#mary trump judy gold
thequeereview · 1 year
Theatre Review: Judy Gold in Yes, I Can Say That! (59E59 Theaters, New York) ★★★★★
Based on her on 2020 book—Yes, I Can Say That: When They Come for the Comedians, We Are All in Trouble—Emmy-winning veteran comedian Judy Gold’s thrillingly ambitious new one-woman show—Yes, I Can Say That!—examines stand-up comedy’s ability to speak truth to power, and the dangers of censoring and silencing comedians. Not only is it provocative, thought-provoking, and moving, it’s continually…
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psychostudnia · 3 years
Africa24 - 2021/2024 - Reading Challenge
Znając siebie i własne możliwości postanowiłam około miesiąc temu zacząć moje małe wyzwanie. W 2021 roku przeczytam 24 książki napisane przez pisarzy pochodzących z najróżniejszych krajów na kontynecie Afrykańskim. Do wyboru jest wiele, choć czasem ciężko znaleźć pozycje, które mogą mnie zainteresować.
Niestety wiele z tych książek porusza ciężkie tematy - życie w Afryce nigdy nie było najłatwiejsze - od czasu do czasu zrobię sobie przerwę. To, co przeczytam pomiędzy, również wpiszę na tą listę zaznaczając, że to przerywniki. Dzięki temu pod koniec roku łatwiej zobaczę, ile udało mi się przeczytać podczas panoszącego się C-19. Pozycje czytam po angielsku, włosku i polsku - pozostawię tytuły w języku oryginalnym lub takim, w którym przebrnęłam przez powieść. W nawiasie podam kraj pochodzenia autora. 
AFRIKA24 - 2021/2022 - READING LIST
1. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - Amerykaana (Nigeria)
2. Chigozie Obioma - Rybacy (Nigeria)
3. James Ngugi - Chmury i łzy (Kenya)
4. J. M. Coetzee - Późne Eseje (RPA)
----- PRZERYWNIK no. 1 -----
a. Jan Morris - Conundrum (UK)
b. Yoko Ogawa - The Housekeeper and the Professor (Japan)
c. Justyna Kopińska - Z nienawiści do Kobiet (Polska)
d. Flaubert - Madam Bovary (Francja)
e. Bill Gates - Jak ocalić świat od katastrofy klimatycznej
5. J. M. Coetzee - Boyhood (RPA)
6. J. M. Coetzee - Youth (RPA)
7. C. N. Adichie - Half of a Yellow Sun (Nigeria)
8. Peter Godwin - When a Crocodile Eats the Sun: A memoir of Africa (Zimbabwe) znowu utknęłam
Przesłuchane (audiobooki) na Storytel:
1. Jo Nesbo - Nemesis
2. Federick Martel - Sodoma. Hipokryzja i władza w Watykanie
3. Jarosław Molenda - Wampir z Warszawy
4. Nathan H. Lents - Human Errors
5. Judy Melinek, T. J. Mitchell - Ciało nie kłamie
6. John Carreyrou - Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup
7. Barbara K. Lipska, Elaine McArdle - Neurolożka. Piekny umysł, który się zgubił
8. Joanna Chmielewska - Lesio
9. David Fisher, Dan Abrams - Kennedy’s Avenger: Assassination, Conspiracy, and the Forgotten Trial of Jack Ruby
10. Carlton Smith, Tomas Guillen - The Search for the Green River Killer: ...
11. Silvana Condemi, Francois Savatier - A Pocket History of Human Evolution: How We Became Sapiens
12. Iwona Kienzler - Tajemnicze zgony władców
13. Lew Tołstoj - Diabeł
14. Albert Jack - Unsolved Mysteries: Ten Famous Disappearances
15. Oriana Fallaci - Wywiad z władzą
16. David Bercovici - The Origin of Everything in 100 Pages (More or Less)
17. Selwyn Raab - Five Families: The Rise, Decline, and Resurgence of America’s Most Powerful Mafia Empires
18. Peter Wohlleben - The Hidden Life of Trees
19. David Bercovici - The Origins of Everything in 100 pages (More or Less)
20. David P. Barash - Homo Mysterious: Evolutionary Puzzles of Human Nature
21. Faith G Harper - This is Your Brain on Anxiety
22. Poisoned Blood: A True Story of Murder, Passion, and an Astonishing Hoax
23. Ernest Marquez - Noir Afloat: Tony Cornero and the Notorious Gambling Ships of Southern California
24. Jerzy Bralczyk - Zwierzyniec
25. Marcin Kostrzyński - Gawędy o wilkach i innych zwierzętach
26. James Fallon - The Psychopath Inside: A Neuroscientist’s Personal Journey into the Dark Side of the Brain
27. Tom Cutler - It’s Conspiracy!
28. Loretta Graziano Breuning - Habits of a Happy Brain: Retrain Your Brain to Serotonin, Dopamine, Oxytocin & Endorphin Levels
