#green Victoria Chase
xnarlie-starlightx · 10 months
Victoria: Oh, for fuck sakes! Stop asking me about hipster Max Hoefield.. she already was a loser when she first got here in campus, I barely care about her at all.
Later on when Maxine’s been ‘check out’ by both genders each every time, Tori's low keying privately storms forward afterwards without hesitation
Victoria: Get the fuck away from my loser!!! Can’t you see that she’s not interested in you after she said ‘No’?! She’s already seeing someone else!!
Maxine: ….. quickly reacts in her mind after Queen B has almost gives away of their secret relationship ‘Oh God, Victoria… give me a better nickname once in awhile and stop calling me your ‘loser’ multiple times.’
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seeingivy · 4 days
actor!ryomen sukuna x f!reader
**part of my dream girl fic
previous part linked here
songs mentioned: love is embarassing by olivia rodrigo (based on this npr tiny desk) and espresso by sabrina carpenter (based on this performance)
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[eren]: like how irritated are you on a scale of one to ten? 
[mikasa]: ONE THOUSAND 
[eren]: i wasn’t asking you… 
[stacy, publicist]: ET team is asking for a comment on bad blood. let me know if there’s anything you want to say 
[megumi]: yuuji called me cute? but then he took it back, but it kind of seemed like he was too shy to be saying it in the first place? idk….
[megumi]: honest to god, do you think he thinks i'm cute? 
[leah]: call the parents when you get a chance! same old same old :/ 
you silence the ringer on your phone, before turning to your right, where your producer, will, musters the peachiest smile he can produce. and you can tell from the nervousness in his demeanor that he’s a little too cowardly to ask the question on his mind, unlike eren. 
you can appreciate that about him. that there’s some type of scarcity he holds in every interaction he has with you – like he’s intentionally picking out everything he says to you, in an effort to be careful. 
“you know how these types of things go. do you think i’ll get the first spot?” you ask. 
will doesn’t respond immediately - which gives you your answer – as you slump against his plush green couch, while his daughter ellie tasks herself with tangling in between your legs. 
ellie is will’s two year toddler with beautiful long eyelashes and a tiny button nose. you had met her when she was barely six months old and an expressive little bundle of blankets, when you first signed on as one of his new artists at dancing lady. 
you were still debating it at the time, deciding to go the singer-songwriter route and picking dancing lady over real sun. and while you were heavily leading towards the former over the latter, due to the lack of former victoria’s secrets models wandering around, it was will’s normalness that sold you entirely. 
do you mind if my daughter is here sometimes? i just got divorced and well…sometimes it’s kind of hard to find childcare…or afford it. 
it reminded you of your own parents, dragging you and leah to the side room of the clinic or leaving you in the spare classrooms on weekdays when you were a kid. and though those days are long gone, the feeling still remains. 
sometimes it still feels like you’re chasing that – trying to hold everything you’ve acquired desperately close to you, just because you know it can slip out of your fingers the second you look away. more specifically, what it feels like to feels like to have nothing. 
you were more than happy to oblige will’s request – and well, ellie was adorable. 
it was an added bonus that there was a familiarity that will exuded – and it was wholly comforting in the littered sea of plastic that you always seemed to be floating in. 
“three exclusive versions will boost their sales considerably.” will states, his tone miserable. 
you sigh, before reaching for your phone and scrolling the notifications away. and while it’s in entirely bad taste – scrolling through twitter was one of the worst vices you had. reading the think pieces, the timelines of all of your bad blood (you thought the timeline was a little bit on the nose), and worst of all – the hate comments that seemed to litter your feed. 
“you could always do the same thing.” he offers. 
“absolutely not. i’m a no remix, no features, and no multiple versions artist. it feels a little tasteless doing something like that just for a number one spot. i don’t want my fans to drop fifteen dollars just to hear exclusive versions of my songs when they’ve already paid for the original.” you state. 
“and you don’t want thing one and thing two to know that you’ve gotten under their skin.” will adds. 
as much as you cared about getting the number one spot – because deep down, you really did – letting kim know that she had settled under your skin and caused an irritation, for a second time now, was far worse than occupying a lower spot. 
deep down, it was really about getting your flowers. that’s what it all meant to you – the awards, the charts, and the fans – nitpicking each parts of your songs, getting to watch your life on display and then get to revel in your thoughts about it. 
it was the one place that you got to control the narrative. because while no one is there at the after parties or the award shows, or even in the room with you or on the date, what you get to put out there is the closest to that. 
and the second it’s out there, it stops being yours. and starts being everyone elses. it’s freeing that way – packing it into a neat box and dropping it on people’s doorsteps. 
you give up. there were always more songs. 
“yeah. that too.” you respond. 
will gives you a nod, before swinging back in his chair to mix the backing tracks on his laptop, as you turn your attention to ellie and place your hands in her dark brown hair. the braid that you did earlier is entirely messed up now, no thanks to the fact that she spent the last hour of recording running around to her heart’s desire. 
you give her a smile, tapping on the tops of your thighs and gesturing for her to jump up, as you comb through the tangled knots with your fingers, before fixing her soft hair back into the little flower hair tie you had placed in her hair earlier. 
“i’d love to take a flamethrower to the next awards show. melt some plastic while i’m ahead.” will mumbles, which earns him a hearty laugh from you. 
“and i’d help you free willy.” 
you press a kiss to ellie’s hairline before tapping the top of her head to signal you were done. and she gives you a giggly smile back before she returns to her usual shenanigans, by climbing under the glass table and sticking her feet up on the metal. 
“you’re so gross. don’t call me that.” will groans. 
you give him a smile instead. 
“how was studio eleven anyways?” he asks. 
“good. i got to see megumi after a really long time and historia was great. oh, and this god awful idiot tried to hit on me.” 
you’d be lying if you said you had stopped thinking about ryomen sukuna after you met him two days ago. that there was something intriguing about him, that you couldn’t exactly put your finger on – that led to you thinking about him far too much. 
all in all, there was one thing that you prided yourself on and it was being resourceful. being knowledgeable, taking the time to learn more, and keeping yourself informed. it was what kickstarted your career, being able to watch people and learn the sleight of hands, and more importantly, apply them. 
it’s how you got picked out of the group by fame as old as time – the lynch family. because it was one thing to be a pretty face, to have talent, but being able to sniff out the star and pick the needle out of the haystack – it wasn’t something that could be taught. and it’s something that you learned, at age eleven, fast. 
the entire income of your household depended on it. and that tends to foster some type of ambition. 
and while you’re no longer associated with the lynch family, having now run as far from them as you can, the ability holds. and in moments like this, it even turned out to be useful – being so resourceful. 
megumi, very lovingly so, called it stalking. and well, sometimes that’s exactly what it was. and in the two days you had to spare, you had learned almost anything and everything you could have about ryomen sukuna. 
he owns a coffee shop in los angeles, called play coffee, that he’s been working at since he was sixteen. and he offered to become the main investor after they almost went down under. he also loves to joke about how they almost fired him for how shit he was at making matcha lattes. 
he’s had a long and complicated history but there’s some pull that he has that keeps him around. because dating your manager, getting caught with weed at fifteen, and an anticipatory slander campaign – it would be enough to ruin someone else. or at the very least, kick them down. 
but not him. 
his fans speculate that he has twelve tattoos, his most popular being of the tarot card, the hanging man (which you then subsequently googled). upright, meaning sacrifice, release, and martyrdom. and reversed meaning stalling, needless sacrifice, and fear of sacrifice. 
his most recent release – as patrick zweig in challengers, which you rushed to watch with embarrassing speed (and consequently, got fan edits for that you can’t help but watch – is suspected to get him shortlisted for a selling star award, which is just one stop away from him winning an institute award next. 
all and all, he was on the come up. with the hit movie and now the expected hit show, one thing was clear to you. 
that sukuna was the one to look out for. mainly because there was something electric about watching him on the screen. because the way he moves, speaks, and walks on the screen – there’s something so mesmerizing about it that you can’t help but tear yourself away. 
“did you entertain it?” will asks. 
“no. he started off by blatantly lying.” 
will scoffs. 
“was he cute at least?” 
you roll your eyes. 
that was the understatement of the century. 
“shut up, will.” 
and the acidic tone in your voice is enough to pique will’s attention, as he now swirls around in the chair, and gives you the most irritating and accusatory smile he can muster. 
“i said shut up.” you repeat. 
“i literally didn’t say a single word.” 
“but you thought it. i can tell.” you bite back. 
“you’re a child.” will responds. 
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sukuna wastes no time in arriving to the performance at the npr offices. and it works out considerably well – with your giggling fans questioning his presence and asking for pictures, accompanied by a blind item that he sent in to one of the biggest twitter accounts himself. 
[sukuna]: so what did megumi say? 
[sukuna]: …
[sukuna]: about y/n dipshit 
[yuuji]: WORD WORD 
[yuuji]: she is single. not talking to anyone yet. he kind of made it seem like she’s not that upset about her breakup tho? if that makes sense 
[yuuji]: apparently, she almost never is? not in a heartless type of way though, just in a…i’m not gonna let a man get me down type of way 
[yuuji]: that sounded more corny when i typed it that way…
[yuuji]: he said she just knows her worth. that’s all. 
sukuna hopes he’s worth a shot. 
it’s an entire somersault in his stomach when he sees you walk out, a lilac purple guitar in your hands that you set down, before giving an excited smile to the fans cheering for you at his side, blowing spare kisses to the people in the front. 
it’s hard not to stare full on. though he supposes for his purposes, that’s the exact type of thing he should be doing. and the plethora of information that he learned in the free time he had in the past two days swims in his head. 
you like silver jewelry and not gold. the ring on your middle finger is one that a fan gifted you in lisbon and you got your cartilage pierced at a tattoo parlor after taking one of your last finals in college. 
you took a few classes here and there at new york university – poetry, screenwriting, and women in politics. you were born and raised in new york, having started your singing career at the ripe age of sixteen before you were scouted at twenty. 
“hi guys! i’m y/n – i’m so flattered that npr invited me here to sing a few songs for you. it’s so cool to be here with all of you guys and kind of show you some of the new stuff i’ve been working on and play some old ones while i’m ahead. but yeah –” 
sukuna watches as you pause, making eye contact with him for the first time before you pick up the guitar and swing the strap over your shoulder. 
sukuna pretends that it doesn’t make his heart swell up in hope, that his presence was enough to warrant a pause from you.
“well, right. this first song is a new one that i’ve been working on for quite some time. it’s one of my recent favorites, i wrote it around a month ago after i went to this stupid afterparty from one of the events that my studio was holding and it’s about some of the company i’ve kept. it’s called love is embarrassing.” you state. 
I told my friends you were the one After I'd known you, like, a month And then, you kissed some girl from high school And I stayed in bed for, like, a week When you said space was what you need Waited by my phone like a goddamn fool
sukuna quickly realizes that there’s something about singing that does it for you. because your entire demeanor changes. you relax your shoulders from the tense position they’re usually in, swing your hips to the beat of the song, and make very expressive facial expressions that in his two days of research he hasn’t seen otherwise.
And now, it don't mean a thing God, love's fuckin' embarrassing Just watch as I crucify myself For some weird second string Loser who's not worth mentioning My God, love's embarrassing as hell 
and in the twenty minutes that follow your half and hour performance, he’s able to convince the body guards that he knows you – after providing an autograph, of course – and then knocks on the door of your dressing room before walking straight in. 
sukuna can tell that it startles you at first, as he walks in to find your wide eyes, before you visibly relax at the sight of him. and he delights in the smile that spreads across your face as you lean back in the chair as he takes his rightful spot behind you, placing his hands on the sidebars of your chair and leaning forward. 
“princess bubblegum. you again. to what do i owe the pleasure?” you ask. 
“figured i’d stop by, marceline. i’m a huge fan.” 
you smile back at sukuna through the mirror, biting down on the side of your cheek, as you reach for your lipgloss and toy with the cap in your shaky fingers. 
“you weren’t even singing along.” you state. 
“two of those songs were new. and i’m learning.” sukuna clarifies. 
you grin. 
“you’re doing your homework.” 
“i’m somewhat of an overachiever.” 
you push out of your chair, turning around to rest against the back of the vanity as you reach for one of the purple candies on your desk and pop it into the side of your cheek. 
“i’m guessing you didn’t harass my team, my social media managers, and two of my friends for tickets for nothing. you want something.” you state. 
“perceptive. are you always like this, dove?” sukuna asks. 
“does that bother you? it’s something you’ll have to get used to.” you ask. 
“quite the contrary. i enjoy a challenge.” 
you hum, twisting the plastic in your fingers. 
“really. what do you want?” 
sukuna nods, before crossing the way and leaning against the edge of your vanity at your side. 
“i think that you and i could be really useful to each other. i know that your song is about to get blocked by kim and her bullshit and well…” 
“your show is about to get tanked by whatever it is she has coming next.” you finish. 
sukuna grins. 
“you know about my show? have you been stalking me?” 
you feel your cheeks burn.
“because of megumi, sweetheart. nothing more nothing less.” 
sukuna feels his chest pang slightly, from the embarrassment. because of course you know about the show from megumi. 
“right, well. seriously. kim and aimee aren’t the biggest fans of you. and well, it would really piss them off if you started dating me, even if it was just for looks. what they don’t know won’t hurt them.” 
you sigh, pushing off the edge of your chair, as you stand close to him. and you’re able to smell it again, the minty musk, as you give him a smile. 
