#looking around being like where do I find myself a hot man
leclercskiesahead · 3 months
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First days (first dates)
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unpretty · 1 year
a fact about me is that i was an early bloomer who hit puberty in elementary school and was immediately, obnoxiously horny in ways that were uncomfortable for everyone because no one is prepared for an elementary schooler with b cups and a deep fascination with movies where people get tied up. another fact is that because i was considered smart for my age in the ways that mattered, i just accepted all this as a single package, the many ways that i was not really a child the way other children were children but was instead a miniature adult. i was technically a child, but not really, as far as i was concerned. it also did not occur to me until around high school that i was fat, because i instead considered myself to be sturdy, to be buff, to be built like a tank.
so somewhere around middle school i am noticing the ways in which i am Not Like Other Girls, the ways in which i am not what society says a girl is and the ways that things marketed to girls do not appeal to me. i don't know how other girls dealt with this, but i very rationally decided that i was only technically a girl, in the way that i was only technically a child. so i looked at the things that did appeal to me, and that i did enjoy, and reverse engineered my demographic to decide that on a practical and functional level i was a middle-aged man. i had also gotten really hornily into wolverine because of the first x-men movie, and ended up reading a lot of comics, so as you can imagine the comic book version of wolverine who is short and built like a tank and older than he looks despite being for all intents and purposes a middle aged man really had some appeal to me.
there are idiots who say shit about how tomboys would be considered trans these days or whatever, but i can assure you that was not what was happening here. by middle school i already had to special order bras and i was fine with that because of the many weird fetishes i was developing, none of which can be blamed on the internet because i hadn't found that shit yet and also to this day you would have a hard time finding anything similar to the things i wrote in my secret notebook and immediately destroyed. the fact that i was technically a girl was vital to all this. media where there was a big reveal that some cool dude had been a hot chick the whole time was my shit. weird feral beast people who turned out to be hot women once they took a bath? fuck yes. i would never have cut my hair because that would have ruined my chances to take off a helmet and reveal that i had girl hair. at no point did i think i was anything but a girl, it was just that i was functionally a middle-aged man, who was a girl.
what this means is that i still liked all the things i already liked, such as leather jackets and comic books and anime and old stand-up comedy, but i also did extensive research on the other things i felt i should like according to the demographic i had assigned myself. i watched vh1's 'i love the 70s' with the air of someone trying to hide their amnesia, even though my parents were children in the 70s. i got into the beatles. i tried to get into cars for a while before accepting that i only liked the vintage car aesthetic and couldn't be fucked to know actual car facts. i wore nothing but cargo shorts and aloha shirts for a while, which didn't really stand out that much because it was middle school. i bought a fedora and became a libertarian atheist. i made plans to buy a motorcycle (i could not ride a bike).
i gave up on it after a while because quite frankly my titty situation meant there was never really going to be a big reveal that i'd been a girl the whole time. it was pretty obvious even with the cargo shorts. also the older of a teen i was, the more likely it felt that i could maybe get laid, except i could tell that was never going to happen as long as i kept wearing cargo shorts. it took longer to give up the fedora because it was leather and i wore it with my leather jacket and fingerless gloves, which i convinced myself worked a lot better after i'd gone full high school goth. i lived in the desert so you can imagine how well that worked out for me, smell-wise.
anyway that's how my female socialization went, i don't think it was particularly successful tbqh
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hanaonesflower · 1 year
“Princess, can I ask you something?” He speaks, breaking the silence of the long, uneventful car ride. “Sure, anything!” You chirp, unsuspecting of what is to come.
“Why don’t you ever let me do anything for you?” Ushijima says, his eyes remain fixated on the long stretch of roads ahead. The fog heavily roll down the sides the hills on your either sides, lowering visibility. His hand tightens around the wheel, while the other grips yours.
“What do you mean by that?” You sit back, eyes wandering his features, looking for any sign that he’s just cheerfully asking you. Knowing Ushi though, he’s sometimes not as light hearted as you’d think.
“You are always so insistent on doing everything yourself. You won’t let me help you, like earlier, when you refused to let me tie your shoes. That isn’t the first time you refused my help.” He goes on a spiel, his thumb reaches to the toggle and lowers the volume, making his breathing more prominent than ever. It has occur to you that you have always been doing everything by yourself despite his looming figure always by your side. The hyperindependence is slowly starting to bother him. He wants to help you, wants to give you the fullest extent of a princess treatment yet the only thing really holding him back from that is, you.
“It’s just something that I could easily have done for myself, you didn’t need to bother with that, don’t worry, baby,” you try to comfort him, hoping some words of affirmation can help. It really isn’t a big deal, it’s some shoe laces that came undone, not a heavy errand.
As soon as the car is pulled into a parking spot at a rest stop, quickly shifting the car in “park”, turning to you and he sighs. A real sigh. One so full of frustration and… hopelessness. “I’m not bothered. It has never mattered how big or small anything is, I want to do everything for you. Why are you holding yourself back from me?” He is starting to put things into perspective for you. After going through a useless ex-boyfriend, then a man who gave you hot and cold attention, lastly a guy who gave you princess treatment to fill his inflated ego before meeting Ushijima, learning to only rely on yourself has been the protector of your heart, your soul and your sanity. You find that by depending on your good ol’ self is the only way to prevent yourself from throwing your body off a bridge.
“Ushi, it’s not—,” before you can finish your sentence, truthfully you don’t really know what to say. He’s right, you are holding yourself back from him. Holding yourself back from the hurt that you’ve known all too well, he interrupts, holding both your hands in his, “baby, you’re my priority, my everything, your well-being, happiness and comfort are my main concerns and I want it to be that way,” he stops, taking a breath. Reminiscent of the times where Ushijima offered to go so out of his way to help you but being kindly turned down has left him feeling absolutely useless and uneasy. Ushijima’s love language is act of service and because he hasn’t been able to do the bare minimum for you, he feels it eating him alive.
“I am aware of your past, I know that I can’t change what was, but I’m here to make a difference now, I mean it!” You are moved by his words, he means what he says and you know it. You’ve seen it. He’s a big man of his words, always keeping promises, has never ever disappointed you in any way. Yet the walls have been reinforced many times again that it has cemented itself in your life, creating a barrier between the two of you. “I want to open doors for you, pull out chairs for you, pick you up from a friend’s house, drop you off at the airport, all of that, please, baby, please just let me.” You have to say, it is like he is begging for you to allow him in, allow him to integrate further into your system, a system you’ve built to keep you from going down a slippery slope time and time again.
“I’m so grateful for you, Ushi, you’ve done so much for me, you really have. I just feel like I can’t be asking for anymore than what you’ve already given me,” before you can inhale a full breath, he branches his body over to your side of the car and kisses you deeply, so deeply that you melt. “I’m at your disposal, you are my world, let me in, don’t keep shutting me out,” he says, breaking away from the kiss.
You chuckle, “yes, Wakatoshi, I accept your offer,” and you’ve never seen him smile wider. A big, toothy grin coming from the infamously stoic dude. He kisses you again, “thank you, baby.”
He unbuckles your seatbelt, hastily running from his side to yours and opening the door for you, and just like the universe is rooting for the both of you, your shoe laces come undone, again.
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saerins · 6 months
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+ kaiser x f!reader | wc 2.8k | content: fluff, friends to lovers, slight hints of jealousy, mentions of alcohol, they go clubbing
notes: help me i think i made myself fall for this guy even more after writing this shit for him > ⤙ <
summary: being just friends doesn’t mean much when neither of you really want to keep it that way. problem is, will either of you make the first move?
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“i like you though, y/n.”
it’s spring and the weather outside is the nicest it’s ever been in a while and you have every chance to enjoy it except for the fact that dear michael kaiser is lounging on your couch, rifling through the magazine he got in the mail.
“right, haha, very funny,” you mumble sarcastically, slumping down onto the other couch where kaiser isn’t sprawled all over.
sometimes, you think it’s funny how he’s portrayed as this hot, sexy, confident soccer player who can do no wrong when it comes to matters with his looks, but then in private he’s like… well, this. his bed head’s a mess, his room slippers are the fluffy-fuzzy kind, and much less high maintenance than everyone makes him out to be. (but you have to stop yourself from staring because kaiser doesn’t sleep in anything but his sweatpants during this season and well, where his abs are concerned, he’s definitely got no problems there.)
kaiser sighs in the overdramatic fashion that’s probably his trademark right about now. “y/n, y/n, what do i have to do to make you believe me?” he turns around, smirking at you as he raises a brow. maybe it’ll work on his countless fangirls, but after being friends with him for over six years, you’re probably immune to it.
“maybe you can just shut up and get ready for your event later.” you roll your eyes, sauntering to the kitchen to get yourself some breakfast, automatically making two of everything because kaiser loves to crash your apartment in the morning. (he really does need to learn about personal space.)
breakfast preparations go quietly. kaiser listens to you—he shuts up and starts getting ready for his event before coming back into your apartment, all fresh and ready to shamelessly eat the breakfast you made, staring at you from across the table whenever you’re not looking like he always does.
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“kaiser-kaia duo hit the streets, new budding romance?”
“miko, don’t tell me you’re reading that gossip rag too,” you whine, looking for any excuse not to dive into your pile of work for the day.
your colleague swivels her chair over to your cubicle, looking around to make sure your bosses aren’t around to witness the both of you slacking off. “hey, isn’t he your friend? give me the tea! are they really dating?”
leave it to miko to get all excited about dating rumours. you really don’t know what’s so special about them—kaiser’s gotten so many of them ever since, well, forever. even before he became a soccer superstar.
you remember what kaiser said in the morning. “i like you though, y/n.” always ready with that smooth tongue of his. that aside, if he really was dating someone, you bet that they’d be staying over with him more often than not, and there’s really no harm in rejecting a rumor as opposed to confirming one.
“nope, they just happened to be waiting for a cab at the same spot.” and paparazzis love to snap a shot from misleading angles. now that you’re really looking at the article, they managed to make it look like kaiser’s kissing her cheek. you find yourself rolling your eyes at it and looking away.
miko sighs, leaning back against her chair. “man, that sucks, they look cute,” she comments, scrolling away from the online article before she gives you a suspicious side eye. “hey, you sure you’re not dating him?”
you still a little at the sudden line of questioning before turning your attention back to your laptop equally quickly. “if i was, i wouldn’t be so free all the time now, would i?” a response to which miko shrugs off and decides to let go of as she retreats back to her desk.
as much as you love miko as your colleague, you haven’t been as honest with her as you could. she knows you’re friends with kaiser, yeah, but she doesn’t know he’s basically your neighbour. she doesn’t know that he comes over all the time whenever it’s off season. she doesn’t know that the both of you have fallen asleep next to each other on the couch.
she doesn’t know a lot of things—like how your heart’s beating erratically now at the notion of being someone special to kaiser. it’s always been sweet nothings that you thought would stay that way, and you’ve always been short at realising your own feelings, so much so you were, once upon a time, positive you had zero romantic feelings for your friend.
now? you’re not so sure anymore.
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seven days pass and kaiser’s been pestering you every single moment you’re free—like he always does—but today’s kind of a special day because it’s your birthday and it’s an hour away from your dinner party yet you’re not even close to ready.
your hair’s wet, you’re still in your loungewear, you have no idea what to wear and kaiser’s just flipping through the channels, half bored to death. for his part, at least, he’s already ready.
it’s not even fair how he takes just half an hour to get ready and yet he looks like he does. hair perfectly soft, and he’s wearing a nice black suit with a wine red dress shirt underneath, his tattoos peeking out here and there. if he wasn’t a soccer player, he’d definitely either be a model or a very charming businessman.
“too handsome for you?” kaiser smirks as he catches you looking, and you have to spin on your heels to avoid getting flustered (to his face).
“shut up, kaiser, i haven’t found anything to wear,” you groan, making a beeline for your bedroom. you really wished your friends hadn’t booked a high-end restaurant for little old you—then you could literally just throw on anything and be done with it.
kaiser, completely comfortable in your apartment, strolls into your bedroom with you and starts browsing through your closet, ignoring your protests. within seconds, he finds a dress and holds it out, a lopsided smile filling his face. “how about this?”
the wine red satin dress hovers in front of you, and you have to swallow the lump in your throat before you speak, feeling the line getting blurry. “trying to get me to coordinate outfits with you or something?”
you’re trying your best but your voice quivers just a little bit, and you bet that smug smile on his face that he can hear it. “why not? we look good together,” he shrugs, as though it’s no big deal but it’s hard to stop yourself from overthinking when lately the two of you have been flirting more often and serious than usual.
rolling your eyes and trying not to be too late, you grab the dress from him and change into it, spending some time to yourself to recollect, internally cursing him for being able to make you this flustered over nothing at all.
by the time you come back out into the living room, hair all done and accessories settled, this time, kaiser’s the one who’s caught staring, shameless in the way his eyes drag over you from head to toe. you’d tease him for it, but you’re not entirely sure you’re ready for his comeback so you refrain.
as you grab your go-to black heels and sit down to strap them on properly, kaiser’s quick to offer a hand, his lithe fingers taking your heel from you, slowly inserting your feet, his eyes lingering on your face and his thumb rubbing circles around your ankle. your eyes are glued to his own, and somehow it makes you even more nervous when he’s not joking around. when he looks at you like this—serious, like he’s trying to tell you something without saying anything at all.
the way he ties the straps are gentle and precise, tight but not too tight that it’ll hurt you. you’ve jokingly told him to help you tie your shoelaces before but he’s always refused. yet now he’s helping you put on your heels on both feet without saying a word and the way his hand lingers on your calf when he’s done is enough to make you melt.
on some other day, you’d joke with him and get him to let go. today, you’re silent.
kaiser chuckles, though, his hand casually brushing up your calf slightly before he pulls away, gently patting your head as he gets up.
