#eris x fem!reader
ervotica · 3 months
Since you asked for eris requests 🤭 How do you think eris would react when he realizes he’s fallen in love with cat person 😂 he’d be sitting there with his 12 smoke hounds like 👁️👄👁️
lmfao this really amuses me
synopsis; eris never thought he’d end up falling for a cat person. when you smuggle one onto the grounds, he’s less than pleased.
You've picked up a stray cat that you've been hellbent on befriending for the past month– you’ve left out saucers of water and milk, chunks of chicken and beef from leftover dinners that you've snuck away from the kitchens after mealtimes. Eris has been interrogating you for weeks on why you’ve been so slyly skulking around the grounds, but you’ve refused to disclose anything to him, batting your lashes with a coy smile to get your way.
And when it does finally approach you, the damn thing won't leave your side, nuzzling up against your legs and purring when you scratch under its chin and between its fluffy little ears.
So you do the most reasonable thing anyone would under your circumstances– you smuggle it into your quarters.
The guards' affection for you runs so deeply that they turn a blind eye to the animal you've stuffed beneath your skirts, only chuckling amongst themselves at your antics when you're out of earshot.
When Eris saunters in the door after a long day of running around with his hounds, he finds you snuggled into an armchair by the roaring fire holding a... cat?
"What is that?" he pries, lip curling in disdain and watching as your arms tighten defensively around the animal; it digs its way deeper into your chest in response.
"It's a cat," you deadpan, fighting the smirk that tugs at the corners of your lips when he crinkles his nose in utter disgust. “You smell like dog,” you add, even as you beckon him closer with an incline of your head, holding out your hand for him to interlace his fingers with. He peers over your shoulder at the animal, forehead creasing with a frown sets deep into his brow and he scoffs.
"I don't like cats."
"Don't you like me?" you whine, fluttering your lashes up at him as your bottom lip spills into a pout that you know is bound to get you your own way once again.
"Look how cute he is, Eris! How can you not love his little face?"
“I’ll set the dogs on him,” he says curtly, but scratches the purring animal between the ears as you gasp and pinch his exposed forearm. “Ow!”
“Don’t you dare! I love him.”
“We can’t keep him, you know.”
Tears burn at the backs of your eyes. “Why not?”
He softens, smearing a kiss against the crown of your head. “Who would take care of him, hm?”
“Me! You know how much effort I’ve put into making friends with him?” You punctuate your statement with a crinkle of your nose, tucking your chin into your shoulder as the cat climbs his way up your chest. “Please, Er?”
You know you have him when he sighs, dropping his head to the juncture of your neck. He grumbles.
“Fine. But don’t expect me to be taking care of the damn thing.”
You preen under his touch, pressing a kiss to the curve of his jaw.
“I love you.”
“Yeah, yeah, you brat. I love you, too.”
If he wasn’t so smitten with you, he might’ve found it in himself to be cross.
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fever-fluff · 6 months
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There's something lurking in the shadows, and only an heir with fire in his heart can snuff it out into the light. When Lucien and Azriel unknowingly release a trapped danger back into the courts of Prythian, they fear the repercussions it will have on the uneasy alliance they've created with Autumn heir, Eris Vanserra. The Fox has been missing since before the five hundred year war, and now that she's back, she only has one thing on her mind. To serve her master, and bring the fae who trapped her to their knees for him. Her duty knows no bounds, and the vengeance in her blood runs hot.
an Eris x Reader / Original Character fic
warnings: this fic will focus heavily on dark content, and the character I'm writing is unnamed, but a lot of readers will not resonate with her choices. I am writing her to have a specific personality, one that I think fits someone who Eris would find companionship in, platonic or otherwise. The plot will be inspired by the SJM universe of Prythian, but there will be completely new and revised parts of the plots from the story that I will change - simply put, I am only pulling the characters and the VERY basic plotline for what I'm going to write.
Parts will be added below the cut
Part I : Quick as a Fox
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redbleedingrose · 1 year
Eris is a girl dad pt 2
Ugh OMG I just loved writing about GirlDad!Eris so here we go:
Eris tells you that you are having a girl babe, and he won’t back down. What he and you both don’t guess, is that you are having twin girls. 
Literally, you are exhausted and pushing as hard as you can with Eris by your side, who is holding your hand the entire way, kissing your forehead and whispering how proud he is, to keep going, “you’re almost there beloved, just a couple minutes before we meet our perfect babe,”
And you are literally screaming at him that you are gonna kill him once this is over and gonna chop his balls off,
 And he is just like, “okay beloved, you can do that, just keep going.”
Anyways, you push and finally here a babes cry fill the room, and a sigh of relief passes your lips as you begin to sob from happiness. The babe is immediately placed on your chest with the midwife saying, “a beautiful little girl!”
Eris is sobbing, kissing your forehead and temple, “thank you for the best gift you could have ever given me beloved,” staring at his daughter, who has calmed from the warmth and heartbeat of her mother, with such adoration and happiness and unconditional love. 
Bells of the Autumn Court Temple are sounding out a melodious tune, letting the citizens of the court now, your babe has made her way into the world. 
The tune is unique, they only sound out at the wedding of the high lord and whenever the high lord produces children
The deeper ones indicating a birth of a male
The the lighter ones indicate a birth of a female 
Everyone in Autumn Court immediately begins celebrations, it has been centuries since a girl babe has been born into the high lords family 
TBH you and Eris are very popular among your court. Your citizens adore you for helping taking Beron out of power, and creating a safe and peaceful Autumn. 
The court is literally thriving 
So they were extremely excited to find out you were with child 
Anyway, the male is utterly whipped by his babe, and will do whatever it takes to protect her and you and make sure that you are spoiled to your hearts content. 
But then... contractions start again and you are fucking confused. 
The midwife is moving the babe off your chest and into Eris’ arms as she tells you
“another babe is crowning high lady”
You and Eris don’t even have time to be confused because you have to start pushing, and another babe comes out kicking and screaming at the top of her lungs. 
Another girl babe. 
Both babes are placed on your chest again, as you tears of joy are streaming endlessly down your face. 
The bells sound out again
confusing the shit out of everyone, nonetheless, everyone is excited 
poor Lucien has no idea what is happening and is staring down the hallway with curious eyes, “UHHHH did they have another????”
Eris spends the next couple of hours unable to pull away from you and his precious babes, Marwa and Twila. 
He holds you close as the babes have fallen asleep on your chest, he brushes your hair and makes sure you are well fed with your favorite foods, before handing you a small box that is wrapped with a golden ribbon. 
“A present for you, my beloved. There is nothing in the world, nothing in the universe, that I could give you that could even match what you have done for me. I will spend the rest of my life showing you how thankful I am. It starts with this,”
A beautiful pair of gold earrings that hold emeralds, with a matching gold bracelet that has two chains twined together with tiny emeralds embedded throughout. 
He silently takes the jewelry out of the box, hushing your whispered gratitude, kisses your lips softly, your cheeks, your forehead and nose, and then your ear lobes before pressing in the earrings. After, he lifts one of your arms so gently, kissing all the way down to your wrist before latching the bracelet on.
A soft knock sounds at the door, Lucien is visiting Autumn Court; with Beron dead, Eris invited his favorite younger brother back to witness such a joyous occasion. 
Eris gently picks up his girls who are wrapped in their wool blankets, as Lucien peaks through, His eyes widen as he realizes, there is not one babe, but two. 
Tears, again, begin to stream down Eris’ cheeks as he murmurs, voice breaking ever so slightly, “Two girls, Luc, twin girl babes.” 
(matching outfits, their personalities, visiting night court, interacting with Nyx, and auntie/uncles of night court, interacting with uncle luc?!?!?!?)
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surielstea · 29 days
“I could take you”
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Pairing: Acotar men x Fem!Reader (separately)
Summary: Reader teases her mate, saying she could take them in a fight, or in other places.
Warnings: All fluff, suggestive
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"I could take you," I surmise aloud. My mate, who was trying to sleep peeked one eye open.
"We just finished, I'm not one to complain but aren't you tired?" He grumbled and I giggled.
"Not sex, I could take you in a fight dummy," I punch his shoulder and his brows rise.
"Oh really?" He drags out, arm wrapping tighter around my torso, pulling me into his chest as darkness swarms the room. "Don't make me mist you," He mumbled tiredly into my neck and I rolled my eyes.
"I'm serious, I could," I urge. "I know just how I'd do it too," I trail my fingertips up his bare chest.
"You think about killing me often?" He presumes and I roll my eyes.
"I'm just saying, it'd be easy," I tease.
"Murder me in your dreams, you fiend," He huffed, stuffing his face into my breasts without thought.
"Only kidding Rhys, I'd never harm you," I reassure. "But I could," I add and he smiles against my chest at the absurdity of this mindless conversation.
"I could take you," I cross my arms over my chest, sizing up my mate with narrowed eyes. The shirtless male looked at me with an arched brow while he drank deeply from his water. I had been watching him train for hours now, so long that it felt as if I had every one of his moves and skills memorized.
"You think so?" He challenges and I nod with a beaming grin, taking a step closer and staring up at him entirely innocent.
"I know so," I shrug. His smile only widens.
"I guarantee I could have you on your knees within seconds," He leans dauntingly close but I don't falter, keep my unwavering ground.
"Whatever you say, sweetheart," I rise onto my toes and peck his lips. He seemed entirely thrown off by the mix of my kiss and the nickname, and that fact alone made me one thousand percent sure I could throw him off his rhythm in combat too, he might've called it cheating but I saw it as a strategic advantage of sorts.
“You want to spar or would you prefer to take me in other ways?" He taunted and I'd be lying if I didn't want both, though I decided I wanted one a little more.
"What are you waiting for tough guy?" I backed up towards the mats with a prideful smirk that mirrored his.
My mate had his head in my lap while he read some non-fiction I had no interest in, much preferring to run my hands through his curls and watch his tense features morph into those of relaxation. My thoughts wandered in the comfortable silence, it began by thinking of what he was reading about, then the fact that he was smart and strong, and then it spiraled from there.
"I think I could take you in a fight," I mumble and his eyes that had been running across his page froze, then flicked up to mine.
"What was that, my love?" He closed his book, pausing whatever page he was in the middle of in order to give me his full attention.
"I could take you," I repeat and he blinks, then, to my surprise, he nods.
"Probably," He hums, cracking his book back open and offering no explanation as to why he thinks so.
Azriel was a competitive male, even with me. So when he said such a thing I was thrown entirely off my train of thought. "Wait— you're serious?" My hands stop combing through his hair and his bottom lip juts out in the absence of the ministrations, a grown male, pouting.
"When am I not?" He hummed and I rolled my eyes. The answer to that was more often than he'd care to admit.
"Why do you think I can?" I ask.
He shrugs simply before saying, "You'd probably use your witchcraft on me.” His eyes were entirely genuine. I push his head off my lap with a faux look of anger. He came back to me with full force, arms reaching around me and pulling me into him, his head pressing in the junction between my neck and shoulder. "I'm not a witch," I huff and he only smiles against my skin.
"Maybe not, but your seductive powers work too well on me," He explains and I roll my eyes. The powers he was referring to included a lingerie set and a few keywords that had him doing laps.
"It's not hard when I've got you wrapped around my finger," I sing and he sighs contentedly, pulling me closer, seemingly happy with with that statement, like he would never try to change that fact. Even if it meant I could take him down on a sparring mat.
Eris Vanserra
Eris was baking. An odd sight to see for anyone else but for me, it was a simple Sunday morning. I drifted into the kitchen with a drunken smile on my face as I slung my arms around his torso and draped myself over him. "What's that grin for?" He glances over at me before continuing to read whatever recipe he was following.
"Just thinking," I hum with a dazed look. It was no secret that today had been the peak of my ovulation in my cycle, my need for him was all-consuming. Yet here he was, baking my favorite flavor pie. "I wanna take you," I huff into his shoulder and he chuckles.
He makes a real show of ignoring my pleas and instead answers with an amused tone, "In a fight?"
I scowl, my frown deepening as I stare up at him— but then he had me thinking about it. "Why not?" I shrug.
"You sure you can?" He tilts his head down at me demeaningly— gods, he knows this is torture.
"Fine, you're too smart for me to beat in a fight but I could take you to other places," I wrap my arms around his neck and he sloppily smiles. "You're plenty smart, my sweet," His hands come to my hips, and his touch alone relieved sacred parts of me. I shake my head in denial. "C'mon, I've got a few weak spots I’m sure you could figure it out," He reassures, his voice soft. I didn't want to think about fighting him, I never wanted to have to.
"I love you too much to fight with you," I shrug, lifting up and pecking his lips innocently, void of my earlier arousal.
"That," He whispers against my lips. "That was one of my weak spots," He murmurs and I smile.
"Can you fuck me now or is this pie still more important than your very pretty, very needy mate?" I ask impatiently and he shakes his head with a charming expression. "Very needy, indeed."
Lucien Vanserra
“I could take you, and I don’t mean in a fight,” I say, head propped up on my mate's shoulder, peering up at him from inches away while he focused on peeling a tangerine for me. He simply laughs when he notices I’m serious, lips curling into a delighted smile.
“What’s that even supposed to mean?” He mumbles and I flip over onto his lap, straddling his hips.
“I’ll let you figure that out,” I mumble with a shrug. He shakes his head, looking down at the fruit in his hand as he peels the rind.
“You’re ridiculous,” He mumbled under his breath and I grinned wildly.
“You love it,” I muse and he looks up to me, handing me the peeled orange, ready to be eaten.
“I do,” He confesses, and that look on his face makes my stomach blossom with warmth, overflowing with admiration and devotion.
I don’t know how to react, or what to do with all the love he gives me, so instead I say the first thing that comes to mind, “I could also take you in a fight, though.”
He leans closer with a teasing grin. “And why’s that sunshine?” He hums as I pop a slice of the tangerine into my mouth, the sweet taste of citrus making me smile.
“You wouldn’t be able to fight back,” I shrug and his brows crease in confusion.
“Cause I’d be too scared?” He presumes and I shake my head, swallowing my fruit.
“Because you love me,” I croon.
“Unfortunately,” He grumbles under his breath and my jaw drops in shock. “Lu!” I exclaim as I push his shoulders and he falls back into the couch.
“I’m only kidding sunshine, you know you’re all I’ve ever wanted,” He reassured with a lilt in his tone, making me roll my eyes.
“I’m seriously debating that fight right now,” I murmur and he smiles, hand coming to my cheek and pulling me into him.
“Such a drama queen,” He mumbles, pressing his mouth to mine before I can retort. I melt into him, hands coming to his cheeks with delicate touches, my thumb tracing the end of his scar. “I love you too much to fight back, too,” I admit, his smile only grows. “I know.”
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General Taglist: @fxckmiup @olive-main @iluvyewman-blog @gaymistakeboi @glitterypirateduck @amara-moonlight @impossibelle @fauxdette @going-through-shit @glam-targaryen @cauldronboilme27 @sarawritestories @tele86 @rogerbarnesxx @azriels-shadowsinger @stinkinstuffie @sandramalikstyles-blog @sassyangel16 @lilah-asteria @starsinyourseyes @inloveallthetime @melsunshine @nighttimemoonlover @ireallywannasleep127 @cumuluscranium @adharanotfound @azrielsmate3 @aelincaddel @hiddlestonspassionsackx @dee-writes-smut @secretlyhers
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thehighladywrites · 3 months
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ᡣ𐭩 summary: you prank them based on this | prank link
ᡣ𐭩 warnings: nsfw in cassian’s, crack
ᡣ𐭩 amara’s note: help this was so fun to make thank you for the req anon | based on this request
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"Rhys, come here! I'm making a cute video of us."
He practically runs to you, ensuring his clothes are smoothed out and his hair is laid to perfection.
You step back when you press the record button and then get closer to him, putting your hand on his abs.
"You see this man?" you say with an extra dose of possessiveness in your voice. "Yeah, if you wanna get to him, you have to go through me first."
Rhys looks down at you with a smirk, nodding proudly at the fact that you're claiming him for everyone to see.
Your hands travel from his abs to his neck as you bring him down for a long, sweet kiss.
He grabs your hips, pulling you closer for a heated makeout session, but you pull back before he can take it further
“He’s the best big brother ever in this world.”
Rhys immediately lets go of you, taking a step back with a horrified look before he desperately looks into the camera, then back to you, who can't keep from laughing.
"Out of all your practical jokes, this has got to be the worst one ever," Rhys protests, shaking his head. "No, I'm not her brother. We're mated, and what we do is very far away from sibling stuff."
He says the last bit to the camera with a broad smile, his eyes twinkling mischievously.
"What should I say, sweetheart?" Azriel asks
"Nothing, Az. Just stand there and let me do the work," you reply affectionately.
"I've heard that one before," he says with a cocky grin.
You roll your eyes, suppressing a smile, as you press the record button.
He immediately draws closer to you, wrapping an arm around your waist. You smile up at him, mischief hidden behind your eyes.
“This man is mine, and if you want to get to him, you gotta go through me first, right?”
Azriel is filled with cringe and makes this face😲
“Oh! Um, yeah. That’s right.” he says, voice too high
Listen, he loves you but he is wondering how the fuck you’re not criniging out rn too. Like are you serious?
You squish his cheeks together and plant a dramatic, loud kiss on his lips.
“He is the best big brother ever.”
Azriel smiles, leaning in to kiss you again while casting a glance at the camera.
“No, she’s the best little sister ever.”
Your jaw drops at the sudden twist; he has stolen your prank.
“Damn it Az, you can’t let me have one thing?”
He shrugs, “Says the one with the incest prank.”
“Cassie, just stand there, i’m going to record us. You don’t have to do anything, okay?”
“Alright, baby.”
You see Cassian behind you checking out your ass through the camera as you press record, backing into him
“Just a PSA, this is my man and if you wanna get to him, you gotta go through me first.” you said exaggerated with your hands on your hips before kissing him deeply
He smirked suspiciously before soaking up your posessivness. But before you could say your other line, he picked you up with one arm, throwing you over his sturdy shoulder as he walked over to your bed
“Wha- Cassian, we were recording!”
“Okay, we can keep recording. Make a fun little video, just the two of us.” he said with a low, lustfilled voice.
You didn’t even bother continuing the prank as you nodded, intrigued by making a whole different sort of video
You just prank him another time, right now you need big dick hot guy general massive wingspan big tattooed arms deep voice nice abs pullable hair daddy cassian (real asf)
He already knows what you’re going to do but he plays along
You tug him to stand infront of your camera
The way he looks at you, makes you want to laugh but you bite your tongue
You pull him in closer by his forearm, holding him as you look into the camera
“This is my man so if you want him you will have to go though me first.”
Lucien supresses his smile at your attempt at a joke
“Yeah, you heard her,” he nods determined at the screen
You then pull him down and just as you’re about to kiss him you burst out laughing
Lucien tilts his down at you in mock confusion
“Is something funny? I thought i was the best brother ever, laughing at me isn’t very nice.”
Your eyes widen at him, jaw dropped. “No way, Luc, you knew?”
“Baby, i’m as chronically online as you are.”
“What is this for?”
“For me, please just stand there and we’ll be good to go.”
He is a bit skeptical but listens nonetheless
“Very well. Go on, love.”
You press record and start the prank
“Hi guys, i just wanted to let you know that this is my man and if you ever wanna get to him you gotta go through me first.”
Eris looks at you a bit weird. He can’t take you seriously. The epitome of this face 😬
You grab his face and press a kiss to his lips. Eris warms at the action, smiling at you before his smile drop instantly
“He’s the best big brother ever.”
His entire face sours, a look of absolute disgust portraying his face.
“That right there is some Night Court shit.”
With that he simply leaves but not before scrunching his face in disbelief, sighing in disappointment
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🏷️: @artists-ally @thelov3lybookworm @riddlesb1tch @berryzxx @clairebear08 @cupidojenphrodite @redbleedingrose @fell-in-luvs
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jgracie · 2 months
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masterlist | rules
❝ Could you write headcanons for Percy Jackson x Daughter of Eris reader? ❞ — anon
in which percy dates a daughter of eris
pairing percy jackson x eris!reader
warnings percy gets hurt + in the infirmary for a bit
on the radio . . . crazy girls (toopoor)
an i can't remember if the stolls getting supplies thing is canon or something i read in a fanfic once and made canon in my head but if its the latter and ur the one who came up with it lmk so i can credit you!
