#marauders as things ive said
adharastarlight · 8 months
Reg: i refrained from killing multiple people today
Rem: well done. why?
Reg: they were being loud - oh, you mean, why didnt i?
Rem: obviously
Reg: there were too many witnesses
James and Sirius are watching their boyfriends with heart eyes in mild fear
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rewritingcanon · 11 months
idk why im in such a bad mood rn but it actually PISSES ME TF OFF how the entire marauders fandom collectively decided to take this bum-ass loser character with one discernable impact on the storyline (regulus. im talking about regulus) and make him a super complex, three-dimensional MAIN character in the era that’s being literally paired with JAMES POTTER(???) when they could’ve taken a character who AREADY has existing complexities and everything they could ever want and develop them. but they won’t because that character is a fucking woman ☠️☠️
the way the black sisters would have the entire fandom in a fucking chokehold if they were boys. do you actually think sirius and regulus would be as cherished as they are now if they were women? hell fucking no, regulus would be hated on so badly. the way we were given narcissa and fucking andromeda too? here’s the entire fandom yapping on and on about how cool regulus is for rebelling against the dark lord when narcissa was doing it and fucking getting away with it too (because she’s better and doesn’t suck ass). here’s andromeda going against her entire bloodline ON HER OWN but yet shes still so overshadowed by sirius (who literally came after her). then you got bellatrix who is canonly one of the most powerful (and cuntiest) witches in the hp-verse and you decide to go and develop BARTY instead. think about it. they’re both crazy except one is more of a loser and is a male so of course the fandom will choose him.
and then. of course. lily evans who is literally the mother of the entire verse itself is still out here fighting for literal recognition and development from the fandom. and those mfs still give it to regulus instead ☠️☠️
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Things I’ve said as Sirius Black Quotes Pt. 2__?
Lily: do you want to be my plus one to a wedding?
Sirius: won’t it be rude to upstage the bride?
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shiftermia · 4 months
— Late night snacks
james potter x reader
platonic!peter pettigrew x reader
where james catches you and Peter in the kitchens
a/n: a certain someone (A) kept hounding me to write a James one so here it is out of the kindness of my heart. (I was held at gunpoint as I wrote this)
Ever since becoming friends with the weird group known as the Marauders, you and Peter Pettigrew had grown close to each other.
Yes, the group of boys were close. And it was James and Sirius, and Peter and Remus, the duos within the group. The ones they went to when they had to get into groups of two.
But before you joined them, the other three boys had their own designated friend outside of the group of misfits.
James had Marlene, as they grew up in the same neighborhood. Remus had Lily as they were both smart enough to keep up with each other, and Sirius had Mary. Surprisingly, the two got along quite well.
When they weren’t hanging out with each other, they were hanging out with those girls.
But Peter didn’t have someone other than the boys. Often left to his own devices before James, the mum friend noticed the boy being left behind.
Till you started dating James, and Peter finally had a friend for himself. Someone to hang out with when the others were somewhere else.
You and him had more in common than you expected. Both not as smart as Remus in all subjects but enough to keep up. Both having to study unlike Sirius, and both having to pay attention to fully understand something unlike James.
Another thing you two had in common was your hunger in the middle of the night.
“Psst!” The boy called with his head poking out from his curtains. To no sign of movement, he called again louder, “psst!”
You pulled back James’s curtain revealing your bed head and James’ large form laying on top of you with his head tucked in your neck. “wormy, what?”
“Don’t what me, I’m hungry!” Peter said glancing at Remus’ bed, praying his werewolf ears wouldn’t catch your conversation.
You laughed and whispered loudly, “oh my Merlin! Me too!”
He laughed and pulled himself out of bed and slipped on his shoes, “I’ve been craving Moony Toast for the past hour!”
You let out a scoff and threw yourself back, a hand coming up to mess with James’s curls. “Ive been wanting some strawberries since 12, I just wish the kitchens weren’t so far!” You whined silently.
Peter waved his hand to you, already standing by the door and glancing at Remus’s bed again. “C’mon.”
You widened your eyes and gestured to the sleeping boy on top of you. “You want to help me with the big guy or what?”
He rolled your eyes at your sarcasm and lifted James’s top half enough so you could slide out from under him and gently laid him back down as to not wake him up.
“Okay, now let’s go.” You stated once you put your shoes on and grabbed your boyfriend’s jumper.
You and Peter went down the stairs in the corridor before you came to an abrupt stop. “Shite, what about the map?”
Peter just shook his head and kept walking, “I’m too hungry to find wherever Sirius put it this time.”
You shrugged and followed after him, both of you keeping an eye out for Filch and his dammed demon cat.
Meanwhile, James moved his arm presumably to lay under your his shirt but was left grasping at air.
He lifted his head and looked to his right, “poppet?” He grumbled with squinted eyes before reaching his hand out to grab his glasses.
James sat up and rubbed his eyes under his glasses and looked around the room. The bathroom door was open with the lights turned off, so you definitely weren’t in there.
His eyes landed on Peter’s bed, its curtains wide open with blankets askew.
He groaned and pulled his half naked form out from the warmth and reached down to grab one of his thrown shirts.
James got up and walked over to Sirius’ bed and reached under his bed to pull out the Marauders Map. “Where’re you now, poppet?” He spoke to himself.
“They’re in the kitchens.” Remus’ voice mumbled, head most likely stuffed in his pillow.
James sighed and grabbed his wand, muttering a small lumos, “and may I ask how you know that moony boy?”
“Both the bloody wankers can’t keep quiet, now please let me sleep in fucking peace.” He roughly sighed out and the sound of him yanking the covers was heard along with James’ mocking sound of surprise.
“What do y’know, Remus is right again.” He put on his shoes and quietly left the dorm to the kitchens where yours and Peter’s name moved around.
After, nearly dropping his wand and getting caught by the notorious demon cat. James tickled the pear portrait and was greeted with dim yellow lighting, Peter leaning against a counter and you kicking your feet from atop a stool.
You and Peter instantly both went quiet and let out a breath when you noticed it was James.
“Jamie! You scared the hell out of us!” You spoke before placing another chocolate covered strawberry in your mouth.
He raised his brow and lifted a muscular arm, “I scared you? You scared me!” He exclaimed before seeing Peter’s form slowly sticking something in his mouth.
“The bloody hell are you eating?” He asked Peter.
Peter swallowed and sat up a little bit, “Moony toast.”
“Moony Toast?” James questioned incredulously. “If Remus heard that he would throw a fit,” he stalked forward and leaned his arm over your smaller frame. “Think he did hear it,” he added as an after thought.
“Ugh, he heard?” Peter grunted taking a sip of whatever he had been drinking.
“I assume that’s how you found us?” You asked dipping a strawberry into the bowl of melted chocolate you had in front of you.
“Yeah, and this.” He lifted up the map and your head whipped towards Peter.
“I told you!”
His head shook, “where’d you even find it?!” He exclaimed, blonde hair falling slightly in his face.
James shrugged, “under Sirius’s bed.”
You glared at Peter and he squinted his eyes. “Whatever, not like it matters now.”
James turned to you when he felt you pressed a kiss to his jaw, “why didn’t you tell me where you went, sweet girl?” He gently ran a hand over your head, brushing back baby hairs.
Peter sat up, “I swallowed a bug,” he got up and waved back to you both, “see you two later.”
Once he left, you turned to James and messed with his hair, setting it to how you thought suited him best. “I didn’t want to wake you up.”
He set a hand on your waist while the other was pressed against the counter. “I don’t care, next time at least let me know.”
You nodded and wiped your strawberry filled fingers on a nearby napkin. “m’kay I will, promise.”