“let’s go.”
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dinner is agonising, enjoyable, agonising.
it’s nice; being seated around a table, enjoying small talk and nonsense with the same group of friends, catching up with people like kaiser and ness who’s been away a lot because of their profession.
yeah, that part’s nice. what’s agonising about it all is how close kaiser is to you, how his right hand casually drapes around your shoulder from time to time, shifting down to your thigh sometimes, making you go crazy.
it’s not like the both of you haven’t been close before, but you feel like maybe this time, it’s different. it’s not just the close proximity, it’s the intimacy of it all that has you inwardly keeling over. what’s worse is that you think you want it, him. in a way you didn’t think to think of before.
“you sure you’re not dating him?”
miko’s words ring repeatedly in your head. somehow, your answer’s changed from nope to you sort of wish you did. you bite your lower lip, absentmindedly laughing along even if you didn’t hear the joke at all.
“you okay?” the voice in your ear nearly makes you jump up from your seat.
on your right, ness is grinning as he looks at you, like he knows something’s going on in that little head of yours. you shake your head anyway, but ness shoots you a knowing smile as his eyes briefly shift to kaiser’s arm around you before winking at you.
fuck, is that really enough to make the heat rush to your cheeks?
“y/n?” one of your other friends calls out, snapping you back to the foreground.
“next stop: new club downtown! orange, or grape, or whatever the fuck name it is,” he drawls, excited, “you up for it?”
before you even get the chance to agree, one of the other guys speaks up. “hey kaiser, speaking of clubs, didn’t that dating rumour come up recently? the one with, uh, kaia?”
readjusting himself, kaiser pulls away from you, taking a swig of his beer. “don’t remind me,” he groans, sighing.
“why not? she’s hot!”
there’s a knot in your stomach that you can’t explain.
beside you, ness snickers. “tell ‘em what really happened, stupid.”
that manages to pique your interest.
kaiser sighs, resigning because he knows they’ll just keep hounding him if he refuses. “she tried her luck, that’s all,” he settles for something vague, trying to escape.
ness, however, ever the kind soul, expands on his words, making sure you hear every single bit—you’re not sure if he’s trying to egg you on or just see your reaction.
“please, she was trying to get you to send her home, no?” ness’ explanation gets a reaction out of the group, and you’re glad you all have a private room here so no one outside can hear you, servers included.
“shut up.”
“kaia and kaiser—has a nice ring to it.”
and even though kaiser doesn’t entertain that, you feel a little envy brewing inside you—one that you fail to drown out.
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orange is filled with people; combining the fact that it’s holiday season and it’s the club’s launch night, it’s safe to say that there’s barely any room to breathe. still, your friends are all drunk on the alcohol, pulling one another to the dance floor, leaving you and kaiser at the table.
he’s still close as ever, his bare hands brushing yours, one of his arms around your waist, keeping you close.
“dance with me,” he raises his voice over the music. the way he smiles so genuinely now managing to make your heart skip a beat.
suppressing your grin, you wordlessly agree, letting him lead you onto the dance floor. he meanders the crowd skilfully, as expected considering he and ness are frequent clubbers. it’s only now that you realise you’d never gone to such a place with him, which is surprising considering your many years of friendship.
as you join your friends on the floor, you can’t help but notice how kaiser sticks to you and you alone, his hands on your waist, trickling up and down your arm, dancing along behind you. even surrounded by people, he commands your attention alone.
but to kaiser, it’s unfair too. it’s not fair how you’re so pretty, it’s not fair how you’ve always been. it’s not fair that he’d fallen slowly for you, and now so so deep. how is it fair that even when he tries to forget you, when he tries not to mess with the friendship, that he ends up falling even more?
his eyes stay glued on you, shamelessly making sure no other man gets their hands on you—it’s fucking insulting how they try to get you to dance with them even when he’s right there. lucky for him, you’re not budging. you’re there. with him. only him. even if your other friends are here.
it’s just him and you and he wonders what you’re thinking. are you as flustered as he is right now? kaiser hasn’t even let himself drink more than one mug of beer, all because he knows this is a night he’d rather remember than risk forgetting.
“hey, isn’t that kaia?” one of your friends excitedly points out and kaiser follows his line of sight.
it is her, and she’s heading this way—but that’s not really important because what’s important is how kaiser noticed you’ve stopped dancing, awkwardly trying to shuffle away. it’s kind of funny, he swears he can tell that you might feel the same way about him. maybe you’re just more stubborn than he is.
so he keeps his arms around you, pulling you close.
“stay with me,” he whispers into your ear, and he suppressed a grin from the goosebumps searing across your neck. he guesses it’s a good sign you’re listening to him.
“kaiser, what’s up?” kaia greets, evidently trying to move for a hug but kaiser’s not budging, squeezing you closer instead.
he nods at her in acknowledgement before letting the rest of his friends throng around her for a photo.
once she’s sufficiently busy, he hears you speak up. “were you dancing with her that time too?”
kaiser manages not to snicker at your obviously jealous tone, “yeah, we went with a few other people after our shoot was wrapped up.”
you nod, and all kaiser can think of somehow is that your shampoo smells so nice. “oh, sure you don’t wanna dance with her again tonight then?”
are you testing him? it’s cute.
he shakes his head. “nah, i danced with her a lot that time already,” he teases, though he’s not too sure whether you’d take it like a joke like it was meant to. when you don’t respond, he chuckles, gently turning you to face him. “there’s one thing i didn’t do with her though.”
kaiser’s face is just inches away from yours, the tip of his nose brushing against your cheek and he’s aware that everyone in the close vicinity is looking at the two of you but he doesn’t care.
honestly, he has to admit, he’s dreamed of doing this a thousand times over, always hovering between the decision to ruin this friendship or not. the thoughts were there whenever he’d wake up next to you on the couch. or whenever all of you met up and one of the other guys would throw their arms around you. or in the mornings when you made breakfast. there’s not a time he’s been sure whether this is what you wanted too.
hell, he’s not even sure now. but fuck, if he wastes another minute not trying he thinks he’ll kill himself for it. and he’s hoping to god this isn’t a dream because you’re not pulling away and you’re not treating this like a joke and it can only be because you want this too.
without another thought, his lips press against yours and it’s like the loud music drowns out into the background, getting lost and fading away. suddenly it’s like you’re the only thing in front of him and fuck, you taste even better than he can ever imagine.
“fuck,” he exhales, cheeks pressed against yours. “be mine?”
still breathless from that kiss, you chuckle weakly and nod, both of you earning whoos all around the room. (you make a mental reminder to tell miko before she winds up seeing this online before you get a chance to explain.)
and just like that, kaiser’s finally gotten the girl of his dreams.
“want you, baby, just you.”
the next morning, the two of you make the headlines.
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neon-junkie · 3 months
How would TBB react to seeing the reader about to leave on a night out dressed up in a super hot outfit?
Gender-neutral reader, but feminine presenting. Words like 'beautiful' and 'pretty' are used!
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Hunter - Even with half of his face tattooed, he still manages to blush through the thickness of the ink. - He's truly lost for words. - Hunter has an adorable stutter as he compliments, "wow, you look… nice- I mean, incredible. Good. Beautiful?" - Hunter then facepalms as he scolds himself for picking "nice" as his first compliment. Ugh, you look so much more than nice! - You'll both be giggling as Hunter takes a deep breath, and begins going into detail about how good you look, highlighting the specific parts that really stand out to him. - You're heading out with friends, but Hunter is quietly hinting that he wants to come along. Totally not because he's jealous or anything, but because he hopes to meet your friends, right? The friends that he's met several times before? Yeah! - Tell him that you'll still be looking this good when you come back home later tonight, and he'll get the hint. - However, he may need to leave a fresh mark or two on your neck, just to get the point across that you're taken.
Echo - This poor, poor man is going to turn the deepest shade of red when he finally sees you. - Why, just WHY did you have to wear that specific outfit that he loves so much?! And you're going out without him too?! Oh, what a tease! - Echo is lost for words as he gushes over you. He feels like it's his wedding day - How is he this lucky? How did he land an angel like you? - There's a tear in his eye as you smother him in kisses, reassuring him that you're all his, that you're the lucky one for being with him, that you can't wait to come home and snuggle up with him later. - Echo doesn't ask for much, but he would like to be kept in the loop on your whereabouts. Purely for your own safety! - "And when you reach the next bar, just comm me. Your friends have my comm number too, don't they? If anything goes wrong, and you want picking up-" blahblahblah. - One final smother in reassuring kisses, and you're good to hit the town!
Wrecker - His mouth instantly hangs open, his eyes turn wide, and his facial expression swiftly turns into a grin as he comments, "HOT!!" - You know in cartoons where the character's mouth drops open, and they begin howling and barking? Yeah, that's Wrecker. - Seriously, you look hot, and Wrecker's going to ensure that you know it. - "Look at you! I can't believe I got myself an angel as sweet as you!" - He'll mention how he's sad that he's not tagging along, but he'll assure you that it's important you spend your time with your friends. - Wrecker isn't as clingy as he seems. After all, he'll be right here, waiting for your return. - And when you do return, all your hangover needs will be met. A tall glass of water waiting for you, a midnight snack, breakfast in bed, and a big buff man to cuddle you back to health!
Tech - This will go one of two ways: - Option one: Tech eyes you up and down, and with a firm nod, he comments, "that is suitable attire for your evening. I hope you enjoy yourself." - Option two: Tech's brain short circuits. He can barely muster up a thought, let alone a comment. Radio silence, but his expression says it all. - Either way, Tech is more than impressed with your outfit choice, and how stunning you look. He just… struggles to find the words, like a deer in the headlights. - Give him a few moments, and you'll be met with suitable praise. "How exquisite you look, a truly elegant and radiant creature." - Tech can't pinpoint one specific word to describe how beautiful you look, so instead, he selects the most complex and in-depth ones. He doesn't want to rely on a 'standard compliment.' - A few kisses later, and you're off to meet your friends. All the while, Tech begins pacing around the Marauder like a lost puppy. He needs to keep himself occupied until you return!
Crosshair - He's instantly thirsty for you, smiling cheekily as he eyes you up, gawking at the sight of you. - Crosshair has a way with words, and spews out his praise, all whilst kneading at your waist, his hands trailing down to grab your ass whilst he steals a handful of kisses from you. - And then it dawns on him… - You're going out with your friends tonight, not him… - Jealousy swiftly takes over, and his compliment turn into teasing (yet petty) jabs. Nothing to hurt your feelings, though. - "Any reason why you're wearing this tonight? Do you need more attention? Am I not enough for you?" - Whilst his tone is teasing, there's a desperate need for validation. - Yes, he knows you'd never be stupid and hurt him, but… can you please remind him one more time? - Don't be surprised when you leave, and minutes later, Crosshair sends you a holotext. "Comm me if you need anything, Beautiful."
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astonmartinii · 1 year
charles leclerc x author!reader | instagram au
pairing: charles leclerc x author!reader (the book is by ottessa moshfegh)  
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y/nusername: something big is coming... stay ready. 
liked by emrata, charles_leclerc and 108,978 others 
girlblogger4life: ahhh i’m so excited 
f1girl42: why did charles like this?
softricciardo: omg f1 and y/n, my worlds colliding - does this mean the grid have read her book? 
albono23: imagine them reading homesick for another world... i cannot 
vanillanymph: please stand on me  
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charles_leclerc: happy to be back on the podium but we keep pushing for more! looking forward to seeing the rest of the us - forza ferrari 
liked by ferrari, y/nusername and 532,098 others 
ferrari: great drive charles 🤭
coquettefairy: why is y/n here? don’t you have a book to release? 
imdyingformysins: not my hot girl author liking ... sports 
cowboydaniel: idk why y/n is here but it looks like her taste in men is as good as her writing 
44lewishamiltonn: see the rest of the us? or see a certain someone? 