“i appreciate the offer. but, i’m not interested in getting tangled up with them again.” 
“they started it already. you don’t want to bite back?” sukuna goads. 
“i’m not the type.” you respond. 
sukuna pauses. 
“from what i’ve seen, i don’t necessarily think that's true.” 
“have you got me all figured out, sukuna?” you ask. 
he loves the way his mouth rolls off your tongue and the accusatory tone in your voice when you say it. you’re trying to get him to take the bait, like the two of you are playing a game. 
and he leans closer, smiling down at you as he wraps he cups your cheek with his left hand, before pinching at your cheek. 
“i’m almost positive that i do.” he responds. 
and he’s quick with it, reaching forward and tucking the stray strands of your hair behind your ear, before basically teleporting to the door. 
“either way, you know where to find me if you change your mind.” he states, before slamming the door shut behind him. 
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“okay, so like why haven’t you just…asked him out yet?” you ask. 
you watch as megumi spits the majority of the shot he just downed back into the glass, before slamming it down and leaning forward on the table. 
“are you insane?” 
“i think you might be. i mean, he’s literally flirting with you in these texts.” you respond. 
you scroll through the chat again – noting the cute 0.5 picture of yuuji as the profile picture – earning you a glare from megumi before he snatches the phone back. you give him a pointed look, before shrugging and lifting your own glass to your lips. 
“i just…get really nervous.” he stutters. 
“well, i can give you a few pointers. first things first, when he tries to kiss you, don’t dodge him. and when you do actually muster up the courage, don’t bite him by accident.” 
meugmi shoots you a glare and you can’t help but smirk at him. 
there’s nothing as special as a first boyfriend. the novelty of it all – holding hands in between classes, texting the night before to plan a hug at dismissal, and in your case, having things tumble down when he starts sobbing after you kiss for the first time. 
“hey. are…are you crying?” 
you were positive that you did it right. the seven videos that you had watched the night prior and the excessive consulting from leah was exactly what you put into practice. closing your eyes, leaning forward, and pressing your lips against his. but you’re not sure what exactly happened, because two seconds later there was bright red blood coming out of your lips and an incessant amount of apologies coming out of megumi’s mouth. 
but after you had reassured him that it was perfectly fine and that it was an accident, there was something still lingering in the air. because in the few seconds that followed when you tried to initiate it again, megumi dodged it all together and nearly flopped on to the pavement as he put his head in his hands. 
there was something awkward about the entire thing. that weird pit in your stomach, the way your skin seemed to course in embarrassment at the fact that he didn’t really seem to enjoy it, and the metallic taste still lingering on your slightly swollen lip. 
“are you okay, megumi?” you ask. 
“yeah. yeah, i’m sorry. we can do it again.” 
you frown. 
“we don’t have to.” 
“do you want to?” he asks. 
you take him in fully – eyes wide and skin pale – as you reach forward, placing one of his hands on your shoulder. 
“well, not if you’re going to look at me all weird after. you’re kind of freaking me out, megs.” 
he sighs, before nervously rubbing his fingertips against his palms, as he gives you a shaky nod. it’s only then that you note that the scabs on his knuckles have barely peeled, an indication that he’s been picking at them. and really, an insinuation that something is bothering him. 
“i won’t stop being your friend if we don’t date anymore.” you clarify. 
megumi gives you a halfhearted smile. 
“well, that’s just because you don’t have other friends.” he mumbles. 
you snort, before shoving him in the side. 
and you’re not sure what it is, maybe the fact that the joke has broken the ice a little bit, but he leans forward, his hands shaking as he peers his steely blue eyes into yours. 
“y/n. can i please tell you a secret?” he whispers. 
he pauses. 
“i don’t like you.” 
you pinch your llps in a line. 
he shakes his head, almost like he’s frustrated. 
“i mean. i don’t think i could like you.” 
“wow. keep it coming, fushiguro.” 
he glares in response. 
“you know, you could try letting me finish.” megumi deadpans. 
“the opportunity was just too good. but really, do finish.” 
megumi bites at the sides of his lips, before taking a deep breath. 
“you’re like my best friend. i think you’re really funny, really cool, and sometimes you’re the only person i want to be around, even if we’re kind of just sitting around quietly. and you’re pretty so i figured that…that if i tried to date you, it would work.” 
“like, you’re the best girl to do it. there’s no one like you. but…but if i kiss you and i feel nothing…maybe that means it’s not about personality or liking people….and more about the fact that…that you’re a girl and not a boy…and i guess i can’t get over that.” 
you pause. 
“why would i need to be a boy?” you whisper. 
and in the five seconds it takes to mutter those eight words, you clock the reason all together. 
it’s because megumi is gay. 
“i was like fourteen.” megumi deadpans. 
“and that’s no reason to forget the lessons you learned. no biting, no dodging, just –” 
megumi shakes his hand in the air, his face curled up in disgust, as he pushes another one of the shots towards you. 
“this is disgusting. let’s talk about something else.” 
while megumi pretends to be a larger than life hater of your resourcefulness, he’s truly the only person who can match your energy sometimes. which in this case, includes pressing your ear against one of the private rooms in the club, trying to catch the end of the conversation. 
“i can barely hear shit. the music is way too loud.” 
“yeah. this is making it sound all muffled.” megumi responds. 
you look to your left to find him crouched on the floor, the diaphragm of a stethoscope pressed against the wall as he leans forward to listen. 
“are you fucking insane? where did you even get that?” 
“lost and found.” 
“who the fuck brings a stethoscope to the club?” 
“it’s the first week of october, dumbass. some girl probably dressed up as a sexy nurse and left it on the floor.” 
“give me that.” you hiss.
“fuck no, get your own.” 
“they’re my ex-friends. and currently trying to stop me from charting. hand it over.” 
megumi gives you a glare, as you place the pieces in your ear, and the two of you lean forward against the wall again. and while it does little to help except piercing your ears. though all you hear is the shuffling of chairs, as you give megumi a wide-eyed look, to stand up and yank the earpieces out. 
and really, it is horrible timing because as the two of you stand up – with you linking your arms in with megumi’s to hide the stethoscope behind his back – as you shoot aimee and kim a peachy smile. and it’s a sickly sweet smile that aimee and kim give you, accompanied with a look up and down the length of your figure. 
“hi peach.” aimee states. 
you can feel your skin burn at the same old shitty nickname. 
“we were just talking about you.” kim starts. 
“likely thing for the two of you to be doing.” megumi mutters. 
kim shoots megumi an irritated glare, before reaching forward, and placing one of her hands on your shoulder. 
“i had a question for you. are you dating kuna?” kim asks. 
you pinch your nose in disgust. 
“what's it to you?” 
kim smiles. 
“we dated for a long time. just wanted to make sure he’s in good hands.” she clarifies. 
“it was barely three months.” you state. 
like always, kim sours quickly. 
“and it’ll be even shorter when it comes to you.” kim states. 
you roll your eyes. but before you can respond, she leans forward, pressing her fingers against your ear to fix your hair, before batting her eyelashes at you. 
“i don’t want you to get hurt again. and well, you better quit while you’re ahead, peach. guys like that won’t stick around for girls like you. you can’t exactly give him what he wants.” 
on the almost quiet drive home, with weary looks from megumi, you make seven calls, canceling your plans for tomorrow and making your plan while you’re ahead.
“you’re so skilled with balls.” 
sukuna rolls his eyes, only to turn to his left and find what might be his most agitating (and his secret personal favorite) co-star, satoru gojo. 
“you should invest in a tape recorder. listen to the tape back at the end of the day and do some reflection.” sukuna states, before lifting the ball into the air and watching it swish into the net. 
in their last few days of press, the marketing team for the show decided that the group of them were going to be participating in a charity all-stars basketball game. it was one of the most anticipated events of the year, with celebrities being on both teams, and special surprise performances for the halftime show. 
the combined sales of the tickets, signed jerseys, and meet and greets raised tens of thousands of dollars, and all in all, it was one of the better events that sukuna found himself being forced to attend. that and the fact that athletics were something that sukuna was skilled at – something reinforced by the fact that his team was almost ten up at the halftime mark. 
sukuna takes his seat on the courtside bench, satoru handing him a gatorade as the two of them lean forward on their knees. it’s kind of intentional – the two of them sitting together, posing the way they were – only because it made for really good press. 
he catches sight of kim and aimee on the other side of the court, posing for the camera by pressing a kiss to each other’s cheeks, before leaning back in their chair, entirely bored. 
“ladies and gentleman, please welcome our special half-time show guest, y/n l/n.” 
sukuna nearly jolts up in his chair as the lights flash in the center of the court – to the sight of you wearing a light pink crew neck and a white tennis skirt – with a light pink ribbon tangled into your hair. 
“was she always on the setlist?” 
“don’t think so.” satoru mumbles back. 
Now he's thinkin' 'bout me every night, oh Is it that sweet? I guess so Say you can't sleep, baby, I know That's that me, espresso Move it up, down, left, right, oh Switch it up like Nintendo Say you can't sleep, baby, I know That's that me, espresso 
sukuna supposes that it should be a bad sign that this is the second time in a few days that he finds himself being mesmerized by your presence. and that this time, satoru’s noticed. 
“dude. you’re like drooling.” he whispers. 
“shut the fuck up.” 
Too bad your ex don't do it for ya Walked in and dream came trued it for ya Soft skin and I perfumed it for ya I know I Mountain Dew it for ya That morning coffee, brewed it for ya One touch and I brand newed it for ya 
sukuna watches as you shoot him a wink, before throwing the sparkly microphone in your hand to one of your backup dancers, and turning around. 
and really, it’s one of the most overwhelming feelings he’s had – that wholehearted and blissful exhilaration that pounds in his chest – as he watches you pull your crewneck over your head, only to be wearing his jersey underneath. (that and the fact that the resounding cheers that erupt after the fact are music to his fucking ears). 
I'm working late 'cause I'm a singer Oh, he looks so cute wrapped around my finger My twisted humor, make him laugh so often My honey bee, come and get this pollen
Too bad your ex don't do it for ya Walked in and dream came trued it for ya Soft skin and I perfumed it for ya I know I Mountain Dew it for ya That morning coffee, brewed it for ya One touch and I brand newed it for ya
he can feel his heart drop in his chest as you spare a wink, before returning to your choreography. 
“so that’s why you’re fucking drooling.” satoru states, giving him a hearty smile as he wraps one of his arms around his shoulder. 
sukuna can’t even muster an irritated look to give back to satoru. 
“who fucking wouldn’t?” sukuna mutters. 
“that’s real cute, dude. the espresso thing.” 
“what espresso thing?” sukuna asks. 
“you know. because you own the coffee shop and shit? isn’t that what she means?” satoru asks. 
of course that’s what you meant. and it’s in that split second that every hunch that sukuna has – that you’re every bit of what he expected, that you were just like him, that you were the exact type he knew you were – as he stands up, crossing his hands over his chest as he gives you a smile. 
and he can feel his heart pounding as you pull the ear pieces out to hang around your shoulders before walking over to him, your hands behind your back as you give him a sweet smile. only to turn immediately to his left and look at satoru. 
he watches as satoru spits the gatorade back into the bottle, before standing up and running his hands through his hair. it slightly irritates him, the slight change in satoru’s demeanor. 
you extend your hand out.
“i’m y/n.” 
and sukuna’s irritation gets even worse as satoru lifts your knuckles to his lips and presses a kiss against your hand. 
“satoru.” he responds. 
you give him a smile. 
“that’s cute.” 
you try not to relish in the way that sukuna clicks his tongue in his cheek,  trying his best to hide his frustration, as you look up at satoru. 
“to be honest, i kind of came here with an ulterior motive.” 
“my favorite kind of motive.” satoru responds. 
you walk over to satoru’s side, linking your hand in with his, as you point to the other side of the court. 
“you see that empty black seat right there?” 
“next to aimee lynch?” 
“that’s my seat.” 
satoru looks down at you, as he leans forward.
“we can’t have you sitting there.” he whispers. 
“only if you insist.” you respond. 
satoru puts his bottle down and you watch as he retreats to the other side to retrieve the chair, as you turn over to sukuna.  
“hi lavagirl.” you state. 
sukuna grins in response. 
“her hair is a little more neon than mine, but it’s always a pleasure, sharkboy.” sukuna responds. 
you give him a smile, noting the flashing cameras at your side, as you bring your hands forward, holding the sharpie up in between the two of you. 
“what’s this?” sukuna asks. 
“i got one of the last jersey’s. it wasn’t signed.” you ask. 
sukuna feigns shock. 
“you poor baby. we can’t have that, now can we?” 
you shake your head as sukuna smiles, taking the pen from your fingers, before signaling for you to turn around with his pointer finger.
and it makes you shiver as he bends down, taking the time to move the hair to the side of your shoulder before scribbling on your back. and that burning warmth that pools in your stomach gets even worse as his breath tickles your neck, before he leans over and presses a kiss to the nape of your neck. 
“one thing.” he whispers. 
you swallow hard, the whisper in his voice sending a shiver down your spine. 
“what’s that?” 
you watch as satoru walks up, placing the chair right next to his, as you and sukuna shoot him a smile. 
“try to rile me up and it’ll be more than that next time.”
