#like hi tommy oh hold on HEADBUTT
cupcraft · 9 months
Donyou think ctubbo is a mountain goat and woukd headbutt ctommy off cliffs for fun
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Okay so- can you please tell me some more headcanons or other things you have about the dsmp? Like the characters- If you don't wanna tell me then that's completely okay! I just wanted to ask cause I really like hearing about headcanons and stuff that people have- /gen /nf
IM ALWAYS SO HYPED WHEN I GET TO SHARE MY HEADCANNONS :D THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING!!!! /gen Apologizes for this being answered so late.. And because these are mostly centered around Tubbo because I love talking about his character OH ALSO There is a tw warning on one of the hcs, please read it so you can skip it if you need too!
- Since George is sleeping all the time, People (Sapnap) have started to take care of him because it's very clear he doesn't want to- waking him up so he can drink water or eat or even just dragging him out of the forest he always falls asleep in!
- When Tommy was younger, he really wanted to be a fish. A goldfish to be exact, because of this factor he would spend most of his day trying to last underwater and to this day Tommy can now last a long time underwater!!
- With Tubbo's horns growing in, he headbutts everyone (usually for affection). The only people who can keep up with it is Technoblade and Puffy. Since Puffy has horns herself and Techno.. Is well Techno.
- Adding onto it, People (Philza) have started to refer to Tubbo as "Little Goat" because usually only baby goats headbutt for affection, Tubbo hates it and Tommy laughs everytime.
- if GeorgeHD did exist, I believe that he wouldn't hate George. Yep that's it-
- Tubbo is a very shaky person, his hands shake all the time. It's to the point where he gets pissed off about it, Ranboo likes to grab his hands and hold them for a few minutes when it's bad, it doesn't get rid of the shakes but it grounds Tubbo
- Tommy and Tubbo tickle each other all the time, even when L'manburg was first getting started they tickled each other. It's like their love language and even in Manburg or Pogtopia era no one had the heart to tell them to stop. (Wilbur had tried to tell them to stop but then they just started tickling him.)
- Quackity fidgets with his wings when he's stressed, and considering he runs a nation he's stressed alot. Most of the feathers on his wings are either bent or certain spots don't have as many on them because of his fidgeting.
- Quackity is a very angry duck and that can cause him to lash out at people, so when he gets like this people (usually Las Nevadas workers or Wilbur) like to pet his wings and softly tickle them! It doesn't mean they get away with it, After you pet them you're sent on cleaning duty. Or in Wilbur's case just get tortured with pictures of salmon.
- Tubbo has a bunch of Disney princess bandaids on his scar because Micheal thought he was in pain with the scar and so to make him feel better put bandaids on him! (Tommy also insisted on putting hello kitty bandaids on him-)
- Everyone on the Dream smp likes to tickle each other, Soft tickles, hard tickles, reward tickles, punishment tickles, comfort tickles. They will always find a reason to tickle each other- this is very confusing to new members who join because the smp doesn't waste time in showing them their little habit!
- Tubbo has a bunch of reasons to liking nukes but one of the reasons is because once they launch they often leave a gun powder smell, reminding him of Wilbur. It's.. Comforting in a strange way.
- Yknow that thing were people can like.. Taste words? I feel like that's what Tommy has, which is why he repeats words alot (Pog, pogchamp, primes) cause they taste good. That and for verbal stims!
- on the topic of stimming, Tommy used to be really embarassed about his so he would bite on his tongue whenever he felt a verbal stim coming on.. Like really bite. So much it would draw blood, until one day when he caught Techno stimming. Big strong Techno, the coolest person ever. Safe to say he started letting his stims out a bit more after that.
- when Quackity is excited about something (or someone) he shakes and flutters his wings! It's really cute, especially since it happens when he catches Wilbur coming over to Las nevadas. He hates him, he swears he does! But his bird brain loves Wilbur, he can usually stop them before Wilbur catches wind of it, he does not wanna deal with Wilbur finding out.
- I like to think Tommy has a bunch of pictures hung up around his house of him and his friends, the pictures are hung up on fairy lights! It's literally the only pretty thing about his house.
TW SCRATCHING SOMEONE PURPOSELY - Almost everyone on the Dream Smp has "bad" nails, most being bitten, dirt under the edges or just horribly cut nails. The only people who don't is Antfrost and Quackity, also Puffy. Antfrost is a cat so.. Y'know? He doesn't like having his nails touched so they grow perfectly until hes forced to cut them, Quackity used to have some uh vivid daydreams about.. Scratching a certain someone (Schlatt) so he takes good care of nails. Just incase the day ever comes, and Puffy likes her nails to be atleast cut so she looks professional in therapy sessions!
- Almost every hybrid on the server will make their hybrid side noises, okay that's a bad way of saying it but like Quackity will make duck noises, Tubbo will make goat noises, etc etc. And it always seems to happen when they're excited.
- and yes Tubbo does In fact make goat noises when he knows he's gonna get tickled, it's such a big tell that he wants tickles. Tommy teases him about it all the time, "I'm gonna get you Tubs!-.. D-Did you just bleat? AWW TUBS!! Your so excited for your tickles!! Come here-"
- Tubbo likes eating Christmas ornaments. Also soda cans it's.. It's concerning. S-Someone should probably stop him-
- Tommy can spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocius off the top of his head, no one knows how or why but it's very good for winning challenges!
- If you make any tickle teases to Tommy about his tummy, he will go bright red. It isn't even his death spot but the thought of it being tickled makes him very flustered.
- The bench trio, (Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo) all like to watch child shows in their free time, they have watched cocomelon before but Tubbo got aggressive at it and almost smashed the tv with a headbutt-
- Tommy, as a bird hybrid makes nests, He sees Tubbo and Ranboo as his "flockmates" it doesn't matter that they're different species. When Tommy needs comfort he goes to the nest, Ranboo is usually the first to catch on so he goes and picks up Tubbo (Who squeals out of surprise) and starts bringing him towards Tommy. He drops him into the nest and sits down himself and they both do whatever they can to make Tommy feel better.
- Tommy in the universe he has wings, he claims they aren't ticklish. And people think it's true because when they try to tickle them he doesn't react.. Until Philza comes along. Philza has wings himself and it only takes a few minutes before Tommy is on the ground laughing his head off.
- Quackity and George on occasion spend time together. I mean Quackity's fiances left him and George's (Boyfriend? Best friend?) Left him so they bond over it, "Well Karl apparently forgot me so" "Ah, Dream forgot me too." They sit in silence until Quackity offers George a drink.
- The reason why George is so tired all the time is actually because of his mushroom hat, the type of mushroom he has on his head actually has like a sleeping thing in it. But even if he did take it off he would sleep the same amount so..????
- I like to think Quackity and in the universe where Tommy has small white wings they often will stretch their wings subconsciously towards people they trust to get compliments. If you compliment their wings, their bird brain will go crazy.
- Animals, for some reason, are naturally drawn to Tommy. It confuses people because he's loud, very very loud but he can draw even the shyest animals to him.
- Wilbur is the type of sibling to randomly enter your room, stare at you for a few seconds and then leave. WITHOUT CLOSING THE DOOR.
- Tubbo and Tommy have tried to convince Quackity to go to marriage therapy and they actually have managed! But once Quackity saw Karl, he became so pissed so fast that he broke the card in his hand. He never went to see then again.
- Quackity has a specific casino card that he fidgets with, it's become a comfort object for him like the rings around his neck. The thing is, the card doesn't belong to his casino. It was made far far before it, he has no idea where it came from. But it has alot of tape on it, (And a small signature from Wilbur.. Seriously where the hell did this card come from?-)
- Karl is asexual, Tommy is aroace, Technoblade is also aroace, Purpled is aroace, George is asexual.
- The smp has so many people with mental health issues, Puffy has stopped being surprised how many people come by nowadays.
- Wilbur will believe everything a fortune cookie has to say, he orders at least 20 a day.
- Tommy collects squishmallows!
- I believe in "Wilbur threatening to blow up people's houses if they are mean to his family" supremacy.
- Tommy refuses to eat apples because of the saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" and he's like: "But I don't want Puffy to stay away :("
- Tommy's safe food is dry ramen and Wilbur's is sand or pop rocks.
- Tommy will just randomly stare into people's eyes from across the room, he just keeps staring even as they look scared because why the hell is this 6'0 man staring at you like he wants to murder you???
- Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo all have to do positive affirmations in the morning as it's a assignment assigned by Puffy after their last group therapy session, Sometimes they like to give compliments to each other. Sometimes on rough days they like to name five things they like about each other and trust me they always have five things.
- (Bit sad) Tubbo always knew Wilbur favours Tommy over him.. Doesn't mean it hurts any less. Words spread to Wilbur about how everyone thinks he favours Tommy over all his brothers. And while he loves Tommy, he loves all his brothers. Even Tubbo, the small goat boy who they found on the side of the road. Wilbur realizes Tubbo must think this way as he is usually quick to deescalate rumors, so he does what any good brother would do. Rushes over to Tubbo, stares for a few seconds until Tubbo's attention is on him and then tickles him. He tickles him while saying how much he loves Tubbo, how he could never pick a favorite brother, and if he finds out who told these rumors he's going to blow up their house.
- Ranboo takes dust baths, I said it.
- Tommy and Tubbo have a hard time with selfcare, Tubbo because he likes to overwork and Tommy simply because he's too nervous to be anywhere near big baths of water. So they've started washing each others hair in the sink. The thing they learned was this was a sign of trust, they trust that they won't hurt each other and will allow the other many breaks as they want before they continue.
- I'm pushing the "Tommy knows how to knit and makes sweaters for his friends" agenda.
- I'm also pushing the "Tommy and Tubbo definitely cry at romance movies even if they are terrible and hug each other while crying while being like "BUT HOW COULDD HEEE THEY WERE INLOVEE"
- Most people think Ranboo is mentally stable, jokes on them he's also mentally unstable! The problem is crying burns his skin so he can't cry half the time.
- Wilbur and Ranboo hang out because of the burger van of course but also because Wilbur is trying to figure out what the hell is Ranboo's other side. He has a million theories, the most popular being ghost. Not ghast, he thought that was stupid just... Ghost.
- Tommy can shapeshift, but he can't control it. Whatever his subconscious decides is what happens. If he's feeling more eager to cause trouble, he'll have a raccoon tail and ears, if he feels more soft he'll have white wings. He tends to hide these things or just have devil horns. He just finds them comfy.
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toiletwipes · 3 years
and i'd give up forever to touch you
chapter fourteen. tommy eat world.
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Summary: Will is experiencing heartburn and takes Tommy for a ride, meeting Quackity and of course, you. Oh! And somehow, Quackity seems to have connections. Which is weird, considering he looks like a high school student.
ao3 link. ~2.5k words. masterlist.
the car a.c. runs colder than he remembered it being or maybe it was just his blood turning blue when tommy had caught sight and heard the phone singing your tune.
"who's that?"
and he never exits the car faster, leaving his brother in there as he answers it, quickly lifting it to his ear and finds himself hearing your voice for the second time that day.
"hey, wilbur! just wanted to know if you were free or still had work?" and turning around to face the front doors of his office building, he bites down his lips, could he afford to miss work? especially since he would be housing tommy?
"i- well, there's work and i actually-" he chokes on his spit when tommy exits the car, voice already carrying out into the open air, talking about how rude he was being for leaving a child in the car though he wasn't really a child- "-i have my brother with me and he can be loud-"
"that's okay! really, you know how loud we can get to, especially quackity here, but we found a friend with an open studio if you want to come quick and hear what we have so far? though you don't have to, really, just wanted to give you the chance, nobody would mind your brother either," your voice fades into echos in his eardrums, and his brother's rings out against the cold outside, and a pounding headache settles between his temples.
and when he figures his brother might settle down if he meets his friends or when they play some music, eager to spend time with him, he figures it can't be too bad of an idea. and if he comes in for a few extra hours during next week he can make up for tonight. not like they'll mind.
"send me the address, i'll try to be there as fast as possible," he says and he hangs up before his side is tackled and he almost fumbles with his phone, surprised noises leaving him and quickly following are irritated grunts. "you're such a prick," he pushes down on the blond's head but he just headbutts his stomach, all the air leaving his body just as fast as he had it.
before he knows it, tommy has his phone but he's scowling at it and then grabbing at the collar of his shirt, "tell me the fuckin' password, dickhead," though he doesn't give it back.
dragging his fingers down his cheeks, he groans and then inhales deeply, trying to reach even the farther corners of his lungs and calm down. "listen, if you want to meet some of my- my friends, then you need to give me my phone," tommy cheers and shoves his phone into his hands but he wasn't done, "and! and behave. be nice. try not to annoy them," but he wasn't listening. when did he ever? tommy just returns to the car, plugging his phone into the aux cord and starting up a new indie band that he insists wilbur listens to.
he can only sigh and join him in the car, turning the volume slightly down as he buckles in, unlocking his phone and putting the address into the maps app, it seemingly being a small studio tuckered away into the side of a building.
"well come on then! we don't want to keep your friends waiting," tommy gives him a grin and he has to hold the urge to shake him inside of himself.
sometimes, tommy was good company.
other times-
he was trying to talk his ears off while will was driving, all the while refusing to have the music any less than at concert level. his headache worsened. ten minutes of this, ten minutes of straight sound chaos.
when he parks in front of the studio, he reaches into the glove compartment and unscrews a pill bottle, shaking it till two capsules were dropped into his palm. popping them into his mouth and reaches down into the passenger's leg space and finds a half-empty water bottle, drinking all of it and swallowing down the water and pills. turning to face his brother and tell him to get out, he finds the fucker already gaping at him as if he just grew four heads. "what?" he asks but he's already loud in his bemoaning.
"you just fucking did drugs," tommy all but screams, screeching and then scrambling to get out before he could explain it's just stuff for headaches.
he grabs his brother by the collar of his shirt and quickly dials his friend up. his friend. oh god. you're going to meet his brother. you're going to meet tommy.
and fucking quackity too.
if the two of you were close, like you'd been in the practice room, he doesn't know what is going to happen to this burning feeling in his throat. he knows it's probably something akin to jealousy, but he'll just as quickly blame it on heartburn.
it rings twice before your voice is shouting and nearly pierces his eardrum, and he sees you before he hears you opening the doors, finding it hard to not smile at the way you relaxed at the sight of him and the way you beamed at tommy, sticking a hand out.
his brother doesn't hesitate to give your hand a good, vigorous shaking, and pretty much kills will with a few simple words. "you must be dating wilbur!"
"why does everybody assume that?" you just laugh it off before giving will a stinky eye kind of smile, "telling lies, wilby?"
he doesn't know how to respond- how does somebody talk again? when tommy just throws an arm around your shoulders, they become the guide of this studio and you gesture to follow them as you hold the door open.
will walks a comfortable distance behind his friend and brother, watching as you walked all the way to the back and knock, opening the door without waiting a beat. he finds quackity sitting on a chair, plucking the strings of some random version of the guitar. (bass.) there's so many instruments just.. just sitting there and you're giving tommy a run down of what is going to happen.
"are you three in a band or something? oh will i get to see you guys in a concert or something?! if you guys have a concert, can i be like a backup singer? or dancer?" with all of his questions, came the conversation that happened earlier that day.
when he asked if you wanted to keep it private, the cover. he doesn't want it to be just another audio file on a computer that'll probably burn itself out of existence.
"well it's your choice, remember? i don't want to force you into the spotlight or anything like coming back online just for a single cover, you know?"
you were so nice, how were you always so nice? so considerate. how could it be fair?
"but what if i asked you the same? would you answer the same way i did?" he pressed on.
you snort, glancing at him and changing lanes. "of course my answer would be different. kinda the point in being different people." he bites the inside of his cheek.
"if you want to post it online. i wouldn't mind."
"throw in one live performance and you have a deal," you grinned at him through the side of your eyes but you didn't see how he wiped the extra sweat from his palms to his pants. didn't see him licking his cracked lips and turning his eyes to the passenger window. he thinks to himself, if that's your deal, if that's what you want.
if that's what you want, he wouldn't be a terrible friend and deny you that. even if it seems like such a terrible fucking idea.
but you don't even bring up the conversation or live performances as you explain all you've done for the cover so far. the music transcribing, booking practice rooms, finding others to play a part, including hassling the music directors for a player, which this method can be read as non-effective.
tommy.. looking at tommy as he listens, as diligent as he could, trying to impress his older brother's friend, he looks so much more natural standing and giving occasional comments. how is he somehow already a better friend than he is?
before he can spiral further, quackity is quickly leading him by the hand, walking to the outside of the room to a door right next to the one they just left. "this is where we make the music, wilbur," quackity grins at him as he opens the door and finds more instruments and a room he hadn't noticed with windows, seeing you and toms still talking.
"the person who owns this recording studio supports the little guys like us so we're thinking that we'll be the main people booking it for a while. at a discounted price and rate!"
he frowns. "how did you get the discounted price- and rate? how does that happen?"
quackity smiles, all teeth, "that's a secret i'll never tell," and he moved on, picking an instrument up and giving it a tap.
will blinks at the empty space in front of him.
oh god, what has quackity done?
deciding that not knowing is probably a safe bet, he chooses to take a seat when tommy leans down and talks into an unseen microphone. he hears him quite clearly and he's demanding he take up a guitar and play wonder wall.
