#louise belcher x logan bush
jimmyjrsmusoems · 6 months
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brother-in-laws fic brother-in-laws fic brother-in-laws fic
this might be my magnum opus
thank you again a million times @drawthethingdoppelganger for making this masterpiece to go along with this fic. i owe you my life and my never-ending gratitude and love 😭🫶🏻💖
this is a (aged-up) tinimmy AND louigan fic, so if either of those aren't your thing, no prob! i'll see you next time! (or not, because my next few fics are ALSO tinimmy and / or louigan??? 🫨)
brb i'm going to go throw up this is my first published louigan and i hope you all likeeeeee it ahhhhhhhhhhh
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louiganweek · 9 months
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Louigan Week Annoucement! Art by @zzattur
Platonic works are welcome! Feel free to write or draw these two at their canon ages, though keep in mind romantic or sexual works will only be accepted if it’s future depictions of the characters. We’ll be using the tag louigannsfw for pieces with mature content. Check out the guidelines for more details. Let us know if you have any questions!
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waytoomanyhobbies · 8 months
Louigan Week Day 1 - Favorite Interaction
My favorite Louigan interaction is at the ending of Better Off Sled.
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For anyone tired of hearing me flail about this moment, someday I might not gush about it, but today is not that day. Also, ten pictures isn't nearly enough because if I had my way, we'd have at least twice that and a full video presentation.
Anyhow, we start the episode with the very established rivalry dynamic between Louise and Logan in full swing. If there is a place or object they both want, the two of them will compete for it with escalating amounts of force and/or underhandedness.
Right from the beginning, they're off to their usual childish start with Logan calling her Smellcher and Louise condescendingly offering to explain the sledding hill since his "tiny, little brain doesn't understand things." It quickly erupts into them bickering over who has the crappest face like a pair of five year olds.
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Then the escalation begins. Louise brings in a softball player to pitch snowballs at Logan and his friends with lots of speed and force. Logan is temporarily driven away, until he finds a basketball player to use in his retaliation.
Once Logan and his friends retake the hill, Louise opts for the nuclear option. She manipulates Teddy into plowing the hill illegally because it's more important to her to ruin Logan's fun than it is for her to have fun herself at that point.
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The rivalry has taken over as the most important thing. We have previously seen Logan get into this same exact headspace in Ear-sy Rider when he would rather pretend he had thrown away Louise's ears than give them back.
After Teddy caves in under the pressure from Louise, karma comes along and covers the hill with another blanket of snow by the next morning. So Louise decides to try strapping on some armor before heading back to the hill and telling Logan that she's going to sled even if he throws snowballs at her. Things go wrong, and she loses most of her armor upon arrival.
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Even after Louise pulled the nuclear option, the fight is still escalating. With a voice full of suspicion, Logan confronts her about the snow having been mysteriously plowed overnight, leaving all the old snow in icy and their snowballs hard enough to leave marks. He and his friends are still using it rather than admit defeat. They prepare to throw snowballs at the Belcher siblings, while Tina and Gene guard Louise with their armor.
Before a single snowball is thrown, Mandy arrives with the girls from various sports teams, who all want to throw snowballs at Logan.
Faced with the prospect of multiple sports teams worth of women hurling icy snowballs at him, Logan grabs Louise to use as a human shield. This is where we hit the turning point and the interaction I love so much.
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Logan could have gone for the nuclear option here. For example, after Logan pretended to throw away her ears, Louise responded with a second nuclear option of sending the One Eyed Snakes after him. He could have continued to use Louise as a shield so that she would also get pelted with ice and snow for his revenge. She is the reason the snow is all icy and able to leave painful marks, afterall.
Instead, Logan pushes her away and prepares to face the punishment of the mob alone. He isn't expecting any mercy or begging for any. He's just covering his groin and bracing for all the snow and ice despite being scared.
Louise sees the mob she's inadvertently raised all gleeful to hit Logan like it's their Christmas present, and Louise isn't happy about it.
By letting her go, even knowing it would bite him in the ass, Logan has broken the pattern of escalation this time. He's also lived up to the lesson that Linda was trying to teach Louise in Thelma and Louise Except Thelma Is Linda. At the crucial moment, Logan broke the rivalry to do what was right.
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Often, when Louise decides to do the right thing, it's because another character makes her feel guilty, ashamed, or afraid of damaging a friendship or family bond. We see that in situations like when she accidentally glued Bob to the toilet, when Tina guilted Louise just by staring at her silently, or when Rudy blew up at her about the bounce house on his birthday.
Logan didn't do any of those things, and there is no friendship there to lose. He broke the cycle by doing the right thing, and that led Louise to repay the gesture. In the spirit of Christmas, Louise pushes him onto her sled and rides down the hill with him while she's shouting and laughing.
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True to form, Logan initially interprets the gesture as a full chance to reconcile. On previous occasions, he's been emotionally responsive to both Louise's fake offer to give him her ears and to the message of the film Freaky Friday. In that case, he cried, went on about the power of seeing things from another person's perspective, and he even called the film a beautiful story of love and acceptance... even though his emotions earned a punch in the stomach.