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y/nusername: my sophmore book, my year of rest and relaxation, is out everywhere tomorrow. proud of myself and thankful for all of those around me. 
liked by alexademie, charles_leclerc and 142,739 others 
gonegirl777: omg, the cover, your mind 
cl16mylove: charles liked again, the second post in a row
lestappen4life: he’s either really into reading, or really into her, can’t say i’m mad either way. 
leclerc16: she says she’s thankful for all those around her, could that include charles if they’re dating? 
iwanttobethemoon: idk what’s going on in these comments with the sports girlies, but y/n can’t be in a relationship, if she finds love who else will write about being unloveable? 
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f1wagupdates: charles spotted at y/n y/ln’s book launch in new york, the rumours about them heat up after they’ve liked a couple of eachother’s posts. should ferrari be worried due to the explicit nature of y/ln’s books as a potential bad look for il predestinato. what do you think, are they a cute couple? 
liked by maxielstan, pierregasly and 872 others 
redbullfan33: just cause he liked a couple posts doesn’t mean they’re together 
marlbororeds: keep mother’s name out of your mouth 
piscesbutterfly: literally, he would be lucky to be with her 
liked by charles_leclerc 
smoothoperatorsainz: who gives a fuck what ferrari thinks, they have enough problems with themselves before looking at y/n 
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y/nusername:  a streetcar named desire 
liked by danielricciardo, charles_leclerc and 201,097 others 
littebirdy: MOTHER AND FATHER?? 
mercedesqueen: there’s no way that’s not charles HE LIKED AS WELL 
teamlh44: i’m 100% certain that’s his helmet from miami as well 
danielricciardo: what about an f1 car named yearning 
charles_leclerc: that’s awful mate 
danielricciardo: just cause you bagged an author doesn’t mean we’re all fucking poets 
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charles_leclerc: no where i’d rather be than with you. congrats to my new york times bestseller girlfriend (pick up a copy of my year of rest and relaxation at your local bookstore now). 
liked by y/nusername, ferrari and 632,776 others 
y/nusername: i love you like the moon loves the tides 
y/nusername: also thank you for helping me after a spilt a whole bottle of red wine on myself 
violetricciardos: when will it be my turn 
virginsuicides: i’m taking a bath with my toaster rn 
sinnerandsaint: i guess if mother’s happy, i am. but who will write my sad books now? 
y/nusername: i’ll always be there for the sad girls 
pierregasly: i see, the man cuffs a writer and suddenly fancies himself a romantic 
charles_leclerc: your idea of romance is a wyd at 2am 
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y/nusername: adding wag to my resume, i don’t like the stress, why can’t they all get a trophy?
liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55 and 304,541 others 
charles_leclerc: the only trophy i need is being your trophy husband 
y/nusername:  shut up, i’m invested now, you better win 
charles_leclerc: yes ma’am 
33max33: they’re so fucking cute 
dietcokegirl: my parents... in a happy marriage??? 
charles_leclerc: i didn’t realise you had so many children? 
dietcokegirl: don’t hurt mother or we’ll kill you 
charles_leclerc: why are my kids being so mean to me?
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feralforfrank · 1 month
fuck it, give me mean!reader. / pt2
cw cursing, bad writing, NON-DESCRIPTIVE READER
a/n i see so many innocent/soft/polite!reader paired with simon, but i've barely come across mean!reader (to everyone except, eventually, simon).
i want reader that isn't intimidated by his size or his glare or his mask at all. she just finds it annoying as fuck. (you'll see)
masterlist | taglist
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simon's attention is completely on you from the moment he laid eyes on you. you're in a bar, and he's coming out of the loo, not looking in front of him. he bumps into you — a pretty thing, shorter than him, the top of your head reaching his shoulder — and the collision causes your beer to spill all over your shirt.
"bloody fucking hell, man! watch where you're fucking going!"
you're soaked and your shirt clings on your body, and simon's wide eyes shamelessly wander over it. you're hot.
you look down at the mess he's made, fingers dripping beer as you wave the empty bottle away from you. your eyes snap up to meet his in an icy glare, and he must admit that his rookies back in base would definitely cower under your stare.
"a sorry would be nice. i have nothing to cover myself with and it's cold outside." you scoff.
you raise your eyebrows, waiting for a response. you're surprised he hasn't walked away yet. his eyes express the boredom and unamusement of the situation. you sigh a few seconds later, realising he's opted at staring at your bra rather than being a gentleman and apologising.
you nod at brenda, the bartender, calling her name and sliding the empty bottle her way. to the bathroom it is, then. you just hope you can dry it enough for your bra not to show.
"move, you brute." you push past the silent giant, cursing like a sailor under your breath.
you don't realise he's followed you, in the women's restroom, until several minutes later, when you're struggling to soak up the alcohol with paper towels. simon's leaning on the doorway, arms crossed as he watches you unbutton your shirt.
"y'gonna giv'me a show, lov'?"
he startles you, and you grab the soap by the sink, arm raised to throw it at him, but you stop yourself.
"you've come to spill another drink on me, or just to stare at my boobs?"
you turn your back on him, unbuttoning the rest. sneaking a glance in the mirror, you're surprised to find his eyes cast elsewhere. good.
"you need something, dickhead?" you look at him as you place your shirt directly under the hand dryer, hoping it'll do the job faster.
his eyes don't meet yours, stuck on a big ben painting on the wall.
"didn't get to apologise." his voice is smooth, accent thick.
"well, you're not forgiven. shirt's still soaked and i smell like beer. so..."
if simon was being one hundred percent honest, he was shocked by your boldness. you'd met him several moments ago, yet you'd called him several names, while also glaring daggers. he wasn't used to anyone behaving like that around him or talking to him in that way. he was definitely intrigued.
"a drink on me, then?" additionally to finding you extremely attractive, you seemed interesting and he — although, he wouldn't admit it — wanted to hear more of the variety of names you had for him.
you shake your head. "there's no way i'm staying another minute in here." you pull on your semi-dry shirt. "i stink, curtesy of some random, abnormally tall idiot, who forgets there's shorter pople in the world."
the laugh comes unexpectedly. your eyes train on him as you button up, glaring.
"you're laughing at me, now?"
simon barely shakes his head (while also trying to conceal his laughing), and you, once again, push past him. he follows you albeit a lot slower, watches you as you grab your things and call brenda over to pay her.
he slams the cash on the bar before you can take your wallet out, nodding at the woman and telling her to keep the change.
"i told you, stranger, apology not accepted."
he shrugs, draping his jacket over your shoulders. he'd picked up his things on the way over, dead set on apologising - in his own way. he was never good with words, and you seemed not to like that method either.
"what?" you look up to him.
"name's simon. not stranger, or idiot, or dickhead. although, i quite like that one."
your eyes soften the tiniest bit as he looks down to meet your gaze. you notice the crinkle by his eyes when he gives you a stiff smile.
"well, si—dickhead, i'd appreciate it if you didn't use me as a human hanger, and let me go home." you move to shrug off his jacket, but he stops you.
his big hand brushes to the small of your back and he pushes you forwars softly. "go on, then. i don't know the way to your house."
you look confused. eyes narrowed and lips turned downwards in a pout. cute.
"a-are you...? you're walking me home?"
"i gotta show how sorry i am for drenching you in beer, one way or another, right?"
you sigh, shoulders slumping in surrender. you pull your arms through the sleeves, and to no one's surprise, the jacket is massive on you.
you motion for him to follow you. "i got peper spray in my bag though." your icy tone from before is back.
simon suppresses his smirk. "mhm."
"i won't hesitate to use it, dickhead."
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man....this is kind of shit....but i got do many ideas off of it....
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reiderwriter · 6 months
Hi I’m new to this so I’ve no clue if this is how you request, but I was thinking Spencer fluff, in earlier seasons where he’s a little bit more awkward but has a little bit of confidence, based on that one episode where hotch says Reid was propositioned by all the prostitutes & you’re dating him but you’re not the jealous type, they know what they have with Spencer is good and knows he worships the ground they walk on, so isn’t worried or threatened by anyone so while he’s getting hit on being a blabbering mess they just giggle to themselves making little suggestive comments. Hope this makes sense🥰
A/N: That's one of my favourite scenes because it's so hilarious to see Hotch cracking jokes for some reason. That and "did you join a boy band?" Iconic, truly. ❤️ Thank you for requesting, I'll shut up now.
Warnings: none
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You were aware that Spencer Reid was a catch. Perfectly aware. More than aware. Desperately aware.
He was, quite possibly, the most attractive bean pole of a man that had ever walked the earth. He was beautiful and he was loving and his smile lit up the room and you were quite honoured to be able to call him your boyfriend.
It was not lost on you that many other people - not just women - also desired him. Which led to some downright hilarious instances.
“It's not funny, Y/N.” He pouted, that adorable furrow in his brow coming back and finding it's perfect place on his face as you stared up at him. You knew the expression you were showing him was a little bit dreamy, head in both hands as you gazed admiringly up at him, but you simply didn't care what kind of company you were in.
“Spencer, you were propositioned by 11 prostitutes.”
“I'm sure they were just teasing, Y/N. I'm awkward, I stand out like a sore thumb, I'm not buff or hot, I'm-”
“A complete and total liar!” You stood, gasping and grasping non existent pearls, playing up your disbelief. He cracked a smile and you paused briefly to send up a prayer to God, thanking them for putting a real angel on Earth.
“Spencer, you may be a little bit nerdy, and you absolutely do not know when to shut up. Your hair may always looks like your mom did it for school picture day, and your fashion sense is questionable to out it kindly-”
“Is there a but? I need there to be a but or I'll cry myself to sleep.”
“But those things are incredibly endearing. And did I mention you're really hot? It's like you're all members of the Scooby Doo cast rolled into one body and somehow that really works for me.” To punctuate your words, you took a step closer, letting your hand play with his tie as you slowly encouraged him to take a small step towards you as well, until you weren't sure where the heat that warmed you was coming from.
It could've been rolling off of him, or you, or it could've been a fire burning between you, as you fixed his tie and ran a hand through his hair.
“I'm not joking with you, Spencer. I love watching everyone appreciate your beauty and your intellect. Frankly, it turns me on.”
“Okay. I'll remember that, thank you.”
“Turns on the prostitutes, too.”
“Y/N! They're just trying to make a living, if you'd have been out there canvassing they'd have tried it with you too.” You had to giggle a bit at his loom of exasperation, flas to see that it was tainted with an uncontrollable smile, a small lifting at the corners of his mouth that he couldn't combat.
“Spencer Reid, Hotch told me that one of the girls offered you $100 for a ride.”
“That's not exactly cheap or a discount, Y/N, the going rate for a working girl in the area is-”
“Spencer. She was offering you money.” His brows knitted again and then his eyes widened in realisation.
“Oh. Oh, she did look very disappointed now that I think about it.” You pressed your hand to your mouth to suppress the small pleasurable giggles from slipping out and composed yourself, before slipping your arms around his waist.
“So, Spence. How is it that you know the going rate of a working girl?” You lifted your eyebrow and watched him panic, ready to memorise every expression that ever passed across his angelic features.
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ynbabe · 6 months
bffs with the rookies- incorrect quotes 1!
Just a lil sum sum to show more abt the relationships in the AU
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Y/N: A stake to the heart won't kill a vampire if their tits are big enough. Oscar: Yeah, you just catch it. Logan: Nah nah nah, deflects it. Stake? Just bounces right off. Done. Back to doing hot girl shit. Arthur: Then I just use a spear instead. Y/N: You are trying so hard to kill a vampire with big bazongas, and for what? Why would you do that to the ecosystem?
Oscar: It’s Christmas! Are you all in a Christmas mood?! Logan: Merry crisis. Arthur: Jingle bells, jingle bells, single all the way. Y/N: Hoe hoe hoe. Oscar: Guys, please.
Oscar: Who would you kill out of the four of us, Logan? Logan: Arthur, easily. Arthur, laughing: What the fuck, man. Logan: Well, Y/N would be too easy. She’d probably be into it. Y/N, now standing in the doorway: What the fuck, man!?
Logan: How do I ask someone out? Y/N: Roses are red, violets are blue, guess what, my bed has room for two. Logan: No! Arthur: Twinkle twinkle little star, we can do it in a car. Logan: Stop! Oscar: Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily I can make you scream. Logan: I feel like the last one is verging dangerously into serial killer territory.
Y/N: Fight me! Arthur: Ha, look at your size! What are you gonna do, kick my ankle? *Later* Logan: Why is Arthur crying? Oscar: Y/N kicked him really hard on the ankle.
Y/N, to Oscar: When was the last time you let someone hug you? Oscar: *thinking* Oscar: 2012. Arthur: 2012…? Oscar: Yeah. I almost died and it really freaked Logan out so I let him hug me.
