#queen maeve x oc
amazingmaeve · 1 year
Queen Maeve x fem!reader
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summary — working in a bar where supes go to calm their nerves and to blow off steam is kind of nerve racking. obviously saying no to a supe could go one of two ways: they either crawl back to whatever pathetic hole they came out of or they try to take advantage of you, but luckily using the threat of calling the media gets most of them to back off. but when queen maeve come to bar you are in for a ride.
warnings — smut (18+), alcohol, talks of sexual harassment, swearing, and some spoilers to season 3
word count — 4, 743
authors note — yayyyy! Yup another queen maeve fic, I just can’t stop writing her, she is amazing and I love her so much. Also happy pride I know it’s late but it’s here! also not proofread.
Queen Maeve masterlist | The Boys masterlist
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You sigh as you walk through the door that leads into the bar. This bar was kind of like your own living hell, but with the paycheck and tips you got, you had decided to stay. The money was great and you didn’t need to worry about paying the bills and worrying how you were gonna find some food for the next week.
But working at Hypnosis (the bar you work in) has changed everything for you.
The Supes weren’t the best, some were nice and just wanted to get drinks and delve in their own self destruction. They didn’t do much; they just kept ordering drinks and you just kept serving them. Those weren’t the Supes you were worried about.
The Supes you were worried about were the ones who couldn’t take no for an answer, who thought just because they were a Supe meant that you would want to fuck them. That you were lucky to even be in their presence, that you should do whatever the fuck they want because their parents/guardians took them to Vought and had them drugged on Compound V.
Most of the time you wanted to roll your eyes and maybe knee some of them in the balls, but due to this being your job you just politely declined with the most fake smile you could plaster on.
Due to the extreme egos of some Supes that meant that you were bruising their own ego by saying no and sometimes tried to just rape you. You usually had some defense like, bringing up the media and calling them. If that didn’t work then you would try to get the attention of the bouncer (who was also a Supe), and he usually took care of them.
If some Supe had raped you, you probably couldn’t even do anything about it since the bar was owned by Vought and most of the Supes that came here worked for Vought. So if you did something you would probably end up in a grave being the worst case scenario, best case scenario you would probably be given some money and sent on your way, with all the trauma still with you.
But the most you got was groping, which just made you go home and wash your body as disgust washed all over you. You knew this job you had wasn’t going to stick forever and you would need to find a replacement job that might even be safer. But employment was a hard thing to find at the moment and for now this was just your normal.
Only a few members of The Seven had come to this bar and most of the time it was either The Deep and Translucent, who were both humongous creeps. A-Train came once and while but most of the time he would just be sitting off in a group basking in the glory of it all, and only occasionally flirting with you. Whilst The Deep and Translucent tried to have sex with you multiple times and it just ended with you just rolling your eyes and threatening to call the media, which made them sit back down and call you a bitch or a cunt because you wouldn’t sleep with them.
So you weren’t surprised to find out that The Deep had done what he did to Starlight.
One member of The Seven you were glad didn’t show up was Homelander. Something about him just seemed off to you, even before the whole sleeping with a Nazi thing. You knew if he came into this bar and he wanted to have sex with you, it was going to happen whether you wanted it or not. No one could stop him.
But lucky for you and every other waitress/bartender in this place, he hadn’t shown up at all.
Due to the scummy people that came to this bar has left you in no other words than horny. You couldn’t find a decent person to sleep with who didn’t try to assault you, or they were too much into themselves to even focus on your pleasure only focused on theirs.
To the surprise of no one the people you had slept with in the past month were guys and you hoped that at least one knew how to please a woman but nonetheless you were left a mess after each and every sexual endeavor.
You’d only had sex with two women in your life and those two were the ones you dated and even loved. But you couldn’t find a woman to sleep with due to you being too nervous to talk to women. It was kind of weird since you were outwardly confident to men but with women, they made your heart flutter that you’d think it would hop out of your chest and hop around. Even if it was a woman you just wanted to have sex with, you couldn’t gather the courage to go up and talk to them.
But you just dealt with the bad sex with the men in the bar and had to finish the job after they left (which wasn’t long).
So you had assumed that this time working in the bar would be the same exact way it goes every time you came to work. You get harassed and served drinks to them and other non harming Supes and maybe end up going home with one of them while you had to jerk off after they left since their head was too big and only focused on their own pleasure.
Walking into the bar, you started to serve the Supes with your fake smile plastered on your face and had idle chit chat with them. Some of them try to flirt with you but then end up being pulled away by other Supes. It wasn’t that busy tonight and you were glad since you were having a stressful day already and didn’t want any more.
Someone had sat on one of the barstools in front of you and you looked up in shock to see the one and only Queen Maeve sitting there with a tight smile on her face as if she’s been in this position before.
Now you knew who Queen Maeve was, I mean who didn’t know her. Anyone who said that were people probably living under a fucking rock. But you had loads of sympathy for her, since Homelander basically outed her on live television.
And you couldn't deny that she was an attractive woman.
You weren’t expecting one of The Seven to come in this bar (besides The Deep even though he was married and A-Train on a couple occasions) and you were shocked to say the least. Shaking off the shock you gave her a smile that mirrored hers getting ready to pour her a drink.
“What can I get you?” You questioned after clearing your throat, finally meeting her gaze.
“Just a whiskey please,” Maeve answered, giving you a once over, which you didn’t pick up on and nodded, going to get a glass and the bottle of whiskey.
Maeve hadn’t been to this bar even though she’s heard good things about it and it was only for Supes so it would be comfortable, but she usually did her self destruction in her own penthouse but after hearing A-Train rave about this place she had to check it out.
And hey if she could get away from Homelander it really didn’t matter.
But something about you made her stop in her tracks. It’s been a while since a woman has done that to her and that was Elena. She didn’t know what it was about you that made her like this, but maybe it’s just because you’re a beautiful woman.
But needless to say, you’ve caught her attention.
“Here you go,” You turn around saying and putting the glass of whiskey on the table and sliding it over to her. She mutters out a thanks before downing the whole thing.
“Another please,” Maeve requests, sliding the glass over to you and your eyebrows jump at that.
“Rough day,” You observe out loud pouring more whiskey into the glass and giving it to her again.
“Rough year,” Maeve corrects before taking a smaller sip of the whiskey before putting it down. “And even shitter day,” She says following it up.
“Definitely can relate to that,” You mutter. “You come with your teammate,” You question, pointing over to the direction where The Deep was hitting on one of your co-workers who looked mildly annoyed.
“Fuck no, wouldn’t follow that guy to the nicest bar in the city,” Maeve say with a little chuckle with a look of disgust on her face. She obviously didn’t like him that much and hey you couldn't really blame her, he definitely was an asshole. “Why does he come here often,” She asks, leaning forward a bit.
“Often is an understatement,” It’s your turn to chuckle now. “Yeah he’s married but it definitely doesn’t seem to turn him away,” You say with a hint of amusement in your tone.
“That’s not a shocker,” Maeve says, taking another drink of her whiskey. “So, how long have you been working here,” She questions.
“A few years, it’s definitely been a ride,” You say leaning against the bar, engaging in the conversation with her. Conversations with the customers was a usual thing and you were trying to tell yourself that it was just that. Talking to a customer to make them more comfortable, but deep down you knew it was something different. “I know it’s your first time here,” You say confidently.
“And how would you know that,” Maeve says with a smile, after finishing her drink and sliding it towards you. You took the hint and refilled it.
“Just a hunch, since the time I’ve been here, I’ve never seen you and none of my co-workers mentioned you, but hey I know some people like to keep it low key,” You explained.
“Well you would be correct, I’ve never been in this bar a day in my fucking life,” Maeve responds, tracing the rim of her glass, that had remained full. “But If I had known that someone as beautiful as you worked here, I would have shown up a hell of a lot sooner,” She sultry says, giving you a flirtatious smile.
You give her a look of surprise at the forward response and you can feel your heart start to race. She couldn’t be flirting with you, she was Queen fucking Maeve and you were just a non Supe bartender who was just trying to get by. You bit your lip and gave her a smile.
“That’s really sweet of you,” You blurt out and you're inwardly cringing at the response. Really was that all you could respond to. God this you were such a fucking loser.
“Trust me I can be a whole lot sweeter,” Maeve flirted before taking a drink of her whiskey.
You swallow, starting to feel your throat start to dry. God you didn’t even know how to respond to that and you let out a nervous chuckle at that.
“Uh I have to use the restroom, I’ll be back in a few minutes,” You say lying and scurrying off to the bathroom, where you rest your head on the cold wall.
You felt like your whole entire body was on fire and the whole conversation was replaying in your head and you suddenly felt like an idiot, you were already getting horny from a few sentences.
But you couldn’t help it. She was a very hot woman and you hadn’t had a decent orgasm with anyone in the past few months. The only time you had a release was with your own hand or a vibrator. You walked up to the sink and looked at yourself in the mirror, trying to take deep breaths.
Turning on the sink you splashed some water onto your face, trying to cool off before you could return and even though you were nervous, you were also itching to get back to her and return to the conversation.
As you were trying to collect yourself the door opened and you turned around to see your co-worker standing there with a knowing smirk on her face.
“You’re being asked for,” Sophie says and you give her a confused look.
“What,” You question.
“Queen Maeve, I asked if she needed anything else besides the whiskey in her hand and she said you,” Sophie answers. “You seriously need to get out there before she starts to look for you herself,” She says, giving you a pat on your arm. “Now go out there and get lucky,” She whispers with a little laugh.
You laugh nervously before walking out of the bathroom and walking around the crowded people in the bar and finally made your way behind the bar and walked to Maeve who, to be honest, looked like she was bored out of her fucking mind.
“Heard you missed me,” You cooly say, as if your own heart didn't feel like it was about to explode.
“Well you’re the only thing in this bar that has my attention so it’s kinda hard not to,” Maeve responded with her own flirty comment.
“Need anything else, I can get some pretzels if you want some,” You ask, trying to shake off the horniness as if you weren’t already starting to get wet.
“Nope, no pretzels needed,” Maeve responds and puts her own hand on your arm, your breath hitched at that. She noticed and smirked. “When do you get off work,” She whispers the question leaning in closer to where your faces are inches apart.
“Uh, not for another hour,” You whispered, after looking at the clock.
Maeve groans. Just her luck. God she just needed you so fucking bad, and it wasn’t the need she had for the guys she fucked and kicked out of her room, you were different. She felt like she couldn’t wait to have you in any way that you wanted.
She moved her hand so that it was caressing your cheek and you felt heat travel up your neck to your cheeks, and it had to be obvious that she could feel it. She leaned in and pressed her lips against yours. Not wasting any time you move your lips along hers and her hand grabs your jaw and you moan into her mouth at the roughness. She slips her tongue inside your mouth and starts to explore the territory.
“I need you,” Maeve groans against your lips and starts to peck your lips. “So fucking bad,” She says in between pecks. If it weren’t the bar between the two of you, she’d start to train kisses down your neck, marking you. You held back a moan even though it was pretty loud.
Before you could say anything, you felt someone squeeze your shoulder and you turned your attention from Maeve to Sophie.
“Why don’t you just leave and I’ll take your shift,” Sophie says, giving you a look.
“Uh yeah,” You say as you feel Maeve's other hand move to your other cheek. “Let’s get out of here,” You say, turning around to Maeve who gave you a smirk.
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Your back hits your door as Maeve trails kisses down your back and you let tiny moans that you tried to conceal, due to the fact that you weren’t even in your apartment yet. Maeve's hand moved to under your skirt and started to squeeze your thigh as you felt your panties start to get more and more drenched.
“Okay I need to unlock my door,” You say breathless as Maeve didn’t stop her sweet torture on your neck.
Before you could even try to unlock your door, Maeve moved one of her hands to the door and twisted it and opened the door herself. You looked at her in shock and you were gonna start to worry about how you were going to fix that until Maeve brought you into your living room and brought your lips to hers as her hands went to your shoulders.
You kiss her back, hard but definitely not as hard as her. You can feel her kisses maybe starting to bruise you. You felt like you were going to pass out due to the heat traveling all over your body.
“Where’s your bedroom,” Maeve questions in between kisses as she moves you around the apartment, accidents bumping into a chair and you let out a tiny laugh.
“Down the hall, to the left,” You muttered, wrapping your arms around her neck and kissing her again.
She maneuvered you around the apartment, til she found the door knob and opened the door and moved you to your bed. You took your shirt off and your bra trying to get naked as fast as possible. You look up and you didn’t even know how Maeve got all of her armor but you couldn’t think fast as she fell on top of you and kissed you.
You were still left in your skirt but that didn’t stop Maeve as she pulled your panties and the skirt off. She moved her hand to your core as she gently slid her fingers through your folds and you moaned into her mouth as she kept kissing you.
Her hand found your clit and she started to draw figure eights on the swollen nub while you moved your hand to her naked thigh and caressed her inner thigh as you gave gentle squeezes, trying to tease her. She whined your name into your mouth and you gave in.
You moved your fingers across her core as her fingers went to a halt but you didn’t even care at the moment, at the moment you just wanted to make her feel good.
Slipping your fingers inside of her, you started to thrust them in slowly and moved your thumb to your clit as she started to pepper kisses alongside your cheek and your neck as she moaned and whimpered into your ear.
“God your fingers feel so fucking good,” She moaned into your ear as you started to move your fingers faster and cured them into the right spot and she jolted her hips so as she moaned your name loudly.