The face you made, made James lean down slightly a press a sweet kiss to your lips.
With a hum, he moved away, nose pressed to your cheek. He licked his lips, “tastes like strawberries.”
You chuckled and traced his face, “well I was eating chocolate covered strawberries.”
James hummed again and brought his hand up to the back of your head, “Huh, I didn’t taste chocolate, lemme..” he trailed off and kissed you again making you snicker in between kisses.
You leaned back slightly and the hand that was holding your head slipped to your waist. Even when distracted, James always made sure you would be safe.
“We should go,” you whispered, James hummed in agreement but didn’t make any move to stop kissing your sweet sweet lips anytime soon.
With you in his shirt and jumper enveloping your frame, messy hair and bright content eyes, and your hands cupping his face so so gently, in the way only you can achieve.
How could he ever be expected to stop?
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imsiriuslyreading · 2 months
I was asked this question on Instagram, and I've been thinking a lot about it:
"How do you find the Marauders fandom? Is it a safe, non bitchy, inclusive space?"
I love it here. i think its a safe and inclusive space for so so so many people, absolutely.
non bitchy? ahem.. well...
i think often, when you have a large community in one place, not everyone will get along with one another. and having a bitch and a goss is natural when you build friendships and bonds. and that's fine!
where i think it becomes an issue, is when people begin to treat others unkindly, on social media, in discord servers, at fandom meetups, etc. its rare, but I've seen it happen. treating someone else unkindly because you believe you are 'above' or 'better than' them in a fandom space (or like, in life, frankly), is one of the silliest things I've ever seen. and that's where I think the bitchiness thing comes in. it also causes jealousy, insecurity and clique-behaviour, which has no place in a space like this.
that being said, ive been so, SO lucky as to meet countless people here, both in person and online in various pockets of the marauders (and dramione and drarry!) fandom, and the friends I've made here are friends for life. some of them I'm closer to than I am to my own family.
i also do everything possible within my power to ensure that every space I'm a part of within this fandom is a safe space for e v e r y o n e who needs it.
we are inclusive and kind in our responses and our actions towards others in this house!!!
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moonstruckme · 9 months
Hi! You are such a good writer!! Totally fine if you don’t want to be write this because it can be triggering, but I was recently roofied (nothing happened physically but I did have to go to the hospital, I’m ok now) and it would be nice to see either a steddie or poly!marauders fic on how they would react to it happening to their girl. More focusing on the aftermath and mental issues… again if this is too trigger please don’t feel bad about not writing it. I would also just love a basic comfort fic <3
Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry that happened to you. I've had it happen to a couple of my friends while we've been out (thankfully nothing happened with them either and we were able to get them home safe, but it's so terrifying regardless), and it's insane that it happens so frequently. I hope you're feeling better my love and are seeking any support you need <33
cw: non-consensual drug use, mentions of drinking, no sexual assault but general talk of rape culture
Steddie x fem!reader ♡ 1.1k words
No part of you is comfortable right now, but you’re trying to tell yourself it could be worse.
The IV in your arm is itchy, your head is starting to hurt, you feel cold and exposed in the outfit you’d worn to the bar, and your throat is sore from forcing yourself to be sick repeatedly on the curb. 
You want to cry, but you’re not sure you’ve got the energy left to do it. 
It turns out you do, though, because as soon as the nurse pulls back the curtain to let Steve and Eddie into the little area you’ve been given, your cheeks wet themselves with tears. 
“Hey,” Eddie coos, nearly picking you up off the bed in his eagerness to have you in his arms. “Hey, baby, how ya doing?”
“Hey,” you try to say back, but the sound is garbled by a sob. You’re trembling again. You thought you’d gotten past that. 
Steve crouches by your bed, eye-to-eye with you as he smoothes some sticky pieces of hair away from your face. You’re not sure if they’re wet with sweat or vomit or something else. You try to stop it, but another sob escapes you, your chest like a cracked shell Eddie’s trying to hold together with his hands on your back. You appreciate it, but it’s a feeble attempt. You’re crying like a child now, shoulders shaking, face hot with tears as you cover it with your hand embarrassedly. 
“Take it easy, you’re alright,” Steve says, then hesitates, giving you a once-over. “You’re okay, aren’t you? I know you said on the phone nothing happened, but…”
You shake your head, sniffling but trying to pull yourself together. “It didn’t.”
Eddie lets you go, and Steve rolls his eyes as you scooch over to make room for him on the tiny bed. “What happened then, sweet thing?” he asks gently.
Any composure you’d worked up crumples, and a whimpering sound tears from the back of your throat in your efforts to keep from bursting into tears again. 
“Give her a minute,” Steve murmurs, rubbing your back with slow, long strokes. He takes your IV tube in his hand, carefully working it out from under where you’d accidentally sat on top of it. “It’s okay, honey, take your time.” 
The frightening part of it is, you’ve already forgotten most of it. Your friends had to be the ones to tell you that you’d been with them the whole time, that no one had left you alone and nothing had happened. That you’d scraped your knees on the sidewalk outside, not in some dark alleyway, and that they’d been the ones to drive you to the hospital, not some random guy once he’d finished with you. 
You shudder, and Eddie mistakes it for a shiver, taking off his jacket to drape it over your shoulders. “Thanks,” you say. The smile he gives you in return is far from happy, but it’s something. 
“I don’t remember everything,” you warn them, and some of the blood leaves Eddie’s face as Steve’s mouth flattens stoically, nodding for you to go on. You force yourself to take a deep breath. “Um, I know I’d had a couple drinks, but I was feeling fine, and then I had one more and everything started to seem off within like, twenty minutes? I couldn’t really walk, and I could barely talk, and that’s not what three drinks do to me, you know?”
You look to Steve for confirmation, and he squeezes your shoulder reassuringly. “Right. We’ve seen you after a few drinks, honey. That doesn’t add up.” 
You nod, feeling a bit more sure of yourself. “Yeah. Anyway, then Ananya said I told her I felt weird, and she took me outside to get some air and I made myself throw up outside the bar. And I guess I got everything out of my system, because when I got here they said—” You clear your throat, fighting against the blockage there. “They said it could have gotten a lot worse if I hadn’t.” 
Eddie rests his head on your shoulder with a sigh, hair tickling your neck. “Fuck, baby, I’m so sorry. Do you have any idea who might’ve done it?”
You shrug with the other shoulder, and Eddie intertwines his fingers with yours comfortingly. “I mean, a group of guys bought that third round for me and my friends, so it could’ve been them. But then it’s weird that I’m the only one who got roofied, right?” Eddie’s hand tightens on yours, and something hardens in Steve’s eyes. “Could’ve been the bartender, too, I guess. I was paying attention to my drink, and they’re the only ones who had their hands on it, but…” you shrug again. “No proof, and no way to know for sure.” 
Steve’s voice is low, but soft for your benefit, when he asks, “You sure you don’t want to try to do anything about it?”
That’s one thing you’ve had all night to mull over, the one thought you forced your unnaturally sluggish brain to work through. You shake your head. “I think I’m gonna call the bar tomorrow and tell them what happened just in case it was their bartender, but right now I just want to go home.” 
Eddie makes a sympathetic sound, turning his head to nuzzle at your neck affectionately. Steve reaches over to pat his leg, smiling at the both of you. “I asked the nurse on our way in, she said you’re free to go as soon as your IV is done,” he promises. “She said you’ll have a hangover from whatever they gave you, too, so I’m thinking we can pick up some gatorade and stuff on our way home and have a chill day on the couch, sound good?”
