#mari plays videogames
maripr · 3 months
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Not feeling the best today so I stayed in bed and finished A Link Between Worlds! What a charming title, gave me a lot of nostalgia for ALTTP for which this games is half sequel half remake.
The only problem I had with this game is that I often forgot the central mechanic while solving puzzles in a dungeon! You would see me trying to solve them traditional Zelda style only to be stumped and then remember WAIT I CAN TRAVEL THROUGH WALLS shdhdj I'm dumb.
I think exploration and puzzle solving was very fun, aside from my stupidity, and for the first time in my quest to play all Zelda titles, I didn't hate A single dungeon! They were all pretty unique, played a lot with perspective in a way that I loved, and didn't overstay their welcome. Except maybe the snow one. But even that wasn't as annoying as I thought it was gonna be.
Lorule is also pretty fun to explore, the "collectables" are cute af, and the system of borrowing tools was genius! More hardcore Zelda fans might have found the bosses too easy, especially when you forge the best weapon, but I didn't mind.
I found it pretty funny that, as a homage to ALTTP, this game ALSO counts how many times you've died.
Final thought: can I ship Link and Ravio?
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ask-emoripals · 9 months
Which one of you guys are a gamer? I no one volunteers for this title then vote for someone to fall on the grenade.
🔪: I play a shit ton of Ultrakill. In fact, I’ve P-ranked about every level in the game…… that also includes the Prime Sanctum’s.
⭐️: Noice Sunny. I have some very high scores in all Rainworld campaigns and have Eggsecutive VP rank on Spaltoon! :D
🔪: Shit you do?! I really should start playing Splatoon 3 more often…
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darewolfcreates · 1 year
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Compilation of sillys :]
References under cut
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yuukei-yikes · 11 months
Um. What's your headcanons on what kind of games (videogames, tabletop, whatever) do you think each one of the mekadan is into? I think i went into a lot of detail already regarding Shintaro and Kano (so sorry for projecting into them sksksksksskssk), but i really would like to know what another would think? Feel free to go into as much detail on Takane as you wish, you deserve it and i live to hear your rambles on her.
god i actually dont know bc im not a gamer girlie like miss cyber girl ene... i think takane plays everything pretty much. ofc more the shooters as we know but is probably pretty knowledgeable on a bunch of things, i think she especially loves horror and based on her canon fave movies (the godfather 2 and the clockwork orange) she's probably rly into games with an ongoing story, abt crime specifically. like yakuza and gta and all that stuff
SINCE IM NOT A GAMER i dont know shit and idk what to say for most of everyone but i can say for sure ayano and momo are sims girlies. i think momo's obsessed with making up lore for the families she makes and ayano is a home builder/decor lover❤️ i think theyd get together to play a lot bc ayano makes the homes and momo makes the families hehe.... mary is an animal crossing girlie btw
anyways. kido probably rhythm games. but like guitar hero. shintaro introduces them to love live and project sekai and bandori and whatever else and kidos like😐 no.
amongus hibiya is real to me. he is real. i made a comic abt it about how takane teaches him to use his phone and he becomes irremediably obsessed with among us
i dont think seto plays any videogames and he gets frustrated easily when he plays with everyone. when mekatrio+ayano mario kart he is dead last like TRAGICALLY last. kano i dont have strong opinions but i liked ur hcs about him being into strategy games and hiding it a bit. i also think he'd like graphic novels... and he'd be the kind to watch lets plays instead of actually playing a game too. also hiyori i dont see her playing anything. maybe the sims too bc the awesomest girls play the sims
for haruka he rly plays everything like same as takane theyre the gamer couple ok. they play every single game ever and probably make icebergs together abt obscure videogames. they look for the weirdest most obscure game they can find and just do that for a friday night activity. other than that i think haruka also rly enjoys games like animal crossing and the sims and stardew valley etc. like for takane i think she plays those but gets bored pretty easy she just speedruns thru them and is frustrated theres no action and haruka Gets it more. though they both love minecraft❤️ the yuukei quartet minecraft server is real because it meets all of their conditions for games. i think ayano and shintaro want creative mode because theyre both into making their houses and being at peace and dont want Scary Surprises while haruka and takane prefer survival bc THATS GAMING!! so they always argue abt it lol. i think ayano could be into survival too but i think her reflexes suck LOL SHE JUST WANTS TO MAKE A TREE HOUSE.