You started to grind up on her thigh as you felt yourself get more and more turned on. Whilst you kept thrust your fingers up into Maeve and on one particular thrust Maeve squeezed her eyes shut as moaned into your neck. She squeezed her hand around your thigh, that’ll probably leave bruises but in that moment the pain made you let out a moan.
Removing your fingers from her pussy and you brought your fingers to your lips and slipped them into your mouth, moaning at the taste of her.
Meanwhile Maeve recovered from the mind blowing orgasm and began to kiss up your neck and unwrapped her hand from your thigh and slowly slid it up your body, to your breast, where she started to gently massage. She moves her lips to your mouth and captures your lip in a hot kiss that makes you moan into her mouth as she uses her thumb to rub circles on your already hard nipple.
You move your hands around her neck and bury your hands in her hair as she moves her tongue inside your mouth exploring the territory that she's tasted not so long ago. You thread your fingers in her red hair as her hand went from your breast to your neck and wrapped her fingers around your throat.
She gave your throat a gentle squeeze. You felt another tingle shoot straight down to your core as you moaned into her mouth. You moved your hands from her hair to her hips and started to grind them up to her thigh, moaning as you dragged your clit up and down her thigh, you were surprised that you hadn’t already orgasmed due to the sexual tension you had coiled in your stomach.
“God you are so wet,” Maeve moaned into your mouth as she put both her hands on your hips and pressed them into the bed so that you couldn’t thrust up to her thigh.
“Oh come on I need something,” You whined out, deciding to stop trying to thrust up, because Maeve could literally stop a truck with her body, she can most certainly stop you from thrusting up.
“Calm down, don’t worry I’m gonna get you what you want,” Maeve smirked down at you, admiring your body as in this flustered state. “Just relax,” She cooed, before getting up and leaving you confused in a state of lust. “You have any handcuffs,” She questions, making your eyebrows jump at the question. She was looking around your darkened room.
“Uh maybe why do you ask,” You question, sitting up and closing your legs so you didn’t feel so exposed. Now you were no stranger to having sex toys, and things akin to that, you loved being tied down and loved tying people down. With that question she asked still in the air, you could feel your pussy throb at that, you needed something and you couldn’t wait to get it.
“Come on, I know you’re not that stupid,” Maeve teases, giving you a look. You smirk as you bite your lip as you stare at her.
“There’s some in this top drawer,” You give her answer, quietly as if it would disturb the tension in the air. Maeve traveled to the dressers on the left side of your bed. You give her a smile as she pulls out two pairs of handcuffs.
“Looks like you’ve been at this for a while,” Maeve smirks as she looks through the drawer, seeing all the toys inside.
“Come on, I thought you were just looking for the handcuffs,” You say trying to sound strong, but it comes off in a whine which makes Maeve chuckle. You couldn’t help it, you were thoroughly turned on.
“Gosh you sound like a fucking brat,” Maeve let’s out a little laugh as she sat there kneeled besides the bed. You give her a pout, giving her what she thought you were. “Although I think you are one,” Maeve groans as she stands up and you look up at her, excited for what’s gonna happen next.
“You got that right,” You say, batting your eyelashes up at her, as she moves onto the bed.
Maeve lays you down again as she sets the handcuffs to the side, you look up at her as she leans down to give you a deep kiss that makes you moan into her moan and try to reach up and wrap your arms around her. Although she doesn’t allow you to as she moves away from you making you whine again. God she was right you do sound like a brat.
“Don’t worry, like I said I’m gonna give you what you want,” Maeve says, lifting one of your hands and handcuffing it to the headboard and doing the same with the other hand. You shake your hands in the toy as if to show her that you can’t get out. You felt like you were going to explode with how wet you were.
Her hands glide down your body as her mouth leans down to bite at your neck and start to suck bruises. You moan out her name as she pinches your nipple in her right hand, you rub your thighs together trying to have some friction on your aching pussy.
She gives your lip a little bite as her head moves down lower to wrap her wet lips around your already sensitive and hard nipple, as strings of moans keep falling out of your mouth, that you might be worried that the neighbors might hear. But in this moment you don’t give a fuck, you just needed her.
Whilst her mouth was working on your nipple her hand decides to glide down your body to your throbbing core. She teases your folds as you bite your lip and moan, trying to keep you from screaming her name. Her fingers nudge your clit as you feel your whole entire body set on fire. You want to wrap your hands around her. The restrictions of your hands make you just wrap them around the handcuffs and squeeze them. You’re squirming on the bed as you're basically just a mess with her.
She looks up at you from where her head is, lips around your nipple and sucking on the hard bud.
“Maeve,” You moan as she moves her fingers lower to your entrance and then just thrusts them in hard making you jump a little. Whimpering as her fingers already find the precious spot that could make you see stars.
She shushes you, removing her mouth from your nipple. Then decides to decorate your body with hickeys littering all of your stomach as she continues to thrust your fingers up into your pussy, always stopping when she feels like you are going to come. Meanwhile you’re just moaning and groaning as she works her magic on you.
Sliding further down the bed she starts to suck the skin on your thighs and move from one leg to the other, making sure to give them the same amount of attention. You feel her start to move faster making you clench around her fingers as you whimper her name out for what felt like the millionth time. But as soon as she does that she stops and you slouch against the bed in frustration.
Even though you’re frustrated, you know this orgasm is going to be one of the best you ever had in your whole life.
“I bet you taste as amazing as you look,” Maeve mutters against your thigh, making you clench around her fingers and she chuckles silently.
In a swift motion, Maeve's mouth moves to your pussy and wraps her soft lips around your throbbing clit. You let out a loud moan as she starts to thrust her fingers again, hitting that same spot over and over again.
And there it is, you can feel the burn from the coiling tension inside your stomach. You were about to cum and it seems finally she was going to let you. Looking up at you through her eyelashes she runs her experienced tongue around your clit, lapping at it and then wrapping your clit in between her lips again and sucks harder.
Due to the constant, fingering of your g spot and her sucking on your clit and there it is. You arch your back off the bed and finally climax on her fingers. You moan her name loudly, probably loud enough that would wake the neighbors and you would be worried but with the shaking of your legs at the moment you don’t. Even though your eyes are squeezed shut, you can still see stars.
Maeve smiles as she sucks your cum off her fingers and slides up your body and presses her lips against yours, this time much softer than before. You hum into your mouth as you can still feel your legs twitch from the intense orgasm.
“The keys are in the drawer,” You murmur, still feeling hazy.
“No shit Sherlock,” Maeve rolls her eyes and gives your thighs a teasing slap. Which makes you jolt up. She rustles around to find them and then releases you from the toys.
You stretch and sit up as your hands and arms are finally free. You gasp in shock as Maeve brings you down with her arms, so that your head is resting on her chest. Her hands rub down your back in a soothing manner that makes you smile.
“You’re gonna have to stay the night at least, don’t want anyone breaking in with the door knob you broke,” You mutter as you feel your eyes droop from exhaustion.
“Don’t worry,” Maeve promises as she reaches for the blankets and pulls them around the both of you. “I’ll keep you safe and your door knob will be fixed by tomorrow afternoon.”
“Well if you’re staying I wouldn’t be mad if you found some creative ways to wake me up,” You whisper out the tease making her squeeze your butt.
“Is that consent,” She questions with a quirk of an eyebrow.
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ishomieokay · 4 months
Tbh, to me the funniest part of creating Homelander x Hispanic Reader/OC content is that in the back of my mind I'm always picturing Homelander and Maeve going to a taco place with their latina baddies and bumping into each other like
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Halloween 2022: American Dream/American Nightmare ( The Boys) 
Superheroes are adored. They are worshipped like Rockstars and Gods. There is nothing they can’t do. And they have vowed to keep the good people of America safe. But behind all the flashing lights, and screaming crowds and movie deals, most of them are not at all what they seem. Maybe the American Dream was an American Nightmare all along….
‘Ello Boys and girls. As you know we live in a world with superheroes. What you might not know is that Superheroes ain’t always nice....
…They are all like that?! All of them?? Pardon my French, fuck those fuckers 
I’m the American Nightmare with American Dreams Of counting the bodies while you count sheep I’m the American Nightmare Yeah, I’m living the Dream I’m slashing my way through the Golden Age of the Silver Screen
Brought to you this Fall by Vought Intl
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bittersweetarts · 7 months
How to Disappear - Chapter 1
Soldier Boy (The Boys) x OC
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Word count: 2389 words
Summary: Eden Reid can't help her curiosity, and Soldier Boy can't help but take advantage of that curiosity.
WARNINGS: Some depiction of violence, misogyny, and the usual TW for it being The Boys (Amazon)
Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - AO3 Page
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Chapter 1: An Act of Kindness
Eden Reid was at the start of her daily fucking crack ass of the dawn morning jog across Laurance Harbor Beach, sandy-brown hair up in a high pony, dressed in her usual bland sweats and black running shoes, when she came across him, unconscious along the shoreline, the waves repeatedly caressing him, gently, before retreating.
As she stared at him, the young woman noticed his tattered costume and the bruising littered on his face and skin, and that he did not appear to be breathing. For a moment, Eden contemplated what to do, because she knew that she couldn’t take him to any emergency room or call 911.
Because she knew exactly who he was.
Of course, she knew exactly who he fucking was, pretty much most of the world knew who exactly he fucking was.
He was Soldier Boy, the old leader of Payback, fought in all those important wars in the last century, America’s first and greatest Supe, a man who was supposed to be dead and yet somehow was now alive, lying on the beach in front of her.
And apparently now a Super-Terrorist, according to the news outlets, who for the past week have only been reporting on the attack on the Seven Tower, and how Queen Maeve had successfully saved the country with her sacrificial takedown of Soviet-brainwashed Soldier Boy; his defeat was supposed to be symbolic of a new age for freedom and safety for the masses.
Unlike most of the people Eden knew though, she wasn’t blinded by the lies fed to the masses on a silver spoon by the media and corporations like Vought International.
Eden knew, Eden knew all too well that Supes were nothing but selfish bastards at best, and that none of them give a single fuck about saving others. Eden knew that the mainstream media hyperinflated the heroism of ‘heroes’, and failed to report the deaths of normal civilians, who were nothing more than simply collateral damage. And Eden knew that if she was told that unconscious man lying before her was nothing but a villain, then that was not the full story.
And she knew this all this because if her abilities were not so weak, she would have been just another Supe on Vought or some other fuck’s payroll, spouting the exact same bullshit.
But no, her ability of super strength was, ironically, too weak to even be considered as a D-list Supe, despite her family’s dreams for her, and now in her mid-twenties, she wastes her days away as a receptionist at a private clinic in East Brunswick. So much for the glamorous life of the ‘super-abled’.
However, her abilities were not weak enough apparently to carry the heavy ass man before her. Although he did not appear much taller than she was, he was at least twice her size, and as she lifted him up into her arms, Eden gave a silent prayer, hoping that she wouldn’t see a single living soul as she carried the unconscious vigilante to her car, and that the oversized grey zip that she draped over him concealed his appearance well enough.
What the fuck was is my problem? Eden thought as she dropped Soldier Boy into the trunk of Mazda, a black SUV she bought years ago when she moved out of her childhood home.
Eden didn’t need this shit. It’s been years since she dropped out of Godolkin and left behind the world of fucked up Supes and drugs, and she was at peace living in solitude at her cabin by Norvin Green Forest. She didn’t need to get herself involved in dangerous shit. So why had she gotten herself involved by kidnapping the unconscious man who was lying in the trunk of her vehicle?
Eden couldn’t explain it. To call it a curiosity would be an understatement; it was more like a compulsion. She had acted thoughtlessly, as though she were possessed by something, and now, on her half hour drive back to her home in the woods, Eden began to regret what she had done.
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Days passed and life continued as normal for Eden. She kept her unconscious house guest in a spare bedroom of her small cabin, and went to her 9 to 5 throughout the work week as usual.
In a way, Eden hoped that if Soldier Boy woke up in her home, he would simply leave, and that she would not have to meet him or explain anything. But every evening, following her commute, Eden was greeted by her dark home, and when checking on her guest, she found him unconscious, but still alive and in her spare bed.
Eden often thought about whether she should call the cops or to dump the unconscious Supe back at the beach (or literally anywhere else). But she did not do that, because she knew that by this point, it would simply make her a walking target either for Vought or the government, and really, it was a miracle that she had not been caught transporting him to her place from the beach. For all she knew though, some government entity or Vought was spying on her this very minute.
So instead, the young woman resigned herself to the guest bedroom, where she left Soldier Boy to lay on the queen-sized bed, most of its real estate which he occupied. As he lay there motionless, Eden would periodically cleanse his face and exposed skin with a damp wash cloth (not knowing what else to do that would help him), before covering him with a light blanket. For the rest of the night, Eden would sit on the cream armchair by him, mindlessly watching the news on the small TV set in the room, on low volume, while thinking about anything and everything.
It's not that Eden did not have anything else to do, or that she had no one. Eden prefers to consider her lifestyle as a self-imposed exile, because she knew that she could not rely on anyone. Disconnecting herself from the world, being in nature, was healing to her, and even if she wanted to, she couldn’t get herself to trust anyone, not anymore.
And so, Eden spent several weeks like this, working during the day, going on her daily runs (though now in the forest rather than the beach), and barely sleeping at night, passively watching the news and her unconscious guest, who’s bruising slowly faded away. Soldier Boy looked exactly as he did in his old film, Red Thunder, Eden noticed, and had not aged in the slightest, which bewildered her.
But despite being the vision of health, Soldier Boy did not wake, and Eden did not know what to do.
