#like omg you actually care enough to make time for me??? eeeee
overuseduniverse · 2 months
when someone has a social life, goes to school, works, etc etc but still makes time for you, it's the best feeling in the fucking world
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ofallthingsnasty · 2 years
I hope you day is wonderful and everything goes great!!!
What I'd ask for from Overhaul: obviously, I know that he has very set limits on what he'd be willing to give but honestly, if I could persuade him to go out to dinner. A small romantic little date, which he would probably be super sceptical of unless I had been with him for an insane amount of time. If he said no though, a nice candle lit dinner would suffice, one where it's actual food and face to face at the same table. And maybe a bath, together, and some cuddles.
What I'd ask for from Rumi: Where Rumi is overbearing, in my opinion, she's also a giving lover. If asked correct, I'm sure she would be willing to give nearly anything, and if I ask for a night full of passion love making, I'm sure she could be convinced. However, I feel like she would make me regret that on several different levels. It would be mind blowing to the point of it being blown stupid. She's a rabbit after all and most definitely has the stamina of one so she only stops after she's been satisfied (way after a normal person is) even if the night is supposed to be about me.
What I would for Overhaul: Honestly, I'm not sure. He's a funny little man. I'd do my best to make him happy and everything I could, no matter how humiliating or dehumanizing it might be since it's his birthday after all.
What I would do for Rumi: it's more more like what I wouldn't do is the easier questions. Depending on what I'm allowed to do for her though, I'd start off by making her dinner and a cake like a normal birthday. As the night went on however, I'd start off by giving her a bath as there is no way we are getting there after fucking, and a massage which I probably what leads to sex. I'm sure she would have plans of her owns so it would be simple to follow along like a perfect little doll for her.
Eeeee anon thank you!!! And omg @ what you typed out 🥺💕 So, so much love in there and just. So good. (Also me and a friend brainstormed a little for the Rumi portion lol)
mini birthday ask game
100% agreed on Kai. If you've been together for some time (and you've been good according to his standards) I can see him giving you a little tête-à-tête, no problem. I think he'd gift you jewelry or something nice to wear as well - even if you didn't ask for it (and it's suitable for your dynamic). Just a little something to show he cares and values you (probably ironic considering this dude, but... that's how he is)
And I honestly think he wouldn't ask for much/anything at all - I don't peg him as the guy who cares for his birthday or would use it to make you do despicable things. He makes you do these anyway, birthday or not 😂 (But seriously I think he'd be touched if you got him something/baked him a cake/cooked him a nice meal - he wouldn't really show it, but it's very much appreciated)
I think Rumi would love to spend a good chunk of money on you, it's your special day after all - I think she can be quite flashy, especially when it comes to you. Loves to spoil you, loves to see your eyes light up with wonder as she takes you somewhere expensive and then (when she pulls out a nice new wristwatch) loves to see your eyes turn into dinner plates 🤭 And don't be shy asking for gifts - she doesn't think less of you (as long as you don't overdo it) for wanting something nice for your birthday - she views it as some sort of memorabilia, something you can wear and insteadly think of her. And yes, if you go and ask for sex - you better come prepared 😏
For her gift - I think she'd love that. It's from you, all for her (no one else) - that's more than enough. But. You know what I think she'd also love? Something sporty, maybe a nice hike for you two or something a little more exciting like windsurfing (might be a little too cold in March, but you get my drift hehe). If you can manage to organize all that (talking about a non-yan context here haha) and keep it a secret from her (while also ensuring it doesn't mess with her actual plans) - she'd be so, so happy. She gets to make new memories with you, how special! (And even if you're all tuckered at the end of the day, she's still going to fuck you silly once you come home)
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inkykeiji · 2 years
(Anon who sent the music ask)
OOOO ok, ok so I definitely listen to «All I want is you» like all the time so when I saw it I was yelling “omg RIGHT??”
My favorite from your list has to be «All I need» cause wow?? That’s reader??? 100%?? And also cause it’s a bop
I also have some songs that remind me of their relationship such as:
False Sympathy by Mondo Grosso
Banana Brain by Die Antwoord
Hole-Dwelling by Kikuo
Girl of My Dreams by Guti
And a special mention is Russian Roulette by Red Velvet because even tho the lyrics are cute the video tells a different side of the song haha, Kinda like False Sympathy!
But thank you for answering my ask! You were so nice idk why I was scared- and also if you don’t mind, may I be 🎧 anon? HAHA I don’t know how this works-
I hope you have a nice day/night!! <33
hehehe hello again!!! <33
AAAAH literally i flippin love that song SO much!!! it is also an extremely 'dari' song for me (dari = dabi + clari HAHA) so it's like,,,, extra special hehehe <333
yes yes yes!!! all that i need is like, quite literally the embodiment of part one and part two of my touya-nii main series in one song HAHAHA like verse one = i can take you there but baby you won't make it back and verse two = all she want is payback for the way i always play that shit ehehe <33 and then the chorus is literally 100% reader like u said!!!
oooooh okay so big apologies that it took me a moment to get to your ask!! i wanted to make sure i had set aside enough time to sit down and thoroughly listen to the recs u gave me & give you my thoughts!! <3
false sympathy:
literally SO GOOD!!! i absolutely love the mood/vibe of the song as a whole and the lyrics are spot on!! i can't even pick out a specific verse or a handful of lines because literally the entire song is perfect for their relationship!!
banana brains:
again i 100% agree with you hehehe my favourite bits are 'baby boy, you so cool, how can i stay mad at you? i love you and that's the truth. you so silly, you so stupid, you the best, i never want you to stress' and 'baby girl, you been there for me, through thick and thin with cool energy, you cared for me, yeah, defended me, helped me defeat my enemies, life is weird, it keeps testing me, no other girl in the world impressing me' AND 'you're like a little angel won't ever pressure me' <333333 as a whole it reminds me a LOT of just the whole mood and vibe of their relationship by the end of my snowman & me!!!
