weak to the cold.”
Len’s brow raises. “My thought exactly. All that lightning generated from heat and friction, the speeds he travels and all molecules slow to a stop at Absolute Zero… so what better way to slow him down than giving him a little… chill?”
Len can’t help but be relieved by the topic change and to have someone agree with him rather than run away for fear of the consequences of failure.
Ray can’t hide his eyebrows rising up in surprise. He’d known that Leonard learned that gun inside and out after he got it but his current reasoning suggested an understanding of science beyond what the thief ever let on before. His surprise almost caused him to miss the pun but he doesn’t. Ray covers his chuckle with a cough, hand coming up to cover his smile. It doesn’t work.
“Chill right…” he agrees hiding behind opening the pizza box because he can’t get his amusement under control. He picks a piece of pizza up and shoves it in his mouth as a last ditch effort. Well he chews he asks, “you’ve studied physics?”
“I have nothing else to do when I manage to find myself in lock up… and I never perform a heist without knowing everything I’m dealing with… and every escape route. I’ve robbed top floor penthouses and never had those thefts pinned on me. It’s nice to be… underestimated.”
Len’s smirk is cocky as he finishes another piece of pizza. He’s pleased that Lucky finds his puns humorous. So many people are just… too stupid.
Humming thoughtfully he finishes off his pizza and begins licking his fingers clean. The image of Len behind bars studying science books leaves a lingering smile on his lips. “I guess,” ray concedes to Len’s underestimated comment. He can’t really relate though. To be underestimated feels the same as not leaving a lasting impact which he is really not a fan of.
He wants his time, effort, and accomplishments to have meaning. When you do things that matter you aren’t underestimated but held in high regard. Ray wants to matter, maybe too much. Doesn’t Len want that too? “What other subjects have you studied?” Ray changes gears trying to pry more about Len out of him well still keeping a respectful distance.
Len lifts a shoulder. “I speak several different languages among them Russian, Italian, Sindarin and Vulcan. I’m a fair mathematician. But mostly I’ve studied people. Like right now… you’re fishing. I just don’t know for what.”
Len shrugs again and hums as he finishes off his third and last piece. “I like you. You’re earnest. Don’t push your luck.”
Being read and being honest were apparently different things because Ray feels a little raw and exposed at being seen through. If Len liked that he was ernest than he’d stick with that. Creating a persona too different from his own personality would be hard to maintain for a long period of time.
“I was fishing.” Ray admits, “for more about you. Not really a particular detail just trying to get to know the man behind some of the stories I’ve heard.” Every word one hundred percent the truth. It felt good not to hold back to not have to hide behind half truths and half lies. “Kohlinar!” Ray exclaims with a snap of his fingers, “you totally do that don’t you. Okay not that extreme but you try to mute your emotions. That’s what earlier was abou…. and okay, uh you know when something just kinda clicks. An answer to a problem and it’s like eureka? You just… you mentioned Vulcan and then my mind went Spock and your so cool and collected but earlier when you excused… I’m sorry I should really stop talking. Shouldn’t we be going now? Imma just shut up now. Don’t get mad.”
It wasn’t like he didn’t know this about Len before but it just felt like his understanding over what that practise truly is to the thief just expanded. It was to suppress powerful overwhelming emotions.
Len’s expression is neutral for a long moment. He’s never been pegged so accurately in his life. Not even by Lisa when she had been alive. He stands and is about to say something scathing when his mental clock has him look at his watch. “We need to go. Come on. The meeting place is across town and we have to account for traffic.”
If he doesn’t acknowledge Lucky’s eerily accurate insight then perhaps he’ll assume he’s off base and leave it be without Len having to lie to his newest crew member.
Ray blows out a long breath relieved that he was still invited. He was totally okay with bypassing his outburst. Doesn’t make it any less true but he can let Len believe he’s dismissed Ray’s observation. “Okay sure,” he replies as he bounces on his toes waiting for Len to lead the way.