haruka mentions being a little baby abt zombies so hes a baby abt horror to me. but he also says he pretty much gets over it after getting addicted to dead bullet soooo i think he can also enjoy horror games, just maybe not by himself. i think haruka and takane choose some horror game and keep arguing about the lights because haruka wants them on cuz hes scared and takane wants them off because That's How Horror Games Are Meant To Be Played
erm. anyways. yeah.
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smbhax · 2 years
Took me a bit to get heated up! :/P That LP uppercut kick of Mary's sure is killer! Hinako's striker slaps worked well. : ) K's (roll) slides cruised past Zero!
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dazednstoned · 8 months
Modern Rdr2 hcs:
-Abigail dresses like it's the 2000s (I'm talking miniskirts, low rise jeans, heeled flip flops w the fucking sparkles). She will never change too.
-Charles and Arthur go on dates to those adoption events to pet all the dogs and cats
-the whole gang frequently gathers for family bbqs. Every time someone ends up getting punched, passing out, or storming off
-Abigail puts Jack on one of those backpack leashes for kids (John too if we're being honest)
-Tilly, Karen, and Marybeth do full goodwill, garage sale, and vintage market days. They do not mess around either
-the only thing hosea knows how to do on his phone is play chess
-Sean still can't read in modern time
-john plays guitar and writes really horrible love songs for Abigail
-Javier and john r for sure in a band together, they're pretty good when they sing the songs Javier wrote
-Lenny and Sean co-parent an extremely neglected widgetable
-Arthur listens to facebook reels on full volume in public w no shame. Isaac is mortified every time
-john has various tattoos, half of them are god awful. He definitely got Abigail's name or initials tattooed somewhere and she was livid
-Karen gives herself piercings with a really shitty piercing gun
-arthur and John work together in construction, an auto shop, or in the equestrian field.
-Dutch has a very rigid and lengthy skincare routine
-john uses 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner, but he says it's 3 in 1 bc it also counts as bodywash
-Tilly is the only one of her family to graduate college (Arthur dropped out of hs when Eliza got pregnant and john never went)
-Hosea is one of those old people you just see walking around the neighborhood at like 8am
-john and Arthur don't wear sunscreen or put on lotion. Abigail sometimes manages to force some sunscreen on John's face before he goes to work tho
-bill refuses to go to gay bars but uses Grindr
-Abigail cuts John and Jack's hair bc she refuses to pay for something she thinks she can do herself (she cannot do it herself)
-Kieran is a hair braiding god. I'm talking French braids, fish tails, you name it.
-john owns a really shitty pick up truck. Jack was either conceived or birthed in the backseat of it (maybe both)
-Sean falls for those free iPhone scams every time
-the only videogame charles plays is stardew valley. He thought it would be relaxing, it wasn't.
-Tilly and Mary Beth are in a book club together
-Abigail is the type of parent to not let her kid play w nerf guns or watch pg13 movies (John is the exact opposite)
-Sadie spends her weekends at rage rooms
-everyone's fridges are covered in drawings Jack made for them
-John, Javier, and Sean game together. Violence always ensues
-dutch does not tip waiters
-john tried to play catch w Jack once and ended up getting hit in the groin by a baseball. He didn't know 4 yr olds could throw that hard
-Abigail and Karen (& sometimes Charles) drink cheap wine together every Sunday and discuss the dumb things their boyfriends did that week
-Lenny and Hosea do the wordle everyday
-Jack is in little league soccer. John sits back drinking a beer as Abigail shouts at the referee
-Abigail got a tramp stamp of a little bow when she was 17 (she regrets it)
-Hosea exclusively sends emails
-Abigail hides John's weed socks bc she doesn't want Jack to see and "fall into a life of drugs" when he's older
-Arthur is a hiking dad through and through. While John is a sit on the couch drinking a beer w his kid in his lap kinda dad
-uncle is the old drunk that lived in the same trailer park as Abigail and John did when Jack was a baby. He kinda just stuck around after
-Miss Molly O'Shea would be a makeup god and u cannot convince me otherwise
I might do a pt 2 late in the future!
