#like even in that kind of situation Alcina was giving her daughter all the attention she could
heisenberg-simp257 · 10 months
I saw the Requests open so, yeahhhhh
The 4 lords (separate) with a crush!reader who's, yes have a crush on
Who's really, really, really, oblivious, like a lot, that they can't even take one small Hint,
And the 4 lords (separate) Finally confessed, The confession took 4 hours to understand the reader.
Thank you for reading!
I think I understand! Hope you enjoy! 💖 Sorry if it's wrong anywhere!
The Four Lords with an Oblivious Crush!Reader
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Alcina Dimitrescu
-When it comes to having a crush on someone, Alcina is usually very patient. She's not one to get giddy or overly excited, but she does feel a sense of pleasantness when around her crush. That being said, it's very hard for said person to realize her fondness because she is very subtle about it.
-Especially when that someone is as oblivious as you are.
-You don't recognize anything as flirtatious, which upsets her because Alcina always believes that her subtle hints were brilliantly thought out, and then you don't even see it. She tends to sulk a bit afterwards, and you have to pry her on why. Which sucks because Alcina gives up on telling you the exact reason.
-Her daughters try to help in any way they can because their mother has ranted about your oblivious behavior to them, but even those three can't get through to you. They won't tell you about Alcina's feelings out of respect, but they sure as hell give hints.
-One day she can't take it anymore and prepares some wine to tell you about how she feels. Knowing Alcina, it was very dramatic and a lot of words were used. But still, to anyone else, it would have been very straightforward. Except for you, who kept thinking she was talking about friendship.
-It only took four grueling hours for you to get what she was talking about.
-You confessed that you never realized what she was trying to get across and apologized profusely for it. She was a bit strained during this whole exchange but was relieved that it was over and you returned her feelings for you. Now you'll recognize all her gestures were coming from love.
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Donna Beneviento (and Angie)
-Donna is extremely shy when it comes to having a crush on someone and it all stems back to her insecurities. She never feels like she's good enough for someone to love, but Donna is trying to push herself to express her feelings to that person she likes. But she is very very subtle about it, which doesn't help anyone.
-Especially you, who can never recognize a hint.
-And it's not always your fault because Donna isn't even the best at giving hints. Everything she does would be considered friendly, even by a person who isn't as oblivious as you. She would make you things, fix things for you, and make you all this tea. You interpret it a lot differently than how she's trying to display it as. Every time after, she would go to her room and just stare out the window.
-Angie is way more upfront about the whole situation, but the funny part is that she never brings up Donna's feelings. The doll just gets angry at you for "not getting it", which you don't understand in the slightest. Donna has to come and apologize with a red and flustered face.
-It takes Donna literal months before she realizes that this isn't going to work and she needs to just make the first move, which honestly scares her even more. She just wants to do it fast like ripping off a band-aid. It would be just Donna's luck that she would have to explain herself over and over again because you didn't understand what she was trying to say (due to her mumbling and your obliviousness).
-Four hours later and she's an emotional puddle on the floor.
-You were embarrassed for her and yourself as well for not noticing her advances (which weren't too much to be honest). Now you both were being kind of awkward as you tried to explain your own feelings for her. Each time she does something for you now, you pay extra close attention to it because you want her to know you understand now.
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Salvatore Moreau
-Moreau is a big bundle of love when it comes to having a crush on somebody. Not only that, but he gets a crush quite easily. All it takes is a smile or a laugh before his attention is just on you. He wears his heart on his sleeve, and he's not one to give up when it comes to giving signs. Moreau is oddly patient which is good because it's going to take him a while to get the message across.
-You were a very oblivious person when it came to things like this.
-However, sometimes Moreau doesn't even realize that you didn't understand what his little gestures meant. He's so excited to give you more affection that he didn't know it went over your head. In your eyes, he was just being really nice to you since adjusting to life in this area had been hard. You didn't even realize that his affections go much farther than that.
-Eventually though, Moreau recognizes that his gestures aren't doing anything. He isn't stupid no matter what Heisenberg says. He starts to realize that he's going to have to take another approach. Unlike the other lords, he doesn't get nervous or embarrassed when it comes to things like this.
-It was easy for him to sit with you and explain his growing feelings outright. Moreau was direct and concise, probably adding more words than needed, but he was just that kind of guy. He thought was easily getting the point across and that it was going to end well. Moreau didn't expect you to be as dense as you are, no offense.
-It took him a whopping four hours for you to realize his crush.
-At this point, he was beyond exhausted yet relieved that you finally knew. You felt a little embarrassed that he had to explain all this just for you to understand how he feels. With that in mind, you were a little flustered as well. But you were grateful. Now, things can have a more special meaning.
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Karl Heisenberg
-If Moreau is a ball of love, then Heisenberg is a vacant field of isolation. He's never had a "crush" on anyone or he might just crush himself. To him, love is a weakness that needs to be eradicated. And perhaps that view of thinking stems from the fact that he didn't know or understand any form of real love. But when he gets a crush on you, he's in for a ride.
-Because you are the densest and most oblivious person he knows, and it kills him.
-Heisenberg didn't know how to give hints about how he feels towards you because he's never experienced this before. To be honest, your obliviousness was most likely also due to his inexperience. Still, it gets him frustrated that his little acts of kindness go unnoticed because that's just how Heisenberg is when it comes to things not going his way.
-The more this goes on, the more Heisenberg fears that he will have to speak up about it otherwise it was going to drive him nuts. He can't handle his emotions very well, so sometimes his aggression is directed from his inability to handle how he feels about you. He'll also self-isolate which also gives you the wrong impression. But it's the sit down with him that's kind of scary for you.
-Because of the obliviousness, he has to sit with you face to face in order to get the message across. Not only that, but you have no clue what he's about to discuss with you because you never recognized the signs he was giving. Frankly, it was because he also didn't hand out many signs. Heisenberg was stubborn, stuttering, and overall nervous as he told you how he felt. Which also didn't work in his favor.
-This led to four hours of him having to repeat and explain himself.
-He thought his face was going to melt from how hot it was. Congratulations, you have finally broken Lord Heisenberg's walls and turned him into a puddle of mush. He sincerely hopes you return the feelings for him otherwise he will just combust and probably smush himself under a piece of scrap metal. You were probably just as flushed as he was about the realization, promising to be better about it from now on. Give him a hug and he will explode.
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highlifeboat · 3 months
What kind of Alcina angst you have in mind?
I always think of Alcina angst as being stress related.
Like, maybe she's had a hard week/few weeks. She's had Miranda constantly on her ass for one thing or another, her daughters are being particularly unruly and difficult because of the cold weather and getting cabin fever, every family meeting she goes to is just hell, plus just some general stress from dealing with the Duke and finance work for the wine business. And it's really starting to show.
She's getting more aggressive with people (mostly staff, but she has snapped at the girls and even Mia a few times), she's constantly exhausted, maybe drinking more than usual, she just doesn't look okay, but she's still trying to hold up the persona.
And Mia notices the stress Alcina is under, but when she tries talking to her about it, Alcina just kind of waves off her concern. "I'm fine." She claims. Mia doesn't believe it, but she can't exactly force Alcina to take a break. Alcina has always dealt with her stress alone, and it's a habit she's stuck in even while being part of a relationship.
Eventually this all starts to culminate. It's just been building up and maybe she gets one last bad phone call from Miranda, who yells at her over something she's hardly paying attention to, and it just breaks her. Like THAT is her boiling point. She hangs up and just fucking spirals into a breakdown.
I love the idea of Mia hearing Alcina throwing her vanity and by the time she gets up there to see what's going on Alcina is just a mess. She's on her knees on the floor, hunched over, sobbing into her hands. Mia touches her shoulder and she looks up, mostly shocked. Her make up is streaming down her face, her hair is messy, and Mia's has a moment of realizing she's never seen Alcina actually cry before now. This is a woman that needs a long overdue break.
And Mia, not the best with emotional situations but still wanting to provide comfort, holds Alcina's head to her chest and just lets her cry. Even gives her some kisses to the top of her head and hums out little words of encouragement.
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What Do The Simple Folk Do?
Continued from here, @fallesto
Deep down, Magda had hoped for, and quietly expected, the raven to idly caw back to her or, even better, just fly away. But, that simply wasn’t her luck today. Was Mother Miranda one to visit the castle often in this form? Did she sit amongst the tree limbs and watch through the windows? Was Alcina aware of this sort of spying? Not that she could likely do anything about the intrusion, other than raise a point of concern or protest. Even then, Mother Miranda would continue to do as she pleased.
You may continue… That was a change of pace, of tone. Were manners being remembered or was Miranda aware of her surroundings and giving a small bit of her authority away? This was a new situation for the seamstress as she had never known the other woman to visit the castle. If she did, it was under secrecy and purely for business reasons. Or at least Magda assumed as much. Seamstress duties never really crossed paths with the rest of the household staff unless they came to her with torn uniforms or other repairs.
When the bird landed, Magda couldn’t help but watch the transformation. The common description for such changes were ‘in the blink of an eye’, but in this case, that wasn’t far from the truth. The feathers and wings stretched, the form elongated, and then as she blinked? The change had already occurred. A different woman was before her. Not the golden masked blonde woman she was used to seeing, but instead Mother Miranda was now dark haired, shorter than her usual height, and… according to Magda’s scrutinizing gaze, rather human looking and very much not a local.
Not that it was hard to spot an outsider. The floral blouse, pastel cardigan, and comfortable looking slacks were a far cry from the full-length skirts and high-necked, collared blouses that the women of the village normally wore. This woman looked positively modern, which grabbed Magda’s attention immediately.
Normally, she’d have made a quip, asking if this new face had just arrived on the latest bus, but she knew better.
“If you are looking for opinions, I like this face, Mother Miranda. She looks sweet, loving, and protective. She suits you as an alternate if you are looking for one.” When asked about her reading material, Magda was momentarily confused. “It’s not for education. It’s for enjoyment. I am the sort who can sometimes do more than just sew. Not often, but it does happen,” she answered, scooting over in order to give her room to sit.
A breath stuck in Magda’s throat. Mother Miranda wishing to be read to was... unexpected. Now she was suddenly nervous and her lips felt dry.
“As you wish, Mother Miranda,” she said, carefully paging through the various stories. To her disappointment, many of the stories were based around gods punishing the lowly mortals. That wasn’t exactly something Magda wanted to read to the woman, but eventually, her eyes found a simple hymn to the goddess Demeter. A quick glance through and it seemed harmless enough.
“To Demeter Eleusinia. O universal mother, Deo famed, august, the source of wealth, and various named: great nurse, all-bounteous, blessed and divine, who joyest in peace; to nourish corn is thine. Goddess of seed, of fruits abundant, fair, harvest and threshing are thy constant care. Lovely delightful queen, by all desired, who dwellest in Eleusis' holy vales retired. Nurse of all mortals, who benignant mind first ploughing oxen to the yoke confined; and gave to men what nature's wants require, with plenteous means of bliss, which all desire.
In verdure flourishing, in glory bright, assessor of great Dionysos bearing light: rejoicing in the reapers' sickles, kind, whose nature lucid, earthly, pure, we find. Prolific, venerable, nurse divine, thy daughter loving, holy Koure. A chariot with Drakones yoked 'tis thine to guide, and, orgies singing, round thy throne to ride. Only-begotten, much-producing queen, all flowers are thine, and fruits of lovely green. Bright Goddess, come, with summer's rich increase swelling and pregnant, leading smiling peace; come with fair concord and imperial health, and join with these a needful store of wealth.”
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Unbearably Mortal (Part 2)
(Alcina Dimitrescu x gender neutral reader)
Part 1
Words: ~2.5 K
Summary: In which a lot of things happen and none of them are good.