AH I HAVE HEARD THIS BEFORE HEHEHE yes!!!!!! i'm 100% sure i've heard this song in an edit before hahaha but AAAAAAAAAAH anon!!!!!!!! i am so IN LOVE with this holy fuck i can't even find the words to describe the way this song makes me feel like my whole heart is bursting with !!!!!!!! love and obsession and infatuation and god i nearly broke my finger in my haste to add this to my playlist i swear to god everything about this song is perfect <333
girl of my dreams:
waaaaah okay i'm kind of entirely in love with this guy's voice oh my gosh hehe but eeeee (this is probably extremely obvious but) i genuinely love the concept of love being so insatiable, so ravenous, so all-consuming that it's an addiction, and that's definitely one of the big themes within my touya-nii series as a whole, so the chorus here really hit perfectly <3 overall the vibes of the song are perfect, and it reminds me so much of part two!!!!
omg i've never seen the music video so i went to watch it and !!!!! AH literally in love with the aesthetic so much!!!! i have a serious obsession with things that are cute but also like,,,, unsettling????? so i fell in love with this instantly ehehehe <33
thank you so very much for sharing these with me anon bb, they're all literally fantastic and they fit the vibe of my fic/AU extremely well!!! i love love love finding new music and i am always on the hunt so please, PLEASE always feel free to share music with me!!! <333 i actually have another song to share with YOU that mari (@/somberlys) sent to me a week ago and it's gibson girl by ethel cain!! mari sent it to me & said it had total touya-nii vibes and i agree one million percent!!! i was even like 'omg i have to tell headphones anon about this' hehe <33
of course i don't mind!!! welcome to the anon club, sweet headphones anon!!!! 🥳🥳🥳 <33 super happy to have u here!! i hope your weekend is going swell bb <3
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writeiolite · 4 years
ALL THAT'S HIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by far one of my FAVOURITE akaashi fics... the writing in it is just pure perfection and it's literally so immaculate i cannot express in words how much i love it (": i hope you've been well love !!!
EEEEE REALLY? :< OMG IT WAS SO NICE TO WRITE AAA THANK YOU!! i had to give prince akaashi soft luv time :”) im so happy u think so highly of it omg it was kinda out of my comfort zone but felt so right sfjghdk. AND I’VE BEEN OKAYISH!! I HOPE YOU’VE BEEN GOOD🥺💓i’m sorry i am grade-a trash at responding as always ㅠㅠ 
tell me ur fav story of mine and i’ll write a little supplement
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“You don’t think we’ll get in trouble do you?”
The Prince shakes his head immediately, gathering your hands in his like a delicate bundle of flowers and holding them with such care you wonder if he’s lost his mind or just crazy in love.
With the look in his eyes as you both secretly linger along the castle walls in the dead of night, it’s probably both.
“We won’t get caught,” he assures, “I know these halls better than anyone. You just stay for a night and-”
“Keiji, I really don’t think this is a good idea...”
His face is befallen with regret, the corners of his mouth sinking when he didn’t even realize there was a grin making its home there this whole time. He had thought the whole plan through, ever cautious as always, but he knew there was still a chance you would feel uncomfortable. But like any good man, he made a promise to you, and that was to keep you safe and make you his. This is merely a means to achieve the second, as if you haven’t been his from the very start.
“I know, I know... If you’d like to go back, we can sneak our-”
“Who’s there?!”
Prince Akaashi doesn’t finish his words, clamping a hand over your mouth as if you were the one speaking and ushering you both into a nearby room. The darkness swells around you as the adrenaline spikes within you, but the moonlight filtering through the watercolor glass offers enough illumination for to calm you both. In complete silence, the two of you stand there as the guards’ feet pass by, further and further until the hand falls from your mouth and wraps around you instead. 
Like you achieved world peace, Prince Akaashi buries you in his chest and his nose in your hair, surrounding you both in each other to make everything else fall away. 
“We should get out of here, my love,” he mumbles against you. Surely, you can feel his heart beating a little more wildly than normal, an obvious sign that he wasn’t prepared for such a run in. But for you, he remains steady and keeps his voice even and arms strong. Any good king would do it, and he wants to be the best for you.
“Yes, you two should...”
In horror, like leaves shaken in a violent wind, you both snap your heads to the side, seeing the actual King with a book in hand. It would be out of place if you didn’t notice the books along the walls and the candle in his other hand...
“Keiji, what brings you and your... guest to my study?”
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clare-with-no-i · 3 years
omg yes on the note of jk not caring about lily enough, can we talk about how sexist she was towards her own female character??? not just with the snape/james thing but also the information we get about james compared to what we get of lily. lily is only ever really featured in canon as an extension of another character (we only get her background to explain snape’s background, etc) and it makes me so sad cause i love her character in fic sm and jily too ofc. i also love your characterisation of her sm
very much yes!! It’s so weird to have Lily be the center of why Harry is even ALIVE but also see her get sidelined as this symbol instead of a fully-fledged character?
Like it’s bad enough to have women killed off to advance male storylines but putting her as an accessory to SNAPE’s storyline later on is just so damn disrespectful lmfao give the girl some DIMENSION let’s not only see her through the literal male gaze of his pensieve memories!! thx!!!!
Eeeee also so glad you like how I write her! I love me some Lily Evans
Which is why I’m >:( at JKR!!! I know you wrote her as an ode to your own mom Jo but that doesn’t mean she can’t have some actual fuckin screen time !!!!
