#malec reunion
lawsofchaos1 · 1 year
Promptlet: Soulmate AU
I'm a sucker for AUs where Magnus is much, much older than he lets on. What if he was born pre-Gregorian calendar and a person's soulmate mark is based on how their soulmate would know their birthday, not the way the marked person's culture would know it as?
So, Alec's mark says something like 'the second moon in the fifth summer of Aethelred's reign' or 'when the Hunter was bright in the Eastern sky', and Alec realizes this mark means his soulmate was born over a thousand years ago in the part of the world that would later become Indonesia.
There is absolutely nothing more important to Alec than his future soulmate, and Alec plans most of his life around making sure he's enough for his soulmate. (Which, ouchie, but that's another story.)
Thus, Alec learns everything he possibly can about 3rd century Indonesia, becoming one of like seven people in the world fluent in the ancient austronesian language of the Srivijaya people - the other six are all grad students or professors in the tiny field where Alec becomes a regular curiosity at their annual conferences and literally every one of the ... say... 100 or so people in their rather insular group all have these just absolutely wild pet theories for the young, tattooed obviously highly ranked soldier (it's very clear he's used to being in command) that comes every year to practice his language skills and listen silently to every single presentation like he's trying to memorize it.
One year Alec comes to the conference shortly after a particularly vicious battle and his arm is still in a sling from a venomous bite wound that has to heal the mundane way and all the other attendees are high key worried about their favorite soldier. Alec doesn't know what to do with all these people being so solicitous and worried and hovering because that is not usually 'A Thing' when a Shadowhunter is injured as Alec is. It's just a scratch, really!
And then one year, Alec comes to the conference absolutely beaming, and he has an extraordinarily flamboyant and charming man (who is clearly of Indonesian ancestry) on his arm and Alec can barely take his eyes off of him. He happily brings Magnus to the annual dinner that's become tradition for the seven of them that speak the language and, to their shock, Alec's partner is even more fluent than they are!
And then Alec's closest friend from the conference (and Alec is slightly surprised when he realizes they're all definitely his friends, because he usually doesn't make those easily) has a wife that gets turned into a werewolf by accident.
Alec has an alert set up to notify him if certain names ever comes across the Clave's interest and so it's Alec and Magnus who portal to Professor Calter's house and explain to Peter and his wife, Laura, about the Shadow World. Peter and Laura later come to their wedding and Peter almost makes Magnus cry by reading aloud an ancient blessing he'd found for the occasion, one Magnus had almost forgotten.
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prompt request: older malec 😬 (second chance romance veryyy much accepted )
I know you’re fishing for that BTLIO happy ending that you’re never getting from me nsnsbsmsksskjs
High school reunions are kind of overhyped, in his opinion.
It’s a frivolous attempt by one at pretending that their teenage years were not as miserable as they remember it to be.
Magnus’s quite over it, if he’s being honest.
He never wants to meet most of the people from his high school ever again.
But he’s back in his town after 10 years and Catarina forces him to attend the event.
“Magnus, this is a great way to show up all those assholes that made you miserable.”
“Show up how?” He asks.
Catarina raises an eyebrow at him and he relents.
“Fine. I guess my million dollar worth could be a way.”
“You think?”
He sighs. “But is that it? Financial success? Is that all that matters in this world?”
Catarina side eyes him, “Wow, this town really brings out the angsty teenager in you.”
Magnus rolls his eyes at her. “I just don’t like these people. And I don’t think showing my wealth is a way to prove that I’m better than them.”
“But you are better than them.”
His face breaks into a smile. “And that’s why I love you, my dear.”
His teenage years in this town were to quite simply put it—a nightmare.
They were filled with homophobia, racism and everything in between.
Magnus remembers nothing but being sad in most of them.
Most of them. Not all of them.
Some of them were good memories. The best ones of his life.
He knows those memories had nothing to do with this school or the town but something else.
Something angelic.
Someone angelic.
He puts on his most flamboyant and dramatic outfit, now that no one can hurt him with words about how he chooses to dress up like.
Magnus puts on a purple sheer shirt, with a deep, very deep v neck cut. Half of his chest was visible, with seven necklaces laded on it.
There’s one small necklace still on his neck, it doesn’t match his outfit but it was given by his mom , fixed by his Rafael, he doesn’t know how and he kind of misses them both terribly today.
It’s something about this town.
At least one of them, he’ll get to see again after two days. Rafael wanted to come with him but too but Magnus didn’t want to bring him here. There’s too much sadness here. And he always wants to keep his baby away from all that sadness.
Two hours later, they reach their high school. The event is happening in the gymnasium, even ten years later.
With huge letters, the banner reads- “Class of 2012”.
“It’s weird, isn’t it?”
Magnus goes around the room, meeting people he’s forgotten by now. Some he remembers like yesterday.
“Magnus,” A beautiful woman with curly hair approaches him. “Magnus Bane?”
Magnus thinks for a second before his eyes widen in surprise—good surprise. “Maia?”
“It’s been so long,” she smiles and pulls him in a hug.
“Too long.”
“You disappeared from here.”
“I didn’t disappear,” he says, not without a flair. “I just made a grand exit.”
They both know he’s kind of lying. Magnus had disappeared. More accurately, he’d run away.
It had been too hard. Breathing had become too hard.
If he’d stayed here a minute longer with all the painful memories, Magnus would have died.
