#maybe it’s cause he created mora
cometrose · 5 months
after playing furina’s story quest i think paimon’s favorite archon is probably zhongli and nahida.
they get no mean nicknames and while she teases zhongli she pretty much always does what he says and praises him a lot i still remember how she got so upset at the idea that someone else understood rocks better than him and she like doesn’t do a thing wrong to nahida like the only archon where she’s an actual angel to
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biggestsimp12 · 1 year
Let me show you how much i've missed you.
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(this has been sitting in my drafts for a week now =w=)
! HUGE SPOILERS (sumeru quest)!
(angst with fluff at the end)
(Wanted to do this in 2 parts but scratch that)
You were finally free. You finally escaped that cursed place once and forever.
You ran as screams of terror and agony could be heard behind you, slowly fading away.
Flashbacks from previous minutes floaded your mind, ringing in your brain over and over again.
You were captured and selled by some mora-thirst people to a psychopatic inazumian scientist. They kept experimenting your powers, trying to create changes wich caused you extreme pain, yet little to no change. The scientist took advantage of your immortality to insert all sorts of chemicals in your blood. While he was preparing another dose for one of his endless experiments on you, he accidentally dropped one of his glass tube, causing a big explosion to occur. Creating a sheild around you, you covered your eyes, loud noises echoing through the room. Smoke started to fill your senses, taking your hands off your eyes, watching in horror the sight in front of you. The whole lab was on fire, quickly devouring every inch of the building. Your eyes landed on the trapped figure in front of you. The scientist was being crushed almost to death by thick metal bar. Seeing you staring at him, he ordered you to help. Receiving no answer, he repeated once more, his command turning to pleading to desperately begging you to help him as fire quickly made its way to him. You looked at him almost in a pity full way, heading to the exit, the key word being almost. You started running out hearing your torturers cries for you not to.
You stopped at the only place you knew by heart. Or at least, used to. The chinju forest.
You sat down by a tree trying to catch your breath. You looked down at your freshly cut feet, all covered in blood. You must have cut yourself on the tons of broken glass left in the lab due to the explosion.
You slowly made your way to the small river, sitting down at its edge. You gently washed your feet wincing in pain when touching a deeper cut.
Your only goul now was to reunite with him once more.
Present day (before Nahida ereased everyones memories)
You don't know how much it passed. One century? Maybe 2, 3, 4? You had no idea. Your worst fear was statring to become true. What if you'll never see him again? What if he was dead? Even if not, did he still love you as much as you did? What if he wasn't the same? (even if he wasn't, you'll still accept him either way) Your thoughts were interrupted by bumping into something. Wait no. Someone.
Hey, watch where you're going! A high pitched fairy said, staring at you as you were some kind of criminal.
I'm deeply sorry little floating gi-
Oh no! *I think they look like some fatui! Yikes, not again!* Wait.. Did you just call me floating little girl!? The blonde girl/boy beside her started laughing at her little floating companions change of attitude. The blonde one looked at you, analyzing you as well.
Paimon, i don't fatuis have such type of masks. Besides they don't look like they did it on purpose.
What are fatuis?
They both stared at you in shock as if you just said that you got a bomb and its about to explode.
How could you not know what fatuis are?! Have you been living under a rock!?
Uhm could you stop yelling? I'm right beside you.
Sorry for her. She can over react some times. I'm Aether /Lumine and this is Paimon. Now, do you seriously do not know who the fatui are?
Y/N, nice to meet you. And no i haven't. Could you explain it to me? If you don't mind of course.
Of course we don't!
Ooh~ Paimon wants to tell them! Can i, please, please, please, please, pleaseeee?
After exchanging both pasts and explaining about the fatuis
Yeah! And theres a scary doctor whos experimenting people and! and!
You frowned as you heard the word "experiment", bad memories floading your head. Paimon took notice of this as she started apologizing.
Oh, i'm sorry! Paimon didn't mean to make you uncomfortable!
You looked up at the small fairy beside you, giving her a weak smile.
Don't worry that was hundred of years ago. I'm glad there's someone who understands how i feel. I'm deeply sorry Lumine/Aether. I did see a girl/boy similar to you but that was a long time ago. Did you at least get to see her/him again?
One or two times. Yet she/he was so different than when we used to travel together. What about you? Have you gotten to see this person?
Your smile faded as you sighed.
I wish i did, he was such a sweetheart. It broke my heart seeing him cry like that while we got separated. Before they knocked me out i screamed a promise.
You smiled again looking down at your feet.
What promise did you make?
Paimon looked at you, captured by your story. You laughed at her cuteness, remembering your promise perfectly.
"I promise i'll search for you darling. No matter how bad the weather or bad the health, i'll always be searching. Our love shall never die, for i be forever searching, nobody can tear our love apart and i shall never lie."
Waaah (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ Paimon thinks this is so sweet! What if you don't see him again??
The little floating girl said, hugging you tightly.
Don't worry Paimon. I haven't given up yet. He must somewhere in this world. If not i'll start traveling the worlds for him.
You said trying to get your hopes up. In reality you had no idea where he could be. You did in fact travel multiple worlds only to be stuck at the start line back in teyvat. You sighed, changing the subject to enlighten the mood.
After deciding to join them in their journey, you both made your way to the Sumeru City.
Timeskip after saving Nahida
Woah... Who would've thought there's place like this hidden right slap bang in the middle of the city!
The sages wanted to realize their god creation plan without being discovered. The safest and most convenient way would be to build within the Akademiya itself.
They are already hiding a god, so why not 2?
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion. What was this all fatui thing and fake god that they were talking about? If so, how come you never heard about them? Your thoughts were interrupted when Paimon spoke again.
Paimon knows that he was a prototype puppet for the Raiden Shogun before he became a Fatui Harbinger...
You stare at Paimon in shock. Did they know him all along? How come they never told you about this? Yeah the traveler said he/she had some vision about the Balladeer but they never told who he actually was. All these questions swelling up in your head made you furious yet sad at the same time.
You 2 sure seem to know about him quite well. Yet there is a certain person who has more knowledge about him and his past. In fact they were very close for that matter.
The traveler and Paimon looked confused at Nahida. The little elf like archon took your hand before speaking.
Y/N. I know you were searching him for a long time. Could you tell us what you know about him?
Wait.. Y/N!? The person you were searching is him?! But how!? When you were talking about him, he sounded so nice and sweet! He's literally nothing close that! He is an arrogant little-
Paimon, please do not jump to conclusions. We do not what occured in his life to change his behavior like that. So Y/N. How did you exactly meet?
Well.. I was walking through chinju forest when i heard something. I started investigating, trying to find the source of it when i tripped and fell into the water. A figure approached me asking me if i was alright. It was a boy in a white strange yet beautiful outfit. I stared at him for a while. His whole feauters didn't look much human. He looked like those gorgeous puppets you see in the kid theaters. He landed me his hand and hesitantly took it. Later on i learned his name and how he got there-
Oh so scaramouche right?
Paimon it is impolite to interrupt someone.
Nahida looked at Paimon, scolding her.
No its alright. His name isn't Scaramouche. Or at least it wasn't when i met him. He told me to call him Kunikuzushi.
After that i invited him to live with me, since he didn't have anywhere else to go. We then fell in love but it didn't last long due to those horrible people that took me. From that day on i never saw him at least once. What happend to him after is still unkown to me.
You finished with a sigh looking down at the little archon in front of you.
She nodded, putting her hand on her chin in a thinking way.
It seems that the occurrence of this events damaged both of your physical and mental health, on your side as much as his. We need to be as careful as possible when approaching him. We don't know what type of manifestation we will get out of him. Now, without further ado, our time is pretty much limited just like a candle on fire. Let's go.
Mini time skip
Looking at its operational status, we must prepare for the worst. The god they wanted to create... is likely close to completion, or already completed.
Paimon floated behind you pushing you forward gently.
If someone should go first it should be Y/N right? No offense Y/N but it's your lover.
You sighed looking at the little scared girl behind you.
As much i would love to talk to him, i don't think he would listen.
Y/N is right. We can't just burst all that Information like that. It could disadvantage us in battle strategy but also cooperation with him. I'm curious of what our fate may be. To me, everything we perceive in this world, everything we learn, and everything that happens to us is considered knowledge. However, only fate is about that which has yet to occur, so it has always drawn my curiosity. So to me, "fate" is the ultimate knowledge.
And now, at long last, I'm not just an observer anymore.
I will personally experience my own fate, with you by my side. Hehe, isn't this such a wonderfully exciting thing?
The dendro archon smiled at you three, closing her eyes. Okay, let's continue on. I can sense "his" aura from here... You watched in disbelief at the sight that standed before your eyes as you made your way further. It was in fact the boy you've been desperate to find again yet.. He looked so different.. So, lifeless.
Nahida used her magic as the blue haired boy had awoken.
The robot copied the puppets moves, making a strong wind.
The boy smiled scanning the sight before him.
Who would have thought... The world would be so eager for my "birth"
I remember you
The boy said looking at Nahida
Buer, the God of Wisdom... And standing beside you the Traveler
He said as his eyes finally reach you
His eyes widened, facade dropping a little then going back on.
My.. My, what do we have here? Honestly i didn't think you'll have the guts to show yourself before me after cruelly abandoning me like that. I see you've changed. But dear so did i.
He said, venom within his words.
You watched him, tears welling in your eyes. Voice trapped in your throat, you could only watch him spitting his point of view of the past that you once shared. He did in fact change. You could see the actual Kunikuzushi behind. He was not evil, just hurt. And you knew it.
The Balladeer has already become a god...?
You listened to the conversation Paimon and Nahida had behind you.
"The Balladeer" A long bygone title..
When my spirit ascended to divinity
I felt as if I had existed for the same number of epochs as heaven and earth
Looking back
The existence of what once called itself "Kunikuzushi" appears infinitely small... and ugly
You couldn't believe what was happening right now. This was all your fault. If you knew how to fight that day, none of this events would have existed now. Seeing your uneasy state Nahida took your hand and spoke.
None if these are your fault Y/N. Life has its ups and downs that seem to affect not just human lifes, but immortal creatures both in good and bad ways as well. Everyone creates and has his own destiny. And now, you choose if you want to make a change or not.
Nahida said, looking up the "god" in front of you.
What a cute yet pathetic little speech. You should know that wisdom cannot solve every problem. Like now, where your only option is to face me in combat.
Come.. Let us reenact a scene of the Archon War. Come and inaugurate my birth as a god.
The traveler raised his/her sword as the battle begin
You helped Aether/Lumine get up, watching the giant robot collapse.
Humans... filthy humans...!
The "god" spitted out, not wanting to accept defeat. The small archon flew closer to him, using her magic to take his gnosis. Noticing this the boy started panicking, looking at Nahida desperately.
No! Please! Anything but the gnosis..!
The boy begged, breaking the bots face plate.
That's mine! Don't even try..!
He said trying to hold a grasp of the gnosis, Wires slowly breaking behind him.
I'll..! I'll never go back!
He gave you a small glance, a desperate look on his face. Your heart only could ache at the sight of him being so hurt.
Y/N plea-
Before the boy could finished Nahida reached his gnosis, wires finally breaking, proceeding to make him fall, a lifeless look on his growing bigger by each second. You quickly rushed into catching him, fear rushing through your blood as you used your powers to create a sheild bubble around you 2. You watched his features as you slowly floated your way to the ground. You hugged him, visible tears running down your face. Nahida landed beside you giving you a sympathy look after returning to the traveler.
We haven't yet found the answer to the most important mystery.
Irminsul is still waiting to be saved.
Time skip after Nahida ereased everyones memories
You were not sure why you were crying a moment before just now. The traveler and Paimon exchanged looks before Paimon asked.
Do you remember what happend at the academia?
You gave Paimon a confused look before thinking at the previous events these days. Confused you told Paimon what you knew.
Uh.. We saved Nahida and sumeru. Why?
Paimon gave you a shocked expression.
Do you seriously not remember him??
Am i missing something?
You asked clearly confused.
You were searching for him remember?? You guys promised to search for each other! We just fought with him! You have to remember!
I think we should leave them alone Paimon.. Its not going to work if you press them like that. Let's go...
Aether/Lumine whispered to the little fairy.
Y/N we have to go. See you around!
You walked around the Sumeru City, making some groceries. It's been a week since you and the traveler saved the irminsul. Something was missing yet you couldn't quite catch what. Paimons words from previous weeks ringed through your head, trying to find the answer to your curiosity.
Hey Y/N, over here!
You turned around to see Paimon and the traveler. Beside them there was another person facing another derection.
This is ridiculous.
Paimon pushed the big hat boy further giving him a thumbs up. You couldn't really see his face due him looking down.
Hi. My name is Y/N! Nice to meet you-
Upon seeing his face, memories click in your mind, now remembering it all. He was the person Paimon talked about. He was the person you were desperately searching all these centuries.
The boy looked shocked yet relieved. You took him into your arms, embracing him as if he would disappear. Paimon and the traveler smiled, leaving you two be.
I've missed you so much. W-where have you been all this time? How come could i never get to stumble upon you?
You said voice shaking from happiness.
It's not important. There are many things i regret in my past that i don't want to make you worry about. Right now, let me show you how much i've missed you.
The end >¬>
Have a nice day/night
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sparks-chaotic-cove · 3 months
Okay people hear me out
"Writing on the Wall" by Will Stetson but with Malitae, Deltavera, and Fable.
Reasoning is that they're all gods that create! the artists of the gods, if you will
Lyric analysis underneath cut!
