#like you cant just put shit in characters hands and not explaine what they are good for
silentmoths · 5 days
A lick and a promise
Its been *squints* Seven months since i cooked.
god damn its been seven whole ass months CRIES
Boothill got me so fkn good i cant even BEGIN to explain why he's such a comfort character for me ok he just IS.
Boothill x Reader (fem but it's really only mentioned in regards to anatomy.)
Enemies to Lovers (kinda?), Smut, Hurt/comfort (kinda?), Oral sex, fingering, boothill is a gd kendoll (sorry boothill genatalia nation i just...wanted to write this like he was a ken doll LEAVE ME-)
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The first time you run into the Galaxy Ranger known as Boothill, you’re not sure what to make of him.
You were just an unsuspecting casualty, the pilot, nothing more. Flying ships for the IPC had to beat minimum wage, right? This was your first real gig with them, something a little more secure.
If you managed to make it off pier point without having a gun aimed at you that is.
A…cowboy. You’d heard about them, of course, but seeing one in this day and age was almost unheard of unless you travelled to planets far out in the west, ones untouched by the IPC and their ‘modernizations’.
Yet this cowboy also seemed to be touched by said modernizations, considering almost all of him was made of metal. Hell, all of him might be synthetic, nanotechnology was a terrifying thing, it could eat away the organic and replace it with the inorganic, mimicking skin and its blemishes, hair and all its different shades, like the curtain of black and white you see before you. 
“Han’s where I can fudgin’ see em.” He warns quietly, pistol pointed directly between your eyes. You do as he asks, why wouldn’t you? You weren’t being paid enough to put your life on the line for…whatever the hell you were carrying, you didn’t know, the IPC didn’t enforce ledger-checks- You tell the cowboy as much when he asks.
“Yeah that tracks.” he mutters with a roll of his visible eye. “Lookit’ you, still wet behind the darned ears.” 
“D-do I get a pardon i-if I told you it was my first day on the job?” you manage to squeak out, a terrible habit really, opening your mouth in times you should really stay silent…but the cowboy cracks a grin, a very sharp-toothed grin.
“Ah heck, really?” He chuckles, shaking his head as he spins his pistol in his hand and tucks it away into its holster. “Look I aint’ got no beef with ya. ya ‘ aint even wearin’ an IPC uniform-” “C-contract work.” You cut in with your explanation, only scolding yourself after the fact for, once again, interrupting the one with the gun. “The IPC really gettin that desperate, huh?” He snorts, his robotic fingers flexing as he himself goes to check the ledger, it was obvious he’d done this a few times…perhaps thats why the IPC had started hiring a third party, someone new for him to kill.
And yet he doesn’t kill you. 
He ties you up, sure, but he’s not an entire ass about it, he even apologises when he pulls the rope a little too tight and you squint.
“S’a formality.” He mumbles as he ties the knot tight “y’understand.”
“I guess…Just…thanks for not killing me I guess, Mr.Cowboy.” You shrug, perhaps you were still in a little bit of shock, perhaps you were coping with humour and ‘funny’ comments…perhaps, inside, you wanted to cry because of course of all the times to be held at gunpoint it was your first day working for the IPC.
“Name’s Boothill.” He corrects. Boothill, huh? You’d read about that…some eons old name for gunslinging cowboys who should have been dead. 
After you had been discovered, set free, and promptly fired, you decide to look up this ‘Boothill’ character; you find little other than his bounty…whoever he was, he kept himself pretty closed off…made sense for a galaxy ranger.
The second time you encounter Boothill, you’re working on a satellite array. It’s a shit job, it was freezing cold out here, and the welding masks given to you and your coworkers by your bosses were cheap, low quality, offering little protection from the welding torch and its bright, concentrated glare.
After your firing from pier point, no other freighting company was willing to take you on, and in a desperate attempt to get some damned food into your belly, you’d taken this job on some far out meteorite, repairing this shitty, run down satellite so the IPC could extend their reach further.
If the bosses had bothered to do a background check, they would have seen the unfortunate mark next to your name.
’Banned from all positions within IPC jurisdiction’ 
But considering the shit pay, shit hours, and shit accommodation? The old hand’s out here didn’t really care much for the ‘official’ rules; so long as you weren’t being actively hunted.
There was no sun out here, so every few hours there was a mandatory UV break, in which you all got to return to the little sleeping pods that were nothing but glorified transport containers with a wall sectioning off one third to make a bathroom; just to sit beneath a UV bulb. 
Whoever had lived in this one before you had stuck up a picture of a beach on the wall you had to stare at beneath the lamp, and faintly, you wonder if they ever made it there- or had they just keeled over dead from overwork? That seemed more likely, considering nothing had been cleaned out of your pod when you’d arrived. 
As you bask in your shitty, simulated sun, an explosion wracks the entire facility, sending you toppling to the floor as the world spins, cracks apart, opens like the gnashing teeth of some horrific space creature.
Was it a space creature? Had the meteorite collided with something it shouldn’t have? You didn’t want to find out, but you sure as fuck weren’t about to stay here and probably die once the oxygen field around the place sputtered out. The emergency guide tape’s you’d been forced to watch are nothing to help against the real thing, a real emergency. There are sirens blaring, the stark white light’s had all died, replaced by that infuriatingly anxiety inducing red as you struggle to put your space suit on. 
Just make it to a shuttle, they weren’t far, thats all you had to do.
It’s a mantra you tell yourself as the ceiling above you begins to crack and crumble, your time here was up. 
As you wrench open the door to your pod, you collide with someone. Considering you yourself looked like a glorified marshmallow in the emergency suit, you certainly weren't expecting the person you collided with to be as…hard as they were, solid like steel to the point you’re sent toppling back and unceremoniously onto your back, like a turtle.
A familiar pistol is pointed at your helmet.
No fucking way.
Boothill stands there, grin on his face and a gun in yours as he looks you up and down before howling with laughter. “Now what in the hay is that?” he wheezes as you struggle, only to stop when you push the visor of your helmet up, revealing a face he recalls. “No fudgin’ way-”
“You again!” You screech, flailing your limbs as you attempt to stand in this…ungainly suit. “What the fuck are you doing here now!?”
“I could ask you the same mother forkin’ question!” He barks back, yet despite it all, he withdraws the pistol and even shows some mercy, reaching down to pull you back onto your feet “the fork you doin here?” 
“Well, someone got me fired from my last job!” you snark at him “and now it looks like I'm out of another, what did you do!?” “Blew up tha’ satellite!” He chuckles as if he’d just won at an arcade game and not caused millions of credits in damages. You open your mouth to…you don’t even know- Shout? Scold a wanted criminal? Beg for mercy? When the world tilts again, the sound of rock cracking and metal creaking fills your senses; resulting in you simply screaming out of fear. 
This was it, this was where you died. On a rock, in the middle of space, blown to smithereens by a cowboy. Except, the cowboy reaches down, and for a moment you think he’s going to kill you, just to stop the screaming. Instead, he grabs your arm and yanks you upright without a word, tugging you along behind him like you weighed nothing in this stupid marshmallow safety suit. (perhaps, to a cyborg, you didn’t weigh anything.)
Boothill cares little for the smoke and the flames, and you are just a leaf in his wind, guided through it all with scary precision until there is suddenly nothing and you realise what he’d just done.
This fucking cowboy galaxy ranger had just leaped off of the edge of the meteorite, dragging you along with him. 
Correction; this is how you die, once you left the gravitational field, you’d just be stuck…floating in the void of space forever…no one would ever find your body-
Before your thought can finish, you crash into something hard, a ship, you realise, you had fallen into the open loading hatch of a ship, unlike boothill who landed on his feet, you’re simply a pile on the floor.
You hear the cowboy laugh as he turns to look at you, and you thank the fact that you’re face down from keeping your likely red, teary face from his scrutiny. 
“Y’alright down there?” He asks.
“Peachy.” you mutter back, your muscles ached, but the adrenaline was already beginning to wane, suddenly the suit felt…heavy, impossibly heavy as you listen to the sound of the ship’s hatch closing. “Why’d you save me?”
Boothill thinks on it for a moment. Why had he saved you? It wasn’t really his M.O, saving people, especially when they worked for the IPC…he supposes a part of him felt a little bad… you hadn’t been working for them directly last time…and because of his stunt, you’d lost that job and had resorted to working for them in this backwater shithole of an array. 
“Eh, Y’aint worth killin.” he responds after a moment “S’not like you’re the mother fudger I’m looking for anyways.” 
Something about the way he says it…stings. Not worth killing? 
Slowly you sit up, a terribly ungraceful affair in this stupid space suit as you pull the helmet off entirely and toss it to the floor, there was no point hiding the tears anymore. 
“Wh- hey now! What’s got in yer’ boot?” Boothill balks at your teary face “what’s tha’ matter?”
You hate how stupid you must look, crying, red in the face…embarrassing really. But after the scare you’d just had, you don’t have the forwithall to keep your composure anymore.
“Whats the matter?” you mutter, staring at the cold, metal floor of the ship “what’s the matter is that you have single handedly managed to lose me not one, but TWO JOBS!” 
You don’t mean to shout, really, you should be thanking him for saving your life. 
“I’m BANNED from working for the IPC!” you cry “I wasn’t even meant to be working here! But where else am I meant to go!? EVERY job is somehow overseen by some division of the IPC, I can’t work anywhere else! Now you say I’m not even worth killing!?”
Boothill stares, the gears turning as he simply takes the emotional vitriol thrown his way. It had been…a long time since he’d found himself faced with this kind of problem.
“Aw shirt…” he mutters, realising his words had only worsened the situation. He takes a knee, pulling his hat off as he watches, he sees the way you’re shaking, your fingers flexing; he might be ‘old fashioned’, but he could recognize a panic attack. “C’mere, let's get this great forkin marshmallow suit off ya.” 
You don’t even have the faculties to push him away as cold, robotic fingers begin tugging away at the velcro, the zippers and the straps. Breathing was getting harder, everything ached. Only once the galaxy ranger had pulled you free of the confines of that damned suit could you expand your chest properly. Too small, you realised, the suit you’d been given was way too small.
“Easy, easy, easy.” Boothill mutters as he sits you down “jus’ breathe.” 
Easy for him to say, did a cybernetic cowboy even need to breathe?
He could see the struggle, but what the hell was he meant to do about it? It wasn’t wrong..the IPC had their fingers in so many pies… finding a job untouched by them? That’s like finding a needle in a haystack. 
It wasn’t often Boothill felt…guilty. But somehow…you’d managed it.
“Aw c’mon, don’t gimme the waterworks.” he sighs “Look…ah’ll admit I forked up your job prospects, I’ll fudgin’ take that responsibility… will ya at least lemme see if I can help?”
“What can you do!?” You cry at him “If the IPC catches wind that I’ve somehow been caught up with you again-”
“Lemme take ya to a planet the IPC don’t care ‘bout.” He cuts in suddenly, an idea forming in his mind. “Been there plenty, they’re good folk, they’ll help ya.. Ya just…gotta trust me.” A planet untouched by the IPC? That seemed like a pipe dream…
“Impossible.” you mutter “any planet the IPC finds, it conquers.”
Boothill grins, that same toothy grin you remember from your first encounter with him. “I know, right? But this one? This one’s special.”
Eyama II was a small planet with little in the way of resources the IPC wanted or needed, a dwarf planet no less, nothing but a speck of dust floating through their air filters. It was a self-sufficient, homely type place…if he was being honest with himself, it’s where he would want to retire if he ever saw his goal through…living the simple life he used to know before the IPC had ripped it from him. 
He knows it’s not the most…elegant solution, but he knew some fine folk there, some fine folk who might just be willing to help the poor outcast he’d created. -
It’s a long trip. It had to be if it was out of the IPC’s gaze…but that did mean a long trip with Boothill.
In a tiny two person at most ship.
