catie-does-things · 6 years
luke-shywalker replied to your post “some people (me)????? ship reylo ironically?????? to cope???? with the...”
How does one ship something ironically? I want to learn how.
I’m not really invested in the pairing, and I’m fully aware of the issues it has, but I will gladly ship it 1.) out of spite for what this franchise and this fandom have become and 2.) because if Rey is not a Skywalker then her marrying into the family is the next best thing.
So all those metas about how Reylo is super romantic and the best ship ever? Hardcore disagree. All those metas about how Reylo is super problematic and the worst ship ever? Also hardcore disagree. Reylo is the fire that will burn this fandom to the ground, and at this point, that’s a good thing.
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askbensolo · 6 years
Happy New Year, Ben! I hope it treats you well! Learn lots from your uncle and most importantly STAY SAFE!! :D -Level
Thanks, Levs! I’ll try to stay as safe as I can possibly be around a group of adolescents with fatal laser swords!I brought your space blanket to school. It kept me and Ren nice and cozy last night along with the heated one, and it gives some color to my otherwise drab surroundings.Oh yeah. Speaking of drab surroundings. Did I mention there’s no plumbing here? I mean, no refreshers. At least, not what I would consider a refresher. First thing I saw when I went outside this morning was a bunch of guys trying to see who could projectile-urinate the farthest over a nearby ridge.I did not participate, and instead made the long trek to the outhouses on the other side of camp. Which, apparently, none of the other boys do, but kriff it—my mom raised me better than that.Wish I could write more, but I have to go soon to eat breakfast and then go to morning group lesson. See ya.
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ben-is-solo · 6 years
Did you know...
...that the relationship between Kylo and Rey can be interpreted as purely platonic, and still be just as powerful?
They may not be biologically related to one another, but each of their central struggles revolves around the issue of family. Each feels as though their family has abandoned them, and interestingly enough, each deals with feelings of abandonment in regards to Han and Luke (Kylo feels that they failed him as family members, and Rey wishes they could have seen her as a surrogate daughter.)
The void left in each of the characters’ hearts is due to a lack of strong, platonic bonds with family. Rey is desperately trying to fill the void; Kylo is desperately trying to destroy it. They’re two halves of the same, and this struggle over family is something that consumes them so much that it takes precedence over any romantic possibility.
While each wants the other, it doesn’t have to be in a sexual sense. Rey was abandoned by her parents, so in a subconscious way of rewriting the past, she assumes the role of “parents” (becoming almost an extension of Han and Leia as they were in TFA) and vows not to abandon Ben. Kylo killed his father under Snoke’s orders, but in his own way of rewriting the past, he refuses to kill Rey—if he can turn her, he can “replace” his family (whom he will inevitably have to kill if he stays on this trajectory) with Rey (whom he won’t have to kill, if she turns).
Both characters see one other as a way to either fulfill or destroy their need for family, and this does not need to be accomplished through romantic or sexual means. In fact, taking their quasi-sexual encounters at face value, they don’t seem to show that much interest in each other. When Rey offers Kylo her hand, expecting him to fully grasp it, he touches only a single fingertip to hers with the minimal amount of contact possible. When Kylo accidentally treats Rey to some circumstantial eye candy, Rey asks him with annoyance if he has a cowl he can put on. To read romantic or sexual interest into these encounters is to apply a subjective interpretation.
Just because the characters are not biologically related doesn’t mean that they can’t be read as having a platonic, or even familial, relationship. Many non-shippers make the mistake of dismissing their relationship entirely, but the relationship between Rey and Kylo is significant as a reinterpreted reincarnation of the relationship between Luke and Vader, and arguably just as platonic.
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ibrithir-was-here · 4 years
Tag game!