Honestly, Percy was scared of you at first. He couldn’t help it, considering his first meeting with your mom was when she was competing with her siblings for darkest child. That did not leave a very good first impression
The rumours didn’t help either. All the other campers avoided you like the plague, not wanting to be anywhere near the child of discord out of fear
All except two: Connor and Travis Stoll, sons of Hermes. Your mom worked for their dad’s company, the Hermes Express, and while others cowered in fear at the chaos surrounding you, they admired it
After you helped them with their prank on the Aphrodite cabin, inspired by your mother’s golden apple, they decided to take you under their wing and hire you
You see, Connor and Travis were in charge of buying supplies from the outside world and bringing them into camp, since they’re two of the few demigods in camp who could drive. As the number of demigods increased, they realised they needed a third person to help them out, and who better than Eris’ daughter? 
Usually, you’d go in pairs for safety reasons. However, both Connor and Travis had gotten sick one day, leaving you alone
“What’re you guys doing? I’ve been waiting for you at Thalia’s tree for ages,” you said, huffing as you sat on the edge of one of the beds in the Hermes cabin, feeling a wave of nostalgia wash over you as you looked around the cabin you called home for years until they built one for your mother.
Travis coughed, and that’s when you really took a good look at them. Both their noses were bright red and their eyes were watery, “sorry Y/N, we can’t go with you today,” he said before blowing his nose.
“Oh, okay, we can go some other day then, when you two are feeling better,” you smiled. As you were about to walk out, you heard Connor mumble a faint, “nooo,” stopping you in your tracks.
Turning around, you watched as he laboriously got out of bed and took slow strides towards you. Putting your hands in his, he said, “you have to go. You have to continue our legacy. Besides, Will says the medicine we need ran out. You need to save us before it's too late!”
You blinked, unsure if he was joking or not. To you, he just seemed to have the common cold, “you’re not dying, Connor,” you began, “but really, I can’t go alone, I’ve never done this on my own before!”
Suddenly, you heard the door of the cabin open, and in walked Percy Jackson. He was good friends with the Stolls, having spent a couple nights in the Hermes cabin himself, and wanted to check on them after hearing they were sick
“Perfect! Percy can go with you!” Connor said, and that was that.
The car ride was awkward, to say the least. There you were, daughter of strife herself, driving to a nearby general store with the great Percy Jackson in the passenger seat
You were already a pretty reckless driver to begin with, always going as fast as the speed limit would allow, but with him at your side, you were worse. The more nervous you got, the more rash you became. 
You couldn’t help it though, having always thought Percy was a little cute, keeping your distance simply because you knew you’d never get a chance with him. Unlike all the other people part of the Percy fanclub, you were realistic. Why would he go for you when he could easily have some charming daughter of Aphrodite?
Eventually, you got to the store, and the two of you got out of the car (much to Percy’s delight, he was fighting the urge to vomit but didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of a pretty girl)
As soon as you entered, you felt a feeling of dread wash over you. Percy turned to look at you, and you immediately knew it wasn’t just you. He was feeling it too
You pointed to the right, silently telling him that’s where you were going to patrol, and he headed for the left. The place was eerily empty and quiet, but everything seemed fine on your end. You were about to yell out Percy’s name, when you heard him scream in pain
You ran to where he was, ripping your bracelet off and preparing for combat. The bracelet, a gift from your mother, turned into a beautiful stygian iron spear
In front of you was a Chimera. As soon as it laid its eyes on you, it forgot all about Percy, deciding you were much worthier prey. That’s what you wanted
Although the Chimera’s poison was infecting Percy’s body, he couldn’t help but admire the way you effortlessly moved with your spear, giving the Chimera a run for its money. As the battle got more heated, you seemed to get stronger, the chaos of it all fueling you.
Swiftly, you killed the Chimera, not bothering to watch it disintegrate as you were too worried about Percy
The materials you went out to get were long forgotten and you drove as quickly as you possibly could, desperate to get back to camp before it was too late for him. You’d given Percy some of the ambrosia you kept in the car for emergencies, but he needed proper treatment
You burst into the infirmary and watched as everyone stopped what they were doing. Setting Percy down on a nearby cot, you quickly explained the situation to Will and left, not wanting to be around anymore
It didn’t take much for you to go back though, all you could think about was Percy. You had to check on him. Every day, when campers called it a night and headed for their cabins, you hid yourself in the shadows and made your way to the infirmary
This happened for three nights until Percy woke up on the fourth
“Hey,” you heard a faint voice say. Immediately, you yanked your hand away from Percy’s, your face heating up. He smiled at you, his sea-green eyes twinkling in the dark
“Thanks for saving me back there, I don’t know what I would’ve done without you,” he continued, “you looked really cool with that spear. I could never use Riptide like that,"
Much to your own surprise, you replied, “I could help you, if you want. Swords and spears aren’t too different.” 
Once Percy was deemed healthy, you began your training. At first, you’d just spar, the only words spoken between you being tips you’d give him, but soon enough, you started talking about other things
Percy realised people were wrong about you. Sure, your mother really scared him, but you weren’t her. You didn’t like chaos that caused others pain, you just liked to have a little fun from time-to-time, playing pranks and teasing others
He also realised he liked you. Really liked you. In the past, he would’ve taken his time with asking you out, replaying all the possible scenarios that could happen in his head, but after literally going through Tartarus and back, Percy couldn’t leave things unsaid anymore. So, he asked you out immediately
And that’s the story of how you two began dating
Percy is your #1 defender. He dismantles all the stereotypes people have spread about you and is willing to fight anyone who speaks a single word against you
He introduces you to his friends, and although they’re hesitant at first, they begin warming up to you and soon enough they become your friends too. Next thing you know, the rest of camp becomes accustomed to you as well
Percy couldn’t be happier! You’re the apple of his eye and he loved seeing you light up as you helped around the infirmary (Will had asked you to after realising as daughter of chaos, you could take it away, giving campers some peace of mind as they were being healed)
You two are SUCH a fun couple. You remind Percy of how much fun he used to have as a troublemaker before war stripped him of all enjoyment, so he starts helping you with the pranks you pull on people
He also continues to get supplies with you. The Stolls barely leave camp anymore because as soon as one of them offers to go with you, he’s silenced by the sound of Percy revving up the car
You also make out a lot and everywhere. Being Eris’ daughter, you can’t help but love the thrill of potentially getting caught, and Percy doesn’t mind because he gets to kiss you so it's a win-win situation
Being your boyfriend didn't exclude Percy from your tricks. You would play pranks on him too, though to a lesser degree than what you’d do to others
Your favourites are the subtle ones. Stuff like replacing his camp t-shirt with one a size too small and waiting for him to notice 
“Babe,” Percy said, entering your cabin. Putting your bookmark - a polaroid picture of you and him - in your book, you set it aside and couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of Percy.
His hair, once black with a grey streak, was now bright blue. The streak stayed, but you didn’t mind, your job was done. “Do you like it?” You asked, grinning
Percy crossed his arms, holding back a chuckle as he stared at your smiling face. Walking over to your dresser, you opened a drawer and pulled out a small bottle which you threw at him
“This should get rid of it,” you told him. You’d never pull something like that without being sure it was reversible, you knew how it could affect a person’s self-esteem. Percy smiled at your thoughtfulness. He couldn’t believe you were his.
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illyrian-dreamer · 5 months
Our Girl – Part 9
Azriel x Cassian x fem reader
Summary: You awaken after being rescued by Azriel and Cassian.
Word count: 5.2k
Warnings: Sliiiiight smut suggestions. Funeral/character death
AN: A few time jumps in this second last part to the series folks, hold on tight!
<<< Part 8
You heard sharp breaths leave their noses as you addressed them, each of them turning rigid. 
My mates. They had waited years for those words to fall from your lips so freely. 
Cassian groaned as he lifted himself on strong fists, Azriel already shuffling as they flanked you on either side, wings crammed into your bed, careful not to crush you. 
You offered one arm to each of them, your palms pressed into their too-big hands. Azriel blinked away the tears that stung at his eyes, raising your grazed knuckles and kissing at the sores and scars - a jarring reminder of what you had awoken from. 
Cassian was not one to miss out, and he slipped a muscled arm behind your neck, grasping at Azriel’s shoulder as he pressed his lips to your forehead.
You shuddered a breath, your insides warmed by the affection infiltrating the bond, relishing that feeling of home, of belonging. 
“You are both well? Healed?” you rhasped, your voice barely there. Azriel frowned, immediately reaching for a glass of water and bringing it to your lips. 
“Yes, sweets, we’re alright,” Cassian used a knuckle to brush away the stray drop of water that rolled down your chin. “How is your pain?”
You meant to answer, but Azriel replaced the glass of water with something cold and metallic. Flicking your eyes from the thermometer now pressed against your tongue, it was instinct to scowl up at the Shadowsinger. 
“Really?” you muttered through a full mouth. 
Hazel eyes narrowed slightly as he carefully traced that thin red line. “You’re fighting an infection, love.”
A gentle pull on your chin forced your focus back to Cassian, his eyes warmed with humour at the exchange between his mates. You supposed it was nice, to slip into a reaction so natural, something that had been amiss for years. 
“Your pain?” he pressed.
You shrugged as Azriel gently pulled the thermometer away, shaking it once, twice. Fatigue was heavy on your bones, and your head was throbbing, likely from that infection they mentioned. But the wound at your heart was a dull ache, and you had healed well all things considered. Pealing back the covers, you lifted your nightgown, eying the scar that now ran beside your left breast. 
You were there in an instant, the clang of that awful sword and Beron’s roar in your ears, impending death looming as you remembered the pure dread that consumed you for days. 
You stiffened, eyes turning distant as your mouth quivered with an instant need to cry out. 
Azriel thumbed your lip, cooing softly. “It’s alright my love, you are safe now. You’re ok.”
You drew a long, shaking breath. There would be along road ahead to recover as Beron’s prisoner, that much was clear. 
“Where is he?” you asked with a small voice. 
“Imprisoned, just as you asked.” Cassian's reply was soft as he gently played with a lock of your limp hair.
“And Lucien is…?”
Your mates met each other’s eyes, before your hands were back in theirs, held tightly. 
“I’m sorry my love,” Azriel whispered. Leaning closer, he nudged the bridge of his nose to your crown, pressing closer with comfort.
You swallowed, nodding as tears rolled down your cheeks. That poor male – loyal and kind and better than most. Your heart ached for Feyre and Tamlin. 
“The others?”
“Everyone is safe and well. Beron’s army yielded when he was dragged from the dungeon, and the Illyrians have returned to the camps. Eris is in the process of assuming his role as High Lord – Beron was forced to abdicate by his own council.”
“Tamlin stayed to help mend the damage from the battle. He’s had help from a group of aides and healers,” Cassian added with a smile. 
The smile you forced was barely there, only the corners of your lips turning as your eyes still hung heavy. Your friends, the volunteers - of course they had come. And Tamlin, fighting alongside Illyrians? It was an overwhelming thought. 
There was so much to do, so much to say. But fatigue weighed heavy on your mind and body alike, even your power was impossible to drag up from within. Grieving, celebrating, helping those to heal – it would all have to wait. 
And then there were your mates – confessions and pleas of honesty begging to be unravelled in a mess of emotions you did not yet understand.
Without notice, tears began spilling from your cheeks, rolling down your chin in a the trail down to your chest. 
“You found me,” you whispered hoarsely.
Azriel was wiping at your chin, and Cassian’s lips were at your crown as he replied. “And you fought for us.”
“I was so scared,” you whispered again, your voice wobbling with a half-sob. 
“So were we,” Azriel added softly. 
You blinked between them, a wrangled laugh escaping. It was exhausting, the instant switch between fear, then relief, then grief, then relief again. 
“I think I’m going mad,” you admitted, wiping at your face while you relished in the safety of having your mates by your side. 
“That’s understandable, love,” Azriel smiled softly, eyeing you closely, reading each micro expression with understanding. 
“Besides,” Cassian smirked. “You already were half-mad.”
Another laugh huffed through your chest, heavy and thick with illness. Cassian was grinning, before pecking at your knuckles with affection. The soft thud of Azriel’s heart fastened, and you could sense his joy through the bond as he watched you two. 
Lashes fluttered as sleep tugged at you, but you were reluctant to give in. Time was sacred, you knew that now. 
Azriel’s eyes caught Cassian’s with a quick nod, and it was the later who stood to fetch a vial, the popping of a cork pricking your ears.
Azriel forced your chin to him. “Something Madja has prepared to help with the fever.” There was that sternness in his eyes, a familiar one that he used when anticipating stubbornness. Given you record in refusing medicine, you couldn't blame him. But you wouldn't fight them today – you couldn't if you wanted to. 
The medicine was bitter, but you drank it willingly as Cassian tipped the glass at your lips with gentle hand at the back of your head, Azriel’s watchful eyes tracking each swallow and ensuring the bottle was emptied. 
You rolled your eyes at his keen eye, before settling back into your pillows. 
“I saw that.”
Eyes falling closed thanks to the quick working effects of the medicine, you couldn’t hide your smirk was you wordlessly muttered ‘overbearing mother hens’ through the bond. You knew it worked from Cassian’s snort from the other side of the room, and Azriel’s glow of pride at your use of the bond, despite the message cast through it.
Callused fingers stroked your hair before your pillows were being moved from under you. You blinked up at Cassian as he towered over, helping you recline further. “Go to sleep sweetheart, we’ll be hear when you wake up.” 
It was lulling to hear, and you let your eyes close again, grateful for the comfort of the bed and grateful for your mates – that each of you had made it out alive. 
As sleep almost pulled you under, your eyes fluttered open, and you sat up with rational quickness. “Where even are we?”
Your mates chuckled, Azriel pressed you back into the bed as he shook his head. “Still in Autumn love, but you’re safe.”
“That much I know” you muttered drowsily, sarcasm lacing through as you danced with sleep. 
“Do you just?”
You yawned, your words slow as you sighed. “I know I’m safe with you.”
You were already asleep before the wave of adoration careening through the bond could reach you. 
Eris’s voice cut through the oak door, greeting you into the room. 
Auburn locks shined in the fire-lit room as Eris stood on a low stool, facing an ornate mirror as tailors worked at his suit. It was a fine thing – orange and yellows embroidered with tasteful gold leafs. One tailor worked on his sleeve, while the other was busy bent at the cuff of his pants. 
“You’ll have to excuse me, Y/N. Just some finishing touches before tomorrow’s coronation. Perhaps we might be excused?” 
The tailors stepped away then, taking their supplies with them as they bowed to their future High Lord. 
Eris stepped down, stopping a few steps shy from you, fiery eyes casting you up and down. 
Originally, that kind of look would have beckoned your own power together within, threatening to zap with petty distaste. But without Beron, Eris was revealed as his true self. Cunning, sure, but also generous, caring, and much smarter than he had ever let on. 
“You look well,” he offered. 
“Because I’m not cloaked like a pumpkin,” you nodded to his flashy suite. 
Eris feigned offence with a hand to his chest. “You don't like my coronation suit?”
You snorted, and Eris grinned back. You were toying with each other as you always had, but now without the need for blood. 
“It’s lovely, actually. It screams of wealth, but has tasteful detail. Whoever designed it must know you well.”
“If I didn't know any better Y/N, I’d take that as a compliment.”
You pulled your lips in a sideways smile, eyebrows raised. “You did save my life.”
Eris stoped, his smile fading as his eyes blinked down just once. “I also might have damned you.”
You shook your head. “That wasn't your fault.”
A beat of silence.
“Y/N, I’m sorry my fath–"
You shook your head, cutting him off. “Eris, don’t. That is not for you to apologise for.”
Eris’s lips pulled into a thin line, guilt and grief weighing heavy on the male, the bags under his eyes yet deeper than you had ever seen. 
Composing himself, he nodded to a settee facing the the sprawling autumn forest, magnificent reds, yellows and greens muted by night. 
You moved to join him, eyes dancing at the tree tops. “Tomorrow will be…” you started. 
“A big day,” he finished, leaning his elbows on his knees. 
Eris wasn’t wrong. Here at the castle would be Lucien’s memorial, followed by Eris’s coronation. And on the other side of the court, Beron’s execution - all carefully arranged on the same day. It was a distraction of Beron’s dark reign, an insult to all that he had tried to conquer, and a honour to Lucien to celebrate life and moving forward. Beron would die alone, and Lucien’s legacy would be celebrated amongst many.
“Will Serafina be there?” 
He nodded, rubbing his hands together with tension. “Yes, she couldn't stand the thought of being there when my father…” 
Eris trailed off, but you nodded anyway. “I wish I could say the same for Helion. He’s overseeing the…event.” My father’s execution - he couldn't bring himself to say.
You bit your lip, nodded slowly. Azriel and Cassian had asked which events you wished to attend, perhaps all three, or none at all. You felt a strong need to be at the memorial and coronation, but had little interest in seeing Beron die, no matter what he had done to harm you an your mates. The males had agreed to accompany you, but you felt the urge they resisted to witness Beron’s death. It seemed Helion had felt the same, especially with his involvement in seeing securing Beron’s fate. You couldn't blame him, for all the years he had held his mate enslaved to his schemes.
“Helion will miss your ceremony, then?”
Eris lifted tired eyes to you. “I don't think he’ll ever forgive me for the life my mother was forced to live.”
“You were born into this, Eris, your own life was on the line. You were his child.”
“I’ve been fully grown for centuries now, Y/N. If I had been braver, my mother wouldn’t have had to suffer for the centuries she did. And Lucien…,” Eris choked at the name of his brother, shoulders stiffening before jerking with sobs. 
You watched with sorrow, moving gently to place a hand at his back, warmth spreading immediately at your palm. 
“They despise me, all of them. Helion, Feyre, Tamlin, Rhys, perhaps even my own mother. They see me for the coward I am.”
You cleared your throat, choosing your words carefully. “The beginning of your reign as High Lord will be an trialling time for you, I won’t deny that. But there were so many who could have stopped Beron, and so many that that didn’t. It wasn't your burden to bear alone.” 
Eris blinked, a shaken breath escaping him as he gained some control. “I suppose I will always be the High Lord that was too late.”
You swallowed, nodding. “Perhaps. But you will also be the High Lord who makes sure to leave a better legacy, to never leave things too late again.”
Eris ran curious brown eyes down your frame – so unfamiliar with the comfort you had just provided. 
“Azriel and Cassian are couldren-blessed to have someone like you.” 
You stiffened then. “I don't suppose they have me, Eris.”
Eris blinked, before his faced dropped. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I did not mean to offend.”
You shook your head, a small smile on your lips. “It’s ok, Eris. You are learning.” 
He ran bony fingers through his cropped auburn locks. “I only meant to convey that I admire you.”
You shrugged. “I am quite incredible.”
Eris’s laugh was raspy with relief. There was a quiet moment between you, the only sound the crackle of the fireplace. 
“Will you be there, tomorrow?” Eris did nothing to hide the hope in his eyes. 
You placed a gentle hand over his. “I’ll be one of many. Rhys and Feyre will be there too.”
“They’re coming?”
“I’m not sure people hold as much resentment to you as you do yourself, Eris. I think most just want to look forward, to a better world.”
Eris swallowed then, curbing the lump in his throat that threatened again. “Thank you, Y/N. I appreciate your kindness.”
You rose then, smoothing your skirts. “All the best for tomorrow, Eris. At the very least, you’ll look dashing.”
Eris found his old self then, extending his arms to admire the suite once more. “That I will,” he grinned, before reaching for your hand, and placing a gentle kiss to your knuckles. 
“Should you feel the need to reject two Illyrians for one handsome High Lord,” he joked with a flash of teeth. 
You snatched your hand back, eyes rolling with a smirk. “Don’t ever let Azriel or Cassian hear you joke like that,” you threw over your shoulder, sealing Eris’s chuckle and closing the door behind you.
Lucien’s memorial was devastatingly beautiful. 
Without a body, there was no coffin, cremation or grave. Instead, a bronzed statue was erected in the gardens of the Autumn castle, and rows of fae from all courts gathered to watch it be raised. 
It was Eris who spoke from the podium, Serafina’s weeps heard by all as she clung to Hellion who kept a strong arm around his mate. 
“I want to thank you all for coming here today to honour the life of my youngest bother, Lucien. He was taken from us in a selfish and cowardly act by my father, used as a sacrifice to hone evil. A crime that contradicts my brother’s very essence, for with every fibre of his being, Lucien was good.” 