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taglist: @porridgesblog @k0z3me @sugu-love @yihona-san06  @bsenpai @sweetenertea @skzismyhome @mykyoon @violetmatcha @rebeccawinters @luna0713hunter @shotenvinsoot @itzmeme @gojoswifeyyys-world @cutiejg @chilichopsticks @timmytimmytuckyy @dreamxiing @mamamamamarga @skunabby @meisque @hoseokslefteyebrow @thepurpleempath @shrimphutao4ever @monic19 @najaemism @haitanibros0007 @catobsessedlady @luvs4kim @ri-sa20 @thejujvtsupost @invisible-mori @satoruslipbalm @kyo-kyo1 @telepathicheartss @huhsthccvjh @sxnkuna @w31rdg1rl @lilalia3945 @multiplefandomthings @shotovhs @voids-universe @timetobegone @deeeeexx @livelovelaughisagiyochi @pelicanpizza @cowgirlikets @jeon-blue @phantomasmaniac @yoontaedotin @cowgirlikets @estrella-novella
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loukaiitis · 6 months
Today marks 11 years since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, which took the lives of twenty children and six adults on December 14th, 2012.
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Rest in peace,
Rachel D'Avino, 29
Dawn Hochsprung, 47
Anne Marie Murphy, 52
Lauren Rousseau, 30
Mary Sherlach, 56
Victoria Leigh Soto, 27
Charlotte Bacon, 6
Daniel Barden, 7
Olivia Engel, 6
Josephine Gay, 7
Dylan Hockley, 6
Madeleine Hsu, 6
Catherine Hubbard, 6
Chase Kowalski, 7
Jesse Lewis, 6
Ana Márquez-Greene, 6
James Mattioli, 6
Grace McDonnell, 7
Emilie Parker, 6
Jack Pinto, 6
Noah Pozner, 6
Caroline Previdi, 6
Jessica Rekos, 6
Avielle Richman, 6
Benjamin Wheeler, 6
Allison Wyatt, 6
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darkimpala1897 · 1 month
I'm currently doing a storm chaser Au for MOTA, I posted my three part today, so I just wanted to drop some lore slash headcanons
1. Bucky was adopted at age seven by Jack and Chick, he doesn't call them his dads. He calls them his weird uncles.
2. Buckys parents were killed by a tornado.
3. Bucky has been chasing tornados since he was a kid.
4. Bucky and Buck are married, but currently divorcing. But also at the same time not really.
5. Curt and Dickie have been married since the dinosaurs.
6. DeMarco is engaged to Brady, Meatball is their son.
7. Bubbles and Crosby are married duh.
8. Douglass and Hambone have been dating forever.
9. Helen and Nash are married.
10. Quinn is in a situationship with Bailey and Babyface, I can't even explain it.
11. Ken is married to Winks, they have a son named Sammy.
12. Sammy was carried by Helen, but she is not biologically his mother.
13. Meatball was found in what was left of a barn, he was just a puppy.
14. Helen is the only one with her life together, she's a sex therapist, which Nash finds hilarious.
12. Ken and Winks are farmhands slash mechanics, that live on Jack and Chicks farm.
13. Everyone lives in Jack and Chicks basement.
14. They live in Wakita Oklahoma.
15. Nobodys car dates past 1996 is a running joke between everyone when in reality its like 1990.
16. Hambone is the human barometer.
17. Croz is the navigator, he has a whole a conniption if Bubbles folds the maps.
18. DeMarco drives a retired school bus, for some reason well drunk DeMarco put where it use to say school, it says "Burrito Barn" now. He doesn't know either.
19. Bucky drives a blue 1983 GMC Vandura with a unicorn painted on both sides.
20. Ken painted the unicorns on Buckys van.
21. Curt and Dickie drive a black 1989 Chevrolet Suburban, it's nickname is "The Beast"
22. The Beast has been put back together four times now, the most severe incident was a cell tower piece through the windshield.
23. Bubbles and Croz drive a 1982 Ford F-150.
24. Douglass and Hambone drive a 1983 Ford LTD Country Squire, Hammy calls it "The Boat" or "The Wagon" depending on the day.
25. Douglass loves to drift his Squire, which is not good for it.
26. Rosies drives a 1985 Chevrolet Chevy Van, it has utility lights on it, Bucky calls it "The Boring Van"
27. Helen and Nash drive a 1975 Chevrolet K-10.
28. Bucky is the resident idiot of the group.
29. Rosies operates all the fancy equipment, and the cameras for obvious reasons.
30. They have a YouTube channel, which is called the Windy 100th. Rosie thought of it because he was a history major.
31. Their YouTube channel isn't that popular, but it's more about them having fun then anything.
32. Curt and Brady do audio, they have the best ears.
33. Smokey is their doctor, but he is a registered wackadoodle.
34. Smokey drives this hideous green 1990 Crown Victoria it belongs to Stormy, though he pretends not to own it for obvious reasons.
35. Instead of Brady yelling "Son of a bitch, that's France! He's yelled "Son Of Bitch, that's the tornado." He nearly died that day.
36. Brady just owns a baseball helmet for some reason.
37. Hambone is called Hambone because he literally got smacked by a flying pig.
38. Babyface is called Babyface, because for some reason he keeps getting smacked in the head by babydolls.
39. Stormy is an actual meteorologist, that just helps out the group. So he slightly has his life together.
40. Ken owns a flatbed tow truck for obvious reasons, but he normally drives a 1977 GMC C-15 which he shares with Winks.
41. Buck owns a 1984 Jeep Wagoneer.
42. All of them met in college well studying you guessed it weather.
43. Rosie knows Oklahoma by heart, he sings with Smokey.
44. DeMarco loves rock music, he blasts it on drives through speakers on his bus.
45. Douglass loves classical music.
46. All of them are amazing drivers which is surprising considering.
47. Chick is the one who cooks, Jack bakes and makes pretty much everything.
48. Jack makes wind chimes that he sells.
49. The only one to ever have seen an F5 was Bucky, its what killed his parents.
50. Bucky thinks he's the leader, but it's actually Rosie.
That's it, that's lore for the Windy 100th aka Storm Chaser AU.

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thebimbopalace · 2 months
*gasp* ❝ WHO IS SHE? ❞
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haven't you heard?
𝜗𝜚 that's jasmin, named after the flower, wanting to be treated like the princess. she's spent twenty-two years on venus, and goes by she/her pronouns. a hispanic mami, puertorriqueña to be exact ᡣ 𐭩
༉‧₊˚. really? what about her likes?
oh, she has plenty of those !
reading books (novels and mangas alike), writing, autumn days, peppermint tea, mixed drinks, sage and leaf green, light pink, collecting paperback books, rainy nights, lego sets (she has 6 already built), plants (aspiring plant mom), obsessing over fictional men, sweets, raw green peppers, peaceful winter nights, looking up aesthetics on pinterest, sushi
༉‧₊˚. what about music? she's gotta listen to music
and she does ! (even though she rotates the same five songs) *eye roll*
THE WEEKND, sza, doja cat, kali uchis, chase atlantic, ariana grande, lana, brent faiyaz, pinkpatheress, cigarettes after sex, megan thee stallion, partynextdoor, summer walker, sabrina claudio, drake, beyoncé, flo milli, sonder, the internet, fka twigs, melanie martinez, victoria monét, asiahn, billie eilish, don toliver
༉‧₊˚. anime's? manga's?
definitely !
jjk, haikyu!!, one punch man, great pretender, wolf children, fruits basket, maid-sama, kamisama kiss, ouran high school host club, noragami, bungo stray dogs, aot, the future diary, naruto, tokyo revengers, black lagoon, demon slayer, spirited away, life lessons with uramichi oniisan, my neighbor totoro, the secret world of arrietty, chainsaw man, jjba, vinland saga, death note, tbhk, a silent voice, cells at work
༉‧₊˚. what is she currently watching? current listen? current read?
i got the scoop !
current watch: bob's burgers + one piece
current listen: my future - billie eilish
current read: love, theoretically by ali hazelwood
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The wooden floorboards creek and croak under the clickety clack of your newly acquired gilded leather boots as you make your way up to the deck, over vast hordes of fortune, past engorged piles of gold and spice, doubloons and silks, navigating mazes of stacked chests brimming with books and boundless scrolls. You tip- toe around your comatose crewmates, satiated by plunder and ransacked stores of rum, to the mast of your ship, and look out onto the horizon.
Heliotrope hues of dusk creep up behind the melting sunset, calming the raging gusts of the sea to caresses of the breeze. Wisps of ghostly silver swirl hazily amongst sporadic speckles of spangling starlight like a stewing soup in the sky, its delicate marbling mirrored on waves that twinkle under the moonlight. Skull and crossbones whip in the wind and the ship rocks lazily as if lulled to sleep by the cradle of the sloping sea. You sigh, contented, and pray to avoid a watery grave for many moons to come.
or, Books Master list:
A Series of Unfortunate events by Lemony Snicket, 1 through 13(Epubs)
Tales of Dunk and Egg by George R. R. Martin 01-03, 1, 2 & 4(Epubs)
A song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin, 1 through 5, including 4.5, A World of Ice and Fire, and Fire and Blood(no.1 is a PDF, the rest Epubs)
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas, 1 through 4(Epubs)
All For The Game by Nora Sakavic, 1, 2, &3(Epubs)
Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery, 1 through 8(Epubs)
The Fowl Twins by Eoin Colfer, 1&2(Epubs)
Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer, 1 through 8(PDFs)
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell, 1, 2, &3(no.3 is a PDF, the rest Epubs)
Chaos Walking by Patrick Ness, 1,2 &3, including 2.5 and snowscape(snowscape is a PDF, the rest Epubs)
Chronicles of Alice by Christina Henry, 1&2(Epubs)
City of Ghosts by Victoria Schwab, 1,2 &3(no.1 is a PDF, the rest Epubs)
Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi, 1&2(Epubs)
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu(Epub)
Heaven's Official Blessing by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu(PDF)
The Scum Villain's Self Saving System by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu(Epub)
Discworld by Terry Pratchett, 1 through 41(Epubs)
Divergent by Veronica Roth, 1,2 &3, including 0.5(Epubs)
Earthsea by Ursula k. Le guin, 1 through 6(Epubs)
The Farseer Trilogy by Robbin Hobb, 1,2 &3(PDFs)
Fence by Sarah Rees Brennan, 1&2(Epubs)
Folk of the air series by Holly Black, 1,2 &3(Epubs)
Harry Potter by J K. Rowling, 1 through 7(Epubs)
Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, 1, 2&3(Epubs)
In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan(Epub)
Tears waiting to be Diamonds by Sarah Rees Brennan Parts 1&2(PDFs)
Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini, 1 through 4(Epubs)
The History of the Middle Earth by J R. R. Tolkien, 1 through 12(Epubs)
The J R. R. Tolkien collection: Bilbo's Last Song, Tales from the Perilous Realm, The Children of Hurin, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Hobbit, the Hobbit(enhanced edition), The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun, The Letters of J R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings (collection) Illustrated by J R. R. Tolkien; Alan Lee, The Lord of the Rings (collection), The Return of the King, The Silmarillion, The Silmarillion(illustrated) by J R. R. Tolkien; Ted Nasmith, The Two Towers, Unfinished Tales(Epubs)
The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer, 1 through 5, Including 3.1(4&5 are PDFs, the rest Epubs)
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard by Rick Riordan, 1, 2&3, including From the Nine Worlds and Hotel Valhalla Guide to the Norse Worlds(Epubs)
Once Upon a Broken Heart by Garber Stephanie, 1&2(Epubs)
Percy Jackson by Rick Riordon, 1 through 5, including 4.5, Camp Half Blood confidential, Demigods and Monsters, Percy Jackson and the Singer of Apollo, Percy Jackson's Greek Gods, and Percy Jackson's Greek Heroes(Percy Jackson and the Singer of Apollo is a PDF, the rest Epubs)
The Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordan, 1 through 5, including The Demigod Diaries(Epubs)
The Trials of Apollo by Rick Riordan, 1 through 5, including Camp Jupiter Classified(Epubs)
The Demigods of Olympus - An Interactive Adventure by Rick Riordan(Epub)
Shades of Magic by V. E. Schwab, 1,2&3(PDFs)
The Dark Artifices by Cassandra Clare, 1,2 &3(Epubs)
The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare, 1,2&3(Epubs)
The Last Hours by Cassandra Clare, 1&2(Epubs)
The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare, 1 through 6(Epubs)
The Eldest Curses by Cassandra Clare 1(Epub)
Shadowhunter Chronicles extras by Cassandra Clare, including An Illustrated History of Noble Shadowhunters and Denizens of Downworld, Ghosts of the Shadow Market, The Bane Chronicles, and the Shadowhunter Codex(Epubs)
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, 1&2(Epubs)
The Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo, 1,2&3, including 1.5 and the Darkling Prequel - Demon in the Woods(Epub)
Skullduggery Pleasant by Derrick Landy, 1 through 14, including 1.5, 2.5, 6.5, 7.5, 8.5, &13.5(Epubs)
The Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan, 1,2&3, including The Kane Chronicles survival guide, and Demigods and Magicians(Epubs)
The Locked Tomb by Tamsyn Muir, 1,2 &3, including 0.5 and 2.5(Epubs)
The Magesterium series by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare, 1 through 5(Epubs)
The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater, 1 through 4, including 4.5(Epubs)
The Dreamer Trilogy by Maggie Stiedvater, 1&2(Epubs)
The Witcher by Andrzej Sapkowski, 1 through 6, including 0.5 & 0.75(Epubs)
The Wolves of Mercy Falls by Maggie Stiefvater, 1,2&3(Epubs)
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas, 1 though 7, including 0.5(Epubs)
The Underland Chronicles by Suzanne Collins, 1 through 5(Epubs)
Unwind Dystology by Neal Shusterman, 1 through 4, including 1.5 and 4.5(Epubs)
The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice, 1 through 12(Epubs)
The Warrior cats series by Erin Hunter :The Prophecies Begin 1 through 6(PDFs), The New Prophecy 1 through 6(Epubs), Power of Three 1 through 6(PDFs), Omen of Stars 1 through 6(PDFs), Dawn of the Clans 1 through 6(PDFs), Vision of Shadows 1&2(PDFs)
A discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness(Epub)
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz(Epub)
Blindsight by Peter Watts(Epub)
Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Patterson(Epub)
Dune by Frank Herbert(Epub)
Elantris by Brandon Sanderson(Epub)
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell(Epub)
Hollow Kingdom by Kira Jane Buxton(Epub)
How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe by Charles Yu(PDF)
I Am Still Alive by Kate Alice Marshall(Epub)
I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver(Epub)
Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami(Epub)
More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera(Epub)
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Alexander Solzhenitsyn(Epub)
More Than This by Patrick Ness(PDF)
The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness(Epub)
Red, White and Royal Blue by Casey Mcquiston(Epub)
Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepytis(Epub)
The Adventures of Charles, the Veretian Cloth Merchant, Captive Prince Short Stories Book 3 by C. S. Pacat(Epub)
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak(Epub)
City of Brass by S. A. Chakraborty(Epub)
The Martian by Andy Wier(Epub)
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern(Epub)
They Both Die at the End - Adam Silvera(Epub)
The Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo(Epub)
The Poppy War by R. F. Kuang(Epub)
The Song of Achilles by Madison Miller(Epub)
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern(Epub)
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zerin(Epub)
Torture Mom by Ryan Green(Epub)
Where I End and You Begin by Preston Norton(Epub)
Radio Silence by Alice Oseman(Epub)
Message me, or make a request in the notes, and I’ll send you a copy(via email)
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Thanks so much for tagging me @vacancy90
rules: list the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
1. There must have been a reason why Robert arrived at the age of twenty-one still a virgin; some half-formed idea that your first time was meant to mean something and then it had gone on longer than he ever intended. Perfect
2. It’s been his safe place, where he retreats when the lights go out, chasing images of green fields and motorbikes, digging up onions, Côtes du Rhône - Aaron’s voice. All My Life
3. Colin - it says in handwriting on the envelope. Aaron picks it up and looks inside, thumbs the crisp fiver, a couple of ones, and a shiny fifty penny piece. Come sail your ships around me.
