#mauvin pickering
nah-thanks-m8 · 1 year
do you have any headcanons or AUs for riyira?
I do actually (mostly regarding how they speak since I read the stories aloud)!
Royce speaks usually in a monotone, I'm using my standard American accent, a little bit rougher, and a little deeper than my voice. He usually colder when he speaks, and raises his voice only on occasion.
Hadrian is a Scottish boi, I don't make the rules. I got that idea from when we got to see the village where he grew up. He usually sounds like he's smiling, and his voice is pitched just a bit higher than Royce's to balance out Arista's angry, almost-yelling voice.
Gwen's voice is very smooth and rich; deep and comforting, with a hint of an accent (I went for a mix of Greek and Italian for where Calais is in-universe). I would have felt weird imitating the accents of any Middle Eastern or African nations.
Arista is throaty and assertive. She speaks in a forceful, upper-class American accent (think East Coast Old Money/Robber Baron), and her voice is lower and serves to balance out Hadrian's lighter tone.
Alric is a little shit (especially at the beginning of Theft of Swords). He has the same accent as Arista, but is infinitely whinier. His voice is a bit nasally, and higher pitched, but lowers over the course of the books.
Myron's voice is soft and sweet as he is but is a little sad. His voice is higher pitched, floaty instead of nasal. His voice contains a childlike wonder at the world around him, but imbued with quiet confidence.
Albert Winslow sounds like a Southern Gentleman Who Didn't Own Slaves but is Super Oblivious.
Mauvin, Fanen, and the rest of the Pickering troupe have the same style speech as Alric and Arista, but they sound decidedly more Scandinavian. Mauvin sounds reedy, Fanen sounds breathy, Denek sounds more childlike, and Lenare has a more musical voice.
Esrahaddon has a British accent, for which I just imitated Tom Hiddleston. He is either slightly amused or super scary, and Hiddleston works for both.
Bishop Saldur sounds like Emperor Palpatine. No I will not be elaborating.
Modina/Thrace has another voice that changes over time. She starts out small and soft, and slightly Irish sounding, as do the people of her village. In later books, she retains the Irish lilt but her voice deepens and becomes more commanding as she grows into her title of Empress.
Magnus is from Brooklyn, and, like his character, softens over time. He begins angry, nasal, and sharp, and becomes a lot more measured as the story goes on.
All of the other characters are usually Mississippi Southern, Minnesota Midwestern, East End London, New York, Irish, Scottish or the Italian/Greek mixture depending on where we are and where they're from.
Most of the Elven characters have Eastern European accents.
Let me know if there's anything else you want to know or if I missed anyone, I love answering questions!
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madraleen · 2 years
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Theft of Swords - Michael J. Sullivan 3,5/5 swords
A casual jot-it-down-as-it-happens commentary
-Did the uncle done it?
-Hrmmm, I don’t know that I trust Arista.
-Hrrrmmm, now that Alric has also blamed Arista, I suddenly trust Arista.
-I mentally pronounce half the names differently each time I read them.
-You know how in stories you tend to have a general idea of where you’re heading, even if you’re wrong in the end? Here I have absolutely no idea where we’re going, I see the next step only as we take it.
-Protecc the Pickering boys at all costs.
-Do we have to see the whole trial…?
-I must say, it’s very easy to read. It’s not overloaded with information but doesn’t lack it, it doesn’t go too deep into people’s psyches but you still get a solid sense of who they are, and it keeps you turning the page.
-Riiight, I forgot it was originally two books and I was like, we storming the castle this early?!
-We’re now two years later. Got it.
-Haha, Mr Haddon.
-Holy exposition though.
-Am I correct in predicting that Bernice won’t know which dress belonged to Arista’s mother and that will get Arista suspicious? (hindsight me: no, I was not, but I still think this should have happened.)
-Eyy, I too wondered, wet steps from what?
-What startles me is, I haven’t heard a single reviewer not calling this book funny, but I ain’t seeing it. I ain’t seeing the funny. Idk, it’s just a good book to chill.
-Ey! Ey!! Screw you, not Mauvin and Fanen!!
-I assume Hadrian is the bodyguard, since he wears the thingy all the time? Maybe the heir, I guess, but wouldn’t that be too soon?
-Ooh, it’s not Hadrian then. Cool.
-So the medallion does matter…? But Ezra is off to find the heir and the guardian, so…? Is it a red herring? I’m lost again, and it’s fine.
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its-elvish-for-two · 3 years
Modern day Riyria Revelations characters. I feel Royce would love a hoodie!
Photo quality not great, oops! Click for better.
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Royce, Hadrian and his unicorn!
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Mauvin, Arista (with her magic cardigan/robe that she lives in) and Alric!
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elisabethwheatley · 4 years
Hadrian: I punched Gaunt in the face.
Mauvin and Alric: 
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ofcourseimdoingwork · 7 years
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I’ve been doing characters from Riyria Revelations for Inktober this year, so here’s the first week! 
Week two is here!
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damakoart · 7 years
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Mauvin Pickering in mourning - another Riyria fanart I painted 😊 I've wanted to draw this scene ever since I read the books. I really like Mauvin 😃
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sully-s · 11 years
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Rose and Thorn Cast Part 2. Alric, Mauvin, and Fanen, 
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nah-thanks-m8 · 1 year
also sorry for the sudden influx of asks, you're the.... third riyira fan I've ever interacted with, I get a little excited. it feels like spotting a rare and solitary species of leopard in the wild, or some such thing.
All good! The Riyria fandom is suuuper small for absolutely no good reason! These books changed how I viewed fantasy, and the world as we know it, since there are many parallels:
The Nyphron Church/Novron--Christianity/Jesus
The Monks of Maribor--Judaism-ish (only VERY tangential relation, they're practically nothing alike except that they are the "older poorer [and more persecuted] brother" of the Christian parallel)
The Empire--Rome
Glenmorgan-- Charlamagne
Avryn-- Holy Roman Empire
etc. etc. There are so many things that this series made me think about in regards to the world we live in, and I will literally die on the hill of this series being the most tragically underrated of any I've ever read.
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nah-thanks-m8 · 1 year
hello fellow riyira enjoyer 🥰🥰🥰
If it's alright, Id like to take a sec and talk a lil bit about how I discovered the series!
My Dad rented Theft of Swords/Avampartha from the library, and when the aux cord broke on our road rip, he had me read it aloud from the very back of our rental minivan, and the whole family was hooked from there.
I am currently reading it for the third time, reading aloud for the second time, to my fiancée @salessale and I couldn't be happier I especially love voicing all the characters! I love Sullivan's version of a fantasy world, and I usually describe the series as what would happen if someone dropped Rosa Diaz and Jake Peralta from Brooklyn 99 into Game of Thrones, or Wheel of Time. Truly one of my favorite reads of all time!
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