#like thank god they caught it out but like
luveline · 2 days
oh my, oh my. I adored your fics where reader is smitten over reid with his glasses and then where reid is smitten with reader in her glasses! can I request something similar with hotch, where he's the one flustered - or, at least, his reaction lol - by reader wearing her glasses for the first time? <3
thank you for your request <3 fem
“Hotch, can I ask you something?” 
He hadn’t heard you knock, lost in thought behind his desk, and he knows you won’t begrudge him for failing to look up. “Of course,” he says. 
“I went to the eye doctor a few days ago and everything was fine, but she said my contacts are gonna keep degrading my eye health, apparently, if I keep wearing them. Do you think I could wear my glasses in the field?” 
Hotch takes a moment for your asking to catch up with him, desperately printing the last of his thoughts into a consult note. He makes a spelling mistake in his rush. Frowning, he crosses it out and corrects it neatly. “Uh, you want to start wearing glasses in the field?” 
“Yeah. Do you think that would work?” 
“I don’t see why not.” He stops himself firmly, before he can call you honey. Hotch doesn’t want to patronise or condescend you even in his thoughts, but he has to remark to himself that you sound adorably over-concerned. “Reid picks and chooses when he wears his own glasses, and he’s never…” 
He’d finally managed to tear his gaze from his desk and found you standing further away than he’d thought, in a black pencil skirt that flares out gently at the end like a flower bulb, a neat shirt with a triangular collar showcasing just a slip of your chest and the small silver necklace you wear. None of this is unusual, Hotch is used to finding you charming and lovely by now, it’s the glasses that shock him. He hadn’t realised you’d actually be wearing them. 
They’re not thick nor too thin, simple black frames made of a translucent plastic. They’re glasses like any other, and Hotch can’t diagnose his own reaction to it. Perhaps it’s how they sit on your nose, or the cutesying effect they give your expression. They make your eyes look a little darker than usual. They’re everything. 
“Hotch?” you ask. 
“He’s never had any problems,” Hotch finishes, ever so slightly breathless, his hands falling to his thighs. 
“They look stupid.” 
You raise the back of your hand to your cheek and press it there with fingers curled loosely inward, “I know they look silly, I haven’t worn them in a while, but my eyes hurt everyday with those contacts, no matter how much saline I use–”
“No,” he says. He stands, and he swallows against nothing. It’s embarrassing for his age. “They don’t look silly. You should wear whatever makes you most comfortable.”  
“I knew they looked silly,” you say again, turning toward the door. “Sir, you just stared at me. I never should’ve let Spencer tell me they looked cute.” 
“They do look cute,” Hotch says, rounding his desk. He stands in front of it rather than crowd you at the door. 
He isn’t unaware of his own influence. His moving has stopped you from leaving. His compliment, especially one far from his usual professionalism, sticks you like a flytrap. 
“You look just as nice with them as you do without them,” he furthers. “I’ve never seen you wear them before.”
“Well, I was always underwhelming, growing up. I didn’t think glasses helped.” 
“Underwhelming?” he asks. 
You smile like you’ve caught him. He doesn’t like to be caught, and he turns away to pretend to look for something, but he’s saved by another presence on the landing. 
“Oh my god,” Morgan says, looking you up and down with an affirmative, sweet appreciation. Morgan might make a show of it sometimes, but he’s genuine as he continues, “Sweetheart, what am I gonna do with you?” 
“They’re not strange?” you ask.
“Is that what the boss man said?” 
You look back at Hotch bashfully, and that look alone catches him all over again. Morgan watches through the doorway and he knows he’s doomed —Hotch’s feelings are, for that split-second, plain as day. 
“He didn’t say they were strange, no,” you say gently. 
Hotch wonders if he should insist on contacts after all. “They’re suitable for every day.” 
“Suitable,” Morgan says. 
Hotch gives him a you’re-pushing-it squint and everyone decides they have things to be doing, leaving him alone to panic. (He doesn’t panic, he’s not the type, he just remembers your new look and feels his heart give irregular pangs a few times an hour for the rest of the afternoon.) 
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— Where's dumb and dumber?
here's pt. 4 of chaos fc, this is honestly so much fun to write and its' a nice break from the angsty stuff as well, cos' I really can't be dealing with any of it right now!
thanks to @alotofpockets as always for helping me out with ideas along the way and giving me the confidence to post!
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pairings: kim little x reader, kyra cooney cross x reader, awfc x reader
summary: reader and kyra continue to try and cause trouble down under, however, some of the girls are quick to realise before its' too late.
also, reader is a protective guarddog when it comes to her best friend getting hurt.
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"Come on Kimmy, it was harmless fun!" You exclaim, trailing through the hotel after the long bus ride back from the open traning session and it was safe to say that your Captain was still pretty miffed about what had happened in the changing rooms.
Well, if the looks from the Scots' women were anything to go by then, yeah, you were definitely still in trouble.
"Harlmess or not, I told you to not cause anymore trouble!" Kim states in a firm tone of voice, stopping in her step to turn and look at you, "I feel like I can't even leave you alone for 5 minutes without you gettin' into trouble!"
"I don't see what the big deal is," You can't help but huff and wonder if your Captain is being slightly dramatic.
That was definitely the wrong answer to say, if the look that the older Scots' was anything to go by.
"The big deal?" Kim scoffs and shakes her head, "The big deal is that I'm really gettin' fed up with the constant immature behaviour-- When are you going to grow up, Y/N!?" She snaps.
This is probably the point in which you should say something sensible...
"Where's the fun in that though?"
Or not then.
You watch as your Captains' eyes widen in disbelief before shes' shaking her head, "Thank God we're going back to London in a few days!" She mutters before she pinches the bridge of her nose, "Enough of the pranks, now! I mean it, Y/N. You so much as pull another prank and I'm phoning Leah again to let her know of the recent trouble you've gotten yourself into!"
Without so much as another word, Kim storms off in another direction and your left dumbfound, feeling more than guilty for causing your skipper a near nervous breakdown from the trouble you've been causing.
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"Leprachauns' out for revenge," Your partner in crime leans in and whispers, careful to not get caught as shes' under the watchful eye of Steph still, so you can guess that she got a grilling about things as well.
Plus, Caitlin as well most likely, after all it was her girlfriend that got the brunt of the prank that backfired on the wrong victim.
"Yeah, I'd say we're toast whenever she catches up to us," You tell her in a hushed whisper as she wince when your eye catches the Irish defender, who your certain is definitely still holding a grudge about what happened.
"How much trouble did you get in with Kim this time?" Kyra wonders, curiously.
"Eh its' nothin' I can't handle, but she did threaten to call Leah again," Your face pales at the thought of the blonde hearing what else you had been up to. "What did Steph say to you?" You ask.
"Pretty much to not do it again, you know? Blah, blah, blah," Kyra relays what said back as she rolls her eyes. "Caitlin wasn't too happy either about things, considering its' her misses." She states, amusedly.
"Oops," You can't help but surpress the giggle that slips out of your mouth. "Guess we've gotta tone it down on the pranks for a bit." You murmer in realisation.
No way did you want to deal with an angry blonde yelling at you down the phone again, needless to say you were going to try and keep a low profile for now at least.
"Where's the fun in that though?" Kyra jokes as she slides her phone out of her pocket and starts to scroll through her Instagram feed, "Hey, Y/N-- Have you seen these?" With that being said, she not so politely shoves her phone in your face.
"Wha-- No way, seriously?" You can't help but crack up laughing as you watch the fan edit replay over fans' speculating that you and Kyra being together as more than just friends, "There's no way that people are believing this!" You exclaim.
Kyra can't stifle her laughter as she nods, "I know, right? We're just friends!" She finds humour in the situation; Your used to fans freaking out about things, but seeing the interaction between you both and immediately labelling it as a relationship was just hilarious to even see.
"We're nothing but chaotic, platonic little shit best friends," You grin as you playfully throw your arm around the older girl and lock her in a head lock. "Hey! I have an idea, let's just give the fans what they want!" You exclaim as an idea pops into your head.
Kyra manages to wrangle herself out of your grasp and scrunches her face up, "Ew. No offence, Y/N/N, but I don't see you that way. I'm not kissing you." She states.
"Wha-- No, not like that you idiot. Lets' just wind them up!" You roll your eyes as you pull your phone out of your pocket, tapping on your Instagram and hold it in front of you both as you playfully plant a kiss on the older girls' cheek, "Ere', smile!"
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"Right, so when we get to the stadium we'll-- Oh hold on a second!" Kyra's quick to get distracted in the middle of her explanation, leaving the piece of paper with varies scribbles out in plain sight for anyone else to walk past and see it.
Definitely not careful enough to hide it.
A certain blonde is able to find them easy enough.
"What're they up to now?" Alessia furrows her eyebrow as she lifts up the piece of paper, skeptical of being caught victim to another one of your pranks after watching the latest mayhem unfold with the Irish being the one to pay the price, "Vic, have you seen this?" She motions to the Dutch player.
"Seen what?" Vic asks, confused.
"This," Alessia mumers, gesturing to the paper that she holds up in her hand. "I can't really understand it-- Butterfingers and pancake? Are they, like, yeah I'm confused." The blondes' at a loss, trying to wrap her head around the explanation of the writing on the paper.
Vic isn't able to understand it either by her puzzled facial expression, "What the-- Are they baking a cake?" She questions, confused.
"I... I don't know," Alessia is clearly stumped over what it means as she looks around for someone who might understand it clearly, "Katie! Come look at this a second, please?" She gestures in the direction for the Irish girl to join the conversation.
"What's up?" Katie wonders, walking over to the two girls. "What you got there?" She asks, confused as she glances at the paper in her hands that Vic hands to her.
"We don't know. We can't understand it," Vic admits, confused.
"Butterfingers and pancake," Katie repeats, bewildered. "What... Whos' is this?" She asks, at a loss of what to even make of this right now.
"Kyra left it on the bench," Alessia answers.
Katies' eyes widen in realisation, "It's another prank." She mutters, searching round the room for the two culprits, who are strangely quiet right now. "Caitlin! Have you seen dumb and dumber?" She questions.
"Who're we talkin' about, right now?" Caitlin questions, laughing in amusement.
"Y/N and Kyra," Katie states, motioning to the paper that she holds in her hand. "I think they're up to something again." She adds.
"Oh you mean the English and Aussie pest," Caitlin jokes, walking over to join the three of them as she eyes' the paper in her girlfriends hands, "Seriously? Not again." She grumbles, shaking her head.
"I say that we let Kim know what's going on," Katie declares, looking around for the older Scots' women. "Kim!" She got the attention of the captain.
"Ye', what's up?" Kim looks over in the Irish girls' direction.
Katie wordessly hands the paper over to the Scottish women with an amused expression plastered on her face, "Thought I'd give you the heads up, Cap." She jokes.
Taking in the notes on the paper, Kims' left looking bewildered and lost for words, "Just one day," She mutters to herself, at her wits' end the troublemaker duo.
"What'd they do?" Steph chimes in, being near to the Scots' women.
"Take a look yourself," Katie jokes, glancing to the paper.
"Oh boy," Steph exhales a sigh as she reads over it, "What the hell does butterfingers and pancake mean?" She asks, confused.
"I don't know, but I know it means they're up to no good," Kim mutters, exhaling a sigh.
"Steph and I will have a word with Kyra and we'll leave Y/N to you," Caitlin reassures the older Scots' woman as she pats her on the shoulder before trying to spot out the Australian girl, "Kyra, over here!" She speaks aloud to get her attention.
"Wha-- I didn't do out!" Kyra exclaims in protest, throwing her hands up in the air.
"Not yet you haven't, we're putting a stop to it before it happens," Steph chimes in, shaking her head as she slings her arm around the girl.
"Y/N, come here!" Kim shouts aloud to get your attention from across the room.
"Busted," You mutter to yourself and slump over to meet the stern look of your captain, suddenly having a sense of dejavu about this certain situation. "Whatever you think I did, I didn't do." You state.
"What's this?" Kim holds up the paper note in her hand.
"Er, well its' a piece of paper. Was that supposed to be a trick question?" You question, sarcastically.
By the look on the older womens' face, you should know that she is not messing around and you should most definitely refrain from any further sarcastic comment.
However, you just can't help yourself sometimes.
"You know what I mean," Kim deadpans, pursing her lips. "Whatever this is, it stops right now!" Your captain is promptly wagging her finger in front of your face.
"I don't know what your on about," You mumble, trying to play innocent. "I don't even know what that is." You add, continuing to play dumb about it all.
"Yes you do, Y/N-- The girls found it, I know its' a prank and I'm telling you to pack it in right now!" Kim lectures; You have to admit that she really can be scary sometimes, and its' nothing to do with her height.
"Snitches," You murmer under your breath as you can't help but glare at the girls around the room.
"You should be gettin' ready for the match, not planning any of this dumb pranks-- Carry on and I'll have you benched!" Kim continues to scold you, mentioning about the upcoming match you're currently supposed to be getting ready for to play against the All Stars. "Stop muckin' around and get ready right now, do you understand?"
You swallow the lump in your throat and shuffle in your spot, "Yes Kim, I understand." You mumble, although you can't help but stare down at the floor.
Sure enough the lecture is enough to scare you to try and not cause any more chaos, besides that can wait for after the match at least for now.
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"So, Tiny threatened to have me benched if I pull another prank," You murmer to your best friend after you finish getting ready for the match.
"I just got a right earful from Floof and Veggie," Kyra huffs in agreement as she finishes tying up the laces on the boots. "They found the papers." She adds in realisation.
"No shit, only cos' you left them aside for anyone to see!" You exclaim, glaring at the older Aussie girl.
"It weren't my fault I got distracted!" Kyras' quick to protest as she throws her hands up in mock surrender.
"Well either way, I have to keep on her good side now or shes' gonna call Malfoy!" You tell her, huffing and slumping your shoulders; You really didn't want to endure a certain blonde defender lecturing you down the phone at all.
"Malfoy?" Kyra questions, confused.
You nod in agreement, already reaching for your phone to explain the reason behind the newfound nickname for the centre back, "Yep, new nickname for the English skip, cos' I seen the comments about her new haircut and they're hilarious comparing her to a draco malfoy wannabee," You tap on the former picture that the girls had taken back in London and show the older girl. "See?" You smirk in amusement.
"That's brilliant!" Kyra can't help but burst out laughing, "Your right, suits' her well!" She adds in agreement with your name for the stern english captain.
"Come on, lets' go girls. We need to line up!" Kim motions the pair of them out of the changing rooms with the rest of the girls.
"Comin'!" You shout in response, the two of you both dwadling to join the rest of the girls.
Kim spins around and eyes you both skeptically, "Remember what I said? No trouble!" She warns.
"You got it, Cap. No trouble whatsoever!" You grin in agreement, eager to stay on the Scot womens' good side for the time being.
"I mean it," Kim states.
"I know, I know. I'll be on my best behaviour, don't yer' worry!" You agree, signalling a mock salute as you join the end of the line, ready to head on to the pitch to face the All Stars.
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"Agh!" You know you should be focusing on the game, however, its' impossible with what is currently going on right now.
Seagulls, feral birds that you're terrified off.
"God damn this ball-- They keep deflating!" Katie exclaims, motioning to the ref for the need to change the ball again, meanwhile you're still trying to not have a complete meltdown about the severe amount of seagulls flying around the pitch.
"Kimmy, help me! Somebody, anybody, help me!" You dart around the pitch like a maniac, to try and avoid them.
"Y/N, calm down! You're fine!" Kim tries to reassure you, all while trying to keep her focus on the game that you're currently playing on the pitch.
You shake your head and your not afraid to admit you were deeply scared of this birds, "I'm not fine! There's... Theres' birds, everywhere!" You exclaim.
"Y/N, they're harlmess..." Steph chimes in, mostly amused with your freak out on the pitch.
"No, no, they're fuckin' not!" You shout aloud in fear, doing your best to try and duck down as one flies in your direction. "Why the heck are they flying so low?" You question in horror.
"Y/N, focus on the game!" Caitlin chuckles, shaking her head.
"I... I can't! There everywhere, Caitlin!" Your downright petrified of these birds, however, your team all seem to find the situation amusing.
Kim pinches the bridge of her nose and shakes her head, "Good lord," She mutters to herself as she moves to gain possession of the ball. "Ere' Y/N!" She shouts in your direction to pass you the ball seeing as your stood in a spot that's open.
Dodging the pesky seagulls, you swoop in towards the direction of the ball and kick it towards Mini Viv who then is able to knock it to Alessia, whos' remaining unmarked and shes' able to head it in the back of the net to give your team to advantage to take the lead and be 1 nil up.
"G'wan, Lessi!" You exclaim, running towards the blonde to dive on her in celebration for the wonderful goal she had scored. "Lessi Russo with the stunning header!"
"Shut up you idiot," Alessia chuckles and swats the back of your head.
Taking the opportunity to enjoy the moment, your focus is switched back to the game in hand, wanting to at least have the chance to score another goal before the end of the game.
However, your fear for the certain birds turned into anger at the very minute that you watched your counter partner be involved in a particulary nasty foul and land on the ground.