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lxstfathier · 2 months
Tag game!! 💗
Thanks for the tag @kaleidoscope1967eyes
✩ 15 questions for 15 (some) friends
Were you named after anyone? i think that the virgin mary was the inspo for my name but im not sure
When was the last time you cried? a few weeks ago, i try to not do it often bc it really affects me and i want to unalive myself lmaoo
Do you have kids? no, but does my dog count???
What sports have you played / do you play? right now i don’t play any, but as a teen i rode sport horses and i was a show jumper, really close to becoming a pro before i quit 😔 but ill get back to it soon i promise
Do you use sarcasm? sometimes
First thing you notice about people? hmmm.. i think their clothes and body type (?)
What is your eye color? dark brown and i hate itttt
Scary movies or happy endings? i like both! can’t decide
Any talents? i have a few… horse riding, writing, drawing, nail art, and cosplay :)
Where were you born? oh i take pride in this one cuz i was born in polanco, the nicest place in all of mexico city <3
What are your hobbies? drawing, writing, playing videogames and reading fics
Do you have any pets? yes i have yoda! and he’s a little chihuahua dog
How tall are you? i’m 5’0
Favorite subject in school? literature, visual arts and english
Dream job? i do not dream of labor, i want to be a spoiled housewife, that’s it :)
No pressure tags: @redxstvrx @lucyisdoingfine @goodnightmoonlightladies and anyone else!!
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florasolem · 2 months
If I were Alison I would be so insufferable that the Ghosts would actually get fed up with me.
I would never leave Thomas alone at all, I would ask him all about his time period and whether he had read Jane Austen. I would most likely fall in love with him and abandon dating apps and meeting new people.
I would show Kitty all the teen shows and movies I watched on the early 00s. We would bond over which boyband or girl group member we like best. We would karaoke Taylor Swift.
I would SO judge people with Lady Button, most likely pulled from tv but let's be real if I had any guests over I would gossip with her about them.
I would watch The Imitation Game with the Captain and ask him all about the war. I feel like he would really like that movie. But we would definitely sob over it together.
I would die of curiosity over Mary but I would try my best to respect her wishes. She does know her cooking tho, maybe she could teach me a bit.
Camping once a week with Pat! I would never get tired. I would bring out a portable speaker and blast 80s tunes all night.
Fair enough, I don't have much in common with Julian, but I would DEFINITELY play videogames with that man. Might even make him better at his haunting talent. He just needs practice!
Not gonna pretend that I wouldn't be a bit icked by Humphrey's headless situation, but he's a nice enough dude that I might actually build a genuine friendship with him. Portable, too!
I would ask Robin EVERYTHING. What a valuable piece of history he is. I would play chess with him too. Maybe he could teach me French!
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artistic-moth-man · 7 months
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The fandoms im in never end
Fun fact abt this lil au/headcanon im doing; marinette is 100% autistic. While her favorite hobby is making clothes or plushies, mari also loves drawing, writing (she has ocs), baking, making schedules, knitting/crocheting, playing piano, and playing videogames!
So bc of the sheer insanity she puts her hands through, she actually has carpal tunnel, and she let alya put cute lady luck designs on her wrist gloves.
And yes, theres only one earring. I always thought it was weird when miraculouses (mirculi?) came in pairs, and mari's an asymmetry person anyway.
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thetitans-stories · 8 months
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Maria turned her chair after finishing her recording. She was a streamer and videogame player. She looked at her roommate that burst in through the door just staring at her. Yes, she had a ample bosom, something that she had used for many years to gain a respectable number of followers. Sadly, they were not enough to make rent alone, so she needed a roommate. Eric seemed a decent enough fellow gamer that did not seem to mind nor approach her with sexual intent, so she was content with sharing the place with him.
However his leering eyes today told her a very different story, as he was staring at her chest, very obviously. She was going to say something when she heard a female voice from his room across the hall. Eric turned around and went back, but this peaked Marias curiosity. Why did Eric have a girl here, when she knew nothing about such?