You didn’t really know what to expect, if he’d just tie you up and put you in the corner…but as it turns out…he’s somewhat hospitable… ok more than somewhat.
After you’d calmed enough to be reasoned with, he’d handed you a bottle of nondescript nature. Without much thinking, you’d taken a swig, eyes widening at the distinctly alcoholic taste. It wasn't anything strong like whiskey, but it was enough of a shock.
“Malt juice.” He clarifies as he takes a seat at the helm, setting the warp drive “figured it’d help calm ya nerves.” You blink down at the bottle before slowly taking another, more temperate sip.
It…wasn’t bad…actually it was pretty good. It burned your throat just enough to keep you in the present.
You both talk…small things, you ask him how he knew of this planet, and tells you about all the planets he’d visited that weren’t under the IPC’s thumb, how all of them were nice, simple places.
He tells you that he thinks you’d like Eymaya II, he thinks everyone would like Eymaya II. It had rolling hills and green valley’s. The people were mostly farmers, ranchers, common folk just going through the motions to get by, but not in the same nihilistic sort of way most did. Good, honest living, as he says.
Part of you wonders if there ever was a time this ranger worked a good honest life, if this whole…cowboy thing was a facade, or if it was real, remnants of a past he couldn’t return to. You’re not sure if it’s his conversation, the malt juice, or both, but you eventually begin to open up, about your home life, about your terrible habit of cutting into conversations when you were nervous, all of it. 
And when you begin to fall asleep? Your head nodding slowly where you sat, you feel a cold, metal hand rest on your shoulder.
“C’mon, you need ta’ rest.” He tells you, guiding you to the cot that looked seldom, if at all used.
For a wanted criminal who had put you out of two jobs and nearly killed you both times…he was surprisingly kind.
He wasn’t wrong about this planet. It was beautiful, the air was fresher than you could ever recall, living in the city.
Apparently, the look on your face says as much. Boothill chuckles, tilting his head softly as he watches you take it all in. “Told ya ye’d like it.” He hums, something in his mechanical chest whirring with..pride perhaps? Satisfaction? He wasn’t entirely sure, but seeing a face that, so far, all he’d seen from was fear and upset finally show…wonder…it felt good. He wanted to see it more, perhaps even a smile one day. 
He takes you to the inn, sets you up with Jodie, an elderly woman who had been around the block quite a few times, she didn’t put up with Boothill’s antics, more like…a curmudgeonly aunt at first as she barks at him for not calling in sooner, only for it all to melt away into an almost familial warmth as the cowboy explains himself, explains you.
“now child I know you did not lose this poor thing not one but TWO jobs!” She scolds, hands on her hips. 
There is a lick of satisfaction as you watch boothill shrink beneath the innkeeper’s rage. 
“Donchu’ worry hon, we’ll getcha set up here, somewhere this block for brains can’t accidentally getchu fired. Only thing that’ll do that around here is laziness…you aint lazy, are you?” she asks, turning to you and squinting her beady, aged eyes at you, making you stiffen up as well.
“N-no ma'am!” you bark instantly “I-I promise to work hard and earn my keep!”
This atleast, seems to settle her some, and before you know it, you have a hot meal and an ice cold drink in front of you, and you want to cry again.
You actually feel…somewhat sad when boothill has to leave…anxiety twisting in your gut… would you really be okay here? Would you survive? 
But he pats you on the shoulder and grins, and something about it is…comforting.
Something about it made you want to try.
It’s five years until you see Boothill again.
Jodie had grown too old to continue running the inn, and somehow, against all odds, it was you who had taken over. The entire place was yours, and you were happy. 
Not a day goes by where you don’t wonder how you ended up here, but then you recall, the enigmatic cyborg cowboy who had hijacked your ship, and then blown up a satellite array.
Somehow, your outlook on him had turned from disdain to…a strange sort of affection. The frigid anger had melted away, and what replaced it was a sense of…thankfullnes for what he’d done for you. Working here, away from the almost all-encompassing reach of the IPC had opened your eyes to just how…corporate everything felt, and how it so desperately wasn't you. 
It’s a late evening, you’re closing up for the night, the bar had emptied of all it’s usual late-staying regulars, and those who had rooms rented for the evening had already retired. 
You’re polishing a few glasses when the door swings open.
“Well now, there’s a face I ain’t seen in a forkin long time.” 
The voice is familiar, and has you turning, a small smile tugging at your lip. A mixture of feelings racing through your chest.
“Well well, come to let me collect your bounty, Sir?” you snicker, placing the glass you’d just polished beneath the malt juice tap to pour him a glass.
Boothill laughs, sauntering in with the swagger you remember as he drops into the stool closest to you. “How’ve you been, Boothill?” you ask him, setting the glass in front of him and waving away his credits. You owed him one drink, atleast, “what’ve you been up to?”
The galaxy ranger snorts, throwing some of his long hair over his shoulder “How long ya’ got there, sweetheart? S’gonna be a long story.”
“I own the place now, and we’re closed, so all the time in the world.” you hum, deciding to pour yourself a glass as well after locking the door. “Shoot, really? What happened to ol’ jodie?” He asks, voice tinged with legitimate concern as you drop into the barstool beside him.
“She’s fine, she’s fine..just old is all.” You assure him, finding a little comfort in the relief that washes over his features.
“Ah, fork don't scare a guy like that.” He sighs, running a hand through his hair “thought Jodie had up n’ left us.”
“Nah, she’s got a while on her yet.” you snort, taking a sip of your drink.
The conversations run long into the night, catching up, listening to the thing’s he’d done, places he’d seen…IPC operations he’d torn apart at the seams. He listens to you too, as you tell him about how things have been here, catching him up on anyone he asked about. It was like talking to an old friend. You weren't sure…what boothill was to you…a friend? An acquaintance? It was…complicated. 
More malt juice enters your systems, you ask if it actually has an affect on him.
“You know…being a cyborg and all..” you mumble, feeling a distinct warm dusting to your cheeks as the malt settles. 
Instead of responding with words, the galaxy ranger reaches out and takes your hand into his. He feels…
“You tell me, darlin.” He chuckles after a moment, watching you though half-lidded eyes. You barely even notice, more curious about how the alcohol affected him. Without even thinking, you run your fingers along his exposed arm; you weren’t going crazy, he was warm, almost humanly so. 
Your fingers continue to wander without much thought until they brush along his jawline; the sudden transition from steel to skin is what finally snaps you out of your own thoughts, pulling back with a squeak.
“O-Oh aeons I’m sorry!” you fluster at his face, his eyes are wide and his mouth slightly ajar. “I-I got carried away I’m-”
His hand reaches out again, clasping yours and pulling it back towards his face as he rests his cheek into your palm.
“Don't.” He murmurs, softly, softer than you’d heard him before. “Keep goin…please.”
A realisation settles across your mind.
“You…you can’t feel most touch…can you?” 
He doesn't look you in the eye, but he does sigh, only burying closer to your warm palm, worn after years of working hard…but still human.
“S’not that I can’t feel…I can…but..s’mtimes it’s so forkin dull I might as well not…but..my face is…”
“One of the few places you can feel.” You finish the sentence for him, feeling a pang of sympathy. You didn’t know how long Boothill had been like this, but you could wager long enough that he was more desperate for a kind touch than he probably even realised.
“Yeh…” he mutters, his lips turning down into a frown “sorry…ah know it’s probably-”
“Shut up.” you mutter, turning to face him fully, your other hand coming to rest on the other cheek as you watch this man, this gunslinging galaxy ranger, falter. His eyes widen before he shuts them entirely, leaning into it, starved of this type of affection.
“F’ya don’t stop this bullshirt m’gonna think you might have some feelin’s for me, darlin’..”
You didn’t know if thats what it was…but you didn’t want to stop either, a part of you wanting to sate you own selfish curiosity…another part wanting to do this for him.
“It must be a lonely existence, living like you do.” the murmur leaves your lips before you even notice you’d spoken out loud, thumbs stroking over his cheek bones. Boothill stares at you in silence for a long moment, his gaze calculating, probing. 
“I thought ya’ hated my forkin guts…” He mutters.
“Perhaps once, for a little bit, I did.” You admit “But then you brought me here, and I’ve never been happier..”
A beat passes, then another, and another. Boothill stares at you, the feel of your hands on his face something he wasn’t ready to give up just yet.
And then he leans forward, lips crash together and the taste of Malt juice and perhaps a little bit of oil is on your tongue.
You don’t pull back, if anything, you lean into it shamelessly. 
Robotic hands grip your waist as your own finally shift from his face to wrap around his shoulders. At some point his hat goes flying off elsewhere, but neither of you care; too strung tight, too wound up to care.
His teeth are as sharp as they look, but he’s careful with them as he nips at your bottom lip, swiping his tongue over the little beat of blood he manages to draw.
“Shirt-” He mutters against your lips, his eyes shut tight, you can hear his inner mechanics whirring, like a mechanical heart about to rabbit from his chest “fudge, if you don’t stop me now darlin I’m gonna keep taking-”
“Then take.” you mutter back at him, tangling your hands into his surprisingly silky hair and yanking. “Take what you want.”
“Oh trust me, I would but..” Boothill’s growl trails off, and for a moment he looks…embarrassed. You can’t for the life of you figure out why until he steps closer, your knee brushing between his legs- oh.
“Flat as a forkin’ brass tack.” he mumbles. 
You’re not sure why, it might just be the curse of your horrible humour, but your attempt at not giggling only sets you off into laughter that you attempt to muffle into his shoulder.
“Ey, watchu laughin at?” you expect boothill to be…mad at your outburst, but you can hear the amusement in his voice, feel the tremble of his own laughter “t’aint funny.”
“It kinda is.” you snicker out, pulling back to look him in the face. He looks a little sheepish, but thankfully, mostly just amused. “It’s okay…we’ll figure something out..”
His toothy grin settles back into a dangerous little smirk as the moment passes again, the kind of smirk that makes your belly twist a little. “Oh yeah, I got some other tricks up my sleeves.” 
Without much more to say, you find yourself being lifted, thrown over the cowboy’s shoulder- as you open your mouth to say something, you’re interrupted with a harsh slap to your ass, resulting in nothing but a squeak.
“Where’s yer room?” He snickers as you glare at him. 
You consider not telling him, being a brat, but the charming smile he returns to you is… yeah it does something stupid that goes right to your crotch. 
“Upstairs…first door on the left.” you mutter, flustering at the way his grin widens. 
If you didn’t know better you’d almost describe Boothill as practically skipping up the stairs, the angle for you however was a little trepidatious, and you find yourself clinging to him for a little more stability, right up until he carefully tosses you down onto the plush of your bed, landing with a soft thud.
He’s back on you, and your hands are back on him without him needing to ask; you can see the relief it brings, the way his eyelids flutter and his brow pinches as your fingers glide across his cheek, down his chest and along his arms, still warm, you note…
His lips return too, his own hands untucking your shirt just to get under it, metal fingers gliding over the smooth of your belly, up the your sides as he groans into your mouth. You wonder how much he can actually feel, if it was still dull, or if the alcohol had heightened his mechanical touch sensors somehow. You didn’t care, he looked happy, legitimately happy, like a dog being scratched behind the ears as you indulge him. 
His lips move from yours and he begins to nip and taste elsewhere, his nose brushing against your own as he leans in, nuzzling at your cheek, nipping at your jaw, revelling in the little sounds of pleasure he pulls out of you, especially when his wandering hands wrap behind your back and find the clasp of your bra, it comes undone with a surprisingly expert tug and you moan softly at it. 
(Who could blame you? You’d been wearing the damn thing all day.) 
You wished there was something you could do for him, something to pleasure him like he was doing for you, but you forced yourself to be content with touching him, running your hands through his hair, scratching at his scalp and tugging at the soft strands; running your thumbs over his cheeks, tracing the shells of his ears.