"What the-- Nah seriously, ref? What the actual fuck!" Your throwing your hands in air in protest, outraged how the player on the opposite team was able to get away with it. "Are you blind!? Your an absolute idiot to not see that!"
You can admit that you might have been a slight bit more angrier with your words than you should have been.
Thank God it is just a friendly and no yellow cards can be given out.
"Kyra!" You are quick to rush to her side, the fear for the older Aussie girl whos' now being seen by the medical team. "Are you okay?" You question, concerned.
"Ow," Kyra murmers, wincing in pain.
Breathing a sigh of relief that she seems to be fine, given the cheeky grin she gave to the camera when she was being seen by the medical team, you stood up and turned to look at the player in anger.
"What the actual fuck-- Are you that stupid to hurt her like that?" You just see red, getting up in their face and pushing them back roughly. "You'rea fuckin' idiot!" You seeth.
"Y/N, cool it!" Kims' quick to try and reign in your outburst on the pitch,  trying to grab a hold of your upper bicep and drag you away from the situation before you make it worse for yourself. "What the hell are you playing at? Are you purposely looking for a way to cause trouble-- Control your anger!" She states, firmly.
"They hurt Kyra," You murmer, looking over to check in on your best friend. "They didn't even care about it either!" You motion to the player, who seemed completely unphased about the foul.
"Relax, Y/N. Kyra's fine, you need to control your temper," Kim states, sternly as she shook her head. "Your lucky this is just a friendly, or you'd have been sent off already!"
"They... They hurt Kyra," You repeat, not entirely happy that the player got away with it like she did.
It seems like your outburst on the pitch was more of a reason for Jonas, or as you'd kindly labelled him, Thanos to sub you off in replacement from one of the young guns; Initially, you were annoyed about it, however, you were soon joined by Kyra, so at least the two of you could chat on the bench.
"Are you alright?" You try and see if Kyra's actually okay, depsite the fact the medical team had seen to her on the pitch and even went to so much trouble as bring a stretcher on.
"I'm fine, relax, guard dog," Kyra jokes, plonking herself down in a seat beside you. "You know, fans' seeing your outburst like that is just gonna give them more reason to speculate them rumours." She jokes.
"Let them speculate all they want. I'm just a protective best friend," You grumble in response, not liking the fact of seeing the Aussie girl go down on the pitch at all.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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thir10th · 1 day
hi love! i'd like to req emily smut, maybe a little more on the rough side if you'd be comfortable with that, where she gets jealous over reader and shows that through sex
if you want something less vague, it could be when reader brings emily lunch to her office and morgan keeps flirting with her, leading to some action in emily's office
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I'll be doing these two together cause why not. I hope you don't mind! thanks for requesting, and I hope you liked it!!
jealousy - Emily Prentiss x fem!reader
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summary: see the asks, it's a mix of both, it kind of took a turn, but i hope you still enjoy it! tw: jealousy, a very poor try at dom Emily, fingering, breast play?, idk tws are so hard once you've finished writing🥲, i think that's it lmk if i'm missing smth a/n: no idea if there's a way for me to link both asks here, someone lmk if there is
It's only 8.00 am when you enter the police station, two bodies in the past 12 hours required the early hours, everyone had to be focused, your mind had to be only in one place. However, this wasn't the case for all the people on that room.
The local police officer at the head of the case had some other things in his mind.
He starts by boldly checking you out, looks at you up and down, stopping and staring at the short tank top you were wearing, which makes you uncomfortable enough to cover yourself with your arms as much as you can.
The look your girlfriend sends to him doesn't go unnoticed to you, you start to believe she will set him on fire just with her stare, she places herself covering your body to shake his hand, which she gripes a bit too harder than the usual.
If you didn't know her any better, you would say she is jealous.
But there was just no way, right? Emily Prentiss doesn't get jealous, she's too confident for that, she has you so well wrapped around her finger, she doesn't need to be jealous. Right?
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
"so you think this... unsub like you call him, could be on a killing spree because of his mother?" the agent asks you, staring at the last picture you just sticked to the board with a puzzled look.
"we're positive, we've seen this modus before, it's a clear pattern" you explain
"ugh, so talking about mommy issues" you can't help the little snicker that scapes your lips.
He looks triumphant, fully believes he's got you under his spell. He couldn't be more wrong.
The familiar hand that slides behind you on your lower back makes you jump, Emily comes around you, standing closer than she usually does.
"hey, what were you talking about?" she asks, tilting her head.
"oh, nothing just the case" you say, unbothered.
"just the case huh?" you turn your head to see how she's staring at him, as he walks away from you both.
"Em? what is it?" you ask suspicoisly.
"nothing, i just don't understand, what could be so funny if you were just talking about the case..." she says sarcastically
"oh my god" you try to keep your voice down, but the excitement is still noticeable "oh my god, Emily, you're jealous!"
"what? What do you mean I'm jealous?" her voice a couple octaves higher, making it so obvious to you she's lying.
"that's not even a real answer!" you say.
"ugh..." she lets out one of those little sounds she always makes when she knows she's been caught, you think it's adorable.
"ok, so maybe... maybe I just... don't like the way he looks at my girlfriend, so sue me!" she tries defending herself, but you couldn't take it seriously for your life, you find it adorable, the slight pink tinting her cheeks, her reassuring hand still resting on your lower back.
"Emily, c'mon, you know i love you" you kiss her cheek, she kisses you back but still doesn't look so convinced.
The thing is, you could not be any less attracted to that man, there was no way in the world you would find his flirting any appealing, but the idea of teasing Emily sounds too exciting.
A little fun never hurt anyone, right?
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
"...hellooo, earth to Prentiss?"
Morgan waves a hand in front of Emily’s face and she’s brought back to reality.
"what?" she asks.
"i said, could you please put your frown away, you're scaring Reid" Spencer doesn't even hear the comment, too focused on the case file to even pay attention to the conversation that was taking place right beside him.
"my frown is just where it has to be, thank you" she says raising an eyebrow at that.
Derek gives a scoff, and Rossi chuckles at the whole stupidity of the situation. “If y/n can’t feel your stare burning a hole in her back, when she turns and sees you, she’s sure gonna think you're planning a murder.”
"i might just be" she mutters
"I think I know what's going on" Rossi intervenes "she isn't looking at y/n" he explains pointing at you "I think someone might be jealous"
You are only a few feet away, discussing your last findings with the detective, trying to laugh at every little thing he says, making sure Emily is watching.
"I'm not jealous" she defends "she is so clearly not interested, but what if she needs me to step in?" her attempt to make up a good excuse isn't good enough for any of them to buy it
"if that helps you, but all i can hear is jealousy" a big, cocky smile spread on Morgan's face, it's only making her angrier
"c'mon, or we will too have to face the consequences of the territorial monster of jealousy when it explodes" Rossi says, dragging Morgan away
"yeah, mark your territory" Morgan laughs, while Emily gives him the finger "go get her lover!"
It's your loud chuckle that draws the line for her. When you finally get away from the persistent officer, you turn to see Emily isn't there anymore, taking your phone you see 2 new message from her.
From Em💕: you better knock your shit off baby.
From Em💕: That's it. You're so in for it later.
That one makes your heart throb, it shortly makes you wonder if you had taken it too far. This was not gonna end well for you.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Hotch decides to call it for the day, sending you off to start fresh in the morning, when a male voice you had heard enough already, calls your name
"Agent, I was wondering if you would be in for a drink with me?" he asks, eyeing you up and down yet again.
You are so sure you would find it just as disgusting if you weren't so gay, and so in love with your girlfriend.
"oh, sorry but no, actually, I-" a much more familiar female voice interrupts you "she's with me" Emily says.
He can't believe his eyes, Emily wraps her arm around your waist pulling you close to her body "hi babe" she says, kissing your lips, you return the kiss, a bit amused at her jealousy, but loving the possessiveness she was showing.
"Sorry, you were saying?" she asks, the man still open-mouthed, he can't bring himself to even speak.
"nothing... ugh, good night, agents" he dismisses you, and walks away defeated.
Emily and you head out of the bullpen, her arm still securely wrapped around your waist, she slides her hand on your back pocket, grabbing a handful of your ass possessively, making you chuckle.
"wanna talk about it?" you ask her innocently
"oh we are gonna be doing a bit more than talking you and me"
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Emily doesn't even leave time for the door to close, and you have a split second to register your thoughts before she closes the door and walks over in one long stride and slams you into the wall.
Her mouth attacks yours in a hungry, desperate kiss, her tongue invading in a fight for dominance, that you just let her win, she is determined to have her way with you, and you aren't going to stop her.
She wasted no time in getting her hands on you, roughly rubbing her hands over your exposed skin. You, however, delicately placed your arms around her neck and when you both pulled apart to breathe.
"what's wrong, Em?" you ask her, breathlessly
"you know what? For starters, I didn't like the way he was looking at you" she starts, her breath warm against your skin, she lowers her head getting your neck, kissing it so sweetly you feel you could melt
she is quick to find your pulse point, mouth-opened kisses all over your skin, she nips all over your spot, which makes you moan
"but then imagine my surprise when i saw you, flirting back" her hand finds her way underneath your shirt, reaching for your breast, she finds no more resistance as you aren't wearing a bra, your other nipple peaking through your shirt in excitement.
She uses her free hand to grip your ass, you jump at the feeling whimpering on her mouth, her closeness only making you more excited.
"but you don't like him, do you, baby?" she asks, teasing you, she leaves a soft kiss on your lips
"he wouldn't stand a chance, we both know men aren't really your type" Emily says lowly, nipping at the tender spot behind your ear. 
She slips her leg between yours, a soft moan escapes your lips.
"so you just wanted to make me jealous" you're too deep in her dominance to even register anything, letting out soft whimpers every time her thumb brushes against the nub and grips the soft skin of your breast
"god... Emily" you let out, as Emily pulls your thighs apart with her hand.
"you know, baby, if you wanted me to fuck you, you could've just asked" she attacks your neck again, sucking hard enough to leave purple marks you couldn't care any less about now.
Emily presses her fingertips against the crotch of your jeans "your clothes. Take them off or I'll rip them off" she commands, taking a step back from you, leaving too little space to maneuver.
You knew better than to tease her when she was like this. A shiver of excitement runs through your back, and you comply.
You take your jeans off then, your shirt, quickly throwing them somewhere far on the room.
You move to kiss her again, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her in for a kiss, but she doesn't let you, instead she grabs you by your thighs, lifting you up.
You wrap your legs around her waist, she carries you to bed, laying you down just harshly enough to make you even more excited for whats to come.
"you are gonna do exactly what i ask you to tonigh, you know why, baby?" you hold your breath, you're not sure if she actually wants you to answer, but you try nonetheless "because I'm yours"
Your answer seems to satisfy her, as she begins kissing her way down your body, taking special care to nip at your collarbone and stomach to leave more marks than the one's on your neck.
The soft cloth of her shirt rubs against your skin and as if just now realising she was still dressed, you grab the hem of her shirt and help her take it off, throwing it somewhere in the vicinity of the room, like you had done with your own clothes.
And not a moment later, she is back to kissing your body, stopping suddenly when she reached the hemline of your underwear.
Her hand navigates down them, she dips low enough to collect your arousal on her fingertips before rubbing your clit forcefully. Your body reacts immediately, curling forward. "Em!" you moan
"what's wrong baby? Cat got your tongue? use your words, if you want me to stop the teasing, just say it"
"fuck...Em, please, I'm yours, please Emily, yours" you confirm, closing your eyes and letting your hips rock against her hand.
“Who are you this wet for?” Emily demands, nipping at your earlobe.
"just you" you whimper, desperation starting to build in your lower stomach
"that's right baby" the cocky smile on her lips makes your eyes roll. You obviously loved slow, romantic love making with your grilfriend, but you'd be lying if you said you didn't love this side of her just as much.
She continued to move her fingers inside of you and you met each thrust but you almost fell apart when she pressed her thumb against your clit and rubbed hard.
She uses her free hand to play with your breast, you let out a gasp when her tongue moves over it spurred you on and she begins to gently suck on it while her hand still caressed your other breast. 
You melt into the mattress at her words. "let go, c'mon baby, I got you" you cum on the spot, as she fucks you through your orgasm, she let's you ride your high.
Emily lays down beside you as you come down from the climax, she kisses your lips softly, lovingly this time, less urgent.
"you know i didn't mean any of it right? I was just playing with you, i love you. He didn't stand a chance" you try to clarify
"yes baby, i know, i love you too, i wasn't so harsh with you right?" she asks concerned. Sometimes you can't believe how Emily's mood changes so fast, from all dominating, incredibly sexy, to concerned, soft girlfriend.
"Em, it was perfect" you say, grabbing her face and pecking her lips "you are perfect" you kiss her again.
"well, good, because we're just getting started, i'm not sure you've learned your lesson yet" she grins.
"Like i said, I'm all yours, agent Prentiss" she sits to straddle you, and you grab her face to pull her in for another kiss.
Emily caresses your neck with her thumb, looking at the purple marks she had previously left "this will be hard to cover tomorrow"
"who says I'm covering them?"
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Sitting on your usual spot on the plane, you lay behind Emily's amr, resting your head on her shoulder as she reads.
You aren't oblivious of the look on Morgan's face, right in front of you.
The shirt you chose had your neck and cleavage all on display, small and big purple marks cover your skin.
He stares bluntly at you, a cheeky smile covering his face "So y/n, looks like you and Prentiss had yourselves a good night. Care to share?"
Emily gives him the finger.
"in your dreams" you say.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
wow! a lot longer than i expected it to be! finishing this one gave me a headache so please like and reblog if you liked it, and as always feedback is greatly appreciated! <333 reqs still open as always!
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makismei · 2 days
(18+ somewhere randomly near the end bc my pussy took over) it is currently 2:57am and while i was writing an upcoming fic, i suddenly thought of nanami, as your underclassman at jujutsu high... not proofread (possibly incoherent) i am sorry i finished at 5am
he's two years younger than you, but he's been enamoured by you since he spoke to you back when he was sixteen on your eighteenth birthday, hosted at gojo's condo.
almost everyone was drunk, courtesy of shoko managing to get her hands on bottles of tequila and vodka. you were barely tispy, finding a completely sober nanami stuck to a wall with his eyebrows pulled together. he doesn't like it here. he wants to go home. but this is what being a teenager is like... right?
through flashing lights and loud music, you told him that cherishing your youth goes beyond what he's seeing before his eyes.
with you being a third year, he rarely saw you at the school. up close, he realizes how beautiful you are and that your perfume suits you so well.
"being a child is just fine," you say, as if you aren't only two years older. "you have your whole life to experience partying."
you end up outside on the balcony, talking all night about anything and everything.
and nanami learns, at sixteen, what uncontrollably clammy hands feel like, stuttering over simple words and the desperation for more of your presence.
since that night, he looks for you on campus when you are between missions. in the beginning, he couldn't find the courage to start conversation, but slowly, it starts to come to him easy.
over the years, he's seen you introduce your older boyfriends to your friends. he's also seen you get your heartbroken because the men that you chose to love were straight up losers.
what is he to do? clearly, you have a type and it's not him. although, he is confident he can treat you far better.
you like dark hair and tattoos, "manly" looking men but they don't even hold the door for you. what the hell is wrong with you? nanami swears, if he was yours, you'd never look back.
nanami is freshly nineteen, listening to you talk to shoko and utahime about how relationships are no longer worth your time. something inside of him feels disgusting because you're pouring your heart out and god, he just thinks you're so beautiful.
when he confesses to you for the first time, he is twenty-one and it's winter. it's been three years since your last relationship and you haven't pursued another since. he knows it's a long shot, but he goes for it anyways.
you smile, hand on his arm, "you deserve better than me, kento. but thank you, truly. i'm flattered you think of me so highly."
nanami raises a brow, "who doesn't?"
you're halfway into your door, smiling sadly. "you'd be surprised."
six months later, you're in cahoots with a horrible man and nanami thinks he's going to go bald early. why do you do this to yourself????
since his confession, he's tried to be mindful so he doesn't make you uncomfortable. but in the most friendship way possible, he tries to show you there are men (meaning: him, he is best fit for you) that are willingly to love you the way you deserve (him).
you, on the other hand, are biting your nails as far as you can, you cannot be catching feelings for nanami kento? you've never seen him in a romantic light, even after he confessed, but recently there has to be something poisonous in the air.
you blocked that douchebag two days ago because talking to him makes you feel disgusting. but you think you might unblock him to save nanami.
nanami cannot be yours, sure he's younger than you and you swore you would never date a younger man because they're so "immature", but nanami is a good... mature person. he is honest and hardworking, growing into his features and in turn, becoming more handsome as the years go by.
you'd be lying if you weren't jealous thinking about the woman that he would call his one day.
you think it's for the better. nanami cannot get caught up with your antics. he's really only seen the good sides and the thought of him seeing your bad sides makes you nauseous. he'd hate you, for sure. then what would you do?
but it doesn't matter, you don't even like him like that! but he's such a good friend you can't fathom the thought of ruining your friendship.
but what if he gets a girlfriend? you're pacing back and forth in your living room, obviously you can't be close with him anymore because that is just so suspicious.
oh my god. you're spiralling.
what do you do? you call nanami.
you tell him everything and more, that you're sorry, that you might be confused but your gut is telling you otherwise. you cry on the phone to him because you're at a loss and you feel so guilty.
nanami does not say a word or make a sound.
until, you hear a knock on your door through the phone and in real life.