Lando: You know what? Lando: When I joined this friend group I thought you guys would be dealing with my bullshit. *Y/N, Arthur and Oscar continue screaming about mold water* Lando:Not the other way around. Logan: I dunno, sounds like you need to drink the mold water.
Lando: Mice are having sex in my walls. Arthur: Tattletale! Logan: You're just being ungrateful. Y/N: It's their home too, you know. Oscar: So what? Don't slutshame them. Lando: The mice are fucking AND now I'm getting heckled.
Oscar: Team A will consist of myself, Arthur, Lando, and Logan. Oscar: Team B will consist of Y/N, cause she scares me.
How Lando and Y/n became friends:
Logan: Why aren't there friend pick up lines? Pick up lines to make friends like- Logan, to Arthur: Hey, that's a cute outfit. You know where it would look better? On nobody else, because you're a beautiful individual. Y/N, to Lando: Be my friend or I'll set your entire family on fire. Oscar: There are two types of people.
Charles: I’m not mad, I just need to know why you two had a fake ID. Arthur: *Incoherent mumbling* Charles: Huh? Y/n: …You need to be 18 to hold the puppies at PetCo.
Charles (brainstorming ideas for pranking Max): How much could a serial killer mask possibly cost? Y/n: Well it’s hard to find a high-quality one made out of leather or silicone, but if you did find a good one like that it’d be a couple thousands of dollars. I can try to hook you up with one but I don’t know if I’d be very successful. Charles: Huh, that’s pretty interesting actually- Wait, how the hell do you know that? Y/n: …I am very passionate about Halloween, Charles.
Y/n: I'm gonna eat the chicken breasts! Arthur, snickering: Yeah, eat what you lack. Y/n, deadpanning at Arthur Then maybe I should order brains on delivery for you.
Arthur, reading a recipe: Beat three eggs? Charles: It means like in hand-to-hand combat. Arthur: Ohhhh- Y/n: Both of you get out of this kitchen.
Logan: Have I ever told you that I love you with my whole heart? Y/n For the love of all that is holy, I am not taking you to McDonalds. It’s 2am! Logan: Mean.
Y/n: Dumbest scar stories, go! Oscar: I burned my tongue once drinking tea. Charles: I dropped a hair dryer on my leg once and burned it. Logan: I have a piece of graphite in my leg for accidentally stabbing myself with a pencil in the first grade. Arthur: I was taking a cup of noodles out of the microwave and spilled it on my hand and I got a really bad burn. Max: Max: I have emotional scars.
When Max and Charles got spam called by Y/n and the group after their party:
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ethereal-pie · 7 months
bullfrog head cannons
I have seen no fics of this beautiful French man so I have done it myself
just a ramble of my thoughts in bullet point form
he is an american bullfrog, he not only looks like one but also there are tons in France
He enjoys warmth and gets grumpy if he is too cold
I feel like he doesn’t touch you all that much but adores cuddling 
If given the opportunity he will burry himself in pillows and blankets ( bonus if they are weighted) especially during winter cuz of his hibernation instinct
He will insist you join him and promise it’s very comfortable 
He isn’t slimy like his real world counterpart but his skin feels very moisturized 
He gets cold super easy and shove himself under your shirt or jacket to soak up your natural body heat 
You also don’t have to worry about it being too hot to cuddle as he is cool to the touch 
He will insist you let him put his cold ass hands on your bare back to warm them up , he will pout if you don’t let him 
Letting him do this will more then likely result in him having his head under your shirt and his face pressed into your back and his hands on your upper stomach 
He usually avoids conventional touch based pda, the most normal pda you’ll get out of under normal circumstances is a peck on the cheek 
Instead the way he shows touch based pda is by sitting on your shoulders
Although if he is super cold he won’t care all that much
 And  Unless your in a situation where being partners with him would put you in danger, he will be  fairly vocaly affectionate
He will call you his beloved and other pet names 
As well as praise, flirt and compliment you
Some of His pet names  involve your name 
He seems like a darling, my dear, love type of person
He will jokingly call you stupid ones as well 
He has a lot of running jokes with you and will tease and joke around with you all the time, he just likes laughing with you in general 
Some of your jokes might take a second to land with him in the beginning but as your relationship continues he will pick up almost immediately 
He tries really hard to be cool cuz he wants to make friends but everyone being stuck on him being a frog annoys him a lil 
He will complain about this to you at least once 
He is trying to be cool and Poetic!
When he is mad he will begin to speak in a mix of French and English but he doesn’t really yell at all, he does talk faster tho 
He will bath for hours but doesn’t like to shower 
He cannot use certain soaps or he will get sick because he will absorb the chemicals through his skin 
He likes the look of bubble baths but if he sits in them he gets sick cuz of the soap In the water 
Given his accent I assume he speaks French but I think he can speak multiple European language, due to his job 
He is very adverse to the idea of eating bugs, he isn’t scared of them but if someone offers him a bug he will be grossed out.
He is the kind of person to not only catch and release bugs he finds inside but he will have little convos with them too
You’ll hear in the other room “hello there my miniature friend.’’ And as he takes them outside “ I’m very sorry but you cannot stay here.” 
His approach to flying bugs is far different, he will take NO PRISONERS
He is very efficient with a fly swatter and knows all the concoctions to lure and kill flys fruit or other wise 
He avoids using his hands cuz of the bug guts 
If you are afraid of bugs he will find it amusing but he won’t tease or torment you, he will just chuckle at how ridiculous you look up on the counter while he captures the invader.
He is very polite and kind to everyone he interacts with unless they have done something to warrant other wise 
He will use French sayings in English  instead of the English one because he is convinced that “ they are far superior” 
Pins and needles are now ants, it’s raining ropes not animals, forget apples and trees, dogs don’t make cats.
If you use the English versions he will argue the French version is better 
“ bolt of lightning explans the felling of it, love at first sight is so bland.’’
Please convert he will find it unendingly adorable every time 
He does get cuteness aggression and will randomly shove his face into your chest and aggressively nuzzle into you whist squeezing you and violently kicking his legs and making a happy humming 
He will be embarrassed the first few times he does this 
He will get cuteness aggression from your cuteness aggression 
If you bite him he will be very confused but won’t care all that much so long as you aren’t hurting him
You will probably be taller then him and honestly he likes it that way because when you hug him he feels like momentarily  he is a totally encased by you 
You can carry him but only certain ways
No toddler hold, with one arm and him on your hip 
Piggy backs, shoulder sitting and standing are encouraged 
You can only sling him over your shoulder in emergency’s 
Same with under your arm 
He doesn’t like princess carry’s cuz he can’t hold on to much and he wants to touch with  max surface area
Carrying him by his armpits away from you has the same problem, he will struggle 
He does enjoy if you hug carry him with both arms, either his face in on your chest or resting on your shoulder 
I have made a helpful diagram ( I can draw but it’s just stick me cuz I’m lazy)
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He will randomly start monologueing if given the opportunity 
He will tell you about being an assassin but only if you ask 
I think he is more likely to be with Someone who has prior experience with fighting
He feels nauseous after producing bubbles 
He will lean on or try to be touching you while he recovers 
You cannot truly surprise him, he will know something is up the moment you even begin to plan 
He knows because you act slightly different 
And hiding  or sneaking something past him is also impossible 
He has to actively try to avoid finding out what your doing 
You’ve snuck something into the garage, I guess he isn’t going In There for a while 
Hiding something behind your back, he isn’t even gonna face your direction while you hide it 
You cannot sneak up on him either 
When you try he will scare you by suddenly turning around and grabbing you 
On the other hand he has  scared and surprised you accidentally many times 
hope you enjoy and this inspires more fic to be written of bullfrog
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haroldthehuckleberry · 2 months
Step-Son MPreg
CW- mpreg, sex, language, Step-Son X Step-Dad storyline
I always fancied my step-dad since i met him i thought he was hot, hes a classic himbo, hes tall, muscly, blonde and stupid as can be.
I never knew if he was purposefully flirting with me of was just too stupid to understand it was wrong, but it being wrong made me so horny, id often wank off after he’d compare our hand sizes, snuggle up to me or even bend over to empty the dishwasher, anything and everything he did turned me on so hard! he always wore clothes that left nothing to the imagination, short-shorts, crop-tops or no tops! My actual dad loved this about him and it made me so jealous seeing them cuddle and kiss and then one day… my dad went on a business trip. it was now or never.
i came downstairs in my dressing-gown and boxers showing off my abs and mediocre pecs i walked into the living room to my step-dad half asleep on the couch only in his briefs and white running socks, sweating and scratching his perfect body when he saw me he woke up a little and pushed a finger into his underwear suggestively “oh… hey man” he said in a gruff half awake voice “h-hey” i stammered taken aback by how horny he already seemed my cock visibly swelled in my already tight boxers. he glanced down to it quickly and blushed “come here pal i have something to show you” he said gesturing for me to walk over- i follow his orders and sit next to him, he places his hand on the back of my head and pulls me in for a deep long kiss. i rest my hand on his groin and feel his cock twitch and harden through his pants i then slowly kiss his neck, then his chest, then his abs until his beautiful totem-pole of a cock is in-front of my face. i confidently slip it all into my throat in one go and he lets out a little moan.
i suck him off for what feels like an hour before he pulls me up by my armpits and spins me around, he lifts my dressing gown up and squeezes my ass before bending me over the couch as he teases my underwear down making my cock twitch due to the prolonged friction, he then rubs the head of his penis along the outside of my un-used hole while i beg for his cock i then moan loudly as he slides it all in at once. he grabs the hair on the back of my head and holds my cock in the other one of his massive veiny hands his expert technique instantly turns me into a worthless hole only purpose is to please him, after a few hours of fucking and cumming we fall asleep on the couch naked together.
after a few more days of constant fucking, sucking and cumming my real dad comes home and we have to start being discrete, doing it in one of our cars or while hes away or even just quietly under the kitchen table, the closer he is, the hotter we find it.
after months of this i notice a small ball in the centre of my stomach while getting dressed i think nothing of it and carry on and on until its too obvious to hide under baggy clothes, i tell people im just bulking cause i want to build mass, i wanted to believe it but me and my step dad knew it was more.
his cum must be super-human i quickly became the biggest pregnant person id ever seen i stuck to my story but less and less people believed it that was when my dad confronted me “hey buddy!” he said putting his head around my door into my room as i lay weighted down by my planet-belly, “ive noticed that your clearly pregnant” i try to sit up and defend myself but it takes me far to long to even start bending my mid-section “you dont need to deny it i know what it looks like-you where one hell of a baby! anyway i was just wondering who the daddy was and if hes in the picture” i knew he was asking because my other dad was never in the picture “well erm he kind of is” i finally admit rubbing my tight taught skin “its m-my step dad” i say defeated. “no fucking way!” my dad says more surprised than angry he finally steps fully in my room without a shirt on revealing his own pretty-large pregnant belly…
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joeys-babe · 4 months
Joey B Imagines: Out of My League
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Summary: Flashback. The story of how you and Joe came to be. Years before marriage and your little family.
Warnings: none, fluff
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine universe: Beginning of… Into The Mystic
A/N: Joe is a senior in high school and you are a junior. It's your first year at Athens HS! Also, most of these students' names are made up.
August, 2014
(Joe’s pov)
“Yo! Joey!” - Zach
I turned around to see one of my best friends running up to me.
“First day of senior year!” - Zach
“Yup! Just think about it, we’re like the big dogs now.” - Joe
“Ya know it. I heard that there's this really hot new chick coming from Kentucky.” - Zach
“Well, I don't want any part of that. I've got enough going on with football and schoolwork. Don't be surprised if my next girlfriend is in college.” - Joe
“Damn dude, that was pretty forward. You haven't even seen her yet. This could be your Juliette, Romeo!” - Zach
“I highly doubt it.” - Joe
We rounded the corner to find a few more of the football guys and a few of their girlfriends with them.
“Yeah, her name is y/n.” - Cassidy
“Who is?” - Joe
After making my presence known, Cassidy turned around and rolled her eyes at the sight of me.
“Dude, what was that for?” - Joe
“Shoo, Joe.” - Cassidy
“What, why?” - Joe
“Because I'd rather you leave than explain that we have a new girl just to hear you say you're focusing on football.” - Cassidy
“She’s got a point.” - Zach
“Who's side are you on?” - Joe rolled his eyes
Before Zach could answer, the bell rang, telling us to head to first period.
The group disbanded, and when everyone else went in the direction of the same classroom, I realized I was probably going to be alone in this class.
My first period was chemistry, and sadly, the teacher was notorious for a boy-girl seating chart.
I walked upstairs and found the room. When I walked in, everyone was in their seats already.
Looking for my name attached to a seat number on the board, I found it and then went on trying to find it.
The tables were for two people, and in the back corner where my table was, I saw that a girl was already occupying the other seat.
