shiveringsoldier · 17 days
your top five homoerotic movies
I’m going to do a mix of canonically gay movies and movies with varying levels of gay subtext
Moonlight (2016, Barry Jenkins)
Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019, Céline Sciamma)
Lawrence of Arabia (1962, David Lean) - it’s about as textually gay as it could be at the time, plus Lean said the intent was for Lawrence to be “very if not entirely homosexual”
The Handmaiden (2016, Park Chan-wook) - nothing better than lesbians getting back at the men who wronged them!
Becket (1964, Peter Glenville) - Peter O’Toole said the censorship board made them insert the line about Henry II having an unhealthy and unnatural obsession with Becket, and I’m presuming that’s because they thought it was too gay
Honorable mention: Disobedience (2017, Sebastián Lelio), a movie about a lesbian romance. I’ve only seen this once, and there are things about it I don’t like (there’s a plot point that seems like a fakeout death that rubs me the wrong way), but on the whole it’s underrated, and Rachel Weisz and Rachel McAdams have terrific chemistry
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cuddleswinchester · 10 months
charleshawk: things you said when you were drunk
Thank you I love this one!! And thank you for waiting for it 💜 I thought Charles doesn’t talk enough when he’s drunk so I gave the honor to Hawkeye this time around.
Hawkeye swirls his glass loudly enough for Charles to hear across the tent; it is a nauseating sound. Up until now, Charles has been using the evening to record a message home. There is actually enough color to the sunset to stir his senses, and he sits with his back facing the Swamp door, his eyes looking out at the pink and grey clouds.
Hawkeye came stumbling in from Rosie’s - after stumbling there from surgery - a few minutes ago, and has already set his sights on the still.
“Care for a gin lavage, Chuckles?”
“First of all, that hardly qualifies as gin. Second of all… no.” Charles smirks to himself. “I prefer to keep my wits about me when I may be called to surgery at a moment’s notice. I suppose that can only be done when one has wits in their possession.”
“Are you trying to insult me?” Hawkeye garbles. “Say it again, slower.”
“What I am trying to do, is record a letter for my dear sister, Honoria.”
Hawkeye laughs, Charles isn’t sure at what. Eventually he quiets down, but then the laughter comes back, louder and louder.
“Do you mind?” Charles asks, holding up the microphone over his shoulder for Hawkeye to see.
“You want me to do it again for the camera?”
Charles sighs but does not turn to look at him. The sky is going purple, now, and he can see a few stars peeking in through the cloud cover.
“Never mind,” Charles says. He clears his throat and then resumes his letter. “Conditions here remain unchanged. The Operating Room is noisy and vulgar, and that is nothing compared to my living quarters - a term I use to describe the one-quarter share of a miserably hot tent I’ve been allotted to live in. It’s dreadful.”
“I didn’t know you were hot, Charles. You hide it well. You can lose the shirt; then I’ll be able to tell for sure.”
Hawkeye laughs uproariously and Charles slams the microphone down again, whispering an apology into it for Honoria, about the appalling racket.
“Pierce,” Charles seethes. “Believe me, no one in the known world wants to hear your puerile attempts at flirtation — least of all my sister.”
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beansterpie · 5 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Thanks for tagging me @marley-manson! <3
I would tag people but it's late and my brain is tired so literally, PLEASE just adopt this tag meme if you see it and read the whole thing. You have my full permission to say I tagged you, even if we've never spoken lol. Go for it, be audacious.
