#marwa and Twila
redbleedingrose · 4 months
that baby girl Lucy thing could be a drabble or headcanon or whatever ur comfortable with btw 😁 or you don’t have to do anything at all with it if u don’t want! just wanted to mention it bc GIRL DAD ERIS
Edit: So I started writing and realized this is getting a bit long, like I am not done with this part and I am already 2.2k word in, so this will likely be a 3 or 4 part mini-series giving y'all girl dad!Eris lore! I hope you enjoy and I am sorry I had to split it up, but it seems like I had more to this story I wanted to share!
part 1
Your first letter remains unopened, buried beneath legal documents and trade deals in a locked drawer of Lucien's desk. Each week, another one of your letters is added to the ever growing pile that Lucien can't bring himself to open.
Part of him wants to rip all your attempts of communication to shreds, throw it into the fire place and forget that you and Eris exist.
The other part of him, the one that he tries to bury deep within himself, is curious, anxious really, to know what it is you have to say to him. What is it that you continue to reach out to him?
Is it a part your duty as high lady of autumn? Are you looking to start relations between Autumn and Day? Are you trying to keep your relationship to your brother in law as professional as possible? What if you are trying to get to know him? Would that be the worst thing in the world, to get to know his sister in law? He has always wanted a sister.
What if you are writing out of need? For help? What if you need asylum from his brother? Gods, he hopes not. What if Eris turned out to be the exactly like his father, cruel and abusive in his marriage to you? What if he, like Beron, was ruining Autumn court with outrageous regulations and taxes too high that  most of the autumn population were left in poverty?
What if you were writing to him to brag about how well Eris has done without him, that this is the only way he will receive any updates on Eris, and to not expect anything more?
What if you are lovely and kind? What are you like? Are you good to Eris? Is he good to you? Do you make his oldest brother happy? Does he make you happy? What is Eris like now? Has he changed or is he the same paranoid male who plots conspiracies?
The lack of response from your brother in law does little to defer your efforts. You continue to write to Lucien, without skipping a beat, sending a letter to him every week, giving him updates on his brother, updates on your pregnancy, even updates on the pups Eris is raising to protect your babes in the coming months. You share with him your feelings about Eris, the story of how you met, how your mating bond had snapped abruptly and without notice, how he fought against your relationship for years until he couldn't hold back anymore, how when he finally gave in, he had made you the promise of a safer home, a safer land, a place in which his father could never lay a hand on you.
You confide in him your concerns over his brother, your fears that his duties as high lord will consume him, that Eris has anxieties about being a good father, and you are scared it will paralyze him. You tell him about the things you notice about Eris, things you think Eris doesn't know about himself. That, sometimes, Er will get a distant look in his eyes when he sees young children playing together, especially when one looks older than the other. That, sometimes, Er mumbles in his sleep, how often his name comes up while he is asleep, how Er wakes up from those same dreams gasping and clutching at his chest, how it takes hours for you to calm him after. How when Eris struggles to sleep, he stares at the family portrait, with his eyes fixated on Lucien before he comes back to bed with you at your urging.
You write to him as if he is your best friend, as if he is sitting across from you and you are just talking to him. You write to him as if you have known him for centuries.
With all of Eris' stories about his beloved brother, you feel as though you have known him for centuries. 
It takes a long time for Lucien to muster the courage to open your letters. After weeks of receiving letters and storing them away without a second glance, after weeks of forcing any thoughts of the letters away, after weeks of catching himself thinking about Eris, thinking about you and Autumn court, does he finally force himself sit down to read the letters. To be done and over with it. To read the letters, and never think of you or his brother again. To give closure to that horrific chapter of his life. To have this as his final goodbye.
It takes him several minutes to unlock the drawer after he slumps into his chair by the desk. It takes him a couple of minutes to open the drawer before staring at all the papers on top of the letters. It takes him 20 minutes to pluck the letters out from beneath and toss them onto his desk. Another 30 minutes is spent of him grabbing the letters and setting it onto the side table near his hearth, pacing around his office, biting at his nails, wringing his hands, running his fingers through his long auburn hair to sit in his cozy leather chair with the letters at an arms-length. An hour is spent staring blankly into the near extinguished fire, the pops and crackles from the desperate surviving flames being the only times he blinks. Another 10 minutes of delay, spent with breathing exercises while pouring himself a two, maybe three, fingers of night court imported whiskey and taking several bated sips of the hard liquor.
After almost two hours of delay, does Lucien use the letter opener the night court general gifted him during a visiting trip, to slowly and carefully, with shaking hands, tear the seal open. Deep breathing does little to stop his pittering heart as he opens the first letter, glazed eyes racing over each sentence, each word multiple times, nearly seizing as you break the news of your pregnancy. Tears he didn’t even know were leaking down his cheeks, meeting at his chin to drip down his neck began to stream. Choked sobs with a hand clutched at his chest, your letter delicately being placed to the side as his emotions crash into him.
Weeks of pent up feelings become unrelenting waves that makes it near impossible for him to catch his breath. All of grief for the time he has missed with you and his brother, all of happiness at your pride and clear love and devotion for your mate, his brother, all of sorrow and concern for what Eris turned out to be after years of torment and unrelenting abuse, all of quiet hope for the future relationship he may have with you, with his future nieces or nephews, with his older brother, all of that is almost unbearably overwhelming. The only source of respite, coming from your gentle handwriting.
“Lucien, I implore you to take all the time you need. I will patiently be waiting for a response, whether it takes weeks or months, years or even centuries. I want a relationship with you. As does your brother. And I want our children to have a relationship with their uncle. So I will wait. And if you decide that having a relationship with us is just too impossibly painful for you, then with the deepest regret and with the most profound love, will we accept that fate as well.” 
It is your own hope that pushes Lucien to read all of your other letters, whiskey set aside and forgotten. Letters that have his bereaved sobs turning into silent tears of joy. Letters that have him bubbling with laughter as you express your loving annoyance at Eris’ puttering about the nursery and his great insistence that your future babes will need 15 chicks, and at least 6 baby cows to grow up with.
Letters that have him smiling softly, reminiscing in the good memories of his childhood Eris whispered to you in the dark recesses of night. Letters that have him pondering if what you say is really the truth, because you give a convincing argument that his older brother may actually miss him, may have actually loved him… still loves him. Letters that give him insight into all the years he missed, that he now almost feels a part of, like he was actually there to witness all of the events surrounding your relationship and Eris’ ascension to the autumn throne. Lucien spends hours, even as the fire in the office gives way to death and the only remaining source of light becomes Lucien’s own magic pulsating through the room, reading your letters. Over and over, in the order it was sent in and in backwards order. And by the end of it, he is speechless. 
No words come to mind that can describe how he feels. He cannot come up with what to say. The only thing he knows is that he is appreciative for the time and patience that you have given him, the grace that you have shown, the honesty of the hardships that you and Eris went through, of the relationship you have formed with his brother, and of all the changes Er has gone through and has brought to Autumn Court since his escape. So, Lucien folds your letters following the exact lines you used, making sure not even a slight crease is created, before carefully placing back into the envelopes you sent them in, holding them to his chest as he walks to his room and retires for the night. Sleep, however, the trickster it is, plays the most exhausting game and evades him most of the night. His usual tossing and turning is replaced with his ember eyes focused on the letters, hands clasped tightly together resting on his chest because his fingers kept twitching with want to reach back for your messages to reread them. Lucien’s thoughts are wildly free of the endless possibilities of what might come in the future… a happy future. 
Days were spent rereading your letters. Days were spent stressing out over what to do, he never had a choice when it came to his family. All things were inevitably decided for him. He was brought up to be competitive with his brothers, it was decided that he would have to fight his brothers for the autumn throne, a throne he had no desire of having. It was decided what kind of training he got, despite his lack of interest in violence. He didn’t choose to leave Autumn, he barely escaped with his life. He didn’t choose this. Having a choice… it was a delicacy he hadn’t been offered before.
Lucien knew though. Deep down inside, he knew what he wanted to choose. Going back and forth with his options inevitably landed on one outcome. He wants to try. He wants to get to know you, a sister he always wanted and now, finally has. He wants to get to know his future nieces or nephews. He wants to be a part of their lives; he wants to be the best uncle he can be. And he so achingly wants to know his older brother, wants to know his side of the story, wants to know if he was wrong to blame him for everything. It is alarming. The prospect of it all. It’s… fully… wholly… thoroughly and completely terrifying. 
What if he was wrong about it all? What if he spent decades… centuries hating his own brother… someone who should’ve been blameless? Would Eris forgive him for it? What if he comes to the conclusion Eris didn’t try hard enough? Could he forgive Eris, a crimeless, unwilling accomplice in the murder of Jes? What if Eris is uninterested after a near lifetime of rejection? How will they build their relationship, beyond what it ever was? What if, even after all of that, he ends up alone? Was it worth it?
Was the hurt, the fear, the hope… was it worth it?
It took another month of Lucien’s contemplation to come up with a response, not for lack of trying. He had so many thoughts, so many feelings and emotions regarding his brother, his past, his future, you as his new sister in law, the fact that he is going to be an uncle, to work through, that he is still working through. He is afraid, afraid of what he has missed with Eris, afraid of what or who Eris has become. But one thing about the Vanserra brothers is that they have a burning courage within them. So despite the fear, he wants more. He wants to try. Every time he sits down to muster an acknowledgement to your letters, though, he chokes up. 
A ball of anxiety runs rampant through his stomach, a knot in his throat that he can’t seem to swallow, that he can't seem to clear even with a rough rub at his neck. His hands quake as he readjusts the pen in his hands, over and over, feeling pins and needles at the tips of his fingers as he tries to figure out the words to respond with. Your letters had so much thought, so much effort and sentiment and zest poured into them. And all of the thoughts and feelings he had during the time he took, it seemed… inadequate. A simple letter… it wouldn’t be enough. Not with all the things Lucien wants to say to you and eventually… to Eris as well. Finally, after staring at the blank sheet placed in front of him, sweaty hands rubbing furiously up and down his thighs, does he figure it out. 
So… with a shaky inhale, he brings his pen to the page. 
Hello dear sister,
I apologize for my delay in responding. If I am being honest, I spent a lot of time, quite a lot indeed, thinking of your letters. Thinking of you. Thinking of my brother Eris the Autumn High Lord. Thinking of the past. Thinking of the future. One letter to tell you all of my thoughts in response to your attempts of communication feel woefully insufficient. 
If you are ever so inclined, would you be open to meeting with me? I understand that your pregnancy condition may make it difficult upon you to travel to Day. I’m happy to I am set to be in Spring Court for two weeks from now for a week. Would you be willing able to meet at the border in three weeks time? 
with warm wishes,
Lucien Vanserra
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redbleedingrose · 4 months
since ur drabbles are open… thinking about girl dad!Eris and reader having another baby and Eris wants to name her Lucy after his baby brother 🥹
heheheh another babe for girl dad!Eris ???
If I am being so completely honest, I think it is gonna be a long long time until girl dad!Eris and you have another child. One fae pregnancy is extremely rare, and the fact that you had a twin pregnancy??? Almost unheard of in Prythian.
Eris for sure wants more children, I think it takes you a long time to be ready for it. You want to spend time with your twin babes, and your pregnancy with them was very, very difficult... it makes you less than excited to be pregnant again. And Eris is fully aware and ready to wait as long as you need, and is content if you decide you don't think you will ever be ready for another.
And to clarify, I think Eris would truly really pray for another girl. I think he has his own insecurities when it comes to having a son. He truly feels more comfortable with having daughters he can spoil and love on to the fullest extent. The thought of having a son... it makes him fear (even moreso than he does with Marwa and Twila) that he will act like his father.
Needless to say, I think Er has a lot of trauma he is working through, and You, Marwa and Twila are the reason he feels so inclined to do so. So, at the end of it all, it will take some time for him to be ready for another babe as well.
Now, your thought, dear anon, is a very sweet one, and I have had thoughts as well. So, maybe I can share some Girl Dad!Eris lore for the class since you brought it up so kindly!! <3
It takes a very long time for there to be reconciliation between Eris and Lucien, not for Er's lack of trying. Lucien is deeply, deeply scarred by what Beron did to him and Jesminda. And the role that Eris played, or at least the role that Lucien thought Er played, is one that broke their relationship.
Prior to this, Er was the only brother Lucien actually loved and was close to, and visa-versa. Eris truly adored Lucien, ever since he was a babe. Eris tells you later on, in the darkest hour of night, while he is wrapped up in your arms with his face buried in your chest, body shuddering from sobs, that he always knew that Lucien was different from the rest of them, from the rest of his brothers. Er's mother came clean to Eris years after the incident with Jesminda, but part of Eris already knew. And Eris thinks that there was a part of Beron that already knew. And maybe that is why what happened with Jesminda, is because of Lucien's crime of being born.
Eris' relationship with Lucien is honestly really difficult for Eris to talk about, he rarely wants to, even with you, his closest confidant, his best friend, his wife, his mate. It is not something he wants to spend time dwelling on, though you know, and he knows, that Eris will spend an hour a day, at least, thinking about how things could have ended differently, if he had just tried harder.
Eris was made aware of Beron's hatred for Jesminda the moment Lucien introduced her to their family. He caught the dark, hungry glint in the evil high lords eyes when she introduced herself as a young maiden coming from the rural farms of Autumn. As the eldest son, Eris was responsible for a lot of Beron's duties (in secret of course). As such, the night after Jesminda was introduced, Eris was summoned to Beron's office and was made aware of the plan to ruin the young loves relationship.
Eris spent a long time, with lots of effort, trying to put off or ruin Beron's plans. And he was often successful. What Eris counted on, was Beron letting things go between the two young loves. Eris counted on this being Beron's attempt to "protect the family image." Eris truly believed that if he delayed Beron's plans that many times, that eventually his father would give up.
What Eris didn't count on, was Beron's utter hatred for Lucien. Eris didn't count on the fact that the plan was to ruin Lucien's life. By the time Er figured out what was going to happen to Jesminda, it as already too late. Jes had already been brought to the prisons for her end, and Lucien was already being held back by their second oldest brother, Dragos.
The way that Eris explained to you, and he only has once because he really hates talking about this night, is that he grabbed onto Lucien to make sure Dragos didn't kill him right then and there. But with that, with his intent on protecting his youngest brother, he had to force Lucien to watch the beheading of his first love. It is not something Eris will ever find forgiveness in himself for. He will never forget the wails and shrieks of his youngest brother. And he will never forget the ringing silence that came after.
All that Eris had in his mind, trying to tamp down the sheer panic running through his arteries, pumping through his heart, is getting Lucien out. Once Jesminda was murdered, Eris wasn't sure what the fate of Lucien was. So, while he and Dragos were dragging Lucien away, when they were finally out of the sight of Beron and the other brothers, Eris released Luc and used the dagger hidden against his forearm to stab into Dragos' carotid. Lucien was soaked in his second eldest brothers blood as he scrambled away from Eris, but Er didn't let him get too far, winnowing the both of them out into the depths of the Autumns Forest.
