#love is not a corruption of friendship
shinybea · 10 months
Last day of watching Good Omens 2 with my parents.
The "spicy stuff" was shoehorned in, they say: They didn't like the kiss. They liked Gabriel and Beelzebub's relationship, but they wanted Crowley and Aziraphale to stay friends (because it's pure, there is no need for sexual attraction).
They don't want to watch the third season.
They didn't react well, and then they say "we are entitled to our opinions". Well yes, but actually no.
I was already terrified in S1 that they'd understand (they didn't). Now they do and it's... not good.
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angellurgy · 2 months
#when i am gone it will be no more impactful than a tree falling in a forest with no one to hear it.#my death will have a meaninglessly small impact on this world. maybe it'll have a larger impact on the incorporeal.#there is something in my soul. something hungry. a serpent of unstoppable magnitude held captive in my stomach.#it wont stop until it or i kill us both will it? like a cancer.#im so deeply sorry im so bad at responding to everyone's kind messages. even more so sorry for what will eventually happen next#i have some plans. to excise this tumor that is myself. to rid the world of this putrid filth girl who is nothing but a drain on her compan#we'll see what happens. at least i got my body to a point of self approval before. at least i tried music. at least i tried to be me.#even if it changed nothing. at least im more secure in my being. if only the people around me werent so emotionally far. if only we cld tal#if only i could live with my self approval instead of loving and wanting so dearly. instead of having a mind corrupted by love#and friendship#i was so much. i know you all barely know anything about me in reality. if i asked any you'd probably just list off kinks and species.#but still. ty those who'll remember yk...#and as backup. if it doesnt work. well. please dont hate me. im just a girl who needs out. and cant keep her thoughts inside more#i hope i can be happy in the afterlife. i hope i can see these angels and maybe be one myself.#gonna put a post on top of this to hide it from brand new ppl lookjng at my blog. bc yeah. you all dont need to hear all of this#its the last one of these for this period either way#god i wish i couldve gone to toronto. i want to so bad still. god. why did i have to realize my hopelessness now of all times#bye
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The other avatars don't want you to know this but the bugs in the attic are free you can give them your body I am home to 458 little creatures.
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neurotypical-sonic · 9 months
[girl who isnt great with symbolism voice] making sage turn from red to blue was kinda assigning "bad" and "good" to those colours, at least that's how I interpreted it. but as sonic was getting corrupted, and when he was fully corrupted, he kept flickering from red to blue, not settling on one. I would've expected them to keep it exclusively red, at least in that final scene. iirc, the colours didnt seem to change based on what he was feeling, like it did with sage. so the only solid "this colour has a good/bad association" is white and black, which. ugh. but even then sage's design has stayed black and red in all offical art and the new trailers (iirc. memory bad). so having the new super sonic form just have blue eyes is A Choice to me
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somereaderinblue · 6 months
Hyacinths & Daisies
Tesla is tired.
She wants humans & Plants to be equals. She wants the humans who are selfish enough to abuse her Plant sisters & innocents to stop. She wants Knives to stop so Nai can properly heal. She wants to go back to those days where they were kids & innocently carefree.
She wants her wishes to be heard. But no one listens. 
She tries anyway. 
She screams and shouts and uses bullets as punctuations when she has to. But ammo is finite & she’s been screaming so much, her throat tastes of dried blood even when she’s just breathing.
She’s tired. She’s so tired.
Tesla’s hope is akin to the sand of No Man’s Land. Seemingly infinite but rough & coarse, a witness that enables misery more than anything. She grabs it in tight fists until her palms are scraped raw but it spills through her fingers sooner or later.
We’ve seen heroes who start out as idealistic become realistic, if not outright jaded. Try as Tesla might, she knows she’s not really living. She has no idea what she’ll do once Knives is stopped because at this point, she’s more likely to die trying to do that than achieving her dream of building equal ground for humans & Plants.
Still, she helps where she can. She can’t play God, surely she can make sure death at least finds the bastards who deserve it more? Surely this time, she can add a tally to the people she's saved instead of another she's failed? She’s trying, she’s trying, she’s trying.