"do you know how to play wonder wall?" he asks as he's trying to pick one of the guitars propped against the wall and half considering leaving before he remembers the unofficial deal
"do you?" his lazy attempt at butchering the conversation goes unnoticed for several minutes. tommy gives him a stink eye, sticking his tongue out at him and you're standing behind him, hand clasped over your mouth as you struggle to breathe normally. looking close to passing out if you couldn't get your laughter under control.
tuning the one on the right, he remembers tuning his very own guitar with your instructions and it sounded eerily close to the one in the song. he wonders how you did it, but not for long, he gets distracted by quackity lifting a violin to his collarbone, plucking a tune with his fingers. until he pulls a bow out of his ass, and starts playing a measure on a page he hadn't seen before.
it's part of the song. the cover. the guitar on his hands lower and he nearly drops it as he listens to it. something in him, it burns. much like earlier. except there's no anger. towards quackity at least, it's..
he tries to snap out of this burning in his chest, tries to smile as he compliments the orchestra student, tries to laugh when you tell him it's your turn to play, tries to still the beating stone in his chest slow enough that he doesn't choke playing.
and as soon as his fingers cover the strings, his brother is yelling at him through the wall. of course he can't hear him, but he doesn't know that and he leaves the room. will is thoroughly confused until the microphone turns on and you're still in there. "he said he was getting a call from his dad, and that he was going to answer it."
wilbur can't remember if they let phil know where they were going to be. did he also know where he worked? if he was at his office and found no wilbur and found no tommy, they might not even make christmas.
he doesn't know if he should panic when tommy barrels through the door and is shoving a phone against his ear and moving over to go bother quackity.
"where are you guys?" phil's voice is steady, which raises the hair on his arms and neck already.
"a friend called and wanted us to see a recording studio, might be using it for ourselves, probably, not sure yet. tommy is safe." he adds the last bit after a pause, and phil is sighing but doesn't start yelling.
"just be safe." and with that he hangs up and he's left with tommy's phone and he watches quackity and tommy now, watching as they were quickly trying to learn what seems to be the theme from animal crossing. it burns again.
it keeps burning and he wonders when he'll feel peace. he hadn't felt this way earlier, when he met quackity. no, he was good then.
what's different now?
is it because he knows he's been in the same room as he'd been, alone with you? that you two share a passion for music that seemed to fade away from him years ago? or is it because he's better than him in every fucking way?
he doesn't throw the guitar, just puts it down and walks out, throwing the door out of his way as he enters the hallway. their laughter is silenced by the closing door.
he leans against the wall and slides down it, rubbing his forehead as he hits the ground with his ass. a door opens and closes and he hopes it's some random stranger, but once again you're there, leaning against the wall in front of him. your dirty converse is the giveaway.
"are you okay, will?"
why do you care? why did you bring him here?
why did you invite him in the first place?
why did you act like you actually liked his music?
quackity has probably recorded and uploaded more music than he ever did, ever tried.
"... heartburn." he settles on.
"considering the brunch we had, can't say i'm surprised, but is it just heartburn?"
he wants to be honest. wants you to be honest with him. wants the answers that'll make the burning go away.
in the end, he sighs.
"yeah," he leans his head back, opens his eyes and finds you. finds you with that stupid, concerned look.
it burns in his throat now but not as much. just a stinging sensation. like a lump of coal cooling off from some fire embers. and it's in his eyes too. but this time, they leak. he nearly scratches his eyes with how fast he wipes them away.
"something your dad said?"
he nods, but that's not it. just desperate for any other reason than looking pathetic. worse if he looked like he'd done it for attention.
it would be the worst attention he'd ever receive and it's the last thing he wants, at all.
"come on, let's go back into the other room, they can't hear us but we can hear them. we can also lock the door from our side, so how about we mess with them a little?" you reach out with a hand and it's moments like these where he has to reign himself back in. remember you're not an asshole. this isn't high school. you're not them.
and you're trying to be a good friend.
he should do the same and take your hand.
with a struggle, you manage to lift him onto his feet. and you're laughing. "dude, is that where you store all of your musical talent? in your ass?"
"you should hear it at night," he tries and you're wheezing within the moment. you're smiling and it's hard for you to breathe. and it's because of his joke. he's making you laugh harder than you had because of quackity.
the burning is gone.
taglist: @fxnxtical @ghostburlovebot @ollie-overscore @roygbivvie @ghostlypyro @boiled-onionrings @mayempress @bringm3th3n1rvana @yui-san0 @comonlokbut2 @lurkey-lurker @tiredofsatansbullshit @serendipityryn @facelessmatchstick @sewagespaghetti @dogsandrocketsocks @unhelpfulghosty @struggling-with-time @spilltheearlgrey @n3r0-1417 @dreamwvrld @despicablenotions @jubileelineee @the-icarus-thatneverflew @jessica89diangelo
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Surprises (Sweet Betrayal Part 2)
Part 1     Part 3     Part 4
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: swearing, alcoholism, abuse (physical and mental), depression, suicidal thoughts
Word count: 3,587
A dash of madness is what’s needed to get things done. It was the thing that caused Manberg to rise from the ashes of its terrible leadership prior to Schlatt, and it was going to be the thing that fixes the aftermath of the meddling of your ‘brothers’. At least that's what you thought on the matter. 
It was a bit hard to form rational thought when reminders of your brothers were everywhere. The buildings that stood populating the city were built by them. The dents and scratches on the wood of the stage were caused by them. Your bloodstain on the concrete was caused by them. The burn scar that took up half of your face and the now clouded blind eye was caused by them. You couldn’t even look in the mirror without being reminded of them; it was like they followed you everywhere you went. Tormenting you with every step you took. With every breath you took you were breathing in the same putrid air they breathed. The air would be purified once you were done with them. 
The only person you actually trusted nowadays was Schlatt. Oftentimes he would yell at you in a drunken rage, telling you that you were useless and undeserving of love. His words hurt you unbelievably, but he would always apologize in the morning. He had hit you occasionally leaving bruises and a fear of anybody moving too fast, but he had always apologized to you so you brushed it off. He was the first person that had shown you actual love after all. He was still the loving man he was before the presidency. 
He would do the same to your other father Quackity. You both comforted each other after he would do that. He confessed to you one night through tears that you were the only thing tethering him to his marriage with Schlatt. It was something you couldn’t understand; why would he ever want to leave Schlatt when he would apologize to you two every single time? It wasn’t like he could control his alcoholism. It had a grip on him that he couldn’t shake. 
You weren’t there when Quackity had killed Schlatt, as you were roaming the streets of Manberg at the time, but you were there when he ran into you in a panic. 
You were walking past Niki’s deserted bakery with a skip in your step and a smile on your face. The sight of the broken glass and the looted remains of the building took away most of the stress that living in and governing Manberg brought you. The citizens and the cabinet had grown distrustful of you and Schlatt, making it hard for you to get any work done. You had taken up most of the responsibilities of the presidency due to Schlatt falling off the deep end with his alcoholism and truth be told everything was stressing you out. You needed to keep smiling, you’re never fully dressed without one. 
You came to a halt in front of the bakery, your hand reaching up to graze the scarred skin on the right side of your face. The once relaxed smile that gently stretched your lips turned strained. ‘Don’t cry, you’re never fully dressed without a smile!’ A soft voice sang in your mind, his light laughter reminiscent of happier times. He would not be happy with the path you’ve taken. Oh well, you liked who you were now; he just needs to put up with it when you see him again.
Your thoughts were interrupted by something, or rather someone, colliding with you. You were about to fall onto the glass-strewn pavement before someone caught you and pulled you into a tight embrace. You couldn’t see who it was, but their jacket smelled like a mixture of blood and cologne. Their shoulders were bouncing as they sobbed into your shoulder. Papá?
You felt his wings embrace you fully, much like they did during the festival. You awkwardly rubbed his back until he calmed down enough to pull away from you. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy, face blotchy, and a swollen lip graced his face. Your dad was probably just drunk again. 
You tried your best to smile at him gently, the smile threatening to falter. “Papá? Is Dad drunk again?”
“We have to get you out of here, mijo.” He tried to grab your hand to pull you with him but you moved it out of the way. You needed to know what was happening. You didn’t like not knowing what was happening.
“Why do you have blood on you, where are you bleeding?” Schlatt’s never made you or Quackity bleed before, so this was new. He was probably drunker than he usually was. 
You watched as his dark brown eyes flicked down to his bloodied hands and clothes before they flicked back up looking more panicked. “It’s not mine. C’mon, we need to get out of here.”
This time, he firmly grabbed your hand and started to pull you towards the borders of Manberg. Towards Pogtopia. You weren’t ready to enact your plans for the brothers yet, so you dug your heels into the ground. That didn’t stop the man, in fact he pulled you close to his body and spread his wings to take off into the cloudy sky. Before he could, you pushed him away. 
“Papá, who’s blood is it?” You already knew, your voice was shaking and the smile had completely faded. Surely, he couldn’t be dead again, right? Quackity’s face told you all you needed to know. Schlatt was dead. 
Swallowing past the lump in your throat, you whispered “what happened?”
“He- it doesn’t matter. Come with me, I’m leaving this place,” he spat out the last word with hatred. “It isn’t too late for you, Pogtopia-”
“Pogtopia? You’re seriously going to that pathetic excuse of a ‘country’?” You barked out a somewhat forced laugh, the smile finding its rightful place on your face. “Are you stupid? Why would you ever leave a nation as prosperous as Manberg?”
“Can’t you see? Look around you, this nation’s crumbling under Schlatt’s rule! How is that ‘prosperous’?”
“Did you hit your head or something? Our nation’s thriving under Schlatt’s leadership!”
“He isn’t even fucking leading! All he’s doing is getting drunk off his ass having you do all the dirty work! He’s using you, (y/n).”
“Shut the fuck up Quackity,” he flinched back slightly at the use of his first name being thrown about, “Dad’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me and you, you’re so stupid to just throw him away when he needs us the most.”
He put his hands on your shoulders and gripped them tightly to avoid you ripping yourself out of his grasp. He looked you dead in the eyes with the most sincerity you’ve ever seen from someone. “(Y/n), we tried to help him. We did our best, but he’s too far gone. He isn’t the person we knew; the presidency no, this nation, changes people. If you stay, he’s gonna… You have to come with me to Pogtopia. Your brothers-”
“They aren’t my brothers.”
“-Wilbur, Tommy, and everyone else that used to live in Manberg is on their side. You’ll get killed if you stay.”
You tilted your chin up and looked down at him with cold eyes and your signature smile. “Then so be it. I will see to it that anyone cowardly enough to run when things get the slightest bit tough will be taken care of,” his grip on your shoulders loosened for a moment in shock at your words. That was all the time you needed, you ripped yourself out of his grip and turned to walk away leaving the devastated man in your wake. You stopped and turned your head to look at him through the corner of your good eye, “I suggest you run as far as you can, P- Quackity. It would be a shame if I had to kill you if you stayed a second longer. Get the hell out of my nation, traitor.” With that you turned back around and started walking again. After a few seconds, you finally heard him move. 
“I’ll be back for you, I promise. I-I love you, mijo.” You heard the ruffling of feathers and the batting of wings behind you as he left Manberg. The smile on your face was wobbly and weak as tears started to slip out of your eyes. You took a second to compose yourself before you broke off into a sprint towards the White House, passing a few Rutabagaville members and Badlanders stopping to look at you in confusion. Your dad needed you.
After that, you slowly began to question Schlatt’s words, especially when he was drunk. Now that you paid attention, he never said that he loves you anymore. He only had you do his work, the only things he would talk to you about anymore was about the upcoming war and how useless you were as he berated the paperwork you had no idea how to do. There were no more talks about how you mattered, no more side hugs, hair tousles, or soft headbutts, nothing. Maybe he was using you after all. 
So here you were, standing in front of his office with a shaking hand hovering over the oak doors. The smile on your face was incredibly forced, feeling painful for holding it for so long. Just as you mustered the courage to knock on the ram hybrid’s door, it swung open to reveal the hybrid himself.
Your father was swaying on his feet as he looked at you in surprise, “I thought I gave you the night off. Ender, can’t even get your own schedule right? Why’re you even working for me?” You could smell the alcohol on his breath and it reeked. You shrunk in on yourself slightly eyeing the bottle in his hand. The last time he yelled at you he smashed you in the head with it. You forgave him obviously, but it left you with fear whenever you saw a glass bottle in his hand. It happened only last week shortly after Quackity left. The gashes it left on your face and head were still healing. 
Since Quackity left and he went through yet another death, Schlatt had become more irritable, paranoid, and violent. He started yelling at and hitting you more, crying and begging afterwards for you to forgive him. He promised that he’d never do it again, but he always did. You always forgave him in the end because he was the only one that loved you and the only one that you actually talked to anymore. You craved any type of physical touch from your adoptive dad at this point, you didn’t care if it was violent or not. Any touch was a happy touch.
“I’m sorry for disturbing you Dad, but I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me tomorrow for my birthday.”
“Birthday? BIRTHDAY?” He barked out a drunken laugh, his words slurring together. “You want me, the leader of a nation during a fucking war, to take a second off just because of one day that never should’ve happened?”
You fiddled with your fingers and shuffled your feet, struggling to keep the trace of a smile on your face. You couldn’t lie, that one stung a bit. If you didn’t know any better, you’d compare it to how you were treated at your previous family’s home. You’d never compare Schlatt to those cowards though. He was far better than them. “I’m sorry Dad, but I just thought that I’d celebrate it this year, I’m turning six-.”
“Awe, is it gonna hurt your wittle feewings if I told you that I don’t care? Wake up, (y/n). We’re in the middle of a war. We don’t have time to celebrate anything. You and I are working tomorrow. Now get out of my face before I fire your sorry ass for unprofessionalism and misconduct.”
“Okay, goodnight Dad. Love y-” before you could finish, the door was slammed in your face. You could hear him laughing and mumbling incoherently to himself from behind the thick oak doors. Sighing, you turned around and walked straight into your office. You took out a rope from your desk drawer and stared at it blankly. 
It’d be so easy to off yourself again. If you made the noose properly unlike last time, your neck would snap and you’d be killed immediately instead of slowly suffocating. No one would stop you, no one would care. Schlatt would. He loved you like you were his biological kid. You fantasized that as you were about to jump off your desk that he’d open your door and attempt to apologize before he would realize what was going on and comfort you. He’d hold you like he did before he won the election telling you that your life mattered. You’d give anything for that to happen, but in the deepest darkest corner of your mind you knew that it’d never happen. He’d just drown himself in alcohol not realizing what’s happening in the room down the hall. Hell if anything, Karl would be the one to find your hanging corpse as he had a meeting with you first thing in the morning.
Besides, you had to live to carry out your plan to murder Tommy and Wilbur. You obviously wouldn’t be able to kill Philza or Technoblade because the former is immortal and the latter is, well he’s Technoblade (though you have been talking to Dream more lately. Maybe you could ask for a favor). That didn’t worry you; they’d probably kill you on sight once they’ve heard that their precious boys have been brutally murdered by you. You didn’t care if they killed you afterwards, your mission would be complete. It’d be a devastating blow to the family (if you could even call it that at that point, it’d be just father and son), something that’ll take them a while to recover from. 
You put the rope back into your desk drawer and curled up onto the couch you had in the corner of your office. Wrapping yourself in the blanket you kept in a filing cabinet drawer, you quickly passed out.
The next day felt just like another day. You woke up, put on your suit, and started on some paperwork that you had to complete before the end of the day. You didn’t feel any different, it was just another day of trying to keep this nation afloat during wartime while juggling two jobs at once. Schlatt was right, your birthday was just another day. You felt silly for confronting him about it last night. It was stupid of you to do, all you could hope now was that he’d forgive you.
A knock on the door made you look up and plaster a smile onto your face. “Come in.” Karl’s messy mop of brown hair came into view before he did. Like usual, he had a dopey grin on his face and was wearing that ender awful hoodie. You hated that hoodie, it was unprofessional to wear in such an important government building. It looked like he was wanting to say something, he looked slightly anxious. Looking back down at your work, you quickly reorganized it. “Good morning, Mr. Jacobs. I’m assuming you’d like to walk and talk?”
You walked over to him with a smile, “I can read people’s body language pretty well. Now let’s start our meeting. It’s not like we have all day.”
You both walked through the halls of the White House talking about what you usually talked about in meetings; progress reports, the extent of which Pogtopia is expanding, and brainstorming ideas on how to take the rebelling country down. The entire time he was casually throwing around jokes of which you would reply with a ‘stop messing around’ and quickly reel the conversation back in. Eventually, he stopped dead in his tracks in front of a spare room you and Schlatt used for storage. It was relatively empty inside with the exception of a few boxes. 
“Karl, why have you stopped? We still have much more to discuss before our meeting’s over.”
“Open the doors.”
“Just do it! You’ll like what’s on the other side, I promise.” You eyed his excited smile suspiciously before you sighed, “fine, I guess I’ll entertain you just this one time. Don’t expect me to-” you cut yourself off as you saw what was behind the door. 
