#master chen
penofwildfire · 1 month
Imagine if the owner of a popular restaurant franchise turned out to be a slave owner, war criminal and cult leader and waged war on the country and then died and his teenage daughter took over the company and was just like "We are no longer using slave labour. Promise." And everyone just let that happen. Wtf.
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spinjitsuburst · 4 months
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am i funny yet
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ceruleanthiing · 13 days
“Neuuroo 😁 master of mind👀...! Versus. 👹BOLOBO.👹👹👹 masterof nnature!”
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bloodwineenthusiast · 11 months
My favorite part of Ninjago is just Garmadon eating things and being happy
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Just look at him! He's so happy
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The Elemental Master of Surprise has been usurped!
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mysticdragoni · 7 days
Episode 1 - The Lotus
Oh my god it’s finally DONE! I hope you guys enjoy this! I have been working on this nonstop since May 10th. Even longer since I’ve had her story in the works since last year! Thank you IMMENSELY for the support over the last few weeks, I never would have actually finished this without your help! I hope you guys enjoy it!
Samura Jade is my Ninjago original character, this is episode one of hopefully a series of episodes. I hope that her lore is believable and matches the quality that is Ninjago. I intend and hope that I was able to tell a story that makes a believable supporting character.
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ninjago au where Morro didn't die he just ran away and didn't come back but then later he gets invited to the tournament of elements and the ninja meet him there and yeah stuff happens I might expand more on this later if anyone wants me too
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In Ninjago s1e4, Wu mentions that Jack the Rabbit would've been the first book Garmadon would've read to Lloyd. With it's moral of never trusting snakes, it makes sense considering Garmadon's past (The great devourer, the Serpentine Wars, Chen, etc.)
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keepofkandrakar · 6 months
remember when kai smith became the first enemies-to-lovers booktok boyfriend by saying “was it his idea to make me fall for you or yours? because it worked.”
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sepublic · 3 months
Before S4 aired and all we had to go off of were the sets, I ended up having this theory that the cultists we saw were being possessed by the spirits of the Anacondrai through their remains. It was my explanation for why these humans were sometimes referred to as Anacondrai in set descriptions, as well as Kapau and Chope apparently becoming actual Serpentine named Kapau'rai and Chop'rai, respectively.
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With the prominent bone motif and Pythor's presence in one of the sets, I speculated that Pythor went back to the Anacondrai Tomb and gathered the remains of his tribe, who were haunting their corpses and could possess anyone who wore their bones (In this case, humans that Pythor kidnapped).
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The Anacondrai Blades would've been carved from the spines of dead Anacondrai, and a lot of the bones used in the vehicles could've been Anacondrai; Either they were leftover bits, or you had Anacondrai ghosts possessing machines. Some Anacondrai used multiple bones to possess a human, others used only one, possibly due to incomplete remains. Pythor's plan was to resurrect his tribe fully, possibly by fusing the living human hosts with the Anacondrai bones to create new Anacondrai bodies (although the presence of human DNA led to these newly-reincarnated Anacondrai lacking the usual markings). Kapau and Chope weren’t humans, they were Anacondrai ghosts possessing humans through their skulls and other bones wielded as weapons;
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In the end, Anacondrai remains DID factor into the plot via the Jadeblades, as well as Pythor's essence being necessary for the spell. Humans became Anacondrai. Not to mention Anacondrai ghosts being an actual thing, which would set up an entire season around ghosts and possession before we got the summer leaks! So I was pretty off the mark, but also not? In hindsight, I wonder if the writers brought back Pythor in S3 just to set up the Anacondrai storyline of S4, and if Pythor was originally supposed to be the mastermind behind the plot, as some speculated, and/or working alongside Chen. I guess all of this could make for a fun AU where the Anacondrai themselves have agency as villains, rather than allies; Or I could salvage this idea for my own original story.
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juniette13 · 2 months
Okay so like I just spawned this Ninjago headcanon like less than 10 minutes ago, but just hear me out
Coming from someone who was in the theatre department and has met countless theatre kids
Chen was totally a theatre kid at some point, that’s my headcanon 😼
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spect-era · 10 months
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Girls love it when day of the departed put the worst people in the same room <3
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ceruleanthiing · 15 days
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rewatching tourney. again
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newscarsting · 4 months
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lloyd djamragodn; Hi my name is lloyd montgomery garmadon of lego ninjago fame
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How would the other ninja + Master Wu react to see Kai as an Anacondrai?
(CW I drew some partially topless Kai in this. Also. This got way longer than I thought it would)
Well they don't really have a whole lotta time to process that initially. The first time everyone sees it is when Kai shows up on his elemental dragon with Skylor and then they immediately head off to Ninjago to stop Chen. There's time to talk on the dragon ride over the ocean and the brief stops at the underground HQ.