Leaving this town had saved him.
He meets a few other people after that. It’s not half as horrible as he’d expected.
He recalls that voice as clear as a day. He turns to find the most beautiful woman in front of him.
She was always beautiful but right now, she looks a hundred times prettier. He also knows that it’s nothing to do with her physical appearance but everything to do with the huge smile on her face.
The visible happiness.
She’s never looked freer.
None of the Lightwood siblings ever did.
She jumps in her arms, still with all the love and joy like they’re sixteen again.
Like the little girl who used to help him climb up her house so that they could play housie at night.
Or after a particularly horrible night when they needed some cheering up—thanks to the Lightwood parents.
If it wasn’t for the warm hug, he would have been scared to hug her back. But there’s no such feeling anymore as he wraps his arms around her tightly.
“Oh, darling,” he breathes. “It’s so nice to see you.”
“You too,” Isabelle says happily and he knows she means it.
Isabelle was a two years younger than them so technically she shouldn’t be here. There’s only one reason for her to be here and considering that Simon is lurking not five steps away, with a giddy smile on his face, he has to be right.
“You being here, I can only assume you are still with Sherman,” he grins, the old joke falling easily from his lips.
“I do.”
“Hello, Magnus,” Simon waves excitedly.
They talk for a while but Magnus is a bit distracted throughout.
“He’s here, you know,” Isabelle says.
His brows furrows, “Who?”
Isabelle rolls his eyes. “You know who.”
He does.
Magnus didn’t want to come to the reunion for the following reasons:
1. He dislikes most of these people.
2. He ran away ten years ago and it’s weird to explain to everyone why that happened.
3. Alexander Gideon Lightwood.
The first two reasons ignite a strange anxiety in him. But the last one, it stirs up feelings and emotions he’s tried to kept hidden for years.
If Magnus tries to open the Pandora’s box, he might never be able to shut it down.
“I—I don’t know if—” he stutters, slightly annoyed but not surprised that Alec lightwood can still bring out the teenager in him, “I don’t know if he’d want to see me.”
Isabelle gives him a small smile. “It’s been ten years, Magnus. I think it would be okay.”
He wonders if she knows. If she knows why he did what he did.
Out of all his friends, he had only ever confided in Catarina and Clary at the time.
He roams around the room, trying to find the man. Then he spots him. It’s not difficult. Even though the last time Magnus saw him was a decade ago, when they were teenagers, still not fully grown into their bodies, still with a bit of acne and awkward smiles on their faces.
But Magnus knows. He knows the man standing in front of him, with his back to Magnus’s face, in a navy blue sweatshirt, amidst a crowd of people fully dressed up in tuxedos and dresses has to be none other than Alec Lightwood.
He musters up all the strength he can, but the air closes up around him, his feet freeze on spot and he finds himself unable to move or speak.
All he can recall is the last time he was infront of Alec.
The last, horrible, horrible words he had hurled at the man who was his entire world.
But it’s been ten years and if anyone deserves an apology or hundred from Magnus, it’s him.
So, he shoves inside his pain, the guilt and everything he’s feeling right now and has been for the past two decades and opens his mouth.
It’s the easiest thing in the world to notice the man’s body tense up at the name. There’s a full few seconds of absolutely no movement before Alec moves—oh, so slowly.
His heart stutters inside his chest, rapidly beating inside.
From the ages of twelve to seventeen, Magnus had only felt two emotions in the world. Pain, at everything happening inside his house and love—for Alec.
His life had space for nothing else at the time.
Then slowly, and then very instantly, only pain had remained as he had pushed all the love away.
He’s still as beautiful as ever; Magnus thinks. But somehow more so. There’s that teenage shyness missing from his face, replaced with the handsomeness of a grown man.
Alec looks breathtaking, with his wild hair, dark and gorgeous. His eyes, as blue and shiny as ever.
A hundred emotions flicks over his face and it breaks his heart to realise that he understands none of them, having lost the privilege to read Alec years ago.
Then, his face settles on a small smile. A tight lipped one. Not Alec’s real one.
Alec’s real smile, that’s something one can never forget.
It’s a special privilege, to be able to see Alec Lightwood smile.
“Hi,” he says, carefully, not knowing the kind of reaction he will get.
If Alec tells him to fuck off and never show his face again, he would understand.
He would deserve it.
He had broken Alec’s heart in the worst of ways.
But Alec doesn’t yell, doesn’t tell him to fuck off. He smiles. Only if a bit careful.
“It’s been a minute since I have seen you.”
He chuckles, “Yeah. Been a minute.”
There’s a few minutes of silence afterwards. He doesn’t want what he’s supposed to say. What either of them could say after the shitshow everything was the last time they saw each other.
They stand awkwardly before it gets too difficult for Alec and he excuses himself. “I think someone is calling me.”
Magnus sighs dejectedly as Alec leaves, his heart breaking inside his chest.
This is why Magnus didn’t want to come back to this stupid, fucking town ever again. It brings nothing but pain and disappointment.
Catarina has asked him through the years if he regrets his decision. And the answer is always a resounding no.
He needed to choose someone at the time, and he chose Alec.
No one will ever know though and he’s quite okay with that choice.
Alec and he cross paths a couple of times in the next two hours but they don’t talk, Alec still avoids him like the plague. Or just because there’s nothing to talk.
He’s a little angry at Alec; if he’s being honest.