Grinning faces stared back at you. Each member of the Badlands and Rutabagaville were in the cramped little room. Well, it was cramped for Bad and Sam with their heights, the rest of them fit just fine. In Bad’s hands was a homemade cake with neat letters printed on the top in your favorite color. It read ‘happy 16th birthday (y/n)!’. 
You were frozen as Karl put a hand on your shoulder and gently nudged you inside the room closing the door behind him. You stayed frozen as they started to sing happy birthday to you, Karl and Sapnap competing to sing the highest note at the end of it. You stayed frozen as they looked at you expectantly waiting for you to blow out the candles. 
“Well? You gonna blow out the candles, gem?” Skeppy gestured with a hand to the cake, the flames’ light being bounced off his ridgid skin in a slight rainbow. 
“I-I don’t- We don’t have time for this, we’re in a war. I’ve got a lot of paperwork to do-”
“Nothing’s gonna happen if we celebrate for an hour,” Sam gently told you, “the paperwork can wait.”
“Yeah, you’re still a kid; you deserve to at least have an hour dedicated to you on your birthday,” Ant told you.
 You stayed there looking at them skeptically, you remembered how they looked at you during the festival. However unlike their looks of fear and disbelief they all wore during the festival, they were looking at you with warmth and empathy. You honestly didn’t know what to do, you haven’t celebrated your birthday since… well since him. By Ender, you missed him. 
“C’mon, imagine the fire is your enemy! Blow em out! Blow em out!” Skeppy chanted, the others joining in with encouraging smiles. Bad looked like he wanted to scold them for trying to pressure you, but he eventually joined in as well placing a giant clawed hand on your shoulder with a gentle smile and a nod towards the cake.
You hesitantly leaned forward and blew the candles out. The plumes of smoke that drifted off from the burnt wicks reminded you of the cigarettes Schlatt would smoke. The men in the room cheered with Ant gently patting your shoulder and Karl, Sapnap, and Skeppy cheering the loudest. Sam was clapping and giving you the most genuine smile you’ve ever seen from the creeper hybrid and Bad put his hand on your head and ruffled your hair. You could feel your forced smile turning genuine as you felt a warm joy bubble in your gut and spread through your body for the first time in years. 
“Good job, muffin! What’d you wish for?”
You craned your neck to look up at the demon in confusion, “I was supposed to wish for something?”
“Yeah! Haven’t you done this before?”
“No, can’t say I have. Am I supposed to wish for something now or am I too late?”
“It’s never too late, muffin. Go ahead, wish for something,” Bad gave you a small smile. You nodded and stared at the cake intensely raking your brain for something to wish for. The only thing that you truly wanted was for Tommy and Wilbur to finally die and for Technoblade and Philza’s lives to be ruined. That was the only way you’d be happy, so you opened your mouth only to have a frantic Skeppy cut you off, “no! If you say it out loud, it won’t come true!”
“Alright, I’ll keep it to myself then.” 
After you ate some cake (it’s been a while since you’ve had the sweet, it was tastier than you remembered), you tried to glance at the clock only to be blocked by Ant, “relax, Schlatt’s out today. You can spend as much time here as you want.”
“He’ll find out, my Dad’s been stressed lately. I-”
“Kid, you work your ass off twenty four seven. You’re almost never out of your office.”
“Language Sapnap! But… he has a point though. You need a break. You shouldn’t have to worry about this kind of stuff, you’re still a kid.”
“Loosen up a bit! I’ll put on some music, what do you usually listen to?” Karl grinned widely at you gesturing to the jukebox in the corner of the room. You saw some records laying around on top of one of the boxes. It looked like there was a full collection of them. 
“I don’t usually listen to music. I don’t really have the time for it, but uh, you can pick out anything as long as it’s not Cat or Mellohi.” You hated those discs with a burning passion. It was like you could still hear the muffled medlies drifting through the walls in your childhood home. 
Once Karl put on a disc, some fast paced harmonized notes sounded from the machine. 
“Let’s fuckin party!” Sapnap shouted.
General taglist:
@crybabyjabby  @izzybobizzy13  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @bunnyz-pxstel  @averytiredfanfictionwriter  @dcml04  @sparkling-gayyyy  @bbigbbrainn  @thaticecreambish  @kiinokochii  @satansphatass  @bxkubitch  @bxmentchildxx  @roxy3457  @montygator17  @feverish-dove  @the-fictionwriters-hairdo  @jichuuchaeng  @404rynnotfound  @luluwinchester  @laura--444  @the-cult-classic-bitch  @youngstarfishdinosaur
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griffintail · 3 years
can i request a fic where tubbo and reader both have horns and they headbutt all the time to show affection? bonus points if they try to headbutt tommy lol
The fluff.
Affectionate Headbutts
Pairings: Sibling! Tubbo x Sibling! F! Reader
Warnings: Mentions of past bullying
A/N: It’s kind of a continuation of The Girl with the Horns because I liked the idea of them as siblings doing this.
         Since Tubbo had brought (Y/N) back to L’Manberg, a lot of happy moments were shared between the two as time passed on. It had taken some time for Tubbo to adjust to taking care of someone else alongside his nation, but once he managed to find a balance, life was brilliant.
        Five years had past and (Y/N) was a lot more outgoing than when he first had met her thanks to himself and his friends. Tommy was the biggest help with that because Tubbo told him that people picked on her like that had done to him and Tommy didn’t need to hear anymore before he practically made her his sister as well. It was a relief for Tubbo that his best friend got along so well with his little sister.
        She liked to hang out with Tubbo though and the two were able to bond easily. Tubbo couldn’t imagine a world where he hadn’t found those letters.
        “Hey, you ready?” Tubbo asked as he shrugged on his suit jacket.
        “Yeah! Here I come.” She ran out wearing a cute little dress as a bag swung on her side, her horns poking up taller but she was much prouder of them than before.
        “Very nice.” He crouched down, smoothing out the dress for her before head butting her lightly. “Got your notebook?”
        “Yes. Thank you for the new one.” She smiled as she headbutted him lightly back.
        “It’s no problem. Come on.” He smiled himself before standing.
        She followed behind him with most of his daily tasks for the day but sat to the side as he held his meeting with his cabinet. They shared a light headbutt before he went to start the meeting as she sat outside drawing in her notebook.
        She had filled up so many and Tubbo gladly kept giving her more after the first time they met. She said she use to only draw in the dirt so he made sure she always had paper and pencils. With the constant supplies and encouragement, her drawing had greatly improved and Tubbo always assured her that he’d make a gallery one day just for her art.
        After the meeting, Tubbo sat next to her for a little while, watching her draw before she showed him the finished work for approval.
        “Perfect.” He gave her another headbutt. “You’ve been doing better with the hair.”
        “Thank you.” She smiled widely.
        The rest of the day went on like normal for the pair. They had their lunch, went around the town for a while to just relax as brother and sister before going back home for dinner. Nothing changed till night when Tubbo groggily woke up as he felt (Y/N) crawling into the bed in the middle of the night.
        “’ Nother nightmare?” He muttered.
        She nodded, small tears in her eyes, and he lightly put his head against hers.
        “It’s ok.” He mumbled. “Just you and me little sis. I won’t let anything happen. Get some sleep.”
        She gave him a light headbutt and he smiled lightly as he returned it, closing his eyes again.
        “Good night.” She nuzzled into him.
        “Night.” He said before falling asleep.
        The next morning, (Y/N) wore her backpack with her inventory bag on his side today as Tubbo knocked on Tommy’s door. Tommy swung the door open and grinned seeing the pair.
        “Adventure day huh?” He looked at the little girl.
        “No. Not without me. You promised.” Tubbo reminded him. “Last time she had a cut on her leg.”
        “Oh, come on Tubbo, it was one time.” Tommy huffed, crossing his arms. “I’ve gotten better.”
        “Please Tommy.” Tubbo sighed.
        “Alright, alright. We’ll be boring.” Tommy rolled his eyes jokingly.
        Tubbo shook his head before crouching in front of the girl, giving her a headbutt. “Ok, I might not see you till tomorrow so be good alright?”
        “Ok, good luck.” She smiled, returning the motion.
        He ruffled her hair between her horns as he stood up. “Thank you. I’ll see you soon, love you, sis.”
        “Love you too big brother.”
        Tommy let the little girl and said goodbye to his best friend, who was off for some long-needed trading, before following the little girl. She sat on a chest in the main room, having put her backpack down next to the bedroom door, and Tommy went back to the other chest he was digging through.
        She played with the flap of her inventory bag before speaking up.
        “Can I show you something, Tommy?” She asked.
        He looked up and smiled, coming over. “What you got?”
        Nervously, she pulled out her notebook as Tommy sat on the floor next to the chest so he could look at her properly. After encouraging herself, she opened it and showed him a drawing of him as she went red. He took the notebook before grinning as he looked at the picture of him holding his discs by his side.
        “This is awesome! You’re going to have to make another so I can have one in here!”
        “Hell yeah. You got more in here?”
        She nodded as she smiled.
        He flipped through a few pages seeing different pictures of everyone in the land along with just drawings of the scenery around L’Manberg.
        “You’re pretty awesome, but since you know me, it’s a given.”
        She didn’t think before she gave him a headbutt.
        “Ow.” He put a hand on his head. “What was that?”
        “S-Sorry! Tubbo and I do it all the time and I didn’t think…” She muttered, looking down embarrassed.
        “I know you guys do that; I just want to know why you did it to me.”
        “We like to do it to show we love each other or what the other said. You were saying such nice things I did it to you.”
        Tommy paused as he watched as she fiddled nervously with the shirt she was wearing today, something he hadn’t seen her do much of recently. He was never going to admit he did this out loud but…
        (Y/N) froze as Tommy bumped his head against hers lightly.
        “Just don’t do it so hard next time.” He scoffed, before going back to looking at her drawings.
        (Y/N) looked up at him and smiled. There was a reason she did like to think of him as her second brother.
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dodo-begone · 3 years
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It's the Cat's Life for Me
Pairing: Ranboo x Reader, Tommy x Reader, Tubbo x Reader, Purpled x Reader
Request: Can I have your take on the yandere boys (purpled, ranboo, tommy, and tubbo) with a cat hybrid reader? Don't overwork yourself and remember self care! <3
Word count: 1.6k words
A/n: This all platonic, nothing romantic. Also oops i didn't make it yandere- misread it.
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He’d definitely be excited to meet you, especially since you’re a hybrid. He’s an enderman hybrid and you are? Oh a cat hybrid! That’s really cool! You two should hang out a few times- it’ll be great.
When he realizes and puts the pieces together, he gets ultra excited. Most cats don’t like water, right? So does that mean you don’t like water or- oh you definitely don’t like water! Or water in that way. Maybe water period- you know what he shouldn’t and won’t try that again.
Now you two playfully threaten each other with water. You, at least, would have a squirt bottle at the reader for whenever the moment is right. Ranboo does the same. Think old wild west style shoot off. That’s what happens.
There has to be loads of cuddle sessions with purring. Specifically to calm one of you down. Or both of you. Doesn’t matter, works all the same.
I don’t care what Mojang said; endermen can and will be fluffy.>:( They have to be. So you just pet each other to help calm down. Either be pet or pet, that is the question. Honestly it’s a “whatever you think works best for you bud” thing.
So I already mentioned how you helped with his anxiety. But I want to go slightly more in depth with it. Anytime he seems like he’s panicking, and you get his permission, you just flop on him and purr up a storm. The combination of weight, sound, heat and feeling is very comforting to him. You’re like a living weighted blanket!
Also you totally nap on him during this time, making it impossible for him to stand up and do anything. Just designated chill time.
When this man enderwalks, it’s a whole cute show. Just an enderman hybrid, slightly hunched and walking around the server, muttering stuff in a different language. Then you got that cat hybrid that’s following him and occasionally rubbing against him. Especially if they think he’s about to get into trouble.
Sometime he’ll just pick you up and carry you around with him. It’s the equivalent of a child picking up the family cat and walking around with it. He isn’t properly holding you so you do that cat slinky thing where they just elongate like a slinky. You aren’t pleased but you can’t get out of his grasp.
Okay kinda following the headcannon that Tommy has wings here. But when he finds out you’re a cat hybrid? Oh man this is so cool! What cat things can you do? Do you know? Want to find out? Want to commit science with him?
He will drop you from great heights and free fall with you. It’s a fun activity only the two of you can enjoy together.
Before you hit the ground, he’ll do his best to grab you and land. Other times aren’t that fortunate so you just land on the ground yourself. Mostly on your feet but there were a few times Tommy messed you your angle. He’ll always make sure you’re okay by the end.
Like any bird, he will love to annoy you. There is no safe place. Look away or don’t pay attention when he’s talking? Grab and gentle yoink the tail. Loves to just attack your tail when you’re relaxed or least expect it.
Once he realizes what effect catnip has on you, it’s game over. He can get you to do whatever he wants! After you play, rub, eat and sniff the catnip. And if he can get and keep your attention. Maybe this was a mistake…
Will absolutely get you cat toys. You don’t enjoy them, yet you do. It’s Tommy’s way of patronizing you but they’re also so fun. Man what a conundrum....
His favorite toy to get you is a laser pointer. Easy entertainment for everyone! Plus it’s his secret weapon. Admittedly his newest. It was something he should’ve realized ages ago. But now? Oh it’s his new best friend- besides you of course.
Losing an argument? Pull out the laser pointer? Wanting you to do something because he’s too lazy? Point that little red dot at a point where you pouncing on it gets his job done.
Play fighting is a very common occurrence between the two of you. Happens right out of the blue. You two could literally be chilling on a hill and then you two are wrestling aggressively on the ground.
Tommy also tries to spook you. Is it effective? Sometimes. Usually not. But when he’s able to get you to jump and just bolt away screaming? Man those are the best reactions! You jump so high too!
Aw man, here comes another fuzzy duo!! You two can easily chill out with each other. It’s incredible. You both calm down together. And just chit chat so much. Emotional support friend? Sure.
You’re so good with Micheal too. Micheal just wants to pet you so much. Big cat? But also human? Good friend? Cool friend? Soft and fuzzy friend!! You’re like a giant talking cat to him, for lack of a better description. You can do human stuff. You just got some animal features.
Another duo that will just cuddle. Bring in Ranboo and Micheal while you’re at it. Make it a family cuddle session!! The little group will see two people cuddling and go “I must join”.
I feel he has an area to grow plants in Snowchester. He just has to. So you know what that means? He’ll grow you stuff! Load of cat grass and some catnip along with other greenery that you like to much on. He makes sure they aren’t poisonous to cats- wait how much of that will apply to you? Do you know?
Okay so you two play fight, but much less aggressively than you and Tommy would. You two also include Micheal. Very gentle play fighting then. Like ultra.
You two fight with what your instincts are telling you. Mostly acting out on the funny animal behaviors that’ll make Micheal laugh or just to have fun with it.
He will get you so many soft things. Just so much. Soft blankets, fluffy pillows and so much else man. Especially trying to get the squishy and soft stuff so you can knead it. Honestly a very endearing sight. You purr so heavily doing it.
Now you two will do gentle headbutts of affection. Very gentle, mind you. You two are very wary of the horns that peak through Tubbo’s fluffy hair. Sometimes the two of you won’t gently butt heads, but butt your heads against other body parts like the upper arm or shoulder. To grab attention and show affection.
Now this relationship is going to be mildly different from the get go. There won’t be an innate sense of “what’s right” or how hybrids function as a being/person. See, Purpled is a human. You are a cat hybrid. Two very different species. The backgrounds and some of the body language is different, but you two manage quite well.
So he’ll treat you differently than the other hybrids. Well, only a wee bit. He’lll treat you like the others but in a different way, with a different tone to his actions. It’s very sweet, but you tell him it’s not necessary. He still does it.
One of the cat-like things he found out was that you don’t like water. People usually like water and some cats like water, yet you’re like a majority of cats. You despise getting wet. Attempts at smacking anything that’s getting you wet was what clued him in on this. Specifically when he accidentally did it. Oops.
You two can’t swim together. Napping is really out of the question because he has work and sleeping doesn’t seem like the most interesting activity. Although relaxing, it isn’t too productive.
Activities are hard to come by; stuff you’d want to do with Purpled is stuff he definitely doesn’t want to do and vise versa. After a standstill on what to do, you two started to get creative with the ideas.
Building super tall buildings? Although not safe for Purpled, you can easily take the fall. Along with that, Purpled is more than happy to build tall things. You can’t tell me otherwise because this man built a whole ufo.
Sometimes he’ll even bring you on his mercenary missions. It’s a cool way to hang out and have some more one-on-one time and you two get to work together. A very pog situation.
He tries to give you a part of the money; 50-50 for you guys. But you deny. It was his job, you just came around. Although not too happy about it, because you two worked together on this, he’ll concede. After all, he can just slowly slip the money into your house.
On these trips you not only provide companionship but you also are more than ready to work. Maybe playing coy and cute for a patron at a bar to lure them out and away from the public eye to be executed by Purpled. Or it could be a simple distraction of someone running by. Maybe you’re able to pickpocket the target and get what’s needed. You’re a cute and fuzzy swiss army knife
He loves to get on higher surfaces than you and try to pick you up. Even if it’s only enough to just get your feet on the ground. You do the little cat extension thingy and he thinks that’s super cool and funny. So he’ll do it often. Though you try to object, claiming to not enjoy the process at all. Yet that smile and giggles say otherwise.