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mynameseri · 4 years
HAJSJSJS OMG NO WORRIES I’m just glad the ask sent I was worried it didn’t bc I was falling asleep when typing it so I couldn’t remember if I actually hit send HAHAHA AWWWWW HIS LITTLE SMILE AS HE SLEEPS THATS SO SOFT🥺🥺💕💕 Id low key stay up the next night when he falls asleep just to see if he always does that nskxjx EEEEE thats SO CUTE I’d get all soft hearing Leorio gush about us he feels way more comfortable letting kurapika off on his own knowing I take care of him 🥺🥺💕💕 YESSSSS I LOVE TO SEE ALL THE KANERIKAI!!! OMGG I LOVE THAT I LOVE THAT Kite is definitely secretly recording y’all too, half to tease you in the morning but also half so he can watch it when he’s away and missing you!! He rarely lets himself get really drunk but when he does I imagine he’s ALL over you👀 OMGG YESS THEY SO DO they decide they’re just gonna have to SHOW YOU who’s better in bed in order to settle this debate😼 just know you’re in for a WILD and amazing night with them and then it’s followed by extra cuddles and gentle after care bc they also have to prove who treats you best (it’s obviously a tie but their attempts are so adorable you just to let them spoil you even more than usual on nights like these💘)!!!
Omg any time you wake up in the middle of the night you see him smiling! 😍😍 You always thought maybe it’s because he's been having good dreams but really it’s because he’s so happy to be with you. So happy it freakin shows iN HIS SLEEP. How cute is that?!✨ Leorio LOVES you because of how much better you make Kurapika’s life. 🥺 He seriously always makes it a point to tell you this stuff just to make sure you know how important you are to Kurapika. He knows Kurapika can be kind of bad with words sometimes, so he’s always there to reassure you. Leorio is so thankful Kurapika has found someone like you who takes care of him so well!!! Everyone loves you! 💞💞
Eee youre so right. Kite would be taking the funniest videos of me and Kaneki and posting them on our private Snap stories for all of our close friends to see. He loves to tease us about how dumb we were being but also he loves the video because he loves the memories!!!! 🥺 The videos range from being cute as fuck to soooo ugly they could become a meme (these ones are the worst). It can be so embarrassing 😂😂
Yesss Kite loses all his inhibitions when he drinks. It’s the best to see that wild side of him. Especially because his craziness can level with mine and Kaneki’s if he drinks enough. It’s definitely a hot and steamy night!! One filled with lots of kisses and other things 👀 and zero sleep!!! You’re right though no matter how hard they try to compete to see who’s best they always tie hehehehe but it’s just the cutest to see them try so hard!! 🤤💞
The next morning we’re all super tired and go get some Starbucks and then go to a forest to smoke a blunt and relax. Taking it easy for the rest of the day because we went tooooo hard the night before. It’s always the best time with them. Eeee my heart screams at the thought of hanging out and relaxing with them both. The vibes are always surreal. 😍😫
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one guess where this started. couldn't have done it without @taggianto 💜 you.
CW: rape and resultant pregnancy; severe self-worth issues; mentally ill character with wrong ideas about what constitutes mental illness.
so, I've got a running headcanon that Kent's mom is alcoholic and she has ptsd.
rape & pregnancy TW // she was raped in college and that's how she got pregnant with Kent. she kept him out of choice, but she loves him no matter what
but that doesn't change the fact that she has ptsd and for many years while she was working 3 jobs to keep them alive and Kent on the ice, and she had to get through somehow. so she drank at home
and she wasn't ever really there for Kent. she couldn't be, between drinking and working. does Kent resent her? I don't think so. I don't think he knew it was even an option until he met the Zimmermanns and Jack
and saw the way they behaved with each other. but he loves his mom and he'd do anything for her. it's why he sticks with hockey even when it hurts–his mom worked hard to get him where he is, and he can't let her down now
but she crashes around the time Kent is 16/17. she's no longer got Kent around to survive for, and it really messes her up. and Kent watches Jack and his mom crash and burn, up close and from afar, and it fucks him up
like, bad. he can't stop thinking that it was him, that he's the reason they're the way they are. that he's the only thing they have in common and they're both–the way they are, and it must be him. it must be Kent
jack's OD breaks Kent, pushes him over the edge of a cliff he was already clinging to with his fingertips. he shuts down completely and only surfaces to a) send his mom to rehab with his first NHL paycheck b) and play hockey
he withdraws completely. cuts himself off from human contact at the exact time he needs it the most. he spends his rookie year with the Aces Captain, Patty, his wife and their two kids, barely holding on to his humanity
it's a good thing the team forces Kent out regularly, because otherwise he'd turn into an Actual Hockey Robot. it's not that he isn't friendly with them–he plays beautiful hockey and laughs and chirps with the rest of them, but there's something off about it. he's skittish and awkward, and he gets this look in his eyes sometimes, like he survived something awful but not really.
like he isn't all there. they worry about him. he's too small and too good at hockey and he needs someone to watch out for him
the first year, it's the whole team. all how-many-ever of them, looking out for Kent on and off the ice. the second year, Jeff comes to them
Jeff is...good with Kent.
