#maggie shaw x reader
venus-haze · 1 year
Kick It Out (Queen Maeve x Reader)
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Summary: Maeve doesn’t date, for her own good and that of anyone she might be interested in. Teaching you how to kickbox definitely isn’t dating, even if the two of you do flirt every time you’re alone.
Note: Female reader with some references to being plus size, but not enough for me to designate the fic as such. No other descriptors are used. This takes place slightly before Homelander outed Maeve, but she still does a lot of internal shittalking about him. Hopefully I did well with her characterization because I’m already planning a follow-up. Do not interact if you’re under 18 or post thinspo/ED content.
Word count: 3k
Warnings: Some references to homophobia Maeve’s experienced. Homelander vaguely threatens the reader to Maeve. Semi-public fingering, Maeve's kinda rough. Do not interact if you’re under 18.
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It was a coincidence, really, when Maeve walked by Vought’s employee gym during one of the yoga sessions that was part of HR’s company wellness initiative. She’d forgotten Vought even had that, not interacting much with the corporation's rank and file on a regular basis and using The Seven’s exclusive gym to train. The employee gym was spacious, clean, and at that moment filled with dozens of Vought employees in a rainbow of athleticwear. Maeve could remember the old Jane Fonda workout tapes her mom used to put on in the mornings, how pleased she was with little Maggie’s rapt attention at the videos. You always need to keep your body moving, Maggie. It’s so important. 
Her eyes scanned the group lazily until they landed on you in the middle of a stretch that made Maeve feel like that little girl staring at Jane Fonda in spandex all over again. She licked her lips, giving you a quick once over before anyone could notice. You would become target number one the moment Homelander got a whiff she was remotely interested in you. Her fists clenched at the thought of how he–and her own complacency–ruined her relationship with Elena. She couldn’t do that to you, not that she even knew your name, and she wouldn’t learn it if she could help it. She wasn’t that selfish.
At least, that’s what she thought, until somehow she kept running into you. An interview here, a briefing there, she wasn’t even sure what you did at Vought exactly. It didn’t matter. You clearly hadn’t drunk the Kool-Aid, viewing your job as a way to pay the bills instead of the feverish devotion so many of its employees had. She started looking forward to seeing you, taking the opportunity to stand next to you when she could and exchange quips back and forth about how corny a promotion seemed or how weird the marketing team was. 
Like clockwork, though, you’d be in the employee gym whenever the yoga classes were being held. She casually brought it up one day, asking if you were really that into yoga, or just taking advantage of the free classes.
You nodded. “Yoga’s nice, but I’d love to get into kickboxing or something. I’m kind of nervous to sign up for a class. I’ve never done anything like that before, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to keep up.”
“I can teach you,” Maeve said, the words coming out of her mouth before she could even think.
“Are you sure? That’d be great, but only if you have the time and everything.”
“Yeah, let me give you my number. It’ll be easier to plan that way.”
You handed your phone to her, and she quickly entered her personal number into your messages, texting a simple ‘Hey’ to herself. She hesitated a moment before giving you back your phone. Okay, this was for real. She was committing to it. 
“I’ll text you later. I’m free most weeknights, so just let me know,” you said cheerfully.
A sour mix of excitement and regret clouded her mind until you left, and as she walked down the hall to the elevator, she thought she’d at least have a chance to at least convince herself that it wouldn’t be that bad. She was never that lucky.
“Uncharacteristically nice of you to offer to help out Y/N,” Homelander said, almost as if materializing out of nowhere.
Maeve balled her hands into fists at her side. Why did he always have to be lurking? Recently, he had been fucking off to god only knows where, sometimes for days at a time. Of course he had to be around when she finally made a move. “I’m just full of surprises.”
“Your heart’s beating like a racehorse, Maeve. You’re not that excited about just practicing some kickboxing moves, are you? I’d be a better partner than her, in that case. You and I are practically indestructible. Her on the other hand—it’s amazing how fragile humans are.”
Maeve remained silent, letting out a shaky breath as she refused to acknowledge his taunting.
“You think she knows her sports bra is a size too small? I mean, one downward dog and her tits are practically spilling out of—“
“Get a grip,” Maeve snapped.
“Hey, don’t be like that. It’s just locker room talk,” Homelander said, a menacing smile plastered across his face. “Speaking of surprises, I wonder what Y/N would think if she knew this was all a ploy for you to get into those tight yoga pants of hers. I guess I can’t blame you. Not exactly my type, but with the way you can see her panty line through them, she’s practically asking for it.”
“Asking for what?” she asked, standing taller as she looked him in the eye, daring him to make his threat. 
“Hit a nerve there, huh, Maeve?”
“Mind your business, and I’ll mind mine.”
“Well, you sure know how to pick ‘em,” he said abruptly.
She knew him well enough that it meant someone was coming down the hall, and he didn’t want them hearing a word he said. Scoffing, she shook her head as she walked away, trying to keep a brave face as she made her way to the elevator. 
Storming into her suite, she slammed the door behind her and threw the nearest breakable object at the wall before collapsing onto the couch, her head in her hands. Fuck. She’d been too obvious, too careless, and now you were going to be on the receiving end of it. Keeping her distance wouldn’t be fair to you, and it’d only put you in more danger when it came to Homelander. As much of a Girl Scout as Starlight could be sometimes, at least she was willing to risk it all for Hughie, even when he was lying through his teeth to her about Butcher and Compound V. At the very least, Maeve could do the same for you moving forward.
Still, she decided she was way too sober for her liking, and dug through her cabinets to find a half-drunk bottle of vodka, wanting to escape the gravity of the situation she found herself in for just a little while. 
The next day, she woke up a few minutes past eleven, her head pounding as she checked her phone. A few missed calls and texts, including one from you: ‘Hey! Homelander said you were sick. Hope you feel better soon💐’
Between the thought of Homelander being near you and her raging hangover, Maeve leaned over the side of the bed, throwing up into the nearby trash can. She got another text from Ashley, asking if she’d still be able to do her designated crime fighting schedule that night since she was supposed to team up with A-Train. Staring at the text, she grinned, getting out of bed to choke down a few aspirin and make her way to crime analytics.
The department’s office was depressingly dark, and the girl who nervously pulled up the schedule for the next few weeks looked like she hadn’t slept in days. Opening the notes on her phone, she quickly typed what days and times Homelander would be away from the tower. It wasn’t perfect, but it’d do while she figured out how to take control of the situation. 
Your kickboxing lessons with her began a little after seven on a Thursday evening. Maeve had asked you to keep everything under wraps, claiming she didn’t want everyone pestering her to train them. This was a one-off thing because you were friends. She was relieved at how your face lit up when she put it that way.
The whole arrangement made her realize how rusty she was at flirting with someone she was actually interested in, as opposed to the sleazy guys she’d bring up to the tower for one-night stands only to kick them out afterward. Training with you was great, you were eager to learn despite struggling to pick up some of the moves. She took the opportunity to stand close to you, putting her arms over yours and guiding your movements, her body framing yours. Sometimes her hands would linger over your skin, feeling how soft you were against her until she felt you shiver or heard your breath hitch. The physical, intimate closeness drove her crazy. In those moments, she wondered what your whole body felt like, your stomach and thighs surely plush beneath her fingertips.
Things came to a head during your fourth training session. Homelander hadn’t been at the tower for a day or so, and you were acting bolder. There was no way you didn’t catch her staring at the way you bounced around while Heart’s ‘Kick It Out’ blasted from the speakers you’d connected your phone to. She was sure you were doing it on purpose at that point.
“I think I’m almost as good as you,” you joked, beads of sweat rolling down your forehead.
She laughed. “Alright, let’s see what you’ve got.”
“Bring it on!”
Wiping the sweat from your brow, you stood across from her on the training mat. Your stance wasn’t the best, but you were trying despite her dodging your blows with ease. Just because she liked you, it didn’t mean she was going to hand you a win. You were having fun, a smile on your face as she caught your lifted leg before you could really kick.
In any other scenario, she figured you could hold your own pretty well in a fight with a non-supe. You threw a punch which Maeve blocked without so much as blinking. One more time, you went for another kick, only for her to send you flat on your back with a thud.
She pinned you to the mat, the two of you silent except for your breathing. Maeve didn’t do anything but stare at your face, just mere inches from hers for a few moments. God, you were fucking pretty. Your eyes seemed to sparkle despite the harsh gym lighting, and your parted lips were almost calling to her.
“You win,” you said softly from beneath her.
“Do I get a prize?”
“Wanna get drinks after this? On me?”
She smiled, reluctantly getting up from on top of you. “Hope you have your credit card ready.”
You took her outstretched hand, almost surprised at how fluidly she pulled you up onto your feet, until you remembered she was the strongest woman in the world, after all. The fact that she was getting drinks with you was a plus.
“I know a few places in my neighborhood, if you don’t mind going out to Brooklyn,” you said. “They’re kind of dives, but they’re fun.”
“That honestly sounds perfect.”
“Okay. I’m gonna shower and change really quick.”
She nodded. “Take your time.”
As soon as you disappeared into the locker room, Maeve looked down at her costume, internally groaning. It was the furthest thing from inconspicuous. In all honesty, she missed having a secret identity, the small thing that separated her from the persona that Vought manufactured for her. Whether for sentimentality or foolish hope of a situation like this one, she’d kept some of her street clothes. 
Glancing at the locker room again, she decided to rush up to her suite and throw on something that would afford the two of you some privacy. Tapping her foot impatiently, she waited for the elevator doors to open before slipping inside and pressing the button for her floor.
When she reached her suite, she frowned at the selection of clothing in her dresser. Touching one shirt, she felt a lump form in her throat. The somewhat coarse fabric sent memories rushing back, she’d worn it on one of her last dates with Elena, before she handed her whole life over to Vought and Homelander sunk his hooks into her. There was a slight stain on the sleeve, evidence of Elena’s wine glass that had tipped over when some asshole decided to make it clear that he didn’t approve of their date, so he had to make it the whole restaurant’s problem. When he started becoming aggressive, Maeve grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him over, knocking him into at least three other tables with the sheer force she used. That was the catalyst for her initially fake relationship with Homelander, as Vought’s marketing team decided it would improve her image after the incident. 
She exhaled, shaking her head as she tried grounding herself. Things could be different with you. She’d take back control of her life—from Vought, from Homelander, from her own self-sabotage. Her outfit choice for the kind-of-but-not-really date was simple. She ran her fingers through her signature styled waves, messing her hair up a bit to make her less recognizable. Seeing herself in the mirror, she smiled. For the first time in months, she looked and felt like herself.
Her phone buzzed, and to her relief, it was a text from you.
‘Hey! Ready to go when you are🍻’ 
Biting her lip, she retyped her response to you three times before sending, ‘Great be down in a min😄’ 
She instantly regretted her choice of emoji, but it didn’t matter, something that simple wasn’t going to ruin her night. After all, she couldn’t remember the last time she was asked out by someone she actually liked. You hadn’t explicitly said it was a date, but the tension was there, and Maeve hoped to god she wasn’t reading too much into things.
You were waiting in the gym for her, now changed back into your work clothes of a blouse and skirt. In the meantime, you had pulled up the info for some of the bars that you and your friends frequented in your neighborhood. She looked over them quickly, settling on a 70s-themed one you recommended based on the decor and cheap burgers. Her mind raced while the two of you walked down the hall and to the elevator, deciding to leave through a service corridor rather than the building’s main floor.
As the elevator made its descent to the lower levels of the building, Maeve figured she at least owed it to you to let you know what you were getting yourself into. She’d already put you at risk with the amount of time she was spending with you. You looked at her in confusion when she pressed the emergency stop. 
“You know this isn’t just drinks, right?”
You smiled a bit, “What is it then?”
“Y/N, I’m serious,” she said. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“Maeve, can you just be real with me instead of the cryptic shit?”
“Fuck," she groaned. "Okay, look. I’m into you, but Homelander’s a jealous son of a bitch who won’t let me have a life, so the fact that we’ve been spending time together and going out for drinks means you’re in serious danger.”
You were quiet for a few moments. She took your silence as an understandable rejection, moving to press the emergency stop button to bring you back up until you spoke. 
“I’ll take the risk.”
“Are you sure? Y/N, Homelander won’t hold back. I’ll do what I can to protect you, but–”
You looked at her, really looked at her, as she laid out the risks for you clear as day. It didn’t matter. You’d come to the conclusion pretty quickly that she was worth it. She was Queen fucking Maeve for Christ’s sake. Most importantly, though, you were into her too, and you’d never forgive yourself for passing up the opportunity to go out with her and see where things led.
As she was in the middle of listing ways Homelander could kill you, you interrupted her with a quick peck on the lips, enough to startle her out of her rant for a moment. That seemed to get the message through, because she kissed you, backing you into the elevator wall across from the closed doors. 
You parted your lips for her, happy to let her take the lead as she cupped your cheek in her hand, her fingers pulling your face closer to her. Even though she’d just pinned you to the floor less than an hour earlier, you were taken aback by how strong she was. She bit gently on your bottom lip, her teeth tugging at it before kissing you again. 
Groping one of your breasts through your blouse, she moved her hand further down your body until she reached your thighs, her fingers gently tracing undistinguishable patterns into your skin. You could feel her start to play with the hem of your skirt before sliding her hand beneath it.
You whispered a soft “yes” against her lips when her fingers brushed against the damp spot on your panties. Pressing her fingers against your core, she watched your face contort in pleasure as you whimpered for more. 
It felt like eternity before she finally pushed her hand past the cotton material and began teasing your clit, ignoring your aching pussy. She pressed hot, open kisses against your skin before settling on the crook of your neck, biting into the tender skin so hard you almost thought it would break. 
“Maeve, fuck,” you moaned.
“Too hard?”
You bit your lip, shaking your head. “Harder.”
Maeve grinned, slipping her index and middle fingers into your pussy, and you were almost embarrassed at how wet you were. She didn’t care, curling her fingers inside you, pumping them in and out until your breath caught in your throat. You gasped as you gripped her shoulders, trying to keep your legs from giving out from under you. Using her other hand, she held you up by your thigh, her fingers squeezing your soft flesh. 
You leaned your head back against the wall, eyes fluttering shut as she began rubbing her thumb against your clit, bringing her attention back to it as your pussy clenched around her fingers. She brought her lips to your ear, her teeth grazing your earlobe before she whispered, “You gonna cum for me, baby?”
“I’m close,” you barely managed to say.
“Don’t hold back. I wanna feel you,” she said, her voice raspy as she squeezed your thigh for emphasis. 
“Fuck–fuck, I’m–”
You came on her hand, fully relying on her strength to keep you up as she kept fingering you through your orgasm. Pressing her lips to yours, you were hardly able to kiss her back as you moaned into her mouth, your fingers clawing at the wall behind you as you tried getting a grip on something.