Tagged by @im-fairly-whitty
Rules: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
Current Top 3 Ships:
1. Eugene x Rapunzel - Tangled
2. Can I cheat and put “my Arcana OCs with their LIs”? x)
3. Steven x Connie - Steven Universe (Future)
Last Song: Unstoppable - Sia
Lipstick or Chapstick: I only wear chapstick when I put lipstick on, which is rarely because I bit my lip a lot and I get worried it will just get on my teeth
Last Movie: The Court Jester -- A great old Danny Kay musical that I’d highly recommend to anybody in a Princess Bride mood
Reading: Sheesh, I haven’t read a real book in a while :/ So...Howl’s Moving Castle--Audio Book? (and like, the scriptures too I guess x)
tagging: (If you want too :) @radioactivepeasant @alreadyinmotion @herbalisia @kittandchips @the-reverse-mermaid @vladabi @willow-s-linda @luke-shywalker @elizastarkart
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luke-shywalker · 7 years
Please imagine Luke finding stray kittens and the mama cat and smuggling them onto the Falcon. These are HIS babies now, even mama cat
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THOSE pets, now get ‘em off my ship
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crvmommy86 · 6 years
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Then and now...Luke Skywalker 💕🙂💕
My SideShow Collectible Luke Skywalkers 💜
@supermacaroniandsqueezeblr @lightsidecalling @speedyflowerhologram @harrisonfangirl @tato0ine-luke @culturevulture73 @skywalkerfangirl77 @luke-shywalker @luke-is-very-gay
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treenahasthaal · 6 years
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Star Wars, 1977. 
@jady2007 @lovesdaryl @bespinfatigues @luke-shywalker @threadsketchier @brotherskywalker @kaelinaloveslomaris @ladylerxst @tatooineknights @tato0ine-luke 
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rabm · 6 years
luke shywalker
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threadsketchier · 6 years
11 Questions
Tagged by @ta-dala , THANK.  :D
1. What is the “craziest” thing you’ve done for the love of something?  Paid $500 for an all-inclusive con registration that included the weekend pass along with an autograph and brief meet-n-greet with hey kids it’s Mark Hamill.  Even though I’d already met him before, shhhhhhhhh.  :p
2. What is your ultimate bucket-list travel destination?  Don’t have one, because I’m just not a really travel-y person on my own initiative.  The couch is strong with this one.
3. Cats or dogs?  Kittehs!  :3
4. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?  Not here anymore, the people in this city are so damn rude and entitled...but I care less about the “where” and more about being financially secure.  Just somewhere in the northern latitudes where I’m not allergic to any of the native plants and people are nicer.
But if we’re talking temporarily, then nowhere, because the fact that I have to return home would just bum me out.  :p
5. Write me a piece of advise that you’d go back and give to your younger self.
6. Share one sentence of something you’ve written and tell me why you like it.
In the void between stars, time did not unfold in any meaningful way to the tiny, transient beings who spent their lives flitting across incomprehensible distances measured only in light-years and parsecs. Each world, moon, asteroid, and station had its own orbit and axis and gravitational anomalies to mark their calendars by. It was easy for a fringer to lose track, deliberate or not. Time was anchored in dirtside meetings, in shipments and payments due, in message packets, in sentences and escape attempts, and–if they lived long enough–in strands of graying hair, accumulations of scars, thickening waistlines, dimming eyes, slower reaction times and aching joints that couldn't quite flex as well when dodging and running and firing.
Yeah, OK, that was way more than one sentence but it really needs the whole paragraph for the context to work.
I...liked it because it sounds a lot more cerebral than I intended, with me just trying to bullshit my way through saying something slightly deep about smugglers, lol.
7. Can you still love/be a fan of something/someone and be critical of a choice or decision? Why or why not?  I guess so, because I can even be critical about OT Star Wars but I still lurve it.  (Also, all of us humans are, y’know, messy and flawed and complicated.  Problematic ≠ irredeemable hellspawn.)
8. Rogue One. Dead or alive?  ;)  ALIVE N’ KICKIN’ YO.
9. You can only eat one food the rest of your life. What is it?  Uggggggh, it’s not even worth picking something, because even if it was my favorite food in the world I’d get sick of it real quick and then I’d despair of eating at all.
10. Give me your Desert Island Discs list.  The 6 Star Wars saga soundtracks would take up 6 spots so that just about blows it all.  XD  The other two slots I guess I’d reserve with Rob Dougan’s Furious Angels and either a compilation of Tchaikovsky’s works or Craig Armstrong’s Piano Works, I’m a little torn between them.
11. What is your favorite curse word?  Pendejo.  XD  (Spanish for “stupid” or “idiot.”)
Ummmmmmm...I take it I’m supposed to come up with a new round of 11 questions, oh no...*sweats*
Would you rather develop the magical ability to fully write every single fic idea you’ve ever had or instead have the opportunity to write one single profic novel that you had total control over?