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
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2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Well the posted fic is a Berserk fic, but I have various other wips that I pick away at when I'm bored. Among them include Eyeshield 21, MDZS, RotE, Harry Potter (technically?). Those are the most recent ones anyway.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Chain of Dissent, she's my favorite fic <3 (she's my only fic)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yeah I try to! Though I'll admit uhhhh I haven't updated it in... fucking? two years? god, and so I've been bad about responding to the more recent comments because I feel guilty for not updating in so long :') Really gotta get back to it.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
None, because I haven't finished a fic yet lol
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
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8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far! I've gotten a couple of comments that come across as unintentionally mildly rude, but definitely nothing that constitutes as hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Well not so far in CoD, but, ahem, I have written smut in one of my wips lol. Deeply self indulgent but I guess character driven? It's mildly nasty and desperate <3
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't actually written a crossover (yet. well, recently) but they are a bit of a passion of mine lmao. I love ridiculous crossovers, and I'm talking about "a magical portal opens up and throws characters from fandom A into the world (& characters) of fandom B" type shit. I don't need the ways in which the characters interact to make sense, I just want them to be thrown together and see where it goes from there. Fish out of water shenanigans! Characters questioning their own motivations and idea of life by seeing a world entirely different from theirs!! Just like, fun shit! I also absolutely don't need for the two fandoms to be similar lol. I have a somewhat detailed Berserk/Eyeshield 21 crossover living rent free in my head so clearly anything goes.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Lol no.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I'll probably have to say GriffGuts, because it's a ship that's gripped me by the neck for the past 7 years or something, where my interest in it hasn't really waned.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Uhhhh, idk? I mean I am DETERMINED to finish CoD, so that's out. And the wips I write in my spare time are just like, things I do for fun where I don't put any pressure on myself over it. I'm not planning on posting them anywhere, and I'm not generally planning on 'finishing' them either. I mean if I do finish one, I might post it, but again, they're low key things that I'm not taking too seriously.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hm. I honestly don't consider myself a very strong writer, at least in terms of things like prose and sentence structure, grammar, that sort of thing. I think I'm pretty decent at figuring out the direction that I want the story to go, and all the individual steps that need to happen to get to that point in a way that feels organic (at least, imo.) And I like to think I'm pretty good at characterization-- having the characters behaving and reacting in ways that feel like could concievably happen in canon is generally what I'm going for.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Yeah prose, lol. I mean, I don't actually dislike my more.... utilitarian writing style, mainly because I generally prefer reading more direct writing (unless the lyrical writing is really really good), but I do think I could inject some more illustrative details and metaphors into my writing overall. @marley-manson is SO good at coming up with perfect metaphors to describe a situation or feeling, all while perfectly recreating the character's voice, and I really admire that about her writing!
I also want to get better with having characters like, doing things while they're talking. I find a lot of the conversations I write happen between characters just kind of standing around, which obviously is fine but I'd like to construct scenes with a bit more specificity in the future.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Wait so like, say in a fic that is otherwise written in English, having a line of dialogue written in Spanish when a character is speaking it? I... don't have strong feelings about it one way or the other I guess lol. I mean ideally the line(s) written in the other language are correct lol, and not just badly google translated or something.
Though you know, now that I think about it, I feel like it would work best between languages that use the same alphabet (which does end up narrowing the possible languages down quite a lot) because that way the reader can still sound out the dialogue even if the don't understand the language, which could emulate what the pov character is experiencing. Whereas if it was a fic written in English, and then had a line written in, say, Japanese, the reader wouldn't even be able to sound it out so it's kind of a brick wall. (Unless there's footnotes, but that tends to be a little more clunky in fic than in a published book with pages).
If the readers are supposed to understand the dialogue written in another language, like two characters suddenly start speaking in said other language and we're meant to keep up with the conversation, then I feel like it's just easier to translate their words in whatever language the fic is written in otherwise.
But yeah idk, I think with intent and good execution, anything can work, but it could also be done in a way that's more annoying than anything.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I think. It was neopets LMFAO. I remember writing a fic when I was like 10 about Hannah (the adventurer) and Jacques (from the maraqua plot comic) as a romantic couple because I was annoyed at the time that there were multiple fics about Hannah and Garin (or whatever his name was, also from the maraqua plot) getting together even though I thought Garin was BORING and they were just shipped together because they were both usuls (which are overrated imho), even though Jacque was obviously better.
... I may have had a crush on Jacques.
But the first fic that I think I posted anywhere was for Xiaolin Showdown lmfao, probably also when I was 10 or 11 or something. I wrote like four separate fics for that show.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Yeah it's CoD lol. It's the longest thing I've written so far, and I'm overall still very proud of it. I'd probably go back and change some things in the first chapter because it reads a little clunky and like, abrupt to me now, but I'm not doing that until I finish the fic. Allowing myself to go back and edit stuff before I've even finished the story seems like a road to ruin lol.
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caddyxjellyby · 7 months
Unpopular Mash opinion
I don't buy Hawkeye being insecure about his appearance. I mean, look at Alan Alda. He's six feet tall, he has gorgeous blue eyes, the only thing about him that is unconventionally handsome is his nose which just gives his face character. Sure, he makes some self-deprecating jokes, but jokes are meant to be funny, and I don't think Hawkeye ever comments on his nose (nor does anyone else).