"will you let me see you?" he asks, desperate. "i need to see you."
"you had me waiting for so long." he mutters, hips swinging into yours. he has you in a mating press, forehead pressed against yours. "am i making you feel good, beautiful? tell me."
you nod, legs quivering at his sides. "you're so good—i.. i think i'm gonna cum again!"
he shushes you, kissing you so deeply your mind goes blank. he starts thrusting harder and your mind is so mushy you can't even kiss him back. nanami groans, this can't be real. you feel so good that he might get addicted.
he can't let you go now that he's had a taste. he's not letting you go.
you love him. you told him in a panic over the phone.
you love him.
he needs you wholeheartedly and even though he had to wait almost eight years, he would gladly wait another eight years because if it's not you, it's no one. over the years he's loved you one-sidedly, he did a lot of thinking.
a silly high school crush ended up swallowing him whole. he was searching for you in all the blind dates gojo made him go on because gojo was convinced he was cooked and that you would not like him back.
so to see gojo's jaw dropping when you kissed nanami on the lips in the jujutsu tech courtyard, made his heart swell.
he was always yours.
you think that maybe, you've loved nanami for longer than you've thought.
"thanks for waiting for me." you breathe, "i'll make you happy."
nanami smiles, "you will always make me happy."
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iliketangerines · 3 days
hello! I wasn’t sure if request were open or closed but I am here to make one!
I was wondering if you you were able to make headcanons about bi Han x reader (gn) where the reader is like aerith gainsborough from ff7 just really sweet, caring and gentle with him and everyone.
could be could be nsfw or sfw, perhaps both overall really up to you! feel free to ignore / change!
to long for you
a/n: i've never played final fantasy 7, so you're just gonna have to deal with that...
pairing: bi han x gn!reader
warnings: none :)
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oh, you were so sweet, so soft, and loving when Bi Han had first met you at one of Liu Kang’s meetings, sitting beside him looking almost ethereal
you were one of the god’s personal initiates at the Fire Gardens, and yet you had none of the traits of a monk, dressed in almost regal looking clothing and hair tied elegantly into a ponytail
and you glanced at him with those doe-eyes and gave him that sweet smile as Liu Kang droned on about some disturbances on Earthrealm
despite your soft-looking demeanor, you were firm, adding in your opinions to Liu Kang’s plans and disagreeing with him on certain plans
and then later, sitting in front of the Lin Kuei grounds, you watch the initiates train and Bi Han and his brothers correcting forms and basic fighting moves
you almost jolt out of your seat when you see an initiate take a too-hard beating from one of the older ones, and you walk over to the two of them before Bi Han could
it’s almost like you’re floating when you walk on over, and you gently sit down the older initiate and ask him why he was pushing the younger initiate so hard
as you talk with the initiate, nodding along and gently pushing along the conversation to get him to talk with you, you draw open the pouch by your side and start treating the younger one
your hands are gentle, firm, and experienced, fingers moving swiftly as you applied the salve and tied up the wound with a clean cloth
Bi Han fell head over heels for you, and he approaches you as the initiates walked off to continue their training
his heads felt sweaty, gross, disgusting and his heart beat inside of his chest erratically as he stared down at you
you look up at him, eyelashes catching the sun’s rays, and his voice caught in his throat as he tried to thank you for helping his initiates
instead he lets out what sounds like an irritated grunt, and you just smile up at him, holding your hand out for him to take
he gladly takes it and helps lift you up from your kneeling position and suddenly he’s eye to eye with you and feeling much more inadequate in his dusty clothing
you don’t seem to mind however and ask him to give you a tour of the grounds since you’ll be here the rest of the day as Liu Kang checks out the area around the Lin Kuei
Bi Han nods and holds his arm out for you, trying to relax his face and seem as friendly as possible, and your arm links with his and the both of you are off
your voice is so sweet, gentle, like the winds blowing over a meadow, and he explains the compounds, the history and the function behind each building
not once do you interrupt him or act rude or disgraceful and at the end of the tour, the sun has start to set in the background
Liu Kang opens the portal and beckons for you to come forth, and you unhook your arm from Bi Han’s and go to leave back to the Fire Temple
the grandmaster grabs onto your hand, face heating at the act, and he asks you when you will be back
you smile and say you’re not sure, but you will send him letters
and then you’re gone
oh but your letters come quick, and Bi Han always hurries to read each and every single one, replying even though exhaustion weighs heavy in his bones some nights
the letters are filled with drivel: your dreams, your aspirations, your days, what you ate, where you traveled, how training had been, but Bi Han treasures each and every single one of them, keeping them in the drawer of his bedroom
sometimes, you two talk about the troubles of being an Earthrealm champion, and the letters are strongly worded sometimes, making Bi Han smile
for someone so ethereal looking, you sure had quite the dirty mouth
he tells you about his brothers, his upbringing, the initiates, anything he could possibly think of because he just wants to keep writing to you
it’s easy to write to you, the words flow so easily, and your words are jumbled and messy sometimes, the letter contained crossed out words or ink blots or spelling mistakes
but it’s you, and so Bi Han doesn’t mind at the mess of the letters you send
and then a few months later, a multitude of letters exchanged between the two of you later, you come and visit again with Liu Kang on a business trip
the morning is spent in a meeting discussing the safety of Earthrealm once again and the tournament coming up in the following year
Bi Han tries his hardest not to focus on you as you watch with slanted eyes at how Liu Kang speaks and plans
you’re focused, lips pursed together, and fingers drumming softly against the wooden grain of the table
he wants to kiss you so badly, and when the meeting ends, he goes to you immediately and asks for you to walk with him
you smile and take his hand, lifting yourself up gracefully and say that you would be honored to take a walk with the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei
he takes you on a walk to the most beautiful part of the Lin Kuei, a garden filled with flowers of all kinds
a small pond murmurs in the background and the wind slightly rustles the leaves together and even the sun shines perfectly into the grounds
it’s a beautiful sight as he leads you underneath a tree, sitting down on the carved stone bench next to you and listening to your ramblings
the next few minutes are spent looking at you as you ramble and talk and rant about what has been happening at the Fire Temple
and then you roll your eyes and shake your hands and ask Bi Han how his time has been at the Lin Kuei and that he’s been awfully quiet
he just tucks a loose strand of your hair behind your ear and tells you that he was too busy admiring you
it makes you still, your eyes widen and your mouth slightly part as you stare at him in surprise, and then you stutter and say that you were admiring him too
he just tilts his head to the side and stares off to the pond sitting in front of you before saying that he liked you, wanted to kiss you
you don’t say anything as he confesses, his words are curt, short, not elegant at all, but he hopes he can get the message across that he really does like you so much that his chest hurts
he tries to be poetic, trying to compare you to the flowers or the sun, and then you cut him off with a finger against his lips, face burning
you say that you like him too, and it makes Bi Han smile a bit at your confession as well
he grabs onto your hand softly, his calloused rough hands that have seen so much blood, and your hand is soft and gentle having saved so many lives
but as he intertwines his fingers with yours, it feels so right, and you don’t make a move to get away, rather leaning in closer to bump your shoulder with his
the both of you settle into a silence, but it’s comfortable, warm, loving as the both of you just bask in each other and sit in the garden
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ashwhowrites · 11 hours
Ok, so this one is either going to be a hefty boy, or a 2-parter:
So imagine if Chrissy broke up with Jason and starts dating Eddie. The reader is best friends with both Chrissy and Eddie, and is also very much in love with them. But since they're together, reader just keeps it to herself. Unbeknownst to her (and to each other) both Chrissy and Eddie also have feelings for the reader.
Until one day, Eddie and Chrissy are together, and he calls Chrissy by the readers name. Eddie's panicking thinking Chrissy is going to be pissed, but instead she's just like "oh thank god!" And they decide to try and figure out if the reader feels the same about them.
Then maybe like Jason wants to get back at Chrissy and Eddie, so he convinces a basketball player to ask the reader out and then embarrasses her on the date, so she goes crying to her besties and they comfort her and confess their feelings.
(If you want to add HellCheer x reader smut at the end I won't be upset by this.)
Sorry if this is really long, I've had a while to think it out.
As a bisexual gal, this was a dream. I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
⚠️smut ( threesome )
Both of you
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Y/N had a secret crush on her best friend Chrissy for years. She never admitted it to the cheerleader as Chrissy never talked about females before. But Y/N also never had so maybe she shouldn't assume. Watching Chrissy and Jason be together was hell. All the things Jason got to do made Y/N burn with jealousy. Jason was also an asshole and she hated that Chrissy would even stay with him.
As a way to distract herself, Eddie caught her eye. Y/N had been friends with Eddie for a while, less than Chrissy. She met Eddie because of Chrissy, which was odd since they were opposites. But that was exactly what Y/N needed. He was the opposite of Chrissy.
She found herself crushing on him the more they all hung out. Eddie was single and Y/N focused on that. They flirted and had their moments but nothing truly happened. It was all words and soft touches to his arm.
But then Chrissy dumped Jason and Y/N was back to square one. She didn't know if she should take the chance and see where Chrissy's head could be, or keep focused on Eddie.
Eddie had a small crush on Y/N the moment he met her. She was a pretty girl with a beautiful smile. But he had his eyes on Chrissy since middle school. He suffered while she was with Jason, enjoying the distraction Y/N was. It might have been a distraction, but he loved it when Y/N would touch his arm and whisper flirty things in his ear.
But then Chrissy was single and Eddie didn't know what to do. He didn't want to discard Y/N like their time was nothing, but did he really wanna pass up the chance with Chrissy?
Chrissy felt a pull towards Y/N, and it confused her. She wasn't used to looking at a girl and wanting to spend every breath kissing her. Chrissy was always memorized by Y/N. Even when she was with Jason, her eyes watched Y/N's every move. But so did Eddie. It started as a little friendship, but the more she hung out with him the more she realized how attracted she was to him.
She dumped Jason because her brain felt splattered all over the place. She knew she didn't want him and she didn't know who to go for.
Y/N felt personally attacked by God himself when Chrissy and Eddie announced they were together. She felt like the world crashed at her feet and her duty was to suffer.
But she loved both of them, and she would never admit how bad it hurt to see them together.
She knew they didn't mean to make her a third wheel, but she was. She bit away at the inside of her cheek as they held hands in the hallways. She looked away whenever they shared a sweet kiss in the booth. And she was right out the door the second the room got steamy. She was sad that it seemed like it was not three friends hanging out anymore, it was just their date.
Chrissy could never get rid of this feeling in the bottom of her stomach. She knew she loved being with Eddie and was happy to be with him, but Y/N ate away at the back of her mind.
With Eddie's lips on her neck and his hands moving up her skirt, she closed her eyes and thought of Y/N. It wasn't that Y/N replaced Eddie in her mind, she was additionally added in. She pictured Y/N kissing Eddie as he moved inside of her. She pictured the three of them doing the nastiest things she could think of.
She had to bite her lip constantly to make sure she didn't moan out the wrong name. Because she screamed both their names when she pleased herself behind closed doors.
Eddie felt guilty for the amount of times he thought of Y/N. He loved Chrissy and he did not regret a relationship with her. He just wished he didn't have to pick between them. He wished he could have both under his arm.
Eddie moaned as Chrissy kissed down his naked chest, falling to her knees.
His hand tangled in her hair as she took him down her throat, his head thrown back with bliss. His eyes closed as he melted into the couch, her warm mouth wrapped around him. The feeling felt incredible as he lost himself in his fantasy.
Felt both girls' mouths on him, kissing every inch of his skin. His grip on Chrissy's hair got tighter as the images flashed through his head.
He panted at the thought of them both on their knees, pretty eyes looking up at him before they kissed each other. Then they'd pull away and both kiss down his cock. Then they'd take turns sucking him off.
"Fuck, Chrissy" he moaned, the images of her gagging on him and the touch of Y/N playing with his balls
"Fuck Y/N just like that,"
His eyes snapped open as he heard his own words. He cringed as Chrissy's head snapped up in shock.
Eddie sat in fear as she stared at him. Her blue eyes looked frozen as she stared. He quickly tucked himself back in his pants. Apology on his tongue.
"Oh thank god, you think about her too," Chrissy said, a relieved smile on her face as she stood up.
"Wait what?" Eddie asked. Chrissy crawled into his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Y/N, you were thinking about her, right?" Chrissy asked to clarify
"Yeah, I'm sorry. It wasn't instead of you. I love you and you know that. But she never leaves my head." Eddie sighed
"It's okay, Eddie. She doesn't leave my head either." Chrissy finally confessed out loud.
"Really?" Eddie was surprised. He never once thought his girlfriend had a side to her where she liked a girl.
"Really. I've been stuck trying to figure out my feelings for you and her and it's the same."
"I know what you mean," Eddie said as he held Chrissy on his lap
"What do we do?" Chrissy asked
"We see how she feels" Eddie shrugged, it was worth a shot to see where it would go.
Before Eddie and Chrissy could discuss everything with Y/N, she already had news of her own.
"What do you mean you have a date with Troy?" Eddie snapped, the excitement washed off her face.
"I mean he asked me out and I said yes, what is the big deal?" Y/N countered back
"It's just Troy isn't always the nice kind of guy," Chrissy said, a lot more comforting than Eddie.
The couple tried to ignore the pain in their chest at the thought of her slipping away.
"It's just one date, and if it goes horribly I will never see him again." Y/N shrugged. She wanted to see if she could move on and distract her brain from the two across from her.
"That is a good idea," Chrissy smiled
"Bullshit it is. Y/N, he is an asshole, what makes you think he will suddenly be prince charming? You are going to get yourself hurt." Eddie fought.
"Eddie, relax." Chrissy soothed as she rubbed his back
Y/N looked away as they shared their moment
"Why do you care so much anyway?" Y/N asked, moving her eyes to look right at Eddie.
Eddie shared a look with Chrissy, asking if this was the right time to come clean. Chrissy gave him a small shake of her head and he nodded.
"I'm looking out for a friend," Eddie replied
"I'm a big girl. I'll deal with whatever happens." Y/N snapped as she walked off
"I've got a bad feeling" Chrissy sighed
"Me too"
Their bad feeling was right
That night Y/N was pounding on Eddie's trailer door as she sobbed.
Eddie pulled her into a hug the moment he saw her, he closed the door behind her. He kept his arms around her as he walked her to the bedroom, where Chrissy sat flipping through her homework
"What happened?" Chrissy gasped as the crying girl came through the door. Her homework was shoved to the floor as Y/N sat on the bed. She left Eddie's arms for Chrissy's.
"I'm an idiot. I should have listened to Eddie but of course, I wanted to make my own stupid decisions." Y/N cried
Chrissy and Eddie shared a look
Chrissy pulled back a little so she could clear off Y/N's running mascara. Eddie sat next to both of them, rubbing Y/N's back.
"You are not an idiot. You wanted to give Troy a fair shot and that was sweet of you." Chrissy cooed
Eddie had a different approach
"What did the fucker do?" Eddie snapped
Chrissy sent him a glare but he was too fired up
"It was all a joke. I guess Jason told him to ask me out."
At the sound of Jason's name Chrissy and Eddie both tensed up
"And when I got there, the whole team was there and they all laughed and made fun of me for thinking I was actually going on a date with someone that popular"
"Don't listen to them. Jason is always trying to mess things up. He wanted to hurt me." Chrissy said softly, her heart broke for her.
"Anyone would be lucky to be on a date with you," Eddie jumped in
"Yeah right," Y/N scoffed. "I'm going to clean up my face." She said as she got up and walked off to Eddie's bathroom.
"I think we should say something now," Chrissy said once they were alone
"Will it be too much for her?" Eddie asked, he was worried it would be too many emotions at once.
"I think it will help her to hear."
The couple went silent as she walked back out. Her makeup was cleaned off and her hair tossed up.
"We have something to tell you," Chrissy said
Y/N nervously looked between both of them as she took her seat on the bed. Chrissy to her left and Eddie to her right
"What's up?" Y/N asked
"How do you feel about me?" Eddie asked
Y/N swallowed nervously as she turned to look at Chrissy
"It's okay, be honest," Chrissy whispered as she nodded to Eddie
Y/N took a deep breath and looked back at Eddie
"I guess I've always had this attraction towards you. And I really like you and I thought we had something but I've been trying my best to be happy for you." Y/N confessed
"And how do you feel about me?" Chrissy asked
Y/N grew more nervous for that one
"You're my best friend," Y/N smiled. Her palms were sweaty. Confessing to Eddie was easy, but coming out to her best friend was a whole different emotion
"Do you ever see me as anything more?" Chrissy asked
"I'm sorry, what is going on?" Y/N panicked as she stood up. "Why are you guys asking me this stuff?"
"Well," Chrissy sighed, "Eddie and I both have feelings for you. Feelings we felt before we got together, and they haven't gone away."