More often than Eden would like to admit, Eden watched Soldier Boy, observing his long lashes and the way his now steady breathing never wavered – not even when Eden would wipe a damp wash cloth across his body – and she noticed how quickly his stubble grew into a fuller beard, but never to the point of the point of overgrowth, despite the lack of grooming.
Eden also noticed how humorous it was that practically the only topic on the news channels was Soldier Boy himself, and how it was reported that he was not a Super-Terrorist anymore, but an odd dichotomy of hero and victim to Soviet radicalization. And so, the narrative shifted, not that she believed it to be the full truth. Yet something Eden knew to be true was not on any news channel or online forum: Soldier Boy was not dead but alive, albeit unconscious in some cabin hidden away in the mountains.
Or rather that was the truth, until Soldier Boy regained consciousness.
It happened so quickly, and Eden was not entirely awake to even process exactly what happened.
One moment, Eden was drifting into sleep, in her usual seat on the armchair, with the lamp lights dim, the moonlight from the window behind filtering into the room, and the TV white noise drowning out the silence. The next moment, Eden found herself gasping for breath, suffocating, as two strong hands wrapped around her throat, pinning her to the armchair.
Eyes still half-asleep but now tearful, Eden met the vicious stare of her now-awakened guest, and suddenly, she came to her senses. Mustering up all her strength, Eden pushed against his chest, the supe-strength of which took her attacker by slight surprise. His hold on her throat relaxed slightly, and Eden quickly grabbed his wrists to keep his grip loose.
“Let me go –” Eden choked out, trying to breath.
As though confused, Soldier Boy tilted his head, but his expression remained in its remorselessly neutral expression. Fear shot through her veins when Eden realized that her strength did not affect him but rather spiked the smallest amount of curiosity.
“I was just trying to help you.” Eden sputtered out incoherently as she felt the grip began to tighten again. Soldier Boy narrowed his eyes at this, and then right on cue, something else caught his attention.
The tiny TV in the room switched to midnight rerun of The Cameron Coleman Hour on the Vought News Network, and broadcast invaded the room, with the image of Soldier Boy plastered over the screen.
“Good evening everybody, welcome back …” Cameron Coleman’s voice echoed throughout the room.
As it did, Soldier Boy loosened his grip on Eden’s throat, letting her go. Eden’s hand shot up to her neck, strands of her sandy-brown hair falling to her face as she gasped for more air. Her skin felt sore, and she knew that if she were a normal person, she would have been dead by now, at the very least from a broken neck.
“… and please welcome our guest of the evening, Defense Secretary Chris Barney.” The cheering track played on TV bounced off the walls in the guest room, while the camera panned from Cameron Coleman onto a burgeoned man his early-thirties, already balding, and Soldier Boy’s attention was entirely captivated by what was on TV.
“Mr. Secretary, thank you so much for joining us.” Chris Barney, in his mechanical voice, thanked his interviewer as well, and Eden, with her hands on her tender neck, watched as Soldier Boy was entirely captivated by the TV interview.
“I want to kick off by asking you to directly respond to the idea that Soldier Boy and this new age of Super-Terrorism, which involves Supes living in our country, should be the Pentagon and American public’s top concern.”
“See Cameron, I am not going to beat around the bush. Soldier Boy’s attack in Manhattan is an isolated incident, and the FBSA has taken great strides in tackling this matter, and in the mere weeks past, there is already a significant reduction in the number of violent incidences within the public, both super-abled and not. So to answer your question, no it is not a concern for both the Pentagon and America, especially as Soldier Boy is an isolated incident, and dead at that.”
Chris Barney’s voice bounced off the walls, and as it sounded off, and he answered follow up questions relating to terror attacks, which Soldier Boy ignored, as he began to speak over him, his voice both low but loud, full of contempt.
“So that’s it, huh – I’m dead. I’m fucking dead to the American people. Again.”
Eden did not know what to say, and took a step back, the back of her legs now pressed to the wooden side table by the bed.
“I fought for this country. I fucking gave up my life for this fucked up country, and what do I get in return? Fucking nothing.”
As he spoke, spitting out each syllable, Eden noticed how Soldier Boy clinched his fists tightly, and wondered whether he would just destroy her home, or kill her as well. She remained silent, not daring to even breath too loudly as though that would set him off. But Eden’s heart was beating at a million miles per minute, and she was sure that Soldier Boy could hear it.
Reminded of her presence, Soldier Boy turned around and glanced over Eden, as though he were a predator contemplating whether his prey was worthy of slaughter. His deliberation lasted only a few moments. With only two tall strides, Soldier Boy, in his tattered costume, came face-to-face with the young woman stood before him, brushing away a thick strand that had fallen in front of her eyes.
“What’s your name doll?”
Soldier Boy’s voice was deep, and though he did not swear or say anything malignant, Eden was still frightened, but willed herself to not shake in her fuzzy slippers.
“Eden,” Eden responded quietly, but Soldier Boy’s furrowed eyebrows made her paranoid that he either hadn’t heard her, or that she hadn’t actually said anything.
“Eden Reid, um, Sir.” Eden said once again, only slightly more audibly, while looking to the ground, so as to avoid his burning stare. At this, Soldier Boy chuckled and gently took push a hand to her chin, tilting her face upwards, making her look back at him again.
“Well, aren’t you sweet, Miss Reid.” Soldier Boy spoke, the side of his mouth tilting upwards. Inching his face closer, he continued speaking, his breath blowing over Eden’s face. “Have you got any pills, sweetheart?”
Eden shook her head slowly, now shaking slightly and regretting her personal stance on being drug-free.
Eden shook her head again, and she felt her heart speed up anymore. At this, Soldier Boy turned away to let out a frustrated sigh, before facing her again.
“A good girl. Surely you can be resourceful and find something, doll. Age of feminism and all.”
Soldier Boy’s tone was condescending, but thankfully, Eden knew that her co-worker, Matt, had an affinity for her and substance abuse, so she might be able to score something from him. Pressing her lips together, Eden nodded, which made Soldier Boy smile. Letting go of her chi, Soldier Boy turned around and sat on the armchair to his right, paying attention to the TV again, which was still playing the Cameron Coleman interview rerun.
“Well then, chop-chop sweetheart. And afterwards, you can tell me where the fuck I am and why the fuck I’m here with you.”
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Author's Note: This is an AU story where rather than getting captured, Soldier Boy/Ben ends up projecting himself into the Hudson River. I am not a Geography or Physics major, so none of this actually makes sense or is realistic.
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– Chapter 2
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teastainedprose · 4 months
Intro / Master List
I made a place to shake out all of the writing blurbs free instead of leaving them to rot in my e-mail drafts. Fics, drabbles, nonsense musings, headcanons and whatever else falls out will go here. Side blog to @tearueful
I am here to WRITE because creativity DEMANDS it, and this is low enough energy that chronic pain can't steal it from me. Unless it has an A03 mirror link, the writing is RAW and probably full of errors. Real fuck it, we'll do it live hours.
I loveloveLOVE interactions on my posts and in my ask box. PLEASE add replies, reblog with your comments and/or and go HOG WILD in the tags. IT FEEDS MEEEE and further fuels my inspiration.
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🔞 18+ content. I say fuck. I will write smut. The situations will be adult in nature more often than not. There will be problematic content as my favs are problematic.
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The ask box is open and I encourage sending requests, inspiration, or just chatter.
Feel free to send ask requests on or off anon.
Current brain worms are focused on Homelander of The Boys with a mild Fallout invasion.
Archive of Our Own Link
Prompt Requests / Fandoms / Tags / Master List of Writing
I have no issues with prompts that are open ended with what characters are involved or ones that specify. Within the fandoms that have captivated my brain, I'm up for writing any relationship romantic, sexual, or platonic and x reader writings are ones I'll happily engage in.
Sending something in is no guarantee I'll write for said prompt or when I'll get to it. My mind is fickle and sometimes a prompt grabs me by the throat, or I let it simmer for a hot minute. That or I'll simply delete it if it doesn't spark joy.
I've been writing and RPing for a very long time, but only recently delved into anything canon adjacent and then writing actual fanfics for it. Thus what fandoms I'll write for are currently limited to things I've been hype fixated on or am currently fixated on. Obviously, the main one right now is Homelander. He's my poor lil meow meow, but I will happily slip back into writing OCs from my years of RP or other characters in fandoms I adore.
Fandoms I'll write for:
The Boys
Fallout, TV series
Wildstar (OCs)
World of Warcraft (OCs)
Given how long I've been writing for and what sort of dark stories I've written with friends, there's not much that I won't explore if it has an interesting concept that I can get a good story out of. Dark themes, kinky fuckery, violence, and sexual situations are all well and good. That being said, there's plenty of things that squick me out that I rather not touch but as I'm an adult I'll either delete the prompt or explain my thoughts on the prompt related to whatever character it is.
i.e., Homelander sure as shit has a lactation kink but pregnancy stuff is body horror to me. Can I write it? Possibly, it wholly depends on the prompt.
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🔞Explosion (Lucy x Maximus)
🔞Too Sweet ( Cooper x Reader, WIP) : Chapter [1], Tag
🔞 Gash (Cooper x Reader)
🔞Take It As It Comes ( Pre-War!Cooper x Reader, WIP)
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The Boys:
Play with Fire (Homelander x f!reader, plus sized, WIP) : Chapter [1] [2], [3] Tag
One Up (Homelander x f!Reader) : Chapter [1] , Tag
No Bad Dogs (Homelander x Kimiko??? besties!???!?!) : Concept stage, Tag
General Drabbles:
🔞Two Player Game (Homelander x f!reader)
🔞Lonely Together (Queen Maeve x Homelander)
Pinky Promise (Ryan Butcher & Homelander🥺)
Mark You Pretty (Homelander x reader)
🔞THC Gummies (Homelander x f!reader)
Introducing the 'wife' (Homelander x Billy Butcher)
Girl Dad (Homelander & Zoe)
Rainy Day (Homelander x reader)
Mix Tape (Homelander x reader)
Plushie (Homelander x reader)
Sugar Daddy (Homelander x reader)
🔞Making a Mess (Homelander x f!reader)
🔞Blackmail, Play With Fire side fic (Homelander x f!reader, plus-sized)
🔞Crusty.. (Homelander x reader)
Driving Lesson (Homelander & Ashley Barett)
🔞Over Eager (Homelander x f!reader)
Tampons (Homelander x f!reader)
Emoticons (Ryan Butcher & Homelander)
Flower Picking ( Homelander x reader)
🔞Office Tryst (Homelander x f!reader)
Breaking Point (Homelander x reader)
🔞Pet Play (Homelander x OC, WIP)
🔞Choke (Homelander x Reader, WIP)
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General Tags
Drabble / Ask / Anon Ask / Fanfic Planning / Fanfic Chapter / Worldbuilding / Canon x You / Plus-Sized Reader / Brainstorming
The Boys
The Boys FanFic / The Boys Smut Homelander / Homelander Headcanon / Homelander x Reader / Homelander Writing / Homelander Smut Queen Maeve / Maeve Writing / Maeve Smut / Maeve x Homelander Kimiko / Kimiko Writing Frenchie / Frenchie Writing Ryan Butcher / Ryan Writing
Fallout Fanfic / Fallout Smut Maximus / Lucy MacLean / VaultKnight / Cooper Howard / The Ghoul / Cooper Howard x Reader / The Ghoul x Reader
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18+ Banner Source
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venus-haze · 11 months
Battie’s 1-year celebration🔮
July is a year since I started posting fics on here, and I want to spend the month celebrating! Thank y’all so much for your support and kind words over the past year, it means a lot to me🖤
I’m reopening headcanon requests and (limited) fic requests! This will last until either the end of the month or I start feeling overwhelmed lol🫠
Fandoms and guidelines below the cut! Please read carefully before requesting.
Baby Firefly
Bo Sinclair
Candyman/Daniel Robitaille
Chop Top Sawyer
Father Paul Hill
Harry Warden/The Miner
Mickey Altieri!Ghostface
Otis Driftwood
Severen Van Sickle
SPM2!Driller Killer
Thomas Hewitt
Vincent Sinclair
The Boys
Billy Butcher
Black Noir
Mother’s Milk
Queen Maeve
Soldier Boy
Only request one character and concept at a time.
Please try to be specific with your request. If your request is too vague, I'll probably ask for more details.
Don’t send your request multiple times. If you’re concerned I haven't received your request, send an ask first.
I will write (this isn’t an exhaustive list, feel free to ask about something that’s not here if you wanna check!)
AUs (depending on the concept)
Generally dark content
NSFW/explicit content
Fluff or angst - I’m going to be really selective because I don’t like watering down fucked up characters 
Plus size reader - I’d prefer not to write about overly insecure plus size readers, just a personal thing
Major character or reader death
Mommy/daddy kink
Breeding kink
F/F pairings
I won’t write (for various reasons, please don’t ask me to elaborate if I haven't):
Pregnancy or parenthood, unless the character already canonically has child 
Polyamory - I'm not poly, and it's not something I'm personally interested in writing about
Underage/age regression/age play
Piss kink/scat
Overly specific or descriptive readers - I'm more interested in writing for specific situations
❌ “[Character] reacting to a reader who dresses in coquette/goth/dark academia aesthetic.”
❌ “[Character] with a bimbo reader” 
❌ “[Character] with a reader who’s shorter than them”
Specific mental illnesses or neurodivergency
Original characters (OCs) x canon characters
I'll add onto this as needed! I also may reject requests I don't click with or feel like I'd be able to do well.
I'm willing to try writing M/M pairings (x reader or canon characters), but if I feel like I can't, I'll try redirecting you to another blog with requests open!