Boothill however, seemed just as hellbent on touching you, but he had far more room to move, to explore, to play. 
Metal thumbs find your nipples, embarrassingly hard and sensitive after being trapped in the confines of your bra all day, and you moan as he rolls them both, back and forth in a slow, methodical rhythm that leaves your breath light, and your stomach twisting in knots. 
Pointed teeth find your throat, nibbling and worshipping every inch of skin they could catch. You’d have to wear a scarf tomorrow if he kept that up, lest the regulars at the bar notice the strange bruising… but you don’t stop him; you were all in on…whatever this was now. 
A metal hand pulls away long enough to pop the buttons on your shirt, leaving the plane of your torso open and exposed to his gaze, nothing short of hungry as he stares down at you. 
“Fudge…” he mutters, his voice husky “That’s a nice view…” 
“Tease.” you huff.
“Tease? Oh ah’ll show you tease.” He snickers, his mouth returning to your skin, working lower, biting at the junction of neck and shoulder, nibbling along your collarbone before the cowboy shifts further, his tongue darting out to lap at one nipple whilst a hand works the other.
You gasp and moan, a hand quickly coming to muffle your cries, cheeks alight with embarrassment at the sudden outburst. Boothill only chuckles, his eyes trained to your face as he lays, settling between your legs as he rests atop you to continue his work, but at least he doesnt pull your hand away, too engrossed on what he could feel opposed to what he could see and hear. 
He switches breasts while his free hand trails down, over the soft plane of your belly and to your belt, unbuckling it with ease and sending the strap of leather flying across the room before those fingers return, popping the button of your work jeans and dragging the fly down. You groan softly in appreciation at the relief it brings, only to feel those metal fingers working the waistband down.
Just what was he planning? you wonder internally as he gives your nipple one last, harsh suck before releasing it, making you keen beneath your hand. 
“Feelin good, darlin?” he whispers. He sure sounded like he was feeling good as he nuzzles against your skin, nipping at your stomach and trailing lower, hands gripping at your jeans, pulling them and your underwear away in one swoop, leaving you open, exposed, and embarrassingly wet. “Y’sure look it..” he adds with a low whistle “aint that a sight.”
“B-boothill-” You mumble, an attempt at closing your legs out of embarrassment only sandwiching his head betwixt your thighs. He grins at you; it’s such an endearingly handsome thing, it makes you feel like this wasn’t a first time thing between you both, like he knew you, like he was comfortable with you, which only added to the heat in your belly.
“Aw don’t go gettin all fudgin’ coy on me now.” he snickers “After all those drinks’ ya’ gave me downstairs, I’m still kinda thirsty.” 
His metal hands part your measly human thighs with shameful ease as he leans in close; you squeal when you feel his hot tongue lave down your inner thigh, warm breath so achingly close to your cunt it was maddening.
But it seemed Boothill was just as desperate as you were, his mouth attaching to your cunt after only a moment, taking in your squeal as his teeth gently roll your clit, the added danger only serving to make you wetter. 
“F-fuck! Boothill-!” you moan out, forsaking keeping yourself silent as your own hands scramble across the sheets, searching for something, anything to ground yourself as his tongue laps at your folds with fever; they eventually find and settle in his hair before giving it a tug.
Boothill groans, the sting is only arbitrary, but he loves it, he loves being able to feel something. The warm plush of your thighs around his ears, the heat of your cunt as he sucks on your clit, only made sweeter by your cries. He’d missed this, he’d missed this a lot..
“Y’aint seen nothin’ yet, darlin.” He growls low and loving against your thigh in the brief moment of reprieve he gives you. You stare down at him with hooded eyes,your knees already trembling from his vicious onslaught; he nips the soft, sensitive flesh of your thigh with a cheeky smirk, holding up a pair of fingers, watching your face as he slowly drags them through your wet folds, collecting your slick; you gulp. “Like a’ said, I got a few fun lil’ tricks up my sleeves.” His mouth returns, lapping and pulling you right back into the overwhelming, wonderful pleasure as a slick metal finger circles your entrance, slow, methodical, torturous. You nearly sob with relief when he finally presses the digit inside, the metal actually making it easier. He hums his approval at how easily his finger is sucked in, pumping it slowly in and out, in and out; taking things at his pace- perfect.
After a little while, you feel that finger beginning to probe, to prod and search for your G-spot, and before long he finds it, signalled by a loud gasp and a sharp tug at his hair, only pulling his mouth closer, his tongue working away at your clit like he wasn’t driving you absolutely mad with pleasure.
Once he’d found the spot, he retreats, slowly adding the second finger and beginning the cycle again, stretching you, filling you stupidly well; it was an absolute tragedy that he didn’t have a dick…at this point you were so stupidly horny, you would have climbed on top of him just for a chance to ride him.
(somewhere in the back of your mind, the saying ‘save a horse, ride a cowboy’ reverberates) 
As you’re right at the height, right at the edge, he suddenly stops, his fingers cease their movements and he pulls his head away, resting his chin on your naval as he stares up at you with such a stupidly loving look that it makes your heart twist; his chin was absolutely drenched in your slick, but he looked so very content.
But you weren’t.
“B-boothillllll-” you whimper, tugging at his hair again, why had he stopped!? Now of all times? You could feel his metal fingers pressed against your G-spot, but unmoving, they did little to pleasure you. You clench around them, but that too, yields little results.
“Sorry sweetheart, just wanted to see your face when I did it.” He chuckles, his smile twitching up in the corner.
“D-do whAT-” your question cuts off abruptly when the fingers inside you suddenly burst to life with vibrations, the strength of which you’d never experienced before. Your body coils and you nearly scream as he rams those fingers into your G-spot, stars exploding behind your eyes whilst pleasure cuts through your belly like glass. 
“That.” He hums, satisfied as he returns that sinful mouth of his to your clit, adding another layer of pleasure. His fingers were harsh and rough, crooking into your G-spot one second, and then splaying out the next, dragging rough and harsh against your walls; his tongue however was soft, gentle, slowly and carefully rolling circles around your poor little nub. You were going to go crazy, he was going to drive you insane and you were absolutely letting him. Your body reacts on its own, thighs squeezing hard around his head, spine arched upward; your hips prevented from bucking thanks to one of his arms, wrapped solidly around your thigh and holding you down to the sheets, forcing you to lay there and take it.
You knew the walls here were decently soundproof, but even you began to question if they could muffle out your cries, made worse when Boothill suddenly sits up, pulling you up along with him, practically folding you in half as he continues to feast on your pussy like he hadn’t eaten in centuries, his vibrating fingers plunging somehow deeper.
At first you struggle for air with the new position, your knees almost at your chest, but then he switches the angle of his fingers and aeons-, you didn’t think it could get worse than this. But the pleasure this new angle brings, it’s new, its terrifying and you don’t quite know how to articulate that to the galaxy ranger causing it all. Your hands scramble clawing and tugging at any part of him you could get ahold of, his name falling from your lips along with incoherent babble, desperation and worry all balling into one feeling you couldn’t describe as he continues to piston those fingers into you, hitting your G-spot with such accuracy, the flame in your gut turning from a high heat to a near-volcanic overload as you jerk and struggle.
The final straw is when you crack open an eye, catching sight of him, staring back at you with such…love, such unbridled affection.
You scream his name as you cum, harder than you’ve ever cum in your life. Your faintly feel yourself make an absolute mess of his face, arms, your back and the sheets below you as your world turns white.
A soft, damp cloth carefully rubbing over your skin slowly pulls you back into reality, rousing you from the soft and gauzy subspace of post-orgasmic bliss. You try to shift, to sit up…to…something- but a hand carefully manoeuvres you to lay back down on a thankfully, dry patch of sheets.
“Easy, darlin’” Boothill’s familiar southern drawl hushes you down “Nearly done.”
You crack an eye to find him carefully cleaning you off with said damp towel. Methodical but careful. You’re trembling from the exertion, but boothill looks absolutely fine, the bastard. 
In fact, he looks better than fine. A smile plastered on his stupid face as he works away, wiping sweat and other…fluids, off of you. 
When he was done with that, he wraps you in a clean sheet and lifts you, sitting you down on the trunk at the end of your bed, just so he could change the set you’d obliterated with your unexpectedly rough orgasm. You sit there, watching him, half asleep and pleasantly dozy before he pulls you back into bed, pulling you into his side. A glass of water is pressed against your lips as he encourages a few sips into you. 
You spend the night sleeping with him curled around you; the quiet whirr of his mechanical body providing a pleasing, soft white noise while hands stroke through your hair.
“Do you have to go so soon?” You ask as he reaches for his hat.
He’d been here a week, and it had been…for lack of a better word; wonderful. 
But all good things had to come to an end you supposed. The look on his face was enough to tell you what you didn’t want to hear.
“I gotta. I ain’t done yet.” He tells you quietly, despite this, he holds out a hand, a silent request for you to walk with him…the inn and the bar would be fine for a little while.
“I’d ask ya t’come with me, but that’d be the biggest forkin mistake I could ever make.” the cowboy admits. He wanted you to, he’d never felt so content as he had in this week, but bringing you meant putting you in danger…aeons know he’d done that enough already.
“Will you…at least come and visit me?” 
Boothill snorts as they meander their way towards his ship “O’course I will.”
“How often?”
“S’often as I forkin can.” 
You both stop beside the ship, it had a few more dings and dents than you remember, but it was still in surprisingly good condition.
“Well…” you mumble “at least you know you’ll always have a room at the inn while I still run it.”
“Y’mean yer’ room?” He snickers. “I forkin hope you intend on running the place as long as possible, I pulled in a good favor from jodie to get ya yer’ start ‘ere.”
You smile at him. Boothill thanks every aeon in existence that his cybernetic eyes had a camera function, so he could save that face and look back on it when he was drifting through the universe.
Slowly, he pulls his hat from his head, holding it to his chest as he leans down to press his lips to yours, one last time for the road.
“I’ll be back as soon and as often as I forkin can…y’hear?” He murmurs, you nod; fighting away the sting behind your eyes as you step back.
“I hear…and…Boothill?” you ask as he turns around to step onto his ship, looking at you over his shoulder. 
“Thank you.”
Taglist: @stygianoir @meimeimeirin @ainescribe @dustofthedailylife @rjssierjrie @crystalflygeo @angel-of-requiem @asoulsreverie @zomzomb1e @moraxsthrone @mysnowmanandmebaby @inlustris-is-slowly-dying @pvbbyb0y Want to be added to the list? shoot me an ask~
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beowlet · 8 months
Hello I SAW THE OPEN REQUESTS AND I SCROLLED UP SO FAST!! I love your work sm, you really captured the essence of the characters + talking abt the love languages was a fun bonus too. Is it fine if I request the Housewardens (or some of them) with a reader who loves to send them letters?💌 But their handwriting is very unintelligible due to it being a chicken scratch/the most extra cursive you could ever see. Either way works, thank you!! ❤️
[Omg i love this]
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Cw: Uses of you instead of pronouns, fluff, GN!Reader, NOT proofread. Again.
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R. Rosehearts
I feel like Riddle's hand writing is cursive too and wouldn't have too much trouble reading it even if it was a little extra so we'll go with chicken scratch handwriting for him.
He loves that you write letters for him, he really does. He always tries to send one of his own too! But he would love it more if he could actually understand what you were saying.
He can only make out two words, his name and "love". He always writes back in hopes of having understood the letter correctly. Because if he read something wrong and you pointed it out he will die of embarrassment.
He will slowly get used to it and become a [name] translator. He would be so proud too, he finally understands your handwriting and can ACTUALLY read your heartfelt letters.
He blushes and giggles like a highschool girl all the time.
Anytime anyone has trouble reading your hand writing they will go to him. Mostly Ace and Deuce after they ask for your notes.