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nimuetheseawitch · 2 months
👍for hoping that you're happy now, and 😡 for the Frank/Flagg fic because I want to hear a bit about it even if it is abandoned
I wrote 355 words and moved a bunch of stuff around and have most of and ending! All the plot exists! Now I just have to flesh some things out and edit it enough that it makes sense after moving so many things around. I'm also pleased at the amount of emotional damage BJ is causing himself (and Hawkeye, and eventually Peg) by being terrible at communicating, so this is turning out great. Thank you so much for continuing to ask about this story. I do love it, it's just been difficult.
As for Frank/Flagg... I may have mentioned that this one is on indefinite hiatus because I just cannot get myself into Flagg's mindset, but I want it so bad. Hopefully, this is something I can spur along with another rewatch at some point, but my partner and I have been watching possibly the least amount of TV we have ever watched in over a decade together, so it's been slow going on the queue of shows that come before a MASH rewatch.
Anyway, I'm just in love with the idea of them falling for each other. Frank so obviously worships him a little bit - he's the precise ideal of what he expected from the Army: a jingoist action man. The lengths both of them will go to "do their duty" and be patriotic are the fantasy of a just war that doesn't exist. And for both of them to find comfort and support in each other, doing something that if they let them think about it at all would be completely against everything they both think they're fighting for, that would be excellent.
Honestly, it started out incredibly cracky, and now I almost want it to be crack treated seriously.
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pomegranate · 5 months
April 25 for the phone pics meme!
hi Marley!!! augh sorry I take too many photos of Penny, but the only other photo I took that day was of some pigeons hanging out on my (unfinished) balcony, so I’ll include that as well:
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morewyckedthanyou · 2 months
7, 15, 20 for the fandom ask meme
Thanks for the ask! 😊
Putting these under a readmore because it got long.
7. your favorite tropes to read/write/draw
Depends on whether I'm reading or writing myself, though there is some overlap. In both I often (or almost always) go for hurt/comfort and mutual pining as well as either friends to lovers or enemies to lovers. Also canon divergence/fix-it fics when I'm disappointed in canon, which is often. I have also written one fic that involves bed sharing and it is a real good if also very cliché trope that I do wanna write more, actually.
When just reading, I also go for stuff such as amnesia fics, soulmates, arranged marriage, fake dating and when feeling like I wanna read some less wholesome stuff, maybe even sex pollen or fuck or die-fics. Star Trek-fandom got me into those years ago, not gonna lie. 😆
15. the character that always makes you smile
In my most recent fandom which is Pillars of Eternity, I'll say Kana Rua because he's just such a wholesome companion and nothing about him makes me sad at all. I love many other characters in those games too... but most have tragic backstories that I really can't think too much or my smile will turn into a frown.
Thinking about other fandoms though, I'm gonna say Klinger, Trapper and Henry from Mash - also Mulcahy in most episodes at least.
Definitely Richie from the 1990 IT-miniseries.
Unfortunately now that I come to think of it, many of my favourite characters in many of my favourite fandoms, no matter how much I love them and all that, still can't make me genuinely smile in happiness because of how disastrous they are as human beings, because of their horrible traumatic pasts or a combination of several factors. So while I enjoy them and love them, they are not exactly "feelgood" characters. 😅
20. your very first fandom!
Depends on how I'm looking at it.
If we're talking about the first piece of media that I wrote fanfiction about, then it's The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice. Yes, really. 😅 But I only wrote for myself and never published it anywhere and I didn't even know fanfiction is a thing other people write or what fandoms really are. I was 14.
If we are talking about reading fanfiction, then maybe Harry Potter because I am pretty certain that that's the first fandom that I ever actively searched and read fanfics about.
However, the first fics that I ever wrote and actually published as well were about the j-rock band Dir en grey. So in that sense that is the first fandom that I truly very actively participated in.
✨ love your fandom asks ✨ 
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mashbrainrot · 1 year
#i always find the way his behaviour in this episode is framed super interesting#vs any of the other times he rages against the machine
If you feel like elaborating I wanna hear your thoughts on this!
(This is about the episode 'Peace on Us' in case anyone is interested.)
