#madoka magica was like my first tho i think
lotus-pear · 4 months
what if ur current fav character wore ur childhood fav character's outfit
CHUUYA WEARING MADOKAS DRESS FROM PMMM LMFAO😭😭😭 wish i could draw that but idk how to draw dresses anymore since ive spent six months drawing men in trench coats AND ALSO i don't remember how she looks i think there were hair ribbons and i remember her wearing pink but that's abt it :(((
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yrdnzz · 2 months
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did this for the unofficial blue lock zine on twitter, which you can look at here !! my prompt was "sleepover" :]
some thoughts/headcanons i had while drawing this:
since snuffy treats football as a job, i thought it would be in character (and very cute) if he gave his players mandatory rest days
these rest days aren't only when they dyed barou's hair but also when they have sleepovers n hang out!!
sleepover nights are arranged by aryu and sendou-- aryu does the decorating while sendou gets the snacks, chooses the movies, etc.
niko and aryu are watching puella magi madoka magica on niko's laptop. so far, mami is aryu's fav
niko's laptop has a sayaka miki sticker and a very off brand banana fish sticker that someone got him
sendou is always the first to fall asleep and every time the other members stuff a pillow under his head & throw a blanket on him. he's a heavy sleeper so once he's out, he's OUT
the plushies niko and aryu are holding belong to sendou
aiku looks like he's texting a girl & everyone assumes so but rly he's just watching baby animal tiktoks (usually baby chicks). sometimes niko gets nosy to see what he's doing and every time he gets whiplash
aryu painted everyone's nails black !!! though he made his own nails look a lil fancier because its ~osha~
barou is invited to everyone of these sleepovers but he rarely comes willingly, aiku and lorenzo usually drag him into this mess
in the drawing, barou's returning from a quick bathroom break or smth and while he was gone, lorenzo took his chances and brought out the popcorn
lorenzo is a messy eater so popcorn crumbs r everywhere..... barou hates it sooooooooooo much
HOWEVER in the drawing the popcorn mess isnt entirely from messy eating!! the real reason is lorenzo got bored and started bouncing popcorn off of sendou's forehead (his ass is NAWT waking up)
after having enough sleepovers, everyone kinda has their own spots & usually when barou is there, he's between aiku and niko-- he's cool being around them bc they usually just keep to their phones/laptops
^^ this doesnt stop lorenzo from throwing popcorn at him tho LMFAO and that's when aiku becomes not only the final wall for blue lock but the only wall between barou (becoming a murderer) and don "ace eater" lorenzo
and i think that's everything........ !!! if u read all this. Damn ur kinda my goat (THANK U)
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jojo-schmo · 6 months
I just wanna know, what other fandoms do you like other then Kirby?
Oh thanks for asking!! In terms of fandoms I’m really just active here in the Kirby world right now. And it’s been just lovely. But in terms of other things I like, I have lots :D
Is this a good excuse to show off my figure and pin collection and talk about the other stuff I like? I’m going to take it. If that’s something interesting to you I’ll throw it under the cut here. :D
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(I’ve redacted some pins from my personal life that are not fandom relevant) but here’s my little pin tapestry! It’s a work in progress but I love collecting pins!! It’s not the best photo but if anyone genuinely wants to see an individual pin or charm up close just ask :P
So just from this tapestry, I’ve got Kirby of course. And Kingdom Hearts as I’ve mentioned before. But I also play Genshin (as a Childe main hehe), love me some Star Wars (I need to watch the second season of Bad Batch I am just nervous for these characters lol), Jojo, Animal Crossing (Stitches is my favorite villager! Who’s yours?), SpongeBob (I am capable of an entire conversation made up of old SpongeBob quotes), Game Grumps/Starbomb, and up there near the top right is an Ava’s Demon pin from its first Kickstarter, and uhhh -coughing- a Homestuck pin from like 2013 -cough- I took the classpect quiz back then and I was a Mage of Breath plus John is my favorite character
Oh- and along the bottom it’s hard to see but I also really like Steven Universe, Undertale, Our Flag Means Death, Good Omens (not pictured but I hope to own some merch soon), and Breath of the Wild (haven’t gotten to the rest of the series yet but I’m interested in it!)
Here’s some more Kingdom Hearts and also Monsters Inc which I LOVE SO MUCH! Monsters University is my favorite Pixar movie, it’s very sentimental to me. Can’t believe I get to live in a world where Sora meets Mike and Sulley <3
Also my prized Keyblade Conductor Batons that I got at the KH Orchestra tours and are among my most cherished possessions of my life :’)
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Finally just another little display. I’ve collected Sorcerer Mickey stuff for a long time. Fantasia had a big impact on me when I watched it as a kid. And also a little lone Mami Tomoe figure who is my favorite from Madoka Magica , and was the first anime I ever watched. (One heck of an intro to the anime scene right??? Lol)
And finally there’s other stuff I’m really into that aren’t pictured like Pokémon and Fnaf and probably lots of others. I do love me some Pokémon tho. Dragonite is my favorite!!!!!! :D
Anyway there’s a little peek into the other stuff I like hehehe. There’s plenty more I’m not thinking of- I just enjoy a lot of media and stories!!
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riacte · 1 month
Part of the weirdness about m/f ships feels like this kind of performativity from insecure queer teens? At least I think so based on my own experiences. I've always been a big multishipper who likes f/f m/m m/f and any other kind of ship equally but there was awhile where I felt kinda ashamed if I liked a m/f ship "too much" bc I felt like I wasn't gay enough. Like I wasn't queer enough if I didn't ship gay ships enough. Even now (tho I've gotten better) I still feel this obligation to keep the ratios of ship fics I read "even" so I can prove I'm still a good queer. I think in my case it's probably part of my internalized biphobia (since I feel a similar obligation to make I prove I have attraction to all genders and am really bi "enough" in my actual daily life) and it's a similar feeling of stress at having to constantly police your own identity/attraction/interests.