Finally, she pulled her hand from your pussy, and the one that had been holding you by your thigh wrapped around your waist to support you. She brought her hand to her mouth, licking your juices off of them so casually you wouldn’t have thought anything of it. You kissed her again, feeling lightheaded at the taste of yourself on her lips. Still, you figured someone must have noticed by then that the elevator wasn’t working. You didn’t even want to think about anyone finding you and Maeve like that, especially if Homelander ended up hearing about it through the grapevine.
“My roommate’s working the night shift,” you whispered, your voice noticeably hoarser than before. “I’ve got beer at my place.”
“Fuck the bar,” Maeve said, kissing you again.
You let out a yelp that dissolved into a fit of giggles as she literally swept you off your feet. She smiled, pressing the emergency stop button, sending the two of you back down to the service corridor you’d be slipping out into the night from.
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amazingmaeve · 1 year
Queen Maeve x fem!reader
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summary — working in a bar where supes go to calm their nerves and to blow off steam is kind of nerve racking. obviously saying no to a supe could go one of two ways: they either crawl back to whatever pathetic hole they came out of or they try to take advantage of you, but luckily using the threat of calling the media gets most of them to back off. but when queen maeve come to bar you are in for a ride.
warnings — smut (18+), alcohol, talks of sexual harassment, swearing, and some spoilers to season 3
word count — 4, 743
authors note — yayyyy! Yup another queen maeve fic, I just can’t stop writing her, she is amazing and I love her so much. Also happy pride I know it’s late but it’s here! also not proofread.
Queen Maeve masterlist | The Boys masterlist
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You sigh as you walk through the door that leads into the bar. This bar was kind of like your own living hell, but with the paycheck and tips you got, you had decided to stay. The money was great and you didn’t need to worry about paying the bills and worrying how you were gonna find some food for the next week.
But working at Hypnosis (the bar you work in) has changed everything for you.
The Supes weren’t the best, some were nice and just wanted to get drinks and delve in their own self destruction. They didn’t do much; they just kept ordering drinks and you just kept serving them. Those weren’t the Supes you were worried about.
The Supes you were worried about were the ones who couldn’t take no for an answer, who thought just because they were a Supe meant that you would want to fuck them. That you were lucky to even be in their presence, that you should do whatever the fuck they want because their parents/guardians took them to Vought and had them drugged on Compound V.
Most of the time you wanted to roll your eyes and maybe knee some of them in the balls, but due to this being your job you just politely declined with the most fake smile you could plaster on.
Due to the extreme egos of some Supes that meant that you were bruising their own ego by saying no and sometimes tried to just rape you. You usually had some defense like, bringing up the media and calling them. If that didn’t work then you would try to get the attention of the bouncer (who was also a Supe), and he usually took care of them.
If some Supe had raped you, you probably couldn’t even do anything about it since the bar was owned by Vought and most of the Supes that came here worked for Vought. So if you did something you would probably end up in a grave being the worst case scenario, best case scenario you would probably be given some money and sent on your way, with all the trauma still with you.
But the most you got was groping, which just made you go home and wash your body as disgust washed all over you. You knew this job you had wasn’t going to stick forever and you would need to find a replacement job that might even be safer. But employment was a hard thing to find at the moment and for now this was just your normal.
Only a few members of The Seven had come to this bar and most of the time it was either The Deep and Translucent, who were both humongous creeps. A-Train came once and while but most of the time he would just be sitting off in a group basking in the glory of it all, and only occasionally flirting with you. Whilst The Deep and Translucent tried to have sex with you multiple times and it just ended with you just rolling your eyes and threatening to call the media, which made them sit back down and call you a bitch or a cunt because you wouldn’t sleep with them.
So you weren’t surprised to find out that The Deep had done what he did to Starlight.
One member of The Seven you were glad didn’t show up was Homelander. Something about him just seemed off to you, even before the whole sleeping with a Nazi thing. You knew if he came into this bar and he wanted to have sex with you, it was going to happen whether you wanted it or not. No one could stop him.
But lucky for you and every other waitress/bartender in this place, he hadn’t shown up at all.
Due to the scummy people that came to this bar has left you in no other words than horny. You couldn’t find a decent person to sleep with who didn’t try to assault you, or they were too much into themselves to even focus on your pleasure only focused on theirs.
To the surprise of no one the people you had slept with in the past month were guys and you hoped that at least one knew how to please a woman but nonetheless you were left a mess after each and every sexual endeavor.
You’d only had sex with two women in your life and those two were the ones you dated and even loved. But you couldn’t find a woman to sleep with due to you being too nervous to talk to women. It was kind of weird since you were outwardly confident to men but with women, they made your heart flutter that you’d think it would hop out of your chest and hop around. Even if it was a woman you just wanted to have sex with, you couldn’t gather the courage to go up and talk to them.
But you just dealt with the bad sex with the men in the bar and had to finish the job after they left (which wasn’t long).
So you had assumed that this time working in the bar would be the same exact way it goes every time you came to work. You get harassed and served drinks to them and other non harming Supes and maybe end up going home with one of them while you had to jerk off after they left since their head was too big and only focused on their own pleasure.
Walking into the bar, you started to serve the Supes with your fake smile plastered on your face and had idle chit chat with them. Some of them try to flirt with you but then end up being pulled away by other Supes. It wasn’t that busy tonight and you were glad since you were having a stressful day already and didn’t want any more.
Someone had sat on one of the barstools in front of you and you looked up in shock to see the one and only Queen Maeve sitting there with a tight smile on her face as if she’s been in this position before.
Now you knew who Queen Maeve was, I mean who didn’t know her. Anyone who said that were people probably living under a fucking rock. But you had loads of sympathy for her, since Homelander basically outed her on live television.
And you couldn't deny that she was an attractive woman.
You weren’t expecting one of The Seven to come in this bar (besides The Deep even though he was married and A-Train on a couple occasions) and you were shocked to say the least. Shaking off the shock you gave her a smile that mirrored hers getting ready to pour her a drink.
“What can I get you?” You questioned after clearing your throat, finally meeting her gaze.
“Just a whiskey please,” Maeve answered, giving you a once over, which you didn’t pick up on and nodded, going to get a glass and the bottle of whiskey.
Maeve hadn’t been to this bar even though she’s heard good things about it and it was only for Supes so it would be comfortable, but she usually did her self destruction in her own penthouse but after hearing A-Train rave about this place she had to check it out.
And hey if she could get away from Homelander it really didn’t matter.
But something about you made her stop in her tracks. It’s been a while since a woman has done that to her and that was Elena. She didn’t know what it was about you that made her like this, but maybe it’s just because you’re a beautiful woman.
But needless to say, you’ve caught her attention.
“Here you go,” You turn around saying and putting the glass of whiskey on the table and sliding it over to her. She mutters out a thanks before downing the whole thing.
“Another please,” Maeve requests, sliding the glass over to you and your eyebrows jump at that.
“Rough day,” You observe out loud pouring more whiskey into the glass and giving it to her again.
“Rough year,” Maeve corrects before taking a smaller sip of the whiskey before putting it down. “And even shitter day,” She says following it up.
“Definitely can relate to that,” You mutter. “You come with your teammate,” You question, pointing over to the direction where The Deep was hitting on one of your co-workers who looked mildly annoyed.
“Fuck no, wouldn’t follow that guy to the nicest bar in the city,” Maeve say with a little chuckle with a look of disgust on her face. She obviously didn’t like him that much and hey you couldn't really blame her, he definitely was an asshole. “Why does he come here often,” She asks, leaning forward a bit.
“Often is an understatement,” It’s your turn to chuckle now. “Yeah he’s married but it definitely doesn’t seem to turn him away,” You say with a hint of amusement in your tone.
“That’s not a shocker,” Maeve says, taking another drink of her whiskey. “So, how long have you been working here,” She questions.
“A few years, it’s definitely been a ride,” You say leaning against the bar, engaging in the conversation with her. Conversations with the customers was a usual thing and you were trying to tell yourself that it was just that. Talking to a customer to make them more comfortable, but deep down you knew it was something different. “I know it’s your first time here,” You say confidently.
“And how would you know that,” Maeve says with a smile, after finishing her drink and sliding it towards you. You took the hint and refilled it.
“Just a hunch, since the time I’ve been here, I’ve never seen you and none of my co-workers mentioned you, but hey I know some people like to keep it low key,” You explained.
“Well you would be correct, I’ve never been in this bar a day in my fucking life,” Maeve responds, tracing the rim of her glass, that had remained full. “But If I had known that someone as beautiful as you worked here, I would have shown up a hell of a lot sooner,” She sultry says, giving you a flirtatious smile.
You give her a look of surprise at the forward response and you can feel your heart start to race. She couldn’t be flirting with you, she was Queen fucking Maeve and you were just a non Supe bartender who was just trying to get by. You bit your lip and gave her a smile.
“That’s really sweet of you,” You blurt out and you're inwardly cringing at the response. Really was that all you could respond to. God this you were such a fucking loser.
“Trust me I can be a whole lot sweeter,” Maeve flirted before taking a drink of her whiskey.
You swallow, starting to feel your throat start to dry. God you didn’t even know how to respond to that and you let out a nervous chuckle at that.
“Uh I have to use the restroom, I’ll be back in a few minutes,” You say lying and scurrying off to the bathroom, where you rest your head on the cold wall.
You felt like your whole entire body was on fire and the whole conversation was replaying in your head and you suddenly felt like an idiot, you were already getting horny from a few sentences.
But you couldn’t help it. She was a very hot woman and you hadn’t had a decent orgasm with anyone in the past few months. The only time you had a release was with your own hand or a vibrator. You walked up to the sink and looked at yourself in the mirror, trying to take deep breaths.
Turning on the sink you splashed some water onto your face, trying to cool off before you could return and even though you were nervous, you were also itching to get back to her and return to the conversation.
As you were trying to collect yourself the door opened and you turned around to see your co-worker standing there with a knowing smirk on her face.
“You’re being asked for,” Sophie says and you give her a confused look.
“What,” You question.
“Queen Maeve, I asked if she needed anything else besides the whiskey in her hand and she said you,” Sophie answers. “You seriously need to get out there before she starts to look for you herself,” She says, giving you a pat on your arm. “Now go out there and get lucky,” She whispers with a little laugh.
You laugh nervously before walking out of the bathroom and walking around the crowded people in the bar and finally made your way behind the bar and walked to Maeve who, to be honest, looked like she was bored out of her fucking mind.
“Heard you missed me,” You cooly say, as if your own heart didn't feel like it was about to explode.
“Well you’re the only thing in this bar that has my attention so it’s kinda hard not to,” Maeve responded with her own flirty comment.
“Need anything else, I can get some pretzels if you want some,” You ask, trying to shake off the horniness as if you weren’t already starting to get wet.
“Nope, no pretzels needed,” Maeve responds and puts her own hand on your arm, your breath hitched at that. She noticed and smirked. “When do you get off work,” She whispers the question leaning in closer to where your faces are inches apart.
“Uh, not for another hour,” You whispered, after looking at the clock.
Maeve groans. Just her luck. God she just needed you so fucking bad, and it wasn’t the need she had for the guys she fucked and kicked out of her room, you were different. She felt like she couldn’t wait to have you in any way that you wanted.
She moved her hand so that it was caressing your cheek and you felt heat travel up your neck to your cheeks, and it had to be obvious that she could feel it. She leaned in and pressed her lips against yours. Not wasting any time you move your lips along hers and her hand grabs your jaw and you moan into her mouth at the roughness. She slips her tongue inside your mouth and starts to explore the territory.
“I need you,” Maeve groans against your lips and starts to peck your lips. “So fucking bad,” She says in between pecks. If it weren’t the bar between the two of you, she’d start to train kisses down your neck, marking you. You held back a moan even though it was pretty loud.
Before you could say anything, you felt someone squeeze your shoulder and you turned your attention from Maeve to Sophie.
“Why don’t you just leave and I’ll take your shift,” Sophie says, giving you a look.
“Uh yeah,” You say as you feel Maeve's other hand move to your other cheek. “Let’s get out of here,” You say, turning around to Maeve who gave you a smirk.
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Your back hits your door as Maeve trails kisses down your back and you let tiny moans that you tried to conceal, due to the fact that you weren’t even in your apartment yet. Maeve's hand moved to under your skirt and started to squeeze your thigh as you felt your panties start to get more and more drenched.
“Okay I need to unlock my door,” You say breathless as Maeve didn’t stop her sweet torture on your neck.
Before you could even try to unlock your door, Maeve moved one of her hands to the door and twisted it and opened the door herself. You looked at her in shock and you were gonna start to worry about how you were going to fix that until Maeve brought you into your living room and brought your lips to hers as her hands went to your shoulders.
You kiss her back, hard but definitely not as hard as her. You can feel her kisses maybe starting to bruise you. You felt like you were going to pass out due to the heat traveling all over your body.
“Where’s your bedroom,” Maeve questions in between kisses as she moves you around the apartment, accidents bumping into a chair and you let out a tiny laugh.
“Down the hall, to the left,” You muttered, wrapping your arms around her neck and kissing her again.
She maneuvered you around the apartment, til she found the door knob and opened the door and moved you to your bed. You took your shirt off and your bra trying to get naked as fast as possible. You look up and you didn’t even know how Maeve got all of her armor but you couldn’t think fast as she fell on top of you and kissed you.
You were still left in your skirt but that didn’t stop Maeve as she pulled your panties and the skirt off. She moved her hand to your core as she gently slid her fingers through your folds and you moaned into her mouth as she kept kissing you.
Her hand found your clit and she started to draw figure eights on the swollen nub while you moved your hand to her naked thigh and caressed her inner thigh as you gave gentle squeezes, trying to tease her. She whined your name into your mouth and you gave in.
You moved your fingers across her core as her fingers went to a halt but you didn’t even care at the moment, at the moment you just wanted to make her feel good.
Slipping your fingers inside of her, you started to thrust them in slowly and moved your thumb to your clit as she started to pepper kisses alongside your cheek and your neck as she moaned and whimpered into your ear.
“God your fingers feel so fucking good,” She moaned into your ear as you started to move your fingers faster and cured them into the right spot and she jolted her hips so as she moaned your name loudly.
You started to grind up on her thigh as you felt yourself get more and more turned on. Whilst you kept thrust your fingers up into Maeve and on one particular thrust Maeve squeezed her eyes shut as moaned into your neck. She squeezed her hand around your thigh, that’ll probably leave bruises but in that moment the pain made you let out a moan.
Removing your fingers from her pussy and you brought your fingers to your lips and slipped them into your mouth, moaning at the taste of her.
Meanwhile Maeve recovered from the mind blowing orgasm and began to kiss up your neck and unwrapped her hand from your thigh and slowly slid it up your body, to your breast, where she started to gently massage. She moves her lips to your mouth and captures your lip in a hot kiss that makes you moan into her mouth as she uses her thumb to rub circles on your already hard nipple.
You move your hands around her neck and bury your hands in her hair as she moves her tongue inside your mouth exploring the territory that she's tasted not so long ago. You thread your fingers in her red hair as her hand went from your breast to your neck and wrapped her fingers around your throat.
