#maxine caulfield x victoria chase
xnarlie-starlightx · 10 months
Victoria: Oh, for fuck sakes! Stop asking me about hipster Max Hoefield.. she already was a loser when she first got here in campus, I barely care about her at all.
Later on when Maxine’s been ‘check out’ by both genders each every time, Tori's low keying privately storms forward afterwards without hesitation
Victoria: Get the fuck away from my loser!!! Can’t you see that she’s not interested in you after she said ‘No’?! She’s already seeing someone else!!
Maxine: ….. quickly reacts in her mind after Queen B has almost gives away of their secret relationship ‘Oh God, Victoria… give me a better nickname once in awhile and stop calling me your ‘loser’ multiple times.’
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xeyesofstardust · 1 year
The Thing about the 1st Life is Strange
Any character, literately any other character would've made a better co-protagonist than Chloe-f**king-Price
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On her first day at Blackwell Academy, Max bumps into her ex-best friend Victoria Chase
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Honestly, I think that would've made for a better character arch than Max and Chloe.
Victoria is no where as stupid as Chloe and would never did something as, for an example, lay in the middle of a train track.
I adore the idea of Friends-to-Enemies-to-Friends-Again and I don't think Max x Chloe cuts it.
Also, I would've loved it if the game had further explored Blackwell Academy.
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I love the whole Dark Academia vibe that the first episode had going on and I think that LIS should've maybe been like 10 EPs, most of it exploring the school and its secrets.
I feel like there is so much more to Blackwell than what we are told and the final episode left me a little disappointed that we didn't get to learn more.
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misscgyn · 5 years
Everybody Wants a Piece of Max (Caulscott Fanfic)
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*gif not mine!!
Fandom: Life is Strange
Pairing: Max Caulfield x Nathan Prescott
Prompt: ’Stop ignoring me ignoring you.’ & ‘I’ve been called worse.’
Summary: Max had a petty fight with Nathan when he learned that she hangout with Warren alone at night. He got so jealous of it.
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: 5,253 words
Warnings: Nothing. It’s all fluff and very slightly implied smut.
A03: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20625446
Note: It has been four years already and I’m still a fucking trash for Caulscott. So here we are, my first Caulscott fanfic ever. I never really post my stories but kinda want to share this with my fellow low-key Caulscott shippers who still ships them in 2019. Enjoy.
“I told you, we just ate dinner and watched the movie. Then went home!” Max was trying to explain Nathan about last night with Warren. But Nathan, being stubborn and hot-headed as he is, he didn’t like the idea of Max and Warren hanging out alone. Nathan was marching out from the dorm while Max followed behind him. She want this argument to be done and just doesn’t want to start this day with another quarrel with him. But it seems it already started.
“You basically went on a date with him!” Nathan continued to walk to his class even though he doesn’t feel like attending on it. He, himself, doesn’t really understand why he’s so mad about this. But one thing’s for sure, he is unhappy with it. As per Nathan’s case, unhappy equals sad and sad equals mad. So, yeah, smad.
He walked faster and he felt Max was trying to match his pace causing him to hasten his footsteps further. Max had enough and grabbed him by the arm causing him to stop. Max turned him around to face her. Nathan just rolled his eyes at her while Max stood in front of him and quietly catching her breath after the not-so-running-yet-also-not-walking marathon they did.
“Okay, Nathan. How many times do I have to tell you that Kate, Brooke, and Stella were supposed to be there, to be with us. We planned to hang out together but they ditched us!” Max exclaimed. She pinched the bridge of her nose trying to not be annoyed any further and just chill down. She deeply regretted that she told Nathan about what happened yesterday but she also doesn’t want to keep things from him. She should have known better on how he will react on this.
A week ago, Warren and Brooke was complaining on Max of not having her to hang out with them anymore. Ever since she became friends with Victoria and Nathan, the trio were constantly together. Victoria likes to visit cafes and exchange photo tips with them and Nathan was their go-to-driver. To be fair, she doesn’t really have any choice but to hang out with them especially when Nathan is around. He will practically drag her to his truck along with Victoria and take them to wherever they want.
So to make amends, Max told Warren, Kate, Brooke, and Stella that she will spend some time with them on Tuesday (which is yesterday) for a movie night and dinner. All of them agreed on the plan but when d-day came not all were able to come.
Max went to the parking lot and saw Warren leaning on his car while typing on his phone. Max greeted him and Warren glanced at Max with a disappointed look. Max asked him why and he told her that Brooke can’t come because of some accident she had caused during Ms. Grant’s class and she had to write a report on it to be submitted by tomorrow. Stella also can’t come because of diarrhea or food poisoning. She said that she bought a bread from a sketchy vendor and for the whole day, she was in-and-out of the toilet. Warren scolded her of buying from a stranger knowing that he looked sketchy. In her defense, the bread looked really tasty.
Max was saddened about the news but she tried to be optimistic. She was hoping that Kate sure is coming so she dialed up her number but she wasn’t answering. Max told Warren that she’ll just get back at the dorm to check if everything’s okay. Max ran back to the dorm and knocked at Kate’s door. Kate let her in and she asked her what was wrong. She saw Kate is ready to go based on her clothing but she looked restless while staring at her rabbit. Kate told Max that her rabbit is acting weird and is probably sick because it hadn’t eaten its food since the morning. Kate apologized to Max for not being able to come to movie night. She just can’t leave her sick pet alone which Max understood. Max told her that they can hang out next time again and went back to Warren.
Warren saw Max running back in his direction. He knew that Kate couldn’t come as well when he saw Max jogging back alone. He asked Max if she still wants to go but Max said yes so they ended up spending time together.
“Yeah, sure.” Max snapped back from her flashback when Nathan responded with his disinterested tone. Max groaned. She knew that Nathan is still not finished arguing on this thing.
“You know what. I’m not having this, early in the morning. Let’s just talk later.” Max sighed in defeat. She just really not in the mood to argue right now. She didn’t even have her coffee yet for this drama.
“Yeah, right. Go start your day with that loser-Gayram, Caulfield.”
“See you later, Nathan.” Max said defeatedly.
Max shook her head and separated ways from Nathan. She doesn’t want to go along with Nathan’s anger so she thinks it’s for the best to leave him alone and settle things later. Luckily, she doesn’t have any morning classes with him so it’ll be less annoying. But right now, she really needs to drink her coffee.
It was her last class already and she hadn’t heard anything from Nathan, yet. So she thought of texting him so they could talk after class. It is not her intention to finish this day without talking to him.
To: Nathan
Fr: Max
Hey. Are you okay? Talk later?
Nathan usually replies immediately when he’s not mad. But he is mad, so Max wasn’t exactly expecting him to reply soon. Max shoved her phone back to her pocket and return her attention to the class.
Max and Nathan thinks that they aren’t the typical all fluff couple you would see in movies. They are not like those in a relationship that radiates in sweetness, in fact, they are opposite of it. They always bicker and have petty quarrels (which mostly started by Nathan) that suddenly end up with a cuddling session and just forget what they were fighting about. Their fights weren’t that serious in the first place like there was a one time when Max started to watch a new season of Doctor Who without Nathan and he got so upset about it. He wanted to watch it together with her. He felt like he was ’cheated on’ by Max where Max thought it was not a big deal and they can still watch it together. Nathan annoyed her to death by throwing Max side comments about her apparent ’cheating’ for a week. What Max did to stop him from being an annoying little shit as he is, she barged at his dorm carrying popcorn and cookies and offered him to binge watch the show together. At first, he was going to protest but when Max tone felt like a ‘take it or leave it’ moment, he got scared for the latter. Knowing Max, she means it when she says it so he’s happy to obliged. Despite their many petty fights, it doesn’t always end up in a serious one.
But for Victoria, they just have an unconventional way of expressing love for each other. She finds them really cute couple especially when Max get teased by Nathan. She looks cute when she turns red out of annoyance. Sometimes Victoria teams up with Nathan which Max always felt unfair because she has no one to back her up. Well, Victoria is Nathan’s best friend after all.
The bell rang indicating the end of the class. Max saw Victoria coming at her desk.
“Hey Victoria.”
“Did you two fight, again?” Victoria’s voice sounded like fed up already with her friends’ antics. She wasn’t surprised that Victoria knows about this. Nathan has a thing where he makes sure that he pointed out on people that he’s mad at you. He’s like a kid, Max thought.
“Well, yeah. It’s because of last night. I hang out with Warren. By the way, have you seen Nathan? I was expecting to see him at lunch but he’s nowhere to be found.” Max told Victoria.
“Oh that’s why he’s so pissed at your friend. I actually ate lunch with him at Ziggs. We drove there and he ratted you out as, usual.” That’s Nathan’s routine. Whenever they fight no matter how small it is, he would rant on Victoria about it. Meanwhile, Victoria finds their fights as a great source of entertainment so she had all her ears when it happens.
“What did he say?” Max questioned.
“I think you two should just talk about it and probably have sex or whatever. That’s how you resolve things, right?” Victoria teased. There was a smile plastered across her face.Max blushed at her response.
“W-we d-don’t…” Max tried to answer but Victoria’s hand landed on her shoulder, gently tapping her. She knew that she liked seeing her embarrassed. Although, Max and Nathan have been dating for a while now, they haven’t really done it yet besides from cuddling and kissing.
“But seriously, Maxine, you’re boyfriend is all jealous with you and Warren. And I don’t think he’ll be done arguing about it any time soon.” Victoria told. Max cringed by the name but she understood her statement. He knew Nathan wouldn’t be so happy about it after pointing it to her that Warren had a thing for her before which Max didn’t knew. She told Nathan that he was just being a nice friend but Nathan knew better than that.