“Lucien was kinder than most, a generous, forgiving male who uplifted others and sought good for the world. I regret to have dismissed him for so long, and that I may never tell him just how much I admired his courage. As High Lord of this court, I will ensure that his legacy continues, that he lives forever in bronze in these gardens, but also as a celebrated hero and vital part of the Autumn dynasty.”
“To properly commemorate his life, I invite someone who was a truer brother to Lucien, more than I ever was.” 
Eris stepped from the podium, placing a sure hand on Tamlin’s shoulder before moving to the queues. 
You could see the tremor in your friends hands as he placed his papers down, fingers gripping to the podium to steady himself. Pressing your lips tightly, you knew the wave of emotion Tamlin would need to push through to address all of these people, and tribute Lucien in honour. Your heart ached for him further.
Feyre’s sniffing pricked your ears from beside you where Rhys held her, and as you dabbed a few of your own stray tears, a wave of reassurance was sent from your mates who sat a few rows back, catching the movement. 
“Lucien was more than an honourable male.” Tamlin began, his voice strong, commanding of the crowd. “He understood what it was to be truly loyal, to see the good amongst the bad, to make others feel at home when he didn't have one of his own.” 
“He taught me compassion, sensibility, gratitude and love. He was a better leader than I could ever hope to be, without even trying.”
Tears brimmed your eyes, and you felt an overwhelming amount of pride for Tamlin as he cast those sharp green eyes across the crowd. 
“He was a loving son and friend,” he said with a nod to Serafina. “And while he endured more hardship than any of us deserve, his wit and humour prevailed.”
A few chuckles from the crowd and murmurs of agreement. A tattooed hand found yours then, and Feyre squeezed you as you smiled at each other through tears. 
“Many might not know that Lucien used that wit to free us of Amarantha’s reign. It was his keen eye to observe those around him, that brilliant mind and sincere care for others that lead Feyre to my court, and to eventually break the curse. He helped us every step of the way, risking his life countless times under the mountain, because he understood what was at stake, and what was the greater good.”
Tamlin had paused, taking a shaky breath. “Lucien was the brother I never deserved, and I will never stop loving him.” 
Tear stained tracks shone on Tamlin’s cheeks.
“It is our duty to ensure he has not died in vain, to learn from his legacy of acceptance, patience and kindness. If each of us hone just a fraction of the honour that he spread so freely, Prythian will be stronger for it.” 
“And when your children ask to hear the heroic tales of friends and foes alike, tell them of Lucien – the male with no home, that lead with his heart instead.” 
When Tamlin returned to his seat as Serafina stood to reveal the statue beneath the cloth. Hundreds of fae cried and cheered, and you reached for Tamlin’s hand, holding him tightly with your head on his shoulder, grieving and celebrating with your truest friend. 
1 week later
“Where have you bought me, my love?”
Azriel emerged from the thick of the Autumn forest, dried leaves crunching beneath his boots. 
“A little clearing I discovered on a walk,” you smiled from where you waited patiently, hands behind your back. The picnic was set with bread, cheese and berries, and you offered a glass of wine to your mate as he approached. 
He took it with a raised brow, leaning down to kiss your cheek before taking a sip. 
“You are well?” he asked, noting the blush in your cheeks, sending relief through the bond that colour had at last returned to your face. 
“I am,” you smiled broadly.
Before you could ask how Azriel was, the beat of Cassian’s wings sounded, and leaves danced in a gust of wind as he landed on one strong knee. 
“Well isn't this romantic,” he grinned as he stood, stalking over to pick you up, twirling as he squeezed you tight.
While Cassian had business to attend to back in Illyria, both of the males had been keeping their distance while you rested at the Autumn castle. They checked in of course, and Azriel had winnowed back a few times to see you - but they were respectful of your space, waiting for your direction, feeling for your comfort levels along the way. 
Cassian approached Azriel then, a strong hand finding his chiselled jaw as he kissed his mate deeply. 
Immediately flustered, you busied yourself by pouring Cassian a glass of wine as overwhelming desire and longing for each other coursed through the bond after days spent apart. You forced your eyes elsewhere - you hadn't kissed either of them yet, certainly not like that. 
They moved to join you on the blanket you had set, Cassian taking his wine with a thank you and plopping a few berries in the each of your glasses. 
“I’ve missed you both,” you said with a shy smile. It was true, having them both here, it eased the strain of your heart that lingered at the distance. It also revealed desires you hadn't known were there. You wanted to bask in their presence, to hold them tight and never let them go. To tear your clothes of and press their naked skin to yours, feel the heat of them warm through you… Gods, this bond!
Azriel and Cassian shared a coy chuckle as they sensed your lust, and a scarred hand found your knee while Cassian lounged casually, wings sprawling. 
“We missed you too,” Azriel answered with a boyish smirk, before it turned sincere. “Thank you for bringing us together, my love.”
Cassian was already munching on the bread as he offered you a wedge of cheese, speaking with a full mouth. “What marks the occasion, princess?” 
You took the food, chewing thoughtfully before setting your glass down. Hazel eyes tracked your every move, Cassian’s on the clouds as casual hands were bought behind his head. 
“Well, I suppose I wanted to discuss us.”
You saw Cassian’s chest holt, before he sat up, waiting for you to continue. 
“I’m fully healed now, and I think it’s time I left Autumn.” 
Azriel was stiff. “Will you be coming back to Velaris?” he asked with forced softness. 
You swallowed once, twice. “No.”
Azriel took a deep breath before nodding slowly, Cassian’s smile fading into something sad, while affection still warmed those brown eyes. 
“We understand,” he offered, his large hand covering yours. 
“I suppose a better answer is, not yet,” you added, squeezing Cassian’s hand in yours. You felt their lick of excitement through the bond. 
“I love you both, I do. But I don't know where I want to live, where I want to call home. All I know is that I want to continue my mission, help provide aide for more courts. Beron’s death has created so many opportunities, the courts have never been so aligned. There is much work to do - and I will dedicate myself to it. This is my purpose.”
Azriel’s smile was genuine under the tears in his eyes. “I am so proud of you.”
You sent a wave of warmth down the bond. “Thank you, Az.”
Cassian was leaning on his knees now, facing the both of you. “Wherever you want to be, Y/N, we’ll be there too.”
You shook your head quickly. “No, no, I won't ask you to leave Velaris, to give up your roles in the Night Court.”
Your mates exchanged a look.
“We would, you know.” Azriel husk was just more than a whisper.
“We’d follow you anywhere,” Cassian added. 
You smiled, your eyes cast down as you fiddled with your hands in your lap. With a quick breath, you placed a hand on each of their thighs. 
“I don't want that, and neither do you. Please hear me when I say I love you both, and I’m learning to forgive you for what happened with Alvar. But I’m not ready to be so…”
You smiled turned broken. “Yes, mated.”
Azriel had picked up your hand, toying with it before moving scarred fingers to intertwine with yours. “Wherever you want to be,” he repeated Cassian’s words. “We support you.”
You blinked the tears that threatened then, forcing that pinnacle question past your lips. “Would you wait?” For me, for us - you didn't add.
“Of course,” Cassian said instantly, frowning with slight insult. 
“Without a second thought.” Azriel added, his lips now brushing your knuckles.
It was true, honest love that surged through the bond then, from all three sides. 
You huffed with relief. “Then I will return to my life in Spring Court.”
“Perhaps we could visit?” Cassian asked.
You didn't need to think on the offer. “I would love that,” you beamed. “And I will travel often enough with my work – and will visit you too.”
Azriel let out a small whine of relief, and Cassian grinned, moving to wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you to his chest. 
“We love you Y/N,” he murmured into your ear, planting a kiss to your neck. “We will make this work.”
You reached towards the Shadowsinger, pulling him towards you, relishing in the comfort of their arms wrapped tight around you. You were safe, they were safe. You were happy, they were happy. 
For the first time in years, you felt true happiness in all avenues of life. 
Cassian and Azriel were kissing above your head, the sound of their kiss igniting something in your bounds as you were pressed between them. That primal urge to consummate your mating bond churned within you, and you were suddenly flushed with desire, aware of how your own pupils dilated. 
Raising to your knees, your hands found a place on both of their chests as they broke away, eyeing you. 
You leaned towards Cassian, eyes flicking down to his still-wet lips swollen from Azriel’s kiss. Ever so gently, you lay a peck to his mouth. 
Cassian whimpered as you pulled away, his eyes fluttering open and stalking you as you moved to Azriel and did the same. 
Wings twitched from behind the Shadowsingers head, and shadows instantly flooded around you.
Pulling away, you couldn't help the toying grin that pulled at your mouth. Azriel's chest heaved, and Cassian’s brows were pulled in desperation. 
“Please,” the later begged. “Do that again.”
Your heart lurched, your insides throbbing even more intensely than before. Gods, you wanted them. But you would have to be careful with how you would approach the bond while living on different sides of Prythian. 
“I’m conscious,” you breathed, taking a moment to regain composure. “I’m conscious not to enlighten the bond any further.”
Cassian growled, but Azriel threw him a quick glare. “You’re yet to seal the bond on your end.”
“I know,” you breathed, resisting every urge to ask your mates to eat the remaining berries from your bare hands and ride them into the sunset. “But I don't want to make things anymore difficult than they need to be. I have no interest in torturing you any further. Sex might complicate things, it can bind us further, making the distance that much harder to bare.”
Cassian groaned. “Please don't say harder.”
You and Azriel shared a chuckle as he strained in his pants. 
“It’s a kind thought, my love. And I think you’re right,” Azriel agreed with a stroke to your face, then a strong hand on Cassian’s shoulder that seemed to say compose yourself.
Cassian cleared his throat, and through gritted teeth said “We can wait.”
A wicked smile reached your eyes. “Are you sure about that?”
Cassian all but tackled you, nipping at your ear with a playful growl. “Don’t tease.”
You laughed freely then, his breath tickling your ear.
Azriel was still stiff where he sat. 
“Az,” you asked. “Will you be alright?”
Hazel eyes flicked down you in a way that made you shudder. “I just have on request.”
You smiled. “Yes?”
“Kiss me again.”
You were smiling as you lurched forward, strong arms catching you as you pressed your lips on his. 
You spent the rest of the afternoon in that clearing with your mates, kissing them, holding them, discussing the logistics of the next steps of your mateship, and falling back in love with the two males that always had your heart.
3 years later
The three years since you had rekindled your relationship with Azriel and Cassian had been the happiest of your life. 
Your mates would visit often, sometimes together, sometimes alone. And when your work called you to the Night Court or close by, you visited them in Velaris, spending time with your old family too. You relationships were healing amongst the Inner Circle, and you were glad to feel at home again while still returning to your life in Spring Court. 
You had worked furiously hard to bring your aide work across Prythian. Beron’s death saw a shift in response to sharing resources, and your vision of aide without borders gained traction. With hundreds of healers and the likes now working for your charity - your mission was funded and supported by all seven courts. 
The little foxes, you now called yourselves, in honour of Lucien Vanserra and his legacy of honour. Each court had specially built ‘dens’, where fae in need could seek help, and where aide was dispatched to support across all courts. 
It was incredibly hard work that took the years you gave yourself, with many sleepless nights, and sometimes longer periods spent away from your mates. But it was successful, the cogs of your strategies came to life. 
You were overwhelmingly proud, and fulfilled for the first time in your life. Happiness was a plentiful beacon around you, and you felt yourself healing every day.
You spent spare time learning to harness your magic. Seeking experts across the continent, you learned to hone that powerful current, understanding your limits, your emotions, when to yield and when to take. You learnt new ways of using it, lighting fires or fuelling pressing mills, hunting large supplies of fish when food was in need. In those years, you had learned to help others in ways you never new possible. It was as if you were finally coming to life. 
Your heart was full – you had taken control of your life once more, working in boundaries that helped you thrive. And it was with that full, healthy heart that you forgave your mates, little by little, day by day. 
Mor let out a high-pitched squeel, shaking as she read the golden card in her hand, envelope floating to the floor as she bounced from foot to foot. 
“What is it?” Feyre asked from her desk, the High Lady buried in paper work.
“They’ve called it!”
“Called what?” Feyre asked with wide eyes, bewildered at Mor’s reaction. 
Snatching the card from the giddy blond’s hand, Feyre read the sparkling, cursive writing. Tears instantly brimmed at Feyre’s eyes as she met Mor’s lovesick smile.
Finbark Eversgreen requests the honour of your attendance to celebrate the marriage of Y/N, Cassian and Azriel.
Saturday, 2nd week of the third season.
The ceremony will be held at the Southern Spring Lake at dusk.
“Rhys! Come quick!”
AN: Ahhhh I hope you liked this lead up to the finale!! It was a pleasure to write the abundance of healing going around for all these characters!! The next part will focus on the wedding - but I'm always keen to hear what else you guys might want to see too. All in all, I'm actually excited to wrap up Our Girl tbh. It's sitting at 50,000 words so far and has been a really big piece for me! So thanks for joining me along the way. If you want to join the tag list for the finale, or any of my other stuff, drop and comments and let me know which one :) Much love!!! Nic
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utterlyotterlyx · 2 months
Cassian and writing prompt #21, “Stay”
I’m desperate for more Cassian x Reader fics!! Thank you :)
Arsonist's Lullaby
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Cassian x Fem!Reader
Summary - Cassian thinks he knows best when he pushes you away, to protect you, but nothing prepared him for a threat on your life and no one can stop him from reaching you.
Warnings - angst, smut smut smut, fluffffffff, swearing, mentions of death
Word Count - 4.9k
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Sunlight speckled over your skin, its warm embrace curling around like Cassian once did, glittering its unwavering love across your paled surface, willing it back to life.
It wasn't out of the ordinary for you and Cassian to fight, but something about that fight felt different. More final in a way.
Cassian was always worrying over you, his mate, and what harm his title could potentially inflict upon you. He had been pushing you away, had been spending more time away from you; you knew why, you knew he was scared of being the reason anything happened to you but that didn't mean that he had to shut you out.
Your mate had done everything to prepare you for any potential attack, any risk to your life, you were a skilled fighter thanks to Cassian, even Azriel broke into a sweat sparring against you and Cassian smirked with pride at the image.
Weakness was not a part of your vocabulary, he knew that, but he still treated you as a fragile swirl of winter warmth and you weren't appreciating it.
Confronting Cassian had ensued an argument that would shatter any unmated couple, you had both hurled abusive words to one another, you had called him spineless and unwilling to fathom your ability to be able to care for yourself like you had during the war against Hybern when you had used your rare gift of Solakenisis to hurtle spheres of radiating flame across the battlefield. In return, Cassian had called you weak and pathetic, he had called you reckless and immature, and landed his final blow of calling you jealous of the other women in your circle for having the freedom and strength that you would never be able to wield.
Such an argument left you both panting, with raw throats and wet cheeks, with snarls of hatred sculpted to your usually attached lips.
Cassian had left you then, had left you alone in your shared home with a bag in his hand without a word of when he would return to you. It felt final. It felt damning.
So you decided to leave yourself, but instead of leaving to escape the too-large-for-yourself home to the sanctuary of the residence of your family, you chose to leave the city altogether and chose to not tell a soul, not even Rhys as he tapped on the walls of your iron clad mind once he had felt your essence float through his wards.
Sunlight continued to kiss your skin as you lay in the familiar comfort of your Day Court bed, in the room Helion had promised to always keep for you. Helion was your older brother, well half-brother, but he wouldn't let anyone mutter a word about your bastard heritage, your shared father had been quite the rake in his prime, and such actions birthed you, his bastard daughter with the power to harness the destructive powers of the sun.
It was baffling for you to comprehend why exactly Cassian was so worried for you when you had the ability to unleash heavenly fire across Prythian if you so wished it. That, and the fact that the bond had snapped for Cassian one evening in Day was why Rhys had lobbied for your presence in his court in the first place all those years ago, long before Amarantha.
Amarantha was intrigued by you, you were the only individual she wasn't able drain power from, your abilities were other-worldly, untouchable. So, she gave you an option, stay uninvolved and advise her or watch your brother perish before your eyes. You chose the former.
All you have is your fire. Use it.
Amarantha erupted into flames when she had killed Feyre, unable to free herself from the bindings you had chained around her limbs. She had screamed, gargled in fact as you stood behind her, hands at your sides and your mind ripping her apart from the inside out. Boiling and burning her alive. Fire danced through your hair, it burned brightly in your eyes, sunlight pulsed around you, a blinding thing, a warning to others.
Your power was not yours to gift, it was not for anyone else to yield but you, Helion knew as much and was stern as he told Tamlin that you were not to offer up any of your power to save the human girl in his arms.
That said human girl, Feyre, now your High Lady, had grown to be a very good friend of yours.
Rising from the depths of the cream silken sheets, you touched your rough cheeks, crying for hydration from the tears you had poured upon them for the eighth night in a row. The bond had gone cold by your own foolish wish, you had locked it off, you had refused any attempts of contact, and Helion had obliged and denied your presence in his court when Rhys and Cassian had reached to him, Helion had even gone as far as to plant a seed in Feyre's mind that you may be in Autumn since Eris was a good friend of yours despite his relationship with the Night Court.
Autumn was the one place they would have difficulty infiltrating, and Eris was more than happy to play along if it gave you some peace.
Eight days was the longest you had gone without Cassian, without anything flowing through the bond, without seeing him, without being wrapped up in his body as he fucked you relentlessly into oblivion.
It was exhausting.
The Day Court sun brought some life back to you, cascading her glow upon you and enriching your skin with her gentle loving shimmer. She had always doted on you, the energy she bestowed upon you was unmatched, and you often found her watchful eye following you wherever you walked, whispering to you always.
The sun had chosen you, her vessel, to right the wrongs of the world, and Cassian always chose to look over that fact.
Your home court was known for its elaborate fashion, the ornate gold jewellery and accessories that you had found wrapped around your hands and feet, and the halo crown caressing the back of your head. The dress you had worn held a solid gold bodice of intricate swirls that allowed your skin to peek out beneath it, that attached to a pale shimmering skirt, and golden chains draped across your collarbones and fell down your spine. It moulded to your figure perfectly.
You were not weak or jealous, or reckless, you were a child of the sun, a strong and formidable creature. No one, not even Cassian, could take that from you.
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Cassian had been cursed out by every member of your shared family when he had arrived at the House of Wind looking like shit with a bag between his fingers.
He thought he was right. He thought he was protecting you. But after having his ass handed to him by Azriel and Rhys, and Feyre and Mor's stern words, and Amren's glare of pure disgust, Cassian knew he had fucked up.
Cassian had raced back to your shared home, one that was a harmonious myriad of light and dark, of sun and night, and found it solemn and empty. He had raced up the stairs, he had looked in your drawers and saw everything still in place, then he had headed to your vanity and inhaled sharply when he saw that the small picture of your mother had gone, which meant you had too.
Screaming down the bond, Cassian was met with a stone cold wall of rippling silence, and he broke. Cassian fell to his knees holding one of your dressed between his fingers, it still smelt of you, of hot salted ocean breezes and fresh roses, and he cried.
He had spent the next week trying to locate you, being turned away from every court, even Helion had no idea where you had gone, but had told Feyre that you may have gone to Eris, your friend, as you knew that would be the one place he couldn't get to you.
Rhys had demanded entry to Autumn, which Eris had refused with a sly smirk on the boarder, his hounds circling through his legs. Eris was enjoying Cassian's pain far too much and had the gall to quip, "She doesn't want to see you, Lord of Bloodshed. Perhaps you listen to her this time, considering you have a habit of refusing to."
A spit in the face of his love for you. Cassian had gone to step over the threshold only to be held back by Azriel, Eris' hounds were snarling and barking at the three Illyrians trying to enter their home, "You would risk war?"
Eris grinned, fixing the lapels of his jacket, "A war would take y/n from you forever. I don't think you'd be that stupid," he turned from them, whistling for his hounds to follow, "As long as she's here, she will be fine. I suggest you go home and mull over the ways in which you have failed her."
Missions were the only thing that would give Cassian the opportunity to relent his frustrations, his force was sickening, he broke the bones of their enemies with his bare hands, he ripped them apart with his own self-loathing fury. Azriel had never seen Cassian in such a state, he blamed himself for your disappearance, and rightfully so, any of them could have told him that you were capable of destroying him if needed, let alone anyone else. Though, Azriel didn't blame Cassian for trying to protect you, for believing that your bond could bring harm to you, Azriel would think the same if he were in Cassian's shoes.
"Cass, we do need at least one of them alive," Azriel followed his brother on his war path, he watched him in concern as he drove his sword through the hearts of many soldiers.