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florbelles · 1 year
tagged by @corvosattano​, @nightbloodraelle​, @leviiackrman​, @adelaidedrubman​, @denerims​, @fourlittleseedlings​, @minaharkers​, @strafethesesinners​, @playstationmademe​, @ishwaris​, @shegetsburned​, @aartyom​ & @gwynbleidd​, ty beloveds!!
sending tags on to @unholymilf (>:((), @henbased (>:(((), @belorage, @jendoe, @phillipsgraves, @chuckhansen, @queennymeria, @poetikat, @derelictheretic, @purplehairsecretlair, @strangefable, @arklay, @morvaris, @noonfaerie, @jackiesarch, @risingsh0t, @roberthouses​​, @confidentandgood, @indorilnerevarine, @shellibisshe,  @blissfulalchemist​, @nuclearstorms, @reaperkiller, @steelport, @nokstella, @shallow-gravy, @cybilbennettgf​ (i am sorry i forgot you moved & was like wait where’d she go) & anyone else can @ me xx (for real the brainfog is strong today so if i missed you please take this as a tag anyway)
rules (via @corvosattano​). take this quiz and share 5 (or more! or less! the world is your oyster!) results from the top 50 that you feel really fit your oc(s). if you don’t recognize very many from the top 50, feel free to expand into the top 100.
(actual influences & inspirations that made the list are italicized).
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holly golightly (breakfast at tiffany’s)
villanelle (killing eve)
anna karenina (anna karenina)
love quinn (you)
ciri (the witcher)
honorable mentions. audrey horne (twin peaks), mia wallace (pulp fiction), lucifer morningstar (lucifer), cheryl blossom (riverdale), oberyn martell (game of thrones) (awks because of the eye cutting stuff.)
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lady macbeth (macbeth)
cersei lannister (game of thrones)
joan holloway (mad men)
serena joy waterford (the handmaid’s tale)
beth harmon (the queen’s gambit)
honorable mentions but they’re increasingly unhinged. nina sayers (black swan), alice cooper (riverdale), leland palmer (twin peaks), the wicked witch of the west (the wizard of oz), the queen (snow white and the seven dwarfs), joe goldberg (you) (?????)
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sterling archer (archer) (this was 95%. by the way.)
don draper (mad men)
logan delos (westworld)
jay gatsby (the great gatsby)
roman roy (succession)
honorable mentions but they’re increasingly unhinged. john willoughby (sense and sensibility) (this one probably belongs in the top five but logan & roman were funnier), jaime lannister (game of thrones), neal caffrey (white collar), james bond (tomorrow never dies), count alexei vronsky (anna karenina) (uncomfortable), regina george (mean girls), haley dunphy (modern family), lindsay bluth (arrested development)
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davos seaworth & jorah mormont (game of thrones)
friar laurence (romeo and juliet)
charlie strong (peaky blinders)
samwell gamgee (lord of the rings)
honorable mentions. pete martell (twin peaks), little jon (robin hood), ben scott (yellowjackets), jon snow/samwell tarley/brandon stark all tied for some reason (game of thrones), jane eyre (jane eyre)
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maeve millay (westworld)
daenerys targaryen (game of thrones)
vi (arcane)
yennefer of vengerberg (the witcher)
mazikeen (lucifer)
honorable mentions. freddie lounds (hannibal), tyler durdan (fight club), fleabag (fleabag), fiona gallagher (shameless), hiram lodge (riverdale) (mija she owns that dam), freddy krueger (a nightmare on elm street), the alien (alien)
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dr. bedelia du maurier (hannibal)
shiv roy (succession)
sansa stark (game of thrones)
mel madara (arcane)
rose dewitt bukater (titanic)
honorable mentions. betty draper (mad men), dana scully (the x files), claire standish (the breakfast club), skyler white (breaking bad), lana kane (archer), jackie taylor (yellowjackets), margaery tyrell (game of thrones), betty cooper (riverdale), princess leia (star wars), lucille bluth (arrested development)
48 notes · View notes
cipher04 · 6 months
Fandom Frenzy (Doubling friendly) Seeking Roleplay Partners
Note: Not replacing any current partners, just always seeking to add more partners.
About Me:
I am 18+ and will only write with partners who are also 18+
Willing to double!
Prefers writing dominant male characters in male x female relationships
Flexible writer, quality posts: post length varies depending on the plot, my partner, and the post, but my typical range is 1-5+ paragraphs
Reply schedule varies. Not able to post much during the week. Most posts likely during the weekend, but will do my best to reply as soon as I can. Will let you know of any extended or unusual absences.
Prefers third-person and inclusion of NSFW, open to dead dove as well
Willing to play canon characters and original characters
Open to OC/Canon and Canon/Canon. If doubling, I do enjoy it when our separate stories can connect (not required). I love playing out the sibling dynamic, so perhaps if we're doing OC/Canon doubling, our OCs could be siblings? Again, not a requirement, and to clarify, not looking for anything taboo - it would just be another way for our stories to connect
Prefers long-term stories
You can add me on discord at fandomfan#0404 or send a chat or message if interested.
I am seeking partners who can play a female canon character from my list below. Extensive knowledge about the world and character is not necessary. I have no issue with you portraying these characters with your own unique interpretation.
Here is the link to the entire list of my fandoms: https://cipher04.tumblr.com/post/678212321698611200/muse-post
The 100: Clarke Griffin, Raven Reyes, Lexa
Arrowverse/DC: Kara Zor-El, Sarah Lance, Wonder Woman
The Boys: Queen Maeve. Becca Butcher
Chicago PD: Hailey Upton
Divergent: Tris Prior
Euphoria: Cassie Howard
FBI: Nina Chase
Fear The Walking Dead: Alicia Clark
Game of Thrones: Sansa Stark, Daenerys Targaryen
The Hunger Games: Katniss Everdeen
Marvel Cinematic Universe: Cassie Lang (2023 film), Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Carol Danvers, Kate Bishop, Karen Page, Daisy Johnson, Yelena Belova
Midsommar: Dani Ardor
The Lost World (1999 TV series): Veronica Layton
Nancy Drew: Nancy Drew
Outer Banks: Sarah Cameron
Riverdale: Betty Cooper
Saint X: Emily Thomas
The Society: Allie Pressman
Star Wars: Rey
The Walking Dead: Maggie Greene
If interested, you can react to my post or you can send me a chat. Thanks!
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keithsandwich · 1 year
Speaking of OCs let me have a Maeve brainrot pretty quickly here because this gown
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This gown
Maeve in this gown
Maeve Queen of Jade era in this gown
Maeve in this gown in a royal family portrait with Keith
Maeve in this gown
I'm making amigurumi Maeve in a version of this gown
This gown
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9 notes · View notes
For Real
Pairing: Jaime Lannister x Tyrell!OC
Warnings: Hidden relationship, threat of death
Word Count: 807
Summary: Jaime Lannister has been conducting a secret affair with a Tyrell...when Yuletide rolls around he surprises her with a gift that he hopes she’ll say ‘Yes’ to.
A/N: Fluffcember Day 11 in the House! I’m a little tipsy and I’ve been painting ornaments/decorations all day and there’s a national Adderal shortage so I’m spacey as all hell. Anyway, Enjoy!
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Conducting a secret affair with a member of the Kingsguard was difficult. Conducting said affair when that Kingsguard is the vengeful Queen’s brother and object of her misdirected affection was downright dangerous. Sometimes Maeve wondered if she did indeed have a deathwish as her grandmother so often accused her. 
On the contrary, she’d never felt more alive than the moments she’d stolen with Jaime Lannister. His hand brushing against hers as they passed in the halls, his fingers tracing against her lower back when they stood in a crowd in the throne room. She couldn’t keep track of all the dark corners of the Keep that he’d pulled her into for fast, heated kisses before proceeding down the corridor as if nothing had happened — as if he hadn’t just knocked her entire being off its axis.
They both knew that they were on borrowed time, that soon her father would draw up a betrothal contract with one of his bannermen and she would be shipped off to her new home far away from Jaime, who was bound by duty to remain in King’s Landing. What they had was temporary, fleeting, like the bloom of a rose. 
Which is why, upon returning to her rooms the day before Yuletide celebrations, she nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw him splayed on her bed, armorless and waiting for her. She’d dismissed her maid, claiming a sudden illness before locking her door.
“Are you mad? What are you doing here?” she demanded, shoving his boots off the bed.
“I came to give you your Yuletide gift. Figured tomorrow we would both be too busy.” He rose to his feet and shrugged nonchalantly. He wasn’t in his Kingsguard armor, just a simple green doublet that made his eyes shine brighter. He reached into his doublet and produced a small wooden box.
“I got you something as well,” she admitted, crossing to her writing desk and producing the package she’d wrapped his gift in. “Though shopping for a Lannister seems like a fool’s errand.” 
“Yours first,” he insisted, grabbing her wrist and placing the box in her hand, but not before he lay a kiss on her palm. 
Maeve unclasped the box and lifted the lid, gasping at what lay within. A ring made of delicate golden leaves surrounded the darkest, largest ruby she’d ever seen. With how intricate the metalwork was and how large the stone was, she knew it must’ve cost a fortune. Her jaw dropped and she glanced up at him.
“Jaime, this is…this is too much! I couldn’t possibly —” 
“Yes, you could.”
“Someone will surely notice it,” she protested as he plucked the box from her hand and took the ring out, sliding it onto her left ring finger. It was a perfect fit. 
“That was my intention.”
“And now for your second gift,” he said, pulling a roll of papers from his doublet. He offered them to her and, with a shaking hand, she grabbed them and unrolled them. 
‘By order of Joffrey Baratheon, First of his name, blah blah blah, I hereby release Ser Jaime Lannister from the Kingsguard and bestow upon him a commendation for his many years of loyal service to the Crown…Jaime, what is this?”
“Read the next one,” he prompted, the smile on his face turning positively giddy.
“I, Mace of the House Tyrell do hereby proclaim that my eldest daughter, Maeve, shall be betrothed to…to…” Her eyes were wide as saucers and once again, her jaw dropped. “What? Jaime, how is this possible?”
“My father wanted his heir back. I wanted you. Your father wanted to prove his loyalty to my father by betrothing a second of his daughters to a Lannister and I wasn’t about to let you marry Tommen. Joffrey was easy enough to convince since I lost my hand.”
“But what about…”
“Cersei doesn’t know about this yet. The papers were still drying when I made my way here.” He wrapped his large hand around her wrist gently, crouching to look her in the eye. “Is this what you want? I would never force you into a marriage you didn’t want.”
The tears wouldn’t be held back any longer and started to stream down her cheeks. “Of course I want to marry you, you complete and utter imbecile!”
She threw her arms around his neck and he rose to his full height, swinging her around in a circle. When he set her back on her feet, he wiped her tears away with his fingers. The look of concern that flashed across her face wasn’t lost on him.
“What is it, my love?” he asked.
“Nothing, it’s silly.”
“Nothing that puts that look upon your face is silly. Tell me,” he urged gently, stroking her arms. 
“I, well. I was always hoping that when I was betrothed that my intended would do it properly. The whole down on one knee, will you marry me thing. But it’s silly, this proposal works just as well, better, even!”
“My love, it would be my honor to propose to you. Tomorrow. During the Yuletide celebration.”
“In front of everyone?”
“I think we’ve kept our love in the dark long enough, don’t you?”
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amazingmaeve · 1 year
queen maeve x fem!reader
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summary — after maeve was ruthlessly outed by homelander vought had the bright idea to make one of the first sapphic superhero couple. that’s where you come in, and since you’ve been out vought has used you for profit so it’s not much of a surprise, what surprises you is the feelings that grow between you and maeve.
warnings — smut, oral (r receiving ), scissoring, some, bits of angst, fluff, and vought and Homelander just being really annoying
word count — 6,240 words
authors note — im so excited for this I’ve been wanting to write for her since I first started watching and finally I got to its. anyways I hope you enjoy this and happy reading. gif credits. also got some inspiration from @venus-haze fic kick it out so if you hadn’t read that please of because it’s amazing!
queen maeve masterlist | the boys masterlist
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“Are you fucking crazy,” Maeve snapped as she stood in front of Ashley with her arms across her chest. Her face hardened as soon as Ashley said those stupid words. Maeve could feel the blood inside her start to boil and she had to refuse to punch her in the face.
“I’m sorry this is just what The Seven needs their first lesbian-,” Ashley began to say.
“Bisexual,” Maeve interrupted with a glare in her eyes.
“Bisexual superhero in The Seven and in a relationship with another woman. The world will love this, it will bring a whole new meaning to girl power,” Ashley ranted as her face was filled with excitement.
“I’m sorry I’ve done this shit already with Homelander why would I want to do this again,” Maeve questioned as the word ‘Homelander’ came out her mouth, er stomach was burning with vile and chest filled of vitriol towards the man who thinks he’s the best thing to ever be conceived.
“This will be different, this girl isn’t like Homelander, she’s actually not murderous and she won’t cause as much drama as him,” Ashley defended the idea she came up with.
Maeve sighed as she stood in Ashley's office, she didn’t know what to do, she hasn’t been with a girl since Elena, and yeah she’s had lots of sex with guys but girls are different. She had such a strong bond with Elena and she didn’t know if she could do it over again with this girl Ashley was talking about.
Not to mention that Homelander is a jealous prick even though Maeve and him aren’t together, he’ll cause her life a living hell and this girl as well. Maeve didn’t know if she could bring this random superhero into this already heated up drama.