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Stepping into his room, she was shocked silent. A gorgeous figure, perfectly dressed as one of the mages from the very videogame she was playing stood in his room. However much more scantly dressed than her game counterpart, everything from the staff, to the hair, makeup and even her voice was that from the game.
She was so enamored she failed to notice Eric sitting down by his computer and typing. She felt a tug, that pulled both her and the mysterious woman to walk out onto the balcony overlooking the city. They had a nice place that overlooked most of the city, but something felt off.
How did she afford such a place with just one roommate, at a wage of a streamer? She remember moving in about a year ago, but very little details about how they got it. She looked over at her boyfriend sitting at the computer, and was about to says something when a pair of lips touched hers.
Her boyfriend knew she was Bi and had at one point admitted her crush on this character, but how much had it cost him to hire such a cosplayer? Thousands at least. That is when she felt it. The tremors in the air. Something shifted.
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She was now staring at a beautiful elven princess. Her impossible hair growing out, her clothes shifting. Memories of the game character fading from her mind, replaced with moments of her elf girlfriend and herself pleasuring their boyfriend.
They both knew this threesome was one of love, as they all loved each other very much and had professed as much. Shan-Dalri had one of the best tongues Mary had ever felt eating her out, and she had learned a lot in the terms of blowjobs from her centuries of experience.
She embraced her girlfriend tightly, knowing the elf did not feel cold the same way she did, but happy to feel close to the one of two loves of her life. Eric sat by his large computer setup still typing, but Mary didn't care much about that. He made the money, they just simply enjoyed.
Again Mary felt a jolt running through the air, but this time it was within herself. Something shift. Something growing. A short headache.....
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and it was gone. Slave M kneeled on the balcony, next to her sister slave, both ready to pleasure their one true Master. Yes, she had once been a demon from hell sent to this mortal plane. Master had found her and with some magical boon of a kind none of her kin understood, he had shifted her into this sex puppet she had become.
She was constantly horny, her sister slave only able to satisfy some of her needs. Not allowed to speak, she tried her best, all the time, to seduce their Master. Her collar showed her status as a slave, while she was not allowed to wear more than a bikini, but she could work with the limitations in seducing most mortals.
Master on the other hand was no mere mortal. She had observed him summoning fantastical creatures of all kinds, all female obviously, into his rom and they all bowed to him as her new sister slaves. Just like how he had once summoned her.
At some point, she would return to the hells where she belonged, and she was trying to plot some way of breaking this enslavement when she suddenly felt her Masters gaze upon her. Her eyes touched the ground as her green hair swirled around her head. Did he read her mind? If he did, she would not have much time be....
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Cumtoy orgasmed as the cum filled its existence. It had fulfilled its purpose. To pleasure the owner was the one thing any cumtoy had to perform in life. Filled with pride and cum, cumtoy was happy to exist as it did. With its gaping hole dripping, it could only be sad that the cum was leaving it for now.
Owner, Master and Creator held it in his grip. Whatever he needed, it would do. He tossed it to the o´corner of the room, discarding it like a used toy. Cumtoy kept orgasming as more cum leaked out of her on the floor. Its purpose was fulfilled. Its mind, whatever that was, faded away as a leaking onahole remained in its place.
A French maid with bunny ears picked it up later and cleaned it out. Nothing remained inside. No cum. No mind. No thoughts.
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freakshowtwopointoh · 2 months
Limoreau playing videogames or boardgames and Jordan is shocked at how good Marie is at them, so much they stop trying to go easy, but she still beats them. (I'll let you decide the game, lol). Could be a group thing as well.
After trying to teach Marie a few video games, Jordan was a little wary of how board game night was going to go. She had a pretty rough time with both Baldur's Gate and Fortnite - hours spent bribing her to keep trying only to watch her full on rage quit after dying one too many times, insisting that she would never play again.
She seemed confident today, however. This should have made them more nervous, but when it came to Marie, they never seemed to learn their lesson: don't underestimate her.
"You know, we can totally do teams if you're nervous." They hedged, side eyeing her as they made their way up the stairs to Luke's apartment.
