redbleedingrose · 1 year
Eris is a girl dad pt 3
Okay, so I guess I am doing a mini series because I have so many thoughts! So here is a discussion of your newborn babes!! Also formatting is being weird, so sorry about that 
Eris is absolutely fucking thrilled to have two twin girls! 
The entire autumn court was shook to find that the high lady had given birth to two beautiful baby girls, but the celebrations lasted for a month! 
they were born in October, and it becomes a month of celebration for centuries to come to celebrate the birth of Marwa and Twila 
These babes are spoiled from the day they were born OMG, immediately, Eris is insisting that tailors make them beautiful matching dresses for any possible occasion 
and of course, the high lord insists that the same dresses be made for his beautiful perfect wife 
Eris is the best fucking father, he is literally so helpful and caring. 
The male does not let you get up in the middle of the night unless the babes need to be feed
The moment one of his girls lets out even a whimper, he is flying out of bed to check and make sure they are okay 
immediate skin to skin contact so the babes can feel the warmth from their papa and also get used to his scent
Eris whispers little stories and lullubies his mother used to sing to him, and the babes calm almost instantly 
they are already used to papa’s voice because he used to talk at your stomach constantly during your pregnancy
While you enjoy motherhood and love your babes with your entire body, heart, and soul, Eris makes sure to remind you that you are your own person outside of being a mother 
and he makes sure that you have time for yourself, whether that is taking a long bath, getting your hair done, reading in the library he had built for you on your 100th anniversary 
The male is always happy to look after the babes, and damn, he does an amazing job doing it. 
Weaponized incompetance who? 🫡😮‍💨
While the babes are still newborns, Eris makes sure he visits throughout the day, even if he is busy with his duties, the male is constantly checking in and holding the babes, pressing kisses into their temples 
Lucien, of course, is also there to help and is the best uncle ever. The babes love him
Without any doubt, Eris is the most protective father of his newborn babes. He has ordered is hounds to stand guard wherever the babes are. 
outside the nursery? -- obviously 
anytime you take the babes on a stroll? -- without question 
the male is highly paranoid, and you would do anything to soothe your husband and mate, so you agree to let the hounds follow you 
There are also spies Eris has ordered to be constantly watching the babes out of sight 
There is no length Eris would not go to protect his two perfect girls 
Every night after the babes are put to sleep and you are in bed, Eris is thanking you as he holds you close to his chest, murmuring praises and gratitude into your hair
You usually fall asleep together, but if Eris remains awake, he will sneak out of your arms to check on the babes 
Usually both are asleep, and Eris is able to go back to bed content that his babes are safe and happy
Sometimes, Marwa, the eldest, is quietly staring up at him, curious and wide awake. 
Eris assumes it is because the babe is too excited at the new world around her to sleep 
Twila, the youngest, usually falls asleep and stays asleep until she is hungry or uncomfortable 
Eris will take Marwa out of her crib, cuddling her close into his chest, and lesuirly strolls around the house he had built for you once he killed Beron. 
He talks to her about everything (anything he can think of really)
the weather 
the constellations that night in the sky 
his hounds 
His mother
His brothers, especially his two youngest who are his favorite
he mostly talks about you 
“You have the most perfect mother Marwa”
“Don’t you ever worry about anything, Papa is here to protect you always.”
“I will never let anything happen to you”
“If you ever want anything, just tell me okay? I promise, I will get you whatever you want”
“Boys have cooties okay Marwa? So you are not allowed to talk to them until you are at least 500 years old”
“Never grow old my beautiful babe, let papa hold you in his arms forever”
she listens until she falls asleep
these are some of Eris’ favorite moments with his little girl 
Don’t worry though, Eris is absolutely bonding with his youngest, Twila 
While Marwa is the quieter and calmer of the two, Twila is her perfect compliment 
Twila is always cooing
making the cutest freaking sounds that you and Eris swoon over ugh I cannot ‼️
She is a wriggly babe, an escape artist if you will
she will find a way to get her arms out of her little swaddle 
her tiny fingers constantly grabbing at your and Eris’ fingers 
her fist knocks against your chest as you feed her
her tiny feet are constantly kicking at the air 
she just has so much energy 
While Marwa is content resting with you as you read your book during afternoon tea, Twila is quite restless
Eris is constantly taking her out into the gardens and forest that surround your home 
letting her feel and see the world around her 
He is telling her his life stories as he walks around with her...
and its like she can understand, because the babe coos back her responses to her papa 
He is taking Twila to the stables, introducing her to all his horses, hounds, and practically any animal he can find
So Marwa is the quiet, content, calm babe and Twila is the loud, curious, and restless babe
but they are so easy 
they are the best babes for you and Eris 
the newborn stage was something you were warned about, “you are not going to get any sleep” they said 
but gods, you and Eris are the best partners and parents
these babes are the most happy and content babes anyone has ever seen 
In terms of looks... 