Wishes your handwriting was a little bit more readable, but he's happy he got the hand of it now.
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L. Kingscholar
Definetly knows how to read cursive but will pull a "wtf" face at all the extra shit you put because what is this. Is this even english anymore?? He can't tell if thats an "R" "M" or "N"?? What the fuck did you write?-
Look, he appericiates the letters. But try not to make him think hes having a stroke while reading it. Please. What is this? Why? Is there anyone in the world that can read curaive like this???
Will out right just text you.
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Will feel bad after he finds out it was just a letter where you were talking about how much you loved him, expect him to buy you a buqoet of your favorite flowers soon.
He feels bad.
Will soon probably understand some of your letters and thank you in text form.
You thought he would write back? Oh honey no. This man is too lazy to get up on his ass and sit down on his desk to write. He might make Ruggie do it for him tho.
However if you were mad at him thats a different story. He might write a letter... along with a few more gifts... maybe...
Anything for you to forgive him.
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A. Ashengrotto
Ik this man has so fucking extra cursive writing like how and why. Why do you need that many loops for one letter IT DOESNT LOOK PRETTY IT LOOKS CURSED AZUL.
I'm kidding it def looks pretty... so for Azul we're going with chicken scratch!
He would be so confused if he saw a letter just hanging around in his office, and it's a letter that he cant even read. He'll just be confused standing in his office trying to read it. Not even realising that you signed it, he was still trying to read the first word.
After a while he just gave up and called for Floyd, knowing his handwriting wasn't any better and assumed he could read it.
"Dear, Azul. I know I don't have to write a letter because I can literally just text you but I thought it would be fun to write a letter where I explained how much I lo-" "NO OKAY GIVE ME THAT BACK-"
Floyd is telling Jade so they can both bully Azul for being so stupid and not being able to read his own lover's hand writing.
He wants to know what it says so he can write back a letter... but he doesn't know anyone that would be able to read it without teasing him.
Spends a night trying to read it and writes back a letter.
Is about to sob when you send him another one, HE LOVES YOU BUT HE CAN'T READ YOUR LETTERS SPARE HIM PLEASE.
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K. Al-asim
He would love the idea of sending eachother letters! He thinks its romantic and even if it's a little silly you write to eachother even though you could visit eachother any time of the day he doesn't care. It's cute. Very.
I don't think he can read cursive... he knows he has to learn but he's struggling. A lot.
I also don't think Kalim has very neat or very chaotic handwriting that nobody can read it but I think it can definetly get a little messy in his notebooks sometimes. So, cursive with extra stuff for Kalim!
He would explode with happines when he finds a love letter sitting on his desk with your name on it. He's over the moon.
As soon as he sees it he runs over, picks it up and opens it to read it. Only to be met with a page full of loops. A lot of them... an awful lot that Kalim thought you just scribbled the page for a momment.
First he's determined to read what you've wrote without asking for any help from Jamil!
Yeah that lasts like 15 minutes he goes to Jamil a little quicker than he would like to.
He tried! That's what matters... right?
Jamil spends about 15 minutes trying to read the first few sentences before FINALLY understanding the letters and reading it to Kalim. Kalim just sits there with a love-struck stupidly cute smile as he listens to Jamil readint the letter.
Is definetly writing back a reponse and making this a thing between you two.
Jamil has to suffer through your sappy letters as Kalim makes him read all of them.
Help my boy he isn't exactly happy.
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V. Schoenheit
He can read really any handwriting perfectly no matter how extra or "awful" it is. But if it's just a page filled with random lines and so called letters mixed together I'm very sure he'll pull a "wtf" face :D Chicken scratch for Vil!!
He appericiates the thought! He really does! He's increidbly happy to recieve a letter from you! But why. Why does your handwriting have to be this way? Why like just why?
Do you need help? He can definetly give you writing lessons on how to improve your handwriting. He can pay for it if you think it would be embarrassing to do it with him, he can find online course-
He would think all of this but never mention any of it. He doesn't wanna break your heart.
But I think he'd def have a lot of fun trying to read your handwriting when he's bored. He would sit down and try to figure out what was written like it was some sort of puzzle and would just smile happily everytime he got a full sentence.
He would give you a kiss for every love letter he recieves <33
Would he write back? Not all the time but would write once in a while about how deep his feelings are for you.
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M. Draconia
Homeboy here has been alive for a bit over a hundred years I think he's capable of reading many different types of handwriting. But imagine his shock when he finds a one he actually can't read.
Malleus is a little old compared to humans we all know that, this man has seen lots of different types of handwriting but he's definetly used to different types of and extra cursive handwritings. So we'll go for chicken scratch for him!
I feel like he'd be the first one to ever send a letter in your relationship honestly! When he recieves back a letter our fae boy is smiling happily as he excitedly opens the letter only to pause and... try to read whatever language that is.
Will go to Lilia. Like, immediately. He is definetly going to make fun of you after that. No way Lilia is letting something like that slide especially when Malleus came to him all confused.
Nobody can tell me Lilia isn't used to terrible handwritings and can just zoom through what seems like gibberish.
Malleus will listen as Lilia reads the letter for him and he can just feel himself falling deeper and deeper for you.
He wants to see you afterwards immediatelly. He is now clingy, wants hugs, kisses and every kind of physical affection you can give him.
So what if he teleported to your dorm and is currently towering over your bed? Give him the love he deserves!
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anonymouscheeses · 4 months
more obvious shit I wanted to point out but it's more than last time uhhh pt.2 (spoilers for dad beat dad and maybe welcome to heaven. Maybe?)
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I love that Charlie just randomly goes into demon form sometimes like here ehhehehe. Also can I just say I love Charlie so much?? She is my favorite and I love her especially in this episode because it feels like the same optimistic Charlie but she was just put in a bad situation. I relate to her a bit TOO much, almost down to every detail like wow. You'll understand later once I get there. But just wow...
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LOOK AT THIS FUNNY LITTLE MAN. SPOODER DUST <3 also. Live [image] reaction. Someone make that into a reaction image 🙏🙏
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HONEY!!! NEW MEME TEMPLATE JUST DROPPED. (Aka the one guy going crazy trying to explain the stuff on the board iykyk)
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OMG... THAT CANT BE CHARLIE... NOT CHARLIE'S EMO PHASE PLEASE BAHAHAHHAHAHA (also love that Lucifer has kept it all these years, if Charlie knew I think she'd be extremely embarrassed. Vaggie would love it probably xd)
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Broskie got character development and is NICE?!? I LOVE THAT SMMM YALL.... LOOK AT HIM!! I am very delusional yes, but I will take this over ass development(cough. Vaggie's "story" in ep 3. Cough).
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Imagine this. *holds your hand carefully to help you calm down while talking to your father you haven't really wanted to talk to.* lesbian type stuff ngl 🤯 (relatable)
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*SHE IS STILL HOLDING HER HAND. CHARLIE'S ALSO SWINGING IT AROUND NERVOUSLY. I can never get tired of them and will make art soon just you wait.*
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COMMANDER VAGGIE! I love that she acts like this is a camp full of tiny kids and honestly? That's not too far off. Sir pentious is at the ready! (glad he's here more often in the episode, thought he would just get sidelined after his first episode but gladly no!) Angel is just surprised. Husk spilled his drink, ON WHITE FUR NO LESS! Niffty of course is on the floor face first. Charlie is just happy to be there yippee!
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What is this?? I have no idea what the hell it is at all. Bro is just peepin- it doesn't look like Alastor, even in demon form. And... I can't think of anyone else who could be this. Anyone have ideas or maybe it's foreshadowing? Maybe it was revealed in the 6th episode I don't know I haven't watched it yet. (I am a freak. I don't binge I give myself a day to watch a single episode. Most of the time uhhh.)
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WE LOVE A SHORT KING. I LOVE THAT. I LOVE HIM. THE EVERYTHING. HE IS EVERYTHING. LET ME STRANGLE HIM PLEASE. (Lillith and Lucifer's dynamic is 100% Gomez and Morticia but a little more silly short man)
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Oh and there goes the silly guy again! Atp I'm thinking it may be the gal some people been talking about that they've been hinting since the pilot. I forgot her name but she's said to be the big bad of season 1 or probably 2. Not sure if that's what it's trying to imply but here's my little no-thought idea
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Lucifer, no...
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Niffty really said, "Yes, I do the cleaning."
Get yourself a taller king who is a short king but compared to you is a tall king
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Say what you will, but I genuinely want more dad Alastor, someone make an au before I do plsss and @ me 🙏🙏
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alright.. now this is where it starts to be relatable and hurt my heart... yayy.... needing any sort of parent figure that actually cares about you than the actual parent who is rarely there? WOWZA! SAME CHARLIE <3 <3 (SO FAR VERY ACCURATE FROM SOMEONE THAT IS IN THE SAME SITUATION)
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Alastor is letting her off kindly, atleast in his way. He may be pissed off she brought a shark gang to the hotel and put it on fire, but they were still close friends. With anyone else he would absolutely either murder them or have severely traumatized the person. She's the exception, although I don't think he'd let it off the hook so easily if there were a next time.
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A father-daughter embrace! :,)
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(This is gonna be messy asf) He wants to know who she is as a person. He always has, and that's definitely obvious, but from a person inside this, they may not know themselves what the other is thinking. To Charlie it was like he never cared and just wanted an excuse to not see her again, acting like he was truly busy as in the start where he made the rubber duck that breathed fire. Sure. But Charlie saw it as him finding ways to not interact with her again. The only times they talk was when it was related to business stuff or other things of the sort. Let me just say this song... is by far my favorite, including the episode. Sure, it's got problems it's own, but this extremely accurate portrayal of what my own situation with one of my parents just stole my entire soul. Yeah I got a bit of tears about to come out, BUT NOPE! NOT TODAY! I don't ever cry during shows or movies so if I ever get teary-eyed, YOU DID SOMETHING. THAT SOMETHING BEING GOOD. This episode was emotional and connected with me on a deep level that I dont think any film has ever done to me, which is weird because I've been actively trying to find one, any one that does. Then to find it in an indie company from a creator who has achieved the dreams that I myself want to one day? That's fucking amazing.
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accidentwithapen · 2 months
Hiii!!! GIGS in Space AU Once Again on my mind so heres a quick plot rundown allll put in one post
If you read through this all i love you <3
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If not, have this grian doodle anyways
So Grian, Scar, Impulse, and Skizz are all prisoners in this like,,, dystopian space society. All are imprisoned for different reasons:
- Grian is a vandalist, doing graffiti and setting minor explosions around different government/company sites. When arrested and asked why he does what he does, he claims "it's about the principal"
- Impulse worked as a mechanic for a major company, but an incident resulting in a death and 3 injuries gets wrongfully pinned on him. He still believes that all circumstances surrounding his arrest are just one big misunderstanding. The company, however, doesnt care.
- Skizz is a hacker, and good at it too. He logs into the system of the same company Impulse worked for, and subsequently gets caught red-handed.
- Nobody knows why Scar is arrested. There are many rumors spread around the prison wing that he and Grian are in that Scar is Secretly A Mob Boss for the Con Corp. family. But surely someone so clumsy and silly cant possibly be so powerful, right? thats what Grian thinks, anyways.
So these doofuses have two options.
1. they can serve their sentence rotting in a shitty space prison with Nothing To Do and being forced into manual labor
2. they can get out slightly earlier after enough time spent doing Community Service
They go for the second one, which Happens to be gathering extraterrestrial data for Impulse's old Company (i need a name for it dear god its ridiculous at this point). So after all independently choosing the community service option, they get grouped into a squad of the four of them and get sent out to different semi-abandoned planets to hunt monsters/ghosts/aliens and collect data. What they eventually figure out is that the reason they are given so much freedom with their community service is that they are not intended to survive. They devise an escape plan and on their third mission together, they successfully escape together.