Bodies lay broken around them, blood coated the ground and walls, it was a monstrous sight to take in. Cassian's hair lay unbound on his shoulders, matted with sweat that coated his brow, his wings were tense as he swung, they shuddered in fear of his force.
Cassian grunted to Azriel, whipping his air away from his face and facing him with a dead glare behind his hazel eyes, "Fine," he smirked and sheathed his sword, motioning to Azriel to approach the singular male who was moments away from death.
Blood coated his lips, his eyes had dimmed, but he still wore evil like a brooch on his heart, he spat the contents of his bloody mouth at Azriel as he bent down to grasp him by the collar, "You're going to tell me of your plans to attack Velaris, you're going to tell me and I may spare you."
The male chuckled low and sinister, hatred blazed in his faltering eyes and he smiled, toothy, but blood coated the once yellow tinged teeth. There wasn't much time to get answers, "We're already moving, you're too late."
Azriel cocked his head to the side, "I'm going to need more than that. I can make this much more painful for you," Truthteller dragged across the males bobbing throat, he knew of the Shadowsinger, he had heard to rumours of his ruthless torture.
The males gaze flickered to Cassian who stood behind Azriel, leaning against the bloodied wall looking disinterested, "You can thank him for that," his finger twitched in Cassian's direction, "Do you really believe that your High Lord is the protector of your court?" The male leaned forward, "Your greatest protector, the most powerful being in Prythian, is no longer being hidden by your court. She is elsewhere, we have been watching her, preparing for the perfect moment to snatch her away. With her power in our grasp, we will be unstoppable."
Cassian felt panic settle in his soul as the male continued, bitterly laughing as he spoke, "Y/N. A child of the sun, back in her home court, ready to follow her destiny. You can thank your Lord of Bloodshed for accelerating our plans."
Azriel turned to Cassian with wide eyes, eyes that Cassian matched. It was never about attacking Velaris, it was about capturing you, using your power for their own tyrannical plans, bleeding you dry and taking your power from your body.
But Cassian was already moving, turning on his heels and pelting from the room as fast as he could, flexing his wings to ready them for flight whilst calling out to Rhys to meet them at the Day Court Palace as fast as possible.
Cassian flew as fast as he could, he would never be able to forgive himself if anyone harmed you, especially when he had made it so easy for them to reach you. He had to find you, he had to stop it, he had to save you.
Helion growled at the intrusion of the three Illyrians entering his personal library that was three times the size of the library at the House of Wind, but his snarl faltered when he saw the frenzied eyes and the blood coating Cassian and Azriel's armour. He rose from his seat quickly, not having a moment to say anything when Cassian paced over to him, "I don't have time for pleasantries. She's in danger. Where is she?"
Helion noted the fire in Cassian's eyes, the way his siphons glowered dangerously in awaiting answer, "How do I know that this isn't some elaborate ruse to take her?"
Azriel stepped forward, voice low in warning, noticing Cassian's fists clench and his chest seethe with anger, "Our enemies have been hunting her, they wish to drain her power and unleash it on the world. We need to find her."
Helion's language shifted, he faced Cassian with equal fury, going toe to toe with the Lord of Bloodshed and bit, "If anything happens to my sister, I will end you."
"I will end myself before you ever could, now tell me where she is."
A wild wind bellowed through the open arches, enough for Helion to wince at the forceful impact. That wind swarmed through the palace, it was wild and cold, it was a warning from the world to run and hide. Helion fought against it toward the balcony, his locks whipping around in the tornado that had encased his court, his eyes focused on the forest in the distance and he pointed, "She's in there."
Then, from nowhere, bright thunderous light quaked from the sky as large spheres of sun fire raced past them and slammed into the ground below, where you were. The trees lurched with the impact, splintering and sprouting in differing directions, wailing at their demise, and the ocean dragged itself back to a safe distance. Fire rained from the sky, but the wind was too forceful for any of them to fly to you.
"RHYS!" Cassian bellowed to his brother, their eyes locked and he nodded, catching Cassian with a free hand with Azriel in the other, winnowing them to where they needed to be.
The scene was sickening. Trunks lay cracked and broken, simmering fire trickled along the earth that rumbled beneath their feet with each impact of fire that slammed against the ground. They couldn't see two feet in front of them let alone much else due to the heavenly light that emitted from you, but Cassian felt you, for the first time in what felt like centuries, he felt you.
Cassian felt your fury course down the bond, it was mixed with fear and guilt, and it lead them straight to you. In return, he threw all of his love down the bond as another sphere of your fire hurtled down through the sky, and he swore he could have heard you gasp and pause.
The light dimmed, and their eyes adjusted to see you in the clearing metres ahead from them, surrounded by bodies, some bloody and other burnt beyond recognition. A dagger was glued between your fingers and you let our a shaky exhale, like you didn't realise you had been holding your breath all that time.
The clearing looked more like a crater, a once plush area of wildlife that you sought comfort in was now a crater of ash and broken souls, and Cassian watched your cracked eyes survey your surroundings, hating what you had done.
Cassian rushed to you, slamming his body into yours and cradling you into his chest, "Are you alright?" He pulled away and cupped your face in his hands gingerly, wiping away the ash that had settled on your cheeks, "Speak to me, my love."
"I'm okay," your voice was hoarse and quiet, your eyes connected and he saw the tears pool in them along with the devastation that coursed through the bond, "I'm sorry. You were right-"
"Don't apologise," he told you, wiping away the tears that spilled down your ashen cheeks, leaving streaks of sunlight flowing down them, "I was wrong, so wrong. You don't need anyone to protect you, you aren't weak or jealous, you are strong and more capable of protecting yourself more than anyone I know. You are your greatest protector, not me. I'm so sorry, I was just trying to keep you tucked away and safe. But you've always meant to shine, I never should have tried to stop it."
"You were trying to keep me safe, Cass," your voice trailed off and you examined the scene, paying no notice to Rhys and Azriel at the edge of your crater, "What have I done?"
Cassian's fingers ran through your hair, "You did what you had to, alright? It's okay. If I hadn't pushed you away then none of this would have happened. I'm so stupid. I'm so sorry."
Your hands lay on his chest and you sighed, "Take me home, Cass. I can't be here."
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Cassian had doted on you the moment you were back in his arms, he ordered Rhys to winnow you both back to your shared home whilst Azriel stayed to assure Helion that you were fine and in need of some much needed time with your mate.
The searing heat of the tub wound around your muscles and soothed the ache in your soul. The water was far too hot for Cassian to climb into, so he instead sat on the edge of the tub and washed your hair, picking apart the knots within it and allowed his large hands to unwind the bundled nerves in your shoulders.
When the water had gone cold, he lifted you from the tub and dried your limbs, he brushed your damp hair and dressed you in a thin nightgown, and not once did he stop apologising to you, not once did his lips stop peppering kisses along your shoulders and forehead.
You stood before him, needing much more than just sweet kisses and kind words.
"Tell me what you need," he had said when he saw the look in your eyes, one that radiated doubt but also desire.
Cassian stood still in front of you, his hands resting on your hips and you stood on your tiptoes to capture his lips in a searing kiss, one that he hummed into, allowing his hand to cradle the back of your head as he deepened it. Cassian had missed your lips too much.
Against his own building desire, Cassian gently pushed you backward, "My love, you're hurting," he didn't want to take advantage of your vulnerability in that moment.
"Do you love me?"
Cassian frowned, and let out a disbelieving scoff, "More than anything."
"Good," you pressed your lips to his again, pulling back slightly and peering at him through your lashes, "Because I need you to fuck me like you don't."
His cock twinged at the words and he closed his eyes, opening them to see you push the straps of your nightgown over your shoulders, revealing your peaked nipples to him as it fell down your body. Cassian knew why you needed it, you needed to feel something other than the pain of destroying one of your most sacred places, you needed him in the most passionate way possible.
"Are you sure?" Fire spread through him when you used his forearms as leverage to capture his lips on yours again, in a starving embrace, one that sent blood pooling to his cock that throbbed against his leathers in knowing that where it needed to be was only inches away.
Cassian walked you backwards until your legs hit the back of your bed and you lowered yourself onto the mattress. Fierce lust was laced within you, you propped you heels up on the frame and spread your legs to your mate, that feral animalistic need to be rutted filling the room illuminated by flickering candlelight.
Wasting no time, Cassian ripped his leathers from his body and fell to his knees before you, his muscles contracted in the golden hue of the room, he grasped your thighs and dragged you toward him, his warmth breath fanning over your core as he placed kisses down your stomach and in the creases of your thighs, making you suck in a shaky breath as he placed a final peck to the bundle of nerve that were aching for his tongue.
"I've missed the taste of you so much, my love," the movement of his lips on your skin made electricity course through you, the stubble of his beard scratching against your inner thighs.
Whining, your back arched when he drug his tongue up your slit, the groan emitting from his throat vibrating against you threatening to blind all of your senses. He smiled against your core, winding his tongue around your clit and sucking on the nerves, his fingers dug into your thighs to stop your squirming as his pace became relentless. Sucking, biting, and swirling his tongue in the ways he knew made you turn into a mewling mess, he pumped his cock in his hand to relieve the building pressure, to allow him to focus on you, his beautiful moaning mess of a mate completely at his mercy.
Cassian lapped up your taste, groaning in pleasure at it as he pumped his digits in you, pressing down on your stomach with his free hand to make that rough spot inside of you meet every brush of his touch. He noted the hitch of your breath and the way your fingers found his hair, pushing his face into your cunt, telling him how close you were from falling from grace. Cassian kept his pace, taking your throbbing clit into his mouth and flicking his tongue against it as his fingers hit that spot again and again until you were crying out his name and tensing around his fingers.
Your mate continued his tirade, pulling two more orgasms from your lips before his pace slowed and he removed his fingers from you. Humming, he sucked your juices from one of his fingers and then slid the other into your mouth as he hovered over you, his cock ready and weeping on your thigh.
He threw your clenched legs apart and nestled between them, "You can thank me tomorrow," he told you, no doubt alluding to the fact that your lips hadn't found his cock yet, "I just need you."
Without warning, he pushed into you, and his delicious cock stretched you out, you threw your head back and moaned, your fingers digging into his shoulders as he lowered himself and captured your lips hungrily against his own, transferring the taste of you to your tongue. He moved, slowly at first, and you met his hips in the rolling rhythm he had created, then he became more desperate and picked up his pace, biting and sucking at the skin on your neck, no doubt marking it for everyone to see once he would allow you out of your bed after fucking you on every surface possible.
Cassian groaned into the crook of your neck, his fingers held a bruising grip on your hip as he slammed into you, the tip of his cock smacking against that rough spot inside of you, "I love you, y/n. I love you so much," his brows were furrowed, like he knew how much force he was using and had to tell you how much he loved you just in case he was taking it too far.
Panting, you replied, "I love you too, Cass. I love you," you were cut off by your own moan, your hands flew above your head encased in his own, he gripped the sheets and snarled and he pulled out of you and flipped you over, pushing your head into the mattress and growling as the tip of his cock teased your entrance again, and you took it in it's entirety, groaning so deliciously that it took everything within Cassian to not explode at the sight of your ass bouncing on his cock.
Cassian bent down, his fingers delicately wrapped around your throat and pulled you upright, his fingers stayed there, restricting your oxygen in the best way imaginable as he pushed up into you, sucking and nibbling on your earlobes and neck between his own rough moans of pleasure.
As long as you had Cassian, there was nothing else you'd ever need to feel fulfilled. He was everything, your life and death, your shoulder to sob upon, your cock to cum on. Cassian was yours, his soul belonged to you just like every fibre of your existence hung onto him.
"Stay. Don't ever leave me again," his voice was full of emotion in your ear as he fucked you into the whispering depths of the ocean that was your bond.
Cassian's free hand twisted at your nipples before travelling downward, resting atop your stomach and pushing your hips backward to meet his relentless thrusts, and you felt the familiar pressure building there, holding on wasn't possible when his fingers travelling further, finding your clit and tracing slow circles into the nerves, smirking into your shoulder as high pitched cries flowed from your lips.
"I'll never leave you," you were breathless, and you hardly felt him pull out from you as he pushed you onto your back again, throwing your leg over his arm and pounding into you until he began to falter. His lips found your nipple again, sucking and biting on the sensitive nub of skin, and his fingers continued to flicker over your clit, "Cass, please. I'm going to-"
"So am I," he groaned, pressing his forehead to yours, "Cum for me, my love," Cassian pressed his lips to yours, capturing your orgasm in his mouth before releasing your lips to allow you to scream his name as that searing white heat consumed your entire body.
Cassian could have swore you began to glow as it consumed you, and you basked in that warmth, he basked in the clench of your walls quivering around his cock and milking him until there was nothing left to fill you with. Your mate fucked you through both of your highs, groaning your name and growling as he filled you, panting as he slowed his pace and lay on top of you.
In the comfortable silence, you found him staring at you with wonder, he hovered over you propped up on his elbows, tracing his fingers along your glistening skin, "What?"
Cassian smiled, "I want a baby," he admitted, "I can't stop myself from being scared about losing you, a part of me will always be terrified. But, what I can stop is myself holding back in the life I dream of with you," his hazel eyes scoured your face, and peace settled between you, "I want a product of us, of our love and strength. I want a family with you, a big family full of love and wonder and adventure where you have to tell me off after our fourth for wanting another," you giggled tearfully beneath him and he wiped a tear away with the pad of his thumb, "The idea of losing you is my greatest fear, y/n. I don't want anything to happen to us, and I don't want us to be left with nothing if-"
"Cass," you cooed to him, pulling him from the devastating thoughts in his mind, "I want all of that too, I want the picket fence and enough children to drive Az insane. Enough cousins for Nyx for them all to grow up in their own inner circle and replace us all one day. I want a life with you void of sadness. I want you, forever, even when our day comes to leave this reality, I will want you and I will guide you to the heavens so that we may live in an eternity of love waiting for everyone we adore to join us."
Cassian pulled you up the bed and encased you in his arms, draping a thin sheet over your forms and running his fingers through your hair whilst you kissed his chest softly, "You found me in darkness and we made our own light. We burn brighter than anything that may await us," he kissed your forehead and gazed into your eyes, a smirk worked its way onto his face, "The sun has nothing on you, you know."
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Authors Note
Daddy Casssss
Hope you love it! x
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thornnii · 1 month
Saw that you request open so: show!percy jackson x daughter of Eris!reader set just after battle of the labyrinth?
⎯ ☆ chaos in the rain
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genre: brief angst to fluff wordcount: 1.1k pairing: percy jackson x fem!reader tags: daughter of eris!reader (she/her pronouns), reader hiding out to avoid doing work to rebuild/repair camp after the battle against luke/kronos' army, set after the events of botl, established relationship, probably some inaccuracies summary: what started off as hiding from chores turns into a conversation about oranges notes: I AM SO SO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT!! I hope really hope you like this anon ♡♡
↳ return to masterlist
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camp was alive with activity after the battle between camp half-blood and luke, or rather kronos's, army. there was a fair amount of damage done to the camp and mr d and chiron had delegated jobs to fix the camp to the different cabins. [reader] sat with her feet dangling off the edge of the cliff by the netball court. technically she was meant to be helping the rest of the hermes cabin and the other unclaimed kids that she bunked with- not that she was unclaimed, she was claimed by her mother a while ago, but there was no cabin for eris at camp half-blood.
'it was like staring out over a beehive' [reader] concluded as she watched the rest of camp from her perch. she pulled her feet up to sit cross-legged before tugging her small satchel bag, filled with snacks she'd been storing up throughout the year, into her lap. it was odd, usually the girl would revel in chaos and destruction, but this time all she could feel was this weird hollowness that seemed to weigh her down as she munched on her stolen goodies. maybe it was because it wasn’t chaos by her hand, or that it had affected the people and the things she had grown to cherish. oh well, it wasn’t going to come to her now, maybe in hindsight whatever she was experiencing would be more obvious.
as [reader] ate and watched the activity of the camp below her a soft mist began to envelop camp half-blood. [reader]’s fellow campers stopped to look up at the sky, embracing the cold patter of rain compared to the humid air that still permeated the area post the violence it had just experienced. [reader] couldn’t imagine the immeasurable pain some campers may be feeling, losing a sibling in such a brutal way. with the negative thoughts swimming around her head, she reached for the golden apple keychain on her bag. a golden apple was one of eris's symbols and it always helped to calm [reader], to make her feel connected to her mother.
[reader] stiffened slightly at the almost indiscernible sound of light footsteps against the wet grass of the volleyball courts. almost as soon as her ears caught the sound, the rain that had been splashing down on her stopped. a small smile graced [reader]’s features. “hi percy.”
“how’d you know it was me?” she could hear the pout on his lips without even needing to turn around and see it.
“percy,” she finally turned around to face him, “there are only two children of poseidon at camp, and only you have been training to try and stop the rain. ever since you saw katara do it in avatar.” [reader] mumbled the last part. percy gave a laugh and landed a playful slap to [reader]’s shoulder as he sat down beside her. she just smiled.
[reader] pulled her hoodie closer around her. even though percy had created a small rainless bubble for them, the wind was still cold as it swept through camp. percy must’ve seen the chill run through [reader] as he pulled her closer to him, resting her head on top of his shoulder. “some agent of chaos you are.”
the two sat there for a while just watching their fellow demigods flitter about. the dark sky of the early morning began to be tinted with dusty pinks and vibrant oranges as the sun made its first peak over the horizon. it was a stupidly peaceful moment considering all that had just passed, but, nevertheless, it was welcomed.
the relationship between [reader] and percy had many raising their eyebrows, wondering how anyone could possibly feel stable with a child of eris. but percy accepted [reader]’s chaotic nature with open arms. and while [reader] encouraged percy to be more impulsive and reckless (than he already was), percy helped to ground [reader]. yin and yang.
“orange slice?” [reader] offered.
“got a blue one?” percy joked as he took the slice presented to him.
“if I find a blue orange, I promise I will get it for you.” [reader] grinned, placing a chaste kiss to the blond’s cheek.
“do think it’s actually possible to turn and orange blue?” percy’s eyebrows were now scrunched in thought as he genuinely considered his question. yet it fell on deaf ears. the sun was continuing to rise as it washed camp half-blood in its soft glow, but all [reader] could focus on was the way it illuminated percy’s features, how it made his eyes sparkle. it wasn’t until percy turned to face [reader] properly that she realised he was waiting for her to reply.
“sorry, what’d you say?” she blushed.
“I was wondering if a blue orange was actually possible.” percy repeated.
“I doubt it. besides you wouldn’t really be able to call it an orange anymore if it wasn’t orange.” [reader] grinned toothily at the absurdity of the question. “also I’d be kinda concerned about the taste.”
“what d’you mean ‘the taste’?”
“well aren’t you putting, like, food colouring or whatever in it to change the colour?”
percy shook his head, “no, I’m talking about a naturally occurring blue orange.”
[reader]’s eyebrows creased in further confusion. “I think naturally occurring is impossible, perc. it’s gonna have had to been changed magically or artificially or something, y’know. and even if you did find this infamous blue orange anyway, what would you call it?”
“a blue.” it was said with such confidence that it caught [reader] off-guard for a second. not that she was really sure why she should’ve been expecting anything else.
“a blurange.” she countered.
“blurange?” percy repeated, his previous confidence replaced with confusion.
“sure. if we are setting this in a world where blue oranges aren’t the norm then it makes sense to brand it as something that people already know, so you take ‘blue’ and ‘orange’ and smash ‘em together: ‘blurange’.” as [reader] explained her side of it percy couldn’t help but nod along. what she said made sense, but…
“but ‘blue’ is funny, cause it’s, like, ironic and shit.” percy crossed his arms and pouted like a toddler that had just been told ‘no’ to a new toy. it made [reader] smile at her boyfriend’s silliness. she gave him another quick kiss to the cheek which only seemed to cause his pout to deepen and her smile to widen.
“agree to disagree?” she held the final slice of orange out towards him like a peace offering.
percy took the slice, stuffing it in his mouth in one and muttering a muffled ‘agreed’.
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fhrlclln · 2 years
it’s 12:00 am and i’m horny ;>
i’m thinking of a older!eddie x fem! reader, who’s your neighbor and maybe 10 years your senior (you’re an adult obvi.) he’s single and runs a mechanic shop. you always notice him sitting by the porch of his trailer, smoking, manspreading in his dirty work overalls that’s tied to his waist, showcasing his dirty white tank top that’s full of grease stains. you can’t stop staring at him, and neither can he with your little innocent gestures, calling him mr. munson.