Jeff's been playing on the NHL for a couple years, got drafted third or fourth to the Seattle Schooners. he's a good teammate, dryly funny, chirps that take a second to sink in. he plays good hockey, not as good as Kent, but good.
but he seems to know, instinctively, what Kent needs at any given moment
Jeff drags Kent into being social and actually, y'know, forming meaningful connections with other people by giving Kent puppy eyes until Kent agrees to hang out with Jeff and teammate of the week
and Kent, horribly unused to being someone people want to spend time with and nearly incapacitated by loneliness after a year of next to no human connection, says yes every time
and Kent is a person? under that weird obsessive hockey robot exterior? he's fun to hang out with. he's even funny. he's a bit a total dork and likes helping people and he always knows a good place to eat
so people on Kent's team start to seek his company even without Swoops around and Kent goes ? but he doesn't like to let people down or say no
Kent is still like, messed up inside. he doesn't sleep well and there are a lot of days when he won't get out of bed of he doesn't have to. but he's still trying
except... he's not trying to be better at Humaning for himself. he's doing it for Jeff and the people who depend upon him to show up and entertain their kids for two hours so they can go on a date
the only thing that's changed is the manifestation of Kent's chronic self-sacrificing and the people who receive it.
and Kent is honestly trying really hard and overcompensating for a year of not being a good Human Person so he swamps himself in helping people and overworks himself
and it's Jeff that picks up the pieces of Kent's dumbassery. it's Jeff that calls people to let them know that Kent has the flu, no they haven't been to the doctor yet, yes he's mostly okay he's puking right now, so no he can't come and take care of your kids Patty find a fucking babysitter you're a millionaire jfc
(Patty is kind of a dick)
Kent: [in between puking] but I promised
Jeff: shut the fuck up
Kent's bedridden for almost a week. he misses two games, both of which the Aces lose
it's during this week that Jeff realises just how fucked up Kent is, because in the middle of puking his guts out and shivering under six blankets he still finds time to blame himself for everything that goes wrong in that week. e v e r y s i n g l e t h i n g. it's not really Kent's fault, being sick pulls down all walls that keep him from airing the constant internal monologue of self blame and loathing, but Jeff calls his cousin Rashmi and has a slight breakdown
well, I say slight. he nearly cries
Jeff needs to talk about how much Kent is hurting and omg I never knew im a terrible friend eeeee
she tells him to a) calm the fuck down b) don't take this so personally, you can't help him if you think you're the one to blame, he's doing that already c) here's a bunch of helpful links on how to deal when you think your friend might be mentally ill
Jeff tries to be subtle about bringing up the 'you might be mentally ill thing'. Kent, however, is not dumb. he catches on to this really fast, and panics hard. his only experience with mentally ill folks is his mom and Jack, and they are not a good place to start–both addicts who've been unintentionally emotionally abusive to Kent. Kent draws the best conclusion he can with this data pool. the conclusion is I am a horrible person who will soon be drug addict and hurt the people around me, whoops time to Shut Down
Kent [shutting down] I am a horrible person that deserves nothing good, ever. Jeff: nO Kent: I can't hear you over the sound of my self loathing Jeff: N O
and Jeff does not know how to deal with a Kent who's gone straight back to rookie year levels of skittish I-am-a-virus-don't-touch-me. the team, on the other hand, knows perfectly well how.
or, at least, they know how they dealt with it. but they're hockey players, with the combined emotional intelligence of a nail clipper, and when they tell Jeff about it he's horrified. so he figures out his own methods–he sticks as close to Kent as possible while not overwhelming him, and he does his best to be Supportive
it is difficult to be supportive when the person you are Supporting does not want to be supported. so he does his research, and hits upon the perfect solution
he goes to the local pet shelter and asks for the most unlikely to be adopted kitten, because he knows that Kent has a soft spot for hopeless things
they give him a three month old Calico, blind and almost certainly headed to a shelter without a no kill rule
Jeff: ......I'll take it
Kent is baffled and enchanted. Jeff really thought it'd be harder to sell this to Kenny, but Kent's holding squirmy, curious little kit, already babytalking to her, asking her if she knows what a pretty princess she is, yes you are, aren't you and Jeff has a second where he thinks Oh, shit
bc this more humanity and interest than Kent has shown in almost a month, and then Kent is turning to Jeff to ask him questions about raising cats that Jeff didn't even know were a concern, but clearly this is making Kent happy, so Jeff gives him a book he'd picked up at the recommendation of the volunteer at the shelter, and drives Kent helplessly to the pet store and watches as Kent buys cat shit off Amazon
Kent doesn't realise she's blind, at first. kit (Jeff named her) has large golden eyes that are permanently dilated. Kent only figures out she's blind when he's sitting on the floor watching her toddle around, and she keeps walking into his outstretched legs. Kent calls Jeff in a panic, asking him if he knows what's with kit's eyes, and Jeff thinks I knew I was forgetting something
and then he explains the situation to Kent, and Kent reacts exactly the way Jeff expected him to–with a sudden fierce dedication to kit, even more so than ten minutes ago when he would have died for her
Kent cat-proofs his house–he pours a lot of time and money into getting everything exactly right so Kit needn't suffer more than necessary. he lavishes Kit with all the love he's capable of–and he's always capable of a lot more love than he thinks–and makes sure that everyone coming to his house knows that one move that frightens Kit is more than enough to get them banned
so Kent pours himself heart and soul into loving kit. he spends every second he isn't on the ice taking care of his beloved baby princess
and it's incredibly healing. he knows he has to get up in the morning and come back after runs (not walk into traffic) and that he has to get done on the ice so he can come back to her
and it's incredibly healing. he knows he has to get up in the morning and come back after runs (not walk into traffic) and that he has to get done on the ice so he can come back to her
there's a period of like, six months, where the only reason Kent does anything at all is because kit needs him to. and he won't let himself think about how Jeff could also maybe take care of her. he won't.
