#may those who defy it glory
kris-creations · 6 months
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Did a screenshot redraw of this moment from Princess Tutu 🥰
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year2000electronics · 7 months
hlvrai thoughts on my brain. i feel like coomer and benrey have some very similar Fears. i think they both don’t want The Video Game to end. but as for why? well for both of them it’s different
looking at coomer, it’s clear in his fight scene that he wants to escape the game; that he’s terrified there’s nothing beyond black mesa. he needs his life to have meaning and is horrified when he perceives it has none, at least not compared to gordon.
benrey constantly tries to get the group to head back and asks them to stop shooting at him not NECESSARILY because he’s at the Horrible Whims of the Game’s Code or anything, but because going forward would be literally advancing the plot. which is further to The End.
i feel like coomer and benrey could very reasonably share the same belief- one that coomer expresses in his ending speech (“and now i imagine you’ll turn [the video game off]. move on with your life.) coomers view of The Player has become quite optimistic, but throughout the speech he’s still not so transparently begging The Player to take the science team with them and not leave them here. and so benrey could easily not want the final battle to come to a close because he too believes that after the game ends, the player will move on
but UNlike coomer, i don’t think benrey wants to escape. i think he LIKES the story of the video game. i just think he wants to keep it going FOREVER. like he says in act 4- “i just want to play games with people, man”. he clearly ENJOYS antagonizing gordon and being a security guard, it’s fun for him, so that’s why i could never buy the Reluctant Antagonist Benrey idea. he always says gordon needs to calm down too so clearly he doesn’t take much stuff very seriously, which could definitely include his own sentience as an ai
so yea. i think both coomer and benrey don’t want the story to end, but coomer wants to escape the story and benrey wants to embody the story
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enby-axels · 1 year
to be a naruto villain is to transcend your fate. the protagonist is supposed to fix you but the writer doesnt know what to do with you. the fandom eats up the sanitized versions of you, while reviling the you that had agency and whose voice said something true and beautiful. you are free. you are trapped by the narrative. the real you died with talk no jutsu, killed by an act of god. you are functionally frozen in time, and thus immortal
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axolotlelle · 4 months
watching princess tutu for the first time and oh im about to be real annoying about this one because it's exactly my jam
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xanthezhou · 1 year
just finished watching princess tutu
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fatedefy · 8 months
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⦋ ‵ you people are crazy. ʹ ⦌   @heroeswove laments.   the sheer amusement of it causes a single muscle at the corner of neji's mouth to twitch upward,    the suggestion of a smile on an otherwise implacable countenance.   by now he's well aware of the perceived insanity that was his team's work ethic,   their drive for excellence often regarded as excessive even amongst the most dedicated of their peers.   whatever marveling critiques were levied at them do little to sway his mind against their hard regimen,   though. probing, instead, at the dormant superiority complex he had suppressed so long ago   ⸻   preening inwardly to know that few others could keep up.     ‵    i assure you that training from before dawn to midday is quite sane when you consider the results.    i wonder what you'll think when i say i even get up two hours earlier to practice my own techniques ... in any case, you're welcome to join us, naruto. 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝘩𝑎𝑛𝑑-𝑡𝑜-𝘩𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑖𝑠 𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑦, so i'd encourage it.   ʹ 
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the battle of the labyrinth starters     /     ACCEPTING.
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maletofujoshi · 2 years
What’s with deltarune contrasting ralsei and noelle and linking the two. What’s it getting at
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migrationtothenorth · 13 days
just commissioned a piece of calligraphy. in my renaissance patron (soon-to-be-employed girlie) era
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noworldasgoodasmine · 1 month
I really gotta rewatch Princess Tutu someday, when i first finished it i considered it one of the best anime Ive watched and after nearly 3 years i still consider it so
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shojoboy · 8 months
"May those who accept their fate be granted Happiness; may those who defy their fate be granted Glory" is such a badass fuckin quote that you might think it came from a children;s anime called Princess Tutu and well that is because. it did
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circussclown · 2 months
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May those who accept their fate be granted happiness, may those who defy their fate be granted glory.