“Thanks, Victoria. And… Max never Maxine.”
“I know. Au revoir.” Victoria smiled teasingly at her and waved goodbye. Max waved back and begin to clean up her desk ready to leave the room.
When she went out, she saw Kate talking to Ms. Paxton. She waited for them to finish their conversation before greeting her friend. Kate looked distressed which made Max worry about her. Max wondered what happened to her pet rabbit last night.
“Hi Kate.”
“Max! How did it go last night?” Kate tried to be cheerful but the sadness in her voice can’t be completely hidden.
“It was fun. We ate dinner and saw the movie just like what’s planned. How was your rabbit by the way?”
“Glad to hear that. Oh, Max. I had her taken to the vet earlier because she didn’t eat anything at all yesterday. I was so worried. But the vet told me that she’s gonna be fine.” Kate explained. Max placed her hand on Kate’s shoulder while the other was holding Kate’s hand. Max gave her a squeeze to comfort her worried friend.
“Ahh…That’s why you missed Ms. Paxton class earlier. I’m sure she’s going to be okay, Kate. You, too should take a rest.”
“Thank you, Max. I promise that I will make it up to you and Warren next time.”
“It’s okay, Kate. We understand. Like I said, we can all hang out together next time.” Max gave her quick hug and walk back to the dorm together.
Max just finished her assignments and checked the clock. It was already ten o'clock. She really lost track of time after writing essays and doing her portfolio. She checked her phone and surprisingly, there still no responses from Nathan. She decided to text him again.
To: Nathan
Fr: Max
Nathan, where are you? I haven’t seen you all day. Call me.
Max waited for a response or a call but there’s nothing. She assumed that he didn’t want to talk later after her class since he didn’t replied to her text so she went full focused on her assignments. Max started to feel weird because Nathan usually at least reply like ’fuck off’ or just emojis to her when he’s mad. But he never ignored her texts not until now.
Max decided to just sleep and maybe tomorrow Nathan is ready to settle their petty fight.
Afternoon came by and Max still hadn’t heard on Nathan. They had classes together this afternoon but he skipped it, like usual. Although, she can’t hide her worry about him. Max is wondering if she is underestimating the weight of their argument between her and Nathan. Should I be worried? She asked herself.
The whole day went fast and Max had no single sight of Nathan. Not even Victoria had saw him. Max tried to call him and spammed him with text but there’s not a single reply from him.
Max texted him again despite the lack of response.
To: Nathan
Fr: Max
Nathan, please reply. I’ve been trying to talk to you but it’s you who don’t want to be contacted. I don’t even see you!
To: Nathan
Fr: Max
Let’s talk please. I’ll wait at your dorm later. See you.
Just as she said at her last text to Nathan, she went to his dorm and waited for him. She was actually expecting to see him but to her disappointment, an Nathan-less room welcomed her.
She sat on his bed checked her phone again to see if he already replied. She sighed that he’s still not answering all of her messages and call to him. Is he ignoring my messages? Max wondered to herself. She began to grabbed a book laying around his room and read it to get over her boredom of waiting.
Hours had passed but Nathan hadn’t came back to his dorm. Max grew worried and began to think what if something happened to him. What if he’s in an accident? Or a fight? Or a hospital? Max breath deeply to calm her thoughts and began dialing Victoria. She hope that she knew where were his whereabouts.
“Hello, Victoria.”
“Hi, Max! What’s up?”
“Are you with Nathan? Do you know where he is?”
“Oh my God, Max. You two still hadn’t make up? Wow. Just when I thought you two can’t stand not seeing each other for a day. Both of you only lasted not talking to each other for four hours the last time you fought. This is a record-breaker, Max.”
“I know and I’m getting worried about him. So please tell me Victoria that you are with him right now. Or at least saw him today.”
“I’m sorry, Max. I am currently at my parent’s house right now. We just got back from dinner. And no, I also haven’t seen Nathan today.”
“What if something happened to him, Victoria?” Max voice faintly cracked by that sad thought. She is really getting worried about him.
“Max, calm down first. Maybe Nathan’s just chillin’ somewhere. Max, if something would really happen to Nathan, I promise you that I would know it. I will try to contact other Vortex members if they saw Nathan. I know there’s a party outside the campus right now. Maybe Nathan’s there. I’ll get back to you.”
“Thanks, Victoria.” She hang up her phone. At least Victoria didn’t seemed panicky on this situation which made Max to be somewhat relieved. If something is really wrong with Nathan, she would know it. They have known each other since childhood. 
Max suddenly remembered of Kate’s pet. She went on the vet right after class and they hadn’t had the chance to talk about her pet’s condition. So she sent a quick text to her which Kate responded immediately. She told Max that she will be bringing it back to her dorm tomorrow morning. They will just observe her for the night before completely discharging the pet. Max was slightly relieved on Kate’s but still stressed out by Nathan.
She was about to text him again when a notification popped up on her phone. It was from her social media and was from Nathan’s. She clicked it and saw Nathan posted a photo of him and some Vortex club members in a party. Maybe this is the party that Victoria was talking about.
There were no captions on the photo but the image is evident enough to see that he’s having a good time right now. Max was both furious and relieved at the same time (but mostly furious) because Nathan’s safe and he is really just purposely ignoring her texts since he’s able enough to update his social media account. And don’t even try to argue that he may be using a laptop right now and probably lost his phone, cause damn who carries a laptop at a party except the DJ. And knowing Nathan wouldn’t bother to borrow a laptop or someone’s phone for instance just to update his social media, that’s just not him. And most especially, losing his phone is definitely a no-no. He may lost his car keys or wallet but not his phone. That kid is legit scared at his father if he misses a call from him so losing his phone is not an option here.
She texted Nathan again to let him know her sentiments.
To: Nathan
Fr: Max
Nathan, i know you are still upset about last Tuesday and I have explained it to you many times but you won’t listen to me. And i’m trying to reached out to you but you don’t answer my calls nor my texts.
To: Nathan
Fr: Max
I got worried about you thinking you might have been in an accident or something since I haven’t heard nor even seen you at school today. Only to find out that you are there partying somewhere I don’t know.
To: Nathan
Fr: Max
I’m not mad about you partying. I don’t really mind when you party with Zach or whoever. What I’m mad about is that you can’t even tell me that you are fine at least. I know you are just ignoring my texts. You know, I am very very much worried about you. You could’ve at least sent a ‘K’ or a ‘fuck you’ so I know that you are okay.
To: Nathan
Fr: Max
AND FINE, Prescott. If you’re giving me the cold shoulder, I can give you one as well.
Max aggressively spammed the sent button. She get out of Nathan’s bed. Before going out of his room, Victoria had told Max what she already knew.
‘I fucking hate you, Prescott.’ She cursed under her breath. She left his room and stomped her way back to her dorm.
Max had asked Victoria to help her pick up some books for their photography class presentation. So they went up to the library but Max didn’t expected to see Nathan with her. Not that she acknowledge his existence tho. He just boredly stood there like a statue.
Max was actually happy that he finally showed up but still refused to talk to him. Neither he is talking to her as well.
Victoria was busy looking for books, same with Max. Victoria was trying to reach a book from a higher shelf but it’s too high up. She asked Nathan to get it for her but before he even reaches it, Max was quicker to get a ladder and reach the higher shelf. She felt Nathan is shooting daggers from his glare but she didn’t care.
“I think this is enough.” Max told Victoria and walked pass on Nathan.
Victoria sensed some tension between the two but just ignored it and hoping it will be gone soon.
The two kept up with their little game, Who ignore Whom better. And without a doubt, Max is winning. Nathan seems to be soon beaten at his own game.
Max was buying a drink on the vending machine when suddenly she saw Nathan on her peripheral vision visibly walking towards her direction.
“Caulfield.” He called but Max was stubborn enough to resist to respond. She wants Nathan to get a taste of his own medicine.
“Max! Are we seriously keep going to do this?!” There was frustration in his voice but Max doesn’t want to waver and continued to ignore him as if he doesn’t exist.
Nathan then snatched her drink from the vending machine to get her attention but Max was firm.
“Weird. I feel like the vendo is talking to me. And my drink is now gone. Sooo weird.” She sarcastically said. Nathan was about to say something but the class bell rang and Max immediately ran back to the room.
It was lunch time and Max was sitting with Kate, Warren and others. She saw Nathan walking with Victoria and quickly looked away when she stretched her hands and pointed at Max making Nathan to look at her. Max pretended to not to see him and quietly ate her lunch.
Victoria noticed how Max and Nathan diverted their glances. It was obvious that they are still not okay and looks like not gonna be okay soon. She and Nathan sat on another table and just quietly ate their lunches as well. Victoria rolled her eyes and was thinking how awkward it will get on their next classes. She and Nathan are sitting beside each other while Max is just across them. She wonders how she will play cupid for her two stubborn friends.
Their next class went well. But not for Victoria who was distressed by the two of them. Both of them were like releasing a cold and dark aura that Victoria felt all throughout the lecture. So immediately after the dismissal bell, she dragged Max and Nathan at her table and snapped at them.
“Okay, enough! You two should make up now! It’s really uncomfortable and unsettling being stuck in between lover’s quarrel. I don’t want that shit, okay?!”
“I’m sorry, Victoria. But do tell your friend that he started this.” Max retorted completely ignoring Nathan’s presence even though he’s right behind Victoria.
“Well, tell that bitch that if she didn’t hang out with her gay friend then none of this would happen!” Nathan replied.