"You sure you're not nervous, babe?" She teased, squeezing his hand. They rolled their eyes and pulled her into the apartment.
The setting was welcoming enough - colorful bowls of snacks, a variety of liquor bottles lined up haphazardly on a card table. And a variety of games, stacking on Luke's secondhand dining room table.
"Ready to go down, Li?" Emma came bounding into the room, nearly colliding into him before throwing her arms around their body. "Also, hi."
"Hi to you too, Blondie." They mumbled, hugging her back awkwardly.
More hugs were had and taunts were shared as everyone made their way into the main room, sipping drinks and debating which game to play.
"If we try playing Pandemic again, I will riot." Andre said defiantly. "I'm so fucking tired of losing that game."
"Let's play monopoly." Jordan said dryly, earning confused looks from everyone but Cate and Marie. "I'm fucking with you guys, obviously. No one likes monopoly."
"What about Catan?" Cate suggests innocently, but her eyes shine playfully.
"You're just saying that because you always win." Andre complained, but he was already pulling the box out.
"I can't help being the best. It's a good game!" She retorted playfully, tossing her hair back.
"Is that the one with the castles?" Emma whispered loudly to Sam.
"No, that's Carcassonne. This is the one with the sheep and the little guy who steals stuff." Jordan and Luke both stifled a laugh as Emma nodded in understanding.
"Right! Ok I don't remember how to play this one." As Sam explained the rules to Emma, Jordan turned to Marie.
"Have you played this before?" He whispered softly in her ear, resting their hand on her thigh. She nodded, a soft smile playing on her full lips.
"Yeah, I played it a few times at Red River. They said it would help encourage 'nonviolent competition'." She chuckled slightly, resting her hand over theirs.
"Ok so... Luke, you go first." Sam concluded, after explaining the game to Emma (very patiently) for the third time. Luke rolled the dice, and the game began.
Now, the thing that Jordan loved and hated about Catan was that you can't always tell who is winning. It makes for a more interesting game, yes, but it also means that it is very easy to get overly confident. Especially when they could see the confusion on Emma's face throughout the game, as she slowly became drunker and more interested in making towers with her pieces than actually playing.
Marie's hand inched slightly up their thigh as they were rolling the dice, a clear attempt at distracting them. They shifted, unwilling to let her know it was working. The smirk on her lips revealed that she already knew. Damned blood powers. They shook their head slightly, trying to stay on task.
"Dude, I'm like, about to win," Andre said, slurring slightly as he continued to refuse to give Jordan a sheep.
"If you're 'like about to win' then it doesn't matter and you should give me the sheep!" She retorted, pushing their slightly longer hair from their eyes as she tried to figure out how to build their next city.
"It doesn't matter if he's about to win, because I win." Marie said calmly, placing a road piece at a key intersection and extracting the longest road card from in front of Cate.
They turned to her in shock, double checking her math.
"I'm offended that you don't trust me." She teased, watching their jaw work as they realize how easily she snuck up on them. "I told you I've played this game before." Cate was equally dumbfounded, trying to ascertain how she missed Marie's slow and steady climb to victory.
"Did Marie actually beat Cate at Catan? I was beginning to believe her reign would never end." Sam said, chuckling.
"I always knew you could do it." Emma slurred, smiling at her friend.
"You were barely paying attention. I watched you rebuild that tiny log cabin at least three times." Jordan retorted, her ego slightly bruised after losing to their girlfriend.
"Yeah, well, I didn't have to pay attention to know that she'd kick ass."
"Sure." Jordan said, rolling their eyes playfully before turning back to her girlfriend.
"One of these days you'll learn not to underestimate me, baby." Marie murmured in their ear, watching with satisfaction as they squirmed in their seat. "You can make it up to me later."
And that's when Marie finally wins the actual game she's been playing all night long: a blush creeps up Jordan's neck and onto their cheeks. Their night is just getting started.