4. Robert stepped swiftly out of the arrivals lounge at Charles de Gaulle airport, running a hand over his short blond hair, just relieved to be home at last. M’au pair
5. ‘Did you see a storm coming?’ This New Sun
6. Victoria was the first to notice something was up. ‘You haven’t eaten your breakfast, Robert.’ Black Dog
7. They’d both known in the taxi from the airport how it would go, Robert’s elbow crooked over the beaded cover on the passenger seat, his arm hanging down, the back of his fingers tapping against Aaron’s knees. Barcelona
8. It was the sound that drew her attention, like a new born lamb, a bleating carried on the frosty air. Still
9. He’d said I love you for the first time the other day, quietly, with a sweet smile. Not as a weapon, not as a cure, either. The Decision
10.‘You’ve got the work ethic of a sloth,’ Paddy had once said to him. They’d all heard him, his family, standing or perched on barstools at Woolie; it still rankled that no one had come to his defence. Deliver ( New fic unpublished as yet )
I tag everyone who fancies having a go at this, you lovely talented people ❤️
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toulousewayne · 10 months
Beware the Batman
This is a concept for a live action Batman film set in my new reboot DCU universe. This story takes inspiration from The War of Jokes and Riddles, Batman Rebirth, and Batman the Animated Series. A lot of villains will be recasted due to the reboot.
Synopsis: Set after the events of Flashpoint, Bruce Wayne returns after being gone for a few years Batman must now reclaim his role as Gotham’s Protector.
Release: December 21, 2029
Runtime: 2 Hour, 58 Minutes
Rating: PG-13
Bruce Wayne/Batman…….. Oliver Jackson-Cohen
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Damian Wayne/Robin……..Mystic Inscho
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Alfred Pennyworth…….Pierce Brosnan
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Dick Grayson/ Nightwing……Josh Heuston
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Edward Nygma/ The Riddler…Jude Law
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Commissioner Gordon……Stanley Tucci
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Guest Starring:
Tim Drake/Red Robin……Dallas Liu
Lucius Fox…..Denzel Washington
Vickie Vale…….Victoria Pedretti
Firefly……..Nolan North
Penguin…….Timothy Spall
Renee Montoya…….Melonie Diaz
Harvey Bullock……Clancy Brown
Scarecrow…….Jamie Campbell Bower
Concept Art:All Artwork belongs to the original creators‼️‼️‼️
New “Rebooted” Batman Suit:
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The Riddler
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-The film opens with skyline view of Gotham City at night, cuts to Gotham Square decorated for Christmas in the middle of a Christmas festival and a large blast of fire destroys several booths and stalls. Several civilians scatter to get away and screams and sirens are heard as a figure looms over cackling darkly.
-Meanwhile, across the city Damian looks out the window looking a bustling Gotham. Alfred enters the room and tells him he cannot hide in Bruce’s office all night, and Bruce had requested his appearance at the ball upstairs.
-Damian arrives with Alfred and is told to try and not look so glum and try to have fun. Tim is in a corner texting away and Damian begins to annoy him until Bruce arrives and tries to stop the to from fighting.
- Commissioner Gordon flips the switch to the Bat Signal.
-Bruce talks to Damian before Damian points out that their late. He warns Damian that they’ll finish the talk later.
- Detective Montoya and Bullock have created a block around the Christmas festival. Firefly as set ablaze half of the festival and Montoya and several other cops fire at him and he explodes a cop car.
- The Batmoblie races into the heart of the burning festival, Batman and Robin hope out. Batman orders Robin to save the hostages. Reluctantly, Robin heads towards the hostages cutting them free and leading them towards Montoya.
-Batman leaps out the way of a blast of fire and throws two batarangs at Firefly who dodges them. Robin grapples into of nearby building and throws a batarang successfully hitting Firefly. He taunts him and he lures him away from the police, Batman chases them in the direction on foot before grapple onto Firefly and the two fight in the sky.
-Meanwhile, black news van with a green question mark on the back door pulls away from the scene in the opposite direction.
- Robin leads Firefly a few blocks away, he leads him to the Gotham City Reservoir which is abandoned. Batman is able to break on of Firefly’s jets and the two crash straight through a window inside the building.
-Robin kicks down the side door and helps Batman to his feet. Firefly left his jet pack and laughs at insults the two hero’s.
-Batman tells him this will only end one way for him. The two leap out the ways as a grenade is sent in the direction. Robin grows furious leaps up several rafters, and throws a Batarang disarming Firefly and he beats him within any inch of his life Batman commends him to stop before he kills him.
- Robin tells him he deserves to die after he killed people tonight, and Batman tells Robin doesn’t kill nor will it bring anyone back.
-Robin storms out and Batman calls Alfred who informs him Gordon is on his way.
-Cut, to Batman getting back into the Batmoblie after debriefing with Gordon and races home.
-Batman being to question Damian and tells him he needs to learn self-control. Robin lashes out at him Batman reminds him that Robin isn’t a right it’s a privilege.
-The Batmoblie stops inside the Cave and Alfred greets the two; Damian unmasks and leaves the two men to talk.
- Bruce pulls up camera footage of Vickie Vale taking about Firefly’s arrest and Alfred talks about him about trying to speak with Damian.
- Across town at the Iceberg Lounge, Penguin’s men are playing pool. Another one enters with a green and black box and the thug reads the card addressed to ‘Ozzy’. They open it and it’s a Jack in the box that has a riddle on it. One of the goons tampers with it and it explodes.
- Riddler is show consumed in darkness watching his monitor which show Batman from earlier that night and monologues to himself about his next step.
-Damian walks downstairs the next morning and is met with Dick eating cereal. Damian ask when Alfred is ready to take him to school, and Bruce appears and tells him he’ll take him instead.
-The car ride shows Gotham and is silent until Bruce talks to him and the two aren’t seeing eye to eye. Bruce tries and Damian tells him it won’t try to understand his pov and Bruce dismisses the idea and tells him killing isn’t the answer. Damian leaves the car for school.
- Bruce heads into Wayne Enterprises and meets with Lucius Fox about new technology and upgrades concerning the event presentation in a few moments.
- Bruce begins his speech explaining new technologies to assist with surveillance and surgical devices before the room is disrupted by a group of thugs in green jumpsuits with rifles.
-Bruce presses a button on his watch as more goons charge in and walking in the middle of them is the Riddler.
-Dick and Damian gets alerts on their phone and watch. Dick and Alfred rush to the cave and see Riddler’s board cast from WE cameras. Damian fakes being sick and is excused and leaves school with his bag.
- Dick takes a Batcycle and races toward the city. Damian arrives in the alleyway near WE and changes into his Robin suit. The entrance is blocked off by Gordon and Swat. Montoya radios that the south exits are closed off. Robin grapples towards the top of the building.
-Riddler has his men steal some of the prototypes and Bruce questions him while everyone else stays silent due to being held at gunpoint. Damian is able to get into WE from the vent system and crawls through till he makes it towards the conference room.
-Nightwing swears through traffic, and construction racing into the city.
-Riddler asks Bruce a riddler about his parents that nearly provokes him but he keeps his composure. And Gordon order the Riddler to surrender. The gunmen take hostages, one of them being Lucius. And takes his cane and presses a button the opens a giant box. He tells Gordon through a device he left outside that he’s place bombs in three locations of Gotham and warns him if any boys in blue enter he’ll turn Gotham into a ghost town.
- Robin tells Nightwing to finds the bombs. Alfred cuts in and tells them about the first riddle. Robin and Nightwing deuce that the first bomb is at the Gotham Gazette. Nightwing makes a u-turn and rushes towards the bomb.
-Meanwhile, Robin ventures into another room where he finds three goons with Lucius and are threatening him for the access codes to the basement where WE developments weapons and vehicles. Robin sneaks in the room and uses smoke and birdarangs to stop them men. He frees Fox and Lucius tells him there are other hostages.
-Nightwing finds the bomb in the parking garage and attempts disarm it but is shot at and had to quickly disarm the bomb and take out the five gunmen.
-Robin is able to free the remaining hostages and enters the main room. Nightwing tells him he’s disarmed the first two bombs but the third one they cannot locate it. Red Robin arrives to help Robin and much do Robin’s dismay the begin clearing the room until it’s just Riddler and two thugs who’s guns are jammed.
-Nightwing and Alfred find the last bomb in in the conference room where the Riddler is and warns them.
- Robin and Red Robin attack Riddler’s thugs and Riddler taughts Bruce and leave him with a parting gift. Once Robin freed Bruce the discover Riddler manage to escape.
- Back at the Cave Bruce scans the device Riddler left him with. Bruce finds out the device was manufactured in Gotham and only a few factories can make it. He and Damian arrive at a Toy Factory in Old Gotham.
-Batman and Robin arrive to find several security guards slaughtered and Batman tills Robin to stay alert.
- Batman and Robin end up in a maze inside of the warehouse and have to rely on each other to trust and listen to one another in order to escape.
- Robin finds another Riddle that sends them to visit GCPD. Together with Gordon their able to piece together the two riddles they have, the locations of the bombs, and the last “present” Riddler sent to the Mayor during the WE siege.
-Damian and Bruce have a moment in the cave before Riddler comes on a live and tells Gotham that tonight is the night he kills the Dark Knight.
- Batman, Robin, and Nightwing suit up and have to stop Riddler by Christmas Morning. Robin and Nightwing follow a lead to the old Cobblepot Steel Mill. Where the find a captured Penguin and must save him and theirselves from Riddler’s latest trap.
-Batman arrives at City Cemetery and is gassed by Scarecrow, and is forced to come to terms with his worst fears as father and mentor.
-Nightwing and Robin must travel through the riddler’s underground tunnels in order to find him.
- Batman defeats Scarecrow, and makes him tell him where to find Riddler.
- Batman finds Riddler’s hideout inside of the old Gotham train Station.
- Batman,Robin, and Nightwing battle through goons, and traps. Batman meets the Riddler and has a finale showdown to stop him.
- Batman and Robin talk on a rooftop before Nightwing joins them and tells that can the finally go back to the Manor to open presents. The three grapple into away as the sun rises over the city.
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techn0cel · 6 months
Today marks the 11th anniversary of the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting. On the morning of December 14th 2012, 20 year old Adam Lanza shot his mother 4 times while she was sleeping then drove to Sandy Hook Elementary school. 20 children and 6 adult staff members were murdered and the shooting came to an end when Lanza turned the gun on himself.