—> pt. 2, pt. 3
you bit your bottom lip seeing him right there, the brown paper bag you’re carrying situated on your hip for leverage as you walk down the gravel path towards your home that’s next to his. you could smell the cigar smoke, you tried not to glance at him again. he just looked so hot, the evident matureness in his face and his aftershave that had you gasping for air in the inside. your pussy throbbing seeing him so laid back. looking fucking ethereal manspreading there, cigar on his lips and his crazy mullet let down. tattoos showing from his bare arms that were glistening with sweat, he probably got back from work you had guessed.
mr, mr, mr. eddie munson
your throat was dry, a thirst you ache to quench. your thighs felt tingly, having this fantasy about your older neighbor, who’s probably is in his 30’s was embarrassing as it is. your hands fumbled with your keys, taking your sweet time unlocking your door, only for his voice to quip up all of the sudden making you jump a bit in surprise.
“your parents not home, sweetheart?” his gruff voice asked, you turned to the side, eyes batting seeing him smile at you. your breath got caught in your throat, you shyly nodded, still turning the key to hear the clicking sound. silently panicking in the inside, this is the first time he talked to you and you’re so flustered. fuck, fuck, fuck.
“they’re out of town for a while, mr. munson.” you informed him, voice soft as a feather. you turned to him, grocery bag still in hand. heart pounding, butterflies in your tummy seeing him lean back, cigarette now on his hands as he blew out a smoke. staring at you with his intense gaze. still a smile on his face that had you thinking if his face was rideable.
“leaving you all alone here?” he tsked.
“it’s their anniversary. i offered to k-keep watch of the house.” you explained, feeling a little tight in the clothes you’re wearing. as much as you liked staring at him from time to time, never had you expected talking to him now, hence the nervousness radiating in your tone. you watch him stand up from his place, his boots hitting the ground as he slowly walked over to you. stopping by the start of your porch’s steps.
“must feel shit lonely keeping the house all by yourself then, sweets.” he commented, crossing his arms as his biceps bulged before you. tattoos showing prominently. making your mouth dry when you glanced at them, then back to his face, not wanting to be a creep checking him out. not like he noticed it already.
“n-not at all.” you admitted, cheeks heating.
“really? got someone keeping you company?”
“or maybe you just keep yourself busy by checking me out all the time, sweetheart.” eddie smirked, catching you red handed making your eyes widen like saucers. was it that obvious? yes, apparently.
“mr. munson—“ you gulped, suddenly feeling ashamed. his dick twitched at that. “i didn’t mean to really…”
“it’s rude to stare, sweetheart. especially with those cute fuck-me eyes. didn’t your mama tell you otherwise?” he slowly sauntered towards you, each step he took making your pussy clench out of nothing. he noticed it, the way your thighs rubbed against each other. oh, how he held himself back countless times when caught you staring at him from your porch all the time. it was the reason why he always sat in front of his trailer everyday after work just to see you ogle at him. he found it cute when you denied it now, so cute he’d fuck the shit out of you right here and now. little slut you are for riling him up.
now he stood before you close, as you could smell the cigar and grease from him, a musk you could taste that had you reeling in. his fingers gripped your chin gently, thumb on your lower lip as you looked to his eyes again. breaths mingling, lust in the air, his cock hard underneath his overalls. both blinded by lust as he trailed his thumb to caress your lip, wondering if your mouth would be as fuckable as he had imagined. mustering the thought of you moaning out his name when he pounds into you hard, abusing that pussy. mr. munson
“wanna invite me in? keep you company? i’d show you a good fucking time than staring, sweetheart.” he licked his lips, letting go of your chin, making you pout at the lost of his touch. you’re young, horny, maybe he can help you solve your staring problem. your panties felt damp as you eagerly nodded like the good girl you are. he smirked seeing you open the door and turn to him, innocently asking for it.
“yes, please.”
“please what?”
“please, mr. munson.”
older! eddie is smth, makes me feral 😫
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hiiiiii tj <3
i see you're back in your konig era and was wondering if you have any new hcs for our big teddy bear <3
warnings: description of bullying, violence, social anxiety, insecurities, smut
So for me personally he’s very. Socially inept. Not in a ‘cute soft anxiety boy’ way but in the way that he will come off either deeply unsettling by staring at you in silence or like a total fucking asshole. Spent his entire childhood severely bullied and ostracized so any sort of slight against him, he will take personally and gets easily frustrated with himself for not handling situations/social intricacies smoothly
Probably has plenty of stretch marks from having such a big growth spurt growing up. 
Something about being severely bullied and then realizing his own size and strength means he could give his harassers some ferociousness back as a teen def…led to something. 
I HC that he has some pretty severe scarring on his face from being ganged up on as a kid, which only furthered him being an outsider to other kids/teens growing up so he wears his hood or some sort of facial covering on base as well. Severe trauma and all that. 
Most definitely has a criminal record from when he was a kid and fought back against a bully after said incident and ended up just getting tunnel vision and…destroying that poor kid. The case was either sealed because he was a minor or expunged completely because the argument was that it was in self defense and he had the scars to prove their previous assaults on him. Nonetheless. It left him fucked up. 
Shifting from being the defenseless kid being harassed and bullied to a bloodied teenager that now knows his strength and his capabilities in defending himself. Ough. 
Part of the reason he sheds his insecurities on the field. He’s able to not worry about being watched or ridiculed and just go full fucking ham and he loves it. Part of the reason why his voice lines are so shrieky and gloating. I love it lmao. 
If you’re on his side/somebody he considers to be an ally/friend? He may not talk much but will sort of…loom about. Small interjections here and there but overall just this shadow following you around- not that you mind. 
Will look over at you when he does something successfully for a bit of praise like ‘hey? Did you see that? Wasn’t that cool? Please tell me im cool’ without saying it outloud. 
I’m not sure if him being 6’10 is genuine canon (i can’t remember where I saw that if im being honest) but id imagine given how tall he looks finding clothes that fit him are a fucking pain. 
DIY king. At his height and size he will have to do the occasional alterations on his clothes. Grew up with a single mother who did her all to give her baby boy a good life which meant teaching him how to sew from a young age, a small hobby he would partake in while sitting at his mother’s side and beam bright when she told him he was doing a good job. 
Enjoys being in the wilderness quite a bit. 
I imagine him to be a ginger for some reason. His hair isn’t too long but enough that he can tie it up so it doesn’t get in his face. If you become close enough to him that you can see him without his hood on, please run your fingers through his hair he will reach nirvana. 
I’d also imagine that after spending so long covering his face, being without it feels. Weird. A touch overstimulating at first too. 
Sort of like how in that one ep of the mandalorian season two where din has to take off his helmet to get into that database, you see all his emotions and him react to the wind hitting his face because he isn’t used to it. 
That being said. Once you kiss him he’s a bit of an addict for it. Won’t be out of the norm to find him pulling you back into his lap with a whisper of “one more, liebling? Please?” when you have to leave for a briefing in five minutes but then he nibbles at that spot on your neck and you just can’t say no to him. 
Not a virgin, but not overly experienced either. I’d imagine there’s been a few flings in the past of folks who have met this quiet giant and just had to suck him off cause I mean, who wouldn’t? But the genuine intimacy of face to face, holding one another while fucking? It’s a rarity he hasn’t truly been able to experience yet. 
Big dick and doesn’t realize it.
Loves a good makeout sesh. Doesn’t care if it’s juvenile or whatever if you sit on his lap and put on a movie in the background he will make out for fucking hours with his hand slipping up your shirt and pressing himself against your hips.
Tit man. Maybe it’s because I’m a fan of the honkers myself and i'm just projecting but the dude loooves to play with his partner’s chest. Big? small? Flat? He doesn’t give a fuck. Titties are titties please for the love of god let him touch you 
Kinda goes insane for the type of shirt where he can see the outline of your tits through it if you aren’t wearing a bra. Don’t be surprised if he corners you during the day and scolds you for being “So cruel” to him by wearing it before he starts mouthing at your chest through the fabric. 
Kissing, sucking, biting, licking, the man loves tits and will do it all god bless him. 
Nipple piercings will make his head explode
Loooves eating pussy. SO so much. Will go to the point where you have to pull on his hair to get him off of you and then he has the audacity to look at you with those sad eyes and ask for one more. 
Loves loves loves when you leave hickeys on him. He’ll never get in trouble for having them since he’s covered from head to toe at all times in the field but man does it get him riled up. Sees it as some sort of mark of your relationship to him, a little reminder for him to see in the mirror after your night together and he will plead for you to mark him up, he’s tough he can take it. 
“You can do it for me, can’t you? I know you can. Just one more, yes?” 
The type to kiss the pussy first, he’s a romantic. 
Will mumble/moan praise while between your legs. Talking about how pretty your pussy is and how you're so soft all over it has you completely braindead. 
Absolutely obscene with it, moaning and sloppy damn near drooling between your legs because he’s so drunk on you. 
Has no preference to where he gets to cum. Sex with you is joy itself but if you were to twist his arm: he’d say he likes to cum inside of you. 
He won’t say that he likes it so much because then he can lean back and watch his cum seep out of your hole, that’s his little secret. (Not a well kept one lmao) 
Probably has a porno-esque fantasy of a “sparring turned to sex” scenario that he keeps tucked away in the back of his mind at all times.
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lexluvswriting · 2 months
L'autunno - Eris x balletdancer!fem!reader
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☆ Ch: 1 [next page]
-> Content Warning (CW): x fem!reader, slow-burn, rivals to lovers, tinkle of angst, fluff, non-specified identity, no specific time in storyline except it is a few months after Amarantha. live, laugh, love 2 lesbian mothers!!
-> Trigger Warnings (TW): Eris Vanserra, mentions of racism, mentions of discrimination, mentions of forced removal from homes (cant think of the name rn), Beron Vanserra is a massive cunt.
W/C: 2.8k
╰┈➤ Lex's note: omg eris fic is here grahhh!!! the title for this comes from Vivaldi's Four Seasons Concerto album, which i did listen to while writing this, yes yes. Eris has is a massive dick, but i'd like to believe he's a massive cunt for a reason that will... hopefully be revealed better- though Morrigan's suffering is not excusable at all! and i hope reader can hold him accountable throughout the series!! (she will). this will absolutely be a ride for all of us. while reader is fem and i have not specified any identity aside from Summer Court, I do make a few plays at racism, which there absolutely was in ACOTAR. so if this does feel a bit daunting, triggering and hurts, please let me know if it feels like i have written a little too intensely- i'm basing it off of personal, and researched experiences.
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A violin filled the studio, wafting around like a strong scent- hypnotic as you inhaled deeply, eyes shut to steel yourself and count in before your arms swung up and out, fingers and feet pointed within your ballet shoes as you began to dance. Careful, calculated steps sent you spinning around the room- the perfect prima of your time. A prime example for those who dream to even come close to your level.
In a room of fire, your movements were fluid. In a room of embers, you were a tidal wave. Your body poise and malleable as you stretched yourself alluringly to those who watched as you swayed for the sweet symphony of violins. Eyes watched you from a concealed viewing platform high above- russet spheres simmering with a flame of interest that was bound to end in a fiery mess.
“Her. I want her to perform for the Equinox.”
“She’s quite the star, isn’t she?” Your mentor nodded, eyes twinkling with pride, before he wore his favourite facade- an arrogant smirk on his lips as he inspected his manicured nails. Eris’ face was impassive, yet any trained, or similarly minded individual would see the need for greed in his russet eyes as he glared down at you, pupils flaring possessively.
“She’s my starlet, young Lord. I cannot let her perform without any… payment. She will be put through harsh training- stretching, extension of her muscles, and her diet will be limited- to ensure she is tamed and perfect for the Lord’s family. I know the Lady of Autumn thoroughly enjoys the…” He trailed off nervously as Eris held up a silencing hand, the young heir fixing him with a cold stare- despite the fire in his veins.
“Spare me. Your pocket will be stuffed accordingly. But I warn you,” With one hand he grabbed the collar of the weaker male’s shirt with a predatory grace,
 She must be perfect, or else we won’t have her, and the only old you’ll see is the Vanserra signet ring imprinted in your cheek.” His hand clenched accordingly, the Vanserra signet ring- the emblem of the Autumn Court banners carved in the pure gold, making Gustav still and nod compliantly. The heir dismissively waved for a servant to hand your instructor a list before storming out- ignoring your dancing figure.
--- ⋆⁺₊✧˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☾⋆⁺₊✧⋆ ---
“Wrong! When we kick, our leg must come out-”
A cold hand clamped around your calf, another hand pushing just above your knee, the joint loose like a hinge. Your face was impassive- unmoving even as a small ‘pop’ echoed from somewhere in your knee. One of the junior dancers recoiled visibly, hiding her face behind her hands as a cluster of them watched you be used like a demonstration doll for your instructor.
“Stiff! Strong! Not flabby and weak. We are not caterpillars- we are butterflies. We are not brutish fires, we are?”
“Dancing flames.” The dancers replied in a drone of young feminine voices, with a few meek boys who looked like they were on the verge of clawing their eyes out. Gustav was being a right pain in the ass as always, but today he seemed more sharpened. Another lecture, another scolding, but it was always,
“For the better! I do this for your own good, my dears! When the Equinox arises and we are in front of your esteemed Lord, I know his lordship would enjoy seeing his dancers disciplined. Lean and poise. Controlled.”
The cold hand that held your leg squeezed once in warning- ‘I’m talking about you too’, before letting go, as your instructor sighed with a dismissive wave of his hand.
“That is why we dance the way we dance, and why I speak the way I do. Now leave me! And warm down appropriately or I will personally see to it that the muscles you take for granted will tear.” A curl of the lip in a low, warning snarl, before he waved with a sweeter disposition. 
“Adequate work today, my dears!” Footsteps echoed as the younger dancers left first, whispers filling the halls as they eagerly complained about their instructor. The older ones bid polite greetings of farewell as they followed, until you were the last to leave. The prima. Gus liked to call you the ‘Summer jewel in the Autumn box’.
“Ah, ah, ah! I mean it, my jewel. No going off and doing your own thing.” You pause. His voice carried a weariness of someone twice his age, before he covered it up with his usual airy arrogance, “The Lord will be hosting important families at this gathering. Something big is on the horizon and I know he will be watching you closely.”
Ah, yes. Kicking out all the non-fae and those who hail from other courts. The nationalist prick seemed to have no lost winks of sleep as he commanded his soldiers to haul families out in the night, dispatching them at random borders with no cares for the creatures that lurked with a taste for fae flesh.
“I’m aware, Gus. No sudden movements, no flashy shows of skill, Mother forbid I reveal I’m not some worthless foreigner with no talent.” You mocked mirthlessly, earning a sigh of defeat. 
“Wait a moment.” He roused, and the fingers that curled around your bag strap tightened slightly, your pointed ears twitching at the tone of his voice. But you slowly turned, a scowl on your unimpressed face as you nodded airly.
“You were selected personally to perform for the Vanserra family. Something about honouring the magic in the Autumn Court territory with dance and such.”
You paused, mind blanking, yet your demeanour remained even, “And you’re looking at me like that, why?”
He winced, knowing how keen you were to snap at any male- or anyone, really, who rubbed you up the wrong way.
“They left a list of… expectations. As in, mandatory requirements or they won’t let you perform. They expect you to be… um… Be polite, and uh, as he put it, ‘socially acceptable’. Speak in turn and only when spoken to-”
“He?” You snapped, visibly unimpressed and ready to pull out completely. What kind of prick-
“I don’t let you anywhere near me on a good day, Gustav. What in the Cauldron makes you think I’ll just-”
“They’re offering coffers of gold. The Equinox… well, after Amarantha… they need to regenerate the magic of the Autumn Court specifically, so they want to use the Equinox.”
You cringed at the mention of that sick tyrant, yet you weren’t going to just roll over and lie down because someone jingled a purse of gold. “What of the Spring Court and Calanmai?”
“I didn’t ask, because I know my place. And don’t start. I didn’t exactly feel like getting ripped a new one by the son of the Autumn Lord, [Y/N]-”
“Son? As in, Eris Vanserra? That oaf- that misogynistic, foul-mouthed, mentally decayed pig was here? And he spoke to you about me?” You snarled, lip curling back as you advanced forward slowly like a fox- a wolf, eyes narrowed.
“He’s offering coffers on behalf of his father, [Y/N]! Enough for you to be paid out well, and then some for the studio.” Damn right he put you first on the pay list, otherwise he wouldn’t have a damned head. Though, you personally couldn’t give a flying fuck about the Vanserra coffers. You wanted nothing of it, as tempting as it might have sounded.
“Get Nerissa to do it.”
“He wanted you-”
“I thought the family wanted me.”
“I… oh, fuck it- Fine! Eris came here alone! Came here alone, saw you, insisted on you with this list in mind and he said either you or no one at all.”
You or no one. You or nothing. You made a retch of disgust, laughing at the mental image. Who did he think he was? “Then I will snap my leg in half and shatter my bones into teeny tiny pieces for good measure.”
“I will swan dive off the nearest staircase.”
“I’m not performing personally for a good-for-nothing family that are backwards in everything they do.” You reaffirmed, shaking your head, but Gustav stepped forward.
“They singled out the non-Autumn Court dancer to perform for them. What powers do I possess to help the court that doesn’t even want us? A ‘summery breeze’? A ‘foreigner’s’ complexion? Absolutely not-”
“Please. We…” Silence, before a sigh. A sigh that made you glare silently. “I received a letter last night from the building owner. I’ve been falling behind on payments, and Beron’s financiers are… hungry- they see this old building and want to knock it down for something else. Something miserable and drab.”
You frowned, blinking at your instructor. Well, fuck. Your shared silence was long- his pleading, hopeful silence swirled like smoke with your prideful refusal, that melted like wax the longer it lingered.
“... Fine. But only because I enjoy this damned studio.”
--- ⋆⁺₊✧˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☾⋆⁺₊✧⋆ ---
Your life was, what you thought at least, a mixed bag. You were brought up in an orphanage- housing mostly Autumn children, all who seemed to smell the ‘impostor’ blood in your bones, weeding you out as an odd one out. Your appearance led the governess of the orphanage to believe you hailed from the Summer Court- as did russet and teal muslin you were wrapped in. You repurposed the seemingly sentimental piece of fabric into a scarf- letting it rest around your neck currently, as you walked down the path of the bustling town.
You were lucky to be recognised for your artistic performative abilities, earning a grant to allow you to perform in the Autumn Court’s national dance academy, as well as live in one the apartments they provided. Two old ladies next door adopted you as their honorary daughter, and you were grateful for their familial company, even if there was no blood relation. One of them, Ordelia, even pushed you to study at the grand scholar’s library, using her former connections to grant you access to all the education you could need.
It wasn’t wonderful. But it could be worse. At least you were making it on your own, sort of.
“Afternoon little doe! Will you come for dinner? Delia-dearest made pumpkin and feta soup the way you like it!” ‘Madame’ Primrose, one of your makeshift mothers, waved to you from her balcony, and you offered a small wave.
“Not tonight, I’m afraid. I’m on a strict diet of greens and grains.” You pat your stomach with a sympathetic wince- greens and grains. Like a bloody farm animal. The silver haired fae seemed to nod sympathetically and wave a hand.
“You’re always welcome, dearie.” 
You stopped for a moment, looking at an old fae sitting on the corner of the little road, a vendor selling flowers. The sun was dipping behind the horizon, staining the sky pink amidst the grey from the overcast weather that settled. You smiled at the older male who offered you a bouquet of lavender stalks and crocus bulbs.
Your eyes widened slightly as you beheld the bouquet, cradling it against your arm while you fished out payment. As you dropped some coins into his hand, a scream made you both look to one of the older complexes, where a woman was pulled out by some Autumn Court guards with two wailing children behind her. Any passersby walked quicker, ducking their heads, and when you looked back at the old male you realised he had been watching you. He gave you a nod, as if you’d know what it meant, and you swallowed before walking past, your head lower than before.
Beauty was hard to come by in the Autumn court, no matter how colourful it looked.
--- ⋆⁺₊✧˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☾⋆⁺₊✧⋆ ---
“Oh, it’s nasty business, it really is. My darling Ordelia was telling me how shameful he is- that Beron Vanserra. Nasty business. I remember his father- he wasn’t much better, but certainly more handsome.” You had succumbed to the dinner with your neighbour-mothers, though your portion of soup was smaller, as the sprouts and stalks you miserably chewed filled most of your stomach.