She gave your throat a gentle squeeze. You felt another tingle shoot straight down to your core as you moaned into her mouth. You moved your hands from her hair to her hips and started to grind them up to her thigh, moaning as you dragged your clit up and down her thigh, you were surprised that you hadn’t already orgasmed due to the sexual tension you had coiled in your stomach.
“God you are so wet,” Maeve moaned into your mouth as she put both her hands on your hips and pressed them into the bed so that you couldn’t thrust up to her thigh.
“Oh come on I need something,” You whined out, deciding to stop trying to thrust up, because Maeve could literally stop a truck with her body, she can most certainly stop you from thrusting up.
“Calm down, don’t worry I’m gonna get you what you want,” Maeve smirked down at you, admiring your body as in this flustered state. “Just relax,” She cooed, before getting up and leaving you confused in a state of lust. “You have any handcuffs,” She questions, making your eyebrows jump at the question. She was looking around your darkened room.
“Uh maybe why do you ask,” You question, sitting up and closing your legs so you didn’t feel so exposed. Now you were no stranger to having sex toys, and things akin to that, you loved being tied down and loved tying people down. With that question she asked still in the air, you could feel your pussy throb at that, you needed something and you couldn’t wait to get it.
“Come on, I know you’re not that stupid,” Maeve teases, giving you a look. You smirk as you bite your lip as you stare at her.
“There’s some in this top drawer,” You give her answer, quietly as if it would disturb the tension in the air. Maeve traveled to the dressers on the left side of your bed. You give her a smile as she pulls out two pairs of handcuffs.
“Looks like you’ve been at this for a while,” Maeve smirks as she looks through the drawer, seeing all the toys inside.
“Come on, I thought you were just looking for the handcuffs,” You say trying to sound strong, but it comes off in a whine which makes Maeve chuckle. You couldn’t help it, you were thoroughly turned on.
“Gosh you sound like a fucking brat,” Maeve let’s out a little laugh as she sat there kneeled besides the bed. You give her a pout, giving her what she thought you were. “Although I think you are one,” Maeve groans as she stands up and you look up at her, excited for what’s gonna happen next.
“You got that right,” You say, batting your eyelashes up at her, as she moves onto the bed.
Maeve lays you down again as she sets the handcuffs to the side, you look up at her as she leans down to give you a deep kiss that makes you moan into her moan and try to reach up and wrap your arms around her. Although she doesn’t allow you to as she moves away from you making you whine again. God she was right you do sound like a brat.
“Don’t worry, like I said I’m gonna give you what you want,” Maeve says, lifting one of your hands and handcuffing it to the headboard and doing the same with the other hand. You shake your hands in the toy as if to show her that you can’t get out. You felt like you were going to explode with how wet you were.
Her hands glide down your body as her mouth leans down to bite at your neck and start to suck bruises. You moan out her name as she pinches your nipple in her right hand, you rub your thighs together trying to have some friction on your aching pussy.
She gives your lip a little bite as her head moves down lower to wrap her wet lips around your already sensitive and hard nipple, as strings of moans keep falling out of your mouth, that you might be worried that the neighbors might hear. But in this moment you don’t give a fuck, you just needed her.
Whilst her mouth was working on your nipple her hand decides to glide down your body to your throbbing core. She teases your folds as you bite your lip and moan, trying to keep you from screaming her name. Her fingers nudge your clit as you feel your whole entire body set on fire. You want to wrap your hands around her. The restrictions of your hands make you just wrap them around the handcuffs and squeeze them. You’re squirming on the bed as you're basically just a mess with her.
She looks up at you from where her head is, lips around your nipple and sucking on the hard bud.
“Maeve,” You moan as she moves her fingers lower to your entrance and then just thrusts them in hard making you jump a little. Whimpering as her fingers already find the precious spot that could make you see stars.
She shushes you, removing her mouth from your nipple. Then decides to decorate your body with hickeys littering all of your stomach as she continues to thrust your fingers up into your pussy, always stopping when she feels like you are going to come. Meanwhile you’re just moaning and groaning as she works her magic on you.
Sliding further down the bed she starts to suck the skin on your thighs and move from one leg to the other, making sure to give them the same amount of attention. You feel her start to move faster making you clench around her fingers as you whimper her name out for what felt like the millionth time. But as soon as she does that she stops and you slouch against the bed in frustration.
Even though you’re frustrated, you know this orgasm is going to be one of the best you ever had in your whole life.
“I bet you taste as amazing as you look,” Maeve mutters against your thigh, making you clench around her fingers and she chuckles silently.
In a swift motion, Maeve's mouth moves to your pussy and wraps her soft lips around your throbbing clit. You let out a loud moan as she starts to thrust her fingers again, hitting that same spot over and over again.
And there it is, you can feel the burn from the coiling tension inside your stomach. You were about to cum and it seems finally she was going to let you. Looking up at you through her eyelashes she runs her experienced tongue around your clit, lapping at it and then wrapping your clit in between her lips again and sucks harder.
Due to the constant, fingering of your g spot and her sucking on your clit and there it is. You arch your back off the bed and finally climax on her fingers. You moan her name loudly, probably loud enough that would wake the neighbors and you would be worried but with the shaking of your legs at the moment you don’t. Even though your eyes are squeezed shut, you can still see stars.
Maeve smiles as she sucks your cum off her fingers and slides up your body and presses her lips against yours, this time much softer than before. You hum into your mouth as you can still feel your legs twitch from the intense orgasm.
“The keys are in the drawer,” You murmur, still feeling hazy.
“No shit Sherlock,” Maeve rolls her eyes and gives your thighs a teasing slap. Which makes you jolt up. She rustles around to find them and then releases you from the toys.
You stretch and sit up as your hands and arms are finally free. You gasp in shock as Maeve brings you down with her arms, so that your head is resting on her chest. Her hands rub down your back in a soothing manner that makes you smile.
“You’re gonna have to stay the night at least, don’t want anyone breaking in with the door knob you broke,” You mutter as you feel your eyes droop from exhaustion.
“Don’t worry,” Maeve promises as she reaches for the blankets and pulls them around the both of you. “I’ll keep you safe and your door knob will be fixed by tomorrow afternoon.”
“Well if you’re staying I wouldn’t be mad if you found some creative ways to wake me up,” You whisper out the tease making her squeeze your butt.
“Is that consent,” She questions with a quirk of an eyebrow.
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Hi! Can you do what it would be like to date Queen Maeve (she/her pronouns please)
General Dating HC! • Queen Maeve
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⚠️Content warning: none, I think?
*These characters do not belong to me, all rights to their respective owners, this is just a piece of entertainment by and for fans.
Summary: Title is really self-explanatory.
Reader’s pronouns: She/Her
Keys: Y/N = Your Name. In case you’ve forgotten: Margaret “Maggie” Shaw is the real name of Queen Maeve in the series.
Author's note: If you want to send your own request, please check the Disclaimer & Rules post and the MASTERLIST post to see more content and which characters are available
I must say, I do believe the relationship with Maeve might change slightly in certain aspects if you're either a regular human or a supe (and even if you’re a supe, the dynamic might also change depending on your powers), but because it wasn’t specified here if Reader is either human or supe, I made this HC as general as possible and only including aspects I think would remain the same in either situation.
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If you met the Maeve who's been in the seven for a long time, a relationship is something she's avoiding rather than looking; this is likely because of either Vought, Homelander or both: Vought would be quick to find a way to capitalize on the relationship so they can pinkwash their image as much as capitalisticly possible, it's honestly disgusting. As for Homelander, he'll be furious; Losing is something he not only hates but something that threatens his fragile ego and the already distorted perception he has of himself; he still "loves" Maeve (in his own, very fucked up way) and he's been trying for a long time to rekindle their relationship, you forming a relationship with Maeve means he has lost one of the very few things people he cares about and therefore he might view you as a wall preventing him to reach his objective, so he'll make sure to break you.
If you met her before she joined the seven, she might be more lenient on the idea of beginning a relationship with you (especially if the two of you already had one) but she'll continue to push you away numerous times.
Maeve has shut down everyone she cares about, that way Vought nor Homelander can harm them and will make it much easier for her to give up her life if one day she has to fight against Homelander to take him down.
That's why, you're most likely the one to pursue the relationship in the first place.
Even when she starts catching feelings, she'll try her best to appear as if she either doesn't like you or doesn't care about you, especially if Homelander is near.
Which sometimes can be quite hard on you, because she might treat you so bad and cold-heartedly and might hurt your feelings in more ways than she ever expected or wanted.
But as the two of you inevitably get closer and share more and more small but beautiful moments, her feelings eventually start to catch up to her and she begins to open up slowly.
Once she does it might surprise you how vulnerable and sensitive Maeve actually is.
She pretends not to, but Maeve is the one who cares the most about everyone around her and it's filled with guilt and sadness for the ones she was unable to save.
And for that very reason, she panics when the realization of how closer you two have grown starts to dawn on her and your relationship might take two steps back before moving forward as Maeve tries to push you away once again.
Though this time around you're able to figure out how to get past that act of hers more easily.
After that I believe she'll start to be more honest with herself and you about her own feelings and stop putting so much of a front.
She'll treat you much more softly and tenderly than ever before and might allow herself to give in and give you the first kiss.
She smiles at you all the time, especially when she observes the little quirky things you do when you think no one is looking.
Maeve loves being of help to you, so whatever you need she'll make sure to provide one way or another.
One thing that doesn't change, is how protective she is of you, always making sure not Homelander or Vought know about or can get to you, and this might stir many conflicts in your relationship but over time you both might be able to handle it with more ease.
Maeve is a very supportive partner and loves listening and being involved in whatever you're passionate about or the goals you want to pursue, even if she doesn't necessarily understand them completely.
You're the one person in her life that calls her by her real name "Margaret" "Maggie" "Margo" whatever variant you choose, she's happy to hear her name coming from you, it's been a long time since someone has called her that and it's surprised by the feeling of comfort it gives her; since in many ways the alias of "Queen Maeve" has turned in her own prison.
I strongly believe Maggie is the little spoon in cuddle sessions; she always has to be the strong one in every other situation in her life, she really does enjoy the moments of vulnerability she shares with you.
Both find it funny that she can probably punch a building down but she appears as if made of paper in your arms, adorable.
She might struggle with remembering things like dates, anniversaries, birthdays, etc; she has a lot on her mind but she'll apologize and make it up to you, don't worry.
I also very much believe Maggie to be a foodie (notice most of her scenes with Elena there's some talk about food? Idk if it was intentional or not, but I like to believe that this is because Maeve really likes food and is a comfort for her on hard times).
She adores taking you out for dinner in all kinds of restaurants, exploring new foods and flavors is just one of her favorite things, plus she gets to watch your reactions when trying them out.
She knows all the best places in town to eat.
If by any chance you know how to cook and you're good at it, Maggie might just consider to slap a ring on your finger right then and there istg.
Overall Maggie, although difficult at first, I believe she'll make for a great partner once she opens up to you; she still has a lot of issues to work through, but she'll definitely try to be a better person not only for you and your relationship, but because deep down, I believe she also wants to genuinely be a hero her younger-more-hopeful self would be proud of.
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apocalypse-shuffle · 2 years
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“The Usual” (Queen Maeve x Fem!Reader)
| You and Maeve run into each other after you’ve been accepted to The Seven. You get along so well that she starts to feel bad about how Vaught treats you, and warns you about them. Your reaction is…something.
| Reader is always black unless I say differently
| Reader’s supe persona is reminiscent of Catwoman and as such fits the M.O. of Talon from The Boys comics. So that’s Reader’s thing in this one.
| SFW, no happy ending
| 1k+
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You’re in the elevator with Maeve joking about the newest marketing ploy Vaught was getting y’all to do.
“When I joined The Seven I didn’t expect so much swimwear to be involved.”
Maeve laughs as she leans against the back of the metal wall.
“The amount of thongs in the slideshow alone gave me the chills.”
“Yup. Instead of firemen calendars Vaught has the Girls Get it Done box.”
“Including calendars, t-shirts, and tiny funko pops of all our signature boss ladies!”
Maeve laughs, but it doesn’t last long.
Ever since you’ve met her you’ve gotten the gist that they used to. You’re not stupid, you saw the promotional material Vaught shoved down everybody’s throat once she publicly came out.
“Brave Maeve!” What a load of shit.
You’d seen the woman that had almost always been beside her and considering how fleeting Maeve’s smiles were, how she was always stuck quietly around corners, and the fact that you’d been here for weeks and have yet to see the lady that was attached to Maeve’s hip in all the pictures you could guess what happened.
You honestly hadn’t expected to get so comfortable around her, let alone have her requesting team ups with you, so this new camaraderie was a nice surprise. You were glad you could give her some reprieve after her break up.
When you turn back to crack another joke, maybe even compliment her on the move she’d pulled when sparring with you earlier, you’re caught up by the look on her face.
She’s stopped smiling entirely, face creasing in worry as her eyes instantly meet your own.
“Girl, are you good?”
She swallows and crosses her arms. Her lips thin, she presses them together so hard, and you shift on your feet. The elevator’s still moving so you’re not worried about getting stuck, but you knew Vaught’s cruelty better than most.
Something snarls deep in your chest. There’s a very real possibility that the reason you got so close was so that Vaught could pull a Soldier Boy and finally get rid of you. A possibility that you missed. Fuck.
Your eyes narrow, “Maeve?”
She seems to snap out of the contemplative silence she fell into. Eyes gaining a clarity they’d briefly lost.
The change doesn’t make you feel better.
“Please don’t take me saying this as me trying to be a bitch, but you know being in The Seven gets worse than them forcing you into a bikini right?” She shakes her head, “Way worse.”
You squint at her, “I mean yeah. No one’s ever one hundred percent comfortable at their job.”
She shakes her head, it’s violent enough her hair whips around her head. When she looks back at you her eyes have gone worryingly bright.
“There’s not loving your job and then being held captive in it. I like you, so I need you to know that you should leave while you still can.”
You start shaking your own head and stop looking at her as she gets a little closer. Your eyes track the elevator pinging from floor to floor.
The yellow light feels like it’s taunting you as it slowly flashes closer and closer to your floor number. You were still five floors away.
Maeve touches your arm and you bounce out of her reach. Her hands go up as she takes in the fighting stance you fall into, hand going to the bullwhip at your side in the moment.
Your breaths come out in harsh pants as you tip your head at her. You’re starting to regret leaving your talons at home. They were uncomfortable and got in the way, but they were sharp and tore through flesh almost too smoothly.
Your gaze is sharp as you take in your (maybe) opponent. Two more floors.
“I don’t know what’s going on with you all of a sudden. But I think it’d be best if you didn’t fucking touch me.”
“I’m sorry, Y/n.” As you shift so that you’re standing in front of the door she moves so that you stay in her sight, standing across from you. “But can you just listen to me?”
The door dings and you fall back before the sound has even finished reverberating around the metal box, squeezing yourself through the crack as the elevator doors open up, once it’s wide enough for you to slip through.