"We know it's crazy, but if you wanted, we were wondering if you wanted to give us three a shot," Eddie explained
Y/N felt like she was in a different universe. Did the two people she had feelings for just ask her to be with them?
"As in...all three of us date?" Y/N asked, her brain felt like it was non-stop running
"Yeah. We don't have to dive straight into a relationship. We could date and test the waters." Chrissy said, standing up as she walked closer.
"Uh..." Y/N didn't know what to say, but she didn't have to say anything.
Chrissy cupped her jaw and leaned in. Y/N watched with heavy eyes as Chrissy's lips got closer and closer until her lips touched hers.
Y/N melted into the kiss immediately, after years and years of dreaming about this exact moment. Y/N reached forward and gripped Chrissy's hips. The kiss grew heavy as Chrissy moved her hands to trail down Y/N's back.
Chrissy pulled away with a smile
Y/N stood shocked as she tried to regain her breath
Eddie reached forward and yanked Y/N down to his lap
She shivered as she felt his bulge underneath her body, and then his lips were on hers
She whimpered as he easily took control of the kiss. His rough hands squeezed her ass as his tongue slipped inside her mouth. Her head got dizzy from the way he touched her and pulled whines from her throat.
He pulled away with a small smirk, loving the lust that burned in her eyes
"Did you like that?" He asked
"Yes" she breathed out
"Did you like it with her?" He asked
"Yes" she breathed out
"Want to go further?" Chrissy asked
Y/N turned her head to look over her shoulder. Y/N nodded and felt her stomach bubble with excitement
Y/N had her back against the mattress, breathing heavily as her nerves filled her body.
"Ready?" Eddie asked, he was in between her legs, standing at the end of the bed. She barely could take her eyes off his naked body. His cock was already covered in the condom, waiting for her reply.
Chrissy sat naked near Y/N's head, rubbing Y/N's chest to calm her nerves.
Eddie held Y/N's hips as she pushed himself inside her, he entered himself slowly. Letting her take him inch by inch.
She gasped as he filled her, he felt amazing inside of her. He went slow as he thrust inside of her, making her eyes roll in the back of her head as she felt him.
"Doing so well for me, such a good girl," Eddie praised
Y/N shivered from his words, she couldn't believe she was finally having Eddie the way she wanted.
He leaned down, still thrusting inside of her, his lips pressed against hers for a quick second. "Wanna taste Chrissy? She tastes amazing, so sweet and addicting." Eddie's brown eyes looked up to Chrissy.
Y/N whined at the thought. Her being under Chrissy's body and tasting her on her tongue.
"Yes, please," Y/N moaned out, her voice strained as Eddie picked up his pace
Chrissy smiled as she moved to straddle Y/N's face, she faced Eddie as she slowly moved herself down
Eddie watched with delight as Chrissy's pink cunt landed on Y/N's tongue. Eddie felt himself growl as he watched Y/N's tongue working between Chrissy's folds.
Chrissy moaned as she placed her hands behind her, moving her hips as she rode Y/N's face.
"Oh, that is so good, Y/N, fuck." Chrissy moaned. She never knew how good her best friend's tongue felt.
"Such pretty girls," Eddie moaned as he watched them
He felt Y/N clench around him, she tried to talk but it was muffled. The vibrations sent Chrissy into a whining mess as she gripped the sheets.
Eddie moved his hand down to rub her clit, loving the way Y/N's body jolted. Not once losing his pace, Eddie used his free hand to reach forward to play with Chrissy's nipples. He pulled the pink bud between his fingers, loving the way it snapped back in place as she shivered
Chrissy gasped as she felt herself getting close, Y/N's tongue swirling her clit perfectly.
"Look at that, Y/N. Gonna make Chrissy cum all over you. Be a good girl and make her shake." Eddie said, his fingers still working on Y/N's clit. He took his hand away from Chrissy's nipples and moved down to Y/N's chest, his finger teasing her stomach.
Y/N was growing tired as her own orgasm got close but she shook her head back and forth, giving the messiest head she could. She loved the way Chrissy screamed out her name.
Chrissy felt her eyes roll in the back of her head as she felt her stomach snap.
"CUMMING" she warned, Eddie watched in delight as Chrissy panted and came all over Y/N's mouth
She grew sensitive and went to pick up her hips, but Y/N wrapped her arms around her thighs and slammed her back down. Chrissy cried as her thighs shook, and Y/N's tongue continued to abuse her.
Y/N finally let Chrissy go, the blonde could barely feel her legs as she landed on the bed, fucked out.
"Need," Y/N whined, her head thrown back as Eddie's fingers played with her clit
"Need to cum? Come on pretty girl. Cum all over my cock." Eddie said, his pace was so fast that she could feel his balls smacking against her skin. He planted his free hand next to her head as he fucked himself into her
She clawed at his chest as she felt her orgasm washing over her. His close behind as he emptied himself in the condom
Eddie slid out of her, disposing of the condom
Chrissy leaned down and softly pecked Y/N's lips
Eddie crawled onto his bed and kissed up Y/N's body as Chrissy pulled away.
Eddie pecked Y/N's lips before he captured Chrissy's lips in a kiss.
Y/N whimpered as they kissed above her
She didn't care to test the waters, she wanted to dive straight in
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlxt @ineedmentalhelp123
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princessleechan · 2 days
"You're the man!" Chapter 20 Written Chapter
⚽Chapter tags: MDNI, she’s the man au, revenge au???, cross dressing!reader, reader identifies anything but male, sports au, queer themes, university au, love-whatever the fuck kind of shape, the kissing booth scene, some steaming kissing, a good brawl, and someone unexpected, written chapter (2k wc)
⚽Tag list: @90s-belladonna @the-boy-meets-evil @lirtha97 @hipsdofangirl @justineasian @kwanisms @multi-kpop-fanfics @pantumin @wooahaeproductions @mayashu @shuasdraftsalt @lone-lone-ranger @headlockimnida @horanghaezone @haolistic @porridgesblog @jeonjungkaka @luchiet @ujimatchaaa @skzdesi @cheoliehansolie @vlbii @myghobi @sisterofsomeone @joonsytip @gyublues @alltheshineofthestars-blog @randomworker @isabellah29 @savgogh @too-many-kpop-hubands @shingsoluvely @kamabokogonpachro @skittlez-area512 @seccdlurv @chisskaa @mochiteez @theyluvfrankocean @lllucere @thomawifey @middle-of-the-earth @okiedokrie @itsokaytobedumb00 @humankimbap @zezedoesshit @teenyfinds @jeonghansshitester @aaa-sia @heyitz00 @silvsie
You've gone from arriving at the carnival in a dress and avoiding Melli like she could kill you, to almost exposing yourself to your teammates while changing from the bushes to a moving spinning teacup, and giving Seokmin a well-deserved slap to the face—all without getting caught. You're quite proud of yourself for this feat. Now, all that's left is the kissing booth.
The dreaded kissing booth. Just one more thing to get through.
Meanwhile, Mingyu waited impatiently in line, finally nearing the front, with an anxious bounce in his step. His eyes darted around nervously, and he could feel his heart pounding in his chest. Wonwoo, following behind, adjusted his glasses, let out a smug chuckle, and rested a firm grip on his friend's shoulder. "Down, boy."
Mingyu swatted him away, feeling every bead of sweat trailing down his neck and forehead. He wiped his palms on his jeans, trying to steady his breathing. The anticipation was almost unbearable, and he glanced back at Wonwoo, who seemed annoyingly calm. Mingyu's thoughts raced as he inched closer to the front of the line, his nerves buzzing with every step. “Fuck off. I’m having a mental breakdown.”
“Don’t make it obvious. You’re almost there.”
As the boys continued their conversation, Chae was grappling with customer after customer at the kissing booth. The final one, right before Mingyu, seemed to be taking an eternity. She forced a smile, trying to hide her discomfort as the man—who gave off definite freshman vibes at most—finally pulled away. His breath was a potent blend of turkey leg and popcorn, the greasy aroma clinging to her lips. She could practically feel the butter and salt seeping into her skin, and the lingering taste made her stomach churn in the most foul way.
Suppressing the urge to gag, she discreetly wiped her lips with the back of her hand, desperate for an opening to rinse out her mouth. The thought of that flavor staying with her all night was almost unbearable. She glanced around, hoping for a moment to catch her breath and shake off the unpleasant encounter, while silently praying the next customer would be quicker and less offensive.
“Here you go,” Wonwoo patted the nervous mountain of a man, “You’re finally gonna know what it’s like to suck face with Chae. Your truest most devestating victory. Making you a men amongst…well yourself. Still, an accomplishment nonetheless. And now there’s nothing–”
You hurried towards the booth, the urgency of the moment making your heart race against both speed and time. As you reached Chae, you couldn't help but flash her a kind smile, eager to take over after the marathon you ran. “Hi, I’m here to relieve you!”
The smiles on Wonwoo and Mingyu’s faces faded, and now the pats from the spectacled man felt more apologetic than encouraging. “Or not.”
Chae released a breath of relief. “Oh, thank god. By the way, be careful of the older guy coming up,” she warned, her eyes darting to a silver-haired man a couple of customers behind the line. “He’s chewing on something and I don’t think it’s gum. And for the love of god, don’t even crack your mouth open the slightest bit when you kiss. They’ll take it as an invitation.”
You furrowed your brow slightly. “Noted.”
Before leaving, Chae quietly scrutinized your appearance, her gaze searching for recognition of your features. “Have we met before?”
You chuckled nervously, feeling a knot of apprehension form in your stomach, as you shook your head in denial. “No,” you replied curtly, giving her a reassuring pat on the back before leading her out of the way.
Mingyu trudged towards you, his gaze unwilling to leave Chae’s retreating figure, softly muttering sounds of remorse under his breath. “Just my luck.”
“Oh, sorry,” you replied with a hint of disappointment evident in your tone.
"Oh! Not because of you, because you are..." He stumbled over his words, his gaze lingering on his source of dismay as he drank in the soft contours of your features. Your eyes, gentle and mesmerizing, seemed to dance in the warm sunlight, casting a spell on him. The gentle breeze tousled your hair, effortlessly arranging it in a perfect frame around your face. And your smile, though slightly awkward, possessed its own gentle yet friendly charm. Mingyu felt a flutter in his chest as he struggled to find his breath and he was unsure whether it was because of you or the lingering effects of his crush from before her departure. “You’re… you know…”
"I am?" You responded, slightly confused but perceptive enough to recognize that he was attempting to compliment you in his own boyish manner. "Thanks, I think," you added with a hint of amusement.
"Yeah," Mingyu felt a smile creeping onto his face, "Just know I mean no offense. Not in the slightest."
Wonwoo scoffed, crossing his arms. "No need to flirt, you know," he remarked, his tone tinged with amusement.
"Yeah," an outsider interjected in annoyance, flashing his belt of tickets like a trophy, "It’s not the time to go steady. You paid for your time, so pucker up so the rest of us can too."
Mingyu gritted his teeth as he turned around, his tanned skin flushed with a bright shade of embarrassment. "Why don't you both just chill out?"
Turning back to you, Mingyu cleared his throat. “I guess I should be kissing you now.”
"Right," you chuckled nervously, trying to steady your breathing, feeling a bundle of nerves coiling inside you already. "Here we go."
"Here we go."
It took a moment to find the right head placements, uncertain whether to lean right or left, but as your lips met his, there was no going back. The warmth of his breath against your skin, the softness of his lips, and the subtle tension in the air crackled like a kindling fire. Your eyes instinctively closed, hands finding their place against his forearms as you leaned in deeper, feeling the movement of his luscious lips transporting you to another realm.
When he finally pulled away, you tasted regret lingering between you, sensing his own conflicted emotions. “Okay, I think that’s worth one ticket,” he murmured, his breath fractured against the charged atmosphere.
“No, you've got a few more seconds,” you countered hungrily before eagerly diving in for seconds with even less reluctance.
Your fingertips brushed against the warmth of his cheeks, tracing the rugged contours of his face, as if committing every detail to memory for later satisfaction. Urgently, you pulled him closer, craving the taste of his lips against yours. Meanwhile, his hand claimed your waist possessively, pulling you closer as if afraid to lose the sensation, worried about ever feeling like this again.
At that moment, both of you seemed to devour the heat that the kiss ignited, a primal hunger burning with an intensity neither of you could deny. With each passing second, the world outside ceased to exist, leaving only the two of you locked in a passionate embrace that felt simultaneously fleeting and eternal.
“Hello…” the outsider sounded out. “Get a fucking hotel or something if you’re gonna get your dick wet, dude.”
The kiss ended abruptly with a hand on your shoulder roughly tugging you away from the scene. “Y/n, what the fuck are you doing with this guy?”
Your eyes shot back at Seokmin, catching the flash of anger in his gaze, but you didn't hesitate before firing back, “Hey, I was getting into that!”
“Excuse me, rock for brains. What are you doing making out with my Y/n?” Seokmin's voice dripped with venom and delusion.
Mingyu's eyes blazed with annoyance as he recognized the unwelcome intrusion that was Lee Seokmin. He had encountered the same-aged man more times than he cared to count, recalling their past battles for scholarships, facing off on opposite teams in various games, and every time Seokmin spoke, Mingyu felt himself recoil in disgust from the other's lack of sportsmanship. He wasn't a true soccer player; he merely kicked the ball around and messed about as if it meant nothing. The worst kind of colleague to have, and that was putting lightly.
"Excuse me," you interjected firmly, shoving your ex aside, "I am not yours."
Seokmin scoffed, his demeanor oozing with superiority. “Y/n, I told you your brother was going to the inferior school, and yet you’re macking with their biggest resident douchebags. I am beyond disappointed.”
“What does Yeonam have to do with this?” you asked, your tone tinged with offense at the implication.
Mingyu's gaze shifted toward you, a flicker of surprise lighting up his eyes as he began to piece together the puzzle. “Wait, Yeonam is your brother?” he echoed, comprehension dawning on him. His expression shifted into a mix of confusion and realization, a silent acknowledgment of his misstep evident in his befuddled expression that seemed to say, 'Oh, I fucked up.’
“Now that that’s cleared up, you’re about to get your fucking ass beat,” Seokmin spat.
Mingyu inflated his chest, adopting a confident swagger as he leisurely advanced toward Seokmin, his smug smile stretching across his face like a victorious conqueror. “What are you gonna do? All I need to do is hurl a ball at your nuts, and you’re down, buddy. Tears and everything.”
“That was you?” you exclaimed, now the surprised one.
Seokmin quickly tried to hush you, “Those were not tears! Something got in my eyes when I fell! You better watch yourself, Kim.”
“Or what?” Mingyu challenged, stepping closer, his eyes narrowing with determination.
You rushed to intervene, placing a hand on each of their shoulders. “Guys, this isn’t the place or the time. Let’s just cool down, okay?”
Seokmin's demeanor softened momentarily as he glanced at you. “You’re right, baby…or?”
Without warning, Seokmin swung a fist and landed it squarely on Mingyu's jaw, igniting an all-out brawl. Mingyu stumbled backward, clutching his face in pain as the crowd around them gasped, some even beginning to cheer, adding to the chaotic scene. Quick to recover, Mingyu retaliated, launching himself at Seokmin with a vengeance, delivering a blow to his ribs. You desperately tried to pull them apart, your voice drowned out by the noise of the onlookers.
Meanwhile, their tumultuous scuffle sent them careening from the face painting booth to the popcorn machine, narrowly missing poor Chan who was managing it. In the midst of the chaos, you found yourself tumbling headfirst into an innocuous display of cotton candy, the sticky sweetness clinging to your hair and clothes as you struggled to regain your footing.
As Mingyu and Seokmin continued to grapple with each other, they crashed into a stack of carnival prizes, sending stuffed animals flying in every direction. The crowd erupted in a mix of laughter and shock, drawing more onlookers by the second. Amidst the pandemonium, the distant blare of a security whistle signaled that your time to defuse the situation was running out.
Just as things seemed to spiral further out of control, your mother, the vice head of all things debutante, stepped in to intervene. "Stop it! Stop it! That’s quite enough," she exclaimed, her authoritative voice cutting through the chaos. She addressed you sternly, noting your involvement in the melee. "Y/n, this behavior is unbecoming and inappropriate! All of you! How could you let it get this far?"
Frustration simmered beneath the surface as you scowled, picking bits of food from your dress. Despite the urge to argue back, you held your tongue, unwilling to escalate the situation any further. Instead, you focused on composing yourself, brushing off the crumbs with an air of dignity amidst the carnival mayhem.
“The two of you are to leave the premises at once!” The head lady of the debutante society followed, her voice stern and authoritative as she lectured them like a disappointed parent. As Mingyu and Seokmin were escorted away, the carnival fell into a hushed buzz of gossip, with whispers spreading like wildfire about the dramatic altercation.
Meanwhile, you maneuvered through the crowd, attempting to blend in like a flock of pigeons amidst pedestrians, successfully avoiding the chaotic scene until you collided with a firm, warm body. Startled, you looked up to apologize, but before you could speak, their hand wrapped around your figure, steadying you. Meeting their eyes, you found a mixture of amusement and tenderness.