his mom's rehab clinic is expensive but ridiculously intensive and extensive. it's almost 14 months of rehab and therapy and relearning hire to be a person without addiction, as well as working through whatever led you to seek addiction in the first place
Diana Parson comes out of it changed. she feels more like a person than ever before in her life. she feels whole, healed still, but so much better
so she goes back home, and Kent is in Vegas depressed as fuck, and his mom is in New York living for herself, and doing things she loves, and discovering herself outside of therapy
she comes back home at a time when it's incredibly difficult for Kent to do even basic things like have a conversation. so all through the season, he doesn't visit her and he can't even summon up the guilt.
and her therapist tells her it's okay, that he needs time too. and she loves him and she gives him the time she needs, but she also decides that she's stable enough to foster a child
which goes well! Lydia is 7 and slightly untrusting but Diana has patience and love and she's been reading and she's financially stable and she has time (ask things she didn't have with Kent). she has time to ask Lydia how her day went. time to play and talk and do bonding activities with just the two of them
and soon enough she and Lydia love each other so much! and they have rough times but they get through it.
the season ends. and the aces lose. and Kent is probably even worse than before. and someone suggests that since the aces will no longer be in town to make sure that Kent buys groceries/stays a person, hey you should go visit your mom!
so Kent, depressed and hating himself, gets to watch his mom get her big second chance
and he tries do hard not to be bitter but it's killing him. he keeps wondering what his life would be like if he were Lydia. if he had a financially stable supportive mom. and he can't blame his mom so he blames himself
he blames himself for needing more than she could give him. because she did her best and she raised a pro NHL player and he doesn't have any right to expect more
and one night it gets so bad that drives himself to Jeff's place
this would be okay but Jeff actually lives in Canada
he's just. in this place where Jeff is the only person that Kent knows won't hurt him
and he's so, so tired
and Jeff, chilling with his family, suddenly has an armful of distraught sleep-deprived Captain
and he's just like ......sorry I gotta take this
Kent knows where Jeff lives bc he's been there at least once before
and Kent just. breaks down. he cries for hours. and Jeff can't do anything except drag Kent up to his room and cuddle him while he cries and pet his hair. Kent cries himself to sleep, but he wakes up with Jeff wrapped around him and there's like, 14 seconds where he just feels safe and good because Jeff's there and hugging him in bed so something somewhere must have gone right
anyway Kent wakes up and gets dressed with Jeff hovering gently over him, knocking into him once in a while to make sure he's okay
(like when cats wind around your feet because they're excited to see you. except they might trip you up. the issue w Jeff is that he is Big)
he finds his phone in some weird corner of his car and plugs it in. and finds out that he has 200+ missed calls from his mom
because his mom doesn't have the numbers of any teammates she can call and she's been so worried and he feels Horrible for Being This Way
so he calls her. and she picks up on the second ring and she's been having panic attacks and flashbacks for 4 days and she doesn't remember parts of her therapy
so she yells at him. and Kent is still way too fragile to handle this but he also has to do this? and he just. panics
mother-son bonding via hyperventilating to each other on a phone line
but Jeff gets so mad on Kent's behalf, and pulls the phone out of Kent's hand and cuts the call.
but then he feels guilty so he sends her a quick text message to let her know that Kent is safe and he'll call when he feels better
and the next few days are just Jeff hugging Kent and Kent wearing Jeff's clothes everywhere because he didn't bring his own
and when they kiss it's just so natural? Kent stops hiding how much he wants Jeff. it's too much work. and Jeff is close to Kent almost all the time. and they're so stupidly in love that Jeff's older brother walks into them making out against the kitchen counter and moon walks back out
they make out for so long that every member of Jeff's family sees them and walks back out.
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More R76 discord plotting with firesonic152. ^^
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 lol oh--had a quick prompt idea earlier: Jack as a gruff nurse at a hospital that caters to wounded vets. He was a field medic, but got sent home after an explosion that nearly killed him and left him scarred. Gabe is one of hte patients at the hospital, newly returned from the front and very prickly, though Jack catches glimpses of a passionate person beneath the face Gabe presents to the world.
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 OMG gabe gets along well with jack bc jack is too grumpy to care about stuff like pity or sympathy
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 ^^ they start up a stitch n bitch in the rec room
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 LOL jack is very good at ranting angrily about things which means there isn't that awkward dynamic of the nurse trying to start a conversation and gabriel having to decide how much info he really wants to share jack just. launches right into something and gabriel listens along
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 when Jack works doubles, he'll sometimes sneak in a nap next to Gabe's bed if he's really really beat, 'cause he knows Gabe'll chase people off if it's not an emergency.
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 omg QwQ
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 maybe sometimes when Jack gets too tired or stressed it begins to affect his vision, so it's important he rest when his body tells him he needs to
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 QwQ we need to contrive a reason for jack to sleep IN gabe's bed at one point >w>
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 someone stole all the chairs. XD maybe he goes to sleep in a chair, but wakes out of a nightmare and Gabe basically hauls him into bed and forces him to lay there and relax? like, not necessarily a panic-attack inducing nightmare, but just something sad
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 omggg and it's the first time gabe's seeing him sleep in an actual bed and he absolutely melts when he discovers how jack likes to curl up in a little ball
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 Jack totes wears dinosaur scrubs. like, the first thing he says when he meets Gabe--not even making eye contact with him--is just: 'don't let the dinosaurs fool you. i'm not nurse sunshine. here's your meds.'
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 OMG gabe instantly likes him
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 Gabe looks at this big, buff, scarred dude who is more interested in his chart than him, and asks 'That really something you get often enough that it has to be part of your greeting?' Jack finally looks at him and smiles very faintly. 'You would be surprised.'
