#malec forever
malecsecretsanta · 8 months
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This upcoming Holiday season there will be a eight edition of the Malec Secret Santa gift exchange, to make Christmas a little extra special for us all, and what better way to spread love and kindness by the act of gift-giving :)
How it works
You MUST have a Tumblr
Sign up with what you want to make ( e.g. fic or fanmix)
Also list what you’d like to receive (e.g. gifsets, drawings)
Sign ups are done via a form
»» Sign Up here! ««
After that assignments will be send out to everyone by email on October 21/22, and then you’ll have seven weeks to make gifts for the person assigned to you :)
Gift Giving Guidelines
Just in case it isn’t clear to anyone, all the gifts have to be MALEC-related! NSFW content is definitely allowed as well.
You can sign up to create & receive one or several of the following options:
>> Read the full guidelines here (or via Google Doc)
On Christmas Eve/Day all the gifts will be posted for everyone! On Boxing Day it will be revealed who made gifts for whom, then after that you’re of course free to post the gifts you made to your own Tumblr :)
If you still have questions, don’t hesitate to ask them!
So what are you waiting for? Sign up now! Gift someone a Very Malec-y Christmas this year!
Please help signal boost this post, it would be much appreciated :)
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They- they- tHeYYYYYY <33
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loki-nightfire · 2 years
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Lightwood-Bane family portrait for @TyphoniasS I hope they look happy enough. thank you for playing in shadowtober, you are truly delightful partner! i think Magnus was peacefully doing some useful,  than Alec came near by and sat close to him fully intended to not disturb. of course it was the time children climbed on his laps being affectionate and demanding attention. that's the story behind the picture.
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littleartbot · 2 years
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Sunflower date <3
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malec302420 · 2 years
can't stop thinking about magnus wearing this
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and this
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and THIS
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pixelsgirl · 2 years
Redraw for The Red Scrolls Of Magic.... by @jessastre characters belong to @cassandraclare ~ Malec Forever ~
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mortalastrum · 2 years
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overheardinidris · 2 years
Magnus: I wasn't sure what kind of chocolates you liked best, so I got them all.
Alec: Magnus, there are like three hundred boxes here!
Magnus: I panicked, okay? Valentine's Day can be very stressful!
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viviavalon · 2 years
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Happy Pride Month to everyone 🌈 with #Malec
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nancyloumm · 1 year
I love book Malec and Cassandra Jean’s awesome fanart:
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I LOVE show Malec:
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I even love the little bit we get of movie Malec:
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Have I mentioned how much I love this:
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cam-ryt · 2 years
@malectober day 9.
Day 9 : Books
I must admit, this one is not really about books. Books were just an excuse to simp over Magnus. You can't blame me for that.
Warnings : Magnus is hot.
Alexander Lightwood Bane loved a lot of things about his husband. Like, a lot. His sister was pretty sure he kept a list somewhere. She wasn't entirely wrong but Alec's list was preciously saved inside his mind. Once in a while he updated it when he discovered another part of Magnus' personality. That list was fucking long, and of course, he had a top 3 that moved depending on his mood.
But today when he entered the loft after a long and boring day at the council of Alicante, nothing could have prepared him for what he immediatly put on top of his « most favorite things about my husband » list. See, there was already something on top of that list. Something so obvious but that made him smile like crazy every fucking day when he wake up. On top of that list was the fact that Magnus fucking Bane was now Magnus fucking Lightwood Bane. He couldn't get over that fact. Well, until today apparently.
Magnus was quietly reading a book on the couch, his bare feet tucked underneath him and covered by a colorful plaid. He was so beautiful. Alec couldn't get over that fact too, but that was a story for another day. He wasn't wearing makeup and his hair were gently falling in front of his face. He looked so soft. His hair, his skin, his hands. Everything made Alec want to kiss the hell out of him. But what made him gasp loudly was the fact that Magnus wore glasses. Magnus was wearing fucking golden and delicate and round glasses, sitting perfectly on his perfect nose and fitting perfectly his perfect face. Alec wanted to scream.
Top 1 on his list from now on : Magnus fucking Lightwood Bane with fucking glasses.
« Good evening sweatheart, are you okay ? » Magnus had the indecency to ask when he noticed that Alec was staring at him from the corridor.