What’s your favorite clothing item?
If you drink coffee, what’s your favorite variety?  Light, medium, or dark roast, preferred region?  Regular ol’ coffeemaker, espresso, French press, pour-over?
Do you like thrift store shopping or nah?
If you could describe yourself as a cake, which cake would you be?  :D
Has any music inspired you in your fandom works?
What food is The Worst™ for you?
What is one decision you’ve made in your life that you’re really content with or proud of?
Would you prefer to sprout wings and fly or be able to breathe underwater?
What’s a really special fandom memory for you?
If you had a slogan, what would it be?
Hmmm...gonna tag @ta-dala a third time CUZ WHY NOT ;D and @tatooineknights @thetaoofzoe @culturevulture73 @tato0ine-luke @kaelinaloveslomaris @binarysunset @beyourowndensity @bisexualprincessleia @jadelotusflower @thatginchygal @celinamarniss @siths-sirenia @teagrl @luke-shywalker @lukeleiahan @goodisnotsoft @admfirmuspiett @jedihafren @klcthebookworm only if y’all feel like it!
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lesbianakins · 7 years
Thank you for tagging me on this, @dottiechan ! Rules: list 20 facts about yourself and then tag 10 other blogs you’d like to get to know better! _____________________________________________________ 1) My Birthday is October 1st. 2) I absolutely adore everything about Star Wars. 3) I first watched Star Wars when I was twelve. 4) My parents hated Star Wars, but they decided to show it to me when I was twelve so that I could know something about pop culture. 5) They were horrified when I loved it. (Lol) 6) When my dad first watched Star Wars, in theaters, the film broke mid-way. He said his favorite part of it was when the film broke. 7) I have never been to Celebration, but I really really want to go to one. 8) I have a cat. 9) My best friends are obsessed with the youtubers Dan and Phil. 10) I was valedictorian of my middle school. 11) I love reading. 12) Sometimes I write (sometimes fanfic). 13) The first Tumblr I followed was @luke-shywalker 14) I love science, in particular astrophysics. 15) I'm fluent in English and French. 16) I'm almost fluent in Spanish. 17) I love nature and camping. 18) I love all animals. 19) I am one with the Force. 20) The Force is with me. I tag: @spaceanakin, @luke-shywalker, @anidalafeelss, @anakinskydala, @ahsoka-snips-tano-lives, @ahsokamyqueen, @ahsokamylovely, @snips-and-skyguy, @tato0ine-luke, @ekjohnston
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askbensolo · 7 years
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I slept without dreams, he guarded my sleep I felt myself sinking down into the deep He showed me the truth, my future unfurled—
I’ve taken my first steps into a larger world
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ben-is-solo · 6 years
Rey: ...Can you put on a cowl or something
Kylo: *blank asexual stare*
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otterandterrier · 7 years
The greatest title
Ship: Han/Leia Rating: G, slightly PG at the end? Words: 2,727 A/N: As mentioned, this was inspired by part of this post in @askbensolo, which I admit I follow for the occasional family stories and pictures and thrive on them. So yes, thirteen-year-old Ben Solo features here because I like the idea of an Organa Solo kid and I’m not going to make a whole new kid. No, I don’t accept TFA as canon, so there’s absolutely no hinted angst here except for your regular prepubescent angst (barely??). Yes, I wrote a fic about Leia pregnant with a second kid a while ago. No, I didn’t include it (...her) because I forgot. I don’t know why I’m clarifying all this stuff. I’m not going to say what this is about because it should be a surprise, as will any mistakes you might find because this isn’t beta-read. Just know that it’s supposed to be funny, cute and Han/Leia-centric. Thanks to @luke-shywalker for the inspiration, keep up the great work!
The greatest title
 After the Senate session that day, Leia’s presence in her state office had been prolonged by a rescheduled meeting, which meant that by the time she made it home, her son was already back from school. Ben was bent over a datapad, engrossed in whatever he was reading, when she walked into the kitchen.
‘Hi, Ben! Did you have something to eat?’