Palaces of silver and gold Cannot be designed overnight - Palace of light for Vikesh It's like the saying I've often been told "No matter the cost, do things right" - Malitae with Rae's skirt
You have to be careful You have to be diligent - Malitae painting, drawing, etc all the paintings Planning and measuring every detail - Different portraits Creating is drawing, erasing and drawing again - Portrait, portrait smudged, another portrait And I've never been in it for fame or attention I only work hard, so the structures won't fail - invisible hands sewing But seeing it finished is worth every mora I spend - Malitae with Wolf/Fenris's new outfit!
Within every building made with pride The architect lives on inside - sketches of Malitae's Island Shining paint, a marble heart - Frog with hat, dragon That's what makes a work of art - the sun-moon thing! We build and we play Sculpting dreams out of clay - maybe with what malitae is making rn? With the hope that our towers don't fall That we won't have to see the writing on the wall - TBD
The more you work, the higher the stakes And the bigger the sorrows to drown - Delta caring for the nature 'Cause one mistake is all that it takes For the walls to come crumbling down - Delta ascending, eyes glow?
You have to ignore them, the echoing voices - Delta making more animals That cackle and curse as you toil away - humans being confused by the new creatures Cover your ears and focus on boxes and lines - Enderian walking up And the shadowy figures, they're nothing but shadows - she looks him in the eye, he nods Like ink on a page, they have nothing to say - he walks away, fades to black But maybe, just maybe - Delta looks up They're trying to give me a sign - the ender dragon looks down
That in every building made with pride - Delta looks upon the bear cub The architect remains inside - He pats it's head, ruffling the hair Peeling paint, a heavy heart That's what makes a work of art We scream and we pray Sculpting dreams out of clay As we try not to look at the scrawl - (I'll figure this out later) The message of doom, the writing on the wall - Delta dying
[ there's a little bridge here- so maybe Delta's soul winding around trees and eventually into the little bear cub! Then it'll go to Fable's portion ]
Every day, we play this game of chance - Fable smiles at one of the lodestar grove inhabitants Whirling through a desperate dance - switches to Fable talking to Momboo and Ocie Sketching visions in our heads - Fable talking to Rae Just to see them ripped to shreds - Glitches to Icarus yelling at Rae This road that we share - Icarus and Ven in the Cathedral, Ven's already been hit, Icarus panicking Doesn't lead anywhere - Icarus and Fable flying away But there's nothing an artist can do - Centross walking into the cave, a snarl upon his face When you swing your brush, you have to follow through - Close up of Fable. Blood fades into appearing on it
Within every building made with pride The architect is trapped inside Bleeding paint, a shattered heart - Aurelius's death, Taking Rae's shards That's what makes a work of art - stepping through the portal, Isla and Enderian in the background I'll fight for control But the right way takes a toll And still, at the end of it all I can't escape my fate, the writing's on the wall - Will be decided later on! TBD
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starliit · 27 days
Mental Illness.
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CONTENT WARNING for mentions of substance / drug use, alcoholism, suicidal ideation & a near - suicide attempt - along with a general analysis of several mental illnesses and their effect on kaveh's life.
DISCLAIMER: I believe Teyvat, especially Sumeru, does have diagnoses and/or explanations for some mental illnesses and even some treatments for them. However, for the ease of comprehension I will be referring to diagnoses that exist in the "real world", but would obviously not be known by such names or descriptions in Teyvat. The titles of these diagnoses are not as important as the symptoms they create - which, of course, I will detail in my reasoning.
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The earliest evidence of mental illness in Kaveh's life is his ADHD. A predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type, young Kaveh was a child always on the go - running around, talking everyone's ears off - unable to sit still or remain quiet during any waking moment. He would focus intensely on tasks he found interesting (particularly creative endeavors) and rarely on those he did not.
Before his time in the Akademiya, these traits did not usually impair his daily life other than his parents sometimes having to beg him for silence to finish their work. As a student however, the struggle with his disorder became more apparent, Kaveh powerless to stop fidgeting or getting up during his classes (among other issues). Much to his instructors' surprise, these issues would not cause his grades tp flounder due to his interest in his chosen study path and above-average intellect.
Nevertheless, anxiety and depression would make their debut, rising partially out of this untreated ADHD and post-traumatic response to his father's death. He would become overwhelmed with fear about his studies, about his mother's health, and sometimes nothing at all - he just worried. And his early depression would be evident in the development of his guilt at his father's death and some fluctuating interest in his hobbies. At this time, his depression would not impair him as badly as his anxiety.
Tighnari would be Kaveh's saving grace - introducing the scholar to an incense made of a mixed batch of mushrooms and herbs that would calm Kaveh's anxiety enough to function appropriately again. Unfortunately, the substance would be the trigger for Kaveh's first major manic episode. He would not sleep for three days straight, catching up on work and research he had been ignoring. The two thought it was a one-off reaction to a possible bad batch and didn't worry.
What Kaveh would shrug off was the "beginning" of his battle with bipolar disorder.
While it's unknown whether it would be due to his trauma, genetics or something else entirely, his father very likely showed signs of the disorder as well - particularly shown in his reaction to Sachin's consciousness.
Over the next few years Kaveh's mood swings would grow worse. He would try to ignore his mania, enjoying much of its supposed benefits - including but not limited to his increased self-confidence and extreme periods without the need to sleep, Kaveh going several days with maybe an hour or two or none at all. The biggest negative to him would be the signs of excessive & frivolous mora spending long before his debt to Dori. But it wouldn't be until after his episodes that he realized the trouble that the purchases may have caused him.
His depressive episodes would grow deeper, longer and harder to break - particularly in the wake of his mother's absence. Many times he would find himself imagining and even wishing for his own death, either believing it a requisite exchange for his father's death or simply hating himself enough to wish for an end. He's only had one near-attempt - the night after the Withering destroyed every bit of work on the first attempt of the Palace of Alcazarzaray. The night he decided he would give everything to finish the project.
While his mood swings continue to bother him, time has taught him better coping skills and moving in with Alhaitham has helped ground him some leading to some more stability than he's been used to.
(Dis)Honorable Mention: He would start drinking a few months after his mother was married in Fontaine, but the more his mood swings have gotten out of control - the more it's become a problem and the more likely one would call it alcohol abuse. He does not currently believe it is a problem despite being called out by his friends for some of his actions - particularly day drinking after getting irritable with a client.
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stolememory · 1 year
So I've debated this and I am going to make it canon for my Mora. Cause ive noticed a trope of contridiction is very common with Mora, and what if that stems all the way down to its very existence:
Previously I've stated Hermaeus Mora cannot see his own fate, or interact with himself to any degree in different times or universal differences. This is in one part cause there is only one Mora- he is a constant, he is the fixed point and any version of Mora you are interacting with can be traced to a whole individual outside of time, due to the fact they are interacting with times past, present, and future all at the same time. Thus why he also can't have an endless cycle of sharing info with himself to make all knowing.
But on the fate part, Mora also doesn't HAVE a fate. He physically isn't written into the fabrics of fate- instead, he is a black stain on them. The shadow within the tides, the stringless. This is tied to every anomalous aspect of them- down to their very birth. Created from the tossed out ideas of creation, that which exists longer than itself. Mora is literally formed from what doesn't exist, what was decided shouldn't exist for one reason or another- and continues to defy written universal laws. He is fallacy, he is that 'what shouldn't be'. And I think maybe that's how he got his sphere- they are what collects and craves the physical opposite of self. The true, the actual, the absolute. Like a black hole to matter when it is the absence.
However, Mora WANTS to know his fate. Purely he is under the assumption for whatever reason they are just blind to this fact, a book can't read itself sort of scenario. Trying to find methods to change this with no results yet. Because as a being who likes to know, likes to be able to see all and remove all inpredictability yourself being the one thing constantly slipping out of grasp is incredibly frustrating. He can see the strings and tides, but it feels very lowly... like a mortal to not be able to see your own.
In the end, he is his own blindspot. He is his own crutch. The one thing that will truly deny himself the ability to become all knowing. And therefore the hunger will never be abated, infinite and constant even if every other little thing were to be in place.
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abyssfate · 1 year
So I was trying to figure out how old Hermaeus Mora is, cause sources seem to contradict themselves. On one hand, some say he's "Ur-Dra, older than Et'Ada (creation)", this I believe was spoken by his seekers. Other sources say they were formed at the same time as creation, potentially from all the scrapped ideas. Mora himself has spoken such.
My proposition is maybe it's a bit of both? Seeing as Mora has their tendrils into many different parts of the timeline, both future and past, that his specific era of spawning doesn't matter. Cause as soon as he was spawned, essence of self slipped into time before the daedric princes creation. That being said, while he was created at a fixed time the timeline would thus consider him always existing, as long as a little bit of the prince of knowledge has seeped into every pocket of time in order to consume knowledge and usher the tides of fate.
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cogandstar · 9 months
random idea i had and so decided to do: a summary of the ttrpg characters i've played before
D&D 5E
Cyrus, a human warlock, with a Fiend patron. An old archaeologist, who made a deal with a devil to learn ancient magical martial arts. Based on the concept of Sword-Singing from Elder Scrolls Lore, and specifically a post (or maybe a couple of posts, it's been a while) on r/teslore wherein a Redguard makes a deal with Hermaeus Mora to learn the art of Sword-Singing during the war against the Thalmor. The campaign this guy was in didn't make it past the first session.
Tarhun, a dragonborn warlock, with a Celestial patron. A middle-aged guy who'd made the pact with a celestial to defend his small village from an attack and subsequently was exiled, and then wandered around the world helping people. Specifically disliked green dragons, due to fighting one during his military service pre-retiring to the village. This guy was in a Lost Mine of Phandelver campaign; he wound up dying partway through, fittingly enough against a green dragon.
Feahu, a half-elf barbarian, following the Path of the Totem Warrior. The bastard son of a human knight's wife and an elven adventurer, he was raised as a mostly ignored child until one day his human half-brother bullied him, provoking a body-twisting rage that resulted in him breaking said brother's legs. He was kicked out and subsequently taken in by an elven druid, who taught him to control his rage. Feahu's based on Cu Chulainn. He was Tarhun's replacement in the LMoP campaign, and made it all the way to the end.
Glider was my character for a weird Hunger Games hack. I forget her details, except she was like, a hacker-computer girl. She died early on.
I've probably played a few other D&D characters, in one-shots and campaigns cut very short, but I don't really remember them.
Scion 2E
Kara Concord, Born Scion of Freya, was my first Scion character. She was a trans lesbian librarian with a shotgun named Friðargandr (my best attempt at Peace-Wand in Old Norse) and a sapient-but-not-talking cat named Arthur. In this chronicle we prevented an attempted human sacrifice born of a misunderstanding with the fae (who just wanted some new employees), recovered a stolen anti-fascist warhorn from a troll via a riddle-match, and tried to get Dian Cecht to cure a teenage girl of vampirism. The chroncile petered out as we started to do our quest for Dian Cecht in exchange for his curing.
Keraunos, Created Scion of Zeus, was one of Zeus's thunderbolts forged into the shape of a person to deliver justice to a cyberpunk dystopia. He almost always introduced himself as "Keraunos, DESTROYER OF THE UNJUST!" He was very hammy, being a living lightning bolt using pankration to fight people and generally causing trouble for the megacorps.
Rajesh Gupta, King Arthur Reborn, was, well, King Arthur reborn as an anarcho-communist. This chronicle didn't really get off the ground after the first session, so I didn't have much time to get into Rajesh, sadly.
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seelestia · 2 years
PFFFT that or we call them you-know-who— *harry potter theme starts in the background*
i mean obv i would give up sleep if it means i get to hear zhongli more and spend more time with him, duh /j lol it’s ok i’ll kiss zhongli enough for the two of us so you go kiss ayato double the amount <3 
LMAO i did take a selfie when i logged in today but unfortunately not with azhdaha (next time maybe)….
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my hubby is still beautiful even with iPad graphics <3 <3 <3
zhongli saw me swiping my card once and went “i’m afraid it’s going to cost you more, dear :)” *sobbing* hahaha ikr it was such a perfect timing, and his expression is just 😂
LOL MY BROTHER SOUNDED SO CONCERNED IS2G- last time he also asked which sumeru character am i eyeing on and when i said al haitham he gave me that disappointed-but-not-surprised tone, “i figured…” sldkfjlsjdfksdflj 
awww that’s so sweet ;w; i’m glad that you’re already thinking of tagging me aaaaa <3 <3
i am notoriously bad at creating ocs but if the day ever comes around then yes, i will gladly let them befriend lin!!! or perhaps they might become enemies? hmmmm who knows 🤔 also if we’re going by that logic then i’m very much looking forward to see lin in action cause obv he will inherit your cool brain!!!!
we must protecc our boys. do not unseal the murder machine >:|
i reached port ormos today and did a little bit of the event. i now have c5 collei lol yesyes the landscapes are sooo pretty and green!! i have yet to check out the library but the tavern in sumeru city was so nice??? i adore the bgm there (for context i love love love jazz), i didn’t expect any of the summer bgm to sound like that and was pleasantly surprised hehe i’ll check out the library next time I log in, it sounds like a pretty place from what you’re describing :o
me as xiao main: *sees character falling* *SPAMS PLUNGE ATTACK* MY BABY DON’T YOU DARE DIE (these days i have zhongli running around the map and i have to admit i did the same thing and he's died like, twice- husband i'm so soosossorry-)
idk what they’re called but i refer to them as ✨sumeru’s express zipline✨ lol what IS it actually called??? i have no idea-
ps. starlight anon if you were indeed referring to me 1) yes i am a zhongli simp, and 2) I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER IF YOU SHARE THAT FAIRY TALE AU BRAINROT THAT SOUNDS AMAZING you have my permission to h u r t me with angst :D
NOT THE HARRY POTTER THEME. when people start expecting a vengeful bald overlord, but we're actually talking about a vv fine man who has no mora because his moral code to stay as a mortal is too strong <//3
i love how we perceive the situation so differently because i would've taken a nap right then and there. naps over zhongli (/j) and i did kiss ayato double the amount... he has been in my head and now, i've discarded my heizou theme for him.