He was not okay. Not at all. The fangirl in him was screeching like hell and already putting posters of his face on the metaphorical walls of his metaphorical fangirl room.
« You... Glasses. » He just said, standing there awkardly.
« Oh... Yes, I use them sometimes when I have to read a lot. » Magnus smiled and scrunched his nose to replace them correctly.
Fangirl Alec screamed harder.
« I... I've never seen you with them. »
« Really ? Maybe because I don't like them very much. » Said Magnus, making a move to remove them, before freezing when Alec actually screamed.
« No ! »
The warlock raised an eyebrow.
« O...kay... ?  Are you sure you're alright ? Did you hurt your head ? Should I be worried ?»
« Yeah. » Alec breathed, approaching until he could kneel between his legs in front of the couch.
« Now you have me worried. » Magnus frowned, before placing his hand on his forehead.
« Fuck, you're so hot. » Alec all but whimpered, making the warlock frown even more, like he had no clue of what was going on with his stupid husband.
Because, you know, Magnus was hot. That was not an opinion, that was a fact and Alec was ready to fight everyone who told him otherwise. But right now he looked hot and smart. Well, he was smart. He was even fucking smart. It took a lot of smartness in order to invent interdimensional portals, you know ? His intelligence was one of the first things Alec had noticed when he had met the warlock for the first time. It was in the words he used or the way he had to think and do things. He was both technically and emotionally clever. So of course he already looked smart, because he was. But the glasses, that was level up. He looked like a little nerd and Alec had just discovered another hiden kink.
« Alexander...? » Magnus seemed genuinely worried now.
The shadowhunter smiled and rested his head on Magnus' thigh.
« Can you read out loud for me ? »
« Only if you tell me what's going on with you. » Magnus replied, slipping his fingers into his husband's dark locks.
« I just find you very attractive with glasses. » Alec confessed, cheeks turning a shade darker.
Magnus burst out laughing and leaned back on the sofa, wiping the corners of his eyes.
« My dear Alexander, you continue to surprise me everyday. » He chuckled before taking his husband's chin between his fingers and kissing his lips with a tender smile.
« How about you read me this chapter and then I show you how I can be much more suprising ? » Alec asked against his mouth.
« Oh my, Alexander.  I should read more often... » Magnus giggled with delight.
« You should wear glasses more often. It makes me want to do bad things to you. »
« More than usual ? » The warlock chuckled.
« Much more. »
« Well, in that case... » Magnus straightened himself and reopened the book, a serious look on his face despite the butterflies in his stomach.
Alec stayed on the floor between his legs, attentive. He was gonna cover him with books every fucking week just so he'll be blessed by that vision.
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malecsecretsanta · 8 months
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Less than a week left to sign up for the Malec Secret Santa!
Don't miss out on the fun :)
How it works
You MUST have a Tumblr
Sign up with what you want to make ( e.g. fic or fanmix)
Also list what you’d like to receive (e.g. gifsets, drawings)
Sign ups are done via a form
»» Sign Up here! ««
After that assignments will be send out to everyone by email on October 21/22, and then you’ll have seven weeks to make gifts for the person assigned to you :)
Gift Giving Guidelines
Just in case it isn’t clear to anyone, all the gifts have to be MALEC-related! NSFW content is definitely allowed as well. AI-generated content is NOT allowed.
You can sign up to create & receive one or several of the following options:
>> Read the full guidelines here (or via Google Doc)
On Christmas Eve/Day all the gifts will be posted for everyone! On Boxing Day it will be revealed who made gifts for whom, then after that you’re of course free to post the gifts you made to your own Tumblr :)
If you still have questions, don’t hesitate to ask them!
So what are you waiting for? Sign up now! Gift someone a Very Malec-y Christmas this year!
Please help signal boost this post, it would be much appreciated :)
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loki-nightfire · 2 years
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Have you ever been in love like this? Do you remember the feeling? You are in romantic place, you made love this night the first time with this person you are in love & you are absolutely happy for now.
You hug them, you kiss them, you two are laughing at stupid jokes.
Do you know why? That is because you are in love
For everyone who are in love this June: Malec in love in Venice
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malecbuddie · 10 months
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My fanfic is out!
Thanks you for reading this fanfiction. English is not my native language, so if you have any advice feel free to write them in the comments. See you next time!
Good reading!
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scifidancer · 2 years
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