"Go," he hissed between clenched teeth, shoving Lucien towards the spring border, "I will hold them off." The shouts of the other Vanserra brothers approaching closer and closer through the forest, Eris couldn't bring himself to look back as he shouted at Lucien to "Get out of here! Go! Leave and never ever come back!"
Eris described this night, as one of the worst ones of his entire life. He lost his most beloved brother, possibly forever. And he would never be able to explain himself. He would forever, in the eyes of his brother, be an enemy and one of the reasons Jesminda is not alive.
You coming into Er's life brought a lot of hope. A lot of strength for Eris. Centuries of planning to assassinate his father are finally carried out because there is nothing more that Eris wants, than a world where he can love you freely and openly, without putting you in danger. After Beron is... eliminated... Autumn Court flourishes under Eris' rule with your help as high lady. Eris has long let go of hope that one day, maybe Lucien will forgive him. But he has hope that he will build his own family, one that he will love and protect forever, one that he won't fail like he failed Luc.
Lucien, struggles with his emotions regarding Eris. He has long remained confused and angry and hurt about the night Jes was killed, and it takes him centuries to work through all of the trauma of it. And he has to do it without his oldest brother, without his mother. He has to do it alone. After that night, Lucien thought he would be alone forever, without a family.
Of course, as time passes, wounds heal slowly. From a distance, truly peripherally, Luc watches the Autumn Court flourish under Eris' rule with the new high lady, you. Lucien was stunned that Eris even created teh position of high lady, he always assumed that the woman to marry Er would live in a loveless marriage as lady autumn as his mother had. Lucien didn't think Eris would find love. He didn't think Eris would let himself have love. Despite these changes, Lucien remains wary for several more decades.
It is not until one fateful evening, in the middle of Summer while Lucien is in Day court, the truth of his conception being exposed after Beron's death, that Luc receives a letter with delicate, beautiful handwriting addressing him as "brother." It doesn't take long for Luc to figure out, that the handwriting belongs to the High Lady of Autumn, you, his brothers wife and mate. You never told Eris you were writing Lucien this letter, because you didn't want to get his hopes up, but you wrote to Lucien imploring him to come visit one day, if only to meet his new sister in law, if only to see the changes that have brought true joy to Autumn Court. In this same letter, you inform Lucien that you are expecting. That he will be an uncle, and that you hope to the mother, that you pray to the gods, that one day your babe will be able to meet their fathers favorite brother, their youngest uncle. Lucien, as you expected, does not respond to your letter.
At least, not right away...
Part 2 coming soon!
A/N: this is unedited but part 2 is coming tomorrow hopefully, Thursday evening at the latest 💞
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redbleedingrose · 5 months
Girl Dad!Eris when the Babes are Sick Headcanons
A/N: I was harassing @augustinerose with all my girl dad!Eris thoughts today, so I thought I would expand and share with you all, and maybe go into what the newborn stage was like for you and girl dad!Eris if y’all would like. And then maybe even what it was like postpartum with Girl Dad!Eris supporting you every step of the way.
Sigh, I am in love with the male!!! Send freaking help!!!!!!
During toddlerhood, when one of the girls is sick, the other babe is also feeling crummy :(
They are absolutely gonna climb outta their small beds and hold each others hands walking from their room to your door at the end of the hall, their guard dog following them on their heels and standing closely behind them. It is usually precious Twila who uses her small chubby fist to knock on the door, barely making any noise, but enough that the pups laying at the foot of our bed will come and see what's going on first.
Eris wakes up so fast, he is sucha light sleeper at a baseline that the slightest noise has his eyes snapping open. You, on the other hand, would stay passed out cuz its 3:30 in the morning, and also, you are incredibly warm and comfortable with Eris in bed. You feel utterly at ease and protected with Eris, so as the years went on, your sleeping has become heavier. Eris often teases you for snoring, like the smug bastard he is because he sleeps like the dead with at least one hand resting somewhere on your body.
Anyway, by the time the girls are poking their very curly, messy, bedheads beyond the door to peer inside your room, Er is already halfway to the door to see what they need. When they are feeling sick, all they wanna do is cuddle up to mama and papa and each other in your huge bed, and Eris has no qualms pressing soft, gentle kisses onto their warm foreheads and scooping them up into his arms, resting both of them on each hip before bringing them to your bed.
Marwa usually snuggles with you, ever the mamas girl, and Twila, ever the papas girl, will snuggle in with her papa. Don’t get me wrong, Marwa shoves at least one foot into Eris' side, her tiny toe nails digging into his rib cage, probably to feel his warmth, because she too, just like her mama, and gets overheated way too fast. It doesn't matter cause regardless, she will press her entire body up into yours, practically climbing on top of you while you sleep and shoves her face into your neck before passing out.
Marwa will pass out soooo fast, but Twila, our chatty little girl (maybe less so when she is sick), will babble quietly though not as quickly as usual, to her papa who is exhausted but will quietly hum and nod along to his babes ramblings while rubbing her back and stroking/brushing through her messy hair with his warm fingers until she falls asleep against his chest. And only then, when his girls are comfortably asleep, with one tiny foot digging into his side and a toddler resting on his chest, one of his hands tucked underneath your head (that is extremely numb though he will never ever complain about it) acting as your pillow, will he let himself go back to sleep.
He would obviously be the first to wake up in the morning, being high lord has trained his body to wake up at around sunrise. Before you and your babes, he would be up and out of bed within seconds of waking up, anxious to start his day to avoid the scrutiny and abuse of his father. After becoming high lord, after you coming into his life and giving him the best thing that has ever happened to him (that being your love and your children), he tries to stay in bed for at least half an hour to soak in the warmth and peace. He adores listening to your soft snores, and whenever the girls join you in bed, he cannot get enough of the small huffs and puffs of Marwa and Twila while they snooze away.
He shifts Twila into your side so he can get up, but you better believe that if his babes aren’t feeling well, he is going to be the one taking care of them alongside you. He would never let you feel alone in parenting, never make you feel like you are with a male who is incompetent in taking care of his girls.
The first thing he would do, is really only a secret between you and him. But he does have a morning cigarette to ease his nerves. It is a horrible habit he picked up during his teenage years, and after centuries of using it as a coping mechanism, he hasn’t been able to fully quit. You know he does it, and while you encourage him to stop, you recognize that he used to chain smoke, one cigarette trapped between his pretty lips after the other. The fact he only needs one in the morning to get him through the day, he finds quite unbelievable. It is another thing that he credits to you, another reason that he marvels at you.
Plus you cannot deny how hot Er looks while leaning against the balcony railing, shirtless with a cigarette held in his mouth . The hazy look in his hooded eyes, the smoke blowing out of his nose after a deep inhale, the way his entire body relaxes against the crisp autumn air. He is a sight to behold, so you can let one cigarette go. Knowing Er, he is probably gonna quit before the babes are old enough to realize he does smoke.
Anyway, moving on, after his morning routines of his cigarette, a 15 minute cold shower, mouth smelling minty fresh, and dressed in the most immaculate grey sweatpants and white long sleeve (that does nothing to hide his broad chest and toned arms (the slut knows what he is doing smh)), he is headed to the kitchen to cook you all up some breakfast. Usually, this is around the time that you join him, hugging him from behind and pressing kisses into the space between his shoulders while he leans back into you, but you are in bed with the babes, which means it will be nearly impossible for you to escape without one of them noticing, so he remains in the solace of the empty kitchen.
Because the girls are feeling crummy, I think Er would focus on making a warm maple and cinnamon flavored oatmeal for them and herbs steeping in the warm spring water that he will put into their sippy cups for them to use. Then he focuses on making you some breakfast. He knows you usually don’t each much in the morning anyway, so he makes for the both of you, a couple of pieces of honey and cream toast that you will share, and two cups spiced cardamom chai on the side.
He would wanna spend the day with you and the babes, especially if they aren’t feeling to good. Most of the day is probably going to be spent in your bed, and to be honest, those are Eris’ favorite kinds of days. The girls love to snuggle up next to you both and take naps intermittently throughout the day, and the times they are awake are spent reading books to them, playing games like “I-spy” while they peer out your balcony with their big curious eyes, and also just listening to their babbles and rants.
They are very opinionated girls, and they are happy to share with their papa that they think Forest House should be painted pink and purple, and all the curtains should be changed to a daisy yellow color to make your home look more inviting and “princessy.”
He would probs do it too, make Forest House into a doll house for his perfect little babes, but your amused nods, your cooing and giggling as they prattle on about making sure the carpets are yellow to match the curtains has him nearly certain your babes interior designer skills are too top tier for you. Though, he might be able to convince you to change up their play room decor.
Ugh and he just lives for when you are asleep with the babes, he spends hours watching over you three, thanking the gods and mother that he was blessed with such a beautiful, elegant mate who is the perfect mom, thanking the cauldron for his perfect babes, and honestly, praying for time to stop so that he can live in that moment forever, in pure happiness and peace.
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redbleedingrose · 5 months
How do you think girl dad Eris would react when the twins start dating?
I get this question in my asks all the time! So I am putting the answer out there for y’all, so the debate can be put to rest.
when you and girl dad!Eris are meeting the people the twins start to date:
- Eris would be so much more calm and composed than you. You would be freaking out on the inside because these are your precious girls who deserve all the best the world has to offer them.
- so yes, you would be the parent staring down their partner with your arms crossed over your chest, while your mate sits beside you, very much so amused by your overprotectiveness, his arm around your shoulder, stroking up and down your arm to help relax you the tiniest bit. The girls would be sending pleading looks over to their papa, and he would probably just smirk and shrug, because he is not gonna stand in your way. His high ladies way.
-Eris knows that he has taught his girls that they should only receive princess treatment. They have grown up seeing the way he treats you, and he knows that Marwa and Twila would find that if there partner were treating them any less than how Eris treats you, it would never really work out. They want the kind of love that you and Eris have, I mean, who wouldn’t?
-They have been raised to be strong, capable young women and by the time they start dating, Eris has complete trust in their judgement when it comes to finding partners. Eris really only gets overprotective when he feels like their partner is not living up to the standard of love and care he expects for his girls. He may have his spies conduct a couple of background checks on their partners, and so long as nothing comes up, he tries to keep an open mind for his girls. He, ultimately, wants for them to be happy and to be loved.
-And, again, usually, you are the one who is more protective and outright with your “suggestions” towards potential partners, which may or may not be threats, you will never confirm or deny such allegations from your girls.
-Eris is only there to make sure that potential partners make it out alive from under your scrutiny, but he is def tossing you in bed after the girls leave for their dates so he can have his way with you. Because you are the sexiest, strongest, most overprotective, incredible mother he has ever met. And he cannot imagine having this perfect life with anyone else.
- I also think he tries to be really supportive of his babes. He really wants them to explore themselves and find happiness like he has. He wants to give them a safe space to do that! He will always be the kind of parent his girls can come to no matter what. Their safety is his number one priority, and so he tries to maintain a constant line of open communication between him and the twins.
-I think while it may take time for you to warm up, Eris tries to be accepting when he sees that Marwa or Twila is happy with their respective partners. So while you are giving them side eye and pursing your lips at every statement of their partners, Eris is peering over your shoulder at the girls who are quite exasperated by their mothers fierce protectiveness, and will send them a swift thumbs up and the smallest of nods.
-Mother forbid you catch him in the act. He does not like being under your glare. He gets squirmy and uncomfortable tbh, it is very funny to watch. Your eyes say a million things (mostly that you are not letting him touch you tonight) while you stay silently judging your male for his quick approval of their partner.
-Your overprotectiveness does make for awkward family dinners, but also, it makes for very, very hot sex with Eris.
-So ultimately, you win? He wins? Hot sex wins?
So, yes, that is how I think Girl Dad!Eris would be when the twins start dating <3
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redbleedingrose · 7 months
i think eris collects fancy wine and lucien has a lot of old maps what do u think
Oh, I have been waiting all DAY for someone to send me an ask about my favorite Vanserra bro’s! I am so excited tehehhe!!
Hobbies for the Vanserra Bro’s
Eris Vanserra
Okay, starting with the love of my LIFE!!!
He is a master of all trades tbh. He has so many hobbies, especially once Beron goes bye bye LMAO. He has so much more free time, he was already practically running the Autumn Court, even when Beron was alive. But now, without the added stress of his father, he is trying to explore all different avenues for hobbies, especially when you can join him.
He absolutely collects fancy wines. I think Er is a collector in general. He likes collecting wines that you both can share after a long day of hard work, he likes to collect unique and rare editions of his favorite books that he can display in the library he built for you, he likes collecting rocks and geodes and seashells that he will use as decorations in Marwa and Twila’s nursery. When they are born, Eris becomes a collector of all things for his favorite babes. He collects dresses and jewelry that they will use when they are older, he loves collecting shoes and handbags for them. Eventually, a new wing to your home is added just so he can store all of things he has collected over the years for them that they have unlimited access to. I also think Er would collect children’s stories and books for them, he loves encouraging them to learn and grow into smart, young ladies. He absolutely expands the library for them, creating a little play space for them along with hundreds, if not thousands of books that all belong to them.
I also think Eris would become involved with creating DV shelters. He would absolutely love being involved in foundations and charities that specialize in helping women get away from their ab*sers, and building a new life for themselves. He has created a whole new job sector for these women, and often finds himself visiting these shelters so that he can help the older ladies running the home cook and clean. You can picture him in his apron, scrubbing away at the tile with furrowed brows trying to get the grout out. He would also bring his pups to the shelters so that they can play with the ladies and the children.
While Beron was alive, he did have a secret hobby that only you know of. One that you and him will take to the grave. One that was the reason for your first oathe to him, the reason that you have a tattoo that matches his on your left forearm.
You know those smutty books that Nesta reads?
Yeah…… He ghost wrote those.
Don’t ask questions, but he did.
The poor male had to express himself and his desire for you somehow.
Anyway, only you and him know that he is Prythian’s best selling romance author. And thats the way its going to stay.
That secret follows you both to the grave.
Oh and Eris is for sure an animals rights activist. He loves his horses and his pups so much, even though he will never admit it, but he has spent a lot of time creating laws that provide protections for endangered species and animal rights in general. He has limited hunting grounds in Autumn Court to allow for safe areas for animas to roam and exist freely. He absolutely tries to convince you to move onto a farm with him. He wants so many animals on that farm, he wants pigs and goats, dogs and cats, horses and cows. He also really loves the idea of having chickens.
One day you will give in from his incessant begging.
Not today, but one day.
Lucien Vanserra
Lucien is also a collector, just like his older brother. He absolutely collects old maps. He also collects coins that he finds on the ground, claiming they are lucky, and he also collects stamps from different courts, using them to depict his travels and act as an homage to his journey through life that lead to finding you. I think Loosh also collects art and pottery, and I know he himself, has dipped into the talent of pottery as a hobby. Even if all of his vases are a little crooked and his mugs are kinda cracked and a janky orange color.
He tries his very best, and thats all that matters to you.