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AAAA, I LOVE THE ANGLE !! 10/10 skills, 10/10 photographer, 10/10 model, 10/10 osmanthus wine. (/j) BUT RIN JIE, do you actually plan on taking a selfie of your hubby and his super shield while his toad dragon friend is raging in the back?!?! HELPDSKWK i'm looking forward to it <3
your brother has no rights to have that when he is probably the same when it comes to dehya???? 🤨 (/j) but so true, i think i might have to give up on zhongli and go for alhaitham or cyno instead !! you already got zhongli for the both of us, even if he watched you swipe your card in tears <//3
just so you know, i will hand out adoption papers if you ever make a genshin oc like instantly fjekksdkks. depending on your oc's lore, who knows??? 👀 *evil laugh*
THE C5 COLLEI !! she may be a reminder of zhongli's extreme stubbornness, but she is collei soooo <3 NO BECAUSE I BARGED INTO THE TAVERN but only to collect the new recipes at first, hehe. the bgm and the designs made me stay like it's so fancy in there with the second floor too 😭 it gives me satisfaction that we can actually sit at the tables >:) now, all that is left is to ask zhongli to sit down in front of me there (/j)
rin 🤝 lia = using e skill as lifesavers jfekdkks kazuha's e skill literally saves me from falling off cliffs or when i want to save stamina as i climb <//3 sometimes, i forget that xiao is ✨ i m m u n e ✨ to plunging dmg, so at least, he'd still be alive even if you lost all your climbing progress 🤌
I FORGOT TOO 😭 it was mentioned when we first stepped into sumeru, but i was so excited i skipped fjjwfkks let's just resort to calling it sumeru's spiderman zipline for now because why not??? (/lh)
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genshinlover101 · 2 years
hiya, i would like to request afab reader x ningguang,, and yall don't make PDA in public because of her role as tianquan of the liyue qixing, but you two accidentally do.. and ningguang gets mad LMAO, but i want something to happen next i dont know what, BUT U CAN CHOOSE BC I CANT THINK OF ANYTHING but maybe angst and comfort would be nice hehe, THANK YOU, PLEASE TAKE CARE <3, PLS DONT GET STRESSED, NO STRESS OFC!! love your content <3!
Getting Caught Making Out with Her in Public
Character: Ningguang x afab!reader
Warnings: Slightly elusive to nsfw content
A/n: Thank you thank you ! Plz take care as well
I hope this was good, I wish I could’ve had more of an aftermath but I kind a hit a wall and I didn’t want to do a time skip or something and ruin the emersion
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• Ningguang was clear and firm with her instructions when she told you that she will not tolerate any PDA under any circumstances. Not even hand-holding. If you two were seen in public, you were to follow closely behind her, almost like an accessory over a girlfriend.
• It wasn’t anything to do with the embarrassment of you, your gender, or anything of the such. It was just professional and tradition to appear esteemed and dignified. 
• Behind closed doors, however, she was oddly affectionate with you as if to make up for her forced behavior in public. She’d be all over you or allow you to do the same, almost like she was holding back a constant urge to be touching you at any given moment.
Something must’ve sparked within Ningguang to allow you such privilege, the excitement and surge of hormones spreading throughout you both. Maybe it was the scent of her perfume, or that she looked extra pretty that day. Whatever it was you found you couldn’t control yourself. Your mind felt like a puzzle with pieces that didn’t fit within each other. Her eyes equally as dizzy as you pushed her into a random dark alley between two buildings.
Her hands crawling up to entangle your hair and squeezing as her lips were drawn to yours as if she was starved. You felt her hot breath every time she exhaled, her chest elevating with each inhale, something was wrong. Her breathing patterns irregular and staggered. Your hand snaked through the slit in her dress to touch the bare skin of her love handles. She could feel the cool breeze of the night wind rushing through her now exposed hips, the thought of getting caught exciting her.
Her matched aggression made it evident that she was trying to speed up whatever you had going right now. If it wasn’t for Ningguang’s constant conditioning to train you not to indulge in PDA, you would’ve been 100% into it. In confusion you tried to match her pace, your body quivering under her dominance even if it was you who initiated it. You pushed her against the stone wall, causing her to moan a little from the sudden collision and a couple of nearby wooden boxes to collapse and create quite the commotion. 
“Who’s there?” A nearby construction worker asked investigating the noise. Ningguang’s grip on your hair allowed her to pull you off, an obvious panicked look on her face. Her eyes were void of color, terrified of the consequences if she were caught. Her hair messy and her lips swollen, if the man had seen you there was no way he wouldn’t be able to tell what you two were doing. 
As he shined his flashlight down the hall he first saw Ningguang “Lady Tianquan?” he inquired. “What are you doing in such a dirty place-” his words were cut off by the pair of hands he saw still glued onto her waist. Directing his flashlight to you who was equally in shock.
Pushing you off without hesitation, she brushed her hand through her hair to adjust. Standing tall and proudly despite the embarrassing situation you two found yourselves in. “I will pay you a certain sum of mora for your silence,” Ningguang stated sternly, it was obvious that she was upset. Her voice was laced in anger in fact. “If this gets out to the public, know your consequences.” The construction worker standing in silence and awe.
Before she left herself, she turned back to you who was still frozen in place. “I’ll talk to you at home. You shall receive equal punishment for your impatience.” 
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teyvatdreams · 3 years
F, G, Q, X and C with kahuza, Zonghli and scarra (I think I spelt them right if I didn’t I’m sorry lol)
alphabet prompt 2k special
prompts can be found here
includes: F, G, Q, X, and C with kazuha, zhongli, and scaramouche
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f — fight (how would they react to getting into an argument with you?)
zhongli hates arguing with you, and is filled with regret and guilt whenever one happens. knowing that he’s what caused you to be upset hurts him so badly, he’s definitely the type of person to always be the first to apologize.
g — gentle (how gentle are they, emotionally and physically?)
being gentle both ways was a challenge for him — not necessarily hard, as he got the hang of it pretty well — because he had never been that way before. he never had to. but it doesn’t take long for his awkwardness to fade, and he’s as gentle as they come.
q — quirks (random quirks you’ve noticed about them since getting into a relationship with them)
whenever he reads a book, he absentmindedly moves his eyebrows up and down
x — xtra (random headcanon)
zhongli started carrying mora with him so he could spoil you whenever he took you in on dates. your eyes nearly popped out of your head when he pulled out a pouch of mora, offering to pay for the rather large meal you just shared with him. zhongli doesn’t know how to ask childe for more mora, in fear that the harbinger will start a ‘zhongli and (y/n) date fund.’ and god forbid hu tao find out about that…
c — cuddles (do they like to cuddle? how do they cuddle?
zhongli is… an interesting person to share a bed with. that man does not move an inch while he sleeps. he loves whenever you rest his head on your chest and he can put an arm around you, but good luck getting out of his grasp if you want to switch positions while he’s sleeping. he practically turns into a stone when he falls asleep.
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f — fight (how would they react to getting into an argument with you?)
kazuha hates it. of course, part of it is because he hates making you upset, but also because since you’re his traveling partner, he swears time goes by slower when you’re mad at him. so even if he thinks he’s right, he’ll apologize to you shortly after.
g — gentle (how gentle are they, emotionally and physically?)
kazuha is nothing but gentle. everything he does is. the way he speaks, the soft smiles he gives you when he sees you, the way he’ll gently hold you if he needs to patch you up, everything. escaping inazuma was one if the hardest things you’ve ever done and it changed your life entirely, and you have no idea where you’d be without kazuha’s soft words of encouragement.
q — quirks (random quirks you’ve noticed about them since getting into a relationship with them)
he needs to be fiddling with something at all times. you can’t count how many times you’ve seen him cracking his knuckles or creating whistles with leaves.
x — xtra (random headcanon)
kazuha sings a lot although he doesn’t consider himself very skillful at it. he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it sometimes until he realizes he’s been humming the same tune for so long.
c — cuddles (do they like to cuddle? how do they cuddle?
maybe it’s because it helps him feel better, but he enjoys holding you in his arms whenever he has the chance. he wants to protect you, keep you safe, and doing this helps him feel like he’s doing that even in a vulnerable moment like sleeping.
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f — fight (how would they react to getting into an argument with you?)
you often fight with scara. they aren’t serious, usually just small fights about little things that get blown out of proportion because he loves to push your buttons. it’ll usually just result in you not talking to him until you get over it because you refuse to give him the satisfaction of apologizing, and he’ll never apologize first.
g — gentle (how gentle are they, emotionally and physically?)
gentle? what is that?
in all seriousness, scaramouche would never admit it but he does try to be less harsh. it’s a strange feeling for him — being a harbinger and being gentle don’t go hand in hand very often.
q — quirks (random quirks you’ve noticed about them since getting into a relationship with them)
he has a staring problem. you’ve caught him staring at you countless times, quickly looking away with a sour expression, mad that he had gotten caught yet again. the poor guy is just to shy to tell you he thinks you look nice.
x — xtra (random headcanon)
scaramouche tends to get tired pretty early, and one of the fondest memories you have with him is the time you went on a mission with him the lasted late into the night. once you were finished, you sat on a mountain with him where he fell asleep with his head on your shoulder.
c — cuddles (do they like to cuddle? how do they cuddle?
cuddling is one of scaramouche’s favorite things as it’s maybe the only thing he feels confident in doing with you. he finds it to be such an intimate and vulnerable thing. he enjoys holding you but can even settle for just laying next to you, face to face. your face being the first and last thing he sees each day is something he’ll never get enough of.
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blzzrdstryr · 3 years
Yandere!Albedo x gn!reader
CW:Yandere themes
Working for Albedo isn’t that bad - the payment is good, the knowledge he provides is even better - a chance to delve into exclusive alchemical research with a widely acknowledged genius is a far more valuable award than any amount of mora or jewels could ever be. Said prodigy isn’t an awful person to work with either - he’s polite and well mannered, careful not to offend anyone even if his words can be cold and cutting sometimes. Most of the time Albedo is a pleasant company to be around, if one would turn a blind eye to his quirks.
For instance, he has a weird and frankly unnerving habit of staring at you - his teal eyes track your littlest movements as you set up an alchemical apparatus and prepare needed solutions. At first you thought he was overseeing you, checking if you had made any mistake as a fledgling alchemist, yet this hypothesis was quickly disproved when you caught him gazing off working hours. You never voiced your complaints - you wanted to keep your job and study, and maybe he is too socially blind to see how his behavior could be received by others.
Today would also be a great example of an alchemist's lack of tact - he requested you accompany him everywhere for the last few weeks, taking you from the cold heights of Dragonspine to sunny and bustling streets of Mondstadt. You two are sitting in the corner of his laboratory designed for rest and food and share a meal: two portions of his favorite fish, despite being nothing more than the employer and employee or teacher and student.
Albedo doesn’t seem to get or mind what kind of rumours he causes with this seemingly blatant favouritism before you, no he looks as calm as usual as he plunges into the dish with fork and knife.
“[First]”, he says, after the first bite: “Have the aches stopped bothering you?”, a hint of concern and something else. Two or three weeks ago you developed a strange soreness in the different parts of your body - wrists, neck, heart, legs - it would appear suddenly, burning and throbbing and making you gasp, leaving you tired and nauseous afterwards. No one could find the source of the problem, not even Albedo, yet after some time these far from pleasant sensations got subdued, easier to bear and endure.
His hand reaches for your left wrist, thumb caressing the skin, and he pulls it closer to his face, eyes examining the sore spot. You don’t protest, stunned by his sudden action.
“Hm, that’s”, he mumbles, more to himself than you: “that’s good”, he concludes, letting go of your limb.
“What’s good? Did something change?” you inquire, instantly forgetting to take offense at his grabbing.
“You could say that”, Albedo ambiguously says and returns to his fish. You ask the alchemist what he meant, but all you get are even vaguer answers and long silence in the end, as he finishes his meal and nudges you to start your own sunshine sprat.
In the end your questions remain unacknowledged, as Albedo leaves displaying you to accompany him. Surprisingly he heads for the gardens instead of the library, his step light and fast. “Master Albedo” you start, seeing that alchemist is in his creative mood again: “shouldn’t you bring an easel or sketchbook with you?”
“No, [First], I don’t intend to draw, not now. This walk is for me to get some inspiration”, Albedo quickly replies, still walking ahead: “In this time of year the environment changes so rapidly, it provides a mind with a lot of good ideas. You should come with me too, alchemy is a science of change, creation and destruction and nature is better at these three aspects than any of us”. He adds, seemingly sensing the next question you would ask.
He walks near the bushes, teal eyes focused on the blooming fragrant flowers, before he squats, pushing some of the wigs back.
“[First]”, he turns his head in your direction: “you should come and see”. You comply, curious what has caught Albedo’s attention, squatting near him and looking at one of the inner branches usually hidden by others.