We remember…
Olivia Engel, 6
Charlotte Bacon, 6
Madeleine Hsu, 6
Catherine Hubbard, 6
Jesse Lewis, 6
Ana Marquez-Greene, 6
James Mattioli, 6
Dylan Hockley, 6
Emilie Parker, 6
Jack Pinto, 6
Noah Pozner, 6
Caroline Previdi, 6
Jessica Rekos, 6
Avielle Richman, 6 and her father Jeremy Richman (49) who committed suicide in March 2019
Benjamin Wheeler, 6
Allison Wyatt, 6
Josephine Gay, 7
Grace McDonnell, 7
Chase Kowalski, 7
Daniel Barden, 7
Victoria Soto, 27
Rachel D'Avino, 29
Lauren Rousseau, 30
Dawn Lafferty Hochsprung, 47
Anne Marie Murphy, 52
Mary Sherlach, 56
Rest in Peace 🕯️
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shewhowas39 · 25 days
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fuck it. i'm doing it. starting a tarot deck prompt tag here. i'll always include a pick of the card and what deck i'm pulling from.
Title: "You've Got This" Card: Queen of Crosses Deck: Favole Tarot by Victoria Frances Ship: Karlach x Shadowheart Rating: Non-explicit Warnings: Mild sexual references, swearing, and some light Juniper & Starlight spoilers.
Summary: Karlach reminds herself that she's a sexy badass before making a move on the girl she likes.
Karlach glances around, ensuring that she's not being watched, before swiping the hand mirror from Astarion's pack.
She'd seen him using it before and been absolutely baffled - until she realized he mostly just stands around with it, huffing dramatically, until June comes over to tell him he's pretty. She's seen this happen more than once now, and it's hilarious every time.
Gods, she adores that pointy faced little man.
But he doesn't need the mirror right now and she does. She quickly runs back to her tent before stopping to check her reflection. She moves the mirror around so she can look at her face and neck from every angle. Are her horns looking shiny? Has she gotten all of the blood off from the fight earlier?
Or did the blood actually make her look better? Maybe she should go out and find some Absolute cultists to kill before she does this?
Karlach takes a deep breath, shaking off the string of nervous thoughts.
"You've got this, Karlach," she tells her reflection with the same determination and enthusiasm she would use to give her companions a pep talk. "You're good looking and funny and you kill things so good. You're a catch!"
In the nights since Dammon had fixed her engine, making it so she could actually touch people for the first time in a decade, she'd kissed countless Harpers and tiefling refugees in the tap room of the Last Light Inn. And she'd never felt a moment of insecurity. She knows how hot she is - ha! literally! - and worst case scenario, they'd turn her down and she would move on to someone else eager to get ot know Mama K.
This is different, though. This isn't just some random person she'll never see again. This is her friend. Her insightful, mysterious, sexy friend. She doesn't just want to kiss her at the bar or even carry her up the stairs to share a locked room and a night they'll never forget. Though that sounds really nice, too.
No. She wants to do this the right way. The Wyll Ravenguard way.
She can hear Wyll in her head already, cheering her on. Telling her to chase her heart's desires. She isn't nearly as romantic as him - and certainly not as chaste (at least, not by choice), but he has a few good ideas in that cute head of his.
Karlach knows now might be the worst possible time. They have this fucking Shadow Curse and Ketheric Thorm to deal with. But based on the way two beautiful green eyes have been looking at her these last few nights, she thinks this might be her shot.
And by the hells, she has waited too long for this sort of opportunity to miss it because of a stupid, evil, life stealing curse and a few hundred cultists.
"This is your shot," she tells her reflection again. "You'll regret it forever if you don't take it. And you're looking great tonight. Blood or lack of blood - doesn't matter. You're a babe." She winks at herself and then giggles at the absurdity of it.
Outside, she hears voices. She quickly stashes away the hand mirror, runs her hands over her clothes, and then pokes her head out of the tent flap. Shadowheart, Astarion, and June have come back down from the inn and seem to be finishing up some conversation.
"One of the Harpers says there's a Thorm family mausoleum around here. It might be a good place to gather some information," Shadowheart is saying.
"Oh, a crypt? Finally! It's been so long since you've dragged me to some disgusting, rat-infested hole in the ground," Astarion snarks. "I was starting to miss it."
June elbows him with a snort before nodding to Shadowheart. "Sounds like a good idea to me. We can talk it over with the others in the morning."
The three part ways as June and Astarion slip off toward the river and Shadowheart begins moving around camp, apparently gathering supplies for a bath.
Nope, nope, nope. Don't think about her int he bath, Karlach! She swallows. We're doing this the right way. The wyll Ravenguard way remember? And you're confident. You are so. fucking. confident.
With one last deep breath, Karlach climbs out of her tent, puts on her biggest, best - hopefully sexiest? - smile, and strides over to Shadowheart.
"Hey, you," she says. "Got a minute to talk?"
author's note: so this deck is a bit different. it leaves the reader to interpret what each of the suits corresponds to in a typical RWS deck. i, personally, read crosses as similar to wands. so that's what i used as my inspiration for this story.
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wistereia · 9 months
Get To Know Me!
THESE TWO BITCHES (my lovely mutuals <33) @sacrecoeur-art & @bishicat TAGGED ME!! Thank you two lovely goons >: ) I loved reading yours!!!
Favourite colour:
Any purple!! But I'm always fond of White/Yellows/Golds/Reds & Greens <3
Currently reading:
I'm currently re-reading the Eragon Series!
Last song:
Consume (feat. Goon Des Garcons) by Chase Atlantic!! They fuck SO hard and it's SO Wisteria coded
Last movie:
Human Centipede 1-3, technically Hoodwinked but it was watched JUST to have a fever dream
Last series:
Oats/Studios on Netflix! Was a fun little mini series!!
Sweet, Spicy, or Savoury?:
Gun to my head?? Spicy...but I REALLY THRIVE on a rotation of all three!!
Korean food. All the fucking time. Any day of the week. Literally ANYTHING korean
Tea or Coffee?:
Coffee in the morning and Matcha/Tea at night! Everyday
Currently Working On:
One of the gigs prompts!! Currently editing the thumbnail!!
Wisteria Story stuff...one with @another-corpo-rat's Victoria (She knows ;) ) And a little comic with Wisteria and her wack-ass mom. Also a horny post!!
Othniels REF PAGE?? It's been long overdue!!
Jericho (a friends character I posted LONG AGO) and his 2077/2078 look!! He gets...BIG
No pressure tagging these lovely folks @another-corpo-rat/@themightiestpotato @katsigian @wilxfyre @glitchinginthegarden @theviridianbunny @scrumptioussynths @kharonion @elmknight @dreamskug & anyone else that would like to share a few things! <3
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lillydiana304 · 2 years
the collection of wives
the gala, chapter one
the girls in the photos below are not what reader's race is they are there to show you what dress, shoes, and hair syle i wrote. i write for all races and body types! the only thing i mention is the reader has brown eyes.
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For the most part, y/n didn't mind her mother Shyla, she didn’t mind that her mother spent her whole childhood chasing her men and marrying almost strangers. She didn't mind that her mother was emotionally invested in everyone else but her child. In all honesty, y/n did mind but hated herself for it. She vowed from the age she could develop her own opinions that she would not come close to being like her mother.
so The daughter of a selfish woman sat in her dark green mini cooper watching women in dresses that were way too inappropriate and far from classy, walk into the gala. The idea of dressing up and being at a beautiful party made y/n happy, just not being with these people. These people were your old CEOs from the 80s that now have trust fund babies that are seconds away from crashing their father's company to the ground because they invested in bitcoin.
This gala was filled with the trust fund babies, and their rich fathers, as mentioned before, but then there were many kinds of people left: the old wives of the 80s CEOs, that have been cheating on their husbands since their first child was born, or maybe their now divorced and still get invited and attend to piss off their ex-husbands. And the CEO’s mistress, who is there to make the wives insecure, or now the mistress is married to the CEO and flaunts it to others that she helped tear apart a family and is happy about it.
They range from old women to 19-year-olds, then there are the sons and daughters of these emotionless marriages. The sons have taken the company over and married an ex-half-time Instagram or Victoria's Secret model that was only in two seasons. Some have real love and children and are good men but they are the tight-jeaned, bun-wearing kind of guy you met at an air-one in California. The others cheat like their fathers; they may have children too. 
The daughters are stubborn and have much more of a backbone than their lame brothers, and if we're being honest would have been better at running a company. They married a spineless man who is the inhuman version of Theodore of Alvin and the chipmunks, but they might have love in their marriage. And if you ask what kind of person y/n’s mother was, well she was the mistress to many men. 
 y/n walked into the gala, eyes scanning for her mother in the crowd of people. after finding the 52-year-old woman with her new husband Hank, y/n approached 
“Hi mom!” the young woman said. Her mother unnoticing still wrapped in her conversation with her fellow rich men and women. 
Hank did notice y/n and a smile came upon his face. Out of all of y/n’s mother's ex-husbands and boyfriends, Hank was the best and was her only father figure. 
“Hello dear, Shyla look who is here” he drew his wife out of the conversation.
Shyla took a glance at her daughter and a sneer came upon her lips, a dreadful look in her eyes like she was seeing the world's most outclass person instead of her daughter.
“Hi y/n, honey did you really have to wear that dress, gold is not your color” y/n's face drained in color ashamed expression came upon her pretty face. 
y/n was donned in a golden classy, silk dress that flowed effortlessly. The dress was stunning on her but Shyla could never give a compliment to her daughter -or anyone for that matter especially when they looked better than her. 
 “Okay…well it was nice seeing you mom” y/n started to walk away when she bumped into someone. Heels no matter how short and polished floors will never be friends. 
‘Woah! Watch out sunshine” the man y/n now bumped into was holding tightly onto her arm -he had caught her from falling, but the way he called her sunshine was more than annoyed with her clumsiness.
The girl pulled her arm away and finally their eyes were cast over each other, James Buchanan Barnes the new founder of Barnes media. The man had almost shoulder-length hair that was tucked behind his ears. His all-black suit was nice on him but his eyes were what stole y/n and many women away and their hearts.
James' sight caught onto the girl's figure, her golden-wrapped body. her hair flowing around her shoulders and her eyes, he liked her warm pools of brown. Now James wished he wasn't so rude and that he didn't bring a date, 
“My apologies sir” she grumbled.
"I’m James Barnes,” he said, eyes not leaving hers. y/n had a look of boredom on her face.
“Alright, James goodbye now” y/n knew exactly who he was: the ultimate player who was trying to settle down now with many wives -now all exes. 
James watched the girl in the golden dress walk away from him, his brows lifted and eyes wide, and a dumb smile on his face -he was surprised most women fell to his feet. 
All night James kept his eyes on the girl who he knew was nameless. Sharon, one of his ex-wives came sauntering over to him. Her blue dress was ill-fitting but she was still very smooth in her posture, it made up for her unlikely attitude towards her ex-husband and the woman he was strong along like candy in a string necklace. 
“James” she spoke only his name.
“Yes sharon?” he answered, trying to watch the girl in the golden dress from earlier.
“Why don't you stop watching her, and look at me? Huh?” she said with faux gentleness.
“What do you need?” he spoke this time angry.
“What?! I can't say hi to my husband?” James rolled his eyes
“No, you can't because we’re not married.” it was her who rolled her eyes this time.
“So you have a thing for the y/l/n name now?” He now looked at Sharon, his eyes wide, a boyish smile took place on his lips. 
“Huh, so she’s a y/l/n?” he walked away from Sharon not caring to say goodbye. Once more he scanned his eyes over the room looking for her. 
There y/n sat alone at a table in the back of the gala, trying to find a way to leave early, and y/n’s boss Pepper was throwing the gala. Out of respect and to make herself more professional she showed it to her boss. Then pulled out of her thoughts was James he was standing right in front of her. 
“Would you like to dance?” 
“No,” she said flatly. 
“Why not?” he challenged 
“Because i know the reputation you have” y/n stood up him and her almost nose to nose, her eyebrows darwin in together.
“A date then?” James said he was enjoying the cute little way her angry lips pouted. 
“You really are just a charmer and you sure know how to take a hint” she said sarcastically 
“Why thank you miss y/l/n” James was being playful as he mused out a smart alec response.
“Miss y/l/n is my mother, my name is y/n” she huffed walking away from him and out the building.
James smiled like a fool, he didnt know why but he wanted her, and before he left the gala he texted a friend to find out more about his spitfire of a girl. 