So you will absolutely display his crooked vases in your home, and use his janky orange mugs, even if he glares at you while your coffee leaks in dribbles onto the floor and you smirk at him over the rim of the mug and you wiggle your eyebrows as you “cheers” him. Because you are a loving, good mate who displays your mates talent of course.
Even if it is just to make fun of him
But I also think he is a nature freak. He loves cultivating and collecting rare herbs and plants that he can grow in Day Court. He loves using those herbs and plants to create herbal remedies. He is a big naturalist. I think before you accepted him as your mate, he spent a lot of time in the Day Court libraries trying to get his mind off of you and he did that by studying old medicine. He studied different healing techniques and herbs that he could use to create medicinal potions. Over time, it grew into collecting these herbs and creating these potions for those who are sick, especially the elderly where he ended up donating a lot of his creations.
He also loves going fishing, he could spend hours in the ocean or in a lake or river swimming and fishing. He always releases them back into the wild, but I think there is something he finds peaceful about being in nature and being able to use nature in different ways. He loves going on hikes with you, and he absolutely is a camping nerd. His first holiday with you included going no-contact with every other person he knows for a week and spending that week in nature with you. He taught you different ways to find fresh water, and he would catch fish and cook them for you over the fire he stoked. At some point, he became really really good at cooking outdoors and was creating meals that are almost impossible for the most experienced chefs to make out door using nature.
Anyway, it was fun, and while it may not be your cup of tea for every vacation you take, you will go with him on this camping trip at least once a year to get away from society and spend time with your favorite male.
But!!! This does spark an idea for Lucien.
He loves to take young children out into nature to teach them about it, teaching them how to fish and how to survive in the outdoors just for fun. So he creates a little group of 5-10 year old children similar to Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, encouraging all children to join him as he takes them out into nature. He teaches them how to swim, and how to tie sailors knots, and how to safely make s’mores. The children of Day Court look forward to it all year, excited to spend one on one time with their high lord who teaches them so many things, who is so kind to them, who is so funny and cool to hang out with. Story time in front of a campfire slaps for those kids. Eventually, when your children grow of age, he brings them with him, giving you a whole week for yourself to rejuvenate and vacation in peace.
With that being said, Lucien does take action similar to his brother. He creates national parks and conservation areas to protect nature. It is something that he finds incredibly important and he knows that one day, his children and grandchildren, and future generations as well, will appreciate his efforts to protect the world. He goes as far as convincing other courts to join his efforts as well, expanding protected areas.
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redbleedingrose · 1 year
Pre-Girl Dad!Eris with Pregnant Reader
Guys, I just had this thought to do a mini drabble of what Eris was like when you were pregnant with your babes, Marwa and Twila!
Eris was initially terrified when he found out you were pregnant. He walked in on you changing and just paused at the door, eyes wide open and jaw on the floor as the change in your scent flooded his senses
He didn't want to fuck things up with his own babes. He is deeply terrified of turning out like his father and it takes a couple weeks of reassurance from you that he is going to be the best father to your babes
The final nail in the head for him is when he feels the babes kicking in your swollen belly while he rests his head, and murmurs down stories at the babes
We all know Eris swore left and right that he would be fine with any gender, as long as the babe is healthy… we all know he constantly reassured you he had no expectations for whether he was expecting a girl or boy.
We all also know that he secretly prayed to the mother and gods for the entirety of your pregnancy that it would be a girl babe that looks exactly like you and is exactly like you.
I think you were blessed with no experiences of morning sickness, but Eris suffered nausea for the first trimester of your pregnancy. He always claimed it was him stealing any sort of pain you could possibly experience for himself to save you, but you know it’s because the poor male was anxious
Protection spells galore. He has Helion teach him every sort of shielding spell in the books and even out of the books. Surprisingly, the people of Autumn are really good with charm magic, and so, Eris brought you an anklet with little willow tree charms that he had spelled for protection. He insisted you wear it the entirety of your pregnancy.
Any pregnancy cravings you experienced had Eris jumping out of bed at 3 in the morning to go to the kitchen so he could cook for you himself. And if it was something restaurant specific, he was going to the homes of the chefs and bakers, promising them bucket loads of money if they were to make whatever you were craving
Foot massages daily, your feet were swollen from carrying your babes, and at the time, you didn’t even know you were carrying two. No wonder your ankles were the sizes of apples. Eris constantly had you resting your feet in his lap, massaging at the skin delicately. He constantly had a little stool around that he could rest under your feet so they would be raised instead of hanging on the floor
This male spent hours designing the nursery, he wanted everything to be perfect for his perfect babe. He worked hand in hand with different carpenters and artisans to create everything that was in the room, part of it with his own hands.
Eris bought tons and tons of children’s books. He created a wall of book shelves in the nursery filled with books because he wanted to spend hours reading to his babes.
Constant cuddles with you. Your scent is so soothing to him, and he is constantly resting his warm hands on the swell of your belly, rubbing it in circles and pushing in every so often to feel the babe kick back at him.
Sometimes you would wake up in the middle of the night to Eris resting his head on your belly, whispering stories of his life and promises to protect and love his babe no matter what. Promises to be the best papa he could be. Promises to shower the babe and you with love and affection, promising only happiness.
Anytime he came back from being away, he would kiss you deeply before getting down on his knees to rub and kiss your belly, “hello little love, papa missed you,” smiling as a little foot pushed at his lips
In your final trimester of pregnancy, Eris bought you a cottage by the sea as a thank you for giving him the best life, for giving him love and happiness he couldn’t have ever imagined.
The autumn midwives are able to use magic that allows for you to listen to the babes heartbeats, and Eris cried the first time (and every time after) he heard it
Hours upon hours of searching for baby names. You went through books and myths and meeting people and reviewing history to find the perfect names for the babe. Constant debating with the stubborn lordling on what his perfect babes name should be.
While the babe is in your stomach, he settles for “squish” and “little love.”
“Hello my little love”
“What’s my little squish thinking about in there?”
“Why are you kicking your mama squish?”
“Can you believe your mama is eavesdropping on our conversations little love? What a busy body she is… that’s okay, we still love her more than we can describe, right little love?”
I’m weak
Also when you finally give birth to not just one, but two girls???
First off, Eris nearly passed out from the shock.
Second off, he was sobbing as the babes were laid down on your chest, smothering you with kisses all over your forehead and cheeks, thanking you over and over for the best thing that has ever happened to him.
And when he held his babes for the first time? He felt complete.
Some NSFW stuff (really not a lot) so MDNI 18+ only
Your scent is absolutely soothing to him later on during your pregnancy. Absolutely.
But those first five months????
This male was absolutely feral for you.
Like, you thought he was horny 24/7 prior to your pregnancy, think again.
Bending you over the couch before you had your belly bump, fucking you on the kitchen counter, splaying you across the floor right next to the hearth so he could devour your cunt.
It was fucking endless. Orgasm after orgasm. Climax after climax.
You could barely walk by the time he was through with you and that’s okay because he would just carry you bridal style to wherever you needed to be.
He loved grasping at your widening hips as you would ride him into oblivion
Constant palming and small squeezes at your swollen tits, he just fucking adored them.
Cumming in your cunt every time and tonguing it back in
Ugh, missing my girl dad Eris, I love him so much.
As always, please gimme some feedback with some likes, comments, and reblogs
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redbleedingrose · 5 months
Girl Dad!Eris x Reader and The Henna Chronicles
+ a mood board
A/N: No one asked for this, but you are getting it anyway!
okay lemme tell you, Eris is obsessed with mendhi. He grew up seeing his mother wearing henna all the time, and he loves the intricate designs that one can use to express their emotions and their souls.
Beron firmly was against Eris pursuing artistic expression, and so Eris never really got to try putting henna on others until you.
He cannot get enough of the way you look while wearing mendhi. Your wedding night henna is still ingrained in his mind, the way it extended from your fingers all the way up to your forearms with autumn leave print, vines, and different flowers, to the way the henna on your feet extended from your toes up to your knees.
They almost look like fae tattoos, but Eris gets anxious at the thought of you having those. It is not that he doesn't trust you, he trusts your judgement completely. But he sure does not trust others to hold up to their end of the deal, and thus Eris doesn't ever give you any reasons to make promises to others.
The only three indigo ink tattoos you have from promises made are from when you bound your soul with Eris at your mating ceremony, accepting him as your mate, promising to love and cherish him for the rest of your shared lives, and the the promises that you made to each of your babes, Marwa and Twila. A promise to love and protect them with your entire being, to attempt to be the best mother for them, to provide a home that is engulfed with joy and laughter.
Anyway, Eris here, is a little artist. Male knows exactly how to hold a henna cone, and how to use the right amount of pressure to make the designs that he has in his head. You are his first model, and he uses henna to create designs all over you. There is something about you being a piece of art to him, and then having part of his own creativity temporarily etched into your skin that has him on his knees nearly every night for you.
Ugh, and when the babes are born????
He starts to do little designs on them as well. Their little chubby hands always have some sort of design on them, and when they fall asleep in your arms, he will attempt to do designs on their small tubby feet. He might have to ignore you glaring at him because you are terrified the babes will wake from his minstrations, but they never do. Maybe its the fact that they feel completely safe in the presence of their mama and papa, or maybe its the fact that Er can use just enough pressure to get the henna onto their skin, but not enough to tickle their feet.
As the babes grow older, the love waking up to the designs their papa has created for them, often climbing into each others beds before coming to your room to babble about comparisins in the designs they have on their little feetsies and hands. They love to "ooo" and "aah" at each other, and ugh.
On a side note, Marwa and Twila are literal besties. The way they talk to each other, so soft and gentle, kind and sweet, is the most adorable thing. Even when they were infants, they would babble at each other like they completely understood what the other was saying. They would be having full conversations with themselves in baby talk. You and Er would turn it into a game, trying to guess what the 7 month old girls could possibly have to be ranting about at their little age.
Anyway, here are some of the designs that Eris has created on you and your babes. They are so cute and sweet. And I just love girl dad!Eris.
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redbleedingrose · 1 year
Wake Up Call
Girl Dad!Eris x Reader
A/N: 6.2K words later?? I missed Girl Dad!Er and my babes Marwa and Twila! I hope y’all enjoy! As always, please reblog, comment, and like! It means the literal world to me and I will smooch you! (if u want)
~ a special thank you to @augustinerose who inspired me, and pushed me to continue to write, even when I didn’t think I could. 
Warmth. It was all I felt. It was all I wanted to feel. I shuffled my body closer to the only source of warmth in the large emerald stained oak bed, wriggling my hips backwards and using the corded bicep that was resting under my head to cuddle further into the sleeping male behind me, the high lord of Autumn Court, my husband and mate. A puff of breath escaped his lips, too sleep-idled to fully be aware of my nestling into him, but sensing through the bond that had been present for multiple centuries now, one that had grown stronger and firmer with every moment we spent together, that his mate was near, but not nearly close enough. Eris shifted his body towards me, groaning as he lifted himself from his back and onto his side, throwing his free arm around my waist and squeezing the soft flesh as he closed the gap between us, yanking my body in one tug to be fully against his, before settling his face into the crook of my neck. 
He pressed a soft kiss just behind my ear, humming in contentment before, apparently, falling back into a deep sleep as quickly as he had woken up, his soft snores fading into the fall breeze that was entering our room from the open balcony doors. The sun had barely risen, just peaking above the horizon, the milky orange and peach from the rays blending into the background of the giant sequoia forest that was married with the colored leaves of the sycamore maples and the weeping willows that I so very much loved. Sighing slowly, I dropped a delicate kiss onto a knife thin yet deep scar that marked the cream toned arm that had been acting as my favorite pillow since we had accepted the mating bond. I watched, barely awake, as the sun rose in the quiet peace of the morning, reveling in the end of the cries of the crickets and the start of the singing of honeyed songs by the diamond spotted doves.
I lived for these moments where I had alone time with Eris, as did he, his arm tightening around my waist as the song of the morning became louder and the chill of breeze became stronger, marking the start of a new day. The moments before we became high lady and high lord to our vast and expanding land. The moments before the Autumn Court depended on our daily activities to keep the territory in harmony and fruitful success. The moments before our perfect, mischievous little babes sneak into our room with their “guard” dog, who was really just a runt from a killer hound litter that Marwa and Twila convinced their papa, the usually unshakeable high lord, to buy from the farmers market with their tiny pouts and big brown eyes, in tow, just to jump onto our bed and scream with delight until we would wake and bless them with our coziest of hugs and our sunup smooches. 
Honestly, I was quite surprised the babes hadn’t run in yet, the pitter patter of their feet running towards our room that correlated with the sunrise is usually what sent my eyes flying open, shoving a warm and cuddly Eris off of me, scrambling to pull on any clothing that the newly grumpy male had hastily pulled off the previous night before we scar our innocent children for life. An observation that apparently hadn’t gone unnoticed,  a groggy murmur emmenanting from the lordling whose hand was now roaming the expanse of my abdomen and breasts, a stray finger sliding over my nipple, “What trouble do you think the babes are getting up to right now, my beloved?” 
I caught his exploring hand with my own, twining our tattooed fingers together before bringing it up to my lips and pressing firm kisses that were followed with a tiny bite to each of the available pads of his fingers, humming in response, “I haven’t the foggiest idea, husband.” He growled, shoving his naked leg between my thighs, sighing out as I brought his pointer finger into my mouth for a soft suckle to soothe the sting of the bite I had gifted him with, running my tongue along the length of his digit. 
A grin overtook my face as I finally turned to face Er, who was staring back at me with his own lust-filled smirk. A jolt of excitement ran through your core, the warmth that I had felt suddenly, rushing down to my barely covered sex that was starting to throb at the butterfly sensation that had erupted in my belly. My mate pulled me in for a slow kiss, meshing our lips together so that they would melt against each other as they had last night, quickly working in harder and faster pecks. I molded my entire body against his, grinding into the hard muscle as his hand slipped out of my embrace and up to caress my jaw, his thumb carefully pressing into the soft skin of my neck. Another thrill of heat tingeled its way through my entire body, starting from his thumb and spreading down all the way to the tip of my painted sage green toes. I couldn't help the desperate whine that escaped me, further encouraging Er to kiss me more firmly, with intent to continue into what would surely be rough morning sex that would blend into incredible love making as the hours passed. 
Unfortunately, the gods had other plans for us two today. 
The familiar sound of two pairs of small feet scampering through the hall towards our room had sent me thwarting off the edge of the bed, hurling Eris his pants as he chuckled at my panic. I shot him a dirty, betrayed look, rolling my eyes as I shoved on the silk slip I was wearing last night when I put the babes to bed, tossing myself back into Eris’ arms while pulling the heavy comforter back over us. The lordling grunted in surprise as he caught me when I tossed myself back into bed, pulling me back into his grasp, chortling into my disheveled hair with a planted kiss, “Ah, who would've known our babes would be such wonderful cockblocks, my beloved?” 