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 arrow right to the heart gabe's already down
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 XD
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 just fuck him Right up
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 lol much much later on in this one, Jack comes in wearing owl scrubs, and before Gabe can ask, he's just: 'I needed a new set, and they were out of dinosaur ones.'
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 AWWWW gabe says "i was just gonna say owls are my favorite animal" with a tiny little smile jack knows. that's why he picked them god gabe
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 Jack knows. Gabe has mentioned this before. XD
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 LOL
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 lol whoops
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 >w<
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 Jack a little too roughly insists that that has NOTHING to do with it. Gabe swears that his cheeks went a bit pink before he booked it out of the room.
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 jaaaaaack
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 Gabe starts calling him Nurse Sunshine and Jack just grimaces every time and threatens to switch Gabe's meds if it catches on.
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 omgggg gabriel goes all flirty and says "okay how about just sunshine then because you're the light of my life" and jack straight up smacks him
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 XD Gabe, he has a carefully cultivated reputation to maintain here.
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 ..... HOLY SHIT NURSE JACKIE
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 -'.'- Sorry?
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 I THINK THAT'S A TERRIBLE TV SHOW ABOUT TERRIBLE PEOPLE I remember my mom watching it XDDD LOL YEAH it's a super like. depressing show about a nurse in a shitty hospital and she's always drinking and stuff well
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 haha no thanks :D
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 yeah not for me either ^^;
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 okay but--if Gabe got sent back for losing his legs, and he's in a wheelchair while he heals up before they get him prosthetics and into the rehabilitation exercises and what not--him and Jack fucking with each other. Gabe trying to run Jack down in the halls, Jack parking Gabe in a corner and sticking a door stop behind his wheels so he can't move the chair and Gabe's just shouting at him as he walks away 'JACK YOU FUCKING FOSSIL I AM A GODDAM WAR VET IF YOU THINK THIS IS GONNA STOP ME YOU GOT ANOTHER THING COMING I'LL CRAWL AFTER YOU AND BITE YOUR LEGS OFF SEE HOW YOU LIKE IT'
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 AHAHAHA he starts stealing lines from monty python JUST A FLESH WOUND JACK!!!!
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 He's got HUGE...tracts of land!
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 LOLLLLL jack: are you. flirting with me. through monty python
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 LOL
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 Jack is just: '...Gabe, I have a face like a pickax accident and I threaten your life almost daily. What the fuck, bro?'
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 XDD gabe gives jack flowers and jack just kinda stares at them and says "it feels pretty backwards for a patient to give a nurse flowers doesn't it"
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 he got Jack a balloon shaped like a brontosaurus, too. ^^
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 OMG
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 Jack puts the flowers in a vase in Gabe's room. Looks at him, and goes: 'I'm keeping the balloon.' and leaves.
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 EEEEE gabe sits back grinning. jack kept the balloon. mission accomplished.
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 and Jack left the flowers to be sure Gabe would have something cheery nearby. -^^-
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 THE FLOWERS WERE A DECOY!! awwwww!!
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 big ol' softie
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 does gabriel ever try the cheesy af "kiss it better" thing
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 I WOULD BE DISAPPOINTED IF HE DIDN'T ((also, momentary kinda sad suggestion--when Gabe is eventually discharged and gets to go see Jack's apartment, the place is pretty bland for the most part and lacks color and personality, but Jack's room is particularly dim and messy...except for the still-inflated dino balloon Gabe gave him which is sitting on top of his clothes chest.))
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 QOQ AHHHHH does jack get to move in with gabriel qwq
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 vice versa, prolly. Maybe Gabe doesn't have any family that can put him up, so Jack offers his couch while Gabe looks for a job and a place, but he just never ends up moving out bc they get together <3
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 <33333 and gabriel insists on brightening up the place
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 YES
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 hangs up pictures and paints walls and everything
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 the day he moves in, he brings Jack a whole herd of dino balloons
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 turns out he's very good at reupholstering furniture too awwww!!!!!
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 Jack is just: '...i can kill you in your sleep.' Gabe: Then who would refuse to put up with your bullshit? Here, go find them nests in your crap or whatever. Jack tries to not, but he can't resist.
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 qwq and when gabe initially moves in they're not quite boyfriends yet they kinda know they like each other but they haven't REALLY done anything yet
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 -^^-
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 and so boundaries and stuff are very confusing at first gabe sleeps on the couch (jack offers him the bed but gabriel insists) and it takes almost no time for gabe to move into the bed with jack
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 ((but but--the bed thing being an ice breaker. Gabe comes into Jack's room at dark o clock one morning and wakes Jack up and says 'Your couch is crap.' and Jack just grumbles back 'Couch store is closed.' Gabe doesn't move, so Jack sighs and lifts up a corner of the blankets and Gabe sits down & takes off his prosthetics to curl up and go to bed. He reaches out to pinch Jack's toes, and jokes 'Jesus, Jack, your feet are colder than mine!' Jack grumbles at him and reaches out to swat him, but it turns into something more like ruffling his hair as Gabe settles in. Turns out they're both cuddlers.))
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 AHHHHHHHHHH and jack did his napping in gabe's hospital bed before but it's not at all like this gabriel wants to kiss him SO badly but he can't tell if that's an okay thing to do yet
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 <3<3<3 Jack's all full of mixed signals in this one XD Oh! When Gabe gets back from his job the next day, there's an owl-shaped pillow waiting for him on the couch. Jack looks at him, then glances away. 'Just wanted to make sure you saw it,' he mutters and heads back for his room, leaving the door open. When Gabe comes in to put the pillow on the bed, Jack doesn't have any objections.
