#like that little teatimed cat
glitcheslikeslego · 2 months
Show Me Your Moves! (Chapter 3)
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Chapter 3: Teatime
Teatime causes all Pokemon on the field to eat their held Berry. This move bypasses substitute, and is the signature move of Polteageist. 
You didn’t even know Sandy had this cute little tea nook, considering that it was never brought up within the show at all, but you assume that it’s in character for the guy. 
It worked similarly to Pigsy’s Noodles, where the ground floor was the actual store, but the apartment above was a living space, mainly for one person. 
“I used to stay here if I ever stayed late, but I haven't used it in almost a year, so it’s yours for the taking.” Sandy exclaimed and you thanked him profusely. 
The shop opened in half an hour, giving you the chance to change into the uniform he somehow procured for you and take in your living space. 
Everything was covered in a thick layer of dust, which proved that this place needed a serious spring cleaning. 
You decided to do that afterwards, when your shift was over and the store was closed for the day. 
For now, it’s time to get to work!
And work was a lot more difficult than you thought it would be. 
Turns out, as kind as Sandy could be, he had a particular way of doing things in this shop. He could obviously excuse mistakes and tell you where you did wrong, but you’d also have to start all the way from the beginning. 
“There, just like that.” Sandy put the top on the cup and handed it to the guest, who paid with a smile before leaving. 
“Okay.” You say. “I can do this.”
“You can do this.” Sandy hyped. 
You can’t do this.
You can be nice to people, yes, but you tire out easily, which Sandy managed to catch on to, so ironically, you’re sipping away at a coffee in a tea shop. 
Of course, you messed up many orders, some having too much of a cremation ingredient or simply being the wrong temperature, but it wasn’t that much of a problem. 
The customers didn’t make a totally huge fuss about it, only one of them going on a shouting match about your incompetence and Sandy escorting them out. 
Sandy went out for a bit afterwards and returned back with some noodles from a restaurant down the street that (unfortunately) wasn’t Pigsy’s, but you can’t exactly voice your complaints. 
“We’ll figure out your grocery thing tomorrow when we’re off, okay?” Sandy said and you nodded in agreement. 
Sandy didn’t poke around for any answers out of you anymore, simply finishing up with dinner, giving you a cute housewarming gift of a plush cat, a hug and closing up shop. 
You went upstairs and got started on cleaning. For the first half hour, you were procrastinating everything and barely even managed to clean the kitchen, but then you saw a TV and used the remote to turn it on. 
Of course it didn’t work so you had to go to the back of the TV and turn it on manually, which thankfully did work, and with the white noise of the News in the background, you managed to finish off everything else in the apartment before collapsing onto the couch for a good nights sleep. 
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chi-icha · 1 year
TW! dub-con, choking
zhongli and you had been roommates for a while. like the idiot he is, he forgot to save himself some luxuries before retiring. how do people find that man smart again? you still remembered when he was morax, a brute who loved fighting anyone he saw.
you both may live together but there was still traces of pettiness from when you both were younger. though he may seem gentler to others now, zhongli was still a brat to you. you remember him trying to fight you when he thought you were flirting with guizhong. he got absolutely demolished that day. that incident is probably why he 'hates' you so much. you doubt that he actually does. who would choose to stay with somebody they despise? he always blames it on your shared contract which you find even more stupid because he was the one to propose it in the first place. the contract stated:
he does the chores, you pay for everything.
zhongli is a pretty good cook, except when he tries to poison you. he tries at least once a week. is he offered money to kill you or is he jealous you have a better reputation? you don't have any idea. it seemed like today he opted to put aphrodisiacs in your tea.
that little brat! he knows you enjoy spending your teatime peacefully and he dares do that. well at least that's the reason why he finds himself pinned against a wall of his bedroom and your hand around his neck at the present moment.
what are you going to do now? find a girl and convince her to sleep with you? go to a brothel? or maybe you'll sleep with one of those many girls who throw themselves at you? your reputation is going to be torn either way," he laughed at you.
"who said anything about me having to go out to find someone?" you smirked, your hand tightening around his neck.
"what are you-" "I happen to have one of liyue's most wanted bachelor in front of me. that person also happens to be the one who drugged me. it's only fair he shoulder the responsibility, isn't it?" you chuckled darkly and threw him on the bed.
he tried to get back up but you tied him to the bed using your magic. you looked at him while pulling your tie.
"don't even dare think you'll be able to walk out of here when I'm done with you. that being said, I should probably tell hu tao you won't be coming to work for some days," you said eying his body with a lustful gaze.
OH MY GOD AAAA THIS IS SO ESJFCWFC the-the-the way -ur -so dominant is so- augh i can imagine the way you'll undress him with your eyes.. the dangerous glint in your eyes as your magic ties him to the bed frame. "don't think you'll get away with that, zhongli." you run your hands on his inner thigh and take pleasure in the way he softly moans. he tries to glare at you despite being tied down, completely at your mercy. "y-you.. " he tries to get his words out, but all that comes out is a whimper as you palm him. you quickly remove your hand before he can even rut into your palm. "i what? cat got your tongue?" your eyes are half lidded and dangerous. he shudders at the sight of you looking down at him. "i'll make sure you'll know your place by the end of this night," your hands make their way inside if his shirt and pinches his nipple. he trembles and tries to wiggle out of your grasp, all the while whimpering your name out. "because you'll be mine to play with."
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luvly-writer · 1 year
"But oh..Cara mia"
Ch. 12 Irrationally and longing
Dick Grayson x Latina! Reader
Warnings: none
Status: Ongoing
Author's note: Hope you enjoy this chapter! Tensions keep on rising, will it explode?
Taglist: @lorosette @nanas-teatime @prettyacademia00 @mxtokko @sarahkaliii @w31rdg1rl @Eurydicegrimes @writing-for-the-hell-of-it
Series Masterlist:
You had just gotten off the phone with Ivy when you hear Damian entering the lab. He is frowning with his arms crossed. You turn in your chair and face him. Silence surrounds you both as you look at him. "Where were you?" he asks roughly and you are taken aback by his harshness. "Themyscira. Why do you ask?" you shoot back and he looks down and mumbles something. You raise your eyebrow at him, "What was that?" you say and Damian whispers a little bit clearer. "You were missed.'' You smile softly and beckon him to come closer. He follows suit and you hold your hand out. He stares at it and looks at you raising an eyebrow. You answer his unspoken question, "You aren't big on hugs so holding your hand could do for now" He looks at your hand again and holds it. You smile at him before you are surprised at what he does next. He goes forward and gives you a quick hug before standing back, pink dusting his cheeks. You smile at him and ruffle his hair affectionately. Knowing he wasn't going to start the conversation again, you take the initiative, "You like the new suit?" and he nods, "I suppose it looks adequate on you. You do look more like an Amazon now." You smile at his response, "Well that kind of is the point my grandmother wanted to make so thank you." He nods again and goes to leave. Just before he walks out, he turns around and opens his mouth to say something but closes it again.
"You can tell me anything, Damian. Your feedback is just as appreciated as any other" you say and you see he becomes more comfortable. He closes the door, making sure that no one else besides the two of you heard what he was going to say. "You shouldn't run away, Prince. Don't think that none of us have been oblivious to how you feel about Grayson." Your eyes widen and you flush, not knowing how to answer to that. "Don't worry, I won't speak word of it....but you should know, Grayson is more bearable when you are around. This whole act of excessive love with Starfire is nauseating. Your presence truly was needed, so I have one request," he said looking at you and you nod at him to continue, "Don't leave again" and you took a deep breath. "I can't guarantee anything, Damian but I'll try" you answer. Satisfied with your answer he leaves. You let out a deep breathe and slump on your chair. That kid is intense.
Damian would not admit it, but he really missed you. He likes that you always included him and took his input seriously, even if it wasn't related to vigilantism. Plus, you had a warmth to you that he gravitated towards constantly. You had taken him to the arcade and to an art exhibit a few times not so long ago and he found that he thoroughly enjoyed your presence. Plus you had built an automatic sandbox for Alfred the cat that cleaned itself, props for bonus points.
The following days were interesting, to say the least. Damian would stick by your side, much to Dick's displeasure. You hung up the suit, going back to your normal routine of being behind the scenes and helping the others. This, of course, surprised Kory, and she had taken quite an interest in you and that made everyone be slightly tense. Seeing as she had become part of the team for this mission, you had to create a file for her in order to check up on her vitals as well. As for the moment, she was standing in the middle of your lab, in the check-up platform, observing you and you studied her vitals. "So, you don't fight?" she asks, and you answer without looking at her, "I do, I just don't patrol." She hums and asks again, "Injury?" and you shake your head no. "So coming in with the Amazon suit was all show then?" she asked and that irked you. Damian, who had been sitting next to you (and had once again taken the mantle of following you everywhere like a shadow) huffed in response and rolled his eyes. "No. I had been in Themyscira for a few weeks hence why I was using my suit," you say drily, still looking at your analysis. "Couldn't you have changed?" she asked and you snapped back, "Is there a personal vendetta you have with my Amazonian suit that I should be aware of?" Kory glared at you, not happy with your attitude. "It just seemed a little too much for show.." she said and you roll your eyes at her as you continue working. "Are you sure your human technology is able to get my vitals?" Kory spoke up once again, making sure to accentuate the word human. "Considering that I am currently checking your suit status and finished with your vitals yesterday, I would say yes" you answer once again, trying to sound as unbothered as possible. Kory huffs, unsatisfied with not being able to get a full reaction out of you. The lab was full of silence again. Starfire spoke up one last time, trying to see if this time she could get to you, "Is it true?" You look at her, wondering what she meant, "That you are the Darling of the gods, I mean?" she clears up. Damian looks at you as well, interested in what you had to say. "Would you let me work in peace if I answer?" you say annoyed and she nods, "Very well...In Themyscira, when a new child is presented, they are to be made known to the gods and given a name. Not the birth name, but sort of a surname. When Diana presented me to everyone as her official daughter and princess of Themyscira, the gods provided me with their favor and many blessings. This gave me my title of darling of the gods seeing as I had been one of the few to earn their absolute favor. As I grew up, it became more evident that they were pleased with me, seeing as some would teach and train me personally." Kory takes the information as Damian, pleased to know his sister was superior, let out a smirk.
