#like i have a niece and nephew and i love them to pieces
frnkiebby · 1 month
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PERHAPS UNFORTUNATELY FOR YOU I DO and more. bc jamia and frank are the cutest motherfuckers around.~🎃
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also. they may or may not have their own album bc i’m hopeless for jamia as well….
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peachesofteal · 1 month
Cool Girl
Ghoap x female reader / 18+ / previous
The sunrise stabs under your eyelids with malicious intent.
You don’t have much of a hangover, but your face is still puffy, under eyes swollen. You’ve been crying all night, and it’s painfully obvious.
Not to mention the lack of sleep. The vomit induced by your overwhelming anxiety, the bile still scorching your throat. You haven’t slept more than an hour. You look like the walking dead.
You tried to have a serious talk with yourself around two o’clock in the morning. You told- no you promised- yourself you’d leave well enough alone. You’d put them out of your mind. You’d move on.
They never wanted you. So why are you so insulted that they did exactly what they said they would? You weren’t theirs. You’d never be theirs.
Good enough to keep in bed. Good enough to keep out of sight. But not someone they’d consider theirs.
You’re no one’s. You’re just… yours.
Which is fine. It’s more than fine. You’re cool. You don’t need them, or anyone.
Your hand won’t stop shaking though. It shakes when you turn on the water for the shower, shakes as you try to shave. It shakes through your first cup of tea and then your second, shakes when you curl up the couch and huddle under your blankets, staring blankly at reruns of some laugh tracked sitcom. It’s because you haven’t slept or you’re hungover or something-
And it only stops when your doorbell rings.
You slam your eyes shut. You’re not expecting anyone, and that alone makes you feel like there’s probably someone on the other side of the door that you decidedly do not want to see.
The glance through your peephole confirms your suspicions.
It’s Johnny. He’s standing squarely in front of your door, bouquet of flowers in his hand.
Your head starts to pound, and he knocks on the door.
“I know ye’re home, bonnie. I saw yer car in the garage.” You’re frozen on the other side, separated by a piece of metal and wood that suddenly feels less substantial than it ever has before.
When the lock doesn’t click, he knocks again. “‘m not leavin’ until I see ye.” You groan.
“Stalking me now?” You spit when you open the door and he grins sheepishly.
“Naw...” He doesn’t elaborate and you stand in the frame of the door, trying to block him from peering over you- though it’s no use. You watch his critical gaze take inventory of what he can in your flat, and then he returns his attention to you, holding out the flowers.
They’re tulips. Maybe twenty, twenty five stems, all in a spectacle of color. They’re beautiful, and your favorite.
It surprises you. That they even know that about you. That they would remember a comment you must have made in passing.
It gives you pause. It’s confusing.
“Got these for ye.” He’s… such a boy. A grown man, a decorated military man, a strong man but still… such a boy. He’s never looked more like a boy than he does now, eyes wide and nervous, shifting his weight from leg to leg. He blinks, eyelashes feathery and dark, and you’re left to wonder if he gets it from his mom or his dad. Does he have sisters? Brothers? Nieces or nephews? You ached for those pieces of them, before.
Now, the lingering questions fill you with embarrassment.
He steps forward, and you shrink back. His gaze flickers, and then clears, holding the overflowing bundle of colors towards you.
“Thanks.” You say stiffly, careful to avoid his fingers when you pull it free.
“Can I come in?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He chews on his lip.
“Ye look tired, love. Did ye get any sleep?” You sniff, hand resting on your hip.
“I’m fine.”
“Ye dinnae look fine.”
“Why are you here?” You’re cracking with exasperation, legs going weak. You’re not strong enough to stand here and survive an onslaught.
“Need to talk with ye, like we said last night.”
“There’s nothing to talk about, like I said last night.” You parrot with a irritated exhale.
“Ye know that’s jus’ not true. We need to talk about what ye saw, what ye think ye saw-“
“What did I see? Since apparently you know what I’m thinking now.” You’re too tired for this. You don’t want to do this. You want to crawl back into bed and hide under your blankets.
“Ye think ye saw us with another woman, or on a date, but-“
“I saw your hands on another woman. I saw her smiling at you like-“ you shake your head. “It doesn’t matter what I saw,” he swallows, mouth pressing into an uncomfortable line, “I always knew this wasn’t real, that it didn’t mean anything but-“
“Ye agreed. Ye always said ye didnae want a relationship.” He reminds you sharply, and you nearly swallow your tongue.
“Yeah, I didn’t, so.” The lie is foul on your tongue, rancid and spoiled, but you give it life regardless. Fuck them. You’re fine.
“But yer mad ye saw us with another woman.” He raises an eyebrow, and you never wanted to punch someone so badly.
But instead of a rising tide of anger, you get an overwhelming wave of despair, and tears prick at the corner of your eyes.
“Ah, no, love. Please, please dinnae cry. ‘m sorry, this is such a mess. We never meant for any of this.” Your hand starts shaking again, trembling against the plastic wrapped around the stems, and Johnny’s expression changes from sad to worried. “What’s this?” He tries to reach, fingers grazing the back of your arm.
“N-nothing, I’m just tired.”
“Just… go away.” Your patience snaps, shatters, and his face falls. It almost makes your feel bad.
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callmemickey · 10 months
Cumming Home for Christmas
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synopsis: Simon surprised you by being home 3 weeks early, which means you get to take him to your family’s Christmas get together! Unfortunately, Simon hasn’t had his fill of you… How thin do you think the walls are in the bathroom?
content: Afab, porn w a plot, smut (dirty talk, fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, quickie, slightly public? maybe other stuff idk) fluff fluff fluff kind of angst if you squint real hard he just loves you sm my sweet Angel babey reader muah love u 2
word count: 3.7k
notes: Don’t ask me why I chose Christmas this is purely self-indulgent. Also, he’s a brunette going off of the comics, so I’m running with that thx!
Warm Christmas lights, sparkling ciders and the expensive alcohol, the soft hum of cozy Christmas jazz on the speakers, family buzzing and soaking in each other’s presence - there was nothing else you could ask for. In this massive sea of black and red formal attire, your family, both close and extended, came together for an amazing holiday party at your grandparents’ estate.
Simon, who surprised you by coming home over three weeks early, has accompanied you as your plus one to the family’s holiday party. It made the event even better. Your family adored Simon to bits and pieces, constantly embarrassing you in front of him, begging to know when he wanted to start a family with you, your aunts drinking too much and asking him to take off his coat and flex. He dealt with the melting pot of clashing personalities better than you had ever imagined.
Simon expertly handled the socializing carefully and precisely. He preferred to be an observer in these bigger settings rather than to speak. He gave simple answers that were concise one liners, saving his social battery. So, to make up for it, he would escape to assist anybody needing aid. When dinner was ready, he assisted in the kitchen, making sure that everybody had their meals first, and was later caught cleaning the kitchen (much to your displeasure). He also helped light your grandfather’s cigar outside. The Parkinson’s has been making it difficult for him to light them on his own, and Simon even listened to an old war story.
It was unbelievable how much you loved this man.
Now, nieces and nephews weaved between adults and furniture, the fireplace burned hot and strong, people laughed and yelled happily over the gentle music, and the scent of baking pies and pastries wafted and filled the air. Your lovely military fiancé, overworked and tired on his break, did so well to deal with this. Of course, Simon, being an incredibly selfless person willing to compromise in any situation or scenario just to make you happy, said that it was alright when you invited him. “Nothing would make me happier,” he had said in a low, roughened voice - which was right before he buried his face between your legs.
But I digress.
Simon stood next to you as your uncle told you both in absolute monotony about his recent trip to Italy, “So beautiful. Your aunt Amelia and I want to get a vacation home there.” He finished, and you nodded awkwardly. “Sounds like you and aunt Millie had a great time, uncle Mike.” Your tone was dry while Simon nodded and hummed in response. He just wasn’t… very present.
Simon had his attention and focus set on pretty high at the beginning of the night, but he was able to relax a little bit since then, to let himself just be in the moment - or so the psychiatrist says he should. He was actively paying attention to the conversation, yes that is true, but the hand holding your waist began to… wander, a little bit. Slowly at first, but much faster now. With a hand that started on your shoulder in the beginning of the night, bit by bit lowered down your back, smoothing above the top of your ass and to your hip. Fingers pressing deep into the black velvet of your dress, Simon tried to keep you caged next to him. That didn’t matter though, because you would have done little to resist him.
You two shared a quick glance. His dark brown eyes were slightly glossed, his gaze a salaciousness that he always brings home. Ooh, it made you want to rub your thighs together just to feel something. You nodded again to your uncle Mike when he brought up something else that was equally boring. Simon, having a better idea and use for his time, suddenly seemed to have remembered something, “Apologies, Mike, but Y/N and I have to make an important phone call.” You looked up at him.
That brief look in his eye was so, so hungry. The greed brewed like a dark storm. You felt a hot chill race down your spine, your core began to burn. You acted as if you remembered the same ‘something’ as well. “Oh my god, I can’t believe we almost forgot!” You gasped in a low voice. His fingers squeezed your hip, making your chest slowly fall into shallow breaths as you could imagine him purring in your ear.
Good girl.
You two waved him off as you turned to leave the kitchen. Simon took the wine glass from your hand and placed it on the countertops as you two walked through the doorway. His hand pressed on your lower back, guiding you into the dark hallway. The armoire in the middle lit with warm candles that smelled of cinnamon and spiced apples, casting shadows that bounced and flickered across the walls. It helped light your way to the restroom, but it also kept you two enveloped in shadows to help hide whatever sins you were going to commit. Simon, without a word, opened the bathroom, and with nobody inside, he sweeped you in, locking the door behind you two.
The bathroom had warm string lights strung across the crown molding, and a window with fake candles sat high on the wall. The room was a little loud with the echoes, so you smacked the switch on the wall to turn the fan on, hoping to mask whatever sounds were going to flood the room.
Not even a second, in such a calculated move, Simon plucked his mask off and had your lips locked with his as he hoisted you onto the sink counter. All you could do in that flurry of movement was gasp, his hands gingerly holding your jaw as his mouth worked against yours. You wrapped your legs around his waist, sighing as you felt a hardened tent in his trousers press eagerly against your clothed cunt.
You ran your hands through his dark brown hair, a moan running from you into him as his hands gave your ass a harsh squeeze. He ground his hips into you, pulling a whimper from you as he pressed roughly against your thrumming clit. Simon broke from your mouth, kissing your neck as his fingers pushed up into your dress, grabbing your panties.
“Quiet - or they’ll hear us,” he whispered against your flesh. You panted with a nod as he slipped your panties off, tossing them onto the floor along with his jacket. Simon quickly unbuttoned his white sleeves, rolling them up to reveal his heavily veined forearms, his one arm tattooed with black. He expertly undid his belt, pulling his pants and underwear down slightly, his hardened cock springing free.
He kept kissing your neck, lightly sucking to tease but not enough to hickey or bruise. His fingers dipped into your embarrassingly wet sex, rubbing at your clit and folds before pushing two fingers into you. “Fuckin’ hell, Y/N, so wet already.” His voice was a growl against your neck, slowly pumping them, his fingers rubbing up against that spongy spot inside.
It caused you to mewl. Simon’s one hand jumped to cup your mouth shut, making you gasp. The movement threw you off balance, your upper back falling back to press against the mirror while grabbing onto his wrist for support. He continued to finger you and hold your mouth closed, your whimpers mumbled in his hand.
Just as quick as you just started grinding your hips, he pulled his fingers away. A disappointed moan left broken up between your mouth and his palm. Simon grabbed his cock and started to pump himself, lubricating it with your juices before rubbing against your clit. He moved his hand from your mouth down to your hip.
You whimpered, “Oh my god, Simon.” Your hips wriggled and bucked against the dizzying sensation. He chuckled, slowly pressing his cock into your hot, wet cunt. The familiar stretch made you hum in need. “You’re gonna tease me? On Christmas?” You whined, your legs once again wrapped around his hips, urging him to sink into you.
“Ahh, have you been a good girl, though?” He asked in a low rumble, his other hand grabbing the other hip, his prepared stance making your hole clench around his member. He had a half-lidded stare, swirling with a level of lust you couldn’t really see the end of - bottomless and ravenous. Simon towered over you.
“I’m always a good girl for you, Simon,” You cooed.
He slowly pushed in, making you inhale sharply as you stretched so wide to allow him to fit. You held your breath as he pushed his cock through. “I’m just teasing, love - I know you’ll always be my good girl,” he said with warmth in his voice.
His tip kissed your cervix as he nestled fully, deeply, completely. Your head rolled back on the mirror as a satisfied sigh escaped you, but Simon’s grip on your hips tightened intensely. You gasped as he began a fast pace, his hips slapping loudly against your thighs and echoing in the bathroom. It was almost too much. It gave you little time to prepare for his entering, but you settled nicely around him after a few more thrusts.
Simon wasn’t normally this fast. He loved to hit with hard strokes, but nothing typically of this pace. Fortunately, you weren’t one to complain. It was so goddamn good. You hate it when your fiancé is away, not knowing where he was for most of the time, but when he’s gone for so long and comes back? Fuck. It’s criminal how good the sex is. His impatience made it impeccable.