I clenched my jaw, jabbing my elbow into his perfect abs, hissing at him to “Shut up.” If I was anyone else, if I wasn’t the love of his life and his mate, if I wasn’t the mother of his children, I would already be disintegrated into ash with the force of his magic. Another swift kiss was pressed into my hair by the high lord as the hickory double doors carved with intricate designs and stained with henna were barely pushed open by the two toddlers who tried peaking their heads through the opening. 
A tuft of amber hair resembling her fathers along with another tuft of darker hair resembling her grandmother poked into the room through the doorway, curls inherited from their papa that are tangled and in disarray from the dreams of their pegasus’ in Day court, taken care of by their grandparents, mixed in with dreams of milk chocolate swirled with caramels and pecans that their uncle Lucien sneaked them constantly. Tiny grunts are heard as the babes struggle to manage keeping the doors open, their little, pudgy hands too strained against the heavy wood to even allow their shoulders to squirm against each other and through the pressed doorway, “Help pwease, papa.” The request comes grumbled out by Twila, who has decidedly put all her effort into keeping the door open for her and her sister, Marwa, whose back is now pressed into the grand oak, bare feet trying to climb up the emerald green wallpaper to use the force of her upper body to aid her twin, waiting rather impatiently for their papa to save the day, as he always does for them. 
I lean back into Eris, chuckling at the effort of the babes, nudging his already moving body towards them. His reply comes swiftly, mingled with mirth at the sweet girls he loves more than the moon, more than the stars and the sun itself, “Coming, my little loves.” Centuries ago, he couldn’t have ever imagined this is what his lifetime would be blessed with. Two perfect babes who were happy and safe, and a perfect mate who warmed his heart more than the eternal fire of Autumn. Now, he wakes every morning to the scent of his high lady who seeks him out for the fire in his blood he once despised, followed by the sounds of his precious darlings sneaking into the room, jumping onto our bed, screaming with laughter to start our day. 
He drew the door open slowly, allowing for Twila to release her efforts from holding the doors open and shift them into racing into the room towards the bed, leaving her sister behind who is hoisted into Eris’ embrace. I watched him press soft kisses into Marwa’s cheeks and messy hair while Twila fisted the fluffed out comforter to pull herself onto the bed. I settled myself into the padded headboard, crossing my legs at my ankles and placing my interlocked hands into my lap. A chuckle escaped me once again, Twila’s grunts and reddening face bringing me a sense of delight that can only be ascribed to the pride I felt in her never-ending effort, “Do you need help, little one?” I hummed down at her, leaning down to the side to see her bare feet off the floor and pressed into the side of the bed to steady her climbing. 
She whined for a moment, her amber curls falling above her eyes which she swatted away, huffing out a, “No tanks you mama.” In all her struggles, she didn’t notice Er sneaking up from behind her, winking at me with a small smirk when he fisted her daffodil yellow nightgown and gave her the final tug she needed to climb onto the bed, letting go before she could realize how her papa has interfered, and ultimately helped her succeed with her mission. Twila panted against the crumpled bed sheets, her hands curling to fist the fabric for a moment before leaping up onto her feet, jumping on the bed as though the completion of her mission had revitalized her energy, big brown eyes sparkling with joy, leaping into my open arms to shove her face into my cheek, sloppily pressing a wet kiss before she cried out, “Look mama, I did it!”
My arms wrapped around her wriggling body, yanking her into my lap while she giggled and kicked at the feeling of my fingers poking into her sides, “You did it my sweet, good job!” I returned the sloppy kiss two-fold, pressing a smooch to her warm forehead and freckled nose. The mattress shifted as Eris sank in beside me, Marwa quietly pressed into his side, her head leaning on his chest, her heavy eyes watching her sister and I before taking a deep breath and clinging closer to her papa. I reached out my hand to run my fingers through the tired babes hair, giving a soft tug to one curl following it with peppered kisses all over the top of Marwa’s head. A sleepy smile tugged at her flushed cheeks, preening under her mamas attention and love, her half lidded eyes finally giving into the sleep she so clearly felt, sliding shut with puffs of breath escaping her open mouth, soothed by the strokes of Eris’ hands down her back and back through her hair. 
Twila kindly babbled on, though, she did so more softly so she didn’t wake her twin, telling Eris and I of the things she planned on doing today, “I wanna eat nachos for breakfast, mama, an then I wanna go for a walk with Ruby,” the pup who had slid into the room with the babes and had nestled himself into the rug, dozing in front of the crackling fireplace, “An then I wanna eat nachos for lunch,” Eris cut in with a small laugh tumbling from his pretty lips, a single brow arched as he eyed the babe in my lap with amusement, “Nachos for breakfast and lunch Twi?” 
She brought up her tiny palms to stifle giggles that escaped her like a little sprite at Er’s slightly concerned tone, nodding with a hum in affirmation, finding great pleasure in being a source of what could be called ‘a healthy stress’ for her papa. Twila was always the most mischievous and playful of the two, the one most likely being the mastermind for the adventures she took herself and her sister along in as the outgoing babe she is. Poor, sweet Marwa always found herself roped into whatever Twila had planned, following along with unbreakable loyalty, and a secret knack for getting the two out of any trouble they may have found themselves in. 
Eris shot me a look that nearly sent me over the edge with cackles, the hilarity of Twila’s cravings were too adorable to handle, a feeling of delirious content spilled into my heart as I thought back to my pregnancy with the babes that were sat in our arms. I thought back to the countless nights I had woken up Eris, who startled awake with distress, thinking there was something wrong with me or the babes, or that there was some danger that needed to be eliminated, only to find that his high lady was craving cheesy, melty nachos with jalapenos and all sorts of other peppers as toppings. Pressing another kiss, this time into the babes chubby cheek, I let my smile widen as her big brown, sparkling eyes turned up to me, “How about we have scrambled eggs and potatoes, the ones that I make, and nachos for lunch, hmm?” Her replying smile lilted her ruddy cheeks enough for Eris to lean in and press his own kiss onto her. 
It had been hours since the morning lull had quickened into the busy afternoon. Eris and I were immensely crammed with our duties, negotiations of forging an alliance between Night, Dawn, and Day was proving harder than expected. Demands that were being sent by all parties were being denied outright without explanation, driving tensions higher and higher with every passing day. The other problems of the court also required our utmost attention, the lords who remained from the rule of Beron were rebelling against Eris’ new laws that were set into place to protect the farmers and townspeople that were once oppressed, both financially and politically. Changes had to be made in Autumn once Eris took his place on the throne, assigning me as the first high lady of Autumn was the first step he made into bringing these changes. After years on the throne, things hadn’t gotten any easier. The only point of peace we got were the moments we had with each other, and the moments we had with our babes. 
We hadn’t been able to see them since breakfast; Er and I had been pulled into different meetings while the babes were whisked away to their morning lessons. I glanced up, looking over Eris’ hair at the clock that had been hung on the wall behind his desk. The times after our meetings were spent decompressing within his office, either through fucking out our frustrations or reading together in a peaceful silence. Today, it had been reading together in a peaceful silence. It was nearly a quarter till the sixteenth hour, which was encroaching on what should be the babes naptime. 
Their nanny, Zephyrus, should’ve put them to bed already, and it was high time to check and see how they were resting. Normally, Twila slept like a log, soft snores leaving her, similar to her papa  in every way. It was Marwa who sometimes struggled with her sleep, waking up in the middle of naptime, coming to her papa’s office to be snuggled and sung back to sleep. Sighing, I pulled myself up from my seat on the tanned leather couch, lifting my feet from Eris’ lap, lightly smacking his shoulder at the groan he had let out as he threw back his head into the couch. I was ready to kiss the babes and give them a quick snuggle, however sexually frustrated my mate was. “Leaving so soon, gorgeous?” 
I nearly tripped at the nickname, my heart stuttering for a moment as the bond between us pulled taught. I recovered rather quickly though, my heart returning into the deep yearning feeling for my babes and their warm bodies pressed against mine, clinging onto my hold and whining in their sleep for more soft kisses to their foreheads and cheeks, their mama’s attention something they craved even in their deepest of dreams. “I’ve been here for two hours Er, giving you my undivided attention,” I replied in a rather deadpan tone, the poor male could really never get enough of me, and he made that quite clear with another groan that slipped from his lips. I scoffed at the high lord of Autumn, “so fucking needy aren’t you?” sending him a smirk, swaying my hips as I turned toward the exit. I could hear him shuffle behind me, the image clear in my head that he was adjusting his hard on; another smirk tugged at my lips, one that was now hidden from my mate. 
As I turned to shut the door, I brought my hand up to blow Eris a kiss, and he, wordlessly, caught it, his beautiful gods-forsaken eyes glinting back at me until the knob had clicked into place. The bond between us was now struggling against me with need, enticing me to run back into the office so Eris could have his way with me, but I was more focused on getting back to the babes. I strolled through the halls, tracing with my eyes, the giant archways and marbled columns that opened into the back forest and plains of the estate before looking to the ceiling. There is a haze of lychee and pear in the breeze that guides the hung roses and peonies that cover whole portions in rocking motions, the portions that sit free are painted with the histories of Prythian breaking into the seven courts that stand today. The inner gardens had fountains that spouted water that glittered like diamonds under the afternoon sun, dazzling rainbows sent in every direction, landing on the swaying leaves of the eldred willow trees that Eris had planted in victory after he had defeated Beron. 
I reached their bedroom without haste, admiring the peach pink and lavender shade of the stained glass embedded into the entryway to the babes room, a lovely gift from Rhysand and Feyre when they were born. The rulers of the Night court had been delighted to hear that their own son, Nyx, would have not only one, but two playmates whenever we would find the time to visit their home in Valeris. Our alliance had never been stronger with the Night court, and that was something that both Eris and I had taken great pride in. I cracked the door open, peering into the dark room, only to find the two beds where the babes should be asleep, empty.
A jolt of panic shot through me and down the mating bond without meaning to, the answering tug from Eris, filled with concern and worry. I sucked a tense and heavy breath through my teeth, calming myself into believing I was just an overprotective mother hen. I sent back an ounce of reassurance down the bond, back to Er before hurrying down to the playroom. I convinced myself that it was entirely possible Twila woke early and insisted that Marwa join her for a game of pretending, pushing down the weightful sense of dread that began to fill me. The estate was impossibly protected with wards and spells that Eris himself, along with Lucien and Helion had cast, blocking off any chance of breach. My breath was too difficult to catch as I paced down the hall, a horrible voice croaking in my head, ‘Nothing is impossible, you fool. What if they were taken?” 
Hot tears rimmed my eyes as I tore into the playroom. Empty. 
Scattered toys were all over the floor, the table in the center still set with the tea cups that Marwa had gotten as a gift from Lucien, ready for the babes and their favorite uncle to join in on their ‘princess party.’ The sun shone in through the window, heating the room to the point where beads of sweat had formed at the top edge of my lip. The panic that I had shoved down reared its ugly head, spreading through me and in full force down the bond as I broke into a sprint towards their tiny classroom where they received their afternoon lessons. Maybe they had been kept by Draconus, the fae professor who, before, had taught Eris and all his brothers, and before them, Beron and his siblings, and so on. Marwa had always complained about the elderly male droning on for lengths beyond their lesson time. 
The door banged against the wall with the force that I had used to slam it open. 
Fucking Empty. 
My hand came up to my chest, clenching at the feeling of my heart squeezing too tightly in my chest, like a noose had been tied around it and tugged. A wave of nausea and dizziness swept through me, sending me tumbling backward. I nearly fell over as a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, turning me to face the person who had caught me, but I couldn’t see. My vision had blurred, blackening around the periphery as ugly, deep sobs ripped through the lump that had lodged into my throat and out of me. A set of warm hands cupped my cheeks, lifting my gaze to meet crazed amber eyes flickering back and forth with mine, “They are gone. Where are… Where are the… Where are my babes?”  It comes out rather quietly, stuttered between short and incomplete gasps. Rather breathless. Almost whispered. As if I couldn’t find it within me to speak the horrid words any louder. 
My knees gave out completely, any sensation in my legs ceased to exist, but Eris was there to lift me into his embrace, wrapping his arm around my legs and lifting me into a bridal style before resting me on the small desk that Marwa usually sat at. He didn’t wait for another moment, screaming out to his personal guards in the most chilling voice I had ever heard him use, “Lock down this fucking estate. No one moves in or out. Search the entire fucking house. Leave no room unsearched. Turn every piece of fucking furniture over. Find my children, heirs to the Autumn throne. Immediately. Or heads will roll.” His back is turned towards me as he shouted, but the panic he felt rippled down the bond in heavy waves, focusing into a rage that he had never experienced, not even when Beron lived, “and bring me the fucking nanny.” 
His guards immediately drew their iron swords at his orders and dispersed rapidly, some running further into the home, some running outside. Splitting into groups of two, one ran towards the outskirts of the estate where Zeyphrus lived to drag her back here, and the other towards the outer forest that surrounded the home. My hands shook as I traced the little carving of Marwa’s name on the small desk, left by what looks to be a very sharp pencil, or possibly, a tiny dagger. I could hardly feel the indents into the wood, my hands tingling with panic and nerves as Eris turned towards me, the fire in his eyes still evident. His hand caught mine, squeezing tightly, “We will find them my love, they will be fine. They are strong and will take care of each other.”
Another sob escaped me as I collapsed into his arms, clinging to his figure for a moment before the shouts of the nanny were heard down the hall. Two of the guards were dragging her by her elbows, she glanced wildly around the room in confusion until she was brought to her knees facing us. She took one long look at Eris’ face, wincing at the cold fury that was directed at her and turned to stare down at the ground, “Where are Marwa and Twila?” Her head snapped up, confusion washing over her face, “I– in bed my lord,” stuttering it out, more as a question than as a statement. She shifted her gaze to me, maybe hoping to find more mercy, mercy that I could not find within me as long as my babes were missing. 
She continued, her voice trembling as her body began to shake, the guards tightening their grip on her elbows and yanking her up to face us once more, “My lord, I put them to bed for their daily nap, I– are they not there?” Her cerulean blue eyes filled with tears, panic shone across her face as she begins to process the implications of not knowing where Marwa and Twila were. My tone was piercing, “No, they aren’t.” She began stuttering, but the patience of Eris and I had already been drawn out the moment we found their classroom empty, Eris had fully shifted into the ruthless high lord he once feared becoming, slamming his hand onto the wooden table next to him, his eyes filled with the fire that was stoked by the fear of losing his children, the greatest joys of his life. Zephyrus cried out in fear, flinching as the nearby supply closet lit into a controlled fire, the pent of rage and horror Eris felt bleeding into his surroundings through his fae magic. 
But there was something in the way that she had looked at us, the way she had been truly confused, almost flabbergasted that we had been questioning her about the whereabouts of our babes that made me feel as though, deep in my gut, she had nothing to do with this. I felt weak, my hands still tingling from the panic, shakily resting on one of Eris’ forearms, “She doesn’t know anything Er.” Both of their heads jolted towards me, Zephyrus with a look of relief muddled with confusion, and Eris, shaken and upset. The babes adored their nanny, and she loved them. Marwa always has stories of the cuddles she and Zephyrus had, and Twila was filled with tales of their afternoon walks through the forest. She had looked after them since they were born, setting up to help me on the toughest of nights, and the busiest of days. 