Leia guessed he hadn’t heard or sensed her enter the apartment, so a little surprise was warranted. She did not, however, expect Ben to jump out of his skin at the unexpected sound of her voice, nearly dropping his datapad and then hasting to flip it so that the screen was pressed against the table, hidden from her view, his brown eyes wide and guilty as he stared up at her. Leia pursed her lips, succeeding (unlike Ben) to hide her own surprise—and suppressing a good deal of groaning. At thirteen years old, a reaction like that meant most likely one thing: her baby had been looking at porn.
She wished she could stall, just for a while, until Han got home, but on the other hand she was almost sure Han’s idea of a talk would be to impress upon his son that the kitchen was not a good place for that kind of activities. Leia wanted to not only make that one thing clear, but to talk about how the mainstream pornographic industry denigrated women and humanoids and she would prefer if he didn’t use that particular resource to… let off some steam.
She cleared her throat and subtly squared her shoulders, attempting not to look like she was about to launch into Mother Speech Mode (as Ben called it), while at the same time bracing herself to do exactly that.
‘What were you doing, Ben?’
‘Nothing!’ Ben’s quick answer was a funny mix of false cheerfulness and accusation, as if he was offended to be questioned.
Leia tried again, keeping her voice as non-accusatory as possible. ‘Well, why did you hide your datapad?’
‘Nothing, Mom, seriously,’ Ben mumbled, meeting her eyes for the merest second as if to assure her he was telling the truth, but looking away just as fast. Leia didn’t need the Force to feel his distress and know he was lying.
She sighed quietly and touched his shoulder. ‘You’re not in trouble, honey, but I need you to show me that so we can have a conversation about it. It’s important.’
‘So... you’ve seen it?’ Ben asked with apprehension. Leia was confused at the phrasing, but she quickly assumed he was referring to the screen of his datapad, which she hadn’t had time to even glimpse at.
‘I didn’t. But I think I know what it is about, and I would like you to show me so I can... address this properly.’ If she was honest, she did not want to see anything of that sort. She didn’t want further confirmation that her little boy was growing up.
Ben’s clutch on the datapad loosened slightly. He seemed a lot less uneasy, though still red-faced and hesitant. ‘Has it happened before?’
Leia’s brow furrowed in confusion. ‘Has what happened before?’
Ben pointed at the datapad. ‘This.’
‘Ben, I’m not following.’ Leia held out her hand. ‘Please?’
With a resigned sigh, the boy picked up the datapad and deposited it—still face down—on Leia’s open hand. She gave him another confused glance before turning the device and looking down at the screen.
Instead of the dark site full of explicit videos she expected to find, she saw that it was merely a tabloid, the top of the screen filled with links to salacious stories about the rich and famous. She didn't have a second to wonder about Ben's distress, as the big header caught her eye at once.
You voted, you chose: the results of our "Sexiest Galactic Couple" poll are in!
Her scowl deepened and her bad feeling about the whole thing returned. Leia scrolled down; her distaste materialized when she found another title under an interactive graphic detailing the mentioned poll.
This time she did let out a groan.
Leia Organa and Han Solo
It could be worse, she knew it—she didn’t miss the days when someone would fake a private holovid and “leak it” to the press, or the endless speculation over her and Han’s gains from being with each other, or the rumors of cheating and separation (those still cropped up from time to time, and Ben knew better than to pay any credit to them). It was definitely better than catching her son with porn—without realizing, her body had relaxed in relief as soon as she’d caught on. She still found the idea of such a poll, that apparently millions of beings across the galaxy had taken, ridiculous and a bit tacky. Ben’s reaction seemed a little exaggerated, but she reckoned it was embarrassment at seeing his parents publicly described as “the sexiest”. She was embarrassed at being described as sexy. The sexiest. Whatever.
‘This is what you were reading?’ she asked for confirmation, turning the screen to him. Ben nodded.
‘I thought you knew,’ he said. Leia had been so busy that day, she’d barely had time to catch up on the news—and she never visited that kind of sites if she could help it, anyway.
She shook her head distractedly as she looked down again: below their names, there was a picture of Han and her from a few months back, when they’d gone together to the inauguration of a new wing in the Alderaanian Museum on Coruscant. Leia wore a midnight blue velvet gown with long sleeves, while Han had donned a fancier, cleaner-looking variation of his trademark outfit. He had an arm slung over her shoulders and she leaned subtly into his side. It was a good picture.
‘May I ask why were you reading this?’ She felt more curiosity than real annoyance at her son paying even minimal attention to that sort of trivial nonsense.