“OKAY STOP!” Victoria had her one hand on her hips and one was shushing both of the bickering couple. “I had enough of this jealousy drama of you two! I was enjoying it at first but now it’s not fun anymore. So please fucking kiss and make up!” Victoria stormed out of the room leaving the two glaring at each other.
‘Fuck!’ Nathan cursed as Max left the room with Kate.
Max was at Kate’s room checking up on her bunny. It’s livelier now and had started eating the food again. Kate offered her room to Max after hearing the fight earlier at the classroom. Max told her about why exactly they are fighting and Kate just chuckled and told Max that she had faith that the two of them will resolve it really soon. Initially, Kate wasn’t quite fond of Nathan before because of his intense demeanor. But he changed when he’s with Max. He’s still mean and screamy but otherwise he seems nicer and somehow relaxed. She finds them adorable as well. Kate was actually the first one to figure out that she and Nathan were a thing after she heard Nathan in Max’s room practicing his apology to Max. Ever since then she suspected the two but never really confronted Max about it. She was waiting for Max to tell it to her herself. She was understanding enough of them since the pair aren’t exactly what people expected would be. A mean guy and a nice, quiet girl. They tried to hide it at first but eventually learned to not care anymore and Blackwell students seemed to shake it off as well.
“I can’t believe why am I dating a guy like him, Kate.”
“It’s because you like him, Max. Love him.” Kate replied in almost a giggling way. Max looked at her and shook her head. For what Max knew, Kate is also one of the biggest shippers of them. She always tell them that they are growing themselves together. On how they make each other better.
“I just— he loves bickering all the time and—”
“That’s basically both your thing!” Kate interrupted. “Are you going to talk to him now?”
Max stood up from sitting on the floor. “I don’t know.” She replied to Kate.
Max said thanks to Kate for offering comfort then went back to her room. She opened her door and was about to lie down to her bed when he saw Nathan sleeping on it. 'Was he waiting for me?’ Max mentally asked herself.
She watched Nathan’s chest to slowly rise up and go down. He’s in deep slumber. A sleeping Nathan looked like as if he doesn’t choke people when he’s awake. She observed his light brown curly hair fall on his face. He looks really peaceful when he’s sleeping. She walked on her desk to get her camera and snap a photo of a sleeping Nathan. Her camera loudly clicked but fortunately it didn’t wake him up. She shook the photograph and stared at it. It looked like a rare pokemon sighting sleeping at peace, it was a great shot. It made her smile.
She went over her desk to do some homework and update her diary.
After some hours, she heard noises behind her. She bet that Nathan’s now awake based on the sound of his groans. Still, Max didn’t looked at him and continued to work on her assignment.
“Max….” he quietly called. Max was still ignoring him.
“If you keep on doing this. I will keep on ignoring you too.” Nathan said in annoyance but Max didn’t budge.
“I said I’m ignoring you!” Nathan yelled but there is no response from Max.
“AAAGGHHHH!” Nathan rake his hand to his hair out of frustration but Max still didn’t bat an eye on him.
“Stop it!” Max held down her pen but still not looking at Nathan.
“Stop ignoring me 'ignoring you’!!” Nathan finally said causing Max to look at him. Max perked her head up to Nathan, whose leaning on his back while seating on her bed and his hair is at chaos. Max find it cute but she hold her giggle to herself. They have to do some ’talking’ first.
“I-I’m sorry.” Nathan said with his head down.
“Why did you ignore my texts?” Max asked.
“Because I wanted you to miss me! I-I was trying to make you jealous so I posted that photo so you know that I can have fun with others too… But i didn’t think enough that you’ll get worried when I don’t text you back. I’m sorry, Max.” Nathan explained. She was right, she just beaten him in his own game. Nathan is really childish despite his tough image which Max finds adorable to him.
“I-I just really don’t like you hanging out with Gayram.” Nathan was nibbling his hands together and shoot a glance at Max. Although, Max is glad on Nathan being unusually calm about this. Most of their fights sounded like who can scream louder but not today.
“Nate… I will seriously hang out more with Warren if you don’t stop him calling that name.” Nathan frowned for a bit and sighed on her reply.
“Okay, okay… Sorry. I just get so…” Is he going to say it? Is he going to admit it? Admitting what he feels is rare on Nathan’s case 'cause he never admits anything. Max remembered when Nathan can’t believed that he actually liked her. Victoria had to rub it on Nathan’s face before he even finally acknowledge it. Because he never thought it would be her. Maxine Caulfield who can make Nathan Prescott tolerable as he described.
“So ’what’, Nathan?” Max questioned. Although she knew what exactly he will say. She just wants him to admit it. Nathan rub his palms to his face and… “I’m jealous, okay?!” Max smiled and half of her can’t believe he actually said it.
“Nathan Prescott is jealous of Warren Graham huh. That’s a headline.” Max teased. Nathan groaned and grew annoyed of Max’s remark. He wants to protest but she isn’t wrong about it. He is indeed jealous of him.
“Apology accepted. And I’m sorry too for ignoring you ignoring me.” Max just can’t stop herself from teasing Nathan.
Nathan brushed his hair trying to fix it and saw Max grinning from ear to ear.
“What?!” Nathan’s back again with his natural self, the hot-headed self.
“You looked so cute. So fluffy.” Max chuckled. He hates being called 'fluffy’ but Max thinks that is just the best description of him. He looks tough outside but in reality, he’s a softie.
Nathan get out of the bed and went to Max. She stopped chuckling when Nathan placed his hand on her nape and lifted her chin, meeting his blue orbs. His rested his forehead on hers feeling the growing warmth between it. He looked at the tiny freckles on her face which he always admired. Max lifted her hand to reach for Nathan’s hand on her face. The pair refuse to blink and just let themselves be mesmerized on each other. They stared at one another’s eyes for a moment before Nathan dived in for a kiss. Their lips met and felt like they were both hungry for each other, longing, and passionate. Max briefly pulled away and whispered ’I miss you.’
“I know you do.” Nathan replied confidently. Max rolled her eyes and Nathan gave her a quick peck on the lips. “I miss you too.” They shared a kiss once again but this time it went more than that.
“Stop hanging out with Graham?” Nathan told in a semi-command and semi-plead tone.
“Not gonna happen. You know you can sit and hang out with us some time. I’m sure you and Warren will agree on Doctor Who. Both of you are nerds on it.” Max offered him. Although she knows it is not the best idea but he should try sometimes. It’s not like they’re going to gang up on him so they could take revenge on him bullying them before. Though, that could happened, she wondered.
“Fuck no! I don’t wanna join your loser’s club. And I’m not a nerd!”
“Said the man who always quotes something referenced to Doctor Who.” Max sarcastically retorted.
“Besides you’re dating a someone who belongs to the ’losers’ club you were saying.” She added.
“I-I mean… you’re not a loser, Max.” Max wasn’t offended by it because she knows he doesn’t mean it. She just like to tease him as always.
“It’s okay. I’ve been called worse.” She replied. Nathan looked at Max who is lying next beside him. Max saw his face and he’s squinting again. He’s mad.
“Wh-what?! Who the fuck called you something worse? What did they called you?! I’m gonna kicked that motherfucker’s ass.” Although, Nathan sometimes call Max names like 'bitch’, 'ass’, 'cockfield’, where Max counters it with 'dickbagtheasshole’, 'little shit, 'dumbass’. It’s kind of their endearment with each other. But Nathan doesn’t appreciate it when other people call her that. He become all over-protective all of a sudden and he always made sure that no one messes with him or Max.
Nathan waited for her response but Max was just grinning and said…
“Your 'girlfriend’.” She looked up at Nathan and leaned for a quick peck on his lips. Nathan raised his brows and knew that Max was teasing him so he would like to punish his little girl and gone all alpha mode with Max again.
- End -
Post note: I know I’m very very late but 2019 me still crave for Caulscott fanfics i don’t even know who still reads them other than me. This is inspired from one Caulscott fanfic I’ve read before, I don’t quite remember but it was a pretty well-written one. Ghaaad i suck at remembering things. I think I’ve read too many fanfics. This is like a fanfic of a fanfic. Nonetheless, I still want to share this with you. This is my first ever fanfic of Caulscott and first to be posted in Tumblr and I don’t fucking know how Tumblr works. I mean I’ve been a long time low-key reader here but I never really posted stuff on my blog so if someone can send help how this works, please rescue me from the technological ignorance. Anyway, I’m still a trash for Caulscott like I said and still figuring out if I will ever get out of this fandom but there’s no way out, I guess. 
Comments, re-blogs, and/or likes are highly appreciated (but not obliged) if you enjoyed this short fic. Sending love to all strong Caulscott shippers through this years. What a trash we are! Jk! 💖💖💖
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softgothsweetheart · 5 years
Colors {Polarized}
The dark room was silent. Mark had left Paisley tied up next to his desk. Only until I get back. He promised before he left. She hadn’t been counting the minutes he was gone but she was awake for a while. There were sounds and she knew it was Max, wiggling and struggling to get free. “Is anybody out there?! Please, help!” 
She had half a mind to tell her to shut it. Nobody could come for them, they were too far underground, behind a locked door and in the middle of nowhere. I’m gonna die, we’re gonna die. The only thought that had crossed her mind. Victoria would too. They were too young to even have lived a life; life had just begun for them. Mark wouldn’t be angry if Lee managed to free herself to dose Max again. It’d be a favor.
They’d be meeting their maker soon enough and all the rewinds would be for naught. Victoria groaned and Lee managed to stand up and grab scissors. She tried hard to cut through the rope but didn’t know if it did any justice. There was a squeak and her green eyes flickered over to the trolley closer to Max.