But you were desperate. You wanted to cry and moan and yell, to beg and pray for him to bring you to a higher plane of pleasure. Oh, God, you would do anything for it, anything for him. You grasped at his forearms, your nails digging into his flesh, leaving stinging crescent moon shaped imprints in their path. He groaned lightly at your sharp grip, a soft chuckle coming from him. “Oh, you like this?” He asked, and you nodded, biting your lower lip to keep anything but your gasps, pants, and squeaks from escaping.
“Touch yourself,” his voice wasn’t harsh, but it was a demand.
With one hand still on Simon’s arm, the other moved to your clit, and you began to rub in quick circles. Simon watched your face twist and change: your mouth hanging open as you panted, but occasionally closed to bite your lip so to stop yourself from moaning; eyes half-lidded, barely open, glazed, and painfully horny; back bowing and arching, your toes curling, body just at a loss at what it can handle. This was Simon’s favorite view in the world. It’s what he came home for. It’s what he fought for.
A moan tumbled from your mouth as you held on for dear life. “S-Simon!” You whined his name, the heat inside of you burning red hot, uncontrolled, and rampant.
“S’alright love,” his voice was soft, “you gonna cum?”
You nodded quickly, the fingers on your clit stuttering as you found your release fast approaching, his almost brutal pace not slowing in the slightest. “I’m gonna c- ah- cum, Simon!” You struggled not to say too loud. “Don't stop!”
“Come on, Y/N,” he ushered, “cum for me.” Simon knew how to drive you over the edge. His hand reached out, firmly but gently cupping over your mouth to keep your head in place - and to push back your lascivious sounds.
A moan found itself trapped, lodged in your throat as you fought with your whole might not to yell and cry out. Your orgasm ripped through and crashed over you like a tsunami. He had unraveled you.
Your back arched, and you couldn’t roll your head back. Your lashes flickered as you struggled to keep your eyes from crossing or rolling back to look at Simon while you came. The fingers you had on your clit stopped moving as you were paralyzed, but the grip you had on his forearm stayed strong, “Ahhh, fuckin’ look at you. That’s a good girl, cummin’ nice and pretty on my cock. You like that, yeah?” He groaned, hips putting in more power to drill into your tightened pussy, tears pricking at your eyes as the orgasm left your legs shaking around him.
Simon retracted his hand, grabbing back at your hip. You let out a quick, small cry as your free hand held back onto his forearm. “Y’alright, love?” He grunted, and you nodded furiously before he could stop, but he started slowing down. You didn’t want him too. “Need- I need you,” you gasped, “don’t stop, Simon.” You whimpered.
Oh, to be buried deep inside your pussy was all he could have ever hoped for upon coming home. Y/N, ever so kind and giving. Simon tightened his hands around your hips again and began the brutal pace as you struggled to keep silent.
That’s when you felt your body heating up again. Your sex thrummed with the building pleasure and excitement once more, causing you to moan while you held onto his wrists. A light sheen of sweat sat on your skin, your clothes sticking uncomfortably to your flesh.
Simon moaned softly with a smirk, your fucked out expression and legs lazily clinging onto his hips was such an amazing sight. The snapping of him against you had beat your pussy red, leaving it angrily aroused. “You gonna cum again? Yeah? Ahhh, thas my needy girl.” Desperate, tiny grunts popped out of you with each thrust, your pussy swallowing Simon deeply.
“Si-Simon! Gonna- c-cum!” You gasped out with each pump. 
Your orgasm hit like a rapid flash of heat and pleasure. A squeal escaped you, and you quickly covered your mouth with your hand. Your eyelids fluttered as your eyes rolled back, legs around Simon’s waist tightened, your whole body trembled from his unrelenting pace. Your face was flushed red, eyes completely glazed and lost as your hair stuck to your face.
“Ah, f-fuck, so fuckin’ tight. So good - my girl is so good, God, cummin’ on my cock, just like that.” He growled, his hips slowly beginning to fall off rhythm while his orgasm began to creep up on him.
You moaned and begged, “Ah, Simon, nngh, I-I can’t- please cum!”
“Don’t you worry, g-gonna cum inside this pretty pussy,” Simon groaned, “gonna fill you up, yeah?”
You nodded furiously as your body screamed in overstimulation. “Please, I- ah! Too much, ah, you’re too much, Simon!” You cried out, your ever tightening cunt being stretched open, begging for his release.
“Y/N- Y/N, fuck!” He hissed as his hips slammed against you, tightly holding his cock against your cervix as if he was threatened to be ripped away. He groaned, emptying himself into you completely, his cock jerking and flexing harshly, making the veins on his shaft more pronounced. You whimpered, your cunt tensing around him as you felt hot waves shooting inside of you. He stayed for a moment while panting, his thighs shaking slightly, relishing in the feeling as oxytocin and dopamine flooded his brain. Simon pulled out, a throaty groan leaving you at the sudden emptiness, your legs letting go of him.
“Well… let’s hope nobody heard that.” Simon said in a low voice, pulling up his underwear and pants, buckling his belt and grabbing your panties for you. You slid off of the sink and inhaled sharply as your knees buckled. He immediately latched onto your arms, making sure you wouldn’t fall. “Fuckin’ hell, Y/N, y’alright?” He asked, slowly loosening his grip to make sure you were okay on your own.
“My legs, Simon. Jesus Christian Christ - I can’t stand.” You huffed, leaning against the sink, glowering at him as you took your panties from his hand, embarrassed.
He unrolled his sleeves, buttoning them. “You’re really gonna talk like that? On Jesus’ birthday?” He looked at you as he grabbed his jacket, shaking his head. “What would your nan say, hmm?” He feigned sincerity, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips as he swung the jacket on.
“Well, the jokes on you because Christmas isn’t even Jesus’ birthday.” You snapped back at him, slowly sliding your underwear on as your knees shook like a newborn giraffe. He tutted in disapproval as he moved up to you.
Simon’s body was close, his body radiating warmth. He wasn’t one for a lot of physical affection, which was alright, so when he took the time to be attentive to you… you always melted against him immediately. His finger lightly hooked under your chin and tilted your head up to look at him. Your body subconsciously gravitated towards him, like a moth seeing the moon for the very first time.
He leaned down, lips brushing so close to yours, your eyes still connected . “Fuck what day it really is - I just know I’m home.” Simon pushed in for a deep kiss, brimming with emotions, the kinds he couldn’t really say. As he pulled away, he couldn’t help but admire you.
The golden candlelight fluttered across his face. His tired but warm eyes studied you, as if seeing you for the first time, memorizing and mapping every freckle, wrinkle, and spot, because he’s scared that the moment he looks away, he’ll forget. He took in your flushed, messy appearance as if God himself sent down a heavenly body to give him a reason not just to fight, but to live; an angel on its mission as a guide, and he would willingly martyr himself on the ground at your feet if it meant he could just hear you say his name. Once.
Simon wanted to say these things, but he wouldn’t. He might never. But that’s alright, too. Not everyone is meant to love so boldly.
You cocked an eyebrow as he stared at you so intensely. “You okay there, Lieutenant?” You asked, a small smile on your lips.
He realized that, yes, it was alright that he didn’t say those things. Not because he didn’t want to, but because he didn’t have to - you just knew. Everyday he thought about how he didn’t deserve you. You, ever so loyal and strong. You’ve given him a purpose, motive, after all of these years - alone.
He often wondered what he had done to deserve having someone like you in his life. Someone who loved and cultivated, with hands of soft mercy, so tender and kind. A voice of validation, honesty, reason, all stemming from your unconditional love. If he had met you years ago, before the therapy and psychiatry helped, he would’ve let your fingers prick and bleed as you grasped at his thorns while he plucked you of your petals, leaving you broken and bare.
He didn’t deserve you.
Simon returned the smile, his voice soft, “Never better.” His hands moved to hold your waist as you two shared a few more kisses. “You know I like it when you call me that,” he hummed in between the lip locking.
You moaned gently and teasingly bit his bottom lip, your hands pressing against and gliding up his shirt. You kissed his jawline and sighed, “Is that so, Lieutenant Riley?”
He squeezed your waist in a warning. “Careful, love, we don’t have time for round two. Save it for tonight.” Your pussy purred just as Simon pulled away, picking up the mask from the sink and putting it back on in an attempt to obscure his identity.
You hummed, legs still a little shaken. “Well, I might need a minute to get my feet under me. You… okay with managing my family alone?” You asked hesitantly, eyes slightly squinting as if to flinch. He studied you for a moment, eyes glancing you up and down. It made you a little self-conscious, causing you to shift.
“Of course, Y/N,” his tone was reassuring, and subtly professional, “you sure you want me to leave you? Just say the word, love.”
Your body relaxed a little, and you nodded. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. I just need a minute.”
Simon faltered, if for a moment, before he gave you a soft squeeze on the arm, and left. You sighed, turning to lean onto the counter and fix your hair in the mirror. Your legs really were shaking, much to your surprise. Yes, yes, Simon makes you shake plenty, but he doesn’t always fuck that hard, if rarely. You couldn’t be more embarrassed. Sending your fiancé, who is not the biggest people-person, back to the wolves, but it’d be more embarrassing if you walked out there in your current state.
You fixed your dress and made sure you were able to stand properly again after a few minutes. Making sure your hair, makeup, and dress were all still together, you left the bathroom with caution. You quietly snuck down the hallway, back against the wall. You got to the doorway and peeked around the corner to peer into the party.
You don’t know how long you were in the bathroom for as the crowd surprisingly died down. Family members left for home, hotels, or whatever bedrooms your grandparents had available, so the end-of-the-night afterparty was intimate and calm. You inched into the room, eyes falling on Simon, who was outside with your grandfather, lighter in his hand.
You smiled gingerly as your mother called you over. “Sweetie, everybody loves Simon. I know he isn’t much of a talker, or a hugger, but he made a great impression.” Her voice was filled with warmth and happiness, and she spoke in a hushed tone. “He also listens to your grandfather’s stories, bless his heart.” She cooed. Your mother continued to speak, but her voice drowned out as you watched your future husband.
Simon stood at ease, with his hands held together and relaxed behind him as your grandfather engaged him in a story, puffing his cigar shakily as his hands trembled while he was animated. It was so calm and serene, watching him nod, the ghost of his jawline moving beneath the mask as he spoke. Your heart fluttered as Simon’s eyes flicked over and locked onto you, giving a little wink before turning his attention back to the present conversation.
Okay, you’re definitely sitting on his face tonight.
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lvr-111 · 4 months
Pairings: Bf!Matt x Pregnant!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, Crying, Mentions Of Pregnancy
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---*Y/n's POV*---
I'm so fucking screwed. I thought taking some pregnancy tests would be harmless. I had symptoms, Nauseous, My breasts were sore but the biggest problem was I had missed my period. Madi had recommended it, She had done it before but it was nothing but a scare for her. For me, I was pregnant. Pregnant with Matts child. He had a whole career ahead of him? We're only 20, it's way to early for kids, But what if it's my only chance?...What if I want this but he doesn't?
---*Matt's POV*---
What. The. Fuck.
We were mid recording but I left, ignoring the calls of Chris and Nick, We had enough footage to cover our Friday video anyways. I stood at my bedroom door, i can hear Y/n pacing back and fourth on the wooden floor. I open the door, She looks at me with these glassy eyes, her cheeks and eyes red and puffy. Yet she still looks beautiful than ever. I've seen her cry countless of times, but theirs some sort of glow to her this time. Just a faint hue outlining the beauty...
I move forward, No words are exchanged as I hold her. She instantly collapses to the floor, pouring her heart out into rambles and mumbles.
"I'm sorry."
"We can get rid of it."
"I thought we used protection"
I don't say anything. Just holding her against my chest, just trying to shush her, relaxing her as I drew stars on her shoulder.
--*10 Minutes Later*--
---*Y/n's Pov*---
I'm just numb at this point, I'm waiting for him to either kick my out, or something else.
"Do you want this?" He asks, cutting off my thoughts as I sit on his lap
"Do you want this?" He repeats him, looking into his eyes with pure love.
"Yeah..." I mumble softly, I've always dreamed of being a mother. Even with my nieces and nephews, I had this "Motherly Aura" or as Matt likes to say.
"Then we'll do it. I'll support you all thought this and more. We can have gender reveals, We can buy clothes for them, toys, te-" He says before I cut him off
"You're not angry?" I asks, clearly hesitant with my words.
"Absolutely not, I had a feeling something like this was going to happen, especially with you being 2 weeks late for your period. But never in a million years will I be angry at you, I love you too much for that." He says, meaning it from the bottom of his heart. I just admire him, his way of words and how he's so soft and gentle with me.
"We can play music for them, dress them up, make a nursery!" He says, quickly moving away from the upsetting subject as I laugh against him. Laughing at how ahead he is, even if I only found out 2 hours ago.
"I love you." He says to me, before he picks me up, placing her on the bed gentle and moving to my stomach. He presses a soft kiss against the flesh and he speaks against it.
"I love you too little man."He says as I correct him
"Or Little girl." I say smiling down ane giggling as he kisses my stomach, butterflies filling me.
