#literally like…. a uterus doesn’t make u a woman
marvelousmoose · 4 years
Ok u know what I’ve decided I’m actually going to be properly annoyed at recent events :/
#I’m just here to vent but feel free to let me know that my righteous annoyance is shared lol#so I went to the vagina dr the other day for my first ever pap smear and gettin meself a referral#so I can yeet my uterus into the trash#luckily me and the vagina are on speaking terms and I’m generally p chill abt medical stuff#tho I feel I was understandably a little nervous to get my insides get the ol ‘lawn in fall’ treatment#the nurse was p chill and gave me my flu shot!!!so no complaints there#but the actual dr was just....clearly mildly uncomfortable with the whole trans situation I got going on#kept it professional enough but like....im not stupid#but she immediately said ‘I know the U of Wisc has an excellent gender reassignment center ~’:]’#like first of all I specifically mentioned a hysto second of all never make assumptions about how I want my genitals to look ever again#I did not mention in any way that is something I am even considering and she’s bringin it right out the gate#when I literally only mentioned wanting a hysto ref not only to the nurse but asked about when scheduling the apt over the phone#so I tell her ‘no I’m fine w/ what I have currently I just want my uterus out’#then she asks not once but THRICE if I’d rather have a man or woman do the thing#bc apparently answering ‘it doesn’t really matter either way’ is a statement I needed to clarify#like certainly I can get asking once but if someone says it doesn’t matter that’s when I think ‘okay who do I think would do this well?’#had to literally specify I just wanted whoever she thought could do a good job#AND THEN#says and I shit you not ‘you’ll probably want it done (minimally invasive way) so it doesn’t........scar visibly......that would probably-#cont: ‘be......best....for your situation.’#I almost wanted to just stare at her for a minute like....ma’am.....again with the fuckin assumption that I want to look cis#literally I’m p sure it’s usually done that way anyway just so u don’t have to fucking cut through all the fuckin abdominal muscles#so recovery isn’t a bitch n a half#which is essentially what I said while also being like it don’t care abt scar visibility#so whatever she says she thinks one of the drs who works at the same place would be a good pick so I’m like cool and we get to the exam#and truly the funniest thing is that it reminded me most of the dentist#bc the feeling of someone rooting around your bodily cavities while attempting awkward small talk is very similar no matter the orifice#but at least the dentists I’ve gone to haven’t brought up one of their kids spouses is trans then misgender them in the same breath :/#I’ve run out of tags but tldr cis ppl are baffling what else is new
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imsusx · 5 years
Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, Simon and Garfunkel, The Mamas and the Papas, The Who, AC/DC, Janis Joplin, The Tragically Hip, Aerosmith, Johnny Cash, Madonna, oooooops so many sorry hehe 🥰💓
Omg babe you really went out I love it yes!!! Thanks for asking my love🥰💜
Led Zeppelin: 4 turn ons
Romantically it would be:
-Humor/ laughing: someone laughing with me it’s the best thing ever
-Good conversations: I love when someone is able to talk about anything and just the conversation flows and it doesn’t feel forced
-Listening and empathy: When someone you like wants to listen about your day, or about you feel, and wants to help you out it’s the best ever. Basically genuine attention.
-Petnames!!!!!!!!!!!! (Baby, my girl, my love, or anything with “my” in it) makes me feel extremely special and with my IN IT MAKES ME FEEL LIKE YES IM ALL YOURS✨
Sexually it would be:
-When someone that you like touches your inner thigh MMMMM shits good
-tiddies and BOOTY🙈
-The thought of any sexual activity with the person you like makes me wet ok
The Doors: 2 places you’d like to visit
Australia and USA!
Jimi Hendrix: Name 8 things that make you happy
-Alannah, aka you,the sunshine of my life🥰
-my doggy!
-Food!!! I love food soooo much
-Music! All kinds of music make me happy I can dance and enjoy anything
-My friends! Without a doubt I LOVE them so much and I’m so happy they are in my life, each and everyone of them is special and lovable in their own way🤧💜
-Traveling!!!! Love love exploring new cities and enjoying their own stuff
Simon and Garfunkel: What song(s) help you get through the day?
Lover by Taylor Swift, Cuz I Love you by Lizzo, DINNER and diatribes by Hozier, The Cure by Little mix (that one has a special place in my heart) Graveyard by Halsey, Anything of Rihanna and Beyonce tbh, Anything of Queen is great too of course, Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day and Don’t call me Angel by Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus and Lana del Rey!!! (I think that’s it)
The Mamas and The Papas: Describe yourself in 5 words
Well.. this is hard lmao
Im funny? I’m a bitch too, I’m a foodie, I’m a feminist and a plus size queen what can I say LMFAO
The Who: 2 of your favorite foods and 2 foods you hate
Pizza and Lasagna: my faves
(but I also love Chinese food and Thai and Spanish food omg I can’t choose IM so sorry food is my biggest love)
Broccoli and most veggies omg I hate them I wish I liked them but it’s hard
AC/DC: Name 7 things people do that piss you off
-when people talk over you without respecting your voice or opinion
-people that eat with their mouth open. WTF IS THAT ABOUT CLOSE YOUR FUCKING MOUTH BITCH
-When men start talking about what a woman should do with their body. Hello? No uterus, no opinion thanks
-When people slut-shame women. Let her fucking live
-People that think feminists are crazy. Bitch we just want equality the fuck
-People that don’t get excited or get happy about you when you have good news or are in a good mood. LikE WHAT THE FUCK WHY ARE U SUCH A HATER
Janis Joplin: In your opinion, what was the greatest time or era in music?
Honestly I kinda wanna say 80s,70s, but at the same time I wanna say now. Let me tell u why. Basically 80s are great, all those rock legends that I love are out there wilding. But I wanna say now, because we are able to enjoy the great music we have now and the one from back then!
The tragically Hip: 6 things you want to accomplish
-get skinny and try to understand my body and love myself, all in one pack
-Travel and meet all the wonderful people I have to meet.
-Date u 🌚
-Finish highschool and get to university
-Finish my major or whatever it’s called when I get to Uni
-Be more independent: aka my own apartment, my driver license and my car blabla
Aerosmith: Favorite celebrity? Least favorite?
Well fave celebs maybe any of the Kardashians? I really like them honestly and like they are actual celebs. If we talk about singers and all that stuff we entering my idols and I’m not sure if the question is about that lmao
The ones I don’t like is Chris Brown, what he did to Rihanna it’s just not okay.
Johnny Cash: Are you a religious person?
I mean I am but not really. Basically I have a Christian family and all that but we are not into it as some other families are. We just kinda go with it.
Madonna: Describe your crush
Warning I’m about to get sappy🤧💜
She is one of the most beautiful girls ever, inside and outside. She has this cute reddish hair and blue eyes and the cutest laugh ever. She is tall which makes me h*rny. When I see her or I get a notification my heart goes: 🥰☺️💜💗💖💗💗💘💘💕💓💓💞💕💞💕💓 She is funny, she is sweet, she has brought a light to my life when times were really dark. She is literally the sunshine of my life. It’s funny how life works, she is in the other side of the world but for her I would travel in a heartbeat. I can’t wait to someday hug her, kiss her and give her everything I have, which I already try to do. She makes me feel so amazing, so loved which I’m trying to get used to. Coming from a dark time thinking I was unlovable and now getting this it’s wild. I love her. I really do. Distance can suck my dick. She makes me the happiest and I honestly hope I make her happy too. I’m so thankful for her to be in my life. I’m so happy that she wants to talk to me and enjoy this mess that I am. She is the cutest. She is the owner of my heart. The one that comes to mind when u hear all those love songs. We connected so fast and it’s so amazing. We can talk about everything, we basically are communication queens. I never thought my first love would be so far away from me, but I’ll do anything to fight for it. Thank you Alannah for being in my life honestly. I love you, babygirl 💜🥰
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lulu ( & patricia ) hc/meta:
motherhood/maternal instinct in fiction & feminist analysis
if u read my content, you know that i like to have a bit of a leftist, feminist&genderfuck slant to all my writing and the analysis of all my characters. women in particular are never just women, and they’re always more than the fanservice and literary/video game tropes that are pushed on to them.
i want to talk, for a moment, about “cis” motherhood and a cis woman’s body, particularly a fictional/conceptual/symbolic one---from the perspective of a non-binary afab lesbian with psychosis who has experienced delusions and dysphoria about pregnancy my whole life. from my own personal perspective, mostly because of the aforementioned marginalizations and mental illnesses i experience.... pregnancy and motherhood are both terrifying. 
but i don’t really want to talk about that, i want to talk about the typical “cis” women characters with maternal instincts----and how i believe mothers in fiction can be portrayed as complex women without losing their personalities and personal goals, namely by choosing to believe that a woman’s experience with pregnancy, childbirth, and her family/romantic entanglements are as complicated and varied as she is---and believing her problems are not solved by a man, a child, or pregnancy and in fact, can even be excacerbated by them.
so to do show examples of simpler narratives that can be made more complex, i’m going to talk about two different characters of mine that are ‘mothers’ in canon----patricia, and lulu.
to start with, patricia is the archetypical dead anime mom. the only things that make her a special character to me are that: 1) she had an extraoridinanary amount of children in order to birth a ‘special’ child. 2) she was married to two men at apparently the same time. and 3) because of her wanting to see her own child, extreme tragedy takes place that she apparently is aware of when she asks the villains of the game---a man masquerading as her own brother included among their ranks---to help her.
now we could go the typical route. we could say that patricia is a mother---and of course she loves her  biirth children more than anything, and she wanted to see her birth mother instead of her step-child. (in addition to being a dead mom archetype, she makes a very excellent evil step-mother.) but her life is so much more complicated than her child. she has two husbands. her brother is one of the main villains of the game that tortures her child. there’s thing you can get into, hidden depths that can’t be explained by her just being a woman or a mother. perhaps she loved her birth children as if they were her only family bc she knew her brother no longer was her family, her parents did not believe she was any use to them other than a bargaining chip to becoming royalty. the emperor was old, and she was very young. perhaps she felt for the past ELEVEN pregnancies that only her children, made inside her body, were the only thing that were her own in that terrifyingly lonely castle. perhaps she wanted to see them because her second husband was just as patriarchal as the first, perhaps as self-consumed. perhaps she wanted to be more than a wife---and all she knew she could be was a mother.
there’s was you can write her as very complex, and even make the seemingly simple motivation of just seeing her birth child a symbol of a greater inner life within her, even though she’s not even mentioned on the black eagles route, and is only mentioned in passing in blue lions route!
and so, on to a much more complex example of my portrayals, because lulu is an actual canon character who we can  actually see in the canon of ffx and who is not just alluded to.
lulu is maternal, an ‘older sister’ figure to yuna, and a voice of reason the whole game who takes care of yuna and even wakka in a famililal context. she’s nurturing and kind despite her dark & gothic appearance, and even her puppets refer to her as ‘mother’ in certain unlockable cutscenes in the second game.
but despite this, this is not all lulu is. lulu is a wise guardian figure---but she’s also a fierce fighter that can get the most damage in your party. she’s knowledgeable about the world at large, she’s sensible to a fault and takes 0 bullshit. she’s deeply traumatized about the loss of her first love, chappu, and probably her second lost love, someone she tried to guard shortly before the game begins. despite the most important person in the world to her being her sister character in game, the second game pairs her up with wakka (her dead fiancee’s BROTHER) and ‘shows her’ having a child with him. i say ‘shows her’ because, the game uses the exact same model from the first game, and does not ACTUALLY show her looking pregnant before she has the child even tho she could supposedly give birth at any moment.
