#thank you!!! 💓
bumblequinn · 9 months
Hi, you're the first person i though of to potentially signal boost this. FM8 is on sale for $10 USD (93% off!!??) on pluginboutique for the rest of the day (9/3) and I just found out it makes you eligible for Komplete 14's crossgrade price. With the sale on Native Instruments's home site, I just got Kontakt 7, Nectar 3, Melodyne 5, and a bunch of other stuff for barely over the price of Kontakt 7 standalone.
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yj-98 · 10 months
Hi casefics or amnesia for the ask game?
hi olly🫶!!!! lemme do both :]
casefic is A - Love it. !!! i Adore when people can write a convincing and engaging mystery to solve. when youre given just enough information as a reader to make guesses but its not spoonfed or frustratingly vague. i also love when our amount of knowledge is equal to the main character(s) of the casefic. like. they need to be an appropriate amount of competent but they cant like. godmode through the mystery. they have to struggle too.
a good casefic will leave me wondering how the writer DID that like ill be in as much awe of them as i am enjoying the fict itself. literally wish i can write one one day
now for amnesia. ehhhh B - Like it. ill be honest that sometimes amnesia means i wont click on it. theres something abt Forgetting that twists my gut in an unhappy way. its the kind of angst that upsets me and i need a Good amount of comfort for it to be enjoyable
fic trope ranking 💌!
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cadaverkeys · 4 months
Original audio by @b1tchy_lesbian on tiktok!
Sweary Twilight animation! OR: first episode of FIM summary.
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ryllen · 3 months
YOUR YUMIMI IS VERY BEAUTIFUL..😭😭😭 I LIKED HER DRESS SO MUCH!!💕💕💕 Sebek also took her hand so sweetly! They're so charming🥰
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I liked it so much that I decided to draw it!! Have a nice day/night😊💞💞💞
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bisexualwolverines · 2 months
i was reading a book about space to my baby sister and it mentioned how yellow stars are hotter than red stars and it had me thinking about the impact that has on kryptonians
earth in general is so much warmer than krypton, yes the yellow sun gives them powers and makes them almost invulnerable but it's so hot and they're so sweaty all the time
maybe someone like clark who has lived his whole life here has acclimated to the weather, but as much as he can do that the heat still doesn't feel natural to him which is why his fortress is in the coldest climate you can get on this planet, where he feels most physically comfortable
for someone like kara though, who grew up on krypton, the earth's heat would be absolutely unbearable, and would it increasingly more difficult for her to adapt to earth life, an unfamiliar culture, new unfamiliar powers she has to control and the heat just makes matters entirely worse. heat is uncomfortable, it's a stressor, it can lead to irritability and anger and aggression. all of that to deal with on top of the death of her family and her home
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cordiallyfuturedwight · 6 months
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cr. moreloveforhobi
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artist-rat · 1 year
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commission for @em-cosplay42​ based on a photo of her hawke cosplay! 💛
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mrsfitzgerald · 25 days
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Prague, rehearsal ✨ video: naraism ♥︎
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buckxtommy · 2 months
Bucktommy for 12.making out against the rescue helicopter (lets be honest that exactly where those “flying lessons” will lead)
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exactly how those flying lessons actually went 😌 [wip]
added my twist to the prompt, which is tommy smiling into the kiss– sth i can totally see him doing <3
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jeonsupershy · 1 month
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hoshi being a menace (돈't lie version) for @etherealyoungk
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pomegranate · 5 months
April 25 for the phone pics meme!
hi Marley!!! augh sorry I take too many photos of Penny, but the only other photo I took that day was of some pigeons hanging out on my (unfinished) balcony, so I’ll include that as well:
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squidpedia · 2 months
Hi hi! So I've been making a lot of sprites for @howlonomy (sorry if I did actually tag you) and decided to do one for you as well because why not! So I decided to go for Lilac
Just to preface, this is the reference image I used, so if some colors seem off then that's kinda why
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Anyways, now for the sprite
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I used Clover as a base since I had easy access to them
Anyways, let's see if I end up doing what I did before and give them full movement range (all directions and running)
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raamitsu · 7 months
my fav part in ep 16 😚
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beartitled · 4 months
I love how much personality you can give each stp voice design while still making it clear that Hey! This Is Still The Same Creature!
It brings me so much joy
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You like em? 🫵
Have a handful 🤲
[notice: please don’t put them in the washing machine, don’t chomp on any of them, don’t squeeze them too hard, be gentle with them and the Stubborn MIGHT consider not biting you]
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screampied · 30 days
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good morning guise n i just wanna say THANKYOUUUUUUUYY ??!2&/@;”)”😞😞😞💓💓💓 thank you to anyoneeeee who’s read my work up until this point i’m extremely grateful and can’t wait to write more stuff but rly tysm 🥲💓
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astraystayyh · 3 months
happy birthday to my hyune. hyunjin who wrote a poem about stay’s eyes and how they shine brighter than any stars. hyunjin who paints old couples because he believes love should be eternal. hyunjin who needs to be chased off the stage by staff because he wants to greet stays longer. hyunjin who always reassures stays that they have a long time left together. hyunjin who reads poetry before bed. hyunjin who writes about love so beautifully as if he is the embodiment of it. hyunjin who says he wants to remain strong as to not hurt stays. hyunjin who says you need to practice with your 200% to show 100%. hyunjin who loves reading books. hyunjin who always tells stays to eat well. hyunjin who wears his heart on his sleeve. hyunjin who started a stay counseling center to listen to stay’s problems. hyunjin who wrote if love is everything, then there is nothing left for me. hyunjin who trained really hard because he refused to be just a pretty face. hyunjin who said that he loves easily, gets hurt easily, regrets easily then repeats the process because isn’t that what life is about. hyunjin who said that the wounds caused by humans are also healed by humans. hyunjin who remains hopeful and loving despite it all. hyunjin who eats with his eyes closed. hyunjin who loves going to art museums. hyunjin who said that there isnt a team that loves each other as much as skz does. hyunjin who said that there should always be a Stray kids before his name. hyunjin who loves so freely and who i love. you grew up so well my hyune 💓 please be happy forever.
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