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This time, there is progress and a partial olive branch, though. Louise might not have saved him, but she did get him out of the circling mob and give him a head start. By the time they reconnect in their thirties, this could be the step that sets them on the path of finally seeing things from each other's perspective.
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marauder23 · 8 months
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I’m a day late, but I did post it last night! In case you missed it, here’s my Day 2 fic for Louigan Week—
Rated e, 7k
Can’t Buy Me Turkey
“I said I’d be bringing my friend Louise. But my insane, one glass of sherry and she’s dancing on tables, aunt Sue, misconstrues this. She then tells my mother, this morning that I’ll be bringing a ‘special lady friend’,” he pauses, glancing over at her. His eyes land on where she is clinging to the ‘oh shit’ overhead handle with white knuckles.
“No,” Louise chokes out.
“‘Fraid so, four ears.”
“They think we’re dating?” she shrieks.
OR That time Logan bungles in all up and brings his fake-girlfriend Louise over for Thanksgiving Dinner with the Bush family. This is fine right?
This one reallllllly got away from me with the softness y’all. Happy Louigan Week!
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babsvibes · 7 months
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Art by @zzattur | Commission info here!
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alexsummersgf · 22 days
am i the only one who finds it weird that people ship Louise (WHO’S 9) and Logan (WHO’S LIKE 16-17) from bob’s burgers!!??? like wth ???
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shortnotsweet · 7 months
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growing pains
It’s only been nine years. They’re not in their thirties yet—and won’t be for a while—but it’s worth noting that things are different. Maybe it’s them, maybe it’s the boardwalk, or maybe—well. Logan is a different person than when he was a high schooler. He’s less assured than he was. That could be it. Louise is almost certainly different than she was then, but even now she still hates his guts. Maybe some things don’t change after all.
Notes Transcription
Main Episode Outfit Variations
Louise would be into layering, I think. She’s multifaceted, practical, and resourceful. Harsh structure in conjunction with more layered pieces; tendency towards color blocking, but she keeps it sharp. She’d be into casual, pragmatic clothes. If not very structured, she has loose-fitting, draped fabrics like sweatshirts or heavy pants (cargo material, corduroy, denim?)—draped and bulked, but not baggy. Something easy to run and move in; sneakers or combat boots.
Not opposed to dresses. Keeps it compact, simple lines. No frills but does lean into triangle shapes or rectangular blocks. Color blocking => neutrals will take up negative space, highlight colors are accented.
Sticks to main colors (green and pink) for consistency, but relies on neutrals like beige, black, and brown. Less cool-toned than Tina, either spring or autumn coloring. Bright colors are muted with exception of a highlight, usually pink (hat or laces). Green varies from lime to olive to sage to forest, etc. whichever tone is appropriate.
Occasional purple or blue in reference to the snowball fight/sled episode with Logan (he was in blue, Louise was in purple). Louise could lean into purple (imposing, mysterious, feminine but still intimidating) for off-episodes. Not frequent, though; too similar to Tina’s color palette.
Hairstyle options include braids, pigtails, or just loose. I’m growing partial to braids; they feel utilitarian, almost boyish, useful. Could emulate the bunny ears under the cap.
Beanie vs. Baseball Cap. I like the beanie, but to me it lends to this aspect of laziness? Not the worst, but i like the structure and sharpness of the baseball cap. Also obscures the eyes occasionally, or could be worn backwards.
Timeline + Basis
Loosely, 9 years post-canon timeline (ambiguous). Louise is 18, Logan is 25. The age gap is too big for them to feasibly be in high school together, so the second storyboard shot by the lockers is him visiting the high school for some errand (maybe Cynthia needs him to deliver something, maybe he’s got a younger sibling by now?), Louise passes by him in the hallway and doesn’t move to accommodate him (almost slams into his shoulder) and he almost looks back at her but continues on. He recognizes her when he visits the diner, which he later frequents because it’s one of the closest places in town that has good food that’s affordable and keeps him out of the house.
That’s one of the reasons, anyway. He isn’t conscious of it, although Gene picks up on it early on an often gloats to either Louise or Logan, both of whom are baffled or irritated at first. Linda is overly supportive of the idea to the point of humiliation, Bob doesn’t want to think about it and refuses to see it, and Tina writes extremely detailed romance novel drafts about it.
Logan becomes ‘aware’ in the following year, then feels really gross about it and avoids the diner for months until confronted (member of the family is up for debate). Realistically, nothing ‘tangible’ happens between them for three years (kiss? Weird face touch? Jealous outburst? Freudian slip? Something fun, idk [Louise: 22, Logan 29]).
I think Louise regresses at this point, and tries to distance herself like that episode of iCarly when Sam realizes she’s in love with Freddy and literally institutionalizes herself in a mental ward. Very much LALALALALALALALALA I can’t hear you, that didn’t happen. Logan is not feeling great at this point. Heart-to-heart with Bob snaps her out of it.
One more year of slow burn, actual relationship starts (Louise: 23, Logan 30).
Logan gets married, eventually, in his early thirties. Gene is an unintentional omnipresent narrator.