I feel like there'd be much more of a reaction to the Mark of the Anacondrai itself, because it amplifies Kai's betrayal. Him having it suggests he's turned not just to Chen's side, but also joined the Anacondrai cult as well. This would probably mean Nya and Garmadon don't automatically realize "oh he's playing a longer con" even after he winks at them in the snake pit. (It also means Sensei Garmadon sees another parallel with himself and Kai later on, in that they both took on the marks and then later turned on Chen)
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I figure that Chen would relish in that and would actively have Kai show off the Mark. So, all the masters see Kai's mark when they interrupt the Ceremony. He has to explain himself to them very quickly after the Ceremony fight to avoid getting attacked (especially if any of them saw him going bonkers with Chen's Staff)
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(I do think it'd be fun though if the guards at the factory gossiped about one of the Elemental Masters getting the Mark of the Anacondrai, though, so that the imprisoned masters are all suddenly worried that one of the few left in the fight have switched sides)
Jay would probably make a joke about Kai's new ink, Cole would point out how dangerous his plan was once he hears about it, and Zane would agree. Zane also ices the tattoo to help with the pain and swelling, even if its not as effective after, like, however long he's had it (timeline is iffy but it's not more than like three days I think).
(If you wanna keep the angst going, too, the fact that Kai essentially goes missing while searching for Skylor would probably bring up some doubts in the other masters, and maybe even his own team, about whether he could still be pulled onto Chen's side -especially with Skylor as a possible bargaining chip- at that point.)
Once Kai's been turned into an Anacondrai though, not a whole lot changes. Jay's initial reaction is also jokes because... what else are you supposed to say to your friend who has turned into a snake man? Cole is probably the one to prompt him to try and play with the invisibility ability cause That's a Cool Power, Dude. Generally looking on the upside with it. Zane's got a little bit of scientific interest in the whole transformation.
Lloyd just. Doesn't fully process it. He does promise Kai immediately though that they'll turn him back to normal (because its Lloyd. He feels responsible for his big brother being in this situation even though he shouldn't). He's genuinely relieved when they start turning back when the spell begins to wear off.
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Kai does not like Lloyd putting responsibility on turning him back on himself, especially cause Kai betrayed and still definitely feels bad about it and the act he had to put on for it to work.
The Ninja all do pay close attention, though, because they're obviously worried about Kai's well being, but also... What if Kai likes being an Anacondrai (once he adjusts to fighting like one)? What if he wants to stay that way? What if Kai's turning to Chen's side wasn't entirely fake?
Kai sticks close to Skylor during their time as Anacondrai as much as possible because he's kinda freaked out by himself and doesn't want everyone to keep looking at him like.... well, like he's turned into a snake man.
Wu doesn't have any notable reaction to Garmadon as an Anacondrai, but I feel like he'd be very confused and a little freaked out on why one of his students is also one now. He gives Kai a very disapproving look when he learns how it happened because that was incredibly dangerous Kai. He doesn't really scold him though cause 1. Not the time. 2. Kai's plan worked. 3. No one knew that the mark would turn him into a snake.
Also, you didn't mention the folks at Kryptarium, but they almost definitely poke fun at Kai for being a snake now when they recognize him. Pythor finds it very funny that one of the Ninja is now a snake.
The worst reaction to Kai's Anacondrai form is definitely when they land in Ninjago City and people start freaking out because there are Serpentine on a Dragon made of Fire.
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The Hands of Time, Morro the Elemental of Wind, The Cursed Realm, Who Sent Him There and how Chen is at the center of everything | Ninjago
So first off, I've had this theory for the longest time that Morro wasn't supposed to be in the Cursed Realm and besides that, that he was being taken advantage of by the Preeminent.
When Morro first appears at the very end of Season 4, we hear a voice say Morro's name in a whispered raspy voice.
Now, I've heard many people say that, that is literally just Morro announcing his own name but personally I always thought that the voice sounded similar to a different ghost, i.e. Bansha.
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Bansha is a ghost who has the ability to control others from a distance and even communicate between Realms, as seen when she forced Misako to fight Wu and when she communicated with Fenwick, the Master Writer, to allow her, Morro and his ghostly entourage into the Cloud Kingdom. As well as, later when Wu and Misako are acting as distractions so the Ninja can sneak into Stix. Bansha is able to use herself to allow Morro to communicate through her to his old teacher.
This, along with Morro's change of heart at the end of Season 5 (even though ghosts aren't supposed to be able to change) is what initially made me suspicious; then something else came up.