You give him a tired smile, and he cups your face in his palm, a slight crease forming between his brows as he assesses your red-rimmed eyes, the circles beneath them. “My head is already kind of hurting,” you admit, “so that sounds perfect.” 
He hums. “We’ve probably got a little while until they can unhook you,” he says, eyeing your IV bag. “Wanna try and sleep?”
You hesitate, recalling with abrupt clarity the scrape of pavement under your knees, the lights going by your window on the way to the hospital, the mantra that had played in your head over and over again: don’t fall asleep, don’t fall asleep. But Eddie’s head is a reassuring weight on your shoulder, and Steve begins stroking his thumb under your aching eyes as he waits for you to answer. You’re nowhere safer than with them beside you. “You’ll stay with me?” you ask quietly. 
Eddie scoffs, his breath tickling the underside of your chin. “Sweetheart, you scared the shit out of us tonight; we’re never letting you out of our sight again.”
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aleskyyy · 11 days
Redamancy IV — Poly!Marauders x Fem!Reader
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When you think no one will love you anymore because of your current condition, you are faced with a reality that is completely opposite to what you think.
Warnings — AU where voldy no nose doesn't exist, fem!muggle!reader, blind!reader, poly!marauders, fluff, fluff, fluff, Sirius being Sirius, etc.
1,3k words.
Main Masterlist Series Masterlist
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You sat on a chair on the porch of your brother's house and hummed softly. You were waiting for the arrival of James, Sirius and Remus or Marauders as they called themselves. You smiled as you heard many footsteps coming from your front yard. Soon you cringed when you heard the sound of someone falling and then you felt a hand holding your hand gently.
"Are you ready to go now?" You smiled happily at the sound of Remus' voice.
Before you could answer Remus' question a voice came from inside the house. Elijah came out of the house in his casual clothes and looked at the three boys on his porch. His eyes looked at Remus who was holding your hand with an unreadable look then turned to James and Sirius who were still on the floor and clutching each other. Elijah grunted under his breath at that.
"You," he said, pointing at Remus. "I trust my sister to you, not those two–"
Before James or Sirius could protest, Elijah had glared at them both.
"Don't get any cuts on my sister's body, be home by ten o'clock at night if not sooner. And don't make my sister starve," he explained, making you feel embarrassed.
"Elijah, I'm a big girl. Not a kid anymore."
"You're still my little sister, smaller than me."
You grunted in annoyance and tugged Remus' hand towards the path you knew so well. You can hear Elijah's voice saying not to leave you alone, you smile silently at that. Your brother is really protective of you. You felt Remus' grip on your hand tighten slightly as you began to walk down the sidewalk. It wasn't long before you felt an arm around your shoulder.
"So, we're going to the fair in the city park," Sirius said in an excited tone.
"I've never been on one of those spinning things," James said as he walked beside Sirius.
"You think I have!"
"You've never been on a ferris wheel?" you ask James and Sirius in confusion.
"What's a ferris wheel?"
You blinked in confusion at Sirius' words. How could he not know that the spinning thing he and James said earlier was a ferris wheel. It's weird, it's like those two lived on another planet before.
"Which planet are you guys from?" you asked in a joking tone.
"Don't think too much about what those two said," Remus said to you as he led you to walk away from his two friends.
You laughed softly as you heard James and Sirius shouting for you not to be left behind. You start to hear the noise of the crowd which indicates that you are nearing your destination. You tightened your grip on Remus so as not to be separated from him or James and Sirius.
You actually know that a blind person like you is not good at traveling in crowded places especially at night. You will only trouble those who brought you here. You even wonder why you came when you can't see anything beautiful here. But you were too quick to fall for James and Sirius' persuasion, even Remus'.
And here you are now, the fair being held in the city park for the next few days. You followed Remus who took you somewhere then soon you heard Remus telling you to sit down and you followed what he said. You could feel Remus coming to sit on your right and then James sitting on your left after he won the argument with Sirius of course.
"So how was the fair? Was it lovely?" you ask them with a smile.
Remus starts to explain what kind of games there are and the food that is available in such detail. You don't even know if he can actually see it all from here clearly. Even James and Sirius add to Remus' explanation with enthusiasm even though there are words that you don't understand coming out of both of their mouths because of their speed of speech. They were really excited.
"You guys can play first if you want, don't hold back just to take care of me," you said to them, specifically to James and Sirius who were debating what ride to go on first.
James and Sirius said no at the same time. There was no way they would go play alone and leave you behind. The three of them purposely brought you here to have a good time. They know you can't see how beautiful the fair is, but they will be your eyes to see it. They will explain everything they see to you. Even if it's not important.
"So what do you want to ride first?" asked James as he reached for your hand and held it.
"You know you can ride me."
"Sirius!" shouted James and Remus at the latter.
"I was just joking!" defended Sirius as he raised his hand.
As for you, poor you. Your face turned red at the impolite words that came out of Sirius' mouth. You cleared your throat and pulled Remus and James' hands to stand up and walk with you. You really regret not bringing your stick.
"I thought we could ride the ferris wheel first," you said to the two.
Sirius frowns as you take Remus and James and leave him alone. He meant it as a joke, but if you wanted him to he wouldn't mind at all. Sirius quickly catches up with you guys who have started lining up to buy tickets. When you wanted to give your money to Remus who would pay, he quickly said that James would pay for all of their tickets.
You can only sigh when they really don't want to accept any of your money. You followed Remus who led you forward after buying the ticket. As the ferris wheel guard said that one place was only for two, you listened to the argument between James and Sirius again.
In the end you sat with James and Remus with Sirius. James helped you sit down and then he sat in front of you. His hand is still holding yours which makes you smile at him. You listen to James' explanation of the view from above. You ponder for a moment, listening to James talk like this makes your heart flutter, especially his hand that still gives warmth to your hand.
"There's a cotton candy stand over there. Do you want to buy cotton candy later?" James asks, waking you up from your trance.
You smile and nod yes to James' question. You close your eyes and enjoy the breeze. Without realizing it, James looks at you with a soft gaze. His hand moves to brush your hair from the wind which makes you open your eyes. You smile as you say thank you to James.
When the ride on the ferris wheel is over, they take you on a few more rides and then take you to buy some snacks. James even keeps his promise to buy you cotton candy. You laughed at what Sirius said about one of his school friends, or rather school enemies. He even said there was someone with white hair that looked like an old man's hair.
You were reminded that in two days they would return to their school, but you didn't dare to voice it because you didn't want to mess up their fun and your own. You feel a little sad because they are your only friends right now besides Elijah, Euphemia and Fleamont.
You don't even know how to communicate with them in the upcoming days. Maybe you'll ask Euphemia for help. But for now you quickly dismiss that thought and start listening to their conversation while eating your cotton candy.
Remus is still holding one of your hands and the other is held by Sirius. James was beside Sirius and occasionally helped you tidy up your hair that was blown by the wind. Tonight was really a nice night. You are very grateful to them.