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maripr · 3 months
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Snufkin: Melody of Moominvalley spoilers without context
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alexhwriting · 7 months
A peek at my Master's Thesis
So as I prepare my master's thesis, I needed to write up a quick summary of what was actually going to be written during that process. The following is the rough draft and bibliography I'm starting with, though more research and details are almost a guarantee for later. This is also only about 500-ish words for the summary, so by no means the most thorough.
Environmental Storytelling, Ludonarrative Harmony, and Immersion: A Summary
            For my master’s thesis, I plan on exploring environmental storytelling in videogame narratives and the role that the background plays in immersion as well as ludonarrative harmony. During the Fall 2023 semester, I worked through some of the research for this paper as a directed study with Dr. Kee, which informs some of my bibliography along with some of the work I had done in previous classes with both Dr. Kee and Dr. Fox. I hope to argue, by the end of the paper, that the innocuous and mundane details that we see in the background of video games while playing are actually at the core of the immersive experience. To prove this, I will be referring to past work by many digital media scholars who have been working on game environments for the past 30 years, as well as games that both utilize and fail to utilize their environments for proper immersion.
            I will begin my essay talking about the core concepts that I want to show throughout the paper, those being Ludonarrative Harmony (as derived from Clint Hocking’s Ludonarrative Dissonance), theories of immersion and presence within the game world as discussed by J. P. Wolf and Marie-Laure Ryan, among others, and discussions of spatial practice and engagement within a video game’s world. Because of the layered meanings of the terminology, I will be using throughout the paper, I will be laying out some of my own definitions as well to make my essay more clear in its purpose. Specifically, I want to be precise with the term “virtual world,” which I will be using to refer to the environments of the games that will be discussed throughout the paper. An extension of this is “virtual world lore,” which will refer to those details given to the world through mediated sources, such as character dialogue, tooltips, and item descriptions.
            For the games I wish to consider throughout this paper, I have selected several from the catalog of FromSoftware, since these titles are famous for their ambiguity and lack of clear narrative as opposed to more traditional role-playing games (RPGs), such as the Fable series. For the FromSoftware examples I have picked Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (2019), Elden Ring (2022), and Bloodborne (2015), as each of these takes a different approach to their worlds and the way their narrative unravels. Bloodborne specifically shows off a high level of ludonarrative harmony in level design and player traversal, reinforcing its main message, through loss of character health, that progression is always painful. Sekiro takes a much more traditional narrative approach, with considerably more dialogue and cutscenes compared to the rest of the FromSoftware titles. Finally, Elden Ring, as an open world game, gives the player a lot more freedom and proves an interesting lens to approach the notion of game world, since it emulates a very large environment, The Lands Between.
            In addition to these traditional action RPG experiences, I have also selected some independent games that work well in this discussion. Unpacking (2021), Inside (2016), and Alien: Isolation (2014), all exemplify similar ideas to the FromSoftware titles, though in different forms, especially puzzles. Unpacking and Inside are both of note here for their lack of dialogue entirely, leaving the environment as the primary mode of storytelling for drastically different stories between the two. On the other hand, Alien: Isolation is more of note as an exploration of a place with few additional characters and survival elements recontextualizing the space around the player in times of intensity.
            Finally, I will be looking at some games that do not use the full potential of their environments and the detriment to the storytelling that is the result of such an experience. For this, I will be looking at Goodbye Volcano High (2023), and Cyberpunk 2077 (2020), both games that experienced several delays. Both offer empty virtual worlds, where there frequently feels like there should be more for the player to engage with given their Visual Novel and RPG genres.
Prospective Bibliography
Aarseth, Espen. “A Hollow World: World of Warcraft as Spatial Practice,” in Corneliussen, Hilde    G. and Jull Walker Rettberg, eds. Digital Culture, Play and Identity: A World of Warcraft Reader (MIT Press, 2008): 111-122.
Alexander, Lily. “Fictional World-Building as Ritual, Drama, and Medium” in Wolf, Mark J.P.,        ed. Revising imaginary worlds: A subcreation studies anthology (Taylor & Francis,      2016): 14-45.
Álvarez, R., & Duarte, F. “Spatial Design and Placemaking: Learning from Video Games.”          Space and Culture 21.3 (2018): 208–232
Caracciolo, Marco. “Radical Environmental Storytelling in Video Games,” in Slow Narrative        and Nonhuman Materialities (University of Nebraska Press, 2022): 161-188.