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baka-monarch · 3 years
Dirt Crawlers
Look @darkeninganon , I beat you to writing the slug thing!!!! :)
(brain just randomly started thinking of story and I just decided to write it now before I lost motivation/inspiration)
Part 2->
Tommy watched Dream as he pushed the door to their hole in the ground open The younger Dirt Crawler was practically bouncing with excitement. Today was the day, finally Dream was taking him out on his first hunting trip. It was the perfect day for hunting as well, since it hadn't rained for weeks and was so bright and sunny out (as Tommy could tell from the blinding light coming through their burrow door) that there was no way it would rain; so there was no risk of them drowning in a puddle or getting dragged down to suffocate in mud. It was also the afternoon by now, judging by where the sun was, which meant almost no birds out hunting at all. Yeah, now would be the perfect time to get some food.
"You remember all the rules I told you, right?" Tommy was startled out of his thoughts by his older brother's voice.
"Yeah yeah yeah, I know I know!" The teen rolled his eyes. The rules had been drilled into him ever since he was a kid, ever since their parents were still around.
"Okay, so remember that we're only hunting aphids- no attacking ants, ladybugs, termites-"
"Mantises,"-He cut off Dream's words-"slugs- yeah yeah, I know boss man! We don't fight anything that isn't an aphid!!" Tommy climbed out of the burrow with that in mind. He already knows what happens if a Dirt Crawler tries to fight anything other than an aphid, he's been told the horror stories thousands of times. Ants will swarm you if you hurt one, ladybugs can headbutt trample and eat you, termites can take a limb off with one bite, and mantises- of Prime Tommy really does NOT want to think about fucking mantises.
"I'm just making sure-" Dream added as he climbed out to stand next to Tommy, kicking their burrow door closed behind himself. "I know how adventurous you can get at times and I don't want to risk anything." The elder puts a hand on Tommy's shoulder and looks into his baby brother's eyes seriously. The world is a dangerous place for someone only half an inch tall, and he wants to make sure his baby brother is safe.
"Stop worrying so much- I'm not gonna leave your side big man." Tommy smirks into their serious gaze and gives his brother a comforting pay on the shoulder, making them sigh with relief.
"Good- because I don't know what I'd do without your annoying voice." Dream jokes with a slightly forced chuckle and ruffles the teen's curly blond hair. Tommy only groans in annoyance and pushes his hand away, which only makes Dream let out another fond chuckle. "C'mon, we don't have all afternoon!" The elder doesn't give Tommy any time to fix their hair as he grabs their hand and pulls them off into the towering grass blades.
It's a few hours later when the two brothers find themselves watching from being blades of grass as several aphids hop around on the dirt, having called off of the grass after the two tiny people had shaken their plant homes with the help of a light breeze. Dream pulls out a small sword and turns to Tommy to make sure he's holding his own sword correctly. Once the eldest is sure the time is perfect, he gives a signal with his hand and both split- Dream running in from the right and Tommy from the left, both catching the tiny bugs off guard and using that to their advantage to slice off the heads of several before they can jump out of reach.
"You did it!" Dream smiles up at Tommy who himself is smiling proudly. They were running low on food, and now with Tommy's help, they're both sure to have more than enough aphids to last them for a week or more at least. "This should be good- you, did good Toms." The green clad Dirt Crawler walks over to his brother and ruffles their hair, and this time Tommy does not complain. "Now help me bag them up-"
"Yes sir!" Tommy gives a small thumbs up and starts to fill his sprig woven bag with the dead aphids as Dream does the same. It's all fine until one of the aphid bodies gets up and starts to limp away- Tommy missed it's head. "I'll get it!" He calls over to his brother, who gives a nod of acknowledgement before Tommy chases after the aphid, knowing he can easily catch and kill it since it can't jump.
Tommy doesn't notice anything suspicious as he approaches the injured aphid. He doesn't look around at his surroundings as he gets out his sword. He doesn't look up as he stabs the bug and finally kills it. He does however scream after looking up to see where the droplet of slime had come from on his sword after landing the killing blow.
Dream snaps his head up to attention, his eyes wide with fear for his Tommy as he looks to where they'd run off to- and he almost screams as well. "IT'S A SLUG!!!!" He's quick to run over and grab Tommy's arm and start to drag the petrified teen away before they can be eaten.
Tommy doesn't hesitate to follow Dream once he snaps out of his state of fear. As they run Tommy tries not to think about the humongous slimey being of pure squishy muscle, with four eyes that stared at him with nothing but hunger, and a large gaping mouth that was opening and closing, ready to eat it's lunch with the rows upon rows of tiny razor sharp teeth that could allow the disgusting giant to swallow him whole. Tommy shivers, yeah that's going to be haunting his nightmares- oh well at least slugs are slow, so he and Dream have plenty of time to run away…. Or so he thought, before suddenly his running is slowed significantly by something making him stick to the ground. The teen looks down, and sees he's stepped into a trail of familiar slime that has him now stuck where he stands.
"Dre- Dream!?" He yells to his older brother, who also finds himself slowed by the slime trail. Dream looks at his brother sadly, and grabs their arms before desperately trying to pull Tommy free as the slug approaches at a slow orgilating crawl towards them.
"Tommy- Tommy, look at me!" Dream said, keeping his voice firm, trying to give his baby brother something to focus on. "Don't look back- don't- d- don't look behind you. Just focus on me, we're going to get out of this." At least Tommy is close enough for Dream to pull them into a hug. He lets Tommy bury their face into his chest, letting them cry as he glares up at the omnivore that had successfully hunted them down on Tommy's first aphid gathering…
"I- I'm scared…" Tommy admits quietly, something they usually would never do, but Dream can understand in this situation: getting stuck while running from a slug is certain death for any and all Dirt Crawlers.
"I know… I know, but it's going to be okay, I promise…." Dream whispers softly and weaves his fingers into Tommy's soft golden curls, something that's always calmed them down, no matter how old. He hugs his small brother close, closing his eyes so he can savor one last moment with them…
The sound is loud and disturbing to hear for the absolutely miniscule brothers, and they both open their eyes wide in surprise and fear of what happened. All that can run through Dream's head is that the slug must've been crushed by something, but what? A deer? A wolf maybe? Possibly even a skunk even if they aren't in this area? The only way to find out is to look up- and up- and up and up and up and-
"Fuck." Dream doesn't cuss often, but for this occasion it feels necessary.
"Wh- wha-" Tommy begins to ask but cuts off his own words as he feels all his breath leave him in fear, as he looks up too.
A giant. An actual giant. A person, thousands of times their size was standing right on top of where the slug had been only seconds before- and it seemed like they didn't even notice they'd crushed anything.
"Human…" Dream mutters quietly, remembering the word from a story their mom told him once before Tommy was born. Giants- humans- weren't supposed to be here. Dirt Crawlers almost never had to deal with humans… yet here one stood, having unintentionally saved the two brothers lives, and Dream realized in a moment how close they both were to that death dealing foot, and if the human hadn't seen the slug, then if they took another unfortunate step- "R- run- we need to run! Run!!" Dream shouts and starts to pull Tommy, and his brother quickly gets the message as they both pull themselves out of the slime to start running.
Dream doesn't let go of Tommy's hand the whole time as they both run as fast as they can, but it doesn't feel fast enough as every time Dream looks back the human looks just as close as they were before and- oh gods they were looking down at them. Dream pushes forward, trying to pull Tommy even faster with a feigned hope that maybe, just maybe they can at least get to the burrow in time and be safe until the human leaves-
Dream bounces back off of something hard and smooth, he can't see it but he can feel it. Tommy rushes forward to stand beside him and starts to bang on the invisible wall; it's a fruitless effort however as both know that anything used by humans is guaranteed to be too strong for either to break through. Only a few seconds later they feel gravity change and they're sliding down the wall, Dream grabs Tommy and hugs him, wanting to make sure that wherever they land his brother is safe more than anything. They eventually hit a bottom, made of another invisible wall- and as Dream looks up he meets two massive eyes, twice as big as himself, staring directly at him and his brother.
Mcyt g/t list:
@trashpumped @lorie-the-little-ghost @encaos @i-am-a-weeb @wyforyu-gaming @5unfl0writ3r @colorfulsiren @moonmwah @iwasgoingtohellanyways @echoslime @wilbur-simp @trouble-off-grid @lilsyxx @smogs-0 @hello-world-im-snow
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random-tinies · 3 years
The Quest For Blue
Some light-hearted Hurt No Comfort for a tiny Ghostbur as he searches for blue to give to his family. ^^ 2.1k words
The day is like any other in Ghostbur’s ghostly life. The sun is shining, the sea breeze blows through Friend’s blue wool, and he’s hanging out with Tommy in front of his tnret. The tiny ghost flops on his pet sheep and points to the left. “Let’s go say hi to Tommy, Friend!”
Friend baas and trots over to the dirty crime boy. Ghostbur floats up and sits on his younger brother’s shoulder, floating a few millimeters above his clothing. “Hello, Tommy! Lovely weather we’re having, isn’t it?”
Tommy walks into his tnret and gives Ghostbur a strange look as if the small ghost had grown antlers. Ghostbur feels his head to make sure he didn’t. “No it’s not. It’s raining out.”
Ghostbur looks back outside the tnret and sure enough, rain is pouring down on the small island. Lightning flashes and thunder rolls over the trio, sounding as if the sky was falling down. The small spector gasps and floats at the entrance. “Friend! Friend, come here! Don’t get wet! I won’t be able to hug you then!”
The docile sheep walks under the wool shelter and starts chewing on Tommy’s torn shirt. Ghostbur opens his mouth to scold his dearest sheep, but Tommy lets out a heavy sounding sigh that stirs a sour emotion in Ghostbur’s soul. He floats back up to him and asks, “What’s wrong, Tommy?”
His brother’s voice sounds about as gloomy as the sudden turn in weather outside. “I’ve done a lot of bad, Ghostbur. I’ve hurt a lot of people. I am alone. I have no friends.”
Ghostbur huffs and folds his arms. Are they not friends? Does Ghostbur not do his best to cheer Tommy up every day? “Well at least you have me! I’m your friend, Tommy!”
Tommy merely sighs and turns away. “I’ve hurt you, too, Ghostbur. You’re stuck here because of me.”
He tilts his head in confusion. “I chose to be here, Tommy! Lads on Tour, remember?”
Tommy lays on his bedroll and doesn’t respond. Ghostbur takes out some blue dye and sets it next to him. “Here, have some blue.”
The tall child closes his eyes, a quiet pained expression on his face. The ghostly tiny turns to his giant sheep and says, “This may take more blue than I thought. We’ll have to go out and find some!” He looks outside. “Oh, but the rain…”
“Oh! You’re right, Friend!” Ghostbur beams at the blue sheep. “I can just walk under you!”
And so, the two set off through the rain, heading into an oak and birch forest that soon turns into a spruce forest with snow covering the ground. Ghostbur notices the snow drifts getting deeper and deeper until he’s forced to fly out from under Friend, who baas at him in protest to the cold snow, or risk melting in the ground. “I’m sorry, Friend! I was sure I was going the right way but we haven’t seen anything but red poppies here…”
A shadow falls over the duo and Ghostbur looks up. A large dark grey wing is extended above them and a tall, dark figure towers over them. A veil hangs off of his large green and white hat, hiding his face, and a dark grey and green robe falls off his shoulders. One wing is wrapped in bandages. Ghostbur smiles at the taller gentleman. “Hello, Phil!”
“Wil, what are you doing all the way out here in the snow? You’ll melt.” Although he can’t see his face, Phil’s voice is soft, interlaced with worry.
Ghostbur cheerfully answers him. “I’m getting blue for Tommy! Do you have any that I can use?”
A few tears drip down to the ground from under the veil. “All of the blue you gave me was used up, remember? I miss Wilbur.”
Ghostbur frowns, an uncomfortable feeling in his chest. “You sound like you could use more blue. I’ll make sure to stop by here on my way back and give you some when I find it!”
Philza doesn’t react to what he says. “Why are you all the way out here in the middle of a snow storm? Are you lost?”
Ghostbur shakes his head, then pauses and scratches the back of his neck, sitting atop Friend’s head. “We were trying to get back to L’manburg. I know I have some blue in my chests there!”
Philza shakes his head, the wind blowing the snow around them in a blindingly white swirl for just a second. “Oh, Ghostbur… L’Manburg is gone. It was blown up.”
A pit of dread forms in the tiny’s soul. His brows knit together and he looks at Philza in horrified confusion, denial already forming a wall in his mind. “What?”
The giant birdman points with an ominous finger ahead of them. “If you’d like to reach L’Manburg, go through that portal. The snow storm is picking up. You don’t want to be caught in it.”
Ghostbur blinks and looks ahead at the previously empty forest path. Sure enough, a Nether portal stands tall, the brilliant purple shine cutting through the snow with ease. “Oh, you’re right! Philza, would you- Oh!”
A gust of wind comes again and Ghostbur shuts his eyes and nestles into Friend’s wool to avoid the worst of the snow. When he looks up again, his father is gone, vanished into the strange pine forest. “Oh… Well, I suppose we’d better head into the Nether if we want to get that blue, Friend. Off we go!”
Friend trudges through the snow drifts and steps through the portal into the blistering heat of the Nether dimension. It’s oddly silent, no piglin sounds or ghast blasts to greet them on the other side. Just the ominous vwooping sound of the portal behind them as they step onto the warm netherack.
Ghostbur takes a shaky breath, gripping Friend’s wool in his hands. The sheep headbutts him lightly. He pushes back with a laugh. “Yes, yes, I know. Just a short walk, right? We won’t be here long enough for something bad to happen.”
And with that, the two set off into the Nether. Friend’s ears flick from time to time as they traverse the dry area. After a while, the scenery starts looking the same. He swears they’ve passed the same lava pit at least three times now. This trip is turning out to be much longer than he thought.
The silence is strangely deafening. The glow of the lava is harsh and Friend’s wool is gaining a reddish hue from brushing against the netherack. Ghostbur takes out some blue dye and reapplies it to the sheep’s wool with a sigh. “I think we may be lost. I don’t know who we’re going to ask for help, though! There’s nobody around for chunks…”
A gruff voice and footsteps surprise the duo. A large shadow looms over them. “Ghostbur? What are you doing here? It’s dangerous in the Nether.”
The spector smiles as he turns around and zooms up to greet his brother’s seemingly bored face. “Technoblade! What luck that you found us! Me and Friend were trying to find the portal to L’Manburg so I can get some blue for Tommy!”
He hugs the piglin hybrid’s snout and floats a ways in front of him. Technoblade sighs and gives Ghostbur a gentle pat on the head, hand phasing through the tiny ghost slightly. He starts to walk in the direction Ghostbur and Friend were heading. “They don’t call me the human GPS for nothing. I’ll show you the way.”
The suffocating atmosphere of the hellish dimension eases up on Ghostbur as he and Friend trot after him. He gladly starts babbling away to his estranged brother. “Oh, thank you, Techno! I was getting worried we would never find our way out of here. See, we were heading this direction but I think we were going in circles! I don’t remember ever turning but you know my memory.”
Techno fixes him with a pitiful stare for a moment, pausing. There’s an aching feeling that tugs at Ghostbur’s soul as he’s trapped by it. Oh, he thinks, Techno must be sad too. I’ll make sure to find him later and give him some blue too!
Ghostbur continues cheerfully rambling on. “I ran into Philza earlier too! He was… well, I don’t quite remember but he helped Friend and I find the portal here! Sort of like you are too, come to think of it-”
“We’re here.” Technoblade interrupts with his signature monotone inflection, gesturing to a simple nether portal and turning back towards them. “Be careful out there. I don’t want you getting hurt.”
“Oh! Don’t worry, Technoblade!” The tiny ghost gives him an award-winning smile. “I’m already dead! I can’t get hurt.”
The piglin hybrid gives him a wistful smile and a pat on the head for both of them. He opens his mouth to say something but a loud cry from a ghast interrupts him. He whirls around with a shining netherite sword and bats the incoming fireball away. “Go! I’ll hold it off!”
The sudden appearance of a ghast startles the two fellows but Ghostbur hangs onto Friend as the sheep bolts towards the portal after a fireball explodes near them. He closes his eyes as they charge through the purple gateway.
Panic spikes through Ghostbur as he comes out the other side alone, facing blackstone walls. Oh dear, this isn’t where he meant to end up. These are the walls inside the prison where Dream is kept. He spins in a circle, looking around the room. “Friend? Where did you go?”
The portal shatters, the pieces dissolving into the air. Warden Sam walks up behind him, fixing him with a suspicious look. “I thought you said you were alone. Who’s this friend you’re talking about?”
The tiny spector jumps at the sudden appearance of the creeper hybrid, the red eyes burning holes into his transparent form. “Oh! Oh, uh! Nobody! I came alone and there’s no one with me!” He can’t place it, but something about the situation is making him very anxious. Confusion swims through his mind. He must be forgetting something. “I must have left Friend outside with Tommy…”
Feeling down about this, he reaches into his pockets to pull out some of his emergency blue, but his pockets are empty. “Ah? Where are my things? My book? My blue?”
“You put them in the chest,” Sam says. “You can have it back when you’re done visiting the prisoner.”