"But you aren't truly Amazonian?" asked Kory again. You freeze for a second. Diana's words coming back to you. You relax and give her a patronizing smile as you answer, "Of course I am, sweetie, how else could I possibly be the princess." You hear your computer ding as the scan is finally set, "Everything is well and done. If you are done investigating me Koriand'r, you may leave" you say and she finally leaves.
The next few days, Kory would spend her time throwing subtle remarks here and there, yet you would answer with grace, poise, and class, never letting them get to you. You would treat her with professionalism and kindness. You knew better. The rest would notice and would come up with ways to counter-attack them by making you laugh. It was already bad enough that the PDA displayed by her and Dick was getting too much for you sometimes and she knew. When he would hug her, she'd look straight into your eyes over his shoulder, making sure you knew he wasn't yours. If he tried to talk to you, whether it was about his suit or life in general, she would be present so that you'd be reminded there was no chance. If you all went out, she would stand between the two of you if you ever near them, making sure you understood she was there and there would never be space for you. It got to the point where she wouldn't even let you patch him up. After years of being the one that knew how to work around him when he was in pain, she just swooped it and took your place and made sure you knew that he would never need you again. The worst part is he allowed it. You could feel the sadness fill your heart and bottle it up. What happened to the boy who whispered sweet nothings in your ear and made sure you were always alright? The moment he stepped on the plane to Jump City, he vanished. Although you were doing well hiding your emotions from everyone, Barbara could tell how much it pained you. She saw how your eyes would lose a little light every time he held her. How you would bite your lip when it began to tremble if they kissed in front of you. You were in pain. As if he wasn't already out of reach, you decided to distance yourself from him. Just like you had done many times before.
The others were there. Stephanie and Cass would invite you to see movies, Tim would visit you in the lab and just work next to you, Duke would make you laugh whenever needed, Jason would come to the lab and rant about the new book he read, Damian would leave Alfred the cat in your lap saying that it helps, and Barbara, oh Barbara, she was the best friend anyone could ask for. She held you in her arms as you cried and cried, trying to numb the pain you felt. She would hold your hand and squeeze it every time Kory would get in the way.
This whole charade had to end one way or another, and unfortunately, the moment to recognize came in a gruesome way. Kory and Dick had been partnered up for patroling the ports. The thing is that with Kory's green powers, their cover was blown and they were attacked, fucking up. Dick was stabbed and it was one nasty wound. They were forced to ask for back up and boy was Bruce LIVID. When they got back to the cave after handling the situation, Bruce called you out to fix Dick up. Kory opened her mouth to speak against it but Bruce spoke before she could, "Starfire, a word." Slightly intimidated by the man, she nodded and left with him. Leaving you to take Dick and patch him up in the lab. "Ok, Richard, this will hurt, so Imma count to three. One. Two." You pressed the cloth and cleaned the wound getting ready to pulverize the wound. You began to close it after fixing it and started to stitch it. "I forgot you never get to three" he whispered and you chuckled lightly, maintaining your focus on his wound, "Your mind is focused on waiting for the three so the pain is not acknowledged as fast and makes it easier to work" you mumble back. As you bring Dick, to sit up and start wrapping the white cloth around his waist, some hair falls off your ponytail. He decides to brush it out of your face and whispers, "You called me Richard" and you hum in response, "You had started to call me Dick, what happened?" he said softly and you avoided his eyes, "I have no idea what you are talking about...all done, you can leave" you say and walk to the sink to wash the blood of your hands. You hear him sigh and walk toward you, "Is it...is it Kory? I know her behavior has been a little weird but-"
"Oh so you are aware of her constant verbal harassment of me and how she gets in the way of my fucking job and you decide to ignore it, Mr. Grayson?" you seethe and Dick tenses up. He looks down at the floor, suddenly finding it very interesting. "What do you want from me? Honestly Richard, do you want to see me fail?"
"No-" "Then??!?! Explain yourself."
"Yn, its complicated"
"Isn't it always with you? Listen, I don't want to know, and honestly, I don't think I can take it anymore." She hadn't noticed how close the two were, chests were inches apart.
"what do you mean?"
"Unless it is related to our night lives, get away from me," she said and Dick could feel his heart strain. He didn't want to get away from her. These last few days he had found that the more Kory tried to get in between them, the more he longed for her presence. He longed for her touch, he longed for her eyes to be on him, he longed for her smile to be directed only to him, he longed for her laugh, that sweet melody that could leave him dizzy, he longed for her flirtatious quips, he missed her hands on him, he longed for her and Lord knows how divided his heart was. On one side he had Kory, comfortable and familiar. Kory had been his friend and teammate for years. They had dated so many times before and slept together even more. Her body was so familiar to his, as were her lips...yet at the end of the day, it wasn't her lips that he dreamed of at night. He had Kory and he reprimanded himself for wishing for someone else. He had Kory, but he would give his last dying breath for Yn and it took having them both in the same place and Yn asking him to leave for him to wake up. He wanted her. God, he wanted her. He wanted her like a man who wants water in the middle of the desert. He wanted her so bad He truly needed her, more than he wanted to allow himself to. He looked at her, dead in the eyes, and gulped. They had been so close, chests pressed against each other and eyes locked. He looked at her lips and then back to her eyes. "Is...is that what you truly want? for me to go away?" he breathed out. His head felt light with just her touch. His face neared hers, lips almost touching, but he pulled back quickly, restraining himself with all he had. He looked at her lips once again then back to her eyes. Oh those eyes, glossed over with want. Her gaze ghosted all over his face, set on admiring him. She whispered, "...I need you to let me leave". He wasn't having it, "Do you want me to?" Yn closed her eyes. She is tired of loving someone that wasn't hers. She stepped back and cleared her throat. She leaned against one of the lab's desks, trying to stop her spinning mind and beating heart. Dick remained in the same place, looking at her, waiting for her to say something, or do something. Finally, she spoke up, "You should...you should go and check on Kory. You um... your wound will heal fast with what I added, but you will still need to take a few days off. You are benched for now. I expect you to come tomorrow for a check-up." She wouldn't look at him, "You can't be serious Yn" Dick answered exasperatedly. How could she go back to normal after that?! He opened his mouth but she interrupted him, "Leave Richard. Good night" and turned her back to him, hugging herself.
Pissed, Dick left the lab. He walked towards where Bruce and Kory were arguing. Bruce did not look pleased and Kory looked livid. "Richard, could you try and change his mind!" she said and Dick looked at Bruce for an explanation, "Starfire won't be partaking in anything related to the mission. No patrol and no stitching up." Kory seethed, "You can't possibly be serious. I come all the way from Jump City to help with a case and you bench me?" and Bruce glares at her. "We never asked for your backup. It was appreciated for the time being but I believe we have it under control. Thank you for your assistance." Kory was absolutely furious and shot back “and what!? leave little miss Amazon to do it all! Is that it? That you have a clear bias between her and, therefore, need to get me out of the equation? Is it that?" she said and Bruce let out a tired sigh. What in the actual fuck? "Kory, you are letting your anger get the best of you" tried to reason Dick but she wouldn't have it. Finally, Bruce had enough, "That will be enough Koriand'r. Yn is an essential part of the team. Her skills in fighting, medicine, and tecnology are unparallel, so I can assure you we will be just fine. You will not be working with us and that is final. Your input has provided little to no help, your presence began to concern civilians, and after tonights events, we might loose the only advantage we had seeing as it might have alerted any of our suspects. After the gala, I would strongly advise to Zeta tube back to Jump City. I don't want to hear it any more. You are both dismissed"
Kory quickly left for her room. Dick looked at Bruce and tried to negotiate one last time, "B-" "Richard John Grayson Wayne! I suggest you get a hold of this situation before it gets too out of control. Kory is being irrational, impulsive, and uncooperative. You know better and you better not pin this on YN. Out of the three of you, she has been the only one to offer real focus and professionalism so don't you dare. I am not hearing it. Kory is out, whether you like it or not!" Said Bruce sternly, using his dad voice (the only one that got them all truly terrified), and Dick accepted defeat. What had this become?
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4rainynite · 1 year
EAH Dorm Rooms Headcanon pt 3
Maddie & Kitty
One is mad about hats and tea, while the other is a kitten bent on chaos.