we can assume lulu wants to move on from all the death in her life---to a new life with wakka. but it doesn’t make sense that she would get over her trauma so easily, especially without yuna by her side. she lost her parents to sin, she lost chappu, and just because sin is gone, doesn’t mean that the church and all its teachings which she believed in for long hasn’t left a mark on her, or that the church being willfully wrong about how to save the world (and sacrificing so many people in the process) ALSO didn’t have an effect on her when so much of her trauma is related to that.
i think lulu as a mother figure fails. i think in this case of canon, motherhood is a copout for the character---who literally just wasn’t in ffx-2, because it would restrain yuna and not let her grow as a character as much, in the director’s own words. she’s ‘healed’ by wakka and motherhood, her agency as an active player in the story (and her sister’s life, the most important person in the world to her) is taken from her. we’re supposed to take it as FINE with lulu that yuna just left in the middle of the night and never came back even tho she told no one where she was going! she could’ve been dead!
but i think we CAN make the circumstances of lulu in ffx-2 more complicated, if we try. if we take lulu’s trauma seriously, and show that her circumstances effect her. if we make her relationship with wakka something of desperation---to try to make her life make sense, to try to inject new life into a world still full of death & ghosts. we can make her feel not connected to her body and her baby by not being able to ‘show’/’see’ the growth of her child inside her. and we can make part of the reason she wanted to have this child because she felt she ‘lost’ yuna, that yuna was growing beyond her---and she wanted to have someone to take care of, still, even tho she might never have the same connection with her child as she does with yuna---and that SCARES her. we can also note that as a wlw as i play lulu---she might’ve thought she HAD to be with wakka to ever find someone who could love her AND have children with her, and being pregnant with a man’s child making her feel lost from her body and sense of self---her love for both chappu, and for women.
final notes: this was about cis women, but i want to note that all motherhood can really be something beautiful. i believe that stories should be about LOVE more than anything, and the bond between mother and child---especially a trans mother who chooses their own child through adoption, found family, surrogacy, or having a child with their partner with a uterus---can be one of the most beautiful sources of love on this planet!
being responsible for another human’s life with always be taxing. but when it’s something you choose---knowing that responsibility, wanting to bear the burden of a human life, and actually seeing the goal of raising them for the rest of your life and seeing to it that they’re happy and healthy---that’s something that’s really special and wonderful, even if it’s something i can’t see myself doing.
still, i don’t think the story is EVER so simple as a cis birth mother in a nuclear family loving their child and their husband, and living solely for them. life is complicated. women are complicated, with rich inner lives! and that’s part of the thing that makes willful, ethical motherhood so beautiful----knowing that taking on the burdens of taking care of another person for the rest of your life, meaning that your life comes second, is such a. big step in giving up part of your self just to love someone, just to take care of them and be there for them as your child deserves.
it’s more complicated than that, obviously, but love is complicated! and if love is worth telling stories about, then complicated stories about women and the ways they love their children, each other, and themselves are even more important.
i don’t know how to end this so [dabs] i guess lol
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abortionmonologues · 5 years
Abortion Monologue #25: Salt Like I-Maroon
Me really wah fight people how everything that is not supposed to be their business… but is their business.
I’ve had more than one abortion. Not 27…or a 12 or even 5. But more than one. I think 3. One I knowingly had to do at that “16 young and dumb” period in life. Another when the Dr. who did the “16 young and dumb” abortion, botched it and I nearly passed out realizing I was still there pregnant after paying for an abortion weeks before and my last abortion was in my twenties.
Lemme precede this with some information. I don’t know about anyone else, but we’ve been made to think that we’re so horrible for having an abortion, whether for medical reasons or otherwise; that we literally think there is a shitpile of bad luck waiting out there for us. I feel that way. I felt that way for a long time. You know when ppl buck them toe them normally say the devil…like I immediately would think that it’s because “mi dash weh a belly”…bellies? Is it the same belly…I deven know.
So my next abortion now. Hear how mi salt nuh bloodclaat!! My period does not miss and mi very fertile. I started worrying if I was pregnant. I had terrible cramps. And couldn’t go to the bathroom normally. I either had the runs or I was constipated. At the time my partner and I (together for years and my child’s father, had just parted ways. Amicably). How can I have a baby for someone who doesn’t want to be in a traditional family situation anymore… I thought (if I was indeed pregnant and not just someone with a stomach virus). Thinking that I could be pregnant but hoping I wasn’t. I literally was undecided but I was really saying that I could have the baby. Because its not like I didn’t know who I was pregnant by or anything like that. I finally decide to go to the doctor just to see what’s going on. Long story fucking short…the Dr. squeezed the cold jelly on my belly and start running the thingy around looking for the baby. Looking for the baby…. looking for baby….guess wah?! No bloodclaat baby nuh inna me uterus! But mi have a a positive pregnancy test. Immediately me start feel like me ago be one a them eedyat headline deh inna Star “ Duppy Baby Grows Inside Woman”
You know by this time me really lay down inna da radiology office deh a wonder if me did tek somebody man, or make dem lose dem work or stop somebody from a get a promotion. Some rass ting. Cause this cya real. In a nutshell, the radiologist was so baffled by the whole thing that he called his intern to explain. (I’m now the centerpiece at the Medical Oddities Affair). The baby was growing outside of my reproductive zone. Completely. Not in my tubes either like a normal ectopic pregnancy. U see that… a normal ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancies are not normal. But the degree of oddity taking place in my body made it seem like that. A good size baby too. His options: Abort it or die. I went through that whole ordeal alone. I made an impromptu will (not like me did have nutn fi will at the time) and instructions to take my child to his father. I drove to the hospital and parked my car. I checked myself in. Told my parents I had a business event. The stakes were high. High. As. Bloodclaat. I could die on the table. Every nursing student come look pan mi… every doctor come talk to me. At one point I slept with my gown up under my breasts because every other 15 minutes somebody wanted to listen to something or press dung pan mi belly 🙄. I never told anyone because if I went into the details of what was really happening, me wudda well and dead based on their un- medical opinions. A wudda just bawling and fish n bread eating BEFORE mi dead. Couldn’t manage that energy so I did it alone.
Obviously I survived. I overheard doctors and nurses talking about the baby obstructing digestive organs. About the baby being a girl. About them preserving the feotus in formaldehyde as a teaching tool or something like that. Bwoy, I have to look back and count my blessings ( or curses… depending on how you look at it).
I think probably need to talk to a therapist in my lifetime. Probably soon. Until then, me just bury it with a to do list, and my child’s achievements, my achievements and relationship stuff like every other WOMAN. One more difficult decision that had to be made while these fucking idiots sit and talk about things that don’t affect them.
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fastwalker · 5 years
2, 8, 8, 12? And in regards to your previous answer, I would be interested to hear if you a) think consensual, heterosexual intercourse is even possible in a patriarchy and b) if your take on homosexual erotica is the same one as the one you’ve described? (Only if you want to of course :) ) greetings!
aaah I think my first reaction to any of these ask games, thank u :’)
2. How do you feel about racial dating preferences? Are they racist, or okay?
this is a hairy one. to my knowledge people chose partners who look familiar, so they’ll look for people who sorta look like the community they grew up with, so people who didn’t grow up in a mixed community will have a rather narrow dating pool, their own “race” or ethnicity usually (also explains while I’ve always ended up with or only had crushes on other slavs so far :I ). oh and ofc this doesn’t only apply to looks but also to culture, religion (or lack thereof), traditions etc. bc you’re more likely to relate and have stuff in common with each other if you have similiar experiences.© goes out to some other radfem I can’t remember the url of where I read about this sorta race discourse for the first time ^^” at least the culture part bc I’m a superficial pos (ofc I’ve read abt attraction before and not only on tumblr!)I think that’s ok bc trying to force people into dating someone is really fucking creepy no matter if you reasoning is “progressiveness” or whatever. also most countrys don’t experience much migration and don’t have a very mixed population so it doesn’t have that much of an impact on peoples’ dating options anyway, unless you live in the us or central europe I guess. but even in countrys with huge mixed population people tend to form microcommunitys, based on their similiarities and not mingling much.
like imagine what an attempt at widening someone’s dating pool must look like: you’d have to expose them to as many different people as possible in their childhood, which is good when it’s done to combat racism and xenophobia, but if you do that with the specific goal to widen future generations’ dating options…. that’s fucked up man
I mean, stuff like better interwoven communitys, discouraging  the formation of microcommunitys (as an immigrant, I hated that my parents were doing this!) and media representation WILL result in people being more likely to date different races/ethnicites imo, but the reasons are key here, and manipulating someone into dating people they’re not attracted to for whatever reasons, whether they be actually racist or just due to lack of exposure and therefore no natural attraction developing, should never be someones’s goal ever. that shit is dangerous and unfair mainly for the marginalized target group!
so tldr: I don’t think that “race” preference is inherently racist due to what I know how attraction forms BUT I think people who are not attracted to other races, ethnicities etc. often justify that with racist bullshit.
8. How do you feel about the fat acceptance movement (the body positivity movement)? Why do you think it’s mostly women in that movement?
generally ok, I think people should not be bullied for how they look and I think doctors should be more attentive to their fat patients and not brush all of their symtpoms off as “well you’re just too fat”. I personally know people who suffered a great deal because of that negligence. for example a friend of my mom’s had an uterus infection (I think it was?) and it made her belly swell, her doctor thought she had just gotten fat so the infection got unnoticed for a long time before she got extremely ill and she had to have a hysterectomy to survive.
and I think it’s mostly women bc we’re socialised to show or rather perform (not necessarily feel…) in more empathetic ways. also we try really really hard to heal the world through individualistic self help stuff, because we tend to internalize problems. also obviously we face more harassment for our looks than men do, so we have more interest in making it stop.
some fat positive individuals are a tad weird and claim that you can still be mobile and healthy even if you’re morbidly obese which is wrong, but you get weird positivity nuts who are taking it too far in every movement I guess. I still think even very obese people shouldn’t be bullied, even if you claim you’re just “concerned for their health” bc that’s a blatan lie. Also bullying has enver helped anyone get better.
12. How do you feel about religions? Can a radical feminist be religious? Do you think all religions are equally bad (for women)?
my knowledge is mostly limited to abrahamic religions and yeah i think they’re bad. their very foundation is based on the reversal of creation and the worship of the father, both a punishing almighty ghost in the sky and an allmighty tyrant at home. and they invented all sort of rules to cement womens’ role as subhuman, worthles servant to men.
I don’t think abrahamic religious women can be feminists, at least not if they properly practice their religion, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia and all. if they just pick and choose the “good” stuff and are interpreting bible verses in different ways than literally every other person practicing the same religion, I don’t think that has anything to do with said religion anymore and they’re just making up their own one at this point
I get it that religious communitys can be a massive support system, especially when they’re on of these more pick&chose kinda communitys, and I would never judge a woman for seeking support and belonging among welcoming, generally nice people who don’t really have much to do with conservative christians. but it’s still sorta sketchy that she and her friends would follow a belief system that is misogynist at its core :/
also churches sometimes help feminists, I think a church or at least a pastor (uuugh it’s been a while since I read that article, sorry) is helping sisters ev, a german foundation campaigning for the nordic model and helping women in prostitution. he seems to be helping out of the goodness of his heart and not because he is judging these women negatively. but I’m generally sceptic towards patriarchal religions and their followers bc of their misogynist foundations.