“Don’t do that.” She warned, finally getting her hands free before reaching down and cutting her legs loose too. With finally being free, she walked over and stood behind the couch.
“Paisley, when did you get here?”
“He’s my uncle.” She shrugged, trying to be indifferent. It was different when it was girls she didn’t know from her classes or ones from off the street. But Rachel, Kate, Max, and Victoria… There was a line and he had crossed it. These girls were girls she knew and was friends with.
“You kidnap girls. You do this with him.”
“Do you think I do it willingly? Hurt them willingly?” Max shook her head and focused on the photo; Lee felt her head hurt. “Damn it, Max, really?”
A bright light passed over and she closed her eyes to avoid it. When she blinked, Mark was leaning over Max and taking her photo.
“This angle highlights your purity, see? The slight unconscious model is often the most open and honest. No vanity or posing just pure expression.” He bent down, fixing Max’s leg. The hipster girl looked over Mark’s shoulder and saw Lee’s terrified expression.
“Oh Christ… Look at that perfect face.” The girl tries to move her head and he smacks her, yelling. Paisley wants to scream, to hit him. To make him feel the pain she felt, the pain she feels spreading in her chest whenever a flash goes off. When her mind registered that he was speak about Nathan and Rachel, her hands curled into fists. She couldn’t move outside the highlighted photo boundaries. Mark moved Max’s shoulder, continuing to snap the depraved photos.
“It’s just too bad you’re so goddamn nosy, Max! But, this room… Is under 24/7 surveillance, so all I had to do was have Nathan text you, and you fell right into my hands. You really should have focused on schoolwork, not ‘private detecting’ with your little... friend.” He sneered.
“Chloe, right. Yeah, I’m sorry that I killed – that Nathan killed her in self-defense. But she had a troubled history like most Arcadia Bay dropouts.” His little speech continued as he crouched down to take pictures. Fuck cameras. Expensive, cheap. Fuck his fucking Nikon cameras.
Max moved her head; Paisley cursed under her breath and Mark sighed. He pulled the trolley over, standing up, while he filled the syringe with the drugs in the vial, Max kicked the trolley and spilled a vial all over the folder with her recently printed photos. He yells at the girl on the floor. Lee hates the way she thanks the merciless God above that it isn’t her there. Mark moves to the floor once more, the girl struggles against the restraints, shaking her head frantically.
“Remember my number one rule. Always…take…the shot.” Mark injects Max who hardly struggles before falling limp.
“Your turn.” His sights are set on Paisley. Oh no. Please no.
When Lee returns to her body, Victoria is awake and panicked. Mark still hasn’t returned.
“Max… Oh, God, where- where are we? Oh, what’s happening?”
“You’ve been drugged and kidnapped like Kate… and me. Do you remember how you got here?”
“No… I don’t know… wait… you warned me. You warned me about Nathan. Then I went to Mark for help, and he was acting so weird… That’s the last thing I remember. And I can’t move my hands! Help me, Max! Please, I’m sorry for everything!”
“Listen carefully, Mark Jefferson kidnapped us. He’s using Nathan as well. Jefferson is very dangerous, so we have to get out of here before he comes back.”
“Max…” Victoria began to cry out. It was ironic considering how much she hated the female’s guts.
“Let us loose, please.” Max begged lightly, and Paisley shook her head.
“You know I can’t. He’s gonna kill us all, Max.”
“You… Paisley – where’s Nate?!” Victoria shouted.
“Nathan is dead. He’s dead, he died. The only way you’ll leave here is dead in tarp.” Her voice wavered, and Max knew she had the young teen.
“Why are you helping him if you know you’re going to die?” Victoria sobbed uncontrollably.
“Tori, don’t you think I tried? I did try. I found out you were the target and I was trying to find a way but then I thought if he got busted we’d be fine. Mark must’ve gotten to Nate after I left him to dress.”
“Then scoot the trolley over.”
“You don’t wanna see your photos. Trust me, you don’t.”
“I do, I need to see. To focus.” Max blurted, and Paisley shrugged, kicking it lightly so it stopped in front of her. They both went through the photo this time, Max was in the chair wide awake and a while ago apparently. Mark stood behind her, angling the camera, looming over her. Lee looked around inside the boundaries, anything she could use to help them was most certainly better than nothing. The pristine room held nothing she could use to subdue her uncle.
“You’re trying too hard, I know you’re scared… You all have the same doe-eyed look when you wake up here. Replaced by fear as you realize what’s about to happen.”
“Mr. Jefferson why are you doing this?” He steps away from the tripod and approaches Max. Maybe if I hit him with the tripod? He’d still beat the shit out of me.
He was talking to Max as if he were a cat, playing with a mouse.
“Yes, you’re a psychopath. And this is your last session.” Mark outright laughed contently.
“Au contraire, Max. I’m so sane that nobody knows what’s happening to you right now.” He turned his head, giving Paisley a look. One that told her she’d best do what he said, or it would end badly for her. So, she sat at Victoria’s feet, biting her tongue and holding her breath. They talked excessively but all she could wonder was why nothing was changing.
Stay brave, even in the face of danger, Paisley.
All she had to do to live.
“I cared more about Nathan more than you did!” Max shouted. Paisley wished she wasn’t a half decent person, or she would’ve smacked the words out of her mouth. That wasn’t true. Mark yelled but he must’ve heard her scoffing in the background.
“Looks like you and Lee here need to exchange some words.”
“Where is Nathan now?” Idle talking, she needed action, but the surveillance cams wouldn’t do her any good. When she looked at the tripod, Mark had caught her. She only realized when feeling cold metal press against her temple. The thought of instantaneous death made her mind feel less clouded by nothingness.
“Dead and buried.”
“Can I have my diary?”
“Sure, but you could’ve done better on these shots, Max! You have more talent than that.” He threw it onto the floor, roughly and it opened to Max in class. The selfie she took with her polaroid camera. The gun left her temple and she leaned into the couch, sinking into it. Paisley asked for his whiskey and he didn’t object, and when she asked for a cigarette, he gave one to her. Saying he’d indulge in her a little since it was her last request. She took a few sips as Mark sat at his desk, playing music in the dark red lighting, another request of hers. A few hits of the cigarette and a headache pulled at her.  Lee had a nose bleed but drank the whiskey in one shot and smoking the cigarette before being pulled through.
Back in the photography lab, Paisley was dizzy, leaning onto the table. She wasn’t intoxicated and for that she was thankful. That meant she could still travel. All she had to do was focus on Max. The class ended sooner than she anticipated but she played with her mother’s necklace as the classroom emptied out save for the four girls. Max pulled out the Blackwell pamphlet and her phone, obviously texting. The teenage girl hugged Kate and Paisley stood, stumbling over to them.
“Are you okay, Pais?” Max asked.
“I don’t know. I think I’m fine?” She nodded, and Max continued to go to Mark and Victoria, giving a surprising speech to the girl. Something along the lines of inspiring people, not scaring them away. Victoria storms out of the classroom after scoffing at Max’s suggestion, then she turns in her photo. It faded out, and they knew what had happened.
The way Max had done things, Mark had gone to jail and named Nathan, and Paisley as his associate. She was determined not to be a threat and a victim, same as Nathan. While he had been sentenced to a few years in a psych ward, Paisley had been released on her own recognizance. Her aunt hadn’t been happy to hear it.
Now the storm was still here, only difference was that she was here with Chloe, here on the cliff at the lighthouse, the storm towering over them. It was intimidating.
Get home. Now.
That had been all her aunt texted, Paisley knew she wouldn’t go home. Her aunt was probably leaving for Seattle. Despite having a home in Oregon, they kept the one in Seattle as a vacation home. Paisley had been home according to the memories but the pain and deep blue, purple, and black marks on different spaces on her body showed why she wasn’t currently there. Prudence had made sure she mad Paisley’s life the worst, beating her up when she was pregnant because she knew Paisley wouldn’t hit back. Not if it meant possibly injuring her unborn cousin.
The police in this timeline didn’t believe her stories, her truths. When she told them about her aunt Prudence, she must’ve played the concerned aunt. She seemed to play it so well that no one saw through it, she had everyone fooled.
As Paisley looked up at the storm, she wondered what it would be like to be sucked up by it – dead by a storm she caused. It made queasy.
“Chloe – call Max!” The female called her best friend, but the call didn’t last for long. Long enough that Max understood that the storm was still here – destroying Arcadia Bay.
“Fuck! The storm, it—it cut the call. I can’t.”
The bright light flashed, letting her know what she’d missed.
Max traveled again, Lee knew so when she had because they were back in the dark room, Mark re-entering flashed in her mind. Paisley watched Mark cross his arms and glare at Max.
“Oh, fuck!” Mark stands over Max, his arms crossed.
“What did you say, Max?” Max gives a clueless look, examining the space around them as he grew more unhinged and angry.
“Jesus. It's like you're back in my class. You're still...spacing...out. It might be cool if you took one or your patented selfies now... The transformation between the old Max and the new Max...
Max's right foot is shown to be free from the restraint. Max's fearful and confused expression turns to a scowl.
“Anyway, answer my question, please.
“Eat shit and die.” Max spat at him.
“Good answer, good answer.” Max's nose begins bleeding. Mark leans in to inspect it and holds Max's head as she struggles, then steps back.
“Hey...your nose is bleeding. Probably gave you too big a dose. Sorry about that, Max. But considering you're about to die, a nosebleed is a first-world problem.” Max looks over to where Victoria was previously lying on the floor, only to find it empty.
“Oh. I had to let Victoria Chase go.”
“You let her...?”
“Don’t be stupid, okay?! She's exactly where she deserves to be.”
“No...” Max seemed horrified at the thought of Victoria being dead.