It’s an ordinary dark cocoon. You almost turn your head again, before the slightest of movements catches your attention - it’s an insect trying to break out. Chrysalis cracks and deforms as a fledgling butterfly makes way past it’s confines. One second and it stretches its wings, revealing a vibrant blue coloration, the next it leaves it’s former cell entirely, elegantly soaring into the air, it’s azure wings lazily flapping, as it makes its way to the other bush.
“Fascinating”, Albedo breathes out, eyes still on the disappearing figure of the insect: “It transformed to such a great extent”.
You hear a hint of excitement in his voice - he wants to share his thoughts or knowledge then - and nod, prompting him to continue.
“Did you know that a larva needs to literally dissolve itself to reach the next stage of its life? After caterpillar finishes its cocoon, it produces enzymes that turn most of its tissue into a liquid matter and only after that does it rebuilds into an entirely new form”, he turns his gaze back to you, usually cold and thoughtful eyes now warm and dreamy: “Sometimes, I think humans are meant to metamorphose too”.
“How so?” you ask, tilting the head.
“Humans, despite all complexity and intelligence, are still fragile creatures. They’re prone to sickness and ailments and in the end old age ends those who managed to evade death before. Wouldn't it be better if one could go through metamorphosis, be reborn free from pain and hunger and constant threat of passing away? Those humans could live on forever and dedicate themselves to the higher cause without having to worry about dying and suffering".
You raise eyebrows, surprised by the sudden “outburst” - Albedo, despite his partially philosophical nature, has never shared his inner thoughts so freely, not to you at least. He, either out of embarrassment or deep contemplation, shifts his eyes somewhere behind you, and you turn back, following his eyes. He looks at the statue of Barbatos.
Tall and proud, it looks magnificent in the day’s sunlight, golden rays making it glow and shine with the fairness of the marble. Looking at this epitome of unchanging vision, you suddenly get an answer to Albedo’s thoughts and you voice it out the same second:
“Wouldn’t it negate the meaning of life then? Nature breeds diversity - the reason why we have so many flowers is because some kinds aren't adapted to particular conditions and so they change, producing entirely new types of plants. Eternal and undying beings, unconcerned with the earthly matters would have no need to reproduce and pass on its features to the next generation, depriving the world of thousand possible combinations. No new life would be created if the old one could be perfectly sustained".
"That's how you see it", Albedo replies, placing a now empty husk of the cocoon inside your palm - the testament of the nature’s miracle, the testament of one's ability to change: “I’ve witnessed many wonderful sights for today”, he adds, still looking at you, surrounded by flowers and flying butterflies, light breeze playing with your hair and sun illuminating your whole figure with a gentle golden glow.
You part with Albedo shortly after - he closes himself in the lab, before checking up on your sore spots again, quietly mumbling something to himself the whole time. You head for your house and open the alchemical textbook, studying it until late night. That place on the wrist slightly throbs at every movement.
Only when your eyelids fill up with lead and thoughts slow down from the general fatigue you allow yourself to head for the bed, falling asleep the second your head touches the pillow. You see phantasmagorical dreams - of you being a bulging and large larva, spending days simply eating green leaves, until a strange urge overcomes your entire being and you start to build something - a cocoon. Now, surrounded by pitch black darkness you feel a burning sensation - enzymes, enzymes that will dissolve your tissue. Pain quickly escalates and you want to scream and cry, but you can’t - you’re an insect you don’t have vocal glands or tear ducts to do so. Who could have known that butterflies suffer so much?
You writhe and squirm, caged by your liquifying body and hard chrysalis around you and you are in so much agony you want to die.
And then you wake up. All sweaty and distressed you grab at your wrist - it hurts so much, your entire body is on fire, it seems that you have another episode of that strange soreness. You quickly rise to your feet, snatching the painkillers from the nightstand and downing them with a gulp of water. As medicine begins it’s work you lay in the bed again, ready to fall asleep and forget the midnight pains, as you see something that makes your breath hitch and heartbeat fasten from fear.
A strange greyish white discoloration on your wrist in the same place that used to throb this evening. You touch it and it leaves a dry white imprint on your fingers, it also doesn’t have any strange smell.
You rise and quickly dress up, barely suppressed panic and anxiety dispelling the last remains of sleep. The walk towards the Favonius HQ’s is short, especially when you break into a sprint on the way. He is here, he is working into the night today. Quickly passing sleepy knights you climb on the second floor and almost run to one particular door, loudly knocking at it.
Just as you expected, there’s a sound of footsteps and soon a familiar voice asks: “Who is here?”.
“It’s me, master Albedo”, you say, feeling how the pain returns despite the painkillers taken: “you said to report if something changes, with my aches. It changed”.
The words you say and desperation accompanying them prompts alchemist to open the door, as he gestures you to come in, and shut the door as you do so:
“Strip”, he says, mind back to the analytical mode, you comply, feeling ashamed with every second Albedo continues to observe you: “Wait, there’s something on your neck”.
A cool touch to your skin, a short yelp, another burst of pain. You fall on your knees, blinded and deafened by sheer agony. Alchemist produces a distressed noise, walking up to your collapsed figure and carrying you to the nearby table.
He pushes alchemical apparatus away, turning the table into a makeshift bed, and gently lowers you down. “[First]”, his hand card through your hair, while the other nudges a mug with some brew to your lips: “There’s nothing to worry about, your metamorphosis progresses as it should be”.
“Metamorphosis.. What are you talking about?”, you ask, panic creeping into the question. Alchemist looks you straight into the eyes, an eerie smile blooming on his face as he hears it: "Isn’t it obvious? You're going to change and I will help you with that".
“Change?! Change into what?”
“Into a better version of human of course. Do you think I would let you get old or sick and die? You’re too dear to me to do that, you should live and experience a life free from human limitations”, for the first time in your life you’re terrified of him. Albedo always seemed so knowledgeable and calm to you, like a wise wizard from the childhood fairytales, yet now he looks mad and devoid of any humanity:“You shouldn’t worry about these stains, they will disappear once your transformation is complete. Those are just chalk you see, a side effect of your tissues changing over the weeks”.
“When did.. When did you start it?”, you croak out, sensing the agony returning and growing again. It hurts so much I can barely think.
“Dragonspine. You were eating with me”.
You want to insult and accuse him, yet another wave of pain renders you speechless, short huffs and whimpers escaping you as tears start to stream down your face.
“I understand it can be very stressful to you, given how change of this scale is always carrying a great risk”, his voice adopts the same philosophical tone: “The purpose of cocoon is protection of the soon-to-be butterfly from the external harm and influence that could lead to other complications and we don’t want any of that”.
He cards his hand through your hair again, a mockery of a concern dyeing his next words: “You shouldn’t worry, I will be a good chrysalis to your metamorphosis”.
You black out from pain.
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archonanqi · 3 years
consequence / pt i
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⛔️ Warning: This is an exploration of Zhongli’s manipulative tendencies that we see glimpses of in his archon and story quest. Absolutely no part of the relationship depicted here is healthy or consensual. Please proceed with caution. 
🔖 [info] [next]
pt. i of iii
Looking back, you should have noticed that something was wrong the moment Zhongli had insisted on treating you and Aether to dinner. 
You and Paimon tried to stop him, of course — far too many of his shopping sprees in the past had ended with the Millelith involved or your pockets emptied of Mora (usually both, really). Yet today, he’d produced a wallet lined with gleaming coins, and any protests died quickly on Paimon’s lips. 
“Wow, that’s enough to buy—” she marvelled, staring as intently as though her gaze itself could start pocketing the Mora, “at least… TEN Golden Crabs from Wanmin Restaurant!” 
Zhongli chuckled, the sound still sending pleasant shivers down your spine even after all the months you’d spent traveling with him. “A little more than that, Paimon, but a good guess nonetheless.” He turned his amber gaze to you and your brother, who had not strayed a foot away from you since the Abyss released its hold on him. 
Aether had kept an easy smile on his face for the past few days, but you’d known him long enough to pick out the signs of guilt, despite your reiterated reassurances that what the Abyss did to him was not his fault. It would take a long time for him to feel alright again; and you’d be there for him for as long as it took. 
“And as for you two?” Zhongli continued, “will Wanmin Restaurant be agreeable? Though of course, if you believe that such a momentous reunion demands something a little more extravagant, I’m sure that Xinyue Pavillion is still taking reservations—”
“No, that’s not—” you weren’t sure why you were hesitating. So what if he mysteriously found himself without enough Mora by the end of the meal, and you ended up having to foot the bill as usual? It stung a little to think about, but it wasn’t as though you’d have any need for Mora after tonight. “That’s not it. After everything you’ve done for us during our travels, I couldn’t possibly accept more from you, Zhongli.”
Couldn’t possibly bear sitting at a table with Zhongli, knowing that it’d be the last time you’d ever see him. This was why you’d always tried to leave each world with a clean cut. This was why, at the break of dawn, you and Aether would leave without telling anyone — not Jean, not Cyno, not Dainsleif, not Ajax. Not even Zhongli, with whom you’d spent the bulk of your past year.  
“Oh, no,” Zhongli replied, brows arching upwards, “I’ve told you, have I not? The pleasure of our travels were mine to enjoy.” 
“Er... well. I’m sure Aether is also tired and wants to rest,” you prompted, squeezing Aether’s hand. Aether nodded quickly — no matter the world, you’d always been able to count on him to pick up on your nuanced signals. Though he might not know why, he knew that you were uneasy with going to this dinner, and that was enough.
“Hmm,” Zhongli pondered this shortly, then turned to your brother. You’d seen that look of calculated determination on his face before, in front of basha stalls and souvenir stores across the continent. A look that meant Zhongli would get what he wanted. “I had rather been looking forward to getting to know the sibling of my favored travel companion. Are you certain? Wanmin Restaurant is quite the gem of Liyue Harbor, and I’m certain that the food here will be a fair few notches above what the Abyss Order has been able to offer you.” 
There was a slight, amiable smile on his face, but bringing up the Abyss was a painfully low blow and you had no doubt that Zhongli, the lord of contracts and negotiations and everything in between, knew it. You watched in mute horror as the guilt and regret danced on Aether’s face, before he finally gathered it all back into an apologetic smile. “Of course, Mr. Zhongli. Far be it from me to refuse a dinner with the former Geo Archon himself, especially with all the trouble I’ve caused you...”
Even after traveling the seven nations, you’d never once stopped pining for the savory, hearty flavors of Liyue cuisine. The spice of the black-perch stew that Xiangling taught you to cook had kept you warm through many a Snezhnayan blizzard, after all. Basking in the familiar scent of Wanmin Restaurant with a stomach full of hot food, and watching Paimon devour skewers of meat five at a time, you began to feel much better. 
The anger you’d felt at Zhongli’s manipulation of your brother had also since faded into contentment. After all, negotiation, you found, came as naturally to Zhongli as breathing; he had likely meant nothing by it.
Maybe it was okay that you spent just one more night with Zhongli. Maybe it would turn out to be the closure you need. 
You glanced at the man in question; he was teaching Aether how to use chopsticks, of course, and you were grateful to see that the haunted look in Aether’s eyes had given way to exasperation for now. By the time your brother had snapped his third pair of wooden ones, he was smiling and Paimon was just about rolling around on the ground in glee. As you stifled your own laughter, Zhongli set two small bottles of wine on the table.
You tried not to let yourself think about how the string lights of Chi’hu Rock glinted like stars in his eyes. 
“What’s this?” You joked, referencing Zhongli’s anger from the one time he’d seen Venti get you drunk. “Are we all to become disgraces to the arts tonight?”
Zhongli’s lip curled into a small smile. You couldn’t remember when his smiles had started coming more and more frequently, but you’d learned to savor each one. “Ordinarily, I would not condone such strong drink, but today is the most special of occasions, no?” 
As you watched, a goblet began to form between his fingers, golden, black and resplendent. You’d seen similar ones before, buried deep within the Domain of Guyun Stone Forest — an Archaic Petra Artifact, a Goblet of Chiseled Crag. According to Zhongli’s stories, the very same ones that he had created for the Seven to drink from in celebration, before all but two of them had vanished from this world. 
The cruel irony was not lost on you. 
“Besides, this is nothing like the watered down Mondstadt alcohol that that young bard partakes in,” Zhongli said, gloved fingers masterfully plucking the cork from the first bottle and pouring it into the goblets. “These two bottles contain the finest wu’liang’ye spirit that Liyue has to offer. They’ve been aged for well over decades with a technique passed down from the goddess Guizhong, whose mastery over grain and crop transcends even my own today.” 
“We’re—  flattered,” you bowed your head. The matter of Guizhong, the late Goddess of Dust and Zhongli’s good friend from when the Archon War still ravaged the land, was but one of the many things that you’d wanted to talk to him about. If only you had more time. “Thank you, Zhongli.”
He passed you the first goblet, then the second to Paimon. “Please, let’s forgo the formalities tonight. You are a dear friend to me, and so, by extension, is your family.” The second bottle was opened, its contents split between Zhongli and Aether. “Let us drink, to the happy reunion of loved ones, to the fruitful friendships you have forged in this world, and to all the triumphant adventures to be had still.”
The wince you hid was only partially from the burning drag of liquor sliding down your throat.
It had not escaped your notice that Zhongli had been staring at you all night — more intently than usual, and that was saying something. 
“y/n, I think—“ he began, as you met his gaze. By the Archons, the way he said your name—
“ Paimon thinks there should be less talking, more drinking! Ganbei!” Paimon screeches, downing half her goblet and immediately falling down to the cobblestone road, spluttering and choking at the heat. 
“This is… very strong, Mr. Zhongli,” Aether was the first to speak after. “Wonderful liquor. What gives it its mild bitterness?” 