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doubleattitude · 2 years
Radix Dance Convention Nationals, Las Vegas 2022: RESULTS
Cash Prizes:
Winners: $1000
Runners-up: $500
Top 31:
Tayah Klimuck Peyton Nowacki Helena Olaerts Greta Wagner Alexis Kathol Addyson Paul Khloe Kwon Aria Du Sara Von Rotz Taehgan Vue Piper Perusse Natalie Gerami Josh Lundy Isabella Piedrahita Zoe Flores Chase Castle
Top 15:
Dylan Custodio Lucia Piedrahita Neo Del Corral Skyla Lucena Devyn Scherff Emily Polis Karyna Majeroni Isabella Kouznetsova Everleigh Soutas
Top 6:
Regan Gerena Diana Kouznetsova Roxie Onellion Camila Giraldo Ellary Day Szyndlar
Skylar Wong (Woodbury Dance Center)
Top 31:
Brooklyn Ladia Hailey Panchame Madison Carmody Bella Ray D’Armas Ariela Ephraim Alexcia Roloff-Hafenbreadl Avery Maycunich Kylie Carter Elie Rabin Riley Zeitler Zachary Gibson Elizabeth Bilecki Claire Avonne Kingston Jackson Jue
Top 17:
Campbell Clark Victoria Martinez Anya Inger Georgia Beth Peters Sophia Schiano Failenn Daley Kya Massimino Leila Winker Paislyn Schroeder Santiago Sosa Esme Chou Angelina Elliott
Top 5:
Haiden Neuville Kylee Casares Alexis Mayer Kaili Kester
Aaliyah Dixon (Summit Dance Shoppe)
Top 31:
Giselle Gandarilla Emmy Claire Kaiden Ronnie Lewis Kenzie Jones Cooper Macalalad Natalia Wazio Keoni Guerrero Rachel Loiselle Ava Raucci Mia Ibach Kendyl Fay Nicholas Bustos Ayla Rodriguez Rylee Young
Top 17:
Brianna Hicks Addison Middleton Ian Stegeman Kaitlyn Tom Trent Grappe Kylee Ngo Sophie Garcia Carly Thinfen Izzy Howard Gracyn French Colin Bendziewicz
Top 6:
Luke Barrett Avery Cashen Keagan Capps Kira Chan Sabine Nehls
Dyllan Blackburn (Project 21)
Top 33:
Mia Tassani Angelina Flores Kaitlyn Allen Tyra Polke Edon Hartzy Perris Amento Eliazar Jimenez Maddie Thanos Sophie Grabau Madison Burkhart Jessica Babich Minda Li Marissa Brunner Kaitlyn Babich Peyton Martineau Louise Hindsbo Nina Sawaya Kai Javier
Top 15:
Ava La France Cayla Bennish Devin Mar Bella Tagle Destanye Diaz Kayla Pereira Jordyn Green Anthony Ciaccio Forest Myers
Top 6:
Sarah Moore Jackson Roloff-Hafenbreadl Emma Mather Sam Fine Emily Madden
Easton Magliarditi (The Rock Center for Dance)
High Scores by Age:
Cash Prizes:
1st: $200
2nd: $100
3rd: $50
Rookie Solo
Top 7
4th: Preslie Ball- ‘Boots’
4th: Margaret Mason- ‘Over the Rainbow’
5th: Caydence Zuehlke- ‘Tea’
6th: Nola Molter- ‘Look At Me’
7th: Zoey Brooke- ‘End of Time’
7th: Emery Bourne- ‘Footwurkin’
7th: Colette Stutzman- ‘My Girl’
7th: Elory Otto- ‘Speaking French’
7th: Rue Willis- ‘Woman’
8th: Sienna Bastler- ‘Please Mr Postman’
9th: Shale Herrera- ‘La Vie En Rose’
10th: Giselle Pilorin- ‘My Boyfriend’s Back’
10th: Emma Acosta- ‘Sweet Dreams’
2nd runner-up ($250)
James Iwamoto- ‘Lost’ (Pave School of the Arts)
1st runner-up ($350)
Hadley Morse- ‘Into the Great’ (Summit Dance Shoppe)
Top Soloist ($500)
Cece Chung- ‘I’m Going Bananas’ (Project 21)
Mini Solo
Top 7
4th: Regan Gerena- ‘Cinema Italiano’
5th: Emily Polis- ‘House of Keta’
6th: Tova Thompson- ‘Pulse’
6th: Anita Rodriguez- ‘The Garden’
6th: Zoe Flores- ‘Transitions’
7th: Karyna Majeroni- ‘La Rouge’
8th: Alexis Kathol- ‘The Author’
9th: Dylan Custodio- ‘Derive’
9th: Ella Dobler- ‘Did I Stutter?’
9th: Neo Del Corral- ‘Hold Me’
9th: Delilah Hewitt- ‘Lament’
9th: Addison Price- ‘Sarajevo’
10th: Lucia Piedrahita- ‘Camera’s Rolling’
10th: Greta Wagner- ‘If You Were Here’
2nd runner-up ($250)
Diana Kouznetsova- ‘Rinse + Repeat’ (Project 21)
1st runner-up ($350)
Skylar Wong- ‘Best of My Love’ (Woodbury Dance Center)
Top Soloist ($500)
Isabella Kouznetsova- ‘Wake Up’ (Project 21)
Junior Solo
Top 7
4th: Zoe Zielinski- ‘Girl From Ipanema’
4th: Angelina Elliott- ‘Look What Your Love Has Done To Me’
5th: Emily Joy Core- ‘Alpha’
5th: Kya Massimino- ‘Arena’
5th: Avery Maycunich- ‘With You’
6th: Anya Inger- ‘Attitude’
6th: Victoria Johnson- ‘Insensible’
6th: Payton Gourely- ‘Mad World’
7th: Victoria Martinez- ‘Music Is the Answer’
7th: Claire Avonne Kingston- ‘State of Awareness’
8th: Tiara Sherman- ‘Belly of the Beast’
9th: Avery Lee- ‘Arches’
9th: Bella Rey D’Armas- ‘Dimensions’
9th: Sasha Milstein- ‘Nature Boy’
10th: Leighton Werner- ‘Can’t Help Falling In Love’
10th: Alexcia Roloff-Hafenbreadl- ‘Far From Home’
10th: Esme Chou- ‘Withheld’
3rd runner-up ($250)
Teagan Chavez- ‘That’s Life’ (AVANTI Dance Company)
2nd runner-up ($250)
Alexis Mayer- ‘Winter Morning II’ (The Rock Center for Dance)
1st runner-up ($350)
Kylee Casares- ‘Home With You’ (Stars Dance Studio)
Top Soloist ($500)
Aaliyah Dixon- ‘Silence’ (Summit Dance Shoppe)
Teen Solo
Top 7:
4th: Sophie Garcia- ‘Evermore’
5th: Giselle Gandarilla- ‘La Vie’
6th: Keoni Guerrero- ‘Blackjack’
6th: Colin Bendziewicz- ‘Don’t Worry’
7th: Sarah Laskowski- ‘Good Evening, Welcome’
7th: Kenzie Jones- ‘The Bottom Line’
8th: Addison Middleton- ‘Closing’
8th: Bella Saferstein- ‘Dangerous’
8th: Kennie Shen- ‘Man’s World’
8th: June Hurley- ‘Mr Sandman’
9th: Kylie Vandeest- ‘Awoo’
10th: Gracyn French- ‘I Did It All Over Again’
10th: Amelia Duncan- ‘My Way’
2nd runner-up ($250)
Ian Stegeman- ‘Aria’ (Woodbury Dance Center)
1st runner-up ($350)
Izzy Howard- ‘Adveniat’ (The Rock Center for Dance)
Top Soloist ($500)
Dyllan Blackburn- ‘A Pale’ (Project 21)
Senior Solo
Top 7
4th: Jackson Roloff-Hafenbreadl- ‘Moon’
5th: Sophie Grabau- ‘Women’
6th: Sophia Cobo- ‘Funny Girl’
7th: Emily Madden- ‘Concerto In F Minor’
8th: Forest Myers- ‘Parameters’
9th: Emma Mather- ‘Dancing’
9th: Rachel Leon- ‘Die For You’
9th: Levi Sherman- ‘I Know It’s Over’
10th: Edon Hartzy- ‘Solitude’
10th: Erica Vannucci- ‘Step Off the Train’
3rd runner-up ($250)
Easton Magliarditi- ‘Jealous’ (The Rock Center for Dance)
2nd runner-up ($250)
Sam Fine- ‘To Multiply’ (Stars Dance Studio)
1st runner-up ($350)
Destanye Diaz- ‘Unhurt’ (Stars Dance Studio)
Top Soloist ($500)
Selena Hamilton- ‘Supermodel’ (Project 21)
Rookie Duet/Trio
1st: The Movement Dance Academy- ‘One’
2nd: Studio X- ‘Turn to Stone’
3rd: Studio X- ‘Human’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘Remember Me’ 
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘Mr Big Stuff’
5th: AVANTI Dance Company- ‘Dream’
Mini Duet/Trio
1st: Project 21- ‘The Blue or Red Pill’
2nd: New Level Dance Company- ‘Complex Notion’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘The Meadow’
3rd: Studio X- ‘Ready or Npt’
4th: Danceplex- ‘Evening Rise’
5th: Studio 19 Dance Complex- ‘Sophisticated’
Junior Duet/Trio
1st: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Only the Bravest’
2nd: Mather Dance Company- ‘Memories’
3rd: The Difference Dance Company- ‘Together’
4th: The Difference Dance Company- ‘The Pure’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘Dreamgirls’
Teen Duet/Trio
1st: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Mine’
2nd: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Surrender’
3rd: The Difference Dance Company- ‘Still’
4th: AVANTI Dance Company- ‘Love Lockdown’
5th: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘You and I Both’
Senior Duet/Trio
1st: Project 21- ‘Shaping’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Power vs Passion’
3rd: CanDance Studios- ‘Backseat’
4th: The Difference Dance Company- ‘Fire My Heart’
5th: The Difference Dance Company- ‘Voice Like’
Rookie Group
1st: Project 21- ‘It’s Raining Men’
2nd: Pave School of the Arts- ‘You Make Me Feel So Young’
3rd: The Movement Dance Academy- ‘What About Us’
4th: Impact Dance- ‘Like A Prayer’
5th: AVANTI Dance Company- ‘Boogie Shoes’
Mini Group
1st: Evoke Dance Movement- ‘Bangalore Whispers’
2nd: Project 21- ‘1+1=2′
3rd: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Colors’
4th: Mather Dance Company- ‘Click Clack’
5th: Project 21- ‘That’s Amore’
Junior Group
1st: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Don’t Forget Me’
2nd: Project 21- ‘My Pumps’
2nd: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Never Going Back Again’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘Vogue’
4th: Cypress Dance Project- ‘What Is Love?’