“Oh, as if you care.” He scoffed at her, taking notice of her eyes. “Your iris... That...dilation like a shutter...the pictures you're taking of me now. Too bad you pissed away your gift. You could have won the contest, but you destroyed your own beautiful photograph. What a waste. Sorry. I burned all your stuff. I got a little carried away.” Max looks over to see the burned remains of her journal in a tray on the trolley. Her glare at Mark intensifies but he doesn’t take it to heart.
“You know, I always believed in your vision.” He began, “Especially since you've developed from nerd to hero within a week. There's something...weird going on with you.” The lights in the room flicker and thunder can be heard outside. Mark looks at the ceiling and then back at Max.
“Whoa! Did you see how crazy it is outside? Like I said...something weird... There's that fear... Oh, Max... It's an honor working on you with these final sessions. I hope these images will be appreciated for what they truly capture. The loss...of youth.” Mark chuckles like it’s funny. “At least...that's the last lecture you'll ever have to hear from me. And I promise you...no more nosebleeds.
“Mr. Mark... Please...don't do this. You don't know what's happening.” Max cried shakily.
“Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh... Quiet...quiet, Max.” He cooed, walking away. The girl struggles against the tape, sobbing.
“Please! Don't do this!” Mark fills a syringe and walks over to Max.
“I promise. This final dose won't hurt.” He tilts Max's head to expose her neck, about to inject her with the needle. Noises are heard outside the room.
“What?” He runs over to hide behind the entrance, putting down the needle and grabbing a tripod. David enters, holding a gun.
Mark knocks the gun out of David's hands with the tripod who takes a fighting stance and tries to punch him but gets hit in the stomach with the tripod. David doubles over, holding his stomach, and Mark hits him in the head, knocking David unconscious.
“No, David! No!”
“Jesus... David Madsen! He's out cold... Good. I always hated that fascist fuck. Everybody at Blackwell did, right, Max?” He drops the tripod and picks up the needle, approaching Max again.
“Okay... Let's try this one last time...” Max rewinds to before David enters. Lee manages to remember – if this is the way she’s getting out. She’s going to help.
“David, watch out!” Max warns too early, Mark doubles back with the tripod and ready to swing it like a bat, “Time to shut the fuck up, okay?”
The tripod almost hit her, but Paisley was quick to rewind, she kept rewinding until her vision appeared like a burned photo, stopping then. Max tried talking to him this time. Lee’s eyes flickered to where his gun was and she stepped closer to it, making it seem inconspicuous.
“And I promise you...no more nosebleeds.”
“Wait! Hold on! Can I... can I please ask you for one last...request?” Max was hoping he’d take the bait or Lee would help David, but she didn’t know how to. Grabbing the gun would result in Mark killing her or worse. He’d notice too quickly.
“Oh, you got me, Max. How can I deny that face?”
“Uh...excuse me, but my throat is scratchy... Can I please have some water?”
“Of course. I don't want you to be uncomfortable.” Mark moves the trolley closer and pours Max a glass of water, holding it to her mouth so she can drink it. He goes to the trolley and prepares the syringe and approaches her. His feigned kindness has Paisley’s stomach turning.
“I promise. This final dose won't hurt.” There’s a noise, they all hear it. “What?”
As Mark and David fight, Max pushes the trolley with her foot. He’s distracted, and David punches and slaps him, knocking the tripod out of his hands. They face each other in fighting stances.
“No gun...no balls...”
“Mark! It's over!”
“You are not going to stop me!” Mark runs over to a cabinet, shoving Paisley to the ground. David chases him, but he grabs a gun and shoots David, and he falls onto the couch behind him.
“David Madsen...of course. Well, this is what you get for playing cop—a real bullet.” Max rewinds to before Mark grabbed a gun so she can warn David. Lee counts her lucky stars.
“He’s hiding a gun over there!” Mark and David run over to the cabinet. Just as David reaches him, he gets the gun and shoots David twice.
“Sorry, Madsen. Okay... Deja vu.” Max tells David to use the bottle instead.
“Grab that bottle!” David grabs the bottle and throws it at Mark, but he ducks, then shoots David.
“Sorry, Madsen. You should have stuck to harassing students. Okay...” Max tries to tell David to use the gun knocked out of his hands.
“Grab your gun now!”
“Got it...” Just before David reaches his gun on the floor, Mark shoots him.
“Oh, Christ! David Madsen, you are one stupid son of a bitch, so don't blame me.” She even tried the table.
“David! Kick that table!” So many rewinds, so many methods but no way to subdue Mark.
“Yes, sir!” David kicks the table at Mark, but he kicks it back, then shoots David.
“David Madsen... I always hated that mustache...” He chuckled, “You hated him too, Max?” Max uses her foot to pull the cord on one of the lights, knocking it over and distracting Mark. David punches Mark's face twice, knocking off his glasses and knocking him to the floor. He rushes over to Max and undoes her restraints.
“Oh, Lord, Max... are you okay? Are you alright? Can you move?” She nods.
“Yes... Thank you, David...thank you...” Max thanked him.
“Don’t thank me... You brought me here.”  David notices Mark move his head.
“Let’s wrap up this son of a bitch first.” He holsters the gun on the ground, then punches Mark in the face again, knocking him unconscious. Max gets out of the chair.
“He won't be going anywhere when he wakes up.” David turns the teacher over and puts duct tape around his wrists.
“Except you are going to prison forever. Or worse.”
“Mr. Mark? Now it's your turn to be captured in a moment... Save Chloe...”
“Shit! No signal.” Max curses after trying and failing to use her cell phone.
“It’s a fucking bunker, Max.” Paisley scolds, walking over to his desk, opening a drawer to find her bag and personal items. Max spots and grabs the car keys on the table.
“Thanks, Mr. Mark, but...you won't need this anymore.” She says, taking the keys from him and pocketing them.
“David?” She asks and he stands up.
“Are you okay?”
“Look at this place...it feels like hell.”
“Mark was...was going to kill me...like he did to Victoria Chase...”
“Oh, no...”
“I always suspected that son of a bitch.”
“I never did...until too late.” Max looked at Paisley and then down at Mark’s unconscious body on the cold floor.
“You shouldn't have to suspect your teacher.”
“He wasn't a real teacher. He just...wanted to lecture. It was part of his sick plans.”
“I guess I looked just as suspicious when you told Principal Wells that I was...harassing Kate Marsh...and I don't blame you.” David admitted, setting his pride aside. “And, Max... I treated Kate like shit... I know she's a good person, but I'm not. I hope I get to tell her that soon.”
“Me too. I think that would make her very happy.”
“I knew Nathan Prescott was a threat. I just waited too long to neutralize him.”
“Mark already did. They had some weird father-son thing going on. But...Nathan killed Rachel, and Mark had to use him as a scapegoat.”
“That pervert was pulling all this shit right under my nose, too... I could've stopped him and Nathan if only...I wasn't so stupid.”
“No. I should've told Principal Wells Nathan had a gun and... almost used it. I put the school in danger.”
“We all make decisions we regret. But I have to admit, I'm impressed by you...and Chloe, and your investigation. I had all the high-tech toys, while you had each other.”
“We...we are a great team.”
“That’s one of my problems…” He sighed, “I'm not good at teamwork. Never was. Even in the service.” David shook his head disapprovingly.
“I can't even imagine what you went through...”
“I’m not gonna make any excuses for my behavior. I tried to be a good soldier, but...I wasn't so great. I tried to be a good father, too...”
“But...you saw how that went.”
“You tried. It's obvious you care, even if your methods are...”
“Fucked up. I know.”
“I'm glad I stood up for you.”
“I try not to use my service as an excuse, but... It's hard to come home after war. Most people don't know or care what it's like...except Joyce. She gave me hope. A new life.”
“And you saved mine. Chloe, she...she would be proud of you.”
“I just wanna see her safe with her mother. I promised Joyce I would go see a family counselor...and I'll start by apologizing to Chloe. I don't expect her to call me dad, but maybe she'll stop calling me ‘step-douche’.”
“So, where is Chloe?” He looks around to see if he can find her. If Paisley had told them last night or had told Max when she began her search – this wouldn’t have happened. Chloe wouldn’t be dead.
“David, um... She was pretty stressed out, so, um... She went to go, um...medicate before I ended up in here. So, she's okay.” Max lied expertly to him. Thank God he believed it.
“Oh, thank god. For once I'm happy Chloe's a stoner.” He laughs, obviously relieved.
“David, I have to go outside and get some real air...and use my phone. “
He puts a hand on her shoulder, “Of course. Go on, Max. You're a brave soldier. I'm glad Chloe has a best friend like you. Go on, now. You've seen enough of this room.
David sits down at Mark's desk, looking at his computer. The girls ascended the stairs, the door closed behind them.
“Max, I need to go to my house.”
“For what?” She snapped.
“I need my gun. If we’re doing this, I need my gun.” The hipster scoffed.
“A gun. You’re fourteen, you don’t need a fucking gun.” She explained and Lee was growing frustrated. If they didn’t want to die, she needed her gun this time. She’d know what to expect now.
“Max. You’ve put me through hell with these headaches this week. The least you can do it let me have my gun for safety.”
“Safety? How do I know you won’t kill me?”
“Max, we’re fucking time travelers. I wouldn’t kill you. You took me to a reality where my parents were alive. My mom – she told me great things. I have a future, there is a future, Max. Right now, our priorities include rescuing Chloe, Nate, and Victoria.”
“Yeah if Nathan doesn’t try to take our heads off.”