Manipula-Chen (Chen Starts a Time War) by rinkunokoisuru on Ao3 brought up something that I knew in the back of my head but never really thought about.
rinkunokoisuru brings up that one little fact that Season 4 repeated so often that I'm surprised I forgot. Chen's manipulation of the Elemental Masters during the Serpentine War.
Now you might be asking - why is that important, what does that have to do with Morro? Well think about it, who else did Chen manipulate other than a young Garmadon.
Garmadon went to train with Chen and sometime after, Wu takes in Morro, eventually training him to become the Green Ninja.
We already know that Chen was intercepting Wu's mail, considering he was able to steal his love letter to Misako, so whose to say that he also wasn't spying on Wu and Morro's training sessions.
This brings me to another piece of information that was brought up recently by @ataraxixx - that information being that on Morro's back is the Japanese kanji for 'evil'.
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Now I know that everyone has made their jokes about Morro being an edgy emo Hot Topic kid for wearing the kanji for 'evil' - but as I thought about it, I began to wonder, "why would a kid who wants to be the hero, die with the kanji for 'evil?"
(And incase your wondering, Morro originally had a dragon on his back just like Wu, when he was younger.)
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Going back to rinkunokoisuru's story - in the story, it's suggested that Clouse's dark magic might have played a part in Krux and Acronix's betrayal and possibly play a part in the betrayal of the other Elementals.
With Morro I could believe that and I'll explain why in just a moment but with Krux and Acronix, something just wasn't clicking fully even though I liked the theory. Until I was rewatching episode 3 of Season 7 (A Time of Traitors) for my, 'Morro comes back to life' rewrite.
As I was watching the scene where Kai is discussing the Vermillion war helmet with Dr. Saunders, something came to mind. The helmet is definitely a Vermillion helmet but when Kai said it looked familiar he realized that Krux and Acronix were wearing the exact same helmet in the painting of their fight with Garmadon and Wu. At that moment I realized that they were also wear those same helmets when Wu is congratulating the remaining loyal Elementals on their victory during the Serpentine War.
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Why would they be wearing Vermillion helmets?
Thinking back on Season 7.
When Kai first shows Wu the helmet in episode 3, Wu tries to say the line, 'time waits for no one' the same line is said completely by Krux during his fight with Kai at the Museum in the very same episode.
To be fair, it's a pretty common line but I think it was ment to indicate that Wu recognized the helmet as one that the Time Twins wore.
Now you might be asking, why wouldn't he recognize it as a Vermillion helmet?
To that I say, one of the best ways for something to be forgotten is for it never to be spoken of. Which is exactly what we find out in episode 7 (Secrets Discovered) when the Ninja - minus Kai and Nya - speak with King Scales in the sewers.
The Vermillion Warriors were the first generation progeny of the Great Devourer with the same instincts to consume everything, they were something that was so feared by the Serpentine that they were not spoken of, with Scale even going out of his way to find out where they are so his people could avoid them.
Now this is pure speculation, but I wonder, what if a non Serpentine/Vermillion wearing a Vermillion helmet could have an adverse or even corruptive effect on someone, considering Vermillion armor is ment for a nest of Vermillion snakes to nest inside of to form a single Warrior.
(Side Note: this is where all you Snake!Jay fans can come in as to why your boy wasn't affected when he put on the helmet in episode 3. And on that note, shameless plug for my theory post as to there being a Serpentine curse on the Jiang/Smith family - on Ray or Maya's side - as the reason why Jay and Skylor both were turned into snakes thus implying that the same thing has happened to Maya or Ray and as such using this convoluted theory as to why Kai wasn't affected when he wore the Vermillion helmet, implying that like the Snake!Jay theory, that Kai and Nya might have some Serpentine passed down to them from one of their parents' own transformation.)
Getting back to the matter.
Where would Krux and Acronix get a Vermillion helmet in the first place - the answer, from a man who find war entertaining and has a vast collection of hard to find/hard to get artifacts with a particular fascination with Serpentine warriors.
A.k.a. Master Chen.
Even if you go with the theory that the Vermillion helmets are not corruptive, there is still the matter of Clouse's dark magic.
On that note, let's get back to Morro and his connection to Chen and Clouse.
Imagine if you will.
You are mad Cult Leader, anticipating the eve of war between the Serpentine and all of Ninjago. While your pupil, the Elder son of the FSM, may or may not stay on the side of evil, you have been watching his younger brother train his first student to become the Green Ninja, something, which if he is successful, could be a possible problem.
Now again, speculation.
