Show me your Masopust fit 💯✨💖
Here's mine
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pagan-stitches · 5 months
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Shrovetide (Masopust/Fašank) a period shortly after the beginning of a new year, can be described as a time of cheer and entertainment, a time when there are no rules and people have fun. In Czechia, it is a time of processions and festivals with feasts full of fatty meat and sweets. This holiday dates back to pagan times, but today it is a period that starts after the Epiphany (6 January) and goes on until Ash Wednesday (6 weeks before the Christian Easter holiday). Ancient ancestors used to pay tribute to the sun, fertility and strength during this time. It was a period of joy as the days were getting longer and a celebration of early spring. After the birth of Christianity, it became a carnival that preceded Lent.
—Visit Czechia
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kvapem · 1 month
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@ Karolina
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neon-witch-ritual · 3 months
My attempt at masopust this year
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A dementor with or without (I'm not decided yet) a spooky blue led
Perks of me wearing all black my entire life ig
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petrvyhlidka · 4 months
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A village carnival sketch
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lelejskagora · 1 year
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nevyletuju · 1 year
Jdeme s kamarády na masopust. Bohužel jsem neměla čas na výrobu masky, jdu proto v civilu.
Civil se sestává z černé dlouhé sukně, černého svetru a pleteného trojúhelníkového šálu, který jsem vyrobila místo přípravy na zkoušku.
Přemýšlím, že se zeptám první čarodějnice, kterou v průvodu uvidím na důležitou otázku: "Kolegyně, jak to, že VÁM v tom vichru klobouk neuletěl?"
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vera-simik · 1 year
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PoV: vlezl/a jsi o velké přestávce na druhém stupni na záchodky :D
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ruspoint · 1 year
Праздник масленица:история возникновения, празднования
В презентации представлена история праздника “Масленица”! История возникновения: как же праздновали это событие. Каждый день недели был интересен и важен. https://nsportal.ru/shkola/vneklassnaya-rabota/library/2014/02/27/prazdnik-maslenitsaistoriya-vozniknoveniya
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hornshaving · 2 months
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Isometric Perspective: From Baby Blocks to Dimensional Design in Quilts Katie Pasquini-Masopust
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Tak za co jdete letos na masopust, dětičky? Já su Petronel. Z Aukra. Bratr měl být Uriáš, ale nakonec si to rozmyslel :((
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Vlastní andulka se mě bojí
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pagan-stitches · 4 months
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Here we see costumes that are worn at Shrovetide (or Masopust), the season before Easter. This holiday celebrates the turning of winter to spring, with themes of fertility, health, and a good harvest. It is also the season before Lent, so there is a good deal of feasting in preparation for the Lenten fast. The Shrovetide carnivals include a range of costumes and masks, as well as feasting on pork and other holiday foods. In the Hlinecko area of eastern Bohemia, Shrovetide processions go from house to house:
Village men and boys, disguised in masks that depict traditional characters (red masks for boys and black for married men), go from door to door around the village, accompanied by a brass band. The procession stops at each house and four of the men perform a ritual dance, with the householder’s permission, to secure a rich harvest and prosperity for the family. In return, the masked men receive treats and collect a fee. A symbolic ‘Killing of the Mare’ ritual takes place after the last house has been visited, during which a mare is condemned for its alleged sins and a humorous and topical testament is read out. Following the ‘execution’ the mare is revived with alcohol, signalling the commencement of a dance as the masks frolic with onlookers. via UNESCO
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projectourworld · 4 months
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Hamry, Czech Republic. Dancers at a traditional carnival to celebrate the departing winter and forthcoming spring in the village. The carnival is part of a centuries-old tradition called the shrovetide procession, which takes place in Eastern Bohemia near the end of winter and before Christian Lent. Experts trace the event, also known as Masopust, with its vibrant colours and masks, to pre-Christian paganism
Photograph: Petr David Josek/AP / Guardian Newspaper #eastern #bohemia #paganism
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sadiie · 1 year
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Gearing up for tomorrow 💀🖤
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neon-witch-ritual · 1 year
Okay for masopust I put together this thing
@curious-georg remember the rainbow mask? It has been used
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mybeingthere · 2 years
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Markéta Luskačová (born 1944), a Czech photographer - “On Death and Horses and Other People”. 
Luskacova began to document the Czech Carnival (Masopust) in 1998 and has photographed more than 40 carnivals in Bohemian cities, towns and villages, where this pre-Lenten procession involves music, dance, costumes and feasting. The exhibit at the MSU Museum is comprised mostly from photographs made as the people of Roztoky, a small town near Prague, walked across fields and over Bare Hill to the neighboring village of Unetice. It also has a few of her earliest Czech Carnival photographs that were made in Prague. Masopust was widely suppressed in communist Czechoslovakia, and has only reappeared in a cultural renaissance since the democratization of the Czech Republic.
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