It’s not right, he knows. But he wants Alec to be angry at him right now, yell or shout about why he did what he did. But Alec does none of those things and it hurts more than he would like to accept.
Maybe, for Alec, it wasn’t that big of a deal.
It was just a break up after all.
People break up all the time.
They weren’t special.
Even the thought leaves a bitter taste in his mouth because he knows with everything inside of him tjay to him, it meant everything.
Alec Lightwood was everything.
“So, guess what we’re about to do now?” One of the organisers, Michelle announces.
“Leave?” He mutters, only loud enough for Catarina to hear; who chuckles in response.
“Shut up. You love a party.”
“Not this one.”
“Remember when we all put a time capsule under that big tree in the campus?” Michelle screams. “We’re about to open them.”
The time capsule.
He recalls early senior year, everyone giggling and laughing, putting their hopes, future plans into the time capsule.
He remembers his ambitions. Plans. He had a lot at the beginning of senior year.
By the end of senior year, he had none left. Not a whole lot of hope either.
“What did you put in your time capsule?” Catarina asks.
He frowns, trying to recall. “I don’t really remember. You?”
Catarina thinks for a moment before her eyes widen in embarrassment, “Oh god. I put something very embarrassing.”
Magnus chuckles, “What?”
“You’re never finding out, Bane.”
There’s too much chatter then, everyone discussing their capsules, asking about others. For a second, it feels like he’s back to being seventeen again.
“Come on, let’s find out.”
“I don’t wanna,” he whines but then he sees Isabelle, Jace, Simon and Clary all run in the direction, dragging a grumpy Alec and he follows.
“Fine. Let’s go.”
“Ask Clary out. Go Pro,” Jace’s time capsule notes and he hurrayed, kissing Clary on the mouth.
Clary finds a photo of all six of them, huddling on top of each other and they all warm up inside at the memory.
They had all been at Magnus’s house that day, the one in the photo.
They all tear up a little.
Isabelle finds a small bottle of alcohol that she had stolen from her dad, pulling a chuckle out of everyone as she chugs it in one go. “No regrets,” she screams.
Simon finds a small picture of him and his dad. “I lose things all the time. I didn’t want to lose this picture.”
Isabelle pulls him in for a hug and kisses his temple.
A little excitement simmering up, Magnus opens his box. There’s a single note inside, and when he reads it, his heart breaks for the thousandth time.
“What do you have Magnus?”
His voice breaks, “Excuse me,” and runs away from there.
Tears stream down his face as he runs towards the terrace. It’s an isolated spot, entry restricted to students but long back, Magnus and his friends have found out a way to break that lock. Almost a decade, and the lock is still not fixed.
He sits on the ledge and cries his heart out.
It angers him so much, being here. It’s like suddenly he’s transported back to ten years ago, with his fragile teenage heart.
After a while, he doesn’t know how long, there’s footsteps on the terrace.
He chuckles dryly. “You don’t have to do this.”
“Do what?”
“Comfort me. I’m just having a moment.”
They stay silent but Magnus has been never been a fan of silence so he asks, “How did you know I was here?”
It’s a stupid question, really. But atleast it’s a question. Atleast they’ll talk.
Because Magnus doesn’t know how long he can go on without Alec talking to him.
Ten years was too long.
“So,” he drags his words, “What was in your time capsule?”
“A list,” Alec chuckles, but it’s weak.
He knows that as well. They had written put their time capsules together. Right next to each other. But they hadn’t shown each other what they had written.
“Stop peaking,” Magnus recalls Alec squealing as he tried to peek into Alec’s list.
“Come on, show me.”
Magnus had dragged his finger along Alec’s neck then, as he got closer and purred against his ear, “Please darling. It’s me.”
Alec’s body had shivered under his touch. “Stop. I know what you’re trying to do.”
“And what would that be?” He grinned.
He had tried some more but Alec had not shown him.
That day, it had felt impossible that there would come a day when they would actually get to open that. Ten years had felt too long at the time.
Right now, he can’t even recall where the past ten years went.
“You want to see it?” Alec suggests.
Magnus’s eyes widen. “You will show me?”
“Why not?” Alec shrugs. “We’ve got nothing to lose.”
The words sting, burning a red and angry feeling inside of him but he tries not to show it at the surface. “Okay.”
Alec passes a piece of paper to him.
Magnus takes a deep breath and turns it.
Alec’s scrawny handwriting brings out a smile out of him.
1. Leave Idris.
2. Come out to everyone.
3. Become an archery player.
4. Get Max and Izzy and Jace out of his parents control.
5. Marry Magnus.
A choked sob leaves Magnus’s mouth. And still, he can find in himself to be incredibly proud that Alec was able to fulfil four out of the five things.
“Four out of five isn’t bad,” he tries to keep lightness in his voice but fails miserably.
“I guess,” Alec says, his voice tight.
Before anyone says another word, Magnus takes out the piece of paper from his pocket and passes it to Alec.
He avoids his gaze as Alec reads the words.
Magnus’s list wasn’t really a list. It contains of only one thing and Magnus couldn’t even fulfil that.
There’s just words that he knows will mock him for an eternity.
Mama is sick. But don’t worry, stay with Alec. He will make everything okay. He will make you okay.
A hurt noise leaves Alec’s mouth this time and he feels his own heart splintering. He wants to hug the man and tell him that he’s sorry. That it wasn’t his fault. That he’s good. But he does none of that.