If only he hadn’t done that… they could be talking Star Trek right now instead of awkward silence. It made Ray want to twitch. Inside the car he chewed his lip and drummed his fingers anxiously.
Len drives like a calculated law abiding citizen. He even waits to start the car until they’re both buckled in. It’s a few moments of silence in when he can’t hold back the question any longer. “Which series?” He asks cool and calm, feigning indifference.
Ray is so grateful Len is a big enough nerd that he can’t resist a chance to talk to someone with similar interests. The accompanying smile lights up Ray’s face with an obnoxious amount of happiness. He hums and hahs for a moment before dropping an answer with a ‘duh, isn’t it obvious’ inflection to his words, “the original. I mean it’s what started all of it.”
Len nods approval heavy in his expression. “And the movies?”
He normally doesn’t want to get to know his crewmen. But there is just something about this man that puts Len at ease. A dangerous situation that he’ll have to be more wary of from here forward.
“The wrath of khan.” Ray answers easily but then adds when his brain connects the dates to the new movies, “I’m also excited for the next movie ‘into the darkness’ because the rumours are all talking about them revisiting that storyline.” Which they do, and it was glorious. Ray kind of wants to tell Len all about it but bites his tongue. Letting the thief speculate instead.
“I haven’t had much time to follow the movie rumor mill. If they revisit Khan, I’m sure they’ll do the storyline justice.” Len pulls them into the warehouse parking lot. “Let me do the talking. Speak up if you notice anything pertinent.”
Ray nods biting his tongue again when the thought of asking Len to go see it with him pops into his head. A similar inquiry about movies is what caused the storm of emotions earlier and ray doesn’t want to unbalance him when they are about to go do something so pivotal. He also has to stop his hand from miming locking his mouth closed because Lucky tech criminal specialist would not do that.
“Will do boss.” He says instead which was a sufficient alternative. Calling Len boss made him chuckle internally but it also lets his intent known. He plans on listening. He will be on his best behaviour. Following Len into the warehouse Ray keeps his word and doesn’t speak up. The guns Len look at he already knows well and nods approvingly when looking them over from behind Len’s shoulder.
It was actually interesting to see the gun’s in their original state, being able to compare to the upgrades he knows exist. Part of Ray wonders how many of those upgrades Len did himself. He’ll have to be careful not to take over the process in fear of a predestination paradox. He’d do the upgrades because he saw the gun already with the upgrades meaning the upgrades have no proper beginning.
The idea of teaching Len the science and know how to upgrade his own gun seems like the best way to avoid that. How to offer that without Len outright rejecting it would be the trick though.
Len is an observant man and he picks up on Lucky’s approval of the tech. Len wastes no time in icing the dealer. He grins, pleased by the results. “Bring the rest. I have a fence already lined up.”
Len picked up the cases for the Heat and Cold guns once he’s tucked away the cold gun and goggles. He heads back to the car and tucks the cases behind his seat. Then he pops the trunk expecting Lucky to be right behind him.
Ray’s mouth falls open in horror over how quickly Len makes the decision to kill the man and take all the things. Though it wasn’t actually quick because len was prepared for the results of icing the man. It makes ray queazy. He stays behind staring at the iced statue holding the bile rising in his stomach down with will power alone. Wiping unshed tears form his eyes he does as he was told collecting all the gear of any value and scurrying after Len.
His heart is heavy with the weight of a life being taken right in front of him. He could have done something. Knew it was coming and could have prevented it in some way. He hasn’t felt this helpless since Anna. A new wave of nausea washes over him when he makes it back to Len’s car. Carefully he dumps the stuff into the trunk his forehead beading with sweat as a clammy sickly feeling takes him. He can’t throw up though. He’s Lucky. This is his normal. He will have to get used to this. There is more to come.