CD Projekt Red. Cyberpunk 2077. CD Projekt. Xbox/PC/PlayStation. (2020).
Christopher, David, and Aidan Leuszler. “Horror Video Games and the ‘Active-Passive’           Debate.” Games and Culture, 2022.
Creative Assembly. Alien Isolation. SEGA. Xbox/PC/PlayStation. (2014)
FromSoftware. Bloodborne. Bandai Namco. Xbox One/PC/PlayStation (2015).
FromSoftware. Elden Ring. Bandai Namco. Xbox One/PC/PlayStation (2022).
FromSoftware. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Activision. Xbox One/PC/PlayStation (2019).
Grodel, Torben. “Video Games and the Pleasures of Control.” Media Entertainment, 2000, 209–      26.
Hocking, Clint. “Ludonarrative Dissonance in Bioshock.” Click Nothing: Design from a Long Time Ago, (2007). https://clicknothing.typepad.com/click_nothing/2007/10/ludonarrative-d.html.
Jenkins, Henry. “Game Design as Narrative Architecture” in First Person: New Media as Story,          Performance, and Game. Ed. Pat Harrington and Noah Frup (MIT Press, 2004): 118– 30.
Kocurek, Carly A. “Who Hearkens to the Monster’s Scream? Death, Violence, and the Veil of the Monstrous in Video Games.” Visual Studies 30, no. 1 (2015): 79–89.
KO_OP. Goodbye Volcano High. KO_OP. Windows/PlayStation. (2023).
Krzywinska, T. “Blood scythes, festivals, quests, and backstories: World creation and rhetorics          of myth in World of Warcraft.” Games and Culture 1.4 (2006): 383-396.
Mark J.P. Wolf, “Beyond Immersion: Absorption, Saturation, and Overflow in the Building of      Imaginary Worlds,” in Marta Boni, ed. World Building, Transmedia, Fans, Industries          (Amsterdam UP, 2017). 204-214.
NetherRealm Studios. Mortal Kombat 1. Warner Bros. Games. Xbox/PC/PlayStation. (2023).
Perron, Bernard, Clive Barker, and Ewen Kirkland. “Storytelling in Survival Horror Video Games.” Essay. In Horror Video Games: Essays on the Fusion of Fear and Play.
Ryan, Marie-Laure, and Thon, Jan-Noël, eds. Storyworlds across Media: Toward a Media-Conscious Narratology. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2014.
Soriani, A, & Caselli, S. “Visual Narratives in Videogames: How Videogames Tell Stories             Through Graphical Elements.” img journal, 3, (2020) 474-499.
Thon, Jan-Noël, “Transmedial Narratology Revisited: On the Intersubjective Construction of           Storyworlds and the Problem of Representational Correspondence in Films, Comics, and          Video Games” Narrative 25 (2017): 286-320.
Playdead. Inside. Playdead. Xbox/PC/PlayStation. (2016).
Witch Beam. Unpacking. Humble Bundle. Xbox/PC/PlayStation. (2021). Creative Assembly. Alien Isolation. SEGA. Xbox/PC/PlayStation. (2014)
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aubreymustdie · 1 month
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my post-good ending sunny hc :3
-the year is 2007 ; emo/alternative fashion is trending, so he got into it too. (his new city is full of emo kids.) its dark themes make him feel understood, but also cool
-he dyed part of his hair purple because of mari's favorite color but also to match with aubrey
-that quiet kid in class who always doodles. the girls find him cool and mysterious but also cute. said girls often offer to paint his nails black or ask him to draw something. he always accepts
-he's in therapy now. still struggles a lot to open up, but he's getting better
-way too many people have a crush on him and he doesn't even know
-sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night and sees all his allucinations again. when that happens, his mom is there to calm him down
-visits faraway at least once a month. his friends are shocked by how much he's changed, but they all agree he looks way better, and are happy he's healthy again
-even if he doesn't like it, he forces himself to sit in the sun for a while and go into open nature. sometimes he sits in parks and draws whatever he sees: trees, flowers, insects. since he's often in the sun, he has freckles now
-texts kel to send him random pics of his city, cute things he sees, or his drawings
-he doesn't want to play an instrument, too many bad memories. but he takes drawing lessons
-looks mysterious and cold from the outside but is actually a cinnamon roll
-has a new cat now, a white one. he found it on the streets and felt bad for it so he brought it home. his mom couldn't say no
-often walks around city feeding stray cats
-his mom tried to get him into sports, but they're just not his thing. however whenever he goes to faraway kel takes him on jogs
-sometimes hangs out with his school friends. they take him to the mall to buy clothes and stuff, or go to someone's house to play video games. sunny always beats everyone
-some friends are trying to get him into rock music. he likes the calmer songs, but not too heavy. he mostly listens to videogame music, or classical music whenever he thinks of mari
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jikanet-tanaka · 3 months
Embarrassing Personal Ask Game
"We are going to talk about obsessions CRUSHES! Name 3 (celebrity crush, fictional/ cartoon/ videogame crush, and your current crush (may be real or not). And please give a brief (or lengthy) explanation or backstory."