It's unfortunate that this kind of insecurity in how queer we are seems so common in queer people especialky those of us who are young one w/out much actual dating experience (who make a large part of this fandom. This sort of "who even ships m/f lol gay ships only" I've seen others in this fandom doing feels very much like a way of coping with that insecurity, by proving you're gay enough through your ships. I'm sure there are plenty of people who simply are just not interested in m/f but I'm sure there are also others like me, trying to prove we're queer enough by carefully curating our fandom interests.
My thoughts on m/f ships is that the end of the day, shipping is just shipping. It doesn't actually necessarily say much about your sexuality or what you actually want in a relationship and certainly doesn't mean you're less queer.
(Obviously there are other factors too in the weird attitude ppl in the mcyt fandom have about m/f ships, but this is one that has affected me a lot and I've never seen anyone else talk about it so I wanted to bring it up. Idk I hope I made sense)
Thanks for the ask! It was really nice seeing this as a bi person who heavily mains m/f and sometimes feels bad for it (I also main friendships but I mained m/f reallllly hard pre 2020 aka. before this fandom).
Yeah, I feel like it could also be like "we see so much m/f in real life so we should go hard on the other options to even it out". This fandom specifically there's been problems of irl truthing in comments so I completely understand why people shy from it, but it's 2024, we're quite developed in the character vs cc divide, shipping m/f isn't the end of the world.
I do feel guilt over maining m/f (then liking f/f and m/m, in that order, yes Treebark is the exception and my first m/m that I really got into), like for a looong time I was pretty sure it was just terrible heteronormativity that I needed to kill, but now I feel like it's a mix of heteronormativity (which I fight like daily lmfao) and just. being attracted to men and women both. Because when I write m/f, I can write about being attracted to women and men all in one neat package. And it feels "equal" to me. I do tend to prefer pieces of media with an equal gender ratio, or at least the leads are (eg. Miraculous Ladybug (my ex fandom lmao), Kagerou Project (ex fandom, stares into the distance), Spy x Family, Assassination Classroom) so I can love male and female characters. When reading fics, I like reading about loving a man from a woman's pov and loving a woman from a man's pov. Even in HC with its highly uneven gender ratio, this manifests in the corner I've tucked myself into (False, Ren, Stress, Iskall, etc). Although I do also like media with mostly female characters - Love Live (another ex fandom lol), Precure, Madoka Magica, Nikkiverse - and I do read stuff, I just don't really write for them because I wanna write about girls AND guys. Shippy or not. And this leads me to main m/f a lot. That's my personal taste.
Side note: as a kid, I was frustrated by media aimed at boys which had like a whole cast of boys and one token (cardboard cutout) girl AND media aimed at girls which had a whole cast of girls and almost no boys. 9yo me in co-ed school was like "well this doesn't feel very pro gender equality, I want books with the same amount of boys AND girls :((((( oh wait. I can just write it." And.... it ended up defining what I write now? Even outside of shipping, I like m+f friendships a lot. Because I still get to write about a guy and a girl even if they don't kiss or whatever. Idk. Am I cursed with an extreme case of heteronormativity and / or internalised homophobia or am I bisexual. Maybe both. Idk.
Maybe I do have boring stupid milquetoast hetero taste whatever but I'm having a good time in my fandoms and my ships / dynamics. I like writing about my guys and girls and I'll keep on doing it. And I am queer. I am bisexual. This doesn't change.
Anyways watching HTTYD at a young age changed me. Hiccstrid you will always be my origin story <3
Thanks for the ask again! We don't have to prove our queerness because we are queer. Everyone has different tastes. And m/f does get a bad reputation in queer spaces because oftentimes it's done badly and ofc the enemy.... heteronormativity [evil].
Final note re sibling fanon: if you have to turn friends into siblings just to show you're not shipping, you are coming back to heteronormativity. Why can't a (straight) man and a (straight) woman be friends only. What assumptions are you making?
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sea-dwelling-wizard · 3 months
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who are you?
call me wizard!
i go by she/her pronouns.
i live in the mariana trench. if you wanna visit pls make sure you have the correct equipment i am not responsible for any harm or injury
this blog is for me to infodump about my interests and talk about my passions and thoughts! dw it doesnt bite :D
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what things do you like?
dancing with the fae, singing with the sirens, swimming with the ones down below, stargazing with myself, writing about realms beyond, sketching all that i see, summoning those above, coding the divine (HTML, PHP, now learning CSS!)
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fun facts
im not aesthetic at all im trying so hard to make this look good rn send help
im super girly :D
im not a picky eater, but put figs in front of me and i will explode
i love stuffed toys, figurines, and those of the like!! i still sleep with a plushie akajjshsh (its a whale plushie i love it sm)
i collect stationary. i dont use any of it
im thinking of opening a neocities but i dont know enough CSS to do that hhhh
im in a MASSIVE book slump rn 🙏im trying to get back into it thoo
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i don't live in the USA nor Europe. my timezone is in IST, so please be patient when you interact with my posts! i may stay up late on weekends tho ;D
i do not tolerate racism, transphobia, homophobia, sexism, TERFs, etc. on my blog. if you are an NSFW blog, you will be blocked.
i am a minor. please refrain from sending suggestive/graphic/violent asks.
on the other hand, please feel free to tag me in tag games!!
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some other stuff!
my favorite songs: reincarnation apple by pinnochio-p, non-breath oblige by pinnochio-p, god-ish by pinnochio-p, odo by ado, dramaturgy by eve, konoyo loading... by REOL, no title by REOL, wozwald by nilfruits, CH4NGE by giga-p, soleil soleil by pomme, hole-dwelling by kikuo, matryoshka by hachi
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my favorite books: the midnight library by matt haig, klara and the sun by kazuo ishiguro, and tons more!
what i'm reading: once upon a broken heart by stephanie garber!