"Yeah yeah, whatever."
a/n: My first piece of writing!! Hope you enjoy and let me know if you want a part 2 🙏😋😈
tags: @guccifrog @sleepysturnss @mattestrella @therealcody1 @rodysuntiedtie
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gavisfanta · 25 days
gavi with a breeding kink aftet seeing you playing with his nieces and nephews (for the sake of this just pretend like he has some) 😮‍💨
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summary: gavi and you are babysitting and after you put the kids to bed gavi tells you about his desire
a/n: changed it a bit, hope you dont mind anon
warning: smut, not proofread
"I think it's slowly time to go to bed." You mumbled while you stared at the small boy infront of you.
You and Gavi had to babysit some family friend's kids. Because they didn't want you to be alone and lonely while the kids sleep they asked you to invite Gavi too.
So now you were done playing with them and it had turned 8pm.
"Okay." The younger boy nodded his head. He was around the age of 5, but the girl who was 8 and very distracted by the tv didn't wanna go.
"Can I stay here?" She asked and looked at you.
"No, come on it's time for bed." You stood up while Gavi remained sitting on the sofa. She looked at the spanish midfielder and then stood up.
"Can you come with me?" Maria asked and then Gavi flashed you a quick smile.
"I'll put them both to sleep, don't worry." Gavi winked at you and you still followed him upstairs. The younger boy whose name was Ale ran to his room which was right next to Marias, the girls.
Maria was obsessed with Gavi the second she saw him. She literally played with him all day and when the two of you sat down outside in the garden she even kissed his cheek.
You knew that she had that one little girl crush on your boyfriend like the one you always had on the lifeguards at the beach.
Trying to impress them when you had no chance due to them being 3 times your age. But you rather considered it cute, you also thought about it that a long time ago, you used to be like that too.
Ale also loved Gavi, but he liked you a bit more, however when it came to playing football he of course chose Gavi.
And after Gavi managed to put the kids to sleep he made his way downstairs again.
So sitting on the couch, complete silence in the house, Gavi turned to you.
"That was awesome of you, I didn't know you were that good with kids." Gavi smiled at you and your cheeks started to color themselves red.
"I don't know" You shrugged your shoulders, Gavi then got closer to you and leaned to your neck.
"Imagine if those were our children. Imagine you with a baby inside your belly," He paused for a second." my baby." Gavi whispered against your neck. His hot breath sent shivers down your spine and his hands started roaming your body.
"Fuck." You muttered under your breath as you threw back your head and Gavi started planting sloppy kisses along your vein on your neck.
He then pulled away after some time snd you two made eye contact. Without a thought your lips collided into eachother and started moving at a fast pace.
Eventually you sat into his lap, feeling the tent in his joggers. Then he pulled away.
"You really wanna do it in here?" Gavi raised his brows while he pushed a strand of hair behind your ear.
"You turn me on, I can't wait for them to get home with my dick hard." Gavi whispered aggressively and you shook your head while smiling a little.
"You're an idiot." You stood up for a second so that he could take off his boxers and sweatpants.
"Take off your pants, if so, we won't have much time to get changed." Gavi nudged his head towards you and you also took off your pants, leaving you only in your red thong and him with nothing covering his lower body.
"You wanna have my babies amor?" Gavi teased. You felt your arousal getting hotter when he looked up at you, walking over to him and sitting down on his lap, a thin and wet piece of fabric separating you two.
However, you didn't wait long until you lifted up your hips and then Gavi pulled down his shorts to his knees. His hard dick basically jumping out of his boxers, standing tall below your core. Gavi then grabbed it and with his other hand he rubbed his fingers along your folds. You whimpered at the touch and you slowly slid down his dick, Gavi holding it at the bottom to stabilize it.
"I'm gonna give you so many children, you'd look so hot pregnant." Gavi whispered into your ear. You whimpered quietly as he then grabbed your hips and moved you up and down carefully, slow at first and then his pace speeding up.
A light and silent sound of skin clapping against eachother lingered around in the room. The only thing you prayed for was that the children wouldn't wake up.
You accidentally moaned loudly to which Gavi responded with sticking two of his fingers into your mouth. Your tongue swirled around them, wetting them in your Salvia. His hand then slipped down to your clit and started rubbing it in figures of eight.
You moaned against his skin as you lowered your head into the crook of his shoulder.
He kept thrusting up into you until your legs began to shake and the warm knot in your abdominal kept growing. Gavi noticed the way you clenched around him and only fastened his pace.
Eventually you both came, his dick shooting ropes of his cum into your pussy as you sunk down on him, moaning and whining.
Hs threw his head back as he tried to catch his breath. "You gonna have my children hm?" He asked, he was so drunk from the orgasm that he forgot that you're on birth control. But maybe he just ignored it.
"Now let's get you cleaned up without waking up the children." Gavi said after a few minutes.
As you two cleaned up a bit and got dressed you sat down on the couch again and only 15 minutes later your family's friends came home.
"Thank you so much for paying attention to the kids." The mother thanked you two as you stood at the door.
"Oh no worries at all." You smiled and the both of you then went to the car.
"I just hope the kids wont tell her about the noise the monster under her bed made." Gavi joked and you gave him a weird look.
"What noise?" You knitted your eyebrows together and the next second Gavi started to intimidate you moaning. You immediately smaked his chest with your hand and looked the other way while he kept laughing.
"You're my favorite monster, if that makes you feel better."
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itsmealaiah · 4 months
okay girl here’s a req
can you do 2008tom x reader smut? where reader’s parents invited them for a family dinner and when they sat at the table tom kept rubbing reader’s thighs almost squeezing them,also when reader was playing with her niece and nephew tom kept whispering in her ear abt having a kid but soon they ended up making out in the bathroom
sorry if it’s a lot,if you’re comfortable can you do smth like this?🫶🏼
-love ya🤭💗
eee baby fever is so real rn
Sneaking away
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tags/ warnings: making out, tom having baby fever, hidden breeding kink? p in v, cursing
a/n: thank you bb i love you!!
summary: seeing you interact so greatly with kids really gets tom going, even at a family function
Your POV:
Me and tom had been invited to my parent's house for dinner tonight, and I was so excited for him to finally meet my family and for them to meet him, but all throughout the meal, he wouldn't ease up, being touchy in front of my family, where someone could so easily spot what he was doing, and he'd never be allowed over ever again. His hands continuously grazed my thighs, hiking up my dress so he could rest his cold hands on the skin.
It felt quite nice, to be truthful, but not appropriate, especially when children are around. I slapped his hands away, and he pouted, a frown creasing his lips. He didn't stop however, oh no, because he went right back to his fucking intolerable acts, squeezing my thighs, leaving small little marks denting the skin. I was being overdramatic, obviously, but he needed to take a hint.
"Tom" I whisper-yelled in his ear, and he perked up, still not removing his hands, making me growl lowly in annoyance. "remove your hands or we're gonna have a problem!" I asserted, but he ignored my demands. I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest. I couldn't deny, again, that it was quite pleasurable.
My niece made her way over to me, her little hands grabbing at the silk hem of my dress, begging to be picked up. "Hi N/n!" I cooed, placing her on my lap. (N/n means niece name/ Ne/n means nephew name; i made up the 2nd so they aren't the same hope that helps 😭) "How are you?" I asked in a babyish, silly voice, and she smiled. "Go-good" she babbled, looking over at tom, curious who he was. I caught her gaze, and pointed him out, letting her know he was okay, that he wouldn't harm her. "That's mister tom! Can you say hi?" I babbled in a slightly high-pitched voice. "Hi-hi!" she greeted, and tom smiled. "hello there n/n" he laughed, taking her from my arms.
I watched as they interacted. Tom seemed quite..infatuated with her, like he already loved her, wanted to hold her forever. He had never brought up children, let alone having them before, I wondered. Did he- did he want one?
I let myself get lost in thought, until tom dragged me over to the family room, where the TV was placed. It felt incredibly nostalgic to be back, after so many months away. Tom was occupied with n/n, while my nephew made his way over to me, and tom didn't let him leave his sight. He scooted closer to me as I tickled Ne/n, his laughtr contagious as n/n now wanted a piece. "You really must like kids, huh?" Tom whispered into my ear, and I gasped, my motions coming to a halt, as Ne/n whined, the laughter subsiding. He left a gentle kiss on the nape of my neck, and a moan almost escaped my lips, but I held it back.
I picked Ne/n upright, and began to tickle n/n, her small body convulsing with joy as she lay on the carpet, squirming around, small begs and pleas coming from her mouth, making me laugh. Tom's hot breath coated my ear, as I tried not to let it distract me away from my niece and having a good time with her, but he had other plans. "you'd be a perfect mother" he whispers, catching me off guard, as I come to a complete stop once again, disappointing my younger relative. I sighed, as his arms wrapped around the front of my stomach, thumbs tracing small little circles over my dress, relieving my pent up anger. "Hey hey hey" he whispers once again. "let's go to the bathroom, yeah? take some time to cool down" he offers, and I sigh, getting up with him.
I guide him to one of the two bathrooms, leading him upstairs so we can have more privacy, and lock the door behind us. "so what now?' I heave, leaning back onto the sink. "Thank fuck I got you alone" he mumurs, lips attacking my own possesively, making me moan into his mouth as he grins. "Mm, taste so sweet baby" he growls, hitching my dress up once more, sitting me on the counter. "Seeing you with those kids was so hot liebe, might want to fill you up with one of my own" he says, voice low. My eyes widen, slightly cringing at his words, but leaning into the kiss again, my arms cinching around his neck, his hands groping my waist tightly.
"So, so hot" he says gently against my lips, his hands leaving my hips, and rising up to my dress straps, slowly sliding them downwards, revealing my bare chest to his hungry, lustful gaze. I whimper, my hands pulling at his dreads, begging for him to do something, anything. He obliges, lips wrapping around my breast, taking it whole in his mouth, letting his tongue swirl and run over the soft, wet skin. I moan, my head falling back in pleasure as his hand finds my other each though his eyes are closed, and kneads it between his fingers, rolling the perky flesh around.
"Need to feel you" He groans, his actions stopping as he unbuttons his heavily baggy jeans, the tent in his pants incredibly visible, making me gasp. "See what you do to me? teasing me with those kids?" he asks, biting my earlobe, tugging at the skin. He takes his time with me, kissing my lips, tongue seeking entrance into my mouth, and once I grant it, he goes insane. "Gonna fill you up, having you walk around with my baby, you hear me?" he demands, and I nod fearfully. "Good fucking girl" His boxers are slipped off, only his shirt left, but soon that is gone, his hands making quick work of it.
He pulls what's left of my dress down, only a pair of lacy panties left, and he digs his thumbs into the sides, dragging them down agonizingly slow, to tease me. "Hurry up" I whine, and he brings a finger to my lips. "patience baby, don't worry" he reassures me. Soon enough, i'm fully naked, just like him, in my parent's upstairs bathroom, probably ruining this counter for generations to come. He lines himself up with my wet hole, feeling how turned on I am just by his simple words and actions. "Oh!" I moan. "hurts a little" I whimper, and he strokes my hair lovingly. "Only for a second my dear, then it goes away, like always, okay?" He promises, and I believe him.
He slips in and out once i'm semi-used to it, being as gentle as he can since he knows how fragile I am, how fragile my body is. Everytime I wince, or my eyes shut, he whispers small words of praise, such as "doing so well", or "you're being so good f'me" making me melt each time. When the pain finally fully subsides, he has not a single ounce of mercy for me, rocking my body back and forth, holding me in his grasp while I shake on the counter. "You want me to get you pregnant? fill you up all nice with my cum?" He growls, lips devouring my neck, sure to leave some type of mark, if not multiple. I nod, desperate for him.
"That's what I thought" he smirks. "Mm-ah!" I moaned, arching my back, feeling every ounce of pleasure coursing through me, my legs digging into his back, and he winced, letting up just a bit. "Please-ngh" i whimpered. "please what baby, begging for me? So desperate for me" he growled. The knot in my stomach soon formed, signaling I was close, and tom knew it too, and he whimpered. "Gonna cum baby, cum with me" he commanded, and I released, my juices coating his cock, as he twitched, his release taking him only mere second later, and I gasped.
"Gonna be such a good mom" he panted as he pulled out, his ropes of the white liquid spilling out. I pulled my dress back up, and he did the same, rushing out of the bathroom once he was fully ready, leaving me all alone.
Was i really ready to be a mom?
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squirmhoney · 1 year
Mean x Niece!Reader Head Canon
A/N: Requested by @clora95. Felt best to keep it as niece reader. If any one has any more head canon ideas. It's not as mean as I was initially going for so I might do meaner at a later date. Warnings: Incest. Smut. Degradation. Overstimulation. Humiliation. Non Con. Dub Con. 18+
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Ever since he lost his eye, he despised you but it wasn't always like that. You used to be good friends before all that. But upon your return to Kings Landing, he'd be awful to you. He'd whisper insults in your ear, calling you a "bastard". He'd make snide remarks under his breath any time he was around you, just to make you uncomfortable. Even when you were spending time with his sweet sister, he'd glare at you until you felt too uneasy to be there anymore. However, he still cared for you deep down. It would finally show when on your name day you'd be surrounded by suitors from all over the realm. His jealously would grow when he noticed you dancing with them and within minutes he'd be dragging you to your chambers. He'd comment on you still had Valyrian blood in you that shouldn't be wasted on a commoner. You'd be confused as he shoved you on his bed, kissing you with pure anger. His hands were grabbing any piece of you he could find while yours were trying to fight against him. Your hands would give up after a while, letting him strip you of your clothes. His hands would be all over you, yanking you against him as he got handfuls of your ass. You'd be wet for him, not knowing why the crude words or the way he taunted you while he pressed his hard cock against you made you leak for him but it did. Once he found out how wet you were for him, it would be game over and he'd be deep inside you, not even bothering to prepare you for what was about to happen. It's hurt at first, you'd be crying pleading him to stop or to be gentle. He wouldn't care but eventually the pain would turn into pleasure and you'd find it enjoyable. But enjoyment would turn into over stimulation as Aemond took you until you'd pass out on top of him. He'd be degrading you calling you a whore, telling you he could see how much of a slut you were for him. But you were only his now. The next day you'd be unable to leave his chambers, after waking up in the middle of the day, your legs unable to hold you up. He'd taunt you all day, loving the way you had to rely on him for the most simplest things. It wouldn't be long before people found you and Aemond would be proud of them telling you both that you will be married.