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 AHHHH CUTE
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 as thanks for all the dinosaurs -^^- jack doing his best to be sweet
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 BOY KISS HIMMMM hhhhh when do they kiss for the first time
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai don't know o_o;;;
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 maybe jack is going off to work and gabriel is like "bye babe<3" and jack gives him that silent blank stare, gives him a quick peck on the corner of his mouth, and leaves
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 what if Jack keeps clumsily trying to return the affectionate gestures Gabe makes? Like, Gabe usually cooks, but Jack attempts to make them dinner one night, burns part of it, doesn't get one of the side dishes done till half an hour after everything else, burns his fingers, makes a mess of the kitchen and swears a bunch--fuck ups like that
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 omggg I LOVE THAT
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 and finally, Gabe is just: 'here, look, if you're trying to tell me something, let me see if I got the message.' and smooch
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 eeeeeeeeee
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 aaaaaaaaaaaaah!! Jack just out of the blue like that!!! XD Gabe was just kidding around and didn't expect the kiss!
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 I LIKE BOTH
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 SO DO I
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 maybe jack does that thing and then neither brings it up again. until gabriel goes in for the Real smooch
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 Jack does the thing, and Gabe rationalizes it as more of his twisted sense of humor, plus he was just coming off a double and there's no one at the hospital to be sure his sleep isn't interrupted anymore so he might ahve just been sleep addled there was that weird long pause just before. it was probably just another joke, right? RIGHT? meanwhile, the rest of Gabe's brain is setting off fireworks and popping champagne bottles maybe Gabe gets home from work that night and it's when Jack has made dinner and Gabe kisses him for realsies
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 QWQ
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 XD 'cause Jack fucked up the kiss, too!
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 DAMMIT JACK YOU SUCK AT THIS
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 everytime Jack tries to be sweet it comes of as at least slightly awkward
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 I LOVE THAT SO MUCH so does gabe apparently
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 XD he tries so hard, bless his heart
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 gabe has such heart eyes actual image of gabriel: :heart_eyes:
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 XD
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 uhm. gabe lost his legs
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 LOLLLL NOOO!!! lmao imagine jack hadn't seen monty python and didn't get all the reference gabe was throwing at him he thought gabe was just saying nonsense so gabriel has to sit him down to watch it
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 eeeeeee!
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 he OOPS XD
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 also, also--when it comes time to propose, Jack gets the rings, but he just shoves the box at Gabe and says 'You do it' 'cause at this point both of them know he would fuck it up somehow. XD
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 kjadnadsjfnKJNDF CUTE
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 so Gabe gets to plan a big romantic proposal and Jack can just relax and accept
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 qWq also back to the monty python thing. gabriel spends the whole movie watching jack and is delighted when jack actually laughs at some of the jokes jack is such a stone faced bitch in this one LOL
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 !!!!!! <3<3<3 HE IS AND I AM GETTINGA  KICK OUT OF IT! XD
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 ME TOO
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 actually, we've had several lately I've really enjoyed. I need to go back and save these soon. ^^
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 >w< now i'm thinking about jack lovingly riding gabriel in this one lol bc gabe doesn't feel like wearing his prosthetics anymore, he wore them all day and his legs are achey and he just wants to lie in bed so jack settles on top of him and takes care of it
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 aaaaaaaaaaaaa jack crawls on top of him wearing his resting bitch face as he kisses all up Gabe's thighs and stomach and chest, right up to his lips and he just grinds against Gabe for a bit, then he sits back, and he's still all stone faced, but that starts to soften as he works himself open, and it disolves away completely as he takes Gabe in
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 EEEEEEEEEEEE gabriel is so gone. he falls in love all over again.
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 <3
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 and jack does that silent stare but this time his face is soft and open - not smiling, but relaxed and in love gabriel has to kiss him
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 he's so eager about it that Jack actually laughs--just a short huff of breath, really, but it goes straight to Gabe's heart.
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 gabriel is so ready to cry. "stop making me fall in love with you," he admonishes jack. "it's not fair"
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 'How is it not fair?' Jack sounds almost offended, and Gabe lets go just long enough to get a good look at his face and realize that what the awkward love of his life probably meant was: 'You do the exact same thing to me.'
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 =9 they're war vets. let them be happy.
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 ...break it how?
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 last time i recall asking you to tell me one thing, you told me the opposite XD
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 XDDD the only thing i can see ruining this is jack's self-loathing tbh like after some particularly bad days he gets it into his head that gabriel deserves better and all that. but it's okay bc gabriel isn't scared of jack's attempts to drive him away!!
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 ah, so the colorful dino scrubs were a clever attempt to mask the crippling self loathing after all? XD
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 NATURALLY have you SEEN his apartment??
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 lol p sure i suggested it XD just wasn't sure how deep we wanted to go down that particular rabbit hole
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 yep XDDD jack tries very hard to convince gabriel to leave him but gabriel figures out very quickly what he's doing and just kinda shrugs it off not very effective!!
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 Jaaaaack. What are you doing? Ohhh...you know what? He really could get serious about that and kick Gabe out of his apartment. Like, he wouldn't do it unless he was sure Gabe was financially stable, I think, but that's an option.
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 ahhhhhhhh QoQ he does it after gabriel finally confronts him about trying to drive him away
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 SHIT HE'S ONTO ME
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 gabe is like "i see what you're trying to do jack but it's not going to work. i'm in love with you and i'm not going anywhere." and jack just kind of snaps in a fit of madness and tells him to get out.