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Now it's time to view our favorite rebellious Wonderlanders: Madeline and Kitty *CROWD ROAR SOUND EFFECTS*!
In the books the Wonderlanders' rooms have been described as messy, chaotic, and mad. Which fits them perfectly, since Wonderland lives and breathes chaos and madness. And Kitty and Maddie are the definition of chaotic madness!
Sadly, during the show's run we never got to see a good view of Maddie & Kitty's dorm room which was a huge bummer! There were some hints in books of what the rooms looked like so I'll work with what I got. Here we go!
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Maddie's side: As the next Mad Hatter, Maddie fits it to a tea (sorry, I couldn't resist the pun)! From mix-matched patterns to enough tea to fill an olympic-sized swimming pool, it's the perfect room design for our favorite mad girl.
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Maddie's room screams Wonderland/ future Mad Hatter! We all know Maddie loves tea and there's tea: on her little table, her bed, the floor, even on the chandelier! The room is chaotic, messy, and mad.
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During my internet digging I found a black and white photo of Maddie's room that is designed exactly like the image in the book. I believe it was a sketch done by the artist who designed the book. It would've been nice to see the room in color, but I think the room would be Maddie's color scheme.
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In the Getting Fairest line Maddie has a nightstand where she places her hats while getting ready for an event or sleeping. It was seen in the book (look at the image of Maddie's room on the right side), and there was a glimpse of it in 'Thronecoming'. In the picture it seems like it has added storage where Maddie may store all of her hats in, it probaby can fit hundreds of hats in it.
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Maddie's little tea table is most likely the same one we see in her room. Being, Maddie, she can pull it out of her hat and enjoy teatime with her friends anywhere.
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Maddie has a vanity set which is at the other end of the room. I'm guessing Maddie has a closet in her room since we didn't see it in the pics, and if the room didn't have a closet or wardrobe Maddie would've put one in anyway Mad Hatter style.
From what we see Maddie's wallpaper is white at the top with light greyish swirls, the middle part is divided by a gold band, and the bottom part is purple and maybe lilac (or white) stripes.
Look! Earl Grey has his own little house, it's so cute. $20 bet that it's bigger on the inside and looks exactly like Maddie's dorm room!
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In this pic we see Maddie's bed, desk/tea table, and a glimpse of her nightstand.
I love the aesthetic of Maddie's room! I was really upset that we never got to see more of Maddie's side of the dorm since she's my favorite character in the show. Every time I saw her on screen or read her sections in the books, I just lit up with excitement.
Kitty's side: Kitty is a mischievous kitten who thrives on chaos and her room reflects it.
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We actually got to see more of Kitty's side of the dorm than Maddie's. From what is seen Kitty's side of the dorm seems to be surrounded by zigzag stripes and cat shaped furniture.
After, rewatching the show I realized Kitty's room is one big cat tree post! I mean look at the top image, Kitty's bed is on a platform/loft, than her laptop is on another platform, and who knows what else is up there.
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Behind, Raven and Apple we get a (somewhat) better view of the bed, laptop, and I'm guessing cat toys. Since, Kitty can transform into a cat I can see her playing with them and chasing Earl Grey around the dorm.
I think Kitty has endless baskets of yarns, since she loves to knit. And has a closet full of sweaters and scarfs.
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Like most cats, Kitty sleeps wherever she pleases, as she sleeps on her striped sleeping bag that kinda looks like a caterpiller sleeping bag.
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Kitty does have a vanity, which we the viewers don't see, while Kitty's applying lipstick. If you look closely at the background, you see Kitty's bed, but instead of on the platform it seems to be on floor level. In the pic on the right the bed is back on the platform and on the right corner, I'm guessing that's the vanity set.
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While researching Kitty's room I got confused at a few points (Kitty would be proud of herself). I wanna say it's due to different writers, but it's Kitty. She most likely switched her room up weekly.
@foreverfairest @showingmytruefeathers, EVERAFTERROYAL, @monster-lili, EAHWIKI, ROYALREBELWIKI, TRUEFEATHERS
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harpywritesfic · 12 days
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
(I will not be tagging as many people as I have wips. I don’t think I even have that many followers.)
I was tagged by @j-snapdragon!! Thank you, I love doing these! The first five are in their own docs and the rest all live in the megadoc. there's a few more (maybe, like, a dozen?) that are excluded for various reasons.
masters of communication
NOT dating
three for the price of one
hacked ur phone
you need to eat
tfw ur drunk bestie tells you he likes you
mmm words
i am sick again
vampire stephen (again)
Sub Stephen for the soul
Cat time
He needs a NAP
Drpepperony again
ANOTHER self-indulgent fic
Battle of the proposal dates
Harpy has a headache
Wow! An abandoned wip!
Stop breathing i don’t like it
Dirt nap averted
He’s just like me fr fr
Drpepperony tag team
Car rides are for the uninitiated
concussion roomate
Uh. praise kink
Dum-e is now an ESA
Cat Curse
Dead rats
The old sex pollen thing
Now you care?
Pre dawn breakdown
truth or dare without the dare
Prompt #1257
prompt 1229
donut ship has dry ice
road rash and bruising
silly string
what is love? baby don't hurt me
ily, goodnight
alien flu
This isn’t even a wip its an outline
stephen got kidnapped again
long day
blood magic
good boyfriend
hacked ur phone
i don't know
good luck!
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forbidden-sunlight · 1 year
Once again congrats on 100+ followers!! We could always use more writers in the Manwaha community. I'm requesting Father, I don't want to get married; Juvelian x sister!reader Chiffon cake ( Fluff, nothing romantic )
All righty! Order up for a slice chiffon cake with Juvelian and sister!reader. Thank you for your patience. Enjoy! :)
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In her previous life, Jubelian Eloy Floyen had worked at a cosmetics company. She had been mentored on how to pitch the products, managing her time wisely so as to finish the daily tasks without staying too late, flattering her supervisors, etc. Overall, a perfect employee prior to her motorbike accident.
Who would have thought that these skills acted as the perfect transmigrator buff as a reincarnated duchess? She certainly didn’t. However, if this ‘golden finger’ can prevent her from being married to the barbaric crown prince, she’ll take her chances in the countryside if she wasn’t allowed to languish in the duchy as a single noblewoman!
But if she left the Ashet Empire….then what would happen to [First Name]? Her sweet, curious, older sister?
Truthfully, Jubelian did not even remember having a sibling, at least when she read the novel! If she did, well, then the introduction of the eldest Floyen daughter must have been at least a paragraph or shorter. A background character who did nothing to strengthen the love between Mikhail and his true love, Princess Beatrice. Not like a villainess would.
Jubelian was all right with that, though. She loved [First Name] very, very much. And she knew [First Name] loved her too! She shooed away any small animals they came across on walks around the mansion, made sure to include all of her favorite snacks during teatime, and even recommended novels to read when the silver-haired girl did not want to interact with the outside world. In turn, the reincarnated villainess made absolutely certain that no one harboring ill intentions towards her sister came within a ten mile radius.
Even a certain, jealous cat named Max.
All she had to do was shed some tears in front of [First Name] and she would be embraced by her sister’s warmth before the latter attempted to go on a murderous rampage against the man who made her ‘precious little sister weep’.
Well, at least Jubelian had some confirmation which of them had inherited their father’s fierce temperament.
Although she wanted nothing more than to have a peaceful life without any romantic entanglements, the laws of the Ashet Empire were absolute; she had to make her debut into society, she had to find a match in the capital because a woman could not inherit a dukedom. The only reason [First Name] remained unwedded still despite being 19 years old is because there is no one worthy to bring into the Floyen duchy as a spouse.
Who's to say that Jubelian couldn’t do the same? She is a villainess in this world after all...perhaps it’s time to elevate her acting skills so no one could take away her only happiness in this world, hm? Oh, and maybe start looking into investing some lucrative businesses too.
You can’t live well without money, after all~!
Nothing personal, Max. Jubelian thought with a small smile as she looked at the window. This is the life she desires. She won’t let anyone, not even Mikhail, the crown prince, or any other man approach her sister with the intent of courting. [First Name] is her everything.
As long as she is with her, it will always be paradise.
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princessmacedon · 5 months
Maria von Medon, a noble specializing in Faith magic and a student of the Blue Lions. This unit values connecting with others. Try recruiting her again when you've formed more bonds? (RECRUITMENT REQUIREMENTS: have at least three B supports.)
GENDER. female AGE. 15 -> 17 HEIGHT. 5'2" BIRTHDATE. April 5th CREST / HOLY BLOOD. n/a CLASS. Blue Lions student AFFILIATION. Macedon, and later the United Kingdom of Archanea BIOGRAPHY. The youngest princess of the former Kingdom of Macedon, now part of the Archanean Alliance. She holds great curiosity toward the world and all its sights, but most importantly, she loves to meet and befriend others. Came to Fódlan to improve her preexisting skills, learn new ones, and become overall more capable; secretly, she hoped to find her brother again as well.
Year 594 - Princess Maria of Macedon is born, the youngest of three.
Year 598 - King Osmond of Macedon is assassinated, and Michalis succeeds the throne.