She was pretty, I won't lie, but I'd never seen her before.
The girl was looking down at her schedule when I sat my stuff down on the table, causing her to look up at me.
A warm smile spread across her lips, and I found myself studying her face a little too long.
“Hi.” - Joe
“Hey.” - you
I sat down next to her, my mind trying to come up with a conversation.
“Enjoying your first day so far?” - Joe
“Yeah, pretty well, you?” - you
“Same. Other than my friend’s girlfriend being rude to me for no reason.” - Joe
She laughed. It was one of the cutest laughs I've ever heard, and it was infectious too.
“I'm sure you didn't deserve it.” - you
“Thank you! I walked up to them, and she just rolled her eyes at me.” - Joe
“Dang man, she has beef with you.” - you
“That's what I'm sayin’. I don't know what I've ever done to her, though.” - Joe
“Ask her.” - you shrugged
“Nah, I don't care that much. Why am I even telling you this?” - Joe
“I don't know.” - you laughed
There's that laugh again.
“I just started unloading on you, huh? Well, I haven't seen you before so tell me about yourself.” - Joe
“Well, I'm a junior, so that's probably why. I'm not that interesting though. I strive for good grades, and I do gymnastics with a side of dance.” - you
“Oh really? I play football.” - Joe
“That's cool.” - you smiled
“Yeah, I’m feeling really good about this season, I just know it's gonna be great.” - Joe
“Well, I wish you luck.” - you
“I appreciate that, and you too. Hope gymnastics goes well.” - Joe
“Thank you.” - you smiled
Before the conversation could go further, the teacher started talking about what we should expect in this class. The teacher didn't stop me and my new seat buddy from talking, though.
As we talked longer, I realized we had a lot in common. I wouldn't be lying if I said she was the first girl I've talked to about Star Wars.
She was really fun, though, and easy to talk to.
Our conversation lasted till the bell rang, and we both sheepishly smiled when we realized that we'd been loudly talking in a quiet classroom.
I stood up and started packing my things. She did the same. The rest of the students were filing out of the room when we both put our backpacks on, seemingly in sync.
“I… I’m Joe, by the way. Joe Burrow, but most call me Joey.” - Joe
“It was nice talking to you, Joey. I'm y/n.” - you
She shook my hand and walked out of the door, leaving me shocked.
y/n… new hot girl from Kentucky.
After talking to her, it felt wrong to refer to her in that way. She was really pretty, but hot isn't a word I like to use when referring to girls.
I hope I have more classes with her. Woah, what am I saying?!
Focus on football, Joe.
Sadly, I didn't have any more classes with y/n, but I thankfully had friends in all my other classes.
I had lunch B, and most of my football buddies were in there, but I found myself zoning out while trying to look around the room for her.
Ever since the bell rang in chemistry, I haven't stopped thinking about y/n. It was becoming a slight problem, but it seemed like all I wanted was to go to chemistry tomorrow and talk to her.
After school ended, the football team stayed after school since we had our first home game the same day.
Hours later, we were suited up and ready to go out and stretch.
When we ran out and took the field as the senior quarterback, I was naturally the one leading the pack, but my eyes drifted toward the sideline.
One of the cheerleaders was flipping while the others were in stunts, but when she landed her last trick and posed, I gasped lightly when I saw who it was.
That's how Cassidy knew her name! She’s a cheerleader!
“Joe! Where are you going?” - Zach
The sound of my teammate yelling snapped me out of my daydream, and I realized that when the rest of the team stopped running to stretch, I kept going because all I was paying attention to was y/n.
“Oh.” - Joe
I turned around and ran to where I was supposed to be, but when I turned around, y/n was smiling at me. I smiled back.
We ended up winning the game, which is always amazing, but even better since it was our home opener.
After walking back into the locker room to hear what the coaches had to say, I showered and packed up to find my parents.
I wasn't at all surprised when most of the cheerleaders were standing outside waiting. Most of their boyfriends were players, so they'd wait after for them.
My eyes landed on my parents and brothers, but as I was walking in their direction, I heard a familiar voice calling for me.
“Joe!” - you
I turned in the direction of the voice to see y/n speedwalking over to me with a smile on her face.
“Hey, y/n.” - Joe smiled
“Hey, you did well! I knew you said you played football but I wasn't expecting that. You're super good.” - you
Is it hot out here all of a sudden? Why is my face heating up?
“Thanks. You're really good too. I know those flips are hard to do. You make it look effortless.” - Joe
“Thanks… sorry I distracted you though.” - you
“Not your fault, I just wasn't expecting to see you. You look uh… good, by the way.” - Joe
“You too.” - you giggled
Just as I was about to say something else, I heard my mom's voice calling for me.
“Sorry, that's my mom. I gotta go.” - Joe
“It's all good. See you in chem?” - you
“See you in chem.” - Joe
As I walked away from her, I felt something I'd never felt before.
Oh no.
Next Day
It was Friday and lunchtime.
All my teammates were feeling good after the win yesterday, and sure, I was too, but that wasn't what was on my mind.
This morning in chemistry, I found myself lost in a conversation with y/n again. The disappointment when the bell rang was insane. I never wanted to stop talking to her.
She was just different.
The attention she got from other guys was because of her looks, and she was pretty, gosh, she was pretty… but I didn't like being around her for that.
We had a lot in common and never ran out of things to talk about. She listened to what I had to say and gave great feedback. We talked about our futures and what we wanted to be when we graduated.
I told her about my hopes of going to the league, and what she replied with gave me a flutter in my stomach that I'd never felt before.
“If you make it to the NFL, you have to invite me to come see you.”
I’d known this girl for two days and I was already ready to make that promise.
My mind was so stuck on that altercation that I didn't hear Zach talking to me from across the table.
“Joe? Joe!” - Zach
I flinched slightly and looked up at him, all the guys at the table watching me with weird looks on their faces.
“Sorry… I spaced out.” - Joe
“Anyway, Cassidy told me that y/n was asking about you at their lunch.” - Zach
“What? What'd she ask?” - Joe
Should my heart be beating this fast?
“Asked if you had a girlfriend, I guess. Don't worry, though, Cas told her that you're focusing on football.” - Zach
“Oh. Okay.” - Joe
Is that really what I want?
“She’s so funny to tease.” - Chad
“Seriously, she's got cheerleader brain.” - Max
Why are they talking about her like that??
“I gotta go.” - Joe
I stood up from the lunch table, quickly finding a trashcan and throwing my stuff away before walking out of the lunch room.
“What’s his problem?” - Max
“I don't know, bro.” - Chad
Zach knew because he was right. What he told me yesterday was haunting me.
Romeo, this could be your Juliette.
My thoughts ran wild as I went to the office and asked to do some volunteer work.
The receptionist gave me the okay to go down to the middle school for the remainder of the lunch period.
I drove over to the middle school and went up to the office, clicking the button to signal the office worker that I was out there.
When the door unlocked I was able to open it. I did, and whose eyes I met surprised me.
“y/n?” - Joe
“Oh, hey Joe.” - you
“What are you doing here?” - Joe
“Gonna head to a class to volunteer, I have a free period right now. Aren't you supposed to be in lunch?” - you
“Well, yeah, but I had to get out of there.” - Joe
“Why’s that?” - you
Her brows were furrowed like she could hear the slight edge in my voice.
“Some of the guys were saying stuff about you, kinda pissed me off, so I left.” - Joe
“What? You left because of that? I’m used to it, Joe. I'm just a dumb cheerleader.” - you
“You're not, though, that's why I didn't want to listen to it. I've only known you for two days, but I look forward to every conversation we share. They don't know you as I do.” - Joe
y/n placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled at me. Her eyes gave off a grateful look.
“You're the first person who’s made attempts to get to know me, and I appreciate it.” - you
“Not even your teammates?” - Joe
“I love ‘em, but they're not the Star Wars type like you are.” - you
“Yeah… I'm pretty cool like that.” - Joe
“Oh, whatever!” - you rolled your eyes
We laughed with each other before the receptionist cleared her throat. Both y/n and I froze when we realized where we were.
“Oh, sorry!” - you
“You guys can both go to room 379 if you’d like, seems like you two have a spark.” - receptionist
I rubbed the back of my neck nervously, but y/n smiled at the older lady and walked through the double doors into the building.
There weren't any words shared between us as we walked to the room, both of us were thinking about what the woman had said. Do we have a spark?
Ten minutes into hanging out with the sixth graders, the teacher sent y/n and me to the copy room.
“Hey, have you thought about formal?” - Joe
“What about it?” - you
Winter formal wasn't coming until December, obviously, but I felt the need to ask.
“Like are you going? Date ideas?” - Joe
“I figured I'd go, yeah. I don't know who I'm gonna go with, though. Might just go with friends, the guys here aren't the best.” - you
“Ouch.” - Joe
“Hey, I don't count you with them. You’re separate.” - you
“I think that's good.” - Joe
“It is. You're a jock, but a nice one, you know? I like you.” - you
My face dropped as I looked at her, feeling my cheeks flush and my stomach flop.
“Not in that way!” - you rushed to say
“Oh… okay.” - Joe
“Why do you act disappointed? I thought you weren't looking for anything and focusing on football.” - you
“I don't know. I thought I was, but you're making it hard to.” - Joe
“What does that mean?” - you
“I barely know you, but I can't stop thinking about you. You understand me in a way I didn't think was possible… you're just different.” - Joe
“I feel the same way about you. You're nerdy but athletic and have these quirks that I'm obsessed with. You're oddly the guy version of me.” - you
“Nah, you're the girl version of me.” - Joe
“Oh, whatever!” - you shoved his chest
I'm feeling a little bold after she told me she can't stop thinking about me either. Should I make a little move?
“You look cute when you do that. You roll your eyes at me but are smiling.” - Joe
“Oh, uh. Thanks.” - you blushed
“You're welcome.” - Joe smiled
October, 2014
That's as far as we went talking about it.
Nothing ever came from that one conversation we shared at the middle school. That's the closest thing we ever did that could come close to showing feelings for one another.
We just continued being really good friends who giggle in the back of the chemistry room, but the eye contact we make while I'm on the field and she’s on the sidelines tells me there's something there.
In the past two months, I've concluded that no matter how hard I try to deny it, I have a crush on y/n.
I just don't know how to act on it.
She still thinks that I don't want a relationship right now, so I need to start dropping hints.
The first step of my plan was to ask her to study with me after school, like at my house.
So, when I walked into chemistry this morning, I had that idea in the back of my head.
“Hey.” - Joe smiled
“Morning.” - you smiled back
I sat my stuff down and took my seat next to her.
“I need to ask you something.” - you
“Oh, what's that?” - Joe
“They haven't announced it yet, but I won junior attendant for homecoming.” - you
“Really?! That's awesome!” - Joe
“Yeah, thanks. We have to have a guy from the football team be our escort…” - you
“And you want me to ask someone for you?” - Joe
She looked at me with a “boy, please” look on her face that made me laugh.
“I'm just playing. I'd love to walk you.” - Joe
“Okay, good. Thanks, Joey.” - you
“Mhm. When will you find out who won Hoco Queen?” - Joe
“Not till the game, but if I win, you’ll get a little crown too.” - you
“I get a crown too?? Now you have to win.” - Joe
“I'll try my hardest. You have to help my campaign, though.” - you
“Sounds like a deal.” - Joe smiled
Later that week, I met up with y/n during my lunch period and her free period. I helped her campaign, and when she wasn't around, I convinced the football team to vote for her.
I wanted to make sure she'd win.
“Junior attendant, y/n y/l/n, escorted by Joey Burrow.”
The announcer’s voice beamed through the speakers as we walked down the middle of the football field. My arm was looped with y/n’s, and I shortened my strides with the length of her heals in mine.
I hadn't seen her till she walked out and looped her arm with mine, but she looked so beautiful.
“You look gorgeous.” - Joe whispered
“Thank you.” - you blushed
We smiled for the camera when we reached the end of the field, and y/n gently squeezed my arm when we walked over and stood in our directed spot.
“You don't look too bad yourself.” - you
Our conversation was drowning out the announcer’s voice, who was reading the short paragraph that y/n wrote a couple of days ago. She'd made me proofread it so many times that I had it practically memorized.
“y/n would like to thank her parents and friends, especially her best friend, who is escorting her tonight.”
That part was new.
My cheeks heated up when I looked down at y/n to see her already smiling at me. She'd never come out and said that I was her best friend, but I couldn't say it didn't make sense.
“Surprise.” - you nudged him
“I'm your best friend, huh?” - Joe
“Yeah.” - you smiled
“You're mine too.” - Joe
“No way!” - you pushed Joe’s chest
“Don't tell Zach I said that, though.” - Joe
Her smile was infectious, and I felt my lips mirror y/n’s expression.