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 ohhh jackie. if you weren't in a downward spiral before... =(
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 :(((((( gabriel has to go and stay with ana for a little bit
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 my brain is already trying to skip ahead to the make up argument XD
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 LOL i'm caught on the part where jack is spiraling in his dark empty apartment
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 oh dear what if Gabe keeps calling him? and, like, the only sound in there with Jack is the phone ringing. and he's curled up in bed with his arms over his ears and his fingers clenched in his hair, listening to it ring and hating himself for sending Gabe away and hating himself for not even being able to end that properly and hating himself for not wanting the phone to go silent and cut off that last, fragile connection. And also kinda hating himself for being too chickenshit to answer.
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 AKSJNFSAKJNF THAT HURTS
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 So he finally picks up, and Gabe starts talking, saying that they need to discuss this, but Jack just mumbles kinda tonelessly 'I'm not good enough for you.' and Gabe snaps back 'Who are you to say what's good enough for me??' and that starts to get a rise out of Jack, because he was there when Gabe was first brought in, and he saw him hurting and struggling and fighting and staying positive through it all and Gabe fucking shines. Jack wasn't hurt nearly as bed, but he's just a shut down shell of what he used to be. And he snaps back 'I'm your doctor' and almost hangs up, but Gabe is quick with his response. 'The hell you are! You're my friend Jack, and more than that if you'd stop letting your fears lead your life for you!' There's silence for a minute, before Gabe tries for a bit of their old humor. 'Besides, you're a nurse, not a--' Jack hangs up.
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 GABRIELLLL JAAAAAAAAAACK gabriel has to be jack's nurse this time!!! take care of him gabriel!!!!
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 lol Maybe Gabe starts hanging out in the rec room at the hospital or something?
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 ((side note: jack spends much of his time in bed curled around the owl pillow))
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 Gets a couple of the patients rooting for him. One of them lets him know when Jack has borrowed a spare bed for a nap, and Gabe goes to sit in and play watchdog like he used to.
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 awwwwwwww qoq
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 ((ohh Gabe left it for him ;u;))
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 omg jesse is there bc he lost his arm! he's gabe's best wingman!!
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 ((it was Gabe's favorite thing--he would bring it into the living room to hug it on the sofa when they watched stuff)) GO JESSE!! =D
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 Jesse is very good at figuring out where Jack is napping and tipping off Gabe
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 Jack wakes up one day and asks Gabe tiredly why he keeps following him around there. And Gabe's just 'Well, I could go home with you. I still have my key, you know.' He hasn't used it because he's not trying to take away all Jack's hiding places. 'Give it back,' Jack says, but there's no heat to the words, and he turns his face into the nest of his folded arms. 'Do you really want me to?' When Jack doesn't answer for a minute, Gabe tries a different question. 'Do you still have all those stupid balloons?' Jack nods. 'You looked pretty happy when I gave them to you. And I was pretty happy being able to give them to you. That's worth something, isn't it? Making each other happy?' 'I'm not--' 'Don't bullshit me, Jack. You saying I don't deserve to be happy?' Jack's head shoots up. 'No! You do! I--It's me that--' 'You make me happy, Jack. Let me do the same for you.'
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 KAJNCSXKJNAKSXJN QOQ YEAH JACK!!!! LET HIM BE HAPPY Jack huffs and retorts, "Am I making you happy now?" and Gabe says "Well not right at this very second but-" Jack cuts him off and says, "Exactly, Gabe, I do shit like this and I'm gonna hurt you even more." then gabe gets to give him a speech about how life is full of both happiness and misery and if you're gonna inevitably be miserable at some point, you might as well take what happiness you can get "Wouldn't you rather be miserable sometimes and happy other times than just being miserable all the time?"'Gabriel asks evenly, "I would."
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 ;u; gaaaaaaaabi
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 It does seem so simple when Gabe puts it that way. But Jack knows unending misery turns into white noise after awhile, just a numb blandness that settles over everything. It's more bearable than having happiness taken from you. It's like a white hot knife with serrated edges sawing out your lungs. It's so much easier to just accept a gray world. But.... Jack already knows before he makes his decision. It's worth it.
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 TTuTT atta boy jackie
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 cries Jack tries to have sex with Gabriel that night but they end up just snuggling
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 ohhhhhhhhhhhhh ;u;
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 He gets on top of Gabriel and starts grinding and stuff but he just,.. he just wants Gabe to hold him
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 did i ever send you the lyrics for Signal i the sky by Matt hires, 'cause it's good for this one. ;u;
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 omg you didn't!!
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/matthires/signalinthesky.html
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 I'M EMOTIONAL
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 TTuTT
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 hold him tight gabe qoq
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 and then, of course, lots of hard work coming to terms with emotional issues, but also lots more silly gifts and awkward but heartfelt reciprocation
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 qwq like uhhhh question for jack WHY ARE YOU SO SET ON EVERYTHING GOING BAD
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 um. dude? my friend? that was all you XD it was good. it was fine! XD
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 oh yeah oops
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 Jack was a grump, but it was all happy and sweet. XD
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 i mean, i guess you could have just had him get hit by a bus or go blind and have to cope with that.
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 oH MY GOD DUDE WE SHOULD DO THAT LOL
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 that second one in particular might cost him his job at the hospital, which is his livelihood and also something that makes him feel like he's still making a difference five times jack was miserable in this au bc one of the writers wasn't happy with the sweet version. XD
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 XDDD AND THE ONE TIME I LET IT SLIDE
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 lolololol i'm up for it, but i think more contributions from my end are gonna have to wait till tomorrow
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 yeah i'm tired too bed tiiiime
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 =u=
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 let the gay old men rest for now
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 let them watch over each others sleep ^^
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 >w< cuuute
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/04/17 and with that sacchrine nonsense XD night night <3<3<3
firesonic152 – 09/04/17 <3333333 gn!!!!
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