Aegon never really cared for his nephews but you, his sweet niece, were too irresistible. He'd constantly be teasing and taunting you. Eventually he'd have you in your chambers, not caring it was the middle of the day or that anyone could walk in. He'd have you stripped off your clothes, pinching and sucking at your nipples, groping your ass. He'd didn't care as you whined for him to stop, only laughing at how wet you were and how he really wasn't doing anything to help. Instead he'd have you sprawled out on his bed, spread across his lap as he edged you. His hand would go between spanking your folds, your ass and then your clit. It was endless and you were whimpering, your ass cheeks red and bruised. A maid would find you like that, eyes wide as she stumbled around. Aegon would chuckle, humiliating you as he spread your folds for all to see. He'd ask you to beg him and you would. The maid would eventually leave and Aegon knew your mother would be alerted. He needed to be quick then, shoving himself deep in you and taking your maiden head. He'd laugh calling you a pretty little slut as he made you ride him, now slapping at your tits. Your mum, Rhaneyra would find you unable to form a sentence as Aegon thrusted into you. She'd probably tear Aegon from you but you'd be at his defence, drunk from the idea of his cock. You'd be separated for a while, your mum thinking she could keep you apart as you sorted things out but you'd find a way back to him. Each night he'd have you, brutally fucking you until you couldn't stand. He'd call you his own personal slut, all for him. He'd lock you both in a room, somewhere people could hear you as he made you scream for him. Once you left the ruin you'd be mortified, knowing your honour could not be restored unless you married. And that's exactly what you did. 
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writeandsurvive · 8 months
Author's note: just a little Gibbs idea I've had in mind. Maybe I'll get back to writing for him more... :) maybe it's because I'm binging NCIS from the beginning again. I tried to keep it as gender neutral as possible, hope I did well. Also, it's not proofread and I'm not a native English speaker.
Summary: you're babysitting your brother's twins by yourself and ends up calling for help.
Warnings: age gap, I guess?, talk of near death experience, taking care of babies, reader not wanting kids, siblings banter
Babysitting ~ Leroy Jethro Gibbs
"Are you sure you're up for this?"
"Seriously? It's the fourth time you're asking. We're gonna be just fine!" You reassured your brother, as you're sitting on the play mat your ten months old nephew and niece. If you were completely honest, you were a bit anxious about babysitting the twins all by yourself as it was the first time. But you couldn't let your brother know that, as he was already struggling to leave.
"All you have to do is feed them, change their diapers at some point and put them to bed." He got down to pick up his daughter, finally saying goodbye.
"I promise they will be alive and in one piece when you come back. Hopefully, tomorrow morning." You grinned at him before grabbing your nephew and gentle holding him on his feet. "Now go daddy, have fun." You said with a baby voice, like it was your little dude saying it. After one more kiss to his girl, he put her down and did the same with his son.
"It's just a work thing." He told you for the umpteenth time.
"Yeah, but the beautiful single mom from your office will be there."
"She left just a month ago. I'm so not ready to jump into anything." He couldn't bring himself to say the name of his wife and mother of his children. One day, she just decided that being a mom and a wife wasn't for her and she took off. Which is why you were babysitting that night.
"Don't jump into anything, just jump on her."
"On those elegant words, I'm out. Bye babies, I love you!" He sent them kisses as he was walking towards the door. "What are you doing?" He asked when he noticed you were following.
"Going to a party of course!"
"Don't leave them out of your sight! Even for one second!" He scolded.
"They are on their mat, playing!"
"And your niece is starting to crawl!"
"Just leave and bang someone."
"And you wonder why you're still single..."
He finally left but not without holding his shoulder after you punched him.
"Okay babies! We can do this, right?"
Turned out, you couldn't. Or at least, it wasn't going as smoothly as you thought it would. Shortly after your brother left, your niece started to cry her heart out, wondering why daddy wasn't there, for sure. Then, your nephew decided that he wasn't going to eat. The food didn't seem yucky to you but it was to him, and he thought throwing around and at you was funny. So did your niece. By this time, your brother had already texted you twice and you obviously lied. The little boy being covered in soft food, you decided to give them both a bath, hoping it'd tired them a bit. But they both were very much against the baby shower gel, and your niece pooped in the tub. Which made everyone almost throw up.
After a (very) long struggle, they were finally in their PJs, clean and ready for bed. You thought a break was coming, but your niece had a meltdown. Which caused your nephew to have one too. You didn't know what was wrong, you tried everything you could to calm them both but nothing was working. You contemplated calling your brother several times, but it was his first night out since she left and you didn't want to ruin it for him. After over an hour of struggle, you did call someone.
"Gibbs," he answered.
"How much do you love me?" You immediately asked over the crying. You barely heard him chuckle.
"I'm on my way."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you! I owe you one!"
You didn't know how long it took your team leader to show up at your brother's house. But somehow, as you were trying to soothe the twins on your brother's bed, you felt a presence behind you. "How did you get in? You know what, I don't care. Help me, please, I don't know what to do."
Whether or not the twins noticed that there was someone else in the room, they weren't stopping. Gibbs got closer to you, look down at the twins. "First, you're gonna take a deep breath."
"They are crying bloody murder!" You exclaimed.
"The more frustrated and anxious you get, the more they'll cry." You felt his hand on your shoulder and his gentle squeeze. You closed your eyes, tried to block the noises and took a deep breath.
"Now, are they fed? Changed?"
You wanted to give him a snarky comment as you always do, but didn't have the patience for it. So you just said yes.
He grabbed your niece into his arms, "Grab this little guy and do what I'm doing." You followed his instructions. Holding and bouncing your little man a certain way. After the eventful evening, you almost missed how incredible Gibbs looked with a baby in his arms, how gentle and soft he was. Such a natural. You nearly stopped everything when you heard him starting to sing a lullaby. It was quiet and you could barely hear him above the crying. That's when you realized that only your nephew was still crying. "You stopped." He warned you. "Don't get frustrated, hon. Sing to him."
You took another deep breath and did as told. Slowly, your nephew was calming down. It was magic.
"Lead the way to their bedroom." He whispered.
He put down in the little girl in her crib, and helped you putting down the baby boy, as he noticed you were too scared of waking him up. You stayed there for a moment, silently looking down at them, Gibbs right next to you.
"It's official, I do not want kids."
Gibbs chuckled and slid his hand in the back of your neck, bringing you to him so he could kiss your hair. You took the opportunity to go for a hug and he gently returned it. It suddenly became much easier to breathe.
"Is the baby monitor on?"
You checked, and grabbed the part you were supposed to keep with you.
"I need to change." You said after leaving the bedroom.
"You can take a shower."
"Do I look that bad?"
"You look like you need to relax."
"True. Will you be there when I get out?"
"Yes, give me the monitor." You did and felt shivers all over your body as his long fingers brushed against yours.
"Grab anything you want from the fridge. I'll be quick."
"No rush."
It was one of the most amazing shower you've ever had.
You knew you didn't want to have children most of your adult life, but it just got confirmed. You didn't want this to be your daily life. You loved kids, and you loved the twins more than anything in the world, but you didn't need one of your own.
When you reached the kitchen, it was sparkling clean. The big mess from dinner was gone. The toys were put away. Gibbs had his back turned to you as he was doing the dishes. "I don't know if I want to scold you or kiss you." You regretted the last words as soon as they got out.
Gibbs looked at you over his shoulder with a smile. "You're welcome."
"Seriously, you didn't have to!"
"No problem! You accepted to babysit twins after the crappy days we've had at work."
"Yeah," you sighed, remembering the awful case the team dealt with and only closed a few hours ago.
"How you feeling?" He asked, turning off the water and drying off his hands.
"How you feeling?" You retorted, earning a shy smirk from Gibbs.
"I'm fine." He reassured you, or at least, tried.
You got closer to him, grabbing the hand towel for him to put it away, and locked eyes with this man you've been in love with for a very long time. "You almost got killed, Gibbs." You said barely above a whisper.
"It comes with the job." He just said.
"Doesn't make it okay when it's such a close call." You could see the scene again. The bullet rushing so close to his head. A few centimeters to the left and Gibbs wouldn't be anymore. That thought hurt. It scared you more than anything else. And you couldn't control the tears forming in your eyes.
"I'm okay." He said one more time, knowing that you needed to hear it. So did he.
You felt his arms slowly wrapping around you, and before you knew it, your face was buried in his neck, as you inhaled his unique scent deeply. You held onto him tightly. "I can't lose you. Not you. Ever."
But you would, one day. Him being older than you, you knew that and Gibbs definitely knew it too. Which is why he never acted on his attraction and feelings for you. He knew you were feeling the same, he knew you were in love with him - even though he couldn't understand why or how. He could easily have given in, and enjoy whatever moments with you. But he refused. He couldn't do that to you, nor to himself. Everyday in this job, he could lose you too. That bullet could've been for you and not miss. Losing Shannon - and Kelly - was the hardest thing he's ever had to go through, and he couldn't bare the idea of losing another partner, especially you.
Which was why he tried to get you to leave NCIS several in the past few years. At first, it was pointing out how this job sucks - he loves it but he's a bit of masochist -, how you'd be better off doing something safe. Then it was introducing you to someone who had move on from this job and never felt better. And lately, it was asking Vance to find you a desk job you would actually enjoy. But nothing worked. You were still there, by his side, in harm's way.
Would it hurt to give in just this once? He wondered as he felt you clutching onto him. You fitted so perfectly in his arms, you smelled so good. You were showing your vulnerability, which you rarely do, with anyone and Gibbs found it very appealing.
He was looking down at you, you were looking up. He could lean in a few inches and his lips would reach yours. He started to, very slowly. But before it happened, your phone went off. You rushed to it, not to answer but mostly to shut it down, after it would wake up the twins, despite them being upstairs.
"Seriously!" You said after picking up.
"Just wanted to check in. Are they safely in bed?" You rolled your eyes.
"Of course not, I told you we were having a party. Can't you hear the music? Do they prefer scotch or bourbon?" You saw Gibbs smiling.
"You suck."
"So do you. Go back, and enjoy your night out, idiot."
"Hey, wait. Are you--sure it's not too soon for me?"
"She left, bro. Screw her. Whether it's a one time thing or more, as long as you're happy with it, just go for it. You deserve some fun."
"Says you, who can't move on from her boss, even though nothing ever happened. I mean, I tried to introduce you to some nice pe--" you hung up before he could finish. You knew Gibbs hear the entire thing.
"I'm, uh, gonna check on the twins."
But he held you back. "They are fine." He whispered.
"You already knew, didn't you?" You could look into his magnificent blue eyes. "That's why you've been trying to get rid of me?"
He sighed and brought you closer. His nose in your hair, his lips against your forehead. "I can't lose you either." He whispered, returning the vulnerability you showed earlier.
Hearing those words, you didn't think twice. You lifted your head up and crashed your lips on his. Gibbs didn't have the strength nor will to fight it. He intensified the kiss quickly, backing you up against the wall, where it happened for the very first time.
First of many.
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heavyhitterheaux · 6 months
Boys Day Out
First Lady of Private Garden Fic
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Synopsis: First Lady sends her favorite boys Jack, Axel, and Urban to the Chelsea game
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
First Lady of Private Garden Masterlist
Requested by: 1/3 of hot chips and bad decisions @hoodharlow 😘
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Hearing the doorbell ring,  you checked the security cameras to see that it was Blanca and Jessica and quickly went to open the door from your spot on the couch that you had been sitting on.
Once they stepped into the house, they took notice of how quiet it was and looked at you confused.
“Where is everyone? Because I don't think I have ever heard your house this quiet.” Jessica whispered, ultimately waiting for her nieces and nephew to tackle her. Because she knew that it was only a matter of time.
“I was thinking the exact same thing.” Blanca added as the two of them followed you into the kitchen as you poured all three of you a glass of red wine.
“Umm, Y/N? It's 9 in the morning.” Blanca called out to you once you had slid her glass in front of her seeing as you still haven't said anything.
“I'm fine, just taking it all in and it's 5 o'clock somewhere.” You said while sighing and immediately downing your glass and opting now to drink straight from the bottle.
“I-......” Jessica started to say as she and Blanca exchanged a look.
“Do we….”
“No, you do NOT need to call him.” You blurted out immediately knowing she was talking about Jack.
“We're going to have to disagree with you there.”