Additional Notes
Keep Logan in primary colors (mostly red or blue), but keep him out of dark neutrals/monotones (no black or charcoal gray), because it’s too heavy of a countermeasure against Louise’s color blocking—too unbalanced.
Decent height difference, although it varies depending on Louise’s shoes (sneakers or platform boots, she’s usually in sneakers in the restaurant). She’s right over his shoulder (?)
Concept comparison of them both around the ages 14-16 are for comparison only. Their ages do not coincide.
Occasional pet names, always mockingly derogatory.
Montage shots of her leaning over the counter while they talk. He used to sit in the booth seats but eventually began sitting at the counter instead. No reason. It means he can talk to her more easily and bother her with less effort.
They’re the kind of couple who publicly argues over the pronunciation of ‘egg’ type beat. Bickering keeps it exciting for them, but they make it a point to apologize in any serious disagreements, usually by the end of the episode. Similar difficulty in admitting when they’re wrong, often attempt to compromise by sharing/taking on blame in some equal capacity. Sometimes this is healthy, sometimes it’s more de-facto.
Mother-in-law beef goes crazy
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louiganlove · 8 months
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small-tragedies · 1 month
12 and 15 for the ask game!
12: What’s the funniest or craziest AU idea you’ve ever come up with? Okay, so this will probably be the weirdest AU I’ve come up with. I love the song “Battleship Chains,” specifically the Volbeat cover. So something happens between Logan and an old woman who you find out is a witch, who Logan, being Logan, greatly offends, and she ends up cursing Logan and Louise to be magically chained to each other, leaving them with a cryptic message on how they can break the curse. They only have 24 hours to break the curse before they are chained to each other for all eternity lol. So the fic is, of course, going to be a clichéd love story because this is me (and I’m cringe, lol). So that’s the AU I came up with that I’ll still need to flesh out in the future lol. 😂
15: Have you noticed your style change over time? Yeah, I actually have! At first, when I started writing, I honestly thought I sucked at it and was never going to get better, but over time, my writing style has changed, and I feel it flows better than it once did. I’ve actually gone back and rewritten the WIPs I’ve had in my docs for a long time, and I feel they’re better now because I’ve grown as a writer! 💕💕💕
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secretsofthemourning · 8 months
Some Like It Jicama, Some Like It Louise - Louigan Week 2023 Prompt
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This is my newest fic and my most recent fic for the Bob's Burgers fandom. Some late submissions from Louigan Week 2023 making their way onto the scene.
As promised, I made a mood board for all of my Louigan Week fics. I've has his one posted on AO3 for a few days now and realized I haven't posted to Tumblr yet, so this is me rectifying the situation.
Find me on AO3 as GoodMourningCoffee.
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twisting-echo · 6 months
Shipping Bingo:
What do you think of Louise Belcher x Logan Bush, from Bob's burgers? 👀
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Shut your butts coconuts, I love this ship!
They are both over 18 in my headcanon so don't come after me!
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louiganweek · 9 months
Louigan Week starts Sept. 25th! Use the hashtag louiganweek23 so people can easily find your work! 🐰🛹💕
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waytoomanyhobbies · 8 months
Louigan Week Day 2 - Idea/Pretend
Rated M
All three women chuckled.  "Maybe I could use his assistant and his research to create the perfect man," Susmita wondered aloud between large sips of her drink.  Finishing it with a loud slurping sound from the straw, she flagged down a waiter as well to order a replacement.  Then she turned her attention back to the discussion at hand.  "It's not like the real ones couldn't stand some improvements.  The men in this city are idiots if they're letting you slip through their fingers.  We could build the perfect robot companion.  You know, Louise, I bet we could fashion your perfect match."  She swayed slightly in her seat.
"It sounds like you're talking about a vibrator that does laundry and cuddles," Louise snorted.  A melancholy veil covered her features for a moment as she thought more about it.  "That's kinda depressing.  Besides, there is no way Logan rigged the body to do you know what.  Logan's plans didn't even have a peen."  She shook her head at the whole idea.
Louise, Susimita, & Tina engage in a little Weird Science to build Louise the perfect match. It doesn't go as planned.
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marauder23 · 8 months
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A Louigan Tattoo Parlor/Flower Shop AU
Rating: e
Chapter Summary: One year in the future we see Louise and Logan preparing for her debut solo art exhibition at the Fischoeder's gallery.
Chapter 11: epilogue is live NOW. Check it out ------> HERE.
Special thanks to my good friend star_stuff (not on Tumblr) for her gorgeous work on this commission of Logan's tattoo that Louise drew (you can even see Louise's signature!). I'm in love with this!
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babsvibes · 8 months
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Louigan Week Day 5: Rebel/Sweet Talk
Art by @kedelynartz | Commission info here!
“You know, I hate to pay you a compliment, but you do make a pretty good back rest, Bush. Too bad you open your mouth sometimes.”
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jc7005 · 8 months
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Louigan Week Day 2: Idea/Pretend
This one’s been bouncing around in my head for way to long so what better day to send it out into the world.
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