“Soonyoung,” you breathed out softly.
“There you are. You're here,” he claimed softly, a reassuring smile gracing his lips.
“Yeah, uh, a lot's happened,” you replied, feeling a wave of relief at his presence.
He took your hand, his smile growing wider. “You can tell me all about it once we get out of here.” 
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eashn · 2 days
The Train's Coming - Chapter 1 (Sawamura Daichi)
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Pairing: Cop!Daichi x fem!reader
Summary: Officer Daichi Sawamura saves you from being squashed under a train. Feelings ensue.
Ao3 Link
Tags/Warnings: fluff, meet-cute, romantic + sexual tension, Crack, a few too many cop jokes, Daichi's big brown eyes, almost getting hit by a train (be safe around trains guys)
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6AM. That’s how early you woke up this morning to do your hair, stuff your feet into your brand-new heels, and catch the train in time to make it to your interview. Now here you were: shivering like an idiot in the brisk morning air with a coffee in your hand, waiting for the train to arrive. 
There weren’t many people at the station this early, just a few other passengers and a policeman on patrol, strolling back and forth beside the tracks. The bustle of the morning commute wouldn’t begin for another hour or so—but unfortunately, you didn’t have the drab, easy stability of a 9-to-5 quite yet. Today must’ve been the tenth morning this month that you’d gotten up at the asscrack of dawn, just to haul yourself to yet another mind-numbing interview. 
You had pulled through before, though. You knew that. Shifting your feet in your pinchy heels, you steeled yourself for what lay ahead. All you had to do was recite the same, memorized garbage about your goals, your strengths, and “What are your plans to better this company?” and “How do you define the concept of success?” and…and…you were making yourself a little sick just thinking about it. But it’d all be over soon, you reminded yourself, and then you could claim a nice, fat check. You sipped your coffee, feeling warmer at the thought. 
“Attention passengers,” an automated female voice spoke from the intercom. “The train will be arriving in approximately two minutes.” Sighing, you reached into your pocket to grab your ticket. 
Your fingers closed around air. 
“Shit,” you said quietly, checking your other pockets. Empty. “Oh, fuck.” 
You sank to the ground, ripping your purse open, scrambling through it. Hot coffee splashed against your hand as you slammed your cup into the pavement. You hissed, ignoring the burn—ignoring the fact that the bell had started to toll, signaling the arriving train. You turned your purse upside down, but the ticket was nowhere to be found. 
“This can’t be happening,” you muttered, rising to your feet and scanning the floor around you for any sign of it, but the terror had already set in. You were gonna miss the train. You were gonna miss your interview. Shit, you had been so careless, so stupid! You wobbled on your feet, feeling suddenly unstable in those shiny new heels. Your head spun; vertigo grabbed hold of you. 
And then—oh, God. You veered a little too close to the yellow line. Time slowed as you caught sight of the train speeding toward you. You felt yourself trip—
“WOAH!” A male voice cried out. An arm looped suddenly around your waist, firmly pulling you back. 
A uniform and badge came into view. It was the policeman you’d noticed earlier. Shock was etched across his face, burning brightly in those dark brown eyes. “Holy shit,” he breathed, and you felt his solid arm tense around you as the tracks rattled and the train went shooting past. The air sang with its speed. Wind sent your hair whipping across your face. 
“The train’s coming, miss,” the policeman said. “Please stay behind the yellow line.” 
* * *
Twenty minutes later, you were sitting inside the train station with a fresh coffee on the seat beside you, courtesy of Officer Daichi Sawamura. There was a cut on your knee from the fall, and it really wasn’t that bad, but he’d insisted on retrieving a first-aid kit anyway. You’d long since taken off your heels. 
“Um, Officer,” you began. “Thank you so much, again. I–I appreciate all your help, but the coffee truly wasn’t necessary—” 
“Nonsense,” he replied, his tone somehow decisive and soft-spoken at the same time. “It’s 7 in the morning, Miss L/N, and I think it’d be cruel to make you fill out an incident report at this hour with nothing in return.” You winced at the words incident report, remembering what he’d said minutes earlier: “It’s just a formality. Nothing serious, I promise.” 
No amount of his reassurance could abate your embarrassment. You wanted to jump in front of another train. 
“Ah, here it is,” he said, pulling the first-aid kit out of a drawer. He strode toward you and, to your utmost surprise, knelt to the floor. 
“Uh,” you said dumbly. 
“How bad is it?” he asked gently. “On a scale of one to ten?”
“Uh,” you replied. 
No way. Was he serious? He could not be serious. There was a hairline of a scratch on your knee—in fact, the worst casualty of the morning had been your nice, new pantyhose which now had a gaping hole worn into them. You stared bewilderedly at his concerned expression, at the way he held himself a respectful inch of distance away from you despite being on his knees at your feet. Muddy morning sunlight filtered through the windows behind you. It cast a glow across his tan skin, his thick brows that furrowed in earnest, his brown hair that looked so…soft, despite being close-cropped. 
Dear God, he was gorgeous, wasn’t he? How had you not noticed before? He was attractive in the most boyish, good-natured, uniformed way.
The uniform. He was a cop. You screamed at yourself, knowing you needed to reign your shit in. Immediately. 
“Miss L/N?”  He cocked his head slightly, gazing up at you. 
“Um…I–I’m good, Officer. Seriously, it’s barely a scratch. And anyways, weren’t you gonna arrest me—I mean! Um. Incident report…me…or something.” 
Jesus, you were insane. You were actually braindead. Was this even happening? Maybe Officer Sawamura didn’t actually save you, maybe you just tripped and died and were in Heaven now. He was a fucking cop, and you were ogling at him with a string of drool practically hanging from your mouth. Your eyes flicked down to the handcuffs tucked into his duty rig. And to his gun. Oh, God. 
His eyes were big and warm as he looked up at you with plain, candid honesty. “I can’t let you leave without making sure you’re taken care of. You know that, right?” 
What did they teach this guy in cop school? What an absolutely awful, suggestive, arousing way to phrase that sentence—No! you mentally screeched. It was not arousing. This situation was not arousing in the slightest—
But now he was dabbing alcohol onto a cotton pad and gesturing toward your knee. “May I?” he seemed to ask non-verbally, raising his brows. 
This is not normal, you told yourself. You didn’t understand any of it, and honestly, you found that right now you didn’t care. Because now, Officer Sawamura Daichi was looking at you with more sincerity than you ever thought a human being could possess. Before you even knew what you were doing, you nodded.
He placed the cotton against your skin. It stung, and you jolted hard. “Easy,” he murmured, bringing a warm hand to your thigh. “I’m sorry. I know it hurts. It’ll just take a second, I promise.” 
And then he dragged that hand up your thigh. Past your waist. Across the bare skin of your arm. He let it rest over your own hand, and then he turned those deep, earthy eyes up to you. 
“Forgive me, Miss L/N,” he began, and his voice wavered just a bit. He chewed on his lip for a moment, like he was scared to go on.“This is really…forward of me, but…I need to say it. Just once.” 
For the second time today, you felt as though the seconds on the clock were slowing down. There was less panic this time, though. Instead, anticipation crackled through your veins. You were a fly stuck in honey, watching the world move around you. Your heart pounded louder than an earthquake. And through it all, you could feel the perfect heat of Officer Sawamura’s palm against your skin—you could feel him carefully rub his thumb across it. It was the longest moment you’d ever experienced, and it took your breath away. 
“You’re beautiful,” he finally whispered. In a shuddering gasp, you choked all your air back in. You were so glad you missed that stupid interview. 
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Thanks so much for reading! This will probably be an ongoing series. Maybe. Idk.
Requests are currently open! Follow @eashn for more!
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psuedosugu · 14 hours
thinking about suguru with a siren reader…
notes: this has been in my drafts for a hot hot minute and i hope yall see my vision also i made a discord server that you guys should join 😊
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- the job of a siren was a simple one. sing your melody, entrance the captain just enough so that they would crash the ship, and done.
you never felt any guilt for what you did. these men were trespassers, after all, littering and casting their nets in your sea. sometimes you wonder how one could be so inconsiderate.
one particular night, the sea swirled around you, your only source of light being the stars twinkling and the fire that had started on the now crashed ship, impaled by a sharp rock. men jumped off of the slowly sinking wreck, soon drowning in the harsh, cold water. you watched from a distance, with a sense of pride in your chest—
and then you spotted something. or someone, for that matter. he was young, couldn’t be older than 20, with long dark hair. you weren’t exactly sure of what about him caught your eye so fast, but you were enthralled.
you swam closer to the burning ship, desperate to get a closer look. he had a look of terror in his eyes, debating on whether to jump or not. as the fire spread more and more, he realized he had no choice, bracing himself and leaping into the dark mass of water.
you freeze, unsure of what to do. you’re supposed to leave him alone, to let him face his watery grave. he brought it onto himself, anyways, and direct interaction with humans is forbidden in the pod, lest you be captured and their cover blown, but….
you sigh, swimming to where the nearly unconscious man bobbed above and below the water and propelling to the nearest land available, a remote island just a few miles away. once you arrive, you plop him exhaustedly onto the sand.
“hello? hellooooo? are you dead? i hope you’re not dead, that means i dragged you out here for nothing. helloooo??” suguru wakes up to the sound of your voice and the feeling of your damp hand lightly slapping him on the cheek.
he’s…..relaxed at first. your voice was like a symphony, a contrast with your harsh words. it made him feel so warm…
and then he remembered. crash. fire. sinking. and the deep, dark cold.
he sits up with such fervor that you flinch, shifting slightly away. “where…what- what happened? they’re- they’re all dead, aren’t they? oh god- oh god, oh god, oh god oh god oh god-“ he mutters under his voice, hyperventilating. you sit there, indifferent to his panic.
“um….are you…okay?” you asked. he darts his eyes towards you. you were beautiful, with looks that were almost hypnotic. hen his eyes darted down to your tail, shiny and greenish. he shifted back, not completely sure if he was hallucinating or not.
“…what- what are you?” he stammered out with wide eyes. you shrug. “you know, i was more expecting a ‘thank you for saving my life,’ but thats a fine enough reaction, i guess,” you said matter-of-factly, with a somewhat amused smirk on your face.
“no- i, i need to get back, i-“ you eye him. “well, there isn’t much land close to over here sooo…id say your chances of being rescued are pretty slim.” you shrug. his eyes are wide, not believing what was happening. this was a dream. this was a dream and he would wake up any minute now, right? but the sand underneath him, and the soft breeze hitting his face felt all too real.
“….well?” you frowned, folding your arms. “you gonna do anything other than looking shellshocked?” humans are boring, you realized. you two sat there in uncomfortable silence for a few more seconds before you turned around to leave. the pod would start looking for you soon, after all, but then—
“wait!” you paused at the mans voice. “don’t go yet.”
he hesitated. “how does that….thing work?” he asked, pointing to your tail. you shrugged in response, “same as a fish, id suppose.”
“what’s your name?”
“[name]. yours?”
—and then marked the start of a strange routine. you’d sneak out to go visit suguru when you could. he fed on wild fruits and berries, keeping himself alive. sometimes you’d bring him some food yourself.
you liked how he reacted to things. he was unique, a new specimen for you to observe, and as the almost complete isolation started to drive him mad, you turned into the anchor he clung on.
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hellishscemo · 1 day
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Shhh... (MDNI)
Pairings: Carl Grimes X Fem!Reader
Warnings: No plot just smut (EVERYONE IS 18+), rough sex, oral (F!receiving), image is not mine!
“Fuck..Carl-! Fuuuck!” You cried as he licked your clit slowly.
“Shh..You keep being loud, everyone’s gonna know how desperate you are for my dick.” He smirks then dips back down in between your thighs, ruthlessly licking circles into your wet, hot, heat. You grab a pillow beside your head and cover your face, keeping one hand in his long, brunette locks.
“Carl!” You pull on his hair and arch your back. “Close! Close!” You cry as he drools over your clit, licking into you wet cunt. “Shhh...Cum on my tongue. Wanna taste you. Cum all over my tongue.” He inserts two very skilled fingers as he begs and you can’t hold yourself back, arching your backs and riding out your orgasm on the warm muscle.
You bury your fingers in his hair and after you’ve ridden out the first one, Carl gets up, taking off what’s left on him and kisses up your neck. “Can I..?” You nod excitedly and he slides in, connecting your bodies.
He hits a sensitive spot and you moan, you hand finding the back of his neck. “Carl..!” Your lips trail up to his neck as he starts thrusting from above you. “S’fucking pretty, Y/N. So fucking good...fuck.” He whimpers. You start leaving hickeys all over his neck from his adam’s apple to this collarbones.
His cock starts hitting your g-spot and makes you grip his hair as he lowers his hand, breathing heavily.
“Y/N…Cum on me, need your-….”
You both are panting but you start moaning loudly and he has no choice but to quiet you down with his dad being upstairs.
“Darlin’…You gotta be quiet, baby, everyone’s gonna know how good i’m fucking you, be a good girl..”
You bite your lip and close your eyes hoping to god you were being quiet enough but with how well he was hitting your G-spot and how good he looked, it was fucking hard. He smirks and leans down to kiss you, locking lips with you.
The room gets hot quickly with both of you fucking like you were rabbits in the spring and you feel that faint tight knot start to break and you cling onto him while still kissing him.
Eventually, the knot snaps and you moan loudly but this time, Carl doesn't stop you, too pussy drunk to care and he moves his lips to your neck, starting to leave bite marks.
He pulls out, flipping you over and getting on top of you, sliding back in. You moan loudly and he pushes your face into the bed, not enough to hurt you but just enough to quiet you.
"Fuck, you're gonna make me cum, gonna fucking cum, Y/N, please.." He whispers into your neck, his hips moving at a faster pace, snapping against yours like he was trying to get you pregnant, moving your hair off your sweaty neck and starting to mark you up.
At this point, he's making you cum a third time, you grip the covers on his bed and moan into them. "Carl!" God, he was so thankful your face was in the covers because if they weren't, you would get caught for sure. You finally see stars as he hits your G-spot juuuust right and you cum, screaming into the sheets. "Y/N!" And he groans, feeling you clench around him, pounding you a few more times slowly, but harder, milking himself inside of you. "Fuck..."
~~Later that day, you got many stares from Ron, the boy who had a crush on you ever since you entered Alexandria, because of all the hickeys on your neck. And Carl definitely notices, smirking every time Ron makes a shocked face towards your hickey-littered neck.
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ronearoundblindly · 2 days
Not In Front of the Fish...
Jake Jensen x roommate!Reader follow up to Watch the Fish (see previous or JJ Masterlist)
Summary: You've caught Jake doing something he shouldn't, but there's no reason you can't string him along...and along...and along until the line snaps.
Warnings for smut (many references to masturbation, protected sex), horrible puns (yes, hello, I'm Ro, welcome!), heavy innuendo, trolling this poor boi as hard as humanly possible, taking the lord's name in so much vain, kinda *aggressive* foreplay, aftercare, fluff, and whipped!Jake (deserves a warning because I sure as sh*t wasn't prepared 🫠).
Blame @bigtreefest...or thank Essie, ya know, whatevs! No beta, we die drowning in the fish tank. MINORS DNI. And yes, @whiskeytangofoxtrot555, the glasses stay on 🤭 Y'all may not realize this but I myself am an ultra-awkward nerd, so I identify with Jake's struggle and yet would absolutely, endlessly tease this mothaf**ka.
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"Hey, Jakey. Whatcha doing?"
Well, thank fuck he's not still hard standing there with his metaphorical dick out, the last image from your laptop's screen seared into his eyeballs of some woman taking a load in her open mouth.
"Need me--" you steadily lick vanilla ice cream off a spoon, some caught at the corner of your wide open lips "--for anything?"
He stares. He stares so intently he almost falls over. Apparently, he's leaned into his staring.
"My help, perhaps?"
Your tongue rolls across the edge of the refilled spoon.
He thinks maybe he'll cry if you keep this up, but for the love of Christ, please keep this up.
"No," he squeaks. "Just..." Must you be wearing short-shorts? Is it essential that your tank top dip so low? "...saying 'hi.'"
His hand flings out in a wave, five fingers managing to point in eight different directions because he can't commit to any sort of normal human movement.
"So... Hi."
Some ice cream drips off the spoon down your chin and to your chest.
Jake is not here right now. Jake has died.
"Sure." You wipe up your mess and keep eating. "Sweet dreams, big guy. You look ready to hit the sack after a long...satisfying...shower." You let the spoon dangle from your mouth while brushing past him, which you have to do. You have to touch him because Jake can't fucking move for the life of him, and he swears to god you made your hand sweep across the front of his hip.
He jolts to follow the contact before overwriting his hind brain. His hand slaps the wall as he catches himself trying before collapsing into a begging puddle at your feet.
He should tell you. He'd rather die.
He should admit what he's done, admit what he wants to do, but when he stops pinching his eyes shut for strength, Jake turns to find you bent over in the doorway.
"Hello, sweethearts," you coo to the fish, "what would you like to do this evening? Maybe watch another movie?"
You wiggle your butt and make this happy sort of popping noise that Jake can't unhear.