“You know, I could have married Beron.”
Your eyes widened, hand shooting up to cover your mouth as you didn't know whether to choke or chortle. “Primrose!” Ordelia huffed,
“I could have, you know! But I wasn’t interested in a man with no morals.” ‘Madame’ Primrose sighed wistfully, and you laughed softly behind your mouth while her wife rolled her eyes. While Ordelia had raven hair in a tight, disciplined bun, Primrose wore hers in a loose braid that cosied on her shoulder- her silver hair glistening in the gentle faelight of the small dining room you all sat in.
“You know, I hear that Lord Vanserra is looking for some pretty girls to match his sons. The heir will be attending the Equinox alone, can you believe it?” Primrose hummed, thriving off the gossip, but Ordelia watched you with a knowing stare- amused at the soft snort you let out.
“How fares the paper? Arwen mentioned that you were hitting some brilliant points. Politics might be your strong suit, should you grow tired of glamorous costumes and fast dances.” The Autumn-born female brought up your most recent studies, a ghost of a smile on her lips as she heard her wife scoff.
At a first glance, you used to wonder how they could possibly be mated. Ordelia, with her firm, reserved rigidness and disciplined personality, and Primrose- a Spring Court fae who was gossipy and eclectic, always buzzing with something to share. Ordelia was a former scholar for Beron’s family before she retired, while Primrose was the prima ballerina of her time, moving to Autumn in search of a grander role where she met her mate. Their love-story made you sigh a little every time you heard it, but you shook your head of distractions as you answered Ordelia.
“It’s um… definitely going. I feel a little foolish writing it but every time I hear about another family getting kicked out, I get even angrier, and determined to write more. Although… um, Gustav spoke to me about… performing a solo dance for the Vanserras. A part of the Equinox celebration-”
Primrose gaped at that, as if she had been asked to dance herself, “Oh, little dove! Well, what did you say? You worked for that position- I’ll tell you that for free! I can’t fit on my fingers the times I had to remedy your torn muscles. Did you say yes? Did you accept?” 
Ordelia nodded, taking a thoughtful sip of her soup before chuckling softly. “I would not be surprised if your radiance catches the heir’s eye. You’d be a different splash compared to the other dames he usually parades around on his arm. I think you’d certainly give him a run for his father’s money.”
“Ordelia dearest! What makes you think our little summer shell would even consider him?” Primrose voiced the disdain etched on your face, and you joked dryly, “I didn’t think you believed in fate and whatnot.” The Autumn female scoffed softly, shaking her head, “I don’t believe in fate, or destiny. I believe in the laws of attraction. You are everything his family lack, thus making you a match. Opposites attract.” You glanced at Primrose, and both of you made a childish noise of disgust as you shuddered, shaking your head as you finished off your meal.
“I’d rather have a kelpie as a bedside companion than Eris Vanserra.” You muttered, before taking all three plates to be cleaned. Laughter sounded softly behind you, and as you felt a small smile curl on your face, you abhorred the idea of being anywhere near the Lord of the Autumn Court and his family.
--- ⋆⁺₊✧˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☾⋆⁺₊✧⋆ ---
After bidding your goodnights, you retired to your own apartment, basking happily in the moonlight that shone through the silent space. Peace and quiet. The best way to finish off a bleak day. Your calendar stared you in the face, the Equinox marked in an angry scribble of orange ink. ‘End of the week!!’
What a day. You rubbed your face, feeling a stirring in your stomach as you thought about the Autumn Court. You glanced at the daily paper slid under your door, seeing Eris’ face on the front page- his smug, arrogant, wicked, slightly crooked, unnecessarily charming grin staring you in the face, making your stomach tug. ‘Eugh. Imagine being fated to that beast?’ You’d rather eat glass.
You looked at the paper, baring your teeth at the male’s face before ripping it off and crumpling it up. A swift kick sent it across the small apartment, under your couch, and stayed there for a while as you grumbled softly. You got ready for bed eagerly, excited for the day to be over, only to reach under the small sofa it had rolled under and pick it up again, making a face at it before leaving it on the small table.
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╰┈➤ Lex's note 2: i think that's all for now!! readers, pls let me know how we feel about this!!! (privately, in comments, on inbox, i don't mind)!! also in search for a beta reader [i draft everything on google docs, don't hurt me] (T-T)
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sidthedollface2 · 2 months
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A Crown fit for a God (Part 4)
Part 3
Pairing: Azriel x Fem Reader
Ch Summary: A glimpse into how you stumbled upon The Autumn Court, your relationship with Eris and how you fell into Luciens bed.
Azriel’s jealousy might destroy any chances he has in getting close to you.
word count: 7.4k
Series warnings: 18+ MDNI, SMUT, angst, hurt/comfort, war, including injuries, fighting, no use of y/n, nicknames, magic, greek mythology, pining, jealousy, soft Az with a little temper, azriel with other women (sorry), reader with another man (get it friend ; )
A/n: this ch is heavy on the Vanssera brothers but Az does help you towards the end. I'm a daydreamer not a writer so if you see any mistakes that's how I dreamt it. Lol
It was dark when you arrived in the Autumn Court, a blazing phoenix from the sky. Your limbs felt foreign, heavy and unstable like a newborn fawn. Rustling of leaves echoed in your new ears, startling you briefly. Your skin felt unbelievably warm despite the wind chapping your flushed cheeks. This new place had a smell of sulfur and wood. Burning wood. No. Burning flesh. A cough erupted from you as you risked breathing in the air. Your lungs expand with every inhale, followed by another violent cough.
A feminine voice called out to you ‘child open your eyes.’ The darkness soon vanished as shades of orange and amber filled your vision. You sat in the middle of scorched grounds, a ring of fire surrounding you with flames too high to jump over. Your arms and legs blackened from ash and dirt. The ends of your hair burned from the impact along with the threads covering your small frame. A lovely woman stood on the other side of the ring of fire. Panic and wonder in her green eyes, you assume directed at you. She's speaking to you in a language you recognise, but unable to voice your response.
With a wave of her hand she motions you to follow her. Standing on wobbly legs, weak and malnourished from your journey, you stumble towards her. Through the high flame you emerge, unburnt and to her surprise uninjured. “Come inside child. Let's get you bathed and safe,” she insists, wrapping you in her warm words and caring eyes. She introduces herself as Marrian, The Lady of Autumn, wife to Lord Beron of the Autumn Court. You told her your name as well but she quickly decided to keep your true identity a secret and gave you an alias instead. She explains that this cabin is a refuge for her and her eldest son Eris, though his visits have become scarce. After you've bathed and your body temperature has returned to normal, neither hot nor cold, she offers you a warm meal and insists you stay the night.
Throughout the years living in the small cabin became your home. Lady Autumn treated you like the daughter she never had. She taught you how to wield your fire magic and it was through that training that you both discovered you possessed more than just fire. You were omnipotent. Unlimited power surged through your veins just as it had before you fell into these lands. She had warned you, begged you to never show your true powers.
Males of this world were ruthless, lords and kings would take and take till you were nothing but ash beneath their boots. You found out how evil lords could be when Lady Autumn returned to the cabin. Her pale skin littered with purple and blue bruises. Dried blood caked her knees and elbows. Her oldest son Eris carried her to bed, teary eyed and blood stained as well. “I promise I'll kill them all.” Eris' voice cracked as he said those words, his mothers broken body haunting him, leaving a bitter taste of his family in his mouth. He’d do anything for her, even killing his own father for her safety. It wouldn’t be easy killing his father or his brothers. The high lord had an army at his disposal and if any of his brothers suspected Eris was the reason for their fathers untimely death, he’d be killed. And by default his mother as well. “I promise I’ll help you,” you added with fire in your eyes and revenge in your blood. “ A bargain then,” he confirmed. Death was coming for them. Death was here.
Many moons ago
You had met all of Lady Autumn's sons but only one really stood out to you. At least only one you wanted to know on a deeper level. Lucien. He had a way with words that was kind yet sarcastic and witty. His humor being the reason your cheeks always tinted the deepest red. He was incredibly handsome, tall and lean and to your surprise so much warmer than the other brothers. It was warm out when Mirrian requested for her carriage to be well equipped for her outing to the farmlands, where she’d try her way to ease the stressed farmers. This brought you to the outer stables, where the horses were being prepped for their journey. Immediately you took sight of Lucien, a worried look on his brow as he paced back and forth, biting his lips raw. “Lucien? Is everything alright?” you questioned, concern in your tone as you approached him.
Lucien immediately straightened, “Oh it’s nothing to worry yourself over, just…..I promised a friend one of Mist’s foals and it seems neither will make it.” Mist was the mare to Eris' Stallion, Blue. They had bred them as both were of a champion line, hoping to strengthen the lineage. Just as you were going to reply a young stable boy rushed towards Lucien, breathless with how quick he was running, “She’s passed Lord, the foal too I’m afraid.” Lucien sighed as he looked to the ground, a look of sadness on his face. “Perhaps I could help?” Both Lucien and the young boy looked at you with bewilderment. “Don’t be silly, the boys are more than strong enough to dig-”
“I don’t mean to bury them, Lucien.” You looked to the boy then, “take me to them please.” The young boy looked to Lucien for approval and with a nod you both followed. Lucien trailed behind you, letting his eyes admire you without your knowledge. At one point his step fell in sync with yours. His arms swung with each step, often grazing his hand with yours. Each touch earns a flush to your cheeks paired with a shy smile. Lucien takes notice and in an act of courage takes your small hand within his, lacing your fingers together.
The stable is set up in rows, where each stall is supplied with straw bedding for comfort, fresh clean water and auto feeders. Lucien placed his hand at the small of your back, gently guiding you to Mists’ stall. Her and the foal were laying still among the straw bedding, their eyes closed like if they were just sleeping. Kneeling beside Mist, you began to pet her silky golden mane.
Since arriving in Autumn you hadn’t used this particular power, its presence slowly dissipating. You often wondered if you still had it. You gave her a gentle kiss along her muzzle, the first step to bringing her back. Lucien and the boy stared in awe, not quite sure what to make of your actions. You then brought your hands to cup over your nose and mouth, breathing into them the air from your lungs. The same air that you hope would work its way into Mist. With your breath trapped between your palms you began pumping your palms together like the thump thump of a beating heart. For each 3 pumps you’d rub your hands together, creating a spark of blue dazzling light.
Lucien gasped as he witnessed the light orb grow bigger and bigger until it was the size of Mists heart. He wondered what words you spoke into the orb as it grew and grew, he’d have many questions for you after this. Questions he’s not sure he was ready to hear. Once the ancient words were spoken into the orb you held it gently in your hands, its glow reflecting off your galaxy eye.
Lucien took notice that throughout this whole experience both your eyes had changed to the colors of the night sky, shades of blue and violet mixed with sparkling starlight. Perhaps your pale eye had other uses as well. With one hand you carried the orb towards Mists’ chest, right where her heart lay still. And the other hovering over her head. You looked to Lucien and the young boy, “no sudden movements, and please cover your ears.”
Lucien's brows furrowed in question, but he did as you requested. So did the boy.
Once you saw that their ears were covered you spoke the following words and hoped that your primordial power was still alive.
“I am Khaos, creator of the abyss and all that the sun touches. Death has taken your hand but I hold onto the other, for your journey has not ended. Hold onto me like the night holds the moon, and I’ll light your way.”
The orb held in your hand suddenly let out a flash of light so bright it could illuminate up the night sky. The light flickered after that intune to the rhythm of a beating heart. Lucien's eyes almost fell from their sockets as he saw what looked like electrical current coming from your fingertips, sending a signal to Mists head, to her brain. Lucien hesitantly looked away from your magical hands and his gaze landed on your beautiful face. Your brows were furrowed in deep concentration, sweat began to trail along your hairline. Your eyes remained open, the galaxy within them orbiting like the earth revolves around the sun. He could tell something was amiss because your jaw was clenched tight and the force you were using to push the light inside her heart was visible in the tremble of your arms.
Dark heavy clouds had covered the blue sky, bringing a violent wind to blow across the Court. Its roar slammed into the high trees and rattled everything in its wake. You had tried with all your might to push the light orb into the horse's chest to revive her heart, but Death was fighting back. You were fighting back. A battle between life and death when you possessed the power of both. Your Life power was taking the backseat as Death became the forefront. Suppress. You needed to suppress that deathly power. A deafening clap of thunder boomed through the stable; blanketing your scream that ripped from your throat as you forcefully shoved the glowing ball of light into Mists’ chest.
Lucien cradled your weak body as you collapsed from the energy you had expelled. “Mother above!” the boy gasped, “she did it Lord. Her chest rises.” Lucien stared at Mist’s chest as she inhaled and exhaled. “Listen to me boy,” Lucien spoke sternly, “you will not speak of what you saw here or I’ll turn you to ash. Do you understand?”
“Yes, I understand. Not a word.”
“I’ll reward you for your silence, now go.” Lucien tilted his head towards the wide doors, signaling for the boy to leave.
His gaze traveled back to you, pulling your body closer as if you’d suddenly disappear. He studied the features of your beautiful face in awe. With a feather light touch he traced over your eyebrow, down the apple of your soft cheek, and over the cute slope of your nose. His thumb gently pulled at your bottom lip, and he wondered how soft your lips would feel against his. It had been easy to fall for you, your heart too pure and kind. Tending to his mothers wounds and encouraging Eris to be better. A better male compared to Beron and his cruel brothers.
Lucien leaned in, his breath fanning over your lips, inching closer. The tickle of his breathing caressed your eyes open, taking in the handsome man holding you, his warm hand cradling the side of your face. “You're incredible,” he whispered, nothing but wonder in the way he was looking at you. Your lips parted in a wide smile as you bathed in his praise. He was the most beautiful male in all of Autumn, and you wanted him, needed him in ways that made you blush. Lucien noted your longing and decided now more than ever that he wanted you too. Without another thought he crashed his lips to yours, groaning into your mouth as you swiped your tongue along his bottom lip. He kissed with the hunger of a thousand wolves, nipping and grabbing at exposed flesh. He wouldn't have you in the stable, where anyone could watch. “I need you now sweetheart,” he growled, as he lifted your body in his arms, whisking you away to his bed chambers in a smoke cloud of orange and gold. It was true what you had heard.
The males of Autumn did have fire in their blood, at least Lucien did. When you told him you had never laid in another males bed before, he slowed down his hunger to devour you. He took things slow at first, stretching you open with his fingers as he peppered kisses and lapped at your clit till you were a withering mess beneath him. When he finally sheathed himself inside you, his length stretching you deliciously- Lucien knew this wouldn't be a one time thing, couldn't be.
What was once friendly chatter and shy glances quickly turned into a romantic whirlwind of horse rides and stolen kisses. Giggles under his sheets as he blew raspberries on your soft stomach. ‘I love you’ whispered in heavy breaths every time he felt you flutter around his cock. Lucien was adamant in keeping the relationship a secret, afraid of what his brothers or Beron would subject you to if they knew. It didn't matter in the long run, all it took was one dinner for the fairytale to come crumbling down.
You were allowed in the forest house as Lady Autumn’s ‘Lady in waiting.’ your role was to accompany her wherever she went, and assist her in daily activities. She had introduced you as “Khaos” which quickly turned to “Aos” over time. An orphan to a High Lord from across the continent she claimed. It was all lies.
This role gave you the chance to map out all entries and exits of the forest house, familiarize yourself with all the guards and what times their rotation were to occur and even where Lord Berons bed chambers were. You noted his schedule from early morning till late evenings. Eyes aware of his house guests and sometimes the topic of conversations. No other guest shocked you as much as when the entire Autumn line found themselves seated next to the King of Hybern. You sat between Eris and Lady Autumn, a rare occurrence to be invited to sit with the family. Lucien decided to sit across from you, to not strain his neck while he admired your beauty in comfort, his other brothers followed suit. At the head of the table, Lord Beron and the King of Hybern sat at opposite ends, showcasing their importance and power even at dinner.
Beef ragout and cheese souffle were passed around in the finest flatware. The flame from the candlesticks placed in the center of the table gave off a warm light, casting Lucien in a God-like glow. For a moment you imagined it was just the two of you, enjoying a night out for the world to see. “Try the grey stuff” Eris spoke from your left, spooning into the pudding like substance. Surely he wouldn't attempt to feed…
Lucien's eyes widened slightly as Eris brought the spoon to your lips. There were too many eyes for him or you to make a scene, so instead he looked away as you parted your lips for the delicious treat. It was an honest mistake humming around the spoon as the flavor melted in your mouth, a sweet sound noticed by Eris as he gently thumbed at the corner of your mouth. Wiping away the frosting that was never there to begin with. Lucien had been looking down and didn’t notice the intent behind the action but apparently Lord Beron did.
“Seems like you’ve caught my son's eye, little one. I wouldn't object to a courtship.” Your gaze quickly went to Lucien, had they known of your relationship? Was that why you were invited to dinner, to finally let the secret be known? You were about to respond when Beron addressed his son, “Eris do you find this female attractive enough to bed?”
“Father!” It was Lucien who interrupted, “surely this conversation isn't appropriate for the dinner table?” Lucien attempted to steer away from the current conversation, anger slowly bubbling to the surface. You remained planted in your seat as everything unfolded before you. Being a female in Autumn where even if you voiced your choice in Lucien, you had no right to even speak on the matter. The females were to marry, obey their male partner and breed an army of children if her husband wished. Since the High Lord mentioned it, then his word was law. You’d be tortured if you went against his wishes, Lucien would be beaten for even suggesting the lack of appropriateness of the conversation. Your gaze landed on Lady Autumn, a silent plea for help in your eyes. She merely smiled, squeezing your hand in comfort. You realize there was nothing she could do, as her makeup barely covered a fading bruise beneath her eye. It wasn’t that Eris had been terrible to you, quite the opposite. He just wasn’t the male you had fallen in love with.
“I do find her desirable, and I would be honored to court her.” Eris’s amber eyes met yours, a look that meant he was sorry for the circumstance the both of you were in. “A toast then,” the King of Hybern stood, “ to the happy couple.” He cheered, raising his glass in the air before he threw his head back, downing the flute of wine.
The High Lord followed as well as Eris and his brothers, leaving you, Lady Autumn and Lucien to stare at each other in trepidation. Lucien was going to be sick, his skin had paled at the thought of you producing an heir for his brother. Eris hands all over your soft skin, how dare he desire what belonged to him. Lucien's jaw was clenched so tight he was going to crack a molar. Unable to voice his anger or pull you away to keep you safe, he stood, shooting daggers dipped in faebane at everyone but you. You stared at your lover as he drank from the flute in one fluid motion.
Blinking back the tears as he threw his head back. His eyes met yours once again, red rimmed pools of honey ready to overflow from heartbreak. You were unable to mask the pain you were in as easily as Lucien. It occurred to you that perhaps he meant more to you than you did to him. With a heavy heart you brought your flute up to your lips, and a lonely tear tracked down your cheek. You didn’t want this life. You didn’t want to be a Death God. You didn’t want to marry Eris. You didn’t want other people making decisions for you. You didn’t want to be forced. Yet you agreed, there was no other way.
“Tears of happiness no doubt,” Eris cooed, gently wiping at the tears that followed after the first. Lucien had never looked at his brother with such raging hatred as he did now. Eris wrapped his arm around your waist, settling his hand on your hip as he tugged you close enough to kiss your temple. His gaze trained on Lucien for a hint of a reaction. Lucien swore he saw Eris smirk.
You didn’t stay long enough for dessert, opting to be alone with your thoughts. Walking aimlessly through the halls of the forest house, you didn't attempt to wipe your tears. There was no point in hiding how hurt you were, no reason to put on a brave face. You passed through a stone archway that led to a balcony, overlooking the canopy of trees that fill the forest floor. Autumn was beautiful, but not as beautiful as the stars that littered the night sky. The stars didn’t shine as bright in Autumn, they looked dull and sparse. Not at all what they looked like from home. You missed home, the space beyond the stars.
Hushed whispers floated to your ears and you quickly hid behind the stone railing that curved the space of the balcony. “- we were able to modify vegetables and fruit with faebane. The results were successful in potency and effectiveness. We can use these samples in farmlands for mass production, and give high doses of faebane through modes of consumption without the individual's knowledge.” You could recognize Lord Berons voice even though he whispered. “Once we remove the Night Court's High Lord the rest will fall.”