Man, I've been waiting til I had time to properly answer this, but it just isn't coming. So here, I'm afraid you're gonna get a hastily typed out half-thought on mobile instead. Sorry.
Generally, I've been giving a lot of thought to the way Hawkeye's more active protests against the war are framed in the show - not just within the MASH universe but the way they are presented to the audience, and the way those two intersect and diverge.
But Peace On Us as an episode stands out because to me it is one of his Bigger actions - the like of which is usually argued as being foolhardy at the very least from the point of view of his own health and safety - and yet he gets a very clear hero's welcome. It's wholly positive - the characters universally celebrate it, and I think we as an audience are also meant to celebrate it.
And ofc the obvious explanation for this is that it's a comedy etc, but the general unevenness of how they present Hawkeye's actions across different episodes (some even within the same series) is really interesting to me.
They wanted to portray him as an anarchist maverick a lot of the time without offering praise... a tricky line to toe, to tell us that yes, his feelings are justified, but what he did about it went too far. Often, I think they defaulted to making us as an audience roll our eyes at his 'crazy antics'. Occasionally, I think they (unsuccessfully) tried to remain neutral on whether Hawkeye's actions were 'right' or 'wrong'. But I can't think of another episode that so wholeheartedly backed Hawkeye's more extreme actions as wholly admirable. It's one of the reasons I love it so much.
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If you already got this from someone and you just haven't answered yet pls ignore, but if no one else asked i want to add klinger+charles for the relationship bingo ask meme
ok I’m getting to this late as FUCK but PLEASE nobody ever hesitate to send me something for an ask game if I get one ask on a topic I will go YIPPEE and if I get 20 asks on the same topic I will go YIIIIIPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Anyhow you're indeed the only one around here who shows outside interest in our rarepair insanity, a boon I will remember as long as I live btw. Mx. Smoking Marlene Dietrich I owe you the WORLD
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TRIPLE BINGO because they are EVERYTHING. to me.
It’s funny. This is the one duo where I almost do just want to post the bingo and leave it at that. Part of me wants to tell people about this ship SO bad, to give novel-length explanations and justifications and theses. But the other part of me is like you know what. You either Get It or you don’t.
Anyways there are 10000 things to say about Them but one is: I specifically did not fill in “gay af to have a sworn rival” even though it cost me another bingo because one of the most fascinating things about the interactions between these two is that they actually do not have a mutually adversarial relationship--even though that’s what writers usually do with two characters on diametrically opposite ends of the socioeconomic spectrum. 
I’ve been thinking about this a bit because I’ve seen people say things like, “It’s great what a funny duo they turned into when they started out hating each other, haha.” And I get why one would think like this but IMO it’s actually not the case! Charles acts more familiar with Max over time because he does that with everyone--
(Though he’s racist towards Max throughout, of course. Because Charles’ racism never goes away. You know that right. MASH fandom I am putting my hands on your shoulders and asking: You know that, right? I keep seeing people talk about Charles having a character arc and a redemption arc so I’m just. I’m just making sure.)
--but Max has actually been pretty nice to him right from the start, back when Charles’ relationship with basically every character was antagonistic. As soon as s6e13 he tells Charles how similar they are, how they should work together to try and get away from the war, how they’re “soulmates”. Even after Charles insults him, he straight up says, “I’m on your side, Major”, which I’m pretty sure remains one of the nicest things someone canonically says to Charles, ever. Just one scene, but emblematic of a greater whole, of quite a few future scenes where Max gamely engages with Charles even when it puts him in unpleasant situations.
And of course, the motivation the show usually gives, on those occasions when it thinks about Maxwell’s motivations at all, is a simple throwaway “Well Charles is paying him / giving him some other material benefit, so obviously Klinger will be his kicked dog! You all know how Middle Eastern people are! We are a groundbreakingly progressive show btw.”
But man. Fuck that shit. This is far afield of my original point but the thing is, Max’s interactions with Charles are often the most egregious exempla of every way the later seasons fucked over my girl here. It almost seems useless to try to analyze any of Max’s actions after a certain point from a Watsonian perspective, when the Doylist reading of the show being too racist and stupid to do anything coherent with him is the ultimate explanation, and sometimes the only explanation you can even come up with, because shit just makes NO fucking sense in-universe. 