Enter Livio (& the age-reversal wand).
All the kids at the orphanage avoided the scrappy boy who sharpened his teeth so nobody would pick on his brittle bones. When Nico bit Livio hard enough to draw blood, he teared up but didn’t flinch. When Nico finally let go because his jaw ached, Livio wiped the dirt from his cheek instead of slapping it.
In turn, Nico didn’t run from Razlo either. Livio taught Nico how to calm a crying baby while Razlo taught him how to punch the older meaner kids in places that count. Livio was the shield, Razlo was the sword.
When the Eye of Michael came, Livio accepted it; showed them Razlo & proved his compatibility with their experiments. He became their Double Fang. Naturally, everyone preferred Razlo but a coin only had value when both sides were intact. Putting up with still stupidly gentle, weaker, Livio was a small price to pay.
Until they decided they had a mission that was perfect for Livio, not Razlo.
And so, the sheep that was forced to wear the fangs and claws of a wolf was once again stuffed with cotton until it soaked up the blood & left his lungs clogged.
The worst part? Tesla meets Livio and slowly but surely, the sand-like hope she has is refined to glass. Still fragile and capable of cutting once shattered but the transformation? It burns, it shapes, it’s delicate & it’s beautiful.
Neither of them were meant to be weapons, but maybe with the help of each other, they can learn to be people again.
Extra AU notes:
TW: mention of addiction
-Tesla loses her right eye while Livio covers his left (it dramatically comes off when Razlo takes the reins).
-This visually shows how they're similar yet different in a way that complements each other & foreshadows that they're literally on opposite sides.
-Tesla jokingly calls Livio a grandpa because he carries a lot of candy & always nags her to rest more.
(The irony of that nickname is not lost on either of them.)
-Nico of course, followed Livio. The Eye purposely got him addicted to cigarettes laced with the serum to further keep him under control.
-Instead of canon!Livio's skull mask, he wears a mouthguard to resemble a muzzled dog (I'm sorry for doing this to you Wolfwood-).
-Livio doesn't smoke but he carries a lighter to perform tricks, it's calming for him.
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rivilu · 2 months
#arueshalae's quest... Delicious#i love it when companion quests not only are amazing in their own right but also allow room for me to expand on the pc... good shit#context-> i been thinking#since elluin died and came back very very wrong via botched wild hunt hunt or something of the sort#(dont ask me details this is all vague hc i only have the wiki to go off of for lore )#just. where would his soul have landed if he had just died normally?#well. he's always been chaotic good. so#he should be at the club meme voice: he should be at elysium#something something the personification of the values Dimalchio abandoned staring him in the face#something about immortality granted through birth along with gifts unfathomable to mortals#versus immortality granted unwillingly. about the things one now considers trivial being what another was eternally barred from#something something envy something something rage#i cant wait to get here on azata path this is going to be JUICY to compare....#ellu and arue are such a good pair to think about friendship wise in general...#trust me im talking about him more but mostly because it's a first run and im still developing him in my mind#but like dude... guy whose morals are the only part of himself he even considers vaguely salvageable#(even though he actually doesnt consider himself good- fun fact)#paired with girl trying desperately to learn and understand morality and undo the damage she did#also the fact that a bunch of the things elluin says to her he mostly says with the intent of putting some responsibility on the corrupted#which she instead interprets as him trying to absolve her of responsibility ..#i juist love them!#love them so much. throwing them in the microwave#(then there's also the azata-blooded assimar-shaped elephant in the room but im going to refrain from talking about him#because we dont have time to unpack aaaall that)#riv finds the path that sure is wrathfully righteous#oc: elluin
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marioumafrauda · 5 months
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mbat · 4 months
wait why was no one going to tell me that nightmare rarity, something ive only heard vaguely of over the years since i keep neglecting to read the comics, wasnt corrupted by some internal pain, but instead the comic claims that nightmare moon is actually a parasitic type creature that took her over and that nightmare moon is a seperate entity from luna entirely. or at least according to the wiki
i kinda... hate that. thats not canon to me actually
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desiren · 4 months
i feel like main verse evelynn is like . . . almost completely unshippable.