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insanity is nearer than we think
most number of asks at once: 42
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my name is chase and i go by he/they pronouns
fine w/ adults on here just don't be weird for everyones sake i am a minor
trans (ftm), asexual, photosynthetic
cabin 7, infp, cancer zodiac if you care
my moodboard of me
guess my deadname for the bit
perpetually tired
moodboard on banner by my son @mister-dirty-hands
stuff i like;
marauders, percy jackson, writing (ff/orig), collecting shit (poptabs, gum wrappers, books, flowers, rocks, nickels), yk, the works
music people you should listen to;
taylor swift, arctic monkeys, the 1975, hozier, lizzy mcalpine, chloe ament, the epic soundtrack, lana del ray, boygenius (and the members), conan gray, noah kahan, chappell roan, imagine dragons, mitski, hazbin hotel soundtrack, tv girl, melina kb
favorites of mine;
color - dark (ish) green
card - ace of spades
drink - sweet tea
food - chicken alfredo <33
flower - orpheus
number - 19
hotel - trivago
my wips;
cop/criminal thing i started in 2022
so first off theyre gay
secondly the main characters are noah (cop) and river (criminal) and they went to college together for awhile until river dropped out and yk went to jail after doing smth (idk what yet)
but noah gets called to a crime scene where there was like a violent drug exchange and river is there, lurking (like a creep) and he recognizes noah and they get into a fist fight while noahs trying to beat the info out of him
thats kinda all ive got rn but im planning on a trilogy plus a prequel
wall-e retelling??
idk i figured i could make them people and make them fall in love and die holding hands like the people at pompeii
sapphic princess thingy
been in the back of my mind for a while
basically a princess (whos always thought marriage was disgusting) gets kidnapped by this hot woman who introduces her to the rebellion (against the kingdom; she was sheltered asf) but she joins the rebellion cause her mom is ass at progressiveness
and her guard tries to find and rescue her (hes been in love w her since he was assigned to protect her) and gets let down gently and ALSO joins the rebellion, and theres a dude he meets boom bam turns out hes pan (lmao that rhymes)
thats all so far but i will have more
fic wips im doing:
marauders band au
havent decided whether im gonna keep three bands or switch it but starchaser, wolfstar, marylily, dorlene, emmedora, rosekiller (you dont know how much i love rosekiller), MINOR bartylus (minor as in very little not like weirdly), ummm and like in the background therell be some fralice, nobleflower, quillkiller
so basically james just said they should start a band since they all had their skillsets and all and sirius jumped at the opportunity but remus was extremely skeptical
peter was unbotheres either way he was vibing
regulus always wanted to be up on a stage and singing and since hes extremely socially awkward (not projecting at all...) thet started a band
panda can play a clarinet
fourth year polyjuice au
set in 1994-95 where the skittles all used polyjuice to sneak into hogwarts for different reasons but i got the idea from @dovrt
regulus full perspective of his hogwarts years
kinda like an atyd but its regulus and not atyd at all
somewhat canon compliant
he will die
but bartylus and starchaser is in it
bartylus oneshot
its like if regulus broke up w james after getting the mark so nobody targeted (??) james
rated m for sure
people that you should check out (cause theyre awesomesauce)
@aesthetic-writer18 my twin frfr, honorary cousin
@starmanbutitsregulusblack platonic husband we have two children
@royallygray feeds the aspec people garlic bread in their spare time
@garden-of-runar online older sister (my favorite) (sorry guys i dont make the rules) (i do)
@dickmastersfruit once listened to me rant about a band au
@allamericanb-tch why is the govt shit
@my-castles-crumbling how am i your mutual literally amazing person/writer
@mister-dirty-hands my monarch child
@ang3lic-t3ars FOFFER 🌻🌻
@knockoff-conlon blonde as what??
@picklerab23 dill is welsh not english
@the-ellia-west awesome writer and tells people to take care of themselves
@gildy-locks we virtually hugged once cause they like my poetry and he likes all my posts
@savepoint-has-died cool dude whos writing cool stuff
@eefst-ar13 prison baby
@ssa-james gonna go kill my dad (for legal reasons, a joke)
@tequilaqueen tequila sister bea
@saturnsconstellation kinda friends?? i think
@riri-stars not always in the loop but still very fun
@regulusswimmjnglessons only slightly concerning
@gasolinehornet has the same name as my oc
@wistfulenchantress shhh nobody tell them i have notifs on
@rayjoi we dont talk enough
@theoneandonlypjofanatic slightly nerdy (not my words)
@gayafaaryn canada + fics
@jamespotterbbg no1 academic weapon fr
@rheas-chaos-motivation very helpful and kinda concerning
@whyistarchaser analyzed my star signs once
@seekmemystar not pronounced like guitar
@vbbaby-girl lesbian nya and gay zane agenda
@cheekyboybeth we also dont talk enough
@dandelionflowery insists on knocking when they have a key (bad reference ignore me)
do lmk if you do not want on here pls
my (concerning??) tags;
#chase is speaking do you copy - random shit i say
#chase rambles on for eternity - whenever i have a whole conversation w myself in the tags
#chase speaks to the people - i answer asks
#chase might be going insane - when im feeling frisky and when im losing sanity
#chase does things - i do things
#chase is nauseous again - self explanatory (??)
#chase is writing shitty poetry - feeling too much and probably gonna write shitty poetry about it
#chase is lying - i was probably lying
#chase is slowly going insane - delving more into madness as we speak
#chase cant take a compliment - im shit at accepting a compliment usually
#to the queue you go - probably post blocked the day before, sent it to the queue
#chases asian propaganda - probably smth about rice
#chase is delving into the depths of his mind - send me to an asylum at this point
#chases dramatic log off - me being overdramatic about having to sleep or some shit
i have a poetry blog
@thewordsofasilencedpoet wont tag, do with that as you will
the old intro post if you so choose
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foursaints · 3 months
what do you think regulus' relationship with all the skittles is like. ik he and barty are the secret thurd thing but i am extremely curious about his interactions with the twins. do he and pandora exchange resigned looks whenever rosekiller is being their Very peculiar brand of Rosekiller? and also evan and regulus. ?? i always imagined regulus (if he met the twins in his childhood) as slightly protective of them in a older sibling type of way. i think that might be from my own need to protect my friends (especially as a child). like i used to be desperate to show someone love the way my sister showed me. so yeah im absolutely bestowed with your regulus and i do wonder if you have headcanons abt his interactions with the other skittles<333
i was discussing this ask with @fernhelm socratic-seminar style and ive compiled the results for you...
regulus is a fundamentally selfish person but he's selfish on behalf of the skittles. he's folded them into his life & his care, and part of that is finding excuses for every ugly thing they could possibly do. in his eyes they (the twins, barty) fundamentally just deserve to do whatever they need to
fern said thesis of the skittles is this terry pratchett quote: "All witches are selfish, the Queen had said. But Tiffany’s Third Thoughts said: Then turn selfishness into a weapon! Make all things yours! Make other lives and dreams and hopes yours! Protect them! Save them! Bring them into the sheepfold! Walk the gale for them! Keep away the wolf! My dreams! My brother! My family! My land! My world! How dare you try to take these things, because they are mine! I have a duty!"
pandora is his best friend. he is capable of understanding her in a way that he doesn't understand the rest of them. if regulus is something cold hiding something warm, she's the inverse. part of their mutual understanding is the fact that they ultimately ended up on the same side in the war.
regulus only understands evan through pandora. they're close but not super close to me!! pandora is a warmer, brighter, more expansive version of evan & that is more accessible to reg... i think regulus fronts like he's cold & unfeeling but evan actually Is That and that fact is alienating
anything i could say about barty and regulus's friendship warrants its own post but genuinely to me they have a greg & rodrick heffley type dynamic and i stand by that
i see the skittles relationship as quiet & abiding. they are all using the friendship to self-soothe in their own ways and it makes it codependent but in a gentle sense... layers of caretaking. the weird kids who eat lunch on the picnic bench and don't seem to talk much but are never seen apart. they don't banter loudly like the marauders but they're all holding hands under the table
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regologist · 2 years
Things my friends have said as Marauders era characters
Sirius: Ive been talking to myself in the mirror—
Regulus: You know that’s a mental illness?