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wheeboo · 8 months
venus | choi seungcheol
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SYNOPSIS. in which the love between you and the prince is forbidden. PAIRING. prince!choi seungcheol x servant-commoner!reader (ft. servant-commoner!chan very briefly) GENRE. fluff, angst with a hopeful ending?, forbidden love, royalty au, arranged marriage au (cheol is in an arranged marriage), established secret relationship WARNINGS. cheol and reader both have a lil argument, terms of endearment (darling, love, sweetheart), kissing WORD COUNT. 3.8k
note: fic is vaguely inspired by the bridge part of this song called "venus" by regina song 🫶💕 this is also my first time writing a royalty au, so i hope you enjoy! this also features the very iconic "you came" "you called" line 😭
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The ballroom of Pledis Palace is charged with an air of enchantment. The time had just reached the peak of evening. Moonlight filters through the large, grand windows, bathing the open room in an ethereal glow. Along the sides of the ballroom are intricately carved golden marble columns, each one painted with a different tale of the kingdom's past.
In the middle of the ceiling sits a majestic chandelier hanging from a massive, golden chain. The piece is the crown jewel of the ballroom, one that easily draws visitors into all its glory and beauty, and it casts a radiant gleam that seemed to rain down like stardust upon the guests below.
The dance floor reflects the light from the chandelier, creating an illusion of stars twinkling at one's feet. You watch all the elegantly-dressed guests move with grace across the room. The women are all dressed with precise attention to detail, their gowns and jewelry like works of art on a canvas. Some wear dresses in shades of amethyst, emerald, and sapphire, embroidered with beautiful beadwork that glistens like constellations, while others prefer flowing gowns in delicate pastels, as if they've stepped out of a fairytale.
They all hold onto their partners𑁋lavish gentlemen dressed in sophistically tailored suits matching the colours of their ladies' gowns𑁋with utmost love and enjoyment, while you find yourself standing at the side, holding up a tray of drinks as a particular heaviness settles in your chest.
And as your eyes drift ever so slightly, you swear that regardless what direction you look in, he's always there at the end of it, like a light at the end of the tunnel. Yet the light this time was dim and lacked almost all the hope that used to be there when you looked at him.
Not only is the royal family of Pledis here, but also a second one. The Choi royal family of Pledis, and of course, the future in-laws.
Prince Choi Seungcheol is dancing with poise that appeared almost effortless, eyes locked in a tender gaze to his future betrothed, yet the smile to his face doesn't quite reach his eyes. It's the same kind of gaze during the times he would be with you, like in the secret corners of the royal garden that only the two of you knew, or in the times you both snuck out of the castle at the wee hours of the night to stargaze, or the intimate nights you spent with him in his quarters where you had to leave just before daybreak.
It's those times where the certain line between nobility and commoner could be momentarily blurred. It's those times where you both truly felt free in more ways than one.
As you continue to watch the dance and see the way he twirls his betrothed with ease, the world seems to blur, and it felt as if it was just you and Seungcheol in this grand ballroom. His eyes, so familiar yet so distant, meet yours in a fleeting moment. His face falls instantly.
The world and time may have pulled you apart, but in that stolen glance, you were brought back together. In your eyes, you saw the prince who had defied tradition and chosen to be with you without boundaries. In his eyes, he saw the commoner who had been his confidant and, more importantly, his secret love.
"Why are you just standing there? Go tend to your duties," the steward advises you annoyedly, snapping you out of your focus. With a start, you fix your posture, offering a quick nod of understanding to the stern-faced steward.
Hastily, you resume your duty, walking through the large crowd, presenting the tray of drinks and feeling their odd looks linger on you as you move past them. They're taunting you, not with words, but with their subtle, condescending glances. The weight in your chest only deepens with each step you take.