“You know what Homelander is like,” Maeve muttered knowing that he could be listening at any moment and barge through the door. “You know what he might do to this girl and you want to bring her into this,” She questions.
“Trust me he won’t do anything,” Ashley reassured Maeve. “And plus I think this girl can handle her own,” She says.
“Who is the girl anyway,” Maeve asked, as she was piqued with curiosity. There weren’t many openly gay superheroes and she doesn’t have enough willpower to recognize all of them or she just wasn’t interested.
“Oh it’s The Traveler,” Ashley whispered and Maeve nodded. She’s heard of you, of course, you were one of the few lesbian superpowers. She knows that you can travel between time and make portals to travel place to place.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Maeve's head snapped towards the direction and Ashley said, “Come in,” and you came through the door.
You walked through the door and Maeve couldn’t deny that you were a beautiful woman. You were dressed in your superhero costume, a black skirt and a black leotard for a top and leather jacket to cover it. There were purple gems glittering all over your outfit and the end of the outfit was topped with some black boots.
“Can you hurry up Ashley I don’t have all fucking day,” You snap as come to walk next to Maeve without even giving her a glance.
“I know you probably heard that Queen Maeve here is now part of the LGBTQ+ community and we wanted to make something good out of it,” Ashley told you and you rolled your eyes.
You had great sympathy for Maeve as she was outed on public’s television at the hands of Homelander and if you were in her position you would have never worked with a man as vile as he is. But you understood that getting out of the Seven and getting out of Homelanders sight is a hard thing to do.
Plus she wasn’t hard on the eyes.
“You mean you want to capitalize on her sexuality,” You say, letting your arms fall to your sides. It wasn’t surprising since it was what they do to you all the time. Having you do commercials for Vought as one of the lesbian superheroes. It was especially hard during pride month where they used you for monetary gain, having you speak at conventions and on talk shows about how you were so proud of your sexuailtiy and you were but you hated how they took advantage of you. But hey at least they pay you graciously.
Maeve looked at you covering her surprised face with her usual hard shell. You were right, they were just going to use her and bleed her dry until she was just a shell of her old self, as if she wasn’t already.
“You know that’s what I mean,” Ashley defended herself and you let out a huff when she said those words.
“Do we even have a choice,” Maeve questioned and you nodded alongside her. You were curious if you could even say no to Vought.
“Yes of course you do,” Ashley says.
“I guess I‘ll do it,” You muttered looking at the ground at your boot-covered feet.
“Maeve,” Ashley questioned, her tone dropped to a more serious tone.
“Whatever,” Maeve responded in her bitter tone and you understood it all too well. You were just like her when you came out and Vought used you, and plus she was a part of the Seven, she’d be more valuable and by proxy more profitable.
“Then it’s settled we’ll have the both of you post something to your social media about how you two were in a secret relationship and decided to be out as a couple in the public,” Ashely says, her eyes back on the iPad she had and her tone more happier.
Maeve rolled her eyes at the ‘decided to be out as a couple in the public’. Homelander outed her on fucking live television there was option as coming out but she swallowed her words as she always did with Vought. She didn’t like it but it was something she was used to and something she was starting to hate more and more.
You on the other hand were looking at her with sympathy, being outed sucks and you knew this. When you were younger your friends decided to out you as lesbian so you understood to an extent. She was outed on live television where most people watched and now everyone knew.
Letting out a sigh you look at the ceiling getting ready for the shit storm Vought was about to do and how they were going to get money out of it.
It’s been a few weeks since the ‘relationship’ between you and Maeve went public and least to say people loved it. Not the conservatives and the bigots who thought that the LGBTQ commiunity is infecting the youth. But you and Maeve were the number one trending Supe ship.
After the social media post went up the two of you went on talk shows and talked about how you were excited to finally be out and proud.
Obviously not meaning any of the words either of you said. It was just Vought scripts that were as lifeless as a corpse. Nor you or Maeve didn’t believe any of the shit Vought told you to say because you two weren’t in love. At least not yet.
The two of you got along well and you could tell that Maeve was closed off to you and you weren’t mad, you were closed off as well. But when you two did speak it was only for a few moments and it tended to be more awkward than anything, but you had a mutual respect for each other and that was all that you needed.
Maeve on the other hand didn’t want to get you hurt, you seemed like a nice person and you didn’t deserve the wrath that Homelander held, her on the other she felt like she deserved. You didn’t. So if she kept her distance with you unless the two of you were expected to show up somewhere or public dates the two of you go on.
To be completely honest Maeve was starting to like you, you were cute, you made jokes that made her stifle a laugh and that was more of a reason to distance herself. She couldn't get you involved her fucked up mess. She didn’t know if you liked her but you liked her enough to make small talk and to seek her out and ask her about her day. Even if you didn't, she needed to do what was right.
She couldn’t do that to you even though she was finding herself more and more into it, the more she found out the more she was interested. The more she was in this ‘relationship’ was way more comforting than the one she had with Homelander and deep down she was loving every second she had with you. But she would get a happy ending with you or with anyone.
The two of you enter an elevator after a long day of work, going out and stopping criminals and least to say the both of you were tired.
“God this day was really tiring,” You mutter leaning against the wall of the elevator.
“You can say that twice,” Maeve muttered, crossing her arms across her chest looking down at the elevator floor.
“Is it getting any better,” You blurted out the question that you've been wanting to ask her but didn’t want to be too intrusive.
“Is what getting any better,” Maeve questions even though she knew what you were talking about.
“Believe it or not I know how you feel with the whole outing situation but I can’t imagine what you’re going through, especially since Homelander did that to you. But all I know is after I was outed it took me a while to get comfortable in my own skin,” You say and Maeve does her best not to react to his name being brought up. She sure as hell knows that he’s probably listening so she’s going to have to be herself.
“Things are….. better,” Maeve says with uncertainty in her tone and you gave her a look of pity knowing that she was lying.
She had her walls built up higher than you can ever imagine and you wanted to help her break those walls down, so that she could look at herself and see what you see. A beautiful strong woman. You felt your heart start to race as it usually did when you were alone with her.
“Hey,” You say, approaching her and putting your hand on her upper arm and she tenses as you do so but she’s not willing to admit that your touch caused some sparks to go up her spine. “Just so you know if you need anything from me, or just to talk I’m always here for you, just because Vought is making us do this doesn’t mean I don’t care and talking about it really does help. So just remember that, any time of the day you need something, don't be afraid to knock on my door,” You say with a soft tone that almost made her melt, that almost made her just say screw it and kiss you but she held back.
“Thanks, right back at you,” Maeve says and you give her a soft smile before removing your hand.
“I’m gonna need to take something before I go and see Ashely because she is getting on my fucking nerves,” You say to break the tension.
“Trust me you’re gonna need a lot more of anything you have,” Maeve snorts and you let out a small giggle.
“I know and I’m hoping that she’s either too tired to talk too much or just is gone at her home because I can’t wait to go home and finally get some rest,” You say, resting your head against the hard wall.
“Or maybe she’s just getting fucked and even then she might be even grouchier,” Maeve blurts out.
“Maybe, just maybe she finds the love of her life and decides to just quit but hey dreamers can dream,” You shrug your shoulders with a slight eye roll.
“Cheers to that,” Maeve gives you a nod.
The elevator finally reaches level 99 and the two of you walk out and prepare to go your separate ways, no matter how much the two of you want to stay and talk the night away.
“See you tomorrow,” You give her a wave before heading to Ashley's office, getting ready for everything she has to say to you.
“Bye,” Maeve gives you an awkward wave as you turn around and she curses herself and shakes her head.
God she was so awkward with this, with someone she actually liked, not guys she brought up her to just fuck and to get her mind off everything. You were different and she was using all of herself to not just say screw it and try it with you. Because he would always be there and taunting her.
“See you two are getting along,” Homelander says walking up to stand next to Maeve.
Speak of the fucking devil.
“What do you want,” Maeve questioned, her hands turning into fists beside her. She did not want to deal with him right now, she didn’t want to deal with his condescending tone and him just bothering her when she didn’t want it.
“What I can’t see if my teammate is doing well in her relationship,” Homelander says feigning hurt and Maeve rolled her eyes at that. He didn’t feel hurt, he was just upset that he didn’t have her anymore.
“Why the fuck do you care, you and I both know that you’re not hurt by that, you were the who practically had it happen,” Maeve commented, telling the truth. If he didn’t out her, she wouldn’t be in this relationship with you, hell she might not even know who the fuck you are.
“That is true but is it so hard to believe that I hope you two are happy, that you guys happen to be just like the two of us. Starting out fake and ending up in a real relationship,” Homelander says putting his hands behind his back and Maeve had to bite her tongue so she wouldn’t tell him how much she fucking despised him.
“Just leave her the fuck alone please,” Maeve says her tone with an underlining of fear. Fear for you.
“Why would you think I want to hurt her? If anything I might thank her for making you happy, and who knows we all might be friends in the end if things work out right,” Homelander calmly says and Maeve could hear the subtle threat. Even if he wasn’t outright threatening you, she knew something would happen to you if she didn’t do something to protect you. Staying away was out of the question. She needed to make sure you were okay.
“Plus, you seem really comfortable with her, especially with that talk you guys just had,” Homelander says with a grin. Maeve could swear she felt her heart stop but she kept a straight face. “Hopefully she knows what she's in for when she signed up for this, literally,” He chuckles.
“Whatever, can you please just leave me alone,” Maeve snapped and Homelander gave her a shocked and surprised look.
“You know you might want to keep your eye on her, I mean who knows what could happen to her, especially at night,” Homelander says with a cryptic tone as his shoulders tense before he leaves.
Once Maeve made it to her penthouse she finally let out a breath of air that she’s been holding. She knew that he wouldn’t out right kill you right now, so she had some time to get a game plan. She had to protect you. No matter what it took.
Taking a swig of her whiskey she took a seat on her couch as her shoulders slouched with tiredness and stress. Besides everything she couldn’t wait to see you, no matter when.
It’s been a few days since that day in the elevator, but you don’t know what’s changed in Maeve. She’s been more into talking to you and you can’t say you’re upset. She’s been more of a comfort, and you loved that.
But she’s been flirting with you at least more outwardly.
You can’t lie when you say that you've been loving it. Ever since this relationship started a few weeks ago you’ve been trying to talk to her and now she’s actually talking to you. Whatever changed in her you loved it.
She’s also been very sad whenever you have to leave, whether it was to go to work somewhere else or go home. She always looked a bit upset and you didn’t know why, it couldn’t be she’d miss your presence. At least you didn’t think so.
But you've always reassured her that you’d be back whether it's the next day or a few hours from then. She seemed to like the reassurance you gave her and you’ve been using that so she doesn’t get so sad, upset, or hurt when you leave. It sometimes left you up at night wondering if she was just lonely or she acutely did like you.
On the other side of the fence Maeve has been keeping her eye on you after Homelander not so subtly threatened you. And she’d be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy flirting with you. Even though it’s been a while since she has flirted, you seemed to enjoy whatever line she threw your way based on the shy smile you’d give her, or the tiny laugh.
Even though she enjoyed flirting, she’s been getting more and more clingy due to Homelanders eye now being on you. Asking you if you were going to be okay, or when you’re going to be back and you’ve always reassured her that you would be back and you were fine.
It helped but it didn’t help the thought that you may be dead the next day and when you walked in the room with your signature smile she felt herself relax. What usually helped her get through the night is alcohol but she hated drinking that shit even though it helped her clear her head.
On this particular night, Maeve sat down on her couch trying to just watch tv but her thoughts kept coming back to you. If you were okay and if you were, what were you doing? It was only 11 at night so you wouldn’t be doing much and she hasn’t had any alcohol today. So nothing stopped her when she stripped herself out of her costume and into some jeans and a flannel t-shirt.
Looking in the mirror she cringed a little, it’s been a while since she’s been in casual clothes.
Putting her hair into a ponytail and then she shook it out trying to figure out what to do with it. She decided to just leave it down and put some sunglasses on to make sure no one recognized it was her, people were probably already asleep or in their homes so hopefully they didn’t recognize her.
Walking out of the Vought tower she looked around to make sure no one knew her or even worse, if Homelander was following her. He’s been in and out of it recently so she hoped he set his eyes on something else.
She walked in the direction of the Vought owned apartment building where you lived. You told her where you lived, if she needed to see you or if she just wanted to talk.
In this particular moment she just needed some comfort, whether it be talking or just being in the same room as you. Anything would do, if she were there, she would be able to make sure to keep you safe. At least try.
Standing in front of the door she raised her hesitantly and stopped trying to control her racing heart, but she took a deep breath as she knocked on the door and took a step back waiting for you to answer it and took her sunglasses off as well.
No going back now.
At first she was worried that you weren’t there, or worse that you were just dead because you weren’t answering the door but she felt her shoulders drop as soon as she heard you walking to the door.
Once you opened you were surprised to see Maeve standing there, especially in casual clothes since you’ve never seen her in anything else. But you saw her give you an awkward smile and you licked your lips before deciding to say something.
“Maeve what’s wrong,” You question, clearing your throat moving out of the way so she could come into the apartment. Luckily you were still awake because you were about to go to sleep, she probably knew due to you wearing sleeping shorts and an oversized t-shirt.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to wake you, I just wanted to come over since you always said I could if I needed to,” Maeve awkwardly rambled as she entered the room and you closed the door behind her.
“Don’t worry I wasn’t asleep yet, I was about to but you got here just in time,” You reassured her standing in front of her.
“I just needed to talk to you, or to just be here next to you,” She says while shaking her head as she feels her body finally relax. You were safe.