“Magnus—“ Alec says brokenly.
He knows what Alec is asking. Magnus didn’t plan to ever tell anyone—especially Alec about this but he is tired—so tired of the pain, of the weight of the secret paining him for a decade.
For all the love he doesn’t know what to do with.
For their hopeful teenaged selves that believed nothing could come between them but something—Magnus, did.
“You needed to leave.”
“If you had stayed in Idris, you would have died. You were dying here under the weight of your parents expectations and you needed to leave this town. I could not be another thing between you and your freedom,” he says hurriedly, the air around him closing.
“Magnus, what are you talking—?”
“You had that scholarship in your hand, Alexander,” Magnus breathes harshly, almost gasping. “I couldn’t let you stay for me.”
“Your mom was dying, Magnus,” Alec says harshly, and the words hurt but they’re true. “Of course I wanted to stay. I wanted to stay for you.”
“I couldn’t let that happen,” he admits. “You had a whole life, a whole career ahead of you. I couldn’t stop you.”
“You didn’t have to ask. I would have done anyways,” Alec all but screams and it feels almost cathartic, that the other man is finally screaming.
He’s positive Alec hasn’t screamed in a decade.
“You think I don’t know that?” Magnus exhales. “That’s why I had to do what I did.”
There’s silence then. Just their loud breathing audible.
Before Alec speaks, as tired and pained as he feels, “You broke my heart, Magnus.”
Tears stream down his face and he wipes them off harshly. “I’m sorry.”
“All I did was love you,” Alec whispers. “And then I didn’t understand.”
“I did not want you to understand, Alexander. For that, I am incredibly sorry.”
They stay silent then. Not knowing what to do with all of this.
At least now, Alec has all the answers.
He thinks it’s time for him to leave. He told Alec everything there was to know. Now he needs to leave this town and these people again.
It’s the most unexpected and magical thing in the world when Alec speaks after a few minutes, “You want to go for a walk?”
As they talk; Magnus will find out about Max, Alec’s three year old son. Alec will show him a picture and it would be the cutest kid in the world.
Five years later, Magnus will make sure that Alec crosses off the fifth thing off his list too.
And in his vows, he thanks Alec for making him okay.
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wikitpowers · 6 months
couldn't add anymore but feel free to comment others if u want to!
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 months
Here are some things that ARE on my bingo card:
- DILF malec
- Mavid catching a break
- Kincaid happy ending
- Lightwood generational reunion
- Consul Cami
- Abigail and Antoine making it official
I don’t have a bingo card and came up with these on the spot lol
Only DILF malec out of this is looking like a possibility ngl.
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sinqueen69 · 5 months
The malec edom_breeding one please!
So as a head's up, I haven't gotten to the porn bit of this fic, but here is a snippet what I have so far!
Magnus pressed a kiss to Alec’s forehead, like a benediction. Magnus swept his fiancee into his arms in the classic bridal-style hold and used his magic to seal his palace tightly. No one would interrupt his reunion with his fiancee, the rest of Edom and all its current problems could wait.
The heavily warded double doors to the room Magnus had claimed and reformed in his style swung open as he approached them, welcoming the King of Edom into the only safe haven that existed in Edom.
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hawkefaery · 1 year
Characters meetings in Blood and Ash that I'm most exciting for:
Malec and Eloana plus Valyn
I want go see the world burn honestly. I said this already but I want Eloana and Malec to have this resentful attitude where they trow beef at everything the other says. And plus Valyn because I know my man will have eloana's back against everything. Besides, I can see Malec don’t liking Valyn not because he wants Eloana back or something but I believe Malec gives vibes of being that type of man that believes his dick changes a woman’s life forever so the fact that she remarried, moved on, had a life and named someone else king??? I think he would be like “this fucking idiot who he think he is, i am a god i am so much better than he him” bla bla bla and then Valyn, as I said he is always there for eloana plus he said he believed that Malec did not deserve her love so I don’t think Valyn likes Malec either, he probably recents him for what he did to his beloved wife (honestly same valyn)
I hope we get at least a snake peak of Sera and Isbeth
this is an obvios one, I just want to see isbeth literally suffering and sera having fun
Malik and his parents
this one is going to hurt me like a bitch. It already did when Valyn seemed about to cry when he saw Malik again and Malik couldn’t even look at his father. Malik recents his parents for hiding the truth from him so there is so much tension in here. I want the pain that come with this reunion but I hope that at the end everything is happy again
Millicent and Ires
I want ires to see his daughter again and not just poppy
Jadis and Nektas
an obvious one
Ires and Malec
There is a lot to unpack between this two. I highly doubt they will be just ok with one another after everything that happened around them. I think this could be a tensed moment for resentment, blame and idk I just feel that it can’t be all perfect and harmonic between these two after every thing that happened
Malec and his parents
If a remember correctly, Nyktos and Sera knew where Malec was entombed and they actually had guards guarding the entrance yet they did not take him of his entombment do I wonder if Malec knows that or if he will find out at some point, I think this will be tense too, and again I don’t think they can just pretend nothing happened
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Did you watch Jaanu (Telugu) movie or 96(Tamil)? Both are the same. Anyway, I was thinking about how a malec au would sound based on this movie?
The story is complicated but I think the feels would be off charts.
What do you think about it?
I did watch Jaanu!!!!