Year 600 - Michalis asks Maria to become a hostage to Dohlr; Maria, wanting to protect the people of Macedon and make her brother happy, complies.
Year 604 - Maria is freed from Castle Deil by Prince Marth of Altea and his army, thereafter joining him alongside Minerva in the War of Shadows. Following Michalis' defeat, she watches over him in Macedon's aery until he recovers.
Year 607 - Maria is kidnapped by Gharnef while studying magic in Khadein. Later the following year, Prince Marth and his army defeat Medeus and free the captured clerics, Maria among them. She and Minerva stay with Lena at her convent, caring for orphans.
Year 609 - Maria resumes her studies and departs for Fódlan.
INTERESTS. learning new things, exploring, spending time with others LIKES. spending time with loved ones & making friends; making things (like sweet little treats!) (...AKA baking, sewing, embroidering, etc); wyverns, pegasi, and the sky; reading stories and poetry; flowers. DISLIKES. being helpless or a burden on others; eating alone; pitch darkness; so-called 'humor' that relies on tearing people down; arguments, especially those of her siblings. CLOSE ALLIES. Michalis, Minerva, Marth, Tiki ; Soren, Yuri, Chad, Roy (dropped but not forgotten) STATUS. the last princess of Macedon, but one of its first daughters to see a united Archanea
LIKES. ( saghert and cream, fish and bean soup, vegetable pasta salad, onion gratin soup, sweet and salty whitefish sauté, sweet bun trio, garreg mach meat pie, pheasant roast with berry sauce, peach sorbet, vegetable stir-fry, derdriu-style fried pheasant ) -- the simple act of sharing a meal with Maria is guaranteed to raise your friendship with her, but these dishes give the biggest boosts
DISLIKES. ( cabbage and herring stew ) -- there's no penalty for making her eat this (and other markedly bitter foods), but the friendship gain is comically low
"Oh! This one's really yummy, hee hee. Want to try a bite?"
"...Huh? Oh, no, don't worry! This time I'll beat the bitterness for sure, hee hee."
"Ooh-- wah-- hot, hot, hot! Hee hee... I'm-- still not so good with-- ooh, with spicy food. But it's so good...!"
"Isn't it yummy, Brother? If you like it, I'll try to learn how to make it. Let's have a picnic later!"
"What do you think, Sister? Yummy, right? Hee hee! Maybe we should take the recipe back to Miss Lena one day!"
"Well, I-- hee hee-- I mean-- heeheehee-- I think it was a perfectly tasty pizza!"
"Do you have any room for dessert, Ser? I made some thumbprint cookies yesterday! With elderberry jam, heeheehee."
FAVORITE TEAS. sweet-apple tea, albinean berry blend, crescent-moon tea, chamomile
CONVERSATION TOPICS. a dinner invitation. a place you'd like to visit. a word of advice. books you've read recently. cats. children at the market. cooking mishaps. exploring the monastery. favorite sweets. first crushes. gardening mishaps. gifts you'd like to receive. heart-racing memories. likable allies. monastery mysteries. our first meeting. overcoming weaknesses. shareable snacks. someone you look up to. tell me about yourself. thanks for everything. the view from the bridge. things that bother you. working together. how you're doing lately.
"I'm here! And I brought some desserts with me, too!"
"Hee hee, thank you for the invitation. I'm so happy to spend time with you like this!"
"Oh! I guess we both got here early, huh? Hee hee! I was just so excited!"
"Mmm... This is one of my favorites! I'm so glad you like it too!"
"Oh! This tea... hee hee, thank you. I'll make sure to enjoy it with all my heart!"
"Oh! What? What is it?"
"[gasp] Do I have crumbs on my face?"
"Is there something on your mind? You can tell me, if you want."
"Hee hee!"
"A pretty blue sky..."
"Mm! Tasty!"
"I wonder if (he/she/they)'d like this flavor, too..."
"♫Hm hm hm!♫"
"Oh! And then? What happened next!"
"It's warm..."
"Hee hee, I had lots of fun today! Let's do this again sometime -- I'll make your favorites! That's a promise!"
(1) "What are your favorite teas? Your favorite snacks? ...Am I going to bring you some? Hee hee! That's a secret!" ANSWER: Chat, Laugh
(2) "When I was reeeaally little, I used to ask my brother and sister to play with me. I'd make them tea, and... heeheehee! Well, I've gotten a lot better at it since then!" ANSWER: Laugh, Sip Tea
(3) "My brother and sister are my favorite people in the whole wide world, but they can be so silly sometimes! But you know what? I'm going to be even more stubborn than both of them, hee hee." ANSWER: Commend, Sip Tea
(4) "I haven't seen a whole lot of the world so far, but I think it must be very pretty." ANSWER: Nod, Disagree, Chat
(5) "There's something really happy about sharing food together, don't you think?" ANSWER: Nod, Sip Tea
(6) "I've always believed that there are lots of different ways to be strong, and to protect someone. Still... Sometimes it would be nice to be strong like my siblings are." ANSWER: Sigh, Nod, Chat
LIKED GIFT: Floral Adornment, Tasty Baked Treat, Gemstone Beads, Armored Bear Stuffy, Watering Can, Tea Leaves, Stylish Hair Clip, Legends of Chivalry, Ancient Coin, any flowers DISLIKED GIFT: Training Weight, Hunting Dagger, Ceremonial Sword
"Hmm... Hee hee! Thank you for thinking of me."
"Hee hee, thank you! I'm really happy!"
"Wow...! Is this for me? Really? Oh, I love it! Thank you so much!"
TIMEWORN JOURNAL: A well-kept if obviously aged journal, its entries date back many years and are addressed not to itself, but to a person. There are many crude but lovingly rendered drawings within. It probably belongs to someone who's been looking for someone for a very long time. LOCATION: Courtyard
UNFINISHED HANDKERCHIEF: A lovely square of fabric decorated with what seems to be the beginnings of an embroidery project. Looks like... (apple trees/wisteria/sunflowers)? It probably belongs to someone who likes making gifts for others. LOCATION: Blue Lions Classroom
FOREIGN PENDANT: A subtle-yet-elegant pendant of foreign make. Its quality suggests a high degree of nobility; there is a small emblem of a wyvern on the back of it. It probably belongs to someone sentimental. LOCATION: Cathedral
"Oh! This is mine -- I've been looking for it everywhere! Thank you so much!"
"Hmm... This isn't mine, but maybe... have you asked (name)?" *has an increased chance of suggesting the right person the higher her support rank with the item's owner.
"The songs of Fódlan are so different from Archanea. It's really neat!"
"Hm hm hm...♫ Hee hee! Isn't singing fun?"
"It looks so yummy! Do you want to share this together when we're done?"
"Are you nervous? Hee hee, don't worry! I used to help out a lot with cooking at the convent -- I'll help you out!"
"Aah, wait, wait! Not the-- ...hee hee... hahaha! Well, that's okay, too! We'll figure something out."
"...Mmm... How do I..."
CRITIQUE: "I see... I should look at it like that, and... Oh! I think I'm starting to get it!" CONSOLE: "Hee hee... thank you. I'll try even harder next time!"
"I always do my best!"
"I'm getting better, step by step!"
"I did it! Do you think my siblings would be proud of me?" PRAISE: "...! Hee hee... Thank you. That means so much to me."
"Horses have such cute, soft noses! Maybe I should ask if I can feed Helena an apple later..."
"There's a right place for everything -- we just have to find it!"
"Now it's my turn to touch the sky... Hee hee, come on! It's such a pretty day -- let's go!"
"Hmm... alright! I'll study more, and try even harder next time!
"Yay! I did it! Just one more step toward being strong like my siblings!"
"I have to try even harder..."
"I'll get there eventually!"
"I'm just following the example they set!"
"Hee hee... Maybe one day, I'll catch up to them! Do you think they'll be surprised?"
"Next time, I'll protect them, too."
"Did you know? In Archanea, you have to use staves and tomes to use magic, but in Fódlan you don't need any of that! I don't know if I can bring that kind of magic back home, but if I can help even without a staff, then it's worth a try, isn't it? Trying to keep up with both of them gets a little tough sometimes, though!"
"My home, Macedon, was known for its wyvern knights -- and my brother and sister were the strongest of all of them! I chose to be a cleric to protect them like they protect me, but... hee hee! Thanks to them, I love the sky."
"Axes are so different from magic. Their strengths and weaknesses, their range, the types of foes they're better against... I won't ever be as good with axes as my big brother and sister, but that's okay, isn't it? I'm not them -- I'm their little sister! And I'll always be there to support them!"
"Woah... This is new... and exciting! Heeheehee."
"I learned a new trick! Do you want to see?"
(1) "There's still so much I can learn!"
(2) "I'll do my best!"
(3) "I've never considered this before... but I guess I'll start now!"
"Ow! I should take care of myself... I can still learn from watching everyone else."
(Edelgard specific) "Ouch...! I already knew you were strong, but you really showed me again! Hee hee... take care of yourself, okay?"
"...O goddess of this land, please welcome them..."
(After Sabbam Vitatham, super real & canon event) "... ... ... O Naga... I..."
"I'm here with you!"
"I'm okay!"
"I've got to be careful..."
"I still have lots of catching up to do!"
"One, two, three!"
"It's my turn to protect them!"
"I won't lose!"