29. Aaron Mahnke - The world of Lore. Potworne Istoty.
30. Barbara Mujica - Frida
31. Ian Neligh - Gold!: Madness, Murder, and Mayhem in the Colorado Rockies
32. Stephen W Hawking - Teoria Wszystkiego, czyli krótka historia wszechświata
33. Shaughnessy Bishop Stall - KAC
34. Karolina Sulej - Rzeczy osobiste
35. Mary L Trump - Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man
36. Agnieszka Krzemińska - Dawniej ludzie żyli w brudzie
37. Charles River Editors - The English Sweating Sickness: The History and Legacy of the Mysterious Disease that Plagued Medival London
38. John E Douglas, Mark Olshaker - The Killer Accross the Table: Unlocking the Secrets of Serial Killers and Predators with the FBI’s Original Mindhunter
39. Iwona Kienzler - Kobiety ze słynnych obrazów. Muzy, modelki, kochanki
40. Dr Helen Morrison - My Life Among the Serial Killers
41. Monika Witkowska - Lhotse. Lodowa Siostra Everestu
42. Lukasz Orbitowski - Stelaż
43. Ireneusz Iwański - Prawdziwa historia Bursztynowej Komnaty i Ericha Kocha
44. Iwona Kienzler - Zabójcy, wampirzyce, nierządnice. Zbrodnie i afery II RP
45. Janusz A Zajdel - Limes Inferior
46. Bryan Johnston - Deep in the Woods
47. Iain Reid - I’m Thinking of Ending Things
48. Sara Gay Forden - House of Gucci
49. D. Walker, K. Roysdon - The Westside Park Murders
INNE czyli strony internetowe/blogi warte przeglądnięcia:
Plane Crash Series  - strona reddit z listą wszystkich artykułów Admirała Cloudberga  - ponad 160 artykułów analizujących wypadki samolotowe - moża się dużo nauczyć o tym, jak te wielkie maszyny unoszą się w powietrze i dlaczego spadają (leczy strach przed lataniem).
 Bizzarro Bazar  - blog angielsko-włoski o tej dziwnej stronie świata - artykuły o kobiecie z brodą, postępie medycyny, nierokładających się zwłokach dziecka et cet
“Orłem do Bieguna” - O nieudanej wyprawie Andrée'go balonem do Bieguna Północnego (1897)
Mental Floss - krótkie, ciekawe artykuły na każdy temat - duży dział treściwych biografii, durne ale wesołe quizy, można poprawić sobie nastrój jednocześnie się czegoś ucząc.
Light Novel (guilty pleasures):
Vampire Hunter D: White Devil Mountain Campfire Cooking in Another World with my Absurd Skill: Vol. 1 Green Light Baccano! Vol. 1 - Vol. 5
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saxgoddess25 · 6 years
OUAT 1.05 Rewatch
Getting a little behind, so let’s go...
Punch and Judy. How wholesome. Baby Jiminy, the pickpocket. Not so wholesome. How that guy with the bag didn’t feel him cutting his bag open, I’ll never know. He wasn’t exactly very gentle about it.
Helena Bonham Carter, is that you?
Good is weak. Love is weakness. I’m sensing a theme...
Are there crickets in Maine? Now I’m gonna have to look that up. *looks it up* There are apparently 15 species of katydid/cricket/grasshopper found in Maine. So there you go, kids, your entomological fact of the day!
The deputy uniform. Well, Emma does have a point, seeing as how Graham doesn’t wear a normal sheriff’s uniform. It’s clearly not a town standard operating procedure for them to wear them. 
I feel the earth...move...under my feet
If there’s one thing Emma's good at, it’s rolling her eyes.
Oops, Regina, you’re forgetting how to people again.
“We steal from them, and they steal from someone else. It’s called an economy.” Ah yes, Trump’s America, in a nutshell.
Poor Archie
MM, stop flirting with the married dude.
Yum, s’mores.
So...I wonder how many married guys Emma has gotten involved with.
Baby Jared trying to do mad. So cute.
Creak. Creak. Creak. That’s not creepy at all.
“What will become of them?” Oh, they’ll just sit around at Rumple’s place forever and the camera will pan across them now and again.
No, Pongo! Don’t eat the chocolate!
Oh look. A piece of glass.
It doesn’t look like you really need that match, Archie.
Hello, “Young person” who looks a bit like Rufus Sewell.
In what world does an actual honest man go around calling himself an honest man? 
Bam, creepy dolls.
How does the kid automatically know it was Jiminy who dollified his parents?
“There’s something shiny down there.” Henry is apparently a magpie...or a dragon.
Putting Ruby in charge of Pongo. A little on the nose. 
That face. The lip wiggle. Goddamn it Lana.
Geppetto suggests explosives. Because that’s safe.
Boom. Impressive.....but ineffectual. Good job.
MM seems so very concerned about “that thing that happened at the mine.” *snort*
I just met you and this sounds crazy...but here’s my number. Call me, maybe?
Kathryn was so nice.
“Mary Margaret!” The smile doesn’t reach her eyes.
Bad editing.
“It’s Archie's dog! He’s found something! What is it?” Timmy fell down the damn well again, obvs.
Archie, that’s a really fake looking head wound.
This is a really good talk though. I love that the truest believer helped Jiminy Cricket believe.
Vintage eye sex. Yes, good.