“I’ll explain it to him. I’ll get him.” Max nodded, opening the barn door to reveal Mark’s car. The rain outside was uncontrollable, it came down heavily. Definitely the end of the world. Paisley thought, following Max’s lead.
“Freedom. Holy shit! The storm is real, we need to find Warren.” The dark sky resembled the blackness of the night, the tornado was huge and ready to wreck anything in its path. This is what they’d caused by using their powers to save Chloe. Max takes out her phone and dials a number.
“Yes! Warren! Can you hear me?” Lee checked her phone; it was charged still surprisingly. It said she had a voicemail.
“Never mind… Listen, do you have that photo you took last night in the parking lot?” She checked her phone for messages and shit, ignoring the voicemail. It was probably from a scammer.
“Yes, it is, and I want it! Where are you?” Paisley’s eyes flickered over to Max, watching her talk to Warren. The storm, it was gonna kill everyone. She was sure of it. That’s if they didn’t succeed and save the town.
“I’m on my way.”  They climbed into the car after Max hung up. She drove quick enough that they were on the main roads and in town already.
“Max, we can’t keep doing this. Stop the storm. We have to. We go back and let Nate shoot Chloe.”
“Why are you being so negative?” Max asked, driving through the town.
“You don’t think they hurt when we play with their futures like dolls? Their fates and destinies? Messing them up for what? So, we benefit?”
“You were eager to save Nathan a few minutes ago. The hell is wrong now?”
“My mom – she told me we have destinies, fates – I don’t want to kill everyone if it means we have the four people that matter to us.”
“You have one new message. Message received yesterday at 9 PM.” The automated voice said. Paisley was angry. Max was playing a fucking voicemail over listening to her.
“Max, it’s… it’s Nathan. I… I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I didn’t wanna hurt Kate, or Rachel, or Paisley – or… didn’t wanna hurt anybody. Everybody used me!” Nathan crying triggered something inside Paisley, a renewed sense of determination. Rebellion? The biggest fuck you to destiny? Maybe all the above but this boy—he didn’t deserve what he got. “Mr. Jefferson is coming for ME now. All this shit will be over soon. Watch out, Max… He wants to hurt you next. Sorry.” Nathan needed to live. Max looked over at Paisley, giving her a saddened look.
“I didn’t know he sent this.”
“Just after I left him in the dorms. Fuck, Max, I left him to die.” She cried. The rain seemed an extension of her tears, ones she couldn’t cry. They hit the car roughly and Lee felt something snap inside her again. Logic and reason. They stopped in the middle of the road, Max put the car in park, and they left it.
Paisley left Nathan’s jacket open but closed the one she had under it. Together they walked the destroyed streets of the town, avoiding certain death with their destructive powers and helping those they could to make up for it. It was their penance. Once they saved Alyssa, they almost entered the diner, but it blew up. Max rewound and put sand on the line of gas. This time, the diner didn’t blow to smithereens and they entered safely through the side entrance. Through the storeroom, they entered, and Warren shouted for them when he saw them.
"Max! Paisley!" Warren shouted.
"Max! Oh Jesus, I am so glad to see you, sweetie! Are you okay?" Joyce asked Max, checking her briefly.
"Yes. What about you guys?" The female asks.
"The Two Whales is barely standing now... I don't know if it’s going to make it through this tornado. Poor Officer Berry and all those people out there…" She tsked, shaking her head disapprovingly.
"I know." Max agreed.
That's the reason we're in this mess. You rewind cuándo tú quieres.
"Okay, get your ass inside... I have to get back to this gentleman on the ground... Warren has been gathering all the first aid…" Joyce pointed out.
"It’s not much, Joyce. But it’s all we have." He sighed. Max turned to Warren, "You okay, Warren?”
"How the hell did I ignore all those warnings, Max? The snow, the eclipse…" Warren had a disappointed look on his face.
"There’s nothing you could do about it, Warren." Max comforted.
"I’m so stupid... I should have seen it coming…" Warren sulked. Max walked over to Frank.
"Okay, Max, excuse me while I go help this other gentleman." Joyce walked away, leaving her.
“Frank... I'm so glad you're here…”
“That makes two of us. Now if I only had Rachel back… Now Max, what about that info I gave you? Did you and Chloe find out what happened to her?”
Max: “Frank, I don’t know how to say this, so... I just will. Rachel is dead.”
“God, no, please... Please, no... No, not Rachel... She can't fucking be! Are you...? Are you sure? I mean, how do you know?”
“We used the names you gave us to track down a farmhouse. My professor, Mark Jefferson, has this creepy photo torture room... and we found out he was using Nathan Prescott to drug and photograph Blackwell students.”
“Prescott? Fuck! Fuck, I knew it! I should never have hooked up with that sick punk! Pompidou hated him! You saw... you saw Rachel?”
“Yes... I wish I didn't. I'm so, so sorry, Frank. Nathan wanted to impress Jefferson, and he... he killed her.”
“How? How did he kill her?”
“He used some drug... and gave her an overdose…”
“An overdose? The only way Nathan could've done that is... is if I sold it to him. I killed my lioness! No... What have I done?”
“Where is this motherfucker Jefferson?”
"He's going to jail. He won't be hurting anybody anymore…" Max assured.
“Rachel... Oh, God. She was the one good thing in my life, Max. I know she was too young, and... I expected her to leave me, just... just not how it happened. I would never have stopped her from going after her dreams.”
“I know. She obviously cared about you, Frank…”
“Rachel cared about a lot of people... especially Chloe…But, uh... now I see why Rachel dug her... and Chloe was man enough to ask me for help after all that shit, we went through.”
“Chloe would appreciate that…”
“You know, the one time I met my dad, the bastard quoted the bible and said he wanted to ‘enter his house justified.’ In other words, to do the right thing... me too. And maybe you're helping me get there, Max. Don't get me wrong, kid. I still think you're weird... but you're cool.”
“Come on, Max. Let's talk over here and give Frank some resting space.”
“Joyce, how are you doing?”
“Just when I think I've already been through the ringer... Where's Chloe?”
“She's... safe, Joyce. She just sent me a text before my phone died.”
“Oh, thank God... I was torturing myself before you showed up. Oh God, if something happened to Chloe while I ended up stuck at this diner again…”
“I'm sorry about all this, Joyce.”
“Don't be, honey. It's not like you whipped up this tornado on your own…”
“Um... I mean, I’m also sorry about everything with David.”
“You don't have control over any of that. David is an adult and he has a lot more age and experience under his belt. Even if he doesn't always show it…”
“Well... I didn't mean to take David's side against you or Chloe…”
“I know you try to see the good side in everybody... and David needs to try that, too. But that's not important now.”
“I just want our lives to be normal again…”
“With all the shit going on this week, I think you're right. And look at me, trying to keep my family together... again.”
“Joyce, you've gone through so much for Chloe and David. If you were my mom... I would be so proud.”
“Oh sweetie, thank you. But your parents should be prouder of you. Even David told me how tough he thinks you are... and he doesn't give out many compliments, as you know.”
“David is a real hero. I don't know what he's gone through in war, but I can imagine... and he even showed me how to find my own strength under extreme conditions.”
“I'm so glad to hear you say that, Max... I know he's not always an easy person to defend... Most people only see him at his worst... You've seen him at his best. And that's the man I want in my life.”
“I hate to say I'm glad to see you, but I'm so glad to see you.”
“That's okay. The important thing is that you're safe... and I know you can take care of yourself, after Nathan.”
“Should have done that a long time ago. But damn, Max... I can't believe you actually drove down here in the middle of a fucking E6 tornado, just for one photograph... I mean, I know you didn't come for me.”
“Warren, I came for all of you. Just tell me you do have the photograph.”
“I just want…”
“Now shut up and listen.”
“Oh yeah, you’re finally going to tell me what you never did in the parking lot…”
“I wish I would have. So, I'm just going to tell you without any explanation. Trust me, okay?”
“I always do. You should probably tell me quick…”
“I had a vision in Jefferson's class of a tornado destroying Arcadia Bay. I went to the bathroom and saw my best friend Chloe get shot by Nathan Prescott...You with me so far?”
“Where else could I be? Go on!”
“Then I found out that I could rewind time... And, long story short, Mark Jefferson is insane and dangerous.”
“Whoa... Is that all?”
“I think that this storm started... everything started... when I found out I could rewind time... There's no way this is just a coincidence, right?”
“Max, not only the storm but the eclipse, the birds, the whales... everything!”
“All because... because of me? How?”
“I'm not a real scientist, even though I play one at school, but this seems like pure cause and effect, maybe Chaos Theory... Uh, what happened with Jefferson? Did... Did he hurt you?”
“Nathan accidentally killed Rachel Amber trying to impress Jefferson… Nathan just needed mental help... Now he's dead... and Jefferson is done.”
“Jesus, Max! I want the whole story, but... I guess we really are out of time.”
“But I can still change things. What do you think will happen?”
“For every action, there's... there's a reaction... Whenever you reversed or altered time, maybe you caused a chain reaction... even in the environment.”
“Warren, I know this all sounds insane... but you're the only other person who I can count on now... I wish we had more time together... Do you believe me?”
“Max, of course I believe you. You're the most amazing person I've ever met... and I'm glad you trust me.”
“Always. I just wish I could trust my powers…”
“I guess we'll never know if it's magic or science…”
“Even if it's from a wizard or a wormhole... You're part of something bigger. I don't believe in fate or destiny, but after this week, I realize I don't know shit.”
“That makes both of us, Warren…”
“I do know you're here for a reason... and I guess it's up to you to find out why. Max... I'm sorry you got stuck in this... in this... I don't have a fucking clue what's going on. But I have total faith that you'll do the right thing when the time comes. I'm so proud of you, Max. How could there be a more important moment in history? And I'm in the middle of it with you? So, thank you for trusting me.”