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my favorite shows: puella magi madoka magica, sailor moon, arcane, dungeon meshi
indie shows i like: the amazing digital circus, hazbin hotel, port by the sea (pilot stage), lackadaisy (pilot stage), ramshackle (pilot stage)
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beneath the waves, within this soul: book 1 of the Heavenly Tetralogy
The Abyss consumes. It gives no mercy for those damned.
The dark is home for Ourra, a trench-dweller with plans of chaos. Haunted by his mistakes, he yearns to make all well again.
Atticus, a lost soul with nothing to lose, enters the Abyss to save those he loves; for a price, of course.
So, what will it be? Love, or the pain of a man turned evil?
Progress: outlining the third draft since the second was too wobbly
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on this sunset shall i sing: book 2 of the Heavenly Tetralogy
Having magic beyond the set boundaries of the realm you live in means high expectations. And when you break those expectations, it isn't pretty.
Now, the Impyreum is stuck in a state of chaos and darkness: who's to blame?! No, no, no, Apollo did not drown the Sun. That's what he said, anyway!
The First Protector sets sail for the seas to search for the missing fragments along with the smartest, dedicated, and the top investigators and strategists. Apollo is invited, and nobody really likes him for a while.
Where's the Sun? Will the light ever come back?
Progress: Nope. Nothing. I haven't even decided the team-
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Dive in!!! It'll be fun!!
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clearlydusty · 2 months
I’ve been seeing on people’s pages they like to post a small about me section, so I thought I’d do that, too.
A few things about me personally …
• You can call me Dusty, for that is my username, clearly.
• My pronouns are He/Him 🏳️‍⚧️ and while I’m not sure what my sexuality is, I’m pretty sure the one I closely identify with the best is (Cupio?) AroAce.
• I am NOT an adult, so keep that in mind when interacting with me n’ stuff. (Minor? I hardly know her! Agagagagagaa)
What will I post?
• I make art, all the art I post is mine. I might make a separate blog that I will use for reposting and stuff tho.
• I usually post fully done art, but from time to time I might post small sketches of like my Ocs or of characters I like.
• I am a multifandom-er, so I here’s a list of things I might draw/post about (and just things I like in gen) :
- Ace Attorney (as of current, the first two games)
- Mob Psycho 100
- Danganronpa (anime AND games)
- Saiki K
- Death Note
- Chainsaw Man (As of current I’m on volume 10)
- Neon Genesis Evangellion
- Sk8 to the Infinity
- Attack on Titan
- Hunter X Hunter
- Puella Magi Madoka Magica ( not very far in the series yet)
- Merlin (BBC)
- Good Omens
- Five Nights at Freddy’s
- Hatsune Miku : Colorful stage (Project Sekai)
- Genshin Impact
- Sally Face
- Omori
- Baulders Gate
- Life is strange (only 1 and 2)
- Red Dead Redemption 2
- Dead Plate
Thank you for following me and liking my posts! I’m sorry that I’m a slow posters as of current. I’m in the exam part of highschool rn so I might not be able to post a lot in April/May for like the next few years. I’m hoping to be able to start doing commissions for people, but I think it’s too early for that.
Thanks for reading ! 🩷
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manhaterturtles4jb · 10 days
This is my first tumblr post that isn't a rebblog. I'm still figuring out what name I want to use here, but, for the meantime, I am 21 years old, I go by she/they, I'm an art student and I live in south america. My first language is spanish, I've been fluent in english since I was around 12, and I really want to learn another language, but I don't know which one yet. But, getting to the point, I've always had a lot of reflections about everything around me, I'm constantly thinking and wondering about existence, change, mental health, the universe, etc. I don't mean to be pretentious btw, it's just that I truly get hit by these sorts of philosophical questions all the time and I think it's starting to bother me just keeping them all in. So I want to start writing about those things here to just get it out there, and maybe it can help me to know myself better. I am not the best writer by far, I actually struggle quite a lot to put my thoughts into place, so if you see I've made a mistake of some kind I would appreciate it if you let me know, I want to get better at this :D please be kind tho.
I will post about other things too, things I found interesting, stuff about my day, idk.
Since I am a photographer, I would like to post some photos here and maybe share ideas/tips with other photographers! I want to post some covers (when I record them,,) and original songs (when I write them,,,). I'm really into boygenius and their individual music as well, but I do have to admit that phoebe and julien hit harder for me. Do I have a huge parasocial crush on julien baker? Maybe (I started reading fanfiction again after like 6 years because of her). Am I not over seeing phoebe bridgers live in 2022 yet? Definitely not. Oh, another thing. I. LOVE. MADOKA. MAGICA. Seriously, I have a tattoo of homura's grief seed on one arm. Love dan and phil, love fleabag, plushies, pink mugs and 31 minutos. Other than that, I really like fashion and make-up, tho I'm sort of having an identity crisis when it comes to my looks :P
I think I should also mention that I'm a feminist and pro-choice, just in case.
Well, that's about it. If you're seeing this and you like similar stuff, you're welcome to stick around. Have a great day/night :D
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gojoest · 9 months
ai 💞💞💞 i love you so much and i’m off anon because i stand by my questions!!! <3
1. who is your favorite character aside from go** and shanks?
2. what is your ultimate comfort food/meal?