Oh my god anon don’t do this to me :’)
But but @high-warlock-of-brooklyn I feel like you have to hear about this cause. 96/Jaanu is about a couple (not *exactly* a couple. They loved each other but never got to get together as a couple) who meet at their school reunion. But now one of them is married. But they spend the night together anyway, just going around the city, and there’s a lot of flashbacks about missed opportunities and misunderstandings and what could’ve been. And there’s a sad airport goodbye scene. You’d love the fuck out of this au.
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carelessflower · 2 years
top 5 malec moments
so im cheating and doing both show!malec and book!malec cause I can and they deserve it. not in chronological order because cmon its malec i cant choose
their ever first kiss 1x12. talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before
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the 2x10 reunion hug. when i say i bawl my eyes out watching this
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3x18 break up. beautifully shot and acted. the stay with me line???? (1) reason im mentally ill
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this move in 3x22. the golden silk sheet, magnus gently brushing that strand of hair they are so in love someone call me an ambulance i cant take this
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when they invented dumbass in love
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this moment change something in teenager me i just know it
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we need more moment like this idc what dark magic i have to use please please please
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changing the definition of best husband in existence to alec lightwood-bane im dead serious
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the reason this take so long to answer is because i keep going through their moments and brain rotting
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the-weirdos-mind · 5 months
Unexpected Reunion
It was completely unexpected. The Heartless had jumped onto the Gumni Ship as the four inside were traveling to another world. “Uh guys, we got company.” Goofy said.
“You think?!” Donald yelled. He held the controls for the ship, tightly in his wings. The ship had started to sway as he tried to rid the creatures off.
“Is there anyway we can fight them?” Selena asked.
“No, if we leave the ship then we’ll just be floating in the Lanes! All I can do is try to get them off!”
The ship started doing a variety of turns and loops as Donald tried to rid the Heartless. Sora and Selena held onto their seats when the duck started. Goofy held a hand to his mouth. “Gwarsh, I think I’m gonna be sick.” He mumbled. Before anyone could hand him something to contain the vomit, the alarms started going off.
“What’s happening?” Sora asked.
“The Heartless have damaged the engine.” Donald said. “We’re gonna crash!”
“But we’re not even close to a world!” Sora said.
That’s when Selena felt her Keyblade in her hand. Something in her was telling her to use it to open up a gateway to a world. Why? Why was her instinct telling her this? She had no time to think, she simply pointed the Keyblade ahead and fired a spell. A portal opened just as the ship started to plunge down. The next thing she knew, she and Sora were falling from the sky. Fast.
The two landed on the ground. Selena grunted when her body made contact with the ground. She groaned as she steadied her arms to lift herself up. “You okay Sora?” She asked as she looked at her friend. The pained groan confirmed that he is still alive. She got up and helped him into a sitting position.
“Thanks.” He said. He then looked around. “Where are we? Where’s Donald and Goofy?”
“I don’t know. We should get some answers.”
After making sure that they had no major injuries, the two stood up and took off. They were on the rocky ground of a mountain. They walked until they came to a path and followed it up. After some time of walking, they came across a gate. They saw ivy covering the bottom of of the metal bars and some pillars. On top of the pillars stood a raven holding a key in its beak, looking at each other. They looked at the top of the gate to see an insignia, a raven donkey a key and flying with black wings on the edge of it. Then they saw the name of the location, Night Raven College.
“A school?” Sora said in confusion. “Who could help us here?”
“The principal.” Selena said. “Let’s go in and find them, maybe we can get some answers.” She grabbed a hold of one of the gates and pulled. The metal swayed in her direction and the two entered. They walked along the cobblestone streets to find the campus. They stopped when they saw something particular. The street they stood on had seven statues, four on one side and three on the other. These weren’t ordinary statues, but statues of people they had defeated. Selena felt a chill go down her spine when she saw Malecent’s statue. She then looked at the writing. “The Thorn Fairy.” She mumbled.
“Why are there statues of—“ Sora started to say but another voice joined in.
“They’re called the Great Seven, and you shouldn’t speak bad about them here unless you want to be beaten to a pulp.” The voice said. They turned around and saw a girl with a cat like creature next to her. When Selena saw her, she felt the color drain from her face. She knew who this is, even though both had gotten older, she knew those eyes. They’re the eyes that’s shared between her family. The girl with glasses looked at her in confusion.
“What are you doing here?” The creature said. “We can’t hold any more people in Ramshackle!”
“Grim! Be nice!”
“Don’t tell me what to do Henchman!”
The girl rolled her eyes before looking at the guests again. “I’m sorry about him. Can I help?” She asked.
“Do you know where the principal is?” Sora asked. “We need his help with figuring out where we are and how to find our friends.”
“The Headmage here is a bit useless. I’ve been trying to find a way home because he can’t be bothered to do it. But, y’all are in Twisted Wonderland, a world full of magic.
“What’s your name?” Selena asked.
“Oh I’m sorry, I forgot to introduce myself.” The girl said. “I’m Estella.”
“As in Garcia?”
“Yes… how do you know that? Who are you?”
“Look, you may not remember me since it’s been so long but I’m Selena, your cousin.”
Estella’s eyes went wide and she took a good look at Selena. Memories started to resurface, the girls playing with toys, playing games with her and her brothers, watching movies at sleepovers they begged their moms to have. She softly gasped, putting a hand over her mouth. “Selena?” She mumbled. “My god, I-I can’t believe it.” She immediately ran and gave her cousin a hug. “I can’t believe you’re still alive.”