Ghostbur doesn’t remember wanting to visit the prisoner. He just remembers looking for more blue to give to his family. And now he is stuck following this very spooky man down a very spooky staircase to a very spooky wall of lava with no blue to take away his fear and no Friend to keep him company. How had he ended up here?
Slowly, the lava parts, forming a walkway to the prison cell where a white, porcelain head smiles at him. Despite the heat, a chill goes up his spine. Ghostbur grips his sweater and looks back at Sam for reassurance but there’s no sign the hybrid had even been in the room. “Um- S-Sam? Are you hiding?”
Ghostbur wishes he could hide too. He’s not sure he’s going to find any blue over here. He turns around and gasps, suddenly much, much closer to Dream than before. The lava closes behind him as the monster stands. Ghostbur doesn’t remember crossing the sea of lava to get here but he must have because now there’s nothing separating him from this… friend? Tormentor? He doesn’t remember.
His chest is heaving with air he doesn’t need as Dream casually steps towards him, the mouth on his chest grinning impossibly wide. Dread forms in the pit of his stomach as a clawed hand reaches for him. He curls in on himself floating in the air, tears pricking at his eyes, terror thrumming through his heart.
He jerks awake with a yell and looks around for Friend. The cold, dark walls of the subway greets him and he curls up on himself, careful not to touch the wet floor. Shadowy figures who shift and shake if he looks at them crowd around the tubeline. He hiccups, tears welling in his eyes and burning their way down his cheeks.
“Oh, that’s right… I’m alone…”
He grips the blue stain in his sweater. His voice is impossibly quiet.
“I have no blue and I have no Friend…”
He starts crying, missing his family members, missing his sheep, missing the blue he would use to calm down. He sniffles.
“I’m sorry… I just wanted to make you all feel better…”
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Runway Job
leverage 2.10
Nate: Um, I wanna ask you something. Is, is Florence here, and you can just tell me. It's... is she here illegally?
Theresa: No, the Pans are very careful. They provide work papers, keep everything just on this side of legal. But once the women are here, they make them work off the cost of their passage.
Nate: Right. Which takes years because, my guess is, they pay them well below minimum wage. And they know because of the language barrier no one's going to complain
that’s so sad and fucked up
- - - - -
Sophie (on phone): Look, we didn't get along when we first started. And Eliot, how long did it take before you trusted me? Hm? Eliot, you do trust me, don't you?
Eliot: That's not the point, Sophie. If Nate doesn't like this chick, then it's not gonna work.
Sophie: Which is why you've gotta get him on board. Look, you need a grifter. The last time one of you tried to grift, you wound up kidnapped by Russians.
Eliot: This brother right here.
Parker: Hardison.
Hardison: We still can't let that go?
the ot3 = children
also eliot is wearing a blue shirt that matches parker’s flannel 💖
and her teal doc martens??? AMAZING
+ eliot’s lil hair braids and beads
- - - - -
Sophie: Listen to me. Tara Cole is the best. I wouldn't have sent her if I didn't trust her. I know you're gonna love her. So, just give her a chance.
Eliot: She is hot.
Hardison: She's very hot.
Parker: Hot. (everyone looks at Parker) Warm? Cold? Why are we staring
I’d die for bisexual parker, okay? bi (grey-ace???) parker I will take to my grave
- - - - -
Eliot: Touchdown.
Parker: I just miss you.
(Sophie ends the call. Parker tosses the remote to Hardison)
eliot trying to be nonchalant as nate walks in? a dork
and parker lets herself be extremely vulnerable for a moment and we’re soft for it
- - - - -
Tara: Yeah. No. I get it. I mean the word con comes from confidence, right? We gotta build her confidence. Make her thinks she's the greatest designer in the world.
Nate: There you go.
Eliot: How?
Nate: How? We need a Caprina.
Tara: What is that? So, he just says things and then walks away?
Parker: Yeah. You're gonna have to get used to that.
- - - - -
parker’s lil pool cleaner outfit with an orange polka dot bathing suit underneath??? adorable
- - - - -
Eliot: Tell me about Fashion Week.
Tara: The big designers use it to launch their new collections, but it's mainly showcases for rising stars. The investors are looking for the next big thing. Tommy Hilfiger, Marc Jacobs, Andre V. They all got their start at Fashion Week.
(Hardison looks closely at Eliot’s face)
Eliot: What?
Hardison: Is that, is that mascara? Dude, you got on guy-liner, man. And the leather pants.
Eliot: What...? This is... Listen, this is fashion-y.
Hardison: If you're Steven Seagal.
(Tara laughs. Eliot pulls off his scarf and takes down his hair)
Eliot: Don't. Don't!
Hardison: Not everybody can rock the scarf.
Tara: I was gonna say Stephen Tyler, but Seagal works.
Hardison: It's a bold choice, man. I respect it
also that marriedness tho
- - - - -
Tara (looks through Gloria’s sketchbook): Oh. So lovely. Such bold use of buckles, huh?
Gloria: I call it Pilgrim Chic
eliot: pinches the bridge of his nose, Over It™
- - - - -
Tara: No. I'm quitting. I don't need this crap.
Sophie: You're not quitting, Tara.
Tara: At least Eliot's a professional. Hardison's, you know, warming up. Even Parker seems okay with me.
Sophie: Parker showed feelings?
Tara: A feeling. Seemed like a human one, but it's hard to tell.
- - - - -
parker and the reindeer games
- - - - -
Nate: Listen to me, a car is driving 80 miles an hour. How long does it take to get to a camera a mile away?
[Leverage HQ]
Nate: That's seventh grade algebra, Hardison.
[Exterior Pan House]
Nate: Listen, the husband said that they had partners.
Parker: Forty-five seconds.
Nate: What?
Parker: That's the answer, 45 seconds.
Nate: Oh
someone make a compilation of parker being extremely smart and talented pls it’s for my serotonin
- - - - -
Eliot: We gotta go.
(they exit into the factory floor. Three men come in through a large door)
Eliot: We gotta go. Nate, I got three guys here. Armed with cleavers. That's the signature of the Triad.
[Interior Car]
Nate: Triads. We're a minute away.
Parker: The Chinese Triads.
Nate: They control the global counterfeit clothing market. It's worth billions to them. Even more than narcotics.
Eliot: So we didn't take money from the Pans. We took money from the Triads.
Nate: The last person holding their cash was Eliot
- - - - -
(Eliot keeps Tara behind him)
Eliot: This way.
(the men follow them through the rows of clothing and sewing machines)
Eliot: All right, cleavers. I haven't done that in a while. All right, listen, these rows are narrow. OK? They're gonna have to come at me one at a time. Just stay close.
Tara: You're telling me what to do? (moves away from him)
Eliot: Yeah. Don't. Wait, what did you... Tara. Tara.
Tara: Please. Please. Please. I don't wanna die. Please.
(one of the men slash at her playfully with a cleaver. Eliot looks at the other men. One of them speaks in Chinese. Tara pushes a cart at the one closest to her, making him fall over. She reaches for an iron and hits him in the head with it, knocking him down again. Eliot nods in approval. Another man comes at Eliot with a cleaver. He dodges the blows and pushes the man away. Eliot blocks the next blow with a dressmaker’s dummy, then punches the man in the face. Tara picks up a cleaver. Eliot blocks a blow from the man he was fighting and hits him several times in the face and chest, knocking him down)
also on today’s edition of non-weapons-eliot-uses-in-fights, eliot uses a mannequin (and tara uses an iron)
- - - - -
(Tara brandishes the cleaver. The man she was fighting stands up and comes at her. Eliot blocks the blow and hits the man in the face, pushing away the cleaver. He blocks a punch, then hits the man several times in the side and face. Tara comes over and headbutts the man, knocking him out. Eliot looks at her in surprise)
Tara: Admit it. You kinda like me now
I love her
- - - - -
Eliot: Thank you. (they walk away) "The only thing getting in are models and clothes.
Parker: Yeah.
Eliot: Hey.
(Eliot looks at Parker for a long moment, then walks over to a rack of clothes. Parker begins to look through the rack)
Eliot: No. No. No!
Parker: How about this?
Eliot: It's a shirt, Parker.
Parker: I know, but at least you can move in it. These clothes are totally impractical. OK? There's no range of motion, limited concealment options, and this reflective material would set off a motion detector a mile away.
Eliot: It's a fashion show. It's not Thieves-R-Us.
Parker: Fine. How about this?
Eliot: The A-line drape of the empire waist is nice but the neckline's a little weak if you ask me. What? I date a lot of models. Lot of private fashion shows, if you know what I mean.
Parker: Yes. Yes.
Eliot: Though most of the dresses ended up on the ground.
Parker: Yep. I get it. You're a guy.
Eliot: Means they were naked.
Parker: OK, seriously? (walks away)
Eliot: Yeah. I'm just saying. (watches a model walk by) How ya doing? (follows the model
eliot: I’m straight. I sleep with only exclusively women. I swear. Look how I talk. I am a Heterosexual™ man. No homo.
- - - - -
(Andre V sees Parker)
Andre V: And you. You. You're incomplete. You are incomplete.
Parker: What?
Andre V (grabs Parker): Boys and girls, incomplete model on deck. Incomplete model on deck. This is an emergency. Sit down. Sit. Sit. Sit, sit. Incomplete model on deck. Here.
Parker: Um...
Andre V: Nose. Eyes. Chin. Hair. Go.
(people converge on Parker to do her makeup and hair. She strains to see the laptop, which is still transferring files)
Andre V: Go. Come, come. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. The cheekbones.
(a few minutes later everyone moves away to reveal a fully made up Parker. They all gas)
Andre V: Perfection. Perfect. Oh. Oh, wonderful. OK, let's go. Go. Go. Go. Go.
(Andre takes her to the runway and pushes her out)
Andre V: Go. Go. Go.
Parker: What?
Andre V: Go faster. Faster. Go. And graceful, please. You're not running a marathon. Don't even think of coming back here. Find your face. Find your face.
(Parker walks gracefully down the runway, striking a pose. She turns and heads back down the runway, then falls into the crowd)
she tried, your honor
- - - - -
Eliot: Hey, this thing starts coming off the rails, don't wait. Call us in.
he’s talking about both himself AND parker being physical backup and I love that
- - - - -
Hardison: It was a simple switch. You just put an auto-run instruction file on the drive to show a set of designs for the startup and a different set for the email.
- - - - -
Parker: OK, no earpiece. How did you tell Nate you were gonna run the cop scam?
Tara: It's just 50 grand. That's what this is about, Five-oh. Capiche?
[Exterior Factory]
Eliot: Five-oh. For the cops. That's all it took?
Nate: Some people just know how to communicate.
Tara: Yeah, I just finally learned how to speak his language. Cryptic clues, slogans and code
- - - - -
Nate: And, uh, I'll give you, uh, your earbud back. And, listen, you know, I'll try, because Sophie sent you. Try to communicate better.
Tara: Thank you. And for what it's worth, Sophie was right. You guys are the best I've ever seen.
Nate: I know. (walks away)
Tara: But no one in the world is as good as you think you are.
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plomujio · 4 years
Tumblr media
Tommy, Joel and I were in patrol not far from Jackson when we suddenly heard some infected coming close to us. They seemed to be a lot. We got off our horses and we crouched behind a rock. I asked them a question :
"You think this is an horde ?"
"I think so. They are at the pursuit of someone." Answered Joel calmly.
We drew our guns and we waited for someone to show up. After a while we saw a girl going out of the wire fence. It was a blond woman, muscular and with a beanie. She was pursuing by the horde. I was going to get on my horse "Buck" but I saw Joel and Tommy rushing at the infected and helping her. I aimed at the infected and I shot. Joel led us to a house and I closed the door. The infected were charging at the door and suddenly we heard a clicker.
"Joel and I will clear the exit. You two, you kill them."
I answered to Tommy while I was already shooting on the infected.
I saw the woman shooting and them too and I frowned. I have a bad presentiment about her and it's strange that Joel who is the one who believe in none, help her. We kept shooting at the infected and after a while Joel and Tommy told us to join them. We pushed the cable car and we left the house for kept running into the snow then Tommy led us to an another house. We entered and Joel and I barricaded the door. Tommy approached the girl and he started talking to her :
"Hey. I'm Tommy. That's Joel and that's Zoya."
I saw Abby make a weird face when she heard Joel's name. It's like she recognized him because of his name but Joel and Tommy seemed to ignore it. So Tommy kept talking to her :
"What's your name ?"
"Abby, are you okay ?" Continued Tommy trying to calm her.
We turned back to the door due to the noises because of the infected who were trying to enter.
"That ain't gonna hold. We gotta go back." Started Joel aiming with his gun at the door.
"We ain't gonna outrun them all the way to Jackson. We need to barricade this door." Said Tommy disagreeing with Joel.
Suddenly we saw a chair who was barricading another door fall.
"Joel is right. We have to go. Now !" I said to Tommy.
"We cannot stay here !" Said Joel to Tommy for trying to convince him.
"The horses ain't makin' it all that way--"
"My friends ! My friends are at a mansion just north of here. It's fenced in. We have the whole perimeter secure." Said Abby quickly.
"It's the Baldwin place." Answered Joel and I at the same time.
"That could work." Continues Joel.
"All right I get the door." Said Tommy.
"All right, you ride with me. C'mon." Said Joel to Abby.
We left the house by another door and we get on our horses. We left the area and we killed some infected from the horde while we were going at the Baldwin place. I still don't trust this Abby. I feel it in guts that something terrible is about to happened. We finally arrived at the mansion and we heard some guys saying us to hurry up we entered and they closed the front gate. They shot some infected and then a guy burned them with a Molotov cocktail.
"Let's get inside." Said the one with the Molotov cocktail.
Abby get off Joel's horse first and she waited for us to get off too. Then she led us to the mansion. We entered and we tied our horses. I looked at Abby who was talking with a guy with a long beard and a girl started talking to us.
"How you guys doin' ?"
"We're good, thanks." Answered Tommy.
"You wanna get those saddles off ?" Asked us the girl.
"No, no, that's all right. We'll just ride out the storm and get out of your hair." Said Joel while I was still looking at Abby who was talking with the pyromaniac.
"Y'all got any brushes or a towel or anything ?" Asked Tommy to the girl.
I saw Abby leaving the room with the guy and I grabbed Joel by the arm and I started whispering to him.
"We should leave."
"What ? Why ?" Asked me Joel confused.
"I don't trust them. What if it's an ambush ?" I said looking at him and I could saw that Joel was thinking about that too.
"She was pursuing by an horde. I don't think that this is an ambush but I think that we should be careful." Said Joel while he was leaving so I grabbed him again by his shoulder and I made him turn over.
"I saw her start with surprise when she heard your name. I think she already knows you."
Joel sighed in silence and Abby's friends led us to another room.
"How long you all been here ?" Asked Joel.
"Since yesterday." Answered the man with a long beard.
"What are y'all doing out this way ?" Asked Joel again.
"Oh just passing through. You three live nearby ?"
"Yeah." I answered to the man without really wanted to explain where was our town.
"We do. A few hours down the hill. Y'all should come back with us. Restock before you head out." Said Tommy credulous.
I signalled him to stop but he hasn't saw me. I looked at Abby who was already looking at me and I was ready to drew my gun but she looked away like she hasn't saw anything.
"Appreciate it. I'm Mel, by the way." Answered him a woman who shook hands.
"Tommy. This is my friend, Zoya and this is my brother." Started Tommy.
"Joel." Finished Joel and I saw all of them looking at Joel.
"Y'all act like you've heard of us or something." Continued Joel, totally lost.
"That's' cause they have." Said Abby.
I turned back to see her and I saw her with a shotgun. She shot in Joel's leg and he fell on the ground.
"No !" Yelled Tommy trying to struggle while a two guys were holding him. The girl approached and she knocked him with her butt's gun and he fainted while that I drew my gun and I shot in the shoulder of a man. He yelled in pain and I tried to shot another guy but Abby grabbed my arm and she gave me an headbutt and I fell on the ground. I could felt that my nose was broken but I didn't care. I could heard Joel calling for Tommy and I. I took the knife who was in a sheath on someone's leg and I stabbed his or her leg with the knife. The girl mumbled and then she tried to take the knife from my hands and she put her foot to my throat so I couldn't breathe anymore but when she knelt for taking the knife I put it in her head. I heard the others who were initially tying Joel looked at me and they stopped. Mel ran to the girl who was dead and she looked at me then at Abby. Abby nodded and they caught me by my arms and they pressed me against the wall.
"How are you Joel ?" I asked to Joel with a laugh knowing that we were close to the death.
"Shut up !" Said Abby, angry.
"You're a bitch." I said laughing at her.
"Don't after him, it's you." Answered me Abby.
I saw her approach Joel who was pressed against the wall by two guys.
"Joel Miller..." Said Abby to him.
I looked surprised at him and Joel too because she doesn't only know his first name, she also know her family name. I looked at Joel who seemed as lost as me.
"Who are you ?" Asked Joel to her.
Joel looked at all of them and after a while he seemed to understand who they were.
"Why don't you say whatever speech you've got rehearsed and get this over with." Said Joel, angry and in pain.
She stood up and she gave her shotgun to a man.
"Tourniquet his leg." She said to Mel who was aiming at Joel.