3. if you could live anywhere in the world (pretend you have the financial means to live wherever you want), where would you live and why?
kae you are literally my dearest and i love you so SO very much <3
1. i’m going to completely leave jjk out of this btw and list some characters i don’t talk about much or not at all (at least here) but love so dearly, so here we go !
one piece: i have so many fave op characters but my tops (aside from shanks that is) are : ace, zoro, doflamingo, luffy, law & robin
haikyuu: i love them all but my heart belongs to iwaizumi hajime forever and always
hunter x hunter: killua (my child), hisoka, chrollo, illumi, feitan, meruem, pakunoda, palm
bleach: AIZEN, UNOHANA, ichigo, zaraki, urahara, byakuya, grimmjow, shunsui, yoruichi, ulquiorra
vagabond: sasaki kojiro!!!!!!!!!!!! (i am obsessed with him)
k project: suoh mikoto
kuroko no basket: akashi, aomine, kise, kiyoshi
aria: alice, alicia, akari
samurai champloo: mugen
puella magi madoka magica: homura
i can keep going but i’ll stop here or else
2. pizza! pasta! sushi! rice! anything with rice I LOVE RICE SO MUCH! my favorite rice dish is sarma (rice stuffed in grape leaves) and i can eat my weight in it :3
3. hmmm this is a tough one but i’d choose barcelona! i was there years ago but think i left part of myself there. idk i was just so impressed like it’s truly one of the most beautiful cities i’ve ever been to, not only architecture wise but like the ppl there, too — they were all so warm and welcoming, it all made me fall in love so deeply with the place. during my whole stay there i felt like i was at home and was pretty homesick when i left :( missing it so so much i want to go back again one day. also fun fact, growing up i was a huge football fan (not anymore tho) and maybe it has something to do with my dad being a retired football player lmao but yea, my favorite team has always been barca which maybe makes me a bit biased about the city itself and why it’s my dream place to live in. i remember how i was in literal tears when i first entered camp nou (it’s fc barcelona’s stadium/home). i literally cried LIKE ACTUAL TEARS and had goosebumps that just wouldn’t go away even after returning to my hotel room like i thought there was something wrong with my skin but it was just me being overwhelmed by emotions. it was such an experience.. like football to me back then was what jjk is to me rn and barca was like gojo to me… do you understand how obsessed i was kajshdsskala
ANYWAY sry i rambled so much sob T—T and thank you for dropping by with such lovely questions <3
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stellamancer · 3 months
Words cannot describe how much I ADORE bten. Such a marvelous piece of writing. I'm surprised I got to read this incredible fic for free???? pls pls pls tell me you're also secretly a New York bestselling author so I can go read your books pls pls pls.
I read it all in one sitting, so I may be misremembering things, but I always assumed that the reason Kenny started noticing the time traveler was that each time they died, they accumulated more and more cursed energy (from the trauma of dying over and over again). Or is that not how it works? Did the time traveler have a lot of cursed energy right at the beginning or did their cursed energy grow after each loop. The latter makes more sense to me, considering they started to only see the curses after a few iterations, but I might have misread!
Another question! Approximately how long was the time traveler stuck there? At one point, they say thousands of years but that can't be true hahaha....right? for the sake of the time traveler's mental state i sure hope not.
Final question buuuut why did gojo keep giving the time traveler his number? I think it's heavily implied that it's due to the immense cursed energy and he wants to know more about them but maybe there was also a romantic interest at first glance maybe maybe???
Im so sorry for all these questions AND how long this ask got. You are just such a talent writer!!!! thank you so much for gifting us this masterpiece!!!!
omg. thank you so much!!! unfortunately, i am not a new york times best selling writer. if i was, then my ●●●● shrine would be SO BIG. alas. a girl can dream tho.
okay so! yes! reader did keep accumulating more and more cursed energy with each subsequent loop! at the beginning they didn't have very much, but at the moment of their very first death, their cursed energy spiked up just high enough to trigger their technique. and with each death, they kept building up more and more. which is why they eventually became able to see jogo and hanami as well as why they kept waking up earlier and earlier, or rather, going further and further back in time. actually, this is. a bit of a reference to madoka magica where, madoka continues to gain more and more potential energy before she makes her transformation.
nooooo they weren't stuck in the loop for thousands of years! it was that they'd gone through thousands of loops! i know they stopped counting, but i have an exact number: 15,532 loops. not every loop lasted the same amount of time. the first few loops were probably only a few minutes at most, while the loops were reader made it to kenny were probably as long as an hour and a half or so. if we assume each loop lasted an hour that comes out to 647 days, which is a little over a year and nine months, but since there were the shorter loops, it'd be less than that. i think. math is not my strong point. but putting it in those terms, it doesn't seem like all that long, does it? not even two years… so i think that worked in their favor wrt their mental state!! 1000 years would have definitely… been too much.
also, i'm diverging a little here, but reader does mention the possibility of going back far enough to avoid being in shibuya and. like. if that had happened. then. they would still have died LMAOOO. no matter what.
as for your last question! it is most definitely due to the insane amount of cursed energy they have. i wouldn't say that he wants to know more about them per se… but he definitely has something in mind LMAO. that being said!! i wouldn't completely write off any initial attraction, because like, if i had thought it logistically possible to have a little romance, i would have done so. but it just wasn't possible with the situational constraints.
but the thought of gojo being instantly attracted to someone in like a ketchup bottle costume is infinitely hilarious to me.
and no need to apologize for all your questions!! i can honestly and truly say i've been there so i get it!! honestly, i should be thanking you for giving me the opportunity to ramble about this fic to an audience. i feel like there's always more to a fic than the actual words in the fic, like extra secret lore… what happens before and after… all sorts of stuff!! i'm really glad that you liked it enough to ask too!! and!! thank you for asking!! really!! truly!! thinking of how to answer this got me through the rest of my day job HAHAHA. i'm sorry this got so long too LMAO.
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moved05 · 3 months
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🧚‍♀️ elf.maid (Discord)
🧚‍♀️ 6842-5633-7797 (Switch).