But unfortunately I’m a stupid cringe ass fanfic writer/reader, and I love this character, and Max already gets so little screentime compared to the main protagonists, and I don’t want to just ignore him because of the decisions of writers who didn’t care about him.
(That’s the entire reason I started shipping this stupid thing in the first place, btw. I just wanted to read some fanfic where Max is the main character and idk if you’ve noticed but if it weren’t for AO3 user stateofintegrity and their ~problematic cringe ship~, the pickings would be pretty fucking slim.)
So I like to pretend there’s a better reason for Maxwell going from “Major Burns I hate you so fucking much I am going to kill us both with this fucking grenade” to the equivalent of a tumblr blog responding to pathetic anon hate with “are we about to have sex”. After all, if you’re going to write Maxwell yourself, get inside his head and all, then you also have to account for why he tolerates all the OTHER characters’ racism towards him in later seasons, too. 
And the messy problematic reasoning I come up with is that Max is at heart the kindest and also most emotionally intelligent character on the show, and even the liberalized version of the 1950s our story is set in is a systemically bigoted universe that is all he’s ever known and experienced, and he’s certain these are good people, really, when it matters. And being emotionally intelligent, and generally intelligent too for that fucking matter, and observant and insightful, he can tell there’s a big difference between Frank and Charles, and perhaps less of a difference, even, between Charles and Hawkeye. Maybe when you watch things from Hawkeye’s POV, the ideological and moral differences between him and Charles are huge, but maybe if you were in Max’s POV instead there wouldn’t be quite as much of a distinction between them. I don’t know! I don’t know. Just some ideas, I don’t know. 
Of course getting into fucking. internalized racism and such is pretty uncomfy and exhausting shit. And that’s not even touching all the gender stuff my girl has going on. You start to see why nobody wants to get into this character’s head much. But I do :3 And I do honestly think sometimes the most effective way to do that is to look at the Messiest Ship In All Of MASH (TM). As I’ve talked about before from the Charles angle, I love this ship precisely because of its Problems, because they’re problems that exist anyways for both characters, and having the two of them interact makes the problems impossible to ignore, so they maybe finally get to be dealt with. I mean, I just don’t think the optimal resolution to Charles and Max’s racism-laden interactions is that Charles goes back home to a big opulent house and Max struggles to save up to buy a used car in After M*A*S*H. That is not super satisfying. to me. 
This post got derailed to hell but I think what I was trying to say is that Max treats Charles SO much better than that bastard man deserves and I would at least like to see something come of it, for the love of--
#HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE I lost so much sleep to write this and for what. truly for what.#to hopefully not get hashtag canceled for it on the off chance someone reads it I guess ghdsjgkhdsklkhk anyways#I meant to say I actually usually hate when Rich Character and Poor Character are portrayed in a Rivalry Of Equals type scenario cause like#nooooo actually that's not how life works. power differential means something. this is no a fair fight.#Starky loves answering questions#marley-manson#putting my organizational tags early this time cause apparently if you put them too late they don't show up on your own blog tag searches??#I couldn't find my unpopular opinion Charles manifesto ;;;_;;; thankfully I'd linked it before smh#did any of this make ANY sense like just out of curiosity. clap if it made sense.#mash#charmax#idk man I just can't separate the fact#that Charles being racist to Klinger is contemporaneous with#1) the other characters not really giving a shit about Charles' racism#and 2) the other characters also being racist to Klinger themselves#albeit less frequently depending on the season#I've said it before and I'll say it again#everything people hate about this ship should be things they hate about much more than JUST this ship#the concept of shipping these two together just makes you suddenly step back and take notice of all the latent garbage#and that's part of why I like it. because it makes you take notice.#the other part of why I like it is that Max deserves a sugar daddy who will buy him anything he wants forever#also this isn't the direction I ended up going with the post#but my favorite thing about the total imbalance in how they see each other#is that Max makes Charles soooo angry all the time#and Charles barely registers as an annoyance to Max most of the time#it's like when a cat has decided one of your appendages is an enemy to be attacked#and you're just sitting there like haha playtime with my silly kitty :3#K if you're reading this btw you know I don't think your stuff is cringe or problematic#that was for the Outsiders the Uninitiated the Ignorant#you understand how it is. I am giving you 1000000 kisses now also.