I don’t know enough abt other religions to have a propper opinion on them, I’m generally neither a religious nor spiritual person (was raised catholic tho) so not really interested in that stuff, but I think rituals like this witchy stuff and singing together etc. can be a nice bonding experience. I enjoyed it whenever I tried to engage in it with other radfems. the togetherness is just… well nice. people just like doing rituals and doing stuff together. .
so yeah I don’t think religion or spritiuality is necessarily bad, the rituals and sense of support, community and belonging is obviously good. It only becomes bad when it clashes with human rights, medicine and science, which christianity, islam and judaism do.
and I don’t think liberal religious people (the pick and choose ones) are “true” believers bc they don’t fully adhere to their religion anyway. but I think they are massive enablers for more orthodox believers, also even liberal followers are usually extremely protective of their religion (and therefore the more conservative parts/people) even if they don’t really practice it anyway which often leads to conflict with people who are critical of their institution
aaaah sorry this is already massive I’ll adress your other questions in a seperate post! sorry I tend to ramble and overexplain bc I don’t want to be misunderstood esp when the themes are “controversial” :x
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awww @repackaged-homophobia-misogyny did u delete ur reblog after I spent ages responding to it so now I can’t post the thing HAHA WHATEVER I DO WHAT I WANT IT’S ITS OWN POST NOW
‘instead of calling women
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 let’s refer to people in ways that are relevant to the conversation at hand while not excluding people who don’t identify with the term ‘women’’ - People Who Are Not TERFS
people aren’t going around going ‘hello fellow cis let’s go to the little menstruators’ room to have some good ole vagina owner talk’
they are making posts LIKE
‘menstruators*, have you considered these sanitary supplies? people who menstruate often have these issues related to their period and it’s useful to be on the lookout for them!’
‘vagina-havers might want to be aware of this thing related to having a vagina! if you have a vagina these sex tips are likely to be relevant to you!’
‘uterus owners are the ones being targeted by anti-choice legislation designed to make having a baby more dangerous!’
*I have literally never seen anyone use this word tbh but that doesn’t mean it’s not in use!
Cis specifically is used in the same way y’all use
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or ‘women-born-women’ and is only different in that it is unambiguous. Whether or not you believe that trans women are female women, you understand that cis means ‘not trans’. However, many of us do not understand that ‘female’ means ‘not-trans’ because trans people are female, and are born women.
As a cis woman, I specifically dislike being refered to as ‘a female’ because it’s actively dehumanising and THAT’S WHY MISOGYNISTS USE IT. I object to people calling themselves ‘feminists’ unironically referring to cis women as 
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because it’s hypocritical as balls to use such dehumanising ways of talking about women while raging on about how it’s those damn transes who are referring to women exclusively by their biology and dehumanising women. Also because as I say it’s ambiguous as hell and makes no sense in context to people who DON’T subscribe to the belief that ‘female’ is somehow a LESS derogatory term for cis women than, well, ‘cis women’ rather than an adjective that’s effectively synonymous with ‘woman’ but in adjective form. It’s also disingenuous as heck to pretend that there’s a difference between saying trans women aren’t women and saying that trans women ARE women but they aren’t 
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so there’s that. it means the same thing except you’ve slightly repackaged it. you’ve just created a false separation between ‘women’ and ‘female’ in order to pretend you aren’t denying trans women’s womanhood. 
also you sound like Quark. go away and lose a game of dabo to trans woman Jadzia Dax.
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Momma Molly’s Smut-bunny Saviour #1
Here is where I will tell the kiddies to look away, and lock us in this room, so my own children never hear this conversation.  I think Percy would faint.  This lesson, if you couldn’t tell by the title, is not for kids. I have been noticing a set of rising trends in role-play and fan fiction.  Trends that relate to the writing of smut.  Certain words have come creeping into common use, that really do work against the writer, in achieving their desired response from the reader.  I have decided, as an experienced mother of seven, a woman who knows her way around ‘the deed,’ to save you from yourselves.  Here are some tips, to help you on your way. (Examples are drawn from things I have actually seen, so don’t judge me too harshly for them.  Oh, and expect an obnoxious number of et ceteras.) 1) Pay attention to such things as where the chosen word is placed.   There are different rules for where a word might sit in dialog and where one might fall in the narrative (the story being told outside of speech).  If your chosen word is in the narrative, there are far stricter rules on what sounds good. Example: there’s a difference between one bloke telling his mate, “she’s got tits out to here,” and the narrative saying, ‘her tits were very big and bouncy.’   Coarse words, like ass, or any abbreviated word (nips, clit, etc.) have no place in the narrative.  Their only place is in the dialog, if anywhere. 2) Avoid being too clinical.  No one cares if you went to medical school, when you’re writing sex scenes. And no one wants to be reminded of a text book or a corpse, when they’re getting in the mood.  Well, some people do, but necrophiliacs aren’t the majority of your audience.  Avoid directly literal names that you would lift from a text book.  These words sound rough, crass, indelicate, and also very medical (A.K.A. boring). Examples: Vulva, vagina, penis, blood engorged anything (just avoid blood, altogether, unless it’s external- blood drinking is fine), phallus, uterus, anus, colon, cervix, semen, sperm, fluid, arousal, lubrication, clitoris, labia/labial, fold, wrinkle, testicles/testes, appendage, prostate (as in prostate-stabber), muscle/love muscle/life muscle, perineum, organ, limb, etc.  Even member can sound clinical, sometimes. 3) Avoid most short U sounds.  That dreaded uh hangs there, like a mouth about to vomit.  Some of these tend to sound or feel aggressive, as well.  Unwelcoming and sandy.  It turns off a good 60+ percent of your readers, even if they’re too polite to say so.  I’ve developed this theory about the uh sound, and it seems to hold true.   Examples in the flesh: front bum, love tunnel/fun tunnel/cream tunnel, pleasure nub, nub/nubbin (this makes me think of trying to make a vestigial tail or extra nipple erotic), butt, nut(s), fur, fur burger, cunt, smut (funny word, not sexy word), chubby, fuck stem, spunk/spunk trumpet and love trumpet, purple helmet yogurt chucker, vulva (and any of the above that fit the bill), pussy, mushroom/Mr. Mushroom, muff, muffin, humps/lumps (I don’t care if they’re your lovely lady lumps, nothing will make your cases of scoliosis and the mumps sexy, Honey), bulge/bulging, stump, slug (whether in Shell-shedding slug of affection, or When he went down on me, it felt like a slug in a slip-n-slide, there’s no sexiness here), rump, bud (only if you’re desperate for a second clitoris word), button/fuck button (”), junk, jugs, bumper, dumper, cum dumpster, buns, truncheon, rug/rug-muncher, chunky, turgid, etc. Examples in the deed: cum/cummies, nut, bust a nut, hump, pump (less bad than hump), fuck (situationally dependent, not great for narrative), punch, spunk, munch, lunch, bump/bump uglies, nurse and suckle (you’re not a baby), dutch love and titty fuck, chug, tug, rub and tug, slurp, guzzle, gulp, sputter, splutter, fudge packing (don’t draw attention to the feces, unless that’s what your fic is all about, Friend), etc. And never say your dick up-chucked its load.  Please. 4) Not all alliterations are attractive.  I know, it sounds like it can’t be true!  Listen, though.  There is many an alliteration that just falls flat.  Or even if they don’t, they tend to be more funny than sexy. Examples: Pocket rocket (that sounds both small and fast), panty poking, hanky panky, womb groom, tonsil tickler, thrill drill, bologna pony/baloney pony, throb knob, flail nail, gasm chasm, etc. 5) Avoid certain short, flat A sounds. They often sound harsh and unsexy. Examples: Twat (also the American pronunciation of twot is unpleasant), snatch, ass, grab, fat, vag, mack, fanny (either way you mean it), jack, rack, slap (as in slap a tit/slap the sausage), clam/bearded clam (you can refer to the clitoris as the pearl, but don’t call the vagina a clam), yank, wank, crank, gap, gland, spooge cannon, tallywhacker, sack, mams, gag/gagging, stab, etc. 6) Avoid these uncomfortable words: Moist, damp, dank, musky (if it’s his scent, fine, I guess. If it’s a lady’s particular intimate region, die in some fiendfyre), musty, fishy, hairy anything (hairy sounds wild, unkempt, vulgar- there are sexier ways of wording it), weeping, seeping, leaking, dribbling, drip stink, stank, odor (scent or aroma is much better. Trust me.  Even perfume), girth/girthed/girthy, slime/slimy, soggy, spongy, slobbering, liquefied, oozing, fleshy, meaty, turgescent, etc.   7) Genitalia are not interchangeable with animals, unless you’re a bestiac. Words like pussy, beaver, squirrel, and kitty are juvenile. And that’s before you get to camel toe and moose knuckle, dog/hound-dog/crotch dog, dolphin, porpoise, crotch-daschund, snake (and any kind of snake), weasel, worm, flobberworm, the giraffe neck, lizard, trunk, etc. 8) These words may not have been placed in the above categories, but they are just not sexy.  Essentially, if you’d hear it out of a 14 year old boy’s favourite joke, don’t use it.  Those are better for jest than lust.  Here are some examples. -Male anatomy- Non-descript: Dong, ding dong, dingaling, thingy, thing (the thing that rose, the thing that grows, the thing that looks like an exclamation point, and more. Outta call that one an interrobang! But seriously, they are all terrible), pecker, the south pole, wiener, schlong, hard-on, prick (sounds so tiny and portable!), anything with masculine in it (It’s a penis. It doesn’t need to be a camo painted penis for us to get that it belongs to a bloke), wood, peen, manliness/man-ness, package (stimulus, or otherwise), Johnson/John-Thomas (not unless you buy it a monocle), etc. Visuals: man root, stem (so slender!), sausage, lightning rod, silly string shooter, tree trunk, baby’s arm, man meat, baby-maker, meat train, meat tampon, carrot (man or otherwise), boner (that’s a term for mistake for a reason), beef slinky, Mr. Floppy (as in, Mr. Floppy stood at attention), stiffy, lollipop (skinny, with a wonky, fat head?), batter blaster, You-know-what (I don’t need to hear about Voltemort’s erection), fishing pole, pickle/puking pickle, porker, pork or beef anything, leaking crown, knob, noodle/man-noodle, throat spackler, log/leaking log, monster, one-eyed anything, throbbing mass, man-cannon, etc. Basically, it will rarely, if ever, sound good to have man in front of anything.   Twig and berries, meat and two veg... Meat pipe, meat whistle or meat flute. Basically, if it starts with meat, or any kind of meat, just don’t use it.  Really. Balls, coin purse, funbags, punching bags, eggs, danglers, nuggets, spuds/love spuds, kiwis, etc. Many people feel like stalk, dick and cock sound terrible or gross, according to research, so branch out.  Try some new words. Some people feel that weaponry euphemisms are too aggressive, or that they advocate unwanted sexual violence.  Maybe try writing without words like sword and sheath, cannon, missile (and meat missile or heat seeking moisture missile), spear, blade, gun/love gun/rifle/DNA rifle/egg sniper/beef bazooka, ram rod, projectile anything, weapon/pleasure weapon, hammer of anything/warhammer, drill/fucktool, pike, spike and spire (so pointy!), helmeted warrior, mauve avenger, axe and axe wound, reamer, cherry assassin, battering ram, etc. We’re generally not trying to draw blood, here.
