#lotr the rings of power
wildwren · 2 years
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What will they do when you tell them that SAURON LIVES 
because of you?
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Perfect Rings of Power review.
Damn, wish I had written it.
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the-southlands · 7 days
Attention Rings of Power Fans!
Something's cooking (turn the sound on).
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loisfreakinglane · 2 years
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— The Rings of Power, “Adrift”
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the-writing-warg · 2 years
I'm baffled by the fact that people don't believe Galadriel was a "strong female character" without being a warrior and that she needs to go on a quest and kill some things to be called as such.
Literally look at this quote about galadriel from Sam in the two towers book :
But perhaps you could call her perilous, because she’s so strong in herself. You, you could dash yourself to pieces on her, like a ship on a rock; or drownd yourself, like a hobbit in a river. But neither rock nor river would be to blame.
You're gonna tell me that isn't a description of a strong character? That Galadriel needs to prove her physical strength?
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whumpypepsigal · 1 year
me watching LOTR the rings of power for the plot :
the plot :
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morals be damned i am supporting his rights and his wrongs
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poopsiekitten · 10 months
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An interpretation of Galadriel’s temptation.
‘Why does a ship float and a stone cannot?
Because the stone sees only downward. The darkness of the water is vast and irresistible.’ - Rings of Power
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laoih · 2 years
I don't mind adaptations, and I don't mind people doing different things with adaptations. People can say "we made this adaptation the way we liked with our own ideas". They can say "the source material didn't work as a series so we changed a lot". They can even say "the source material was outdated in our eyes, so we took it only for inspiration but then did our own thing".
However, be honest about it.
If you create a series only inspired by some of Tolkien's writings, but ignore essential parts of it, you shouldn't claim that you stay as close to Tolkien's writing as possible or promote it that way.
At SDCC the showrunner Payne said:
“So, one, always back to Tolkien. And two, when Tolkien was silent, we tried to invent as Tolkienian a way as possible."
Yet they even ignore those parts where Tolkien wasn't silent. If you always go back to Tolkien like you pretend you do, then
why is the Second Age reduced from more than 3000 years to about 1500?
why is Sauron's reign in Middle-earth reduced from more than 1500 years to the span of one short Númenórean life?
why are Hobbits playing a part in the Second Age when Tolkien explicitly said they only became relevant towards the end of the Third Age? And Harfoots are a variety of Hobbits, Tolkien explicitly wrote that.
why is the Elf Adar leading Orcs? There was never a cooperation between these two peoples out of free will, even in the case of Maeglin it was because of Morgoth's influence over Maeglin after his capture, and neither Sauron nor Morgoth can do that now.
why do two Durins exist at the same time when according to Tolkien's writings Dwarves believe that they are reincarnations of each other?
why do the Dwarf-women don't have beards when Tolkien explicitly wrote that they have beards?
why do many of your Elves have short hair even though every Elf where the hair length was described by Tolkien had long hair?
why is Galadriel portrayed as "brash" and "angry" and "full of piss and vinegar", as running around wielding a sword, when at this time she is thousands of years old, has been Melian's student, has mostly avoided the conflicts in the First Age, and it's in general unlike what her character has been described as? Female characters can be strong characters even when they don't act like their male counterparts.
why does Celebrimbor look like an old human with pointy ears when Elves are supposed to be ageless and more beautiful than the average human?
why does Elrond look more like a teenage leprechaun with light-brown hair than an Elf who is thousand years old and has dark hair? At the time of the creation of the Rings of Power Elrond was already leading Gil-galad's armies into battle.
why is Gil-galad wearing so much gold, when in Tolkien's writings he is associated with silver? The casting also shows too much age for an Elf who is certainly younger than Galadriel.
why is there a large Númenórean cavalry with heavy armour when Tolkien wrote that the Númenoreans used horses in war only for couriers and light-armed archers?
why is Galadriel riding with the Númenorean cavalry? While Galadriel had contact with Aldarion, she was not involved in the military afairs of Númenor and there was no longer contact with Númenor during Pharazôn's and Míriel's time.
why is Míriel ruling as Queen, when Pharazôn took the throne directly after Tar-Palantir's death?
why does Pharazôn have a son with the Quenya name "Kemen", which is even a part of a Vala name, when Elvish was completely avoided by those in Númenór who hated the Valar and the Elves?
...and these are only a few things I could spot in trailers and interviews, and it's only the things that Tolkien wrote about – I'm not even going into the things that they think are Tolkienian but that Tolkien was silent about. These aren't things that had to be changed for a series adaptation, because they can all be done as Tolkien wrote it if you wanted to.
You can change things in your adaptation, but be fucking honest about it.
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stompandhollar · 2 years
i’m actually BUZZING thinking about how much character growth we’re going to get from our main cast— like, we’re watching legends being forged here. Isildur and Elrond in the mountain, Elendil and Isildur in battle, Galadriel and Celeborn reunion, Elrond founding Rivendell, CELEBRIMBOR’S WHOLE ARC, Gandalf and his love of the hobbits, the harfoots BECOMING hobbits, THE SHIRE, Isildur becoming King, Durin and the AND THE FALL OF KHAZAD-DÛM… gosh, I just. This series has nowhere to go but up.
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katronautt · 1 year
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wildwren · 2 years
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Elrond gazing longingly at Durin, 01 x 07
requested by anon
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r0sa4077 · 1 year
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Lady Galadriel of the Golden House of Finarfin - Middle Earth
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Wouldn't it be great if Amazon Rings of Power fixed their heinous elf problem for season 2?
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⟱The Celeborn we deserve ⟱
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⤊ Beautiful art from ZephyrAMerch ⤊
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⤊ Slightly smaller ears... 1st elf looks more like the Witcher than Middle Earth...
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Oy... ⤊
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⬑ Beautiful Celebrimbor art from ZephyrAMerch on Pinterest and Etsy.
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loisfreakinglane · 2 years
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— The Rings of Power, “Adrift”
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0ynes · 2 years
When Celebrimbor said Elrond looked like the very image of Eärendil standing there. Look at baby Elrond’s face aaaaaaaaaaaaa
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Elrond saying he wonders what his father thinks of him, if he is proud or not, but that it doesn’t really matter as long as he could have one more conversation with his father AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I also thought it was funny how Elrond talked about how the Valar rewarded Eärendil for his journey to Valinor. If only someone had told Elrond the Valar actually wanted to punish Eärendil when he arrived in Valinor tho lmaooo Anyway, look how Elrond sits:
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the-writing-warg · 2 years
“But do not despise the lore that has come down from distant years; for oft it may chance that old wives keep in memory word of things that once were needful for the wise to know.” - Celeborn to Boromir, Farewell to Lorien, Fellowship of the Ring
Celeborn straight up told amazon to respect the original books and the people who love them so they ignored his existence
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