The long haired girl returned the hug. “And I’d thought I’d never see any of my family again.” She whispered. Both girls started crying as they hugged each other tighter. Never in a million years would either of them expected to reunite with each other in a different world. It was completely unexpected.
@adrianasunderworld @mangacupcake @writing-heiress @marrondrawsalot @anxious-twisted-vampire @achy-boo @abyssthing198 @yukii0nna
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will you write malec next reunion in btlio or will you time jump to them being married.
and im thinking how cool girl dad/bapak magnus will be. and how ari will use puppy dog eyes on her dad to convince her bapak of something. she got tactics and she fashion
BTLIO part I is finished.
Part II will have a different story altogether. I think you got confused because of the other ask I answered about BTLIO story where malec is married
BTLIO is a collection of stories. Part II will be an entirely different setting.
So, sadly, there’s not gonna be a malec reunion (this version of them that is).
But you will see a lot of Magnus and Ari in other parts and yes their relationship is very chaotic. My girl’s got weapons.
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malec-ao3feed · 8 months
Where Dreams Come True
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/54v70k6 by khaleesiofalicante Alec is glad he waited since Minerva is going through a whole Disney phase right now, every single belonging she owns is some kind of merchandise. Magnus tried to give her a talk on capitalism. Minerva had put on her Frozen earmuffs and ran away. So, he thought she’d enjoy it. Disneyland. Who knows? They might all have a blast too. None of them – except for Max and his husband – have been to Disneyland in Paris before. According to Magnus and his research, this is the best one out of them all. Good. Nothing but the best for his Minerva. Malec and family return to Disneyland - An adventure from the 'True Love Never Dies' universe. Words: 4715, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English Fandoms: The Shadowhunter Chronicles - Cassandra Clare, Shadowhunters (TV), The Shadowhunter Chronicles - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood, Max Lightwood-Bane, Rafael Lightwood-Bane, Minerva Lightwood-Bane, Shinyun Jung, Anjali Rosales, David Beauchamp Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Family Fluff, Family Reunions, Romance, Fluff and Humor, Domestic Fluff, Comfort No Hurt, that tag made me do a double take yall, POV Alec Lightwood, TLND universe read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/54v70k6
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
I want, so badly, to have lived in the tlnd!universe on the day that alec and magnus revealed they were back together,,, the SCREAMING, the TEARS, the TWITTER THREADS
Ask and you shall receive. Here are some of my fave twitter reactions (only the good ones!) to malec getting back together
@malecsailsagain *captain holt voice* VINDICATIOOOOOON
@alecsayingfuck i have ascended my skin is clear and my crops are thriving and my depression is cured god blesses everyone
@malecstanfirst i bet the reunion sex was *chef's kiss*
@lightwoodbanesbabygirl okay but does this mean alec will start to (openly) thirst on magnus' insta pics again? I MISSED THAT SHIT SO MUCH
@queenanjalistomponme i just know rafael is already putting a binder together for the second wedding dm if you need a hand bebe
@daddyalecftw okay but alec posting a pic of magnus' hand buried in chairman's fur while the sunlight catches on his wedding ring to say that they're back together is the most alec thing ever
@mavidmybeloved max posting a pic of malec with the caption 'love is indomitable I KNOW DAVID IS SCREAMING INTO A PILLOW SOMEWHERE LMAO
@princeofedomandmyheart CHAIRMAN GOT HIS DADDIES BACK?!?!?!?!
@maxandrafeshenanigans what a day to be gay and alive oml
@malecbabiesily the fact that they posted this shit on their wedding anniversary STOP IT I AM SCREAMING
@malecforever i chose this url for a reason motherfuckers
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mirrorofliterature · 1 year
for that ao3 wrapped thing! 19 What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
thanks for the ask! I have to be honest, this stumped me. I haven't really explored a lot of pairings before in depth - mainly malec and perciver, with some light linny on the side, and I'm often drawn to exploring family dynamics over ships (like the weasleys, lightwoods and riveras).
but after (much) mulling over, I think - wolfstar, because that's a substantial part of my WIP which is (likely) going to be my next long HP fic (discussed here) - and I think figuring out their dynamic and characterisation is going to be a bit challenging, but exciting. I've written them briefly before - I wrote this MCD piece last year, where it was referenced, and in both of my perciver fics they have been together in the background - but it's never been the centre of my writing before, and I have read a shitton of wolfstar since I started shipping them in mid-2021.
so - wolfstar. things like: how would I write their reunion? how do I actively characterise them, make them fleshed out and realistic? a daunting task for such a juggernaut as wolfstar - but I've done it before with malec, so hopefully, I'll be fine. and also I don't give a fuck about what fanon thinks is popular, but what I like - so, that helps.
AO3 wrapped [for 2022]
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malucy31 · 3 years
Time is On Our Side
Pairing - Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood
Raiting - Teen and Up
Tags - Time Travel AU, Canon Compliant, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Reunion, Married Malec, Alec Misses Magnus, Happy Ending, Malec Love Each Other A Lot
6599 words - COMPLETED
Summary - Alec is stuck on a mission in India in the 18th century and he misses Magnus. One day, he wakes up somewhere that feels and smells like home.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3
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Chapter 3 - Home, at last
There is a whole ritual every time Alec comes back from time traveling. Magnus is always there at the Institute, wearing a mix of worry and eagerness on his features.