like personally, i don't think evelynn as a character is very shippable. she isn't soft, and that by itself is by no means like . . . a "oh they can't be shipped" trait, because i have plenty of other muses who aren't outwardly soft. the difference with evelynn though is everything that encompasses who she is and why she, at a fundamental level, cannot, and should not, be shipped (safely). and like, okay, toxic ships whateverrrrr, but again, personally i have extremely specific requirements for the type of person she'd be with. like, anyone who's just as unhinged and evil as she is. and just to throw a name out there, someone like viego, for one. there's a few more, but. ya know.
evelynn is incapable of romance. like, 99.9% incapable of romance and is definitely aromantic. she's very good at playing pretend and faking it until she makes it and gets what she wants, but she doesn't feel anything for anyone she's pretending with.
this even extends to k/da or any other modern counterpart, or just non-main au. i think there is a very SLIM possibility that she could feel and experience love, but that is very unlikely. i think the closest people she could come to experiencing love, or at least the perception of it, are kayn (in kda/heartsteel or odyssey verses, anything modern) or viego tbh. maybe a few others but i haven't thought of ships outside of kayn/eve and eve/viego.
i still say like ... the perception of it though, because i think evelynn will border on obsession and possessiveness rather than actually feeling love, and even if she does feel love, it's definitely not in the traditional sense where you feel your heart skip beats or whatever other cliche. evelynn is rarely flustered, like, if ever at all, but i think kayn could be capable of making her flustered if he somehow manages to tap into evelynn like that, because i can see her having some like ... semblance of like a "tsundere" type reaction.
that all being said, evelynn definitely has a type (re: odyssey/heartsteel kayn, viego in any verse, basically any edgy or awful person ever, for the most part, but at the least someone who's unhinged like her, or like morally gray enough to let her murders slide lmaoooo). she thinks of people as her playthings and like, usually she'll kill someone after one go or once she gets bored, but people like kayn and viego keep her constantly entertained and she's like "wow i like them i want to keep them around," but i'm not sure how deep that goes yet, because love is not an easy concept where evelynn is involved. she's not like my other muses like sivir or cherry where they're brusque and cold and afraid of attachment and are avoidant. evelynn isn't like that. she just, doesn't experience it, really. it takes a lot factors and special circumstances for it to even be possible for her, but it definitely starts with her finding an obsession with someone, so that's unhealthy to start with.
an addendum: regarding spirit blossom, that's another story, since she's supposed to be more benevolent there, but that's a different can of worms i need to open because i have thoughts about that, but shipping wouldn't be any easier in that verse either.
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tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 11 months
dark hearts corrupted (Anti-Aqua/Aria)
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setting: Kingdom Hearts romantic F/O: Anti-Aqua/Dark Aqua self-insert: Aria Fiore names for the selfship: dark hearts corrupted, anti-aquaria, fallen light AU selfship start date: 10th June 2018 (approximately)
Content for this selfship: on this blog | on previous blogs
Some more things you may wish to know about this selfship are under the readmore!
As this post demonstrates,
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autisticmight · 9 months
what the fuck do you mean we were going to get evil oni lloyd arc in crystalized
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unabletomakedecisions · 4 months
Assigning Fears to Teas.
I'll start.
Corruption: the strongest flavoured fruit tea you have, add a revolting amount of honey, cool it down just enough so that it won't burn, then drink it sip by sip, not stopping even when you start to feel nauseous. Maybe add a Corruption song to listen to, and I recommend imagining being a home to Many Butterflies. They Love You. They Love You Even When Nobody Else Does. Do Not Be Afraid. It's Just The Butterflies, Coming Out Of Those Beautiful Holes In Your Flesh. Don't You Love Their Pretty Colours? They Love You Just The Same. ♡♡♡
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awkward-thinker · 10 months
So I’ve been rewatching the first season of Beyburst recently, and oH MY GOD?? I missed it more than I ever thought I would. ;A; Coming back to it feels like this Fallen Down cover. Which is absolutely amazing and super calming, by the way, it’s my favorite one. ;w;
I started watching Burst waaaaay back when it first came out (my first introduction to Beyblade was watching the barest minimum of Metal Fury, then I only watched a little bit of Shogun Steel), and it was my favorite thing ever. It’s how Beyburst latched onto me for like 6 years and never really let go. I’ve been with the Turbo gang for so long that I forgot how much I loved the Burst gang, and don’t get me wrong, the Turbo characters are good individually, (although most if not all of them have untapped potential) but the Burst characters hit different. Their bonds with each other are just so wonderful. ;W;
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katyspersonal · 2 years
Okay so like...