Fuck, is this a thing he's gonna have to deal with now? Listening to you watching porn? His mind instinctively scans your room for a glimpse of any toy you may have left out. He's dying, yeah, but dying to know what they look like, if he's bigger than whatever you bury inside you now.
"Jake," you repeat in a breathy way that has him swallowing his tongue. You've stood back up, holding a bowl with oozing white liquid that teeters close to the edge as it melts.
His dick could top that off in jiffy if you'd like.
He coughs. "Yeah, uh, what?"
"Is there anything I can do for you?"
Fuck me, every muscle, bone, and braincell in his body screams at once.
All he manages is an anatomically-correct impression of a fish. No sound comes up from his desperate lungs. He flees to his room.
He hears you shut your door just as he shoves down the shorts he threw on and grabs a squirt of lotion from the bottle nearby.
Too many images speed through his brain all at once, cum and cream, sex and porn, your open mouth, your presented ass, that peek of cheek beneath soft fabric, the shadow along the seam where the material ran right through your folds--probably, at least, he's filling in gaps wherever he pleases--and the breathy sounds of 'Jakey' 'need me' 'help you' 'satisfying,' and 'anything.'
"Fuck me," he growls out in earnest, sparing no trick to get himself off as fast as possible. Maybe if he's quick he won't learn exactly how hot he finds all this. He already relies on you as the voice in his head.
It's like you're right there on the floor with him, cupping his balls and whispering in his ear.
So hard for me, huh? So heavy and in need of attention. Why did you wait to fuck your fist, Jakey? Had to hear me? Think of this dick filling me better than any toy...
He gasps and groans, shoving his face into the nearest side of mattress to muffle the carnal sound.
It puts his ear right next to his discarded headphones.
"Daddy was so rude just then, huh? I know. He's shy. He'll come see you tomorrow. He just needs to be all alone in his bed when he's tired. I know, I know. It makes mommy sad, too. She doesn't like to be all alone, but that's why I have you. Look at the camera and wish daddy goodnight..."
Oh, fuuuuuuuuck me, Jake wails into his sheets when he hears the sound of you blowing a kiss through the speakers.
Poor thing doesn't know you're torturing him on purpose, but at least he came...with his bare knees aching on the hardwood floor of his room and the nosepiece of his glasses digging into his eye sockets as he buries his shame in his bed.
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You suggest he have the fish in his room for a while, like shared custody, but then he knows you would have access to listen to him via the livestream.
If he tells you you have to mute it every time, you'll know he might not have. If he refuses to keep the feed up or the camera functioning, you'll be suspicious of why. If he says fucking anything against your very thoughtful and adorable idea, it'll be a cold day in hell since he will endure all forms of torture just to see your elated smile as the tank is finally setup between his closet and his bed across the room from his desk.
The keystrokes from his work are too faint for the camera's microphone, and he proceeds to wear headphones for music, take calls outside, and never touch himself in his own room for weeks. Ok fine, two, he makes it two weeks.
Deprived of hearing you, which he grew rather dependent on, and needing to inconspicuously lengthen his showers, Jake is a mess.
Why didn't he record anything? Why would he??? He was supposed to get himself together like a man and either ask you out or get the fuck over it.
He even watches (but mostly listens to) porn through his headphones without touching himself in an attempt to fade the memory, but then you show up at his door, asking to visit with the 'kiddos' and checking with the Marauders if 'daddy' is treating them well.
He's not gonna make it, man.
You settle on his bed to read for a while because why the fuck would he say 'no' to you, and this is the part that does Jake in the most: his sheets smell like you after and turning in his desk chair to find you accidentally asleep in his bed just... He can't.
He's unwell thinking about how sweet you are, how fucking horrible he's being by fantasizing about you this way, how if he just had the balls to crawl over to kiss you, he'd--but he doesn't. He just gets worse.
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He gets real messed up horny one evening when you're out at some fancy event with friends.
You leave wearing this dress that practically had him on his knees the way it molded to you and yet draped so smoothly in places. He thinks of his mouth molded to you that closely and his body laying so smoothly over yours.
Damn it. He has to do something. He goes into your room, and it's not that bad, he just picks up a t-shirt, that's all. He's not the world's worst perv or anything. It's not underwear, for god's sake, but on a fluke (because he has no idea how long he was in there) he climaxes at the sound of you yelling 'I'm home' from the kitchen and scrambles to the bathroom with his gym shorts wrapped around his thighs, hand still catching spurts of cum as he for sure doesn't calm down, with milliseconds to spare.
Thank fucking god you're slower to climb the stairs in heels.
He takes it back. He is the world's worst perv.
Your t-shirt mysteriously disappears until he can sneak it back into your laundry.
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He runs out of floss and absently searches your drawer for--oh my god.
That...is a large, veiny dildo you have there. Oh fuck.
Jake slams the drawer shut without thinking.
"Everything alright?"
"Yeah, just...just gotta put floss on the grocery list."
"Use some of mine," you call out casually.
"It's fine!" His voice was too high and he answered too fast, but if he's not mistaken, you have now invited him to poke around in your things.
He feels slightly less pervy...and a hell of a lot hornier.
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It reaches a point where coming in the shower isn't enough.
He falls asleep ok but wakes restless and craving friction. There's want and then there's need, and Jake fucking needs this or he'll never rest.
He goes on as quietly as possible, thinking that getting up, going to the bathroom, and turning on the exhaust fan will make far more noise than humping his sheets and biting his pillow.
The fish tank glows as usual at the foot of his bed.
Look away, kids, Jake thinks and immediately doesn't know whether to be sick or laugh. Daddy is gonna fucking die like this.
He knows it's pathetic. The entire thing has been pathetic from start to finish, but he's just too tired and too het up to care.
A few whines escape the insulation of his pillowcase. He misses the gentle patter of footsteps down the hall.
There's a soft knock followed by "Jake?"
God damn it. The one time he gives in, and he's already ruined it.
He tucks himself up into the band of his boxers which is not exactly subtle but can't be helped. Jake rolls out of his bed, finding his glasses in the dark to crack open the door with his body strategically behind it.
"Yeah, what's up?"
He can't make out a whole lot in the low light, but you don't say anything. Your arms are spread out to hang on either side of the frame, making your (again) very low-cut tank top his only focal point.
Well now he's sorta worried this has absolutely fuck-all to do with his problem. "Are you okay?"
"I...I thought..."
Your voice is soft and timid. It makes Jake want to wrap you in his arms, but he's still worried that you'll say you heard him and it's not okay and he's gross and this is all way, way out of line.
He holds his breath to better listen.
"I hoped you would have needed me by now."
What. Air rushes out of him like he's been tackled.
Sorry, WHAT?
"What?" the question finally falls out as he leans intensely again, shifting so the door doesn't slam in your face, his bare chest and lower half now visible as much as they can be. "You...what now??"
Your arms fall and you step forward. It looks to him like you move with trepidation, that your head is lowered in embarrassment, that somehow you're shy about your confession. Maybe you are, but only the tiniest amount compared to him.
"Tell me if I'm wrong, Jake." You slap one hand to his chest with a crinkling noise, and he swiftly moves to take the wrapped condom. "Tell me if you don't want this," you continue, lowering your voice and hand until your thumb grazes the exposed head of his cock.
Lightning strikes and super-charges his need.
"But if you don't th--"
He'll be damned if you finish that thought. Jake scoops your jaw into one big hand, angling you just-so, barreling you both into his door as it swings into his closet with a wobbling bang. He's clumsy and his grip goes everywhere to bully you flush with his body yet not drop your timely offering.
His kisses are feverish and sloppy. By the feel of you groping at his back and shoulders, you're not mad about it. He fumbles with the wrapper behind your back. It takes his attention away for a few seconds.
"I prepped for you," you whisper hoarsely. "I'm ready."
Jake has no legs at that point and takes you with him in a heap to the floor. While stripping away his boxers, he realizes his naked ass is high in the air of his room.
All he can see in his mind is fish pressed against the glass, staring, judging. Gah, not here.
He maneuvers into your hold again and says, "hang on," crawling to the hall runner so the 'children' won't see. No, he can't make it any further because his length is snuggled between your fucking thighs and somehow the hallway is a fucking mile long to your room. No, he's not immune to your whines from where your head is tucked in the crease of his neck.
Here's fine.
As gracefully as he can, Jake collapses onto you, collecting the noises he missed so much directly from the source.
For being made of such little fabric, your shorts are in his way, and he's genuinely annoyed to have to lift from you again, even though it's necessary to discard them and necessary to get the now-open condom rolled along his aching cock.
His glasses are already smeared from haphazardly exploring your skin. If Jake couldn't see before, he's all but blind now. The only garment close enough to try and clean them is your tank top, but he ignores it because it's still dark. He needs to feel you more than anything else in the world.
Lightly, your fingertips flicker down his abs and lead him to close the gap between you.
Jake groans as he lines himself up and easily notches into your welcoming heat. As aroused as you are, he still edges himself deeper and deeper in barely-controlled strokes, grabbing the railing at his side for leverage and stability.
He grunts instead of articulating how magnificent you feel. He moans instead of voicing what an utter blessing it is to finally fuck you. He gasps with the rolls of your hips because you taking control while beneath him just...unravels him.
This was too long coming, and he wasn't prepared.
Jake's apology for being fast to finish perches at the tip of his tongue when you cut off his words and the last of circulation to his brain.
You shake and pant, mewling 'yes' and his name, while your body squeezes him like a vice. He's being pumped to completion without moving another muscle, and, good fucking god, he has to hang on, falling to his forearm, keeping his open mouth hovering over yours.
Jake thinks maybe he just drowned and got brought back to life.
Right there, in his face are your precariously covered tits, nipples rock hard and taunting him. He doesn't care what his dick's doing anymore; he wrenches a strap down your chest and lavishes your plush flesh with attention.
Too long coming and in no way prepared... Neither were you.
Your hands brace his head, fingers buried in his short hair as you wiggle and hump at his semi-stiff cock inside you. Jake hisses in over-stimulation but doesn't stop you. He swears he will never, ever stop you.
His attentions on your breasts slow but he can't seem to let you go for a long time, long after your legs fall away from him, limp and twitching.
A pair of goodbye pecks is his parting gift before Jake nuzzles up the column of your neck and takes what little breath you've regained, curling his arms around you as his tongue curls with yours.
When he adjusts again, he realizes how sore he's getting from kneeling on the floor, and sits up to help you, too.
"Let me get--I'll just--"
Jake can almost reach a towel inside the bathroom from this position with his long arms, but he's sure to warm up the tap and trash the condom before returning to gently wipe you. He may have made a quick pass at his lenses in there as well.
You look dazed and delightfully sated, basking in the streak of light from the bathroom, leaning on your palms like you're on a beach somewhere.
"Fuck, you're stunning," he says without thought.
He...lingers a while to clean you up, overtly mapping these bits of you he hasn't seen yet.
"What took you so long?"
Jake tosses the towel up into the sink behind him and manhandles you into his arms.
"I might've ruined everything." He starts to lower you into your bed, but you don't release your arms from around his neck. "You could've kicked me out."
He's not going to argue. He won't say 'no' to you.
"Come here, you dork. You can't keep me waiting anymore."
Jake climbs into the cramped, cozy space with you, mentally noting that a bigger bed is definitely on the shopping list.
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A/N: I am strategically leaving out my thoughts on the next morning for now because I'm just too excited, eeeee!
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arthursdolly · 2 days
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𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒘 (𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒖𝒓 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒂𝒏 𝒙 𝒉𝒚𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓)
𝓑𝓔𝓕𝓞𝓡𝓔 𝓨𝓞𝓤 𝓡𝓔𝓐𝓓! req by @luds69 . afab/fem!reader . hyperfem!reader . reader is a dancer . all fluffy and cute
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god, arthur hasn't felt this exhausted and stressed since... blackwater? it was now getting to him, to say the least. getting away from lawmen, the pinktertons, and even trying to process that some of the members have died, it was rough. well, it always has been. this line of work wasn't for the weak. this a tough work.
he had to get out from camp for a bit. just a while, to clear his head. and this night, he did just that. he'll go through saint denis again.
he or dutch missed anything while the two of them were scoping around, anyway. arthur was just trotting through the warmly lit city. he didn't like it that much, meant more lawmen he had to be aware of, but it's not a problem. unless someone starts on him or realises who he is. he just had to keep a low profile. he had to be careful.
what felt like hoours of basically distracting himself with his outlaw life, a poster caught his eye. it was a theatre poster, nothing big but he was curious.
a poster of dancing girls in théâtre râleur. his eyes gazed at every girl, and yet his heart skipped a beat once he saw urs. u were so pretty, pretty as a picture. he thought u should even be the star of the show. goddamn, the fool that he was. it wasn't like him, and yet here is.. walking to the theatre. hoping that he'd see u. even for a glimpse...
there u were. having the absolute time of ur life as u danced around with the other girls, with the most genuine and beautiful smile that graced ur lips. he kept his gaze on u, not like his attention would be rippes from u anyway. and u couldn't see him anyway due to the spotlight, giving the people what they want as entertainment.
once u and the girls finished, u ended it with blowing a kiss to the audience. which got all the right reactions of whistles and cheering.
u were sitting in front of a vanity mirror, re-adjusting ur makeup before leave to go home. ur brain kept thinking back to that certain cowboy u saw in the audience. he looked so handsome... the way his gaze remained on u! oh, ur heart could explode at the thought. making u feel all funny inside.
“hey, miss? jus' wanted t'tell ya that i liked yer show the night.” u heard behind the door. a sort of.. rough tone.
it was like the universe knew ur thoughts perhaps? maybe? “oh thank ya, mister. means a lot.” u reply in that giggly tone of urs. u have lacked a little of company for a while so its not wrong if u just- “do you... wanna come in 'nd talk more?” and then silence occurred for a few moments. “... sure. i don't mind.”
and here u are. laughing and talking with a man in ur dressing room. arthur morgan, he was. u didn't see many people like him before. he looked like he lives out there instead of being cooped up in a city like u. he was like a breath of fresh air. “ive never met a man like ya, mister morgan.”
"yeah?" he's never met anyone like u either. the way ur all dressed in pink frills, pink lace...
"yeah... your different to other men that have come to see me after shows. i like talkin' to you.” u say softly before moving ur hair out ur face, adjusting the pink bow in ur hair. he looked away for a moment. he wasn't the type to handle compliments well. “ah, thank ya, miss [name]. it ain't nothin'.” he replied, dismissing his actions. “would you come to my next show? it's tomorrow night.. i'd like to see ya again.”
arthur wanted to. he so wanted to see u again. again and again. but his life... isn't so easy. it's more rough, tough, and life threatening. he doesn't want u to know about it. he can't have u wrapped up in that. he should say no- “'course. yer good at what u do.” he'd go to hell and back if it meant he'd see that pretty smile of urs again.
“hope im not being too forward, but... you're quite the handsome man.” did he hear u right? did u just call him handsome? no.. no way u did. he looked down, hising his flustered face. “ah... ain't nothin' of me. yer the pretty one, miss [name].” god, what was he saying? he could die of embarrassment of right now... “thank you, mr morgan.”
good lord, u were really the most beautiful lady he's ever seen.
the start of a new friendship, maybe?
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Could i request G, I, L, O, and U for Mihawk with the alphabet please? I love your takes on these characters.
Aww, thank you!
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
His love for you isn't a game, but by god does he love the thrill of a good hunt. His darling being feisty is ideal for him. With his dream already being well achieved, he's honestly quite bored in his day to day life. Terrorizing random pirates that irk him in one way or another only entertains him so much. He needs something with real substance, and that comes in the form of playing a cat and mouse game with you (he frequently calls you his little mouse as a term of endearment and slight teasing jab).
Fighting back against him and running away is an extremely frustrating process, and not just because of how unsuccessful it is. No, it's his attitude that drives you up the wall. He keeps giving you critiques and pointers. You tried to run while he slept? He's admonishing you for not even trying to drug or poison him. You tried to fight him? He's correcting your stance, your hold on the weapon, and your technique the entire time. You made some elaborate escape plan? He calls it cliche and says that he knows you can do better than that. All of this combined almost makes you want to throw in the towel and sit quietly in his castle just to spite him.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
While he adores the fun of you running away and fighting him, he does hope that you'll settle down and come to love him eventually. Even then, he still wants you to be a little feisty. Like having some playfully sharp banter and doing little things to get a rise out of each other. Think like a somewhat vitriolic spin on a Morticia and Gomez Addams type relationship.
Outside of that, he wants to have a quaint life with you in his castle. He'd also like to teach you how to fight with a sword because he does want you to be self sufficient to a degree, plus he considers it to be a fun bonding activity. Once you've calmed down, he plans to marry you. The rings will be uniquely gothic yet simple, and you'll have a quiet ceremony in his garden... At least it was quiet until Shanks and company showed up because they someone caught wind of this despite Mihawk's best effort.