"Here I come!"
"Everyone -- together!"
"Let's put an end to this!"
"O goddess..."
"I'm a princess of Macedon, too!"
"...I hope that you're at peace."
"Just one more step..."
"I'm so happy you're alright!"
"Wow...! You were amazing!"
(Michalis/Minerva exclusive) "Hee hee... You're just as cool as I remember, (Brother/Sister)!"
"Thank you! I'm feeling better already!"
"I won't let you down!"
"Since you believe in me, I'll work even harder!"
"Ow! No, I can't...! I won't make them cry again...!"
"Michalis... Minerva... I... Just one more time... Togeth...er..."
I'm really cheerful when I'm with people, but sometimes I worry that makes other people not hear me out at all. Sometimes my siblings just brush me off!
>Start acting differently and maybe they'll change their mind. >Show them through your actions. They'll realize eventually. (correct?) >Stop being small
SOURCE: shadoll -- super fun meme! thank you!! <3
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escapeaddict · 5 months
Howdy! If you’re still into Eah, I was curious to hear some of your mad hatter and Good king headcanons! (Together or separate doesn’t matter to me!) I read your good king/Mad hatter Writing and I liked it a lot! thank you!
Hello! I am very much still into ever after high, not to worry, I've simply been overtaken by a new hyperfixation(hatchetfield). In my mind this is still meant to be an eah blog for the most part, but I suppose I've been failing to be that lol. For people who like my writing, most of my WIPs are eah, and that's still the main fandom I plan to write for (and I have a lot of WIPs).
okay, onto the headcanons:
Good King:
things I've said before
he would never tell Raven, but he finds dogs a bit too smelly and drool-y (no, I'm not over him getting her a puppy for her sixth birthday [nor am I over what happened to said puppy])
passionate lover of ice cream
when he goes "fishing" he's really just reading books on a boat 90% of the time, but he still does it because Raven worries that he doesn't leave the house enough
was a decent hero-in-training until Legacy Day when his destiny was revealed and then no one expected him to do well anymore so he didn't bother (definitely by choice, not because he was dispirited by the lack of support, what are you taking about, this definitely isn't a sore point, pff-)
secretly a little shit(affectionate) but only in private and with the people he trusts
Mad Hatter:
is very courteous to Earl Grey, referring to him as "sir" (or Oh, Mouse, in true Wonderlandian fashion)
thinks that Raven is adorable, much to her confusion and consternation (he keeps saying it because he finds it amusing how flustered she gets)
understands more than people give him credit for (just because he mainly speaks Riddlish does not mean that he doesn't have working ears) and is actually privy to all the Book End gossip through overhearing customers conversations, though he'd never tell a soul most of what he hears (unless it's his partner)
deeply empathetic to the point of over-sensitivity but is very good at hiding it
his hats actually sell quickly, and are considered a rare commodity due to the quarantine of Wonderland (Briar is a frequent customer), but this is often overshadowed by the success of his tea shoppe
as a couple:
own an insane number of cats, who run amok in both Queen Castle and the Mad Hatter's Wonderland Haberdashery & Tea Shoppe (there's a custom made travel mirror the size of a cat flap connecting the two)
mandate a weekend family teatime where they catch up with their daughters (who occasionally aren't available in person and join via a video call)
the Good King is very good at deciphering the Mad Hatter's Riddlish (which is convenient for gossiping about the residents of Book End)
love spending quiet time together while working on their own separate things
preparing food and drink for each other (and their daughters) is very much their love language
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Teatime, a g/t microstory (<500 words)
CW: slightly suggestive but I don't think it's explicit
"No, your little finger," said Saoirse. "You hold your little finger out. Like this." She demonstrated with her own toy cup she had taken from the dollhouse and curtseyed.
Tai grinned sheepishly. "I suppose I'm not very refined after all," he said.
Saoirse jumped off the wide porcelain saucer as he placed his teacup back on it. It was big enough to be a bathtub for her, full as it was of creamy brown liquid. The bitter scent of gallons of tea overwhelmed her nostrils. She dipped her cup into his and had a drink for herself, feeling its warmth going all the way down into her stomach. "There's a lot I need to teach you, apparently," she said.
"I await your instruction, little princess." Before she knew it Tai's finger was on her back, stroking her dress with a tenderness unfathomable for something his size. He no longer asked if he was allowed to touch her. "Teach me more about being refined. Surely a delicate princess like you comes from an elegant and cultured family."
She blushed. "Well, I…" she began before trailing off. She didn't want to think of her family or her old life. That would ruin the mood. "This is just the kind of thing they teach young girls. So I've read." Tai hadn't removed his finger from her back. Her thoughts began to stray as she leaned and pressed herself into him, feeling the flesh of his palm slightly give behind her.
"Oh? What else do you read?" Tai's voice was playful and low, like a cat waiting to pounce.
I read to watch out for monsters, Saoirse thought. It was a lesson often taught in the village. Stay away from the woods at night. Stay away from the monsters. She turned around to face his hand and rested her cheek right there on his finger, next to the knuckle. It was so warm on her skin, so warm and rough. The monsters are dangerous. From here she could see all the way down to the fingernail - to the claw - to that rock solid protrusion of bone which tapered to a black, razor-sharp point. She imagined rubbing her neck against that point so casually as if scratching an itch. Don't let the monsters catch you. Just the thought of that blade pressed to her neck gave her a warm shudder all over. Saoirse pressed her lips into his finger and slowly kissed him.
Too late, she thought, smiling, tasting him on her tongue.
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frischkasekuchen · 21 days
Timid Joys (Wonderland Ver.)
Dreamtalia and its characters by @/kyokyo866
Vanya by @/thriftlita
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
Hoarding corpses
Attempted Murder
Referenced Child Death
Reader as 'Alice'
Fauchereve as The Queen of Hearts
Vanya as the 'Last Alice'
@pearlsongfromstuff @shu-dzhoker IT'S TEATIME!
"Find the bright forest path, that's where the journey starts. A tea party with blue roses, that's where the forest parts. The invite from the Queen, it actually was- the trump card, the ace of hearts!"
-Alice Human Sacrifice by Yugami
As much as you loved Reve, you couldn’t stay in Wonderland forever. In similar novels you’ve read in your pastime, the protagonist woke up from the Dream or returned home safe and sound. The fact your story hadn’t revealed a clear exit or some final obstacle was beginning to worry you. You also felt bad about freeloading off of the Queen for the past…how long? Dear God- you didn’t know. Did time pass at a faster or slower speed in your reality? Oh no- logistics! Missed semesters! You just wanted a break! Not-
A delicate voice says, “Alice? Your tea’s getting cold.” 
Ah yes, you were having breakfast with Reve. 
“Sorry there, I was just…pondering.” you take a sip of the tea; it’s way too sweet.
“Would you like to talk about it?” the Queen looks at you with great concern in his eyes. Almost like a mother fretting over a miserable child. 
“No, no- just boring existential stuff. It makes the mind wander to…dark places.”
“Places that have dark colors, or places without light?”
“The latter.” you sigh.
Reve bites at his lip, looking down into his lap. Suddenly, a lightbulb goes off in his head.
“I could play a song on the piano! That always cheers me up.”
There he goes again, compensating for you. It feels horrible this time around, when you’re planning on leaving him.
“That’d be nice.”
Reve hops out of his seat, taking you by the hand and leading you out of the dining hall. “Any requests?”
“Anything will be fine.”
That morning Reve played “Waltz in A minor”. His talent does little to soothe your homesick heart.
That afternoon, you’re left by your lonesome. Reve is busy in the royal kitchen, preparing snacks for your afternoon teatime together. The Queen has to take control in the kitchen, lest his pastries be spoiled like his roses. He promised to lay off beheading people for your sake- but you know he still keeps It polished and sharpened. Never quenched, that bloodthirsty guillotine You’re shocked he hasn’t named it already.
But now is the perfect time to investigate the only hypothetical exit.
The Queen’s bedroom.
During your first evening in the Castle of Hearts, you were sobbing out on the balcony. You were always crybaby like that. Still distressed by nearly drowning in your own tears, being bullied by flowers, being condescended to by a caterpillar, and nearly being executed over flowers.
But your crying got you a crumb of advice at least. With the Cheshire Cat paying a visit.
“Why are you blubbering?” asked the cat.
“I want to go home!” you moaned. “These- these people are mad, the Queen is mad- he was going to kill those men over an honest mistake! Not even giving them a proper trial! Complete nonsense!”
“Are you afraid of the Queen?”
“I’m grateful he took me in.” you sniffled. “But yes- very much so. I know my home though, things make sense there.”
The Cheshire Cat groomed itself, then stretched. Probably the most normal cat thing it’s done. “There may be a way.”
You perked up at that, scooching a little closer.
“The last Alice went into the Queen’s bedroom, but never came out.”
“So the exit’s there?”
“I do not know.”
“How so?” you huffed.
“No one else was in the room where it happened.” it said. “The Queen went in alone and came out alone- in a shock they say. He then gave a command ‘everyone near, far, above, below, this way and that way is to wear black. No one is to wear color until my Alice comes back.’”
Oh dear.
“Only the Queen wore red at this time. Just today the ban was lifted when he met you.” the cat began strutting off.