A/N: Hey, y’all! Back at it again with another chapter! Hope you enjoy!
“Nope nope nope nope… no way in hell…” You shook your head violently, unable to process what Mary had said. “This is… this is all some sort of elaborate prank, right? You’re messing with me. Yeah.” You swallowed. Your saliva felt like acid.
Mary grimaced. “I’m sorry, but this isn’t a game. This is very much reality.”
“So… what are they then?” You began pacing the floor, anxiety clinging to the pit of your stomach. “You expect me to believe that they’re some sort of weird, blood-sucking vampires?? You must be out of your mind… they don’t exist! They can’t be real!”
Mary stood up and walked over to you, gently placing her hands on your shoulders. With her blocking your path, you were forced to stop pacing and look at her.
“Listen,” She began, eyes gleaming with fear “I have no need to lie to you. Believe whatever you want to believe, for the only thing on the line right now is your head. Jane and I risked our lives to save you. If we were caught, all of us would have died. So, are you going to freak out and get yourself killed, or are you gonna listen to me?”
You were stunned into silence. Mary was being deathly serious. You nodded shakily.
“Good.” Mary breathed a sigh of relief. “If you had a mental breakdown and they heard…” She didn’t finish her sentence. She didn’t need to either; the implication was horrifying enough as it was.
“Thank you, by the way,” you sighed, sitting back down on the bed, “you really didn’t have to save me.”
“Honestly, I’m still scared out of my mind,” she admitted breathily, “but I’m glad you’re better now.”
She hummed, then pursed her lips. Her frown deepened even more. “Well… now what do we do? The Dimitrescu family is notorious for slaughtering any trespassers they find.”
Your eyes widened and your stomach dropped. “Oh no… oh no, no, no…”
You were stuck. You were stuck in a terrifying castle with horrifying, blood-sucking monsters who would gladly turn you into a mangled corpse on their living room floor. You had no way to call for help, and your parents probably didn’t even know what was happening…
Your phone.
You patted your pockets and fished through them. Let’s see: some dirt, a crumpled flight itinerary, your house keys… aha!
“...what’s in the box?” Mary asked, “I don't think I’ve seen anything like it before.”
You blinked. Box? “Oh, this? It’s my phone.” You rotated it slowly in your fingers so she could easily see all its sides. “It’s a bit larger and blockier than your average iPhone because it’s designed to connect directly to the satellite, making it easy to call anyone from anywhere in the world. It cost me a lot of money, but since I was planning on traveling the world after I graduated, I decided it wouldn’t hurt to have it a few years early.”
Mary gave you a completely confused stare. “What’s an… iPhone? Or a sad-del-light? Did you make those up?”
You frowned, your eyebrow twitching in confusion. “Uh… no? I wouldn’t make anything like this up. You… you truly don’t know what modern technology is like?”
She shook her head. “I’ve… never been outside the village. I have no idea what the rest of the world is like.”
“And you don’t have a phone? Internet? Anything??”
“I’m afraid not,” She fidgeted with the hem of her skirt, “the Lords don’t allow anyone to leave the village or write letters to the outside world.”
A chill shot up your spine. “That’s… terrifying…”
Mary nodded, then tilted her head, thinking. She pursed her lips and motioned with her finger for you to come closer. You lean your ear to her.
“What is it?” You whisper.
“There are rumors of a girl who escaped the Lord’s wrath,” she began, “apparently, she managed to leave the village unharmed. There was an old hag who used to moan about how her daughter left her for a new life. She sounded half mad, so no one bothered listening to her.”
Your grandmother. She was talking about your grandmother.
And your mom.
This meant that… your mom knew about these crazy monsters? That she let you come here, to a place where you would most likely die? Alone??
Nothing made sense anymore.
You realized you had zoned out of Mary’s story. You shook your head, bringing your attention back to the present.
“Is that a good idea?”
“Uh, sorry, what?” You blinked. Mary was staring at you like you were an idiot. (Which you were, but that’s not the point.)
“I said,” she repeated, “you need to blend in until we can figure out how to escape.”
“That’s… that’s a pretty good idea. And wait….” you repeated her words in your mind. “We? You want to come too?”
“Goddess, it’s like you’re dense or something.” Mary muttered under her breath. “Of course I want to leave! Are you out of your mi-“
“I get it, I get it,” you huffed, interrupting her, “What do we do now?”
“Now,” she folded her arms, “we need to get you a disguise.” She walked over to a tiny dresser in the far corner and pulled out a neatly-folded maid’s uniform. “I hope you’re my size.”
Turns out you weren’t Mary’s size.
You couldn’t help it; your new friend was practically a walking stick. Your shoulders were too broad, your legs too long; but with Mary’s excellent sewing skills, you were able to make it work… sort of.
“Damn, this uniform is itchy,” you complained, scratching at the neckline.
“You’ll grow used to it after a while,” Mary replied. “Now we need to get to work or-“
“We’ll be made into wine. Got it.” You straightened out your sleeves.
She nodded. “Just follow my lead.”
The two of you walked quickly and quietly out of the servant’s quarters. Your heart was racing. Every time you turned a corner, you half expected a bloodied monster to jump the both of you and tear out your arteries.
You rounded another bend and nearly walked into Mary. She had stopped suddenly and immediately fled to the side of the hallway, bowing deeply at the corridor. You quickly followed her lead.
The moment you bowed your head, a steady buzzing filled your ears.
Swarms of flies flitted through your vision as they flew down the hall, buzzing excitedly. Maliciously. You don’t know how they managed to convey such emotions, but they seemed…. off.
And then, they changed.
The insects spiraled and spun into a large, buzzing mass, sewing themselves into a completely different form; one with a deep black cloak, ghoulishly pale hands, wild blonde hair…
And blood-stained teeth.
Mary curtsied deeply and you were quick to follow suit. “Good evening, Lady Bela,” she said softly, refusing to look up, “how may we be of service?”
Bela gave a bored wave of her hand. “We’re a bit... short-staffed in the kitchens at the moment,” she drawled, “Mother doesn’t want dinner to be served a second too late. She-” Her eyes fell on you and she stopped dead in her tracks. “You smell familiar, human…” she growled.
Oh no, you were dead, you were dead, you were dead. Cold sweat fell from your neck, and your heart raced. Bela stepped closer to you, brows furrowed and hungry eyes glinting.
“They’re new, Lady Bela,” Maria said quickly.
She raised an immaculate brow. “New, you say?”
“Yes, Miss.”
“... I see.”
It was only a moment before she leaned away, but to you, it felt like hours. The Dimitrescu was a terrifyingly deadly whirlwind, one that seemed to stare directly into your soul… maybe even smell your fear. Bela’s lips twitched, giving you a glimpse of sharp fangs.
“Well then, newcomer,” she hissed, amusement dripping in her voice, “if you’re so eager to serve us, I want you to pour the wine.”
Your heart raced in panic, your hands shaking. Pouring the wine meant seeing these monsters at their most bloodthirsty. It meant you would get caught.
I won’t survive, you thought fearfully.
You quickly dropped into a clumsy curtsy before you forgot yourself. “A-as you wish, Lady Bela,” you choke out.
“Hm… we’ll see, won’t we.” She dissolved into a sea of flies and flew down the hallway and out of sight.
You breathed heavily. Your heart was still going a mile a minute. Before you could say anything, Mary grabbed your arm and tugged you along.
“Shh,” she hissed. “Not yet.”
You followed her silently to the kitchen. This whole situation was too hard to process… you’d barely been in Romania for a day and you suddenly had to face the reality of your imminent death.
You felt lightheaded. Your vision swam.
“Where are you, draga mea?” A smooth, enchanting voice swirled in your mind. You felt your pulse hammering in your temples. The voice sounded so close, yet so far away. It was familiar and warm… but it was too hard to tell if it meant anything. You were too woozy, too lightheaded…
“It’s time to wake up, darling,” the voice continued dreamily, “Open your eyes for me?”
“...hey… hey!” A familiar voice hissed, “hello? Are you alright?”
Your eyes snapped open.
Mary stood in front of you, her hands on your shoulders. Once she saw you move, she breathed a sigh of relief. “Are you alright? You haven’t blinked for the past few minutes, nor have you responded to anything or anyone around you.”
“Yeah, I just…” you swallowed thickly. What was wrong with you? “... I just spaced out.” Mary frowned, giving you a suspicious glance, but didn’t push.
You were in the kitchen. Cooks and maids bustled around in an organized fashion, whispering instructions to each other while slicing, cooking, and plating bright red slabs of meat. You definitely didn’t want to know what kind the Dimitrescu’s were eating tonight.
Someone grabbed your arm and you flinched, turning around. It was one of the older cooks, a salt and pepper haired woman with soot-stained clothes and greasy calloused hands. She shoved a a bottle of wine into your hands so fast, you nearly dropped it. She glowered at you.
“As soon as the meal is served, you pop open the bottle and pour for everyone.” She hurriedly rattled off instructions. “When they finish their drink, pour them another. You do not look at them, you do not touch them or their glasses, you don’t even breathe around them. And for the love of the Goddess: Do. Not. Spill.”
You gulped and nodded. You just had to do your job, then leave. That’s all. You could do this.
Or so you told yourself.
The old woman gave you a quick look, and for a moment it seemed she gave you a twinge of a sympathetic smile. But just like that it was gone, replaced by her signature scowl.
“Alright, we go in three…” she held up three fingers covered in burn scars. One second passed. Then another.
The kitchen maids smoothly entered the dining room in one sweeping motion; a flurry of skirts and iron serving trays. You followed them close behind. The maids placed the trays in front of each Dimitrescu before fleeing to the kitchen single file.
And then it hit you.
You were the only maid who was supposed to stay throughout the entire meal.
Without you even knowing it, Bela had assigned you one of the most dangerous jobs at the castle; one where you had to stay, alone, in the same room as four hungry, bloodthirsty vampires.
You quickly began pouring the wine.
You walked around the massive mahogany table, trying your best not to spill the blood-red drink. You poured for Bela first, and you tried your absolute best not to look her in the eye. You didn’t know what you would do if you saw her grinning.
You moved on to the next Dimitrescu: a redhead with glistening fangs. As you poured, she suddenly hissed. In your surprise, you fumbled the bottle. But you didn’t spill.
The last sister (you assumed all three of them were sisters based on their similar appearances) was a brunette with mischievous eyes. You didn’t mean to look at her… you really didn’t…
Based on her low, rumbling cackle, you knew you were doomed.
The last Dimitrescu, the Lady Dimitrescu, was much different than the other three. She was incredibly tall, with a flowing white dress that fell to her ankles, a wide-brimmed hat…
And pearly-white satin gloves.
Why did that seem so familiar?
You shook your head. You had to stop thinking and just pour the wine! You only had one more glass to fill, after all.
The brunette stuck out her foot, and you went down.
You landed on top of the bottle, and it shattered under you. Glass and wine flew everywhere, piercing your clothes, slicing your skin, staining the rug…
And completely drenching the front of Lady Dimitrescu’s immaculate dress.
The air cracked with electricity. “You...” she hissed, in a stranglely familiar voice.
Before you could even beg for forgiveness, the towering terror of a woman stood from the table and grasped you by the collar before you could even blink.
She growled, breath smelling of blood. “You will pay for your insole-“ her breath hitched. Her death grip on you loosened and faded, till you dropped to the floor like a rag doll.
Fearfully, you looked up at her.
Her demeanor had completely changed. Where once stood a cold-hearted monster was a shocked, crying… woman. Tears streaked down her face, dripping from her chin as she sunk to the floor. She didn’t look like a monster, she looked… human.
The lady reached out a gloved hand, then flinched as if burned. She looked lost and confused and sad; unable to process what she was looking at… or rather, who she was looking at.