Mel seemed lost and she looked at Abby confused. Even I, didn't understand where all of this were going. I just hoped that Jesse, Ellie, Dina or anybody else could be there to save us. I looked at Tommy who was still unconscious.
"Do it !" Said Abby when she saw that Mel wasn't moving.
Mel came closer to Joel and she healed his leg but behind I could saw that Abby was taking something. Abby approached him and I finally saw what she had in her hands.
"Clear out." Abby said.
All of her friends released Joel.
"You stupid old man..."
"Don't you fucking dare !" I shouted at her.
She didn't listen to me and she just raised her golf club ready to hit him.
"You don't get to rush this."
"No !" I yelled at her in tears.
I saw her hitting Joel with the golf club in the face. She kept hitting him again and again and I took the last knife that I had who was in his sheath on my belt behind my coat. I know that I couldn't killed Abby because there was still a guy who was holding me so I stabbed him in his throat and I saw a man drew his gun so I threw my knife in his head and he fell on the ground. I tried to stood up but I was still knocked. So the beard guy put my his gun in my forehead and he was very close to pull the trigger but Abby stopped him.
"Stop Manny. We'll make her pay after but you can shot her in her stomach, like that she won't move anymore. I want her to see him die. So I will make it very slowly."
Manny lowered his gun and then he shot me in the stomach. I yelled in pain and could heard Joel calling my name weakly and then she kept hitting him, I yelled and I cried but she kept doing it but then suddenly I saw the door opening slowly. I saw Ellie with her gun and she tried to shoot on Abby but a guy caught her hand and he disarmed her while falling on the ground. Ellie took her knife and she cut his cheek but another boy hurled itself at her and Nora helped him. They pinned down Ellie and she struggled.
"Get off me ! Get the fuck off me !" Yelled Ellie at them.
The man with the cut cheek punched her with his foot in her stomach and Manny caught him and calm him down.
"You're gonna fucking die !" Shouted Ellie and I cried even more because at this moment I knew that no one will come to save us and Ellie will be there to save him. Ellie and I are great friends. We have the same age so when she arrived to Jackson, I was the first to be friend with her and then she became friends with Dina and Jesse. We are quartet but I'm also very friend with Joel. He learned me how to do archery because before I was only good for rush in as I was good with hand-to-hand and knifes.
The pyromaniac arrived and asked for explanations.
"What's going on ?"
"Let him go !" Yelled Ellie at them.
"Who is that ?" Asked the man at Abby.
"She snuck in..." Answered Nora.
"Why aren't you posted up outside ?" Yelled the man while showing at Ellie.
"Because you're all stupid and anyway she would have killed all of you." I said to them which seems to irritate them even more but they didn't answer me.
"We didn't think anyone was going to show up, Owen."
"Well surprise." I mumbled in pain with a little laugh.
"You, You shut up or I put a bullet into your brain." Said Manny.
"Stop talking do it." I said provoking him.
He approached me, raised his gun to my head but Abby repelled him.
"Joel first."
Manny nodded and he put his gun down.
"We gotta get out of here before the whole town's on top of us." Continued Owen.
"You're done." Said Owen to Abby.
"You want what I want, right ?" Answered Abby.
"End it. Now." Replied Owen.
"Don't do this. Please !" I said to them trying to save Joel but I couldn't moved and I felt that I was weak.
"Joel, get up." Begged Ellie.
"Joel, fucking get up."
"Please stop !"
"Please don't do this..."
"Joel, please get up !"
Ellie kept talking but Abby raised her golf club and she hit Joel and she finished him off. I closed my eyes during the whole scene but I could hear the noises when Abby was hitting him.
"Nooo !" Ellie yelled in tears.*
I saw Manny spat on Joel and I got angry. I could also heard Ellie who was yelling at them.
"I'll fucking kill you..."
Manny approached her, he took his gun and he was about to kill her.
"Stop that." I begged them indistinctly.
The pyromaniac stopped him and they entered in a discussion for knowing if this was right to kill her and then suddenly they remember that I was still here.
"We don't have to kill her or Tommy but this one it's an obligation. She killed three of us." Said Owen showing at me.
"And I wished that I've killed more of you." I said with a little laugh but it immediately hurt me even more.
Abby approached me and she pressed her foot against my stomach. I mumbled in pain and I could still heard Ellie who was insulting them. Then Abby knelt down and she looked at me.
"Why are you doing this ? And who the hell are you ?" I whispered to her because I couldn't raised my voice.
"I think that you have certainly heard of this hospital incident." She said whispering too. Our voices were covering by the voice of Ellie and Abby's friends. I nodded yes at her question. I know this incident because Joel told me during a practice lesson.
"He killed my father. I wanted revenge for what he did since four years and I finally got it." Explained Abby.
"And now you killed this girl's dad. How do you feel to be like your dad's killer ?" I asked her very serious but she didn't answer me so I kept talking praying for someone to come.
"At least Joel did it for saving this girl who he considered like his own daughter but you... You did it only for revenge. That's pathetic." I said laughing at her.
The others were looking at me like I was crazy and Abby pointed her gun on me. She was about to shoot when I talked :
"So he kill your dad and he got torture for what he did but I kill three of your friends and you will just kill me with a bullet into the brain. I'm disappointed." I said provoking her. I saw her holding her gun strongly and then she threw it on the ground.
"You shouldn't have talked." She took a machete and then without warning she cut my hand. I suppressed my scream for provoking her but I cried a lot. She seemed to be even more angry.
"Alright." Said Abby and then she took a flamethrower and she started to using it on my skin beginning with my arm. I screamed and yelled so much and I could heard Ellie crying and screaming and then Abby stopped the flamethrower. I cannot breathe anymore and it was like all of my skin was burning and then she took a knife and she put it on my throat. I suffocated and collapsed on the ground. The last thing that I heard and saw was Ellie :
"Zoya ! " Ellie yelled in pain.
"I will find you and I will kill all of you very slowly."
And I saw Manny knocking Ellie out.
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find your way (back to me) - chapter six
Happy New Year!! Hope y’all are starting off the new year with health and safety for you and your families. Less than 2 weeks away from season 2 and I’m so fucking excited/anxious. Weird note, this chapter is actually the first thing I wrote for the entire story. I had the first part stuck in my head for a little over a month and threw out the concept to my best friend Em. They encouraged me to build the story and so far I’ve been so pleased with it and the reactions y’all have given. Thank you so much for reading and commenting. It really means the world to me.
Three days wears on the psyche, Gil notes in yet another confrontation report. It’d been three days since they’d found the car with Jessica’s phone inside and no sign of her except for her blood on the back window. Malcolm was quickly unraveling, it’s not hard to see. He’d slammed a reporter up against a wall for even suggesting that maybe the world was better off with another Whitly gone. With him visiting Martin the reporter got too close. It didn’t take much more for Malcolm to throw a punch.
He has two of his best cops tailing her children, taking much needed focus away. JT took on Ainsley almost immediately, after her snap with Endicott it’d become an unspoken agreement that she be kept an eye on. He has to bury his feelings every time he sees Malcolm’s hand shake uncontrollably, or when Ainsley comes back from the bathroom with her makeup absolutely perfect but her eyes still red and puffy from the tears she shed in private. It takes all of his power not to go to them and hold them close to his chest.
Every part of him aches.
Two bodies dropped since Jessica’s disappearance. Both had gunshot wounds to the back of the head. Malcolm had made the connection with the information from Martin, thank god. It didn’t take much more to connect the dots after that. They’re lucky Colette even considered it, but they were all desperate. Their time frame was 48 hours. They’re now at 56.
God, where is she?
“Oh my god!” He’s on immediate alert when he hears Ainsley’s scream followed by shouts of other officers. With his hand on his gun he races to where he’d left her and Malcolm earlier.
The room is in absolute chaos, JT is barely holding back Ainsley, her face red while she screams in protest. Several officers have their weapons drawn, Dani included. In the center of it all Malcolm stands with his hands extended, as if reaching for something.
And then he sees her. Her hair is disheveled; dirt and blood are smeared across her face. She’s barefoot, she likely lost her heels long ago. Her once white blouse is also caked in muck and grime. There’s a cloth wrapped around her thigh and one hand is cradling her side. Most startling, though, in her other hand is a knife stained crimson.
“Where is he?” She shouts, her eyes are wild. Gil’s not all that certain she even knows where she is.
“Mom, it’s me.” Malcolm steps a little closer.
“Bright, stand down.” Dani’s voice is a warning.
“It’s ok. She’s not gonna hurt me.” He breathes out slowly, as if trying to calm the entire room at once. “Give me the knife and I’ll find Gil for you. Okay?”
“No!” She springs back and the shouts erupt again.
“Lower your weapons.” Gil barks above the noise. All eyes turn to him, even Jessica’s. They’re reluctant but they obey.
“Mom.” Malcolm steps closer again, drawing her attention back to him. Her face crumples, truly seeing him now for the first time.
“Malcolm.” She sobs, the knife clattering to the floor. She pulls him into a tight hug, her voice barely carrying, “You’re ok. Thank god you’re ok.” 
“I’m ok?” Malcolm chuckles humorlessly. The hug is enough for all of the weight that had been on him to crash all at once. He buries his face into her shoulder his whole frame now shaking with the sorrow he kept so tightly wrapped for days. 
Once the knife is removed and bagged as evidence JT releases Ainsley and she crashes into the hug too. “Ainsley, baby.” Jessica’s voice carries as she recognizes the touch of her daughter. Her crimson stained fingers tangle in the blonde curls. He puts his gun back in his belt allowing himself to relax. He aches to join the embrace. Jessica lifts her chin and meets his eyes feeling his gaze upon them. Her face slackens, and he realizes just how pale she looks.
“Mom?” His heart drops at Ainsley’s tone, the two younger Whitly’s stumbling backwards with sudden weight. He’s on them in seconds, helping to settle Jessica gently onto the ground. The spot where she had been cradling with her free hand was spreading quickly staining her blouse red. In the embrace the cloth the she’d been holding to her fell as well. 
“Call a paramedic.” He orders shucking his coat off to press against the wound. She groans in pain, eyes widening. “I’m sorry, I know.”
“What’s happening?” Malcolm’s arms come around Ainsley, stopping her from coming closer. His hands shake, he’s closed himself off again holding him and his sister together at once. His eyes are glued to his mother, his face as red as Ainsley’s.
“Where is he?” Jessica asks again, this time pleading. His eyes flash to Malcolm, confused. “Please Gil you have to find him. I tried to get him out, I tried.” He shushes her trying to get her to relax.
“Who Jess?” Her fingers grip the front of his sweater, looking around terrified. “Hey, focus. Jess, who do I need to find?” It was too late, however, her eyes slid shut and her body slumped completely against him. He holds his breath until he feels her pulse against his fingertips, strong and steady.
“She just passed out.” Malcolm assures his sister after he likely saw the look of relief cross Gil’s face. The precinct seems to remain still until the paramedics arrive and take her away.
“We collected three different sources of blood on Ms. Whitly.” Edrisa remarks, though slowly, her eyes on Malcolm the entire time. She’s worried about him being there, they all are. His insistence was to stay. With Jessica in surgery, it would be a few hours before she was released. “Her own, obviously being the first. But the spots on her face and blouse were of our fourth and fifth victims, Tommy Moore and Andrew Rankin. She was likely sitting in front of them when…”
“What about the knife?” Dani asks, she’s biting the inside of her cheek, almost regretting having to ask the question. Malcolm shifts, Gil knows all too well the scene flashing through his memory.
“The blood on the knife was Ms. Whitly’s. With the help of Dr. Garcia, who is the trauma surgeon who I met in the hospital, we determined a loose thread of events.” She looks to Gil and he nods for her to continue. “We are aware of the wreck, Ms. Whitly was showing signs of a concussion upon arrival at the station and in the hospital when she briefly regained consciousness before being sedated. She likely hit her head off the window during the wreck. This is conducive with the bruising and dried blood on her right temple.” Edrisa turns back to the board she was using to present her information swallowing. 
It wasn’t often that she presented the injuries of a victim who survived but after the events of today he’s exercising caution. He makes a brief note to check on her and maybe buy her lunch for her work. He knows none of this is easy but Edrisa is close to Malcolm. She understands him in a way that doesn’t quite make sense to the rest of them. She deserves to know that she’s appreciated.
“Then there’s the gunshot wound. It was likely received two days ago but opened up again when she escaped.” Gil bites the inside of his cheek thinking privately to himself. She’s lucky she didn’t bleed out. The old stab would on his own abdomen aches with the sympathy of that pain. One he wishes she never knew. “Next we have some yellowed bruising across her cheekbone and under her left eye. It suggests that she was hit. With the scrape on her cheek I would assume the perpetrator wore a ring when doing so.” She checks her notes again adjusting the glasses that slid down the bridge of her nose. “The large bruise on her forehead suggests that she hit her attacker. With her wrists and legs bound I would assume she headbutt him.”
Malcolm’s laugh catches them all by surprise. He shouldn’t get as much glee out of the moment as he does; but imagining prim and proper Jessica Whitly slamming her head against her captor is more satisfying than anything. “Sorry.” He mutters muffling a further laugh with his palm.
Edrisa relaxes slightly at that. “Finally we have the wound in her leg. She was stabbed, obviously. But the wound pattern along with some small cuts on her wrist suggest that she pulled it out herself.”
“She saw her opportunity. Her captor left the knife and she cut the ties around her wrists and ankles to escape.” Malcolm nods in agreement with Edrisa’s assessment.
“Holy shit.” JT mutters. “How the hell did she get back here without anyone taking her to the hospital or calling the cops?”
“That we won’t know. The doctors have my mother under sedation, for now. She’s undergoing her second surgery now, she’s severely dehydrated, and was delirious when she woke up in the hospital.”
“Shouldn’t you be with Ainsley?” Dani asks slowly. “Your mom needs you.”
“My mother needs me to find who did this to her before he strikes again.” Malcolm snaps. Dani grits her teeth but nods.
“What about the guy Ms. Whitly was talking about before she lost consciousness?” JT shifts, eyes combing over the file in front of him. “Do we have any idea who it could be?”
“We can only assume it is another missing person. Until she’s coherent enough to talk to us, we won’t know for certainty. Until we find the guys we are looking for I want detail on all of the Whitly’s until further notice. With her reaction earlier we can only assume that Malcolm and Ainsley were the next targets if Jess didn’t participate in what the killers wanted.” He turns to Edrisa, “Thank you Dr. Tanaka. Keep us updated if Dr. Garcia contacts you with any more information.”
“Yes sir.”
“Colette and her team are canvassing the area now. She couldn’t have made it far without being noticed by a concerned stranger. Dani, I want you and JT looking through missing persons. See if there’s any new disappearances that could be our missing man.”
“What do you want me to do?” Malcolm sits up straight, alert.
“We’re going back to the hospital.” He holds up his hand when Malcolm stammers to protest. “Ainsley needs you right now, more than anything. Not to mention once your mother wakes up she’ll need a face she can trust. Something scared her into coming here with a knife. I have a bad feeling.” Malcolm nods in agreement, though he still doesn’t look too pleased with the information.
He can’t shake the feeling in his gut that they’re missing some key information. He only hopes that Jessica will wake and tell them before it is too late.
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bugthegremlin · 3 years
He made a secret place to keep his bees from any harm. Only Ranboo, tommy and michael knows about it.
When michael got stung by a bee, Oh boy, Ranboo had to hold him back from the bees while the baby piglin watched in confusion.
He gives soft headbutts bc of his hybrid side.
He is scared being a bad parent/husband so you would need to comfort him.
Chaos. That's it. You want to go somewhere? Makes it a race.
Eating? Nah food fight B)
If you were his sibling you would need to drag him to bed so he doesn't sleep on his desk.
Tubbo has a whole album dedicated to ranboo and tommy. It would be filled with heart warming messages, memes that reminds him of them and more.
He likes to cuddle and normally ask lani if they can sleep together and it ends up as short conversation full of giggles and laughter
One more baby!
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cas-kingdom · 4 years
A submission by @thorin-is-a-cuddler --- The Secret
A/N: The Tommy Shelby sister!reader treasure horde that is your tumblr has been my shelter from the ongoing surreal storm disaster that is the year 2020. I love your fanfictions so much that I wish I could become one of them myself. Instead of tricking biology and the internet into making that wish come true, I’ve spent my evening writing something for you in return. :) 
word count: 2120
reader is the second youngest Shelby (age 17), setting is the first season bc I haven’t watched more than that :D
„Tommy?… Tommy!…“ You dropped the hand you had previously used to snap in front of your brother’s thoughtful expression, realizing it was useless. He was so deep in thought he didn’t even react to you gently pushing his arm. „Tommy, are you being serious right now?“ 
You raised a brow when you realized he hadn’t blinked just once during your attention-craving ordeal. He was seated at his table completely motionless, as if he were catatonic. The cigarette between his fingers was burning down all by itself. Drastic situations, drastic measures. You positioned your thumb underneath his fingers and flicked the cigarette out of his grip, sending it flying over the surface of his table. Ash was scattered over Tommy’s suit as he eventually blinked in confusion, looked down on his arm and started brushing off the dirt with a curse. „Fucking hell!!“ Still confused and sort of absent his gaze focused on you, a disapproving crease between his brows. „(Y/N), what the hell do you think you’re doing?“ 
„Me??“ You took a step back from the table, hands on hips. A feeling of worry about your brother mixed with the slight anger about his dismissive tone. „You’re one to talk big, sitting there like you’re sleeping with your eyes open. I could have stolen your books right out from underneath your nose.“
Tommy sighed and rubbed at his face with his hands, frustration evident on his features. Not with you, though, no, with himself. Frustration over you seeing him like that, over you being right about the stealing part. You tilted your head as the feelig of worry won over the anger you had felt riling up in your stomach. It appeared to you possible that you had accidentally said the truth. Tommy had been sleeping with his eyes wide open. 