4th: Evoke Dance Movement- ‘Supermarket Woman’
4th: Project 21- ‘Something Bad Is About to Happen’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘Up Against the Wind’
5th: The Difference Dance Company- ‘Dance Me’
Teen Group
1st: Impact Dance Studio- ‘Bang Bang’
2nd: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Sound & Color’
3rd: Mather Dance Company- ‘Blower’s Daughter’
3rd: CanDance Studios- ‘Glitter’
4th: The Difference Dance Company- ‘Home’
4th: Stars Dance Studio- ‘The Letting Go’
5th: The Difference Dance Company- ‘So Broken’
5th: Evoke Dance Movement- ‘The Ride’
Senior Group
1st: Mather Dance Company- ‘Crime For Crime’
1st: Distinction Dance Company- ‘Do You’
2nd: AVANTI Dance Company- ‘These Days’
3rd: Project 21- ‘Destination’
4th: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Bloodline’
4th: Mather Dance Company- ‘To Be Loved’
5th: The Difference Dance Company- ‘Night’
5th: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Ode to a Love Lost’
5th: Mather Dance Company- ‘Stayaway’
Rookie Line
1st: The Movement Dance Academy- ‘Last Dance’
2nd: Studio X- ‘Drumline’
3rd: Pave School of the Arts- ‘Looking Good and Feeling Gorgeous’
4th: AVANTI Dance Company- ‘Party People’
Mini Line
1st: Impact Dance Studio- ‘What About Us’
2nd: Impact Dance Studio- ‘Don’t Mean A Thing’
2nd: Mather Dance Company- ‘Tens’
3rd: Mather Dance Company- ‘Via Dolorosa’
4th: Project 21- ‘Fashionista’
4th: Impact Dance Studio- ‘River Deep’
5th: Project 21- ‘Dawn’
Junior Line
1st: Impact Dance Studio- ‘When Doves Cry’
2nd: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘9 to 5′
3rd: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Tribal Beauties’
4th: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Applause’
4th: Pave School of the Arts- ‘I Feel Pretty’
5th: Impact Dance Studio- ‘It’s All Coming Back’
Teen Line
1st: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Welcome to the Internet’
2nd: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Cinema (Act II)
3rd: Mather Dance Company- ‘Crazy Love’
4th: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Wasteland’
5th: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Against Me’
5th: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Call Waiting’
5th: Project 21- ‘Dangerous’
5th: Haja Dance Company- ‘Everything Must Change’
5th: Project 21- ‘Malevolence’
5th: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Traditions’
Senior Line
1st: Mather Dance Company- ‘Gravity’
2nd: The Difference Dance Company- ‘Ric Flair Drip’
3rd: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Young & Free’
4th: Evoke Dance Movement- ‘Now Boarding’
5th: CanDance Studios- ‘M.I.R’
Rookie Extended Line
1st: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Do Your Thing’
2nd: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Rockin’ Robin’
3rd: Impact Dance- ‘When You Believe’
4th: Artistic Motion Dance- ‘Cool Rider’
4th: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘You Are Enough’
5th: Impact Dance- ‘Wash That Man’
Mini Extended Line
1st: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Cinema (Act 1)’
2nd: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Goodbye Yellow Brick Road’
3rd: Impact Dance- ‘Hernandos Hideaway’
3rd: CanDance Studios- ‘Lip Gloss’
4th: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Shake My Hand’
5th: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Pink Cadillac’
5th: Pave School of the Arts- ‘Shoeless Joe’
Junior Extended Line
1st: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘My Way’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement- ‘Collateral Damage’
3rd: Evoke Dance Movement- ‘I Want You’
4th: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘You Make Me Feel’
5th: Project 21- ‘Hey, Hi, Hello’
Teen Extended Line
1st: Impact Dance Studio- ‘Sing’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement- ‘No Time To Stand and Stare’
3rd: AVANTI Dance Company- ‘Slip n Slide(s)’
4th: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Runaway’
5th: CanDance Studios- ‘Sound of Awakening’
Senior Extended Line
1st: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Out For Blood’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement- ‘All Dessen Mud’
2nd: AVANTI Dance Company- ‘Check It Out’
3rd: Project 21- ‘Cell Block Tango’
4th: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Love Game’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘Fallout’
Mini Production
1st: Impact Dance Studio- ‘Pump It Up’
2nd: Impact Dance- ‘Low’
3rd: CanDance Studios- ‘National Pastime’
3rd: Impact Dance- ‘The One’
Junior Production
1st: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘Back to the Swing’
1st: The Movement Dance Academy- ‘Love Shack’
2nd: CanDance Studios- ‘Unite’
3rd: Impact Dance- ‘Yala’
4th: Artistic Motion Dance- ‘Money’
Teen Production
1st: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Por Mi Alma’
2nd: Project 21- ‘Love Letter to Ari’
3rd: CanDance Studios- ‘Eat’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘Funk & Soul’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘Mr. Bojangles’
Senior Production
1st: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘We Run This’
High Score by Performance Division:
Voucher Prizes:
1st: $200
2nd: $100
3rd: $50
Rookie Jazz
1st: Project 21- ‘It’s Raining Men’
2nd: The Movement Dance Academy- ‘Last Dance’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘Forever Your Girl’
4th: Mather Dance Company- ‘We Love Freddy’
4th: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Rockin’ Robin’
5th: CanDance Studios- ‘Love Shack’
5th: Impact Dance- ‘Ladies Room’
Rookie Hip-Hop
1st: Artistic Motion Dance- ‘Lose Control’
2nd: Studio X- ‘Drumline’
3rd: Impact Dance- ‘Going Back to Cali’
4th: AVANTI Dance Company- ‘Nursery Rhymes’
5th: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Beggin’
Rookie Tap
1st: AVANTI Dance Company- ‘Boogie Shoes’
2nd: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Do Your Thing’
3rd: Artistic Motion Dance- ‘Build Me Up Buttercup’
4th: Mather Dance Company- ‘These Boots’
Rookie Lyrical
1st: The Movement Dance Academy- ‘What About Us’
2nd: Impact Dance- ‘Like A Prayer’
3rd: Impact Dance- ‘When You Believe’
4th: Artistic Motion Dance- ‘Keep You Safe’
5th: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘You Are Enough’
Rookie Musical Theatre
1st: Pave School of the Arts- ‘Hernando’s Hideaway’
2nd: Dance Studio C- ‘This Little Piggy’
Rookie Specialty
Pave School of the Arts- ‘You Make Me Feel So Young’
Mini Jazz
1st: Mather Dance Company- ‘Tens’
2nd: Project 21- ‘1+1=2′
3rd: Project 21- ‘Fashionista’
3rd: Impact Dance Studio- ‘River Deep’
4th: Mather Dance Company- ‘Click Clack’
5th: Mather Dance Company- ‘Hush Hush’
Mini Ballet
1st: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘Swan Lake Waltz’
2nd: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Saute Sonata’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘Simple Symphony’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘Spanish Dance’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘Flute Concerto No 2′
Mini Hip-Hop
1st: Impact Dance Studio- ‘Pump It Up’
2nd: CanDance Studios- ‘Lip Gloss’
3rd: Impact Dance- ‘Low’
4th: AVANTI Dance Company- ‘Oh Okay’
5th: Heat Dance Studio- ‘Lil Funk’
Mini Tap
1st: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Shake My Hand’
2nd: Studio 19 Dance Complex- ‘Dr Bones’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘For The Navy’
4th: Artistic Motion Dance- ‘PYT’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘Dance With Me Tonight’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘Think’
Mini Lyrical
1st: Impact Dance Studio- ‘What About Us’
2nd: Mather Dance Company- ‘Via Dolorosa’
3rd: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Imagine’
4th: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Goodbye Yellow Brick Road’
5th: Mather Dance Company- ‘Hold On To Me’
Mini Musical Theatre
1st: Impact Dance Studio- ‘Don’t Mean A Thing’
2nd: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Cinema (Act 1)’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Thankful’
4th: Impact Dance- ‘Hernandos Hideaway’
5th: Pave School of the Arts- ‘Shoeless Joe’
Mini Contemporary
1st: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Colors’
2nd: Project 21- ‘Dawn’
3rd: Project 21- ‘Big Spender’
4th: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Escape Artist’
5th: Studio X- ‘Green Light’
Mini Specialty
1st: Evoke Dance Movement- ‘Bangalore Whispers’
2nd: Project 21- ‘That’s Amore’
3rd: Mather Dance Company- ‘Orange Colored Sky’
4th: Pave School of the Arts- ‘Higher’
5th: Pave School of the Arts- ‘Footloose’
Junior Jazz
1st: Impact Dance Studio- ‘When Doves Cry’
2nd: Pave School of the Arts- ‘I Feel Pretty’
2nd: Project 21- ‘My Pumps’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Applause’
3rd: Evoke Dance Movement- ‘I Want You’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘Vogue’
5th: Project 21- ‘Purse First’
Junior Ballet
1st: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Tribal Beauties’
2nd: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Ninety-Five Five’
3rd: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Atlas’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘After Bach’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘Anitra’s Dance’
Junior Hip-Hop
1st: CanDance Studios- ‘Stacked’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement- ‘Playground’
3rd: Artistic Motion Dance- ‘In Your Dreams’
4th: AVANTI Dance Company- ‘Love You Different’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘We Will Rock You’
Junior Tap
1st: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Never Going Back Again’
2nd: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘You Make Me Feel’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘Back to the Swing’
4th: Artistic Motion Dance- ‘All About That Bass’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘Mayhem’
Junior Lyrical
1st: Impact Dance Studio-  ‘It’s All Coming Back’
2nd: Impact Dance Studio- ‘Read All About It’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘Up Against the Wind’
4th: Mather Dance Company- ‘Permanent’
5th: The Movement Dance Academy- ‘Out of Hiding’
5th: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Me In 20 Years’
5th: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Color Me In’
Junior Musical Theatre
1st: Evoke Dance Movement- ‘Going Down’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Neighbors’
3rd: AVANTI Dance Company- ‘Bend and Snap’
4th: Impact Dance- ‘Mein Herr’
5th: Artistic Motion Dance- ‘Money’
Junior Contemporary
1st: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘My Way’
2nd: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Don’t Forget Me’
3rd: Evoke Dance Movement- ‘Collateral Damage’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘9 to 5′
5th: Project 21- ‘Something Bad Is About To Happen’
5th: Stars Dance Studio- ‘The Dance’
Junior Ballroom
1st: Project 21- ‘Hey, Hi, Hello’
2nd: CanDance Studios- ‘Pusher Love’
Junior Specialty
1st: Evoke Dance Movement- ‘Supermarket Woman’
2nd: The Difference Dance Company- ‘Do You’
2nd: CanDance Studios- ‘Unite’
3rd: The Studio Project- ‘Visual Distortion’
4th: Dance Studio C- ‘Hey Mr DJ’
5th: AVANTI Dance Company- ‘The Birds’
Teen Group
Teen Jazz
1st: Distinction Dance Company- ‘Clap Clap’
2nd: Dance Studio C- ‘Last Night’
3rd: Orange County Performing Arts Academy- ‘London Bridge’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘Maniac’
5th: Visionary Dancer- ‘La Vita Nuova’
Teen Hip-Hop
1st: Dancers’ Pointe- ‘Club 229′
Teen Tap
1st: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Sound & Color’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement- ‘Escape’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘Because the Night’
4th: Gotta Dance- ‘My Boo’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘We Built This City’
Teen Lyrical
1st: Mather Dance Company- ‘Blower’s Daughter’
2nd: Haja Dance Company- ‘Lost’
3rd: Dance Studio C- ‘Slow It Down’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘I Surrender’
5th: Heat Dance Studio- ‘Beautiful’
Teen Musical Theatre
1st: The Difference Dance Company- ‘Mein Herr’
2nd: Impact Dance- ‘Be Italian’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘Six’
Teen Contemporary
1st: CanDance Studios- ‘Glitter’
2nd: The Difference Dance Company- ‘Home’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio- ‘The Letting Go’
3rd: The Difference Dance Company- ‘So Broken’
3rd: Evoke Dance Movement- ‘The Ride’
4th: The Difference Dance Company- ‘Mary’
4th: The Difference Dance Company- ‘Daylight’
4th: CanDance Studios- ‘Not Your Honey’
4th: Artistic Motion Dance- ‘Dangerous’
5th: Dance Studio C- ‘Somebody Else’
Teen Ballroom
1st: The Colony- ‘Fade’
Teen Specialty
1st: Impact Dance Studio- ‘Bang Bang’
2nd: Impact Dance- ‘My Immortal
3rd: Dance Studio C- ‘Used To Know’
3rd: Dance Studio C- ‘Get Your Freak On’
4th: The Studio Project- ‘When Going Through It, Count To Four’
5th: Impact Dance- ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’
Teen Line, Extended Line, Production
Teen Jazz
1st: Project 21- ‘Love Letter to Ari’
2nd: Project 21- ‘Dangerous’
2nd: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘Funk & Soul’
3rd: Haja Dance Company- ‘A Ni Ni’
3rd: Evoke Dance Movement- ‘Mr Roboto’
3rd: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Future Nostalgia’
4th: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Fly Away’
5th: Haja Dance Company- ‘Doves’
5th: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Eating The Runway’
Teen Hip-Hop
1st: CanDance Studios- ‘Hijacked’
2nd: AVANTI Dance Company- ‘Tokyo Drift’
3rd: Project 21- ‘Pop’
4th: Evoke Dance Movement- ‘Underground’
5th: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Don’t Go Yet’
Teen Tap
1st: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Scoop’
2nd: Artistic Motion Dance- ‘Baltimore’s Fireflies’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘No Matter Where You Are’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘Take On Me’
Teen Lyrical
1st: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Here is to Life’
2nd: Haja Dance Company- ‘You’re Gonna Love Me’
3rd: Visionary Dancer- ‘Swim Good’
4th: Artistic Motion Dance- ‘2 Steps Away’
5th: Impact Dance- ‘Something Like This’
Teen Musical Theatre
1st: Impact Dance Studio- ‘Sing’
2nd: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Welcome to the Internet’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘Mr. Bojangles’
4th: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Cupid’
5th: Artistic Motion Dance- ‘Whipped Into Shape’
Teen Contemporary
1st: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Por Mi Alma’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement- ‘No Time To Stand and Stare’
3rd: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Cinema (Act II)
4th: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Runaway’
5th: CanDance Studios- ‘Sound of Awakening’
5th: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Wasteland’
Teen Ballroom
1st: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Salome’
2nd: CanDance Studios- ‘Rooooooooosendo and His Ladies’
Teen Specialty
1st: AVANTI Dance Company- ‘Slip n Slide(s)’
1st: Mather Dance Company- ‘Crazy Love’
2nd: CanDance Studios- ‘Eat’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Call Waiting’
4th: Distinction Dance Company- ‘Don’t Jealous Me’
5th: CanDance Studios- ‘Format It’
Senior Jazz
1st: AVANTI Dance Company- ‘Check It Out’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Love Game’
3rd: Haja Dance Company- ‘Check It Out’
4th: AVANTI Dance Company- ‘The Chain’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘Fallout’
Senior Ballet
1st: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Circular Concerto’
Senior Hip-Hop
1st: CanDance Studios- ‘M.I.R’
2nd: Distinction Dance Company- ‘Icon’
3rd: Impact Dance- ‘Rake It Up’
4th: The Haus Dance Agency- ‘Role Modelz’
5th: Gotta Dance- ‘Do You?’
Senior Tap
1st: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘The Way’
2nd: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘We Run This’
Senior Lyrical
1st: Mather Dance Company- ‘Gravity’
2nd: Mather Dance Company- ‘To Be Loved’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Ode to a Love Lost’
4th: Impact Dance- ‘Come On Love’
5th: Impact Dance- ‘Used To Be Mine’
Senior Musical Theatre
1st: Evoke Dance Movement- ‘Now Boarding’
2nd: Project 21- ‘Cell Block Tango’
3rd: Gotta Dance- ‘She Works Hard For the Money’
Senior Contemporary
1st: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Out For Blood’
2nd: AVANTI Dance Company- ‘These Days’
3rd: Project 21- ‘Destination’
3rd: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Young & Free’
4th: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Bloodline’
5th: The Difference Dance Company- ‘Night’
5th: Mather Dance Company- ‘Stayaway’
Senior Specialty
1st: Distinction Dance Company- ‘Do You’
1st: The Difference Dance Company- ‘Ric Flair Drip’
1st: Mather Dance Company- ‘Crime For Crime’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement- ‘All Dessen Mud’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘Forever’
4th: Impact Dance- ‘Power’
5th: Mather Dance Company- ‘Detonate’
Best of Radix:
Cash Prizes:
Winner: $1000
1st runner-up: $500
2nd runner-up: $250
Runners-up: $150
Project 21- ‘It’s Raining Men’
Winner: Mather Dance Company- ‘Tens’
1st runner-up: Evoke Dance Movement- ‘Bangalore Whispers’
2nd runner-up: Impact Dance Studio- ‘What About Us’
3rd runner-up: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Colors’
4th runner-up: Project 21- ‘1+1=2′
5th runner-up: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Cinema (Act 1)’
Winner: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘My Way’
1st runner-up: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Tribal Beauties’
2nd runner-up: Impact Dance Studio- ‘When Doves Cry’
3rd runner-up: Evoke Dance Movement- ‘Collateral Damage’
4th runner-up: Summit Dance Shoppe- ‘9 to 5′
5th runner-up: Pave School of the Arts- ‘I Feel Pretty’
6th runner-up: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Applause’
7th runner-up: Project 21- ‘My Pumps’
Teen Group
Winner: CanDance Studios- ‘Glitter’
1st runner-up: Impact Dance Studio- ‘Bang Bang’
2nd runner-up: Mather Dance Company- ‘Blower’s Daughter’
3rd runner-up: Stars Dance Studio- ‘The Letting Go’
4th runner-up: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Sound & Color’
5th runner-up: The Difference Dance Company- ‘Home’
Teen Line, Extended Line, Production
Winner: Impact Dance Studio- ‘Sing’
1st runner-up: Evoke Dance Movement- ‘No Time To Stand and Stare’
2nd runner-up: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Welcome to the Internet’
3rd runner-up: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Por Mi Alma’
4th runner-up: Project 21- ‘Love Letter to Ari’
Winner: Mather Dance Company- ‘Gravity’
1st runner-up: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Out For Blood’
2nd runner-up: Distinction Dance Company- ‘Do You’
3rd runner-up: AVANTI Dance Company- ‘These Days’
4th runner-up: The Difference Dance Company- ‘Ric Flair Drip’
Best in Show ($10,000)
Impact Dance Studio- ‘Sing’
106 notes · View notes
echotrinityme · 1 year
See You Again Chapter 3: It Was An Accident!