A chill ran up your spine, fearful tendrils snaking through your system as you both stared into each other’s eyes.
And then, Lady Dimitrescu uttered a single word, barely a whisper at all, and your stomach dropped. Your world spun.
You couldn’t move. Couldn’t think. Everything you had ever known was completely useless, and your life would end at any moment, you were sure. You felt like crying, you felt like throwing up.
She said your name.
Lady Dimitrescu, one of the most powerful supernatural beings in the world, who couldn’t possibly know who you were, had said your name.
It was too much. There were too many strong emotions, too many near-death experiences in one day. Your body was bloody and exhausted, your energy spent.
You collapsed on the dining room floor, and your vision faded to black.
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tu-sugar-mami · 3 years
Tales of the side of the road: Day #1)
You're an overworked, sleep deprived, tired barista at a pretty strange coffee shop. You don't really complain, since the payment is good and you have a lot of free time, with the shop being pretty much empty and customers walking in only once in a while. The place is big, well equipped, somehow there's wifi, and you love doing what you do even if sometimes you wish you could go home. You could say the building is placed in the middle of nowhere, in a road connecting two barely populated and pretty hidden towns. The only other building anywhere in a few miles is the convenience store, an old and beaten up OxxO across the street, the cashier doesn't speak much though.
The owner is a bit... how to say it? Cryptic, to put it slightly, but that doesn't bother you at all, you barely see them, and now that you think of it perhaps the only time you spoke to them is when you were hired.
You've seen your fair share of weird stuff in three years of working here, and you even made friends with the local cult, although with a rocky start when they tried to sacrifice you to their deity. It turned out for the best, since you gained regulars that always came in with the freshest gossip. And yes, you may have gotten a small curse because of the first encounter, but hey, being occasionally possessed by a dark goddess do come handy when one of the diverse side effects is super strength and you have to lift heavy boxes of ingredients for the drinks. Because, let me tell you, the drinks you make are not regular stuff.
You specialize in a very complex form of beverages, with basic color code names, but with a flawless, delicious, magnificent taste. At least to those who are meant for.
You see, customers here are very unique, and many have tried to eat you several times before you made it clear that you were not on the menu. They learned to not underestimate your skills manouvering a broom.
Anyway, today is a specially slow day. Not even Gary —a cultist of the highest ranks, who loves his double shot 'blue' coffee— has passed by yet and you can't help but wonder what or who held him back. Though your inquiry doesn't last long, when you hear voices outside and the approach of hurried steps.
It's almost nightfall and it starts to get chilly when you get ready for yet another endless night shift. You find it odd that other people aside from Gary would swing by the shop at this hour, but well, it is your job to serve them after all, and so you tighten your apron and ready your notepad.
Like i've said before you've seen a lot of not so ordinary stuff, and when an uncommonly tall —and absolutely gorgeous— lady along with three younger, shorter women wearing at least 10 layers of cozy clothes walk in you're absolutely unfazed and instead welcome them with the brightest smile you can muster.
"Hi! Welcome to Itsy Bitchy Spider, home of the best coffee in all 24 miles around. What can i get for you today?" You say, bringing the women's attention to you.
The tall lady seems a little thrown off by your warm welcoming. Or by the weird name of the franchise, or perhaps because she wasn't expecting a fragile-looking human to be behind the counter, who knows, but she usher one of the younger girls —a brunette one, who wears a creepy but charming smile peeking from under a thick scarf— towards the counter and clears her throat. "Hello, yes, my daughter got into a little bit of a situation earlier and she has to clean herself up. We're on our way to a very important meeting and she has to be presentable."
It's only now when you notice that said daughter has bloodied clothes, and when she lifts her head you can see that there's blood dripping from her chin too. But again, not the weirdest.
"Sure ma'am," You say with a smile, wich has her giving you a curious look. "the bathroom is on that black door over there." You point and the girl goes on her way, almost skipping. Kind of adorable, you think, like a small child would be, except much older and dangerous. "So, is the cult holding a meeting? That'd explain why Gary hasn't come by." You say casually. The woman is about to answer when another uh, you suppose is a daughter too, suddenly points at the pastries countertop.
"What's that?" A redhead girl asks. She looks excited and genuinely curious about a colorful piece of a cake. You don't make them, and honestly you don't want to know what's in them, but you know they're suitable for any kind of customer that walks in, so you pull out a piece and arrange it on a plate, decorating it with red syrup, the red syrup.
"Try it, it's on the house." You wink at her while sliding the plate towards her and she looks at you like you just handed her a priceless jewel.
"Really?" She says, but is more a formality since she's already pulling the plate closer. "Look Bela! Look what i got!"
"No, Daniela you shouldn't eat that. Your tummy will hurt, you know this." The tall lady says as she grabs the plate and pull it out of Daniela's grasp, which is easy given her height. "We're sorry, but we can't take this. We have a very strict diet." She hands the plate back to you.
You smile and gently take the plate away, aware of the sad puppy eyes the redhead is giving you. You discreetly, almost as if it wasn't your intention, you put the plate within her reach and keep talking. You pretend not to notice when the girl sneakily grabs the plate and runs back to her sister to share her prize.
"Ma'am, i assure you it is perfectly safe. You're not from around here, are you? Well, let me get you acquainted with the place." Not wasting any time you quickly prepare a concoction of 'red' coffee and top it with regular whipped cream while the lady's gaze is fixed on every move. "Here, try this."
"Try what?" The dark haired girl has returned from the bathroom all freshened up and looks curiously to the tall glass you slide on the counter. "Oooh, that looks nice!"
"It is nice. It's one of the house's specials. We call it 'red coffee' though it's up to you discover if you like it."
"Cassandra, i don't think we should..." The lady seems hesitant, but when you rise the glass as close as you can to her face and she takes a whiff you can clearly see her pupils dilate. "What... is that?" She asks, breathless, as if she's just found something she craved for so long and didn't even know it.
You smirk, knowing that you guessed correctly about what would work on her. "Why don't you take a sip and find out?"
"Mother, i think you should give it a try." The blonde girl, the one who hadn't said a word since she first entered says. You notice that there's some cake frosting right on the corner of her smiling lips.
"Perhaps i should listen to you, Bela. Let's see, shall we?" The mother takes the glass from your hand, tiny in comparasion to hers, and she guides the brim of the cup to her red lips. She cautiously takes a sip and as soon as the liquid touches her tongue and she tastes, the drink is downed in seconds.
"So, what's the veredict? You like it?" You say as you put the lid on the last of another three cups of the same drink that you finished making while the cup on the lady's hand was being emptied, ready to hand over to the girls.
"It's exquisite..." She says, and you can see the awe on her face. "How?"
"Well, that's a secret, isn't it? You can come by whenever you like, we're open all day, every day." You look behind the four women and spot a grumpy looking man wearing sunglasses and a hat just outside in the parking lot. Odd when there's no sunlight to protect his eyes from, but you don't judge. "Looks like someone is looking for you." You point past them to the guy.
And sure enough:
"Alcina! Where the fuck are you? Miranda is waiting for us, we're late!"
The annoyed expression on the lady's —Alcina, now you know— face almost make you laugh, but you don't want to be disrespectful and instead you just cough a little. "Looks like we have to part ways." She says, putting the glass on the counter delicately. Her eyes are glued to your own and you can see fire in them. "For now."
The lady turns around and walks away with determination and elegance in her stride and behind her the daughters follow with the grace of young gazelles. One of them, the blonde girl turns her head enough to see you over her shoulder and waves goodbye. You wave back.
"Have a safe trip!" You say. Much, much later you'll call this 'day one', when Alcina first entered your life, but for now:
Alcina... The name feels sweet like honey in your mouth and you smile. You can't wait to see her again.
@thejennystuttle here it is the first one i finished. I got carried away, srry. Hope u like it?
If you love my work, buy me a coffee?
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lepusrufus · 3 years
Idk if this count as angst but: Alright so, Daniela apparently likes trashy romance novels. So what if this makes her pick up some toxic tropes. She knows that those are just fantasies that wouldn't work out in real relationships, but some elements still stick to her. Like, maybe sometimes she could get pushy while Anita is really not in the mood, almost bordering on rapey vibes
That's actually very much the case (tho maybe not quite as extreme) with how I portray her and how she is in my AU. I think even the ask itself makes for an appropriate TW for this and also kudos to some of my friends with whom I had a nice convo about toxic romance tropes.
She's always liked romance to the point of putting the mere idea on a pedestal in her mind and idealizing it. Having never had an actual real relationship in her life and un(?)life also contributed to that. Before the infection she got caught up in an arranged marriage that left its mark on her and, afterwards, she was never really around anyone that could truly reciprocate her sporadic feelings due to the massive power imbalance between her and her crushes. The girls she ended up having an interest in were always from the staff and would eventually get killed. Not to mention Daniela also happened to think bleeding someone dry was oh so romantic from time to time.
Alcina never really cared to stop it either. So what if she wanted to have some fun with who would end up wine or on the dinner table? As long as she didn't get attached, she's her darling daughter and can do as she pleases.
As for how exactly that manifests, aside from the occasional violent streak, it's mostly things that to her can seem innocent enough. A bit of stalking and seeking out her newest crush while she's trying to work and ends up in a pretty tight spot of whether to try finishing her task or entertaining Daniela, both things her life depends on and that Dani doesn't seem to acknowledge too much. She's also quite pushy and doesn't seem to have a problem with throwing the idea of personal space out the window, surprising whoever she likes with a random hug from behind or kiss without noticing, or caring, that it had more of a startling effect than anything else. The old as time "kissing someone to shut them up". She also tends to think that the other person must be happy with the arrangement, it's her after all.
And this goes on through the decades, with more or less willing crushes. Some think it's a good opportunity to escape death, some are horrified by the idea of the youngest daughter taking an interest in them and everything in between. Rinse and repeat.
Until Anita comes around and of course Dani pulls her usual "skills" with the new maid that was sent in by Miranda and is looking hella cute dusting the books in the library. Some mild stalking and trying to impress by coming in covered in blood like she never got over a middle school phase of "bug your crush for attention".
Except Anita is naturally kind, probably kinder than she should be in her situation, and her mom-friend personality does show itself in trying to befriend Dani at least to a degree. She may recommend a book or ask if she's hurt while soaked in blood and so on. And that kinda takes Dani by surprise and she starts walking the line of "idealized relationship" and "actually caring". Or more like uses that line as a jumping rope.
It's in that period of time that Dani gets really back and forth and the fact that Anita's neck is on the line in that castle doesn't really help because what is she supposed to do really? Go to the daughter everyone deems the craziest and most unpredictable of her employee that can and will turn her into dinner and say "please speak your mind and stop having these expectations from a relationship that I'm not even sure we're having"? Yeah no she'll pass, at least for a time.
Until it gets really frustrating to the point where Anita snaps and tells her everything she's doing and how her actions hurt and are just not okay. That hits Dani like a truck and she actually takes a step back to self reflect.
And that's how their relationship starts being a bit more leveled and goes on to become healthy. Dani still struggles with distinguishing idealized ideas of romance from actual things one should do in a relationship from time to time, old habits die hard. But Anita being in a position where she can give her a reality check does help.
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t0th3-ark · 3 years
Foreign Shadows
Karl Heisenberg x Reader: Part 1
Warnings: weapons, blood, gore, kidnapping, torture, cursing, sexual content.
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"Ethan, you can't be serious?" (Y/N) calls after her friend. "I am serious. She's missing and I'm going to find her." Ethan shouts, over his shoulder, continuing into the woods. "Its getting late, you can't go out there alone." She says, stomping after him. Ethan turns suddenly. (Y/N) bumps into her chest, inhaling sharply. He looks down at her with desperation.
"Then come with me."