-Female anatomy-  Jumbos, titties/tits, boobs/boobies, knockers, funbags, peaches, hooters, tatas, pillows, hood, headlights, melons, sweater puppies, milk sacks, chest balls, etc. Triangular area (way to take the sexuality right out of it), baby-maker, fun factory, snack shack, carpet, cavity (holy, unholy and otherwise), honey-pot, lady town, minge (ginger minge?), gay man’s nemisis (because vaginas are all at war with men that don’t want them? Ridiculous), location, love wallet, hairy checkbook/wallet, mound, flesh mitten, driveway/garage/oven, box, taco, pleasure casino (adding pleasure to something doesn’t make it sexy, ffs), lady garden, letter O, love pocket/cock pocket, hole, sideways smile, downstairs mouth/down south mouth, valve, etc. And, again, I really must mention the ultra violent imagery that calls bleeding to mind, such as  gash, slash, axe wound, love wound, slice, slit/slit of ecstasy, pin cushion, arena/combat arena, missile silo, etc.
Gender-neutral anatomy: poopshoot/poop cavern, rusty bullet hole, Hershey Highway, strata chocolata, chocolate starfish, chocolate hotdog hallway, brown eye, fudge factory, fart factory, etc. Don’t draw attention to the feces, if you want to keep the reader comfortable or into the writing. Back door, rear, hiney, hind quarters, fleshy globes, balloon knot, button, boy pussy/boi pussi, wrinkled or puckered kiss, anal fortress, booty, etc. Narrow alleyway, cock cave, pool of sex/pool of ecstasy, taint, etc. Business, region, vicinity, down there, etc.  Pubes/bed of pubes.  Also, sex/the sex/his sex/her sex.  This one is so vague and so overused.  It’s probably the worst skill-based thing about the writing of Anne Rice. “He put his sex in her sex, and it was sex. Preternatural sex.”  Yeah, I said it. 
Fluids and related terms: toothpaste (even if it’s ‘the toothpaste of love’), juice, spooge (frothy or otherwise), pearl necklace and money shot, jizz, pre-cum, mayonnaise, baby batter/baby gravy (no one should want to think about babies when someone is in the act of release. Seriously), man-milk (remember about just jamming man in there?), protein shake, tadpole yogurt, etc.  And don’t use vanilla for semen, just because of the colour.  I assure you, it doesn’t taste like it.
Other words or terms: she took it like a man (devalues a gender strong enough to deal with periods AND pushing out babies. I’d like to see you try that), popping, grope, pork/porking (funny, not sexy), bone, eating out, handjob/blowjob, gobble, getting your rocks off, getting off, etc. And don’t ever use the words ‘his dick erupted like a zit, spraying its white hot load.’  Ever.  Not least of all because load isn’t a sexy word, and the rest of it is stomach turning.  It was the worst thing I read in a fic for a year. 9) This is how we do it.  Here are some good starter tips, to avoid these clichéd traps and unpleasant expressions: - Stretch your vocabulary.  Explore new words and phrases. Create something original. - Try to think of the story you’re telling, and the characters in it.  Would they think in a direction that aligns with your narrative?   - Try to think of how the words you chose will inform your reader(s) about your feelings or your character’s feelings.  Are your words devaluing the other character(s)?  Are your words treating said character(s) as one would an object?  Is that your intent, as the story teller? - Remember foreplay. - Try to consider what responses feel real or true. - Think about the actual physics involved.  What things would cause stresses on the body, and where?  How would this impact the movements that your character(s) enact?  Sex isn’t a clean and harmless activity, if it’s rough, for example. So, here goes busting some myths, for the purposes of delivering helpful information.          If you’re holding someone up against a wall, there’s going to be limited ranges of certain movements.  You will probably bang your knees.  If you’re holding someone up, you probably won’t be able to get a hand between the two of you, to fiddle with anyone’s bits, or up, to pull anyone’s hair.  You would need an extra hand for that.  Also, it’s important to note that your character will probably only have two hands.          If you’re penetrating, that singular entry will probably not be a seamless thrust to your hilt.  You’ve got to push or slide that thing in.  Thrusting tends to come later, Sport.              And speaking of ‘come later,’ simultaneous orgasms are rare, and usually involve some tantric discipline.  You’re not going to nail that, each time.  And I’d be surprised if it happened on anyone’s first time.  Gents who slip it in that first time will probably shoot off too soon, and that’s normal and okay.            Homosexual males don’t tend to use melted butter for intercourse, and no, blood does NOT make a good lubricant.  Also, gay fics have way too much anal penetration.  Yes, you heard me.  In most cases, a homosexual couple will tend towards more oral sex and foreplay, because if they were all only doing anal it would a) get boring fast, and b) cause a lot of unnecessary soreness.  You need to balance those things, in a meaningful relationship fic.  I get that not every character interaction involves care, but where it does, learn a little balance.           Speaking of balance, when writing BDSM fics, remember the importance of aftercare. Read about it. Learn about it.  It’s a big part of a BDSM relationship. I know that this is a bit rushed and disorganized, but I really hope that you find it helpful.  
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mamamia2018 · 5 years
Quarterly Word Vomit/NYRs/Thoughts on Motherhood/Life Plans/Silver Linings and Small Celebrations
ˆAw shiett.  You know, I always tell people going through shit to “write it down”.  Writing has always been therapeutic for me.  I’ve kept a diary since I was literally six years old and didn’t know how to spell.  I would draw emojis and hieroglyphic-like cryptic messages to say what I wanted.  True story: when I was six I wanted to write about my hamster, but I didn’t know how to actually spell “hamster”.  So, I drew a picture of a slice of deli-ham and someone stirring a bowl.  Get it?  Ham-stir = hamster.  My point is, I talk this big talk about writing and how it’s good for you and how much I love to do it and yet I hardly ever do it.  That changes now, in this moment (until I neglect myself again and put it off for another year or so.  
The last time I wrote was back in March.  I was still pregnant and teaching.  I wrote this little gem in my last post:
“It’s almost 1AM, I had coffee, I’ve got an achy back and only three days until I go on spring break, followed by maternity leave.  Does anybody know where the time went?  I sure don’t.  I can’t believe that i’m having a baby (that’s weird).  I’m so excited but so nervous to become a mom.  This is such a vastly different role than any other position I’ve held.  Teacher?  Sister?  Wife?  Daughter?  Friend?  I’ve done all that, somewhat decently (maybe), but never have I been responsible for birthing someone and then being their mom after.  Don’t get me wrong…I can’t wait.  I’ve been dreaming of this moment for a long time.  But the thought of it finally being here, holding my baby, dressing her, caring for her, feeding her…it’s all so foreign.  I’m so happy…the happiest I’ve ever been.  I just want to do this right by her.  I want to be a good mother, more than anything I think I’ve ever wanted for myself or someone else.“
Ah, motherhood.  I was expecting big changes from this major level-up, but nothing as blissfully wonderful, overwhelming, heart-warming, heart-breaking, and fantastic as this.  My Mia Jean is the light of my life.  She is my motivation.  The air I breathe.  Jesus, that got cliche fast, and yet these universal truths still fall incredibly short of how truly wonderful motherhood is.  I love my daughter with my entire existence and every fiber of my being.  I worry constantly if I’m enough and if I’m doing enough for her.  I’m trying my best.  This promotion to “mom” has been the biggest challenge and greatest blessing I’ve ever known--and I am one sick mofo that is known the world over for throwing myself into the fire and forcing myself to rise to the top.  I guess the words I’m looking for are this: motherhood is humbling.  When my child was born via emergency c-section 3.5 weeks early and I rested my faith in the well-trained medical staff surrounding me, I had never felt so vulnerable and humbled in my life.  My beautiful sterile, hospital gown was lifted so a nurse could shave the vagina I had lost sight of for four months.  They laid me on a bed, pulled my gown up, and there I lay--vagina hanging out in all my lovely, naked, pregnant glory--in front of about 15 nurses and docs as Luther Vandross played through the speakers.  Then they gave me some happy meds that made me numb but kept me conscious, sliced my uterus open, and pulled out a healthy baby whose loud, little kitty-cry and gooey little face stopped my heart and changed my world forever.  H-U-M-B-L-I-N-G.  And yet, that was the easy part.  It’s only gotten more humbling since then.  But--and let me emphasize this point--it’s been a wonderful ride and I wouldn’t change a second of it.  Our Mia is perfect in every way and all I want in my life is to live a life worth modeling for her.  Am I a good mother?  I have to say, I think I am.  I’m not perfect but who is?  I have my shortcomings, just as much as the next person.  Sometimes she eats avocado toast.  Other times, she eats cold Spaghetti-O’s right out of the can.  You know what they call that?  Balance.
So I guess we can say Mia was the best part of 2018.  Fucking easily.  No hesitations.  Other cool shit that happened: I got my second and third credentials in mild/moderate Special Education and moderate/severe Special Education.  So I’ve got the necessary docs to go out and start teaching tomorrow, but I’m taking some time off to enjoy our baby bug and be a stay at home mom.  Sure, it’s not the easiest job in the world maintaining a clean house, well-fed kid, and all the other tasks stay-at-home-moms are in charge of throughout the day, but man, do I consider myself fortunate to do this.  Without this opportunity, we’d be scrounging for daycare and paying out the ear to make it happen, so I’m so glad that we’re able to do this and I’m able to spend more time with our angel to get to know her and play a role in shaping her.  
That being said, I’m not used to not-working.  2017-2018 were two of the busiest years of my life, career-wise.  I began my first year teaching and added a third credential to my teacher prep program.  I began my master’s studies and grew (and then birthed) a baby.  I love being able to stay home with our baby, but I miss working and having coworkers.  I miss my money and I’m not wild about relying entirely on Sean, so I try to stay busy with my side business to satisfy the need to contribute.  I’ve been working since I was 16, so this is all still very foreign to me.  Again, I’m grateful, humbled, and consider myself extremely fortunate, but there’s been an ongoing adjustment period that I’m still trying my best to get used to.  I guess you could say I want to do it all.  I truly do.  I want to be the Wonder Woman who teaches full-time, nurses exclusively, finishes a master’s program and more.  I’ve gotten some eye-rolls from women who have done it all at once.  I feel like I used to be the woman that would judgingly pass the same eye-roll and now I know that I never want to be her again.  Again, the theme of 2018 that seems to keep popping up is “humbling”.  Motherhood, 2018, all of it has been humbling.  I’m learning that it’s okay to say no to certain tasks, people, and things.  I don’t have to do it all.  I can focus my energy on two or three major things that make my heart sing and do them really well instead of spreading myself so thin that I can’t do any of it well.  That’s okay and I’m not less of a woman for wanting that for myself and my family.  I can do this, I can scale back, I can focus on what’s most important, and put some stuff on the back burner and that is all quite alright.  It’s taking some time, and I’m getting there.