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turnin9pag3 · 1 month
Marauders as things me and my friends have said:
Part 3
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adharastarlight · 8 months
Reg: I'm going to change so people think I'm less depressed
Reg changes from his black hoodie to a red one that he stole from james
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rafesfavslut · 11 months
Saw your Lover and I'm soo excited!!
Could you do dbatc for remus? Where he ends things with reader after he attacked animal-form reader and caused them a thousand couple of cuts(😉😉)? And yk he's scared and blames himself etc.. you do your thing tbhh it could be for wtv reason they break it off but i thought since cuts and he's a werewolf it would connect but again!! You do it your way🥰
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words: 1k+ warning: use of Y/N, break up
a/n: this took me like 2 days to write </3 cuz ive never written anything for remus before. anyways enjoy!
You said it was a great love One for the ages But if the story's over Why am I still writing pages?
Remus woke up in the dark and cold room of the Shrekinh Shacks. His body was sore and covered in little scratches. He looked around to see that his friends weren't there. 
His friends are always here when he wakes up. He noticed a little note on the table, picked it up, and read it. 
'we've taken Y/N to the Hospital Wing, don't worry. Come in when you wake up'
His face scrunched up in confusion. Why were you in the Hospital Wing? Did he hurt you?
He grabbed his clothes and put it on. He hurriedly ran to the Hospital Wing, ignoring the pain in his body. 
The Hospital Wing was open so he ran inside, to see the remaining Marauders whispering in the corner of the room. 
"Remus!" James exclaimed when he saw the boy. Madam Pomfrey rushed to his side, pulling him to the nearest bed. 
The witch kneeled by his side and checked on his wounds. "Where's Y/N?" 
"She's resting, Mr Lupin. It's not your fault. Your... condition won't affect her," She gave Remus a potion and made him lie down to rest. 
"Hey, Remus," Sirius greeted, standing by the bed. "Where's Y/N?" He asked again. 
The raven-haired boy pointed to the bed next to him, but the curtains were closed. "She's in there," 
"What happened?" Remus asked, his hand fiddling anxiously. "You don't remember?" James asked, slightly surprised. 
Remus shook his head. "You scratched her on the leg. But it's not deep enough to get the... wolf thing into her. Will leave a scar though," Peter said carefully, knowing how Remus could get easily angry after the full moon. 
"What? I-is she fine?" Remus panicked "Calm down, she'll be fine. She's asleep, and probably won't wake up in a few days. Lost a lot of blood," 
"Don't take it too hard on yourself, okay? We have to go to class. We'll be back before dinner," The boys left to get to class. 
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A few days later, Remus was allowed to go back to class, but still had to do daily check ins and take potions every day. 
As always, he went back to the Hospital Wing to take his potion after dinner. He knocked on the door before going in. 
He noticed Madam Pomfrey running around before realizing that your curtains were opened. You were sitting up on the bed, waiting patiently for her.
Your eyes light up at the sight of Remus. "Oh, Remus! Your potion is on the bedside table, can you take that for me dear?" She pointed at the potion by your bedside table. 
He hesitated but obeyed anyway. "Hey," He greeted awkwardly as you smiled sweetly at him. He drank the potion, taking a second to cringe at the weird taste.
"How are you?" He asked, sitting on his previous bed. "Good," You shrug. "Does it hurt?" 
"A bit. It's healing now. Should be fine after a week," He sighed at your bandaged leg. You noticed the concerned look on his face. "Remus? I don't care, okay? I know what I was getting into when I turned into an animagus," You tried to explain. 
"No, but I hurt you," He said, harsher than he meant to be. "Look, it's fine-" 
He shook his head, his eyes filled with tears. It hurts him to see you like this. And it's because of him. 
"I can't do this anymore, Y/N. I can't" You frowned. "What's wrong?" 
"It’s- It’s too dangerous for you, Y/N. I- I’m sorry,” He sighed, not making eye contact with you. “Are you breaking up with me?” He nodded. 
“I’m sorry,” He said, before standing up and leaving. You were about to stand up as well but then remembered your leg was still bandaged, not being able to move a lot. You groaned in frustration, leaning back in your bed.
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It has been months since you two were broken up. Your leg has fully healed, and you were now able to walk normally. You and Remus hadn’t talked since. You were busy keeping up with homework and even when you made time to talk to him, he just kept disappearing. 
The boys had told you to not worry about it, that they would talk to him. Every time you saw him, he just ignored you or went somewhere else. You were upset at him, of course. You had thought about moving on, but you just couldn’t foret him. 
One day, while making your way to Divination class, your eyes met his. He looked away quickly as if he never saw you. 
“Remus!” You ran after him, he started to walk away faster but you caught up. “Remus, wait,” You grabbed his arm. “We need to talk,” He stopped, turning back to look at you quietly. He kept silent, a hint of sadness in his eyes. 
“Why did you break up with me? I know what I signed up for, I know the dangers and I still want to be with you,” You said, letting his arm go. Remus looked back at you, his face filled with guilt. “I’m a monster, Y/N, I can’t take it, I can’t stand hurting you again. You mean too much to me,”
“What? So if you accidentally hurt James, Sirius, or Peter… You just cut them all out?” He sighed “It’s different. If I hurt them, I get what I deserve. But you’re too precious to get dragged into this thing,” He explained, looking down. “But I want to be with you, please… Give me a chance,” I almost begged, my hand going to carcass his face. He raised a hand up to stop me but didn’t let my hand go. “Why would you want to be with a monster?” 
“Don’t talk about yourself like that, Remus. I love you okay? Simply just because of that,” 
You loved him? Still? After everything that happened?
“I know you didn’t mean to hurt me, you didn’t want to. But you did and I don’t blame you for it,” You gave him a reassuring smile. “We can start over, can’t we?” You closed the distance between you and Remus. 
His hand went to your waist, pulling you closer. He seemed to be convinced by your words, his eyes shined with hope. “C-can I kiss you?” He said hesitantly. You chuckled, nodding.
 “Yes. Yes, you can,”
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atlasofearth · 2 months
ttpd anthology opinions except i have no thoughts that aren’t the marauders
the black dog: i expected it to give sirius vibes but this is way too much??? this is the most sirius song ive ever heard???
imgonnagetyouback: DORLENE’S SONG OH MY GOD. ITS THEIR SONG?????
the albatross: marlene’s anthem…. this is her song…. what the eff word….. i’m obsessed this might be my third fav song on the album
chloe or sam or sophia or marcus: regulus … this song is so him oh my god i can’t do this
how did it end? : “you were blind to unforeseen circumstances” this song is soo canon compliant jegulus… i was writing a loml inspired one short but now i need to write one inspired by this 😶😶
so high school: the guitar 😻 this song is sooo sirius feeling like he could put his walls down around his friends (especially remus!!!!!!) im going insane!!! sirius feels so high school around remus guys
i hate it here : this song is so me… this song is mine guys what the fuck (also very regulus but.. it’s more me idc) i, too, hate it here and escape to secret gardens that i read about in books as a child in my mind and everyone wants the key but there’s only mine…
i look in peoples windows: i love the instrumental omfg. i’m getting MAJOR death by a thousand cuts vibes?? she’s a genius?? this song is SO marylily. lily hoping she could find mary even after she left because she didn’t wanna fight “is it right to not know me” oh my god.
the prophecy: this is my number one song. i have many things to say. 1- so harry??? obviously. it’s literally his song. 2- remus WISHING he wasn’t a werewolf, this is his song. 3- lily yearning for peace for her son, wishing he wasn’t destined to live a terrible life. i feel so much guys. 4- also this song is so me. i relate so much, like so so much….
cassandra: oh this is sirius’ song.. he thought he was free after finally escaping grimmauld place, and thensuddenly james died and he’s in azkaban. omg wait but also regulus discovering the horcrux and dying before he had the chance to even find out there were others. “i was onto something, they all said nothing”
the bolter: i don’t know why this song gives me INTENSE narcissa vibes. this is her song imo idk
robin: this is the black family anthem. this is their song, collectively
FINAL SONG, the manuscript: no marauders thoughts bc i related to this song too much and started crying! 😂
overall; i love these songs so much. i like this collection of songs more than the original ttpd (which says something bc that was AMAZING) top song is a definitely the prophecy
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wolveria · 3 months
On Frozen Wings - Ch 1
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Pairing: Crosshair x Hunter
Rating: 18+ only, Explicit
After Hunter nearly lost everything, his family is slowly piecing itself back together. Omega is safe, Echo might stick around for a while, and Crosshair... Well. Crosshair never makes things easy, but sometimes, he does make them simple. Crosshair wants him. Unfortunately, Hunter has no idea what to do with this information.