(Y/N) walks beside Ethan, arms crossed. They hadn't spoken to each other for at least twenty minutes. "Look, I'm sorry, okay?" Ethan sighs, breaking the silence. "I know this is hard for you." (Y/N) starts, feeling an uncomfortable shiver run down her spine. Someone was watching. "But this wasn't a good idea. We're out here alone, in that dark, with a only a flashlight. I mean this is classic horror story shit." (Y/N) says. "I know, I know." Ethan mumbles. What sounds like a small branch snapping under someone's foot his heard. They both fall quiet. Ethan looks at (Y/N). Shs looks back wide eyed. He glances around, suddenlt noticing lights in the distance. He pulls (Y/N) to him, whispering in her ear. "There are light down the hill. When I tap your arm, we run, got it." He explains, having a feeling of dread in his gut. (Y/N) lets out a shaky breath feeling him tap her arm. She boots.
Ethan is hot on her tail, as they both sprint down the hill. The lights get closer and closer to reveal a small village. "What the hell?" (Y/N) whispers. Ethan doesn't see her stop running and bumps into her, knocking them both to the ground. "Shit!" Ethan says, grabbing the attention of some people walking the street. (Y/N) groans, sitting up, feeling eyes on her. "Ethan." (Y/N) says, patting the ground beside her. He was gone. She stares at the spot of the ground he once was sitting on. Did he leave her? (Y/N) stands, brushing her hands on her jeans. "Ethan!" She whispers harshly. "Dammit." She mumbles, looking entirely out of place in the village. "Are you lost?" Someone asks, from behind her. She turns, quickly. "I don't- I'm not from here." (Y/N) stutters watching the woman's face light up. "A foreigner! How lovely." She starts. (Y/N) doesn't let her finish. "Have you seen a guy, about this tall," She gestures with her hands, "Blonde hair? He was wearing a green jack-" The woman stops her. "I've seen no man. Please come, inside!" She says ushering (Y/N) inside her home. "Wait, but-" The woman sushes her. "I insist! We never get foreigners nowadays." The woman laughs, eerily. (Y/N) swallows, thickly. "Let me go find my husband, and I'll be right back." The woman says, giving her a creepy grin. (Y/N) shutters as the woman leaves. She rushes to the door, opening it. It slams on the wall as she bolts out of the woman's house and into the square. Where the hell was she? What was going on? Where did Ethan go? What was in the wood? Her breath quickens and she glances frantically around the village for an escape. Villagers stop in their tracks, staring at her as if she were a digusting creature. A dull pain, resonates on the back of her skull. She grunts, falling to the ground from the impact. She turns, seeing villager with some heavy object in hand. (Y/N)'s head pounds. Her adrenaline begins to kick in. The man raises his weapon to strike again and she rolls to the side hearing it clank on the brick below her. She kicks the man in the shin, pulling herself up. "Oh no you don't!" The man yells, aiming a shotgun at her. Where did her get that from? "What do you want? What's going on?" (Y/N) roars, anger filling her. "Where is my friend? What did you do to him-" The gun goes off, the bullets piercing her thigh. (Y/N) falls on her back, crying out in pain. Her hands shoot to her injured leg, holding it. Blood seeps onto her hands. She sobs, looking up through her tears at the man. "Mother Miranda will be very pleased to see you." The man says, confusing the hell out of (Y/N). "Please-" The barrel of the gun comes down the hit (Y/N)'s head. 
"Oh, please, that is utter nonsense!" A female's voice booms. (Y/N) winces, feeling cold metal around her wrists. Her thigh is numb and pulsates with her heart. Her head hurts. It's throbbing, aching. She turns to lie on her back. "(Y/N)!" Someone hisses, from beside her. "Ethan?" (Y/N) croaks, quietly. "Thank God. I thought you wouldn't wake up." Ethan says. He's bloody and dirty. "What's going on? Ethan, please tell me this isn't real." (Y/N) whispers. "Ah!" The same female voice says. "They're awake." She chuckles. (Y/N) props herself up against a wall. Oh god. A woman looms above her. She's enormous. She towers over (Y/N) like a tree. She has to crane her neck to see the woman's face. She glances around the room seeing several other figures. Her eyes widen. What the fuck was happening? "Oh, don't be alarmed, darling." The woman, grins. "The worst is yet to come." She says. Someone snorts and (Y/N)'s head turns to see a gruff looking man, smoking a cigar. "What the fuck is going on?" (Y/N) projects, taking all of the strange people by surprise. Ethan feels anxiety bubble in him. "Who are you? What are we doing here?" (Y/N) drills. No one answers. "Answer me, goddammit!" (Y/N) shouts. Cigar man let's out a laugh. It sounded like it came from deep within her gut.
"What's so funny, cigar man?" (Y/N) growls, making Ethan kick her uninjured leg. "Dont provoke them." He mumbles. "Cigar man." The scruffy man repeats. "Don't provoke them?" (Y/N) says lowly. The strange people watch the two humans interact. "Don't fucking provoke them?" She shouts at Ethan, making him flinch. "Some dumbass shot me in the leg and all I was trying to do was get some answers." (Y/N) rants. "You're the one who dragged me out here to find you're precious daughter!" She says raising her hands mockingly. Ethan's face contorts. "Oh so it's my fault?" He says, laughing bitterly. "Obviously! We're in this situation because of you!" She argues, shoving her index finger into his chest. "Me? I'm not the one who-" The tall woman becomes tired of their bickering. "Enough!" She booms, shutting them both up. "Mother Miranda is on her way and she will decide what to do with both of you." She says, obviously annoyed. "I like her." The man says, pointing his cigar at (Y/N). "She's got spunk. Now him," He pauses, pointing to Ethan, "He seems like a pain in the ass, if I'm being blunt with you." He says, ignoring that the two humans were even there, talking to the tall lady. The large woman, sighs heavily. "It isn't your decision, Heisenberg." She says, sitting down. "Now hang on just a minute," (Y/N) says squinting. "Since when am I property?" She glares at all of them. Ethan swallows. "Since you set foot here." A new voice says. It's filled with power. It was quite intimidating. A female figure covered in feathers enters the room. "What the fuck." (Y/N) whispers, eyes trailing her as she walks. The Heisenberg man snorts. Ethan  cowers to the wall behind him. Idiot. 
Miranda stops at the center of the room. "We will decide your fate, from now, forward." She says, speaking with a kind of grace. "So we don't get a fucking say in this?" (Y/N) fumes. "(Y/N)." Ethan says, weakly. "Don't '(Y/N)' me. I don't want anything to do with this! This is insane. It this a joke? Did my mom set this shit up? She's been after me for years. I knew-" (Y/N) is silenced. "Shut your fucking hole and let the woman speak. Damn." Heisenberg snaps. "I thought you liked me, cigar boy." (Y/N) sneers. Heisenberg rises from his seat, suddenly, making her jump. Mother Miranda sighs. "Now you listen to me, princess." Heisenberg growls, stalking over to her. (Y/N) stands her ground, rolling her shoulders back. Ethan starts to shake in fear. He grabs her jaw, roughly.
"You ain't making the fucking decisions around here." He says. (Y/N) tries to pull her head out of his grasp, but he simply tightens it. "Your fate is already layed out for you. So I suggest to cooperate or you will face the consequences." Heisenberg grins. "Get your hands off me you pig!" (Y/N) says, lowly. A loud crack echos inside the room. (Y/N) falls back against the wall, hand to her face. He just hit her. "Learn your place or you won't survive." Heisenberg whimpers. (Y/N)'s eyes sting with tears. Everything hurt and nothing made sense. "Go to hell." She mumbles. "What did I just say-" heisenberg starts raising his voice. "That's a great show you put on for us, dear, but I think that's enough." The tall woman says, boredom in her tone. (Y/N) slumps back against the wall, defeated. It was no use. 
"Ethan Winters." Mother Miranda says. "Your fate has been decided." She speaks with authority. There's a pause. "Lady Dimitrescu will have you." She states. The tall woman grins wildly. Ethan shrinks back against the wall. (Y/N) sits there, a cut on her cheek from something Heisenberg hand on his hand. Possibly a ring. She didn't care. Ethan is carried away by the tall lady she had learned to be Alcina Dimitrescu. "Good fucking ridens." (Y/N) mumbles to herself, watching Ethan struggle. "(Y/N) (L/N). Your fate has been decided." Mother Miranda repeats. "Oh, great." (Y/N) says, voice dripping in hate. "Lord Heisenberg will take you." She says. (Y/N) feels anger filling her. "I'm not going with that idiot." She says, looking at Miranda while referring to him. She hears him stand. Goosebumps rise on her skin, seeing his shadow on the ground as he looms above her. "Get up." He orders. "Fuck off." (Y/N) retorts, still looking at Miranda. "Get the fuck up!" Heisenberg booms. (Y/N) glares up at him. "I said, fuck off!" She yells back. Heisenberg smiles, adjusting his hat. "You're in for a ride, pretty girl." He growls, grabbing her forearm, forcing her to stand on her bad leg. (Y/N) yelps, numbing pain shooting through her ankle to her hip. She pants, pulling at the chains surrounding her wrist. She would glady, for no money at all, kick him in the balls, if her leg was healed.
"Well? C'mon walk." Heisenberg says, in a teasing manner. "I got shot, dumbass! I can't walk." (Y/N) spits. "Guess I'll either have to drag you or throw you over my shoulder. What'll it be?" He says, a glint in his eyes. (Y/N) remains silent. He grabs her by the middle, hosting her over his shoulder. "Put me down!" (Y/N) shouts as he begins to walk. "Oh! I see. You'd rather be dragged on the ground, huh?" Heisenberg says, stopping. "No." (Y/N) says, quickly. "That's what I fuckin' thought." He says, hand resting on the bad of her thighs. It didn't seem like he really cared about the wound on her thigh.(Y/N) starts to feel blood rush to her head. The man was carrying her at an uncomfortable angle. She grunts, wiggling to adjust herself. "Quit movin'." Heisenberg barks, slapping the back of her injured thigh. (Y/N) flinches letting out a pained sound. She dangles from his shoulder like a ragdoll. This was embarrassing to say the least. He was treating her like a sack of potatoes. 
After what felt like a month, they reached some sort of plant. A factory maybe? This was all surreal. A whirring sound is heard and (Y/N) is walked through a door. "Welcome to your new home." Heisenberg chuckles. "This isn't my home." She snaps, hitting his back with her chained wrists. "Now you've done it." He says, before throwing her down on the floor. (Y/N) hisses, her leg aching. "Look, this us how it's gonna be." He starts, kneeling down to an eye level stance. "You ain't gonna cause trouble and your gonna do what I say. You hear?" He says. "You may need some trainin'," He pauses, eyes hinting some darkness,
"But you'll fuckin' learn."
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feeling guilty about not finishing my beladonna oneshot by the time i wanted to but there’s been some personal things going on so it’ll be a bit more till i can finish it </3.
but here’s a snippet of it! (currently titled “two am who do you love”). obviously more edits will be made but it’s good to have an idea of what my plan is!
It was one of those rare occasions where the whole Dimitrescu got to head to a “family meeting” together.
(Though it would be difficult for Bela to classify the lords relationships as a family. She has never said it outright but she secretly despised Mother Miranda. She was the only person in the world who made her mother scared. And she didn’t like things that made her mother scared. But, of course, if she wanted her family to be safe and for her life not to be in jeopardy, she would need to keep her mouth and opinions mum.)
It was a simple progress meeting to see how each lords respective experiments are going.
And it was a perfect time for Alcina to show off her daughters for the umpteenth time and laugh as she sees whatever stupid robotic thing Heisenberg had created.
Daniela and Cassandra never pay attention during these meetings. Bela can’t blame them- they are quite awfully boring.