“I sent him, Ax, and Urb to London for the Chelsea game because they were getting on my last nerve. Not Axel, but the other two. I love them to pieces, but got damn. I needed a breather. Jack has been up my ass lately.”
“Uh? When is he not? That's your husband?” Blanca asked you not understanding because there was never a time that you didn't want to be around him.
“I'm trying to plan something for him that's really special and I can't do that when he is breathing down my neck. Now add three little people into that equation. I can't even pee by myself anymore without one of my four children, yes, I said four but I should have said five because Urban is my oldest banging on the door. Last night I was this close to sleeping in the bathroom with the door locked.”
“And Jack would have still broken down the door to get to you.”
“Correct.” You sighed while continuing to sip from the wine bottle.
“But where are your other two?”
“With my parents. I called my mom this morning and I was like you begged for grandchildren so come and get them.”
“I literally CANNOT.” Blanca exclaimed while laughing.
“I put Ivy and Autumn on the doorstep with their backpacks with clothes and toys for the entire weekend and I was like see you next week. I really wanted to say see you when you're 18, but that wouldn't have gone over well so now I have been sitting in silence and I am not complaining one bit.”
Meanwhile, Jack, Urban, and Axel had just landed in London and on the way to the hotel, Ax asked Jack for his phone.
“Daddy, can I see your phone?”
“What do you need it for, bubs?” Jack asked as he stuck his hand in his pocket to get it out.
“I need to talk to mommy.” Ax answered without missing a beat and Jack knew that it was only a matter of time. 
“Hold on, let me facetime her.”
You answered on the second ring and all you saw was a fluffy head of brown curls.
“Hi my baby boy. Move the phone from your face a little. All I can see is your hair!”
Jack helped him adjust it so now you could see both of them.
“There's my two handsome boys. Well three because I know Urban is there somewhere too.”
“I still haven't forgiven the two of you for leaving me at wing stop.” Urban said while leaning over so that you could see him too.
“Urby! That was ONE time!”
“One time too many!”
“Wifey, what are you up to?” Jack asked as he saw you nursing a bottle of red wine. Little did he know, this was your second.
“Enjoying sitting in complete silence besides B and Jess.”
“I…. Not hot chips and bad decisions!”
“Yes, hot chips and bad decisions! Leave us alone!”
“Jack, stop getting on your wife’s nerves!” Jack heard Jessica say as he saw her walk past in the background.
“Jessica! And don't eat all my snacks either!”
“Well I have to because we came to watch the game with wifey and keep her company!”
“Baby? Since when do you watch soccer?” Jack asked while looking at you confused.
“Since today. And I always used to watch you play anyway.”
“Mommy, I miss you.” Ax piped up and you could feel the tugging of your heart strings.
“Ax… we literally just got here.” Jack said while shaking his head and Urban stifled a laugh.
“Daddy, you just said that you missed mommy before we called her.”
“I…. it be your own kids.”
“I miss you too bubs!” You said and saw him crack a small smile.
“But you don't miss your husband?!”
“Yes of course I miss my baby daddy, but you and Urby have been getting on my LAST nerve this past week.”
“Wait! NOW WHY AM I IN IT!?” Urban exclaimed while leaning back over into the camera and looking confused.
“Urban Henry… don't go there with me. You and your best friend act more like toddlers than my actual toddlers.”
“I… I'm going to get you for that when I get back.”
“Mm hmm, sure. Anyway, I love all three of you very much, but especially Axel Wyatt. And have fun at the game. And Axel?”
“Yes, mommy?”
“Be on your absolute best behavior for daddy and Uncle Urby. Do you understand?”
“Yes, I promise.”
“Listen to everything that they say, okay?”
He eagerly nodded his head as you then focused your attention on Jack.
“I love you, smush.”
“I love you too, baby girl. Promise to call you later.”
The three of you were in the kitchen making snacks for the game when a picture suddenly came through on your phone from Jack.
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Smush- I thought the shirt was fitting so I had to buy it. We're eating and then going to the game. Hot chips still got you in one piece over there?
You- I'm about to yell and you know why I'm about to yell but I'll give you a chance to fix it first. Send me a pic of Ax in five minutes and what I see will determine if I kick you and Urban’s ass. And yes I am in one piece, but you and Urby won't be if you don't fix what's wrong
Urban was sitting across from Jack and saw how his face got a confused expression and immediately asked what was wrong.
“Do you see anything wrong with the pic of Ax I took?”
“No. It looks fine.”
“Then why did she send me this?” Jack asked as he shoved his phone towards Urban who instantly rolled his eyes.
“Why am I ALWAYS in it!? And what in the world are we supposed to fix in five minutes!?”
“Your guess is as good as mine! Even though there's an entire ocean between us, I take her threats seriously.”
“Only a matter of time before she shows up if we don't fix it.”
Jack quickly sent you another text telling you how confused he was.
Smush- Baby, I'm not understanding 😕 
You- You have three minutes
“URB! HELP!” Jack yelled while shoving his phone towards him.
“This is just as bad as when I thought I lost my wedding ring.”
“Had us both stressed out but she had it the whole time.”
“Bubs, finish up your food so we can get to the stadium and put on your coat.”
“But I'm not cold, daddy.”
“Ax, if we go home and you end up getting sick, your mother will not be happy with me so put it on. And put your hat on too.”
“So, you want me to be hot?”
“Axel, put them on and put them on now before I call her.”
It was the middle of the game when the three of you were watching in your living room when the camera suddenly cut to Jack, Urban, and Axel and your eyes instantly went wide as you grabbed your phone. Jack still didn't figure out what was wrong with the picture of Axel that he had sent you earlier, but seeing him at the game without his coat on while Jack and Urban was wearing theirs had you instantly annoyed. The last thing you wanted to deal with was a sick Axel because he is literally Jack in a little kid's body and acted exactly how he did when he got sick.
“Why doesn't Axel have on his coat?” Jessica asked as your fingers were flying across your  phone screen asking your husband the exact same thing.
“That's what I'm asking him right now.”
You- Jackman Thomas Harlow
Smush- 👀
Smush- Whatever it is, I didn't do it and neither did Urban because I know you’re about to throw him in there too
You- If our child comes back to Louisville sick, I will not be happy
Smush- Why would he come back sick?
You- He doesn't have on his coat!
Jack then turned to Axel who had once again taken off his coat after he had told him numerous times to keep it on.
“Yes, daddy?”
“Put your coat on! Why do you keep taking it off!?!? It is 40 degrees out here and your mother will kill me if you have so much as a sniffle when we get back. And where is your hat!?”
“In my pocket.”
“Axel Wyatt….”
“You have five seconds to get your hat and coat on.”
This continued on and off for the rest of the game and Axel only kept his coat and hat on for a total of thirty minutes between Jack and Urban telling him to put it on.
The three of them were now flying back and Jack was praying the entire time that Axel wouldn't start sneezing or spike a temperature. He was currently laid out on Jack when he felt his forehead and it was slightly warmer than usual and he immediately groaned. 
“She's going to have a damn fit.” He muttered to himself, but Urban heard him.
“Not your fault that he kept taking it off.” Urban responded while shrugging.
“Hmm, tell my wife that and tell me how it goes.” Jack replied as Axel shifted his position on his lap and cuddled closer to Jack.
Jack and Axel had been back for a few days when you heard several sneezes in a row from your husband and all you did was sigh as you walked in the direction that he was in which was your bedroom meaning that he was awake.
When he spotted you, he looked up at you with his eyes red as well as his nose.
“No. Don't you dare say it.”
“Say what, baby?” You asked him while coming up to hug him and reaching up to give him a small kiss which he gladly accepted.
Your immune system could handle it and typically while everyone in the house was sick, you weren't.
“Your son got me sick.”
“Oh, so now he's my son? Since when is he not yours too?”
“He's the one who didn't wear a coat for the majority of the time and I'm the one who gets sick. How does that work?!”
“Because kids are literally walking germs. That's why.”
Axel peeked his head into your bedroom and you motioned for him to come all the way in.
“Yes, bubs?” Jack asked and Axel sighed before letting out a fit of coughs.
“Daddy, you got me sick. I don't feel good.” He said as he reached up towards Jack so that he could pick him up.
“I did WHAT NOW?” Jack asked as he picked him up.
Axel didn't have time to answer, but instead sneezed on Jack who had a look of disbelief on his face.
“Seriously Ax? Bless you.”
“Sorry, daddy.” Ax answered as he did his best to cough into his arm.
“And mommy, I was so cold when we were at the game.”
“I….” Jack started to say but then turned back to look at Axel.
“That's what happens when you don't listen to daddy and you got me sick. Not the other way around.”
“I didn't start coughing until you did.”
“Okay, enough you two. Get in the bed, NOW.”
“Do we get cuddles from you?” Axel asked looking up at you hopeful as Jack climbed into the bed with him in his arms.
“For now, you're cuddling daddy because you are not getting mommy sick. I'll bring meds and food soon.”
Axel sighed as he looked up at Jack.
“You aren't mommy, but I guess you’ll have to do.” He said as he climbed on Jack’s chest and laid down while trying to get comfortable.
“Really, Ax?”
“Daddy, just try not to snore. I'm taking a nap, wake me up when the food is done.”
“As long as you don't kick me like you usually do we shouldn't have a problem.” 
“Not my fault you take up all the space.”
“You little…”
“OKAY! Both of you lay down right now.” 
Without another word, both of them did as they were told and you simply placed kisses on both the tops of their heads.
“Not another word out of either of you and Ax, the next time daddy says for you to put on your coat and hat in 40 degree weather, you do it.”
“But.. “
“Not another word, remember?”
This led to Axel getting a pout on his face and cuddling closer to Jack who simply laughed.
“So much for boys day out. Now the both of you are sick.”
Suddenly your phone went off in your hand indicating a text from Urban.
Urby Baby- Your son got me sick
You- Well according to him his father got him sick
Urby Baby- Can you bring me soup? PLEASE
You- I do something nice for the three of you and this is what I get in return? I have to take care of all three of you now that yall are sick!?! Do I have to do everything!?!?
Urby Baby- Come on Lil Bit, I said please!
You- Be over here in fifteen minutes 🙄
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Liked by y/ninsta, blancahood, jackharlow, claybornharlow, jessicakelce, saweetie, druski2funny, dualipa, and 492,736 others
urbanwyatt: and it was at that moment, jackharlow knew he fucked up lmaoooo
lilnasx: who was he texting? urbanwyatt: lilnasx as Axel likes to call her, the boss lol jackharlow: I was fighting for my damn life in those text messages. wifey going off and me not having any idea what she's talking about y/ninsta: and now all three of you got me sick smh jackharlow: y/ninsta that leads to ultimate cuddles from me and Ax y/ninsta: jackharlow so he can sneeze in my face like he did you? jessicakelce: now you do something nice for them and this is how they repay you? outta pocket y/ninsta: jessicakelce same thing I said smh urbanwyatt: y/ninsta my soup was good bestie. thank you 🥰 y/ninsta: jackharlow babeeeee my throat hurts jackharlow: y/ninsta I got a cure for that 😏😏😏😏 jackharlow: y/ninsta wait, baby why'd you lock the bedroom door?! not you leaving me and Ax outside y/ninsta: jackharlow when you say stupid shit like that, this is the result lilnasx: jackharlow what the boss says goes jackharlow: lilnasx not you too 🙄
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zegrasdrysdale · 5 months
[ impossible ] t. seguin
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day eleven of malia’s christmas fic marathon
paring : Tyler Seguin x fem!reader
summary : (Y/N) is surprised when ex boyfriend Tyler knocks on the door of her parents’ house on Christmas Day
warning(s) : angsty, but nothing besides that
author’s note : last two fics of the christmas marathon. let’s do this
She has never been happier to be home in Toronto. (Y/N) loves living in Dallas, but the last few weeks haven’t been the best. Being surrounded by family should help her out of the post-breakup funk she’s been in recently.
Even now as she's sitting in the living room with her family in her Christmas pajamas and opening their gifts, she misses Tyler. She misses her old life with Tyler, but she couldn't do it anymore. She couldn't keep doing the distance.
He was away more often than he was home. When he was home, he went out with his teammates after games or on off days. She'd often go weeks without seeing him because he'd stay over at a teammate's house.
She wasn't equal with hockey anymore. Not like she used to be. She got tired of it.
She never gave him an ultimatum because she could never make him choose between her and hockey. (Y/N) made her feelings known and Tyler didn't seem to care, so she has been living with her best friend in Dallas and came home for Christmas a week ago. She stopped answering Tyler's texts and calls so she hasn't even talked to him in nearly two months.
Her family doesn't notice that something's wrong. (Y/N) does her best to keep a smile on her face and interacts with her nieces and nephews as they open their gifts. No one has asked where Tyler is and she is very much grateful for that.
As (Y/N) opens a gift from her mom, there's a knock on the door. Her mom goes to answer it as she opens the box that contains a Dallas Stars customized jersey that has her last name above the 91. "Tyler!" her mother shouts from the front door. "It's so nice of you to join us. We didn't think you'd be joining us."
Her head snaps toward the door so quickly that she thought for a split second that she gave herself whiplash. She's very surprised to see her ex standing at the front door of her parents' house in Toronto.
"I needed to go see my parents before coming over," Tyler says as he looks right at (Y/N). "Sorry I'm late. I forgot how insane Toronto traffic can be."