“But wait-” you said. “All exposition aside; what happened to Alice?”
“Anyone’s guess. But, if you’re ever feeling desperate to get home, the Queen’s bedroom is your best bet.”
It was 2:53, seven minutes to teatime. The castle layout always seemed to shift, walls looked like floors, halls had loops and doors would take you to random rooms. You were never shown the Queen’s quarters in the first place. All you can do now is use these precious seven minutes to follow the last Alice.
First, you checked the wardrobe. No exit, just clothes and axes laying hidden behind them. Next, you investigated the nightstand. The first drawer had a recipe sheet in a language you couldn’t understand, at first you thought it was shoddy handwriting. In the last drawer, you found a “key”. A jagged message carved at the bottom of the empty drawer read:
What you needed to look for was a loose wall.
Starting from the wall behind the nightstand, you traced the walls with your right hand, putting your weight on it. When you pressed the wall north from the bed, your hand sank into it. The room shook and the wall under your palm split. You nearly fell forward but you caught yourself.
After the quake, a room with a chessboard floor was revealed to you.
You think to yourself, This- this has to be it. 
Walking through the dark hallway is an unsettling experience. No twists, shrinking or growing, a normal hallway-
With a looking glass and a box at the end. The mirror is long and framed with gold and sapphires. The box lies in a corner, dressed like a present, velvet and wrapped with a black ribbon. Something tells you to throw yourself at the mirror and never look back. Your curiosity tells you to take a quick peek inside the box.
…One little peek couldn’t hurt. Maybe it’s a parting gift or message from the last Alice? You pick up the box and shake it. It’s heavy, and its contents make two small thuds. You open it-
Then drop it.
You fall on your ass and scurry back.
A head rolls out of the box, eyes glazed over in terror.
Please don’t be Alice. Please don’t be Alice. Please-
The stench of blood mixes with the scent of berries and flour- wait.
The last Alice looked at the Queen in solemn anger- no, betrayal. And that was so, so much worse.
“Reve, is this a way back?” Alice asked.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Say: that is the exit,” the Queen said in a low voice. “Would you have left without a word?”
Alice looked away.
The Queen’s blood boiled. “Why?! What’s out there?! What can’t I provide for you?! I’m the Queen for God’s sake!”
Alice swallowed. “I know it is reprehensible for me to vanish without so much as a goodbye… But I have things- people care for out there.”
“Who dammit?!”
“My family.” Alice said, thumping his chest with a fist. “That day I fell down the rabbit hole- we were preparing for my youngest’s funeral. I did not want to bury my own child, I did not want to exist in that moment, I wanted to be anywhere else but there- then I saw your Rabbit. I chased after him to distract myself.” he swallowed. “My apologies for using you and your people for my personal entertainment. But, I truly consider you one of my friends, your majesty.” Alice bowed as ‘your majesty’ rolled off his tongue. 
The Queen stomped a foot in his frustration. Hot tears of rage and sympathy leaked out. “So what if you wanted an escape? I don’t care! What’s wrong with that-?!”
“I was shirking my duties to my family-”
“We can be your family- I can be your family! YOU CAN STAY HERE- RIGHT HERE!”
Silence. Breathing…hiccuping.
The Queen looked at Alice with an indiscernible expression. “If I leave now, will you disappear?”
Alice sighed. “I have to go home.”
From behind the Queen came a double headed axe.
Alice’s eyes widened in panic.
“Off with YOUR HEAD!”
The Queen of Hearts lunged forward-
And Alice-
Moved out of the way just in time. 
The blade nearly caught your cheek, and fell down beside your head with an ear-deafening TWANG! 
The Queen laughs, but there’s no joy in it. You put a hand around your throat and just breathe, relieved you weren’t butchered.
“You really think that’s a round trip to Kansas?” he muses. “Well, YOU’RE WRONG!” 
All you do is tremble and whimper under his shadow.
“But you weren’t thinking about coming back at all, were you?” he sneers. “Of course, selfish little Alice just wants to go home oh so badly- and leave me all alone to die.”
“It’s not- it’s not like that-!” you protest.
“SILENCE!” The Queen gets down on one foot to be closer to your face. His long, white hair cages you in. “Your majesty is speaking.”
“Yes, sorry, my grace.” you squeak.
“I like you, Alice, I really do.” He smiles kindly as he lifts your chin with a finger, and there’s a sort of rawness to his new tone. “I like having someone to spoil. The fact your head is still attached to your body says a lot, y’know.” He rises to a standing position, and situates himself in front of the looking glass. “Play one more game with me, won’t you?”
You shakily nod. “C-croquet?”
“Oh no.” he giggles as he lifts you to your feet and shoves you towards the hall’s entrance. “We’re going to play a game of tag.”
Adrenaline shoots through your body at those words.
“I’m it, Alice.”
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psy-psy-psy · 8 months
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today's prompt for bweird's oc-tober was "fave oc," which is a prompt evil enough to bully me into actually drawing more than one character.
since there is the slight chance that someone i don't know will read this--
sawa otocol features in "iorisawa," which is a romance novella/short story collection about the relationship between neurodivergence and kink and sawa's futile attempts to become Human. literarily-literally, since she's a cat. she's a lovey dovey clingy little weirdo. zero braincells.
miss marine atol is a runaway princess who realizes halfway through that she has to Save Her Kingdom by going on a magical adventure and studying geopolitics with her NEW BEST FRIEND lin ursa, who is definitely not an assassin sent to kill her, and is even more definitely not madly in love with her. (this guy is TORMENTED.) she does not know how people work and it's just as well she has a bodyguard.
"thorns lesbian vampires" is a whole goddamn thing and marilins are just running around in the background of it, so lets not concern ourselves with questions about my plot and whether it, "makes sense" (it does not)
teá (usually tea; sometimes orange clove tea if i need to differentiate her) is 1. an alien from the kemonomimi planet 2. a control freak 3. lead guitarist in a rock band 4. a magical girl 5. doing all the chores and bitching about it 6. a maid café waitress and 7. whatever seemed like a good idea at a time. "flower teatime" is a gag comedy 4-koma starring yamada hana, someone with so little presence she wasn't illustrated in the main character segment that's going on right now. harem magnet.
honorable mention: everyone but especially oleapetra, my beloved cycle of violence
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yumejo · 11 months
they're simply mad about you!
「riddle x ari // rindle + che'nya」 ↳ for @kunehori !!
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“The roses are red, the tablecloths pristine white⋯ come, let’s begin our perfect tea party.”
With punctilious strides, Riddle emerged within the garden—his arrival accentuated with his card soldiers unleashing the noise of illustrious fanfare. The scintillating gleams of sunlight highlighted Riddle’s earnest countenance, and if you looked close enough, you could espy how his eyes twinkled in response.
Riddle was in a good mood today; and he was exceptionally eager for today’s teatime.
However, as Riddle approached closer to the aberrant opulence, he perceived his beloved Ari⋯ with their black locks lavished in clips and scrunchies, hairstyle in chaos from the magnitude of accessories.
“Wha—?” Eyes widening at how ridiculous she looked, Riddle was about to chide their appearance when an idiosyncratic, floating head popped up beside Ari’s mien. Che’nya’s kittenish lips curved into a maddening grin as his spindly fingers played with her hair, and it seemed as if Ari was simply letting him do as he pleases.
But for Riddle, what should’ve been an endearing sight (especially since Ari didn’t look blanched at all⋯ unlike last time), all he could see was red. Misplaced acrimony festered on the tip of his tongue as jealousy scorched his ever palpitating heart, and Riddle already knew his countenance was florid from his miffed attitude.
“Che’nya! How many times must I tell you not to trespass where you don’t belong?” Riddle reprimanded his childhood friend whilst tromping over to the pair, thrusting his scepter between Che’nya and Ari; creating a falsified barrier.
“Ah, Riddle, meow you doin’~?” Che’nya innocuously greeted, giving the queen a wave as he unceremoniously swats away the scepter from pointing at his chest, “Arinya let me play with their hair!”
“I can see that,” staid and acerbic, the words fell from Riddle’s trembling lips as his eyes narrowed. Nestled in Ari’s hand was the crown-shaped clip he gifted them, and discerning that only magnified how rankled he was.
Beads of sweat accumulated on the nape of Ari’s neck as they remained planted in her seat, and as the ridges of their fingertips traced over the smooth metal, they profusely apologized to Riddle, intervening, “I-I’m sorry, Riddle, I’m sure my appearance is unsightly now for the tea party!”
“That’s not the problem⋯” Riddle huffed out, even though by his characteristic standards, it should’ve been.
Distinguishing the jealous snit of Riddle’s, Che’nya’s lips curled into an even wider smile. “Well, I think they look purrty!” At this point, Che’nya just wished to play with Riddle a little. It was so fun sometimes! “Now all they need is a pair of cat ears to match mine!”
“Absolutely not!” Riddle snapped, his restraint going to pieces from that specific phrase as he places his hand across his chest, “Ari is a Heartslabyul student, which means they’re mine to look after. I can’t have them go around looking like they’re from RSA, can I?”
“Oh, Riddle♪ How fine you look dressed in rage!” Che’nya snickered, toothy grin bouncing with his insouciant persona, “Relax, I’m just foolin’ around. I could hardly afford to lose my head.”