“Bitter?” You asked, letting the drink roll on your tongue, “where’s the bitterness? It tastes mostly sweet to me.”
Aether took another long drink, thoughtfully. “Definitely bitter. Here, try a sip?”
You took his goblet, but as you pressed it to your lips, you felt it begin to violently vibrate. Quickly, you pulled it away from your face just in time for it to shatter in your hand, gold and black shards falling to the floor as what little drink left in the goblet splattered across the table. 
“Goodness,” Zhongli said, after your surprised yelp brought Paimon stumbling back to your side, her cheeks still stained scarlet from the liquor, “I must apologize. It’s been quite some time since I’ve had to construct something so small and intricate — I am out of practice, it seems.” 
“Oh! That’s quite alright, I drank most of it already—“ Aether glanced over your shoulder, “by the Archons, Paimon has a knife!”
As you watched Chef Mao try to wrestle his knife back from a cackling, red-faced Paimon, you recalled the crystal hairpin Zhongli had forged two months ago — when you’d complained of the Natlan desert wind blowing your hair into your eyes. It had been just as intricate as the goblets, and much, much smaller. One of the few belongings you were planning on bringing with you.
You wondered what reason Zhongli had to lie. 
“Maybe it was a good thing your goblet shattered,” you told Zhongli, prodding Aether with one of your chopsticks. He had stopped even groaning in response. And though Paimon was still conscious, she looked as though she would much rather not be, sitting forlornly on the table with her head in her hands. “Look at them. Drunk as skunks.” 
“Maybe,” Zhongli replied, “though I did not expect these two to have such low tolerance to alcohol. It was a miscalculation on my part.” 
“Paimon’s always like this —you know, remember that bar in Snezhnaya?— but Aether’s usually better at holding his drink,” you sighed. “I should probably get him back to Wangshu Inn.”
“Let him sober up a little here. It’s a long trek to the inn, and you don’t want him making a mess of his dinner on the way back.” Loathe as you were to admit it, Zhongli was right. It seemed that the fates were demanding that you spend a little more time with him, after all. He stood up, his tremendous height still a little startling to you. 
“Will you walk with me for a little, y/n?”
It wasn’t fair, really, the way he said your name. “Where are we going?” 
“I’m not sure,” he answered. “The harbor for a breath of fresh air perhaps, or Bubu Pharmacy to fetch a remedy for Aether. Does it matter to you, where we go?”
Going anywhere with him was a pleasure, one that against your better judgement, you yearned to partake in one more time. “No,” you admitted. “Let’s go.” 
“It’s been so long since we’ve walked through Liyue — a year, almost. Do you remember? It was my birthday, and we walked for hours through the harbor.” Zhongli chuckled, the sound a deep rumble through your bones. “You wouldn’t let me buy dinner that time, either.” 
The nights of Liyue, its rolling hills and monumental mountains, were a peace you’d never known before coming to Teyvat. The city was uncharacteristically quiet tonight, and by the time you got to Yujing Terrace, you realized that it was the emptiest you’d ever seen it. The usual evening crowd of kids out of school and elderly taking strolls were nowhere to be seen — not even the Millelith guards usually standing by the gate were there. 
“ That time ,” you corrected, swallowing your unease at the silence of the city, “you didn’t have a single Mora to your name.” The strides you had to take to keep up with Zhongli’s long, long legs were huge, and you struggled to stay by his side. “Look me in the eyes and tell me that I wouldn’t have had to pay the entire bill if we’d actually gone to Wangshu Inn for dinner that night.” 
You immediately regretted it when he turned his golden gaze upon you, and it took everything within you to not avert yours. “Perhaps that may have been the case,” Zhongli allowed, “though I would have returned your investment tenfold over the next week. Have I not proven as much throughout our travels?” 
His vast knowledge of valuable gemstones and herbs — and more importantly, his uncanny ability to get any deal he set his mind to — had kept you and Paimon fed for many a week during your trek through the caves and jungles of Sumeru. You had to give him that. And that wasn’t not even counting the number of boulders, traps, swords and ravenous winter wolves that his shield had protected you from—
“Fine, I’ll admit, it was nice to have you around, you bourgeois parasite,” you said, playing on his joke back from when you’d first met. Then, after a brief silence, “Zhongli, in all seriousness, thank you.”
“I know that you’ve accompanied many adventurers on their journeys,” you explained, “but you — you dropped everything and journeyed with me, and you’ve done more for me than anyone else. I could never have found Aether without you.” Zhongli was being uncharacteristically quiet, and so you hurried along to fill the silence, “We— we made a great team together. And I will never forget everything that you’ve done for me. So, thank you.” 
“A great team together...” he repeated, voice lower than a whisper. “y/n, this sounds like a farewell.” 
Your breath caught in your throat. Even in silence, you were breaking the most important rule you’d learned throughout all your travels. Never let them know you’re leaving.
Zhongli turned to face you, and his full attention is a force that you had not yet learned to endure. So instead, you turned your attention to the koi darting about among the lotus reeds as he continued, “I’ve noticed that you’ve been more careless with your Mora lately. And as for your hard-earned weapons, artifacts, and resources, you have given them all to the Knights of Favonius, correct?” 
“I gave some to the Millelith too,” you objected quietly.
“You know that is not what I meant,” Zhongli said. You did know. “Are you planning on leaving this world, y/n?”
“I have to,” you heard yourself say, “we don’t belong here.” 
As though he heard the waver in your voice, the Lord of Contracts honed in on it like a Sumeran jaguar. “Do you remember the first Lantern Rite you partook in? Though you had just arrived in Liyue, and though the Millelith, Qixing and Adepti each gave you reason to distrust them, you still chose to spend the festival helping people.” 
“I didn’t help that many—” 
“Twenty-six people,” he corrected, and you cursed yourself for not thinking that he would remember. “A dozen more, if we are to count the young and elderly of Qingce, whose lives were brightened by the festivities you brought to the village. And hundreds above that, if we acknowledge every person in Liyue Harbor, whose Lantern Rite would have been ruined had you not stopped the thief who tried to steal the Mingxiao Lantern. Am I correct?” 
“I did it for the compensation,” you retorted, determined not to let yourself think about the people you’d helped. Who would help them after you left? 
“Hmm.” Zhongli rested his gloved fingers against his chin, and you could tell that he didn’t buy your bluff, not for a moment. “Anyone else, I may have believed. But you, y/n, who have begged me to stay my hand against fleeing Hilichurls? You, who could not bear to attack the Mitachurl that sits alone on Mount Tianheng and watches the harbor? You, who gave it a name ?” 
“Okay,” you finally relented. “Okay, I like helping people, and I don’t want to go. But that doesn’t mean I can stay. It’s— it’s not good for Aether to stay here, after what this world has done to him.” 
“With time, I believe your brother can adjust—”
“Don’t make this harder than it has to be, Zhongli,” you begged, and the tone of your voice finally made him take notice. He regarded you for a moment, and you thought you saw his eyes glow bright. 
“The last thing I wanted,” he sighed, reaching into his coat, “was for it to come to this.” 
Your first reaction was to reach for your weapon — it wasn’t there; you’d given Festering Desire to dear little Bennett just before you’d left Mondstadt. Still, you felt the bright burn of shame when the only thing Zhongli pulled out was a piece of parchment, folded into a perfect square. How could you think that after everything, Zhongli would ever hurt you? 
“Do you remember this contract of ours?” Zhongli asked as he carefully unfolded the paper, handing it to you. You stared down at the neat lines of calligraphy, punctuated by your name in your own handwriting. 
Of course you remembered: the moment you had approached Zhongli at Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, after your expedition into Havria’s domain. The day you’d asked him to join you on your travels.
“ Oh? A new contract? I'm still on leave, but I can accompany you for a while. ” Zhongli had mused, as though he hadn’t just sent butterflies soaring through your insides. “ What name should I use on the contract? I have a great many names, though when on leave... I tend to go by Zhongli. And you, Traveler? What name will you be signing on this contract— ?” 
The following contract had been quickly printed in his swift brushstrokes — simple terms: he would lend his strength and knowledge to your endeavor of finding Aether, and you, in turn, would simply keep him in good company. 
Even at the time, you’d wondered what was in it for Zhongli — the terms of the contract had seemed rather imbalanced, but in your euphoria at having gained Zhongli as your new travelling partner, you had not thought more on it. 
The same terms stared back at you now, and you were quickly realizing what was going on. 
For thousands of years, I have made countless contracts. If the deal was of no benefit, then I certainly would not be inclined to agree to it. 
The day you discovered his identity, Zhongli had said this to you. He’d never signed a contract before that did not benefit him wholly; and you were a fool to think he would’ve made an exception for you. 
“By keeping you in good company,” you said, numbly, “you don’t mean— forever ?”
“In the circumstances that the duration of a contract’s term is unspecified—” Zhongli held out his hand for the parchment. Briefly, you debated tearing it up and scattering it to the koi, but you knew well enough that it would not void the contract — one of the hundreds of thousands that Zhongli had undoubtedly seared into his memory. You handed it back to him silently. “Well, it would be fair to say that you are obliged to uphold it, until I personally release you from it, no?”
The first thing you felt was: fear, deep and chilling. You hadn’t truly believed that Zhongli would hurt you — until now. Until a contract had come into play. Until you realized you were poised to break one.
“You can’t be serious,” you said, but you’d known him long enough to know that he was. “I found my brother. I’m not from this world, and so I have to leave. I have to go home.” 
“Has Teyvat not provided you enough of a home? You have made friends here, allies who would die for you in a heartbeat. And as for Liyue — Liyue will always be as much of your home as mine. You have your own room in Chi’hu Rock, you are on a first-name basis with the Qixing and the Adepti would spar with you as though you were one of their own—”
You could feel your resolve trembling, but it was not enough. You would not ask your brother to compromise his wellbeing in a world that had not been kind to him. “I’m sorry,” you said, and you understood fully what was coming. “I can’t stay.” 
“After everything we have gone through, my friend, you would leave... me?” And there it was. In that moment, the former Archon — the oldest being in the world — looked so lonely that you almost broke down, almost apologized, almost reassured him that you would never once again put him through what he’d gone through far too many times: the loss of a friend. 
“I’m sorry,” you repeated. “My family comes first. I can’t stay.” 
Zhongli’s expression became unreadable. He closed his eyes, and for a moment, there was a peaceful silence that you savored. You had a feeling that it would be the last one you’d ever have in Liyue. The seconds crawled by, and briefly, you let yourself hope that Zhongli might relent, might make an exception for his close travel companion. 
“Well then, my friend,” Zhongli finally said, holding out his right arm. Sparks of energy gathered in his palms, forming a wicked, golden spear. The Vortex Vanquisher. You’d seen it countless times, marveling each time at its beauty and strength. You never thought you would one day be staring down the end of it. “You must know what comes next.” 
On your journey, you’d witnessed many a broken contract between Zhongli and other people — an Inazuman merchant whose greed for an extra trinket got the better of him; a Sumeran scholar who just needed to grab that last book from the hidden ruins; a Snezhnayan soldier whose loyalty to the Tsaritsa transcended his gratitude to you saving his life— 
None of them had escaped unscathed.  And each time, after delivering the punishment required of the situation, Zhongli would ask you the same thing, uncharacteristic frustration in his voice: 
“ To get people to abide by a contract, and act in accordance with the guidelines set out within, is simply to ask them to respect the concept of fairness. It is not a large request. How are there those who still do not understand such simplicity? ”
Each time, after you’d cheered him on in his reckoning of justice, you would nod and agree sympathetically. None of their contracts, you thought, had been particularly difficult to uphold. And each time, you would thank the heavens that you had more sense than to break a promise between yourself and the God of Contracts. 
It seemed that today, you were going to learn of what happened when you did. 
You took a step backwards as Zhongli took a slow, calculated one towards you. Having closely watched him rain destruction down upon your foes for the past few months, you knew with certainty that you, lightheaded from the wind and the still exhausted from your fight with Aether, would not be able to keep up with his speed and technique. 
And even if you weren’t, how could you even hope to compete with six thousand years of experience in war and strife and carnage? No; fighting him was not an option.
“Come on now, Zhongli,” you pleaded, taking another step and discovering, to your horror, that one more step backwards would have you falling into the koi ponds. You had nowhere else to go. “Aren’t we friends?” 
Even as the words left your mouth, you knew that they would fall on uncaring ears. Friendship had never stayed the hand of the victor of the Archon war.
Zhongli took another lazy stride forward. 
“Are we really going to fight in the city? We’ll destroy half the harbor.”
“While I appreciate your concern, I am quite confident that it will not come to that,” Zhongli said, the ‘because I would long have you pinned under my spear before then’ unspoken but tacit. “And besides, most of Liyue architecture is of stone. It would be nothing that I could not easily fix.” 
Fair enough. You switched gears, praying that two millennia of walking amongst the mortals had given him some vestige of human empathy. “Please, I need to go back and check on Aether. What if he woke up and found himself alone? Who knows what Paimon’s done to him by now.”
“Aether,” Zhongli said, “will not wake up for another day or two.” 
You pause, letting that register. “What?” 
The first bottle: you and Paimon. The second bottle: Zhongli and Aether. You remembered how carefully Zhongli handed you the first goblet, though Liyuenese etiquette would have mandated that he pass the first drink to the guest at the table. The way the goblet had shattered suddenly rang clear in your mind’s eye. His lie. How adamantly Zhongli must have been trying to keep you from drinking from Aether’s cup— 
“The herb I placed in his drink was but a very mild… sedative. He will almost certainly not die from it, but it can take mortals up to two days to regain consciousness.”