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Hunter wasn’t sure how it was quieter with more people on the ship, but somehow, it was.
The tension on the Remora was a far cry from what it’d been on their way to Barton IV. That flight had been filled with a crackling thickness that forced a subdued atmosphere and silent ride.
This was different. Something had changed on the planet, and it wasn’t just that Hunter and Crosshair were on speaking terms again, though that was a small miracle itself. And to think, it had only taken Hunter nearly being eaten by an ice wyrm to make that happen.
Considering how their fights usually went, this one went rather smoothly. No black eyes, no broken bones. No one had even thrown a punch. Hungry beasts were tame in comparison.
Maybe that explained the strange space between them now. Strange, because it was peaceful. Deceptively so. Hunter once again found himself focused on Crosshair wherever he was in the ship, tracking him by scent, sound, and that unique bioelectric signature that belonged only to him.
But he wasn’t going to follow Crosshair like a lost pup, or the shadow Crosshair accused him of being. He wasn’t.
He just… happened to find himself in the same part of the ship as Crosshair. That’s all. Hunter wasn’t thinking about the questions left unanswered. When had Crosshair’s chip actually been removed, why had he killed an Imperial officer, and what had really happened back on that ice planet.
Hunter had watched him place the helmets one by one, arranging them on the crate like a memorial. Something… significant had happened there, and the way Crosshair held one particular helmet wrapped in old bindings filled Hunter’s chest with both a dull ache and a sharp, cold sting.
Hunter refused to think about how he’d never seen Crosshair so tender and careful before. These were strangers to Hunter, but not to Crosshair. He’d lived a whole other life, away from them.
Away from Hunter.
No, he definitely wasn’t thinking about that. He was not thinking about it so hard that he failed to notice Crosshair right in front of him in the corridor, a brow raised at Hunter’s errant wandering.
Or, perhaps, not so errant.
“Following me again, Hunter?”
Hunter scowled, but it was out of embarrassment rather than annoyance as he glanced away from where Crosshair stood conveniently in his path.
The brows rose even higher.
“Yeah. Really.”
The silence begged for something to fill it, and Hunter did with a grumbled, “Was just… walking the ship.”
Hunter’s gaze snapped to his, but Crosshair’s expression was one of vague amusement. There was no resentment or anger. Hunter could admit it was a nice change.
Hunter relaxed, giving a half shrug and a little smile to acknowledge his answer was, perhaps, ridiculous.
“Our ship’s not meant to hold so many people. Guess I wanted to stretch my legs while I had the chance.”
“Didn’t get enough of that with the wyrm trying to bite you on the ass?”
A chuckle startled out of him. He’d missed Crosshair’s sharp tongue and scathing wit, especially when it was used for amicable teasing rather than ripping him to shreds. Oh, how Crosshair excelled at targeting all of Hunter’s weak points.
“That? That was nothing compared to some of the creatures we’ve come across,” Hunter said. “Last one almost swallowed the Marauder whole.”
Crosshair rolled his eyes, his own posture relaxed as he leaned one shoulder against the corridor wall.
“How did you ever survive without me?”
Hunter’s humor faded. Not very well, he could admit to himself.
Crosshair’s amusement also vanished, studying Hunter’s face with closer scrutiny than he was used to. None of the others looked at him that way, or when they tried, like Wrecker had been the last few months, Hunter simply skirted around the observation and pretended everything was fine.
It hadn’t been, for a long time. Only within the past day, the past few hours, did Hunter realize his hope hadn’t been completely extinguished.
“Come on.”
Hunter blinked out of his daze, but Crosshair didn’t wait for him, slipping down the hallway until he disappeared from view. And like a second shadow, Hunter followed.
They ended up in the cargo hold, mostly empty due to Echo being between missions for Rex. There were a handful of crates around, and one was growing a collection of armor as Crosshair was in the middle of stripping off pieces.
Hunter stared, dumbfounded. Clearly, he’d missed a very crucial part of their conversation.
Crosshair looked over his shoulder and gave an amused huff at whatever face he was making. Hunter certainly couldn’t guess.
“How long’s it been since you’ve properly sparred with someone?”
Oh. Sparring.
He tried to think. They hadn’t had much downtime to begin with, but after Omega had been taken and Hunter had focused everything into finding her, he’d had too much time on his hands during their stints in hyperspace. Too much time to think about all the mistakes he’d made and the ways he’d failed. A distraction had been sorely needed, and sparring would have been perfect.
But since it had been only him and Wrecker, and they hadn’t been able to spar with Wrecker for years because of his enhanced strength, something they’d learned after he’d accidentally broken Tech’s collarbone…
So, not since Kamino. Not since… they’d left Crosshair.
“A long time.”
Crosshair hummed, the tone of it not indicating his thoughts one way or another.
“Here’s your chance,” Crosshair said. “Sounds better than pacing the ship, doesn’t it? Especially if we’re just going to keep running into each other.”
Hunter could hear the amused tint of the words, the way Crosshair’s mouth curved even if he couldn’t see it, and it was the kind of teasing that used to drive Hunter mad. He didn’t realize how much he’d missed it until he no longer had it.
Crosshair bent down to slip off his boots, and he chose that moment to look back at Hunter and catch him staring. Now that he’d been staring at anything in particular, he was just—
“Are you going to strip, or do I need to do it for you?”
Hunter looked away, grinding his teeth together.
Little shit.
Sparring did sound like a good way to get rid of this odd tension he couldn’t identify. It wasn’t a bad sort of tension, not the kind he felt after seeing Crosshair again after so long. That shock had been a punch to the gut, especially after the bone-deep relief of having Omega again.
To have her back, and on the heels of that, Crosshair dropping back into their lives had been like a plunge out of hyperspace with a broken hyperdrive.
Reconciling with Crosshair had been what they needed, and everything should be fine now, right? So why did his gut tighten whenever they were in the same room?
Yeah, maybe this was what he needed. A distraction and a way to work off excess energy.
Hunter hadn’t taken off his chest plate since the ice planet, and he did so now, along with his one remaining pauldron. It was hard to imagine all that was left of his old armor was his cuirass, helmet, and greaves. Even his bandana hadn’t survived the blood and violence he and Wrecker had waged for any scrape of information they could find.
His mind had wandered again—he didn’t even notice that Crosshair had moved closer, only a few feet away and stripped down to his blacks. His arms were crossed, but there was a lightness to his face, bordering on mischief.
“How many layers are you wearing?”
Hunter glanced down at himself. He’d gotten past the green vest, and the tan undervest, which left the brown long-sleeved shirt and his bicep pads—
“It’s protection,” Hunter muttered.
“There’s something else that does a better job of that,” Crosshair said, his eyes bright with silent laughter. “You may have heard of it.”