You don’t walk away the way you want though, not willing to turn your back on her when she’s acting so off. You ignore the people bustling past you in the hallway who seem to take in your tense stance and start rushing to leave the space.
Maeve steps out of the elevator looking much more composed than she has been and so you figure she’s more willing to talk with you than at you now.
“Why are you telling me this,” your voice is angry as you face her in the hallway.
“Because they’re using you!” Outburst come and gone, her face drops fully and she gives a hopeless shrug while glancing at you. “They’ll squeeze you dry and then kill you the second you become too much of a problem.”
She sniffs and the smile she gives you is steeped with self deprecation.
“If you’re lucky.”
Maeve’s statement doesn’t serve to do anything except upset you more.
“You don’t think I know that? I’m fully aware that I was only invited to The Seven because they lost their last resident minority and needed a new one.” You sigh, shoulders dropping. “They get to kill two birds with one stone. Replace the nazi ‘Girls Get It Done’ woman and their resident black in one throw.”
Maeve and you don’t do anything but look at each other and as the minutes tick on the both of you steadily un-tense. You sigh.
You walk over and grab one of her hands. She’s trying to do you a favor, and you appreciate it, but you don't need her to spell out Vaught’s many grievances to you.
“I know it looks bad that I don’t care, but I don’t need you saving me.”
She raises an eyebrow at you. A thinly manicured line of judgment, but she squeezes your hand back regardless. Butterflies threaten to flutter in your stomach and you bite each head off with a quiet sort of defeat.
You can’t have this any longer. She’ll get in your way.
“Okay,” her tongue glides slowly over the back of her teeth before she swallows and gives you a shallow smile. “I can respect that. What are you gonna do now?”
You tense, staring at her a little wide eyed. You expected this. The question. Why are you freezing up now?
The smile that stretches across your face feels like it’s being pinned in place. Little pinpricks that lift the corners of your mouth upwards. You’re vaguely aware that the smile is too wide. The longer you keep it up your face starts to burn and Maeve’s own tentative smile slowly transforms into a frown.
Her whole demeanor bypasses blank indifference and drops straight back into worry as you go still.
Her mouth’s moving, you’re watching it open and close in speech, but nothing’s reaching your ears from her.
Instead the voice that curls around your senses somewhere behind you is your agent’s.
“You fuck this up and it’s back to the center okay? Back to being shot up so we can make sure Temp V stays stable.”
You were a lab rat, you needed to keep it together. Rats didn’t get soft things, they got poisoned. The longer you let yourself be comfortable with her Vaught would find some way to make Maeve another rat trap.
You bounce back to yourself, smile dropping minutely but still staying in place. Your jaw aches.
“I’ve got it handled. That's all you need to know.”
You nod before slipping your hand from hers and walking off. She calls after you but you don’t respond. One foot after the other.
That’s all that mattered.
NOTES: IDK I was trying something out. I like Maeve but I couldn’t follow the current season and come up with something cute to write for her.
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thebiggerbear · 21 days
Queen Maeve Masterlist
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work in progress
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dividers by @firefly-graphics
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jessicaaatje · 2 years
People I'll write for
Some will be platonic, but sometimes I can make them not platonic. You can make couples, then I will maybe write a poly fic, or one where the couple are the parents of the reader.
Alex Morgan
Christen Press
Ashlyn Harris
Ali Krieger
Tobin Heath
Lindsey Horan
Emily Sonnett
Kelley O'Hara
Hope Solo
Leah Williamson
Jill Roord
Jackie Groenen
Vivianne Miedema
Alexia Putellas
Jenni Hermoso
And more...
Max Mayfield
Nancy Wheeler
Robin Buckley
Erica Sinclair
Will Byers
Mike Wheeler
Lucas Sinclair
Dustin Henderson
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Jim Hopper
Joyce Byers
Bob Newby
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Yelena Belova
Daisy Johnson
Jemma Simmons
Melinda May
Kate Bishop
Elena Rodriguez
Bobbi Morse
Darcy Lewis
And more...
Leo Fitz
Deke Shaw
Peter Parker
Pietro Maximoff
And more...
Santana Lopez
Quinn Fabray
Marley Rose
Mercedes Jones
Kurt Hummel
Noah Puckerman
Blaine Anderson
Sara Lance
Zari Tarazi
Zari Tomaz
Astra Logue
Amaya Jiwe
Ava Sharpe
Kara Danvers
Alex Danvers
Maggie Sawyer
Lena Luthor
Laurel Lance
Thea Queen
Mia Queen
Dinah Drake
Felicity Smoak
Killer Frost
Caitlin Snow
Nora West-Allen
Allegra Garcia
Jesse Quick
Lois Lane
Sarah Dawes
Nyssa al Ghul
Most of the boys in the arrowverse
Emily Prentiss
Jennifer Jareau
Alex Blake
Kate Cahallan
Elle Greenaway
Penelope Garcia
Derek Morgan
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
David Rossi
Jason Gideon
Becca Mitchell
Chloe Beale
Aubrey Posen
Emily Junk
Fat Amy
Alex Parrish
Shelby Wyatt
Nimah and her Sister
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennett
Lizzie Saltzman
Hope Mikealson
Josie Saltzman
Penelope Park
Rebekah Mikealson
Hayley Marshall
Davina Claire
Freya Mikealson
Lost In Space
Penny Robinson
Judy Robinson
Will Robinson
Katniss Everdeen
Primrose Everdeen
Johanna Mason
And mkre from the 74th hunger games women
Alice Cullen
Leah Clearwater
Reneesmee Cullen
Rosalie Hale
Ginny Weasley
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Daphne Greengrass
Lily Evans
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
James Potter
Remus x Sirius
James x Lily
Ava Hammerstrom
Arya Stark
Sansa Stark
Margaery Tyrell
Daenerys Targaryen
Mary Stuart
THE 100
Clarke Griffin
Octavia Blake
Raven Reyes
Madi Griffin
Cobra Kai
Sam LaRusso
Top Gun
Penny Benjamin
Amelia Benjamin
Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell
More To Come!
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living-dead-author · 1 year
Welcome to my third blog I’m Vance and my main is @slasher-male-wife. I’m using this blog to post my nsfw content. Please read the rule and character list below before requesting anything.
Do not interact if you are
Terfs, transmed, transphobic in general
Under 18
Ed blog
If you fetishize any LGBTQ identity
Will write for
Most kinks (If unsure just ask)
AFAB, GN, Transmasc reader (As of right now I'm not confident in my writing ability for AMAB bodies)
Head canons
One shots
Poly characters x reader
Yandere characters
Hard kinks (More willing to write them if they're in a more 'kind' or 'loving' way)
Degrading kink
Daddy/Mommy kink (This could become a no go)
AMAB reader
Female reader
Public stuff
Semen (Excessive talk of this is a no go)
Never will write about this
NSFW things for underage characters
Anal or penetrative sex outside of oral
DDLG/ABLD/Anything ageplay related
Bathroom kinks like scat, piss, vomit
Heavy degrading
Anything non-con
Horror characters
Black Christmas: Billy Lenz
Halloween: Michael Myers (og or rob zombie), Corey Cunningham
The Boy: Brahms Heelshire
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Bubba Sawyer, Thomas Hewitt, Nubbins Sawyer, Chop top Sawyer, Vanita "Stretch" Brock
House of wax: Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, Lester Sinclair
Behind the mask: Leslie Vernon
House of 1000 corpses: Otis Driftwood, Baby Firefly
The Lost boys: David, Paul, Marko, Dwayne, Michael, Star
The Black phone: The Grabber/Albert Shaw
Spree: Kurt Kunkle
Friday the 13th: Jason Voorhees
Child's play: Tiffany Valentine
Re-animator: Herbert West, Dan Cain
Saw: Amanda Young, Adam Faulkner, Mark Hoffman, Peter Strahm
Candy man: The Candy man/ Daniel Robitaille
31: Doomhead
Psycho: Norman Bates
My bloody valentine: Harry Warden
American psycho: Patrick Bateman
Hannibal nbc: Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter
Near dark: Severen
Laid to rest: Jesse Cromeans
Martin: Martin Mathias
The Collector: Asa Emory/The Collector
Thanksgiving: Sheriff Eric Newlon
The Walking dead
Daryl Dixon
Rick Grimes
Negan Smith
Glenn Rhee
Maggie Rhee
Dead by Daylight
Danny Johnson/Ghostface
Pyramid head
Any slasher listed in the above section that is in dbd
Interview with the vampire 1995
Lestat De Lioncourt
Louis De Pointe Du Lac
Call of Duty
Phillip Graves
Simon “Ghost” Riley
Johnny "Soap" Mactavish
Misc. Characters
Johnathan Crane/Scarecrow (DC, based off Cillian Murphy portrayal)
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creepypasta-archive · 8 months
Jeff the Killer: Recall
by Mikeyboi1225
Some story i found. Sorry i'm not adding my detailed descriptions as usual i've been running on fumes lately CW// Murder i guess. too long to read rn Click here for the unedited original story
After a nearly fatal car accident in the dark of night, a mysterious boy wakes up in a hospital with no memory of who he was before. His amnesia isn't the strangest about him: his face is scarred beyond recognition, wounds that didn't come from the accident. Taken in by the driver who hit him, the amnesiac settles into a daily routine. But when his memories begin to slowly return, a darkness begins to stir.
This story was inspired by two songs, one which tells the story of a monster who didn't know how to be anything else, and another where the singer looks upon his past misdeeds and seeks redemption for them. If you aren't fond of redemption stories, I recommend looking for an X Reader. There are plenty to be found. My goal in writing this tale is to take the Creepypasta characters I grew up with and tell a new story all my own. If that's the kind of thing you go for, then you've come to the right place.
If you enjoy the story, be sure to give it a kudo, and let me know what you think in the comments!
Chapter 1: The Accident
Walter Jefferson was tired.
He'd had a long, hard day at work. It was December 11th, and the Oakwood County Post Office was a busy place in the weeks leading up to Christmas. He'd gotten off at 10:30, and he was almost home. As he made the turnoff onto the road that led to his house, his cellphone rang. Glancing at the screen, he saw that his wife Margaret was calling.
"Oh, I'm in for it now," he chuckled to himself. Walter answered the call, putting Margaret on speaker.
"Hi, Maggie," he answered cheerfully.
"Hey, Walter," replied Margaret. Unlike his, her voice was wide awake. "It's almost eleven at night. You haven't been abducted by aliens, have you?"
"As a matter of fact, I have, honey," he replied. "They've got big teeth and antennas, and they're pulling out all kinds of terrible devices. I think they're gonna probe me."
"Right," answered Margaret with a chuckle. "Can you tell them that if my husband isn't home in fifteen minutes, I'll have to blast their flying saucer out of the sky?"
Walter laughed with amusement.
"I'll pass on the message, honey. See you in a bit. I love you."
"I love you too, Walter," Margaret replied with a dramatic smooching noise. "Drive safely."
"I will," answered Walter, and hung up the phone.
"Always so worried about- OH MY GOD!"
Walter slammed his foot down on the breaks with all his weight. Someone was crossing the road. The pedestrian had appeared out of nowhere. Walter swerved to avoid him, but it was too late. The vehicle slammed into the figure like a rhinoceros, sending the body rag-dolling over the top of the car. Walter could hear it thumping as it rolled over the roof.
"Dear Lord," choked Walter as he tore off his seatbelt and scrambled out of the car.
He ran to the lifeless body in the road and rolled it face-up. It was a young man, around sixteen years old. He had on a white hoodie and black dress pants. The clothes were bloodied and battered, and blood oozed from the boy's skull.
Walter's stomach churned. He knelt and checked for a pulse. The boy was still alive! Walter ran to his car and grabbed his phone, frantically dialing 911. The voice on the other end responded quickly.
"911, what is your emergency?"
"My name is Walter Jefferson, and I am at the intersection of Shaw and West! I just hit a guy with my car. He's alive, but he needs an ambulance!"
"Sir, please remain calm and stay on the line. Help is on the way."
"Thank you," answered Walter gratefully.
The young man's eyes fluttered open. He focused on Walter.
"Wha- what happened?" he asked weakly, his voice scarcely a whisper. "Where am I?"
"Oh, God," croaked Walter. "He's awake."
Walter dropped to his knees, taking the boy by the hand.
"I am so sorry," whispered Walter. "You're going to be alright, I promise. Help is on the way."
The young man's eyes lost focus, and he drifted out of consciousness.
Chapter 2: The Ambulance
"Look at me, buddy," said the paramedic as he gave the boy a shot of morphine. "Keep looking at my eyes, okay?"
The young man's eyes kept fluttering. He opened them and focused on the paramedic.
"Who- who are you?" he pleaded, eyes wide with fear and confusion.
"My name is Mark. I'm a paramedic, and we're taking you to a hospital. I gave you some morphine to help with the pain. How are you feeling, buddy?"
The patient' s eyes closed.
"Woah, buddy," called Mark, gently slapping the patient's cheek. "Don't do that to me, alright? Just keep looking at my eyes.
"O-okay," slurred the patient.
"Good," replied Mark, smiling. "What's your name?"
The kid looked puzzled.
"I don't- I don't remember," he answered. His brow was furrowed deeply. Suddenly, his eyes grew wider than they already were.
"I can't remember my name! I can't remember anything! Why can't I remember anything?"
The patient tried to sit up, and then cried out in pain. Mark lowered him back onto the stretcher.
"You don't want to do that, buddy," Mark cautioned. "You've got some broken ribs. Just be still and stay calm. Jeffrey, hand me those sedatives. We need to calm him down."
The boy gasped twice, once from pain and once from realization.
"What is it, buddy?" asked Mark as he prepared the sedative shot. "What's the matter?"
"Jeffrey. . . my name. . . I remember. My name is Jeff."
He tried to sit up again, but Mark stopped him.
"Nice to meet you, Jeff. Can you lie still for me, Jeff?"
Jeff nodded his head obediently as Mark injected him in the shoulder with anesthesia.
"Everything's going to be okay, Jeff," said Mark with a soothing tone. "You just go to sleep."
"Uhhnn. . ." Jeff tried to speak, but before he could form the words, he had drifted off to sleep.
Chapter 3: Room 114
"So, he just ran into the street?" the officer asked as he wrote Walter's account of the event down in a notepad.
"Yes," answered Walter, rubbing his hands together nervously. He sat in the waiting room of the Oakwood County Medical Center, telling his story to a policeman. "I didn't even see him until he was twenty feet away. I tried to brake, but it. . ."
Walter shook his head. The situation seemed surreal. Had he actually just struck a teenage boy with his car? It didn't seem possible.
The officer put a consoling hand on Walter' shoulder.
"You did a good job calling 911. Too many folks would have just panicked."
Walter looked up to see Margaret running to him, tears streaming down her cheeks. He stood up from his seat and embraced her.
"Is everything okay? Are you hurt? What happened? I was so scared, Walter!"
The officer stood, pocketing his notepad.
"I have everything I need for now, Mr. Jefferson. The department will contact you if we need anything else."