“Oh well, I’m glad you did, I did say you were welcome here anytime,” You give her a cheeky smile making your way into the kitchen. “Want some water, or any other beverage,” You questioned.
“Water is okay,” Maeve answers, scratching the back of her head as she makes her way to sit on your couch. Your apartment was very homey, nothing like the lifelessness of her penthouse back at the tower. This place made her feel safe, like she could just live here with you.
“Okay here you go,” You say, giving her the glass of water before sitting down on the couch next to her leaning against the cushion and facing your body so that you were looking at her. “Since you are here, do you want to talk about whatever is bothering you or do you want to just watch tv, that’d be fine as well,” You question not wanting to feel too pushy.
“Let’s just talk,” Maeve softly replies before turning her body to look at you as well. It was pretty dark but not dark enough to see that Maeve looked really happy and that made you feel good.
“What do you suggest,” You ask, contorting your body so that one leg was under you.
“Uh what do you do besides being a superhero that works with Vought, or is this your full time job like me,” She asks.
“Well I do like to volunteer on my own time, without any cameras to talk to kids in children's hospitals, I just feel like Vought would just use that to monetize it so I just kept it to my spare time,” You answer looking down at your lap.
“Wow, so you're just a real superhero,” Maeve says, looking at you with adoration. She always wanted to be a hero and when she started, she felt like it, she really wanted to help people but Vought ruined it like they always do and soon she was just another person they could get money from.
“Well so are you, I mean you’re Queen Maeve for fucking sake, you make a difference even if you weren’t out in the front line,” You chuckle.
“I don’t think I do,” Maeve answers with a tiny cringe. She wishes that she was everything you said about her but she wasn’t and that just made her heart almost stop.
“Come on, you’re an inspiration to little girls all around the world and now you’re probably helping a lot of kids come to terms with their sexuality and trust me I wish I had someone like you to look up to when I was growing up,” You say, your tone full of happiness.
“I don’t see it,” Maeve laughs, taking a swig of her water.
“I wish you could see what I see when I look at you,” You muse looking at her with such warmth that would make her feel like the only person in the world. You put your hand on her arm giving a smile caress.
“Vought just fucking sucks,” Maeve remarked and you give her small nod.
“That is true, I mean I’m only doing it for the money now,” You say with contempt. “It’s just another greedy corporation that doesn’t care about anything they say it does.”
“It just feels like I’m projecting this persona and no one knows the real me, with all the fucking scripts and talk show interviews, its just fucking tiring,” Maeve sighs, resting one of her hands on your knee just taking in the comfort you’re offering her. “It’s just one thing after another they want you to do and it’s never enough.”
“That’s true nothing will ever be enough for fucking greedy companies like Vought, but you knows what helps me,” You say leaning in a bit.
“What,” Maeve questions, using her thumb to rub figure eights on your knee as she unconsciously starts to move it a little higher.
“Knowing that someone out there, no matter who they are, and they need inspiration and we can give them that, even if it’s just to stand up to their fucking boss or kick a guy in his balls if he can’t take fucking no for an answer. People who just look up to us and know that we make that difference, I know it sounds kind of stupid but it really does help me sleep better at night,” You say knowing the stories your fans have told you, about how much you helped them.
Meanwhile Maeves had started to give your leg some goosebumps. You were already a bit hot and bothered due to her just being her and now she was teasing you.
“That makes sense, I just wish I could look through those lenses,” Maeve lets out a tiny giggle.
“I hoped that helped you though, because I totally see where you’re coming from,” You say with a bit of worry.
“Don’t worry you totally helped me, you just being here and listening to me helped me,” Maeve reassured you, giving her hand a squeeze on your thigh, she moved a bit closer to you as you felt your heart start to race a bit. “Can I uh try something,” She asked with a laugh.
“Of course, anything,” You say with a swallow.
Maeve leaned in closer til she pressed her lips to yours and you put your hand on her cheek and moved your lips along hers. It’s been a while since you’ve even liked someone so kissing someone felt like eons ago.
But it felt good kissing her and her hand lightly caressing your thigh as she kissed you hard and slipped her tongue in your mouth after you lost the battle of dominance. You moaned into her mouth as she started to trail kisses down your neck and started to suck a bruise on your clavicle.
You moaned as you felt yourself get wetter and wetter by the second and the only sound you could hear in the apartment was her heavy breathing and your moans.
“Where’s your room,” Maeve muttered the question as she started to trail kisses up your neck and right below your ear and started to make another hickey right there.
“Uh,” You began to say but moaned when she found your sweet spot on your neck. “It’s straight down the hall,” You say as you clear your throat.
Maeve then surprised you with your strength (which you shouldn’t be really surprised) and picked you up so your legs were wrapped around her waist as the two of you kept kissing as she made her way to your room. Her hand was on your ass and started to gently squeeze, making you moan into her mouth again.
She finally got your door open and walked to your bed and gently put you on the bed but not leaving you alone for a while as she made her way on top of you and started to kiss you again.
Your hands found their way into her long red hair as she ran her hands up and down your thighs which made you sigh into her mouth as her tongue started to explore what felt like every inch of your mouth. You started to grind up into her hips trying to get some friction you most desperately needed even though you were still in the confines of your shorts.
Making her way down your neck she started to pepper kisses along your chest and got frustrated when your shirt got in the way. She moved her hands to the hem of your shirt and you leaned up a little so she could pull it off you. She gave your chest a look of adoration before she started to trail kisses and started to leave hickeys along your chest.
You were letting out little whines and whimpers due to the fact that you felt like your pussy was getting more and more wet each time she kissed your body.
Her mouth finally made its way to your nipple and wrapped her plump lips around the tiny bud that was already hard due to it being a bit chilly. You moaned and arched your back a bit when she began to suck your nipple and you started to grind harder and harder against her own hips.
Moving away Maeve unbuttoned her own shirt and threw it to the side to where your shirt laid. You didn’t even have a little time to stare at her chest before she started to kiss down your stomach and around your belly button and started to toy with the strings of your shorts.
“Please,” You moaned as her hands moved down to your upper thighs and squeezed a bit harder but it definitely didn’t hurt you.
“Please what,” Maeve said with a cheeky tone that almost made you explode into pieces.
“Just touch me please,” You begged, jutting your hips up trying to get more friction on your pussy as you felt yourself get more and more wet if that was even possible.
Her hands made their way to your hips and pressed them down to the bed so you couldn’t move your hips and you let out a whine at that. You felt like you were about to burst into pieces.
“Just relax and have some patience sweetheart,” Maeve said with a sultry tone that made you whimper.
You nodded and decided to relax against the pillow which made Maeve give you a little smile. She moved back to your lower stomach and returned to kissing your body and you closed your eyes and let out tiny moans whenever she decided to give you a little nip.
Once she decided she was done with teasing you which felt like an eternity, she pulled down the shorts and let out a little laugh when she saw that you weren’t wearing any panties. While you moaned as the cool air came into contact with your wet pussy.
“God you are so fucking hot,” Maeve cursed as she moved down little and started to tease your inner thighs and decided to resume her kissing as she slowly made her way up.
You moaned as she sucked another hickey right above your aching clit that was throbbing. Her hands were still on your hips so that you could grind your hips up and that level of strength she held made your insides heat up. She chuckled against your skin as she felt you try to but she didn’t let up.
Once she did decide to take mercy upon you and press a gentle kiss to your kiss, you let out a tiny moan due to the sensitivity. She dragged her tongue along your wet folds, that made you moan and squeeze the blanket that you were laying on and your hand turned into fist.
Her tongue started doing wonders as she ran it up and down your folds multiple times and went up to your clit and your hips stuttered a bit when she wrapped her lips around your clit and started to softly suck on the soft nub.
“Maeve,” You moaned louder this time, that your neighbors might hear you.
Meanwhile Maeve had her thoughts clear of Homelander once you started moaning and she already adored the way she could make you melt with a couple kisses and touches.
Due to her teasing you, you could already feel your organsm rising and you would feel a bit embarrassed but Maeve seemed to know and started to suck harder and her mouth left your clit once which made you whine a bit but was quickly reassured when she ran her tongue up your folds and sucked your clit harder this time. She ran her tongue all around the little nub that she could feel throbbing.
“Maeve, I’m about too-,” You say your voice a little high pitched.
Maeve gave your hips a squeeze and nodded her head in reassurance without removing her lips from the tender muscle. So you just let your body do your thing and you let out strings of moans and yelps as Maeve started to suck faster and harder and with another single suck you let out a loud moan as you came all over her tongue.
Even though you felt like you blacked out, you could feel Maeve dip her tongue into your folds, deciding to clean up your release and moaning at the taste of you. You winced at the overstimulation and put your hand on her arm tugging her back up and luckily she did.
You could taste yourself on her mouth as she started to kiss you again and your hands started to move to her hips wanting to return the favor.
“Come on, take your pants off and let me help you,” You mutter against her lips, which makes her moan into your mouth. She nodded against your lips.
Once she got her pants and panties off and she returned to kissing you, your hands made their way to her hips again and started to move around to her thighs. But deciding that she still wanted to be in control she moved her hands to yours and put them to the sides and gave them a squeeze which made you moan into her mouth.
“I just want to help you like you helped me,” You whimper against her lips.
“I know but just trust me with this,” Maeve muttered moving her lips from yours.
The next thing you knew you felt her grinding her pussy on top of yours and her clit dragging across yours. You moaned but that was quieted once she decided to stick her tongue down your throat again.
You weren’t complaining.
Her grinding didn’t stop or show any hesitance as she felt her own release start to rise. Her clit throbbed against yours as she felt the knot in her stomach start to tighten even more. And due to the fact that she’s been wet ever since she kissed you it didn’t even take one more thrust before she came against your pussy with a strained moan of your name.
You smiled against her lips and kissed her neck and shoulder as she came down from her own release.
Once she felt legs stop shaking Maeve pulled the blankets over both of your nude bodies and wrapped her arms around and rested her head in the crook of your neck, inhaling your sweet scent.
“Feel better,” You quested drawing random things on the arm that was wrapped around your waist. You felt her chuckle against your neck and pepper a few kisses below your ear.
“Feel amazing,” Maeve whispered in your ear which made you let out an airy giggle.
“Well I’m glad I could help,” You laugh as you put your hand on top of hers.
“You definitely did more than help,” Maeve says as her eyes look over your nude form. Even though she couldn’t see much she saw something that made her let out a giggle.
“What are you laughing at,” You smile, twisting your body a bit so you could get a better look at her. But you had to admit a smile looked amazing on her.
“I just wanted to apologize,” Maeve says between little laughs.
“For what and you don’t seem sorry for whatever it is,” You laugh along with her.
“I just wanted to say sorry for the bruises,” Maeve sheepishly says and you look down to your hips and you could feel yourself already get more wet by looking at them.
“No need to say sorry, It’s kinda hot,” You say with a smirk.
“You dirty dog,” Maeve laughs, resting her head on the pillow.
“Says you,” You laugh and for what feels like ages you finally feel happy.
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manyfandomocs · 4 months
💜 + Lena Bergmann
Yes yes ok
Gavin Cohen (Overachiever girl x slacker boy and also Gavin always needs new girlfriends)
Lorenzo Waters (Partying turned hookups turned dating. Also kinda best friends brother with Aki and Lorenzo)
Wesley Dawson (He would absolutely find her enough they'd be soft)
Natalia Finch (Partying turned hookups turned dating but it's gay)
Maeve Marsden (I just think they'd be fun. Maeve is also a partier and extracurricular queen)
Send me 💜 + one of my ocs and I’ll tell you one (or more) of your ocs that gives me romantic vibes with them
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You’re invited to the 71st Annual Herogasm! It was founded in 1952 by Soldier Boy himself, and another Supe named Liberty. And this year we are more than excited to welcome Soldier Boy (and his lovely partner and friends) back to Herogasm, our best one yet! But first, let's get some formalities out of the way: You must present this invitation in order to be admitted! Same rules as always: no cameras, no non-Supe guests unless they sign an NDA and they’re DTF, and no telling any news media! It’s BYOD, but food, alcohol and lube will be provided! And please remember to RSVP so we can get an accurate headcount for the caterer! You will be devasted if you miss out! (Take our word for it)
Happy Herogasm Anniversary, everyone! This is the video that dook down our previous channel. So you know- we went down HARD on it. Soon we'll load the uncensored version for you guys, for now enjoy the censored f*cks and big blurry boxes!
Check out our The Boys playlist here!
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miriasuu · 1 year
Posting OC stuff because i love her ^q^
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Her name is Maeve di Angelucci, the sole princess of the Italian monarchy in my little universe ^q^ She's (un)happily married to her yandere hubby, Noël von Weissmann ♡
To sum it up, he's an angel (as a race, rather than a 'divine religious being') and told the King and Queen of a false prophecy that their daughter would be taken away on her 18th birthday and killed so they raised her in total captivity from the outside world. while he made his schemings to steal the German crown prince's identity and plan to get married to her since her hand would be offered much earlier (ye olden times, at 14) so they could avoid the prophecy. but he's the menace here! and he killed all the other candidates. oopsie
I'll put more art of her under the line~~ otherwise the post will be too big. More art (that cannot be posted here) on her Toyhouse! Plus i'll update it with her entire bg + noël later ♡ just uhm. be advised some quiiiiiite unnerving stuff below. not gore violence or anything but theres 1 uhm. well just to sum it up she has a lot of pregnancy themes, is all
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Royal Wedding (TL would be too extensive, sorry!)
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Maeve at 14ish (L) and 18~20 somethings (R)
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happy family?