Squinting his eyes, Riddle gyrated on his heel away from Che’nya and began to untangle Ari’s hair; his gloved fingers moving with a precision of vulturine attentiveness. “If you understand, then why bother trying to rattle me up?” Riddle sighed, unaware of how poor Ari sat in the chair with trepidation threading in their gut.
“Besides, everynyan knows Arinya is simply mad about Riddle!”
Breath hitching in their throat, Ari stammered, cheeks flushed hotly, “Che’nya—?!”
Riddle smirked complacently at Che’nya’s comment, cascading her locks along with his hands as he shifts them down to cup their chin, “That’s right, they are. You would be best to remember that.”
And Riddle’s mood only continued to raise as he was finally able to weave the clip back into Ari’s hair—marking them as rightfully his once more.
Che’nya watched the exchange with a mirthful gaze, chortling as Riddle placed a kiss atop Ari’s head, and hummed, “It doesn’t matter which way you go, you’ll always find each other, won’t you? Hmhm~♪”
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theimpossiblescheme · 8 months
Past Our Dancing Days
(This is another one that just ended up writing itself--I hope everyone enjoys!)
Drone’s wasn’t that sort of club, he’d explained many times.  Neither was Fox’s or the Stage and Screen.  Ladies and gentlemen of “good breeding” (what exactly that meant in a human context, Bustopher didn’t pretend to know) came there to socialize, to play billiards and other idle games, to organize golfing or hunting trips that would inevitably be canceled by atrocious weather, and of course to enjoy good food.  Their cats did largely the same, albeit at floor level with smaller plates, although Bustopher had his usual spot on Old Harold’s lap reserved for teatime.  Music and other forms of livelier entertainment was primarily a background feature, something to listen to only when the conversation was less than scintillating and to politely clap for when you noticed the sudden silence.  No one really… danced.  Not even the cats.  The one time Bustopher had suggested it, the tom on the other chair had looked at him like he’d suddenly sprouted antlers, and the subject was summarily dropped.
For a very long time, Bustopher was rather afraid he’d never know how to dance.
Octavia had tried to remedy that, Everlasting bless and keep her dear soul; she’d been a fellow regular at the Glutton with a similarly curious mindset and a better ear for music than he could ever claim.  After cleverly orchestrating a meeting between her Carlotta and Old Harold–and the exchange of some Scott Joplin and Noel Coward in the place of Enrico Caruso–she began to give him lessons while the humans were occupied.  Patiently guiding him across the sitting room as he didn’t so much glide as stumble, adjusting his paws with every step, encouraging him to look at me, not at your feet, you goose, how do you expect to see where you’re going?  She cut such a stately, but vibrant figure: back straight, ankles and wrists turned just so, neck longer and more poised than the entire Ballet Russe.  How could he help but listen and watch and marvel?  They were lovely evenings–more than lovely, they were (she was) breathtaking–but they danced the way cats of their “station” were expected to dance.  A certain cordiality was expected, embedded in them, and cordiality was often the enemy of freedom.  And he could never imitate the quickness of her own paws, the flexibility of her spine, the way she could dart and weave and leap about as if gravity were only a polite suggestion.  Bustopher was still too stiff, too clumsy and unnatural.  The years of dancing as an impossible rarity were still too carved into his body, and he could feel the difference when he walked now like a phantom ache.  He wanted to move, to loosen the marble column under his coat and enjoy himself, but he wasn’t sure he knew how.
The Jellicle Ball was always a bittersweet affair for that very reason.  He’d never dream of missing it, good heavens no.  But whenever he’d hear some excited newcomer talking about the Midnight Dance, how the Jellicle Moon would free every cat from their inhibitions and instill them with the same freedom and muscle memory no matter how young or old, he could only think, How I wish that were true.  He couldn’t dream of following his family–Mistoffelees’s electricity and Alessi’s elegance, Mungojerrie’s acrobatics and Etcetera’s energy, darling Jenny’s firecracker taps across the pavement.  Even watching Noilly Prat take to the air like a bird, he found himself recognizing some of the steps he’d taught her and wishing that her mother could have done better.  The dear girl always had Octavia’s spirit, after all.
Little Electra must have noticed him looking wistful because she tucked up against his side midway through the Dance and gave him a determinedly cheerful smile.  “Cassandra’s such a good dancer, isn’t she?” she said, startling him out of his reverie.  “I wish I could dance half as well as her and Mom.”
“Oh, now, you must give yourself a bit more credit,” Bustopher replied, injecting an airiness he didn’t feel into his voice and folding his paws over his spoon as if he were just watching leisurely without a care in the world.  “I’ve heard no complaints about your own dancing.”
Electra shrugged.  “I keep up, I guess.  Y’know Gareth actually asked me to teach him–tonight’s only his second Ball, and he didn’t feel like he was good enough the first time.  I just… did my best.”
“Mmm–and which one is Gareth?”
“That one.”  Electra pointed a claw to an earnest-looking young tom with cream and brown fur, dancing alongside Alonzo as if he’d dreamed of it all his life.  “We’re in Protector training together… I think he’s doing pretty all right, don’t you?”
“Indeed.”  Bustopher gave her a nod and watched her glow faintly with pride.  “I’d say you were an excellent teacher.”
This time, Electra’s shrug was a little more exaggerated, pretending she wasn’t basking in the praise.  But she soon turned her clever dark eyes on him again.  “How come you’re not out there dancing?”
And now they came to the heart of the matter… “I, ah… I rather find myself in your friend’s position.”  His paws tightened around the spoon, and he turned his head away from eye contact.  “I have been taught, of course, but my own aptitude for dance is… not quite so athletic.”
“Oh… well, I mean, that’s okay!  Jelly doesn’t really dance like that either–her paws don’t quite go the same.”  She held her own front paws in front of her to form an inward V shape, her claws hooked together in front.  “But she’s good at what she can do.  Murad’s not a big dancer either, but he tries, and so does Grandpa Gus.  So y’know… you’re good at what you’re good at, that’s all.”  And she dropped her paws into her lap with an air of finality, as if that was all there was to it.
If only that, too, were true.  “I wish I had your optimism,” he said, draping an arm loosely about her shoulder.  “Unfortunately, better teachers than you have tried and not made much progress.  I shall have to be content where I am.”
“Well… who taught you?”
One day, he might be able to say her name without that twist in his stomach… “My mate, Octavia.  Noilly Prat’s mother–you wouldn’t have met her.”
“Oh.”  Bustopher thought for a moment she might leave it there, but she was nothing if not persistent.  “And did you teach her?  Noilly, I mean?”
“What I could, yes.”
“Tumble and Cass taught her how to do her solo tonight, too.  Maybe you could still talk to Cass–I know she likes you, and she’s actually a really good teacher.  She’s not nearly as scary as she comes off,” Electra added with a smirk, as if she’d discovered that fact all on her own and felt rightfully proud of it.
Bustopher couldn’t help but smile at her efforts–bless the dear kit for trying, at least.  “I shall keep that in mind.”
Electra beamed a triumphant smile at him and suddenly held out her paws.  “C’mon–I wanna show you what I showed Gareth!”
“Oh–my dear, you know I–”
“Oh, come on, it’s not that hard!  And it’ll help you be more flexible–that way you can get to the harder stuff after you practice.”  She wiggled her claws at him in what was clearly meant to be an enticing manner, still grinning from ear to ear.  “Come oooonnnnnn…”
… Well, who was he to refuse a kitten’s request?  “You may want to manage your expectations a bit more,” he said, taking her paws and getting to his feet all the same.
If Electra understood or even heard him, she didn’t let it on–she just grinned even brighter at him and squeezed his paws in delight.  Before she could say a word, however, there came another voice behind her–”Now what’s going on over here?”
Oh, how he wished the ground would open up beneath his feet!
It didn’t do him that kindness, though, and Electra just laughed.  “Get in on this, Aunt Jenny–I told Bustopher I’d help teach him to dance.”
“Oh, did you now?”  Jennyanydots’s eyes were gleaming in a way that made him feel a quarter of his size, and he suddenly had the terrible (if terrible equated to the blood rushing under your skin like high tide) feeling that any protests he made would be in vain.  Still, he had to try.
“Jenny, darling, not you, too–”
“And why not me?”  She lifted his head to meet hers straight on, knuckles brazenly under his chin, pulling his complete and undivided attention with dizzying effectiveness.  “I might know a thing or two about shaking off some of the cobwebs.”  There was already a note of triumph in her smile, clearly not about to take no for an answer.
So he didn’t give her one, and once again he couldn’t help but smile himself., the familiar ache now feeling more like a thrum of anticipation.  “Consider me at your mercy, then.”