Those thoughts do little to settle his stomach. He looks at Len and offers a weak smile silently saying ‘job’s done.’ Once the message was relayed he slides back into the car and covers his face with his hands trying desperately not to wear his heart on his sleeve and failing miserably.
Len gets them on the road. The car is quiet while Len maneuvers them through Central City traffic. He’s torn. On one hand, something is definitely off here. On the other, he can see why Lucky doesn’t like to be in the front row.
“I won’t be needing you in the field after this. You’ve proven valuable…. and given good reason as to why you don’t want to be on the front lines. Not everyone has the stomach for what needs to be done.”
“Does it though?” Ray finds himself saying despite himself. He looks over at Len his eyes pleading the shadow of the man he knows to let the real deal shine through. Swallowing down such shallow feelings he closes his eyes and shakes his head. “No, never mind. You’re right. I just don’t have the stomach for it, but I like the freedom to tinker and create what I want without board members and grants hanging over my head. So here I am.” It was a lie seated in things Ray honestly doesn’t like about being an inventor in the 21st century.
He rubs his hands over his face and then through his hair collecting himself. Licking his lips he takes a breath carefully controlling the things about to come out of his mouth. “I trust you to do what’s necessary and only that. Like I said before I did my research and you aren’t one for needless casualties I … we might not be on the right side of the law, but that doesn’t make us bad people either.”
“How incredibly progressive of you, Lucky. My partner’s going to disagree with you there. My advice? Don’t argue with him. He’s got a hot temper. We’ve been apart for a bit so he could cool down… but! If for some reason cold isn’t the answer… Mick will take the opportunity to overheat his engines. With pleasure. The Streak won’t be fouling up any more of my heists. One way or another.”
Len turns them toward a red light district and parks in the lot of a pay by the hour motel. He gets out of the car and then leans back in. “Don’t speak and get in the back seat.”
Ray nods interested in Len’s perspective of Mick. It was all helpful advice because the mick that is his friend on the waverider had been through a lot. Like time master kidnapping and brainwashing, then unbrainwashing and Len dying. A lot a lot. Those kind of experiences change a man and ray hopes that the mick Rory he knows is still in there now though. It will always be easier for ray to get along with mick because like ray he wears his heart on his sleeve. Len despite how Ray is drawn to him, was an enigma to ray more often than not.
He hopes to solve some of the man through this ordeal though. “Okay, good to know about your friend. I’ll keep out of his way,” ray comments as he slides out of the front seat and into the back. He still wasn’t feeling one hundred percent but there was nothing he could do about that. This was his life he kept reminding himself because he was worried if he didn’t he’d forget and start preaching at Len. Which would do him absolutely no good. When Len is gone ray plays with the radio leaning up into the front seats awkwardly.
He was just bored and trying to keep busy so his mind would stop replaying when Len iced that man. It wasn’t the first time he’d seen someone die and that man wasn’t the nicest of men but even still the heartless killing over business is what gets to ray. What shifts Len’s axis so he decides not to do such things. Where he decides to give his life for his team and all of time.
The conversation with Mick goes exactly as he’s planned and before long, Len and Mick come out of a motel room each holding their respective gun cases. Mick slides into the passenger seat and twists looking Ray over for a moment. He asks, “Who’s this?” once Len has settled his gun in the foot well behind his seat and settled himself in the driver’s seat.
“Mick. Lucky. Lucky. Mick. He’s a tech expert. Hates the scene, loves unauthorized, unmoderated tech projects. He seems useful.”
Mick grunts and settles back. “He looks like a cross between one o'those punk hipsters and a some pretty boy billionaire.”
“Now Mick. Where are you manners?” Len chastens as he drives them back to the safehouse.
Ray freezes mouth open gawking at Mick. His mind a little broken at the all too observant and accurate assessment. He eventually shakes the shock away and holds out his hand awkwardly from the backseat, “and you seem like there is more to you than meets the eye. Looking forward to working with you.” It was a simple statement but one that ray knows beyond a doubt is true. Mick was more than a muscle brained fire obsessed broken individual. He was clever, resourceful and one day Ray’s friend.