“ What ?” You could barely breathe. “You’re joking. You drank from the same bottle he did.”
“You need not concern yourself about me. My body has always been much more resistant to poisons than that of mortals.” 
The rage made your throat tight; it had been a long, long time since you had been so angry. “Congratulations, you know that there’s absolutely no way I’m staying now, right?” 
“Even before our confrontation today, I could tell that your mind was already made up,” he explained, as nonchalant as ever, as though he hadn’t just poisoned your fucking brother . “Naturally, the next course of action was to prevent you from breaking your contract by any means necessary, so that we could further negotiate. I did not want—” 
You would never learn what Zhongli didn’t want, because the fury in your lungs erupted outwards in a burst of elemental energy. You reached out, grabbing one of the last swords in your arsenal — a dull blade that you had been keeping around for enhancement fodder — but it didn’t matter, didn’t matter didn’t matter didn’t matter. All that mattered in that moment was making Zhongli pay . 
The familiar warmth of the element you were attuned to channeled through the sword, and you swung it as hard as you could in the direction of the former Archon. A wake of hardened earth ripped through the stone brick of the terrace, circling Zhongli in a jagged cage of rock and crystal. A little too late, you realized your folly.
Zhongli absently reached out, resting his gloved fingers against the earthly fangs you’d entrapped him within. Even through the haze of your anger, you could see a smile — a kind you had never seen on him — forming between his cheeks. “How ironic,” he said, “that you would use the powers that I granted you against me.” 
You could see the glow of Geo flowing from your constructs towards his outstretched palm. Vaguely, you knew that you had to run . 
“And how endearing—” he continued, and you could hear the rumbling beneath your feet, even as you turned to flee, “—that you truly thought it would work.” 
From behind, a shockwave of Geo more powerful than anything you’d ever felt smashed into you, throwing you off your feet and slamming you against the wall behind the pond. You crumpled like a paper lantern, cheek hitting the cool stone floor. As you struggled to keep your eyes open, the last things you saw were Zhongli’s intricate boots, gleaming in the moonlight before you.
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auraalho · 3 years
Hi can you make diluc, xiao and childe love in first sight headcanon (separate)
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𝗗𝗶𝗹𝘂𝗰, 𝗫𝗶𝗮𝗼 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗲 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗮𝘁 𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 ♥︎
𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑠𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑎 𝑐𝑢𝑡𝑒 𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎, 𝑖’𝑙𝑙 𝑡𝑟𝑦 𝑚𝑦 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡, 𝑚𝑦 𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠ℎ 𝑖𝑡’𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 ℎ𝑜𝑝𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑖𝑡
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𝗗𝗶𝗹𝘂𝗰 𝗥𝗮𝗴𝗻𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗿 ♥︎ 𝑎𝑘𝑎 𝑚𝑦 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒
♡︎ Let me tell you something, he wasn’t planning getting in love with you.
♡︎ After everything that has happened to him, Diluc has created a barrier, a wall that is not easy to break, most people knew him for being a grumpy and lonely young man, but what they don’t know is that he is actually a very sensitive and kind person that doesn’t know how to open up to people.
♡︎ He thinks that by closing his heart to other people he will avoid more losses in his life, that is why he made sure to keep his distance with each new person he met. That until the day he met you of course.
♡︎ I can imagine that you, being a traveler, came from your home to the lands of Mondstadt to meet a friendly young man with blue hair (Better known as Kaeya) who offered to give you a walk around the town to help you know a little more about the place. Not without first inviting you a drink at the angel’s share tavern. And there’s where he meet you.
♡︎ You walked into the tavern with a smile as you told Kaeya about your recent explorations, how you got there and what your next plans would be. The redhead was about to complain about the presence of his brother until he realized the companion who came with him, the way your eyes lit up and how your smile appeared while you talked about what you were passionate about, he thought it was incredible cute and he didn't even know your name.
♡︎ While you were sitting at the bar having a lemonade with Kaeya talking to you about the places you should visit in Mondstadt, Diluc couldn’t help but constantly look at your figure, even when he was cursing himself and trying to not look at you, his eyes were wandering on their own and before that he realized he had already been looking at you directly for more than 10 minutes.
♡︎ Kaeya seems to have noticed this and with a malicious smile decides to tease his brother by suddenly including him in the conversation, causing him to blush without knowing what to say.
-So y/n this is Diluc, he knows the place very well, what do you think if we accompany you on your exploration of Mondstadt? We would help you a lot- said the one with blue eyes smiling at his brother.
Your eyes lit up again
-Really? Will you accompanying me? - You said looking at the redhead who was embarrassed enough to follow your gaze and panicking, he murmured very low that you could hardly hear him.
-I guess I am..- He said without knowing exactly what he was getting into, the only thing he knew was that you had stirred his heart, even without having the intention of doing it.
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𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗲 ♥︎
♡︎ This man omg. He’s such a cutie.
♡︎ He is in fact the person I most likely see falling in love at first sight.
♡︎ Childe is a very charismatic person, most of the time he is with a smile while with comedy and sarcasm he overcomes his problems, besides being a very intrepid person.
♡︎ Most people can't keep up with it because they think it's weird.
♡︎ And that believe it or not makes him feel bad, but he knows that there is something wrong with him, always trying to be a certain type of person and trying to pretend that everything is fine. It's exhausting for him, but he never gives up, and goes on with his life.
♡︎ That is why he finds himself looking for someone sincere, someone who does not hide their feelings.
♡︎ And that's when you arrive. Walking through the streets of Liyue market, Childe finds himself looking for some cor lapis for Zhongli, the last few days he has spent running some commissions to distract his mind for a while, lately he has felt without energy and being around people made him feel a little better.
♡︎ A little bit distracted by his thoughts he notices the presence of someone next to him, their figure a little smaller than his.
♡︎ You, a traveler from Mondstadt, came to Liyue for a couple of commissions and one of them was to get some cor lapis for Mr. Albedo who was doing a new experiment. Your plan was to go to the mountains to get it on your own, because it is a fairly expensive material, but things took an unexpected turn and you ended up doing more commissions from people you meet on your way to Liyue, by the time you realized they was already 10:00 at night, and going alone to the mountains in a place where you had never been didn’t seem like a good idea, so you decided to buy it.
♡︎ But as I told you, it’s EXPENSIVE, so you find yourself struggling in counting enough mora to buy the mineral.
♡︎ The way your nose wrinkled when you the lost count and how your lips drew a small pout, seemed to him the most beautiful thing in the world and unknowingly he found himself smiling at your little problem.
♡︎ You were about to give up and come back empty-handed until the young man next to you offered to pay for it himself.
♡︎ He had no idea why, but the way your smile appeared as you thanked him for the favor made him feel a tingle in his heart and all he thought was that he wanted to see that smile forever.
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𝗫𝗶𝗮𝗼 ♥︎
♡︎ Let me tell you something again, he wasn’t planning getting in love with you too.
♡︎ Just as Diluc, Xiao seems to be a quite reserved and calm person, almost nobody dares to talk to him because he looks very intimidating.
♡︎ He never expected someone to come into his life as the way you did, like a gust of wind, without warning, and that made him nervous because he didn’t know how to control his feelings and had no idea of ​​these new emotions.
♡︎ It may sound funny but in his long life he had always solved things with his spear and hitting his problems. So finding himself in a situation like this where he CLEARLY can't do this would make him very dizzy and maybe a little scared.
♡︎ But let’s move on into the meeting;)
♡︎ You’re a liyue alchemist, always exploring and investigating new things, it was what you liked the most in life and your adventurous spirit led you to exploration in search of new ingredients for your experiments.
♡︎ However, things didn’t end up as expected and you ended up in a heated fight with two ruin hunters on the Guili plains that left you quite exhausted. So looking for a place to spend the night you ended up at the Wangshu Inn meeting a lonely adeptus who spent his nights on the roof of this.
♡︎ When you got there you couldn't help but take a look at the roof, the moon looked so calm and the stars so happy, who wouldn't want to see a view like that? while you were hypnotized with the scenery in front your eyes you didn’t notice the penetrating gaze of a young man who was in the same place as you.
♡︎ Thousands of things were happening in the head of the amber-eyed, the first thing he thought when he saw a person arrive to interrupt his lonely night was to leave there immediately.
♡︎ But he didn't, he wanted to but couldn't, his eyes were drawn to you, almost like a magnet, as much as he wanted to look away and get up from there he couldn't and didn't know why. Perhaps it was your fascinating presence with which you saw the moon as if it were the most precious thing in the world, or how the wind fluttered your hair elegantly. He didn’t know, but he had spent 2000 years looking at the beautiful moon and had never imagined someone as gorgeous as it, but you, you were fascinating.
♡︎ After a while of being there you decided to enter your room and that’s when you will find his beautiful eyes, almost like 2 stars, like 2 moons looking at you. You stayed there for a moment, admiring the beauty of it and just when you were about to greet him, he disappeared with the wind, leaving you there in the middle of the lonely night.
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tittytania · 3 years
Finding ChristBorg: A TED talk about what happened during the Coldharbour Compact.
Reposted from my tes reddit bc I want to see what y’all think.
I can't tell if I'm a genius, completely insane, or if I'm just late to the lore-party. Time to find out I guess. TL;DR at the bottom.
So it has never been explained what Sotha Sil did during the Coldharbour Compact to convince the daedric princes to not manifest on Nirn without an intermediary, and it probably never will be since the mystery of it all is far too cool. But that doesn't mean I can't read into it like literature and look for meaning in the other texts I can compare it to.
To start, Vivec is based off of the Shakta variation of the half female/half male Ardhanarishvara, where the gold-skinned female half is the right side. Both Vivec and Ardhanarishvara represent unity and duality, and looking at some images of Ardhanarishvara, it's kinda hard to argue that Vivec wasn't based off of them. Kirkbride even confirmed that Ardhanarishvara was the inspiration for Vivec in an AMA. Now, Vivec is part of the god trio the Almsivi Tribunal, along with Almalexia and Sotha Sil. Shiva, who Ardhanarishvara is the avatar of, is also part of a god trio, called the Trimurti in Hinduism. So it would make sense if the other members of the tribunal are also based off of one member of a real world religious triad. I have a shaky idea of who Almalexia could be, but my theory for her god-inspiration is nowhere near as solid as my theory for Sotha Sil, who I believe is based on Jesus Christ.
To start, their characterizations have multiple similarities. Both are one branch of a god-triad, with Sotha Sil as part of the Tribunal, and Jesus as The Son in the Holy Trinity. Both serve as a teacher, with Jesus being referred to as Teacher several times in the Bible, and Sotha Sil giving lessons on magic and Mysticism to the Psijic Monks. Also, both are characterized as wise, patient, and celibate. They both talk about moral and philosophical concepts with their followers, neither Jesus nor Sotha Sil are shown as having a temper or raising their voices, and neither of them are shown with a spouse or partner. Sotha Sil is specifically shown as not caring about the Night Mother's attempts to sexually manipulate him in book seven of 2920, The Last Year of the First Era. Now I know that 2920 is considered a work of historical fiction in-universe, but I don't think that matters in this situation since I'm approaching this as a person reading a text, not as a person living inside the lore world.
In terms of specific scenes that connect Sotha Sil and Jesus, the first I will mention is that they both use a makeshift whip to beat intruding wrongdoers and drive them away, while yelling about fathers. In the Truth in Sequence vol. 8 book, it says that "[t]hrough His will alone, Mighty Seht wound the veins (of metal ore) into god-bronze whips, and lashed the Prince pitilessly," saying "[b]ehold the wrath of lost Ald Sotha! Know death at my hands, false-son of a false-father!" In the Bible, Jesus found people doing sales in a place of worship, and then He "made a whip of cords, (and) He drove them all out of the temple," saying “Take these things away! Do not make My Father’s house a house of merchandise!” (John 2 15-16).
Also, Jesus had close friends and followers who were called his apostles, and Sotha Sil has his own Clockwork Apostles. Sil's apostles reside in the Clockwork Basilica, and while basilica isn't an exclusively Christian term, it is frequently used to describe a type of church architecture, and is a term the pope uses to recognize distinguished churches.
Another similarity that I found was in the plot of Morrowind, where Sotha Sil's death was caused at the hands of Almalexia, who was someone he had once loved and trusted, much like with Jesus and Judas.
The most notable life similarity as it relates to the Coldharbour Compact is that both leave the earthly world in order to make a deal for the benefit of the souls on earth, and then return to the earthly world. This parallel is given extra weight with the descriptions of the scene in the book 2920, The Last Year of the First Era. Sotha Sil returns from Coldharbour by way of someone "rolling aside the great boulder that blocked the entrance to the Dreaming Cavern. This sounds a lot like the scene in the bible of the discovery that Jesus had risen from the dead, where "an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door" (Matthew 28:2). In addition, Jesus said "after He is killed, He will rise [on] the third day," (Matthew 17:23) and after Sotha Sil returned from Coldharbour, he "felt he had been away for months, years, but only a few days had transpired." Perhaps it had been 3?
In addition to the life and behavior similarities, there are similarities in dress. In the 2920 book, Sotha Sil is always described as wearing a white robe or cloak. In ESO, Sotha Sil is shown as barefoot, and wearing a blue sash over his long white robe. In medieval and renaissance art, Jesus is most always depicted as barefoot, and is frequently shown with a blue cloth over his shoulder. In most resurrection art, as well as in almost all 20th/21st century art, Jesus is depicted as dressed in white. While Jesus usually isn't usually shown wearing both the blue sash and the white robe at once like Sotha Sil is, I found one modern interpretation of Jesus that does dress him this way, and several depictions of him in Chinese art that also portray him like this.