Marwa is your exact copy… Eris likes to say that she is a mini you, and gods does he love it 
she has your eyes 
She has your nose
She has your hair color 
the only thing of Eris’ she has, is her wavey hair 
Twila is really a perfect combination of you and Eris 
she has your eyes 
she has Eris’ auburn hair and waves 
she has your lips 
she has Eris’ nose 
Eris is so fucking excited to see his babe has his hair color I cannot 
The newborn stage is incredibly fun for you and Eris
you are watching your babes grow and learn how to be alive. 
and you and Eris are there every step of the way, supporting and loving them unconditionally 
even if they poop through their daipers onto Eris’ shirt as he holds them
his horrified look he gives you makes you laugh for a couple minutes 
like until you cannot breathe 
literally gasping for air kinda laugh 
like you are laughing even after the moment has ended because you keep remembering the look on his face
even if they leave spit up on your favorite dress 
less funny to you
And mother above, the smirk Eris gives you is so smug, you almost want to smack it off his face 
but Eris promises to buy you a hundred more 
he may also whisper, “Papa’s proud, do it again” at his perfect babes
just because he wants to buy you more dresses 
and maybe cuz he likes to tease you a little 
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emilybeemartin · 5 months
y'all, I'm really sorry for this one, I did not mean for it to be this thirsty, I swear
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No see, listen--shut up, listen--I was thinking about Troy and then of course the Odyssey we all missed out on, which naturally led to thinking about the various iconic scenes we could've had, and OBVIOUSLY the siren scene is at the top of that list, and I was playing with how to depict the effect of their song, and I've used this look before with Eugenides with pretty good results, but then I was reflecting on how aside from VFX this scene would take a lot of body acting, and how Sean's so good at conveying pain and that would translate naturally into the seduction of the spell, and huh when I write it out like that I absolutely did intend for it to be this thirsty.
Man I hope one of my manuscripts gets picked up soon; being off-deadline is not healthy for me.
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lavendel081 · 2 months
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Happy 1.6. Release Day!
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0lympian-c0uncil · 5 months
Gods reactions to you asking them for pads (Idk i'm bored)
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Hades (he is confused)
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Artemis (she get's them just doesn't respond)
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Hephaestus (He's also confused)
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I feel like some of these are wrong so idk
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lady-bloodshed · 3 months
@futureautumnhighlord hey, darling I'm in the autumn forest house, where are you?
I'm ready for our little deal ;)
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Also saw one of your pups on your bed looking at me like this. What's her name? Please, can I take her, Er?
She's so cute I might die right here.
I think she smiled looking at me so I guess she likes me <3
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x-kiwi-03 · 3 months
Looks like they're in need of some underground tunnels...
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You know who's good at making those??
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glitteriztical · 4 months
"what if Angel goes to Heaven and leaves Husk alone?"
me: *points to Aziraphale and Crowley while sobbing uncontrollably* I handled it once I can do it again!
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shadowqueenjude · 4 months
Can my mating bond snap with Eris Vanserra already???
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Eris will already have her first volume, I'm very excited! 🫶
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yourlazykitkat · 6 days
my little azris headcannon is that eris calls azriel 'awful' all the time and az eventually learns when it's derogation (as in horrible) or when it's reverence (object of my awe).
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My future boyfriend just told me he’s talking with this chick Jesminda. How do I kindly tell her to get the fuck away from my man?
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stargirlfeyre · 5 months
Requirements to be liked by Acotar Antis
1. Be a white man
2. Be misogynistic (have to at least say one degrading thing about women. this is non-negotiable)
3. Abuse women
4. Have a sad backstory that people can latch onto and use to justify your behavior
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chunkypossum · 5 months
Feeling cute, may go on an AO3 binge later...
So if you see me spamming you don’t be alarmed. Or maybe do be.
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nocasdatsgay · 8 months
I have seen an uptick in Gwyn is Eris’s granddaughter theories esp on tiktok and I swear if that becomes canon I will cry.
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hakusins · 2 months
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great hawk the adorable the terror doodles!
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prompt-master · 4 months
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