Speaking of boundaries, 2018 has taught me a lot about that, in (again) the most humbling way possible.  This year, Iearned that a loved one, whom I have a very strained and complicated relationship, is struggling with substance abuse.  In the process, I’ve learned that someone whom I love so dearly has put that same person’s needs before mine.  I’m trying to not get too detailed here, because this is all sort of private and very difficult to share.  I’m mostly trying to sort my thoughts out for myself, for the sake of having some clarity and mental health.  What I’m trying to get at is this--as time has gone on, this year has taught me that what you see isn’t always what you get.  That even the people you love and trust the most can hurt you in the deepest ways possible.  I’m learning a lot about myself through this journey and all the drama that comes with it.  I have a voice, an opinion, and I’m entitled to both.  I don’t have to forgive, but I have the capacity for it.  I have headspace, and I can choose who I want to share that with.  What’s happened to me in the past doesn’t have to define me.  The people that have hurt me and the horrible things they’ve said do not have to crush me.  I do not have to let these people into my heart.  I do not have to give people the power to hurt me.  I can have a relationship with people I love who have hurt me, but on my terms.  There is nothing wrong with that.  There is nothing shameful about that.  I am not selfish for creating boundaries.  I am caring for my own mental health and the safety of my family.  That being said, it’s still hard and I’m working on it every day.
I’m also learning that I can’t control others around me.  I can’t force people to make decisions that I deem “good” for them.  I cannot say anything or do anything that will move someone towards positivity or mental health.  At the end of the day, people will do what they want to and I need to face the fact that I have little control over this.  I’ve spent the majority of my life hoping, praying, wishing constantly that I can move my loved ones towards self-care, to no avail.  I still feel hurt and let down when I see my loved ones engaging in self-destructive behaviors, but I’m learning to release feelings of resentment and the false sense of control that I hold onto.  I’m dealing with this by establishing boundaries.  For myself.  In my life, I’ve often put the needs of others before my own.  In 2019, I’m vowing to be a little more selfish--to take care of myself and focus on my own health and needs.
This year has been a whirlwind.  I gained a daughter but lost a grandfather.  I lost a job but became a mother.  I lost some personal time but managed to complete my master’s proposal.  We went on vacation, we went horseback riding, we got drunk and acted like idiots at a swanky spa.  I reenrolled in school and started a business.  I’ve felt a lot of pain and put my heart and feelings on hold to take on some of the hurt of my loved ones.  It’s been exhausting and it’s been hell, but I made it and 2019 is on the horizon.  The promise of something new.  A blank canvas.  The chance to start fresh.  It’s cheesy, but I’ve been thinking a lot about 2018, what sucked, what I have control over and what I don’t.  And this mindset has helped me to determine what I want out of 2019.  I’m not entirely sure how I’ll get there yet, but at the very least, I’ve got a goal.  A wish.  A foundation for change.  Here it is.  
1.  I want to build a thriving bridal business.  I want to book more weddings.  Better clients.  Become a marketing wiz.  I want to make at least $50,000 this year in bridal work alone.  That’s like a 458293085904% increase from what I typically make out of this glorified hobby.  It’s also not a ton of money, in the grand scheme of things, but it’s more than i was making as an intern so it’s my goal.  My first year as a makeup “intern”.  Employed by me.  Reporting to me.  I am my boss.  I can do this.
2.  I am going to graduate.  I am going to walk in the summer and place my grad cap on my baby girl’s head.  I’m going to kiss her on the cheek and take a photo with her.  And when she goes to school, I’ll whip that picture out every year and show her how possible it is to achieve your dreams...even with a kiddo.
3.  I am going to focus on my mental health.  I am going to say no to certain projects, people, situations, and things that don’t bring me happiness.  This is the year I will use my voice and enforce my boundaries.
4.  I am going to be more present.  In the moment.  Less phone when I’m with someone, my nine-month old daughter, included.  
5.  I am going to be more mindful about the way I speak.  Less fucks and shits and damns, especially around my kid.  Yeah, I know...I fucked up and said all those things about a million times in this post.  But I’m working on it.
6.  I’m going to save money to buy a house in three years.  Three years.  I’m saying it and putting it out into the world.  I’m going to make it happen.
I’m tired and running out of things to say.  Good night.
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Cheap car insurance is all I need.?
How much money difference between full coverage and liability?
I'm 24. I have full coverage on my car now, and I pay $106 a month. I am getting rid of my car, and getting a new one that I will not have a loan on. So I plan on getting liability insurance. Around what price difference can I expect after switching from full coverage to liability? Thanks.""
Motorcycle insurance for 18yr old first vehicle(sportbike)?
I am considering purchasing a 2007 Kawasaki ninja 250r. I was wondering how much insurance would be for me(18) if it was my first vehicle . I have no prior car insurance history. And I just got a motor license.
Question about teen car insurance?
Question about teen car insurance? I have a couple questions about insurance for teens: 1. If it is a 4 cyl, is insurance lower? 2. Is it cheaper if you have good grades? 3. Does the style/number of doors make a differance? TIA""
True or false? I can save money on car insurance by choosing a higher deductible?
True or false? I can save money on car insurance by choosing a higher deductible?
Car insurance for test drive?
Planning on buying a car soon and was thinking of buying a second hand one from a dealer rather than privately from a person. I read that when you buy a car from a dealer you are usually automatically insured to take the car for a test drive, however I was wondering does this just apply to brand new cars from car shops or do most second hand car dealers offer insurance for test drive as well?""
How much do you think auto insurance will cost me?
I am getting a 1971 vw bus, $8500 was how much I payed, a/b student in a college prep school, all honors classes, 16 year old male, live in florida, have not recieved my license yet and am in 10th grade. How much do you think it will cost me to get insurance at the cheapest rates?""
Car insurance?
What's the point in paying car insurance if sometimes they deny your claim if something ever happens
""If you had an extra car that was paid off and cheap on insurance, would you sell it or keep it for a back up?""
If you had an extra car that was paid off and cheap on insurance, would you sell it or keep it for a back up?""
Too much to pay for car insurance?
I received my renewal notice today from my insurance company. I'm getting tired of paying so much for my insurance, I think its time to start looking around. I heard all the car insurance myths, when you turn 25.. Itll go down when you bundle your house & car insurance it'll go down when you get married it'll go down nope nope nope It has gone down a total of MAYBE $5 a month or $60yr. I'll be 29 in Jan, no accidents in 8yrs no speeding tickets in 5yrs. I drive a '06 4dr car and I'm paying $125/mthn insurance. Is it just me or this way too high to be paying insurance.... I've been with this company for close to 6yrs now.""
Auto Body shop quote and Insurance quote?
My insurance adjuster came out and cut me a check for 1,200. The check issued is a fair price.The shop i trust gave me a quote of 1,300 which means I will only have to pay 100 out of pocket. My deductible is 500. Do i still have to pay 500 even though the check will cover most of the expenses?""
How auto insurance works in california?
i backed up into a car today and there is no damage to my car but a dent in the others hood, and i said lets call the police and they said lets just exchange information, i said no i'd rather have them come...they said they called when i was getting something in my car and said the police said they would take a while so we decided to exchange info...i got her license but they said they didnt have the insurance info with them....but in the mean time i gave them my info...now i have a feeling that maybe they didnt have insurance and there is no police report so what can happen now?""
What do u think if a young man married a woman 74yrs older than him. and its his frist marraige. and her 21st?
i herd this on the radio and i wanted other people's opinions!
Need a MRI and obgyn but don't have insurance?
I have had abnormal vaginal bleeding for a month and I found out the other day I have a tumor on my uterus and need a MRI and see a OBGYN but I don't have insurance. Would they just bill me? I'm low income and on work comp right now so it's even lower. I am applying for cmsp that's california state assistance but I won't have it by then
health insurance indiana individual plans
health insurance indiana individual plans
""Why do all of my friends get cheap car insurance, but not me?""
ok so my problem is, I am currently on a provisional license (in the UK of course) and literally all of my friends that are driving currently are getting insurance for less than 2k a year. (male, 17 years old, living in west cumbria, same as me) and that is with the same cover I am looking at... comprehensive cover as a named driver on a parents car. I have tried everything, even looked at the same cars and the qoutes are still almost double. this does not make sense... why the bloody hell do i have to pay 3500 quid a year for a poxy 500 quid car when all my mates only pay 1500 a year on the same thing!!! my postcode is ca28 by the way, which is a grade c postcode area for insurance, same as my friends. they seem to use aviva, i got a qoute from them, 300 a month, they got 150 a month. even those that have passed their test get cheaper insurance than me. please help. ste""
How do i get affordable health insurance in new york?
I make 40k a year but i live in nyc so i cant afford a standard plan. Just need for myself 37 yr old male Thanks
Do insurance companies still ask for written no claim proof when you insure your car online?
Do insurance companies still ask for written no claim proof when you insure your car online?
What happens if you don't pay your car insurance?
I've been paying an exorbitant amount of money for State Farm insurance for quite some time. I'd like to cancel it and get insurance from Progressive instead. Opinions on the companies aside (that's not the issue), what will happen if I just stop paying for State Farm and buy the Progressive policy? I'm all paid up til today.""
Name the top burial insurance companies for ages 75 and up?
who provides affordable burial insurance for sr. citizens ?
Insurance on a range rover?
how much do you suspect insurance on a 2004 Land Rover Range Rover Range Rover would be the car is $5000 i know the lady she dais she'd sell to me I just want to make sure the insurance isn't going to be too much I'm 18 B average took driver's course and defensive driving class.......just a guess
How diabetics get affordable insurance w/ maternity coverage if your co. does not offer grp coverage?
My husband's company went to a high deductable health savings account. I can only get one company to insure me, on an indiv. policy. They are too expensive and that does not include maternity coverage. Due to other health issues, I am not able to work right now. Any ideas? HELP! Am I the only one going through this?""
Cheapest car insurance?
Which company has the cheapest car insurance? I just bought a brand new car yesterday and I can't drive it off the lost until I have car isurance for it.
What is the cheapest car insurance company for an 18 year old learner driver?
Thanks xxx
Why did my car insurance double from last period?
Does it make sense that your auto insurance can double for 1 at fault accident? I just got my renewal documents for my car insurance and my premium doubled from what it was last period. I did have one at fault accident so i knew there would be an increase but I didn't know it could double like that...
Is There an Affordable Dental Insurance Plan Available??
I would like to have my teeth worked on however I do not have dental insurance, are there any good ones?""
Does anyone use or heard of Response.com for auto insurance?
Response.com seems to have the least expensive insurance rates at plans that are what I currently have. Going with them would save a lot of money but I've never heard of them personally.
Insurance for honda civic?
Does anyone no how much insurance is for a Honda civic, I am 17. Do i have any hope of getting any?""
What is the best and cheapest insurance when renting a car in America?
I have heard that when renting a car in America the insurance can be as much as the rental cost itself when organizing insurance through the rental car agency. I am traveling to the US and will be renting a car and am trying to figure out a batter way to get the collision damage waiver insurance other than paying the high insurance prices offered by car rental companies.
Help with finding individual health insurance?
I'm 16 and my parents do not speak English. My sister and I (16 and 18) have Child Health Plus and my mother has insurance through her job. My dad currently has no health insurance because he could no longer afford to pay over $250 a month for insurance. He has diabetes and is having trouble controlling his blood sugar. How do I find an affordable insurance company? They said we can't have family health plus since we make a little over $3,000 a month but half goes to rent. What should I do? What is Healthy NY? Any advice??? thank you""
Eye and Health Insurance ( College Student)?