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shiveringsoldier · 7 days
Hawkeye 18, 19 and Henry II (I'm thinking from Becket bc I haven't seen Lion in Winter, but either works) 2, 24
Thank you!
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
His relationship with Henry is one of my favorites in the show and kind of overlooked. It’s sweet how Henry asks if there’s anything he can do to help after Tommy dies, and Henry is the first person to really get through to Hawkeye in “Sticky Wicket.” I like how Hawkeye and Trapper talk Henry into holding the fundraiser party in “Bulletin Board” (a party that helps lift Henry’s spirits), and I like how often Hawkeye and Henry just hang out.
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
I hate Hawkeye and Potter’s relationship about as much as I love Hawkeye and Henry’s. I feel like Potter tries to mold Hawkeye into something he’s not, and I HATE the “Potter shows Hawkeye the Army isn’t all bad to teach him a lesson” type episodes. Sometimes Potter is proactive in managing Hawkeye’s mental health, but other times he makes things much worse. He is so condescending to Hawkeye in “Back Pay,” and the way he reacts to Hawkeye leaving the O.R. to throw up in “Fallen Idol” makes me want to throttle him. Hawkeye tells him outright that he drank to punish himself, and his response is basically “I can’t believe you would be so irresponsible. Don’t do it again.” Does the whole “I did this to punish myself” thing not alarm you?
Henry II:
(I will say real quick that I think The Lion in Winter is the better movie of the two)
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
In Becket, I’d say “my little Saxon.” I love the tenderness in Peter O’Toole’s voice when he says it, and I have a weakness for a good term of endearment. In The Lion in Winter, my favorite thing is his relationship with Eleanor. The movie makes a strong case for apathy, not hatred, being the opposite of love. You can tell their seething hate for each other is borne from love, and there’s a sense of affection in some of their sparring.
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
As portrayed in Becket, he reminds me of Henry VIII as portrayed in A Man for All Seasons. I don’t recall anything gay about Henry VIII’s portrayal, but Henry II and Henry VIII are both portrayed as perpetual adolescents whose love can quickly become fury. Also, they both turn against (and ultimately order the death of) their royal advisors, both named Thomas (Becket and More), for choosing God over England.
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hamiltonsteele · 2 years
I forget who first said this, it's definitely not my original idea but it sparked some brain worms that haven't set me free yet.
I keep thinking about the idea of MASH as a legal aid AU. Hawkeye as a diehard public interest lawyer who never sleeps and always does way too much for his clients and pisses off fancy benefactor people but gets results. BJ is fresh out of law school and a fourth generation attorney but he's never seen the real world so some of the things that come across his desk shock him. Frank keeps siding with cops. Charles just came from big law and plans to go back but he's damn good and knows how to talk to donors. I could go on and on and on.
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beansterpie · 3 months
choose violence: 3, 7, 12, 21
Hehehe thanks for the ask Moth! <3
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
Don't have any screenshots, but the main one coming to me right now is the take I've seen before about how Casca's long hair during her time as 'Elaine' was a good thing because she was 'getting in touch with her feminine side', and her cutting off her hair after regaining her mind was bad actually. Rather than acknowledging that her hair had grown long because she literally wasn't capable of maintaining her own appearnace?? It's just. Such a baffling ass take lol, where to even begin.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Oh damn, lemme think. I have a few characters where I started to like them MORE because of how shitty fandom is towards them for no reason, but not many the other way around... Ok so this isn't a character but g*tsca lol. I never really shipped it, but I understand it's place in the story and there are even elements about it I find intriguing, and occassionally, sweet. But the fandom is so gd annoying about it lol that it's genuinely soured me on the ship.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I feel like Griffith is too obvious, and so is Jin Guangyao lol. Hmmm I guess I'll write about Agon because why not!
Ok so. Agon is different from the other two in the sense that both Griffith and Jin Guangyao are characters that are morally grey that I feel are often deeply misunderstood by a lot of audiences. Or audiences just like, miss the point of their characters lol. Agon, on the other hand, is a grade A asshole and he was intedended to be a grade A asshole lol. He is a total douchebag genius who was made to be an Ultimate Bad Guy™ (within the context of a sports manga lmfao).