Words cannot express how angry and annoyed she is that he is at the door. She thought that he would've gotten the message that she was done when she didn't talk to him for two months.
Apparently not because there he stands in a Stars hoodie and plaid pajama pants with a bag full of gifts at the front door.
She gets up off the floor and pushes Tyler out the door without a word to anyone. It closes behind her, leaving the two of them alone in the cold Toronto air. Snow is on the ground and she's outside in a tank top, fuzzy pajama pants, and slippers. (Y/N) can't even feel the cold because of the fact that she is fuming.
"You have no right showing up," she spits at him. "We haven't spoken in two months and you show up at my parents' house."
Tyler blinks and says, "Last time I checked, you're the one that stopped talking to me. I don't remember being told that I wasn't allowed to come to Christmas because you stopped answering my texts and calls."
"We're done, Tyler," she tells him. "In case that wasn't clear."
"You're done," he retorts. "I'm not. I don't understand why you just up and left."
"I told you why!" (Y/N) practically shouts. "You're gone for weeks at a time, Tyler. The only time I get to see you is when we're separated by a thick piece of glass while I'm sitting in the stands and you're on the ice. You used to spend off days with me, you used to come home to me and we'd watch a movie on the couch or in bed. Then you decided to go out after every game or go out on off days."
He runs a hand through his hair and says, "I am a leader, (Y/N). I was never around my team. I needed to show them that I am still a leader and I couldn't do that when I was cooped up at home with you. You knew what you were getting into when we started dating and all of a sudden, you can't handle it anymore?"
Anger courses through her veins. Her blood is boiling to the point where the snow might melt around her. "No," she retorts. "I can't do it anymore. You used to make time for me and now you're a ghost. I was living in a shell of our past life together while you seemed to be moving on. I was alone in that apartment. It was like I didn't have a boyfriend anymore. I didn't think it would be that big of a deal if I left."
A look of hurt flashes on Tyler's face. "Of course it would be a big deal if you left," he softly says. "I love you. I miss you."
She shakes her head and does everything she can to keep the tears from spilling over to her cheeks. "You didn't listen," she tells him. "I told you how I felt and you still went out that night after the game. I made the decision to leave because I knew that if you went out after I told you how I felt, you'd keep going out. I couldn't do it anymore."
Tyler frowns and says, "I went out to tell the guys that I wasn't going to be going out as much with them after games and on off days. That is the only reason I went out. I was gone for thirty minutes. When I came back to the apartment and you were gone, I realized that I didn't tell you that I'd be right back."
"I- you-" she cuts herself off when she realizes that if she had just stayed around for an hour, he would've been back. "Why didn't you just text that to me?"
"I thought that you'd be back," he admits. His eyes fall to the ground. "I didn't think you'd ignore me for two months. I didn't think it would take you a half hour to pack a bag and leave. I should've told you that I'd be right back."
A tear slips down Tyler's cheek. Her own tears begin to fall when she sees Tyler's tears. "Tyler, I'm so sor-"
"It's not your fault," he interrupts her. "Don't you dare apologize. We wouldn't even be in this situation if I had just realized how lonely you were or if I had just told you that I would be right back. I'm sorry. I know I probably shouldn't have come up here to try and fix things but I couldn't let you spend Christmas thinking you did something wrong when you didn't."
She takes a few steps forward and wraps her arms around his torso. Tyler's free arm wraps around her shoulders as she buries her face in his chest.
They've both done a lot wrong the past few months, but all they can do now is acknowledge what they've done wrong and move past it.
Hopefully Tyler's season can recover too because despite not being together, (Y/N) did keep an eye on his stats. He really began to fall apart a week after she left the apartment and has never been able to get it together.
That's all on her.
"Sorry your season has gone to shit," she sniffles as she looks up at him. "You can blame that on me."
Tyler shakes his head and cups her jaw with his free hand. "I'll never blame how good or bad a season is going on you," he tells her. "That will never be on you.'
A gust of wind blows and she shivers. Tyler wraps his arm back around her shoulders and holds her close to him. "I'll blame myself enough for both of us," she says. "Can we go inside?"
"As long as you're not done," Tyler replies. "I came up here to fight for us and I won't go inside unless you tell me that we can go back to how things were, minus my going out all the time."
(Y/N) looks up at him and nods. "I'm not done," she practically whispers. "Even when I said I was done, I don't think I actually was. You're impossible to move on from, Tyler Seguin."
He smiles and leans down to press a soft kiss to her lips. He hums and pulls back. "God, (Y/N)," he says. "Your lips are so cold. Let's go."
She lets out a light laugh and walks into the house with Tyler in tow.
Everyone looks at the two of them as Tyler pulls off his hoodie and pulls it over (Y/N)'s head since they were outside for fifteen minutes talking in freezing temperatures. "Everything okay?" her mom asks. "You guys were outside for a while. I thought I heard yelling."
"Everything's okay," she assures everyone in the living room. She goes back to sitting on the ground and Tyler sits next to her. He takes her hands in his so they warm up. She leans into him and rests her head on his shoulder. "We're okay."
That was more for Tyler than anything. He kisses the top of her head before he starts to hand out the gifts that he brought with him for (Y/N)'s parents and siblings. She watches them open their presents with a smile on her face.
Then Tyler holds a little present in front of (Y/N). She slowly takes it and looks up at him. "What is this?" she asks.
"Now that would ruin the surprise," Tyler teases. "Open it and find out. I know technically we weren't together when I bought this but I knew I wanted to buy it for you."
She unwraps it and opens the little black box. There's a silver ring that sits inside with a 91 in little diamonds on it. Her jaw drops and she looks up at her boyfriend. "You really went all out even though we weren't together," she gasps.
Tyler grabs it out of the box and takes her right hand. He slides the ring on the ring finger. "Wanted to make sure that everyone knows who your boyfriend was when we got back together," he replies. She admires the ring on her finger and Tyler kisses the ring.
(Y/N) smiles and leans against him to watch the last few presents get opened.
It finally feels like Christmas now that Tyler is here. It didn't feel like it until he got here because they have spent the last three Christmases together.
Despite being angry that he showed up, she's very happy he's here now.
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
So I JUST got this idea after reading your mist recent adoptive dad!Kaveh piece and now it WILL NOT leave my mind. You emphasized on how his child's emotions are his emotions and how he's much more empathetic when it comes to them. So naturally, as a connoisseur of all things angst, I keep thinking how Kaveh will handle it when his child has their first heartbreak! Being so emotional himself will he be able to hold up or will he cry with them? and I wonder what the rest of them will do, there's just so many possibilities
how is [name]'s first heartbreak handled?
summary. how does [name]'s platonic co-parenting family respond to their first breakup?
trigger & content warnings. gaslighting, tough breakups, abusive behavior, lots of tears, & medical malpractice (briefly and pretty non-seriously).
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. hurt/comfort. tighnari & reader, alhtiaham & reader, adoptive dad!kaveh & reader, cyno & reader, collei & reader. 1k words. they/them pronouns for reader. this post is an expansion of what if kaveh adopted a child?
author's thoughts. THIS IS SO TASTY THANK YOU FOR SENDING THIS.... ive never been in this situation before nor do i really understand what heartbreak feels like so i just kind of went with the flow. focused mostly on what [name]'s lil family would do and how they'd all react. anyway keep sending me your adoptive dad!kaveh thoughts guys i love this kind of interaction haha <3
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tighnari is furious. alhaitham is level-headed and logical as usual, but not indifferent. kaveh cries with them. cyno is livid. collei is calm, comforting.
kaveh is very sensitive to his kid's mood; i have indeed emphasized this already. he knows when something is wrong. he senses the shift in their mood almost instantly. depending on where they are, he may or may not be the first to know.
do they return to gandharva ville after they break up with their first love (for the sake of angst, let's say it's because the ex-lover in question sought to abuse and take advantage of their selflessness, but [name] was not having it, and they were gaslit upon pointing it out and ended up being called needy)? if so, tighnari will know first.
archons forbid their ex ever show up at gandharva ville for any kind of treatment. tighnari will treat them, yes, but he will make it hell. he will make it worse before making it better. medical malpractice? no, that's not what it is, silly. he's not even a licensed doctor! how can he commit malpractice if he doesn't practice medicine in the first place?
tighnari can think all he wants about doing such a thing, but he really wouldn't. he couldn't do something like that. he'd have a guilty conscience forever if he did. however, that does not mean he won't give [name]'s ex attitude. oh archons, he has all the attitude in the world to spare for the asshole who hurt his nibling (a/n: that's the gn term for niece or nephew).
[name] is not needy. sensitive and clingy at times, perhaps, but needy? tighnari scoffs at the idea. they're self-sufficient, if anything. the simple truth is that [name] likes affection because they were spoiled with it when they were little. the fact that their first love gaslit them in such a disgusting way makes the forest watcher's blood boil.
"[name]..." he'd sigh, heart squeezing painfully in his chest as he held them against his chest, unable to do much of anything except listen to the way they sobbed. tighnari's tail instinctively curled around their waist. "it really is not your fault. some people are just... horrible like that. ultimately, you deserve better, so this is for the best. it may not feel that way right now, but one day, it will."
do they return to kaveh and alhaitham's shared home instead? is kaveh home? if not, then alhaitham will know first. it isn't improbable. kaveh is often away on work trips, so it isn't hard to imagine that the akademiya's scribe would know first.
alhaitham hates seeing kaveh cry. he wishes he would stop expending himself to a harmful extent for the sake of others.
he also hates seeing [name] cry. why should they spend time crying over a manipulative asshole who had no capacity to understand them as a person? they shouldn't, and yet... they are.
like tighnari, alhaitham sighs. he's stroking their hair away from their face with one hand, stopping every now and then to gently pat their tears dry, even though his efforts are fruitless; they end up crying more regardless of how many times he dries their face. their head is laid in his lap. it's the least the scribe can do until kaveh gets home.
"[name], they're not worth your time. you were raised to be kind and emotionally articulate. it isn't your fault that they tried to take advantage of that."
he sighs again.
"i'm proud that you refused to let them manipulate you."
alhaitham's blatant, clearly-worded praise is rare. it soothes their soul a little.
if kaveh is home, however...
they will be sobbing in his arms within the hour. he always knows when something is wrong, and when something is wrong? he's there to support and console them. that is what any good father would do. kaveh's heart shatters on their behalf when they manage to choke out between tears that their love had so callously tried to abuse the kindness they offered to all those around them.
kaveh undoubtedly cries with them, holding their figure tightly against his.
"honey, it—" he chokes, aggressively wiping his face with one hand while the other remains secured around their waist. "it's not you, okay? it's not your fault. people, they— they like to try and take advantage of things they don't have. kind people don't take advantage of kindness. good people don't take advantage of goodness. you did well. you handled it well."
cyno will always be the last to know, regardless of what order everyone else finds out in.
cyno is also the most furious.
it's probably in [name]'s ex's best interest to flee the country. the wrath of general mahamatra cyno is an utterly horrifying thing to be the target of. he won't physically hurt them, no (although he would have to put all of his self control into practice in order to not knock all of the kid's teeth out...), but he will make it very clear that he does not want them anywhere near his nibling ever again unless it's to apologize, and even then... he had better not see them lingering too long.
the next time he sees kaveh and his kid, cyno plants a firm hand on [name]'s shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze, saying, "they won't bother you again."
a slight chill runs up their spine at that. "...what did you do to them..?"
"don't worry about it."
anyway congrats to [name]'s manipulative ex! they have made enemies with four of the most influential people in sumeru <3
(and as a little bonus treat:
collei, now in her late teens, is some kind of mix between tighnari, alhaitham, and kaveh. she's not mad. she's just disappointed, really; she loves [name] like a little sibling and just doesn't understand why anyone would knowingly hurt them. she knows very well that such cruel people do exist—she was the victim of one such person, after all—but... it's so hard for her to fathom. collei is very gentle and understanding in this situation, letting them cry on her shoulder for as long as they need to. once their tears have dried, she takes them out on patrol with her.
she makes them fresh pita pockets over a fire and spends the afternoon laughing and joking around with them to help them feel better. she'll even tell one of cyno's awful jokes if it will make them smile. <3)
adoptive dad!kaveh taglist: @kaoyamamegami. send a non-anonymous ask to be added. please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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callmeoncette · 11 months
Hobie s chubby reader
I can just imagine him going crazy for someone with a fuss
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Hobie x black!chubby!reader
There’s some implied sex but like there’s no actual smut
I love a good chubby reader idc idc!!!! And I love the arach-kids and imma always love them!!! Those are my nieces and nephews fr y’all I just got cut out the movie😔
You stood next to your boyfriend and your honorary nephews and nieces as you got chewed out about something during a mission. You couldn’t care less about whatever Miguel was shouting about. You were burning up and your Spidey suit only made it feel worse. Like a wearable sauna.
Your mask was off and you started to fan yourself with your hand sighing loudly. Miguel cut his eyes at you making you return the attitude. He relented and pinched the bridge of his nose knowing he didn’t have the energy to argue with you, “dismissed…” he grumbled walking off as Lyla popped up to tell him something.
“Thank the lord! He see me sitting here burnin’ up and just keep talkin’ bout absolutely nothin’ like…” you tapped away on your watch. When the portal opened you turned to the others, “hey y’all wanna go swimming? My apartment complex has a pool but like nobody be out there cuz it’s full of old people.”