You reach the outskirts of the dance floor, casting another glance towards Seungcheol. His elegant moves and the seemingly affectionate way he held his betrothed gives a bittersweet feeling to your chest, and you can't help but briefly imagine yourself there with him instead𑁋being the one at the end of his smile, the end of his touch.
As the music swelled, the dance finally comes to an end. You watch as the prince gracefully leads his betrothed back to her seat, a warm smile on his face. You know he didn't have much of a choice. He had an obligation to the kingdom, to his family, and to the future over the love he had once whispered to you in the hidden corners of the royal gardens.
Your heart aches again, but you understand. You couldn't be a part of his world, no matter how much he cared for you.
You don't catch the way his eyes follow you once you dismiss yourself out of the ballroom, struggling to hold your tears back.
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"Y/N, don't you think you overwatered this area right here?" Chan, a fellow gardener for the royal garden and closest friend, taps lightly on your shoulder, startling you out of your daze and nearly the watering can in your hands. You blink rapidly, bringing yourself back to the present.
All you manage is a weak smile, some embarrassment and guilt flooding your senses. "Sorry, I... I guess my mind was elsewhere."
He gives you a knowing look, gaze sympathetic yet encouraging. "It's okay. I know things haven't been the best recently." He gestures toward the grand castle behind you, its towers standing tall and proud. You know exactly what he's talking about, and it makes you let out a sigh, facing back towards the garden in front of you.
You've poured your heart into the royal garden for so long, finding comfort in its quiet beauty and the therapeutic rhythm of tending to its blooms from day to night.
As the sun dips below the horizon and the moon begins to rise, the garden transforms into a world of magic. The abundance of flowers surrounding you seem to glow vibrantly under the moonlight, and their scent becomes more rich in the cool night air. The air carries a gentle breeze, and the soft rustle of leaves soothes your troubled mind.
There was just something about simply being with nature𑁋in the royal garden and with the beauty that exists outside its walls𑁋that allows you to breathe more freely. Sometimes, you swear that even the flowers are capable of whispering words of their own, as if sharing stories with you alone, or stories that you used to listen to with one particular man.
Just as you're about to finish watering one last final section, you hear Chan's distant voice from afar.
"Y-Your Highness! What brings you here at this hour?"
You freeze in place, the almost-empty watering can slipping from your fingers as you turn around.
Prince Seungcheol stands at the edge of the garden, his gracious figure silhouetted against the moonlit scenery. He's dressed in his nighttime attire, a pair of simple yet elegant black trousers and a crisp white shirt that flows slightly in the cool breeze. His gaze flickers between you and Chan, a hint of curiosity in his expression, and the two of you both offer a respectful bow in his direction as he approaches.
"I just wanted some fresh air," Seungcheol answers sharply, locking his eyes with yours, and there's a small smile that graces his lips once he catches sight of you. "It's peaceful here in the garden, isn't it?"
You heart only flutters to his words, yet that arrow of sadness pierces through your chest. However, even below the auroral skies and with the intoxicating fragrance of flowers all around, your heart feels lighter than it has in a long time.
"Chan, you may excuse us for a moment." He gestures to the young boy, his voice carrying a warm, reassuring tone that you've longed to hear.
With a quick nod, Chan offers a polite bow, shooting you a glance before slipping his way back in the direction of the castle, leaving you alone with Seungcheol.
Seungcheol approaches you, the distance between you decreasing until you're standing just a breath away from each other. You both remain in a contemplative silence, neither of you wanting to break the fragile moment that has been rekindled after so long.
Finally, he speaks in a hushed tone. "You've been avoiding me."
Your gaze is quick to fall to the ground in guilt, unable to meet his eyes.
"You know I had to," You reply simply, voice barely more than a whisper. "We can't be together, Cheol. You should know this better than me. It was the only choice you had. Duty called, and you answered."
Seungcheol's face only contorts with a mix of anguish and frustration. "Duty? Duty won't keep me warm at night, Y/N. Duty won't make me feel alive. You are what my heart longs for. You should know this. This is all purely arranged, don't you remember?"