Just recently I was diagnosed with Uveitis in my left eye. I had previously been diagnosed with it and my left eye just flared up again this year. As a 21 year old College student I can barely make ends meet and well now my question is, what kind of Medical/Eye/RX insurance would you guys recommend. I'm not ensured and I still have to go trough treatment, see specialist, blood test, chest exams, etc. My visit to the specialist was already around $120 and $75 per eye drops. I wanted to get glasses but seem how this slapped me in the face I would rather pay for an insurance before I'm forced to drop out because I can't pay my tuition.I'm also very unfamiliar with Insurance policies and as much research as I have done I have found little to nothing. I'm really not on a good enough financial status to pay a 100+ a month Insurance as a college student. Hopefully someone has some tips or tricks or at least some recommendations. P.S. excuse the bad spelling the brightness of the computer hurts my eye a bit and its hard to see my errors.""
How much does motorcycle insurance cost in kansas for a 16 year old driver?
im 15, about to turn 16 and want to get a motorcycle. i only have a few dirtbikes that aren't street legal and im thinking about getting a 1993 gsx750r this july for my bday. how much would i expect to pay for the insurance? i live in a rural area so it SHOULD cost less right?""
Double Health Insurance Coverage?
I was recently laid off and offered a severance package that included continuation of full health insurance coverage for 6 months for me and my spouse; I will begin another job which offers health insurance; can I be enrolled in both plans under my name? and What happens with pre-existing conditions?
Online Quote hase gone up 20 after modifying it and running another through. Why?
I got a online insurance quote, modified the quote,mileage, excess. Tried a new quote price is 20 more now, why is that? Will it go back to the original price?""
Any car insurance plans you can cancel or re-activate monthly?
I am a recently licensed teen going to college in a month. I won't be driving that much while I'm there but I want to for the next few weeks and will be when I'm home occasionally. Is there any kind of insurance I can get that will allow me to re-activate the insurance and cancel it on a monthly basis? Or every couple months? My family has Geico but do any other companies have an option like this? In the U.S. only. California driver.
""Which is the the cheapest liability car insurance company in Houston,tx?""
Which is the the cheapest liability car insurance company in Houston,tx?""
""Best first car, with low insurance?""
i want a car, with low insurance, cheap to run etc
How much is motorcycle/scooter insurance in southern california?
i am looking to get a used honda ruckus scooter with 250cc motor, is that size motor still considered a scooter or motorcycle? will i have to get a M1 or M2 license? and how much would insurance be? i live in the los angeles county area.""
How can i get cheap auto insurance in texas being 20 years old?
im 20 years old and im finally getting my own truck but I don't really have a whole lot of money so I cant pay an outrageous price for auto insurance. liability is fine with me but what is the cheapest I can get.
Can you get in trouble for letting someone drive your car without insurance?
I own a car. I just bought it. I don't have the title in my name yet, nor is there any insurance on the vehicle in any ones name. If I let someone else drive my car and they get pulled over, who is liable? Will the person driving the car get in trouble for driving without insurance or will I get in trouble for allowing someone else driving it knowing its not insured nor is the title in my name?""
health insurance indiana individual plans
health insurance indiana individual plans
Can anyone recommend a website that will give free quotes for multiple car insurance companies?
I'm trying to find a website that will give different quotes for comprehensive car insurance in Australia. Can anyone recommend one?
Being sued by an insurance company?
Hello, I got in a car accident about two years ago and i didn't have insurance, i was found at fault and now im getting sued for $20,000 by the other driver's insurance company, The original amount was $17,000, They have been trying to collect for a longgg time now. I know i blew it off for a long time but now im ready to take responsibility and start trying to pay it. The car i was driving was under my moms name and they are trying to go after her also but i want to take full responsibility. I have to go to court next month, and im wondering if I should get a lawyer to represent me even though i'm guilty. I'm hoping that I can make a payment plan or anything I need to get my life back on track""
Help! which is cheaper of 2 cars on insurance?
which has cheaper insurance? 1. Mazda 3 touring hatchback 2009 (median level trim and automatic) 2. Volvo C30 T5 hatchback (base trim and automatic) ??? which one??? cuz my dad is worrying about the insurance for me. im 19 and going be 20 soon!
Im looking for car insurance?
coverage for individuals who are less able to afford auto insurance
Looking for a good (cheap!) health insurance?
I live in Southern California (Riverside) and I'm on the hunt for a good and cheap health insurance...thought I'd reach out to the Answer's community for help. Couldn't hurt, right? Ideally (in my warped little dream world) I want several doctor's visits for $25 or $30 a visit...and I want a deductible of $5000 or less. Any ideas? I currently have Tonik 3000...and their rates are going up to $102, so I'm hunting for something cheaper (ideally around $50). Any suggestions? I've already looked at all the major ones online....kaiser, uhc, pacificare, blue cross ca.....""
Named non owner insurance- Florida?
It is possible to get a named non owner car insurance in Florida with damage and collision? We usually rent cars in Florida, and we pay a lot of money for CDW and liability, we are looking this kind of solution.""
What questions can I expect if I want to get a car insurance?
Also how can I lower my insurance rate. Currently I have IP only (not the actual driver's license) but have recently purchased the car. I live in OH.
I am 19 years of age i how much will they charge me for my insurance?
i have never been involved in a car accident or gotten pulled over by the police i live in california i have had my drivers license since i was 16. i own a 1997 nissan sentra gxe i pay 480 for it every 6 month and a 2011 nissan murano and i pay 554 every 6 months for it i have Farmers Insurance my dad is main driver my sister in the policy also. How much will they charge me if i buy a 2005 mustang will my car insurance sky rocket because i am consider an inexperience driver and mustang is a sports car Please help
Pregnant and no insurance?
hi, i have a friend who is about 3 months pregnant now and she has no health insurance. she is currently working but the employer does not provide benefits of any sort. she does not make that much an hour i think minimum wage and she is working part time. so she is without health insurance for her and the baby. she knows that she can probably get approve by medicaid to cover the pregnancy expenses but her mother is over age 65 and retired and she is currently on medicaid. and she know that if she were to find another job the insurance""
Motorbike Insurance 600cc ~ 1000cc?
Iam 24 years old ( will do the bike test later this year ) I would just like a rough figure on what would it cost the insurance for these bikes. CB 600 hornet HONDA CBR 1000 KAWASAKI Z1000 KAWASAKI ER 650 YAMAHA R1 YAMAHA R6 Iam asking because iam abroad and i cant do the quotes else i would not loose time asking If someone could be kind enough to help out just with a near figure iwould gladly apreciate the help.
Do I have to add my roommate on my auto insurance policy?
My roommate and I each have a car but we don't share the same insurance policy. He has his own and I have mine. I just got auto insurance for my new car and the agent was telling me that I should add people living with me, but his driving record is bad and I don't want it to raise my premium. The agent said that anyone who doesn't live with me can drive my car and they'll be covered, but because my roommate lives with me, he won't be covered even though he has a different policy.""
Insurance Cost for Hyundai Elantra in Canada?
I'm 23 years old living in ontario canada, and I'm planning on buying a used 2004 hyundai elantra. I've taken driving school and now have g2 driving license. I'm looking for other people who have also bought the same car and around the same age as me, and I just wanna ask how much do you pay for your car insurance and what's the best (cheaper) company i should go for? Thanks =]""
Do I need insurance to drive?
I'm 16 and I have a drivers license. Do you need insurance to drive? The car I'm going to drive HAS INSURANCE, but do I need insurance for MYSELF? Thanks""
What is a good CHEAP car for a 16 year old?
i am turning 16 in a while and i really want a cheap used small suv got any suggestions ????? please help my dad and i are tired of fighting over it
""Teen males, how much was your insurance?""
I was wondering the average or ideal amount that teen males pay for insurance. I have $700 saved, & I don't know if that's enough to cover How much was your insurance?""
What is the best type of insurance to buy term or Variable Universal Life? Why?
What is the best type of insurance to buy term or Variable Universal Life? Why?
Can I be added to a auto insurance policy?
Im shopping around for a car and insurance policy. The car would be brand new with only me as the owner. Because I have never had insurance under my name and am under 25, it is very expensive. I'd like to know if my dad, who has multiple vehicles, would be able to add me to his policy for my car that is not under his name. I'm not sure if that makes sense. Basically, I'd like to get his discount by having his name and mine on the insurance policy, although the car title is only in my name. Thanks for any help! (1 month I pay is the same as a 6 month payment for him. Lot of money)""
Where can I get health insurance?
I have a disability (hearing loss), and I don't have a job, so I am not working. I want to get a hearing evaluation at University of Washington (where I live) but I need health insurance. Otherwise it will cost me 900 dollars which, I don't have. What can I do?""
How long does it take for the dmv to get my sr-22?
i had my insurance company electronically send proof of financial responsibility to the dmv a little more than a week and a half ago and they still have not processed it. How long is the whole process supposed to take? I am dealing with the California DMV. Thanks
Am I elgible for Unemployment Insurance. I am a Green Card Holder 3 years and I'm suddenly out of work!?
Am I elgible for Unemployment Insurance. I am a Green Card Holder 3 years and I'm suddenly out of work!?
What do you see as the purpose of health insurance?
Should there be limits on the amount of health care provided? If yes, what criteria should we use to ration health care? If no, how should health care be financed so that everyone has access?""
Car insurance policies !?
a friend of mine said she had light house insurance.. she claims she pays X amount of money for a basic car insurance policy every 6 months.. keep in mind, i live on long island.. what kind of car insurance company offers a 1 payment policy every 6 months ?? my current insurance policy is expensive, i feel like theyre stealing from me.. please help out, i know there are A LOT of insurance companys..""
Insurance and pregnancy?
I had a baby 4 months ago and had insurance from November 2011 until September 2012 ( I canceled as I could no longer afford it.) My husband got a new job and as of January 5th 2013 I will be covered under his plan ( a bit more affordable). The issue is I am pregnant ( very early). Will they consider this pre existing? This was not planned! I has an apt for birth control but my baby got ill and had to pay 3000.00 in medical so I had to push it back and now, I'm pregnant again.""
Anyone no how to make insurance cheaper for a first time driver?(with out going on parents insurance)?
Anyone no how to make insurance cheaper for a first time driver?(with out going on parents insurance)?
Will i still get accepted on my husbands insurance while already pregnant before him getting the job?
I recently found out that i am pregnant and i'm planning on getting medicaid but i'm not sure that if once my husband get a job with health insurance if it will affect the medicaid and that if me being pregnant before him getting the job would affect me getting accepted to his insurance?
health insurance indiana individual plans
health insurance indiana individual plans
How much for car rental insurance?
hi i will be renting a car for 2 weeks and i need to know whether it is necessary to take car insurance and how much would it cost? also will it vary if I am less than 24yrs of age? i do not own a car and so dont have any auto insurance. i just need to know an approx figure... :)
Average Insurance Price for 2-Door Car?
17 year old male.
How Much Would Insurance Cost On A Mitsubishi Lancer Evo?
What would be an approximate range on insurance cost for me? I was considering buying a mitsubishi lancer evo and need to factor in the cost of insurance. It would most likely be a 2003. Model: Mitsubishi Lancer Evo Car: Year 2003 Age: I am 16 soon too be 17 State: Oklahoma Occupation: Student (3.5 gpa+) Other Info: I would most likely only drive to school and the gym 5 days a week, less than 10 iles a day round trip. I would be able to pay a higher deductable if need be. Live: with parents Background: Father is a Radiologist - Income: easily 300k+ Although I come from a very affluent family my parents are making me pay for most of my car If I am lucky they will give me a 10k allowance max.""