That being said. I JUST THINK HE'S FUN OK. He's such an over the top douchebag that his shittiness comes back around to being entertaining, and then it's extra satisfying when he eats shit. Plus there's enough in canon regarding his relationship with Hiruma (and also to Unsui in different ways tbh) to imply that there's a lot more going on beneath the surface that he's too pigheaded to admit, and that's just plain fun to explore in a fandom context. ALSO he's just fun to bully! I love a character who is presented as extremely powerful in most ways where I can gleefully take them down several pegs lol. He's like a beloved chew toy <3
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
Hmmmm... For Berserk, I guess...? The rpg-group onwards? I mean idk, I feel like the GA gets the most hype in Berserk, but for good reason imo, it's easily my favorite bit too. I guess I could say the fights, but ngl I love a lot of the fights (though some of them drag on too long imo). But I've also seen a decent number of people saying that they love the rpg group, and I. Disagree. Lmfao. Well like, I don't hate the general premise, but I don't love the shift to more stereotypical high-fantasy vibes during the fantasia arc, and I find a lot of the characters in the rpg group are either totally extraneous at worst (Isma, Ivalera, Magnifico, Azan), or like, have a lot of wasted potential (Schierke, Isidro, even Farnese and Serpico to an extent).
[choose violence]
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caddyxjellyby · 3 months
Hawkeye and Trapper and/or Hawkeye and Margaret for the favourite moments thing
Hawkeye and Trapper:
Saying good-bye to each other with tears in their eyes in Check-Up. Riding a horse together in Life with Father. Them drinking and singing with Margaret in Alcoholics Unanimous.
Hawkeye and Margaret:
Commiserating over their love lives and playing Scrabble in Stars and Stripes. “Nurse, friend, and all-around good egg” in Carry On, Hawkeye. Him trusting her to judge Potter’s surgical ability in Change of Command. I love it when they respect her nursing skills.
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nimuetheseawitch · 2 months
K, P, Y
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Oh, gosh, this is so hard. Picking just one? When I love development arcs so much? Okay. Delle Seyah Kendry in Killjoys. She is always a villain, from the first time we meet her to the very end, but she has to become alien to become more human and is so, so gay. She is power hungry and conniving and brilliant and doing what she thinks is best for several planets (and herself) and is pulling the strings on so many things, and she learns. She learns how to love someone else while being a host to a parasitic alien hive mind that strips all empathy from its hosts. She goes from hating that she has to hire minions (the main characters) to valuing her allies. I love her.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
Carnival AU. I would love this for pretty much any and all of the fandoms I read or write. For MASH, this gives Hawkeye so many juggling opportunities. For Stargate, let's put John on a horse doing trick riding. For Top Gun, we've got a little something for everybody, but Natasha throws knives for sure.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
Xena (I will get there someday), The West Wing, Monarch: Legacy of Monsters, 9-1-1, Hannibal, various musicians rpf, Batman, and I'm sure plenty more. I also don't participate in the Star Trek fandom really, but I see a lot of stuff and I enjoy it (and I'm currently rewatching Voyager, very slowly).
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pomegranate · 11 months
7, 16, 18, 29 for beejhawk
Thank you Marley!!!!!! 7 & 16 answered here
18. What does date night look like for them?
Well, we know Hawkeye is a HUGE movie fan and it’s something they can do in public while sitting really close to each other (prob as close as they can without anyone noticing), so I feel like they go to the movies a lot. I could also see them going to poetry nights and gatherings at the City Lights bookstore, meeting other like-minded folks, etc.
29. What do they disagree about & how do they meet in the middle?
I can see them bickering about a lot of pointless little things but they argue like it’s a sport, it’s not usually serious for them. The big things they might disagree on would be similar to their moral opposition in Preventative Medicine, in that they have different ideas about how to do what’s right. I could see Hawkeye wanting to speak up when there are injustices happening around him, but BJ is more concerned about how the fallout from speaking out could impact the two of them + Erin. Hawkeye would be more likely to do something that would end up with him in jail, while BJ would do anything to keep that from happening. I could see them meeting in the middle by BJ relenting if Hawkeye could find a more subtle way to fight for justice and Hawkeye would potentially try and curb his actions if he knew that there could be real consequences for the people he loves.
Idk if I explained that very well but yeah!!!
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morewyckedthanyou · 11 months
Happy Birthday! 🎉🎉🎉 Hope you're having a nice day!
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That's real sweet of you! ☺️💖
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