Her sisters start off the meeting staying still and act like they are paying attention, but after a few minutes (usually when Moreau starts blubbering) they start jittering around, turning into swarms to go and annoy whoever is present.
Bela just stayed still, partially annoyed by her siblings.
She knew that no matter how much she despised Mother Miranda, these meetings were important to her mother and she wanted to pay attention. It didn’t matter if the the whole meeting was just constant bickering between her mother and Heisenberg, it was important that she was in the loop on what was going on.
(and it totally isn’t because her mother will visit her in her room separate from her sisters and praise her for being so well behaved. definitely not.)
It wasn’t until 30 minutes had passed when Belas mind started wandering.
Her mother and Heisenberg were arguing over some small thing, Cassandra was slyly poking at Moreau through the means of her flies, and Daniela was chasing that annoyingly high pitched doll.
Belas eyes slowly made their way to the owner of the doll who was sitting quietly, watching the entire meeting unfold behind the wings of Miranda.
Bela was always curious about Lady Beneviento. She had only seen her a couple of times in her new life. Only when she was invited to these meetings or those rare occasions where she was sent to retrieve the dresses mother had commissioned from the woman.
(though, those times the door was answered by that ugly doll who wouldn’t let her step 2 feet into the house. She did once see the Lady in the corner attending to some type of housekeeping, but her veil was on and didn’t seem to acknowledge bela’s presence.)
She hadn’t heard much about the Lady from her mother either. Mainly because whenever her mother discussed the meetings during dinner time she ranted about Heisenberg and how “bastardly” and “childish” that man was.
She had once asked about her during one cold winter night when boredom was taking over the best of her. She was in her mothers room getting her hair brushed and her needs attended to. It was a quiet ritual that her mother had with all of her daughters to make sure that they all know that they are individually loved and cared for.
When Bela asked, alcina stopped her brushing and met Bela’s eyes in the vanity mirror with a singular eyebrow raised.
“Any reason you are asking, daughter?”
Bela swallowed and started picking at her fingers, a terrible habit she had picked up whenever she felt slightly at unease.
“Mother, I think it’s important that I know about the works of this village. I just haven’t heard anything about the Lady so that is why I am asking.”
Alcina was silent for a beat before giving a small chuckle and continues to braid her daughters hair.
(Of course Bela would be curious. After all, she is cooped into the castle for a whole season and isn’t allowed to wander far from the premises in case some stupid man-thing gets the wrong idea and tries to hurt her. The last thing in the world Alcina wants is her daughters to be hurt in anyways.)
She told Bela about how the Ladys father was an experienced doll maker from Italy and how Donna took over the family business. That she was the youngest of the four lords but never spoke much, only through her doll. And even with that, her mother didn’t know the connection that they had.
Bela then asked about the veil and why the Lady needed to hide her face.
“My child, as far as I know no one human has seen her face other than Mother Miranda and I. I had actually painted a portrait of her many years ago at her request, but I had to make some alterations. She has lost a lot in her life so one must assume she wears the garment as a way of honoring those who have left her.”
Bela wanted to ask more, but before she could inquire, the door was being banged on by Daniela requesting for her turn for time with Mother.
Bela’s thoughts were quickly interrupted by Daniela speeding past her with a screaming doll rattling around in her hands.
At first, Donna didn’t seem to care about the scene that was unfolding, but upon further staring observation, Bela noticed her shoulders had stiffened a tiny bit.
Just before Daniela had gotten away, Bela grabbed her by her hood and pulled her down, causing her to fall and lose grip of the doll.
Although Bela wasn’t sure if the clunk of porcelain could feel anything, she still asked if she was alright.
“Yeah, yeah I’m great flyface. Just tell your rabid sister to calm her buzzing.” the doll murmured back before running to her owner.
Belas eyes followed to where she ran, seeing the lady bent down to pick up it up, like how a mother would her child, and rest her on her lap.
Bela stared in admiration of the woman, resting her chin on her hand with a small smile.
“Why did you have to do that you bitch?” Daniela murmered, making bela remember that she still had a tight grip on her youngest sisters hood. She quickly pulled her closer to sit next to her and let go of the dress.
“You have to behave. Or else mother won’t let us come to these meetings anymore.”
“I’m all good with that. They bore me tremendously.”
Bela rolled her eyes before letting Daniela snuggle up against her to take what seems to be a small nap, her head resting on the crook of her neck.
She turned to look back at the Lady and was met by the veiled woman looking back at her.
She couldn’t tell what the expression was on the woman’s face since it was covered, but she notice that she was laxed a little bit.
Bela looked at her andraised an eyebrow, a subtle check-in.
The only response she got was a small nod before the woman turned to the ruckus Heisenberg was making
(but that didn’t satisfy Bela still. She sent one of her flies to perch onto the womans shoulder. It didn’t seem that she noticed the insect but it was enough to keep Belas mind at peace.)
Sooner or later (Bela honestly cannot tell with how long she was entranced by the woman) the meeting get’s wrapped.
“I will be arranging the next meeting soon, so be sure to prepare for that phone call. Also Alcina, do be sure your daughters are safe. I have heard from the Duke that this winter will be especially harsh.”
Just as her mother was about to leave with her daughters (of course, after vying for Mirandas attention for as long as she could), Bela turns around to see Lady Beneviento making her way towards the exit.
“Mother, I will join you in a second. I need to do something, I promise to be quick.”
Her mother simply raised an eyebrow but gave her a small nod as she makes her way out, Cassandra right next to her and a sleeping Daniela nestled in her arms.
Bela swarms her way to the dollmaker, catching her right before she left.
“Lady Beneviento?”
The woman stops for a second as if to check if she wasn’t hearing sounds that were made up in her head, before turning around.
“Now what the fuck do you want, beehive?” the doll said, making herself sit up taller in her owners arms.
“Well, I, um..”
“Spit it out, Me and Donna are very busy people who have actual work to do,”
“I want to apologize on behalf of my youngest sister for straining your doll...”
“The names Angie, flyface! get it right,”
“Right right, sorry.”
“Anyways, all is forgiven. It was actually kind of fun! These meetings make me want to bang my head against the pillars till im turned to dust. Though, I can’t do that or else you-know-who will get sad.”
Bela simply nods with a smile before turning to the woman.
“Lady Beneviento it is always a pleasure to see you. But I’m afraid I must leave now. Mother doesn’t like it when we stay out late, especially since winter is about to arrive. Maybe after the season I could come over with my sisters so they can play with…Angie… in a more appropriate setting?” She asked with a hopeful tone.
A beat passes before the woman simply nods and Angie starts cackling, as if she found the whole situation amusing. She turns around and leaves through the exit.
Bela, however, notices something fall out from the woman as she was walking away.
She leans down and analyzes what it was. It was a small, silk black cloth.
As she examined it more, she saw the fancy embroidered crest of House Beneviento.
“Lady Beneviento! You dropped your handkerchief!”
but it was too late, the Lady was long gone.
She sighs and tucks it in her dress, before swarming off to catch up with her family.
she reasoned that she could return it once winter ends, but now she was filled with a feeling that she had never felt before.
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aseioh · 3 years
Of Stars and Moonlit walks pt.2/?
Notes: Some housekeeping first. Donna for the purpose of this story will be based partly on her unused content from the game as well as some canon info. This means that she has a darker background than the one that was used in the game proper as I would really like to incorporate those into this story.
Another thing is that as you’ve probably read from the previous chapter. The characters here are slightly out of character, I’m afraid this is entirely my problem as I’m not used to writing stories
Chapter 2: Dinner with a show
Dinner with the Dimitrescus’ was never a quiet affair, in fact it is the very definition of a happy family dinner. The three daughters vying for their Mother’s attention, retelling their afternoon adventures. Alcina sitting at the head of the table patiently listening to everything her daughters tell her, her smile so much different from the usual smirk or predatory grin she sports during the meetings with Mother Miranda and the other Lords.
It made her look softer; Motherhood seems to suite her like her gloves.
At the back of Donna mind, she remembers her childhood before things went bad. Sunday roast dinners made by Mother, Father sneaking from behind to leave a kiss on her Mother’s cheek. Yes, everything seems so simple back then.
The dining room itself is small and cozy, Donna guesses that this room is where the family usually dines compared to the cavernous dining hall that exits into their courtyard.
Across the table Bela has been silently studying their mysterious guest. Of course she has been joining her sisters retell their afternoon escapades in the garden and how they had manage to scare the new maids. But throughout dinner she has been subtly glancing at Donna.
The women certainly is interesting, so quiet compared to her doll that you would have imagined that the chatty doll is the Lord and the woman is the puppet. But she had listened to her Mother’s lesson unlike her two sisters. She knows who Donna Beneviento is, what the woman is capable of.
What an interesting study, I wonder what is behind that veil.
‘She must be pretty.’ She thought as she swirls the wine in her glass.
“So Angie, wanna play hide and seek? Bet you can’t find us! We’re very good at that game” Daniela challenges Angie. The moment that the youngest sister saw the moving doll she has become utterly fascinated by it.
It was obvious that Angie was the greatest doll Donna possesses, as she has mostly used the doll as an extension of her psyche. That said, the doll seems to be capable of autonomous actions based on the way she flitters around the room inspecting various stuff that catches her attention.
“Ha you’re talking to the greatest hide and seeker! Hehehe, alright. Let’s play” Angie exclaimed hopping up and down Donna’s side.
“she really is one of a kind huh?” Cassandra muses.
“Yes, my Father built and gifted her to me on my birthday, we’ve been inseparable since. When I’ve received my gift from Mother Miranda I’ve decide to share some of my psyche with her. In a way she is an extension of myself, albeit a rather excitable one at that.” Donna explains as she looks on fondly at Angie.
As Alcina stands up from her chair and offers her hand to Donna “Yes well enough of that melancholy dear, shall we retire or will you join me for a short night cap.”
“And girls if you are going to play with Angie make sure that you don’t cause too much noise. God knows we need some rest after today.”
“Yes Mother!” the three answers in unison
“You guys hide, and I’ll seek” Daniela announces as she grins predatorily. The ‘preys’ have already scattered before she even finished her sentence. After counting to ten she proudly bellows “READY or NOT, HERE I COMEEE!!” with that she disintegrates into hundreds of flies intent on ‘hunting’ her preys.
Adjourning to another room the two Lords sit in front of a roaring fire. Alcina casually cupping one of her finest vintages, while Donna content on sipping her tea.
“Donna when I asked you to join me for a night cap, I didn’t expect you to drink tea” Alcina chuckles at Donna’s preferred drink.
Donna having removed her veil as she was alone with Alcina responds by standing up and taking the crystal decanter by the table. She pours a fingers worth of aged whiskey into her cup. Smirking she raises her tea laced whiskey to Alcina and gulps down a mouthful.
Seeing this Alcina roars into laughter. “You really can surprise anyone” Wiping a stray tears from her eyes “and that is why anyone who underestimates you meets their end.”
“At that I can only blame them” Donna answers. The two fell into a companionable silence, the silence only broken by the occasional cracking of the fire.
“Tell me Donna, how is your project with Heisenberg. I do hope the man is not running you haggard. I know that it concerns Mother Miranda’s plan but you shouldn’t run yourself to hard. Let Heisenberg sweat a bit”
“Thank you for your concern Alcina, but you shouldn’t worry. Believe it or not Karl and I are very efficient with our work, and yes, I let him do all the heavy lifting. I’m just there when he needs a second opinion on the new ‘soldat’ hardware.” Donna levels Alcina with a grateful smile, who knew that the tallest and blood thirsty Lord of the village have a soft spot for her ‘siblings’.
“Yes, yes I’m just worried that Mother Miranda has been running you ragged. Lord knows she’s been going full tilt with her so called ‘plan’.
“Actually Alcina, may I ask you for a favor?”