You attempted to peek over the railing, needing to know who he was speaking to, who else you needed to kill. “You’ll become High King of Prythian and keep your title as King of Hybern.” It couldn't be, you felt panic rising up your throat. The King of Hybern and Lord Beron in an alliance? You needed to tell Eris. Your bargain to assist Eris in killing Autumn's High Lord just became more difficult.
Quickly trekking back through the halls you found yourself in front of Eris bed chambers. You knocked softly at his door, hoping he’d still be awake at this time of night. Shuffling on the other side. you heard him near. Opening the door with a soft click, “what do I owe the pleasure?” he purred as he stared down at you. His chest was completely exposed, toned with a light dusting of freckles, similar to Lucien. Your eyes traced down his carved abs, noticing his narrow hips and how dangerously low his night pants hung. You averted your eyes, focusing on the slight curve of his mouth instead. “I have something to tell you..In private, please.” You don’t know why you were suddenly nervous in front of the princeling. “Is everything alright?” he asked with softness in his tone as his back pressed against the door frame, leaving just enough space for you to squeeze by. Still facing the future Heir you walked over the threshold, your chest grazing his warm body as you slid into his room. Eris' head thumped against the frame, ‘control yourself’ he thought, as the brush of your breasts along his chest had left him breathless.
Explaining in full detail what you heard between The King and Lord Beron took longer than anticipated. Eris took every bit of information and wrote down possible outcomes and strategies to counter the mass production of faebane. On top of killing his father another player had entered the game and now Eris' work to bring down his father had doubled to now needing to bring The King of Hybern down as well.
Eris didn’t know how long he stayed hovered over his desk, but when he finally turned towards his bed and noticed your sleeping form, dawn was fast approaching. He didn’t have the heart to wake you, opting to cover your body with his warm sheets. He had no problem sleeping on the couch, respecting you enough to not join you in bed. He’d fallen asleep at the sound of your soft breathing, the sweetest lullaby to grace his ears.
It had been mid day when you both greeted the high sun, bashful in the position you were in. You apologized profusely for falling asleep in the Heirs bed. But he simply waved you off, “nonsense Fawn, what kind of male would I be to rush you off in the middle of the night?” Your cheeks flushed at the pet name as Eris opened the door to his bedroom, letting you pass by easily. You turned to thank him, missing the male that stepped back into the corner of the hall, hiding himself from view. But it was Eris who spoke first, “thank You, for last night. I’d like to see you again.. soon. to talk about,” he rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m really sorry about all this,” he gestured at the air around him. “It's not your fault. We’ll figure it out,” you said through a sigh.
Eris wondered if you would ever forgive him for the way things were turning out, he didn’t want to force your hand. Hadn’t even thought about it, but as he pulled you in and wrapped his arms around you in a warm embrace, and inhaling the scent of your hair he was right where he wanted to be. Even though nothing intimate transpired that night, Lucien's imagination planted a rotten seed as he witnessed you leaving Eris bedroom. Eris' hold on you lasted too long to be a friendly hug and the flush on his brother's bare chest told a different story. Lucien decided then that he no longer wanted to be in Autumn, he’d branch out to other courts, and take you with him. But first he needed to speak with Eris.
The rays of the morning sun cracked through the window, and once again you found your side of the bed empty. Loneliness has been a better lover to you than the future Heir. Before you had left to seek out the other Dead Gods; Eris only visited the cottage to see his mother and make love to you.
You hoped things would be different once you returned, but he hardly stayed the night and he was usually gone by morning. You’d never admit his absence made you feel used, causing more pain than you wanted.
After Lucien you vowed to never care for another male again. Never give your heart out willingly. From your experience everything they touched seemed to break, crumble, and wither. They hurt the women they claimed to love and protect, only for them to be beaten and assaulted. Traded to the Highest Lord in exchange for an alliance or merely because the female had the hips and cunt to breed powerful heirs, and that wouldn't happen to you. You wouldn't be touched with careless hands when you so beautifully crafted the very soil they walked on and the fresh air they breathed.
After your morning shower you find yourself searching the cupboards for your contraceptive tea. Placed high above the eyeline, away from Eris and Marrian. You had taken the tea without Eris’ knowledge. He wanted you to carry his child; it would be under your terms and only when you wanted. The decision to bear children would be out of love and with someone whom you formed a relationship organically, not like it had been with Eris.
You found no tea in the cottage. Not even healing salves for your wounded wing from your attack days ago, another injury unnoticed by Eris. You didn’t have the necessary ingredients for either so you traveled through the forest searching for the particular herbs. You could have gone to a healer for your wounds but not for the tea. Loyal to the court, merchants would talk and the last thing you needed was Lord Beron finding out and throwing you in a cell for insubordination. Contraception was hard to come by in Autumn, another rule placed by controlling males.
You were in deep concentration, biting at your fingernails trying to think of the last ingredient for the tea. When a sneaky shadow wrapped itself around your waist, squeezing you tightly just as one would for a hug. You stumbled back at the force in which the shadow had rushed to you. But you were met with a hard muscular surface and gentle hands that held onto your hips for stability. You then felt the cool caress of Azriel's breath across your neck, “You haven't healed your wing yet, any reason why?” He asked. Still in his hold, you quickly turned to face him, a little shocked to see him still in The Autumn Court so close to your cottage. “What are you doing here? How did you find me? Oh my Gods you're going to get killed.” You fire off question after question, glancing behind him and all around in a frenzy of panic and caution. Azriel follows your hurried gaze from left to right, amused in your nervousness.
“Answer my question first and I'll answer yours, deal?” Azriel suggests with a smirk.
“Ughh, fine. Not here though, come on.”
Azriel stifles a laugh as you pull him by the hand, a large overgrown bat following a pretty girl like a lost puppy. You lead him to a giant hollowed out tree trunk, the inside large enough for you both to sit without being seen. Azriel sits on a thick twisted root that's sprouted from the ground, his knees touching yours as you sit opposite of him.
“So what are you doing here?” You begin.
Azriel chuckles, “nope, you answer me first.”
You sigh and roll your eyes, “I’ve forgotten how to heal,” you mumble softly. Azriel scratches at his temple, brows furrowed in clear confusion, “I'm sorry, did you say you've forgotten how to heal?”
“Yes, I have forgotten how to heal, now answer my questions.” you crossed your arms over your chest, adamant in knowing what the hell Azriel was doing in your neck of the woods.
“But how did you forget? People forget names and faces, not how to use their power, “ he prods, striking an exposed nerve that puts you on edge.
“ You know what, forget it. I’m in a hurry, I don't have time to play games with you. I already told-”
“Alight, alright. I’m sorry. Will you at least let me help you?”
You narrow your eyes at him, suspicious of his intentions. “Why?”
This was going to be harder than Azriel thought, “I just….I’d like to repay the favor to someone who did a good thing.”
You scoff with a shake of your head. He was unbelievable, but you allowed him to help. It would be a stretch to reach your wing let alone change the bandage. You handed Azriel your satchel with all the supplies you had gathered. He took each item out and laid them out, recognizing each leaf and its purpose.
Azriel immediately notices the list of ingredients scribbled on a note paper in your bag. At the top of the list are the three herbs needed for the contraceptive tea. His eyes widen as they shoot to your pretty face and down to your womb. Nightshade, only found in The Night Court was missing from your bag. One of the many herbs imported to the other courts for distribution. You wouldn't find it in Autumn’s forest.
His jealousy flared slightly as he couldn't imagine another male touching you, seeing your naked figure bare for someone else. He shouldn't be jealous, you don't belong to him, but every ounce of his body is screaming for your attention. Any ounce of affection you're willing to give, Azriel would gladly accept.
Azriel doesn't notice when you remove your top. Keeping your breasts covered with your arms wrapped around your chest, you nestle between his spread legs, wings displayed beautifully like angels from the heavens. His breath hitches as your backside grazes against his crotch, the close proximity doing nothing to settle his nerves. Your skin looks soft and delicate, he almost doesn't want to taint you with his scarred hands.
But the urge to touch you overpowers his negative thoughts and he takes the first steps in removing your bandage. He’s about to caress your wing when he suddenly remembers the sensitivity of his own, “Illyrian wings are very sensitive in this area, I’m about to remove the bandage, I just want to make sure you're comfortable.” You peek over your shoulder giving him a shy smile at his thoughtfulness, “they’re sensitive too, based on the type of touch and pressure. But it’s the only way.” He nods in understanding, and the first glide of his fingers against your skin startles you. “Sorry,” he winces, quickly removing his hands. “It’s Ok, I just wasn't expecting..” You weren't expecting his tortured hands to carry such a tender touch. You couldn’t tell him that, not sure what he would think, “you can continue, please.”
Azriel resumes his attempt at removing the bandage, gently pulling back the adhesive holding against your skin. It was a sick kind of torture having this handsome male care for you in a way that no one ever has, his careful touch is delicate and soft despite his rough exterior. Each brush against your skin felt like a sweet kiss between lovers, healing not only your skin but the broken pieces of your soul. You let yourself relax under his touch, memorize the feel of careful hands nurturing you. Making you whole not only physically but mentally. In your blissful state a soft moan slips past your lips when his fingers glide over the space between your wings. Azriel smiles at the sound, wishing to be the reason for every sinful noise out of your mouth.
Azriel fills the silence in hopes to hush any more sweet sounds that may arouse him.“To answer your question, my shadows seem to be very fond of you. And they’ve been able to track you easily. I’m not really sure why or how but they pick up on your scent, and I just… from the last time we…” Azriels cheeks flush as he remembers your last encounter, “Why aren't you happy?” He’d thought about your previous conversation and how you mentioned you weren’t happy. The admission plagued his mind, wondering what weighed so heavy on your heart that happiness was no longer on the table. And the way you said it so casually made it seem you haven't been happy for a long long time.
You’re about to dismiss his question, your life is none of his business but something in the way he's touching you allows you to be vulnerable.
“I’m unhappy because I’ve lost my way home. Each time I die and resurrect, I come back forgetting a piece of myself, powers I once had are temporarily gone, or I don’t recognize the people around me. I’m just trying to find my way back, but I can’t seem to remember. Nothing is keeping me here but my mission to bring Death to this realm, and the many bargains Ive made in search of home. I have no family to keep me here. No worthy lovers. I feel stuck in a place that only sees me as a tool for their personal gain, And I’m tired of the confinement.”
Your voice wobbles, as you explain the depth of your pain. He knows too well the feeling of not belonging, the loneliness weighing heavy on one's shoulders. Your memory loss after each death explains his earlier question; the reason you don’t remember him and the reason you couldn't heal yourself.
He can’t see your face, but he notices your hand coming up to wipe away your fallen tears. Selfishly he doesn't want you to part from his world. His feelings for you are already so strong, he couldn't bear a life knowing you weren't in it. The Mother was cruel in her ways, he had just found you after 500 yrs only to reach you on your way out. But he’d choose your happiness over his every time.
He listens intently as you reminisce about your home. How large the moon looks from your humble throne, its proximity so close you can fly to its surface. The brilliant stars that shine brighter year after year, their vibrancy thawing the coldest of hearts. Sapphire and violet swirls of the milky way, a visual so stunning it leaves you breathless. A longing sigh passes between your lips, shoulders deflate slightly. “I’m sorry for unloading all that on you,” you shake your head, info dumping was never your intention. “Can you tell me what your home is like? I really liked the stars in The Night Court. It’s one of the reasons I stayed longer than I should have.”
“You don’t ever have to apologize for how you feel,” he says, as he continues to apply the healing salve, its cooling properties taming the angry laceration. “The Night Court is very similar to how you describe your home.” A slight blush travels up his neck, “I’d like to show you where I live, See how you like it there. I think you’d find it more home like than any other Court,” Azriel flusters as he mumbles the words out.
“I’m not sure how that would work out. I seem to have angered your High Lord.” You lift a shoulder in a shrug, “but thank you for the offer.” Azriel hadn’t thought how Rhys would behave if he knew you were a guest in the very city you threatened. How the Inner Circle would perceive you. What kind of High Lord would that make him if he did allow you to visit Velaris. Rhys head wasn’t shoved that far up his ass, was it?
“Will you allow me to help you find happiness then?”
His question has you shocked. He feels it in the way your wings have straightened and slightly flared. No one has bothered to ask if you were happy, let alone help you seek said happiness, certainly not someone you barely knew. Something about this male was different. Special, even. In a world where death and violence was in every court, usually brought on by males. This one had a thoughtful heart. Where men took from you, Azriel had given. He’d offered his services to kill for you. Offer his body to worship you. He offered his scarred masculine hands and willed them to be delicate and soft if only to heal the damaged pieces of a goddess. And now he knocked at the gates of your guarded heart willing to weather the storm in pursuit of your happiness for nothing in return. Those wrought iron gates flashed gold with every rap, Its faint pulse crashes against your heart like a violent wave, pummeling jagged rocks along the coast.
Azriel was everything you had ever wanted in a male and it scared you more than anything.
Then you remembered the words spoken by The Suriel, ‘An invisible thread that weaves and winds, binding hearts two of a kind.’
No. You wouldn’t allow your emotions to get the best of you, so you shut them down.
Azriel stilled. His deep heavy breathing suddenly the only sound that could be heard. His hands trembled in his lap. He felt it, the golden pull towards you. It was as if he was watching himself from above, gripping those iron bars so tightly his knuckles turned white, gold spreading beneath his palms coating the iron, bar by bar. But then you pushed. And he watched as your heart frosted over in stone and cold Ice, protecting itself from breaking. The iron gates doubled down, forging a firewall of blue and orange flame. He would need to jump through fire and ice to even get to you.
“There's a book, well two books I’ve been looking for. They contain the spell I need to remember my past and to go home. Book of The Minds Eye and The Book of Breathings.” It was dangerous telling Azriel, but you had exhausted every option. Bryaxis would look In Velaris Library for The Minds Eye, and if he found it he’d give it to you when you both met in the coming war and his bargain would be done. But the book of breathings was impossible to find. If he knew where to look, then it was worth telling him.
Azriel blinked back to reality confused. Did you not feel the undeniable pull? or maybe you did but you closed off, blocked it. Wait. Was that…Azriel slammed his eyes shut, willing to go back to that place, wherever it was, drag his body across glass and gravel, he didn't care. Hell he’d jump through hoops of fire if it meant you got to be his. All he saw was vast emptiness.
“Did you feel that tug?” Azriel longed for that connection, and had been looking for it his entire life. At one point he felt unworthy of such deep love. Jealousy gripped him so hard he began to resent his brothers for finding their mate. But as he saw how happy and whole they were, their joy had bounced off and with time he welcomed their delight. The Mother it seems skipped him or she didn’t deem him worthy. Perhaps it was the manner of work he was in, who would love such a soul who tortured people. Would his chosen one stomach his work and still desire to be in his presence? He had a feeling you were his chosen one, you had to be with how much he thought of you. Even after all these years searching it had to mean something in the end right? There had to be a reason he couldn't get you out of his head.
“I didn’t feel anything at all. I can tell you’ve tended to many injuries, your hands are very gentle.”
“Oh,” Azriel glanced at your fresh bandage, “your wound. Right. It's cleaned and I applied the salve and new bandage.” he couldn't help the sadness in his tone. He was wrong. Of course he was wrong, you were a Death God and what would a God want with him? You kindly asked him to turn around so you could pull your top back on, “good as new I’d say.” You shot him with a wide smile, flexing your wings, showcasing their movement despite the taut feeling of the bandage.
He nodded in agreement, “you were saying something about a book?”
Azriel caught some of the information as you retold what you were looking for, his mind weaving in and out. Thoughts between this book you were in search of and that lingering feeling deep within his chest. He was startled to hear Rhys' voice in his mind suddenly, ‘We’ve been invited to the Day Court In celebration of Helion’s Birthing Day. Wrap up your findings and report at once. With or without the girl, Mor’s returned with her findings.’
Azriel followed you out of the hollowed tree, pacing back and forth anxiously, “There's this celebration in another court. I was hoping you’d attend. With.. with me? They have multiple libraries and Helion he’s a spell cleaver, I’m sure he’d allow you to visit the-”
You cut off his rambling, a clear attempt at convincing you to the Day Court. “Are you asking me on a date shadowsinger?”
The flush across his cheeks was adorable for an illyrian his size, “ Yes!” he confirmed, “I’d be honored to have you on my arm.”
Gods you wanted to accept and forget about your duties even for a night. You’d be working for Lady Autumn, ensuring her safety in secret as well as attending to her needs. “I’ll be in attendance. But I'm afraid I’ll be on someone else’s arm.”
“Someone else? Who?” He asked, trying to calm his racing heart from its imminent break.
“Eris Vanserra.”
He should have stopped and stayed silent as his eyes darted to your bag. But his thoughts came spewing out of his mouth in anger, and once again he’d let his jealousy take over. “You’re fucking him! That's why you’re looking for contraceptive tea, I saw it in your bag.” Not a question but a statement.
“Who I fuck is none of your business!” You spat with equal rage, power surging through your veins clouding the once bright sky in gloom.
Azriel scoffs, and with a nasty bitter tone he landed a blow so low even his shadows recoiled, “how could you say you loved lucien and then fuck his brother? No wonder he left you!”
Your face crumbles in pain as his words form a dagger and slice at your beating heart. As if sensing your sorrow, a roar of thunder echoed nearby, threatening to unleash its ferocity.
“Shit! I’m sorry. Please… I didn’t” Azriel inches forward. You step back, eyeing him slowly from head to toe and back up again, nothing but loathing and hurt in your cold stare. You remained silent but all Azriel heard through the agony in your beautiful face was ‘you aren't worth my time.’
“I don't expect you to understand the sacrifices one has to make when you're in love, when no one has ever loved you! And the next time you decide to disrespect me, I'll be sure to remind you how vile a Death God can be.”
You didn’t bother to look back at him as you walked away.
Part 5
A/N: Thanks for taking the time to read, I really appreciate it. :)
taglist: @blackgirlmagicforever @going-through-shit @dr4g0ngirl @mybestfriendmademe @isa1b2h3 @julesofvolterra @scooobies @thisblogisaboutabook @lilah-asteria
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redbleedingrose · 1 year
okay but what if eris gets so caught up with the girls and so concerned ab giving you free time that you start to feel less important - i feel like he would freak out if he found out u felt that way and do whatever possible to make sure u didnt feel that way anymore yk?
Oh man, this is painful to think about.
To be honest, Girldad!Eris is such a loving and doting father. Not only that, he is also an amazing mate, husband, and best friend to you. I think Eris in general, does a wonderful job at making sure you feel appreciated and loved and adored, the way you deserve to be.
When Marwa and Twila were newborns, you and Eris were incredibly in sync. You worked like a team in handling your babes, and he made sure that each of you had time for yourselves and time for each other.
It was easier when they were so little... leaving them with a nanny for a couple of hours while he took you out on a day trip, or dinner, or just to spend some alone time together ;)
But when the girls turned into toddlers, they became a bit more attached to their mama and papa. They are in that stage where they become upset if either one of you is out of sight.
Safe to say, time for yourselves and each other has been limited since the babes became more needy. And Eris takes it in stride!!!! He loves his perfect little girls, spoiling them with their every wish and whim, listening intently to everything they have to say (even if it is about how Janey (Twila's imaginary friend) pushed Sienna over (Marwa's imaginary friend)).
And don't get me wrong, you love that. You fucking adore Eris and how he much he loves your babes and takes care of them. He is the best father, and he proves to you and himself every day that any fear he had about being like his father was beyond absurd. But...
But... you miss your husband. You miss your mate and best friend.
When the girls were newborns, they would be asleep most of the day, and you had uninterrupted time with Eris where you and him could catch up and talk about your days, where he could hold and kiss you, and love and dote on you, and fuck your brains out.
Now that girls are toddlers, they are constantly hanging off their papa, begging for his attention throughout the day, and it feels like you just don't have enough time with him. The babes cry whenever you try to go out on dates or day trips, and Eris relents to his girls cries, sending a burst of apology down your bond while you opt to stay in with the babes.
The only time you get to spend alone with him is late into the night, when both of you are too exhausted from your duties and babes to do anything besides cuddle, sending strokes of love and adoration down the golden thread tying you together, and fall into a dreamless sleep.
So yes, you miss your mate. You miss talking to him, and being near him, and kissing and cuddling him, and you absolutely miss his dick. And seeing him with your girls, it warms your heart like nothing else. And it also sends a shock of envy that sends you into a spiral of mom guilt. It just that... there was a slight loss that you felt. A slight emptiness that you no longer had your mates full attention at any point during the day because it was given to the babes. And you love, absolutely love that for them. You just don't like it for yourself.