The announcer went on to introduce the senior attendant and read her little background story.
“Now, ladies and gentlemen. Your 2014 football homecoming queen is…”
I reached my other hand up to squeeze y/n’s that was wrapped around my bicep.
“y/n y/l/n!”
“You did it! Go get your crown!” - Joe
She let go of my arm and walked back to the middle of the field.
I watched with a proud smile on my face as y/n was handed a bouquet, a sash draped over her shoulder, and the crown on her head.
There was so much adoration in my heart for her, and when she turned around to look at me, my smile only widened.
“C’mere!” - you mouthed
I slowly walked over to her, and y/n re-looped our arms.
Bowing my head slightly, the crown was put on top of it. y/n laughed at the sight of the crown adorning my forehead.
“Lemme fix that. It's kinda sideways.” - you
She stepped on her tiptoes and fixed it, a blush forming on my cheeks when her fingers brushed down my face when she pulled away.
“You look cute.” - you smiled
“Thanks.” - Joe grinned
December, 2014
“Hey.” - Joe
“Oh, hey.” - you
I put my stuff down and sat down in my chair, the same routine since the first day of school. Hopefully, though, today some things will change.
Or at least be set in the right direction to change.
“I need to ask you a question.” - Joe
“Shoot.” - you
“Be my date too formal?” - Joe
I looked at her with hopefulness in my eyes. Please say yes.
“I'm already going with Chad… sorry, Joe.” - you
“Oh. It's okay, I just thought… nevermind.” - Joe
My shoulders slumped as I turned away from her and faced the board, biting the insides of my cheeks nervously.
The one time I shoot my shot with a girl, and I get rejected.
Guess that tells me what my priorities should be.
Focusing on football.
“What do you mean Joe’s here alone?” - you
“Yeah, Zach had to practically beg him to even come. Joe said there wasn't any point in going since he didn't have a date.” - Cassidy
“That makes me feel terrible…” - you
“Why?” - Cassidy
“Because he asked me, but I'd already said yes to Chad.” - you
“It's not your fault, how were you supposed to know that Joe was gonna ask you? I mean, he isn't looking for anything right now.” - Cassidy
“Yeah… do you know where he is?” - you
“No idea. Probably hiding in a corner.” - Cassidy
“Chad literally ditched me after pictures. Joe never would've done that…” - you
A few seconds of silence between the two girls went by before Cassidy had a lightbulb moment.
“Do you have a crush on Joe?!” - Cassidy
“What?! No!” - you
“You so do! y/n you should tell him! I honestly think he feels the same way…” - Cassidy
“No… he's focusing on football.” - you sighed
“So you do like him?” - Cassidy
“Maybe…” - you
When you admitted it out loud, it felt real. You like Joe.
Joey Burrow, the quarterback with the nerdy side that only you knew of, the one with the imperfect but adorable smile, the one that made you look forward to first period, your crush.
“I'm gonna go find him.” - you
You walked as fast as your heels allowed you and threw your half-drank cup of subpar punch in the trash can, pushing open the gym doors as Tongue Tied by GROUPLOVE playing through the speakers served as a soundtrack.
Zach wasn't hard to find as a sea of letterman jackets was in the hallway.
“Where’s Joe?” - you
“Oh, hey, y/n! He said he was gonna go take a walk around.” - Zach shrugged
You nodded and walked away toward the academic wing of the school.
Only the generator lights were on, but there was enough lighting to make out that familiar tall frame looking into the trophy cases.
Carefully, so as to not scare him, you slowly walked up behind Joe and tapped his shoulder.
“Hi.” - you
“Hi.” - Joe
“Chad ditched me…” - you
“That sucks.” - Joe
He hadn't even looked up at you yet.
“I'm sorry. If I had known you were going to ask me, I wouldn't have said yes to him.” - you
“S’okay, probably for the better.” - Joe
“Why are you just walking around by yourself, Joe?” - you
“Nothing else to do. Kinda bored.” - Joe
“Wanna go see what teachers left their classrooms unlocked?” - you grinned
Joe’s eyes drifted away from the trophy case for the first time and found yours. A smile pulled at his lips as he nodded his head.
You held your hand out to him, and Joe gladly accepted, clasping his fingers with yours.
There were so many unspoken feelings shared between you two as you made your way down the hallways to find an open door.
“The chem room is open…” - Joe
You gently opened the door and pulled Joe in behind you, the lights being motion-activated turned on as you two walked in.
Joe flicked the light switch back off as the moonlight through the window lit up the room.
Making your way to your table, you and Joe sat down in your respective seats without sharing a word.
“Your dress is pretty.” - Joe
With a longing glance, you examined Joe’s hair, outfit, and shoes.
“Thanks. You look handsome.” - you
“Thanks.” - Joe smiled
A few seconds of silence went by before Joe cleared his throat, immediately getting your attention.
“Uhm… can I be honest with you?” - Joe
“Always.” - you
Here goes nothing.
“I think you're amazing. Talking to you every day makes me want to come to school, and I enjoy every word that's shared between us. You get to see a side of me that many people don't because I feel safe with you. I hope what I'm about to tell you doesn't ruin that, and you might just see me as a friend… but I like you.” - Joe
“In what way?” - you
In all honesty, you knew exactly what he meant, but you wanted to hear him say it.
“In the way that I find myself staring at you all the time because I think you're beautiful, In the way that you give me butterflies when you laugh or smile at me. You are incredible, y/n; gorgeous, smart, talented, crazy athletic, loyal, trustworthy.” - Joe
He paused for a second to scan your face for somewhat of a reaction.
“Now that I think about it, you're so out of my league.” - Joe laughed
“Go on, Joey.” - you giggled
“What I'm trying to say is… I have a crush on you, y/n.” - Joe
“Mr. ‘I'm focusing on football’ has a crush on me?!?” - you
Joe felt his stomach drop at your teasing. He'd just poured his heart out, and was thinking the worst.
“So you don't feel the same way?” - Joe
“What? I didn't say that!” - you
“So…?” - Joe
“I like you too, Joe. More than friends.” - you
“Really?” - Joe smiled
“Yeah.” - you grinned
You two sat there, no words shared, just tooth-rotting grins.
“I've never done this before… what happens next?” - Joe
“I think there's another question you need to ask me.” - you
“Oh, yeah! y/n…” - Joe
He took your hand in his, the size difference making your heart flutter for a second before you shifted your attention back to his beautiful blue eyes.
“Be my girlfriend?” - Joe finished
“I'd love to.” - you smiled
Somehow, your other hand found its way into his. Almost as if magnets were pulling your faces together, you both leaned in.
Your lips molded together so perfectly like you were each other’s missing piece.
Maybe because you guys were.
Joe would forever be grateful that he took the leap of faith and confessed to the girl that he swore was out of his league, for she would become his everything for the rest of his life.
That chemistry room is where you found your first real boyfriend, who would be your first kiss, and unbeknownst to you, you were Joe’s first real girlfriend and kiss as well.
In fact, you were each other’s first everything.
And you'd also be each other’s last.
Authors note: One of my favorite requests to write, it was so fun picturing the beginning of their relationship!
Request for this fic;
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Hope you enjoyed! 💕
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Renter Problems
yandere!celebrity x gn!reader
Synopsis: You're trying to find a place near your university to stay, and you've managed to find a mansion owned by a celebrity to live in. His name is Jacob, and you've known him since middle school, living in the same city as him. He's blown up as the new, hot celebrity thanks to the movie he's starred in, though, while you're just struggling to pass by. But he's been acting strange, and you're determined to .move out Details: Physical and verbal abuse, drugging, manipulation, gender neutral reader
Living with this man was hard. His constant need for your attention and approval, his strange comments, his overall eccentric way of living. At first, living in a celebrity mansion for a cheap price had seemed like a dream, but instead, it'd turned into a burden.
You sit up on the bed, leaning your back on the headboard and look out the floor to ceiling length window to see the sun slowly setting. You want to find a stable, normal place to stay in soon as possible.
You had posted an ad online so renters could contact you if their spot became available. You felt more secure with that back up in mind. You suppose thinking so much about Jacob attracted him because you suddenly hear a knock at your door.
"You there?" He asks, opening the door without waiting for a response.
"What's the point of knocking if you can't wait for a response?" You ask.
"It's my house, that's my door." He responds with a straight face.
"Sure..." You respond, not having the energy to argue.
"Anyways!" He claps his hand and points and you. "Want to watch my new movie with me? Pretty good if I say so myself."
You shift uncomfortably, bringing your knees to your chest. He's a bit closer to you now.
"Um, sorry Jacob but I feel a bit tired."
Jacob's smile drops. "What, you don't want to spend any time with me?"
"Huh?" You almost laugh out loud. "Do roommates have to spend time with each other? I'm paying my share of the rent, right? Do I have to be friends with you?"
Yikes. Was that a little mean of you?
Jacob would say yes, that was really, really mean of you. He was just trying to be nice.
Jacob sits at the end of your bed and you look at him confused.
"Y/n... ...Tell me the truth. Do you-" He stares at his lap. "Do you still hate me for what I've done to you when we were younger? Could you ever forgive me?"
You're stunned that he's asking for your forgiveness, but another part of you is hesitant to accept his apology, as you go through the multiple events where he'd picked on you at school. Small things, like name calling and throwing paper balls at your back.
"Oh! Um- well..." Your words falter. You have a grudge against him, but nothing so big that you would bring it up to discuss.
Jacob forces tears to form in his eyes and looks up at you. His glossy, brown eyes, all sad and red. It's fake, but you don't know that.
"Y/n the truth is I've always loved you. I admired you so much but I was too embarrassed to say my true feelings to you. Because I was scared of being rejected." Your stomach turns and you feel bad.
"I- aw.." You try to say something to comfort him but you can't form words.
You crawl to the end of the bed and you hug him. His big arms wrap around you as well and it feels more like he's cradling you rather than you embracing him. Your small form is engulfed in his arms and you start to feel calm. Jacob feels pretty good right now too.
"Jacob, don't cry, I'm sorry." You whisper to him. Sorry for what, you didn't fucking know.
"You hate me, right?"
"No! I don't!" You assure.
He gazes into your eyes. "Do you like me?" He softly asks you, not breaking eye contact.
You're speechless right now.
You part your lips and you're about to toss out some words about you and him having potential to be friends, but you're interrupted.
By Jacob pressing his own lips on your slightly open mouth. He moves his right hand to the back of your head supporting you and kisses you harder, pulling you in.
You gasp and push him off, jumping up on your feet.
"Shit! What was that!?" You exclaim. You stare at him, shocked by what just happened. You feel hot and dizzy.
Jacob looks at you. "Sorry." He mutters and leaves, locking your door on his way out.
You're left to be on your own, stewing in confusion.
It's not a matter of want now, but a need to move out immediately. Like the universe is helping you, you get a notification on your laptop about an available renter who's willing to rent out a cheap basement near your university.
You're leaving, tomorrow.
You've woken up this morning feeling determined and energized. You've contacted the renter and you were supposed to move in next week but you begged her to let you move in tomorrow, and you've taken up on packing. 
Thankfully, Jacob is gone again, doing his celebrity work, whatever that could entail. 
You haven't seen him once since yesterday, when he confessed his love to you, then kissed you. You hadn't wanted to be kissed, or at least you think so.
On paper, maybe you should have enjoyed it. Jacob is attractive. He has loose waves and a pretty face. It felt bad, and gross, but it had also felt good, the kiss. Yet, you didn't think you could be in a relationship like that. With him. 
Who knows where that kiss could have gone. It may have escalated...
You cross your legs and squeeze your thighs thinking of the possibilities. You feel warm.
You should have hated the kiss. You did, but maybe not enough. Did you like Jacob? Oh my god. No, he was a total creep, and he hadn't even asked to kiss you.
He was only thinking of his own needs again, being selfish, just as he always had been with his inflated ego.
You've almost finished packing and it's early afternoon. You stretch yourself onto the bed and doze off.
"Y/n? Are you home?" Jacob calls up. 
"Yeah, I'm here." You call down. 
"Come down, I brought dinner." 
You walk down the stairs and Jacob is in awe of your beauty. You have a glow. It's not the lighting, you're just a natural beauty, you're special. 
"Really? What'd you get?" You ask. Should you tell him the news that you're moving out after or during dinner? After, you decide. 
"I just got some Italian food." 
You smile at him. "Nice, I love pasta." 
"There's more to Italian food than pasta," He begins.  
You raise your eyebrows. "So no pasta?"
He grins. "Of course pasta." 
You're glad things are back to normal, because delivering the news will be easier now. Jacob unpacks everything and you smell the warm food, margherita pizza, pasta... 
You bring to the table 2 plates. 
As the 2 of you sit down, you stare at the plate most of time and eat ravenously. You've been so hungry all day, this is a blessing. 