You let out an audible scoff, feeling your hands crumple into fists at your side. "You're being selfish right now. Think about the kingdom, your family, and the future you're meant to build. Don't you see why we can't... we can't be together? It's inevitable. We shouldn't..." Your find your voice drifting away, words getting caught in your throat.
He steps even closer, his frustration boiling over into desperation. "I am thinking about them. I think about them every day, but I... I can't stop thinking about you either. I can't stop loving you."
"This love won't feed the hungry, Seungcheol. This love won't protect our people. This love won't secure the kingdom's future. This love won't change the fact that I'm merely a commoner and you're a prince."
The moonlight accentuates the sadness in his eyes as your words sink in, and you find yourself unable to hold back the tears that have welled up. The two of you only stand there for a few long moments, simply gazing in each other's glassy eyes, feeling like the garden itself was holding in a breath of its own.
Then in a sudden moment of vulnerability, you step closer to him, resting your head against his chest, taking in his familiar warmth and the scent you've longed for as your tears stain his shirt. Seungcheol wraps you in his strong arms, pulling you closer, and you feel his heartbeat against your body, steady and comforting. It's a sound you've always loved listening to whenever you embraced each other.
"I've missed you, darling," he mutters quietly. "Don't you understand how much you mean to me?"
With his arms around you, you feel a warmth that fills the void in your heart. It's a sensation you've yearned for the past few torturous months.
"I-I've missed you too," You confess, voice trembling. "But... but we can't𑁋"
"Please," he pleads softly, tightening his hold around you. "Can't I just hold you?"
The tenderness his voice holds cuts you off, and you can't help the way your fingers instinctively knead at his shirt.
Seungcheol holds you tightly, as if he's afraid that letting go will make you vanish into thin air. In this fleeting moment, there's no kingdom to rule, no traditions to uphold𑁋just the two of you, reunited in an embrace that disregards the confines of your roles. It's as if the world beyond this secluded royal garden has ceased to exist, and for the first time in a long while, you feel truly alive.
"I love you," he murmurs, voice heavy with sorrow, his lips brushing against your hair. "I love you more than anything in this world."
Usually that particularly intimate exchange brings those flutters to your stomach and a giddy smile to your face, but instead, it only makes your heart throb. Though you know with every fibre in your body that it's true𑁋that you love each other. It's not a secret, nor a feeling to deny.
You find yourself pulling away slightly, angling your head up to be able to take a look at him. His gaze meets yours halfway, and the intensity in his dark pupils nearly takes your breath away. He searches your eyes for a moment, before drawing his lips near yours, his intent clear. For a heartbeat, you're tempted to give in𑁋to taste the sweetness of his kiss once more.
But then the weight of responsibility, the duty you've always known, everything, pulls you back.
"I-I can't," You whisper, the words escaping your lips shakily. "We can't, Seungcheol. It-It's not right."
Seungcheol's breath hitches as you pull away. His lips hover just inches from yours, yearning for a connection that seems increasingly unattainable.
"I know," he replies quietly, his voice barely more than a breath. He still doesn't want to let you go. "I understand. I'm sorry."
You bring a hand up to cup his cheek, caressing his skin softly. "The kingdom needs you. Your people need you. They need a strong, capable leader. They need their prince."
Seungcheol's jaw tightens. "And what about what I need? What about what my heart seeks?"
You only gaze longingly at him. The two of you know the answer to that. You don't have to say anything before he understands with a sigh. His expression softens with a mix of resignation and affection, and he takes your hand in his, bringing it to his lips to press a gentle kiss to your knuckles.
"Your Highness, your presence is requested back in the palace," Chan's voice calls out from behind, breaking the fragile moment between the two of you.
Seungcheol releases your hand defeatedly, his gaze lingering on you for a moment longer.
However, instead of backing away, he leans back in close to whisper into your ears, "Come meet me at the royal ballroom tomorrow at midnight," Then he pauses, contemplating, and adding on, "if you wish, of course."