The government is fighting the Toppat clan during a heist and Rupert and Henry are working together again. However, Rupert's anger has been getting the better of him, and it's costing him his sanity. Then something tragic happens on the field, changing Rupert's life forever.
Warning: Death and Blood.
Rupert's happiness faded away when the notorious Toppat Clan started to be in pain the ass.
Okay, the Toppats have been pissing everyone off since they keep escaping, leaving everyone feeling like they failed.
To make it worse, Rupert's anger issues have gotten worse.
Galeforce have tried multiple times to get Rupert some help but he refused every single one of them. Rupert was stubborn as a mule and it was irritating. However, Galeforce was glad he was not hearing about fights between Rupert and Henry. But... that's because no one has even reported Rupert and Henry fighting.
Since Henry loved pissing Rupert off and Rupert was so easy to get riled up, they still kept fighting despite the truce they've formed. When the fighting soldiers have been caught fighting by another soldier, Rupert will threaten the poor soldier while Henry will watch the poor soldier be frightened by Rupert's anger. Henry has been noticing Rupert's anger has been getting worse despite him saying he will work on it.
Charles and Ellie also told him to stop pestering Rupert but Henry can't help it, he loves to piss off Rupert.
The General and Captain Victoria have gotten intel that the Toppats were planning the biggest heist of their lifetime and they needed to act fast. The General told everyone about the objective and everyone will be assigned partners. Once the General has told everyone about the objective, he assigned partners.
Rupert and Henry were paired up with no surprise and with slight discomfort.
Rupert would rather drink sewage water than work with Henry and Henry would rather be killed than be near Rupert. He felt rather uncomfortable with Rupert since there was this one time he almost tried to freaking kill him. He hasn't told the General nor Charles and Ellie. He didn't want Rupert to get in trouble because of him, after all, he started the fight that one time. He also didn't want to be discharged from the Government, he made so many friends and best friends like Charles and Ellie.
It was utter chaos on the battlefield.
The Government was just in time to stop the Toppat Clan from stealing from a museum.
Some of the soldiers were fighting while some of the soldiers were apprehending the Toppats. Of course, some of the Toppats were not going down without a fight.
Rupert and Henry were stuck fighting three Toppats.
One of the Toppats was a female named Carol Cross, wearing a black and purple suit with purple shoes. Her tophat was black with a purple ribbon tied around it, she was holding a rifle and she was smiling evilly. The other two Toppats were male and one was wearing a light green suit and light green tophat. His hair was orange just like the Bukowski twins and the same eyes. The last Toppat wore a green and red suit with the tophat the same color as the suit. However, his tophat had an emblem on it.
Henry was fighting the two toppats and he managed to kick down one of them while blocking the other. Rupert was fighting Carol who was putting up a fight which irritated him, he wanted to get this done as soon as possible. Carol was pushing him back and he was making sure not to trip and fall. He bumped into something hard and warm, he turned around to find him and Henry back to back.
"Watch where you're going porcupine!" Henry said angrily while still fighting the light green toppat.
"Same goes for you, dickhead!" Rupert retorted with a snarl as he dodged Carol's knife.
Rupert fled away from Henry and Carol chased after him. Henry knocked out the toppats weapons and started using his fists. Rupert stopped a few feet away from him as Carol attacked him with her knife, he dodged pretty quickly as he got out his knife. He attacked her using his knife but she dodged his attack. Henry knocked down the two toppats and they both landed on the ground. Henry smirked in triumph, however, his victory was short-lived when two more Toppats came over to attack him.
He huffed in annoyance as he dodged their attacks, he also saw that Rupert was having trouble dealing with Carol Cross. He knew he shouldn't distract himself and Rupert from the fight but he saw an opportunity.
"Hey, Rupy?" Henry said in a sing-song tone, "Having trouble fighting a girl?"
Rupert bristled at that nickname, he didn't like it when someone calls him "Rupy." It was humiliating.
"Don't. Call. Me. Rupy," Rupert growled out, still trying to dodge Carol, "And no, I'm not!"
"Awwww, why not?" Henry responded as he attacked the Toppats, "It's so fun to rile you up!"
"Shut. Up," Rupert replied lowly, he knew Henry was pissing him off on purpose and he was trying to keep his anger in check. However, he felt his blood boil upon Henry insulting him.
Rupert growled as Carol got close to him and tried to get his knife but he got hold of her hands and she tried to escape. She noticed Rupert was angrier than usual so she smirked, "You know he's right," she said with a sneer.
"What?" Rupert said in confusion.
"He's right," Carol repeated, "You're having trouble fighting me,"
"I am not!" Rupert bellowed.
Rupert kicked Carol off and she fell to the ground with an oof. Henry saw this as he kicked the Toppats on the ground and was now unconscious. Henry put his hands on his hips, "Well, you did it Rupy," he said with a grin.
Rupert quickly glared at him, Carol got up as she saw the exchange. She noticed Rupert was clenching his fists and Henry was giving him a smug look. She sneered as she got out her knife again and she charged at him. Henry saw this and he smirked some more. "She's charging at you," he said.
Rupert dodged Carol as she jumped and she landed on the ground. Henry saw Carol get up again, she was determined to take down Rupert. "Hey, Rupert? Looks like you have an admirer," Henry stated in a teasing tone.
Rupert snarled as he bared his teeth like an animal would, he was getting tired of Henry's insults. His blood boil some more as his eyes turned red, his pupils contracting, and his eyes lit up with anger. He held up his knife and he huffed in anger. He stared at Henry, eyes flaring up while ignoring Carol in the process.
"Shut... UP!!!!" Rupert bellowed as he threw the knife.
Carol's eyes widened as she saw the knife and dodged it. The knife missed her as it headed toward Henry who wasn't paying attention, he was facing the other way. Before he turned around, he felt a bump on the side of his head. He cried out in pain as he stumbled, he was trying to control his balance but tripped on a rock in the process.
His head landed on another rock and busted his head open. He was now dead.
Carol heard the noise and turned around to find Henry bleeding out of his head. His eyes were opened as he stared into emptiness, she gasped as Rupert calm down. Rupert was panting as he noticed Carol wasn't looking at him, he followed her direction with his eyes and his eyes widened in horror.
He saw Henry laying on a rock with blood pooling around him.
Two of the Toppats that Henry knocked down woke up and saw Henry's corpse. They saw his head was on the rock and his head was busted open. They both stood up to go check on him but it was too late, he was dead.
They saw the knife that landed next to Henry and then on Carol. Carol saw Henry's body and the knife, and she immediately connected the dots. She glanced at Rupert staring at Henry’s body, “Well well, porcupine," she laughed coldly. "Looks like you screwed up big time!"
There was a sound of sirens and her and the rest of the Toppats retreated, leaving Rupert alone with Henry's corpse.
Rupert slowly went up to Henry with a blank look on his face, "Uh...Henry?" he squeaked.
Henry didn't respond.
"Henry?" Rupert said anxiously.
This has to be some cruel joke Henry was playing on him, there was no way Henry could be dead!
Rupert stood down to check Henry's pulse but felt nothing. Rupert's heart began to beat faster as he felt so many emotions run through him. He gently held Henry's head up, ignoring the blood staining his hands but didn't care.
"Henry?! Wake up! Don't play jokes on me!" Rupert exclaimed, trying to wake Henry up but it failed. Henry was dead and there was nothing he can do about it.
"Henry! Please wake up!" Rupert's panicking caused a commotion and the soldiers ran over to Rupert's location.
Rupert was still trying to wake Henry up when he heard footsteps coming his way, he heard gasps and murmurs. He looked up to see June, Hank, Hayden, Jose, Calvin, Konrad, and several other soldiers staring at him in shock. Rupert felt a hot liquid streaming down his face as Victoria came over to the group, she looked at Henry's corpse, looked at the knife, and then at Rupert.
"What did you do!" she demanded coldly.
"I... I- It was an accident!" Rupert responded, trying to stay calm but failing. Charles and Ellie came over to them and saw what was going on. Charles saw Henry's dead body, he also saw the blood.
Charles saw Rupert was holding Henry and he became enraged.
"Get away from him!" Charles exclaimed angrily as he pushed Rupert away from Henry, Rupert landed on the dirt. He stood up as he saw Charles cradling Henry's corpse and sobbing. Everyone else surrounded him as Ellie approached him and punched him in the face. Rupert didn't have time as he felt blood coming out of his nose, he kept staring at Henry's corpse. He was trembling, Ellie gave him a death glare.
"What. Happened?" she questioned lowly.
"I... Um... I... it was an accident!" Rupert answered desperately.
"No!" Ellie snapped, making Rupert flinch a little, "An accident is when you spilled a glass of juice on the floor, what you did is not an accident... it's freaking murder!"
Ellie turned around to see Charles lifting Henry in his arms, he was still sobbing. He gave a cold look at Rupert who looked catatonic, he then went to his helicopter where the General was waiting. Everyone also glared at Rupert and followed Charles, leaving Ellie alone with Rupert.
Ellie saw his nose bleeding from her punch and felt a sick sense of satisfaction.
"Henry's now dead because of you... Are you happy now that you killed him?" Ellie asked, voice cracking, she trying not to sob."
Rupert didn't answer as Ellie left him alone.
Rupert looked over where Henry was and he saw the crimson substance on the rock. He went over to the rock and picked up his knife. He stared at the knife blankly.
Carol was right... he screwed up.
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real-time-twilight · 1 year
Eclipse in Real Time
May 22, 2006 (Monday)
Moon Phase: Waning Crescent 🌘
🌄 Sunrise: 5:28 AM
🌅 Sunset : 8:59 PM
Eclipse, Ch. 3 ("Motives") (from Pg. 75, line 18)
8:45 AM (Approx.) - Edward and Bella arrive at school; Edward asks Bella to stay in the car and wait until he comes back; Bella notices Jake with his motorcycle parked on the sidewalk; Edward informs Bella that her assumption regarding Jakes motivation for calling want to see that she was still human, but to plan on talking with Edward in an area with witnesses .
8:50 AM (Approx.) - Edward and Bella approach Jacob; Jacob tells Bella that the Cullens and The Pack had a border dispute involving Emmett and Paul over the weekend; Edward demands that Jacob leave as Bella realises that Edward's real reason for taking Bella to Jacksonville was to get her out of town and away from Victoria
8:57 AM (Approx.) - Principal Greene arrives to formally tell Jacob to vacate the school premises
9:06 AM (Approx.) - Over a series of notes passed in English class, Bella demands the whole story from Edward: Edward explains that Emmett wandered too close to the boundary while chasing Victoria and Paul reacted defensively. Rosalie reacted in kind and Carlisle and Jasper defused the situation.
9:15 AM (Approx.) - Mr. Berty tries to bust Edward and Bella for passing notes in class, only to find that the paper on Edward's desk are his notes on the lesson
11:15 AM (Approx.) - In Calculus, Bella overhears her male classmates (all witnesses to the morning confrontation) betting who would win in a fight between Edward and Jacob
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kits-shrine · 7 months
"Certainly," Apollo replied as his form shifted, and a tall man stood where the hound had before. His clothes were elegant if vastly outdated; he looked as if he stepped out of the pages of a Jane Austin novel. He sported a fair complexion and long hair the colour of his fur. Styled in a low ponytail along with side swept bangs and two loose strands of hair framing his handsome yet sharp face. Kind green eyes smiled at her from behind wire-rimmed circular glasses. A familiar smile pulled at his lips as the man bowed, "My Lady."
A little shiver of nervousness and shyness made it's way over to the shuck through their bond. He was much more formal than she would have thought. A part of her felt a bit like she did at the parties her father had to attend on his way from Mayor to potentially Governor. Plus it was still pretty startling to see him change like magic.
Victoria gave a little giggle at that errant thought chasing away the more negative feelings, given it was actually magic. She offered him a smile "That is pretty neat."
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