You watched him as he tried to regain some kind of control over himself, grabbing for the crystal bottle at the end of the table and pouring himself a glass of Scotch. Your eyes flickered from his hand to his face, trying to see through his ever-tough, ever-inaccessible Peaky Blinder mode. Tommy hadn’t always been this way. 
Before the war, he had laughed more, had been more fun to fool around with. He had been more careless and less quiet than he was now. Day to day, he gave you more reason to worry about him now. Sometimes you caught yourself losing track of what he was saying during family meetings, because you were focusing too much on the tired, pale look on his face. 
„So,“ Tommy said in his deep voice, blue eyes the color of water locking with your own, „what have you come to me for?“
You took a deep breath and straightened your back. You were wearing a smiliar outfit as he was, your black tie one of Arthur’s, your grey vest one of Tommy’s old ones. Your hair was falling long over your shoulders. „It’s actually not that important. Arthur wanted to know if he should fetch you some cigarettes. He’ll be off buying a bunch later. I’m supposed to tell him before.“ You took a chair and settled down on it on the other side of Tommy’s table. 
It was hard to read in his face what he was thinking of that. His eyes stayed on your face intently. 
„Until then, tell me.“ You put your elbows on your knees, leaning over the table, a little closer to him.
He cocked his head to the side slightly, fumbling around with his pocket to get out a cigarette. There was the slightest twitch in the corners of his lips, as he tiredly leaned forward to light the thing. „Tell you,“ he repeated calmly, fire glinting in front his lips, „tell you what, (Y/N)?“ 
You raised your eye-brows expectantly, a soft look on your face. „How ’bout you tell me why you sittin’ here like a corpse, starin’ your cigarette to death and freaking me out?“ 
The tiredness on his features intensified. He sighed quietly and drew on his cigarette, eyes darting around the room. „Was I, eh?“ 
You bit your bottom-lip and leaned back in the chair, arms crossed in front your chest. „Tommy, you know I’m only asking this because I’m hella worried about you.“ 
At that, he actually frowned. Tommy Shelby fucking frowned. Rendered speechless, he slightly squinted his eyes at you. You rolled your eyes with a sigh and reached over the table to take a sip from his Scotch, before putting it back in front of him. „If this was your last glass of Scotch,“ you tried, wiping at your lips, „your last one ever. What would you say to me? What would you want to get off your chest?“ 
Tommy actually released a tiny smile at your antics, softness spreading on his face. He put out his cigarette and grabbed the glass, holding it high enough to let a few rays of late afternoon sunshine reflect in the brown liquid. „My last glass.“ He saluted to you and downed the contents in one go. You looked at him patiently, waiting for his next words. His smile got a tad bit wider. „I just finished my last glass and what I really want to tell you, (Y/N), is this.“ He folded his hands in front of him, elbows on the table, leaning in closer to you. He took a deep breath, locking his eyes on you. Then he waved his hand in a sign for you to come closer. „Come here. It’s a secret.“
Your first instinct was to scoff, show him the finger and leave, at best kick something on your way out. On a normal day you might have done it. Your brothers could be ruthless when it came to teasing you and you had grown pretty accustomed to it.
But this wasn’t a normal day. You had caught Tommy sleeping wide-eyed over his treasured books, looking like a ghost. And for once, you two were alone and could use the time, no interruptions to be feared since everyone else was busy. 
So instead of acting like the seventeen years old sister who was used to her brothers’ tricks, the ten year old girl from your past took over, a glow in your eyes as you got out of your chair to lean over the table and listen to Tommy whispering a secret into your ear. 
„Don’t hit me though.“ You couldn’t help but mumble warily as he waved for you to get closer and closer. You were delighted to see him shake his head with a huffed laugh at your words. 
„No. You’re too old for that, I fear.“ 
You were close enough for him to headbutt you now, which was also not a very nice experience, but since that was usually Arthur’s way to mess with you, you didn’t expect Tommy to do it. 
„No, I will tell you a secret.“ He added quietly and bent his body forward slightly, his face coming closer to your ear. You realized you were tensing up. Brothers would be brother. Was that a mischievous glint in his eyes? „The secret is,“ you instinctively moved your shoulder closer to your neck, as his breath went so close to your sensitive skin, „it’s that you’ll never be too old for this.“ 
Before you had the chance to realize what he was doing, his head shot forward and he blew a ticklish reaspberry on your neck, his left hand keeping your head close with gentle force. You squealed, literally squealed and tried to pull away immediately, hitting aimlessly in Tommy’s general direction. He held your head close well enough, making your neck explode with the tingly tune he was playing on it. „NONONO NOOHOHO!! TOMMY STOOOOP!!“ You screeched as he repeated the mean attack time and time again, only stopping to take a breath, before managing to hit an even more ticklish part of your neck. You couldn’t help the mad giggles that were pouring out of you and were very close to crumbling into a tiny ball on your side of the table, just out of his reach, so he changed tactics. „Oh no,“ he growled, „you stay right here.“ 
With what could be called a high-pitched squeal you were lifted off the ground as Tommy’s hands grabbed you under your arms which already set off all the ticklish alarms in that general area to pull you over the table right into his arms. He easily gained control over your flopping, hitting, flailing form with his strong hands, as you tried to twist out of his lap and escape your ticklish fate. With your back pressed against his chest, he wrapped his arms around your upperbody, one hand slipping into the space under your left arm as the other one was quick to meander down to your right side, squeezing ’til you were wheezing. You were laughing so hard, your cheeks were turning a dark shade of red. With your head thrown back against his shoulder you were cursing his name, barely able to spit out a coherent word. „T-TOMMY!! YOUHOU’LL GO TO HEHHEHHELL!!!“ 
His chuckles vibrated against your back, as he managed to lift your left arm a little, getting better access to the highly ticklish spot just underneath. 
„That is true.“ He sounded delighted, as if he were actually enjoyig himself. You tried to escape with a sudden bolt and he easily pulled you right back into the danger zone, even more of that low laughter flowing out of him - short and yet so effective. Honestly, you would have suffered through worse ordeals to hear just one of these short laughs he breathed out when he was happy. Helplessly you continued to shake in his embrace as his fingers scooted over your stomach, following your reactions to make out the spots that needed special attention. That was until you madly held on to his fingers and tried your best to keep them at a distance from your body. „Plehehhease!“ You cackled, the effort it cost you to keep his fingers where they were audible in your squeaky voice. „Stahahp, Tommy. No more tickling!“ 
„NohohOHO!!“ Panicked laughter escaped you when he almost freed his hands from your grip - it wasn’t like he couldn’t do just that, but he was resisting the urge. „PleheASE Tommy! Pleeease!“ 
Another short laugh rumbled through his chest and down your back, making you feel safe and happy and comfortable, despite your nerve endings being on edge after that tickle attack. „Alright. Alright. I’m through with you. For now.“ 
You slumped against him, when he peacefully put his arms around you again, this time for holding you close on his leg, not for better access to your ticklish spots. Both of your were silently smiling for a while, you catching your breath, him rocking you back and forth. Then you bit your lip and pinched the skin on one of his arms, making him pull that arm back with a playful hiss. 
„Ow.“ He sounded almost reproachful there, making you bark out a laugh again. 
„You got nerve going ow after what you just put me through!“ He ducked his head with a grin when you tried to hit him over the back of it. You crossed your arms over your chest with a huff and he interpreted that as his cue to wrap his arms back around you comfortably, smoothing your temper with his warmth. „What was that for anyway?“ You comortably lay back, wrapping yourself up more in his hug.  
Tommy smiled gently, tiredly. You saw his eye-lids fluttering dangerously often. „You want to know the real secret, little sister?“ 
Intently you watched his face over your shoulder, trying not to move too much in Tommy’s lap to keep from jostling him out of his sleepy haze. Fondly you watched as he was slowly, but securely falling asleep on your shoulder. 
„Tell me the secret.“ You whispered, moving a hand up to caress his head. 
„Cheering you up is cheering me up.“ He answered as he closed his eyes and nuzzled your shoulder, head too heavy to hold up anymore. „And I can sleep best, when…“ 
You turned your head when he stopped speaking. His face was peaceful, his breath was going smoothly and his eyes were closed. He didn’t have to finish the sentence for you to know what he had meant to say. 
You, too, slept best when someone you loved was close and content. 
And if Arthur entered Tommy’s bureau an hour later to ask for you and found both his siblings entangled on the chair, peacefully sleeping, he never said so out loud to either of you.
CK’s notes: you are the sweetest. im so unbelievably happy my stories make you feel that way; i write them for the exact same feeling. thank you for this. <3
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bucklebombreviews · 5 years
Bruised and Barbed 1: ECW Hardcore TV episode 1
Hello everybody and welcome to this the first entry in the bruised and barbed series.  Today we will be starting our journey and look at the very first episode of ECW Hardcore TV, that’s ECW as in Eastern Championship Wrestling.  This takes place on April 6th, 1993 from the ECW bingo hall.  I watched the WWE Network version of this so any music or video that has been changed I am unaware of on this one.  Anyway let’s start this journey through the Saved By The Bell era nineties and get into the show.  
Our show starts out with the most knackered early 90s music as we get a super low quality video that looks like it was filtered through and edited by a teenager taking a break from PornHub and first discovering Windows Movie Maker.  Oh boi what have I started.  It gets better though as we are sent over to part of the commentary team of Stevie Wonderful and Jay Sullie, and holy shit look at the fucking ramen mullet on Wonderful.  It’s Joe Dirtyful and gives me the weirdest feelings in my pants.  Aside from that I can already tell that Sullie is as boring and bland as wall paper paste, oh well still better than most of the commentary team on modern WWE.  Soon after the commentary team introduces itself they bring out the owner of ECW Tod Gordon.  Gordon looks like every Jewish big businessman from every movie and TV show in the 80s.  Anyway Tod announces that on this week's episode and upcoming episodes they will be holding a tournament for the tv title, awesome I’ll mark my calendar.  After this the commentary team announces that there will be a third man with them and out comes Hot Stuff Eddie Gilbert.  Gilbert tries to get himself over as the first heel on screen by trying to get into the commentary team and yelling when it is revealed that the third is Terry Funk.  Funk comes out and is just wonderful, corny but wonderful.  Funk is an obvious and predictable face here as it is pretty apparent that he is going to be more than a commentator soon.  During all this Terry is called a living legend, holy shit this is 93 and he is called a living legend that was over 25 years ago.  Man’s fucking old and been through some serious wars.  
First Match: Super Destroyers © V Hell Riders
Our First match on ECW Hardcore TV is that of the Tag Team Champions Super Destroyers versus the Hell Riders.  Before The match even starts our ears are assaulted by the Super Destroyers manger and mouth piece who is horrid, and I’m sorry guy if these big lads can produce poetry in motion I’ll put my wiener in a vice.  The match starts with the Hell Riders rushing the Super Destroyers followed by a shit brawl, riveting.  Throughout the match the commentary team cannot decide which Super Destroyer is which, honestly at this point I don’t care because it is obvious that this is a glorified squash match for the champions and not even a good one.  The match drags on and on with some tame spots here and there and ends with a standing splash thing from one of the super destroyers to end the match, fucking yawn.  
The whole match the crowd is dead silent, not a good sign for the champions especially on the first televised episode.  Even more so since it was a squash match where they could get all there shit in to try and get the crowd to pop even a little bit, even if they are heels they should have been able to get some sort of heat reaction but nothing at all.  After the match the Funker goes out to get an interview with the Super Destroyers manager, who at this time we learn is named Hunter Q Robins the Third as if it fucking matters at all.  An this guy would not quit screaming for the life of him.  Terry manages to quip something at the sad man and gets the biggest pop of the match.  This is beyond sad and signifies to me that it would not be surprising to me if these guys lost the tag belts within the next 3 or so episodes.  
Segment: Sandman
Let me first explain how I remember the Sandman.  Now remember that I have very limited exposure to ECW but I remember him as a cane swinging, beer chugging, ruffian.  Holy shit where the early nineties a different time for the Sandman.  
The Sandman is a surfer gimmick, in retrospect that makes sense but holy shit did he make a big jump not too long from 93.  In the veneit he wears a shoot wet suit, giving me weird flashbacks to Kaval.  The surfboard he brings to the ring puts this whole thing over the top for me, sunglasses sure fine whatever, but a surfboard?  This guy is an obvious face what the fuck is he going to do with a surfboard in the ring besides have the heels hit him with it.  I think we can all agree that if this guy isn’t using the fisherman's buster/suplex for his finish or at the very least the surfboard stretch then they were missing out in the creative department.  
    I’m not sure if the music here on the network is the original or not but it sounds like the worst Beach Boys knock off ever, and the editing looks like that same teenager from the beginning found the fade out tools in Movie Maker and made it take an uncomfortably long time.  At the end it tops it all off by saying that this guy is the current Heavyweight Champion, on a show that just started.  This guy, everybody praise Saved By The Bell.  
    Match 2: TV Title tournament Sal Bolomo V Tommy Cairo
    Before the match starts we go to Terry Funk who gets a small interview with Tommy Cairo who is at this time undefeated.  Cairo tries to get over ECW as a whole, I’m sure to try and get some more money out of his appearance, as well as saying when the iron man comes to town everyone else goes down.  OH MY!  Terry gets really animated and excited for this guy and the crowd pops a little bit, holy shit the crowd isn’t silent.  I think this guy is the first likeable character to come on the screen besides the Funker.  
    The announcer starts by introducing Sal’s manager the Cosmic Commander, who is the second likeable figure to be on the screen just for the fact that I am wondering what type of drugs they had to consume to come up with not only that name but the gimmick as well.  Let's combine businessman attire with a red coat and space turban, holy shit this is the next great cosplay move over Max Moon.  We also find out that it is Sal “Wildman” Bolomo, makes sense a wildman in roman soldier garb, fuck yes makes so much sense.  
    The match starts off about as fast as a snail in a tar pit with a collar and elbow into an armdrag, and we repeat that spot because it was so exciting.  Then Cairo shows his strength by pretty much shaking off a hammer lock.  This is followed by some boring corner brawling and a submission attempt by the Wildman.  Then some tape degradation, wonderful.  Cairo gets rolling again and it becomes pretty obvious that the Wildman has no gas in his tank and goes from rest hold to rest hold.  So far there has been a mediocre amount of selling and very little attempts to target any sort of limb to even make all these rest holds and dead submissions even make a little bit of sense, it's super disappointing.  At one point Cairo no sells a headbutt to do a standing splash.  This is followed by the Cosmic Commander distracting the ref just for his guy to get hit by an interfering Johnny Hotbody.  This is super confusing because the distraction led to his own guy suffering and ultimately getting counted out.  
This leads to even more immediate confusion because I presumed that Cairo was the face, he did break a few rules during the match such as getting up on the middle rope, the most dangerous rope, to do some punches to Bolomo but nothing so serious I would consider him a heel.  This is soon washed away though when Hotbody goes to the ring to attack Cairo, only to end up brawling to the back.  A disappointing end to a disappointing match.  
Match 3: Tony “Hitman” Stetson V Rockin’ Rebel
During the introduction and very early in the match it is revealed that Rebel is the number 1 contender for the heavyweight belt and Stetson is a part of the number 1 contenders for the tag belts.  I love this and think that it is something lost on modern wrestling today,  just because you are at the top or near the top of your division does not mean that you should not have interesting matches with people at or near the top of other divisions.  I think this is especially so for tag team wrestlers.  Just because you are a tag team specialist should not mean that you forgot how to work a singles match, and through singles matches maybe some tag guys could get over parts of their character that may not get to be showcased in a tag match against a really good singles opponent.  This type of match also shows that the whole locker room is aware of the rest of the card instead of being delegated to there own little bubble.  Over all I think booking like this could lead to some very interesting interactions.  Go early ECW.
I’d like to start off this match by pointing out some obvious gimmick infringement, by this time Bret Hart had already been at the top of the card in the Fed.  Stetson needed to change at least his moniker to avoid obvious comparisons that I will jump off a limb and predict that he couldn’t live up to.  
Hey do you remember how the last match started because that’s how this one starts, arm drags for everyone.  This is horrid on the part of these guys because it means that they did not watch the last match nor care to ask the guys in the match before what some of their spots were going to be .  This shows laziness and is something that could’ve been easily avoided.  I am at least happy to say that in the early parts of this match Stetson starts working the left arm of Rebel, good on him.  The only problem is that Rebel doesn’t sell this at all, boo.  This confuses me because at this time we are in the NWA associated Eastern Championship Wrestling which is supposed to be built on some old school principals, the fact that there has been a lack of selling and limb targeting confuses and upsets me.  Anyway these two have a pretty good back and forth game some drop kicks some splashes what have you, pretty much the same shit we’ve been seeing all night.  This culminates in Stetson getting a near fall on Rebel being stopped by a rope break.  This is followed by Rebel doing almost a lazy pin in the corner winning by putting his legs on the ropes.  This gets him a little heat, not much though.  