Er jerked his head at the guards, gesturing for them to take the woman away, likely to a holding cell for further questioning until the babes are found. But it would be pointless. We had sworn her into secrecy and loyalty the day she signed on as our babes nanny, and any movement away from that sworn loyalty, would result in her immediate death by the magic that bound us together. I painfully swallowed against the hard lump in my throat, still struggling to breathe, the pressure in my chest making it only possible to catch my breath, even in small gasps of air. 
The fear burned my eyes, I blinked back the stinging tears to prevent them from streaming down into an endless sea of panic. Blowing out the breath from my puffed cheeks, I stared into Eris’ flickering irises, still flaming from the worry. His warm hands came up to cup my cheeks, pulling me closer into him until his forehead was pressed against mine, “You can find them my love,” his lips fluttered above my upper lip as he spoke, “You know them better than anyone. They are your soul, as they are my heart. C’mon sweet girl, think.” His hand marked by our shared tattoo reached down and grabbed hold of my own, pressing it against his chest right where his heart beat. It felt like a hummingbird fluttering against my palm, only slowing with pulses of comfort that waved down our bond. 
I tightened my palm into a fist, gripping the soft material of his blood red shirt as I forced myself to think back to where the babes could possibly be. All the areas I had checked were my firstline stream of thoughts, but it was possible they were elsewhere in places I hadn’t even initially thought of. But the possibilities remained endless. Eris and I had been quite strict with incorporating family outings into our schedules. Even as high lord and lady, we still made sure to have one on one time with the babes, girls’ day out with their mama and daddy's day out with their papa, even their favorite uncle, the newly ascendent high lord of Day, Lucien joined in on occasion. 
From having their own treehouse built in the sacoya, to private pathways in the forest, to small alcoves for a game of hide and seek, to the rapids of the Sienna river where Eris took them fishing. 
They could be anywhere. 
And who even knows if they were together? 
I sent a silent prayer to the mother and gods above, to any deity who had the sympathy to listen and hopefully, the benevolence to answer such prayers, that they were together, that they remained as a unit of sisters, stuck together with the everlasting love of siblings. I prayed a prayer that they would give me even the smallest of clues as to where they could possibly be, And I hoped that Ruby, their pup, was with them, even as small as he was, it was possible that–. 
The pup. 
The hounds. 
Though Eris’ palm was rubbing the back of my neck, keeping me close to him as he eyed my now concentrated face, I felt myself hurtle back. The fucking hounds. “I– I think I know. Gods, please, I think–,” I couldn't even finish my sentence, already using all my force to push myself off the desk, legs pumping underneath me, carrying me before the thought could even finish itself. I continued crying prayers to myself as I ran, “gods, please, please.” I could barely hear the thudding of Eris’ leather boots against the marbled floor and then the evening dewed grass over the blood that was whooshing in my ears. 
Eris slammed into my back, not expecting me to suddenly stop in my tracks. His arm wrapped around my hips as we both stumbled forward, trying to prevent me from being thrown over the stable door as the force of his impact made its way through me. But my feet were planted on the floor, my hand frozen stuck on the door handle. A question comes out of Eris’ mouth, one that I do not hear as I forced myself to take another deep breath, a final beseeching prayer to the cauldron before heaving the heavy door open. 
One of my hands reached back to grab Eris’ as I pulled him and I inside, eyes searching over every millimeter of the stable, over and over. The stalls remained childless, with only hay and curious horses peaking at us. My grip tightened its hold on Eris’ hand, squeezing three times on occasion as he paced behind me, rechecking every stall that I have peered into. I switched my path away from the horses and towards the area where the killer hounds were kept. The ones that belonged to Eris, even before I was in his life. The ones who are supposed to tear apart any enemies to the Autumn Court into literal shreds. The ones who are known to maul intruders of the estate.
The ones that have the softest of soft spots for the babes and I. 
The ones who used to whine at our bedroom door until Eris would get out of bed to open the door for them. The ones who would rush into the room and pounce onto the bed to snuggle against me. The ones who refused to leave my side during my pregnancy, taking turns laying their head on my swollen belly. The ones who stood at the doorway during the birth of the babes, growling at any sentry who walked past the room. The ones who licked the small toes of Marwa, and sniffed at Twila’s little fists. The ones who ran ahead during our family hikes to warn us of any pedestrians ahead. The ones who slowed their trots to match pace with the small toddling of Marwa and Twila. The ones who patiently allowed for Twila to climb onto their backs, who screamed with joy, “Onward Buster!” forcing them to carry her to wherever the little one pleased. The ones who sat with Marwa, who settled herself on their side, reading tiny books to them, pointing out the pictures with her chubby pointer finger which they would attentively stare at. 
And there they are. 
I took a moment, soaking in the scene before me, pressing my hands into my belly, trying to quiet the sobs that are forcing their way through my body. I heard a gasp of relief from Eris, who hugged me from behind and stroked the backs of my hand, popping a quick kiss into my cheek and then on my temple before resting his head on top of mine. He slowly swayed us side to side, enjoying the most adorable, relieving sight he had ever seen in his entire lifetime. 
Twila was curled into Marwa, her pudgy arm clinging to her sister's soft, plush belly. Marwa’s head was turned toward Twila’s, her tiny hand tightly gripping her sisters, the both of them fast asleep, cuddled together, surrounded by the warmth of the twelve killer hounds that Eris had raised. Their pup lay on his stomach, snoring softly as the babes feet rested under him, acting as a miniature comforter.  
It was Marwa who woke first, hearing the shuffling of her mama and papa trying to move around the hounds to reach them. Her tiny fist released her sister's hand, rubbing at her sleep crusted eyes, a tiny yawn escaping her as she sat up and stretched, her adorable rounded belly sticking out. “Mama?” Her voice is heavy with sleep, her eyes half lidded as she fought off falling back into her dreams. 
I choked down another sob, reaching down for her, my smile watery and full as her arms automatically reached out so she could be held, “Hello my beautiful little babe.” I pulled her into my embrace, clutching at her dress and stuffing my face into her messy, knotted hair, “And what kind of mischief have you and your sister gotten into little one?” Her legs could barely wrap around my waist, her arms tightly wrapped around my neck as she buried her face into my shoulder, taking a deep sigh of content as she took in her mothers scent. Eris finally reached the passed out Twila, who continued snoring quietly as he lifted her up into his chest. He planted a kiss onto her nose, which twitched at the tickling sensation, before she snuggled deeper into his warmth. He rocked her, patting the space between her shoulders to soothe her back into her deep sleep. The hounds lifted their deadly stares at us, taking a moment to recognize who we are, before resting their heads back onto their feet. 
I huffed out a snort, rolling my eyes while I approached Eris, focused more so on bending over to kiss Twila’s ruddy, warm cheeks than the napping hounds. Marwa grumbled, wriggling deeper into my embrace when Eris landed a sloppy kiss onto her forehead. He sent a smirk my way, bumping his hip into mine as we strolled out of the stables, “They really are your children,” his voice is hoarse, but filled with mirth and fondness. I scoffed, bumping his hip in return, much rougher than I had initially intended, “And what is that supposed to mean fireboy?” I side-eyed him, pursing my lips into a wicked grin as he flushed red at the nickname. “I mean, they fall asleep anywhere and everywhere at any time. And I wonder who they got that from,” boring his amber eyes into mine without any sense of hesitation. 
I playfully gasped at the hidden accusation, tickling the bottoms of Marwa’s feet who kicked them out and cackled as I stared incredulously at her, “Do you hear your papa little one? How ridiculous is he?” She leaned in, pecking my lips with a tiny kiss, before pulling back, her chocolate brown eyes bright and sparkling, “So so ri-ducky-lucky mama.” Eris chomped his teeth at her, “Honk honk,” snickering at her cheerful yelps. He settled the napping Twila, who had a tranquil smile gracing her face, on his hip, reaching his free hand, tattooed with our marriage vows to rest on the small of my back as we walked back to the estate. 
They were most definitely sleeping in our room at nightfall.
General taglist: @nyotamalfoy @brekkershadowsinger @kennedy-brooke @fieldofdaisiies
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redbleedingrose · 1 year
okay hear me out, u and lucien r in love. mates if you will. everyone knows it apart from the two of you - in fact u find each other so excessively obnoxious even though there isnt any serious reason for it. you argue and tease and fight constantly, but you also bring each other so much genuine laughter and being in the same vicinity as him - and him as you - immediately calms and relaxes each other. even if it leads to play fighting. youre both so content with the dynamic you have going on that even when you get jealous of elain looking at him for a moment too long, or when he gets irritated by you giving azriel a hug when youre upset, neither of you move to do anything - rather you choose to ignore it. at least until you get hurt and lucien quite literally goes berserk bc he doesnt know if youre okay or not and then and only then does he decide that his feelings, whatever they are, definitely cannot be ignored.
DAMN I JUST KEPT GOING IM SORRY- i j needed to share with SOMEONE its been eating me alive i stg
OH MY GOD?!?!?!?!
Tell me why this ask had my heart pitter pattering in my chest!!??!!!
No because you and Lucien are SOOO annoying!!!
It is literally so obvious to everyone except you two.
And I mean everyone.
Even Lucien's favorite little babes, Marwa and Twila have asked their mama, Lucien's favorite sister in law, if Uncle Luc is gonna marry their favorite Auntie (who happens to be one of Mama's best friends), in front of Uncle Luc and their papa.
Eris cackled at his babes, picking them up, squeezing them into his chest, and pressing kisses into their chubby cheeks, sending a mocking wink to Lucien who rolls his eyes because why the hell does everyone think you and him are in love??
You just hang out together sometimes...
all the time
Okay so it started off innocently. In honest truth, Lucien didn't even like you at first. He watched with envy as Marwa and Twila ran towards you instead of him to capture you in a hug that nearly knocked you over.
They are supposed to be his nieces??? They are supposed to run to him???? What the fuck is so good and exciting about you, besides the fact you are stunningly beautiful???
So Lucien, ever the courtier, struts over to you, and introduces himself, finally catching your name.
It suits you, he thinks to himself
And as dinner is served, he finds himself seated next to you... so obviously he has to keep the conversation going because he is a gentle-male??? And that is the polite thing to do...
Definitely Not because he wants to know more about you.
And you know when you meet someone and you have this wrong initial first impression, but as you continue to talk to them, your entire perception becomes warped?
That is how poor Lucien felt
You talked the entire night, teasing each other left and right, picking fights just to see the other get flustered.
Anytime either of you walked off to talk to someone else, one of you would ineviteably end up drifting back to them to continue the teasing conversation where you left off
And that night...
It was the beginning of a beautiful, wondrous friendship. situationship
One that Lucien cherishes, one that he never wants to mess up or let go of. your friendship situationship is easy. It is comfortable. Him softly tossing you onto the couch, you gently yanking at his hair, him pushing your shoulder as you walk together, you kicking at his feet under the dinner table. Your obnoxious teasing settles him, it settles his heart. It is so easy for you two. It is easy for Lucien. And it is easy for you. Because it is never serious, only playful. Because you don't cross each others boundaries. Because outside of the play fighting has been deep conversations that have delved into your trauma and his trauma. Because outside of the play fighting, you understand each other. Your situationship is easy because Lucien feel genuine peace around you... peace that he hasn't felt since Jesminda
From the outside, it is so clear that he is down bad for you.
Because when you aren't teasing him, he is gazing at you with the biggest puppy dog eyes, begging for your attention.
Because when you aren't kicking at his feet under the dinner table due to you being too engrossed in your conversation with Azriel, his cheeks become ruddy with frustration and he cannot control the scowl that tightens the muscles in his face
And gods, you don't spare a glance at him when he nudges your shin, trying to grab your attention.
Part of him knows this is just a tactic to mess with him.
And it shouldn't mess with him...
But it does
He huffs, focusing on the glass of whiskey in his hand, turning it up to swallow in one gulp, allowing the sweet burn to distract him.
But if that is how it is... if that is how you want it to be... if Azriel is the one who makes you this intrigued, if he makes you that happy... then who is he to stand in the way? You are only friends? All Lucien knows is that he doesn't want to lose you. The best thing that has happened to him in his entire lifetime.
So if that means he has to let his jealousy fester, find peace with you and Azriel talking, then that is what he will do.
Gods, you are just talking to him. It is not even that serious, Lucien thinks to himself, irrate with the shadowsinger's uncanny ability to make you giggle.
"Hello Lucien," a soft gentle voice reluctantly pulls Lucien's gaze away from you
He half-heartedly continues the conversation with the female, letting her fill his glass with two fingers of whiskey malt.
And thats how the night continues...
He talks to Elain, letting her stare at him unabashedly.
He smirks to himself when he feels a soft nudge at his foot halfway through the night, turning his entire body towards Elain and nodding to whatever speech she was giving about the flora she was cultivating in the garden of Rhys and Feyre's home.
Because two can play it that game
And you feel a sharp stab at your heart when Lucien ignores you, feeling a bit sorry for your earlier teasings, now that the tables were turned on you.
And you know that this is probably Lucien giving you what he got, finally getting his chance to annoy you this evening
But from where you are sitting...
He looks like he is enjoying himself.
Returning smiles at Elain's shameless staring, nodding to her rambling, adding his own anecdotes in a soft voice.
A soft voice he never used with you
So what if he is enjoying himself?? So what if he likes Elain?? So what if he talks to her... and touches her... and kisses her
Ugh, you are only friends with Lucien. You have no right to feel the way you feel right now.
Seething with jealousy
Frustrated that Lucien is winning at your own game
So when Morr asks you to accompany her to Rita's tonight, you don't turn down the offer.
Even though you are supposed to return with Lucien to Autumn tonight to watch Marwa and Twila while Eris and his wife have a private night at their seaside cottage.
Lucien's head snaps towards you, almost giving himself whiplash in the process as he glares holes into the back of your head as you pull on your burgandy coat
Part of him wants to take you by the arm, and drag you home, tired of the games you both were playing tonight. But he didn't. He didn't call out your name to stop you. He didn't drag you home like he wanted to. He didn't stop you. He let you go. He let you walk out.
A fact that has the male wanting to burn himself alive a couple of hours later, when Morr winnows back carrying your passed out form in her arms, yelling at the top of her lungs for a healer as blood seeps out of a gash on your forehead
He moves so fast towards where Morr is holding you, she flinches at his sudden appearance, her grip on you loosening as he reaches and craddles you into his chest as Rhys winnows in with Majda, who demands the youngest Autumn heir to set you down onto the couch.
He is panicking, heart racing, head spinning, everything that is being said at him is fading into a background of ringing in his ears.
He stares, nauseous, as Majda begins her work, snapping himself out of his stupor as rage fills him.
Who dare hurt you? Who dare touch you?