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quick sketch to demonstrate height diff (ssorry for the yaoi hands. im not. fixing it) and discarded sketch of a previous height diff of them
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M: "Ah! That's right, you don't pray... In fact, there's no reason to... I'm sorry... (Christian)" N: "You realized that just now? I'm only making company... (Angel)"
Although their marriage is a very disturbing and manipulative one, I still like to imagine some rare casual moments between them. They mostly occur later, when she's past 24 (which is when she finally mentally breaks and gives in for this sick love and becomes equally yandere). Did I say? They eventually have like, 5 kids total. LOL all before that though.
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("How cute... It's like a puppy...)" "Maeve~, what are you doing?"
Generic yes but bunny x wolf, it's cute
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A discarded idea of an unicorn au or. something. i still like the idea but hmmm. nah. or maybe yay? i don't know tbh
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Oh and a little preview for her general reference for Artfight! I still need to finish painting, but hehe :3c it's only for general conception because i like varying her with dresses but im not gonna draw like. 5 diff ones for 1 ref lol
Anyway if u saw all thank u look at her TH theres like looots of love between them 2 ( ^_^)b oki ily byee
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thequeenofwands777 · 2 years
𝐂𝐚𝐭 𝐆𝐨𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐓𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐞? | 𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢 𝐱 𝐎𝐅𝐂 | 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞: 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐝
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Synopsis — Decades have passed since the horrific massacre of Brooklyn’s infamous crime family, all its members supposedly wiped out in the most notorious unsolved cold case in the state’s history.
All except one.
Katherina Vitale, the Don’s daughter. She’s known to the public as Felina, the Seven’s Fiesty Femme Fatale and the Deadly Darling in the Shadows. But to those with the clearance, she’s the company’s safety net in case a certain well-known supe goes off the rails.
After the Vought Senior Vice President of Hero Management's plans to force the woman into early retirement are put on hold by the untimely passing of one of the Seven, Katherina is welcomed back to the team. This time with a new stance on her place in the world when she learns the truth of what happened that fated night.
Will she remain loyal to the corporation responsible for her family’s demise? Or will she join William Butcher and his Boys in the fight against her own kind?
Pairing(s) — Black Noir x OFC, Billy Butcher x OFC, The Homelander x OFC, Queen Maeve x OFC, Minor The Deep x OFC
Fandom — The Boys - All Media Types
Status — in progress. Masterlist
Warning(s) — Graphic Descriptions of Violence, Implied/Referenced Past Sexual Assault, Referenced Past Child Abuse, Science Experiments, Canon Typical Violence, Swearing, Angst, Manipulation, Survivor's Guilt, Loss, Substance Abuse, Manipulation, Betrayal, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Freeform, Dark Comedy, Discrimination, Soldier Boy has issues, Everyone Has Issues, Possessive Behavior, Explicit Sexual Content, Corruption, American Politics
Tag(s) — Star-Crossed Lovers, Past Relationship(s), Grey!OC, BAMF!OC, Nerd!OC, OC is Catwoman of The Boys Universe, Switch!OC, Sexual Tension, Sub Kevin | The Deep, Top Billy Butcher, BAMF Billy Butcher, Sub The Homelander | John, Switch Black Noir, Italian Mafia, Women In Power, BAMF Women, Women's Rights, Song: Brand New City (Mitski), but if I gave up on being pretty I wouldn't know how to be alive, Other Additional Tags To Be Applied
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“I have a very exciting surprise for you. Both a member of the Seven, and the Deadly Darling in the Shadows,” Stillwell said, her brow twitching, like the words were venom on her tongue—the only evidence of her disdain. Maddie Stillwell, so well-trained. 
Beams of heavenly light cast a pale glow on the stage, highlighting every faint line on the golden-haired woman’s shiny face. Even from where she stood yards away, Katherina could smell the fresh botox under the woman’s skin, invading nerve cells and paralyzing her facial muscles. 
“Live and in person, the Fiesty Femme Fatale, Felina!”
A stunning, long-legged woman sauntered across the stage, every man in the audience shifting in their seats as their pants tightened in an almost-pavlovian response to seeing her. Katherina never failed to enrapture, with the skin-tight fabric of her raven catsuit shifting with every elegant movement of her body. 
Fuck the costume department, the woman thought every time she pulled it on. Pushing down a wave of disgust, wood splintered around her nails as they made indents into the podium’s sides.
“Thank you. Aw, thank you, everybody,” She purred in her smoky voice, rapidly reading the fast-moving words off the teleprompter with an ease granted by her sharpened senses and decades of practice. Her full lips curled up into a wicked smile, flashing the audience her pointed canines as their eyes widened in awe. As if it never got old. “After a long, distinguished career with the Seven…”
Katherina paused, just as the teleprompter instructed. The audience held their breath in anticipation. 
Stillwell raised a brow as the silence drew out. 
The woman took a deep breath, her throat threatening to close up. “I, Felina, have decided it’s time to file down my claws and retire.” 
“Let's give her a big ‘thank you.’” Madelyn said, cutting in with a picture-perfect smile painted on her lips. Goddamn cunt. You’re just counting down the fucking minutes, aren’t you? Katherina thought as she suppressed a glare, her smile widening instead. “What do you say? Thank you, Felina!”
Once the applause died down, the woman continued, “But now, as we turn towards the future, I'd like to introduce someone very special.” Her eyes narrowed in cringe at the next line. How fucking clever. “And I, for one, can't wait to see her shine. Please welcome, Starlight.” 
The woman stepped away from the podium with a tight smile, clapping her gloved hands together as her fresh-faced replacement was pushed on stage. 
Annie’s nerves seemed to be momentarily forgotten as time slowed down and she took in the sight of her childhood hero up close for the first time, committing to memory every mole and scar marring her pale-ivory skin. 
The most notable one was a faded pink scratch starting from above the bridge of her arched brow, running across her eye, and ending on the edge of her left cheekbone. Self-inflicted during the traumatic first manifestation of the crime boss’ daughter-turned-thief-turned-hero’s powers, if Annie remembered correctly.
A pointed look from Stillwell made Katherina sigh. She swallowed harshly and drew Starlight in for a friendly embrace once she approached.
Annie’s knees nearly gave out when she felt the woman wrap her long arms around her. She was sure Felina could tell how nervous she was, the beat of her hammering heart so loud, she wouldn’t be surprised if the audience could hear it too.
Katherina pulled away, releasing the younger woman before wiping her hands down her midsection to smooth out some nonexistent wrinkles. The loud pulsing of blood vessels in her ears was nearly deafening as it mirrored each thundering clap of applause from the audience. She dropped her head, making her signature contrasting hair fall in front of her face. 
She remembers how taken back she had been at the beginning of her time at Vought to see her condition be embraced in such a positive way, fully prepared to dye the hair until her scalp bled as Stillwell’s predecessor had planned. 
But the public had spoken, the striking color-blocking of light and dark being picked up by girls across the country in a rapid spread alternative trend of the early-90s when she officially debuted. 
The years had gone by so quickly. Katherina’s gaze grew distant. Now the symptom of her poliosis manifested in white highlight streaks throughout her voluminous layered locks, the only visible sign of her aging.
Felina’s dazzling smile seemed to falter, making Annie eye her curiously for a moment before she was guided by Stillwell to the podium. 
“Let’s give Felina one last round of applause,” Madelyn said, turning towards the woman with a shit-eating grin, her words laced with a deeper meaning. Just as quickly as it had gone, Felina’s irresistible smile returned. This time it didn’t reach her eyes. “Thank you.”
Katherina nodded in appreciation before retreating off-stage in a daze, pushing past Ashley and her stupid fucking clipboard as a dull ringing absorbed her enhanced hearing. 
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The woman sat calmly in the outside air, her fingers absentmindedly caressing the velvety pages of her worn book. She scanned hungrily through the printed words, as if reading them for the first time again. 
Her leg was bent to her chest, resting on the surface of the balcony’s balustrade while the other swung numbly over the edge, completely uncaring of the long distance down to the ground. No need to worry when she knew she’d always land on her feet. 
Katherina's head snapped up, feeling the energy shift in the air. A shiver crawled down her spine, raking each vertebra as it descended. 
A whoosh followed by a thud from behind her made her sigh. If not for the electrical impulses traveling lightning-fast through her nerves, quicking her reflexes, she definitely would have jumped. The loose-spined book in her grasp fell shut easily while she swiveled in her seat, facing the New York City skyline completely and letting both her feet dangle off the edge. 
“You’re what, now?” A deep voice called out. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
Katherina closed her eyes, pressing them tightly shut as she was once again painfully reminded of her fate. She smiled bitterly and whispered, “I found out this morning.”
“What?” He replied dumbly. 
Katherina took a deep breath, her throat burning with suppressed emotion. Pushing down the anger flaring up in her chest, she turned around and finally met John’s perplexed gaze. “Stillwell called me into her office this morning. Thought she’d pitch a rebranding of that fucking lingerie line again or some stupid shit like that. Imagine my surprise.” 
“This has to be some kind of mistake,” He said definitively, shaking his head as if he had any say in the matter. Oh, John. Even after all these years, you still haven’t learned your place. Katherina used her cat-like agility to slide elegantly off the balustrade and moved to slip past the man. A tight grip on her upper arm made her tense, claws threatening to come out. “You promised me, Kat. Don’t you remember? You promised me that you’d always have my back.”
The chemical plant’s remains surrounded him, still steaming. The scent of blood and smoke clinging to his nostrils was nearly suffocating. John narrowed his telescopic gaze on the woman desperately crawling towards the flashing red and blue lights in the distance.
Slicking back his stained golden hair, he turned and readied his laser gaze. A sudden shadow looming over the woman made him stop short. 
He watched as Noir helped her to her feet, meeting the fuming look in John’s red eyes with silence. 
The glow in them suddenly dissipated as John watched him take the woman’s head in his hands and snap her neck, letting her body limply fall off to the side.
John furrowed his brows. Noir approached him with his arms raised apprehensively. He felt his confusion grow when the masked man in front of him suddenly froze.
“A little trust goes a long way, John.” The young man’s eyes widened, taken back by the appearance of the familiar hero. She dropped down from her perch where she had been quietly observing their interaction and sauntered over to the men. 
John tilted his head, watching her intensely as she gingerly moved past the two before disappearing around the corner. His eyes widened again once he saw with his x-ray vision what she was hiding.
The cowering man yelped as she kicked him into view. 
“We’re a team now,” She trailed off, gently taking the man by the chin, ignoring his pleas. Her claws made a quiet ringing sound as they unsheathed, the razor-sharp, metal-plated nails growing on command in the blink of an eye. She positioned them on either side of his head, lightly digging into his scalp before raising her head and meeting John’s entranced gaze. “I’ve got your back, John.” A crack entered the air, the man’s body going limp in her grasp. “Always.”
“Of course I remember. This is Stillwell, not me.” She hissed, her faded Brooklyn accent reserved exclusively for off-camera getting thicker as her blood began to boil. Katherina tore her arm away from his hold before stepping back into the warmth of her den.
As detached as she felt from the luxuries that Vought provided, knowing it all came with a cost, the opulent two-story penthouse had become somewhat of a safe haven for her over the years. A sanctuary free from the cameras and the deceit, even if for a few moments. 
“I’ll talk to Madelyn and sort this out,” The man followed her inside, the vibrant color of his spandex suit a stark contrast to the dark minimalistic interior design of her home. “I’ll find a way, Kat. I promise.”
That’s what I’m worried about.
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Katherina sat crouched in the cramped space, gazing down at the conference room through the slats in the ceiling vent’s metal grate. Simply watching.
She was too light on her feet for any of the Seven to detect her presence, but based on the glances she saw Noir keep throwing up at the ceiling, she knew he had his suspicions. Katherina inwardly sighed.
“Beginning to wonder if you'd even show up. I mean, all that pressure, it's a lot for anyone to swallow." She heard the Deep say, smugness tainting his words of concern. Her brows furrowed, carefully observing the man. Her vibrant emerald eyes narrowed as she saw his features light up with amusement before they widened with realization. That motherfucker.
“Yeah. Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'm here. And I'm not going anywhere. ” Her replacement—Starlight—replied. Katherina rose a perfectly-manicured brow, her intrigue spiking. The new model had a backbone, who would’ve thought?  She supposes there was some strange comfort in the fact that her place wasn’t being taken by a complete pushover. 
“Can we get back to this, please? This is a serious crime. These assholes pirated my movie three weeks before release...” Without fail, Katherina began to zone out as she always did when Translucent started talking. The woman elected to shift her focus elsewhere, like at the man seated at the head of the v-shaped table, who was being unusually quiet.
A spike in her nerves made her lean back and curl into herself, just as he turned his attention up at the ceiling. She heard him sigh, as if disappointed to find the space empty. She silently thanked the ingenuity of the zinc lining her suit.
“What the fuck? You got four points?” A-train exclaimed, bringing Katherina’s focus back on the conversation. 
“And clearly better lawyers…” Maeve interjected before taking a swig of her drink, making the corner of Katherina’s mouth twitch up in amusement. 
When her vision suddenly blurred, Katherina leaned back again, sitting on her heels as she blinked away the moisture gathering in her eyes. Fuck.
She’d miss the stupid fucking banter. She’d miss the exhilaration of riling up a crowd with just her presence. She’d miss the sidelong glances filled with yearning exchanged between her and Earving during the drawn-out team meetings.
Vought had taken so much already. Made her live her life under a microscope and threatening her with more pain and more suffering if she didn’t ‘behave’. Play the part of the brainless sex kitten of the Seven but be ready to bring out the claws when it was expected. 