The officer turned to go, giving the couple a moment alone. Margaret buried her face in Walter's shoulder, wetting it with her tears. Walter struggled to find the words. He took a deep breath.
"Right after I hung up," he began, letting the momentum of his thoughts carry him along, "a kid - a teenager, I think - ran out in front of me."
"Oh, God," whispered Margaret.
Walter pressed his forehead against her shoulder, holding himself together despite the attempts of every one of his atoms to break down.
"I hit him, Maggie," he whispered into her ear. "I. . . I hit that kid. I don't even know if he's alive or not."
Margaret tightened her grasp on Walter, running a hand up and down his back to comfort him.
"It was an accident, Walter. He'll be okay. I'm certain of it."
Walter sobbed once into her shoulder, and clenched his teeth to keep himself composed.
"There was so much blood on him, Maggie. I-I've never seen so much. His clothes were soaked."
"Shhhhh," whispered Maggie, cradling the back of Walter' s head in her arms.
Just then, a nurse walked over to the waiting area.
"Walter Jefferson?" she asked, reading off her clipboard.
Walter pulled reluctantly away from Maggie, drying his eyes with his shirt collar.
"Yes, that's me," he replied.
"The boy is out of surgery. The doctor would like to see you. Please, follow me."
The nurse turned and walked into the hallway. Walter started after her, but stopped as he felt Maggie's hand on his shoulder.
"It wasn't your fault, Walter," she said reassuringly.
"Thanks, Maggie," he gratefully replied with one last look at his wife before following the nurse.
The nurse led Walter down a maze of hallways and doors. At length, she stopped in front of a door, Room 114. The metal "4" appeared to be falling off. Walter prayed that wasn't a bad omen.
"Wait here," ordered the nurse.
She walked off in the direction they had come, leaving Walter standing alone before the door of Room 114. He fidgeted nervously as he waited. Walter glanced into the room to see what he could see. He could just barely see the young man - his victim - lying in the hospital bed. His head was wrapped in gauze, but that wasn't what drew Walter' s attention.
Walter started into the room. He tried to stop himself, but he was in a trance. Step by step by step, he drew closer and closer to the sleeping patient. Soon, he was standing at the head of the hospital bed, looking down at the comatose teenager. The boy slept peacefully. His chest rose and fell with each breath. Walter stared down at the boy's face in horror.
My God, thought Walter. Did I do this to him?
The boy's face was horrifying. His eye sockets were scarred with gray patches, and his eyelids were mangled so that they appeared to be open. His cheeks were marred with deep gashes that curled upwards from his lips, twisting his face into a hideous, demonic grin.
At that moment, the boy's eyes focused on him.
"Walter Jefferson!"
Chapter 4: Good News, Bad News
"Walter Jefferson?" asked the doctor a second time.
Walter cradled hid chest in his hands. The boy's eyes darted off in another direction, then another. He was asleep. He hadn't looked at Walter at all.
"Yes," Walter replied, breathing heavily. "I'm Walter Jefferson."
"I'm sorry," the doctor apologized, looking at Walter with a raised eyebrow. "I didn't mean to startle you. I'm Dr. Walton. I examined the patient as soon as they brought him in. There are a few things that you need to know."
Walter cleared his throat and nodded his head.
"Tell me."
"Fortunately," the doctor began, "there were no vital organs damaged in the accident. Now, he's got four broken ribs, a fractured clavicle, and a concussion, but he'll live."
Walter took a deep breath of hope and glanced over his shoulder at the boy.
"That's good. That's great!"
The doctor nodded.
"It is. Less so is my second piece of news."
"Go on," prodded Walter.
"The concussion seems to have caused some damage. According to the paramedics who brought him in and what little I could get him to say, the patient is amnesiac."
The color drained from Walter's face until he was paler than the boy.
"You mean he. . . oh God. . ."
The doctor nodded again.
"Unfortunately, he seems to have forgotten nearly everything about himself. He has no idea who he is or where he's from. We don't even know if he has any family we need to call," explained Dr. Walton. "The only thing we could get out of him was his name."
"What is it?"
"Just Jeff?"
"He only remembers his first name."
Walter collapsed into a chair next to the hospital bed and put his head in his hands.
"So I took his face and his memories," Walter sobbed.
Dr. Walton cocked an eyebrow.
"What do you mean 'took his face'?"
"The wounds on his face," said Walter. "You can' t exactly miss them."
Dr. Walton cleared his throat.
"Those wounds aren't fresh. They're scars, and they certainly didn't come from the accident."
Walter looked up.
"What?" he asked, dumbfounded.
"Those scars are old. He's had them for at least a few years," replied Dr. Walton.
Walter looked back at the face of the sleeping patient.
"Then where did they come from?"
Dr. Walton shrugged dramatically.
"That, along with everything else about him, is something we'd all like to know."
Chapter 5: Waking Up
His mind was blank, totally bereft of the thoughts and details that made up a person. He found himself swimming through a sea of emptiness. The dark, icy waves grasped and tossed, and he fought to keep his head above water.
Up ahead, he saw something floating, like an inner tube. He swam towards it, praying that he wouldn't sink. Three feet from the tube he lunged, but missed. The tube was thrown a little further away by the churning waves. He lunged again. This time, he caught the edge of it.
He clung to the tube for dear life, pressing his face into the side of it. As he did, he noticed a word painted on the side. It was written in rough, scratchy letters that dripped red down the side: Jeff.
His name. The only memory he had left, and the only thing keeping him above the churning sea of despair. He looked down through the hole in the tube's center. He froze.
A hideous face grinned back at him from the water. Its features were twisted into a lopsided, nightmarish smile that went beyond frightening. Its eyes were wider than seemed possible, and edged with dark circles that added a manic hunger to them.
The fiendish face spoke.
"You can't escape me," it said. "I'll find you again. Now, go to sleep- er, I mean, wake up."
Jeff blinked.
Jeff bolted upright in his hospital bed, breathing heavily and covered in cold sweat. The window was open, letting the sunlight in. His head felt like a blacksmith had been using it for an anvil. He tried to look down at himself, but his head wouldn't move. His neck was in a brace, and his collarbone burned when he tried to move his head.
Must be broken, thought Jeff.
He moved his hand along his chest. There were thick bandages.
Ribs broken as well.
Just then, a nurse came into the room, rolling an IV drip along with her. When she saw Jeff was awake, she smiled warmly and waved.
"Good morning, Jeff," she said with pleasant sweetness. "I'm Nurse Elayna, and I'll be taking care of you."
Jeff found himself looking at Elayna for a long time. She had a headful of curly red hair and deep blue eyes. She was very pretty. Finally, he forced himself to speak.
"Hi, Elayna," he said. "Where am I?"
"You're in the Oakwood County Medical Center. Do you remember what happened?" she asked.
Jeff sighed.
"I don't remember much. My name. I remember bits and pieces of the accident. The headlights. The pain. And the angel."
Nurse Elayna looked puzzled.
"He was there," assured Jeff. "He was standing behind the driver who hit me when he called 911. He was so tall. He said. . . he said. . ."
Elayna stood by the IV drip expectantly.
"What did the angel say?" she asked encouragingly.
Jeff shrugged, which led to a sigh of pain.
"I don't remember."
Nurse Elayna nodded compassionately.
"That's understandable. You have a concussion. It also seems that, as a result, you have amnesia. You've lost your memory. Well, most if it."
Nurse Elayna exchanged his IV bag and then turned to face him.
"Can I get you anything, Jeff?"
Jeff looked back at Elayna.
"There is one thing," said Jeff quietly. "Could you bring me a mirror?"
Nurse Elayna pursed her lips and looked away.
"The doctor will be in soon," she answered. "He will be able to take care of that for you."
Before Jeff could respond, Nurse Elayna hurried out of the room.
Chapter 6: Breakfast at the Jeffersons'
Margaret was having trouble getting Walter to go back to bed. It was Saturday, the day after the accident, and his Christmas vacation had begun. And he was absolutely miserable.
They had gotten home from the hospital at 3:30 AM, and they had gone straight to bed. Or, at least, Margaret had. Walter had turned on the television and plopped down on the couch. He stared blankly into space, ignoring the TV. At five in the morning, he had finally come to bed. He had slept until seven. He simply couldn't get the boy - Jeff - off his mind.
"He doesn't remember anything," Walter had told her. "He knows nothing about himself. That's on me."
"No, it isn't," Margaret had told him. "You can't blame yourself for an accident. Anyone could have hit that boy. It just happened to be you."
Now, he sat at the kitchen table, staring at the clock. Margaret walked over and sat down next to him.
"Would you like something to eat?" she asked.
Walter shook his head.
"How about some coffee?"
Same response.
"Visiting hours start at eleven," said Walter. "I'd like visit him sometime this week."
He fixed her with a pleading look.
"Will you come with me? I want to talk to him. To Jeff."
"Of course I will," she said, taking his hands in her own. "I am just as worried about that boy as you are. I just want you to stop beating yourself up. Skipping breakfast and depriving yourself of sleep aren't going to help him. You know that, right?"
Walter turned his head to look into her eyes. His own, she saw, were filled with tears. He took a deep breath.
"I know, Maggie," he said. "I'm. . . scared, is all."
"I know you are," she told him, leaning in and kissing his cheek. "I am too. But it's going to work itself out. I know it is."
Walter wiped his eyes and kissed her back.
"What would I do without you?"
"Fall on your face," she answered. "Now sit tight. I'll make you some scrambled eggs and coffee. You're going to eat, understand me?"
"Yes, ma'am," said Walter as Margaret stood up and walked into the kitchen.
Chapter 7: Reflections
Dr. Walton stood outside Room 114, looking in at his patient. The boy called Jeff was awake, staring straight up the ceiling. Not that he much choice, considering the condition of his eyelids.
Poor kid, mused Dr. Walton. Who are you? And what the hell happened to your face?
Dr. Walton pushed the door open the rest of the way and entered.
"Hello, Jeff. I'm here with your eye drops," announced the doctor. He approached Jeff's head and looked down at him with a wide, friendly grin. "How are you feeling?"
Jeff looked up at him and grinned weakly. It was strange, since the gashes in his cheeks made Jeff appear to be grinning already.
"How would you feel if you got pancaked by a station wagon, Doc? Because that's about how I feel."
Dr. Walton laughed encouragingly.
"Given the circumstances, that makes sense." Dr. Walton held up the bottle of eye drops. "How about we take care of those dry eyes, big guy?"
Jeff widened his eyes for Dr. Walton as the latter squeezed a drop of moisturizing fluid onto each eyeball. Jeff's eyelids squeezed together as best they could.
"Isn't it Elayna's job to give me the eye drops?"
"Well, yes," said the doctor. "But I was in the neighborhood, and I thought I'd check up on you myself."
Dr. Walton pulled a chair over to the head of the bed and took a seat.
"Jeff, what can you recall from the other night? Do you remember anything from before the accident?"
Jeff sighed.
"No. Nothing. I was. . . I was crossing the road. I remember that. I don't remember why, though. Then, I was on the ground. The driver was calling for help. And, I saw the angel."
Dr. Walton nodded his head.
"Elayna told me about that. This angel, what did he look like?"
"It's pretty fuzzy," admitted Jeff. "He was very tall, at least seven feet. He had these huge billowing wings, and glowing eyes that pierced the darkness."
Jeff paused and frowned at the doctor.
"It was a hallucination, wasn't it?"
"That's possible," answered the doctor. "You did hit your head pretty hard. But I've never been one to rule out the metaphysical."
Dr. Walton gestured to Jeff's bandages.
"After all, you survived a head-on collision at forty miles-per-hour. If that isn't divine intervention, I'll turn in my doctorate."
"Maybe," said Jeff absently. His eyes stung, and he moved his eyes around beneath what remained of his eyelids to wet them. "Hey, Doc?"
"Yes, Jeff?"
"There's something I need you to do for me," Jeff told him, "and I won't take no for an answer.
Dr. Walton cocked his head to the side.
"What would that be?"
"I want you to tell me what's wrong with my face."
Dr. Walton frowned.
"What makes you think something's wrong with your face?"
"Drop the act," said Jeff. "I know something isn't right. Elayna wouldn't give me a mirror earlier. Plus, I've been feeling it all morning. It feels wrong. It feels like leather, not skin."
Jeff pointed to his eyes.
"And judging by the lack of any scabbing, I'm assuming that this isn't road rash across my eyes."
Dr. Dalton folded his hands.
"Jeff," he replied frankly, "Legally, I can't tell you no. However, I can warn you. Your current state is fragile. If you get too worked up, you might hurt yourself."
Jeff frowned. Tears began to well up in his eyes.
"That bad, huh?"
"No, Jeff, that's not. . ." Dr. Walton's voice trailed off. He bit his lip.
"Look, Doc," began Jeff. He clenched his fists and took a deep breath. "I'm scared. I woke up in a strange place. I don't even know who I am. And I certainly don't remember what I look like."
Jeff sniffed. A tear ran down his cheek. He dabbed at it. His fingers ran down along the ridge of the scar there, until they reached his lips. Jeff returned his gaze to the eyes of Dr. Walton.
"I want to know what this ridge I feel beneath my finger is. I want to see why my eyes don't close. I want something. . . a face to put with my own name. Can you understand that?"
Dr. Walton was speechless. Before him on the hospital bed lay his patient, a boy with nothing. He was so vulnerable, and there was only one thing in the world he wanted. But, Dr. Walton was afraid to give it to him.
Who was he to stand in Jeff's way, though? It was his duty to abide by his patients' wishes. With a reluctant sigh, he relinquished his humanity.
"Alright, Jeff," said Dr. Walton. "If that is what you want."
Dr. Walton stepped into the bathroom for a moment. When he returned, he held a plastic hand-mirror. Jeff watched him approach. It was a slow, dutiful march, like an executioner walking to the scaffold. Jeff didn't know whether to feel nervous or excited. He determined that his beating heart was a result of both.
"Here you go," whispered the doctor as he handed Jeff the mirror.
Jeff accepted the mirror from Dr. Walton and held it up before his face.
Jeff gasped at what he saw looking back at him. He had no eyebrows. His eyelids were a tattered, blackened mess that made his eyes appear wide and hungry. The rest of the flesh was white as milk, and as rough as crocodile leather. His cheeks were marred by three-inch gashes that curled up across his face like the tendrils of an evil kraken hiding beneath the surface. The wretched, ruined face seemed to grin malevolently at him from the glass.
"Oh, God," whispered Jeff. ". . . oh God."
His fingertips traveled the length of a scar, then up the bridge of his nose to his forehead. His fingers splayed across his features, and he lowered the mirror.
"Dear God. . ."
Dr. Walton rested his hand on Jeff's shoulder.
"I'll give you a moment alone."
Jeff barely heard his words. They sounded distant, like he had spoken underwater. This had been what Jeff was afraid he would see. The face he had seen in the mirror was the same face that had stared up at through the inner tube, the one from the sea of darkness. The demonic face from his dream had been his own.
Chapter 8: The Waiting Room
"Walter Jefferson, here to visit Jeff. Room 114."