Poor worried Mayor.
Really bad CGI.
Thank God that’s a really sturdy umbrella. But...how do you hang onto an umbrella like that?
Jiminy/Geppetto bromance. Here for it.
His threat is kinda bullshit though. 
Aww, pinto horsies. They’re pretty.
Hi, Shady Blue. “I cannot bring back the boy’s parents.” What CAN you do, Blue? Doesn't seem like much....except manipulation. And turning people into insects.
 A wild Gold appears. Just so we can see that he has the creepy dolls.
Everyone’s standing around drinking liquor While Regina is off being shady with a piece of glass. Because that doesn’t seem contrived at all.
Dun dun dunnnnn. Gotta make sure all the pieces of the coffin are there, don’tcha know?
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jobsearchtips02 · 4 years
Newsletter: Rolling Back Reopenings
This is the web version of the WSJ’s newsletter on the economy. You can sign up for daily delivery here
Rolling Back
States and cities come to grips with how to contain the coronavirus while trying to reopen their economies as the number of infections in the U.S. reached more than 3.8 million. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot stated the city was tightening restrictions on some organisations. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said his city is on the verge of going back to shutdown mode. California added San Francisco County to its county watch list. Educators in hard-hit Florida moved to halt the state’s school reopening strategies. Mississippi State Health Officer Dr. Thomas Dobbs said 31 lawmakers have actually contracted the virus and that there is only a single bed offered in the intensive-care systems of the Jackson metro area’s four greatest medical centers, Allison Prang and Jennifer Calfas report.
On fortunately front: The number of brand-new coronavirus cases in the U.S. increased at the slowest pace in a week And New york city City entered its fourth and final phase of resuming on Monday with the resumption of outside places, though some lockdown restrictions, including a ban on indoor dining, will stay in impact.
The Senate Banking Committee is scheduled to vote on the nominations of Judy Shelton and Christopher Waller to the Federal Reserve at 2 p.m. ET.
President Trump holds an interview at 5 p.m. ET.
Japan’s Jibun Bank composite index for the very first weeks of July is out at 8: 30 p.m. ET.
The Final Countdown
European Union leaders agreed on a EUR1.8 trillion ($ 2.06 trillion) costs bundle aimed at consisting of an unmatched financial decline. The plan, developed around the bloc’s first-ever issuance of hundreds of billions of euros of common financial obligation, came together early Tuesday after 4 days of talks. The agreement represents a considerable step in the EU’s approach a more real fiscal union. Some have hailed it as the bloc’s Hamiltonian minute, describing Alexander Hamilton, the first U.S. Treasury secretary, who had the federal government take in the debts of U.S. states. Some financial experts, however, state the money might just make a modest distinction to restore depressed economies, Laurence Norman reports.
Republicans outlined their concerns for the next round of coronavirus aid, requiring legal protections for businesses and cash to reopen schools but no new funding for states and cities. Senate Republicans are anticipated to unveil their bill later today at a critical moment in the coronavirus pandemic, with cases increasing in lots of states and new indications that the economic healing might be stalling. Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer stated Monday that a bill that didn’t consist of brand-new aid for states and cities was a nonstarter, Kristina Peterson, Andrew Restuccia and Catherine Lucey report.
The Senate on Monday confirmed previous conservative activist Russell Vought to be director of the White Home Workplace of Management and Spending Plan, a role he has held in an acting capacity given that March, Paul Kiernan reports.
Back-to-school goes Do It Yourself Moms and dads, intimidated by a flurry of hybrids of virtual and in-person lessons, are making their own strategies Some moms and dads are pooling their children together and paying for tutors, others are exploring outside classes, Anne Marie Chaker reports.
While the federal government arguments its next steps, time is running out for numerous dining establishments Government aid has gone out, and breaks from landlords and suppliers are coming due as fewer restaurants want to consume inside. Countless restaurants have actually closed so far, and as many as 10%of independent operators could shut by year’s end as an outcome of the brand-new coronavirus, Heather Haddon reports.
Silver and Gold
The cost of silver rose for the ninth time in 12 sessions Monday, striking a nearly four-year high with investors gathering to rare-earth elements during the financial uncertainty brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. Rates are up 8.5%so far in July and have surged 71%from a low hit in mid-March, lifted by the steady haven purchasing that likewise has actually powered gold to a multiyear peak. Front-month gold futures added 0.4%to $1,81590 a troy ounce on Monday, logging their greatest close considering that September2011 Gold is within 4%of its record struck that year, Amrith Ramkumar reports.
Cold, difficult cash The gap has actually widened each year since, according to data from the Federal Reserve
If high-skill employees can’t migrate to tasks, the tasks move to high-skill workers Combining visa data and comprehensive data on U.S. international company activity, I find that constraints on H-1B immigration triggered foreign affiliate employment increases at the intensive and extensive margins, especially in Canada, India and China,” the University of Pennsylvania’s Britta Glennon composes in a brand-new working paper
Actual Time Economics has released a downloadable calendar with succinct previews forecasts and analysis of significant U.S. data releases. To add to your calendar please click on this link
from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/newsletter-rolling-back-reopenings/
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