Then his lips curl into a bittersweet smile before turning away to leave. The sound of his footsteps gradually fades as he walks away back towards the palace, leaving you standing amidst the fragrant blooms and under the rays of soft moonlight.
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Come meet me at the royal ballroom... midnight... if you wish. Seungcheol's words have been echoing in your mind for the entirety of the day, sometimes even distracting you from the duties you are assigned to in the royal garden.
The more you thought over his invitation, the more it felt like an impossible temptation, knowing well of the risks and consequences it could bring.
The day passes in a blur, the sun making its daily journey across the sky, casting a warm and inviting glow over the palace and the royal garden. And when the late night finally takes over, and the clock strikes midnight, you find yourself cautiously walking down the large corridor of the palace, your feet instinctively bringing you in the direction of the royal ballroom. It's eerily quiet at this time, nothing but skeleton staff that still heightens your paranoid senses of getting caught.
Yet as you stop in front of the grand doors of the ballroom, your heart quickens its pace. You pause for a moment, taking a deep breath to steady yourself. Should you really be doing this? Was it entirely a good idea to be here?
But just the thought of simply him draws you in, your hand briefly gliding over the glistening doorknob.
With a determined sigh, you take the leap and push the heavy doors open. The ballroom lies before you, bathed in the silvery luminescence filtering through the grand windows. Your heart races as you step inside.
The ballroom is empty, deserted practically. All of the lights, including the large chandelier, were switched off, the only source coming from the outside world through the tall windows.
As you step further into the room, the sounds of your shoes echoing throughout, the sheer emptiness of the place becomes more apparent. You swear you even hear your own thoughts bouncing off the walls of the room. Doubts start to creep into your mind. What if he doesn't come? What if this was all a mistake?
However, just as you're about to give in to the feeling of hopelessness, you hear a soft sound from behind you. You turn to find Seungcheol entering the ballroom and closing the door shut. He's dressed in a simple black suit, and there's a twinge of vulnerability in his eyes that mirrors your own.
"You came," he says, and his voice is so soft that you can barely hear it over your racing heart.
You fully turn yourself to him, swallowing down a nervous lump in your throat.
"You called."
Seungcheol's eyes light up, and a faint smile crosses his lips as he steps closer to you. The moonlight bathes him in an celestial glow, accentuating his princely features. But in this moment, he's just the man you've been in love with for so long.
He extends his hand toward you, eyes locked onto yours, inviting you to share a dance with him.
"May I?" he asks gentlemanly, and it sends a rush of heat to your cheeks.
You hesitate for a brief moment, glancing down at his hand and back up to his face. "I... I don't know how..."
Seungcheol's smile remains warm and encouraging, his hand still extended toward you.
"It's okay," he says softly. "I'll teach you. Just follow my lead."
Tentatively, you place your hand in his. His grip is firm yet gentle as he guides you to the centre of the empty dance floor, a certain eager bounce in his step that you notice, and the stars painting the ground seem to come to life as you stand with him. Seungcheol places his hand on your waist, and the warmth of his palm against your skin sends shivers down your spine. You loop your arms around his neck, trying to steady your breathing as you prepare to follow his lead.
At first, your steps are awkward, but you try your best to mimic the elegance and grace that he naturally possesses. He's probably had personal training for this kind of thing, You think.
You chuckle at the small moments where your feet accidentally bump or you step on his toes, and Seungcheol's laughter mingles with yours. Nothing but a soft melody of an imagined song fills the silence as the two of you move together in the middle of the ballroom.
"You're doing great," he whispers, breath brushing against your ear as you sway together.
It's scarily easy to lose yourself in Seungcheol's eyes. They're the same eyes that once whispered secrets of love to you beneath the stars. Now they say a lot without saying anything.
You don't know how long you've been dancing, but it feels like an eternity and a fleeting moment all at once. The world outside the ballroom may be waiting, filled with your separate responsibilities and expectations, but in this moment, it's just you and him.