Tagged by @andordean. HaHA, let's see how this goes, huh?
Celebrity crush:
Good ol' Oscar Isaac, who has charisma for days, along with that thick lovely hair (I... have a thing for pretty hair). The man always gives it his all, and damn, but the Star Wars sequels wasted him and John Boyega (and Kelly Marie Tran and Daisy Ridley and - ) I still don't understand why he hasn't played a live-action Gomez Addams yet. Get to it people!
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Videogame crush:
Oh god, this is where it gets embarassing. I'd probably say Garrus Vakarian from Mass Effect, mainly because of how long it's lasted. One of my friends wanted to buy me a Garrus dakimakura for my birthday for Chrissake. I think it's the voice, the snarky one-liners and the not-so-well hidden dorkiness that does it for me.
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Current crush:
I'm watching The Haunting of Hill House and The Haunting of Bly Manor right now and I'd say... the whole damn cast for both shows, really?? It's full of super pretty people, but right now Rahul Kohli as Owen Sharma takes the cake (geddit?) His terrible puns and wonderful hair did it for me.
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Karlach from Baldur's Gate comes as a close second. You know you would always have a great time with her, you do. I love how fun she is, and how deep her character is after you get to know her better. And that design, man. I don't know anyone who played that game who didn't get a crush on her the instant she joins the party.
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I tag... @baepsae-7, @jove999, @darcyme, @glueblade, @ramblesanddragons, but no pressure if you don't wanna do it, I don't want to embarass anyone! (In my case, I've lost the ability to feel shame a long time ago, so...)
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babylittlebug · 10 months
About me
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Name: You can call me Marie!
Pronouns: She/her
Big age: I'm in my 20s
Small age: 0-4 (usually baby!) 🍼
I'm ADHDer and I use regression to help me calm my mind and also to cope with anxiety and stress.
I use this blog mainly to help me regress, so you'll probably see me here while small a lot, please talk to me as such just in case!
My regression is usually voluntary and it's hard for me to fully regress, so I end up age dreaming most of the time.
I regress involuntarily sometimes too, specially when I'm sleepy or upset.
No one irl knows about my regression, that's why I barely have any agere items.
I don't have a cg, but I like to imagine some of my comfort fictional characters as my caregivers, I mention them later in this post!
I'm very shy but you can talk to me whenever you want!! 🥰
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Fave colour: Purple!
Fave animal: Elephant 🐘
Fave snack: Ice-cream and chocolate 😋
Fave cartoons: The Dragon Prince, Steven Universe, She-Ra and Bluey when I'm feeling small.
Big me hobbies: Playing videogames, watching series and movies, reading and writing.
Little me hobbies: Napping, cuddling with suffies while watching cartoons, babbling, napping, coloring... napping again...
Main fictional caregivers: Steven Grant (Moon Knight), Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) and Nick Valentine (Fallout 4).
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DO NOT INTERACT: NSFW blogs, pedos/MAPS, racists, misogynists, anti-lgbt, n@zis, abusers and r@pists. You'll be blocked on sight.
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