“Depends, does it involve the depletion of our whiskey stores?” At that Alcina couldn’t help but give a short chuckle.
“Very funny. But no. I would never deprive Karl of his favorite drink.” Donna shakes her head, pin it to the back of her head ‘Alcina is a funny half-drunk.’
“No, I was wondering if you would allow me to tour your greenhouse. I would love to see your plants and roses.”
“Is that all? Of course, I’ll ask Bela to take you tomorrow. She’s usually the one to tend to my roses, she’s picked up the hobby after reading some books and my roses have never looked livelier.”
“Thank you.”
A knock on the door alerts Donna that her companion for the day has arrived. From what Angie has relayed to her last night, the girls had fun with their game with Angie being declared the ultimate victor followed closely by Cassandra. Apparently being a small doll makes it near impossible to find her inside the huge castle.
“Good morning Donna, shall we go to the greenhouse?” Bela extends her arms towards the hallway as they make their way to the greenhouse.
“You look pretty today Bela! I love your dress, it suits you so much it brings out your eyes!” Angie says as she turns her head to face Bela. Donna who has been carrying Angie had to think hard on not dropping the doll or stop walking.
Bela for her part slightly blushes at the compliment. “You really think so Angie?” Angie enthusiastically nods her head, fearing that it might fall off Donna decides to intervene.
“Angie’s right Bela, you look really beautiful today.” At that Bela’s blush blossoms like one of her Mother’s roses. “Thank you, Angie, Donna”
“I must say though, your hands are beautiful Donna, they look so soft-“ Bela stops herself before she could say more and embarrass herself further. ‘Really Bela, her hands are pretty, Mother Miranda above what are you a child!?’ she chides herself.
Not knowing how to respond to such a compliment herself, Donna instead slows down her walk and whispers, “Thank you, Bela” Although Bela doesn’t seem to hear as she was busy chiding herself.
Thankfully the two arrive at the Castle’s greenhouse without any hitch.
Entering the great building Donna is surprised by the sheer number of plants that the building houses. Exotic plants that can only survive in tropical climates seem to thrive even in their Romanian climate. At the center of place is Alcina’s roses, the bushes so lush its as if each rose were painted there. Truly they were the main attraction of the greenhouse.
“They’re beautiful, and is it true that you yourself tended to these flowers?” Donna enquired as she caresses the petals of a rose amazed at the softness of it.
“Well, yes. I read in the library on the optimal way to care for the roses. I though that I could try my hands on caring for them. To ward off boredom of course, Mother said that we should look for hobbies and stop terrorizing the hired help” Bela explains as she tries not to blush on how Donna touches the plant.
“I don’t think it’s just that Bela. You have a big heart. You’ve managed to grow something from this barren and frozen place. You gave it your time and love and in return, they bloom for you.” Donna says quietly voice soft it’s as if the wind itself is talking.
Bela blushes furiously and is left speechless. ‘this is the third time she’s been made to blush! What the hell Bela get a hold of yourself’.
Donna sensing that she has said too much tries to back paddle. “I’m sorry it’s just how I see here. I hope I haven’t made you uncomfortable.”
“No thank you Donna, really that’s the sweetest thing anyone has said to me.”
Thankfully the awkwardness of the place changes when Cassandra barrels through the greenhouse. “Lady Beneviento, may Angie play with us again? We want a rematch with her. This time we’ll definitely win” She says with fire in her voice.
And even though her sisters have said that she can sometimes gloss over and ‘cannot read the room’, Cassandra knew for certain that something has happened. It might be the blush her elder sister is sporting or the subtle twitch of Donna’s hands.
But there are more pressing matters at hand, a Champion needs to be dethroned. Therefore she filed the weird atmosphere around Donna and Bela for another time.
At the mention of the challenge Angie becomes animated and hops off to run into Cassandra. The three leaves Donna alone to ponder the situation inside the greenhouse.
Perhaps her stay at Castle Dimitrescu would be full of surprises after all.
Another note: I’ve also been made aware that Donna may suffer from Agoraphobia. I’m sorry that I haven’t taken that into consideration when writing this story, in this case Donna just suffers from a slight fear of unknown people and will not talk at all if she’s in front of new people (which won’t technically happen in this fic)
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i stumbled upon ur writing looking for lady d x non-binary reader fics and ur work has just been a godsend i’m obsessed. it’s inspired me to start writing my own even though i’ve never written for fandoms before. i’ve never written for other actual characters before either so i was wondering if u could spare any tips for writing for lady d and her daughters? 🙏🏻
I can certainly try! I'll divide the tips into lil sections for each characters. Might be less tips, more character observations that help me figure out how to write them? Putting under read-more for length. Also! If you ever want someone to look over what you write before you post it, I offer my services! I can't guarantee how fast I can respond, but I've been editing/proof-reading/giving general feedback for my friends for years, with everything from fanfiction to college level essays.
Large and in charge, literally. Regardless of the situation, Lady D wants to stay in control, or at least look like she's in control. Okay, minor exception being anything involving Mother Miranda, since she's the one person Lady D has any real respect for. Otherwise, Alcina maintains a good grasp on any situation, looking for ways to put herself in control.
For example, she often uses her height as a means to establish dominance, even within RE8 canon. If you watch a video of the Four Lords meeting, Alcina stands up once she starts arguing with Heisenberg, towering over him in an attempt to intimidate. We also see the aforementioned exception in this scene, as Lady D sort of "shrinks" a little when Miranda responds.
As much as Lady D wants to be in control, she's not always actually capable of it. In the game, we see her struggle to contain her emotions, and often releases them in outbursts. Such as the infamous vanity throwing scene (god I love that so much). It can provide some nice contrast in scenes, having Lady D be so in control one moment, then as soon as she's behind closed doors she's letting it all out.
Uses the most old-fashioned language out of her whole family. It's kind of hard to describe how one goes about writing this way, but I recommend trying to find some journals that were written in the early 1900's and reading them. Or just some classic novels (not Moby Dick, tho, that one's a bit much, in my opinion). One thing I can say is occasionally swap contractions (can't, don't, I've, etc) for the full version of the word (cannot, do not, I have, etc). Something about that always makes dialogue feel older, though I can't really explain why. Whatever you do, just don't rely too much on using synonyms. Replacing common words with their cousins can make dialogue feel "fancier", but you often run the risk of unintended connotations (feelings, positive or negative, associated with a word) messing with how a text is interpreted.
Puts up a front/facade around most people, as part of her noble background and need for control, with words like "stoic" and "composed" coming to mind. Very rough with troublemakers, no mercy. But!!! So very incredibly soft with her family/loved ones. I've seen some people accuse her of "faking" her love for her daughters, but these people either played a different game than I did, or they can't read emotions as well as I can. Gentle touches when she's checking if her kids are okay, little glances and gentle nods for reassurance, pausing a chase just to help her daughters, etc.
Wants to make her mother proud. Legally obligated to make her mother proud, because she's the eldest daughter. Not that I know how that feels, being the younger of two children. Regardless, Bela is the most well behaved of the daughters, even when her mother isn't around. However, she does resent this position to some degree, based on in game dialogue/dialogue files that are in the game but aren't used. Personally, I see her as someone who's willing to let certain things go in exchange for favors/blackmail ammo.
Cleans up after her sisters a fair bit, sometimes literally. Feels responsible for them, to the point where their mistakes are her mistakes, and she's forced to compensate on their behalf. Because of this she ends up complaining a lot, though almost only when her family isn't around.
Still very protective of her family, she simply does most of her protecting behind the scenes. Knows how to manipulate a situation, which she probably learned from her mother, and can be quite convincing when she wants to be. Less likely to use violence to solve a problem than anyone else in the family. Will she use violence if need be, or if someone fucks up enough? Yes, absolutely, but she'll focus more on efficiency than misery (unless someone really fucks up).
Generally speaking she's more eloquent than either of her sisters, though not by much unless she's trying to impress someone (usually her mother).
Two words: Angry. Horny. To her, they might as well be one word. Horngry. Cassandra struggles with her emotions more than either of her sisters, being a pressure cooker ready to pop basically all the time. It's not hard to set her off, but it can take ages for her to cool back down. Let's her frustration (of any variety) build up until she can bludgeon someone to death with it. Harshest on the servants, and spends the most time toying with others in the dungeon.
Like Bela, Cassandra wants to make her mother proud, but it's less of an obligation and more of a "I'm the middle child and feel like I don't get enough attention" type deal. Is more than willing to stoop to "tattle telling" activities in order to get the attention she craves. Usually sticks to obediently following her mother's orders or hunting down enemies, though.
Bit of an artsy type, and the most likely to take trophies from her victims. Gross ones, usually. Okay, well, that's debatable, but I'm talking about general consensus rather than my specific tastes. Personally, I don't care if she's got some weird blood paintings. Hell, I've got extra blood, and also am clumsy and bleed a lot anyway, she can have mine!
Hides her non-anger emotions as best as she can. Hates talking about her feelings (even if it helps), to the point where it's usually impossible to tell how she's feeling deep down. Remember, anger is a secondary emotion! No one is ever just angry, there's always something else hiding underneath, such as: Sadness, disappointment, loneliness, jealousy, etc. Keep this in mind when you're writing her. Make sure you pinpoint the center of her anger, and hint at it, letting her actions show her true goal.
Swears the most, easily. Tends to speak in shorter sentences than her sisters, and prefers being blunt to being eloquent/flowery.
Love, love, love, love, love, ahhhh deep breath... love. Loves love, or at least what she processes as love. Would do anything for romance. Except she also craves "natural" romance, creating a sort of paradox that adds to her delusions, as she engages in the pursuit of unintentional romance (not to be confused with "The Pursuit of Unintentional Humor", a song that I very, very much enjoy). Wants to be loved for who she is at the same time that she attempts to mold herself into a more lovable shape. Struggles with intimacy, wanting to feel vulnerable without actually being so.
On some level she understands that draining people of their blood, and then drinking said blood, is not equatable to a healthy relationship. But seeing as this is the most common form of supposed "intimacy" that she experiences, she refuses to acknowledge the true nature of what she does. Instead she clings to the idea of "forever bonding" with her partners, pretending that each one is still with her, even when she no longer remembers their names.
Hates being rejected, no matter how gently. "Ugly" cries, but only if she's alone, often turning her pain into anger, just like Cassandra. However, her outbursts don't seem to last as long. In reality, her breakdowns simply occupy the inside of her existence, rather than the outside. Sure, she's giggling and causing chaos, like usual, but on the inside she's breaking a record for most depressing internal monologue.
Reads a ton, but not always "quality" books. Goes through a dozen books or more a week, often rereading her favorites several times, mainly within the romance genre (obvs). This affects her speech a fair amount, making her both cheesy and occasionally smooth as hell.
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cosmic-has-moved · 3 years
Long Lost Kin - Chapter 1 - Teen Years
Link to Ao3 version: [HERE]
Dear, Mistress Dimitrescu
We are contacting you due to a situation happening that led to a young child named Dion Baros, without parents.
We found while researching that your family was included in young Baros’s family tree, and hope that you’ll be able to let Dion Baros live in your household.
Please contact us back for more information.
Dovid Vin from Child Care Of Russia
Alcina Dimitrescu sat in her moving carriage reading the letter over. All this time she thought that she and her daughters were the last of her family bloodline, both her parents were the only child of their family. But knowing her father and what kind of man he was, it wouldn’t surprise her if he did go out and got another woman pregnant.
Folding the letter and put it away, she thought about the relative she would soon meet. She was told from the people who was caring for them that her parents were involved in a horrendous accident, and the child was the sole survivor of said accident. The parents were quite popular in Russia for making vodka, so it would be safe to say that the kid is well off.