And Eris, well... he misses you too. He feels it too. He feels the decrease in time that he has had with his mate. So... when you start to distance yourself from him, moving to the very edge of the bed instead of into his chest while you fall asleep, he panics.
Because you already have limited time together, and now you don't want to be near him even during that time??
And Eris knows you. He has known you. He knows every part of you, your body, your brain, your heart, and your soul. So he reads you like an open book, and knows that you are avoiding him. And he knows it is likely because you don't want to talk to him about something that is bothering you. Because thats how you are.
You are his perfect, beautiful, loving, selfless mate.
If something is bothering you, you bury it deep inside, because you love him too much to bring it up to him and possibly hurt his feelings. So... he gives you the first night. He lets you sleep on the other side of the bed, because you need your space. And he will talk to you in the morning over a breakfast date.
When he wakes, you are already gone. Your side of the bed is already cool by the time his stirs enough to reach his hand out to you. This time... this time your avoidance has Eris shooting straight out of bed, throwing on whatever clothes he can find as he sets off to find you.
You are with your babes, who are sitting at the table and coloring with their new pencils their papa bought them a couple of days prior, making some fresh pancakes for them even though your housekeepers tried shooing you off. You are an astounding mother to your girls, wanting them to eat something made and embedded with the purest of love that you have for them.
You greet him softly smiling down at your mate, as he tugs at your bond, making you aware of his presence as he tries and fails to smile back. But his babes are there. So he forces a small grin onto his face, not wanting his little girls to pick up on the fact that Mama and Papa aren't in the best place right now, and cuddles close to them on the bench so he can feed Marwa as you feed Twila.
Once breakfast is over, you encourage the girls to get dressed for their piano lesson this afternoon. And the girls moan and groan, but they listen to their mama, running with their tiny feet out of the dining room to their bedrooms where they can change with the help of their chambermaids, leaving you and Eris alone for the first time in a while.
At this point, you know he knows.
You know he knows that something is wrong, so you avoid looking at him as he turns to you. You move yourself quickly, picking up the dirtied dishes, shifting your eyes towards the forest outside shown by the window over the sink.
Er approaches you, lifting his arms to wrap around your waist, pressing your back into his chest, and resting his head on your shoulder as you try to gently push away. The movement has Eris tsking, swiveling you around to face him. You focus your eyes onto the door behind him, right over his shoulder, but he grasps at your chin with one hand, forcing you to look at him, the other hand fingering a strand of your hair and tucking it behind your ear.
"Why are you avoiding me, beloved?" he murmurs, leaning in close to brush his nose against yours, "Have I done something to upset you?"
You scoff trying to play your avoidance off, pressing your hands from behind your back into into his hips, tugging him close by his belt, "I am not avoiding you."
He shakes his head, his hand easing its way through your hair to rest at the back of your scalp, still so close to you that it is almost dizzying, "The truth beloved, I want the truth."
You hate that he can read you this well. You hate that he can take you apart, piece by piece, inspecting each part of you slowly and carefully, before putting you back together.
Because you can never hide anything from him, your perfect, wonderful mate.
So now, you have to explain your silly envy that you have for the attention your babes receive from their papa. A lump lodges itself into your throat, a heat runs up your neck and focuses in on your cheeks, as embrassament and shame makes it way deep within you. "I just miss you." It comes out unintentionally as a whimper, so quiet, that if Eris wasn't standing so close, he would've missed it. A hot tear escapes your waterline, streaking down your cheek, as Eris thumbs it away, "I miss you too, beloved."
A pained laugh rushes past your lips as all the feelings you had once held in begin to spill out, "No Eris, you are right here. So close to me. Practically on top of me right now. And I still miss you. Gods, Er, I miss you when you are with our babes. How disgusting is that? Our little babes Er. They need you so much more than I do, they need their papa. And look, you are the most amazing father to them. And you take care of them, and love them, and dote on them. And I am fucking jealous? Not even jealous, I guess. Just sad. Because I miss you. Because anytime we try to be together, just as us, as a couple, as mates, it is interrupted by our babes. And mother, I love them so much, believe me, I love them so much, I would give my soul for them. But I miss... I miss spending time with you. Uninterrupted time with you. I miss you holding me. I miss us reading together by the fireplace. I miss us making dinner together, or getting dressed and going out on those special dates that you would set up without telling me. Gods, I miss making out with you Er. I miss us fucking and I miss us making love, without worrying that one of the babes will walk in and we will scar them for life. I miss everything Er. I guess... I guess I just am feeling... I think..."
His soft amber eyes bore into yours, nodding his head in encouragement as he rubs the back of your scalp and cupping your cheek into his palm, "Go on beloved."
You swallow against the lump, wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling his face a hair-widths from yours, "I think I am feeling a little neglected." Your sentiment comes out forced, but necessary. The time away from your mate was leaving you with a profound sense of sadness, even though he is right in front of you.
Your sentiment also knocks the breath right out of the high lord. This isn't what he was expecting. He knew that you missed him, and he missed you too, so much. He just didn't know that it was this much. That you were feeling "neglected" in your own words. It had bile rising to his throat as he realized, with deep-rooted self loathing he hadn't felt in a while, that he was the one that made you feel this way. Him. Your best friend. Your husband. Your mate.
He was supposed to make you feel appreciated, and adored, and loved. Because that is what you deserve, and you should settle for nothing less.
You scoff, interrupting his flow of thoughts, as if you could read his mind, "Don't. Don't do that Er. It's okay. I am fine. I just miss you."
He scrunches his nose at you, pressing a quick peck to your lips, "It most certainly is not okay. Your feelings are valid, and you don't need to invalidate them to spare my own feelings. I am so sorry beloved, I am sorry I made you feel this way," you opened your mouth, likely to interrupt him again, but he didn't let, thumbing at your bottom lip, trapping it between his fingers and give a slight tug, "I do get caught up in the girls. I get so caught up in loving them, protecting them, doting on them. I never want them to feel the way my father made me feel. I want them to know that their papa cherishes them. And I think through that, I have forgotten to take extra, exclusive, time out for their mama."
He heaves a sigh, pressing another quick peck onto your lips, "I never meant to make you feel neglected, beloved. You have to know. You have to know how much I fucking adore you. How much I need you, and ache for you. Every moment not spent with you, is so... It is so numbing. You make me feel alive. I love you. So fucking much."
"I love you too Er, so much," you lean in, brushing your lips against his once, twice, before locking them together. His lips move so softly against yours, sucking at your bottom lip before darting his tongue to meet with yours. You stay like that for a long moment.
Kissing your mate. Holding him impossibly close, until he is melting against you. Basking in the love he is pouring out, straight through the bond tying your souls.
He nips at your lips as he pulls away, "I promise to make more time for you, mate. Uninterrupted time. Because I miss you too beloved. I miss our dates and our cuddles and our talks and our kisses. I miss it all. I also miss your tits and fucking you, but let's not go there right now or else I'm going to bend you right over this kitchen counter and take you right here," you snort as a smirk lilts his face, "Let's go out tonight beloved. I'll call the nanny to watch them tonight, and we can go out to our little cottage by the seaside for the night. We can have a nice dinner that we cook together, and then for dessert... well for dessert, I am going to splay you across the table, and you are going to spread your legs open for me, and you can work out the rest."
You scoff amusedly, pushing at his chest, but his grip on your hips doesn't let you get too far before pulling you back in, "How does that sound beloved?" brushing his lips over the curve of your ear. He moves your hair over your shoulder, trailing open mouthed kisses up and down your neck, suckling at the sensitive spot right at the junction of your shoulder and collarbone, "How does that sound beloved?" he asks again, mouthing it into the small bruise forming where he had bite onto.
"Gods, yes Er," you moan into his shoulder, "Please."
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waevrs · 1 year
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Summary: it's been a long and tiring couple of days, and you want nothing more than to be in your lover's arms. 
Warnings: None really, just disgustingly cute fluff.
You had just got off the jet from your mission, blood, sweat and dirt coating your exhausted frame. Your limbs feel heavy, it had been a rough few weeks, nothing seemed to be in your favour. 
The mission was only supposed to be an easy stake out, only one or two days, watch for activity then get out. But one misstep from your team had all the higher ups screaming at you. You got all the blame and it wasn't even your fault, you had no control over who was sent on this mission with you but got all the blame. 
The most inexperienced of the bunch, Matthews, alerted the guys you were watching when he dropped an empty food package off of the roof he was supposed to be keeping watch on. 
This resulted in being chased all around New York City and having to hide out in a dingy little shed in the middle of nowhere with no communication. 
But now you're back in the compound, hoping to just go back to yours and your girlfriend's, Natasha, shared bedroom. But no, seems like the universe is not on your side. Instead of your girlfriend, you're greeted by Nick Fury himself. As if you hadn't already got an earful from Agent Hill, Stark, Ross and whoever else was a higher level clearance than you. 
He told you how the mission should of gone and how you should've been keeping an eye on your team, since you were the leader. You sort of blocked him out, only one word doing laps around your mind: 
That's what Fury called you when he was done with his lecture. Albeit he was frustrated, he had every right to be, his mission was completely ruined. But that wasn't your fault, right?
He stomped away and you stood there, staring into space until a strong pair of arms wrapped around your torso and pulled you into them. The strong smell of vanilla invaded your senses before a soft kiss was pressed to the side of your forehead. 
"Hey krasotka (gorgeous)." She husked, pulling you closer than you already were. 
"Hi." You whispered back, practically melting into her touch. Her hand met your cheek and she turned your head to face her. She looked into your eyes and her emerald ones softened immediately after seeing the bags that had made their home under your eyes.
"Let's go home, yeah?" 
She had driven the both of you home to a small apartment you two brought for when you wanted to get away from the hectic life of the compound. It was small and needed major TLC but it was your home away from home. She opened the battered door for you and closed it behind her. You sighed heavily and slumped on the sofa. She joined you after a minute, wrapping her arms around you and enveloping you in her much needed warmth.
"Wanna talk about it, baby?" She whispered. You whined and buried your head further into her neck. She understood what you meant, she always did. She never pushed you to tell her anything, she knows you'd tell when you were ready. 
So, she held you close until you felt comfortable enough to tell her. 
"Tasha?" You whispered, your voice cracking a little due to the silent crying you had been doing into your lover's neck. 
"Yes, my love?" She ran her hand through your hair softly, gently coaxing you to a safe place. 
"Am I useless?"
The question that had been burning on your mind just flew out and your eyes widened in shock. You couldn't take it back now. 
She grabbed your chin and tilted it upwards to look at her. Her eyes were full of love and endearment, all for you. She made sure you knew that.
"No, my love. You could never be useless to me or to anyone. You're an amazing human being. The things you can do when you put your mind to it are amazing, you're wonderful and I wouldn't have it any other way, milaya (darling)" She spoke with such certainty it almost swayed you. But in the back of your mind loomed the truth, or what you believed was the truth.
"I've never been told that before" You mumbled quietly before burying your head back into the warmth of her neck. 
"I'll tell you that as many times as you need." She raised her hand to run it through your hair as she reassured you sweetly. 
At the end of the day, she'd always be there when your day goes horribly wrong.
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thehighladywrites · 2 months
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pairing: lucien vanserra x reader, eris vanserra x reader, azriel and rhys mentioned
summary: doing the nsfw alphabet with the vanserras!
warnings: obviously nsfw, 18+, tw: beron🤢
amara’s note: doing it for my criminally underrated babes, trust there will be more vanserra content
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Eris: If this man is not in love with you or you’re a one night stand and a random person, i don’t think there’ll be much aftercare tbh. He would not be cruel, he would just not care. If he’s in love with you he takes care of you, is very caring and has a routine he follows. Cuddles is very important when ur mated bc he is criminally touched starved
Lucien: He is nice whether he’s in love or not. I believe Lucien makes ppl fall in love with him unintentionally bc of his caring nature. But he would def clean you up and let you cuddle next to him.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Eris: For him: his fingers, he’s super skilled with them and he knows how to really use them. They look very nice too. For his partner: Their ass bc he’s an ass slaper and i will not elaborate
Lucien: For him: his tounge/mouth. Makes people go insane. For his partner: anything he can put his hands on. He does not discriminate, he loves every part of your body and he will show it
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Eris: loves painting your face. I’ll be so real, i see him smirking down at you when he cums on your face bc now you’re marked as his, the ultimate claim
Lucien: he loooooooves coming inside. Having your warmth wrapped around his sensitive cock as he spills his cum inside is his fav thing on earth
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Eris: You’re the dirty secret. No one knows about you, and i mean NO ONE bc he knows what happened to Jesminda and he will not let it happen to you
Lucien: before you got together, he used to make up scenarios in his head with you. Dirty scenarios but also sweet ones and he will never ever admit it ever
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Eris: tbh not a lot. with beron🤢 around, he has more important things to focus on like his survival and taking over the throne. He has had sex a handful of times but he doesn’t actively seek it out bc you know, he’s trying not to die
Lucien: okay so js like eris, i think he didn’t have a lot of time to have sex while he was in autumn. when he moved to spring, it was like a college student experiencing freedom for the first time. sorry but he becomes the sluttiest sexual being in prythian after helion. i fully believe lucien has been fucking around in every court, every city, every town. I know this male has a bunch of fans around prythian who pray they run into him again
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Eris: missionary, spooning, mating press
Lucien: 69, doggy, cowgirl with his hands behind his head as he watched with a smirk (slut move)
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Eris: He isn’t very goofy, more serious when he is with a one night stand but with his mate he lets loose, he has fun and is very playful. 100% mocks your moans and very gently dumbs you down.
Lucien: is a jokester through and through, he makes dirty jokes, makes you giggle and is just a fun male to bed
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Eris: he trimms, regulary and is very particular about it. he has a happy trail😫
Lucien: either clean shaved or trimmed too. might fuck around and trim a lightning bolt just for funsies
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Eris: very romantic, in the bedroom it’s just you and him alone and he will pour his entire soul out, he will lay himself bare. It was something he didn’t wanna do at first be he has grown more comfortable with intimacy. He is very touch starved so any sort of intimacy soothes him
Lucien: a loverboy. he loves the closeness of being intimate, he loves how it is a private moment between two people and he will def make it a goal to be intimate atleast once a day
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Eris: would jerk off sometimes pre mated, but with a mate, he just fucks if he’s horny and you allow it
Lucien: jacks off infront of you, mutual masturbation is his thing. he does it while he is away at missions and imagine you in his head
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Eris: mommy kink, breeding, daddy kink, orgasm control, exhibitionism
Lucien: daddy kink, overstimulation, temperature play, spanking
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Eris: He prefers to be at home, whether it's in the bedroom, shower, or living room - anywhere familiar enough to make him feel secure. It's not just for his sake, but for yours as well. Being in a familiar environment allows him to be at ease, knowing the layout of the house so he can better protect you. In this comfort zone, he can relax and take his time, making sure youre safe.
Lucien: risky places, anywhere and everywhere. throne room, rhysands library, the spring gardens, behind ritas, on top of his kitchen table, just everywhere
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Eris: you having an attitude is a one way ticket to getting some dick. eris loves when you banter and he loves how feisty you get when you’re arguing with him. It’s a massive turn on seeing you all worked up. he’s a little shit so he provokes you to get you more worked up
Lucien: he loves seeing you all bruised up and tired after sex, it makes him go crazy knowing it’s him doing it to you. Just you covered in his marks is enough to get him going. Fucking loves it when other ppl see it, Rhys mentioned it once and Lucien’s head damn near couldn’t fit through the door bc it so fucking big
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Eris: humiliation. he knows first hand how it feels to be humiliated by someone who is supposed to be a loved one, so he will never ever do anything that will make you sad. also anything that hurts you physically such as knife play, extreme spanking and hardcore bdsm is a massive no. he wants to bring you pleasure not pain.
Lucien: he will absolutely not share you with anyone, it’s a massive no bc he wants any intimacy ti remain between you. He couldn’t live knowing someone looked at you as you came or experienced pleasure. it’s for him and him only
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Eris: lovessss receiving. there’s just something about your mouth wrapped around his cock that drives him to the edge of insanity. He loves making eye contact with you when you blow him, and if you keep it, he’ll nut within seconds. The visual of you on your knees makes him lose it, and he’ll cum right on your face, usually without warning. He apologizes right after though. he’s also very good at giving too, trust me this man is good
Lucien: EATER EATER EATER EATERRR, holy fuck this male eats good. he eats like he’s starving, i’m talking messy, spitting, licking, sucking. ugh he’s a munch
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Eris: depends on your mood, if you guys are hot and bothered then he will be a bit more rough. Otherwise he takes his time, worshipping every inch of you.
Lucien: he’s a slow sensual one and it drives you crazy bc no matter how needy you are, he will drag it out bc he loves seeing the desperation on your face. He also wants to savor the moment
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Eris: views them as a challenge, he likes to see just how quickly he can make both you and him cum in a short span of time. It’s not his preference but he still thinks it’s fun
Lucien: loves quickies bc he will do it everywhere, and i mean everywhere as long as no one gets to see your pretty face. will happily take you to a closet, someones bedroom, a basement, behind a rock js anywhere really
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Eris: down to experiment with anything as long as it isn’t hurtful to you
Lucien: his limits are your limits. he’s down to try anything at least once and if it doesn’t work out then it doesn’t work out
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Eris: he’s a high fae, bro has unlimited stamina but he’ll go as long as you want
Lucien: until you’re tired, just like eris, he’s high fae so he doesn’t get tired
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Eris: didn’t own any toys before you. he uses them primarily on you. would be open to the idea if you wanted to experiment. he likes using those couple toys where ur both get stimulation
Lucien: Has used and will use almost every toy known. Loves using them on you and watching you use them. mutual masturbation goes crazy tbh.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Eris: he’s a slutty one ngl he likes to tease just as much as he likes to be teased. he’ll do it accordingly tho bc he doesn’t like wanna deprive you of pleasure. he’s very unfair when ur being mouthy tho
Lucien: : It’s ridiculous with the amount that he likes to tease. He builds you up with his mouth, bringing you just dangling at the edge before pulling away. can be very VERY unfair but just like eris, he always satisfies you
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Eris: okay so i fully believe he isn’t loud in the beginning bc he’s reserved. so like the first few times you have sex, he holds back and when you tell him to relax and to enjoy himself he let’s go. He’s a moaner and a groaner. Eris will let out the prettiest sounds when he’s close, murmuring curse words under his breath and talking about how good you feel around him.
Lucien: mostly soft grunts, raspy moans, quiet whimpers and literally does not shut up with praise, ever. so imagine those slutty raspy moans, yeah that’s him
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Eris: Fantasy is to fuck you and have Azriel walk in because he knows he's into you and it'll show him exactly who it is that you belong to. He would actually die of happiness if it ever happened
Lucien: he loves it when you wear slutty clothes bc he gives ‘wear whatever u want i can fight’ energy and that’s so fucking hot of him. he also teaches you how to rizz. 1000% will do that scheme where you flirt with a stranger and then he comes up and acts like the jealous boyfriend
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Eris: big dick, but not uncomfy big. he didn’t think about the fact he has an impressive size until you start praising him and just keep talking about his size. he has a lean and lithe body, not super buff but he has muscles for SURE, i just know his arms are ridiculously big. his abs are very visible too
Lucien: come on guys. we all know he’s got a third leg, let’s not even start. he knows it, you know it, i know it, prythian knows it. Okay he had massive biceps, i’m talking ‘crush-someones-head-like-a-watermelon’ biceps. he has a sturdy chest and nice abs. he is a warrior, he is BUILTTTTTT
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Eris: listen he loves sex, he has a high drive and all but for him it’s touch. he yearns for anyone to touch him. he doesn’t voice it until ur mates bc he views it as a weakness to be touch starved until you tell him it’s okay, undoing centuries of berons🤢 disgusting words
Lucien: he has a high sex drive, he loves you, he loves sex and combining them is top tier
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Eris: after aftercare, when ur all cleaned up and toasty under the covers, he’ll let himself sleep. he will stay up as long as ur awake
Lucien: he also cleans you up but he falls asleep first. his fav place is on top of you, under the covers with his head nuzzled into your neck
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🏷️: @minaethrym @artists-ally @clairebear08 @redbleedingrose @berryzxx @thelov3lybookworm @cupidojenphrodite
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