The anchoring spell is performed quickly, just a way to make sure that no traveler’s history gets lost when the timelines merge a couple of hours from now. But Alec stays out, always. He refuses to be anchored to anyone but Magnus. They do it in the quiet and intimacy of their loft.
They don’t talk much. Even when they are in their kitchen, Magnus watches in silence as Alec eats like he hasn’t in days, which in this case is accurate. In the two days between meeting Magnus and the new moon, Alec has been so scared of having divulged too much that he hasn’t come out of his room, using nourishment runes, one after the other.
As usual, Magnus doesn’t eat a thing. It has only been a few minutes for him anyway; they had dinner before Alec left. The dinner before a time travel is always a heavy moment. It’s weird for them both. Not sharing time, knowing the next minutes of Magnus’s life could feel like weeks, a month…a decade to Alec.
A decade never happened, but the fear is always there. So, to remind each other that no matter what, Alec will always come back, they keep a third plate for Alec’s return, leaving everything on the table as it was. Alec will always come home, and their home will always be ready to welcome him back.
They don’t really have a lot of time after that. They need to prepare the protecting circle for the anchoring spell, but Alec can see that worry hasn’t left Magnus’s face. As Magnus is tracing the circle on the ground, Alec puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder, calling his name as softly as he can.
They still don’t exchange a word. Alec can’t, knowing that if he starts, he could talk for days, shower Magnus with every promise of eternal love flaring up in his lungs with each intake of breath, with every moment of longing that peppered his last month and a half.
But it will have to wait. In the meantime, fear and worry start evaporating with a soft kiss, then a second one which turns into a hungrier one. That’s all it takes. The reminder that they share time again, they never stopped sharing it in some way.
Clothes are being discarded. They don’t have to feel each other’s skin for the spell, but their hearts do.
Alec finds the ingredients Magnus needs without having to ask. His hands are full of jars, and there is an apple tree twig between his teeth. He feels Magnus’s stare on him when he re-enters the living room where a circle of candles has been set up around a mattress.
What? he asks wordlessly with raised eyebrows.
Magnus sniggers, his voice finally filling the silence. “This never gets old.” He unburdens Alec’s arms by taking the jars one by one and setting them on the nearest table. “You, finding your way through my apothecary…” Alec doesn’t move, chuckling when Magnus finally takes the twig from his mouth and kisses his lips. “On your own…” Fingers trail up along his sides, and he can’t hold back a giggle, “in your underwear.”
“Feels good to be home,” Alec whispers into their kiss.
“It does.”
Once the spell starts, everything goes quickly. Time adjusting itself around them is intoxicating. It feels like those life showers Magnus likes to take with him sometimes. Running from portal to portal, hand in hand, hopping from a green and sunny hill to a rainy seashore, from hard concrete ground to silky sheets. Remaining there for a few breathless kisses before disappearing into the mattress with laughter when they hear a door opening. Landing on a trampoline, then more streets, more mountains, more kisses and the sweetest of all exhaustions. Watching the first minutes of a play before falling back, trapped between something fluffy and the comforting weight of Magnus. More laughter, always more laughter…then running again. Running around the world and taking everything in as the Earth keeps on spinning.
A draft wakes them at the same time. Alec feels Magnus stir, his arm and head leaving his chest before returning there with a sigh.
Around the mattress and the protecting circle, it’s havoc. The windows to the balcony are wide open, curtains billowing out in the breeze, birds exploring the living room and eating crumbs the wind scattered from their forgotten dinner.
There are even a few plants here and there, growing from the ground. It happens sometimes. It’s Magnus’s magic going a little crazy when it comes to protecting what they have. They are used to it. The flowers that grow don’t even always exist outside their own little world.
Alec plants a kiss in Magnus’s hair, inhaling a scent he has been missing for the last month and a half. Already grinning with delight about what’s to come, Alec eventually speaks. “Go ahead, ask…”
It doesn’t take long for Magnus to react. It’s endearing. Magnus always waits for Alec to start this conversation, making it another ritual with its codes and rules.
“Which stranger were you this time?”
There’s joy in his voice, one that Alec usually doesn’t link with Magnus thinking about his past.
Alec doesn’t answer, already shifting to retrieve the small pouch of sandalwood blend, eager to see his husband’s face light up when he figures it out on his own. But he should know better.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Magnus asks, his body suddenly weighing more heavily above his to make his point clearer. Alec isn’t going anywhere. It makes him laugh softly.
“I have a clue, but it’s in my jacket.”
“Which one?”
“The one I had yesterday? The one you took off with so little regard…”
“Well, there were other important things that demanded my attention,” he punctuates with a kiss, not letting his lips leave Alec’s, “and it’s a black leather jacket. You have thousands of them.”
He could tease him back, maybe tickle him, hear him giggle, feel the laughter and joy spread through his body. With Magnus so close, he would feel everything. But he is overwhelmed.
“I missed you so much, Magnus.”
“I know, darling. But I’m here now, we both are…and I’ve missed you just as much. Whoever you were this time, you can be sure that even though I barely knew you, I missed you the second you were gone. That I missed us without really knowing what us meant.”