Walter stood with his hands at his sides. The nurse looked up Jeff in the computer.
"Give me just one moment please," said the nurse as she stood and went into the back.
Walter waited awkwardly, drumming his fingers against the countertop. Soon, the nurse was back.
"He's being cleaned up right now," she told him, "but he should be ready in a few minutes. Just have a seat, and someone will come and take you in."
"Thank you," said Walter.
Walter turned away and walked back to the waiting area. He plopped down in a chair next to Margaret and picked up a magazine, which he perused absently.
What will he be like? Will he hate me? Will he blame me for what happened to him?
Walter didn't know what to expect. All he could do was wait and hope for the best.
Just then, a horrible thought occurred to him.
"Yes, Walter?" asked Margaret.
"What's going to happen to Jeff?"
Margaret looked at him in confusion.
"What do you mean?" she asked.
"What if he has a family? He doesn't remember anything. He won't be able to contact anyone. He'll be all alone."
"Don't worry," urged Margaret, putting a hand on his shoulder. "His family is probably looking for him right now. They'll come for him."
Walter didn't look satisfied.
"But what if he has no family? What if he was already alone? He's at least sixteen or seventeen. What if they just ship him to a foster home until he's eighteen?"
"Walter," whispered Margaret soothingly, "everything is going to be okay."
Walter took a breath.
"I hope you're right."
Just then, a nurse walked over and stood in front of them.
"Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson?" she asked.
"That's us," said Walter, standing to his feet.
"Jeff is ready to see you."
Chapter 9: A Chance Meeting
Mark headed into the break room for lunch. He took his sandwich and root beer from the refrigerator and turned to go. As he did so, he nearly collided with a nurse who was coming behind him.
"Sorry!" squeaked Mark, bending over to pick up the paper bag he had knocked out of her hands.
As he handed her the bag, their eyes met. Hers were a gorgeous, vibrant shade of blue. Her locks of bright red hair were just as distracting.
"Thank you," she said, accepting the bag from him.
Mark couldn't tear his eyes off the girl. She cocked her head to the side and grinned.
"Are you in there?" she asked.
"Yes," said Mark, snapping back to reality and clearing his throat. "Sorry. You have. . . very pretty eyes."
The nurse laughed.
"You're welcome," Mark replied. "Hey, wait a moment. Aren't you Elayna Johnson? Jeff's nurse?"
"Yes, I am," she answered. "How did you know?"
Mark's face darkened considerably
"Jeff's the talk of the hospital," answered Mark distastefully. "The amnesiac with the mysterious scars, and all that."
Elayna looked shocked.
"They aren't making fun of him, are they?"
"Not that I know," said Mark. "But I'm no lover of gossip either way. He's just a kid."
Elayna fixed Mark with a curious look.
"You talk as if you know him," she noted.
"I don't, exactly," replied Mark, scratching at his short brown hair. "I was with the team that brought him in, though."
He shrugged.
"I don't know. I guess I feel responsible for him, or something. You should have seen him. Helpless, afraid. You'd probably feel the same way."
Elayna nodded her head.
"I know what you mean. I've been taking care of him all week."
"Oh, yeah?" asked Mark. "How's he doing?"
Elayna frowned.
"Some days are good. Others, not so good. He's very quiet. I don't know if he's thinking, or if he just doesn't have anything to say."
Mark echoed her sad look.
"What does he do all day?"
"He mostly just stares at the ceiling," she said. "Sometimes he'll touch his face. Like he's trying to remember."
She looked at Mark.
"I think he's lonely."
Mark furrowed his brow.
"I might visit him," he said. "I'd like to see if I can't cheer him up."
Elayna smiled from ear to ear.
"I bet he would like that."
Chapter 10: Face to Face
He couldn't get it out of his mind. The image of his face haunted him like a vengeful phantom. His pale and leathery skin, bloodred lips, lidless eyes, and vicious smile stared back at him everywhere he looked.
He was a monster.
No, you're no monster. You're beautiful. Now turn that frown upside-down, dummy!
"Huh?" asked Jeff out loud. He looked around the room for the speaker. No one was there.
Did I imagine that? wondered Jeff. I gotta get out of this hospital bed.
Just then, there was a knock at the door. A nurse poked her inside the room.
"Jeff," she said sweetly, "you have visitors."
Jeff creased his forehead.
The nurse swung the door open and walked inside. Behind her, a man and a woman entered hand-in-hand. The man was in his late thirties with short hair and a clean-shaven face. The woman had long, flowing brown hair and a pleasant, but nervous, smile.
"Jeff," said the nurse, "this is Walter and Margaret Jefferson."
"It's you," said Jeff. "You're the one who hit me."
Walter froze. Margaret squeezed his hand encouragingly. He took a few steps forward. Jeff watched his steady approach unflinchingly.
"Come closer," said Jeff.
Walter knelt by Jeff's bedside, placing his hands on the edge.
"Son," he began, voice cracking, "I. . . I'm sorry. I didn't. . ."
Walter wiped his eyes.
". . . I didn't mean for this to happen. If I could go back, I-"
Walter cut off immediately. He didn't move a muscle. Jeff had spoken so suddenly, Walter's thoughts were scrambled.
Jeff took a deep breath, and grabbed Walter by the wrist.
"Mr. Jefferson," he began, "look at me. What do you see?"
Walter looked at Jeff, unsure of what to say.
"I see a teenage boy," he offered in reply.
Jeff nodded his head.
"And what more than that?"
Walter looked over his shoulder at Margaret. She had one hand over her mouth. Tears were welling up inside her eyes. He looked back to Jeff.
"I don't understand."
Jeff reached up with his free hand and ran a finger along his cheek.
"Yes, you do."
". . . scars," Walter managed.
"Bingo," said Jeff. "Ugly ones. And who knows how I got them? It must have been horrible."
Jeff pulled Walter a little closer.
"Could you live with yourself if you looked the way I do?"
Walter's heart was beating faster. Was Jeff angry with him? Where was he going with this?
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying that it's entirely possible I wanted you to hit me," answered Jeff. "What if I stepped in front of you on purpose?"
Walter was speechless.
"It was no one's fault, Mr. Jefferson," continued Jeff.
He let go of Walter's wrist and took him by the hand.
"It just happened. No amount of blubbering on either of our parts is going to change that."
Tears ran down Walters face as Jeff spoke. Jeff hadn't just forgiven him. Jeff had told him that he had dine nothing wrong. Walter couldn't find words to describe how grateful he was. All that he could was squeeze Jeff's hand and cry his tears of joy.
Margaret approached the opposite side of Jeff's bed.
"Jeff, when they release you, how would you like to come and stay with Walter and me for a little while?"
Jeff's blinkless eyes widened.
"You. . . you want me to stay with you? Like. . . at your house?"
"Of course!" replied Walter joyfully. He looked up at his wife, and their eyes met. She winked at him. He smiled back.
"But. . . why?" asked Jeff. "I'm. . . nit exactly good company."
"Nonsense!" argued Margaret. "You're a sweet boy, and we would love to have you around. Besides, it's the least we can do until your real family comes for you."
"My real family. . ." repeated Jeff.
He had thought about them a lot over the past week. He didn't know who they were, or if they even existed. But he had wondered who they might be. He wondered if they were looking for him right now.
"What do you say?" asked Walter.
"I. . . I would love to," said Jeff.
Margaret leaned over and kissed Jeff on his gauze-wrapped forehead.
"We'll come to visit you every day until then," she said.
Jeff yawned, a huge yawn that nearly sit his head in two.
"Sorry," he said. "I'm. . . very tired all of a sudden. . ."
The nurse stepped forward.
"I think we should let him rest."
"Of course," said Walter, letting go of Jeff's hand. "Go to sleep, Jeff. We'll be back tomorrow."
"I'll see you then," mumbled Jeff as he began to drift off.
Margaret and Walter turned to follow the nurse out into the hall.
"Mrs. Jefferson?"
Margaret turned to look back into the room.
"Yes, Jeff?"
"Didn't the nurse say your name was Margaret?"
"Yes," she said. "Margaret Katherine Jefferson. Why do you ask?"
A headache nagged behind Jeff's eye, and he put his hand to his temple reflexively.
"I. . . I think I knew someone named Margaret. Someone close to me."
Chapter 11: Interesting Developments
"Erika Langford, twenty-two years old. Cut up in the middle of the night."
Agent Vince Brewer stood over the body of the victim, hands tucked away in the pockets of his suit coat. He regarded the crime scene with a somber expression. He had seen hundreds like it before, but it never got any easier. Still, not everyone had what it took to do his job.
He gestured to the sheets, which had been ripped from the bed, and an overturned lamp.
"There was a struggle," he noted. "She was awake when it happened."
"We guessed that, too," replied the officer in charge of the crime scene. "The killer came in, probably startled her awake, struggled with her, then shoved a knife in her gut. Slashed her face a little bit for good measure, too."
"It sounds to me like you guys have this under control," replied Agent Brewer with some annoyance. "Why contact the Bureau?"
"There's the kicker," replied the officer. "Right this way."
The officer led Agent Brewer across the room, careful to avoid disturbing the crime scene. Agent Brewer was just as careful. The officer stopped, gesturing to the window.
"This is how our killer got in."
The window was open, and the curtains were drawn. Bloody handprints lined the fabric. A few were plastered across the windowsill, revealing that the window had served as an exit as well as an entrance.
Agent Brewer's eyes were wide with surprise. He clenched his jaw and turned and stormed out of the room, taking long and deliberate strides. The officer hurried to keep up with him.
"There's more!" he called.
Agent Brewer ignored him and continued. He marched out through the front door, down the porch steps, and around the house. He didn't stop until he could see the window from the outside. The moment it came into view, something else did. It was difficult to see in the dying sunlight, but it was there.
Agent Brewer had taken down many a serial killer in his career with the FBI. One thing he had learned was that, to some of them, it was a game. They loved to play the game, and they loved to be recognized for playing. They lived for the coverage their dark craft received, for the names the media gave them. So, to facilitate this, some killers left behind a calling card. Agent Brewer had seen this particular calling card many times over the past three years.
The officer ran up alongside Agent Brewer and stopped to catch his breath. 
"Now you know why we got ahold of the Bureau."
Agent Brewer clenched his fists as he approached the side of the house. The walls were painted white. There was no missing the message scrawled beneath the window. It was written in bright red letters. The medium had dripped, leaving long run lines beneath each letter.
"What is that written in?" asked Agent Brewer, hoping against hope that he was wrong.
"What do you think?" retorted the officer.
The message was simple. There were three words and nine letters in all, and each letter was capitalized. 
Agent Brewer closed his eyes. He felt like someone had punched him right between the eyes. 
"That's it, ain't it?" asked the officer. "That's the Grin's handiwork, right?"
Agent Brewer opened his mouth to respond when something moved out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head to look. It had been a momentary flicker of movement.
"Did you see that?" asked Agent Brewer.
"See what?" asked the officer. "All I see is some bloody graffiti and an open window."
Agent Brewer looked down at his feet. He noticed that his shadow had lengthened considerably as the sunk sank. His hat had almost reached the top of the house.
Agent Brewer wasn't wearing a hat.
"I need a moment alone," said Agent Brewer, turning to face the officer."
The officer furrowed his brow, but nodded. He didn't feel like arguing with a Fed today.
"Suit yourself, agent," muttered the officer as he turned to go. "See you back inside when you're ready."
"Thank you," said Agent Brewer, who returned his attention to his shadow once the officer was out of sight.
"What are you doing here?" he demanded.
His shadow seemed to lean forward from the wall. It shrank, contorted, and lost all shape, like a two-dimensional cloud of smoke on the wall. Soon, it was no taller than the agent, and it began to take human form once more: flowing trench coat, wide-brimmed fedora, and a walking cane held in the right hand. Two miniscule spheres of red light gazed out at Agent Brewer from where the figure's eyes should have been. It was a living shadow, standing there against the wall before him.
The shadow man replied with a deep, gravelly voice that seemed to echo from every surface, even the ones in Agent Brewer's mind.
"I came to check up on you," replied the shadow. "You are busy?"
"Am now," answered Brewer, waving his hand at the bloody message.
The shadow studied the message for a moment.
"Hmmm," it mused thoughtfully. "The Grin. A dangerous killer. Certainly not someone you want running around free."
"Don't give me that," scoffed Agent Brewer. "You probably know who he is already. You've just been holding out on me for three years."
"Perhaps, and perhaps not," whispered the shadow. "I keep many secrets."
"So why are you here?" asked Agent Brewer, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I come bearing a gift."
The shadow stepped forward, away from the wall, now taking up three dimensions. The shadow man held something out towards Brewer. It was something sealed in plastic. Brewer stepped forward to get a better look.
It was a blood-spattered kitchen knife.
"The murder weapon," explained the shadow, "used to kill Erika Langford."
Agent Brewer reached out, accepting the sealed knife from the shadow man. He held it up to the dying light, studying the blade. It was covered in scraped marks, beaten, battered, and bloodied.
"Where the hell did you find this?" he asked.
"One gift at a time," replied the shadow, holding up an ebony finger and wagging it back and forth. "It should suffice to say that something has happened on my side. There's been an interesting development. I'm curious to see how it will play out."
The shadow man turned his back to Agent Brewer. He began to melt back into the agent's shadow, silently and swiftly.
"What about the Grin?" called Agent Brewer.
The figure was gone, but one final reply came whispering from within the shadows.
"Look for him."
Chapter 12: Merry Christmas, Happy New Life
Salutations, my lovely readers! This chapter is long overdue, but now that I have finished my education I think can get on a regular schedule.
You can expect updates on Jeff the Killer: Recall every Friday evening, the good Lord willing. As for my other works, I will be updating them as time allows. I have many original projects in the works, as well as a potentially big opportunity on the way.
Eyes up. The Mysterious Realm is unforgiving!
He tossed and turned in the bed, eyes darting back and forth beneath his mangled eyelids. His pale, slender fingers grasped at sweat-soaked sheets. His feet kicked at some unseen foe, something watching him from the darkness.
Jeff's dreams were getting worse.
In a realm beyond this one, Jeff sat on a cold floor, knees drawn against his chest. His lips trembled as he whispered the word over and over.
Margaret. Who was she?
He ran his fingers through his wild hair. They came back wet with sweat. Jeff clenched his fists, searching desperately for memories that weren't there. 
Who was Margaret?
"Who cares?"
Jeff jumped to his feet. The new voice was familiar, unpleasant, and it startled him.
Jeff spun around, throwing up his hands to protect himself. The voice had come from behind.
"Wh-who's there?" Jeff demanded.
From the darkness, a shape began to manifest. It was horrible, a beastly silhouette. Its crimson eyes glared hungrily at Jeff from the shadows.
"We are. No one else."
Jeff trembled. The creature's eyes demanded his attention; he couldn't look away, though he tried.
"Who are you?" Jeff croaked.
The silhouette seemed to slither through the darkness, eyes never blinking, never straying. It inched forward, little by little, until those horrible eyes were just in front of Jeff's.