Ben looked contrite and even more embarrassed, looking away from her. ‘Some people mentioned it at school, they said—it doesn’t matter.’
‘It might,’ Leia insisted, considering how upset Ben looked. That couldn’t be just regular parental embarrassment. ‘What did they say?’ she asked, earnestly scanning through the article.
‘They were older kids,’ Ben muttered, turning redder and bowing his head. ‘They were joking… They asked—’
His words came out so low and tangled that Leia missed them.
‘Can you speak up, honey? I didn’t get that.’
‘How I had happened,’ Ben repeated, louder. ‘They asked how I had happened. You know. Because you guys are—and then there’s me.’
Again, Leia had trouble processing what that meant, until the pieces finally clicked into place. ‘They said—?’
‘That I’m too ugly to be your kid,’ Ben confirmed, looking at her now and giving her a smile that was more like a sad grimace. Leia’s heart sank as it filled with outrage at the cruelty of children. ‘Just wanted to see if that—if they said that in the article.’
‘Do they?’ Leia asked, her mouth feeling dry.
Ben shook his head. ‘No, it’s just about you and Dad. They mention me, but that’s all—it’s not bad.’
Leia left the datapad on the table and walked up to Ben, wrapping her arms around him and pressing a quick kiss on top of his head—something she could now only do when he was sitting. ‘Those kids were being mean, and they’re not right. These articles—they’re worthless, you know that. “Sexiest couple”, what does that even mean?’ Leia said under her breath, more to herself. She loosened her embrace a little and tilted her head to look Ben in the eye, smiling warmly at him and pushing a lock of hair out of his forehead. ‘And you are not ugly. You’ll always be my beautiful baby.’
‘Ugh, Mom!’ Ben whined, struggling feebly away from her grasp, but not without Leia noticing him smiling a little, part of his dismay relieved with that small reassurance—even if it was a very small part.
Leia let go of him and stood up straight again. ‘I’ll talk to your teachers about this tomorrow, all right?’
‘You don’t have to do that,’ Ben said, looking anxious.
‘Yes, I do. You only give the bullies more power by letting them think they can get away with things like this,’ Leia told him firmly. She would also talk to Han about it, and they needed to sit down with Ben to know if this was an isolated incident.
He still didn’t look very convinced at that, but he nodded.
Leia ran her hand through his hair. ‘You should go do your coursework now; you can have some down time later.’
‘Okay,’ Ben said, standing up and grabbing his datapad again before turning to exit the kitchen. He stopped at the doorway and turned back to Leia. ‘Is it true, then? That you and Dad won the poll years ago? It says something like that.’
Leia’s lips twitched. ‘Something like that.’
Ben looked confused, but then shrugged and left, deciding he didn’t need more information anyway.
Once he had retreated to his bedroom, Leia sat down at the table and allowed herself a moment to rest her head on her hands and sigh. Now she had to talk to Ben about porn, bullying, and being comfortable in your own skin even in the throes of hormonal changes. All without making him feel so embarrassed he shut down and stopped listening. Parenting was hard, and that came from someone who was a politician and had been through a war.
Reluctantly, she pulled her own datapad from a pocket in her robes and glared at it, considering, before turning it on. She entered some keywords and found the article, deciding to read it from beginning to end.
It was sort of infuriating that she couldn’t even call it offensive.
 Han found her not long afterwards leaning back against the kitchen counter, sipping a glass of wine. He was grinning, seemingly in an excellent mood—it was easy for Leia to guess why, but she remained silent as he strutted up to her, only raising an eyebrow in question.
‘You’re one very lucky woman, you know,’ he told her, leaning down to press a quick kiss on her lips.
‘I am?’ She offered her half-empty glass to him and Han took it, downed the rest of the wine and set it aside.
‘Yep. Married to the twice-crowned Sexiest Man in the Galaxy and all.’
The smugness on his face was amusing, but what he was saying didn’t make full sense.
‘Excuse me?’
Han’s grin didn’t waver. ‘I won one of those silly polls. Again. The Sexiest Man… you remember, don’t you?’
She did, vividly; mostly because of how insufferable Han had been for weeks, although his satisfaction quickly faded as the number of propositions he got from strangers grew. It had been years ago, before Ben—that was what the new article had alluded at, although Ben seemed to have misread it.