Whats the cheapest insurance out there?
whats the cheapest insurance out there for a 1998 Pontiac grand prix!!
How much would insurance on a motor scooter cost in the state of ohio roughly?
How much would insurance on a motor scooter cost in the state of ohio roughly?
Car insurance cost?
How much will car insurance cost if I'm a 19 year old girl, who is a full time student with a 3.3 GPA. I'm also a new driver and recently got my license, which means I ...show more""
How much does car insurance cost for a new driver?
How much does car insurance cost for a new driver?
I had a commercial accident in 2008 and looking for a chep insurance plz help?
I live in toronto i have been driving car with G licence since the end of 2000. i had a commercial accident in 2008 in which i was found guilty but no claim was paid. im still driving and looking for chaep insurance for a car. anybody's advice would be greatful.
How much does auto insurance cost for a 16 year old female?
I was trying to do the online quote thing but i cant because its asks for a phone in order to generate the rates , and im most certainly not about to give them my phone number. No way jose.thats why im asking. -Im a 16 year old female -Dont have a license (yet) -im single -I would be driving a 2001 kia... i think sephia? Idk but it looks like a very basic car. -I have good grades -i have never gotten tickets or DUIS So do any of u have an estimate??? Also please dont comment something irrelevant or pointless...""
""How long, on average, does it take to learn to drive an automatic in the UK?""
I'm a US citizen, with a US driving licence. I've relocated to the UK recently, and need to learn to drive fast! I don't want to drive on my US licence cos the insurance costs too much. I've never driven a stick shift and think learning in an automatic will be easier. As I'm already used to driving an automatic and just need to learn the UK roads, how long do you think this will take? Anyone got any experience of this? Thanks for replies in advance !""
Where can I get the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
I just bought a bike and haven't ridden in years so don't know where to start and I live in Pennsylvania if that's any help. Thanks
How much is the average car insurance in southwest VA?
Im 20 years old. Im moving somewhere in the southwest va area within the next month and was wondering how much the average car insurance will be
Do all motorcycles have to have insurance? Can it have a legit title/registed but no insurance?
Also, How much do u think it would cost for a 18 year old, with Riders safer course certificate, 600cc sportsbike(kawasaki zzr600), in new york state? would it be cheaper to just get a car?""
I was wondering about my insurance?
i was wondering if my insurance will cover a tubal reversal? i have blue care its a goverment paid insurance cause i can't afford it.. i was really wonting this done and i have searched high and low on the computer and can't find anything so if u can help me out thanks a lot
Insurance for seized cars..?
Okay my Boyf was driving his dads car to mine and thought he could use it under third party. He's only driving it cos his da is on holiday an he needs to drive it around. Anyway on the way over he got pulled over by the cops and they found out he wasn't insured. Therefore they seized his car. But after phoning up the insurance company he found out the car itself wasn't insured and his dads insurance expired a few months ago. Therefor the car is in the compound with no insurance and his current insurance company won't let him insure the car for anyone if it's been seized. But to get the car out, they need valid insurance to retrieve the car. So what can he do?""
Has anybody had Northern Neck Home owners or car Insurance are they good ?
Im thinking about changing insurance and they gave me real good quotes but i have never heard of them
Insurance for a 17 year old girl?
Can anyone please give me an estimate on how much insurance might cost me for one year? I'm 17.. did Drivers Training.. and would get my own car.. I think it's a 1992 Aurora. Thanks!
Can the government require you to buy insurance?
In listening to the Supreme Court arguments about Obamacare a question keeps coming to mind. The major arguing point seems to be: Can the government constitutionally require people to buy health insurance? If the answer turns out to be no, does that mean the government can not require you any insurance? Like car insurance? Don't use the argument that driving is a privilege, not a right. There is ample judicial precedence that says owning a car & driving is, in fact, a right in the U.S. It certainly is necessary to get hired.""
Can someone tell me how much will cost insurance for my friends car just for driving test day?
Can someone tell me how much will cost insurance for my friends car just for driving test day?
How to provide proof of auto insurance?
How to provide proof of car insurance? I have been offered a generous stipend for graduate school. One of the documents they ask for is proof of car insurance. Does anyone know how I can provide proof of car insurance? (I know for a fact that my parents have bought car insurance). It would be helpful to know what document I should be looking for, what it looks like, is it just my AAA card or is it a form. Thanks a lot for your help!!""
How can I get cheaper car insurance as first time driver?
I am 27 years old and have postponed my driving up until now. My driving instructor told me that I am ready to take my test, so I am starting to look at the prospects of a car. I checked online using Go Compare and I can't find anything under 1800 for a Fiesta 1.2 What I was wondering is what will be taken into consideration regarding insurance. Should I perhaps do it by phone? Will my age help... Any advice is more than welcome. I know the first year is hard, but perhaps there is a way to make it a bit easier. I am doing the pass plus and I added to the search to have an excess of 500. Please help out with some advice. Thanks. Vince""
Health insurance after an injury?
I'm currently a student without health insurance. While playing football, I injured my knee. I went to the college student health and found out I have an injured MCL, a bruised bone and a torn meniscus, and the doctor recommends I have an MRI and visit an orthopedic surgeon but without health insurance I can't do these options. First off is with attending a college student health and not a hospital, would the health insurance find out about the injury if I get Health insurance, and if not, how long do I have to wait to wait to get treatment done on my knee that the health insurance would cover?""
Health Insurance for part timers?
Does anyone have any recommendations for affordable health insurance? My fiance and I work part time and places that don't provide us with health insurance. I'll be off my parent's in December and he hasn't been to the dentist in 10 years. We think he has about 8 cavaties and his wisdom teeth are coming in and pushing the rest of his teeth together. I don't know if we can pick up insurance for a year, get his teeth taken care of, then drop it if it's too expensive. But I feel like we need to do something! So if you have any suggestions for good health insurance companies, I'd really appreciate it!""
How much is renter's insurance normally?
I already have insurance thriugh state farm and they do have renter's insurance but I'm asking people who actually do have it, how much should it be normally?""
Can i drive without insurance?
I just got my license today I'm 16 i live in florida. my parents haven't bought my insurance yet and they say its illegal to drive without insurance. can i drive without insurance if i have my license and I'm dirving my parents car?
health insurance indiana individual plans
health insurance indiana individual plans
0 notes
houstonlocalus-blog · 7 years
Houstonian Tales: MyDolls
MyDolls. Photo: F. Carter Smith
  Seeing how punk music stands today, it’s a little difficult to imagine a time when female fronted punk bands weren’t a fairly common thing.  But, in the late 70s, while everyone was thinking about how progressive they were, Houston’s MyDolls literally changed the way people think about punk music.  More of a punk rock meets post punk sound, MyDolls were among the first female fronted punk bands in America and truly paved the way for females within the genre and what female involvement in music in general looks like today.  Aside from being legends in music, few people know that the band was essential in the formation of Girls Rock Camp Houston, as well as promoting the Houston music scene.  After reforming in 2008, the band has a new record released today and a show scheduled for March 3 at Lawndale Art Center.  There are few people who can attest to how much the Houston music scene has grown and changed over the years like the members of MyDolls, and it’s a real treat to hear about it from those who lived it and helped shape it.  Free Press Houston was more than thrilled to hear about how the band formed, where their name came from, and what they have planned for the future.
  Free Press Houston: I know the band has been together since the late seventies, but can you explain how you came together and what made you want to start making music together?
Trish Herrera: Dianna and I met through a friend and became roommates soon after. Linda and I met via my hair salon, Wavelength. Linda came in and I gave her bangs. George and I are cousins.
Dianna Ray: I spent many a high school afternoon with my best friend Carrie playing air-guitar to the likes of Mott the Hoople, T-Rex and The Sparks. While I was dreaming of playing in a band, Trish was already singing backup for Kinky Friedman! I think it was our destiny to be in bands together. Trish and I spent many a night at the Island (aka, Rock Island, Paradise Island) the only punk club in Houston in 1978. Night after night we watched bands play. Some were good, others were terrible, and we spent so much time at the club, why not start our own band and play there, too?
Linda Bond/Younger: It all happened for me at Wavelength, Trish’s Salon. She and Dianna were there and had already talked about forming a band. They were regulars at the Island and roommates in the apartment above Rudyard’s, the space that is now used for performances. I had made the decision to have bangs cut and we were listening to boring music. The subject of starting a band came up and Dianna and I mentioned one minor detail. Neither of us knew how to play an instrument. In true Mydolls style, Trish said that shouldn’t stop us and offered to teach us. So, I got a guitar and Dianna got a bass. We tried to find a woman drummer to no avail. Trish’s cousin, George practiced with us one night and the rest is herstory.   
  FPH:  Who came up with the name for the band, and can you explain what the name means?
Dianna Ray: It’s meant to be a clever play on words. I am going to say this for the first time publicly, so this is your scoop David, I never really liked the name! Ha! I think I wanted something with more gravity…
Linda Bond/Younger: It happened at the Taj Mahal when we had way too much to eat and drink for our own good. We started thinking of band names and the first was Heart. The conversation then went off on a tangent with organ names…after shooting down kidney, lungs and uterus…Kelly from Really Red came up with Midols, but we changed the spelling to Mydolls and the next thing we knew, we were opening for the Cramps! How cool was that!
Trish Herrera: We were having dinner at the Taj Mahal on the Gulf Freeway with a group of punk musicians in 1978. We were throwing around names, and someone said: “There is a band named Heart, why don’t you call yourselves ovaries? “Then Kelly, guitarist in Really Red, said, “How about Midol like the cramps drug and spell it MyDolls?” And we loved it and said, “this is it.” I always thought it looked like NYDolls. The name has a feminine root, and I love that we play with doll images. I like this poem.
My sister has a punk doll.
When you stick a pin in her, she yells, “Fuck.”
The doll is nice too.
  FPH:  It probably doesn’t seem like it would be the case nowadays, but being a female in a punk band in the seventies and eighties was a big deal and very progressive act at the time.  Can you talk about how people in the punk world embraced and dealt with you and how the music world treated you back then, and how different it was compared to how it’s gotten better but not by much in today’s music landscape?
Dianna Ray:  We had a couple of things to overcome; we were a female fronted band and our music wasn’t straight-forward punk, it was more post-punk, so I think people didn’t quite know what to do with us.  
Linda Bond/Younger:  We were like little sisters to the Houston Punk bands. They treated us like equals for the most part and welcomed our participation on the bill when they played. Biscuit from the Big Boys used to tease us and say that we belonged barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen…but it was with a big snuggle.
Trish Herrera:  No one wanted punk music especially punk music by women. That is why indie labels started. We created our own world. We were denied pay unless the money was given to the males in our bands or our road manager at certain clubs. We weren’t taken seriously. We weren’t a cutesy joke band, although I enjoyed many bands that were not political that were changing the face of music at that time. We were angry and meant every thing we said. Speaking out and questioning wasn’t popular. Yes, it is better. But the fight is still there. Censorship was a big issue in the Reagan era.
  FPH:  You’ve toured the world, been on British radio with John Peel, and even lost a member; can you explain the difference between the music world in the early eighties as compared to today? Perhaps shed light on the way bands booked tours on their own and how you got things done without the ease of the internet for those who don’t know?