"How could you forget me?" the shape asked. There was almost genuine hurt in its voice, as though it was sad that Jeff didn't recognize it.
Suddenly, Jeff found himself seized in an icy, crushing grasp. Frigid tendrils of shadow wrapped around his body, pinning his arms helplessly to his sides. He struggled, but it was moot. Wicked glee glinted in the crimson eyes of the beast as the shadows of its face began to swirl and pull aside. Within, a new face peered back. Jeff gasped.
"Beautiful, aren't I?" it asked.
Jeff squeezed his eyes shut. His mangled eyelids did nothing to conceal the horror that now held him in its clutches. He screamed, a scream that went beyond the dream.
Then, he was sitting upright in bed, chilled sweat dribbling down his sides and neck. His hands trembled at his sides. He raised them before his face, flexing his fingers to make the shaking stop.
He had been having the same dream for a while now. His mind went back to Christmas Day. The Jeffersons had been there. Mark and Elayna had been there, too. Even Dr. Walton had stopped by. All of them had gotten him gifts.
"Oh, geez. . ." Jeff had muttered, sinking lower onto the hospital bed. "I wish you hadn't."
"Nonsense," Margaret had said with a wave of her hand. "Now get to opening."
Walter and Margaret had gotten Jeff a long, insulated leather jacket that went down well past the knees.
"To keep you warm when you finally go outside," said Margaret.
"And look here," said Walter, pointing to the chest. "It comes with a reflector. Now you can cross the street at night."
Jeff was silent for a moment. 
"I love it," he said at last, running his hands over the leather. He enjoyed the way it felt. "Thank you both."
"My turn," said Elayna, presenting Jeff with a box wrapped in snowmen and reindeer. Inside was a portable CD-player, complete with headphones and a few CDs ready to go.
"I know how much you like music," she told him. "Now you can listen as often as you want."
Jeff looked through the CDs. They were all groups Elayna had introduced him to, that he loved to listen to: Linkin Park, Skillet, and more.
"Thank you so much," said Jeff, hugging Elayna around the neck.
"Anything for my little work brother," she replied with a giggle, hugging him back.
"You've still got one more," said Mark. He plopped a very small box down on the bed in Jeff's lap. The box was about the size of a TV remote. It was wrapped in simple red paper, with a little green bow holding it shut.
"What is it?" asked Jeff, turning it over in his hands.
"Only one way to find out," replied Mark, smirking and crossing his arms.
Carefully, Jeff slipped a finger under the edges of the tape, pulling it away little by little.
"Oh come on, we're not saving the paper," protested Mark. "Open it up!"
Jeff caved and ripped the paper away with a flick of his wrist. His mouth fell open. His voicebox cracked in two. Words tried to form on the tip of his tongue, but something powerful kept them at bay.
The present was a little box, bound in a faux leather material and hinged in the back. With trembling fingers, Jeff opened the box. Inside, his expectations were fulfilled tenfold. There rested a pair of sunglasses, with firm black plastic temples and thick dark lenses.
"I. . . I. . ."
"Look, I'm not saying you need them," stammered Mark, "just that, you know, with the sun, and with your eyes, and with the drops-"
Jeff's arms were around Mark before he could stammer out another syllable, his face buried deep in his friend's shirt.
". . . thank you," was all Jeff could croak through the raging torrent of feelings that swept over him. Mark put an arm around Jeff's shoulder in turn.
"You're welcome, little buddy."
Jeff pulled away from his friend's embrace, turning his eyes upon the room. Within the four light blue walls of the hospital room were the only five people in the world Jeff knew. They cared for him, and he for them. Warmth. Peace. Gratitude. Companionship Belonging. They all seemed to surge within him simultaneously.
Jeff jolted, arcing his back and grabbing at his temple. 
"Wh-what?" he mumbled aloud.
"You okay, buddy?" asked Mark, reaching out. Jeff's vision swirled. He saw Mark's face, Mark's stupid face, giving him that coddling look. Why, he ought to reach out and grab Mark by his skinny little neck. . .
A wave of shame and horror shot through Jeff like an electrified bullet. Those thoughts were evil, twisted and monstrous. They couldn't have been his. At least, he didn't want them to be his. 
"I. . ." Jeff struggled. He could feel his eyes shaking in his sockets. Darkness was coming.
"Easy there," said Dr. Walton, hurrying over. "He's just exhausted. Give him some space, Mark."
Jeff had felt cold hands as they took him by the wrist, and colder hands as they took him by the mind.
That had been Christmas. For the first time he could remember, Jeff had known joy. Something had taken that joy from him.
Jeff seized the pocket mirror from his nightstand, staring intently into the crystal glass. His twisted reflection looked back at him. He bit his lip timidly. He hoped, he prayed, that a dream was all it had been.
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scarlettconfetti · 3 years
I know this is like my second Maeve request😅but could you also do headcanons for maeve with a short girlfriend?🥺
a/n: hey, the request has finally been done & i am so, so sorry that it’s taken me so long to get around to writing this. i hope you enjoy the headcanons i have crafted for this lovely idea.
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you’re the girlfriend of queen maeve & you are quite short.
she doesn’t tease you about it all the time, but if there’s an opportunity for her to, you will be met with a witty but sweet remark about your shorter status.
for starters: maeve absolutely adores you, you are her girlfriend & she treasures you.
she will wrap her arm around you & tuck you into her side if you’re walking anywhere together.
getting maeve to reach stuff out of the taller cupboards for you.
if she sees you struggling she’s there.
if you’re practically climbing up the kitchen units to get what you need, she is there to help you.
she will get what you wanted & set it aside so that she can help you down.
maeve will usually pick you up & give you a comforting hug when she does that.
if you run to give her a hug, she will definitely lift you off the ground a little bit.
when either you or her or both of you needs comforting, she will gently wrap her arms around you & rub your back as you rest you head on her chest.
she’ll have her fingers resting in your hair sometimes.
standing on tiptoes even if it causes you pain & for your toes to hate you, to kiss her because she’s maeve & you absolutely love to share kisses with your taller girlfriend.
a/n: i hope you liked this, i’m sorry if it isn’t my best work, but i had so many ideas for this & it all just came out in this rush of insanity, thank you so much for requesting & reading.
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
About me and request rules
Hey I'm Ziggy and this is my blog where I obsess over men and sometimes women. I use he/him and I'm 18. I really like fall stuff, vampires, Halloween in general, and my special interest is specifically horror movies. My favorite horror movie is Texas chainsaw massacre. My side account is @slashers-offical-boyfriend and my nsfw fan fiction account is @living-dead-author. Below is the information on my request rules and info. Enjoy your stay <3
Master list Ao3 account
Taken anons: 🦝🌾🎟🐾🫀🤡🐚🍼👻♠️ 13 🎸🦇🦌🐝 🦕🎨
Requests: open
Match ups: closed
Do not interact with me if you are
Are a proshipper
Just a republican in general
Ed blog
Under 16
Match up rules
Specify the fandom you want and your gender preference.
Include things like hobbies, dream career, ideal parter, personality traits gender identity.
Feel free to include anything else you think is important.
Make them as long as you think they should be.
Will do
Light or regular angst
head cannons
hurt x comfort
x gn, male, trans masc and ftm reader
Autistic, depressed, anxious, etc reader (I won’t write about mental health issues/ mental illnesses unless I have it myself or I feel comfortable enough portraying it)
Darker topics like past mentions of abuse, sh, kidnapping, murder, etc all with proper trigger warnings
poly stories and head cannons (unless you tell me you want them to be poly I won’t write them as poly)
Slashers in a Dbd setting if they're actually in the game
Yandere characters (I think I know how to write one)
Iffy (Not common or might not write about depending on the request)
character x character
suicidal reader
Characters hurting reader on purpose
Recovering Ed related things
Heavy angst (More likely to be written with a happy ending)
Age regressing reader (Only if it's sfw)
x fem reader (Won't be very common for now unless it's essential to the fic)
I won’t do
sexual fics or head cannons (Take that to my other account)
Child reader
pregnant reader
parent reader
Pro Ed related anything
Horror characters
Scream: Billy Loomis, Stu Macher
Black Christmas: Billy Lenz
Halloween: Michael Myers (og or rob zombie), Corey Cunningham
The Boy: Brahms Heelshire
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Bubba Sawyer, Thomas Hewitt, Nubbins Sawyer, Chop top Sawyer, Vanita "Stretch" Brock
House of wax: Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, Lester Sinclair
Behind the mask: Leslie Vernon
House of 1000 corpses: Otis Driftwood, Baby Firefly
The Lost boys: David, Paul, Marko, Dwayne, Michael, Star
The Black phone: The Grabber/Albert Shaw
Spree: Kurt Kunkle
Friday the 13th: Jason Voorhees, Tommy Jarvis
Child's play: Tiffany Valentine
Re-animator: Herbert West, Dan Cain
Carrie: Carrie White
Saw: Amanda Young, Adam Faulkner, Mark Hoffman, Peter Strahm
Candy man: The Candy man/ Daniel Robitaille
31: Doomhead
Psycho: Norman Bates
My bloody valentine: Harry Warden
American psycho: Patrick Bateman
Hannibal nbc: Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter
Near dark: Severen
Laid to rest: Jesse Cromeans
Martin: Martin Mathias
The Collector: Asa Emory/The Collector
Thanksgiving: Sheriff Eric Newlon
The Walking dead
Daryl Dixon
Rick Grimes
Negan Smith
Glenn Rhee
Maggie Rhee
Dead by Daylight
Danny Johnson/Ghostface
Pyramid head
Any slasher listed in the above section that is in dbd
Interview with the vampire 1995
Lestat De Lioncourt
Louis De Pointe Du Lac
Misc. Characters
Johnathan Crane/Scarecrow (DC, based off Cillian Murphy portrayal)
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The Island Of Misfit Toys Playlist
YouTube Playlist
Part One: Songs Featured In The Text
Part Two: Songs That Remind Me Of The Text* 
(*If a song matches a certain part in the text, it will be indicated, if not, it’s a general inspiration)
Ace Of Hearts - Zella Day
All Die Young - Smith Westerns
All The Stars - The Wailin’ Jennys
All The Way - Carolyne Neuman
All Through The Night - Sleeping At Last
Anchor - Mindy Gledhill
A Place You Like - Island
Arms - Christina Perri
Ashes Made Of Spades - The Rocket Summer
Away Frm U - Oberhofer
Barbies - P!nk
Beating Heart - Ellie Goulding
Believe In Dreams - Flyleaf
Be Still - The Fray
Blood And Bones - Kodaline
Brand New - Emilie Mover
Breathe - Rhodes
Breathless - Better Than Ezra
Bring Us The Sun - Ben Cocks
But Breathing - Defeater
Cancer - My Chemical Romance
Cast No Shadow - Oasis
Chain Breaker - Zach Williams
Come Out Of The Shade - The Perishers
Crash Into Me - Former Vandal
Daring To Be Different - Everlife
Diamond - Bandit Heart
Disaster Hearts - I Fight Dragons
Do Not Hang Your Head - Elizabeth & The Catapult
Don’t Go My Darlin’ - The National Parks
Dumb Stuff - Lany
Each Shallow Breath - Chase Coy
Everyone Falls - Beth Thornley
Fair Weather Friends - Johnny Cash
Fall For You - Leela James
Fallin’ For You - Colbie Caillat
Falling - Secrets In Stereo
Fall Into Me - Hey Monday
Fifteen - Foy Vance
Fingerprints - Eric Saade
Five - Sleeping At Last
Flying High - Jem
Forever - Matt Hires
Free Like You Make Me - Cary Brothers
Going To Be Wonderful - Tom Rosenthal
Good To Be Alive (Hallelujah) - Andy Grammer
Hallelujah - Gin Wigmore
Heart - The Pretty Reckless
Hear Your Heart - James Bay
Here I Am - Dolly Parton ft. Sia
He’s My Son - Mark Schultz
Hide Away - Hilary Duff
House Of Love - Catherine MacLellan
Hugging You - Tom Rosenthal
I Dare You - The XX
I Do Adore - Mindy Gledhill
I’ll Never Go Away - Erin McCarley ft. Gabe Dixon
I Still Breathe - Apollo Drive
It Keeps You Runnin’ - The Doobie Brothers
Jeanette - Chase Coy
Join The Club - Bring Me The Horizon
Keeping Me Alive - The Afters
Kind - Eisley
Lay It On Me - Vance Joy
Leaving Song - Mary Chapin Carpenter
Left To Dry - Shaimus
Let It Out - Tom Rosenthal
Let’s Run Away - Haley Reinhart
Light Me Up - Ingrid Michaelson
Live Forever - Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors
Long Time Coming - Oliver James
Look After You - Aron Wright
Look Through My Eyes - Everlife
Love Alone - Thriving Ivory
Love Is Stronger Than Death - The The
Love Won’t Sleep - Lostboycrow
Lucky - Kat Edmonson
Meant - Zach Winters
Medicine - The 1975
Million Dollar Secret - Lucius
My Aim Is You - Nikola Sarcevic
My Best Friend - Tim McGraw
My Heart - The Perishers
Never Let This Go - Paramore
Night Go Slow - Catey Shaw
Nobody Knows - Lostboycrow
No One’s Aware - Jack Savoretti
No Such Thing As Time - Elenowen
Only One - Smith Westerns
Our First Kiss - Billy Gilman
Out Of The Blue - Vertical Horizon
Parallel Lines - Future Reference ft. Aron Wright
Pluto - Sleeping At Last
Promise Keeper - Breaking Point
Raindrops - Maggie Eckford
Raining - Of Verona
Rare - Ruth B
Salt Skin - Ellie Goulding
Saved My Life - Fee Waybill
Save You - Simple Plan
Say Something - A Great Big World ft. Christina Aguilera
Send Me All Your Angels - Kris Allen
Side By Side - Sleeping At Last
Six - Sleeping At Last
Sleeping World - Vancouver Sleep Clinic
Soda - Nothing But Thieves
Some Kind Of Home  - Thriving Ivory
Someone  To Stay - Vancouver Sleep Clinic
Soon Goodbye, Now Love - Tom Rosenthal
Sorrowing Man - City & Colour
St. Jude - Florence + The Machine
Stone Of Suffering - Get Set Go
Summer - Benjamin Francis Leftwich
Surrender - Former Vandal ft. Tabi
Take These Things To Heart - Kyler England
Take Your Guess - Tom Rosenthal
Take Your Time - Cary Brothers
Teenage Sonata - Sam Cooke
Temptation - Moby
The One You Love - Passenger ft. Kate Miller-Heidke
The Projectionist - Sleeping At Last
There Is A Dark Place - Tom Rosenthal
The Stars Shine In The Sky Tonight - Eels
Thief - Our Lady Peace
Timebomb - Delta Spirit
Too Young To Feel This Old - You Me At Six
To The Grave - Bea Miller
Traveler - Lostboycrow
Twenty Twelve - Matt Maeson
Two - Sleeping At Last
Wait For You - James Lindsay
We Could Happen - AJ Rafael
We Found Each Other In The Dark - City & Colour
We Gotta Get Out Of This Place - Denmark + Winter
What I Needed - Erin McCarley
Whenever You Need - Jamestown Story
When I Go - Over The Rhine
Where I Can’t Follow - Amy Kuney
Wicked Game - Gemma Hayes
Wild Ones - You Me At Six
Wild Place - Glass Pear
Wish That You Were Here - Florence + The Machine
Without A Fight - Jame Floyd
Without You - AJ Rafael
Wonder - Lauren Aquilina
Won’t Stop Running - A Great Big World
You Ain’t Alone - Alabama Shakes
You And Me - Rosie Thomas
You And Your Heart - We The Lion
You Only Need You - Tom Rosenthal
You’re The One For Me - Delta Rae
You Will Find Me - Andrew Ripp
Part Three: Reader Recommendations
Agape - Bear’s Den
Castor And Pollux - Kathryn Calder
Diamonds - Ben Howard
Eastside - Benny Blanco ft. Halsey/Khalid
I’m Waiting Here - David Lynch ft. Lykke Li
Is There Somewhere - Halsey
Joyful - X Ambassadors
My Boy - Car Seat Headrest
Perfect - Ed Sheeran
The Funeral - Band Of Horses
Tokyo Narita - Halsey ft. Lido
With You - Tyler Shaw
You Are My Sister - Antony And The Johnsons
You Might Be The One - Greyson Chance
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Hi! Can you write Queen Maeve x reader (she/her) where Maeve and reader were broken up, but after the plane crash in season one, Maeve goes to the reader, and they get back together?