“Katarn-class armor isn’t exactly for sale at the local market.”
“So, you decided to go without? That’s much better.”
Hunter purposefully glared as he stripped the rest of his outfit. It was a good thing they were going to spar soon, Hunter would happily throw the first punch. Though with the amused tilt to Crosshair’s mouth, he wondered if that was the point.
Hunter pulled off his gloves and gauntlets next, making a show of the exposed armor under the maroon bindings. Crosshair rolled his eyes.
“Well, thank the Maker, your arms have protection.”
Little shit, Hunter repeated as he fought down his own smile.
The running commentary didn’t stop when Hunter removed his gun belt, and Crosshair said, “Didn’t realize you like to live so dangerously, Hunter. That thigh-strap is awfully close to your—”
“Are you going to do this the whole time?”
Crosshair released a sharp breath that wasn’t quite laughter but was close enough to fill Hunter’s chest with warmth. He still scowled at the boots he pulled off his feet, though.
“Not if you’d hurry up,” Crosshair purred. “We’ll pick up the reg before you’re even halfway done.”
Hunter let out a soft growl and turned away. His hands kept fumbling with Crosshair staring at him like that, lips slanted in unending delight at Hunter’s discomfort, but his eyes too narrow and watchful, as if each revealed layer required new scrutiny. Hunter fidgeted like a bug under glass.
He hesitated before pulling off his pants. The armor plating was attached to them, so he couldn’t leave them on. Traditionally, they always sparred in their body gloves, it was fairer and prevented any serious injuries besides what they could cause with their own bodies.
He sighed. It wasn’t anything Crosshair hadn’t glimpsed in the communal shower or even in their old barracks. It was fine. It wasn’t strange.
Hunter kept telling himself that as he shucked off his pants and pulled off the last layer of his upper body. What he wore underneath was… a very truncated version of a black body suit. The upper portion only covered his chest and his shoulders, leaving his arms and hands bare.
The bottom half was even more lacking, only covering his groin and upper thighs. It kept him from overheating with all the additional layers, but that wasn’t much of a reassurance when he felt Crosshair’s sharp eyes taking him in from head to foot.
“What?” Hunter folded his arms across his chest—not because he was trying to shield himself from that piercing stare. Definitely not.
“Nothing,” Crosshair said in a way that meant he had many thoughts he could share, none of them he would.
“Right.” Hunter rolled his shoulder, trying to shake off the new tension that had crept up on him. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been such a bundle of raw nerves, but it had probably involved Crosshair. It always did. “Any rules?”
“No killing each other.”
“Thought that went without saying.”
Crosshair’s small but toothy smile reminded him of a predator whose hunger had been piqued.
“Just want to be thorough. Other than that, no boundaries.”
Against anyone else that might be good news, Hunter was deadly in close quarters, but Crosshair fought dirty. Suddenly, his bare skin felt a lot more exposed.
“Sounds good to me,” Hunter said, and he hoped none of his trepidation showed. Hunter might be more prone to biting under stress due to his enhancements, but Crosshair was more than happy to dig his teeth into body parts that got too close to his mouth.
Yeah. Hunter was probably coming out of this bloody.
They moved apart nearly at the same moment, their postures slipping into old fighting stances, comfortable in their familiarity. Too many of their battles these days involved blasters or short, brutal fights that relied on aggression rather than finesse.
Hunter was eager for this, he realized, but at the same time… he held back, hesitant, as they circled each other. The last time he’d fought Crosshair, he’d been trying to kill Hunter, cut him open with his own vibroblade. It wasn’t something he could forget, even if he’d forgiven Crosshair.
And he had. His resentment and bitterness had been buried in the snow of Barton IV. But that didn’t mean he knew where they stood now. The hope felt fragile, and he was afraid to break it with a wrong move or misspoken word.
If Crosshair was feeling any hesitation, he neglected to show it. He rolled his eyes and drew Hunter’s attention to the wide space between them.
“I thought we were sparring, not dancing.”
“Come over here, then.”
Crosshair’s lips twitched upward.
“You first.”
It was an invitation if Hunter was ever going to get one. Crosshair was okay with this, really okay with this, even if it got violent. Which… Hunter wasn’t actually interested in. Not that he ever was, but when it was Crosshair trying to force him into submission, all fists and teeth and lanky limbs, it lit a blaze in Hunter that made him more animal than human—
Air exploded from his lungs as Crosshair’s shoulder hit him hard in the gut, dragging them both to the ground. Apparently, the sniper got tired of waiting.
Hunter was quick, flipping Crosshair over his head and scrambling for him, less than graceful on the metal slats instead of their usual padded mats. He might have been hesitant before, but he wasn’t now, driving Crosshair back to the floor with a combination of thrown weight and gravity.
It was a messy, tangled struggle after that. Nearly all their sparring matches devolved into a contest of who could pin the other fastest. Hunter usually won if he didn’t allow Crosshair to grab him from behind. His height and longer limbs gave him the advantage when Hunter couldn’t reach him, though a jab to the ribs and a hook around his ankle almost always got them back on even ground.
Hunter should have won this round too, but there was an intensity to Crosshair that caught him by surprise, and when the sniper pinned him flat on his back, he stayed there. Mostly because he didn’t want to move and lose sight of Crosshair’s peculiar expression.
It was focused, as it usually was, but layered with a dark intensity that made Hunter’s mouth run dry. Crosshair straddled his hips, his fingers curled around Hunter’s wrists, holding them above his head.
Something about this felt… familiar. Back in their cadet days, sparring matches tended to be most often between them, as Tech wasn’t interested and Wrecker was getting too big for them to do it safely.
Not that anything Crosshair and Hunter did could be labeled safe. Their matches would quickly escalate to black eyes, bruises, and bite marks. Until one day it had escalated to something else.
Nothing happened. Nothing ever happened. They had just been going through the unpredictable swings of hormones during adolescence, a fact they only knew because Tech gave them almost daily updates on his own bodily changes, and Wrecker would enthusiastically contribute with his own.
Nothing had happened, except two sweaty cadets accidentally brushing their aching erections against each other. And then doing it again. Neither of them speaking about these accidental touches, and if they both hurried off to the showers separately afterwards, that didn’t need to be mentioned, either.
So Crosshair leaning forward and rubbing his hard length against Hunter’s equally stiff erection was a shock to his gut, equally familiar and not. They were no longer naïve cadets, and this was no accident.
“Crosshair,” he choked out.
Crosshair purred around the word, but his eyes were watchful, nearly to the point of wariness, waiting for Hunter to speak. But he had no idea what the hell he wanted to say, frozen like the proverbial nuna trapped under the nexu.
“I…” Hunter finally stumbled out. “What… are you doing?”
Crosshair’s eyes narrowed.
“I thought it was obvious.”
A comment like that might ordinarily earn Crosshair a glare and sharp retort, but Hunter struggled to find where all his air went.
“We…” He swallowed to get his dry throat some relief. “We can’t…”
Hunter’s appeal for Crosshair to see reason might have been more effective if he didn’t groan when the sniper rolled his hips and rubbed their clothed erections together.
“We can, Hunter.” His eyes blazed, staring straight through him and leaving all his old yearnings exposed. “We can.”
But will you? was the unspoken question Crosshair didn’t voice. Hunter didn’t have an answer to that, either. He was still reeling from the idea that Crosshair even wanted him in this way.
And then Crosshair leaned down, so close that Hunter thought he might kiss him, and he held his breath, frozen. Hunter could—and had—faced down battalions of battle droids without flinching, but the sight of Crosshair’s lips hovering over his might be enough to earn his surrender.