This is followed by a ringside interview where I can see where Rebel’s talents really lie.  He’s obviously not the best talker ever and he has some very annoying things that he does, such as continuously pointing at the camera.  He gets over how it’s a privilege to get an interview with him and how he is going after Sandman.  At the end he does gimmick infringe a bit on Ric Flair and he does yell a bit much for his style of talking but overall it was far from the worst thing on this show.  
Match 4: TV Tournament Jimmy Snuka V Larry Winters
Holy shit Jimmy has obviously been banging the roids, if the camera was better I’m sure he would have backne everywhere.  He’s fucking huge.  
Jimmy Snuka also cannot talk, this is made evident almost immediately.  He reveals that he has a new manager Hot Stuff Eddie Gilbert.  Gilbert comes out and tries to get over his managerial firm (?) of Hot Stuff International.  
  The match starts with Snuka dominating Winters with strikes and putting him on the ropes.  Gilbert is cheating often by choking Winters.  Snuka does an atrocious botch on a back body drop, ends up falling with Winters, way to go roidy magoo.  The match rolls on with Winters getting squashed and Gilbert continuing to get involved.  Winters did get momentum for about 2 seconds before Snuka continues beating him down.  Winters did get another head of steam with some nicely times whips and tackles, even doing a correct back body drop.  Gilbert gets involved and causes Snuka to take momentum again.  Snuka ends up winning with a top rope splash.  After the match ends Snuka throws Winters out cementing himself as a top heel.  Oh my what have we done to deserve this.  
Match 5: Sal Bellomo V Ernesto Benefico
This Match sucks.  This big slow boring fuck in Sal Bellomo who we seen earlier inserts himself into this match and squashes Benefico in a matter of seconds.  This did nothing for him at all considering the lazy show he put on earlier.  This was short, boring, and all it did was hurt Beneficos character.  
Ending Segment
The show ends with Tod Gordon and Terry Funk getting over the continuation of the TV tournament and that sandman would be there next week.  Terry tries to get over that this show is new different and fresh,  now I don't think it is but in the future it could be.  
Closing Remarks
This show was obviously done on a shoestring budget,  the cameras were crap with the second camera especially having its color balance off drastically in a few matches mainly the Rebel match, the sound was hardly there in a lot of spots, and the venue was obviously a community center.  I admire that they did everything they could with what they had but man does that make this a hard watch at times.  
The Wrestling was very underwhelming even for what I thought it was going to be.  I knew that the amount of high spots would be nonexistent but I was at least expecting some good ring psychology and limb working.  I didn’t even get that, what you end up with is 5 matches that all feel mostly the same with everybody pretty much working the same moveset.  I can’t even say that many of them got there characters over that well in this episode besides the big heels in Rebel, Gilbert, and Snuka.  And even then what exactly are there characters and motivations.  I can't tell you much more than Rebel wants the Sandman's title, Gilbert is full of himself and doesn't like Terry Funk, and Snuka might want to be the tv champion but that isn't even exactly clear.  
As far as the commentary team goes I can tell that they were still finding what they were supposed to be.  Wonderful was the heel but didn't exactly get a whole lot of heel dialog in.  Jay Sullie is boring and bland but gets out some information.  Terry Funk does the most in trying to get himself over as a top face and try to slowly build to a match with gilbert.  
Over all this episode was tough to get through but had some fun moments.  I know that the first year of ECW will be a hard one to get through because it is before it really finds its feet but i'm excited to get through it.
Show rating: 2 out of 5 yams
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
SRMTHFG Chapter 3
Chapter 3: The chosen one Chiro woke up after having the same vision in his dream. His alarm clock started going off and he somehow smashed it. “What was that?” he asked. He went to go wash up. He got water on his face and accidentally broke a piece off of the sink. He mouthed “what the fuck”. “What was that?” asked Tommy. “Um… nothing little buddy,” said Chiro, “I’m fine.”   He grabbed his backpack and started running to school. He was running faster than usual. “Whoa!” he said surprised at himself, “How am I running so fast?” A bus was heading towards his street. “Uh oh,” said Chiro. Without hesitation he leaped over the entire bus and landed on his feet. “Oh. My. God,” he said surprised. He was heading into the school building when BT and Glenny stopped him. “Where do you think you’re going?” he asked. “Not now BT I have to go to class,” said Chiro. “In a second,” said BT, “I just gotta beat your face in.” He landed a blow on Chiro’s face but he didn’t flinch or get hurt. “What the….” Said BT. He tried bending his wrist but nothing happened. “Alright no more fooling around!” said BT. He did a headbutt on Chiro but he himself got injured and fell on his back. Everyone else noticed it. Chiro was really surprised at what he did, but used it to his advantage. “Oh you want some too Glenny?!” he asked. “No,” he said, “Let’s move BT!” They both ran to class.
For the next few days BT and Glenny decided to leave Chiro alone. Later during the day, Chiro was slowly discovering his newfound abilities. “Did all these powers come from this coin?” he asked. “Chiro!” said Jinmay, “I’ve been looking for you.” “Oh, hey Jinmay,” said Chiro smiling. “Word on the street is you stood up to BT and Glenny,” she said. “Yeah, but something weird happened to me,” said Chiro, “Remember that night?” “Yeah, I thought it was really sweet that you saved me,” said Jinmay. “Yeah, but that coin I got from the super robot,” said Chiro, “Its done something to me, and now I’m strong, and I jumped over a bus!” “You mean this coin?” asked Jinmay pointing to it. “Yeah,” said Chiro, “I think the giant robot has something to do with it.” He thought for a moment. “I have a feling that I gotta go back up there,” said Chiro. “Well I’m coming with you,” said Jinmay. “Ok, but be careful,” said Chiro, “We go after school.” Later that day they both went to the giant robot. The coin that Chiro had started resonating and a door opened. Jinmay saw a shadow. “What is that?” she asked. Chiro saw it. “Let’s follow it,” he exclaimed as he ran. Jinmay followed him. Chiro kept running until something stopped him. It was a red monkey. “You’ve finally came!” it said. “Wait a minute….” Said Chiro, “Apes can’t talk.” “I’m actually a monkey,” said the red monkey. “Well monkeys can’t talk either,” said Jinmay. “Well…. My lips are moving and words are coming out,” said the red monkey. “Who are you?” asked Chiro. “My name is S.P.R.X-77,” said the red monkey, “But you can call me Sparx.” “Ok, Sparx,” said Chiro. “Follow me please,” said Sparx. He took Chiro and Jinmay into the center of the robot. “Antauri, I’ve found him!” said Sparx, “He’s here.” Antauri, the black monkey opened his eyes and saw Chiro. A yellow, blue, and green monkey saw him as well. “Hey, its been a while since someone visited us,” said the yellow monkey, “Nova, nice to meet ya!” “How did she learn to talk like that?” asked Chiro. “We’ve spent the last few years learning Earth’s languages,” said Antauri. “I am Mr. Hal Gibson,” said the blue monkey, “Please do not address me as Mr, nor Hal. Just Gibson.” “I go by Otto,” said the green monkey. “Anyways,” said Sparx, “The chosen one has finally arrived. Gibson took a look at Chiro. “Sparx, please….. tell me this is a joke,” said Gibson. “What do you mean Gibson?” asked Sparx. “He’s so small,” said Gibson, “Are you saying that the fate of the world rests on this…. Child?” “He is actually a teenager,” said Antauri, “It is in the middle of adolescent and adulthood.” “But we don’t know if he is the chosen one?” asked Gibson. “Chosen one, fate of the world?” asked Chiro, “What do you mean? How did I aquire these abilities?” “The answer to what is happening to you Chiro, is here,” said Antauri. Chiro was surprised. “How do you know my name?” asked Chiro. “It said so on your backpack,” said Otto. “Show me the coin,” said Antauri. Chiro got out the coin he found. “The Power Primate never makes a mistake,” said Gibson, “If the coin has fallen into the hands of this…..” “Teenager,” said Otto. “This teenager,” said Gibson, “then he is the chosen leader of the hyperforce.” “The hyperforce?” asked Chiro, “What’s that?” “I think it explains everything on this projection screen,” said Jinmay. “And who are you young lady?” asked Gibson. “Um… hi, my name is Jinmay,” said Jinmay, “Some people call me Jin May I cause the May in my name….” “Jinmay, don’t,” said Chiro, “Its alright.” “Well.. I’m on the autism spectrum so its hard for me to actually know when I’ve said something enough so I apologize,” said Jinmay, “Anyways, this screen I think shows the history of the hyperforce and how they were responsible for keeping the world safe from evil.” “Good,” said Antauri, “Very observant Jinmay.” Jinmay smiled. He went over to Chiro and showed him visions of an evil mastermind. “The skeleton king is an enemy to the hyperforce,” said Antauri, “His only desire is to destroy life and rule all of humanity, and the only thing that stands between him is us.” Chiro saw the skeleton king nearly take over a dimension but he was stopped. “So why can’t you stop him?” asked Chiro. “For starters we don’t have our armor,” said Nova, “We lost it after a great battle in this location which is now known as Shugazoom city, and we thought hope was lost.” “However, I read of a legend of a chosen one who will take the coin you now hold and lead us to victory,” said Antauri, “Only one object can give the skeleton king enough power to rule the world.” “Oh I love this part!” said Otto. Chiro and Jinmay were looking at a purple orb. “This is called the cosmic gem of Imagination,” said Antauri, “Whoever holds it holds the power to make objects come to life out of thin air.” They were looking at an orange monkey. “Mandarin, our ally wanted to use this power for himself, but we managed to stop him,” said Antauri, “He was our leader and friend, but lost his way and betrayed us.” “And now its my responsibility to keep Shugazoom city safe from Skeleton King,” said Chiro, “Because I’m the leader of the hyperforce?” “He’s learning fast,” said Otto. “Listen, its been real, but… I gotta go,” said Chiro, “My parents are gonna be wondering where I am by now.” “Very well,” said Antauri, “May the strength of the Power Primate be with you.” “Jinmay, you coming?” asked Chiro. She followed him. “That didn’t go so well,” said Sparx. “He’ll be back,” said Antauri, “I know it.” Chiro was walking back home holding the coin in his hand. “So that’s why I have these powers,” said Chiro. “They sure know how to take LARPing seriously,” said Jinmay. Chiro thought for a moment. “What if all of this is true,” said Chiro, “I mean my dad said we are surrounded by beings that have biological powers.” “Yeah, but they’re in other cities,” said Jinmay, “Maybe those monkeys were inspired by all of them.” “I’m coming back here tomorrow,” said Chiro, “Something tells me there’s more to this gem than meets the eye.” “Well, if you’re going, then so am I,” said Jinmay. Chiro smiled at her. An orange monkey was limbing into the town of Shugazoom. “It is here,” he said, “The gem….” Some thugs saw the monkey and cornered him. “Hey buddy, could you spare a nickel?” asked one of them. “Stay out of my way,” said the monkey. He attempted to leave but the thugs stopped him. “Give us your gem freak,” said another thug. “You will let me pass, or suffer the wrath of Mandarin,” said Mandarin. They all laughed at him. “Yeah right,” said another thug. Mandarin raised his hand and summoned 3 monsters to attack the thugs.
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vertigoambrosia · 7 years
i’m in an absolutely terrible mood so watching some random wrestling
16 carat 2015 let’s go?
~first english commentary~
o snap this was back when robert was a nice young man
wait no he’s got the bullrope so idk
man i realyl do love these opening tracks they used before wxw now
i really like that there’s an opening procession with all of the competitors and lauding them and stuff
it’s funny, cause marty’s actually not that much shorter than cedric (or in general), but he just looks diminutive
hahaha he fucked up the octopus the first time
i hope zack made fun of him
andy u look silly with that baseball cap
sha u look silly with those suspenders
i do like his red (argyle?) socks though
yoooo andy fought tana??? ok i guess i gotta watch some world triangle league at some point
jeremy sounds nothing like jeremy clakrson and yet somehow his voice reminds me of him
[no it’s not cause they have the same name]
see that’s what i thought the suspenders are totally a foreign object
i wonder how andy got the rohrzange nickname; was the pipe wrench his weapon of choice when wxw was more xtreme, did he say something in a promo that sparked it, or did he just start calling himself der rohrzange and everyone went with it because he’s likeable?
lolll dem stretchy ropes
is andy a dad or an uncle
i say this because i feel like andy (not unlike mike schwarz), would totally sneak you your first beer
and ask you about chicks...when you’re ten
wait wait wait was tim still fake british here? not sure about that timeline
but anyway, time to watch pornbot’s favorite wrestler tim thatcher get beaten by our favorite twink (mild flavor)
grapples :)
the double headstand into smacking each other spot is so silly but in context it’s so hype
gonna be exciting to see tim involved in storylines since he’s gonn abe on for the whole tour (and possibly/hopefully hanging out with walter)
reminder: unprotected headbutts are dumb and i hope tas is telling him that
:) sports friends
..i’m not sure if i’ve ever seen a chris sabin singles match...maybe like, once
the times i’ve seen him were in roh, and he was either with the addiction or bestie alex shelley
i like the idea of tommy’s gear, but that shade of gold just isn’t working
sabin’s shorts would be better if they were tights
yeah they’re talking up sabin but i’ not really seeing it
ok i’m gonna be honest i have stopped paying attention to this match
man i just don’t buy michael dante as...anything, do i?
oh here comes my favorite toss boy!!!
with his boyf
god i hate that bailey song; it never sounds good and it’s not even chanty
i want uhaa/apollo to do well but he’s against my throw husband
i like when sasa does those irish whips that really look like they have momentum behind them
like, he completely slingshots them and actually rolls down onto the mat
guys what did keel do in storyline? like, alan and jeremy are both like ‘ugh this irredeemable jerkbutt’ and when sasa gets his final title shot against kim cmj mentions that it’s hard to push him after ‘the thing with verena’
i know nothing about harada
idk why ‘alle ausser kim’ is so fucking funny to me, but i love it
man 16 carat (and wxw in general, really) is so international
i mean, new japan has its relationships with roh and cmll, but there seems to be a lot mor ecrossover in wxw
i guess since world triangle league was them, czw, and big japan; it’s just interesting to get to hear the commentators go in depth into harada’s background in multiple companies
i guess other promotions don’t usually get that specific
hahah didn’t they call kim the intern of keel holding?
‘die kim, die’ just reminds me of that simpsons joke
no, they’re just saying ‘the kim, the’
[side note: i’ve heard the german dub of the simpsons is absolutely horrendous?]
who tf is andrew everett
he has nice hair i guess
lol imagine expecting ricochet and getting dreissker
it’s so interesting to watch wrestlers from like, two years ago and see how they improved in the time between
it seems like robert spends a lot of time kinda waiting to be hit; i can’t explain it better than that
oo i’ve never actually seen this ‘axeman’ fellow
reminds me of someone though :v
singing chants need to stop; the winter wonderland ones aren’t as bad as the bailey song, but it still doesn’t make any fuckign sense
i only allow the seven nation army/zack sabre jr because it’s simple and also it lead to ~ohhhh thatcher is garrbaaage~, which will hold a special place in my heart
wrestling: i respect u; now i will slap you repeatedly
man ‘axel tischer’ sounds so much cooler than ‘axeman’
ok there’s like, half an hour in this video left and it’s the 1st round match....is this gonna be a long one?
it’s fun to see that submission as a finisher cause i think zack also does something with the leg too now; it’s how he beat chris hero
he’s always self-effacing and being all ‘oh i don’t know i just sort of go in there and wing it’, but his finishers really do seem like ‘...ok i have the submission...can i take another limb???’
i like 3 of the people in this match
wait is karsten not a king yet????? no cape!
oberhausen crowd knows who’s the best person in this match
hahaha what are they chanting at karsten that makes him so bad
i love how candice and joey are like ‘idk what’s going on i don’t speak german’ while karsten’s freakign the fuck out
lmao the reaction to the lollipop spot
did he make tas go say something to the dude who got the lollipop?
ok also love candice being like ‘wait wtf i can’t fight him?’
hahaha i think karsten is speaking english but i can’t hear him over the boos
lbr mixed tag w/o intergender wrestling is dumb; it’s barely a real tag match sinmce both people have to switch
it’s really just two different matches going simultaneously
i do like that nobody’s pretending that intergender wrestling is Controversial and Shocking; candice is pissed that she can’t wrestle karsten, and generally everyone is in agreement that this is Totally Unfair
i’m hoping this ends with candice getting a hit in on karsten
isn’t it nice to see joey ryan with a schtick that’s more than ‘lol dicks’
i can’t believe vince russo crowned karsten
i hope the intergender ban gets generally lifted, but it probably won’t happen; maybe we’ll get mella beating up bobby though
it’s not really something that comes up often enough to bother changing, i think
*tas voice* noooo
that dive ddt owns
ball/boobplex i still hate
but it doesn’t matter karsten still got rekt by candice
so i don’t know what sides of the bracket each match was on, but the remaining people are
axel tommy sasa harada everett zack
0 notes