Wu was able to gather every Elemental to fight in the Serpentine War, even if some of them eventually turned traitor. I wonder if during Morro's training, if as part of Morro's training, if he was introduced to the Elementals as a sort of know your allies interaction. Basically, baby Ninja Morro getting to meet the Elementals who were all probably older then him (teen to elder) considering how old Morro looked when he ran away.
Continuing the speculation.
Let's say that Chen's spies told him that Morro was outside of Wu's protection. Let's say that Chen had already begun seducing a certain Elemental to his side (traditional methods or magical methods, you decide). Now let's say Chen had this Elemental go to Morro with a present - a medallion of protection. Let's say that Morro accepts this medallion because it's from his allie and let's say that the medallion has two images - one on top that would soon crumble away and one beneath (the kanji for evil) that actually held a curse that would send the wearer to the Cursed Realm.
And who do we know that can send people to the Cursed Realm - the answer, Clouse.
In Season 4 episode 8 - Clouse attempts to send Garmadon to the Cursed Realm, only for said Sensei to kick the sorcerer into the Cursed Realm, the portal closing behind him.
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Later, to defeat Chen's Anacondri Army, Lloyd uses a spell from Clouse's magic books to open a portal to the Cursed Realm, thus allowing the Anacondri Generals to curse Chen and his army, sending them all to the Cursed Realm.
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Considering all this, what if Chen had already been luring Skylor's mother to his side and convinced her to give a young wandering Morro a false seal of protection that would send him to the Cursed Realm upon his death (what if Chen had laid hints to lead Morro to a swift death in the Caves of Despair, not long after or even had Skylor's mother unknowingly give those hints when she gave him the medallion)
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(Two Side Notes:
First: I personally I think Skylor's mother would have been tricked by Chen into giving Morro the medallion but if you want her to have been evil and do it willingly then that's your call.
Second: I don't think it's too farfetched an idea that the symbol transformed into a large medallion that was tied around Morro when he became a ghost. Almost like it shifted to chain itself to him.)
Now consider, the speculative Green Ninja is dead and the Serpentine War begins. The Elemental Alliance has gathered and some question are asked of Wu.
Where is Morro?
How long has he been gone?
Why didn't you go after him?
War continues, Garmadon goes to help his brother and after some time Chen see the war begin to wane so he sows discord among the Elementals and soon the alliance has fallen apart with only a few Elementals remaining loyal.
Gravity survived an attack by Clouse's pet Serpent and Earth while having briefly turned traitor has returned to the Elemental Alliance - but that's fine because the Time Twins are still wearing the Vermillion helmets.
The five tribes are being locked away (the Venomari by Water/Maya and the Anacondri by Fire/Ray) and the Serpentine War has ended. The Anacondri Generals have been sent to the Cursed Realm, Chen and Clouse are now confined to Chen's island (possibly having already hidden Skylor's mother there). But all that is still just fine. For someone so incredibly fascinated by the Serpentine, one has to wonder how much he knows.
Chen has spies and willing pawns everywhere, how else could he open a successful restaurant chain on the mainland.
Did he know about the prophecy of the Golden Master. Did he know that when the Serpentine are released from their tombs, that they would unleash the Great Devourer. Did he know that the Devourer would head straight to the stone army where her Venom would bring the warriors to life.
Or possibly, I wonder.
If when Krux came out of the Time portal not long after entering it - his younger twin brother, nowhere in sight and personally desiring revenge - did he go searching for a way to get vengeance, possibly from the one who first gave him and his brother the helmets.
Was Chen the one to set Krux on the path towards using the Vermillion Warriors.
In Season 7 episode 3, Krux tells Kai that his parents were traitors who worked for the Hands of Time, however, in Season 4 episode 7 Chen tells Kai that there are dark secrets about his parents.
Of course, Chen could have been lying, however ...
Did Chen know that Krux had kidnapped Ray and Maya?
Did Krux ever have the Jiang/Smith parents do work for Chen in payment for the Vermillion Warrior eggs?
Like many of my post ideas, this one got kinda long and rambling.
Something else I wanted to include was that I recall that someone was lamenting that Morro didn't have fangs like the other ghosts and I wondered why, but then I thought of this.
Cole, Garmadon, Chen and Clouse - four people who were cursed/sent to the Cursed Realm (only two of which were evil) and all four of them, in ghost form, are lacking fangs; just like Morro.
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(Side Note: Admitably, Garmadon might just be a special case of - Son of the FSM. Personally, I'm in the boat of, give the Dragoni fangs but that's neither here nor there at the moment)
One more thing before you ask if the other ghost have a kanji for evil on them, I checked. Most ghost with a visible (or partially visible) symbol on their back all have the same Cursed Realm emblem - Morro is the only one with kanji.
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