‘I do, but you weren’t named the sexiest man this time,’ Leia corrected him.
‘Yes, I was,’ Han insisted, giving her a confused look.
‘No, you weren’t.’
He crossed his arms over his chest. ‘Excuse me, Your Highness, but I was. I’m tellin’ ya.’
‘Did you read the article? Saw it on the news?’
‘No. But everyone kept joking about it. Heard the word “sexiest” a lot.’ Han frowned. ‘What were they talkin’ about if there’s no poll?’
Leia was trying very hard not to laugh at the clear disappointment showing on her husband’s face. ‘Oh, there was a poll all right. But half the credit is mine, you know. We were named the Sexiest Galactic Couple,’ she told him at last. Han’s frown relaxed and he stared at her in surprise.
Leia nodded. ‘So it seems to me you should be just as lucky,’ she joked.
‘I didn’t need a poll to tell me that, sweetheart,’ Han said affectionately, winking at her.
Leia smiled back. ‘Sorry to snatch the title away from you.’
‘No, this is way better, a shared title. About kriffin’ time, if you ask me.’ Leia laughed and Han seized the chance to slip his arms around her waist and pull her closer. ‘So you did read this article thing? Seems out of character.’
Leia’s expression soured. ‘Not until I came home and caught Ben with it. He was teased about it. Some kids told him he was too ugly to be our son, apparently.’
‘They what?’ Han snapped, scowling in anger. Leia laid a hand on his arm.
‘I’ll handle it. But Han, we have to talk to him... he’s at an age of many changes and I don’t want him to feel so insecure about them. Maybe you should casually mention how ugly you felt at thirteen, too.’
‘I didn’t feel ugly. You think I was ugly?’ Han asked, almost outraged at the suggestion.
‘How should I know? I didn’t know you!’
‘But if you had, you wouldn’t have thought I was.’
‘Han, when you were thirteen, I was three,’ she said, exasperated. ‘I had no concept of “ugly”.’
‘So I have a point.’ Catching her withering gaze, Han hurried to add, ‘I’ll talk to him. Now, what did this article say? How many votes did we snatch?’
‘Let’s just say that “a lot” is an understatement. We got 88 per cent of the votes, which is significant if you consider we were up against the cream of the crop of several systems. I have to say, I’m pretty impressed.’
‘Why? You don’t think we’re sexy?’
‘I—frankly, not enough to win a galaxy-wide poll. Years ago, maybe, but… realistically, we’re too old for this niche of the media circus. Or so I thought.’
Han shrugged. ‘I don’t think that.’
‘Yes, well, when have you ever felt insecure and anything less than sexy in your entire life?’
‘Couple of times. Not when I was thirteen, though.’
Leia raised her eyebrows. ‘That’s shocking.’
‘I didn’t have time to be insecure about my looks,’ Han said with another shrug. ‘People said I was a good-lookin’ kid and that was enough for me to know I was.’
‘I didn’t mean that that part was shocking; I meant the affirmation that you have ever felt insecure.’
Han let out a short laugh and grinned. ‘You’ll never believe it.’
She gave him a searching look but he didn’t say anything else. She’d get it out of him, sooner or later.
‘As I was saying, then, apparently people don’t think we’re too old. And the article was even... sort of flattering.’ Leia waved a hand. ‘Mostly it talked about our “war-forged romance” that “stood the test of battle, prejudices, and time”, mentioning our wedding, the birth of Ben, and the usual rumors. I think the emotional appeal we seem to have on people might have helped.’ Leia shrugged and smiled wryly. ‘But they did say we look “just as good” as we did over ten years ago, and some featured comments from voters seem to agree.’
‘“Just as good”, huh? They could’ve done us a better one.’
Leia shook her head. ‘We’re middle-aged, hotshot; that’s a huge compliment, if you ask me.’
Han studied her for a moment. ‘You have any plans this weekend?’
‘I don’t think so,’ Leia said slowly, puzzled at the sudden off-topic question. ‘I’ll have to check my agenda. Why?’
‘I think we should celebrate this,’ Han told her, giving her a lopsided smile. ‘It’s a big achievement. We could go to Hesperidium for dinner, give ‘em all a show—you know everyone will be dying to see us in public after this, flauntin’ our good looks, and then—’ He bowed his head low, lips brushing against her ear and sending warm shivers down her spine, ‘—we get a room and I’ll remind you how we earned that title.’