Back then I had a dream in which Micolash protected me from my abusive stepdad whom I keep having nightmares about all of my life, and I've had peaceful sleeps for a while. Then I had a dream where he attempted to trap my soul with a ritual by luring me, pretending he loved me too. Later I had a dream in which he outright murdered and resurrected me several times - to end up sparing me after I sacrificed a way to escape his torture for someone else - but scolded me very much for clinging to him and told me how much he did NOT want me to "force" myself on him (you heard it right, MICOLASH of ALL people found me too chaotic and cringe to manage with o_o").
But tonight, I had a (personal) dream about him again - in which he took me back in a moment of my teen years when one of my worst traumas happened, and tried to attempt fixing it by turning it into a pleasant memory instead. I woke up before he could, but I appreciate the intention (a very ironic one for someone called king of NIGHTMARE, lol)
But in all honesty, that's a very unstable relationship o_o" Mico pls
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borrelia · 2 years
sonic frontiers is a 9-0-1 on the weeb-ass shit scale
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despite being friends with goro when they were younger, sachiko actually does not handle people being mean to her or disliking her well at all. the first time she tried to befriend goro he blew her off and she retreated immediately and didn't try again until years later. when she approached him the second time he nearly blew her off again, and she probably would have left him alone if he didn't agree to work together for the sake of their survival.
their friendship only worked because they both kept a certain amount of emotional distance that was mutual since both of them hate vulnerability. still, sachiko was by far the more enthusiastic and friendly of the two, bringing out goro's softer side. there was still a certain amount of rockiness in their relationship though, because neither of them were in a good place and they both dealt with that in opposite directions. (goro by stewing in it on his lonesome, sachiko by ignoring it and being social.) goro could never bring himself to be too harsh because of how friendly she was to him, and he knew that being mean would result in the end of their allyship. in the end he became mostly neutral, not overly kind or harsh in either direction, working with her in a manner that he justified as purely strategic, not personal.
if you asked them, they'd both tell you the relationship was surface level, and they weren't friends, just allies. until, of course, the Incident happened and they both realized they'd started to think of each other as their surrogate sibling. but of course by then it was too late.
#i was thinking about how she doesn't get along with morgana but does get along with goro and that sparked this thought.#sachiko asahi#persona ocs#sera posts#anyway their friendship in canon after goro's been 'corrupted' so to speak and is a much meaner person would be really interesting.#bc i don't actually think they'd get along at first. there's all the baggage obv but goro's just not as nice as he used to be and sachiko#is going to have to learn that he's changed (they both have) and learn how to meet him where he's at. and goro will have to realize#that if he wants to make amends he's going to have to actually try to be better and not be a bitch 24/7. they'll have to meet each other#in the middle#memes aside i think goro learning how to be kind again would be a really good (and necessary) part of his arc toward self improvement#learning how to be kind in a way that isn't just his detective prince mask. but because he genuinely wants to be kind and make friends#and be a better more healthy person who is a positive force in the lives of the people around him#and i think sachiko would make him want that. bc he does actually care about her and he wants to make up for what happened to her#(which he blames himself for)#sachiko and goro genuinely love each other and want to be friends but it's going to be Hard for both of them at first#and sachiko is going to have to learn how to curb some of her enthusiasm bc goro can't respond to it positively at this point#but they'll figure it out eventually and they'll both grow a lot as people in the process#sachiko's positivity can actually be extremely toxic so learning how to meet goro in the middle is super important for her growth too#but im just repeating myself at this point
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