The urge to vomit the bile that has risen in his throat only enhances as he hears a soft moan of pain pass between your lips, still unconicous to your surroundings
He turns towards Morr, who is staring helplessly at your form, all his rage suddenly directed towards her.
How dare she let this happen to you?
He is in total disarray, there is not controlling his emotions right now. Lucien yanks Morr towards him, not enough to hurt her, but enough to direct her attention to him, Azriel charging to pull her away, but not before Lucien can scream, "What the fuck happened to her?"
The poor female bursts into tears, resting her head on Luciens chest, "I don't know... I only left her for a moment... Oh gods, I am so sorry."
Regret floods through Lucien as Morr cries into his chest, and he moves to wrap his arms around her in a hug, rubbing at her shoulder until she is calm enough to pull away
But his thoughts aren't on Morr.
His regret isn't felt at yelling at Morr.
His regret is directed at you.
You. His best friend. His favorite being in the entire world. His favorite being to ever exist. He was the one who let you go. He was the one who didn't come to find you after you left, even though it had gotten too late into the night. He was the one who made you leave in the first place.
And in that moment. In that moment, he realized that he couldn't do this anymore.
The holding back. The fear of losing you if he tried to be anything more with you.
Because what if he loses you tonight? What if he loses you without telling you how he feels about you?
So when Majda is done, and she informs Lucien that you will be just fine with some rest, that your wound was only surface level and did not result in a concusion... he waited
He waited next to you, holding your hand throughout the night, resting his head right next to yours as you slept, letting one of his fingers trace your nose and lips before pressing a soft kiss onto your forehead, begging Mother above to have you wake up before his courage wears out
When you wake the next morning from snores coming from the fae right next to you, you find Lucien's long hair is practically in your mouth.
You grin, pushing his head slightly, jerking back when his head snaps up, glancing around, eyes wild.
A belly laugh erupts, "Oh Gods Luc, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you that bad."
And Lucien just stares down at you, incredulous that you are seriously playing games right now. After what happened last night.
You pause at Lucien's silence, awaiting his scolding for waking him up this early and so abruptly, but he just stares down at you.
"What the fuck happened last night?" he practically growls, unamused by your teasing
And then it all comes back. Slamming into you.
The male next to you. His nose had started bleeding perfusly. Like seriously, it was insane. And the sight of the blood dripping down his nose and onto his shirt had you feeling whoozy.
And the next thing you know...
You're waking up to Lucien's mane in your face.
Oh Gods, you must've fucking passed out and hit your head against the table when you fell.
Your entire face and neck flushes as you stare back at Lucien, not knowing how to respond without sounding like a complete fool.
You try coming up with an excuse, but your brain is still foggy from the slam against the table, and you are coming up empty.
So you lay there... gaping up at Lucien.
Totally not noticing the way the sun is making his golden skin glow... Totally not noticing the way his hair looks lucious for someone who slept in a slumped position the entire night... Totally not noticing his pink lips being so close to yours, that if you lean up, you could absolutely steal a kiss...
Thank the mother above Lucien doesn't let you finish, "I love you."
The words take a moment to register.
The initial feeling of thanks you were giving to Lucien for not forcing you to tell him how you made a complete fool of yourself is replaced with shock.
You were stunned.
The female was too stunned to speak. Literally.
"I have loved you since the moment I met you. And I can't believe I waited this long to tell you. But I was afraid. I was afraid of losing you. But Gods, I almost lost you last night. And mother, if I had?? I don't think I would be able to live with myself. I wouldn't be able to live without you. You are my drive. You are my hope. My reason to get up in the morning. My reason to live. I love you. I love you. I love you."
His speech comes out fast.
But you catch every word. And you hold it close to your heart.
And then you feel it. And so does he. A bond. A golden thread coming to life between you two. A thread that ties your hearts together, humming at the unbrideled joy you are feeling.
You shut your eyes, savoring this moment. Wanting to live in it forever.
"Are you okay, sweets?" Lucien asks you in such a soft, gentle voice, his hand coming to rub at your hair, pointedly avoiding the stitches.
A singular tear slips down your cheek, hot and fast, "I am perfect Luc. And I fucking love you too."
You push yourself up, your face a centimeter from his, staring into his amber eyes, his mouth wide open in shock. Your tongue slips out, licking at his upper lip.
A gasp barely escapes from his lips as he slides his arms around your waist, and you are fully pressing your lips into his.
Anyway... you tell Lucien what happened last night a couple hours after he fucks your brains out. And he cackles at you. For like ten minutes. To the point his entire face has gone red because he cannot breathe. As you lay there with your arms crossed grumpily across your chest, glaring at him for laughing at you.
Don't worry though, he gives you six orgasms in apology
At least it makes for a good story, and explaination, for when you go both go home to a pissed off Eris and his clearly amused wife.
And it has his favorite babes, Marwa and Twila, screaming at the top of their lungs that they are gonna be flower girls for Uncle Luc's mating ceremony with their favorite Auntie.
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redbleedingrose · 1 year
okay but what if eris gets so caught up with the girls and so concerned ab giving you free time that you start to feel less important - i feel like he would freak out if he found out u felt that way and do whatever possible to make sure u didnt feel that way anymore yk?
Oh man, this is painful to think about.
To be honest, Girldad!Eris is such a loving and doting father. Not only that, he is also an amazing mate, husband, and best friend to you. I think Eris in general, does a wonderful job at making sure you feel appreciated and loved and adored, the way you deserve to be.
When Marwa and Twila were newborns, you and Eris were incredibly in sync. You worked like a team in handling your babes, and he made sure that each of you had time for yourselves and time for each other.
It was easier when they were so little... leaving them with a nanny for a couple of hours while he took you out on a day trip, or dinner, or just to spend some alone time together ;)
But when the girls turned into toddlers, they became a bit more attached to their mama and papa. They are in that stage where they become upset if either one of you is out of sight.
Safe to say, time for yourselves and each other has been limited since the babes became more needy. And Eris takes it in stride!!!! He loves his perfect little girls, spoiling them with their every wish and whim, listening intently to everything they have to say (even if it is about how Janey (Twila's imaginary friend) pushed Sienna over (Marwa's imaginary friend)).
And don't get me wrong, you love that. You fucking adore Eris and how he much he loves your babes and takes care of them. He is the best father, and he proves to you and himself every day that any fear he had about being like his father was beyond absurd. But...
But... you miss your husband. You miss your mate and best friend.
When the girls were newborns, they would be asleep most of the day, and you had uninterrupted time with Eris where you and him could catch up and talk about your days, where he could hold and kiss you, and love and dote on you, and fuck your brains out.
Now that girls are toddlers, they are constantly hanging off their papa, begging for his attention throughout the day, and it feels like you just don't have enough time with him. The babes cry whenever you try to go out on dates or day trips, and Eris relents to his girls cries, sending a burst of apology down your bond while you opt to stay in with the babes.
The only time you get to spend alone with him is late into the night, when both of you are too exhausted from your duties and babes to do anything besides cuddle, sending strokes of love and adoration down the golden thread tying you together, and fall into a dreamless sleep.
So yes, you miss your mate. You miss talking to him, and being near him, and kissing and cuddling him, and you absolutely miss his dick. And seeing him with your girls, it warms your heart like nothing else. And it also sends a shock of envy that sends you into a spiral of mom guilt. It just that... there was a slight loss that you felt. A slight emptiness that you no longer had your mates full attention at any point during the day because it was given to the babes. And you love, absolutely love that for them. You just don't like it for yourself.
And Eris, well... he misses you too. He feels it too. He feels the decrease in time that he has had with his mate. So... when you start to distance yourself from him, moving to the very edge of the bed instead of into his chest while you fall asleep, he panics.
Because you already have limited time together, and now you don't want to be near him even during that time??
And Eris knows you. He has known you. He knows every part of you, your body, your brain, your heart, and your soul. So he reads you like an open book, and knows that you are avoiding him. And he knows it is likely because you don't want to talk to him about something that is bothering you. Because thats how you are.
You are his perfect, beautiful, loving, selfless mate.
If something is bothering you, you bury it deep inside, because you love him too much to bring it up to him and possibly hurt his feelings. So... he gives you the first night. He lets you sleep on the other side of the bed, because you need your space. And he will talk to you in the morning over a breakfast date.
When he wakes, you are already gone. Your side of the bed is already cool by the time his stirs enough to reach his hand out to you. This time... this time your avoidance has Eris shooting straight out of bed, throwing on whatever clothes he can find as he sets off to find you.
You are with your babes, who are sitting at the table and coloring with their new pencils their papa bought them a couple of days prior, making some fresh pancakes for them even though your housekeepers tried shooing you off. You are an astounding mother to your girls, wanting them to eat something made and embedded with the purest of love that you have for them.
You greet him softly smiling down at your mate, as he tugs at your bond, making you aware of his presence as he tries and fails to smile back. But his babes are there. So he forces a small grin onto his face, not wanting his little girls to pick up on the fact that Mama and Papa aren't in the best place right now, and cuddles close to them on the bench so he can feed Marwa as you feed Twila.
Once breakfast is over, you encourage the girls to get dressed for their piano lesson this afternoon. And the girls moan and groan, but they listen to their mama, running with their tiny feet out of the dining room to their bedrooms where they can change with the help of their chambermaids, leaving you and Eris alone for the first time in a while.
At this point, you know he knows.
You know he knows that something is wrong, so you avoid looking at him as he turns to you. You move yourself quickly, picking up the dirtied dishes, shifting your eyes towards the forest outside shown by the window over the sink.
Er approaches you, lifting his arms to wrap around your waist, pressing your back into his chest, and resting his head on your shoulder as you try to gently push away. The movement has Eris tsking, swiveling you around to face him. You focus your eyes onto the door behind him, right over his shoulder, but he grasps at your chin with one hand, forcing you to look at him, the other hand fingering a strand of your hair and tucking it behind your ear.
"Why are you avoiding me, beloved?" he murmurs, leaning in close to brush his nose against yours, "Have I done something to upset you?"
You scoff trying to play your avoidance off, pressing your hands from behind your back into into his hips, tugging him close by his belt, "I am not avoiding you."
He shakes his head, his hand easing its way through your hair to rest at the back of your scalp, still so close to you that it is almost dizzying, "The truth beloved, I want the truth."
You hate that he can read you this well. You hate that he can take you apart, piece by piece, inspecting each part of you slowly and carefully, before putting you back together.
Because you can never hide anything from him, your perfect, wonderful mate.
So now, you have to explain your silly envy that you have for the attention your babes receive from their papa. A lump lodges itself into your throat, a heat runs up your neck and focuses in on your cheeks, as embrassament and shame makes it way deep within you. "I just miss you." It comes out unintentionally as a whimper, so quiet, that if Eris wasn't standing so close, he would've missed it. A hot tear escapes your waterline, streaking down your cheek, as Eris thumbs it away, "I miss you too, beloved."
A pained laugh rushes past your lips as all the feelings you had once held in begin to spill out, "No Eris, you are right here. So close to me. Practically on top of me right now. And I still miss you. Gods, Er, I miss you when you are with our babes. How disgusting is that? Our little babes Er. They need you so much more than I do, they need their papa. And look, you are the most amazing father to them. And you take care of them, and love them, and dote on them. And I am fucking jealous? Not even jealous, I guess. Just sad. Because I miss you. Because anytime we try to be together, just as us, as a couple, as mates, it is interrupted by our babes. And mother, I love them so much, believe me, I love them so much, I would give my soul for them. But I miss... I miss spending time with you. Uninterrupted time with you. I miss you holding me. I miss us reading together by the fireplace. I miss us making dinner together, or getting dressed and going out on those special dates that you would set up without telling me. Gods, I miss making out with you Er. I miss us fucking and I miss us making love, without worrying that one of the babes will walk in and we will scar them for life. I miss everything Er. I guess... I guess I just am feeling... I think..."
His soft amber eyes bore into yours, nodding his head in encouragement as he rubs the back of your scalp and cupping your cheek into his palm, "Go on beloved."
You swallow against the lump, wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling his face a hair-widths from yours, "I think I am feeling a little neglected." Your sentiment comes out forced, but necessary. The time away from your mate was leaving you with a profound sense of sadness, even though he is right in front of you.
Your sentiment also knocks the breath right out of the high lord. This isn't what he was expecting. He knew that you missed him, and he missed you too, so much. He just didn't know that it was this much. That you were feeling "neglected" in your own words. It had bile rising to his throat as he realized, with deep-rooted self loathing he hadn't felt in a while, that he was the one that made you feel this way. Him. Your best friend. Your husband. Your mate.
He was supposed to make you feel appreciated, and adored, and loved. Because that is what you deserve, and you should settle for nothing less.
You scoff, interrupting his flow of thoughts, as if you could read his mind, "Don't. Don't do that Er. It's okay. I am fine. I just miss you."
He scrunches his nose at you, pressing a quick peck to your lips, "It most certainly is not okay. Your feelings are valid, and you don't need to invalidate them to spare my own feelings. I am so sorry beloved, I am sorry I made you feel this way," you opened your mouth, likely to interrupt him again, but he didn't let, thumbing at your bottom lip, trapping it between his fingers and give a slight tug, "I do get caught up in the girls. I get so caught up in loving them, protecting them, doting on them. I never want them to feel the way my father made me feel. I want them to know that their papa cherishes them. And I think through that, I have forgotten to take extra, exclusive, time out for their mama."
He heaves a sigh, pressing another quick peck onto your lips, "I never meant to make you feel neglected, beloved. You have to know. You have to know how much I fucking adore you. How much I need you, and ache for you. Every moment not spent with you, is so... It is so numbing. You make me feel alive. I love you. So fucking much."
"I love you too Er, so much," you lean in, brushing your lips against his once, twice, before locking them together. His lips move so softly against yours, sucking at your bottom lip before darting his tongue to meet with yours. You stay like that for a long moment.
Kissing your mate. Holding him impossibly close, until he is melting against you. Basking in the love he is pouring out, straight through the bond tying your souls.
He nips at your lips as he pulls away, "I promise to make more time for you, mate. Uninterrupted time. Because I miss you too beloved. I miss our dates and our cuddles and our talks and our kisses. I miss it all. I also miss your tits and fucking you, but let's not go there right now or else I'm going to bend you right over this kitchen counter and take you right here," you snort as a smirk lilts his face, "Let's go out tonight beloved. I'll call the nanny to watch them tonight, and we can go out to our little cottage by the seaside for the night. We can have a nice dinner that we cook together, and then for dessert... well for dessert, I am going to splay you across the table, and you are going to spread your legs open for me, and you can work out the rest."
You scoff amusedly, pushing at his chest, but his grip on your hips doesn't let you get too far before pulling you back in, "How does that sound beloved?" brushing his lips over the curve of your ear. He moves your hair over your shoulder, trailing open mouthed kisses up and down your neck, suckling at the sensitive spot right at the junction of your shoulder and collarbone, "How does that sound beloved?" he asks again, mouthing it into the small bruise forming where he had bite onto.
"Gods, yes Er," you moan into his shoulder, "Please."