Its important to note that Scar and Grian came from the same cell block, so Grian decides to tell Skizz and Impulse about the mob boss rumors (as a prank, of course), and warns them that Scar Doesn't Like Swearing. basically scaring everyone into facing these cosmic horrors with a PG attitude
So the GIGS escape with a real shitty spacecraft and are on the run from the government (theres no way they're gonna succeed like this) up until they get captured. but not by the government.
They get captured by morally gray, filthy rich, weapons manufacturer Doc. (or his hitman at least, one Geminitay)
Doc explains to the GIGS that he has paid all of their bail fees, and now they must work off their debt to him. as delivery boys.
Doc enlists Gem to look after the GIGS during their deliveries. Gem Does Not Like This but shes not gonna say no to her boss.
Basically the rest of it is a silly stupid sci fi sitcom about funny found family doing goofy delivery missions and learning more about each other along the way.
Oh, and remember those rumors about Scar? Theyre all true. And there are Consequences for his absence in the family....
Heres some extra little character notes:
- While Impulse believes his arrest was a genuine mistake at first, during their second bout of community service, he and skizz discover how little the company actually cares about its employees and Impulse gets real mad that his entire livelihood is a lie and goes ham and wrecks some shit (good for him)
- Gem was taken in by Doc at a very young age, with life-threatening injuries. Doc used his experience with mad sciencery to fix her up with whatever he had on hand, mostly animal parts. now shes a hybrid.
- Gem sees Doc as a father figure, but has No Clue how to express that so from her perspective shes just Really Loyal to her boss and doing nothing more than paying off a life debt.
- Grian has a mycelium infection running up his arm that he keeps secret from everyone else. the first in the group to find out about it is Gem
- Scar uses mobility aids of many varieties, but mostly uses a cane with robotic leg splints on missions
Anyways thats all for now, if you wanna see some more doodles and stuff you can look around my gigs in space tag!!
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whole-circus · 1 year
Creepypastas as stereotypical horror movie characters!
➥ with Jeff The Killer, Homicidal Liu, Masky, Ben Drowned, Sally Williams, Eyeless Jack, Nina The Killer, "Ticci" Toby, Jane The Killer From horror movies lover to innocent souls! >:3
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☆ Jeff The Killer
Hear me out - Jock of the group. You know, this "manly men", who would bully you in a free time if he is not playing in football (or other balls hehe). Absolute jerk! Laughs at the rest of the group for being afraid. Act like he is not scared at all and often curse at the killer, saying that he will beat his ass - on the inside tho? He is shaking from fear! Propably would die as one of the first :)
☆ Homicidal Liu
He would be a tragic hero, the one had normal life but shit happend. Have a high chance of surviving but propably sacrifies himself, so others could live. But if he survive? Oh my, at what cost? All of his friends are dead, everything he loved is now ruined..but hey, maybe he can monetize his traumatic experience to pay for therapy!
☆ Masky
Totally the responsible and a bit sceptic at first one. Initially, he doesn't really believe what others are saying. Thinks that others are going crazy or just doing pranks. He is sure everything can be explained! The one to be smart enough to outstand the killer and he maintain to be calm. And just tired from babying therest of the group. For some reason, he would mostly die anyway..propably on silly way, that angers audience.
☆ Ben Drowned
The stoner one..The guy that is almost always high and also can be a comic relief! The best character to put your guard down, with him on the screen you will almost forgot what you watch! Well, maybe until someone get killed..He also make the stupidest jokes - but come on, we love them! Someone gets stabbed? Bleeds? Haha look - period! Oh man..the killers attacks? Nah, he can wait - its time to get high! Dies in the most stupid way (propably not from killers hands) or! survives! - we have no idea how.
☆ Sally Williams
She is the scary kid! You remeber Grady twins from Shining? She is both of them! At the same time! Propably will be seen as innocent and cute, you just want to protects her..But dont be fooled by her sweet apperance! If you are not careful, you cant blame her for standing at your bed with knife in the middle of the night! Sally would scare the shit out of viewers. Lights suddenly goes out? Oh man.. We can see that coming!
☆ Eyeless Jack
What a nice and quiet fellow...No way he could be a killer! Jack is definitely the quiet one who turns out to be a killer. Always sweet, always caring - propably besties with the main character. He helps hiding from the killer, setting traps and trying to find clues to discover identity of main antagonist. Just wait till the end, when the identify of masked killer will be uncovered! He is also the perfect type to be a masked slasher becasue well..he is hot, alright?
☆ Nina the Killer
Hot, joyful, a bit too naive and in mini skirt! There she is! The bimbo one! Propably the best friend of the final girl. Have no idea what is going on..but hopes she will flirt her way out of killers hands! Of course the most fanserviced one, if the horror have sex or pool scenes, she is in. In the first 5 minutes of the movie you will see her boobs. Won't run becasue she dont want to ruin her shoes. We all love her but lets be honest - she will die first.
☆ "Ticci" Toby
Every movie need the crybaby one, this one character that will be scared of anything - his shadow included. Will never ever want to split up, he would put the handcuffs on the whole group if he could. A scary noise? In the middle of the night? Oh hell no, lets pretend that nothing happened and stay in safe room. All the wacthers have enough of him! Please, just let this guy die... Despite his fearful spirit, he has a high chance to come from this nightmare alive (sadly for audience).
☆ Jane the Killer
Badass girls, who doesn't love them? Also pretty and smart? Can fight?? Thats her, thats the final girl! Bravely fights till the end. Her will to live is way stronger than killer hands. Will try to help everybody make it, but at the end all her friends are dead anyways. Well..at least the blood suits her. Propably will live a somehow calm yet traumatized life, well until the next part of movie!
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luvsturniolo · 6 months
Hi do you think you could do a nick x male reader where the reader has been sad and nick surprises him with a date in the backyard and gives him a kiss as they just like lay under the moonlight
ー ★ !! starkissed
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pairing : nick sturniolo x male!reader
synopsis : described in req ^^
a/n : okay i’m really hoping that this isn’t bad because i don’t want to portray these characters incorrectly. if u have any constructive criticism feel free to lmk !! also, i aplogize that it's kinda short.
wc : 0.9k
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you've had a horrible week so far. well, nothing specific happened to make it shitty, but there hasn't been a single positive thought run through your head recently. every bone in your body feels exhausted and you're sick of it. you want to feel normal. you want to be happy. but you just cant like your mind is going agianst you – trying to make you upset. and if so, it's definitely working.
your boyfriend has noticed your change in demeanor and has been trying his hardest to cheer you up. he's gifted you with flowers ; snuck into your room at night for cuddles ; surprised you with your favorite snacks ; etc. but nothing's worked. and you feel even shittier knowing that your bad mood makes him feel responsible.
the last thing you want is for him to think it's his fault that you're upset. because it's not his fault! and you wish you could explain to him why you're sad, but you can't. you can't even explain to yourself why you're upset. god, you're so incredibly sick of feeling like this.
as you lay in your bed, trying to take a nap, slow music blares through your headphones. you're wearing your comfort hoodie – one that nick gave you on your guys' first date – with the hood pulled over your hair. under the fabric, you have speakers covering your ears to play music. you were hoping that if the singer's voice was loud enough, it would drown out your thoughts and you could focus on something other than being sad for once. but of course, it's not working.
just as you're about to fall alseep, you feel your phone vibrate with a message from nick. you know it's from him because he's the only contact you don't have on DND. you lazily grab and unlock your phone, opening snapchat where he texted you from.
babe !! what're u doing rn ?
js laying in bed .. why
bc i was wondering if u wanted to come over to my place for the night :)
sure <3
you turn off your phone and stuff it into the pocket of your hoodie before removing your headphones from your ears – a wave of sadness washing over you due to the lack of noise to distract you from all the shit going on in your life right now. you scoot over to the edge of your bed and put on the pair of shoes closest to you at the moment. your outfit looks like shit, to be honest. but whatever. at least it reflects what's going on in your life, right?
you and nick live in the same neighborhood so his house is only a few blocks away on foot. after leaving your house, your arrive at his about seven minutes later. you knock on the door and awkwardly stand on the porch for a moment before nick swings it open and pulls you into a tight embrace, hugging you happily. he pulls back and peppers your face with kisses, making you smile a tad.
"i have a surprise for you." he tells you, grabbing your hand and gently pulling you inro the house. you chuckle, shutting the door behind you as you're guided into the backward. in the center of the yard, you see a tent. you can tell nick put it up and decorated the inside to be pretty for you judging by the light shining through the fabric causing small shadows to splay across the grass. "i thought it'd be nice to lay under the stars tonight."
"under the stars?" you mimick, cocking your head to the side with a small and teasing smile grazing your lips. "how romantic, nicolas."
"well, matt and chris won't be here tonight. so i thought it'd be a good idea to do something with you. i can tell you've been in a shitty mood and even though you said i can't fix it, i hate seeing you like this." nick rambles, making your smile widen even more at the sound of his voice rushing out. "also, i know how much you love astronomy and stars and everything. so i thought it'd be nice to watch them together. y'know there's supposed to be an alignment tonight? i read on some website that mercury –"
you cut off his ranting by grabbing him by the cheeks and cupping his face in your hands. he instantly shuts up and you laugh before pressing your mouth to his. he smiles against your lips and your mood raises by a lot from that simple gesture.
you break the kiss and tell him that you love his idea. with that, you guys make your way down the yard to his tent. just as you'd thought, nick had decorated it to look comfy. there are about ten blankets on the floor and a few on top for warmth while you sleep. he also brought out a ton of pillows and a flashlight – which is what must have caused the shadows you saw. on the roof of the tent, there's a mesh netting so you can see the sky but also be inside.
you flop backward onto the blankets, making nick laugh at you. he reaches up and turns off the flashlight so you can see the stars better. then, he lays down beside you, resting his head on your chest to look up at the night sky peppered with little suns.
"they look like diamonds," you mutter in a whisper. "they're so little and there are so many. yet they never fail to take my breath away."
you feel nick sigh, "you're kinda like a star, then."
"what?" you ask.
"there are so many people in this world. and everyone is so small in comparison to the universe." he explains. "and yet, you're my favorite of them all. and you never fail to take my breath away."
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tags : @kasqnxx @lvrsparadise @prettysturniolo @strniolo @urmyslxt @cupidsturniolo @opheliaofficial07 @thetriplets3 @sturn1olo-ffics @uhnanix @deadxrx @kitaysworld @lovelysturniolo @wilmalovegood @ladylokilaufeyson5 @sturniolopepsi @strnilolo @knowingnothingnoel @its-jennarose @lea0518 @slaysturniolo @sturnlover @tcvazq
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papakhan · 7 months
what are ur thoughts on bitter-root
sitting here with my hands clasped together. i have so much thoughts on bitter-root
If you've been following me for a while you'll already know that I'm CONVINCED that Bitter-roots writer only read the brief on the Great Khans and didn't pay any attention to their timeline within the games. Let me break it down for you.