Jacob tells you about the new interview he did, and how he had to sign "a 1000 autographs" 
Dinner is soon finished and Jacob brings out a bottle of wine. "Let's have a drink on the sofa." He suggests. You hesitate. "It's fine, everyone drinks Y/n, don't be so prudish" You relax on the sofa and taste the wine in your glass. It's fine, but you would really prefer anything else.
Jacob turns on the t.v. He sighs. "I've been lonely recently to an empty house, I'm glad you're here with me now." 
Aw man, why'd he have to say that? You freeze and the sentence you've been building up to saying gets stuck. You feel warm and fuzzy because of the wine. Your eyes feel kind of heavy too. 
"Speaking of- speaking of empty houses, I hate to say this Jacob, but I am leaving... ...tomorrow." You tell him, looking past him. 
Jacob stares at you with sharp eyes with that sentence. 
"What do you mean. When will you be back?" He asks, suddenly, and harshly, grabbing your wrist. 
"Jacob, I'm moving out." You say, trying to remain gentle. You notice the strange look on his face, it's not anger or sadness, or maybe it is? You're not sure. "I mean, I'll visit! Dinner at your place sometimes?" You add, trying to appease him.
He tightens the grip on your wrist. 
"Ow! Jacob, stop, it hurts! My wrist hurts!" You shout. You try to twist it out of his hand but it hurts more doing that. He doesn't let go. His eyes darken. 
"What, is it because of this kiss yesterday? You know, I'm sorry, but you wanted it too. I could tell." He asks, staring directly at your own eyes, unmoving. 
"Huh? Jacob you're ridiculous. I didn't want it, and yeah, one of the factors is the kiss. Also what you just said to me. Let go." 
"Don't go, stay." He tells you. 
"I've already made all the plans. I'm moving tomorrow. You probably didn't notice but I'm done packing." You retort back, trying to move away. 
Jacob slaps you in the face. The sting leaves you paralyzed in fear. "I said, don't go!" He shouts. He lets go your wrist and you notice immediately the numbness and redness on your wrist. 
You break down in tears and you start to scream for help. A neighbour, someone, anybody, to hear this and call the police.
But the alcohol blurs and softens your actions, like a terrible dream. Your arms feel weak. And that's when you realize that Jacob didn't have any wine himself. Had he meant for you to become intoxicated by yourself?
"Shut up!" Jacob barks at you and pulls you by your hair. "I confess my feelings toward you and you choose the coward's way and leave? Instead of working on this relationship?" 
"Stop!" You sob. Jacob stuffs a kitchen towel in your mouth and holds it their to stop your screaming. He then wraps it with a ripped plastic bag to secure.
You gag and almost throw up with the sudden intrusion of a foreign object in your mouth.
Holding your wrists with one hand he searches for something else. 
Jacob squats to your level and brings out a needle with a strange liquid already prepared inside. Your eyes widen and and your muffled screams do nothing to help your case.
"I didn't want to use it this early, but you're trying to leave. Leave us." He explains. 
"It'll hurt by the way. It's supposed to make you fall asleep. I think the alcohol is not supposed to be taken with this, but you escalated the situation so there's no helping it. I didn't want to do this. I wanted to have some fucking damn food with you. You're the one who's robbing me of choices and making me into a monster." 
Even in your panic you notice him rambling.
He's frantic and crazed, like a desperate maniac, sweat beads and wide pupils. 
He grabs your upper arm and quickly injects the strange liquid into your body.
 It hurts. 
All your muscles seize up and it feels like you're being ripped to shreds. Your body slowly goes limp and you feel yourself falling into a deep darkness. 
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f1smutwriter · 2 months
Hello I saw you write for pierre could you write one where they had a fight and fem reader is giving him the silent treatment
After going out with charles and alex, pierre finds out some hot tea he comes into the bedroom asks to pause their fight si he can share the tea which is something they always do together without fail.
Maybe gossiping is how they met like idk they sat at bar together and he overheard her gossip on her phone about her date. So he listened in lol
I saw a picture of Charles showing pierre something on his phone and it looked like juicy drama.
Feel free to make up the gossip or use actual f1 gossip I'm just getting into it so I don't know a lot of lore.
Thank you xo
|𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐞𝐚 (𝐩𝐠𝟏𝟎)
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|𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐲 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Summary: they get into an agreement but the tea is too good not to tell.
Warnings: nothing, a bit of cussing that’s pretty much it
Notes: I loved writing this and I’m so sorry for not posting I’ve been trying to keep up with the writing from these and my books so I’m sorry. Girl I hope you enjoy!
“Really the silent treatment, it was one word it didn’t mean anything” Pierre tried to tell me but I didn’t give him any of it. He just shakes his head before saying the word that made this whole argument. “I called you dramatic because you said I didn’t love you because I forgot your chocolate, which is extremely dramatic” He told me making my jaw drop as he called me dramatic again. I just roll my eyes and flip him off going to the kitchen.
“Oh come on mon ange you’re really mad at me” he says following me to the kitchen. I don’t say anything to him I just go to the fridge and take out some pineapple to cut for myself. “Baby please I need you to not ignore me I hate when you ignore me” he told me making me roll my eyes from his begging voice.
“Fine I’ll just ignore you then” he grumbled going to his game room to join the simulator with his friends. A few hours later he comes in the room and hopes in the shower. He comes out in his towel and his gold chain around his neck making me just stare at him in awe but quickly look away when he looks at me.
“I’m going out with Charles and Alex for a bit I made you dinner already so don’t worry about starving to death” He shouted from the closet when he was changing. I just sigh hating being alone in the house but I continued to go on my phone (secretly watching edits of him). He comes out in baggy light washed jeans, a green hoodie and a jacket to layer it with his chain and his ring that I gifted him. I basically drool over him but I try to ignore him.
He blow dries his hair making it the perfect amount of fluffy, once’s he’s finished getting ready he comes to me and grabs my jaw softly kissing me making me kiss back like a first instinct.
We kiss for a couple of minutes before he lets go and kisses forehead softly before whispering. “I’ll see you in a bit mon ange. Je t’aime” he whispered to me before giving my neck a peck before leaving the room. I just sit in my room waiting for him to come home already missing him even though he just left.
Charles, Alex, and Pierre are all playing poker with some other friends they grew up with. “Dude did you hear the shit that was happening” Charles asked Pierre who was looking at his cards. “No what shit” He asked fixing his cards so he didn’t lose.
“So something happened with Max and Nando and I think their like arguing for a redbull seat, but redbull is obviously gonna stick with Max and Nando is pissed so he’s like talking a lot of shit about max” Charles said while putting his chips in the middle. “And want is max saying” Pierre asked now just listening to the story.
"He's pissed calling Nando immature, and how he's taking it out of proportion" Charles says while taking a swig of his drink. "That's fucking crazy man" Pierre chuckled while placing down his cars showing the boys he won another round. "Fucking hell man how do you always win" Alex says throwing his card on the table.
"You just suck at poker mate" Pierre laughed while taking all the chips. "Well mates I got to go lily wants me home for dinner and I don't want to be broke" Alex chuckled while packing up his things. "Yeah I got to go to Y/n me hope at a certain so l got to go" Pierre said before taking one more sip of his drink before grabbing his keys and going to the car.
Once he gets home he speed walks to the room seeing me on my phone watching some videos. "Baby" he says softly to me making me roll my eyes. "I know you're mad at me, but I have drama that needs to be told” Pierre said dramatically sitting on the edge of the bed. "So pause the fight because it is too good" Pierre says making me smile before wanting to hear.
“So apparently the girls are fighting, Max and Fernando are arguing about a redbull seat, and obvi redbull is gonna stick to their starboy so Nando got pissed and started talking nonsense about it. Saying how max doesn't deserve the seat and how it should be his, and max is like he's being ridiculous and immature" Pierre says spilling the tea to me without taking a single breath.
"No fucking way, I thought Nando was loving it at Aston Martin" I say confused on the whole topic. "Apparently not because he's not getting as much attention as Lance is because he's a ne-" I cut him off before he finished the sentence. "Be respectful" I warned him with the look that makes him be nice
"Sorry Mon ange, but yeah that's why the girls are fighting over a stupid seat" Pierre laughed which makes me laugh. "Please tell me you're not mad anymore" he asked me with his puppy dog eyes and pout. "No baby I'm not mad anymore" I say lovingly while running my fingers through his hair. "Since when did we start spilling tea to each other because now it's just normal" | asked while feeling his hair through my finger tips.
“The first day we met, heard you talking about that dick head that stood you up so I got the courage and talked to you” he says softly to me while his head is in my lap and he’s rubbing thigh. “You were listening” I laughed while scratching his scalp a bit just like he liked it. “When I heard ‘you’ll never guess what happened I was all ears” he laughed against me making me laugh with him.
3 years ago
“Dude you’ll never guess what happened” was the one word that Pierre heard to make him start listening to my conversation without me knowing. The asshole stood me up said he was with another girl who’s ten times prettier” I said absolutely pissed while talking to my friend.
Pierre just takes a sip of his drink shocked that a guy can say that to someone as gorgeous as you. “I bet you his dick was tiny” I say making fun of the guy making Pierre almost snort out in laughter.
After the call ended I feel a tap on my shoulder. When I turned around to see who it was I see then most handsome guy I’ve seen. “Hi I’m sorry to bother you but I just wanted to say that you’re beautiful” Pierre said making me smile softly and feeling my cheeks get hot.
“That you so are you” I stuttered, “I-i mean handsome you’re very handsome” I stuttered pretty bad making him smile softly at me seeing his pearly white teeth. “I’m sorry I’m never really like this” I tell him trying to save myself from embarrassment. “No it’s okay I think it’s pretty cute” he told me making me blush ten times more almost looking like a tomato.
“May I have your name” he asked me softly his French accent making it so much better when he talks. “Hailey my names Hailey” I say softly still blushing for the life of me. “My names Pierre nice to meet your Hailey” He smiled softly now it being my favorite thing he does even though we just met.
“Can I take you out sometime” he asked me making me look happy. “Yeah heres my number” I say giving him mmhmm number on a napkin. “Are you free right now” he asked me feeling surprised that he asked. “Yeah I am actually why” I asked confused on the question.
“Can I take you out right now” he wondered making me blush more and more probably looking ruby red. “I would love to” i mumbled feeling embarrassed from the blush on my face. “Let’s go I have a place in mind” He says softly holding my hand to take me outside.
“Is this the part where you kidnap me” I joked softly while taking his hand. “I don’t know do you want to get kidnapped by me” he chuckled making me giggle with him. “Maybe but seriously where are we going” I asked softly letting him lead the way to this random place.
“Welcome to the pretty pond that I found” he says softly showing me the pond that was glowing from the moonlight. I see fireflies everywhere admire the beautiful view. “You have no idea how much I need this, thank you” I say hugging him making him wrap his arms around my waist hugging me back. “Of course Mon ange” he whispered softly and smoothly in my ear.
“What does that mean” I asked him about the sudden nick name. “You’ll find out soon” smiled softly brushing my messy hair behind my ear making me blush more.
“I remember that day, I love it so much” I said softly scratching his head as he kissed my thighs a bit. “Talking to you was the best decision of my life. I don’t regret one thing about it” he mumbled against my thigh making me giggle. “Even when I’m being dramatic about chocolate” I said making him chuckle softly. “Even then I will never regret talking to you baby I love you” he said softly to me before leaning up to his me.
“I love you too baby” I say kissing him back softly making him grab my neck like he always did. He squeezed my neck still kissing me with such love and care like I was fragile and he was scared to break me. “Gosh Mon ange you’re so precious, it’s truly captivating” he whispered before going back to kiss me making me whimper softly. “Let’s go eat some dinner” he says before giving my neck one last squeeze.
He goes to the pantry and sees a familiar bag in the corner. “Mon ange” he called out making me hum. “What did you say you wanted from the store” he asked softly making me look confused. “Chocolate why” I asked while placing the plates on the island. “There’s chocolates right here” he said back with a funny look making me look at him with a guilty face.
… “Oops”
Notes: tell me why I’m trying my hardest to get these 5 post out. Yes you read right FIVE. Anyways if you requested something don’t worry it’s coming out soon. And yes more smut is coming out real soon. Let’s just say it’s another threesome. Hope you enjoy!
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avocado-writing · 4 months
Oooh, for bg3 asks, I’d LOVE some Tav bonding with Halsin ♥️ Trauma dumping, or being out in nature together, or maybe realising they’re catching feelings? Whichever you feel like, thank you so much in advance, hope you are doing well ♥️
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notes: I have wild, carnal desires for this man. should be gender neutral, only description is that your lips are “pretty” and you’re shorter than him!
pairing: halsin x reader
rating: M
“Halsin, I’m going to gather some firewood. Care to join me?”