Margo, in person instead of her hologram, agreed quickly, “I love me a good pool, girl!” She said pressing buttons on her watch. The others also agreed excitedly. “I haven’t been swimming since I went with Gayatri.” He said in a love sick tone. Miles quirked a brow, “why’d you say that like it was forever ago it was just last week?”
You laughed, “just get changed and head to my dimension!” You say starting to step through.
Once through you quickly started pulling off your suit revealing your plush, chubby body. You let out a sigh of relief as you bend down to get the suit.
“Enjoying the show Bee?” You pop back up and turn to see him sprawled out on your bed. His eyes low as they study you with a familiar glint in them, “very much so.” His tongue running over his lip ring. You smirk and go to your drawer pulling out your swimsuit. You make your way to the bathroom and hear your bed quietly creak. Once inside you turn around and smirk up at the tall dark skin male leaning against the doorframe.
“Is there somethin’ you need sir?” Your arms crossed. He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you to him. His head dipped and his lips brushed over yours as they traveled to your neck where he peppered kisses. He then went and kissed your jaw and then your cheek before eventually moving back to your lips. He pulled back his thumb pulling at your bottom lip as you looked up at him with excitement shining in your eyes. His hand gently went around your throat to hold you in place, “gimme lips, yeah?” he pressed your lips together. Your giggles and mewls bouncing off the wall as he closed the door.
You and Hobie had a certain glow after your shower. Both of you smiling without actually smiling.
You were dressed in a white bikini when Margo and Gwen came through bickering. Margo wore a violet and teal one piece with a cut out on the stomach. Gwen wore black and white swim shorts with a teal top.
“[name] doesn’t she look like a girl kisser? She keeps tryna deny it!”
“I never said I wasn’t a girl kisser I just said you kiss girls too!”
You snorted at them and went to record a few videos of yourself in the mirror looking good.
The boys came at the same time with Miles gracefully tripping as he came in when he saw Margo and Gwen who giggle. His red swim trunks had small anchors on them that were black and gold. Pavitr was very smooth with his entrance as he flipped hair and showed off his blue and gold trunks, “you guys like? They match with Gayatri.” His smile practically blinding.
“You two have matching swimsuits?” Gwen asked with a quirked brow.
His expression fell, “well no. She said it was too cheesy, even for her…” he then perked up, “but I bought them and that counts for something!”
You pouted at ‘your’ kids, “awww so sweet Pav! Now come along children. Come get in your favorite parent’s video so I’ll have memories!” You say opening Snapchat and starting to record you all in the mirror. As soon as you started you noticed your pudge stuck out a bit more than usual, “hmmm my fupa really fupa-ing today.”
Just then Hobie strolled into the room dress in patriotic trunks he stole and made his own with tears and safety pins here and there. He got in the video and looked in your reflection in the mirror. He licked at his lip ring and shrugged.
“Good pum pum deserve shelter.”
You could hear a pin drop as everyone stood frozen, except for the punk who went about getting a towel. The video then stopped recording and continued to replay what he said, taking up the silence.
Everyone stared wide eyed. You broke the silence first.
He looked at you and shrugged, “did I lie?”
You sputtered and Pav started laughing in the back.
“Honestly you’re lucky I didn’ say tha first thing I thought.”
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simplydannie · 19 days
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Inspired by and written for @veneerandvelvet! Thank you for helping me when I needed it ❤️ Also, the small fish plushy was inspired by @saucytango idea in an piece she did!!
During a night out, the twins are left with their aunt: Cressida…. Who has been doing something horrible to Veneer…
One night, their parents come home early and catch Cressida during her act of rage. Sometimes the word “family” doesn’t mean anything to some…
“Do we have to go Aunt Cressida’s?” Veneer asked as he fiddled with his stuffed fish toy. It was a gift Velvet had given to him after Sparkles died, it was the only thing that comforted him…and the only thing that still does when his sister wasn’t around. “Me and Velvet and stay by ourselves for a little bit. We’re older now.”
Their father gave a small chuckle in the front seat, “Oh yes. At seven years old your old enough to stay by yourself and drive.”
“Really?” Veneer exclaimed.
“Ven, we know you and your sister can manage by yourselves. It’s always nice to have an adult watch you…Especially you Veneer. God forbid, you need someone to take you to the hospital.” Their mother responded.
He sighed. Veneer hated going to their aunt’s…she was horrible. He shouldn’t hate her. He should love her; she was their mother’s sister after all. But she did things to him he never told his parents… especially Velvet. He turned to look at his sister; she was coloring in her book. She felt her brother's eyes and turned to face him.
“…nothing…” He turned away.
Velvet arched an eyebrow. He always got weird whenever they went to their aunts, something he’d tried to hide but became more obvious.
“What happened to your eye?” She asked one day as they headed back home.
“I fell down. Aunt gave me ice.”
“When did you fall?”
“I just fell, Velvet.”
He never raised his voice at her, but that day he did, which meant only one thing…something was bothering him and he was lying. They drove up into the drive that was their aunts. Velvet gathered her things and got down before anyone.
”I’ll help Vennie mom!” She chimed. Her mother smiled and headed to the front door with her husband to greet her sister. Veneer grabbed his toy, books, and his backpack that connected to the tube around his nose. Velvet stopped him before he could get down.
”You better tell me what’s bothering you?” She demanded.
”W-what?” He asked a little taken back.
“Something has been bugging you. Actually, EVERYTIME we come to aunt Cressida’s you get like this. So what’s going on?” She placed her hands on her hips and stared him right in the eye. Veneer did his best not to avoid her stare, if he did, she’d definitely know something was wrong. He held her gaze for as long as he could…then she caved in.
”Fine. But I'm going to be watching you closely. So no lying!” She helped him down and headed towards their parents at the front door.
”…And he has a backpack now. It has his oxygen inside so it’s easier to carry around. He’s still getting used to, so he’ll want to take it off. Please make sure he has it on.” Their mother was explaining to their sister. Cressida stood leaning against the doorway, arms crossed. She eyed the twins as they neared them…she looked at them coldly, as if they were strangers, not her niece and nephew.
“Do they have things to keep them entertained?” She asked coldly.
“Oh yes! Of course! They brought their toys and coloring books.” Their mother smiled. Cressida moved aside, her gesture of signaling the twins inside. Their mother and father knelt down to give them kisses and hugs.
“We’ll be back in a couple hours.” His father scuffled Veneer’s hair. He watched his parents take off, waving as they exited the driveway.
“Well? Inside!” Their aunt screamed. Velvet entered holding her brother's hand, bringing him in closer to her. Like she said, she was going to keep a close eye on him. When they entered the home, a strange Rageon man was sitting on the couch smoking a cigarette, watching TV. He turned to eye the twins.
“Who the hell?” He commented.
“My sister’s brats. You two. To the room. Just stay there until your parents come home. I don’t feel like putting up with your shit today. And don’t you dare close the door! God, knows what mischief you two will do.” Cressida demanded. She didn’t need to tell Velvet twice. Grabbing her brother's hand tighter Velvet led them to the room they normally stayed in with their aunt.
“That guy gave me the creeps.” Veneer commented once they entered the room.
“We’ll just stay in here and upstairs until mom and dad get home. Oh! Did you bring Janga?” Velvet asked. Veneer giggled and pulled out the set. “Yes!”
The hour went by as the twins played Janga using various games and techniques they came up with on their own. Little did they know as time went by, as the more fun they had, they grew louder and louder. Cressida was sitting on top of his lap, kissing him when they heard the laughter and giggles coming from upstairs.
The man grunted, “Those kids better shut up soon!” Cressida grumbled and got off his lap.
“I’m on it.”
“That’s five points for me!” Velvet giggled.
“No! That was my point. You cheated on that one!” Veneer stated.
“WHAT THE HELL!” The twins jumped at the sound of their aunts voice.They turned to face her as she stood at the doorway, arms crossed. ”I SWEAR TO GOD VENEER IF YOU DON’T KEEP IT DOWN, YOU’LL REGRET!” She stormed back downstairs.
“Why did she only blame you? We were both being loud.” Velvet said with an annoyance in her voice.
Veneer waved it off, “It’s okay. Oh! Why don’t we play buried treasure!”
“There are not much places to hide treasure around here, Veneer.”
”We’ll make it work!” He dug around her backpack to find something small. “Got it! Okay, stay here and make the map! I’ll go hide this!” He began to head off.
”Veneer.” Velvet scolded. He turned back around sheepishly to face her. She pointed to his oxygen backpack on the floor. “Remember what mom said.” Rolling his eyes he went over to grab his backpack and put his tubing back on. He then ran out the door and headed to explore the upstairs portion of the house to find a place to hide the treasure. He went into a room… It had a boiler and some electrical outlets.
“Oh! She won't think of looking in here.” He said to himself. He tiptoed in. It was dark so he tried feeling for a switch that might power some light. His hands felt something…
The whole power in the house went out.
“Huh?” Velvet exclaimed as she was back in the room drawing the map. She heard a scream from the bottom of the stairs.
“SON OF A BITCH! WHO TURNED THE DAMN POWER OFF!” The male Rageon yelled. Uh oh, she thought it herself. Where did Veneer go? Velvet made her way towards the door when she heard Cressida come upstairs. She could hear the frustration and anger under her breath.
“Vennie!” Her walked turned in a sprint, she slipped and fell on her elbow. A pain steering through. It took a her moment before she heard it…
“THE HELL VENEER! YOU RUINED MY DATE NIGHT! NOW HE’S GONE! YOU STUPID, STUPID IDIOT!” Cressida screamed at the top of her lungs. She heard the commotion, the resistance.
“I- I am sorry…” She heard her brother say. “Ow! I said I’m sorry!”
“Vennie!” Velvet ignored the pain in her elbow and ran out the door, straight to Cressida. She had Veneer by his hair, tears streaming down his face. “Aunt Cressida, stop it! It was an accident!” Velvet went to pull her arm. Cressida turned towards her. She firmly grasped her by the arm and pulled her back to the room. Cressida threw her and locked the door from the outside.
“Aunt Cressida please stop!” Tears began falling down Velvet’s face as she heard the pleas and cry from her brother. “Please leave him alone! Mommy! Daddy!” Velvet banged the door…Veneer continued to beg and cry.
“Well, we may be a bit earlier than expected. I’m sure my sister wouldn’t mind it though.” Their mother said jokingly. They drove up into the driveway, the house completely dark.
“Was she going to take the kids somewhere?” Their father asked turning off the engine. They both stepped out of the car….
“Stop it!”
They heard screaming coming from the inside. They knew Cressida had company, now their fear was that he was hurting her…or their children. The twins' parents ran to the front door…it was left open. Once they entered they could hear the commotion and screams more clearly coming from upstairs.
“Mommy! Daddy!” They heard Velvet’s voice.
“My babies..” Their mother ran up the stairs…That’s when she saw her own sister beating down on her son. “CRESSIDA!” Their mother ran and tore away her sister from Veneer. The force she used knocked Cressida off her feet, her eyes wide in horror… she didn’t expect them to be back so early.
“Vennie. Sweetheart, I’m here, I’m here.” She embraced him, his face bruised and bleeding. If looks could kill, Cressida would have been dead. “How dare you!”
“Mommy? Daddy?” Their father followed Velvet’s voice. He unlocked the door to find his daughter with tears in her eyes. He knelt down and embraced her tightly. He glanced at Cressida with hate in his eyes.
“Let’s go. You are never seeing or touching my children ever again!” He scooped up Velvet in his arms, he extended his hand to his wife. “Let’s go. Let’s go before I get really mad and do something I regret.” He told her, practically begging her to leave while he still had some sort of control. She nodded. Scooping up Veneer and his backpack in his arms, she followed her husband down the stairs.
“My fishy!” Veneer extended his arm towards his stuffed fish still laying in the room. His father quickly ran in and grabbed it for him.
“Vivian let’s go.” He said.
Their mother turned around and spat at her sister.
”…I trusted you…My god, Cressida I trusted you!” She yelled.
”Vivian.” Their father called to his wife who was still up the stairs, holding on tightly to Veneer.
”How? Why? They’re family.” Tears stung her eyes, “We’re family Cressida!”
But there was no love for any of them in Cressida’s heart…. The only one she had felt love for… She glanced down the stairs towards their father…But he had chosen her sister instead. She hated her, she hated her little spawns as well, especially Veneer…he reminded her so much of him, their father.
“Get out.” Cressida spat. Their mothers heart broke as she saw no love in her sister’s eyes. Was there any love ever? Vivian always loved Cressida, always cared for her…her only sister.
”Vivian. Please.” Her husband called out. Holding Veneer close she ran down the stairs to join him. They both held each of their children as they went to their car. Their father placed Velvet in the back.
“I want to ride with them.” Their mother said. He touched her face and nodded. He got into the driver's seat and drove off. She didn’t bother buckling them in, she held each one close in her arms, tears falling down her face, and she placed a kiss on each of their heads.
”I’m so sorry my babies. She’s my sister. I thought I could trust her.”
“It’s okay, mommy.” They said in unison, holding her close and tight.
“….I think she was hurting Vennie for a while…” Velvet whispered. Their father looked in the rear view mirror meeting his eyes with his wife’s.