The Bitter Springs Massacre was 3 years before the events of Fallout New Vegas and almost immediately following the 1st Battle of Hoover Dam. That means in 3 years Bitter-Root has gone from "child even the Khans don't consider grown enough to be a raider" to "Sergeant in a top ranking highly specialised and decorated sniper unit" that shit doesn't add up IT DOESNT ADD UP!! He explicitly says he wasn't considered old enough for his Khan initiation--which is the Khans threshold between child and adult--but he Was old enough to join the NCRarmy??? These RAIDERS thought he was too baby to be a raider but the fucking NCR said "yep sign here" HELLO?
okay let's say for argument's sake that he took a year out because he was adopted by Major Dhatri and also First Recon Snipers tend to get picked out from basic training sure sure whatever. That's still 2 years to rise to rank of Sergeant he is LITERALLY THE SECOND HIGHEST RANKED MEMBER?? IN 2 OR 3 YEARS?? okay whatever his adopted dad is pulling strings for him or something I don't know ITS STILL DUMB I'm still having to over-explain to patch up these little holes in his story
I've said it before but everything around the Bitter Springs Massacre is awfulllyyyy written. its all so so bad. Like even with laying out all the facts we do have there's still stuff that doesn't make sense. We don't know why Chance is triggered by fires as a result of Bitter Springs, etc. The thing with Bitter-Root is when he says basically that he killed his parents during the confusion UH WHEN DID HE GET TIME TO DO THAT? While he was running through the Red Pass to evacuate? no he would have been shot. In Bitter Springs itself? With that many witnesses? Even in the confusion, it would have been hard to kill two people without anyone noticing ESPICALLY if he was like firing a gun at them or something PEOPLE WOULD HAVE LOOKED idk it just doesn't make sense to me but that's a whole other thing.
to me as he is in game Bitter Root just kinda feels like the writers feable attempt at writing a "good" khan raider whose fighting for the "good guys"
My version of Bitter-Root would still be like. a child. a teenager someone as a parallel to Jerry the Punk over in the Khans. You can still have him running around Camp McCarren but yknow sticking around his dad and first recon and maybe you can have Dhatri be conflicted about Bitter-Root's dreams to join First Recon because he knows personally how awful Bitter Springs was because he was the one who had to put a stop to it and doesn't want Bitter-Root in the military at All because he doesn't want to see him grow into a heartless killing machine on Either side??? Show Bitter-Root getting blinded by revenge just as badly as Papa and all the other characters in New Vegas who are struggling to Let Go. Hell maybe he could be in the role he's in in game but he ran away from the Khans and his parents way before Bitter Springs and is more like Manny or Boone's age, and idk maybe we could have something about how he Did freeze when asked to fire on his own people or something idk anything
And this isn't me hating on Bitter-Root because I like the Khans and don't want to see anything negative about them. I do like and implement a lot of what Bitter-Root brings to the table, his parents seeming to be very staunchly of the old Khan way while the group itself has moved away makes for some Very interesting politicking within the Khans. Why else would his dad take him off to take potshots at NCR civilians if not because the Khans current government had outlawed it? Papa says outright that killing civilians is cowardly he cant be so blind that he wouldn't apply it to both sides. We also know that their chief law enforcer Regis looks out for women and cares about their independence and I cant see him being in the position of power that he's in if his opinion on women wasn't the majority yknow? So the way Bitter-Roots dad and his friends treated Bitter-roots mom goes against that. All this implies a weird subset of Khans who stick to the old New Khan ways were they teach kids to kill civilians and treat women poorly. Like a said, very interesting politicking and I love fictional politics
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devskindawritingblog · 5 months
asking in the right blog this time!! more of laura lee because i just LOVE her and cant accept that she bearly has any fics.
LIKE HEAR ME OUT teaching her how to ride a bike because one day she just reveals that she didn't get the chance to learn as a kid, so you make your life goal from that on to teach her. i think about this a lot as that one scene from atypical where casey teaches izzie all cutesy and stuff
Bumps and Bruises
Laura lee x reader
AN: oh my gosh I love writing for Laura Lee. One of my favourite characters to write for me. And this request was such a cute idea. I’ll admit I’ve never watched atypical so I found the scene and went with the general idea of learning to ride a bike. Fun fact: I didn’t learn to ride a bike till I was 13. Laura lees text is in yellow.
word count rounded: 900
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Here you were, in an empty parking lot, with Laura Lee and your bike and at night. Not the best idea but you didn’t have any other time to do it. She stood their nervously as you placed the helmet on her and buckled it up
*about a week earlier*
It all started when Laura Lee stayed over at your house. Both of you were cuddling together and talking about memories. You giggled and laughed together as Laura Lee laid in your arms.
“I was riding a bike down the stairs and I face planted and lost my first tooth.” You admit with a giggle as Laura Lee laughs a little too, finding the story endearing.
“What about you miss angel do anything stupid on a bike before?” You say as you fix her hair.
“Hmm, a bike? I don’t know how to ride a bike. Growing up we never got much time to like ride bikes.” She says as you quickly gasp sitting up.
“What! Really? You can't ride a bike? I need to teach you.” You explain maybe a little too excited to teach your girlfriend to ride a bike. 
And that's how you got to this moment. It took a bit to convince and find the perfect time so it could just be you and her but now it’s time.
“You look cute.” You smile adjusting the straps on the helmet with a little giggle. 
She fixes the helmet and you give her a little kiss on the nose as a small smile slips past her lips.
“Are you ready? I promise I won’t let you fall and if you do I have a first aid kit.” You say as you retract the kickstand from the bike and hold it up yourself.
“I’m ready. I’m just scared. I’ve never ridden a bike before . What if I’m really bad?” She asks nervously, eyeing up the bike.
“Don’t worry I’ll teach you and we can go on romantic bike rides together.” You smile and intertwine your hands giving her hand a little squeeze.
You get onto the bike showing her where to place her feet and how to pedal or brake. You get off the bike putting up the kickstand so she can try and get on without the bike rolling away.
Laura lee steps over and sits on the seat of the bike. You give her helmet a little fix and hold her the controls one more time
You kick out the kickstand so the bike is being held up by her now.
“Ok just take your feet of the ground and peddle I will hold you up until you have enough speed, sounds good?” You say holding her back and placing one of your hands in between the handlebars.
“Ok.” Laura Lee says a little unsure.
You start to walk with her on the bike . She slowly pedals and as you both pick up speed you start to jog beside her.
“See not so scary.” You say and of course as soon as you say that she hits a rock and crashes. 
“Oh shit. Are you ok?” You say kneeling down next to her. It wasn’t a bad fall, it could have been much worse. The bike lays sideways and she pulls her leg out from underneath and has a scratch on her knee.
You can tell it hurts but she seems alright. You unbuckle her helmet and kiss her forehead. 
“I’m ok. I might be bleeding.” She says as she pulls her leg closer to herself.
“I’m sorry Lee. I’ll go get a bandaid on sec.” You rush off to your backpack grabbing some wipes and a bandaid. You walk back over to her and kneel down holding her hand as you wipe off her bloody knee.
“Oww.” She winces.
“Sorry it's gonna sting.” You say kissing her forehead and you finish with the wipes and put the bandaid on her knee.
“Are you all good? Need me to kiss it better?” You smirk as Laura Lee rolls her eyes and smiles back. You lean forward giving her a kiss on the lips instead. 
“Wanna try again?” 
“Yeah.” She says standing back up and buckling on her helmet. If there is one thing about Laura Lee is she is always true to her word.You help her stand up the bike she gets on the seat again and you walk with her until she picks up speed.
She falls a few more times, not as bad as the first one but everytime you give her a little kiss and she gets back up to do it again.
She tries again your jogging beside her, keeping her steady and you let her go. But this time she stays up and keeps peddling .
“Oh my gosh ! I’m doing it ! I’m riding a bike!” She squeals as she keeps riding around the parking lot.
“Good job! Don’t fall now silly.” You say as you jog behind her. She does a few loops around the parking lot before breaking and getting off.You jog over and pull her into a hug.
“Good job baby! You're so good!” You beam as you give her a kiss on the forehead. You smile and she gets off the bike. The two of you walk back to your house. Laura Lee rides your bike behind you all the way home.
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jabberwockprince · 2 months
I'm cooking r1999 OC stuff so i need to ramble about it hehehoho rubs my evil hands together
i had to rewrite this because i lost it but i also sound like a madman so i dont expect absolutely anyone to understand my train of thought <3
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I OC-fied Tartaglia a few days ago but I just got around to thinking about his whole character and lore, and it hit me that I can just put his ass in Apeiron <3 I'd like to have an OC in each faction but we'll see how much my attention span lasts
I want him to be from Apeiron specifically because the idea of an integer or equally valid number within the island acting like the most fucking feral irrational number is so funny to me. a complete betrayal of the scriptures but that somehow ends up making sense, so you cannot be mad because He Still Operates Within What Was Expected. a guy whose entire existence is just ANNOYING AND IRRITATING AND INSUFFERABLE. perhaps he's a fraction, I'm not sure yet. I'm not looking forward to researching numbers to find one that suits him thematically and shit
most likely considered a genius in an unconventional way, not similar at all to 37. more like still following the theme of opposing/overstepping while working within the guidelines. so maybe something to contrast her
37's talent for numbers is explained as an innate ability to see the numbers in everyone and see their true essence, which causes her to be isolated from the physical world and the people of her own community because she does not experience nor care about reality the same way others do. its impossible to try and understand her, because her insight is so vastly unique, but she can still provide solid proof to support her discoveries with no problem at all, as seen when she confirmed Vertin's number is 0. she cares about the scriptures and numbers, and yet she likes taking the chance to discover one's number away from others just because she can be the first one to do it
so im thinking. Aianteia could be the opposite. he cannot see the numbers in people like her, but their true Forms. the perfect geometrical shapes that can only exist in the abstract world of Forms, impossible to achieve beyond a close approximation. and because he essentially sees the "beauty" in people, he cares for the community, he is friendly and often befriends others rather easily. but he can't fucking explain why he sees the world Like That. nor provide any proof as to why someone is This Form or That Form. which renders him totally useless within Apeiron, because of the importance of proof. he cares about people figuring out their number, to discover themselves and whatnot--he cares so much that he will gladly show you which Form you're meant to be, the way the universe intended it
and THIS is when the themes of battle and war and carnage come into play. when it comes to irrational numbers or the impure, Aianteia connects their "floating points" and knows exactly what to do to purify them. to make their bodies as pure as their Forms. im saying that he basically sees fancy ass geometrical shapes and lines that let him know where to start cutting and slashing and killing. this is something he does out of genuine love and care, so that those who cant even DREAM of studying the scripture can get a fair chance at discovering their number, as irrational as it may be. all they have to do is survive
im thinking. that his scars are self-inflicted because he attempted to do the exact same thing to himself. and he survived. and he figured out his number this way. he cannot explain why or how or give proof as to why he knows THIS is his number (in a way, similar to how 37 knew from birth that THIS was her number) but i like to think that 77 took a good look at him and went "hes right." and everyone had to just. accept that this guy, most likely a very young teenager, found out his number THROUGH THE "WRONG" WAY
WHICH. IN TURN. FALLS WITHIN WHAT 37 INSISTS DURING CHAPTER 05--numbers are the eternal truth because no matter when or where or how you prove something, you and the person at the other side of the planet will come up with the same result. Aianteia has an entirely different approach that led to the same conclusion as 77's mother. once again, the issue is that this is something that cannot be corrected nor given proof. relating to the gnosis of an arcanist, and how arcanum is not a viable method of study because it cannot be verified by a third party. my brain is making connections at the speed of SOUND. anyway. the issue is that he's RIGHT. which would make him a fraction, potentially, since 37 describes them like this
Integers are the living examples of virtues. Fractions can be understood through specific means. Irrational numbers are the free spirits, while imaginary numbers are the existence which doesn’t belong to this dimension of the number axis
so he can be understood through specific means, but no one can figure out WHICH means exactly
I do think that he starts out genuinely wanting to help people achieve their purest self, and somewhere down in the middle of the road he started to have a little too much fun with the idea of being the hand that brings Forms to the world of Matters. and then as he spends more and more time outside of Apeiron, it becomes a dog eat dog mentality, whoever survives gets to be their truest, purest Form -> the strongest get to impose their ideals onto the rest. Aianteia SAYS that he's doing this to uphold the scriptures and defend them in the outside world, and this is partially true as a childish leftover desire from his initial journey. but really, its all about getting the shit beaten out of him and beating the shit out of others now to see who earns the right to live
if the Storm has been going on for 7 years, it started when he was 19, so im thinking he was around 14-15 when he left Apeiron during one of those expeditions. and they let him go specifically because pretty much everyone wanted him gone
from what I remember, both Manus and the Foundation existed BEFORE the Storm? so im willing to say that Aianteia joined Manus before the first Storm ever. but i also dont want to think too hard on time logistics because we dont have the full timeline of the game yet
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A bit ago I made my own rewrite of Millie as a challenge and ended up loving her so much I put her into my own project (adjusted so there's no copyright infringement and she fits \w world-building)
I seriously think Viv doesn't want to put any effort into characterizing Millie. Like I don't think she's bad at it, I just think she doesn't want to.