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redbleedingrose · 1 year
OH! okay so pov eris watching you interact with marwa and twila and hes just completely lovesick and in awe of his mate and his little girls that he doesnt know what to do or how to function- so much so that lucien starts teasing him and giving him a bunch of shit for it 🤩
Omg 😫😫😫 we all know Eris is such a fucking simp for you, I genuinely think he would burn down the world for you if you asked!!!
He didn’t know he could love you more than he already did. It seemed impossible to him. Because you consume every part of him. Every part of his body, heart, and soul belongs to you. It has for a very long time, and he didn’t think that his feelings towards you could ever change. 
You becoming the mother to his babes... it brought a new universe of love, adoration, passion, and desire that Eris was not aware of even existing. His adoration for you... it never lacked in any way before you had your little girls... but mother above, did it ascend to new heights watching your belly swell with his babes. 
And watching you interact with his little girls??? 
It was like you had placed every star in the sky with your own fingertips, like you had painted each colorful leaf that hung on the trees in the forest outside your home, like you had replaced the sun as the center of his universe. 
And you had. To him at least. 
So, as his amber eyes cherish the sight before him of his wife, beloved, and mate sitting in the green grass beneath the willow tree with Twila and Marwa, cuddling them into your chest as the chilly breeze brushes across them, listening intently, nodding along to Twila’s ramblings and Marwa’s little additions to whatever adventures the babes had today, he cannot help but thank the gods he has been blessed with you as a mate.  
Never did he expect love to be in his future. He always thought that the end to his story would be at the hands of his father. He didn’t think he would become high lord. He didn’t think he would ever have a family, let alone find love or happiness like this. 
Love so pure, so fulfilling, so genuine, so deep, so vital. 
But here he is... watching out his office window, looking in on his mate and two little girls love so freely, so happily, safe from the horrors of his father.
It was nearly paralyzing. 
The love he had for you. He didn’t know how to function without it, how to function without you. Every decision, every choice he made, even as high lord... it always came back to you, back to his babes. If the new law would make it a better place, a better court, a better world, for his females he loved so. 
So here Eris sat, in his office, not getting a single thing done watching you and his babes. He had set off in the morning after breakfast with you and his babes, after making you and the girls promise to have the best day without him, citing he had some work to get done and he would find you as soon as he finished. 
He was mesmerized watching you with his babes. In utter awe, admiration, and wonderment. 
It still shocked him you had chosen to stay with him, chosen to be with him, chosen to love him, chosen to have his babes. He didn’t know what he had done to deserve such an enchanting, loving mate and wife. 
The part of him that had been motivated to work this morning had unsurprisingly disappeared once he caught sight of you and the babes outside. He ached to join you, to hear what his little Twila was rambling about, to pull Marwa into his lap and kiss her ruddy, chubby cheeks, to feel the unbriddeld joy you would send down your bond when you felt him approaching, to- 
“Gods, you are fucking whipped.”
Eris’ gaze twisted to his youngest brother, who had made his way into his office, silent as a fox, settling himself onto one of the leather chairs in front of his desk. Lucien stared back at the high lord, eyebrows raised high and a smug grin lilting his face, glowing under the rays of sunlight that soaked into the room. 
The lordling’s shock turned to annoyance. He hadn’t even noticed Lucien until he interrupted his musings, and now he was irked his youngest brother had the audacity to pull his gaze away from his mate and babes. He scoffed, “What do you want?” as he finally pushed away from the desk, giving up on work for the day, to stand by the window with unimpeded views of his favorite girls, clearly uninterested in whatever his brother had to say. 
Luc snorted, leaving his own seat to join his eldest brother, peering out the window and smiling softly at the sight of his favorite sister in law and nieces. “I have been sitting here for ten minutes, trying to get your attention. But you were too entranced by your mate, too busy worshiping the ground she walks on, to notice,” his voice filled with mirth. His warm hand lifted, clasping Eris by the shoulder and squeezing tightly, “I’m happy for you brother.” 
Eris huffed at his brothers sudden affection, nonetheless returning a smirk of his own, “Me too,” lifting his own arm to bring Lucien into a quick embrace, “I mean have you seen my mate, she is the embodiment of-” 
“Gods, here we go...” Lucien groaned, pushing Eris away, a large smile threatening to break across his face, as the high lord continued into his long-winded praise and adoration for his wife that the youngest brother has heard not once, not twice, but a million times. 
Mother above, he would hear it a million more times if it meant Eris was this happy for the rest of his life, Lucien thinks. His eldest brother deserves nothing less. 
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redbleedingrose · 1 year
Eris is a girl dad pt 3
Okay, so I guess I am doing a mini series because I have so many thoughts! So here is a discussion of your newborn babes!! Also formatting is being weird, so sorry about that 
Eris is absolutely fucking thrilled to have two twin girls! 
The entire autumn court was shook to find that the high lady had given birth to two beautiful baby girls, but the celebrations lasted for a month! 
they were born in October, and it becomes a month of celebration for centuries to come to celebrate the birth of Marwa and Twila 
These babes are spoiled from the day they were born OMG, immediately, Eris is insisting that tailors make them beautiful matching dresses for any possible occasion 
and of course, the high lord insists that the same dresses be made for his beautiful perfect wife 
Eris is the best fucking father, he is literally so helpful and caring. 
The male does not let you get up in the middle of the night unless the babes need to be feed
The moment one of his girls lets out even a whimper, he is flying out of bed to check and make sure they are okay 
immediate skin to skin contact so the babes can feel the warmth from their papa and also get used to his scent
Eris whispers little stories and lullubies his mother used to sing to him, and the babes calm almost instantly 
they are already used to papa’s voice because he used to talk at your stomach constantly during your pregnancy
While you enjoy motherhood and love your babes with your entire body, heart, and soul, Eris makes sure to remind you that you are your own person outside of being a mother 
and he makes sure that you have time for yourself, whether that is taking a long bath, getting your hair done, reading in the library he had built for you on your 100th anniversary 
The male is always happy to look after the babes, and damn, he does an amazing job doing it. 
Weaponized incompetance who? 🫡😮‍💨
While the babes are still newborns, Eris makes sure he visits throughout the day, even if he is busy with his duties, the male is constantly checking in and holding the babes, pressing kisses into their temples 
Lucien, of course, is also there to help and is the best uncle ever. The babes love him
Without any doubt, Eris is the most protective father of his newborn babes. He has ordered is hounds to stand guard wherever the babes are. 
outside the nursery? -- obviously 
anytime you take the babes on a stroll? -- without question 
the male is highly paranoid, and you would do anything to soothe your husband and mate, so you agree to let the hounds follow you 
There are also spies Eris has ordered to be constantly watching the babes out of sight 
There is no length Eris would not go to protect his two perfect girls 
Every night after the babes are put to sleep and you are in bed, Eris is thanking you as he holds you close to his chest, murmuring praises and gratitude into your hair
You usually fall asleep together, but if Eris remains awake, he will sneak out of your arms to check on the babes 
Usually both are asleep, and Eris is able to go back to bed content that his babes are safe and happy
Sometimes, Marwa, the eldest, is quietly staring up at him, curious and wide awake. 
Eris assumes it is because the babe is too excited at the new world around her to sleep 
Twila, the youngest, usually falls asleep and stays asleep until she is hungry or uncomfortable 
Eris will take Marwa out of her crib, cuddling her close into his chest, and lesuirly strolls around the house he had built for you once he killed Beron. 
He talks to her about everything (anything he can think of really)
the weather 
the constellations that night in the sky 
his hounds 
His mother
His brothers, especially his two youngest who are his favorite
he mostly talks about you 
“You have the most perfect mother Marwa”
“Don’t you ever worry about anything, Papa is here to protect you always.”
“I will never let anything happen to you”
“If you ever want anything, just tell me okay? I promise, I will get you whatever you want”
“Boys have cooties okay Marwa? So you are not allowed to talk to them until you are at least 500 years old”
“Never grow old my beautiful babe, let papa hold you in his arms forever”
she listens until she falls asleep
these are some of Eris’ favorite moments with his little girl 
Don’t worry though, Eris is absolutely bonding with his youngest, Twila 
While Marwa is the quieter and calmer of the two, Twila is her perfect compliment 
Twila is always cooing
making the cutest freaking sounds that you and Eris swoon over ugh I cannot ‼️
She is a wriggly babe, an escape artist if you will
she will find a way to get her arms out of her little swaddle 
her tiny fingers constantly grabbing at your and Eris’ fingers 
her fist knocks against your chest as you feed her
her tiny feet are constantly kicking at the air 
she just has so much energy 
While Marwa is content resting with you as you read your book during afternoon tea, Twila is quite restless
Eris is constantly taking her out into the gardens and forest that surround your home 
letting her feel and see the world around her 
He is telling her his life stories as he walks around with her...
and its like she can understand, because the babe coos back her responses to her papa 
He is taking Twila to the stables, introducing her to all his horses, hounds, and practically any animal he can find
So Marwa is the quiet, content, calm babe and Twila is the loud, curious, and restless babe
but they are so easy 
they are the best babes for you and Eris 
the newborn stage was something you were warned about, “you are not going to get any sleep” they said 
but gods, you and Eris are the best partners and parents
these babes are the most happy and content babes anyone has ever seen 
In terms of looks... 
Marwa is your exact copy… Eris likes to say that she is a mini you, and gods does he love it 
she has your eyes 
She has your nose
She has your hair color 
the only thing of Eris’ she has, is her wavey hair 
Twila is really a perfect combination of you and Eris 
she has your eyes 
she has Eris’ auburn hair and waves 
she has your lips 
she has Eris’ nose 
Eris is so fucking excited to see his babe has his hair color I cannot 
The newborn stage is incredibly fun for you and Eris
you are watching your babes grow and learn how to be alive. 
and you and Eris are there every step of the way, supporting and loving them unconditionally 
even if they poop through their daipers onto Eris’ shirt as he holds them
his horrified look he gives you makes you laugh for a couple minutes 
like until you cannot breathe 
literally gasping for air kinda laugh 
like you are laughing even after the moment has ended because you keep remembering the look on his face
even if they leave spit up on your favorite dress 
less funny to you
And mother above, the smirk Eris gives you is so smug, you almost want to smack it off his face 
but Eris promises to buy you a hundred more 
he may also whisper, “Papa’s proud, do it again” at his perfect babes
just because he wants to buy you more dresses 
and maybe cuz he likes to tease you a little 
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redbleedingrose · 1 year
Girl Dad!Eris Masterlist
Eris is a girl dad part 1
Eris is a girl dad part 2
Eris is a girl dad part 3
Pregnancy headcanons
You’re feeling neglected 
The girls get their first cycle and only Eris is present
The home Eris had built for you
Skinned knees and tantrums
Eris is a simp
You had a rough day
Jewelry Girl dad!Eris would get you
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redbleedingrose · 1 year
im sorry i havent been interacting much lately- im having a rough time atm and havnt felt like myself but im working on it!
ANYWAY this has been on my mind and it is genuinely getting me thru the day so i j have to share:) imagine ur having a bad day. like the worst of the worst, everything that could have gone wrong has. and to top it off you woke up feeling awful about yourself- total bad brain day. you get home irritated and exhausted and on the verge of tears and go straight to ur room, completely bypassing eris (this can be pre twins or post twins) and hes just sitting there confused as to why you j kept walking. at least until u accidentally let a bit of emotion down the bond and IMMEDIATELY eris is coming to you. he sees u crying and it shatters his heart bc why is the love of his life crying. so u explain ur day and how bad ur feeling ab urself and he just sits and listens and reassures u and makes you feel like the most loved person in the universe (bc by him you are).
v much realizing how heavy hurt/comfort it is so u can definitely ignore it but im fr wishing for an eris to help me thru it rn <3
Hi my dear,
I am sorry you are going through it rn, I totally understand and get it. You are not alone and don’t worry, Girl dad!Eris will always save the day because you are his heart, soul, and world. 
Okay, so you just wake up not knowing that today was going to be a rough day. Honestly you had a lot of hope that the day was going to go really well!
Eris woke up early this morning because he has been busy adjusting the laws that Beron had set into place. He is working hard to undo them to make Autumn Court a better place for his people, for his little girls, and for you. 
When he finishes getting ready, he crosses the room towards your form that is still laying in bed, fast asleep. He wakes you to give you your first good morning, a habit that formed when your bond had initially snapped into place centuries ago 
He kisses your forehead, stroking your hair back as he gently murmurs, “I have to go to my office, I love you so so much my pretty, and I will see you at breakfast.” 
And you smile back, bleary eyed, leaning up to peck him on the lips, telling him you would be up soon, sending a stroke of love down your mating bond in reassurance. 
You watch tiredly as he tip-toes to his favorite babes who were still sleeping peacefully in their bassinets, and gives them each individual kisses.
You are too tired to hear what he whispers down at the two, but you are 100% positive it is something along the lines of, “Be good for your mama my beautiful babes. Papa will be back soon, and he loves you more than anything.” 
And then he walks out the door, winking at you as he shuts it softly behind him. 
By the time you fully wake, it’s been almost an hour since Eris started his day. Marwa and Twila are still asleep, and so you get up with a sense of motivation to get yourself ready. 
Since the babes were born, it had become increasingly difficult to find time in the morning to get yourself ready before breakfast. Usually, you would need to get yourself dressed and appearing somewhat presentable after you fed the girls their breakfast. 
At first, this worried you. You didn’t want to appear like you were lazy or “letting yourself go” when you arrive to breakfast, frazzled from wrangling the girls out of bed and to the kitchem still in your pajama’s with some dried drool at the corner of your lips from the night before
But the way Eris would look up from where he was seated at the dining table when you would wake in with your babes hand in hand... 
The way his eyes would spark with the fire that ran within his veins... the way his face would illuminate with utter joy and peace... the way he always stood in greeting, hugging his babes and putting them in their seats... the way he would pull your chair back for you like the gentlemale he was, tucking you in your seat right next to him before pressing a kiss onto the back of your hand
And if he was feeling incredibly risky, whenever the girls would be focused on eating their breakfast, he would press kisses all the way up your bare arm, right up to your shoulder, whispering something along the lines of how stunning you look this morning 
And you would always flush at his compliments, preening under his gaze, any worries that you previously carried slipping away like a leaf within the wind drifting to the ground off a tree
But this morning... you had the time to get ready. Your perfect babes had decided to sleep in. So after taking a quick peak to ensure that both were still dreaming happily, you race towards the en-suite bathroom to rush to take a bath 
You soak in the tub for 15 minutes, scrubbing every inch of your skin and allowing for the sunflower oil to hydrate any dryness you were experiencing. You even have time to wash your hair with your favorite rose scented shampoo and conditioner.
You smile, knowing that you have your morning all planned out perfectly. The moment you get out of the bath, you will apply some light rogue to your lips and cheeks to brighten you up today. And if you have the time, you will make sure that your hair is somewhat tame from the bird-nest it was from last night’s late night activities with your husband...
Your perfumed scent and fresh, soft skin is likely going to drive your mate insane during breakfast.