Neither of them moves, not even for a kiss. Magnus swallows thicky, and Alec is struck by the emotions on his face. Years of being together and Magnus still feels self-conscious when he confesses things like that. But it never stops him, and even after all these years, Alec still feels like the luckiest man alive.
Magnus continues, his collected tone and loving smile trying to bring Alec back to him. “Do you see it?”
“Your jacket, Alexander, can you tell me where it is so I can summon it?”
“Sure, it’s…” Alec cranes his neck. Their place is a mess, but he spots his jacket on the floor, somewhere between what seems to be an orchid and a cat napping in a morning sunbeam. “There.”
They laugh as Magnus follows Alec’s pointed finger, apparently realizing for the first time the state of their living room.
He snaps his fingers, and the jacket is there. In one of its pockets, Alec finds the small pouch. It doesn’t take more than a few seconds for Magnus to recognize it.
“It’s one of mine! Where did you get this?”
“You gave it to me.”
“I gave it to you? You must have made a big impression on me.”
“I think I did,” Alec smirks, still a little worried that he told too much to that past version of Magnus. “Especially when I told you about my husband.”
He sees Magnus’s eyes widen, just like they did all those centuries ago.
“The married traveler, of course… Do you know how long I’ve been looking for you? For a long time, I was obsessed with that place in the world where it seemed possible for people like us to exist.” His voice breaks a little on those words.
Alec can’t resist the urge to hug him, take him in his arms and secure his head in the crook of his neck. “I’m sorry. It broke my heart to leave you this way.”
“Don’t. Don’t be sorry. I kept a very fond memory of that encounter. And who knows, maybe you’ll have to go back, and we’ll realize we met again in the morning.”
“Maybe we never really stopped meeting.”
“What a lovely thought…”
They bask in the silence for a little while, Magnus’s body relaxing against Alec’s.
“Can you remind me what happened? What we said?”
It’s still so fresh in Alec’s mind that he tells him every detail.
The anchoring spell protects those moments, frozen in time. They have so many memories like this one now, not really knowing if it really happened, if this is part of their story or some sort of alternate reality. It doesn’t matter. They are still here, together in the end, with dozens of memories of a life that maybe was. None of them affecting their life, only adding to it.
Somewhere during the story, Magnus rolled on his side to face Alec.
“When did we see each other after that?” Magnus asks.
It gets complicated to answer that question, Alec doesn’t time travel every day, but he has done it a few times already. It’s not always easy to keep track.
“The pirate ship!” They exclaim at the same time, laughing at the memory.
Alec reaches out, grazing Magnus’s cheekbone, outlining his jaw and diving into his eyes. They sparkle with joy, gold shining proudly in the morning light.
“It feels good,” Alec eventually utters. “Seeing you talking about your past with such lightness, laughing.”
Magnus whispers his answer into the crook of Alec’s neck. “It’s easier now that I know you could be anywhere in it.”
The words turn into soft kisses, each of them reminding Alec why those time travels are always worth it, no matter how long they can feel. Each of them is a chance to give Magnus back what life took from him. Hope, happiness, laughter, cheerfulness…
“You really are a man of your word, aren’t you?” Magnus continues.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re taking our wedding vows further than I would ever dare ask you to, Alexander… As if your love in our present wasn’t enough, you give it to past versions of myself too, do you realize how extraordinary this is? How extraordinary you are?”
“‘m not. Loving you is easy.”
“Stop selling yourself short, my heart, and accept to be worshipped like you deserve to be.”
“Only if you accept it too.” Alec tastes the giggle on Magnus’s lips, letting it infuse in him. He doesn’t need to see him to notice the sudden stiffness in Magnus. “What is it?” he asks, his fingers rubbing soothing circles at the back of Magnus’s hair.
His answer comes in a murmur. “I know it’s selfish, but I’ll never have enough of your lifetime. Whether it’s to repay you or to love you. It will never be enough.” He sighs, his next words barely audible. But it doesn’t matter. Alec would hear those words even in a storm. “I need you for more than your lifetime.”
Magnus has never said it like this, never so directly. It makes Alec’s reply so much easier. “Then, maybe we should find a way to extend it?” Any tentativeness dies when Alec is met by two golden irises and a smile that has rarely been so big. “I never want to leave you alone. I mean, if you’re being selfish, I may just as well be too, right?”
“Yes, yes you may be, darling… You can be whatever you want.”
“I love you.” It’s impossible to stop beaming at Magnus in this moment, so he doesn’t. They will have forever, no matter how long it takes to find it. “Who you are, who you were, and who you will be. I’ll love every version of you as long as you’ll have me.”
“Oh Alexander… An eternity or two is a bare minimum.”
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Alec: I miss Magnus
Jace: you literally saw him at lunch?
Also Malec everyday when Alec gets home from work
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Magnus and Alec are that one dramatic couple whose every reunion goes all “Maaaaaagnussssss!!””Alexaaaanderrrr!!”*slow-mo running to each other* while in reality they’ve been apart for five minutes
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carelessflower · 1 year
I was thinking about a fic where Malec dated in high school but drifted apart and then 10 years later they meet at a reunion but both are married. Turns out Alec is actually married to Magnus’ ex and Magnus is married to the woman Robert had an affair with 🙃
I just like it complex okayyyyy.
damn okayy even I don’t even know how to untangle this mess skskdkf maybe alec find out his dad been cheating on his mom after malec break it off to add extra salt to the wound??
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