Even outside of a text in a doc form of characterizing, there are ways in visual media to add depth to your character. Random scene to explain my thoughts, I.m.p. Having a meeting to plan things before a murder: Wanna characterize Millie as an overzealous maniac? Have her rocking back and forth in her chair, pumped up, ready to go the exact second they finish up. Wanna make her sweet and caring to contrast her fucked up job? Make her take notes, nod along, and when they head out have her check up with everyone. Is she better at her job than the others and knows it? Have her pay attention during the planning parts but more distance during unimportant pieces, weapons laid out on the table to pick the very best one for the job. JUST SOMETHING PUT SOMETHING THERE, PLEASE!!!
The way other characters are around her doesn't help.
Moxxie could be the one thing holding her back from trying to clear out every ring and so he intervenes anytime shes slightly annoyed, blitz could see her as a rival for murder or a scapegoat for everything, Sallie Mae could be by her side the entire time she's on screen, striker could respect her for her strength and loyalty but hate her for the fact she's a suck up to royalty or too energetic or because she's a wild card, Loona could have her as the only person she shares a hobby with and being a slightly protective cus of it, her parents could be overly doting and ask if she's been taking care of herself and acting less self-sacrificial, Chaz could avoid her the entire episode out of fear and then have his fear be justified during the wedding! These are the ideas I thought up in 20 minutes, and you don't have to change much for the antagonists or her family!
Like even her design shows literally nothing! Jack. Shit.
Wacky hairstyle, scars, more than 2 colors, any thought put into the outfit at all, accessories, Body type (to an extent), posing, anything!!! That's all I'm gonna say about design cus I could go all day with the hypotheticals because there's SO FUCKING LITTLE TO HER I CANT EVEN RUN WITH WHAT'S THERE!!! I have to make up things about her just to demonstrate how little Viv has tried with even the most BASIC characterization. There's nothing to Millie, not even poorly written things, just actually nothing!!! I've seen characters who can be summarized with a handful of words, don't have a single line of dialogue, and have a backstory that's a sentence long be characterized better than her!!!
It's actually a bit impressive how little Viv has tried! It's like she's actively avoided giving her even the slightest base-level character!
Millie is a plot device to clean up blitz and moxxies messes.
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spaceistheplaceart · 1 year
hmmmm i did have fic ideas last night but i dont feel confident enough in my understanding of the characters to write a full fic
so here's snippets/basic layout:
Reigen comes back to the office, and everyones shocked that he's back, because wtf this guys been missing for literally 2 months and they kind of thought he was dead. So they took over the business for him-- but it's really not the same.
As soon as he walks though the door, he's met with just. stunned silence. At first, he's uncomfortable with the silence, like... shit... did he intrude? he's in a very vulnerable emotional state right now. But he gently waves hi and greets everyone, beginning to apologize for being absent for so long-- before mob gets up and comes over to him and hes CRYING (bc this is post s3) and hes just so happy to see his master hes like where were you!?!?!
big reunion, some half hugs shared between mob and reigen, etc. they ask him what happened and he sits down to explain.
he explains what happened while serizawa is cutting his hair and... his voice is so soft and quiet right now, it's unnerving. he's slowly talking too, and still as serizawa cuts his hair. he's choosing his words carefully... it's unlike him.
serizawa asks him if it's a curse on the train, then maybe they should go exorcise it?
reigen begins to answer, suffers through a few false starts and then just puts his head in his hands and mumbles that he doesnt want tothink about the train right now. they leave it be. reigen is also worrying abt his apartment, and having to clean it up.
dimples like "damn, you're really fucked up rn huh?" and reigen, instead of taking the jab, is just like "dimple... please, lay off it for today, okay...? im really... really not in the mood..."
and that gives dimple pause and hes like "... ok. whatever." and leaves.
they talk a bit more, the haircut finishes, and reigen finds out that they were taking care of the place for him while he was gone. but customers have dropped because reigens not there anymore... without his salesman experience, SnS is missing a key component. Reigen is flattered, and says as such. He'll defifnitely come back to work, but... right now, he's gonna go home. Throw out all his expired food and... clean.
as he beginst o leave, he lingers in the doorway for a moment.
"..." He scratches the wall nervously, looking away. "... Would it... be okay if I... came back afterwards? To here?"
Serizawa tilts his head. "Of course, you are the boss--"
"No, I mean... not for... for work." Reigen bites his lip, this is hard for him to say. "... Just to hang out. With... with you....... guys. I don't-"
His shoulders hike up. "Don't want to be alone. at my house. today."
it's silent for a while before they agree wholeheartedly. reigen sighs out his tension and nods, then goes to leave. Serizawa stands and says that, maybe he should walk him back.
so they both walk back to the apartment, but when they get there, oh no!! there's a stranger in his apartment! reigen is ready to fight but the stranger is dimple :) possessing somebody. he took care of throwing out all the expired food and trash for him whwen he left earlier. Reigen looks in his now empty fridge and pantry, save for a few canned goods, in awe. Dimple makes up some excuse of he was bored and then insults reigen over how little food he has-- poor much?
reigen smiles though and laughs a bit to himself.
"Thank you for... doing this, Dimple. I appreciate it."
Dimple is taken aback by the earnest statement and shrugs. "It's whatever. I aint taking care of your roach problem though."
"ROACH!?!??!??! PROBLEM!??!?!"
Dimple laughs at him and pats him on the back. Reigen scowls and shoves him, but he's smiling afterwards. Then a roach skitters across the floor and reigen screams.. Dimple is laughing his ass off and serizawa picks up the roach with his powers and removes it. He says he can take care of the roaches for reigen. Reigen says thank you, and leaves the apartment "to get some fresh air" (to get the fuck away from the roaches)
anyways, after that, they go back to sns and reigen just hangs out for the rest of the day. tome eventually comes in and is happy to see him... reigen falls asleep on the couch... things are nice <3
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babbling-idiot · 2 months
Can you please do hc's of Shepherd (would you rather), Herbert West, Johnathan (evil clergymen), Crawford (from beyond) and any other Jeffrey Combs character with a s/o who is non binary and also emo/alt?
(When you said emo/alt I assume you meant the clothing style? I hope that's right or else I'll feel like a real dumbass. I'm ignorant to some things so please excuse me if I have it all wrong.)
Shepard Lambrick:
First off lets just start with the fact that he loves your style
He loves you in general
He doesn't mind that your nonbinary
He is probably one of the few people you could go to about your problems
Especially when you are having a hard time with your clothing choices
He doesn't want you to feel intimidated by the game
He would love it for you to come and watch one of these times but doesn't want to pressure you on it
If you do decide to join him one night he would be ecstatic
He would introduce you to the group and to Julian
Julian is very understanding of you in general but since Julian is an asshole, he doesn't talk to you or anyone for that matter
Shepard hates this and will "force" Julian to communicate with you and everyone around
He does it out of love
Herbert West:
Loves that you don't care about what people think
He too could care less about other people
He does on an odd level trust you with every bit of information he has
He barley trusts Dan with every smidge of info he has
But its a great thing
He is one of those boyfriends that will kill someone for looking at you odd or saying something wrong
He will do that, put their eyes or tongue in a box with a bow and present it to you like it's his greatest accomplishment
Has a love for you that would outdo any famous poet
Like Shepard he does not mind you being non binary, as long as you are happy
Took him a second to understand what non binary was he is with you 100%
He likes your style though
He is really into the style and would love to see all of it
Thinks you are a work of art to be honest, he fully believes you were sent to him for a reason and you make him such a better person
He literally worships the ground you walk on
Would do anything you asked him to
Though he may have offed himself he still says things like "Death could not keep me away from you."
Calls you sweetheart, darling, hun
A whole bunch of different pet names
Dr Vannavutt:
He is old
He is slow to understanding what exactly non binary is
You have to explain it slowly, word by word
He does eventually get it
Just have mercy on him, he's an old man
He loves seeing people evolving into independent people
Becoming what you feel inside and he supports that shit
Honestly would love it if you could explain everything to him one of these day
Like all of the different genders people are
He would love to learn all of them so he can have all the info
So he can at least be on the same level, at least generationally
Thinks the clothing is odd though
He does get it but its not his favorite but definitely likes it on you
Thinks you are beautiful and thinks that you are the only one that can pull the style off
My god he has so much to learn, so much has changed its gonna make his head spin
John Reilly:
He loves it all
He is just so hypnotized by you
He cant explain the feeling he has
But he can explain in detail how much he loves you
You being non binary and having the style you have is just icing on the cake
He just wants you and you being who you are and being able to express it in your own way makes him swoon for you over and over again
He's an old fashioned kind of guy, so expect doors to be opened, candlelit dinners, walks in the park (literally), and hand kisses
He loves being cliché and finds it absolutely beautiful when you blush at one of his actions
Milton Dammers:
Let's be serious here, he was horrified of you the first time he saw you
Your style scared him but the second he met you and talked to you he was in love
He knows you are non binary and loves that
You are always so patient with him and he loves that
He believes that throughout his career that every moment has lead to him meeting you
Now has the want to make you happy all the time
So don't be shocked if you find a home cooked meal
And yes he burnt it once before because he is used to the microwave
He really likes it when you take him with you on shopping sprees
He never gets himself anything he just loves watching you get excited about clothing and the joy that crosses your face when you find a good piece
It honestly gives him immense joy watching you be happy
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becauseplot · 8 months
ok so i couldn't watch ordem paranormal quarentena live yesterday but im rotating it in my head at supersonic speeds. here have the reactions and notes i was taking while watching the VODs. i figured i'd just make it all one post since i'm super late to the party and i didn't rly feel like "lag"-blogging. (i am. so tired rn lmao)
Quackity will find a way to play the “asshole” character in every universe.
Luis: “My name is Luis Miguel….Kennedy :))” Cellbit, breaking character, pinching the bridge of his nose: “…Did you put ‘Kennedy’ in your name and you didn’t tell me?” (Honestly one of my favorite parts of the whole session HIS FACE)
Lucie IMMEDIATELY starting beef with the ten year old (good for her)
Wait did that doctor try to do a Schrödinger's cat demonstration with the cardboard box and poisoned tuna??? Aw that would've been so cool. I mean not for the cat but for me, personally. I would've found it cool. Man :(
Jeffery pulling a second box of pizza out of the aether to put over the smoke grenade. Loony toons ass motherfuckers.
Jeffery panic throwing the keys at Luis (Honestly same dude)
Holy FUCK the reveal of the blood covered corridor?? THE WAY CELLBIT INTRODUCED THE MONSTER?? Genuinely had me tensing up hooooo it was so good!! (Cellbit: “You can’t explain why…but you don’t want to look at what’s coming around the corner.” Me, with a hand over the screen: “Oh bestie you have no idea 😀”)
THE CHASE SEQUENCE RASHASHSHSRAAHAHHH <-me shaking it around in my mouth like a chew toy
Also all the sounds Cellbit makes? The acting of showing how the infecteds' bodies move?? He's so into it AUGHH he's such a good storyteller I'm going nuts.
Luis: “OMA CULERO BOOOOM!” *fucking decks the monster* (THIS PART HAD ME ROLLING OH MY GOD ROIER)
Baghera’s playstyle!! She always tries to go for the non obvious answer or a third option instead of whatever Cellbit throws at them. (Checking the metal pannel with the wires, trying to put out the boiler fire, going to check Luis’ wounds.) I bet it has something to do with the fact that she’s played rpg before, and MAN I love it.