“Thanks for being here. Always.” Warren takes out the polaroid and places it in front of Max.
“Hey... Be careful out there.”
“For luck.” Max kisses Warren.
“Just in case we don’t get out of this... I wanted to say…”
“I know, Warren…”
“Of course, you do.”
“I’m going to make the right choices from now on... I swear.”
“That's why you're Super Max.” Max focuses on the photo and travels back in time, Lee willingly in tow.
Paisley is back in the dorms with Nathan, but she calls Warren and Victoria first, telling them to meet her at the lighthouse.
“Why the lighthouse?” Nate asks, his eyes red and puffy.
“So, we’ll be safe, Nate.”
It fades out of the photo and back into reality. When it does, Max looks around, inspecting her surroundings. Chloe is standing in front of her, watching the tornado with Paisley who is only more confused. Nathan, Warren, and even Victoria were standing with them. That worked better than she thought.
“Oh, Chloe!”
Max runs up to Chloe and hugs her tightly. Chloe turned around. “I see that the real Max is back... So, how was your time trip, dude?”
“Shut up. Oh, you're alive! You're alive, oh... Both of us! I did so much to bring you back, Chloe... and it worked. It actually worked. You're with me again.”
“It looks like even fate doesn't want us apart. And... you traveled through multiple realities just to... save my ungrateful ass over and over. I hope it was worth it, but... I don't blame you for wanting me out of your life, after all my drama.”
“Come on. I'm the official Drama King and Queen of Arcadia Bay this week. Just look at what my powers have caused in... just a short time. I mean... I'm nobody.”
“You're Max-fucking-Caulfield, Time Warrior. Even if you weren't, you're kind and caring. Nobody could have a better best friend... Nobody. You didn't ask for any of this to happen, but it did. You need to accept how awesome you are.”
“Maybe I willed it subconsciously, or something. I always wanted my life to be special... an adventure... but not without you. And it didn't happen until I moved back here, so... without you, my powers wouldn't even exist.”
“Then for whatever scientific, mystical reason, that we'll obviously never figure out... We were meant to be together at this exact moment in history. I have to think that Rachel was somewhere behind the scenes, fighting for justice…”
“I'd like to think that, too... We all owe Rachel Amber. Now tell me everything that happened. You... You remember, right?”
“Well, we... we left the party and made sure Jefferson couldn't find us. For once, I was glad I lived in an actual fortress. Then the storm got hella crazy and... and you said we would be safe at the lighthouse.”
“Chloe, look! The storm is getting bigger now. It's coming closer. I... I can't even believe this is real, but this is happening because of me.”
“Stop it! Stop beating yourself up, okay? We've both paid our dues already on that. Oh, God, look at that! Look at that monster! Who knows...? This could be Rachel's revenge... Our revenge. The lighthouse is out of the way of the tornado. Come on!”
“Oh... What... Chloe…” Max collapses and Chloe holds her up.
“I've got your back, Max.” Paisley helps Chloe keep the girl steady as it all fades away.
Chloe and Max fall to the ground but Paisley stands there, glancing at Nathan, Warren, and Victoria over her shoulder. They were miserable in the storm, but she was glad to see Nate faring well and even Victoria for what it was worth.
"Max? Max, can you hear me? Please, say something." Chloe called.
"Chloe? I... I must have passed out... Sorry." Max apologized to her best friend.
"Oh, thank God... Don't you ever do that again, okay?"
"I swear... but that nightmare was so real... was so horrible…"
Chloe takes Max's arm and they stand up together, she watches the storm she created in horror.
"This is my storm. I caused this... I caused all of this. I changed fate and destiny so much that... I actually did alter the course of everything. And all I really created was just death and destruction!"
"Fuck all of that, okay? You were given a power. You didn't ask for it... and you saved me. Which had to happen, all of this did... except for what happened to Rachel. But without your power, we wouldn't have found her! Okay, so you're not the goddamn Time Master, but you're Maxine Caulfield... and you're amazing. Max, this is the only way."
Chloe hands Max the photo she took of the blue butterfly. The one from the bathroom, it was undamaged, looking like it’d been taken recently.
"I feel like I took this shot a thousand years ago."
"You... You could use that photo to change everything right back to when you took that picture... All that would take is for me to... to…" Chloe grabs Max’s face and holds it.
"Fuck that! No... no way! You are my number one priority now. You are all that matters to me." Max yelled.
"I know. You proved that over and over again... even though I don't deserve it. I'm so selfish... not like my mom... Look what she had to give up and live through... and she did. She deserves so much more than to be killed by a storm in a fucking diner. Even my step... father deserves her alive. There's so many more people in Arcadia Bay who should live... way more than me…" Chloe cried. They had a right to be melodramatic about it. This decided if someone lived or died. Paisley would hate it if Chloe was killed by Nate and she survived a week in hell, being brave, just to be locked up.
"Don't say that... I won't trade you." Max said.
"You're not trading me. Maybe you've just been delaying my real destiny... Look at how many times I've almost died or actually died around you. Look at what's happened in Arcadia Bay ever since you first saved me. I know I've been selfish, but for once I think I should accept my fate... our fate…"
"Max, you finally came back to me this week, and... you did nothing but show me your love and friendship. You made me smile and laugh, like I haven't done in years. Wherever I end up after this... in whatever reality... all those moments between us were real, and they'll always be ours. No matter what you choose, I know you'll make the right decision."
"Chloe... I can't make this choice…" Chloe grabs Max's arms.
"No, Max... You're the only one who can. Max... it's time…"
"Not anymore." Max tears apart the polaroid and it blows away in the storm. The five teenagers watch the tornado. This was it, this is the end.
"Max... I'll always be with you."
Chloe holds hands with Max and they watch as the tornado hits Arcadia Bay. Max shakes her head and Chloe wraps her arm around Max. Soon enough they left the lighthouse and by morning Chloe was driving through the town. Lee gave it a look, it made her nauseous, but she had to be selfish once in life. Maybe she’d been selfish all along. As they leave the town, they see an Arcadia Bay sign, Warren and Paisley exchange a look, the same as Nate and Victoria. It hadn’t taken a long time to get on a cliff far from Arcadia. But it did destroy them inside just a little bit.
“What do we do now?”
“We go to the police, somewhere else in Oregon. David – he’s not in the bunker here. Is he?”
“What if step-douche fails?” Chloe asks through the open truck window.
Lee shrugs, looking out the back of the truck, “Then we’re done for.”
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evilkitten3 · 6 years
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Life is Strange text posts 18/?
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savageymir · 7 years
Any good smutty Chasefield fanfics? Asking for a friend.
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rihju · 7 years
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fave life is strange quotes : 4 / 5
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 3 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3wPxTHd
by Adultswimlver
deviantart.com/adultswimlver deviantart.com/adultswimlver2
 see its banned wa wa please bring it back
Words: 7, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game), Steven Universe (Cartoon), Steven Universe: The Light Series (Video Games), Five Nights at Freddy's, Family Guy (Cartoon), Addams Family (TV 1964), The New Addams Family (TV), Modern Family (TV), Rocko's Modern Life, The Good Place (TV), The Good Wife (TV), The Good Doctor (TV 2017), The Amazing Spider-Man (Movies - Webb), The Amazing World of Gumball, Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Attack Attack! (Band), Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan, Queen (Band), Moana (2016), Minecraft (Video Game), Roblox (Video Game), Super Mario & Related Fandoms, Nintendogs, Nintendo Land (Video Game), Mean Girls (2004), The Cleveland Show, Hawaii Five-0 (2010), iCarly, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: Legend of Korra, Avatar (2009), The Owl House (Cartoon), Gravity Falls, The Fox and the Hound (1981), Annie (1982), Annie (2014), Little Orphan Annie, Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck, The Great Gatsby (2013), Harley Quinn (Comics), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Anime), Justin Bieber (Musician), My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, ENA - Joel G (Web Series), Frog and Toad - Arnold Lobel, Life Is Strange (Video Game), Life Is Strange 2 (Video Game), Life is Strange: True Colors (Video Game), Super Mario Bros. (Video Games), SpongeBob SquarePants (Cartoon), Sex Education (TV), Sexy Zone, Atypical (TV 2017), The Queen's Gambit (TV), Orange is the New Black, Regular Show (Cartoon), Victorious (TV), Cambridge Spies, X-Men - All Media Types, Men in Black (Movies), Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Trek, Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, 約束のネバーランド | Yakusoku no Neverland | The Promised Neverland (Manga), Riviera: The Promised Land, Christian Bible, The Simpsons, Camp Camp (Web Series), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, American Idol RPF