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end-l3ss-v0id · 8 months
VOID sans
Link to the picrew: Undertale Skeleton Creator 2.0|Picrew Oc Template Bio by: Bonnieblue248 on DeviantArt
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Full Name: VOID Sans Nickname(s): Abyss, Vee or Space Age: ??? Gender: Genderless (all pronouns) Birth Date: September 28th (my birthday :D) Death Date: REACTED Race: Monster Species: Skeleton Sexuality: Pansexual Soul and Trait: Monster soul (it's grey) Relationship Status: No current relationship Current Status: alive & dead (somehow) Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Previous Residence: Average UT timeline Current Residence: a VOID somewhere
Affiliations: N/A Occupation: find his timeline
Character’s Appearance
General Appearance: (Describe the character’s physical appearance.) Height: 5'3 Weight: 58.3 KGS Handedness: Right Important Item: his headband
About The Character
Personality: Void is a quiet and reserved person unless you get to know them, then they're like a toddler on Christmas morning. (most of the time they dont have an expression it's just blank thoughts)
Likes: sweets, most types of music, sleep & cats. Dislikes: mostly everything
Hobbies: art & voice acting Fears: dogs, silence, the dark, death, & heights.
Habits: energy drink obsession because the human introduced them to her, procrastination & stays up most of the night Mannerisms: quietly unless you're close with him. Personal Goals: Find his timeline.
The Character's Relationships with Others
Reputation: VOID is seen as an odd person by most but he's quite nice depending on the person
-sans au's inculded- Love Interest(s): NONE Friend(s): Swap, Outer, Frisk, Alter & Classic Ally(ies): Dream, Cross(X) Geno, Reaper Neutral(s): Echo, horror, Something New (Killer), Ink, & Fresh. Enemy(ies)/scared of: Nightmare, ERROR & Dust Family: Papyrus & Gaster (in his timeline)
Relationships Swap Sans - He enjoys his company a lot, due to reminding him of papyrus Outer Sans - he loves Outer's AU, he thinks it is really pretty: they have a good relationship. Alter Sans - Reminds him of Toriel, he enjoys his company. (they have an chat called Teatime for gossip) Classic Sans - I mean, who wouldn't want to be friends with the original Frisk - Void think's they are a great kid.
Dream Sans - Begs for good dreams from him Cross(X) Sans - He think's cross is strong and often asks him for fighting tips. Geno Sans - he feels bad for Geno and tries his best to show up and talk with him when he can. Reaper sans - a little scared of him because death. Echo Sans/G Sans - he doesn't like the smell of smoke, but he thinks G is cool so he doesn't say anything about it to him. Horror Sans - both admires and fears him. Something New/Killer Sans - freaked out by his eyes Ink Sans - he doesn't like ink but at the same time he doesn't mind him Fresh - same thing as INK
Nightmare Sans - DONT GIVE ME NIGHTMARES PLEASE Error Sans - don't delete me Dust Sans - i'ma stay 50ft away from you
The Character’s Abilities
Black Hole - Spawns a black hole and sucks up everything for a span of 5 minutes.
WD hands. - just WD hands without the souls, he can use them to imitates the ground and shift the flooring or rubble into a massive hand to crush or squish things
Strengths: Healing items (obviously) Weaknesses: surprise attacks Restrictions: Black hole is only at a limit of 5 minutes, if it goes past that limit, he couldn't be able to control it
The Character’s Battle Information
Attacks: Gaster blasters, bones, WD hands. Special Attack: Black Hole Weapon(s): magic Armor: N/A Stats
LV: 4
HP: 20
DF: 9
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Ally of Neverland 2
First part to be found here
Alice lands, again, impossibly, at her feet.
(„Maybe that's because you are a cat,“ notes Cheshire Cat's voice in her head, „Are you sure you are not a cat?“
„I am a girl,“ counters Alice. Somewhere on the way, she lost one of her words: Just a few hours ago, she'd have answered that she is a little girl. But now, no. Her answer is truthful, she feels. She was on the Isle of the Lost and she is not little anymore.)
Even more impossibly, the baby is still in her arms.
It's not crying anymore and Alice can't tell whether that is good or bad. The child appears shell-shocked, bright blue eyes staring at everything and nothing at once. Alice waves her hand before the child's eyes: they track the movement, if only just barely.
That's good, right?
„That's right, little one,“ she whispers, „Stay with me. Forget the rabbit hole, all is well now. You are safe.“
(The baby makes a confused babbling sound at the world „safe“. Alice doesn't try that hard to understand.)
She wonders if the little girl will remember the rabbit hole, or the Isle.
She wonders if some half-way sane memories will stick in her brain, stubborn and clinging like the pitch, like misfortune.
She hopes not, but she knows time waits for no one.
It runs on its own merit, mostly forwards but also sideways and upwards and however it wishes, and girls and white rabbits are left to chase it forever and more.
(Or run from it?)
Also, speaking of time.
Alice adjusts the baby girl on her hip again and says: „Come along now; it's teatime.“
…Can babies this old even walk? How old is she anyway? What is her name?
No, no.
Worries second, teatime first.
Alice sneaks into her home through the side entrance and makes leeway to the kitchen: if she remembers well and if the time runs as it should, there should be some scones left.
She hopes the baby likes scones.
She sets the little girl on the counter and shakes off her arms, which were getting quite tired, thank you for asking.
Then she immediately takes the baby back again when she sees her reach for a knife with worrying certainty.
„No!“ Alice scolds, „You don't need the sharp knives for tea time: butter knife is quite enough!“
She sets the girl down, so she could grab the scones, but she takes care to check that no sharp objects are in reach this time. She promised to take care of her, after all. Moments later, she has found the scones – which means that time does run as it should! – and gave one of them to the baby. Before Alice can even blink, the scone is gone, eaten, and it makes her worry about the passage of time again, but hey, what can one do?
She stuffs her pockets with some more tea scones and measures up the tea pot with a careful gaze: she probably won't be able to balance the baby and the teapot at the same time, will she?
No, water will have to do.
So she gives the child another treat and takes her up again; the baby babbles happily, if somewhat confusedly, and makes another grab for the knives over Alice's shoulder. Luckily, Alice doesn't see, and even more luckily, her little arms don't reach.
The two girls sneak their way out of the kitchen and towards Alice's room.
The two girls are stopped in their tracks by Mrs Liddel, coughing to get her daughter's attention. 
„Hi mom!“ Alice slowly turns around, an awkward smile on her lips.
She watches her mother's expression freeze and shatter.
„What do you have here, Alice,“ she asks, voice cold as ice.
„Ehm, a teascone. For teatime, you know,“ Alice replies, digging around her pockets, „Do you want some?“
„You have a baby, Alice. Why do you have a baby.“
Alice's mind blanks; she did not prepare any reasonable answers to this outlandish question. So she blurts out the first thing that comes up her tongue:
„Wait, you can see it too?!“
„Yes, Alice. Now, why do you have the baby?“
„…Some nice lady gave her to me. On the Isle of the Lost.“
It is the most interesting thing, that this is the first time Alice hears her mother swear.
„Alice, you need to give it back. Wherever you found it, you need to give it back. Its parents probably miss it terribly.“
Alice straightens her back and answers with all the certainty of her whole fourteen years:
„I’m not giving the baby back. Her mom gave her to me and told me to run.“
„Alice,“ sighs her mother, „Use your words. Tell me what really happened.“
„I already told you!“ argues Alice back, and as her voice rises, the baby flinches a bit, not that anyone notice, „Her mama gave her to me, on the Isle of the Lost, and told me to take her!“
The little girl buries her face in Alice’s hair, tugging at it and chewing as babies do, and they have almost the same colour of hair, did you notice?
No, no, no. Alice isn’t listening, she is not.
She is telling the truth, you know? And she did promise to keep the baby safe.
„You need to give the child back.“
Alice looks at the child and sees the Isle in her eyes: Alice runs again, and then she is falling.
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harpywritesfic · 5 months
wip tag game!
yay i love these! i love talking about my wips (this is the only way some of them will see the light of day) so thanks @space-mermaid-writing for the tag! this is also a good push to go in and organize my megadoc a bit.
RULES: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs. (i don't even know that many people so no :))
Most of my longer wips are in their own documents, but the smaller ones live in what i call the megadoc. basically it's all of them in one big house until they're grown enough to move into their own place. I usually separate them out once they break a page and start getting unwieldy. trouble is, the whole thing is unwieldy now that it's so large. seventy-five pages of wips. i'm not counting the really small ones bc all they are are snippets.
under a readmore because there's 40
Independent fics:
Occupational hazards (snail mail exchange fic)
Three for the price of one (nsfw, aka the tentacle fic)
Hacked your phone
Masters of communication
You need to eat
NOT dating
metal and bone (whumptober 2022)
thread and blood (sequel to metal and bone)
Megadoc fics: (newest to oldest. newer is better)
ANOTHER self-indulgent fic
Battle of the proposal dates
Harpy has a headache
Wow! An abandoned wip!
Stop breathing i don’t like it
Dirt nap averted
He’s just like me fr fr
Drpepperony tag team
Car rides are for the uninitiated
concussion roomate
Uh. praise kink (nsfw)
Dum-e is now an ESA
Cat Curse
Dead rats
The old sex pollen thing (nsfw)
Now you care?
Pre dawn breakdown
truth or dare without the dare
Prompt #1257
My own prompt :)
prompt 1229
BTHB: chronic pain
donut ship has dry ice
road rash and bruising
BTHB- twisted ankle
silly string
what is love? baby don't hurt me
ily, goodnight
alien flu
stephen got kidnapped again
long day
blood magic
good boyfriend
hacked ur phone
i don't know
have a seat
feel free to ask for more than one!
i'm tagging @darkkitty1208 and@hithertoundreamtof23! no pressure ofc :)
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