Mick looks back at him again, looks down at his hand and then shakes it once briefly. “Yeah yeah.”
Len chuckles once, just a soft huff, and then says baldly, “I sleep in the corner office on the second floor. There are five other offices to choose from. Once I close my door leave me alone outside of emergencies. Now, I expect to see both of you at ten AM sharp. I have a plan for testing what we’re dealing with. Understood?”
Ray nods relieved on two levels. One mick shook his hand which did not happen the first time they met. The other was Len was putting him up. Ray isn’t certain if the arrangement is long term but for tonight at least he doesn’t have to figure something out. His plans to stay at Len’s side weren’t all that well thought out beyond becoming a member of his crew.
He picks the office that was between where Len and mick settled. He would have preferred to be closer to Len but thought the nearness would raise suspicion. He doesn’t really sleep that night, haunted by an icy face he didn’t save. How does Len bare such burdens so effortlessly. Do you really get used to it as he’s suggested before. Ray doubts it.
In the early hours of the morning he gives up on sleep and heads out for a run along the docks. The sun was barely beginning to rise when he makes it back to the warehouse. He’d stopped for ingredients on the way and was making use of the kitchen when the first sound of stirring could be heard. Hopefully Mick and Len like gluten and dairy free blueberry pancakes.
Mick makes his way in first, and makes a pleased, gruff noise as he moves over to take a plate of the pancakes. He’s in the process of adding syrup when Len strolls in as well put together as ever.
“You cook too? I might just end up keeping you on if you keep surprising us.” He glances at Mick who is wolfing it down and then starts plating up breakfast for himself.
Ray can’t control the blush. It hits him hard and fasts which he wholly blames Len for. He never complimented him before what is with all this positive reinforcement now. Was Len always so free with, even in a teasing manner, such kind words. It made Ray’s head spin a little. He glares down at his plate trying to cool his cheeks off well he eats his own share of the pancakes.
He swallows down a big bite and in an attempt to steer the conversation away from himself asks, “so you mentioned a plan last night.”
“I want to gain an appreciation of how fast he is. How agile. How… tethered he is when given a choice between catching the villain… and saving a life.” Len finishes off his small stack of pancakes. “I want to know what makes him tick… not his powers, but the man who wields them.”
‘Between catching the villain… and saving a life’ are the only words ray really hears. He knows what’s coming next. Another icy face to add to his conscious. He can’t bare it. Feeling a panic grip him ray has to fight off his desire to beg Len not to. To suggest there is a better way. Instead he bites his tongue in favour of a rougher assessment.
“An ultimatum then? How cliche. Though I guess it’s still used cuz it’s effective… just thought you’d have something more ingenuous up your sleeve.”
Mick whistles, “the balls on this one. Thinks making pancakes gives him a right to an opinion.”
Len’s eyes flick to Mick then back to Ray. “Tried, true and reliable,” he confirms airily and finishes off his last bite of food. “I need to know his mind, so I can make certain he and I can reach an understanding. It will be far less of a headache than outright killing him…”
“You just love a challenge,” Mick rumbles.
“True,” Len responds though his eyes are on Ray alone.
“What if he IS the hero he claims to be?” Ray counters because he is curious, will Len continue to sacrifice civilians. Ray knows ultimately Barry convinces him otherwise but if he hadn’t would that have been Len’s go to for escape. Then ray has a thought. One he would never say outloud.
Was Len testing Barry because he wants him to fail at being a hero, because he believes there is no such person. Tilting his head to the side he meets Len’s eyes his own gaze intense like when he looks at the inner workings of a new machine. He watches each gear and cog carefully figuring out how they work.
Shaking his head he goes back to finishing his pancakes letting Len off the hook from answering. If he is right and Len is testing the flash Ray’s inquiry will only be met with silence or cool indifference. He offers up instead, “Guess I’ll just have to wait and see what you do. I can understand the allure of a puzzle.”