“What?” She looked down at her son, his face slowly starting to swell where she hit him. “Vennie, and you didn’t say anything?”
“…I didn’t want to ....she’s family.”
“No…No sweety, family does NOT do that to each other. Do you hear me?” She held his little face in both her hands. She placed a kiss on his forehead. “I am so sorry. I am so sorry.” She hugged them both again.
“No one is ever going to touch you again like that. Not while me and your mother are still around. You hear that.” Their father exclaimed… No one would ever touch his babies again…
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thekatebridgerton · 3 months
Today on stories I'm too sleep deprived to write #XYZ
Sometimes I really think about writing a Polin fanfiction where Penelope marries Lucy's uncle and ends up neglected and abused, but doesn't leave him because of teenage Richard and little Lucy. Until she finds out about the deal to betroth little Lucy to Haselby Junior and how her husband is commiting treason and basically wants to sell his young niece to cover it up. So Penelope finds some will to live after years of just taking the abuse to protect the kids and sells her husband out to the crown, on the condition that the Abernathy title isn't affected.
Cue Lucy's uncle officially dying in a mysterious accident and Penelope moving back to London with little Lucy and young Richard. The Bridgertons and the Featheringtons are happy to have her back but Penelope's marriage has changed her and the first one that notices is Colin.
Penelope doesn't smile anymore, she's busy running the Abernathy estates and putting the fear of God into her teenage nephew because Richard is the darn heir to the Abernathy title and he needs to act like it, David did Richard no good and he really needs a good male influence in his life.
'No Colin not you, the last thing I need is Richard deciding he wants to drop everything and go gallivanting across Europe while his aunt and little sister despair in worry... I meant a male influence like Anthony, or Simon'
Colin starts putting the pieces together about her marriage when he sees that Penelope keeps reassuring Lucy that yes everything in the mansion is all theirs and that nobody can hurt them now. And when she keeps pushing Richard to make friends among the ton so his sister can have a better chance when she's presented.
Basically, id love to see a deconstruction of a situation where Penelope doesn't realize she's turning into her mother. And actually begins to see things from Portia's point of view now that she's officially An unhappy widow who's only joy in life will be to see her wards safely married and enjoying the life she never could.
She's Determined to make up for lost time when it comes to building connections and ensuring Richard and Lucy's future, going as far as policing Lucy's friend circle because ' Lucy is too kind and too naive, any false friend could play her for a fool'
Everyone else thinks Penelope is just being Penelope but Colin can see that she's spiraling under the weight of her worries and the ghost of her former husband, and he wants to help, he keeps showing up to everywhere she goes, trying to bring a smile out of her, encouraging her to think about herself, to dream about love, maybe remarriage, like Francesca, live again with a purpose.
Penelope thinks Colin is cute but annoying and needs to buzz off, she may still think he's handsome and charming but gone are the days she would feel over the moon for sharing a dance with him. The harder he tries to cheer her up, the more upset she gets, who gave Colin the right to see through her? Why is he so fixated on helping her, she's fine, she got rid of David, she's got Lucy and Richard and boatloads of money to do as she pleases! Penelope doesn't need Colin Bridgerton's pity!
Bonus if this is an au in which Colin still remains a bachelor, because he never found the love his parents used to have. And always felt guilty for not saving Penelope from the marriage that ruined her life.
But Colin keeps trying. Almost as if he's in love with her or something, but Penelope no longer believes in love. She's only hopeful for Lucy, because that child deserves true love, Lucy will have everything Penelope never did, Lucy is the future...
Even if Lucy IS developing the same predilection for Eton attending Bridgertons that Penelope did in her youth, Penelope will ignore Gregory's friendly attention to Lucy the same way Portia continues to ignore Colin's attention to her.
This won't backfire, not at all
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 29 days
I know you made jamie as a boy dad hcs but can you please please make jamie as a girl dad hcs too? (Cuz, unpopular opinion, i think he'd make a killer girl dad)
of course! i've always head canoned he has a daughter and a son bc i don't get boy dad vibes or girl dad vibes like for nash (girl dad vibes obvously). hope you like them <3.
they are both obsessed with food and love trying new things out. they would go visit all of these exotic food places just to try new things out together. they also aren't afraid to try new things at restaurants, etc.
they'd go to the pet shelter together to see animals bc avery doesn't want them to get a pet (she knows they're too irresponsible)
she wouldn't want to spend a second away from her father. she would hang onto his leg really tight whenever he was planning on going out so that he'd bring her with him. he'd always be walking around with his daughter hanging onto him.
he'd try to get along (and he'd succeed) with all of her friends and partners (i hc his daughter is bi).
when she was like five and would get mad at her father, she would ask him to crouch so that she could smack him in the back of his head with her tiny hands and then she'd walk away harrumphing.
we know jameson absolutely loves rock climbing, and i hc that she would learn how to so that rock climbing could become their father-daughter bonding activity.
she would love getting her nails painted and would get jamie to do it bc he was better than avery.
speaking of getting your nails painted, she'd never ask him to, but he'd always paint his nails the same color as his daughter so that they'd match.
she hates it when people read her bedtime stories because she prefers having her dad tell her about his crazy adventures. according to her, bedtime stories are boring.
they are suckers for movies and tv shows, especially shows like game of thrones and the witcher. they make a huge thing out of it. every week on fridays and/or saturdays, they binge watch things on tv with the biggest assortment of candy and popcorn you've ever seen.
his daughter would end up having avery's hair and facial structure (brown and wavy with natural highlights), but would have jameson's eyes.
she'd be really interested in photography (her interest in it came from grayson) and would ask jameson to ask grayson to teach her bc she was too scared (gray was surprised to hear she was scared to ask him, and made sure she knew that he would do anything for his nieces and nephews) (oh and he'd say yes)
i can also imagine her being really into robotics. she'd constantly be asking jameson to hold things still for her or hold two pieces together. she'd be ordering him around like a puppy.
her first word was game or puzzle bc jameson is always saying it
they'd constantly be making pillow forts. they'd go all out. take whatever you're imagining in your head (if you're imagining anything) and make it 1491030 bigger because they would 100% try to beat the guinness world record for biggest pillow fort.
whenever she had a presentation or project on her idol, she'd most of the time pick her dad. he has always been and will always be her hero.
jameson would have an obsession with running his hands through her hair. she'd have to softest hair you could ever imagine. he'd have so much fun buying tons of little bows for her.
jameson would have a pinterest board for all of the outfit ideas he has for her.
jameson wouldn't play games like peek a boo with his daughter, he'd invent his own, more interesting games (idk what they would be) because he doesn't want to be an ordinary dad. also, i hc she wouldn't even like peek a boo
she'd hate going to school as a kid bc she'd be really shy. jameson would kiss her hand everyday before school and tell her that all of his courage was in that kiss, and that she was now even more invincible than before.
he'd be the type of dad who doesn't give a fuck if his daughter were to ask him to buy pads for her or smth. he wouldn't be embarrassed, he'd just head to the store and get her some.
i mentioned that she'd be really into robotics. when she was younger, she'd ask xander to help her make little gifts for her dad (not just for his birthday but also on random occasions simply bc she wanted him to know he was appreciated).
whenever she'd cry as a baby, no one would be able to comfort her and get her stop other than jameson. people thought he had magical baby hands or smth bc no matter what anyone else did, she never stopped.
she'd would refuse going to the doctors unless her father was there. she said it was because he was her source of courage and comfort, and that without him she wouldn't be able to do it. jameson would assure her that she'd be able to do it alone, and at some point (when she was like 10), she demanded to be alone in the doctors office cause she realized she was a girl boss and didn't need a man.
whenever she'd have trouble falling asleep, she'd get jamie to sing her a lullaby. she found his voice reassuring.
speaking of having trouble going to sleep, if jamie's singing didn't work, sleeping cuddled up in his arms always did. she used to say that his arms protected her for all of the bad things in the world, and, that, as long as she had him by his side, she'd be fine.
they'd buy matching sunglasses bc they were convinced it made them look cool.
he'd be the type of dad who hates keeping secrets. he would tell her everything (even if she didn't understand) bc he also hates it when people keep secrets from him and he isn't a hypocrite.
he'd most definitely be the type of dad to sit down for hours with his daughter helping her with her hmk. she hates being alone, and he knows this so he makes sure she has company as often as possible
he'd also be the type of dad to know the name of each and everyone of her friends, teachers, enemies. he'd gossip with her and talk shit about the people she hates.
that's it! hope you enjoyed these <3.
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mushroomates · 4 months
merry headcanons
as a child, he sincerely believed he could talk to cats. this ended at age 13.
can do cartwheels. pippin cannot. this is brought up in arguments more frequently that imagined
has a filter, contrary to some of what he says. he also acts as pippins filter
possesses an uncanny ability to sniff out weed. can tell the quality of such by smell alone. can also tell you where it may have come from, and how it was grown
has a small patch of cannabis growing in a back room of his estate. it used to be a sunroom but is now a greenhouse/weed lab.
merry religiously documents it’s growth, soil conditions, exposure to light, and most importantly: potentness
unfortunately this has manifested in a very strong but unpleasant tasting plant. this sort is hearty, can grow under any conditions, but really just tastes/smells. absolutely awful.
he did try and recruit sam into helping him until sam realized what was going on and wanted “no business in such a practice”
uses samples saved from the whole Saruman takedown and propagates what he can. also keeps some for comparison. he is very organized with this and has a whole spreadsheet he references frequently
merry also likes to know where everything is at all times. he’s not super weird about it but everything does have its place and he will know if you move it
got into furniture making. makes. questionable, ‘innovative’ ‘contemporary’ and ‘unique’ pieces
in reality it’s because he likes to make chairs that specifically make people want to leave because of how uncomfortable they are
like. he loves his family. but sometimes the get the squeaky chair. there’s a table with one leg slightly smaller than the rest that makes everyone uneasy. a couch that is just too low to the ground and cushy, so that you sink in but your legs are cramped. there’s a chair with the back curved slightly to steep, so when someone sits in it their posture is terrible. it also has a shorter than normal seat so you can’t scoot forward either
it’s not torture. people can endure it. it’s just mean to make sure no one does for very long.
this set is strategically in the foyer, so if he likes you well enough you’re granted entity into the living room with normal furniture. which is very tastefully decorated and has framed artwork of his many nieces and nephews.
he absolutely adores the littlest members of the shire and will spoil them however he can
draws maps of the most absurd things. just. maps that no one even asked for but are delightfully absurd
“directions to bag end, avoiding all dogs, aunts, sheep and red mail boxes” “brandybuck estate, but only the trees” “every pub in the shire, and who to avoid on your way back from a good time”
and, famously, “pippins brain”
this is a circle, and in it, two singular dots
one saying “pipe weed” and the other “bad ideas”
there use to be a third dot, that said “lack of cart wheels” but that has been a angerly scribbled out (culprit still a ‘mystery’ )
decent navigational skills
of course, no one listens to him.
judges the annual pie contest
is actually. really good at it. has a very defined palette dispute the copious amount of weed he smokes
“is that rubarb? it adds a wonderful complexity to the strawberry and pistachio- though, i’d recommend not using molasses next time; instead try brown sugar.”
like. merry. why do you know these things.
also judges the pie EATING contest. this is because there is a scandalous amount of cheating and he was part of a huge pie-in-the-trousers bust and now sits in the jury as an esteemed member
pippin thinks he’s a traitor to the cause. this is also because pippin was a primary perpetrator in said pie-in-the-trousers bust.
has two pet rabbits. by pets i mean fellow members of the “raiding farmer maggots crops” club, who he saved from a few rodent traps and took home
merrys morals, to recap, does not allow him to permit pie-crimes, but he is totally okay with casual thievery
did not have the heart to said rabbits as they were cut from the same cloth. he let them out the back yard once he got home and they just. kind of. stayed
their names are gandalf and gandalf because ones gray and ones white
is a great babysitter. mature enough to not get into trouble but still has a childish sense of adventure, and lots of stories
he is the trusted fun uncle. pippin being the reckless fun uncle.
he acts then out more than tells them to the kids, as his way with words is not so great as his way with sound effects.
also makes his own sock puppets and will occasionally put on small shows for the kiddos during family gatherings. fan favorites are “merry takes down the witch-king” “the march of the ents” and “the hobbit who couldn’t cartwheel” (the last ends with the hobbit simply learns to accept that everyone has different talents- something not true to life because pippin still hasn’t accepted this)
is high key very smart. doesn’t do a lot with this. he prefers to enjoy the simple things in life, and has found that so long as he makes sure he and his are looked after, life can be very easy.
that being said. he is not as care free as he’d like to be
is very prepared and well organized. has rations for days and a go-bag, even in his later years. everyone mocked him for years but it took him maybe ten minutes to grab everything and join up with frodo and sam. he also has extra go-bags, which is why it only took pippin 15 minutes (an extra five because pippin lost his bag about two seconds after merry gave it to him)
merry got the “anxiety” hobbit gene that manifests in being (only slightly) a prepper. there’s cans of beans and fruit as well as bottled water hidden in the cellar of the brandy-buck estate. enough food to last nearly five years, but for a hobbit, three.
this gives him peace of mind, as he knows he is prepared for whatever life gives him
he also knows he has braved many things before and anything that may come now will be significantly less of a hardship
he will never have to face down another witch-king, or more importantly, go without second breakfast
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