Halsin looks up to where you stand at the edge of the camp, hand on your hip and head cocked to one side, easy grin on your pretty lips. He resists the urge to glance over to where the firewood pile is - many logs high already, far more than you likely need - because the two of you know that this is just an excuse to spend some time alone together.
Halsin makes a show of standing and stretching, smiling down at you. 
“Why not? It will be nice to go for a walk.”
“We’ve been walking all day,” shouts Astarion from the other side of the camp, glaring over the top of his book. He’s just irritated because, rather than being at the Elfsong, business has called you back to Wyrm’s Crossing and camping life. You roll your eyes and flip him a good-natured rude gesture. 
“Good thing you aren’t invited then, hmm?” you turn to the druid, and he loves the way your face lights up when you’re being silly with your friends. It stirs something in his old heart. 
“Lead on.”
You do, you’re beginning to know the woods pretty well around Baldur’s Gate. They aren’t as vast as the ones which Halsin is used to at home, but at least it’s a break from the suffocating stone walls and brick roads of the city. It’s good to be back in nature and he can feel his energy slowly return - it is a salve for his soul, and with you by his side? Well. It is heaven. 
Halsin takes a moment to watch you. You tread with a sure-footedness to rival his own through the detritus of the forest floor, pausing only so that you can carefully hop up onto a fallen tree and use it as a makeshift balancing beam. He observes fondly as you place one foot in front of the other, heel to toe, balancing upon the crumbling bark with your arms outstretched. 
“You don’t like to stay still, do you?”
You throw him a look over your shoulder and grin, making a show of tumbling forward into a perfect cartwheel and alighting gracefully on the gnarled roots. 
“I don’t. Sorry. It’s far too boring otherwise.”
“Never apologise. I find it…”
Enchanting, he longs to say. Captivating. So utterly and wonderfully you. But he doesn’t want to overwhelm you with his feelings so he settles on, “endearing.”
“Oh, ‘endearing’?” you tease with a little laugh, “I’m glad that I endear myself to you, archdruid.”
You look down, seeing how high up you’ve ended, and Halsin steps in to help you back to terra firma. Clearly he’s played right into your plan because you wrap your arms around his neck and press your body to his, sliding down to the ground but not breaking the embrace.
“I’ve been thinking about you, you know,” you say, softly, eyes twinkling. 
“Oh?” he raises a brow; feels something stir. 
“Haven’t been able to think of much else. The claw marks have only just started to heal.”
You chuckle as he feels himself blush, a rich and full-bodied thing. It is his favourite sound, he thinks. He doesn’t know how he ever lived without it. 
“I was worried I was too rough…”
“My dear, you misunderstand. It was not a complaint.”
He can feel your smile as you press your lips to his, and oh he is gone. The things you do to him… surely it must be some sort of enchantment, for he’s never felt so totally enamoured before. 
He holds you in the safety of his grasp. His muscled arms engulf you utterly, rooting you into the moment. Oak Father preserve him, he has not stopped thinking about the night that the two of you laid together. The hot tightness of you as he slid inside; how his name fell from your lips like a mantra, a prayer; the way he’d woken next to you the following morning and you’d ridden him again - shining in the glory of the dawning sun with your head thrown back in rapture. You’ve known him both as man and beast, taken everything he was - everything that he was scared you’d run from - and embraced it entirely. 
What he’d have given for a repeat, but duty called you elsewhere. He’d been dreaming about it since, quietly taking himself in hand when the rest of the party was asleep, fucking his own palm to completion with your name growled under his breath. 
Spellbound. That’s what he is. Spellbound by you. 
“Halsin…” you whisper, in that dreamy, honey-dripping way you do, and you do not fight when he finds a soft patch of grass to lay you in. 
He wastes not a second, now he has you alone. 
A handful of hours have passed by the time the two of you return to camp. Though you both have leaves in your hair, you do not have any firewood. 
Wisely, nobody comments. 
Taglist: @ghosti02art @sadandanxiouswtf @yeethaw13 @trappedinlimbo15 @infinitely-kate
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hwanchaesong · 2 months
Can I request an Ateez Yeosang x reader where it's her first time everything? First time orgasm, first time squirt, first time having sex and she bleeds and freaks so he helps her and calms her through it? Very smutty and extremely fluffy?
a/n: ooh, this req surprised me ngl 😭 but this is an amazing idea! i hope you'll like this tho, i rlly tried my best to make it lovey dovey but still smutty 🙈
ps. this has been on my drafts for too long so here we go. and i'm so sorry because this is SO SO SO LATE
warning!!! smut under the cut so mdni!
It was the heat of the moment, the intense make-out session with your boyfriend really took a toll on you until you blurted out the words that would make you blush.
"Let's do it." you murmured against the lips of the man that you call your beloved.
Said man was named Yeosang, processing what you just said that made him cease all of his movements.
Both of you are in a compromising position. His hands are inside your shirt, feeling your burning skin while you sit on his lap, basically grinding against him.
"Are you sure?" he asks, sincerely gazing into your eyes to ensure that you're not saying it out of pressure.
You gently smiled at his considerate attitude, leaning in to peck his lips and smiling at him softly, "I'm sure."
There were a few moments of silence, still contemplating whether he should continue, not until you slightly moved on top of him, effectively rubbing your aching core against his hard on.
"Alright, alright," he chuckled, shuffling around until he was able to lay you down on the mattress, "my baby is so impatient."
"I can't help it," you whined, gripping his shirt in an attempt to pull it off him, "I just.. want you so bad."
His eyes darkened, "Keep saying that, baby." he removed his shirt, revealing his toned body that made you drool before he leaned down, lips hovering above yours, "I might not be able to contain myself."
"Then don't."
He breathed through his teeth before aggressively kissing you once more, forcing his tongue inside your mouth and making sure to lick every crevice. A small yelp coming from you when you felt his hand grope your left breast, his thumb pushing on your nipple through your bra.
He went and sucked on your tongue, your face getting hot at the sensation while you let out a small moan.
He detaches his lips from you after a while, a string of saliva between you, a sign of the passionate make-out that took place.
"Let's remove this, yeah?" he smiled at you, taking your clothes off one by one until you're butt naked under him.
He told you he won't be able to behave, but look at him, treating you like glass. Like a goddess, and you love every moment of it.
"God, you're so beautiful." he complimented you, caressing your hips, lovingly staring at you while his hand crept up, feathery touches until he reached your face. "So perfect." he whispered, tucking a hair behind your ear.
"Stop it!" you whined, your hands flying to cover your face, being shy at the attention you're getting from it.
"What?" he snickers, gently removing your hands and leaving a lingering peck on your cupid's bow before sliding his lips down your neck, his murmurs tickling your skin, "Just saying the truth."
"Oh-!" you were pleasantly surprised when he began kissing your neck, leaving some love marks here and there as his palm covered your chest, tugging on your nipples.
"Oh god, Yeosang." you moaned, now feeling his mouth on your mound, sucking on it and lightly biting.
Soon, his other free hand snaked into your stomach and down to your navel, squeezing your inner thighs before experimentally dipping a finger into your heat.
He released your nipple with a 'pop' sound, "Mmh, so wet for me already, baby?" he rhetorically asked, but you still nodded, eyes tightly shut as you're too focused on the newly found bliss.
His fingers easily find your clit, rubbing it in numbers and shapes that made your legs twitch, "Feels too good." you said, holding on to the sheets when you felt something.
Your breathing got heavy, focusing more on the jolting pleasure on your core, not until he stopped.
"Why?!" you cried out, opening your eyes and throwing your boyfriend a glare, frustrated that you couldn't reach your high.
Yeosang made a show of licking his fingers clean, "Sorry," he says, but without any remorse in his tone, "I kind of want you to cum on my tongue because look," he showed you his glistening digits, "you taste so good."
You whimpered, not knowing what to do with his dirty talks.
"Told you not to be impatient." he clicks his tongue, positioning himself in between your legs and taking a whiff of your scent. "Fuck, you smell so good too."
Then he dives him, earning him a gasp and a pull on his hair, courtesy of you because his wet muscle on your pussy makes you feel a lot of things. Heavenly things.
He laps at your juices, sucks on your clit and you twitch when you felt a wiggling finger inside you.
"More." you moaned, making him add another finger as he curled his digits around, finding your spongy spot that had you rolling your eyes.
"Oh god! Yes! I-I'm-" you wailed, getting the clue that you're close, Yeosang made more effort. He sucked harder on your clit, his fingers getting into a hellish pace until finally, you let the pressure on your lower belly go, but it felt.. wet. Too wet even.
"Holy crap." Yeosang smirked, your juices flowing down his chin and hands, "Did I just made you squirt?"
What? Squirt?
"I'm sor-" you began apologizing but he shut you up with a kiss, guiding your legs around his waist and putting your arms on his shoulders.
"Don't say sorry baby, it was hot." he smirked, then you felt his tip prodding at your entrance, "Are you really sure about this?"
You gazed into his bright, brown orbs. Full of worry and love, and at that moment, all you wanted to do is give yourself to him.
"Yes, I'm all yours."
"Alright then," he pushed only the tip but it was enough to stretch you out a bit, "I'll go slow. Tell me if you want to stop."
You nodded, inhaling and exhaling to prepare yourself. You know it will hurt. Based on what you read, heard, and see. But you trust the man on top of you, you know that he'll take care of you.
Yeosang started pushing in, inch by inch, tenderly massaging your hips as a way to give relief during the uncomfortable stretch.
"Ah!" you cried out, feeling your hymen break at the intrusion.
It was too painful, which was likely since it's your first time.
Then, something trickled.
"Shit!" he cursed, "You're bleeding, baby, fuck. I'm so sorry."
He panicked, which made you panic as well.
He hastily pulled out of you, standing up from the bed and getting some wipes to clean up the blood.
Damn it, he only sees this in movies. So, it really does happen in real life. What a fucking revelation for the both of you.
"Does it hurt?" he asked after a while, kissing your forehead and staring apologetically into your eyes, making sure that you're not in any kind of discomfort.
You actually felt like tearing up, how did you even manage to bag a man like him.
He's there, painfully hard and possibly at the verge of being blue balled but he ignores all that, choosing to focus on your well being.
"Yeosang," you called for his name, cupping his cheeks and kissing him passionately, "I'm fine. Let's continue."
"Are you sure? What if-"
You placed a finger on his lips, rolling over so now you're on top of him, the biggest signs for him to shut up and proceed with what is supposed to happen tonight.
"It's okay." you reassured him once more, kissing him fully as you do so, "I don't want to do this with anyone but you." you whispered against his lips, lifting your hips and doing the work of filling you up with his girth.
You gasped at the intrusion, feeling the stretch once more but it wasn't as bad as before.
You don't know where you're getting the confidence, but to hell with it, anyone would feel bold if your significant other looks at you like the deities sculpted you themselves.
Eyes full of warmth, longing, and desire.
To hell with everything.
You started moving without giving it any second thoughts, you are tired of waiting and you know that the stinging pain would soon go away.
"Slow down baby, I-" Yeosang mumbled, gripping your hips as a way to control your movements.
You really don't mind the burning feeling in your thighs as you move up and down on his length, but boy did you want to ignite a fire within him.
"If you want me to slow down," you whispered, "then make me."
Well, that did the trick. Yeosang's eyes darkened and the grip he has on your hips is now bruising, "Didn't take you for a brat, really."
He scoffs and he definitely does take control of the situation, stilling you on his lap as he closes his eyes.
Ah, this is life, he thinks.
The way your drenching pussy clenches on his cock. So warm, so good. He could seriously bust a nut from the feeling of you alone, but that wouldn't be fun now, isn't it?
Your moans got louder when he started drilling into you. You can't move as he restrains you in his lap, making him do all the work, rutting his hips until your juices are rolling down your inner thighs and drips onto his own skin.
"Yeosang!" you whined his name, his unforgiving pace made you throw your head back, getting dizzy from the pleasure.
"Take it, baby." he says, his thrusts getting erratic as he chased his high while simultaneously waiting for you to finish first.
"Yeosang, I'm close." you panted, throwing your palms against his chest as an attempt to stabilize yourself.
"Cum all over me, princess." he says hotly, taking one of your hands and bringing it up to his mouth, sucking on your index and middle finger.
He really knows how to rile you up, and that was just enough for you to combust when you truly felt his tongue circling around your digits. Coming all over his length, your clenching heat allows him to finally cum as well, your insides milking him dry.
He went and grabbed your neck, bringing you in for a hot and messy kiss, panting against each other's mouth as you both came down from your high.
"That was so good." you smiled, clinging to him and wanting to go to sleep when the tiredness seeps into your muscles.
"Sleepy?" he asked you, to which you could only nod.
"Alright, let's clean up first so we're not sticky." he says, giving you a final kiss before preparing to stand up, "I love you."
You laughed, giddy and still feeling the dopamine in your veins, "I love you more."
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