"Have I mentioned how beautiful you look tonight?" Seungcheol comments, even though you were only dressed in your servant uniform.
Your cheeks flush at his compliment, feeling a bit self-conscious under his gaze, and offer a shy smile. "I'm not as stunning as the ladies at the court, nor your betrothed."
Seungcheol gently tilts your chin upward, making sure you meet his eyes.
"Every time I look at you, I feel like I fall in love all over again." His thumb brushes lightly against your cheek. "Every time I watch you down tending to the garden through my quarters, I feel as if you're tending to my heart. I can simply say that you're the most beautiful person I've ever laid my eyes on, sweetheart."
His words make your heart swell out of your chest, his grip on your waist tightening imperceptibly, drawing you closer to him. The space between you vanishes, and you can feel the heat of his body seeping through the layers of fabric that separate you. Seungcheol could shower you with praises all day long, and you would never tire of hearing them. He has a way of making you feel special, cherished, and utterly adored.
"Cheol?" You call out, voice tinged with vulnerability.
He raises an eyebrow, still guiding you through the dance. "Yes, love?"
"Are we crazy for doing this?" You ask. It's meant to be rhetorical in a way, but the uncertainty in your voice lingers, and Seungcheol's expression becomes more serious.
He slows the movement between you two, his pensive eyes locked onto yours.
"Perhaps we are," he admits wholeheartedly. "but I'd rather be crazy with you than live a life without you."
His words quietly suspend in the air around you. The moments pass, but they feel eternal, as if time itself has momentarily paused to let the two of you be together. You're captured in his eyes, just like he is with yours. You see the emotions he's trying to convey: love, longing, and the knowledge that this moment is both a blessing and a curse.
And then without a word, you both lean in at the same time, lips meeting each other's in a kiss both softly and tenderly. It's a stolen moment; it's a secret scene that only the moon and stars witness.
His arms pull you closer, fingers dancing along your spine, as if he's trying to bridge any space that might exist between you. It's a kiss that tastes of bittersweet nostalgia𑁋something of what once was and what could never be. You savour the taste of him on your lips, knowing that once the morning light arrives, this moment may become nothing more than a distant memory.
As your lips break away, you both draw back slightly, foreheads touching, breathing heavily as you savour the precious seconds of closeness.
"You know that I'd give up everything for you," he whispers, breath warm against your skin.
You only smile, tracing your fingers gently over his lips. He leans into your touch.
"I know," You say softly. "And I would do the same for you."
"But just for tonight." He pushes back some strands of hair behind your ear. "Can we pretend that the world doesn't matter?"
You peer into his eyes, and for a moment, you see a reflection of your own pining. Your heart sinks, but it also rises. A smile drifts across your face, but it also carries a trace of sadness. Leaning in, you nearly press your lips against his once again, but then you take in a deep breath.
"Yes," is all you mutter. "I'm all yours."
That's all it takes for him to kiss you again, a bit more fervently and urgently that it nearly makes you stumble in surprise. But the second you pull back from each other, he's grabbing your hand in his, a bright smile to his face, before twirling you around and pulling you in close once more, your laughter echoing in the empty ballroom together. You share one more kiss, and then another, and another, whispers of hushed I love you's against each other’s lips as the night goes on like it will never end.
And it's with each minute that passes that only strengthens Seungcheol's determination𑁋that in some way, he will make sure you both will be together, whether that means escaping the constraints of your worlds, finding a way to keep your love alive in secret, or even sacrificing a part of himself.
With each kiss, he silently promises you that he will find a way. With each kiss, you silently promise to love and wait for him.