🧚‍♀️ 764659094 (Genshin UID)
hi hi, my name is myskia (theorised to mean 'bat' in Old Swedish - it is found on a runestone, other meanings may also include 'to darken', 'twilight', 'gloom' and 'dusk').
interests; majorly interested in all things to do thats whimsical, fantasy + gothic themes, supernatural creatures + morbid themes etc, all fascinate me + 99% of things i like includes one of those things 😭
👾 gaming - skyrim, stardew valley, hogwarts legacy, elden ring, bloodborne, witcher, wizard 101, alice:madness returns, legend of zelda twilight princess, angels of death, the witch's house, dragon age inquisition, Ib, Outlast, Sims 3 Supernatural + more
👻 films/tv series/books - beetlejuice (musical), the dark crystal: age of resistance, what we do in the shadows, v for vendetta, dune, matrix, hannibal tv series, hannibal movies (silence of the lambs, red dragon etc), avatar, house of the dragon, the witcher, twilight, the crow, the munsters tv series, the addams family, monster high, disney films, LOTR, interview w/ the vampire, the vvitch, the lost boys, queen of the damned, van helsing, scooby doo, the craft, hocus pocus, crimson peak, sleepy hollow, 99% of tim burton films (nightmare before christmas, frankenweenie, coraline, corpse bride, alice in wonderland, sweeney todd, beetlejuice, Edward scissorhands etc), casper the friendly ghost, my sister the vampire book series, room on the broom, + lots more 😭 basically anything whimsical, witchy and spooky i usually love 😭
🎃 anime + manga - soul eater, death note, shiki, elfen lied, madoka magica, sailor moon, the cat returns, castlevania, berserk (+ manga, tw warning tho), witch hat atelier, siuil (girl from the other side) + more, i am getting back into anime + manga so pls send me recommendations 😭
🦇 music - zheani, moonspell, nightwish, björk, kate bush, cher, emilie autumn, chelsea wolfe, rob zombie, nina hagen, yeule, switchblade symphony, the birthday massacre, cocateau twins + so many more,this list is gonna get too long 😭 i'll have my spotify in this post somewhere, check #🦷 mp3 / #🧚‍♀️ mp3 if you want to find more i haven't listed here
🐈‍⬛ fave creatures + other - zebra jumping spider, hercules beetle, luna moths, death hawk moths, black witch moth, dragons!!, black cats, worms, leeches, white plume moth, ghost slug (first found in my country! 😍😭 tho i think the theory is they accidentally got here), mermaid purses, moon jellyfish, poison frog + glass frog, silver foxes, wolves, magpie (my fave bird, why do they sound like a machine gun but look so pretty waa 😭),
🌙 misc - the colours purple/black/lavender blue/dark green, fascinated with the culture surrounding death, the ocean + space, collecting teeth, weird medieval art (like fighting snails, tooth 'wyrms' or skeletons tending to gardens 😭), welsh mythology (love celtic mythology in general though), abandoned and/or haunted places, the smell of soil after rain (petrichor), elves and fairy faith, crystals, amethyst (birthstone), astrology (i like both western + vedic!), thelema, norse mythology, sword / knife collecting, foraging, the poison path (usage of poisonous plants in witchcraft/ritual), carnivorous plants, anything lore-wise about hedge riding (using trance to "fly" or astral project), dreams / dream symbolism / dream dictionaries etc, divination (tarot especially).
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paenseo · 1 year
favourite colour(s): Currently I'm loving pastel colors. I see anything pastel? I love it and I want it. favourite flavour(s): Uhh.. anything that is savory, I guess? I like spicy, but I'm weak and my spice-level is low, so. I guess I like all flavors as long as it's not too much?? favourite genre(s): It depends on my mood ! Though lately I've been mainly liking horror and angst but also fluff and just mainly feel-good threads where they're just bonding. favourite music: Rock ! And OSTs from games and series. favourite movie: I don't think I have one, I rarely watch movies lately. Probably Spirited Away, it's kinda my comfort movie. favourite series: Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Since I rewatched it and finally watched the movie.. I've been having nonstop brainrot about it. last song: Dreamcatcher - REASON. last series: Alice in Borderland. last movie: [flatline noise] Uuuh, it's been really long so I don't remember. I remember watching part of the movie in space with the woman as a sole survivor? I guess that counts, don't know the name tho. currently reading: I started reading The Witcher a couple months ago but haven't finished the first book yet and basically gave up. currently watching: Alchemy of Souls. And right at this moment I'm watching a friend's stream. currently working on: playing through P3 portable and grinding on Punishing Gray Raven & Honkai Impact 3rd. I should be working on my starters I've owed for like a month now.. but I've been so unmotivated.
tagged by : @thuganomxcs and @jackstabbaths, thank you both ! ♥
tagging : @enshijou, @mirrorsoftheotherself, @causalitylinked, @cnfidant, @oraclememehacker, @crossxskulled, @fatexbound and whoever that hasn't done it and who wants to do it !
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kira-kira-kitty · 2 years
Would you say Homura is a Kuudere? I'm currently planning on watching Madoka, for a handful of reasons, but one of them is because I'm looking for more examples of Kuuderes for my own writing! (And you seem like you know Madoka front and back)
hi anon!! sorry this is so late, but it makes me so incredibly happy that you reached out to me w/ a madoka question ♡ this series is so important to me and ive watched it dozens of times so i can def give you my take!
in short, it depends on how you view it. for your writing, she might be a good character study regardless tho!! major spoilers ahead so def watch before you read further!!