The child care workers only ever gave her information about what happened to the parents, their net worth and the age of the child. At first she thought it was all a scam, but it was proven that it wasn’t, it was all legit. Alcina didn’t really care about the parents, her only focus was their daughter.
She didn’t show it, but she was eager to meet her long lost cousin.
The carriage finally arrived at the entrance far near the village and the Mistress could see a small figure standing at the entry, their face was hard to see due to the distance, but Alcina could see their luggage and outfit of choice.
They were wearing a red flannel with a white hood that covered their head, racey green jeans and brown work boots. Alcina will say, she likes the clothing choice.
The teen seemed to notice the carriage as she walked over to it with her things and gently knocked on the door, their face nearly covered by their scarf. Alcina opened the door and let them in.
She watched them put their luggage next to them before sitting down across from the Mistress, Dion was quite tall for a 16 year old. She also noticed a medium box on their lap with holes on top, possibly a pet?
They removed their scarf and lowered their hood, the Countess sat there wide eyed as she stared at someone that had the same complexion, eyes and hair as her. They would’ve been easily mistaken for twins if it weren’t for the height difference.
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Dion rubbed their hands together and breathed into them for warmth, visibly avoiding eye contact, but she could see how dark they were, almost lost and scared, no light to them. The atmosphere in the small carriage was dense, Alcina knew that the child was on edge and she couldn’t blame them, especially considering her height and their current situation
In effort to lessen the bad air, Alcina decided to speak. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Baros. I am Alcina Dimitrescu, you’ve be living with me for now on.”
Noticing them fiddling their thumbs and looking at her with stressed confusion, Dion got out a letter and slowly gave it to the lady. It read the following:
Thank you for taking me in and I deeply appreciate your kindness for it, but due to personal reasons, I know no English nor Romanian, only Russian and a bit of Greek.
I’ll try my best to communicate but I do hope you understand.
Folding the paper away, Alcina repeated herself, but in Russian.She smiled as Dion’s face lit up and they spoke up in their language. “-You know Russian-?”
“-I know a few languages-” Alcina replied and leaned forward a bit. “-I can teach you a few of them, English, Spanish, Latin, you ask and I’ll help you learn them.-“
A big smile grew on their face and they happily nodded. Satisfied with their answer, Alcina leaned back and the carriage moved.
During the ride, the Countess would spot the child peeking into the box. Thinking it wouldn’t hurt to ask, she questioned what was inside the box.
Dion was hesitant at first but they removed the top of the box, revealing a large snake inside asleep. Upon a closer look it was a rainbow boa, a rather pretty species if Alcina did have to say herself.
Not wanting to wake the creature, Dion put the lid back on and began speaking. Saying that the snakes name was Voe and how she was a gift from their parents when they were young, Alcina could tell the two were very close friends.
Catching a curious glance from the young teen, the Mistress cocked a brow and smirked. Dion noticed and sheepishly apologized for staring. “-I’ve never seen someone as tall as you before, it’s quite eye catching.-”
Letting out a soft chuckle and crossing her legs, she replied. “-Oh it’s quite alright, even I would be one to stare if I saw someone taller than a fridge.-”
Dion laughed softly and Alcina could see them relax a bit, that was good.
As soon at they arrived at the castle, there were already servants ready to pick up Dion’s luggage, but not the box she held with care.
A maiden walked over to the Mistress with a folder and gave it to her. Dion’s files had finally arrived, now she could know whether the child had any illnesses.
Opening up the folder and grabbing a few sheets of paper, she scanned them.
Dion was overall healthy, but something did catch her attention.
“Gender dysphoria”
“Hm?” Was all she could say in quiet confusion before putting the files back in the folder and carried it under her arm.
Alcina watched them look around in awe, examining the statues near the doors without touching them. It made her happy to see that they’re were getting amazed by the simple statues, they were surely love the inside of the castle.
As they walked inside, the Mistress began walking them around the inside of the building. Dion was an obvious a historical fan and even mentioned facts about a few paintings she had that she already knew about, but it made her happy to know to see her cousin being this overjoyed.
Finally they arrived to a room and walked them in, it was a normal Victorian styled room. “-This is your room, don’t be afraid to ask for decorations or changes to it.-” Alcina said while tracing her index across the doorway, making sure it’s clean.
The teen walked around the room before turning to Alcina and giving her the thumbs up. She got the approval for the room, that’s great.
Dion placed the box down on the bed and opened it. The snake wrapped itself around the teen’s neck like a loose scarf, the reptile seemed content with it’s surroundings and Dion was vocal about it. Saying that they both love it, Alcina nodded and walked out.
“I’ll come get you later so I can introduce you to my daughters, they’ll love to meet you.” She said before walking out. Now all she needed to do was some quick research, she needed to know what this gender dysphoria was.
Three hours had passed now and since the Mistress began her research.
She learnt quite a lot and was impressed with how far doctors had come when changing the human body, but the main new information she had was most important and she must keep it in mind for her baby cousin.
Alcina looked at the time on her grandfather clock and decided it was time to introduce the family, getting up off her office chair and walking out of her office. She knew her daughters would like him… Hopefully.
While walking them to the family room, Alcina spoke to them in Russian. “-I shall warn you about my daughters, they don’t take strangers well. But They’ll warm up to you, especially when I’m around.-” She sat with them on the couch and smiled warmly. “-Now if you have any questions or have any concerns, don’t be afraid to ask. You’re family and should feel welcomed here.-”
Scratching under their snake’s chin, Dion slightly smiled before speaking. “-I’m just happy to know I have more family members other than my parents.-” Looking at their snake as the lizard made themselves comfy in their hoodie, Dion looked back at Alcina. “-And if Voe is comfortable here, so am I.-”
And with that, the Mistress became content knowing that her cousin was comfortable here.
The two looked at the room entrance as one of Alcina’s daughters walked in. Bela walked in and noticed the teen, “Um, who’s this, Mother?” She asked before her sisters walked in, both confused about the luggage in the building.
Dion tensed up by their presence and Alcina would tell, she placed a hand on their shoulder and spoke to her daughters. “This is Dion Baros, he’s my long lost cousin and will be living here for now on. Be nice to each other, okay girls?” She glanced down and saw a slight spark in Dion’s eyes upon referring them to he.
Daniela frowned at Dion before swiftly walking in front of them, Dion tensing up even more. “You have a twin?”
“I was going to say that.” Cassandra added. “He looks just like you, Mother.”
Alcina cackled “Oh trust me, girls. I thought the same thing, but it’s just a coincidence.” She looked at Daniela and gave her a stare. “Daniela, quit scaring them.” She warned her daughter before she backed away.
Bela examined them up close. “He may look like male version of you, but he gives off female vibes.” She said before poking their flat chest. Her hand being slapped away by her mother, and noticing the teen’s uncomfortable expression. “Oh uh, sorry?”
The three daughters felt their mother’s glare and backed away from the young teen, quietly apologizing. Dion did try to reassure them upon noticing their looks, but it was obvious that they couldn’t understand what they were saying.
“Dion here is from Russia and that’s their only language so far.” The Mistress said before looking down at them. “But I will teach them other languages if they feel like it.”
Bela and Cassandra nodded in an understanding manner, Daniela squinted her eyes at Dion. “What’s that under their hood?” She asked pointing at the scaly tail sticking out of the gaps of Dion’s hoodie.
“Oh!” Alcina said as the snake poked her head out. “This is Voe, Dion’s pet snake. Isn’t she a beauty to look at?” She added while gesturing to them.
Daniela looked at the scaly noodle and gave them an impressed thumbs up. “Welcome to the family, Dion.”
The Mistress looked down at Dion and smiled. “-Yes, welcome to the family.-”
Slowly the young teen smiled while holding Voe and nodded. “-Thank you.-”
Later that day Alcina helped Dion put their things away from their luggage. More of their things will come, but they could only bring their bag with them on the plane, but Dion seemed to not mind at all.
Alcina could tell they were a kind and patient child.
As they finished putting things away, Dion looked at her. “-Um, Mistress?-” He asked kind of nervously, getting her attention. “-My documents they sent you all would’ve mentioned was my birth gender.-”
Smiling at her cousin she answered. “-They also gave me your medical files and there’s nothing to be worried about, this place may be old fashioned to my taste, but only style wise.-” She knelt down and patted their head. “-You’re still part of the family, don’t ever feel ashamed to be yourself.-”
A light seemed to shine in Dion’s eyes hearing those words and a smile formed on their face, the child most likely needed to hear that and she was relieved to see them happy.
Before leaving the child alone, the Countess spoke up. “-Oh and Dion, call me Aunt or Aunty.-”
Later that day after leaving Dion alone, Alcina knocked on their door before being allowed in, he had already set up the room with their current things.
The young teen stood at their dresser in front of a large glass tank, in it held normal usually things that are placed in a snake enclosure. He stood over it holding a dead cricket to feed to the reptile.
Walking over to him as he fed his pet, Alcina spoke up. “-She looks very comfy in her new home.-” She watch him put in a few more dead crickets before closing the lid.
Wiping his hands with his shirt and putting the container of bugs away, he responded. “-Voe is hard to please for others, it’s reassuring to see her easily become at home here.-” He grabbed a cloth and placed it over the tank to cover up the light. “-Thank you, Aunt Alcina.-”
Dion sat on his bed and Alcina sat next to him, continuing speaking. “-I can’t express how grateful I am of you and your family accepting me into your home, I am still processing that I had more family but-” Alcina cut him off with a hush.
“-It’s what any family would do and I’m a family woman.-” Crossing her legs, the Mistress folded her hands on top her knees. “-I shall warn you though, my daughters can be very cautious even towards family. So expect them to be very touchy.-”
Dion chuckled “-I don’t mind that.-”
She clapped her hands together “-Wonderful!-” She exclaimed before getting up off the bed. “-Oh and before I forget, dinner will be ready in an hour. See you than.-”
They waved at each other before she left and closed the door.
The time to eat dinner had arrived and the family sat at the table to eat, Dion sat between Alcina and Daniela.
It was clear to the daughters that it wasn’t just the looks the two had in common, but also table manners. Cloth on lap, cutting the steak a certain way and even drinking the same way. It was quite fascinating to watch for the girls.
After they were finished with the nightly meal and the table being clean up, everyone went off to do their own thing. The Countess being sure that Dion makes it to his room safely.
Seeing him go into his room without any trouble, Alcina went into her own room to rest for the day.
She laid in bed reading a book, reminiscing on the days event. She had just met Dion but felt like they already have a strong bond, she looked forward to tomorrow to speak to them.
She didn’t know whether is was her figuring out she officially wasn’t the last of her bloodline or just liking the thought of a new family member, either way, Dion Baros was part of her family.
Early the next morning, Alcina made her way around the castle in a worried rush. She went to check up on Dion earlier but found that he wasn’t in their room, she had expected him to still be in bed, but she was wrong.
Noticing her daughter Cassandra up ahead, the tall woman walked up to her and spoke. “Cassandra, have you seen Dion? He wasn’t in his room and I’m concerned that he might get lost.”
“Oh!” The dark haired girl exclaimed. “He asked me where the library was and I led him there, he might still be in there.”
After thanking her child and making her way off to the current destination, Alcina quietly cursed herself for being overly worried over a teenager, he wasn’t a little kid. Stepping into the library and looking around, her eyes spotted the young lad sitting at a table with a stack of books and a cup of what smelt like coffee, a fellow coffee enjoyer it seems.
Getting closer to him and noticing the labels on the books, he was doing schoolwork. A chuckling from the woman caused Dion to turn to look up at her in a fright, he was also snacking on a biscuit. Upon looking at who was behind him, he quickly went to clean up the barely noticeable crumbs off the table. Alcina didn’t mind the mess considering that the maids do the cleaning, she only wanted to know what he was doing.