George Reyes: DIY of the past was very much a collaboration of individuals. Some of it was acquired from alternative presses and some by word of mouth. Lots of relationship building and reaching out. Today, technology feeds these efforts. There are lots of media engines to choose from with a greater sophistication. In the ‘80s, it was a start to finish endeavor including making flyers, T-shirts and badges, and distributing them.
Linda Bond/Younger:  We wrote lots of letters and made calls to independent radio stations and clubs where other bands we enjoyed listening to played. There was a circle of friends who would do anything they could to help us book and promote shows. Ronnie Bond (U Ron Bondage of Really Red) was instrumental in introducing us to fanzines and new music that he played in the record store, Real Records, and on his radio show, Fun House, on KPFT. 90.1 KPFT was very supportive then and continues to be now. The rest was pretty much our fearless pursuit for what we dreamed about doing and then just doing it. “Breaking the Rules” was one of our songs and our modus operandi. The John Peel experience was exactly that.  
Dianna Ray: Booking a tour took some time. It often started with letter writing to bands who had previously come through Houston or bands and venues whose names we found in fanzines picked up at our local record store, Real Records. We didn’t use the phone until things were tightening up, long distance actually cost $$ back then! I was recently re-connected with a guy, Robbie Reverb, via FaceBook. We were pen-pals for a while after he came to one of our shows while we were touring. Pen-pals, do people even know what that is? Ha!
Trish Herrera: Fanzines had ads for clubs and we networked with bands that had toured before us. Mostly it was all done by letter writing. Ya know, pen and paper, and we used light paper so the postage was inexpensive. No one had money. We still have some of the letters in our archives. They are really beautiful.
  FPH:  I would guess that you got to perform and tour with some pretty influential punk bands back in the day.  Are there any acts that stand out in your mind or where there any shows that were insane back in the early days of the band?
Trish Herrera:  My faves were Minor Threat , Butthole Surfers, Siouxsie and the Banshees, The Cramps. More currently, Frightwig and the Avengers.
Dianna Ray:  I did lose my two front teeth while attending a show at the Island on my birthday. That was insane.
Linda Bond/Younger:  For sure Siouxsie and the Banshees and The Cramps stand out back in the day. Recently, however, playing with Penelope Houston and the Avengers in Oakland was very special. The great part about all of those shows is the Mydolls Tribe, many of them the same in Oakland as for the older shows from the ‘80s.
  FPH:  Many people might not realize how integral you’ve been to organizations here like Girls Rock Camp, can you talk a bit about how you’ve gotten involved and what the organization means to you as musicians and females in a male dominated industry?
Dianna Ray:  It started with the documentary about the camp in Seattle, which we watched at Aurora Picture Show. We thought, this has to happen in Houston. It turns out we weren’t the only ones who felt that way after seeing the movie, so did Anna Garza. Anna started the Houston camp and Linda and I helped in the early formation. One or more of us has volunteered at each Houston camp since. I have met some of the most amazing, talented, generous and funny women at that camp. And those are just the volunteers! Many campers have returned year after year and some now volunteer at the camp in principle roles. Watching these young women grow into themselves, grow in confidence and mature with compassion is incredibly heartwarming. When the parents talk about how their daughters have been impacted by a single week spent at camp we often find ourselves in tears. Last of all, Mydolls’ rally calls is, “Go start your own band!” So of course Girls Rock Camp Houston fits very nicely with that!  
Linda Bond/Younger: Dianna and I were in the very first meeting with Anna Garza and Muna Javaid after we saw the Girls Rock Camp movie. It was like a light went off and all of us were determined to have a camp here in Houston. I am passionate about continuing to do whatever I can to make the camp available to as many young girls as possible. Trish, Dianna and I initially worked most of the week as band coaches, counsellors or instructors. Over time, it’s been so rewarding to see the girls from the first camp take over and become the Counsellors, Coaches and responsible for making things go smoothly with equipment and the showcase. It is a life-changing experience to see the girls develop from being very timid, introspective to empowered, confident young women. I would encourage everyone to consider volunteering. There are many things to do even if you aren’t musically inclined, such as registration, coordinating volunteers, picking up food for volunteers, etc.  The feedback from the parents is priceless. And the showcase is a feel-good experience for everyone. There are also scholarships available for those who could not otherwise attend. One of the scholarships is very near and dear to us. It’s named in memory of Kathy Johnson, Dianna’s wife, who was very involved and passed away three years ago.
FPH:  Last year, the CAMH hosted the collection and retrospective for the 20HERTZ series, can you explain what it meant for the band and how it came about?
Dianna Ray: Max Fields from CAMH was looking for the perfect fit for the installment of their 20HERTZ program which would coincide with the Mark Flood exhibition, which was amazing, by the way. Mark (aka Perry Webb) was in the band Culturcide who were on C.I.A. Records along with Mydolls, so there was both an artistic and a historical intersection between our work.
Initially the event was proposed to us as a panel discussion with the band. We asked Max if we could play a short 30-minute set. We then asked our friends Dan Workman, also a former Culturcide band member, and Nancy Dunnahoe, from Wild Dog Archives, to be the panelists. Nancy suggested we display some of our ephemera as part of the evening. Before you know it Max had arranged for entire gallery space for us to display in and the event went from a small discussion to a retrospective of sorts. I was bowled over by the enthusiasm and support we received from everyone involved and from the audience who attended. It was electrifying!
Linda Bond/Younger:  It was such an incredible experience. Max Fields approached us and asked us about doing the interview for his final 20 MHz program at CAMH before moving to New York. As in true Mydolls tradition, we asked about doing more than just an interview. We suggested showing a video and having a space for our archives. The CAMH allowed us to have the downstairs education room to display so many wonderful things, from our cassette tapes documenting Mydolls on the road, to hand painted one-of-a-kind t-shirts, to vintage video from a show in Kent Ohio in 1982, to incredible posters and photographs. It took off from there and just became this incredible experience, not only for us, but all of our friends and family who we lovingly call our Tribe. I would be remiss if I failed to thank Max Fields for curating the event and Nancy Agin Dunnahoe for her unending energy in archiving all of the items and to Nancy and Dan Workman for making the event very special by asking just the right questions for the interview. The interview and the sound clips of the cassette tapes are available on CAMH’s YouTube and Soundcloud accounts and definitely worth listening to.
Trish Herrera:  It was mind blowing to have all our history so well thought out and organized.The audience was of all ages and super diverse. This was a special honor having grown up in the art and music world in Houston. It was like looking at a life. Punk girls come of age in Houston, Texas.
George Reyes: Definitely, it was a retrospective moment. It was great to see Mydolls’ Tribe and recall memorable experiences. Lots of people are contributors to the Mydolls success and talking with them reflected this wonderful fan base.
  FPH:  It seems like in the last couple of years, the band has been more active than you were for a while.  What brought the fire back to record and start playing more shows?
Trish Herrera: Absolutely driven by politics and the timeliness of how our songs fit the same issues we had throughout the ‘70s and ‘80s.
Linda Bond/Younger: Our eye on the prize…new vinyl that represents Mydolls through the years…a legacy album so to speak. And the encouragement of our Tribe to keep playing.
  FPH:  The new album, It’s Too Hot For Revolution, seems to really offer up a refreshed sound for the band while keeping your core intact.  What made you decide to make the album and what’s the meaning behind the title of the record?
Linda Bond/Younger:  It’s the title of one of our songs, but more than that it fits so well with the current state of affairs. Many of the songs are political in nature and even though most of the lyrics were written almost 40 years ago, sadly they are as true now as always. The artwork by Jack Livingston is beautiful and the red vinyl is so perfect!  
Trish Herrera: “Bored with apathy” is one of the lyrics. 45% of our country didn’t vote. Punk has always been known for parody. Astounding how many people can’t tell you a thing about our Constitution and how law and government works, yet it affects everything. We have to resist government that is not based on freedom and diversity and basic human rights.
Dianna Ray:  I want to add that this recording is the only one we have which features my beloved wife Kathy on guitar. You can hear her on the songs we recorded in the early ‘80s with Phil Davis, who also toured with us as our sound engineer. Both of them are gone now, so it’s a wonderful way to commemorate and celebrate their contributions to Mydolls’ music.
  FPH:  You worked with Dan Workman of Sugar Hill and Andy Bradley on this album, both who you’ve worked with in the past on projects.  Was there ever a notion to make the album at another studio or to work with others, or is SugarHill like a second home?
Linda Bond/Younger: Sugar Hill is very special to us. However, when Andy Bradley who “speaks Mydolls” moved to a different studio, we did work with him there on the final engineering. Dan plays guitar on one of the songs. Both of them have been a very special part of our musical journey and we can’t thank them enough for their creative genius, encouragement and support.
Dianna Ray: Dan and Andy are a part of the band and it wouldn’t have been conceivable to do this without their involvement.
George Reyes: I think the discovery of the master tapes was all part of the synergy that Sugarhill has provided us and continues to do. Using the combined memory of all who participated was dynamic.
Trish Herrera: We have worked with many engineers throughout our history. Both Andy and Dan are genius in their own ways. They’re family for sure. One of my fave recordings is one we did in San Antonio in a studio set up by Butthole Surfers’ engineer for the compilation Cottage Cheese From The Lips Of Death. The song is “Soldiers of a Pure War.” Love that track.
FPH:  You’re culminating the album’s release with the Speakeasy show at Lawndale Art Center, you’ve planned to have an ultra limited hand numbered vinyl release at the show, and you’re doing it all without a cover.  Is it safe to say that those DIY ethics that you had when the band started, have never ever left the band’s core, and what do you have planned for those who want to attend the show?
Trish Herrera: We will release 50 numbered records and treat them like a special collection. The art and the mastery of this record is so gorgeous. Lawndale is a perfect venue to debut a work that came from many talented artists.
Linda Bond/Younger:  It’s our gift to those who have been with us though our musical journey. Pete Gershon and Mary Ross Taylor, former executive director of Lawndale, will begin with an interview of the band that discusses our experiences at Lawndale Annex many years ago and why this venue is perfect for our vinyl release party. We are thrilled to be able to be one of the first bands to play at the Lawndale Art Center Speakeasy Series. We will also have one of the Girls Rock Camp Bands, Laser Kittenz, open for us with a couple of their original songs. Rocket and Eliot have been practicing really hard, and hopefully they will have a large and engaged audience to cheer them on.  
  FPH:  After all this time as a band, do you ever see a time when you won’t be breaking down boundaries and performing?
George Reyes: Love has no boundaries.
Trish Herrera: What’s the point?
Dianna Ray: When we’re dead, David, when we’re dead.
Linda Bond/Younger: Never. And we will never stop encouraging others to do the same. Go Make a Band!
  There’s not too much you can’t learn from a group that’s as humble as they are legendary like the members of MyDolls.  For over thirty five years, through their music and actions, they’ve helped shape what the future of Houston music looks like.  You can hear their latest album, It’s Too Hot For Revolution here, and you can grab the limited edition red vinyl  and catch the band at the SPEAKEASY event March 3 at Lawndale Art Center.  The all ages event with doors at 7 pm and it’s 100% FREE.  You can also catch them perform at Walter’s for Take This Fest And Shove It Festival April 8 and 9.
Houstonian Tales: MyDolls this is a repost
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