A small smile touched her lips, and Leia nodded once. ‘That sounds like a good plan.’ She turned her head and tilted it back to catch his eyes, already lighting up in anticipation. ‘I’m glad I have the Sexiest Man in the Galaxy to help me embrace this great honor.’
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luke-shywalker · 6 years
16-yo luke-shywalker: new baby star wars fan just before tfa released, wanting to know all the star wars things, checks out the original trilogy novelization from high school library and reads it in a week, watches a star wars movie at least once a month, innocent, excitable, in love with luke, posts meta and deep character analysis, careful reblog tagging, writes fanfic about uncle owen and aunt beru, dies for skywalker family aus, interacts with fandom community, checks all her notes and activity, gives her two cents on discourse, rey skywalker, threadsketchy is her favorite person on tumblr
19-yo luke-shywalker: mildly embittered by disney star wars but obsessed with ben solo for some reason, prequel meme enthusiast, likes other weird memes like “i’m han solo” and “anakin eats live bugs,” put “i don’t like sand” as her senior yearbook quote, owns tfa on dvd but no other star wars films afterward, doesn’t watch star wars anymore really but has it memorized from gifsets, kylo ren was shirtless and luke is dead so nothing fazes her anymore, ignores main canon and instead pours herself into her ask blog au, literally uses ask blog more than main account, never visits dashboard anymore or even exposes self to discourse, rey solo, threadsketchier is still her favorite person on tumblr
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graciecatfamilyband · 7 years
Tagged by the lovely @otterandterrier
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions. (Lol, no.)
Coke or Pepsi: Coke
Disney or Dreamworks: Disney
Coffee or tea: Both
Books or movies: Books, but don’t underestimate my love for movies
Windows or Mac: IDGAF, give me a computer
DC or Marvel: I have to say neither
Xbox or PlayStation: XBox
Dragon Age or Mass Effect: Dragon Age sounds more fun? Pretty sure I’ve been in the room while people played mass effect and I found it boring?
Night owl or early riser: Night Owl but it changes
Cards or chess: Card games, I can’t really play chess
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate!!!!!
Star Wars or Star Trek: Star Wars
One episode per week or binge watching?: I am a binged when I can be
Studio Ghibli or Makoto Shinkai?: I don’t know what these are?
Heroes or Villains?: Heroes!
Notebook or on PC typing?: if you mean desktop or laptop, then laptop? (They all seem to call themselves notebooks these days.) If you mean paper or computer, typing on computer?
The X-Files or Supernatural?: i have seen neither but x-files seems cool
Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter?: movies LOTR, books Harry Potter
Sci-Fi or fantasy?: I like good books/movies in both genres but don’t actively seek out either genre
Vampires or werewolves?: Vampires
Romeo and Juliet or Hamlet?: Hamlet
Disneyland or Disney World?: Disneyland
Favorite Hamilton song?: NONSTOP! (But also Wait for It.)
Mermaid aus or College aus?: I would say neither, but I’d be lying to myself. I totallly read @organanation’s Han/Leia college AU and @luke-shywalker also did a really impressive Han/Leia college AU short snippet a few months back too.
Glitter or confetti?: Glitter
McDonald’s or Burger King?: McDonald’s
Warriors or Seekers series?: Huh?
Narnia or Percy Jackson?: I’d have to reread Narnia and read Percy Jackson to make an informed choice
TV series or movies: Movies but I do love TV series
Pasta or pizza: Pasta
Tagging: @onwardintolight @lajulie24 @rogueleadxr @singing-supper @luke-shywalker (if you want I know some people don’t like these things)
@organanation pretty sure someone else tagged you
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treenahasthaal · 6 years
I have been doing some digging around in the house and came across a cassette tape. One of the things on it was this from a Media West Con some time in the 1980s. Those of us who write fan fiction will understand.  I converted it to MP3 as I just wanted to share so that others can enjoy. 
It is about Han, but we Luke Skywalker fans will get the joke. 
Sorry for the poor quality... 
@lovesdaryl @ladylerxst @threadsketchier @tatooineknights @kaelinaloveslomaris @sskywallker @luke-shywalker @windona
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