It’s subtle, but Lucky’s questions and final statement have him looking hard at Lucky, his gaze calculating. He doesn’t let the expression get him down. He just adjusts his perceptions of Lucky. He’s wary but none of his warning instincts have truly been triggered. His eyes wander over Lucky for a moment. The man is, after all, exactly his type.
“I suppose you do,” he responds a slight purr to his voice.
It wasn’t like Ray hadn’t heard that sort of tone coming from Len before, just never used towards him. It made the hairs on his arms stand on end like an animal being targeted by a predator. Ray swallows down the last bite of his food and looks up at Len smiling a big broad grin mostly out of nervous habit. He pushes his feelings on what that tone could possibly mean out of his mind.
As he does this his mouth goes on a tangent well his mind is preoccupied. “Like you’ve already discovered I have no stomach for on the job action but I do hope you remember I’m offering my services to you because you’re a thief not a murderer.” Ray drums his fingers on the table looking between Mick and Len as he makes what appears to be a random assessment of the two men, “Neither of you are. Your survivors, and I have faith when you see an opportunity that will lead you away from having to be so extreme… you’ll take it.”
Standing he scoops up the empty plates and starts walking off to the kitchen a wave of his hand over his shoulder as he concludes, “Sometimes all it takes is a little faith, Leonard.” It wasn’t until he was wrist deep in suds washing the dishes that he thinks maybe he’d said a little too much. He wasn’t supposed to know these two men that well yet. Even on the waverider he probably wouldn’t have taken such liberties. Though he’d never been included in their inner circle there either. Ray was getting ahead of himself. His excitement and nerves were beginning to show in an unexpected manner.
If only Len hadn’t purred at him like that.
It was all his fault, with that voice and drawl… and.. and… sharp clear blue eyes. Ray closes his eyes and takes a breath trying to clear his head. What was he even thinking about. He needs to think of a way to be useful. surveillance maybe, miniature cameras… what was that queen bee villain chick ollie fought called again? Doesn’t matter, he can set something like that up to record Len’s encounters with Barry for future analysis. He is sure Len would appreciate that.
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Receding Gums Grow Back
There are numerous reasons that a person knowledge receding gums. It occurs normally as our team grow older. It can additionally happen with some medicines, undergoing chemotherapy as well as women that are expecting. There are also individuals that do not explore a dentist or even do any type of oral care. Read more about Receding Gums Grow Back Home Remedies
There are pair of kinds of gum economic downturns. That for thin, breakable tissue people. They comb their teeth and also view a dentist on a regular basis, but the cells is actually really slim and you may observe the bottom origins of the teeth. The various other recession is actually microbial and also infection related.
Do Gums Grow Back?
If you notice bleeding when brushing your teeth, that is the initial sign of periodontal disease. It may be attended to quickly in the initial stage. Along with effective care and also directions from your dentist, it may be solved in the house. The longer you allow a concern like that to occur, the longer as well as much deeper the treatment is going to be.
You can acquire a detailed cleaning that is called root scaling and also planing. That calls for many brows through as they need to reduce four quadrants of your mouth. You can get that performed in two gos to with one edge of the mouth reduce per visit and also some people will ask for 4 brows through as they have dental anxieties. If the recession goes to a deepness of 3mm as well as up, your hygienist could would like to put a perio item at the gum line to very clear infection as well as proper recuperation of the gum locations.
If you have severe recession of 8mm wallets, you can likewise require to view a periodontist for osseous surgical operation. This calls for really cutting the gums available and also scaling at and below the origins. 
Help Receding Gums Grow Back
A lot of periodontists do laser device surgical procedure since is less painful and also calls for a lot less recovery time. This is actually for the extra extreme scenarios and also will help you retain your teeth with correct dental brows through.