Mihawk isn't super interested in children, but he doesn't hate the idea either. On one hand, he thinks that Perona's spontaneous appearances are enough, but if you two were to have a surprise baby or some kid washed up on shore, he wouldn't be upset about it.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
In hindsight, it's a little embarrassing how easily he drew you in. Mihawk is an attractive and charming man. The first interactions are short and sweet. They give you a taste while still maintaining an air of mystery. He gives you little gifts, like an article of clothing that he thought would suit you or some well-aged wine that he made himself. After that stage, he offers for you to come have dinner at his home. At that point, he's been a suave gentleman, so you see no reason to turn down him. What you don't realize is that he has no intention of letting you leave once you're there. That will be an after dinner surprise for you.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Beyond trapping you on his island, you're pretty much free to do whatever your heart desires. He won't even disarm you because as mentioned in G, he loves a good fight. On top of that, he won't force you to do anything with him besides just staying on the island. If you two kiss, it's only going to be because you initiated it. He wants you to want him, and he also admittedly gets a kick out of how annoyed you are when you start to want him due to him being one of the very few people you ever get to interact with. He won't harm you either because he simply finds no reason to. It's not like you're going to be any real threat to him, so hurting you would be like a hunter giving a handicap to a baby deer.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
A few things: He enjoys your fighting and escape attempts, he's shockingly respectful of some of your boundaries, and he isn't prone to jealousy.
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escapingdestiny101 · 2 days
I am fully in the Polin trenches so this is probably just the ramblings of someone who enjoys meta a little too much BUT-
In the Eros and Psyche comparison, Colin and Penelope both play both roles. Hear me out:
I took Latin Prose in undergrad and we had to translate Eros and Psyche. Here's a quick and dirty summary of what I remember from Apuleius's version of the story in Metamorphoses: Psyche herself doesn't offend Aphrodite but her parents and the people of her town keep saying she's more beautiful than Aphrodite. Her sisters are jealous of her. She's so pretty that people stop going to Aphrodite's temples and start worshiping Psyche instead. Psyche never asked for this; even though everyone thinks she's beautiful and worships/desires her, Psyche feels nothing for them and knows they don't truly love her either. Aphrodite gets offended of course so to appease the goddess, Psyche is thrown off a cliff and, assuming she survives, has to marry a monster.
Aphrodite enlists her son Eros to help with this plan. Eros sees Psyche and falls in love with her too, so when the townspeople throw Psyche off the cliff, she's caught by Zephyrus and whisked away to Eros' home. Eros only interacts with Psyche in the dark; she never sees him or learns his name, she just assumes he's the beast that the goddess declared she'd marry. Psyche is sad and lonely not being able to see her husband bc even though he's a monster, he treats her really well and she does like him. She's so lonely that she asks her husband if her sisters can visit. He thinks this is a terrible idea but agrees as long as Psyche promises not to be influenced by them. Psyche of course fails to heed that warning, her sisters mock her for not seeing her husband, and for having to fuck her monster husband in the dark bc if they turned the lights on she'd probably die of fright.
So Psyche, with this new brainworm thanks to her terrible sisters, decides to wait until her husband falls asleep to light a candle (or oil lamp) to see exactly what she's been sleeping with. If it's a monster, she'll kill him. Turns out it's the most handsome man in the world, she recognizes him as Eros and falls to her knees. As she does, a drop of hot oil from her light hits Eros on the back. Eros wakes immediately, sees the light, and flies away. His last words are that love cannot live without trust.
Psyche then goes to Aphrodite and asks her to intercede with her son. Aphrodite, who still hates Psyche, agrees to let Psyche undergo three trials to prove herself worthy of Eros. Obviously, Aphrodite isn't being fair and intends to use the trials to punish her daughter-in-law. Psyche succeeds in the first two trials with the help of animals, ants and an eagle. The last trial involves going into the underworld to ask Persephone to put some of her beauty in a box. Psyche succeeds without a hitch (katabasis) and Aphrodite is furious.
The other gods step in at this point. Hermes tells Eros what his mom was doing to his wife and he's super touched that Psyche would do all that for him. Eros and Psyche get married and Zeus grants Psyche immortality as a wedding present.
So what does this have to do with Colin and Penelope?
The obvious comparisons are that Colin, with his charm, good looks, and social standing, is Eros and that Penelope, with her terrible family and bleak prospects, is Psyche. If we look a little closer though, we can flip things.
Colin, like Psyche, has people flocking to him. Ladies want his attention, to be charmed by him. Gentlemen want his stories and his presence in their "revelry." Despite this, he doesn't really feel connected to these people. It's a facade that he's learned to put up. We learn in his journal that he desires a greater emotional connection with a lover specifically but I'd argue with other relationships in his life as well. Colin's siblings are not like Psyche's terrible sisters, BUT another thing Psyche's sisters were known for was that they both married kings. They married well. Daphne and Anthony also, famously, married well. Colin is described by Violet as the most sensitive of the Bridgerton children, always willing to put others above himself. Dutiful, one might say. Dutiful like Psyche, who agreed to marry a monster because the gods willed it and underwent Aphrodite's trials without complaint.
Penelope, nearly a spinster and nearly on the shelf, who does not fit the ideal body type of the ton, is certainly treated as though she's monstrous. Cressida and Penelope entered society at the same time, but no one shames Cressida for seeking a husband in her third season. We, the audience, know that Penelope isn't a monster just as Zephyrus knew that Eros wasn't a monster. Penelope's mother is definitely as shrewd and vindictive as Aphrodite. And Penelope also has an identity she wishes to keep secret.
I've seen some analysis of the candle going out before Colin heads to the ball to stop the proposal, linking it to a small spark of love that always existed and was just starting to turn into a flame. But here's the thing, the candle goes out. It doesn't flicker and come back. It does start small and get bigger. It shrinks and dies. I would argue that this is representing two things. One, Colin's fear that he is out of time and that Penelope will accept Lord Debley's proposal. He's run out of time, hope is extinguished, so what does he have to lose? Which brings us to point two: the dark represents trust in the Eros and Psyche myth. With the candle out, all Colin can do is trust his mother's advice and trust in his feelings for Penelope.
BUT BUT BUT we are only halfway through the season, and we the audience know that a rather important detail still needs to be revealed!!!
Here's where we get into my speculations for the last four episodes. I think Penelope and Colin's roles will begin to flip again. Like Psyche's sisters sowed discord in her marriage, I think that Eloise (either intentionally or unintentionally) will be a catalyst for Colin finding out that Penelope is Lady Whistledown. I don't think Eloise will tell him directly, but she'll definitely be involved. That's when Penelope will become Psyche again and have to complete trials to prove herself to Colin. Love cannot exist without trust, after all.
I hope Lady Danbury offers a bounty on the identity of Lady Whistledown like she does in the book. Lady Danbury being analogous to Persephone would be fitting in my opinion. Although the Queen could also fill this role. The ants and the eagle could represent the lowly and the great; Penelope could accept assistance from someone of low and someone of high status. For the low, I would guess her maid (though she makes a better Zephyrus) or maybe the modiste. For the high, another Bridgerton or maybe even Cressida.
Katabasis is a hero's journey to the underworld, when a living person enters the realm of the dead on a quest and returns to the land of the living. Psyche is granted godhood after her success. I think Penelope will have to endure something equally arduous, but her reward will match as well. It would be satisfying for her to gain the ton's acceptance and even approval of her marriage to Colin, and I would especially like Lady Danbury to be involved with that (she's so much more involved in the book). I'm partial to Lady Danbury, but if it's the Queen instead her opinion would go a lot farther in shifting the opinion of the ton in Penelope's favor. That might be appropriate though far-fetched given the games between the Queen and Lady Whistledown.
The only role I have little speculation for is that of Aphrodite. I can't imagine Violet putting Penelope through a gauntlet even after finding out about her secret. It would fit Portia's character, but even she wouldn't do anything to jeopardize her daughter's marriage to a Bridgerton.
I just re-watched the trailer before hitting post and noticed that in the trailer, the candle does indeed glow brighter rather than going out. I wonder how many more misdirections are in the trailer, like Colin kissing that other girl's hand or him alone in the hired hack. I could be entirely wrong about everything of course, I'm just very excited to see where the second half of the season goes!
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lokis-army-77 · 2 hours
Sweet Treat
older!Eddie Munson x fem reader
Word Count: 3.4k
It's hot out and you see your older neighbor mowing his lawn. Lucky for you he invites you inside for a sweet treat.
Warning: 18+ I will block you if you are under 18 or have no age in your blog. oral (f receiving), p in v, fingering, like the slightest amount of food play, 40s eddie, 20s reader, fem reader, just a bit of cum eating
Thank you to my beta readers @munson-blurbs, @lofaewrites, @emma-munson and @littlexdeaths
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It was sweltering outside, like hell was no longer a fictional place made up by religion but real, and its flames had reached Hawkins. The sun beat down on you so intensely that you thought your skin was melting. 
You berate yourself for thinking that taking a walk outside in the middle of summer would be anything but awful and yet you're here.
Sweat dripped from your forehead as you finally made it back to your home, but instead of going straight inside something stopped you in your tracks.
Your neighbor, or your hot older neighbor, had started mowing. The sound of the motor roaring to life caught your attention, and the sight of the 45-year-old without his shirt on kept it. 
The sun shining onto his sweat-soaked skin made him look ethereal, like a god on earth. It made your mouth water and your nerves vibrate. 
He caught your eye a moment later and waved, you waved back and then made yourself look busy by checking your mailbox, nothing was there. You didn't want him to know you were gawking at him. 
It must not have worked because as soon as the mower had turned on, it turned off and you heard your name being called in that deep timber.
You walk down your driveway, closer to where he sat on his machine.
"Hi, Mr. Munson," you greeted with a smile.
He sighs, "Thought I told you to call me Eddie."
You respond with a giggle, "I know, I just do it to aggravate you."
"Ah, so you think you're funny?"
"Oh, I know I am."
Eddie just chuckles at that, shaking his head. 
Reaching a hand up, you wipe the sweat from your brow. 
"Sure is hot." 
"It is. You wanna come inside, I've got some cold water and a bit of butter pecan ice cream if you want any." He offers.
You wrinkle your nose, "Butter pecan? That's such an old man flavor." 
"No, it isn't." 
"Yes, it is. The only people who eat and enjoy butter pecan are over the age of 40." You enjoy the banter that usually flows between the two of you. It makes your stomach flutter and your knees weak. 
He just rolls his eyes. "Well then, Sweetheart, I think I have just a bit of chocolate in the freezer with your name on it."
You finally walk up next to him as he stands from the mower. "Don't I just feel special."
Eddie looks at you smugly. “Ladies first.” He gestures for you to walk in front of him and you oblige. 
There’s a swing to your hips that you hope catches his attention, especially with how much skin is exposed from the workout shorts you were wearing. You hear him cough, clearing his throat and you know it worked. 
“Door’s unlocked,” he calls as you bound up the stairs. 
Upon entering the house you’re hit with a blast of cold air. The AC was definitely turned down as far as it could go, it felt almost like a freezer.
Eddie enters only a moment after you, letting the door slam closed. He glides past you, a hand barely grazing our hip as he does. You follow him closely. 
It's bright enough in the kitchen that he doesn't bother flipping the light on. He heads straight for the fridge. 
Your eyes rake over him, taking in the flex of muscles as he bends to open the sliding freezer door. The way his arms bulge when he rummages through the depths had your mouth watering. 
Giving a long sigh, Eddie stands up straight and turns to you with a pint of ice cream in hand. 
“Looks like it's just old people ice cream if the princess is alright with that.”
“Oh, it's princess now?” You ask, taking a seat on the barstool next to the kitchen island. 
Eddie shrugs, “Fits better since you're apparently too good for the best ice cream known to man.”
“I am not.” 
He scrunches his face, you think it's cute. “I beg to differ.”
“I'm not, I'll eat your ice cream, no problem.”
“So you aren't going to complain that it's for old people?” He asks, settling at the counter next to you.
“Just open the carton.” You give his arm a slight shove. 
He does as you say and pushes it closer to you before offering a spoon. 
You take it and thank him before scooping a tiny bit of the sweet treat out. It's cold on your tongue and you hate to admit it but it was good. 
“S'good isn't it?”
“Eh, it's okay.” You say, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of being right. 
Taking another scoop, this time you bring the spoon slowly into your mouth, lapping up the ice cream in a more sensual manner as you make eye contact with the other man. Just barely, you can see his pupils dilate taking you in.
“You’ve got a little-” Eddie makes a vague gesture to the corner of his mouth.
Giggling a bit, you fein ignorance of the ice cream you let collect at the corner of your mouth. “Here?” you ask as you wipe at the opposite side. 
And just as you thought he would, Eddie reaches over and smoothes his thumb over your lip, collecting what was there. Your breath hitches when he brings his thumb to his mouth and licks it clean. The sight of his tongue wetting the digit and the glisten of saliva in the light had your legs clenching. 
You want him to do it again. 
So, with another bite of ice cream, you make what you’re doing more obvious, letting the spoon paint the white treat over your lips. You know what it must look like, salacious and borderline inappropriate if your mind was in the gutter, which is where you know Eddie’s is at that moment.
He takes a deep, shaky breath, “Fuck-” He’s surging toward you before you can even comprehend it. Soft, plump lips connect with yours. You freeze in shock for just a moment, then you kiss him back. 
The spoon in your hand drops to the counter, rattling loudly. You reach your arms around his neck and pull him into you. Eddie slips his tongue between your lips and lets out a groan. He tastes like butter pecan and something you can’t quite place, something you can only describe as Eddie. 
You can’t get enough and just when you start to wrestle your tongue against his, he pulls away and creates a space between the two of you. 
A hand rubs over his face and he sight. “We can’t be doing this.” His tone is reluctant.  
Furrowing your brows, you ask, “Why not?” 
Eddie looks at you and flits his eyes from your kiss-swollen lips to the dismayed expression in your eyes. “Are you serious? I’m too old for you.”
“Last I checked, 45 wasn’t that old.”
“Sweetheart, I have tattoos older than you.” He shakes his head.
“Eddie, I’m a grown adult who knows what she wants and to put it frankly, you have been at the top of that list for quite some time.” You pause to examine his expression. His brow is cross and he’s gnawing on the inside of his cheek. “Is it my consent that you need? Because you have it.”
“God, this is probably a bad idea,” he whispers to himself and then he's on you once more. His large hands squeeze at your waist until they find their way under the fabric of your tee. Your own hands cling to his shoulders, keeping yourself balanced so you don’t fall off the bar stool.
Eddie bites your lip, tugging it lightly when he pulls away. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to kiss you. How long I’ve wanted to have my hands on you, to feel you.” He says, breathless. 
He kisses down your neck, sending a shiver down your spine and a tingle wherever his lips meet your skin. 
“Eddie-” You moan. 
“I want you to do more than kiss me.”
That stops him in his tracks. He pulls away for a second time and you can’t help the whimper it brings out of you. 
“You’re sure?” 
As much as you were grateful for his concern, it was really getting in the way of you trying to have him fuck the daylights out of you. 
“Yes, I’m sure.” You pull him in for a deep kiss before whispering against his lips, “So, are you going to fuck me or am I going to have to take matters into my own hands?”
The smirk he gives you is cocky. “C’mere, Sweetheart.” He grabs at you, pulls you from the stool, and moves you to the island countertop. He wastes no time in ridding you of your shirt and bra. 
His tongue licks a long, wet line from the side of your neck down to the elastic waistband of your shorts. 
Slowly but surely, he begins to pull the fabric down Your legs. He stops in surprise when He sees you aren't wearing anything underneath. 
A deep chuckle vibrates in his chest. “Did you know this would happen, Sweetheart?” He left an open-mouthed kiss on the inside of your thigh. “Hum? Plan to seduce me with those short fucking shorts only to not have any panties on?”
Shaking your head you mumble out “No.”
“It sure does look like it, princess.” Eddie teases you with his fingers, using them to spread you open gently. His eyes glaze over with lust. “Fuck, baby… so pretty and wet for me.”
The sudden rush of arousal washes over you, leaving your skin flushed and your cunt fluttering around nothing.
He leaves wet kisses all over the sensitive skin, moving from your apex to your thigh, right where the artery was. Taking the plush meat there into his mouth, he sucked, soothing his tongue over where his teeth bit down gently. There was no doubt a mark would be there when he pulled away. 
You watch him, elbows planted on the counter to prop yourself up. Just looking at him makes your heart beat faster. 
“Eddie,” you moan as you widen your legs. 
He hums against you as he sucks his way back to your center. With lidded eyes, he looks up at you just as his mouth attaches to your clit. 
Choking out a gasp, you let your head fall back between your shoulders. 
Eddie’s hands wrap around the back of your legs, gripping them firmly and guiding them over his shoulders. The noises coming from where he was connected to you had butterflies fluttering in your stomach. He'd only just started but it felt like with every even suck and precise lick of his tongue, You were melting into a puddle around him. 
Soon your arms became weak and you had to lay flat. Your hands had a mind of their own as your body writhes under Eddie's expert mouth. His hair quickly fell from the loose knot that kept it out of his face when you ran your hands through it. 
You could tell Eddie liked it too much, hips bucking into nothing When you tugged on the salt and pepper strands. His moans sent vibrations through you. 