I'm feeling almost conspiratorial here, but these similarities are far too many for me to think it's accidental, and therefore I have to think that all of this is meant to suggest that Sotha Sil serves a Christ-figure role in his story, i.e. in sacrificing own life like Jesus did in order to make his deal in the Coldharbour Compact. However I don't think Sil's sacrifice was quite so simple. After he is asked what he offered the Daedra in return for the deal, he states: "The deals we make with Daedra... [s]hould not be discussed with the innocent." This implies that in contrast to the Christ mythos, Sil's sacrifice was not blameless; he did not come out of the deal with his hands clean.
So, a Christ-like sacrifice that isn't quite as pure and selfless as it is in Christianity. What could that be?
My theory is that in order to make the Coldharbour Compact, he sold the lives of Vivec and Almalexia along with his own. Perhaps he told the princes that he knew the tribunal's godhood would end, and in exchange for their cooperation he promised not to tell the other tribunes or make any attempt to prevent his and his companions' demise. (After all, as far as I know he made the mechanical heart for keeping his city functional, not for recreating the divinity the heart of Lorkhan provided.) Or, maybe he offered to do something to assist in bringing the Tribunal down, and losing Sunder and Keening, the tools that helped them maintain their divinity, was intentional on his part. Sil deliberately sacrificing his own life appears to be reflected in Azura's statement after his death. She said "he shed his mortality long ago, and I am certain his death was no small relief to him." Of course she'd know that he let go of his life ages ago if he had willingly sold it to her. Of course she would be certain that he found his death to be a relief, if she'd heard him say so himself when he was explaining why a god would ever offer such a deal.
It would also make sense with Sotha Sil's character, since he allegedly loved the people on Nirn more than Almalexia or Vivec did, and the destruction of Gilverdale could have definitely been a traumatic enough reminder of the destruction of Ald Sotha for him to do something dramatic to prevent it ever happening again. And guilt over sacrificing his friends could have definitely been a contributing factor to the worsening self-isolation and intense depression in his later life. It would also be a definite explanation for why he apparently never met another soul in the 10 years between losing the tools and his death. Not only had he become extremely disillusioned with the imperfections of the world, he had now finalized the deal he made so long ago, and saw no point in continuing to interact with a deeply flawed world he was essentially finished with.
However, I do see some issues with this and how it would work in-universe. Namely the fact that Hermaeus Mora's seekers said the prince received something from every individual on Nirn as part of the deal, which is quite different from what I'm suggesting. A different deal for each prince would also explain why Sil was able to include Clavicus Vile and Mephala in the compact at a much later date. There would be no reason for Vile and Mephala to submit to a collective deal whose terms had already been decided. So if he offered the tribunal's lives as part of the deal, he would have needed to offer other things as well. But for me the most significant in-universe issue I struggled with was that using his death as a bargaining tool would create a massive problem for his ability to enforce the deal in the future. This could explain why both Molag Bal and Mehrunes Dagon manifested on Nirn after Sotha Sil's death, but since I think they were summoned by qualified mortals that could have been a loophole. Either way, making a deal that is meant to last forever by promising something that can never be taken back in the case of a breach of contract seems extremely short-sighted for someone who claims to be cursed with certainty. Especially considering how many of the princes there were known to be cheats and liars.
Unless, that is, you believe this theory I read about the reason why Sil was completely silent as he was killed. My original belief was that he was silent because he'd seen it coming long ago, and knew that nothing he could have said would have changed Almalexia's mind. And while that would be in character for him, now I'm starting to think that it was because he had already uploaded his consciousness elsewhere. This would fit in with the Christ-figure parallels, due to the Christian belief that Jesus is risen from the dead and very much alive. While Jesus returned to life at the same time he emerged from the cave, the completion of Sotha Sil's death sacrifice didn't happen until long after his return via the cave. While I have found no explicit evidence that he's still around, when you find his body in Morrowind he is shown hanging, with his arms outstretched at his sides, in a sort of crucifixion pose. And after the crucifixion comes the resurrection. Perhaps Sotha Sil is still around somewhere in the gears of his city, and he promised the princes he'd never be present or have any influence on Nirn so long as they kept up their end of the deal. Additionally, the 37th sermon of Vivec mentions Sotha Sil as holding "his swollen belly," carrying "[his] daughter." While Vivec's sermons are hardly ever literal, Kirkbride's comments suggest that maybe Vivec was being somewhat literal in this instance. Regarding this concept art, Kirkbride said "note the cosmic baby growing inside Sotha Sil. While Sotha Sil is dead as we saw in the add-on pack “Tribunal”, the child survived." Perhaps one of Sotha Sil's many body modifications made him able to carry and birth a child, and then he created a daughter through self-cloning or some other method that allows him to have enough influence to enforce the compact.
TL;DR - Sotha Sil has a lot of similarities with Jesus, so he's a Christ figure and therefore his sacrifice in the Coldharbour Compact was himself, and Almalexia and Vivec too, and that also means that he may still be around.
Anyways, thanks for reading and sorry if this sounds like I'm putting red strings on a wall as my application essay to the r/SothaSimps fan club. Also, lmk if I'm missing anything obvious. For me right now Reading Lore On The Bedroom Floor is a bit more manageable than playing the games, and there may be something I've just completely looked over.
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definitelynotsuzumi · 3 years
Zapped to Another World [Chapter 3]
Chapter 3 is finally up! T-T I am really sorry for the delays and future delays since I am juggling between school and Genshin. 
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Despite the roof over your head and the cushy bed beneath you, you could not sleep.
You heaved a sigh as you reached your hand into your chest, detaching your Gnosis. If your knowledge was right, you were basically the 8th Archon. A phantom one, judging by Venti’s reaction.
“Oh good, you have not lost it yet.” A familiar voice echoed. You nearly rolled off the bed in surprise as you turned to face Artem.
“How? But I? Huh? What are you doing here?” You stuttered.
“Oh silly head. Or maybe I am the silly one for not letting you know. A Gnosis is a way that Archons can communicate with the Celestia. In other words, me!” Artem threw you a mischievous smile. He seemed a lot more easy-going. Was it because I agreed to this life? Or is it because his sister isn’t here?
You suspected both as Artem kicked back in the air.
“I am aware of that but…Doesn’t this make me…Irrelevant in this world? Weren’t there supposed to be just 7 Archons?” You knitted your brows as he casually floated around the giant room.
“Well, originally, yes. But things change!”
“So, what exactly am I an Archon of?” You looked back onto your Gnosis. As you had agreed to the “contract” when you fell, the Gnosis had transformed into what looked like a chess piece, with a sphere adorning the top of it.
“This world! Isn’t that exciting?”
Figures. The shape atop your Gnosis was shaped like a planet after all.
“…Honestly, not with the Fatui out to get people like me.” You sighed.
“Oh, if they try anything funny with the Order I have made, rest assured, us gods will deal with it.” Artem’s easy-going aura turned bloodthirsty.
You held your tongue instinctively as Artem laughed humourlessly.
“I am well aware of the Tsaritsa straying from her path and interfering. But I have faith in that Outworlder.” Artem hummed as he messed around in your room. He somehow managed to find lipstick paper in the drawers and had put it on. 
“And me. Surely there is more to my existence in this world. Am I right in saying that?” You grasped your Gnosis tightly in your hand.
“Well yes, you are the failsafe I have created. It was pure chance that I lost that game and my temper ehe~” He blew you a kiss with his extremely pigmented lips. 
You were tempted to shout. A pure chance that I got killed by that lightning volt, you mean!
“Aren’t you glad that it worked out?,” Artem closed the gap between the two of you, his eyes staring into yours. There was a dangerous glint in his eyes, as if he could hear your thoughts.
“I am glad for this second chance in life. But it is honestly concerning for someone like me…” You gulped back your fear of the god.
“Understandable. By the way, try to keep your existence as an Archon as downlow as possible. While the Archons may be aware of another one, they will not be able to pinpoint who it is exactly until they meet you. If they got rid of the failsafe, I will be forced to get someone to step in.” 
“…Do you mean the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles?” Artem blinked in surprise.
“Wow, I’m surprised a human from Earth knows about her.  Yes, yes you are right. Clever girl.”
You felt the cold claws of dread grip your heart.
“Communication is a 2-way street. If they can observe and interact with the Celestia, they can interfere with it. That means, if they tried hard enough, they can very well overthrow the gods of the Celestia.” Artem turned serious.
“That is why you exist now. The original plan was to summon a hero from Elysium as a failsafe but seeing as to how things turn out, well, here we are.”
“You talk as if it is my fault that we are here now…” You frowned, “You raged during a game of Uno. Uno, of all games! And caused a whole lightning to zap me into the afterlife. Not to mention, the guilt trip that you pulled just to bring me here.”
Artem rolled his eyes, as if you were snapping over a trivial issue.
“Now you just sound like Solaria. Blegh.” Artem faked a retch before returning to his serious expression.
“Sorry if I made it sound bad that you are here. I mean no ill-intentions. You didn’t deserve to die because of my temper.” Artem patted your head, exhaling heavily through his nose.
You heard footsteps come by your door. Artem gave you a wink as he disappeared into a burst of golden sparks. You hurriedly stored your gnosis to your chest again.
“Miss (L/N), I apologize for the disturbance. Master Diluc has instructed me to provide you with clothing.” A maid came by, a set of clothes and shoes in her hands.
“How kind. Leave them by the dresser. And send him my…thanks.” You watched as the maid bowed her head, putting them down on the oak dresser before scurrying out of your room.
Rising and feeling the silken fabric of a simple red frock, black shirt and a matching cape, you exhaled through your nose. You knew that you were caught up in something complicated and the feeling of helplessness came back to you.
Artem’s voice then echoed in your ears.
‘Find the Outworlder and see to it that he saves this world. If not, well…’ A vision of Mondstadt in flames with the familiar black-red cubes flashed in your eyes.
‘Let’s just say, the option of going into Elysium will be open.’
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You did not know when you had drifted off to sleep, but you were glad for those few hours of rest. You slipped out of your day-old school uniform and donned the fresh clothes Diluc had given. They felt light and soft, perfect for traveling under the sun. Given how the sun was blazing through the morning dew, you decided against the cape and slipped it into your bag as well.
Preparing your things, you were not a fan of how the bag of mora you had received from Solaria was getting lighter. Maybe I should become an Adventurer as well…
Walking down the wooden stairs of the Winery, you were surprised to see a huge spread of food on the table, with Diluc leisurely eating his way through a pile of steaks, potatoes and cheese.
“Have some, the people of Mondstadt call this Pile Em Up.” Diluc pushed over a steaming plate. You swore you saw it sparkle in the candlelight.
You tentatively sliced a piece. Meat and cheese at this time of the day seemed a little rich, but as the warm ribs melted in your mouth, you could not hold back a satisfied sigh.
“Your maids are excellent cooks.”
“…I cooked it.”
“Do you not believe that I can cook?”
Diluc gave you a bemused smile. You looked back down onto your steak. You mentally yelled at yourself to quit blushing.
“I-well, you don’t seem the type to cook so…I just thought…”You stumbled over your words. You could feel his eyes on you. You noticed a small, genuine smile forming on his lips. You have landed on one of the topics he admits pride in.
“Well, I do work as a bartender in the tavern at times, naturally I will need to be able to cook.”
A soft warmth formed in your chest as you smiled back. Finishing off the delicious plate of the juicy meat, you blinked in surprise as he offered you a pack of dried sunsettias and apples.
“The journey will be long. Please be safe on your travels.”
Huh. You always had the impression that he was cold and aloof, but Diluc seemed different than what you have seen in the game.
“Uhm, thank you for everything you have done. I will pay it back some day!” You bowed before turning towards the path leading out of Dawn Winery.  
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“Uh…Uhmm….” You murmured in growing panic. Solaria had forgotten to pack a map! You were incredibly lost. A boy with white hair bolted past as you heard the sound of gibberish following behind him. You had a bad feeling about this.
“…Uh oh.”
You looked back. A group of very angry Hilichurls were running towards you and the boy.
“UH OH!”
You sprinted in the direction of the boy but you soon found yourself face-to-face with a cliff. The boy was nowhere to be seen.
You had to fight.
You turned around, grabbing an arrow that flew past your face. Everything seemed slower than you thought it would be.
Gritting your teeth, you pushed your arms in front of you. Your eyes shut themselves tightly as you willed for the area around you to freeze over. The screams of the Hilichurls stopped as you felt the icy winds against your cheek.
Cautiously, you opened your eyes to see them frozen solid. You walked up, tapping the ice with your knuckles.
It was as if they were made out of ice rather than being flash-frozen.
Whatever had happened, you were certain that you would be safe. Looking around, you noticed a blob of white hair in the bush near you.
“You alright there?” You called out. The boy poked his head out of the bush.
“A…Are they gone -AH!” The boy jumped as he saw the Hilichurls’ angry expressions before realizing that they are frozen solid.
“It should be safe and anyways, what is the use of a sword if you don’t use it to defend yourself?” You sighed, noticing a sword strapped to his side.
“They kind of caught me off-guard…” His expression of guilt made you feel bad as you awkwardly patted his head.
He reminded you of a little brother.
“What’s your name?” You asked as you took in the familiar garb he was wearing.
“I’m Bennett! I had a commission to retrieve treasure from the Hilichurls but…well…”He stole a glance at the Hilichurls, who remained frozen solid in their spots.
“I’m (Y/N) but I got lost…I forgot to pack in a map…” You sighed, scratching the back of your head awkwardly.