**spoilers for the series ahead!!**
homura is depicted as cool, calm, and collected with a soft spot for madoka for the majority of the series - a typical kuudere archtype. however, we learn in episode 10 that she wasn't always this way; in fact, she was much more similar to the dandere archtype prior to her first meeting with madoka. her detachment and cold attitude are directly resultant of her trauma - after repeatedly trying and failing to save the one person she loves the most, she becomes hardened. that is to say, she isnt inherently kuudere - by nature, she's soft spoken, nervous, and reserved.
in that regard, i think she can be really helpful as a character study for your writing because she forces you to question *why* your character is kuudere. is it how they were raised? is it resultant of trauma? are they emulating someone? or is it just their nature?
**spoilers for rebellion ahead!!**
i think another way we see that the kuudere persona is a direct response to trauma is in the movie rebellion. at the start of the film, homura has no memory of the events of the main series. hence, she reverts to her natural meek state. as she remembers the events of her past and begins to realize that the idyllic life she'd created was a farce, she hardens once more. the undoing of her braids mimics the undoing of her self - just as she no longer cares to braid her hair, she also no longer cares what happens to her (or anyone else for that matter) so long as madoka is protected. there is a scene wherein madoka is braiding homuras hair while holding her and comforting her. we see that this gesture cannot restore her - even if she heals from her trauma, she will never be the same meek girl she once was. you could argue that by the end of rebellion, homura has moved beyond being a kuudere and is now closer to a yandere. i personally have gripes with the way the ending was carried out (the character change felt too sudden imo, and thats emphasized by the immediate change in her visually), but thats beside the point
**no more spoilers from here on**
tl;dr - homura is a great character study for writing a kuudere bc she helps you consider the *reason* for a kuudere's behavior and attitude. also, madoka magica is just an amazing watch
it's almost 2am and im sleepy, so im sure i missed something, but i hope this helps anyway!! ill add if i think of anything but genuinely thank you so much for this ask im literally always so happy to talk about madoka ♡♡
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randoimago · 1 year
Hi, I'm in a self indulgent mood. So I decided to just do this whole list for fun! Here is the link to the Ask Game.
I'll add all my answers and such under the cut so it's not just a wall of text in your face!!
🖌 - Do you have/want any tattoos?
I don't have any but I do have a few I really want. I'd love a d20 on my wrist, my mom and brother's birthdays on like a scroll with extra space (so I can put any kids I might have on it), and a full moon over a waxing crescent. I'd probably let my mom and brother pick a tattoo for me to get as well.
💚 - What’s your favourite colour?
Green and blue have always been colors I've loved since I was little. As I've gotten older, I really grew to love pink and yellow too. I do prefer the lighter shades (and I find pastels v cute). While I mostly did my blog theme for like Valentine's day, I would say rn pink is def my favorite.
🍕 - What’s the last thing you ate?
Baked potato 🥰 it has to be my favorite food. Potatoes are just godsend and baked potatoes? Hell yes
🕰 - What time is it where you are rn?
As if right now, it's 8:50pm. No idea what time it'll be when I post this.
🌟 - What is your zodiac sign?
Scorpio! Nov. 11th is my birthdate. Although wasn't there like a new zodiac sign that was introduced a few years ago? I think technically my zodiac should be that one, but I think I want to keep Scorpio.
🌍 - What is your favourite accent?
Accents are so cute you guys. I'd probably go with the lighter, airy Irish accent.
⚡️ - Do you have any scars?
I have a couple small ones on my hands due to burns while cooking (the amount of times I've been splashed by oil 😅)
🌺 - What’s your MBTI type?
I took the test just cause I don't know how much it changed from the last time I did it. I got INTP: The Logician. It's interesting cause I think every time I've done the test, it's swapped between INTP and INFP
🥀 - Favourite animated movie?
Oof. It's probably between Coraline, Spirited Away, and The Corpse Bride.
📺 - Favourite show?
Critical Role (webshow), Madoka Magica (anime), Teen Titans (cartoon)
😂 - Are you ticklish?
Yep! I don't know how ticklish tho since it's been a while since anyone has tried tickling me. I know I was v ticklish as a baby child but now I think it's mostly my feet that are ticklish.
💍 - Do you ever want to get married?
Absolutely! I'd love to be married some day and have kids. Or if I somehow end up really rich, I might adopt. I mostly want to be a mom. But if I can find someone that can deal with me then I'd like to marry too!
😳 - Do you like your name?
I didn't when I was younger but since becoming an adult and applying for jobs (since you have to use your full name and not a nickname), it's really grown on me. Yeah Kat isn't my real name, but I enjoy it v much as a nickname.
💙 - What colour is your bedroom?
It's a fucking green screen Green. I wasn't around when my room was being painted and my mom mentioned being afraid it'd be too bright. But hey, at least I have a green screen whenever I want to clear space and do weird stuff.
🤓 - How did you get your name?
Ooh so without giving away my whole name, my initials are due to a bet my dad made (some thing was being named and my initials were one of the options, which won). One of my middle names is because my mom's aunt (my great aunt) was a nun and so she couldn't have kids so my mom named me after her (she was my favorite aunt, I very much miss her ❤️). My first name is based on a character from my dad's favorite book.
🎓 - When did/do you graduate?
2018 was when I finished High School. I haven't done college yet just cause I want to save up money and see if I can figure myself out a bit first before doing that.
🍄 - Do you have/want any piercings?
Man I'd love to get piercings but when I first got my ears pierced, they swelled up real badly in like 2 days. I know I have real sensitive skin, but I thought real metals wouldn't affect me that badly. Boy I was wrong. So for now I'll just longingly look at facial jewelry and sigh.
👀 - What colour are your eyes?
Hazel! Depending on what I wear they can look more on the green side.
👱🏻‍♀️ - What is your go to hairstyle?
Pixie cut! I don't have an exact style of pixie, I don't know that much about hair 😅 but I love getting pixie cuts.
🥂 - Have you ever drank underage?
Yes. Never anything good though since it was mostly beer or whatever was being drank due to the holiday.
🍾 - Have you ever gotten drunk?