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taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @ylliris-hanniehae @icyminghao @slytherinshua @jeonride @lockburn-castle @vrnism @weird-bookworm @mhlsymlysn @ryuwonieebae @yeonjuns-redhair @wonwooz1
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mangakachan · 29 days
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“May those who accept fate find happiness, and may those who defy fate find glory”
Both hellebores (especially species commonly referred to as Christmas roses) and snowdrops are associated with hope and new beginnings as they tend to bloom early in spring. This bit of symbolism ties nicely to Mytho and Rue, who are able to escape their fate within Drosselmeyer’s story, and at the end of the show are seen dancing freely together as prince and princess, enjoying their new lives together. 💕
Speaking of something new, as some of you know, moonie_fan_collections on Instagram is working to convert some of my Sailor Moon designs into enamel pins. She’s also expressed a potential interest in the Princess Tutu designs as well! This is still very tentative and there is currently no timeline in place, but if you are interested please give her a follow on Instagram and message her to let her know you are interested!
Princess Tutu series parts: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 & 10 / 11 & 12
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wormwaveart · 2 years
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May those who accept their fate be granted happiness,
May those who defy their fate be granted glory.
Happy 20th Anniversary, Princess Tutu 🩰🦢
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fatedefy · 9 months
   𝒇𝒐𝒐𝒕𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒑𝒔 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒖����𝒃 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆, meditative concentration splintered by the light tapping of slippered feet against the engawa walkway outside his room connecting the immensity of the hyūga compound in about the only meaningful way both main and branch houses would ever twine.    neji recognizes the chakra signature tied to the person traversing these hollowed halls,    the essence of it haunting him still with guilt for a rage misplaced;    although her presence in this section of their family's estate was surprising enough,    the thought that she would be searching for him seemed all the more ludicrous.    (  though she had long-since cleansed him of his misgivings,    the shame of his actions,    he suspects,    would never dissipate.   )
as such, he expects the footsteps would pass his screen door by,    and the lonely comfort of silence he has become so accustomed to throughout his desolate youth would enshroud him once more.     a bandaged palm reaches for the cup of tea he had just poured himself before it trembles,    stuttering in place as the chime of the bell he had placed outside his door for   (  nonexistent   )   visitors to summon him with beckons him to answer.   gracefully,   he unfurls from his kneeled position,  long strides swift as they approach the shadow beyond the paper partition.     neji slides open the door,     prized sight gazing into it's mirror image framed by the delicate nervousness of his cousin's face.
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  ‵  i’m here because we need your help.    ʹ     @byakugano breathes out after a beat.
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neji's renowned speed fails him for a moment,     pausing longer than would have been warranted as he idled by the door wrestling his surprise.     a ripple of disappointment disturbs the clarity of her energy,     jolting enough awareness back into the genius to prompt him to step aside and beckon her into the unnatural sterility of the humble room afforded to him.     ‵    you have it.    ʹ     he acquiesces to her plea quietly,   a peculiar lilt in his monotonous lull emphasizing the notion that he would offer his abilities without question only because it was she that had asked.   he motions for her to take a seat at the small kotatsu with frayed edges placed centerfold within the contained space while he procures another teacup and sets it before her.     retaking his kneeling position across from her,     he pours the previously steeped tea from the ornate teapot set between them into her cup.     ‵    i have much to atone for with you ...    ʹ'
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everything everywhere all at once prompts / accepting
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goldensunset · 1 year
my understanding of princess tutu from lore osmosis:
•duck girl turns into a human girl (her name is duck/ahiru. very creative i love it)
•and then she’s also a ballerina magical girl
•something something escaping the narrative yes i know you guys post about this constantly i don’t even understand it
•^my educated guess is because it’s like a fairy tale that they’re supposed to be performing then they decide no i don’t want to play this role anymore actually
•guy named drosselmeyer is the one writing this story that they try to escape
•edgelord named fakir that has somehow gained a RIDICULOUS amount of momentum in the edgelord poll
•he uh. wrote real person fanfic about his parents dying i think? and then somehow something magical happened and it actually killed them? huh??
•apparently some people tried cutting off his hands so that he wouldn’t do this again
•The Blood (whatever this is)
•’may those who accept their fate be granted happiness and may those who defy it be granted glory’ or however the quote goes
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