At the last moment, Crosshair changed course, his lips tracing over the dark lines of Hunter’s tattooed jaw until his breath warmed his ear.
“Say yes.”
Hunter closed his eyes. He wanted to, stars, he wanted to. Every inch of his body ached with the need to say yes, but he couldn’t. They’d just gotten Crosshair back. He couldn’t do anything to risk that, wouldn’t do anything that might eventually make him leave.
There had been reasons why Hunter hadn’t given in to temptation when they were cadets or troopers. He could have, oh he could have, so easily with Crosshair. Or possibly with regs who had reminded him of Crosshair, but he hadn’t.
The reasons were different now. He didn’t have to worry about pissing off some Kaminoans with their frigid ideas of “appropriate interpersonal conduct,” and he was no longer a sergeant. No longer a soldier. He wasn’t even their leader anymore, not really.
But he couldn’t… they couldn’t…
The noise that came out of him when Crosshair pressed his mouth to Hunter’s neck was embarrassing, startled and needy.
“Say yes,” Crosshair growled against his skin. Hunter’s ability to think, let alone speak, was shot to hell when he sucked on the spot just under his jawline.
Hunter kept his mouth firmly shut as he tried to find the words to explain why this was a kriffing bad idea, but then Crosshair released his wrists and instead dug his fingertips against Hunter’s chest. He used the leverage to grind down harder, and Hunter could practically see stars.
He knew it then. He wouldn’t say no. He couldn’t deny Crosshair anything, not really. And he wouldn’t deny him this, not when it took all of Hunter’s strength not to flip them over and rut against Crosshair like an animal in heat.
So he kept his hands firmly at his sides, and even that was dangerous with them so close to Crosshair’s long, coltish legs.
Hunter tilted his head further to the side, a show of surrender. It was the best he could offer when a part of him still insisted this was the wrong decision, that neither of them were thinking clearly and Crosshair would regret his actions later. Wasn’t that how they got here to begin with?
But that was only a small part of Hunter. The rest of him relished how Crosshair purred in victory and sucked one last spot on his neck before he sat up. His pupils were blown, and his lips were slightly swollen from the rough treatment to Hunter’s neck.
They looked damned delicious, but before Hunter could consider what would happen if he kissed him, Crosshair shifted upright on his knees. He separated his body glove and tugged the lower half down just enough to free his cock.
He was longer than Hunter but not as thick, and he was already leaking copious amounts of precum. Hunter’s mouth watered at the sight, the scent of Crosshair’s arousal even more potent now, and it was a miracle he could keep his hands to himself and simply watch.
Crosshair pulled down the waistband of Hunter’s suit and pulled out his length. He stared at it with a devouring expression that reminded Hunter of what sometimes happens when he gets too close to Crosshair’s teeth.
And then he’s not thinking anything at all as Crosshair wrapped his long fingers around their shafts and thrust forward. The noise that Hunter made sounded almost painful, a ragged groan and gasp, and he failed to keep his hands frozen at his sides, instead gripping onto Crosshair’s calves as if to steady himself. Or keep him firmly on the ground before he floated off into space.
Crosshair kept going, setting a pace that was neither gentle nor slow. Hunter would have thought he’d been more teasing, drag it out just to watch Hunter squirm, but something in his movements were almost desperate. Frantic.
It was all Hunter could do to brace himself, pleasure zipping up and down his spine at a speed that would leave him ruined. Crosshair’s warm hands, the calluses against his skin, the shock of friction between their lengths.
Yeah, he was ruined.
The buildup was quick after that. Too much time apart, years of unanswered yearning and buried desires, Hunter wasn’t going to last long. His bandana came loose, and Crosshair tugged it off, twisting his fingers in the freed locks of his hair, and pulled.
It was nearly enough to hurt, dancing the line between pleasure and pain until they melded, and Hunter arched his back. He gripped Crosshair’s legs and thrust up once, twice, and spilled over Crosshair’s skilled fingers. Fingers that shook when holding a weapon but were steady now as he carried Hunter through his trembling orgasm.
Something gave way inside him, a dam burst after a lifetime of holding back. The grief of losing Crosshair, the piercing ache of rejection and betrayal, the agony of trying to keep Crosshair at a safe distance upon his return, none of it remained intact. The relief shuddered through him, a soft hitch like a sob in his throat.
Hunter didn’t feel the tears until they trickled into his hairline. He wasn’t… crying… or maybe he was? He couldn’t remember the last time he had cried, possibly when he was a cadet. But something within him had cracked, and the released pressure made him feel boneless, warm, and wonderfully brittle.
It was good. Hunter knew that much. The tension was gone, his senses thrummed in a way that was almost overstimulation, and Crosshair—
—was looking at him with a wide-eyed expression of horror.
Hunter blinked stupidly. Not understanding when Crosshair pulled away, hastily rearranging his body glove to cover himself—and things certainly weren’t clearer when the sniper grabbed his gear and practically fled the room.
Hunter stared at the doorway, half-expecting Crosshair to come back. And wasn’t that a painfully familiar feeling?
He dropped his head, the back of it thudding against the floor, and reluctantly, he put away his softening cock. Hunter grimaced at the stickiness that coated the upper half of his suit, and then he stared at the ceiling, listening to the hum of the ship, waiting for Crosshair’s soft footfalls to return.
They didn’t. Hunter’s heart sank in his chest.
What had he done?
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lexithwrites · 6 days
soooo what's exactly your problem with lily (i understand this one, if the fandom gonna take her husband from her they at least should do her justice or don’t write her) and barty being portrayed as shitty exes and why you can't scroll past and let people write what they want and where does your limitation end? are you also gonna bash writers who write regulus as raging homophobe and rapist in wolfstar fanfics or it doesn’t apply to him? what about snape? the way he's written in many marauders fanfics goes against his canon arc, should the writers be called out for inaccurate portrayal of him?
i think characters are tools and if writers wanna use them as tools it should not be controversial. do you think otherwise?
to answer your first question — because it's an opinion. am i going onto people's fanfictions and wasting my time commenting that i hate their trope? no. am i calling authors out by username? no. am i just stating my opinion on my tumblr? yes. plus, you are well within your right to scroll too, you didn't have to let my post get to you? if it offends you that much then block me lmao
id love to know what fics you're reading where regulus does that?? but no i dont agree with that therefore i wouldnt bother reading it? idc how popular a fic is, if i dont wanna read it then i dont have to, its called having free will. i dont want to read about a r*pist for a start, and ive never really liked snape that much and ive only read the books once and watched the films growing up, i dont really think about his character that much especially since i only write muggle/modern aus. write them how you want, but it doesn't mean i have to like it does it?
i dont think anyone should bash authors for their work, myself included. am i allowed to have a private, personal opinion on what i want to read/enjoy reading? absolutely, everyone is in their right! as are you anon, but coming to me and saying this is surely a waste of your time? my opinion doesn't matter to anyone but me lmao
and when did i say it was controversial? i just said i dont like when people make these characters the bad guys when they dont have to. oc's exist for a reason, why not make lily and james old childhood friends instead of exes that have bad blood? why does barty just have to be the old fuck buddy that regulus never looked at again the moment james came around, when he and regulus could have been raised as brothers together and are close that way? or they could all be strangers, the possibilities of fanfics are endless! thats the beauty of them! but is this gonna keep me up at night that authors have FREE WILL and can CHOOSE to write whatever they wanna write? hell no idc that much lmao, but this is my tumblr, as i said, and i can say what i want on it tbh
anyway, if you hate my opinion that much then thats cool, im not mad at that, but you can do much more vital things in your day im sure, have a good one <3
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