“Oh! I can help with that!”
Bennet fished out a crumpled piece of paper. It was a map! You were saved!
But just as you were about to thank Artem for his kindness, an arrow ripped through the middle.
The Hilichurls you froze over must have melted as you heard their angered screaming.
“Oh for f-“
Bennett drew his sword. You were familiar with his skill in the game as you saw him charging energy into his sword. Raising your hand, you willed for your power to protect him as he swung his sword. Flames rose as he struck down the Shield Hilichurl.
“Huh?” Bennett was confused when he realized he was not sent flying.
“Focus, Bennett, focus!” You yelled as you blasted the Hilichurls away from him. As much as you hated how his unluckiness seemed contagious, you did not want him to be hurt.
“Thanks!” Bennett beamed at you as he slashed down the Hilichurls. That seemed to be last of them as you finished off the Shield Hilichurl.
“Wow, thanks for saving me back there. Seriously, I owe you one.” Bennett made his gratitude known, thanking you profusely.  You sighed as you sat down on the grass.
Bennett took out the torn map and looked extremely sheepish.
“Don’t suppose you have an extra one?” You sighed again. Bennett shook his head in response.
“Hey, are you two okay? I just saw the bodies of the Hilichurls and I came by to investigate- Oh hey Bennett!” A girl’s voice greeted you both.
“Hey Amber! Yeah, I kinda got into a fight with them but she saved me!” Bennett excitedly introduced you to the Outrider.
“She’s uh…What’s your name again?”
“I’m (Y/N) and I’m trying to get to Liyue but I got lost. Bennett was showing me his map until they ripped it. Don’t suppose you have an extra in your pockets?” You wiped off the sweat as you stood up to greet Amber.
“Oh! I can help with that!” Amber gave you a neatly folded piece of paper.
“Please take care on your travels then. There is a rise in Hilichurl sightings in the area.” Amber saluted.
“Don’t suppose you’d like to join Bennett’s Adventure Team?” Bennett gave you a puppy-eyed dog look.
“Uhm…Well, I really need to make my way to Liyue…Unless you’d want to come with me and abandon everything you have here…”Bennett’s face fell. You instantly felt bad for the poor adventurer. You knew it was a tall order for you to ask him to come along. 
“Hey hey…I’ll be back soon. We can do more adventuring once I fulfil my mission, okay?” You smiled at Bennett, who brightened at your promise.
‘If I am still alive, afterwards,’ A dark thought flashed through your head.
Waving good bye to the two, you continued on your path, leaving Mondstadt behind.
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Diluc’s servant gulped as he approached a small cottage in the bamboo forest. Knocking the wooden door, he cleared his throat.
“Diluc sends his regards.” The door immediately opened to reveal a girl with dark brown hair.
“Oho! Finally! He calls! Did he happen to include an engagement ring by any chance?”
“U-Uh no, just this letter-“
“Oh how boring.” The door slammed shut.
“He includes payment with this letter.”
“Why didn’t you say so earlier?” The door swung open again. The girl swiped off the bag of mora the servant had prepared and wax-sealed letter smoothly.
Ripping the letter open, the girl scanned its contents carefully.
“As straightforward as always. Thanks for your hard work, I guess.” Waving off the servant casually, the girl smiled to herself.
“A recon mission for a stranger in red and black, huh? Well, well, well. Time to dust off the old umbrella.”
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bl00dgutsgl0ry · 3 years
Unhealthy Obsession
Pairing - Childe/Tartaglia/Ajax x Reader
Warnings - Violence, yandere undertones, stalking, gore (this seems to be a running theme in my works huh). The reader is scawwy ><
Other Comments - I’ve seen so many of these types of fic but it was always Childe being yandere, so why not yandere reader??? I put this in a time line slightly more recently so there is actual like technology like phones and stuff in this. Oh and the reader had a bow for a weapon in this hehe.
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      Childe was infamous for his charm, having the ability to have the entirety of Liyue under his thumb if he so pleased. Of course, he was able to use this to his advantage when collecting debts and manipulating the people he needed to. Childe’s newest person of interest was the daughter of a shop owner who was indebted to the Fatui. 
      You had also found yourself enthralled by Childe’s charm, but unlike the many others he used it on he had actually considered you a genuine friend. One close enough to him for him to reveal his hidden agendas and dirty work plans. Now of course you unfortunately found yourself with the semblance of a crush on the copper haired man; which at first wasn’t the worst until you began witnessing the actions of the girl.
      Much to Childe’s ignorance, you had been watching his movements for a while now, which also means watching the touchy feely actions of the girl. She loved to give him hugs was they took their separate ways, or would lean on him any chance she got really. It was starting to piss you off but you also found it quite humorous. This girl was so stupid, thinking Childe was actually interested in her; of course you couldn’t really blame her since Childe was so good at his job.
      Things were beginning to get out of hand though, as now not only did you feel the need to keep some tabs on Childe’s antics; you know had to keep track of the girls actions. And tonight was an eventful one to say the least. After quietly watching Childe from the shadows for quite some time, you could say you were quite skilled in stealth so it was incredibly easy to follow around the girl without looking suspicious, as you watched her walking along the shops of Liyue Harbor.
      Tonight you could see her heading towards the Scent of Spring perfume shop, so you decided to follow a little ways behind and then find yourself a good spot within earshot. You decided to lean against a wall and look to be occupying yourself on your phone so as to not look odd.
       “Well hello, you're looking rather fetching today. Care to take a look inside Scent of Spring? I'm sure you'll find something unforgettable~!” Ying’er was a lovely woman, as well as being incredibly skilled in the art of creating perfumes.
      “Ah hello! Uh I was looking for something that could get a guy to fall for me?” The girl spoke hurriedly, almost as if she was embarrassed for making such a request. You grit your teeth, silently groaning, as Ying’er giggled before responding.
      “Oh young love, how cute! Of course you look to be the lady who would enjoy Valley Weaver? Or maybe Golden House Maiden if you’re looking for something a bit sweeter and more candy like? Would you care for a sampling?” The girl nodded enthusiastically and Ying’er brought out the two previously mentioned scents, handing both over to the girl.
      “They both smell so amazing! But I think Valley Weaver is a little bit more endearing.” Ying’er hummed in response as she stored away the other perfume. While she was doing this the young girl brought out a small bag of mora. You rolled your eyes shaking your head. Your phone quickly took you out of the interaction as it buzzed in your hand. Your mood immediately brightened as you saw you had received a text from the one and only Childe.
      “Hey babe! Where are you? I let myself into your apartment, hope you don’t mind too much :)” You giggled to yourself before rolling your eyes and shooting back a text.
      “Of course you did. Well I just went on a little walk around Liyue, I’m heading back now; of course make yourself at home but I’m sure you already have.” You shook your head, still smiling to yourself. You had to say, this was great timing as it gave you an excuse to leave. Leaving the same time as the girl would’ve been far too suspicious so this was convenient.
      You made sure to take all of the shortcuts to your apartment and tried your best to walk as briskly as possible. You didn’t want to keep the man you were doing all of this for in the first place waiting after all.You didn’t even have to announce your arrival since the loud squeak of your door did it for you, allowing Childe’s familiar cologne to fill your nose.
       “Hey babe! How was your walk? It’s awfully late for a walk isn’t it?” You smiled, as Childe’s comforting voice filled the room, the only other noise being the muddled voices leaving your old tv in the living room.
      “Well it was a nice night out tonight, plus I enjoy looking at the shops; they always have such nice stuff.” You quickly took your place next to Childe on the couch, not too close to consider it borderline cuddling but close enough to feel his warmth. Childe placed his arm behind you, almost allowing it to fall onto your shoulders.
      “That being said, you have yet to reveal to me what the motive is behind gracing me with your presence, unannounced might I add.” You heard Childe chuckle next to you, as you found yourself absentmindedly watching whatever the hell he had playing on the TV.
       “Well, I’ve been pretty busy for the time being, and I guess I found myself missing your company.” You screamed mentally, the butterflies in your stomach dancing around excitedly.
      “You have been quite busy, unfortunately for you though, the same cannot be said.” Childe let out a boisterous laugh, playfully nudging you with his side. You giggled as well, shaking your head before looking up at the taller man. Both of you stared at each other for what felt like ages, before you felt Childe’s arm wrap itself around your side pulling you closer to him. Suddenly your lips were pressed against his, as he pressed you against him. You allowed yourself to tangle your fingers into his copper hair.
      This sparked a make out, bordering on heavy petting as both of you were pressed as close together as humanly possible. Childe’s hands had found themselves comfortably resting against your ass, as he would occasionally squeeze. All too soon though, he pulled away; a shit eating grin plastered onto his face. You blushed bright red before lightly smacking him in the chest with the back of your hand. You watched him snicker before pulling out his phone and looking at the time.
      “Well it’s getting really late, and as much as I would like to stay here and keep you up, I should probably head out.” Childe ended his statement with a wink causing you to become an even more flustered mess. He was the first to get up, help you up as well before pulling you into his chest. Neither of you usually participated in hugging as a farewell, but it’s not as if you were complaining about being pressed against his firm chest.
      With at, Childe was gone; casing your apartment to feel far too empty. Though, this gave you the opportunity to excitedly jump around and quietly scream as you relived the actions that had just transpired between the two of you. He was right though, it was incredibly late and you had just now realized how tired you were. At least this would send you off with some interesting dreams.
      And here you were again, in the familiar situation of carefully watching this annoying girl. You had overheard her on the phone with presumably no one other than Childe. She had asked him to meet her around the pound by the shops in Liyue tonight, which after hanging up she excitedly clapped for; confirming that Childe had said yes. You knew it was going to be too risky to go there in your normal attire, as you couldn’t be recognized by Childe under any circumstance so you decided you would go home and get changed.
      You felt like a genius for changing into black clothes, as you had found yourself a pitch black alleyway to hide in that gave you a clear shot of what was happening. Sure you couldn’t hear what they were saying but that was the least of your worries for the time being. You watched as the girl flaunted herself and flipped her hair around, clearly trying to get her money's worth out of that perfume she had bought the night before. It all made you feel sick. She was nowhere near Childe’s league.
       For the most part, everything was fine; just them having a boring conversation until the girl did something unexpected. She reached for Childe’s arm, and pulled him down into a kiss. You had never been so enraged before, seeing red and acting without thought. Before you could think twice you bow was drawn and pointed directly at her.
      It all happened in a flash, an arrow flying out of nowhere, the puncture into the girls head, her falling back as Childe stumbled back as well, all of the guards rushing towards them. Childe’s eyes were blown out wide looking around wildly for the source of the arrow. Right as you were beginning to turn back your eyes met his. Fuck.
      You began sprinting back to your apartment, hopefully if he came by your apartment you could be changed into something different so you could try and persuade him into thinking he saw someone else. And thank the gods time was on your side; you had managed to finish getting dressed into your sleepwear right as you hear a knock on your door. Your heart was racing but you knew if you took too much time answering the door, it would be even more suspicious so you needed to act as normal as you could manage. You cracked the door open like usual and were greeted by a familiar face.
      “Oh my god (y/n) you will never guess what just happened.” You stepped aside as you opened the door for Childe.
       “What happened?” You tried your best to not sound very interested hoping that would throw him off.
      “So you remember that girl I had been telling you about? The daughter of that one shop owner?” You nodded in confirmation as you headed to your small kitchen to put on some tea for the both of you. Childe stood on the other side of the counter.
      “Well she had called me earlier today and asked if I could meet with her tonight. Of course I accepted and we were in the middle of a conversation when she had pulled me down to kiss her! That's not even the worst part though, she was shot immediately after!” You feigned surprise as you gasped looking up at him.
      “Oh my god what?! That’s awful! I imagine the pond was quite a mess with all the guards?” You hadn’t even realized what came out of your mouth until he began to speak again.
      “Huh… That's strange, I never told you where it happened.” Your eyes widened as you quickly looked back down to the teapot that was now whistling at you.
      “You know what else is strange? I think the arrow looked really familiar; and that’s not even the weirdest part. I could’ve sworn I saw someone who looked identical to you who was in the same place the arrow came from. Your blood ran cold. He knew and there was no way you could persuade him otherwise.
      “You know I don’t like when people lie to me (y/n) so I am only going to ask this once. Were you the one that fired the arrow?” You had just finished pouring the water over the tea leaves when he asked you. Your clenched fists were now resting next to the two cups, as you struggled to hold back the tidal wave of anguish. But in the end you couldn’t.
      “She fucking kissed you! How could I sit there and do nothing about it! I have been putting up with her touchy feely bullshit for weeks now! I couldn’t just sit there and do nothing as she kissed what was supposed to be MINE!!!” You were breathing heavily, your face red and chest tight. Childe was silent and you refused to look up to meet his gaze. After what felt like hours, you heard his heavy footsteps move towards you. You screwed your eyes shut too scared of what his reaction was going to be. Only when he gently put his hand under your chin and tilted your head up did you open your eyes.
       “I am yours (y/n). You didn’t even give me the chance to push her away. You’re a really good shot though.” Your eyes were blown out wide as he smiled down at you.
       “You’re not… Disgusted with me? Or enraged?” Childe chuckled.
      “(Y/n) I’ve done much worse things than this, it would be hypocritical of me to be mad at you. But if that situation ever happens again, at least give me some time to push them away before taking it into your hands alright? I might admit I do find it endearing that you would kill someone for me; but let me be the one to have blood on my hands alright?” You smiled and nodded before he pulled you into a hug.
      “Now, shall we have that tea?”
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