“Eddie, fuck, Eddie- you feel so good,” you can't help but babble when you feel two thick fingers begin to penetrate your entrance. 
There's an audible pop when he releases you from his mouth. “Yeah? Imagine how good my cock's gonna feel, Sweetheart.” He removes your legs from his shoulders as he begins to stand.
Tilting your head, you gaze at him. Following down his nose, over his wet lips, down along the tattoo of a sneak that started at his shoulder and curled down his bicep. With him closer now, you could see more of those tattoos littering his skin and the trail of hair that led from his navel down. 
You clench around his fingers at the thought of whatever was hiding behind those basketball shorts. You wanted it, needed it, inside of you. 
Eddie's fingers massaged into you, the calloused pads pushing into your soft insides. “Right there!” You pant when he pushes into a particularly sensitive spot. “Right there! Don't stop!”
He doesn't, he keeps a strong steady pace with his fingers hitting the mark every single time. It had your toes curling and your head swirling with pleasure. 
Unknowingly, you clamped your hand over your mouth as you began to moan.
Eddie pushes your hand away. “Don't cover those pretty moans, wanna hear how good I make you feel.”
Nodding, you keep your hands away. Occupying one by gripping your breast and the other, slipping it down to massage over your clit. 
The added stimulation makes your legs snap shut and your body goes ridged. You were hurled over the edge so fast that your vision was almost white. 
Eddie kept his fingers pumping into you despite the added obstacle. You could hear the wet sound growing louder as your body shook with release and your lungs cried out. 
“That's it, princess, give it all to me.”
“Eddie-” you cry out to him. “Feels- ah fuck, I feel so good.”
He hums in approval.
“You make me feel so good.”
Eddie pulls his fingers from your dripping cunt and licks them clean. “God, you're delicious. Put that ice cream to shame.” 
He pulls you by your hips down the counter, closer to him, and places a firm kiss on your lips. You'd never liked the taste of yourself before but that salty tangy mixed with the sweetness of Eddie's tongue had you melting and wanting for more.
You want to feel him inside of you. No, it's not a want, it's a need. A need so strong you think you might cry if you don't have I'm in the next five seconds. 
Pulling away, you give Eddie a look. One so filled with lust and longing, you know he won't be able to resist.
“What is it, princess?” He asks, moving back in to kiss marks on your neck. 
Your fingers tug on his hair and you sigh. “I need-”
“What do you need?”
“I need you to fuck me.” The buck of your hips punctuated every word.
“S'that right, Sweetheart? Need me to use this pretty cunt?”
You groaned, nodding excitedly when he started backing up. As he did so, he knocked over what was left of the ice cream. It was melted now and its contents flowed onto the counter.  
Eddie smirked as he took the carton and instead of sitting it back up, he poured it onto your skin. The splashes of the now liquid dessert were cold on your hot skin. He gives you a salacious wink before lapping up what he had tipped onto you.
“Eddie!” You gasp, surprised by his actions. 
He paced you no mind, cleaning the stickiness from your skin, and pulled back. Acting as though nothing had happened, he began tugging at the drawstring of his shorts. 
The outline of his cock was impressive, you had always imagined it would be the biggest you'd ever had. And as his shorts and boxers fell from his hips down his toned legs, you were proven right. 
Saliva pooled in your mouth at the sick of him. Long and thick and stood at attention. Your eyes flicked from the flushed tip of his cock to his eyes and then back down again a few times before he chucked. Asking “See something you like?” 
“Yeah…” you were breathless just looking at it. 
Anticipation begins to build, your heart beating faster as he lined himself up. Your legs spread wider, letting Eddie nestle in. He gives the sensitive skin a tap with his cock before sliding it through your slick folds. 
“Ready, baby?” 
“Yes, please.”
As he enters, there's a slight pain. He's thicker than anything you've ever taken and the new stretch has you burning.  He isn't even halfway inside before you start shaking and mewling in ecstasy.
Eddie's fingers have your hips in an iron grip. He looks out a long moan once he bottoms out. There is the sensation of being filled to your absolute max.
Your walls are contracting around him, trying To pull him in deeper. 
“Fuck. That's it, baby, taking me so well. So proud of you.” 
You keen into his praise. Hips bucking and back arching. 
“Need more,” you plead and he obliges, rocking his hips into you, starting slow before going into an almost inhuman speed. pleasure is all that you feel, all that you know in this moment.
With every thrust, you saw Eddie lose just a little more self-control until he was feral, pounding into you. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck. Feel so fucking good baby. Yeah, that's right, this pussy was made for me, wasn't it? God dammit.” He'd lost his filter, saying anything and everything that came to his mind. 
You were loving it. No man had ever been so vocal with you before and it was such a turn-on to hear every grunt, moan, and whimper.
There's a flutter in your stomach that you know all too well. You're balancing on the edge and are so close to toppling over. 
“Eddie. Eddie. Eddie!” You've run out of words, all you can manage to say is his name. It's like a prayer on your lips. 
“I know, Sweetheart.” He tuts, voice out of breath. “Can feel you squeezing me. God, you’re so fucking tight.” His fingers grip your hips harder. “Need you to cum for my baby, can you do that?”
You nod frantically. “Yes, yes, yes,” you say as his thrusts continue, finally giving you that last little nudge you need to fall. 
With eyes rolling back in your head and a ringing in your ears, you cum. Harder than you ever had before. You're so lost in the feeling that you can't hear yourself screaming rapture. Every feeling is intense like hitting a raw nerve but it's so enjoyable.
Eddie's thrusts slow to a stop before he reluctantly pulls from your warmth and tugs himself to completion.  You can feel the warm ropes quickly cooling on your stomach and breasts when you finally come back to reality.  
“God dammit.” Eddie rasps. 
You can't help but laugh, “My thoughts exactly.”
Fixing your eyes on your stomach. You take a finger and collect Eddie's cum onto it. He watches you with wide eyes as you bring the finger to your mouth. It's not your favorite taste but you moan nonetheless.
“Thanks for the sweet treat, Mr. Munson.” Your face heats up over what you've said.
Eddie chuckles and shakes his head at you before giving you a fond look. Even though you were spread out on his kitchen counter covered in drying cum, you'd never felt more comfortable. You can see when Eddie hesitates ever-so-slightly before he asks, “Can I kiss you?”
It was sweet, you thought. You nod giving him the go-ahead. 
He pulls you up by the hand you give him and his mouth is on you in a tender kiss. Much too tender for what you had both finished doing. 
His hands massage into the sides of your face and neck and your own slide into his hair, tugging the fallen strands at the nape of his neck. 
When he pulls away, you follow him hot wanting his lips to leave yours. He gives you a quick peck before stepping back. 
You pout but he soothes you. “I'll be back. Gonna get a cloth to clean you up.” 
It only takes him a moment to return to you, warm rag in hand. It feels nice to have all the sweat and other fluids wiped from your skin, it feels even nicer with Eddie the one doing it. 
A yawn escapes you when he’s finally done and helps you off the counter. 
“Tired?” He asks. 
“Yea-” You were cut off by another big yawn, it brings involuntary tears to your eyes. Rubbing your eyes, you sigh, “I guess I better get home.” Bending down, you reach for your clothes that had made a home on the floor. 
“Or,” Eddie stops you, “You could stay here.” 
 The statement was more of a question with his hopeful look and light tone. 
You can’t help the blush that makes its way onto your cheeks. “I think I’d like that.” 
“Good. Now leave those there, I have something more comfortable you can wear.” 
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g3z0 · 2 days
Boy next door P12
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Summary: You move from Florida to Boston in the middle the school year. Being the new kid is hard - being the new kid in the middle of the school year is even harder. Especially if you’re not good in making friends. But suddenly, there’s this boy who lives next door that caught your attention
Warnings: /
The more time I spent with Nick, the faster the end of the weekend approached.
Which meant for me - home.
„I‘ll see you tomorrow at school.“ Nick said to me as we stood on his front porch.
That gave me a little comfort. I had something to look forward to.
„yeah.“ I shrugged, looking down at the ground.
Nick arms came hesitantly around my body before pulling me into his embrace.
I stiffened.
Not only because I was scared to get a boner but also because I’m not used to getting hugged this often.
I relaxed into his embrace before I wrapped my arms around him.
As I went to bed that night I hugged my pillow, closing my eyes and pretending I was hugging Nick.
I stroked my hand up my arm, just like Nick did not even 24 hours ago.
I sighed and blinked my eyes open, looking out of my window to see if there’s any sign of Nick being awake in his room.
Unfortunately, the lights were off and Nick was probably already sleeping.
I rolled onto my side and pressed the pillow against my chest, burying my face into it.
The last few days Nick was everything I could think about.
I couldn’t tell if it was a crush tho - I never really had one.
And ever since I jerked off that night because of Nick, I couldn’t stop anymore.
I used to see it as a task. Like brushing my teeth.
But now I’m doing it out of pleasure.
Out of desire.
The wrong desire I think.
Everytime Nick ate something I couldn’t help myself but to let my eyes wander down to his plump lips. The worst case scenario was a fucking popsicle.
The way his long slender fingers wrapped around anything - Jesus Christ it had me on the edge.
His fucking eyes and fuck. His arms.
His fucking arms and his fucking tattoos.
I let out a frustrated groan as I felt my boxers thightening just from thinking these things.
Im a mess.
The next few days I ignored Kayla the best I could.
It was fucked up what she did to him and I guess I was right from the start.
Kayla is too pretty to be nice.
With Kayla hanging around with my two best friends I kept my distance to them too. Which was hard, of course.
„Y/n!“ chasey’s voice made me lift my head up. She waved me over to them.
I took a deep breath before I made my way over to them, not giving Kayla one glance.
„Hey.“ I smiled, adjusting the straps of my backpack on my shoulders.
„You got biology homework?“ chasey asked, tilting her head.
„Shit! I forgot mine also.“ Olivia sighed.
„It’s aight y’all can copy mine.“ I breathed, setting my backpack down.
„Such a sweetheart.“ chasey sneered, flicking her tounge. „Where’s nicky?“
I blinked and grabbed the biology homework out of my bag before standing up straight „somewhere, I don’t know.“ I mumbled, handing Olivia the paper sheets.
Olivia gave me a thankful smile.
„Nicky?“ Kayla questioned, tilting her head. I bit down on my inner cheek. God, even her voice made my blood boil.
Her sweet innocent voice. It was all an fucking act.
„Yeah! Nick.“ Olivia said as she looked down at my biology homework, flipping through them „the boy who lives next to y/n, you know?“
I finally stole a quick glance down to Kayla. She pursed her lips and our eyes met for a brief second.
She adjusted herself and smiled „right.“ she hummed.
I put the straps back over my shoulders and looked back to Chasey.
„He’s a real funny bastard.“ Chasey chuckled „we should go with him to prom. Since neither of us has a date.“
Prom? Why is that the first time I’m hearing about this?
„Don’t you have a date, y/n?“ Kayla asked, her hand creeping up to my bicep.
I tried to ignore the disgusting shiver that run down my spine and shrugged. „I didn’t even know we had prom soon.“ I mumbled.
„You don’t?!“ Olivia squeeked, grabbing my arm. Her eyes lit up. „Be my date!“
„What?“ me and chasey said and turned our heads at the same time.
Olivia rolled her eyes „not like that.“ she smiled „as a friend! Nick could be chasey’s 'date'. That would be fun, wouldn’t it?“
„And I’m left out?“ Kayla sighed next to me.
God, shut up.
„You have Owen, we don’t count you in.“ Olivia smiled apologetically.
Kayla’s hand left my arm as it dropped to her side, the disgusting feeling that creeped on my spine left immediately. „fine.“ she breathed.
„What do you say chase?“ Olivia turned to the red curly head.
Chasey blinked at Olivia before her eyes locked with mine „uh..“ she shrugged „if nicks fine with it, sure.“
Olivia chuckled happily like a little kid. She let go of my arm and hugged Chasey thightly „yay!“
An unpleasant feeling spread through my body as I felt someone approaching us.
„Hi babe.“ Owen said while he grabbed Kayla by her waist, pressing his lips against her cheek.
Kayla smiled brightly as her gaze lingered on me before she turned around to greet her boyfriend properly.
As they both pressed their lips together I turned my gaze away with an eye roll. Chasey grabbed my arm and gagged sarcastically in response, tilting her head away.
I bit back a laugh and Olivia just punched chasey‘s arm to make her shut up.
„Watcha talking about?“ Owen asked, looking over at us.
„Prom.“ Kayla answered him. Owen grinned at me, something mean glistening in his eyes.
„Prom, huh?“ he poked his tounge into his inner cheek and chuckled a little „asked anyone out yet, y/n?“
I swallowed the lump in my throat and opened my mouth to say something. Olivia was faster.
„I asked him out.“ Olivia said proudly.
Owen raised his eyebrows and let out a laugh „seriously?“ he tilted his head at me „not very man-like.“ he sneered.
„Piss Off already.“ chasey spat, giving Owen a disgusted look.
„Feisty, aren’t we today Nolan?“ Owen smirked, raising his chin slightly as he would be someone better.
Chasey didn’t tear her eyes away from him. „how’s basketball going Cornwall? “ she asked calmly.
Chasey once told me she had a cousin that was also going to our school. And as luck would have it, he was in Owen’s team.
Chasey and her cousin James couldn’t be more different. But they shared their hate towards the basketball captain. Owen Cornwall.
Apparently, Owen was a shitty captain. He didn’t stick to his responsibility. And the coach didn’t like that.
Inside information.
Owen’s eyes darkened and he clenched his jaw.
Chasey was much smaller compared to Owen. But right now they both were the same height.
„That’s what I thought.“ chasey flicked her tounge. „If you excuse us, we have biology class.“
And with that she walked past Owen, me and Olivia after her.
That was one thing I admired about Chasey. She didn’t let it get her down.
„Hey!“ Kayla smiled up at me as she quickly matched my pace of walking.
I gave her a quick glare „hey.“ I mumbled.
„Everything okay? You’re acting weird today.“ she laughed, tugging a hairstrain behind her ear.
I shrugged „I don’t.“ I answered blankly, staring forward.
Nick has been a very good friend to me. Now it was time to show him that I’m also a good friend.
I wouldn’t stab him in the back.
„Yes? You do.“ she chuckled, moving in front of me to stop me from walking.
I took a deep breath to calm myself down and stopped, looking down at her. „What?“
She smiled up at me with a frown „chill.“ she giggled, nudging me with her elbow. „What’s wrong?“
„Im not in the mood Kayla.“ I sighed, walking past her. She groaned and followed after me.
„Bad day, huh? I know how that feels.“ she smiled.
I ignored her.
She stayed silent for a moment before she spoke up again „sooo..“ she licked her lips „you and Nick got really close, huh?“
I clenched my jaw.
„Liv told me you were sleeping at his the whole weekend?“ she blinked up at me.
I let out a breath. Don’t give her any reaction. She wants that. She wants to get a reaction out of you.
„You can’t leave your mom alone th-"
I stopped walking and she stopped talking. I looked down at her and she smiled up at me, innocently.
„And why can’t I leave my mom alone?“ I asked her, raising my eyebrows.
I didn’t told Kayla about my moms illness.
She stared at me for a second before she let out a laugh „she‘ll get lonely, won’t she? I’m just saying. You should spend more time with her.“
I stared down at her and let out a scoff „yeah, cause you know anything about my fucking family.“ I turned away from her and continued to walk.
„Hey, rude!“ she yelled after me but I ignored her.
„Prom?!“ Nick stared at the girls in the front seats with an open jaw.
„Yes!“ Olivia grinned.
Nick slumped back into his seat „er.. I mean- sorry chasey but I don’t really fancy girls.“
I snorted at his wording.
„Fancy? Are you from the fucking 18th century?“ chasey laughed „don’t worry nicky, I’m sure we all are very aware of that.“
„It would be just as friends.“ Olivia reassured Nick with a nod. „But y/n, you might have to act like you like me in front of my dad.“ she smiled innocently.
„What?“ I frowned at her „why?“
„He’s..“ Olivia tilted her head „special.“
„And a fucking cop. Good luck with that, y/n!“ chasey laughed.
My eyes widened and I turned my gaze to Nick who just laughed at me.
„He’s not that bad.“ Olivia rolled her eyes „he’s just a little bit strict.“
„A little?“ chasey raised her eyebrows „with a little she means the whole 'I’ll kill you if my daughter isn’t home by curfew' thing.“
I let out a breathe and leaned over to Nick „wanna switch dates?“ I whispered to Nick.
The brunette boy let out a scoff in response „fuck, no.“
„Asshole.“ I mumbled under my breathe and sat back straight up in my seat.
„There ya go.“ chasey breathed as she stopped in front of nicks house.
„Thanks.“ I smiled before I got out of her car. Nick mumbled a quick goodbye, following me out.
We waved the girls as chasey drove off again.
„Hungry?“ Nick asked as his hand fell down to his side.
„Starving.“ I smiled.
And with that, me and Nick walked over to his house.
Tags! @udotnknowme @sturnclouds @patscorner @miloisdone1 @thenickgirl @freshloveforthefit @nathandoesgf @m0r94n @sturniolo0ntop
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