Nope! I've been tipsy but I always get super tired when I drink so I haven't been able to stay awake long enough to get drunk (which I always do around people I trust, not to worry anyone!)
😱 - What’s your biggest fear?
Claustrophobia. I can probably deal with it better if I'm around someone I really trust so they can help calm me down. This one might be more niche, but being eaten when I'm in some body of water terrifies the shit out of me. I'm decent at swimming, but there's no way in hell I'm going to outswim anything that wants to eat me.
🥵 - Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
God I hate both of them so much. I prefer cold weather so I can bundle up and be comfy. But I'd rather be too hot. Maybe I can sweat off some of my water weight 🙃
🌦 - What’s your favourite weather?
If I don't have to go anywhere, I love the rain. It's just so soothing and a good time. I also love the sound of thunder. I still love rain even if I have to go somewhere, but I'd prefer lighter rain and hopefully it's not cold out while it's raining.
🍂 - What’s your favourite season?
Autumn/Fall. It's just cozy and the vibes are immaculate.
🐷 - What’s your favourite animal?
I am an animal lover so this is tricky. I've been really into pigs lately. They're v cute and I'd love a little piggy (good for hiding bodies too).
🐶 - Do you have any pets?
I mean, I'm not shy about sharing my babies. I have three cats and a dog. I have a few chickens too but I wouldn't really count them as pets.
😴 - What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
Back when I was in high school, I could go a couple nights without sleep. But now, I am an old lady with my sleep schedule.
🎨 - Any hobbies?
Besides the obvious, I can loom knit (well I can make an octopus and that's it) but I've made so many for friends and family. It's v fun although I got a new knitting needle and have stabbed myself so many times cause it's ungodly sharp.
🛩 - If travelling was free, where’s the first place you’d go?
I'm overthinking this and that's the issue. If traveling was free then I know I'd be on some waiting list to travel some places because everyone will want to go (trips to Japan would take years). Honestly, I'd probably go to Texas because I have a very good friend that lives there. We've been online friends since I was in middle school and so I really would like to meet her IRL
🎇 - What’s your most searched thing on Google?
Haven't looked yet but I'm nervous laughing because it could be so many things. The amount of times I've looked up "What happens to a body in these conditions..." 😅
I'm dumb, my most recent thing is the MBTI test since I retook it for this
📱 - Favourite app on your phone?
I don't have that many apps on my phone tbh. Webtoons is probably the one that gets used the most (I do have the tumblr app but I much prefer browser). I guess I'd have to go with Discord tho just cause it's how I communicate with friends and there's many fun memories there.
🤠 - Are you more of a city person or a country person?
I live in the country right now and while I love all the open space and there being no rules about what I can and can't do, I do miss being able to go out and do stuff in the city. If I lived in a city that doesn't require driving to get to places then I'd be city girl 100%. So I'll have to go with country just because driving scares me (well other people driving scares me, especially in the city. Everyone is chill driving in the country).
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Do you still have faith in the fourth meguca movie?
I honestly have a lot of mixed feelings about the idea of the 4th movie, in a lot of different directions.
On one hand, do I have faith the movie will exist? Yes and no, I think the reasons its been put on hold are perfectly valid and frankly if after a decade Anno finally put out 3+1, I think that Orubuchi focusing for a while on other anime isn't necessarily a sign that it'll never come out. They very clearly want this thing to happen and idk as there's some kind of production problems in the way or anything, but honestly it might just be taking a while. I mean, think about how long it took for Mob season 3 to come out after 2, even how long it took after the official production announcement. Maybe they're keeping quiet cause there isn't much to say, or maybe it's still in production hell. I'm generally hopeful tho.
The other part of this is, am I hopeful this movie will be what I want to be? And that kinda gets into a messy spot because I have to ask, what is this movie likely to be about, what do I want it to be about, and do my feelings align with Madoka Magica as a whole? We already know that Walpurgisnacht is in the title and that the big witch made some small appearances in the 4th film announcement, so we can presume it'll be involved in the plot somehow. My concern about this plot point is that I feel like Walpy doesn't need to be in the plot? Like sure, Walpurgisnacht is an interesting and mysterious plot device in the original show, this ominous force that's alluded to multiple times before we see it properly, something so destructive that it took many time loops of layered potential and even Madoka becoming Godlike and succumbing into despair and becoming an even more powerful witch to beat in previous timelines. But I feel like all Walpurgisnacht represents is that, a plot device. We can dig into how it was formed all we want, but Walpurgisnacht is only really a villain as much as a natural disaster in a thriller movie is. I don't think it needs to be personified because Homura and Madoka are the central focus of the character dynamics, especially now that Homura is a demon. Homura may resemble Walpurgisnacht as Homulilly, something very intentional, but I've never really subscribed to the theory that she becomes Walpy because I think the parallel more serves to represent Homura's mindset, which is super practical. Being a magical girl is a duty, not a blessingz so she has a schoolgirl uniform on. Witches are nothing but obstacles, so her concept of a witch is the biggest and most dangerous one she knows of. In many ways her becoming a witch is the first time I think she considers what the monsters she's been fighting really feel, which is a fascinating character shift for her and a neat insight onto what witches are thinking. But although Walpurgisnacht and Homulilly's missions do have parallels, I feel like they're distinct enough to be separated.