The indicators of recession, is actually gum recession with areas in between the teeth that were certainly not there prior to, bleeding gums, foul breath, sore gums as well as loose vulnerable teeth. You may certainly not possess each of these, yet just a few necessity to have some extra treatment exerted. If you view sore gums, and also bleeding after brushing, make an effort changing what you do as well as try to find enhancement. If there is none, find your dentist very soon.
Danger elements are actually smoking cigarettes, diabetes mellitus, genetically-reduced resistance to gum disease and various kinds of microorganisms in the mouth. Frustrating factors are pregnancy, cigarette smoking and also tobacco, bad nourishment, miserable body immune system, drugs and also bodily hormones, unsatisfactory dental hygiene as well as substance abuse. It is actually amazing how how simply something therefore little may make your teeth vulnerable, and your gums hurt.
Does Receding Gums Grow Back?
If you do see receding gums, participate in close attention to a wide array of traits. Your diet plan, health and other habits all contribute. If tiny modifications in the home do certainly not cause improvement do observe your dentist while it is early on. Fast treatment can imply quick outcomes and less discomfort for you. If you require deeper care, comply with the directions as high as feasible and also create some new habits. Those new directions will assist stop future issues.
Generally talking, the complication of receding gums is visiting come from a couple of resources. The very first is brushing also hard, the 2nd is actually gum disease. For your specific trouble, consult your dentist or periodontist.
Gum disease is a really dangerous issue. Dental specialists will definitely inform you that up to 75% of individuals possess the issue of gum disease immediately.
Ask any kind of dental hygienist as well as she are going to have the capacity to tell you merely how frequently she views this issue. The solution might be distressing to you.
When it comes to brushing as well hard, it is an excellent concept to think this one out promptly. If you would like to open your eyes to simply exactly how challenging you are actually definitely brushing, attempt this practice. Place a set of earplugs in before you clean.
Can Gums Grow Back Naturally?
When you do this, you will start to look at points a little in different ways. Try it, even though it does sound absurd.
The various other opportunity, as earlier pointed out is gum disease. Considering that so many folks are suffering from this trouble, you may wrap up that maybe brushing and flossing your teeth are actually not nearly enough to stop or even stop gum disease for many people.
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This is the conclusion that I have actually likewise pertained to. The next inquiry you might talk to is: "What else can I do"? There are actually a variety of factors that might be useful.
Your dental hygienist can work as your coach. Commonly talking, they do not go out of their way to talk people. They understand that people do certainly not like this and also the notification does certainly not make it through.
Nonetheless, if you were to inquire your hygienist for help, you are likely to discover a great deal. And your hygienist might agree to describe only exactly how negative your trouble definitely is. You could be shocked.
Do Gums Grow Back Naturally?
Dealing with this issue is a daily battle. Your dentist as well as hygienist recognize this, however they can merely observe you a number of times per year. For that reason, the mass of the battle is your regular duty.
One means to observe your progress, which are going to create a great deal additional feeling than inquiring another person to inform you, is actually to recognize what your wallet depths are actually. Your hygienist ought to tell you on every browse through. If she does not, ask her to.
Commonly, 3 millimeters as well as under are actually thought about to be healthy and balanced, while above 3 is generally thought about to be undesirable. This is your unbiased action.
If you know what these depths are, after that you will definitely recognize if you have made progress or not by your upcoming check out. You change what you do at home correctly. If your depths are actually not 3 and under, then you understand you must do one thing more or even different in your home.
Can Receding Gums Grow Back?
Numerous hygienists and dentist will definitely advise oral watering as an useful task that may assist to strengthen your dental health. Xylitol gum as well as a perio-aid are actually pair of more traits that could be valuable to you. This is actually claimed normally, ask your hygienist for additional specific information.
If you are experiencing the issue of receding gums, there is a complication. That problem could be brushing too hard or even a sign of gum disease. There might be actually a couple of other sources, but they will be actually much less very likely.
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