Sitting down next to him and resting her arms on the table, Alcina smiled. “-Don’t worry about the mess, little one. I’m just interested in what you’re currently doing-.” She looked over at the book he was using and noticed it was a book on the English language.
“-I wanted to learn English while studying.-” Dion moved a few books and got out a notebook. “-I’ve been wanting to learn it for a while, but my parents wanted me to be in a way, only Russian.-” He said while quoting the last bit.
“-Fully Russian?-” Alcina asked quite confused. “-Even if you blood is mostly Roman or even know a bit of Greek?-”
All the teen could do was respond with a shrug. “-They’re not that bright to be quite honest, but I know Greek due to my Uncle being one and him looking after me a lot before.-” He said before going back to work, smirking at the Mistress’s small chuckle.
“-Well since you’re already doing it, I’ll help you with the language.-” She said before grabbing one of the books and opening it up. “-Let’s see how smart you are.-”
“Now repeat after me. Dion Baros.”
The teen spoke up to repeat her words, the words coming out in rough stutters. “Dee awn, Braos.” It wasn’t perfect or a long sentence, but it was still progress and Alcina felt great for him.
“-You did great for a first timer, Dion. We’ll do more tomorrow and I’ll bring the more better books to help.-” She closed his books and slid them away, “-Though I have noticed. The work you’re doing for school seems more higher level compared to others your age.-”
After putting his stuff away in his backpack and zipping it up. Dion sat up and looked at her. “-Well being in collage does require doing collage work.-” He didn’t even acknowledge the Mistress’s shocked expression upon being told his education level. “-My parents wanted the best for me, so they did their best to give me the best education.-”
Intrigued with this information, Alcina crossed her legs and straightened her back. “-And you were alright with that kind of extra luggage?-” She asked with a slight frown, knowing full well children can’t handle that kind of stress.
All Dion did was reply with a shrug before speaking, “-It’s what they wanted and I needed to comply. It’s important in our family to have high status and high intelligence, it’s what they’ve been telling me all my life.-”
He went to walk away but was gently grabbed by Alcina, who looked at him with concern before speaking up. “-While that may be important for most people, is it something you want?-”
Dion blinked and seemed to stare in a state of deep thought, almost confused.
Before the silence could last long, there was a loud slam and rushed scattering coming towards them followed with a shout.
“Mother! Is that clone of yours in here!?”
Coming around the corner was the red headed daughter, Daniela. Her eyes lit up at the sight of Dion and she came rushing to him with a wide grin. Not even giving the poor teen time to react as she grabbed his hands.
“There you are!” She squealed “Can I see your snake?!”
“Daniela!” Shouted the feral daughter’s mother, “You’re scaring him and he doesn’t know what you’re saying.”
Looking at her Mother and back at the startled Dion in realization, “Oh! Than maybe this will help!” She slithered her tongue and hiss. “Snake!”
Alcina facepalmed at her daughter while Dion stared at her in great concern, but he did slowly understand what she wanted and nodded before glancing at his Aunt. “-She wants to see my snake?-”
Nodding her head in confirmation, Alcina lowered her hand from her face. “-Daniela does have a fascination with such animals and rarely sees reptiles. I do suggest being the one holding the pet, she sometimes doesn’t understand boundaries.-”
Now fully understanding, he nodded. “-That’s easy enough, thank you.-” He said before looking at the vibrating Daniela and smiled. “Yes.”
And with that, he was dragged out of the library by the wrist and dropped his bag in the process. Leaving the Countess alone feeling small worry for the scaly friend, and in the possession of his bag.
She eyed the duffle maroon bag and picked it up before placing it on her lap. She did think about doing a little snoop, but decided not to. A lot more was in her mind other than the bag, things more important.
Later that day, Alcina checked up on her little cousin to make sure her child hasn’t injured him or Voe.
She was happy and surprised to see that all three of her daughters in his room, carefully playing with the large snake. While their language difference was a huge silver lining, they both seemed to be enjoying each others company.
Placing his bag near his bed and standing near the group, watching as the snake wrapped herself around Dion’s left arm as he removed his gloves, nibbling on their thumb. He reassured them with Alcina helping with translation that that is how she shows her affection, lucky she’s not venomous.
As Voe nibbled on his thumb, Bela pointed out that he had a rather large scar on his hand. It was clear to Dion what she meant and he did an imitation of a bear.
“-While hunting with my uncle years ago, an elder bear was out of hibernation early and I was in its territory. It only managed to stab my hand with their claw before I shot it down.-” He explained to them as Alcina translated in great worry and amazement. This little bugger managed to take down a bear while injured? Impressive.
“You hunt?” Cassandra asked while examining their scar and gesturing a shotgun motion.
Dion nodded and replied as the Mistress became his translator, “-I had an uncle that taught me the ropes on surviving in the wild, even taught me how to make handmade weapons if needed-.”
He used his free hand to get out his wallet and show them a picture of said uncle, it was a picture of a man probably in his early 60s cleaning out a gun. He looked like a rather grouchy old man who had his own fair share of troubles, visible scars on his face, short messy ashen brown hair with grey hairs matching to that of his walrus goatee.
While the girls fawned over the scars and weapon he had, Alcina was eyeing the wine bottle that sat in the background of the picture. Frascati Roman wine and it was the oldest one as well, now he is definitely a person of great culture.
Putting away the photo and letting his pet slither into the hood of his hoodie, Dion got off the bed and over to his drawers. After a few seconds of riffling through them, he got out an axe in its holster. Showing it off by getting it out of said holster, the handle was a smooth dark wood and the blade was a shiny iron, his initials embedded into the bottom of the handle. Despite there being signs of it being used a few times, it was quite the beauty.
He went onto to explain that he was given the tool on his 13th birthday by his uncle, going into great detail about its creation and materials used. His eyes were lit up as he went on and on, even the girls were interested, hopefully not planning on making weapons.
While Dion went to talk about the waxing method used, a knock at the door interrupted them and a maiden popped in to inform them that supper was ready before walking out.
Like a hoard of raccoons after seeing a full lone bin, the daughters scattered out of the room to get their room. Dion watch in concern yet amazement as they ran, but Alcina was use to it.
Putting his axe away in its holster and Voe in her tank, the Mistress and teen walked out of the room, the two conversing about materials for hunting tools. It’s good to know that they have a few interest in common, hopefully they’ll be more to talk about.
As they had their dinner and cleaned up for the night, everyone went to bed, Alcina repeating last nights checking up on Dion and making sure he went to his room safely.
She sat at her vanity desk, looking over a few documents on her cousin and writing down in a notepad about him. It was mostly filled with common information and his interest.
Scribbling onto the paper, she sighed deeply. What he had said earlier about his parents and what they had put on him troubled her, greatly.
She knows that a few parents like to have their child succeed, but pushing them like that never ends good. It was a familiar situation she herself had been in and clearly didn’t enjoy, even remembering the disciplines she would get if she failed made her cringe.
Shaking the memories away to clear her mind and rubbing her temple, the Mistress put away her quill and notepad.
“That’s enough for tonight, I’ll ask more tomorrow.”
Turning off the light and getting into her night wear, she rested herself onto her bed and closed her eyes.
Just as she thought upon not seeing him in his room, she found Dion back in the library, studying. He must get up early to study since the sun is still rising! Either way, Alcina brought in breakfast.
Eggs Benedict and coffee for both her and him.
She placed the tray next to him, startling him slightly in the process and sat next to him.
“-Studying early again-?” She said with a smile before going give him his breakfast, only to be startled at the sight of his nose bleeding. Being quick to grab a napkin to clean the blood, using the second one to clog the nostril. “-What happened-?!”
All the young teen could do was sluggishly shrug before holding the cloth in place. “-This often happens when I’m studying, I’m told it was normal by my parents-.” He looked over at the breakfast and pointed at it. “-Is that for me-?”
Staring at him in concern and rage, she sighed heavily. “-Yes it is, but first you need to stop studying like this. It is not normal and is bad for your health-.” Forcibly closing his study books and sliding the plate of food in front of him, Alcina placed a hand on his shoulders. “-I’m not mad at you, Dion. Just finish your breakfast and don’t even think of touching those books-.”
Before Dion could respond, the Mistress stood up with her breakfast and walked off at a distance in the library where she could see him. She felt that she might’ve been harsh, but it was necessary in this case.
Sitting at the table and eyeing him as she ate, she watched him sit there for a while before slowly beginning to dig into the food. At least he was getting something into his stomach.
Finishing his breakfast and drink, Dion looked around in his seat to see in his aunt was anywhere, completely unaware that the angle she was at wasn’t in his view. He thought he was safe to go back to studying, but as soon as he touched them.
“-I see you-!” The Countess exclaimed loudly, startling the poor child who dart their head around to find the source of her voice.
“-Can I at least learn languages? I want to be able to communicate with your daughters without trouble-.”
Walking back over to him and crossing her arms, Alcina sighed. “-Yes, but only at my pace.” She almost smiled upon his face lighting up. “-Just let me get the proper books, little one-.” And with that, she walked off… Before jogging back in and grabbing his study books. “-Just in case you get any funny ideas-.”
Hours had passed since the start of the language lesson, as always Dion was impressive with his fast learning, but his Aunt was still worried about his current condition. Maybe getting him to open up would help break the tension, it’s worth a shot.
“-Now repeat after me-.” Alcina cleared her throat and spoke up. “Good evening, my name is Dion Baros, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” She said with a slight smile.
The same as yesterday, Dion spoke up with a stutter and thick accent. “Good evening, my name is Dion Baros, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Impressed with the improvement, she clapped a few times while grinning. “-Excellent-!” The reaction made the boy smile happily. “-Now how about we have a small chat break-?”
Satisfied with the results, Dion nodded before writing down in his book. “-Sure! What did you want to talk about-?”
Gotcha, opening up time!
“-What’s your Uncle like? Is he a nice lad?-” She asked as he scribbled in his notebook. “-I only ever heard of your parents, but after hearing about him last night I’m curious about him.”
Dion’s smile slowly faded but still remained, “-He was a great man, taught me a lot of about important things, like cooking, hunting.-” Turning the page and examining his study book, he continued. “-Even sewing, the important stuff. He learned a lot from being in the army and from living in the woods, which he soon taught to me.-”
Impressed with this member of the family, Alcina rested her arms on the table. “-Wow, I’m hearing more about him than your parents, is he important to you?-”
“-He honestly felt more like a parent to me than my actual parents.-” He said with a chuckle before frowning and dropping his pen. “-I’m sorry, I spoke too much-.”
Quick to be assuring, Alcina placed a hand on his shoulder. “-No no, it’s good to open up. If it helps you, speak up.-” She said smiling at him while closing his books.
Clenching his fist and slowly releasing them from their grip, he spoke up softly. “-The more I think about happy moments I had with my mother and father, the harder it is to find any. They did give me Voe and allow me to visit my Uncle, but it only because of my Uncle convincing them.-” Sighing deeply he continued. “-They did things to make the public think they’re wonderful parents with a high class student child, but I felt more welcomed and loved by our workers and Uncle.-”
Without even knowing, Dion felt a warm embrace around him. Alcina held him, tightly but comforting. She could tell the child needed more than just reassurance about their identity, they needed actual love. A feeling she knew all too well back when she was young.
They stayed like that for a few minutes before Dion spoke up.
“-Did you want something now? You’ve been holding me for a while now-.”
Confused, she let him go still holding his arms. “-I’m just giving you a hug, no hugs have a cost-.”
Dion blinked at her almost in a small shock. “-Really? I thought that when someone hugged you, they wanted something from you, that’s what my parents always do-.” He said calmly.
Oh hell no
Without popping a vein from rage, the Countess reassured him that that’s not what it meant before telling him to rest and sending herself off.
She needed a nice big glass of wine.
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