We also have to ask, what do I want to see and does it align with what's likely? Personally I think the ideal movie 4 for Madoka is something that takes a lot from the latter half of End of Evangelion, and perhaps 25 and 26 as well. I think there's plenty of reason for there to be extensive sequences of Madoka and Homura talking things out and covering how they feel about each other, why, and what to do next. In a lot of ways I feel like it would be a really cathartic ending to their story, them finally being able to just have a heart to heart after all the things in the plot that have kept them distant. I think another good reference point would be @pinkthread 's old ask blog, something that imo really takes hold of the more melancholic and raw parts of the story I would love to see more of. I have ideas in my head of Madoka and Homura talking in abstract space, maybe represented by old areas in the anime. Madoka has burns and scars from the imagery in Rebellion. Perhaps they duel on a field of white flowers, and blood that's shed turns them into spider lilies. It's the emptiness and melancholy that I want to see from Madoka. Something like a dream. But I don't know if that's what's going to come out of it, or even if it's what should come out of it. Madoka plays with some similar themes to Eva, and even some similar executions, but they're pretty distinct. I don't know if my interpretation is in line with what is or should happen in the 4th film. Maybe it'll be more punchy and full of action, with heavy moments and deaths like in the original. Who knows. I can't help but feel like I'm on to something tonally, though, even if my vision isn't going to be realized.
So to sum things up, I have a lot of mixed feelings but I'm generally cautiously hopeful the movie 4 will be made at least sometime and that it'll deliver on some of the things I'm hoping for.
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terras-diary · 3 months
anime review - madoka magica
some context: i watched this way back when in like 2012. it was probably one of the first anime i had ever seen. i rewatched it with justin, he had never seen it before.
the story: in the past year or two i have seen people on tumblr saying this show sucks actually, and i was worried that it would just be some stupid edgy show. it really wasn't. i actually probably liked the story more this time around than before. i think it's because i've been exposed to more anime since then. like at that point i had only seen parts of sailor moon, so in theory i knew what a magical girl was but it didn't quite click as to why madoka was so different. i think the same can even be said for eva. that was another of my first animes i ever watched (on myspace believe it or not). i didn't understand mecha anime tropes then and tbh i still haven't watched anything other than that (i don't think) so maybe i don't even get eva as good as i could if i had watched series previous to it.
in retrospect i am now suspicious of all lil guys in magical girl anime. justin watched cardcaptor sakura a couple of years ago and i asked if the little dog thing was evil and he was like 'no!!wtf' so perhaps this story has had more lasting damage on my mind than previously thought.
also just loved how homura had a normal ass hand gun. that was hilarious. if i was a magical girl i'd want a normal gun too tbh.
the characters: you know i didn't really like sayaka and kyoko the first time around but i liked them this time. homura and madoka were still my favs tho. and i think i like em even more!
conclusion: yea i still think this is a good show. i think i appreciate it more now than way back when. i'm kind of interested in the movies too - i heard they are good.
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omg-kawaiiangel-chan · 5 months
✧:・゚( ̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:̲̅]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅ ) ・゚Intro・゚( ̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:̲̅]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅ ) ・゚✧
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(under read more)
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 About Me
: ̗̀➛ My name is Ame!! I go by many names but right now my main secondary name is Shiro. this is solely my blog.
: ̗̀➛ I use it/its pronouns and I am genderless and gay.
: ̗̀➛ I am taken by my lovely boyfriend, Kuro 🖤🖤
: ̗̀➛ I have cfs and DID. I am the host.
: ̗̀➛ I act kind of weird at times?? Not in an age regessor was but. I guess in a terminally online cutecore poster way. That usually passes and doesnt last long, it is particularly prominent during manic episodes or when im experiencing strong delusions. Please know that i also think its weird but i have no control over it. Its like im being possessed . Im so normal please
: ̗̀➛ this is a side blog, my main is @raincandy-uu
: ̗̀➛ I am working towards getting my credentials to become a teacher.
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 Interests
: ̗̀➛ Needy Streamer Overload
: ̗̀➛ Menhera
: ̗̀➛ Yandere Simulator (the game sucks tho and so does yan dev. I just have issues)
: ̗̀➛ Happy Sugar Life (I DO NOT SHIP SATOU AND SHIO. I DO NOT SUPPORT PEDOPHILIA. I have a lotof thoughts about this. You wouldnt even understand)
: ̗̀➛ Undertale/Deltarune
: ̗̀➛ Homestuck (not as much anymore)
: ̗̀➛ Madoka Magica
: ̗̀➛ UTAU (primarily Shiro Chune)
: ̗̀➛ Drawing
: ̗̀➛ Manwha (this is rlly vague, i know, but i read so many and they are all kind of the same. I mainly read otome isekai)
: ̗̀➛ Creepypastas
: ̗̀➛ The Arcana Game (i also hate the game so so much. I hate nix hydra and dorian and i do not support any of the developers who worked on the game or are in charge of it now. the game is undeniably shit and is full of weird / bigoted beliefs. I dont like a LOT of the canon stuff and mainly post about headcanons)
: ̗̀➛ +more!!!!!!
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 BYF
: ̗̀➛ I will tag things for mutuals/friends, if you send an anonymous ask or I do not know you, I will not trigger tag (unless it is nsft or has flashing lights)
: ̗̀➛ I do not have a strict DNI, however I will block whoever I want. Do not message me asking why, I will not respond.
: ̗̀➛ I'd prefer if only those 16+ interacted, but if I follow you first (whether you have your age stated on your blog or not), do not worry about it.
: ̗̀➛ Endogenic/Tulpa/Non-traumatic "systems" and their "supporters" can go die. You are not welcome here.
: ̗̀➛ That being said, I do think of and consume media of toxic/abusive character relationships (although I tend to avoid non-consensual and pedophilic dynamics). I do not "ship" these relationships. I am not a pro shipper and i ask that any pro shippers kindly fuck off. (This goes for com ship/dark ship. Just be a normal fucking person and dont use weird ass labels lol)
: ̗̀➛ If you have any questions or concerns, please PM me or send public asks. Private ones will not be answered/will be met with a rude remark (sometimes blaire takes over my blog and they will say. Very rude things. )
: ̗̀➛ I will be reblogging medical/bloody/dark things, if that bothers you then do not follow
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