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Korra (Avatar), Asami Sato, Masami Yoshida, Freddy Fazbear, losi griffin, Peter Griffin, Maxine "Max" Caulfield, Chloe Price (Life Is Strange), Stan Pines, Mabel Pines, Dipper Pines, Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's), Golden Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Toy Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's), Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's), Sans (Undertale), Alphys (Undertale), Undyne (Undertale), Peter Parker, Jack (The Amazing Spider-Man), Pearl (Steven Universe), Steven Universe, Amethyst (Steven Universe), Famethyst (Steven Universe), Holly Blue Agate (Steven Universe), Yellow Diamond (Steven Universe), Blue Diamond (Steven Universe), Pink Diamond (Steven Universe), Piper Chapman, Alex Vause, Nicky Nichols, Lorna Morello, The Mangle (Five Nights at Freddy's), Marionette | The Puppet, Hange Zoë, Levi Ackerman, Eren Yeager, Mikasa Ackerman, Connie Maheswaran, Connie D'Amico, Connie Springer, Sasha Blouse, Everyman (Undertale), Ronaldo Fryman, Ymir (Shingeki no Kyojin), Ymir (Marvel), Ymir Fritz, Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss, Historia Reiss's Mother, Krista Lenz | Historia Riess' Husband, SpongeBob SquarePants, Patrick Star, Patrick Fitzgerald, Harry Potter, Voldemort (Harry Potter), Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Draco Malfoy, Ash (Supernatural), Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Frieda Reiss, Eda Clawthorne, Lilith Clawthorne, Luz Noceda, Kites_Calamity (Roblox), Amity Blight, Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Tony Stark, Tony Masters (Marvel), Minireenas (Five Nights at Freddy's), Joel Heyman, Papyrus (Undertale), Burgerpants (Undertale), Frisk's Parents (Undertale), Chara's Parents (Undertale), Faun (Undertale), Birthday Boy Blam (One Night at Flumpty's), Napstablook (Undertale), Book (Undertale), Smokey Brown, Emperor Belos (The Owl House)
Relationships: Lois Griffin/Peter Griffin, Peter Griffin/Joe Swanson, Ned Flanders/Peter Griffin/Homer Simpson/Joe Swanson, Nicole Watterson/Richard Watterson, Adora/Catra (She-Ra), Adora/Glimmer (She-Ra), Amity Blight/Luz Noceda, Komaeda Nagito/Sans (Undertale), Ruby/Sapphire (Steven Universe), Amethyst/Pearl (Steven Universe), Pearl/Pink Diamond (Steven Universe), Korra/Asami Sato, Korra/Mako (Avatar), SpongeBob SquarePants/Squidward Tentacles, Mikasa Ackerman/Eren Yeager, Mikasa Ackerman/Annie Leonhart, Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss/Ymir, Hange Zoë/Reader, Levi Ackerman/Hange Zoë, Mao Mao Mao & Max (Camp Camp) & Steven Universe, Max Caulfield/Victoria Chase/Nathan Prescott, Sans/Toriel (Undertale), W. D. Gaster/Sans/Reader, Maxine "Max" Caulfield/Chloe Price, Meg Griffin/Jesus "Soos" Alzamirano Ramirez, Pearl (Steven Universe)/Stan Pines, Connie Maheswaran/Steven Universe, Peter Parker/Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls), Peter Parker/You, Papyrus/Sans (Undertale), Jesus "Soos" Alzamirano Ramirez/Melody, Freddy Fazbear/Papyrus (Undertale), Freddy Fazbear/Foxy, Bonnie/Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's), lois griffin/reader, lois griffin/me, Chara/Asriel Dreemurr, Piper Chapman/Alex Vause, Lorna Morello/Nicky Nichols, Nicky Nichols/Alex Vause, Piper Chapman/Nicky Nichols, Nick Carraway/Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan/Jay Gatsby
Additional Tags: Character Death, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sharing a Bed, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Based on a Tumblr Post, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Everyone Needs A Hug, Sad with a Happy Ending, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Song: WAP (Cardi B ft. Megan Thee Stallion), I Will Go Down With This Ship, Cissexism, Co-workers, Pissember, Vore, Cock Vore, Vore Predator Morality | Patton Sanders, Beta Lois Lane, Jack being Jack, Domestic Ian Gallagher/Mickey Milkovich, Klance Week 2016, Jack-o'-lanterns, Halloween, Christmas, New Years, Thanksgiving, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - High School, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Abandoned Work - Unfinished and Discontinued, Abandonment, Child Abandonment, References to ABBA, 69 (Sex Position), Cowgirl Position, Missionary Position, Multiple Sex Positions
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3wPxTHd
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xnarlie-starlightx · 1 year
Happy Holidays edition with same gender ships that’s part of my liking by each fandom (not in order)
Ginsy (Ginny Weasley x Pansy Parkinson) from Harry Potter
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Chasefield/Maximum Victory (Victoria Chase x Maxine Caulfield) from Life Is Strange
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Wuffy/Billow (Willow Rosenberg x Buffy Summers) from Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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Fram (Frodo x Sam) from Lord Of The Rings
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Draise (Draco Malfoy x Blaise Zabini) from Harry Potter
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Erison (Eric Northman x Jason Stackhouse) from True Blood
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And Happy New Year to you all as well! ✨
Leave a comment if you have suggestion what shall I involve as a next post or just left a comment intrigue ship you enjoy the most no matter if it comes from different fandom, my blog’s non judgmental if this helps you further knowing so far🌈🏳️‍🌈 Take care and stay safe towards all of you.
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evilkitten3 · 6 years
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Life is Strange text posts 17/?
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rihju · 7 years
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fave life is strange quotes : 2 / 5
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houseofseekers · 8 years
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It finally happened!
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I Don't Have a Harem
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2xq4fQj
by ChocolateCookieCream
Max Caulfield doesn't believe that she has a harem. Chloe is determined to show Max how wrong she is. Very M-rated smut. PWP. G!P Max x Chloe x Kate x Victoria x Rachel. Intersex.
Words: 6223, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Life Is Strange (Video Game)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Maxine "Max" Caulfield, Chloe Price (Life Is Strange), Kate Marsh, Victoria Chase (Life is Strange), Rachel Amber
Relationships: Maxine "Max" Caulfield/Chloe Price, Maxine "Max" Caulfield/Victoria Chase, Maxine "Max" Caulfield/Kate Marsh, Rachel Amber/Maxine "Max" Caulfield, Rachel Amber/Chloe Price, Rachel Amber/Maxine "Max" Caulfield/Chloe Price, Victoria Chase/Kate Marsh, Victoria Chase/Chloe Price, Rachel Amber/Victoria Chase, Kate Marsh/Chloe Price, Kate Marsh/Rachel Amber, Rachel Amber/Maxine "Max" Caulfield/Victoria Chase/Kate Marsh/Chloe Price
Additional Tags: Intersex, Girl Penis, Girls Kissing, Fluff and Smut, Shameless Smut, Sex, Oral Sex, Blow Jobs, Breast Fucking, Large Cock, Harems, Orgy, Riding, Doggy Style, Sharing, Group Sex, Fivesome - F/F/F/F/F, Everyone Is Alive, Polyamory, Missionary Position, Lesbian Sex
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2xq4fQj
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read it on AO3 at http://bit.ly/301lznU
by NoirAngel011
There's a law against Victoria. Third children ave been banned in a dystopain future of Seattle. When Victoria finds out that there are others like her, now its up to her and her newfound friend Nathan to finally have the rights they deserve.
mainly a Natetoria story (Victoria X Nathan) with background Marren and Amberprice
Chloe, Max, and Victoria lice together, Joyce and William are their parents, but William is dead. Rachel, warren, and Victoria are siblings, Sean Prescott is their father and their mother is dead.
Based on the book, Among The Hidden.
Words: 1293, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English
Fandoms: Life Is Strange (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Maxine "Max" Caulfield, Chloe Price (Life Is Strange), Victoria Chase (Life is Strange), Nathan Prescott, Rachel Amber, Warren Graham, Joyce Price
Relationships: Victoria Chase/Nathan Prescott, Maxine "Max" Caulfield & Chloe Price, Victoria Chase & Chloe Price, Maxine "Max" Caulfield & Victoria Chase, Chloe Price/Rachel Amber (Background), Maxine "Max" Caulfield/Warren Graham (Background)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Population Police, Dystopian, hidden child, Among the Hidden
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/301lznU
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Kate's Healing Touch
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2tFmVpd
by darius44
All actions have consequences. For Victoria Chase, she almost watched someone die of her own actions. Max and Chloe must repair their relationship. Chloe wants to move on from Rachel Amber. Nathan wants to forget, but also make amends. Kate Marsh tried to heal from her suicide attempt. Everyone must try and be better. Sometimes, this is harder than anyone ever thought, and surprisingly, strange people can help you more than you ever thought.
Words: 863, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Life Is Strange (Video Game)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, Gen
Characters: Victoria Chase (Life is Strange), Chloe Price (Life Is Strange), Kate Marsh, Maxine "Max" Caulfield, Max Caulfield
Relationships: chasemarsh - Relationship, Pricefield - Relationship, warren x growth, nathan x healing, Amberprice - Relationship, chloe x happiness, arcadia bay x happiness and growth
Additional Tags: Suicide Attempt, Suicidal Thoughts, darker themes, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon Rewrite, Recovery, Healing, Love, abusive language, SPOILERS FOR THE WHOLE LIFE IS STRANGE 1, SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 1-5, life is strange - Freeform, Tori - Freeform, this work starts around episode 2 and aftermath, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Ending, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Episode 1 happens but Max saves Chloe because She steals nathan's gun, Arcadia Bay, Love and healing
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2tFmVpd
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Chronicles of a Strange Life
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/300xCTp
by Zack_Price_LIS_writer665
This story is a crossover between the Life is Strange universe and the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 universe. This story is full of life is strange spoilers so if you haven't played the game then don't read this story. However, if you haven't played Xenoblade 2 yet then don't worry there aren't too many spoilers that will ruin your experience if you haven't played it. So only people who haven't experienced LIS should be advised not to read this.
Words: 3260, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of LIS x Xenoblade chronicles 2
Fandoms: Life Is Strange (Video Game), Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Maxine "Max" Caulfield, Chloe Price (Life Is Strange), Pneuma (Xenoblade Chronicles 2), Warren Graham, Victoria Chase (Life is Strange), David Madsen, Joyce Price, Kate Marsh
Relationships: Maxine "Max" Caulfield/Chloe Price
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/300xCTp
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