Cellbit: “You reach behind you and you realize you don’t have your backpack.” Diego: “No, no, mi vida!!… Ohhh we’re all gonna die 0(-(“
Cellbit: “So Jeffery what’re you doing?” Jeffery: “Houghhhggh I’m throwin up, man.”
Benito isn’t an actual doctor?? The fuck lmao???
Benito: *cuts off Michael’s arm* “Ohhhhh you fucking dumbass I’m gonna keep this as a memory.” BENITO???????
Jeffery constantly throwing things at the wall when he’s upset fhdjkdkd 
Ohhhhhhh the killing the animal who's suffering question. Luis with the gun. And the suffering doctor.. And he said he'd end the animal's suffering. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Update: Benito also has beef with the same ten year old
They are playing hot potato with an infected fetus. They threw it at the little girl. Loony toons ass motherfuckers. (Again.)
These dumbasses are SO awful with kids lmao
Lucie the MVP LETSGO she's so smart I love her (a fucking twenty NINE dude holy SHIT she is carrying she is the moment she has the only functioning braincell in this entire facility)
Character development ! Benito is willing to throw his phone :D (he doesn't though)
Luis I love you but I think you killed Lucie. A for effort though.
NEVERMIND Diego is the best he's helping Lucie I love him smmm
Wait what the fuck happened to Amy is she just like. Still sitting there. In the energy room. Crying. Oh my god they're so bad with kids.
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jenoutof10 · 2 months
Thanks for answering my ask before. If you don't mind me asking (again), can I ask, who are your top 10 favorite characters (can be from books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......
HAHHA don't worry these asks are fun and i enjoy them so don't apologize for giving me a good time. i do apologise for taking such a long time w these asks, im actually horrible at articulating my thoughts (which is why i am not a writer HA) i think i might be forgetting some characters, or maybe i just dont have alot of faves
1. itoshi rin (blue lock)
i feel like he sticks out like a sore thumb here but he's very much no. 1... something about him being an antisocial introverted hater with abandonment issues, but also has skills to back up his arrogance and (besides all the hate he lets fester within him) actually has a pretty healthy lifestyle.
2. itadori yuuji (jujutsu kaisen)
everything about yuuji is so inherently GOOD and it both interests + pains me to see him being put through all these trials and tribulations of a dark shonen mc 😭
3. gojo satoru (jujutsu kaisen)
i think, like rin, what makes him so interesting is that he has this arrogant and disrespectful personality but then again he's literally the strongest so you cant do jack shit about it. but on the other hand he's this playful goofy (incapable) teacher who spoils his students. i also love OP (to the point it dont make sense) characters.
4. dazai osamu (bungo stray dogs)
i find his inability to be truly happy in any universe fascinating.
5. tachihara michizo (bungo stray dogs)
if i explained it would be major spoilers for s4 and s5 of bsd so i'll just say that his contribution to the plot in the recent seasons really did it for me. the jump from s1 to s4 was a KICK.
6. mikage reo (blue lock)
he's a sopping wet sock. i think this is what people call a gap moe... this perfect, highly capable and charming individual turns into the most pathetic instance of man when his best friend leaves him.
7. giorno giovanna (jojo's bizarre adventure: golden wind)
his birth origins are alr wild. his stand is wild. his battle strategies are wild. his ending is wild. he (alongside jotaro) is probably the least expressive but his personality is so unique lol. a lil rascal.
8. kita shinsuke (haikyuu!!)
its been a while since anyone has mentioned haikyuu for me but kita remains as one of my fav characters LOL i think he's just very refreshing since the cast is full of hungry teenage monsters eager to win and he's almost like a breeze of calm HAHA. the inarizaki team is also very dear to me bcs theyre packed w such cool and strong characters that interact dynamically lol
9. tsukumo yuki (jujutsu kaisen)
honestly, she was the most interesting female character in jujutsu kaisen (for me) until gege decided to trash her. her appearances from todo's flashbacks to her in shibuya were all so badass, plus shes a good example of a character type i really like that radiates strong-confident-fighter aura but isnt really the brooding/dark type... but fun! ykyk. (oot but i REALLY wanted yuki at #9 bcs of her name LOL, realistically she wouldve been at #7)
10. raiden ei (genshin impact) + raiden shogun
again, another insanely OP character that it doesn't even make sense. her lore is crazy. the second raiden quest was what got me hooked (best story quest ever lol), i honestly can't pinpoint what it is from that quest since its been a while but it changed my whole perspective on her and i've been a raiden fan since. a combination of design, personality, lore, and strength (and additionally the raiden ensemble)
honorable mentions:
kaedehara kazuha, zhongli (genshin)
higashikata josuke (jojo's bizarre adventure: diamond is unbreakable)
lelouch lamperouge (code geass)
oda sakunosuke (bungou stray dogs)
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unfunnyaceartist · 4 months
You were on your phone, bored out of your mind. What else were you supposed to do? It was just a boring day after all.
You decided to just mess around with some AI on character ai, since it’s really fun. Just to flirt, mess with, or genuinely roleplay with them.
Before you knew it, the afternoon has gone by, just giggling at your screen as you messed with the ai, it was a Jax ai, but… not like Jax would mind, right? It’s just a little fun.
You knew Jax wasn’t actually like this, in fact you’d made him, or his ai, into an absolute mess, it was just fun to watch, you only snapped out of it when you heard an “Ehem” and saw a shadow looming over you.
“Shit..” you murmur, looking and making eye contact with Jax, “Uh… sup-?”
“Well well, looks like someone’s in an anti-social mood today. Have you really been hiding up here and texting on your phone all day? Pathetic~” Jax said in a teasing and somewhat cruel manner as he snatched the phone out of your hand.
“Jax—“ he held it over his head, amused at your attempt to grab at it, he just gently pushed you away and went to being full on teasing.
Jax looked at the screen and saw ‘ai’, he smirked smugly, “Wow, really pathetic. You seriously need tt talk to AI just to socialize? Just like crybaby. I wonder if you flirt with them too.” You tried to retort, but he just ignored it, than, his eyes fell into his name on the screen in your most recent messages, he clicked on the most recent message you had, which was very not pg, he went quiet.
You could feel yourself flush, oh god.. oh god he read it and is gonna make fun of you.
“Jax I can explain-“
Jax just scoffed and put his hand down on the desk in front of you, a bit too roughly for your liking, the phone making a soft ‘thump’ as it hit the desk, he was glaring a bit at you. “Do you seriously think I’m gonna let this slide?”
He loomed over, practically cornering you, you couldn’t stop your nervous and somewhat dirty thoughts that were running right now. He grabbed the collar of your shirt with his free hand and tugged you to your feet roughly. “Jax it’s not real-“
Before you could fall over, trying to spill out an excuse so he wouldn’t absolutely tease you and just make your life hell from now on, he pressed you against the wall and growled, “Exactly. It’s not real, so why are you spending so much time on it?”
You flushed immediately, but you couldn’t help it, he had you so fucking close right now, he’s never done this. “It’s just an app, Jax…”
Jax glared a bit down at you, “Than stop spending so much time on a fake.” You slowly realized that he wasn’t mad about you flirting with ‘him’… he was mad that you weren’t spending time with him…? Maybe…? Is that why he was acting like this? That would… actually make sense.
You chuckled softly, “Jax… if you wanted me to spend time with you, you could’ve just said so.”
Jax growled, “I’m just saying, I’m better than hanging out with some mindless software ripoff of me.”
“I’m fine with hanging out, Jax- I… more than fine with it.” Yet again, you had to resist the urge to let out those dirty thoughts.
Jax simply continued to hold your arms, but they were no longer pinned to the wall. He tugged you over to the bed and wrapped his arms around you, plopping down as he nuzzled his face into your neck.
Oh GOD that definitely didn’t help the dirty thoughts, until you realized he wasn’t being rough, just… gentle. Was he trying to cuddle? Okay… that was kind of funny, that he was this needy.
“Pff… can’t believe you’re jealous-“
“Shut up and enjoy it.” Jax huffed, holding you close and seemingly wanting to never let go. You couldn’t help but find it adorable, how needy for attention he was, at least, for you… definitely still that snarky Jax, but it seems like there’s more to him than just being a snarky jerk.
Decided to do a somewhat wholesome thing instead of full on like— yk
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S2E7 Burial - a post viewing rant
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feeling like brokeback mountain tai tonight, head hung low, in solemnity. I just watched season 2 episode 7 'Burial' (yes i havent finished, don't sue me i like to take my time) and by god if that wasn't one of the greatest episodes of television i have ever witnessed in my short life. it was simply fantastic and topped the previous episode for me.
the way they weaved between the timelines was particularly good. i do not understand how they managed to fit in so much character development in one episode. like i feel like we learnt so much about shauna, misty, van, and lottie. i also found it really interesting how each one of their 'therapies' seemed to be really effective almost like it was planned .
i was nearly brought to tears by shauna and that stupid fucking goat. the manifestation of shauna's trauma through her estranged relationship with her daughter uugghhh. i cannot imagine what effect it would have had on her to lose the baby in the wilderness and it completely explains why shauna keeps callie 'at arms length'. the callback to jackie was also done fantastically. i miss her too though shauna, you're not special.
this episode had me thinking that misty isnt even that psychotic; baby just wants to be loved. her motives of not wanting her friend to be eaten actually warms my heart (doesnt excuse what she did). the fear of knowing that the body was out there and if it were to be found, mari would turn it into her next masterpiece of a stew, would be too much for me. i was also enjoying having all the girls on the compound just as much as she was. my very much needed comic relief.
ok taissa really turned up the crunchy gay vibes this episode like you know that women knows how to pitch a tent. (doesn't she have like a state to run or something?!?) the taivan moments were DELICIOUS and she was like REALLY getting into that kiss. i love how all it took was one kiss from her ex gf for her to start planning her divorce.
look van, your situation is tragic, really, but girl...you have had your face eaten off by wolves and have been burned alive TWICE like i think cancer is the least of your problems.
I FUCKING CALLED THAT LOTTIE'S THERAPIST WAS NOT REAL!!!! I KNEWWWWW IT. just thinking though, to be Lottie Matthew's therapist you'd have to be like the final boss therapist you get once you have defeated all other therapists. i find it very interesting that lottie wanted all the girls to go home once she had scared herself sufficiently (dont even ask me what that Antler Queen shit was about). All nat had to do was up the sexual innuendo and to get her to change her mind.
speaking of which, the lottienat truthers were FED this episode. like they're SOOO GAYYYY. I can feel a rage creeping up on me already. it's a preemptive rage. i am preparing myself for when the COWARD writers of this show do not deliver on the canon that we know we deserve in season 3. LIKE ITS ALL THERE. ALL THAT SET UP FOR... a wilderness lottienat kiss (*prays*). i will stop myself from speaking any further on the issue of lottienat (im sure you'll see the gifsets later - sorry in advance)
ok, and FINALLY. Of all the gore, bloodshed, and gruesome, or downright depraved moments in this show...NOTHING has come close to what i witnessed in the final scene of this episode. it is the only moment in yellowjackets where i have actually had to cover up what i was seeing on the screen. i am a big girl now and that was just too much for me. like, the cannibalism is one thing, but i draw the line at having to watch shauna shipman beat the shit out of lottie Matthew's pretty face. LIKE YOU CANT DO THAT TO HER. i was waiting and wanting so badly for natalie to step in and stop her but she just kept going. no one did anything and i dont get it. i understand that she needed to let her rage out but SHE WAS ABOUT TO KILL HER WTF. when lottie put her hands behind her back, my heart sunk bro. shauna you violent bitch. lottie you pathological people pleaser.
yea, great ep
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