In your arms • Queen Maeve
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⚠️Content warning: Mentions of trauma, depression, panic attacks, the plane sequence, Homelander’s general awfulness, alcoholism, self-destructive behavior and unstable relationship.
*These characters do not belong to me, all rights to their respective owners, this is just a piece of entertainment by and for fans.
Summary: In the wake of a traumatic event and horrid realizations, Maggie comes back to you.
Reader’s pronouns: She/Her
Keys: Y/N = Your Name, Y/MN = Your Mother’s name/nickname. In case you’ve forgotten: Margaret “Maggie” Shaw is the real name of Queen Maeve in the series. 
Author's note: If you want to send your own request, please check the Disclaimer & Rules post and the MASTERLIST post to see more content and which characters are available; Idk if Maeve is OCC, I rewatched a lot of her scenes with Elena and she always seems to be much more vulnerable around her, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
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"Maybe it was a bad idea." Maeve reflects for the first time since leaving that liquor store with enough alcohol in hand to supply an entire party; but her regret doesn't do much good, after all, she's already knocked on your door and she can hear movement through it that indicates you're on your way to open it and once you do, you can't stop a mixture of surprise and confusion invading your facial expression;  she is standing in front of you after so long, wearing loose and somewhat disheveled clothes, her hair looks a bit messy and although you can't see her at all, you notice her tired face and her puffy eyes that hint she might have been crying for a long time before coming here.
"Hey, Y/N." she greets you in a small voice, for some reason unable to look directly at you.
“Maeve?!” you asked more surprised than angry, even though you had reason enough to be, the last time you saw her she treated you so coldly that depression caught you for a long time.
You can see her carefully thinking about her answer before speaking again.
"Can- Can I come in?"
You hesitate for a few seconds, looking her up and down, trying to gauge her intentions somehow, but it's hard to know what she's up to; having come to you so unexpectedly after so long, and even though a part of you wants to slam the door right in her face, there is also something in you that ultimately notices how restless Maeve seems and you can't ignore the feeling of worry that comes over you; so just by nodding and without saying anything you let her in.
Maeve walks in so carefully and with so much hesitation, she manages to remind you of a shy baby deer exploring an unfamiliar area.
"Tea?" you offer as you walk into the kitchen on your way to turn off the pot you left on before her arrival and she gently accepts the offer.
The silence is awkward and Maeve's gaze travels over the details of your home as she waits for you to return from your trip to the kitchen, until she finally settles on one of the framed photos on the main shelf: in it you are smiling radiantly while holding your doctorate degree in your hands; Maeve smiles back with genuine happiness and pride, in her mind she remembers the many times in the past when you told her your life plan and the enthusiasm and determination in your eyes when you swore to heaven and earth that you would become one of the greatest exponents in your field.
Your steps announcing your return capture her attention and she congratulates you with a smile still present.
“Hey, you got it! When was the ceremony?
"A month ago, right on my mom's birthday." You hand her the cup of tea while taking a sip from your own as you respond calmly.
“Y/MN birthday? Man, bet she didn’t stop bragging about it to her friends, she’s right in doing so though, you’ve always been the smartest one in the room” she chuckles fondly to herself and although you enjoy this moment, you also feel some anger seeing Maeve act so nonchalantly as if time had frozen in a past where both were happy, maybe that's why you aggressively bring her back to reality.
“Why are you here?” the spark of anger inside you dripping in your tone.
Her smile fades into her previous timid and unsure demeanor and once again avoids your gaze.
“I was in the area and I thought…you know, If um, you wanna maybe…get some food? or we could-”
“Are you serious?” you cut her off and she stops immediately, not entirely sure what you want her to say.
“Margaret, you know how long it’s been? It's been 5 years since I last saw you! and now what? all of a sudden you show up at my door, looking like shit, acting like nothing has happened and you wanna go grab dinner?! bullshit!”
The anger in your words seems to hit her really hard with the truth of the situation, as she struggles to find her voice over the knot now forming in her throat, she declares quietly and sadly:
“This was a bad idea, I’m sorry.”
She turns her back on you, ready to leave just like the last time you saw her, and this only angers you even more.
“You haven’t changed at all, always leaving without an explanation, brave Maeve my ass, you’re a coward that’s what you are!” As soon as the words leave your mouth a part of you regrets it, but also your chest somehow now feels lighter, as if all you had said had liberated all the anger, sadness, resentments and insecurities Margaret had left you with 5 years ago.
Your breakup was one of the hardest things you had to deal with in your life, it happened at a point in time where what you needed most was the support of your dear girlfriend; your world was genuinely crashing down on you and yet Margaret left you, one day she just came to pack up her things and end the relationship without even giving you a reason why; You still remember how you chased her around the house, begging her not to leave, but she just locked the front door with her super strength preventing you from following her to the Vought limo she left in. Next thing you know, you're seeing your beloved girlfriend on VNN alongside Homelander confirming their relationship.
It was just so painful; it seemed like all this time, all the things you two had shared meant nothing, like you meant nothing. What a horrid realization, you almost let it crush you, almost, but you were strong and people in your family depended on you to keep living, so giving up was out of the question; In the end you “suck it up” and bury yourself in your work and studies like there’s no world outside of it. More than once you tried to get back in the dating world, but even though you would never admit to it outloud, the memory of your beloved Maggie ever present in your heart just wouldn’t let you. After everything you still loved her.
She stands there, frozen and silent like a ghost, room so quiet you start to become aware of your own ragged breathing, but then you hear it; faint yet desperate the sobs of Margaret break into your ears.
“You’re right.” she admitted, back still turned on you and her head slightly lowered.
“I am nothing but a coward.” she whines softly as she unsuccessfully tries to quiet down her sobbing but it starts to break in a choked and painful crying.
Through your rage, Margaret’s sadness and pain reaches you; you can’t see her face but you know by the sound of her cries it must bare a pitiful expression and so you breathe slowly in order to calm yourself down, and it’s only there that you notice her shaking form, you almost become scared for a split second, it feels like if she were to take a step forward she would fall to her knees instantly.
It’s been a long time since you last saw her like this, but you just know she’s going through it, she’s going through a panic attack.
“Hey, hey Margaret.” you call out softly to her as you slowly make your way over in an equally detained and dubious manner as she did once she entered the apartment.
“It’s ok, it’s ok.” you chant repeatedly as you finally stand in front of her and try your best to not cry as well. Once you see the unbearable pain in her expression, her breathing is ragged and agitated and through her gaze you see that her mind is not entirely here and seems to struggle in recognizing her surroundings.
“Maggie, it’s ok, you’re in my home, ok?” you assure her a few times but she still struggles now even in finding her footing as her legs start to give in.
“I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.” Her frenetic apology concerns you but manage to keep your calm as you reassure her once again and remind her to breathe constantly.
She finally seems to recognize her surroundings but once she does she breaks in painful crying once again. 
“I left them there, I left them there and said nothing, I left them there to die.” she confesses but before you have any time to ask her what she’s referring to, her knees give in and collapses.
You manage to hold her before she hits the floor, as you briefly think of the irony, one of the strongest individuals in the world feels so fragile between your arms; She apologizes endlessly once again in between choked sobs and frenetic cries, but you hug her and caress her hair and back in repetitive motions in an attempt to calm her down, it seems to work and after a few minutes you can feel the panic in her system begin to dwindle as her breaths stabilizes slowly but she continues sobbing.
Maggie’s head is trying to find the correct words to tell you, to let you know; She didn’t want to abandon you, she never did; after all these years you still are her world and the only thought in her mind that keeps her going at times like this. She only left because she was pressured into a relationship with america’s golden hero and after seeing him kill so ruthlessly without a care in the world and Vought covering for him, she knew if she didn’t left, the moment homelander found out about you, that would be your death sentence and she wasn’t about to let anything happen to you…even if that meant she would never see you again. 
Maggie only speaks once again after a while.
“I’m sorry.” Unlike the last apologies this one feels like is directed towards you instead of whatever or whoever occupied her memories at the time. 
You take a minute trying to figure out what to do next, you want to question her on the meaning of her previous statements, but recognize that right now is not the right time, so you resume caressing her back as she continues to cry ever so softly on your shoulder.
For the first time in years, Margaret allows herself to be vulnerable, for the first time in years she doesn’t feel all alone and right now at this very moment, right here in your arms, for the first time in years she’s not Queen Maeve, just Maggie, the one who loves you endlessly.
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connorrhodess · 6 years
Not Alone - And We Act Like Nothing Happend
Pairing: Chicago PD x Criminal Minds x Reader
Warnings: blood, dead people, funeral for my bby Jake
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Today was Jake’s funeral. I sat there, slightly listening at what the guy was saying. I was pissed. Jake isn’t here. My best friend in Lakewood isn’t here because some asshole felt it was necessary to kill him. And the worst part is, I don’t know who it is.
“Jake’s best friend, Y/N Y/L/N, had a few words.” I blink, coming back into reality, I stood up walking over to the podium.
“Jake Fitzgerald. To some, he was the jock. To others, he was know as Brooke Maddox’s boyfriend. But to me, he was my best friend. When I met Jake, I thought he was a player, a flirt even. But I knew that it was all a façade, because when he spoke to Brooke and his friends, he became the complete opposite person. It was safe to say that he treated Brooke like a princess, any girl’s dream guy. But Jake was my rock. He knew how to comfort me in a time when I needed it most, he knew everything I liked and everything I didn’t. He knew that something was wrong when I missed a study session, so he came over and checked on me. He stood up to the bullies who picked on me, even told the mean girls to back off.” I wiped a tear, and cleared my throat before continuing. “We shared secrets, both promising not to say a word. But I’m breaking that promise. He made me promise not to tell Brooke, but I think she needs to hear it.” I stop, making eye contact with her. “Jake loved you. He planned on telling you, he really did. But then all this happened. I’m forever bitter about all of this, but I know that he’s watching over all of us. He deserves to be here with all of us. He deserved to graduate high school and to be successful. Jake will forever be in my heart and he will never be forgotten by those here in Lakewood. Rest easy, buddy.”
I stepped down, putting a best friend bracelet next to his casket. A great sob escaped my lips as I covered my face with my shaky hands.
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After the funeral, Brooke and I skipped school, getting breakfast instead.
“He really said he loved me?”
“Yeah. I was having a really bad day last week and he had stopped by. I asked him to tell me about the two of you because you guys had the kind of relationship I admired. He told me that after your night in the pool, he was going to bring you flowers at school and tell you later that day.”
“He was probably lying.”
“If only you saw the way his face lit up when he talked about you, Brooke. Man, I’d love for any guy to look at me like that. Even when he was irritated with you, his face said otherwise. Believe me, he wasn’t lying.”
Her eyes became glossy, tears pooling in her eyes. “I just miss him so much.” She tells me, using a napkin to wipe away her tears.
“I know, me too. I can’t wait until this bastard is caught.”
“Who do you think it is?”
“I thought it was Eli, but he was cleared. And then I though it was Branson but he’s dead.”
“I hate to ask, but have you thought about Kieran?”
“I have. After that night a few days ago, I don’t know what to believe.”
“Are you going to the party Audrey and Emma are throwing?”
“They’re throwing a party?”
Brooke nods, showing me the screenshot on her phone. “I might check it out, I don’t know.”
“It looks kind of creepy. Maybe I’ll go with you.”
Back at the police station…
Hotch put the last piece on the board. “We know the killer from last year was Emma’s half sister, could this killer be related to Piper?” JJ asked.
“There’s no other birth certificates or anything. Emma’s mother, Maggie, only had Emma and Piper. Brandon James’ only child was Piper, and Emma’s father is out of the picture.” Garcia peeped from the speaker of the phone.
“Wait, guys, I could be onto something…” Reid starts to say, getting closer to the board. “Piper wanted to get revenge at Maggie and Emma for abandoning her, what if someone wanted to get revenge at Emma for killing Piper?”
“Like a friend?” Prentiss questioned, confused slightly.
“It could be a friend, lover, fan of her podcast… It could be anyone really.” Reid tells her. “Garcia, look to see if there was anyone who was overly excited about Piper’s broadcast or anyone close to Piper Shaw.”
“Agent Hotchner?” Jay asks and he knocked on the door frame. “Y/N just told me that there’s a party tonight at Blessed Sisters Children’s Home.”
And as quickly as that party started, it ended. It turns out the Emma and Audrey didn’t start the party, it was Haley Meyers. She said that a “special friend” hosted the party and before we could get any information out of her, the electricity went out. When we all went to the from of the building, Brooke and I saw Audrey and Emma.
“What the hell is happening?” I asked, glancing at the building behind me.
“We found Piper’s body.” Emma casually mentions. I give her and Audrey a weird look.
“We were looking for Noah and Kieran and in one of the rooms was her dead body. Whoever is behind all of this went back in the water for her.” Audrey explains. I shiver at the fact her body was in there before feeling a material being placed around my shoulders.
“Cold?” Kieran asked, wrapping his arms around my waist. I didn’t know what to feel, so I went along with it.
“And tired.” I mumbled, leaning back into his chest.
It wasn’t long before the police arrived, pulling Emma and Audrey inside.
“And who threw this party?” The officer asked.
“Haley Meyers and her lover or special friend.” Audrey muttered.
Officers walked in, shining their flashlights in every possible direction before stopping at a sign painted in blood. The sign read “Face the Mask” and directly below it was Haley’s body, covered in blood. This was about to be a lot more complicated.
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