How much had they given, but taken even more in return?
She didn’t stay until the end of the meeting.
Landing on the polished marble floor in the barren hallway, Katherina brushed the coat of dust off her hands and knees before beginning the short trek to Madelyn’s office.
The click of her heeled feet echoed around the hallway, the woman quickly slipping into her professional persona as continuing walking, greeting every faceless person she passed with her signature smile.
“Have a nice evening, Felina.”
“Good afternoon, Felina.”
“What’s up, Felina?”
Felina. Felina. Felina.
Jesus Christ, it’s a wonder how she made it so far without snapping at one of the members of Vought staff equally as fake as her. Katherina narrowed her almond-shaped eyes in a half-hearted attempt to hide her disdain.
The hair on the back of her neck suddenly stood on end as she sensed a presence on her tail. Katherina’s gaze hardened, mind now on the alert.
Turning the corner, Katherina made sure the coast was clear before leaping up, balancing herself over the hallway. The surface of the ceiling dug in around the tips of her sheathed claws. She quietly waited for the presence to follow after her and reveal themselves.
A darkly-costumed man soon came into view. Katherina pressed her eyes shut for a moment and allowed herself to slip down, landing without a sound on the tips of her feet behind him. The faint sound of her heels relaxing against the floor as she leaned back on them made the man pause, turning his head in the direction of the sound. “Noir.”
She saw him freeze. Katherina took a tentative step forward, taking him in as he shifted his body completely to face her. He tilted his head to the side, an unspoken question. 
“Stillwell’s orders. Speaking of which, I’ve got somewhere to be,” She answered dismissively, holding her breath as neared her old ‘friend’. She felt the ghost of a hand on her shoulder, gently halting her step. Katherina shook her head, dropping her voice to a whisper. “I’m sorry, Earving.”
He felt his throat tighten, wanting so desperately to talk to her. Beg her to stay. To not retreat into herself. He couldn’t lose her. Not her. Not again. 
She gently removed his hand and took it into her own, drawing imaginary patterns into the plates on his gloves before letting it fall to his side. 
“I’m sorry.”
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That fucking bitch.
The meeting with Madelyn hadn’t gone at all how she anticipated. John had made good on his promise, so now she had to stick around and babysit the girl taking her place too. 
Katherina finally pulled on her black satin slip, taking care to not smudge the lotion freshly applied on her thick skin. The bright glare of her vanity lights made her expression fall as she ran her eyes over her creamy complexion. Focusing on the scars disfiguring her plump face. She sighed.
“Just to help Starlight get acclimated. We want to make the transition as smooth as possible." The older woman had said, the smile on her lips widening at the fire building in Katherina’s eyes. Why not start by giving me a little time to prepare then?
She finished her nightly routine almost robotically before slipping into the safety of her bed. Her eyes fell shut as soon as she made contact with the smooth texture of the silk covers.
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To Be Continued...
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In Another Life Part 2- TASM!Peter Parker x OC
TASM!Peter Parker x Maeve Nadine
Description: It’s Maeve’s turn to jump dimensions, and once she arrives she finds the one person she went there for.
Word Count: 2.2k
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Maeve awoke with a loud gasp, as if she’d just woken up from an intense dream or some sort of nightmare. The only things she felt as she looked around her surroundings were fear and confusion. She had absolutely no idea where she was.
She was in a huge, almost warehouse looking room. It was full of beds that both lined the walls and lined up in the middle of the room. She was in one of the beds on the left wall closest to what she assumed was the front door. On the opposite wall of the door was what looked to be some sort of kitchen with a large window to give out the food. A short line of women had formed along the right side of the window, and whoever wasn’t waiting was already sitting on their bed with a bowl in their hands.
Maeve would be correct in guessing that she was in some sort of shelter. What could have happened to her that she’d come here, she had absolutely no idea. She flinched when she felt a hand on her shoulder and whipped around to face the hand’s owner.
It was an older woman. She had graying hair, a shawl wrapped around her and a kind smile on her face. As much as Maeve tried to remember who she was, it seemed that it just wasn’t possible for her.
“Oh, it’s wonderful to see you awake,” the woman greeted happily. Maeve offered her an uneasy smile.
“Uh, thank you…”
“My name is Lily. Do you know your name, dear?” She asked in a kind tone, taking a seat in the chair that sat beside the girl’s bed. She didn’t have to think about that one.
“Maeve Nadine,” she answered without hesitation, earning a smile from the older woman.
“Well, it’s wonderful to meet you Maeve. Now, do you remember anything that happened before you woke up?” The girl thought for a minute, but ended up drawing a blank and shook her head.
“No. Do you?” Lily shrugged before answering.
“Well, I was the one that found you. You were just out in the street unconscious and in an odd looking outfit. I called the police and once they made sure you weren’t injured, they brought you back here.” Maeve’s lips pursed in thought at her response.
“And… where exactly is ‘here?’” She questioned.
“New Beginnings Women’s Shelter in Queens, New York,” Lily answered simply. Queens? What was Maeve doing in Queens? What happened to her? The questions just kept running through her mind, and she found herself becoming upset at the lack of answers. She hadn’t realized that she had changed into a whole other person until she heard Lily gasp.
“Oh my,” she exclaimed quietly. Maeve looked at her confusedly, but the woman just leaned in closer to her.
“Is that really what I look like today? Paul said that this hairstyle looked fine,” she continued. Maeve’s brows furrowed as she looked down at herself. Sure enough, she noticed a copy of Lily’s shawl draped over her shoulders. Oh, that’s right. She had powers. So much for anonymity. A deep blush coated the girl’s cheeks as she morphed back into herself and she attempted to try and explain away what the older woman had just seen.
“Oh, please don’t be distraught, there’s no need,” the woman soothed quickly, standing up and pulling the girl into a hug. “You know, you’re not the only superhero in New York.” As she spoke, she stroked the girl’s hair comfortingly. The girl looked up at her curiously.
“Wait, really?” Lily nodded.
“Oh yeah, you don’t know Spider-Man? He’s a local hero around these parts. I bet you two would get along well.”
And with just hearing that one name, everything came back to Maeve. The multiverse, the villains, Aunt May, the three Spider-Men. Peter. Her Peter. The memories hit her all at once, and they hit hard. Another gasp left her lips and she nearly fell off her bed. She would have if Lily hadn’t been there to help her keep balance.
“Are you okay, dear?” She asked concernedly, crouching beside the girl so that she was at eye level with her. Maeve was practically shaking. Whether it was from excitement about Doctor Strange’s spell working, nerves from the thought of seeing Peter again or anxiety about the fact that she would have to search all of New York for him, she didn’t know. After a minute she realized that she still hadn’t answered a very worried Lily.
“Uh, yeah. I’m fine,” she trailed off distractedly before looking at her. “Um… do you know where I can find this Spider-Man?” Her question made Lily laugh softly.
“I’m afraid not honey. He keeps his identity a secret, though I don’t know why. No one knows who he really is or where he lives.” Maeve sighed, she knew that it was a long shot to ask, but part of her really hoped that her Peter wasn’t that careful so she didn’t have to physically go out and look for him.
“I have to go,” she muttered, moving the covers off of her and standing up.
“What? Where are you going?” Lily asked, sounding startled by her sudden change in demeanor.
“I need to find Pete- um, I mean…I need to find Spider-Man. I think he can help me,” she answered simply.
“Will you be back?”
“I don’t know.” It was only then that Maeve realized she was now in gray sweatpants and a plain while t-shirt instead of her super suit.
“Oh, sorry about that dear,” the older woman spoke, also standing up now. “I didn’t know how comfortable you’d be sleeping in that weird suit, so I had a couple of our girls help change you into those. Your suit’s being washed at the moment.”
“Kinda weird, but I appreciate it,” she said after a minute. “I don’t know how I can thank you enough for all of your help Lily.”
“Don’t worry about it dear, it’s just what we do here,” the woman answered with a kind smile. The girl returned her smile before walking out. She had no idea where to start, but she had to get started right now if she wanted to find him sooner rather than later.
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The next week was spent searching high and low for any signs of Spider-Man and Peter Parker. Based on what she heard between all three Peters, it seemed that Queens was where they all lived (at least at one point for Peter 1). She’d narrowed her searching ground accordingly. It was still a hundred and nine square miles occupied by roughly two million people. Queens is considered the biggest borough in New York for a reason, so she had a lot of work to do.
The fact that this New York was similar yet completely different did not help her. There was no Stark Tower because apparently the Avengers didn’t exist in this universe (she would always remember Lily’s confusion at her inquiry about them). So, she had to deal with that slight setback as she continued her search. It also didn’t help that there were no villains in this universe anymore (at least for the time being). Normally she’d be happy about something like that, but this time she was just frustrated because that meant there was no one she could ask. As far as she understood, Electro had died years ago after a battle with Spider-Man and Dr. Connors was in jail, not allowed to see anyone for fear of public safety.
Maeve thanked her lucky stars for New Beginnings Women’s Shelter for having a bed and food for her every night when she returned. Lily had been the only one who knew her situation, she’d thankfully kept Maeve’s powers a secret. She was Maeve’s saving grace and voice of reason; she’d been the one to talk the girl out of searching into the night. If Maeve ever actually found Peter, she would spend the rest of her life thanking her.
At this point she was on week two of her search. When she wasn’t looking for Peter, she had opted to just walk around the city as well. It was a sort of break between her exhausting scavenge plus it gave her the opportunity to explore her new surroundings. As she walked past the many shops, she suddenly heard gasps. Her brows furrowed and she looked around, only to realize that everyone else’s gazes were on the sky. Confused, she looked up as a figure passed overhead. A flash of red and blue caught her eye, which instantly got her hopes up.
“Look, it’s Spider-Man!” Several people exclaimed behind her, watching the superhero fly through the buildings using his webs. This was Maeve’s chance to follow him while everyone was distracted. She carefully maneuvered through the crowd until she reached a nearby alleyway, using its shadows to cover her changing into her suit, which was under her clothes.
Once done she replicated the boy’s powers and began swinging past the buildings, though she used the back way so as to not attract attention. Apparently she was so good that she hadn’t even caught Spider-Man’s attention. But, she wasn’t as used to using his webs, which slowed her down significantly. She managed to keep up though until he finally landed in an alley on 15th Street.
Despite the fact that she’d landed just a minute later, it seemed that had been more than enough time for Peter de-suit to disappear into the crowd on the main street. She looked around desperately, but as much as she wanted him to still be there, it seemed that he had simply disappeared. A helpless whimper left her. She was so close, but apparently not close enough.
‘No,’ she thought. She couldn’t give up now. After also de-suiting she practically sprinting to the main street, nearly running into someone. She offered them an apologetic smile before frantically looking around, desperate to catch a glimpse of that very soft looking brown hair or anything she recognized.
“Peter!” She hadn’t even realized that she called his name until several people turned to look at her. Some looked bewildered, while others looked concerned. Maeve didn’t pay attention to them though as she began walking in one direction.
“Peter Parker!” Now the bewildered passersby were annoyed. There was this random and slightly unhinged looking girl who was screaming someone’s name practically in their ears as they passed her. It wasn’t until after she yelled Peter’s name again that one of them actually spoke up from behind her.
“Hey, shut up kid!” She barely had time to turn around to respond when she was suddenly pulled into yet another alley by her arms. Her eyes widened and, in a panic, harnessed Peter’s strength and threw the person against the wall. She watched as the man, which she realized was in a hoodie with the hood over his head, slammed against the wall then slid down with a groan. He shakily attempted to get up as she stepped towards him threateningly, and he quickly held his hands up in surrender.
“Maeve, it’s me! It’s Peter!” A very familiar voice exclaimed. The girl froze in her place, eyes widening as she watched the man stood to his full height and threw his hood back. Sure enough, it was Peter. Maeve didn’t move, just staring at him. It almost didn’t feel real. Maybe she had just been searching for so long that she finally became delusional and just imagined that it was him.
“Peter?” She asked hesitantly, voice barely above a whisper. The boy immediately nodded, an excited smile forming on his lips.
“Yeah,” he breathed out. Maeve found herself copying his smile.
“Peter?” She repeated, this time excitedly, before practically jumping into his arms. He couldn’t help but laugh as he hugged her tightly, practically lifting her into the air as he spun her. The girl laughed along with him while he set her down.
She had no time to say anything before she suddenly felt his lips against hers. Though initially shocked, she returned his kiss eagerly as her hands rested at the nape of his neck. It didn’t last long, but that didn’t make it any less special. When they pulled away, their foreheads gently came together like they had back in her old universe.
“I’ve been waiting to do that since I was in that other universe,” the boy all but whispered, eyes slowly lifting to look at her. She met his eyes as her smile returned.
“Me too,” she muttered. Peter grinned and pressed one more chaste kiss to her lips before pulling away completely.
“It’s funny,” he said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and leading her back out of the alley. “I thought that Strange guy told me that I was supposed to find you.” Maeve laughed softly.
“Yeah, well you can thank a woman named Lily for reminding me of a certain webbed superhero,” she responded simply.
“Maybe I will,” he shot back, which made both of them laugh once again. As they passed the different streets, the girl looked at Peter.
“Where are we going?”
“We are going home,” the boy responded.
“You mean we’re going to your house?”
“I mean,” he paused, then looked at her. “We are going to our home.” The girl blushed deeply, and she couldn’t deny the way her smile widened along with his.
“I’d like that,” she said softly, allowing him to continue leading her towards an apartment building. To their home.
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