And, so, when the babes run off for their morning riding lessons with their Uncle Luc after breakfast... well... whose to say what Eris will do to you?  
Hopefully drag you into his office to have his way with you while the girls are away for a couple of hours before returning to work
But as you get ready... as you stare at yourself in the mirror... you can’t help but feel off. Something about the way you look today feels off.
Entirely off. 
The way your rogue is settling on your cheeks is not flattering, and no matter how many times you wipe it off and reapply, it is making you look like you painted yourself this morning to look like a clown. Even the way the rogue stains your lips is wrong. 
Fresh face without any makeup will have to do. Eris has never complained before, and he never will. He loves your bare face. He often prefers it because it let’s him paint your face with his cum. 
So you sigh in dissapointment, but let it go ultimately. At least you can still fix your hair the way you want. Maybe you will curl it to frame your face? Maybe you will straighten to highlight your cheeks? The possibilites are endless, right! 
Your hair is not working with you today. No matter how you try styling it, it falls right back into place, resting in a messy way. You even tried applying a small portion of the gel your mate uses in the morning to help with it, but your hair ends up feeling a bit crusty and greasy, even though that never happens to Eris. 
You’re now feeling a little demotivated... you take a quick peak into your room, noticing that both your babes are awake now. Thank the mother they are just babbling at each other, distracted by telling each other about their dreams. 
Soon they will realize that their papa is gone, and that mama is in the bathroom, and they will run to receive your morning lovings of hugs and kisses before you help them get ready for the day. 
That leaves you with a couple minutes to at least dress a little nicer this morning. So you run into the closet, picking out a flowy sage green dress that Eris had bought for you a couple of days ago despite your closet being full of other clothes. 
“I wanna spoil you my beloved. Besides, I already bought Marwa and Twila dresses that match yours. So maybe you can have them wear their dresses when you wear yours. Just so I can see my most beautiful girls and perfect mate matching.” 
Gods, the way he treated you had your heart fully leaping into his hands, without any hesitancy or doubt, for him to hold close to his own heart
But even the dress is not fitting right on you. The way it hugs your hips shows off the dips that had developed after having your girls. And you didn’t necessarily hate them per say... but it wasn’t something you wanted highlighted to your mate and the entire autumn court for that matter
And then you start to think maybe it’s not the rogue or the hair or the dress... maybe it’s me. I mean your body has changed a lot since having your girls. Your breasts had enlarged with milk for the babes, and your hips had widened for the birth. 
And you hadn’t bounced back like you thought you would. 
And obviously, Eris never gave you any pressure or stress about it. In fact, the male worshiped your body. Pre-pregnancy, during pregnancy, and post pregnancy. He was obsessed with you in the best way possible. 
But for some reason... today was just not working with you. And you felt dejected that you had wasted your time this morning trying to get ready for your husband, only for it to not work out, when you probably could’ve snuck into his office to have a quick few... private... moments. 
Alas, you didn’t have time to think on it too much because the girl’s came running into the room, clinging at your legs begging for their morning kisses and hugs. 
Your heart sung at their love, and you felt a small tug at your bond as the wave of emotion seeped down to where-ever Eris was this morning. 
So you lean down, pick up your girls, pressing kisses all over their faces as they giggle at you, and move to get them ready, pushing away any discontent to the back of your mind. 
You had no time to let this bother you anyway. After breakfast, and hopefully some alone time with Eris,  you needed to head out to different towns across Autumn Court to gather intel on any concerns the people had, to reassure the people that you and Eris were working hard as high lord and high lady to ensure their prosperity, to ensure that you would be different from Beron. 
The girls are incredibly difficult this morning. They want to see their papa, and they want their papa to get them ready this morning. So you press your lips together, promising them that papa will join them for breakfast if they get ready quickly. 
A couple of temper tantrums later, the three of you arrive at the breakfast nook only to discover Lucien in the place of Eris. He sends over a sympathetic smile at the downcast look that crosses your face, letting you and the babes know that their papa had to head out to the border to deal with something that had come up. 
You tug at your bond in worry, and your mate replies almost instantly with reassurance and apology which you wholeheartedly accept. Things like this happen. Things like this will happen as high lord and high lady. Things will come up and interrupt your morning and that is okay. 
But damn, does it mother above fucking suck.  
The only reason the babes don’t have a meltdown over the lack of thier papa’s presence is Lucien’s promise for some candies later if they eat quickly and get to the stables for their horse riding lessons. He squeezes your shoulder in warmth as he is pulled away by his favorite nieces, who immediately give you a hug and kiss in goodbye, once they finish eating. 
You head out to town as soon as you finish your own breakfast. 
The sooner you get this done, the sooner you can see Eris and spend some time with your babes, together as a family. That is the only thing you look forward to for the rest of the day. 
But your time in town only further worsens your mood. Compliant after compliant after compliant. All of them being valid and equally concerning. All of the citizens of the Autumn Court had suffered for centuries under Beron’s rule, and once the fear of Eris disappeared with his kindness, feelings of anger arose within the general population against the Vanserra family as a whole
At some point, you had closed off the bond to Eris because you feared he would pick up on your general distress that was progressing into outright sorrow, discomfort, and grief. 
There wasn’t much you could do besides take the brunt of the anger as high lady, reassure the people that you and Eris were working for them, for the people and not the members of court, to undo the heinous laws Beron had inacted, but advise them it would take time. 
Town after town after town. 
So many families, so many elderly, so many women, so many children had suffered. So many perished with the high taxes and tithes they would were forced to pay, not leaving them with enough money to even buy food. 
And the children... they looked at you with such hope... and once you earned their trust with a couple of candies and friendly conversation, they would sit near you trying to gain the favor of their high lady. They would tell you of losing their fathers to the war, losing their mothers to famine because they would sacrifice their food for their babes... 
It nearly broke you. 
And by the end of the day... by the end of the day you just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep the day away. Intense sadness squeezed at your heart, leaving a lump in your throat, and nausea that had your head spinning. 
You didn’t want the girls to see you like this. You only wanted them to see you happy, to see you content. You and Eris had agreed that the babes would grow up with no concern for either of their parents, that you would put on a front so they felt safe, so they felt normal. 
Nor did you want your mate to see you like this. You didn’t want him to worry about you. 
Part of your sadness stemmed from your overall day being couldron damned. Another part from your lack of time around your mate and babes. Another part from your doubt of yourself in terms of your ability as high lady and even in terms of your beauty. 
It just... the day was not working out the way you wanted it to. And the day refused to work out the way you expected it to. Every surprise was a sad one. There was nothing happy about what happened today. 
So when you got home, nearing sunset, you walked straight past where your mate and the babes were seated in the sitting room. The girls were in their own world, taking turns trying to read the book that was settled on the floor in front of them as the hounds cuddled into their laps and surrounded them in a protective circle. Eris had been leaning on the couch, a content look spanning his face with a soft smile crinkling his freckle covered cheek, watching his perfect babes politely hand off different pages to each other, watching them point at the little pictures in the book and pointing it out to the hounds that were around them who oddly looked like they understood every word the babes spoke to them. 
Your mate had been the first to notice your presence along with the hound he had gifted you for protection when you had accepted the mating bond. The hound trailed after you as Eris stared after your distancing form in confusion, you hadn’t even spared him or the babes so much as a glance as you stormed towards your bedroom. 
A sense of dread fills the male as he feels a pulse of sadness through the bond. He hadn’t felt anything from you since this morning, but he had chalked it up to you being busy. He hadn’t thought you were upset in any form. He felt his heart drop, maybe you were angry he had failed to join you and the girls for breakfast. 
“Watch over the babes,” he commanded the hounds who had sat up, ears pointing backward and down in alert at their masters orders, surrounding the girls in a circle. When the babes asked where their papa was going, “I’m gonna check on your mama, my Marwa, my Twila.  Don’t worry. we will be back with dinner okay?” 
They nodded in reply, confused because their mama usually always greeted them with kisses and hugs whenever she came back from work, but they didn’t ask their papa any other questions as he hurried after you.  
Eris finds you curled under the covers in bed, and you don’t even peak out to watch him approach you as he settles down on the bed on your side. His feet settle onto the floor on the side of the bed as he angles his body to face yours. He can smell the saltiness of your tears in the air which has his heart racing, trying to think of any reason you could be upset. 
Gods forbid, had you been hurt while out in town? Were you upset with him? Were the girls too rough to deal with alone this morning? 
He would never forgive himself if anything had happened to you. 
Nor would he forgive the person who was stupid enough to upset you like this. 
And Mother have mercy on him if he found out that he was the reason you were upset. He would rather light himself on fire alive than be the cause of your pain. 
“Beloved?” he whispers when he hears your sniffles coming from underneath the covers. He presses a firm hand into what looks to be the outline of your shoulder, before peeling the blanket away from you. 
Bile rises in his throat as he clocks in the tears streaming down your cheeks, your hand pressed into your mouth to muffle your sobs, and eyes squeezed shut to hide the pain that was no doubt reflected in your beautiful iris’. 
His heart shatters into a million pieces, not understanding what has happened that has upset you so. 
But he quickly jumps into action. 
Immediately shifting to lay on top of you, to allow his body weight to act as a grounding source, to allow his warmth to stabilize the adrenaline that is racing through your veins, to press kisses anywhere he has access to. 
His hands run up and down your sides, squeezing at your waist and hips before pulling you up into him, molding your body against his as his arm wraps tightly around your waist, his other arm reaching up to finger the ends of your hair. 
“What happened my beloved? Has something hurt you?” 
You don’t even reply, you just bury your head into the junction of his shoulder and neck, inhaling his cinnamon and apple scent, tinged with the afternoon rain and leaves, allowing for the sound of his heartbeat to calm your own. 
You finally open your side of the bond, allowing all your feelings to flood towards him. He takes a sharp inhale, overwhelmed by the rush of negative emotions, but doesn’t say anything. He wants you to share these feelings with him. He wants to lift the burden of these feelings in any way he can. And if that means letting it go onto him, then so be it. 
You shake against his body for a while, tears soaking into his shoulder as he strokes your hair, at some point pulling you into his lap and rocking you back and forth. 
And when you are ready,  you finally begin to tell your husband about your day. About how the day started off so perfectly with him waking you up, and how you felt so motivated to feel pretty for him. How nothing worked out and it left you feeling insecure. How the girls were upset that their papa wasn’t there in the morning, instead they were stuck with mama (even though you know that is not how they meant it to sound, they are only babes for mothers sake). How the towns people had so many concerns. How the children of the court had suffered. How upset you were that these things would take time to fix. How upset you were that you couldn’t relieve the peoples pain with one law, with one all included fix. How much you missed him throughout the day. How much you had wanted some alone time with him... some private time... how disappointed you were when he wasn’t there at breakfast, and how you just were not feeling good. Not feeling good about the day. Not feeling good about the state of the court. Not feeling good about yourself. 
And he listened. Stroking your back with one hand, and your hair with the other. Pressing kisses into your temple and forehead, onto your cheeks and corners of your eyes every time a new tear tried to slip out. 
He didn’t interrupt you once, allowing for you to get all your feelings out there. Only sending strokes of love, appreciation, pride, longing, and want down the bond that tied your two hearts together. 
And when you finally finished, tears all dried out, breathless from your rant, his hand came up to your chin, gripping it to force eye contact with you. The bond had tightened into one of pure devotion streaking down to reach your end, encasing you with your mates love. His amber iris’ stared into yours, flicking back and forth, reflecting only honesty and truth as he began thickly, “My beloved, you are the most stunning female I have ever seen, ever had the pleasure knowing, probably the most stunning female to have ever existed. You are the definition of ethereal, elegance, dazzling, enchanting, and alluring. Your beauty exceeds that of the stars, moon, and sun. There are not enough words to describe your beauty, really there are no words that can accurately describe it either. You are just going to have to take my word for it, and I promise you that I will prove to you ever day how bewitched I am by you. I am so sorry your day didn’t go as you wanted it to. I was actually hoping to join you sometime later today, but I got pulled away by the border issues and I just didn’t have enough time. I am sorry you had to deal with all that on your own. Things for the people are very emotionally charged right now, but I am so fucking proud of you. I am proud to have you as my high lady. I, and the people of this court, are incredibly blessed to have you as high lady, my beloved. You handled things beautifully, and in ways that I couldn’t have done better myself. You are allowed to have off days my love, but I am here for you. And I am going to remind you every time you have one of those days, actually, I am going to remind you every day, that you are my entire heart. My whole soul. And my world, along with the babes. My universe revolves around you. And you are the most loved person I know. The babes absolutely adore you, and while they were complaining in the morning for you, you should’ve seen how they cried when they realized you would be gone for the entire day. It took hours to console them beloved, hours. I was nearly about to rip my hair out before I brought in the hounds to distract them. You are their world. You are the perfect mama to them, and I assure you that you are their favorite being to exist, and I cannot help but feel the exact same. I love you so much, and it is going to be okay. I promise you.”
Your lip trembled at his devotion towards you. Everyday, your mate managed to surprise you with the amount of love and affection he held towards you. Everyday, over and over again, he proved that he was the only being that you could ever possibly want or need to be happy, to be content, to live. “Thank you, Er,” you whispered, leaning forward and capturing his lips against yours. They moved slowly and passionately against each other, pulling away and coming back. Gasping against each others lips for air before shifting to press against each other with no space left in between. His tongue slipped between your lips, ushering into your mouth to stroke at your tongue causing a shot of lust to course through your body. He leaned back, pulling your bottom lip between his teeth, eliciting a soft moan that had him surging forward again.
Both Marwa and Twila’s little voices squealed at their parents display of affection, you shoved Eris away at the sound of your babes, immediately glancing over his shoulder to see the two of them scrunching their tiny faces in disgust. The both of them must’ve snuck in at some point during Eris’ speech, and- 
“Mama, Papa was sucking your face off!” Twila screamed, leaping across the room towards you. Marwa following behind her just as quickly. Both landed on their papa, causing Eris to fall back with an “omph” 
Their tiny fingers shoved into Eris’ sides trying to tickle the male to get him away from their precious mama with their best effort. Luckily for their papa, he was not very ticklish. 
Unluckily for them, the babes were. 
He locked eyes with you, amber iris’ lined with mischief that caused you to giggle and nod. You both snatched one of the girls away, sending soft brushes across their torso and behind their knees where they tickled the most, sloppily kissing every inch of their faces you both could reach.  Their little screams of laughter that followed, soothing the last seed of ache in your heart. 
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redbleedingrose · 1 year
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Bouquets Girl Dad!Eris gives to you and your babes: Marwa and Twila
Every Friday (the day Marwa and Twila were born, what an absolutely sap), Eris gives you and the babes unique bouquets.
You have a habit of drying up all the flowers that he will ever give you and the babes, and save them in a memory book.
The girls will always know and experience their papa’s endless love. They never go a day without it.
Marwa is a fan of daisies and Twila is a fan of tulips.
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redbleedingrose · 1 year
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Autumn Court with Eris
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