#mc: sage
stephschoices · 4 months
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Happy Valentine's Day ❣️ here's a few of my mcs x their li's from different games with poses from here ~!
- Pepe x Jade ( @inkandlaces-if ) | Dima x Este ( @pavedinashes-if ) - Felix x Indigo ( @pavedinashes-if ) | Sparks x Beatrix ( @pavedinashes-if ) - Rolan x Naraina (bg3) | Ikaron x Solaris (bg3) - Iliya x Sunhi ( @barbwritesstuff ) | Kalan x Sage ( @kalorphic ) - Thorne x Irelia ( @indeepertidesif ) | Morgan x Cyra ( @theunseelieif )
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dreamtydraw · 24 days
Today i’m sick and use what left of my strength to half shade my six oc canon art because….
I love my ships ! ( third edition)
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In order this time we haaaaaaave
-Marie x Sol | the kid at the back by @fantasia-kitt
-Noah x Elio | Keyframes by @blank-house
-Eleanore x Ais | Touchstarved by @redspringstudio
-Orelie x Van | Interwine by @crescencestudio
-Valentin x Tamarack | our life now and forever by @gb-patch
-Laurialet x Sage | Last legacy on Fictif
Yes Sage x Laurialet gets a second artwork but it’s because i miss last legacy very much…
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tellioari · 7 months
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Sage dye!
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
[MC burning sage around HOL]
The demon brothers (coughing): What is that!?
MC: It's to ward off evil & negative energy!
The demon brothers:
MC: ...oh yeah
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evanox · 10 months
On a scale from king/queen of the party to shy awkward wallflower, where would you personally place a good match for each of the M4 of Last Legacy when it comes to a partner? Or what kind of traits do you think, a suitable partner might need?
{HELLO sorry I never responded to your requests I kinda completely gave up on LL BUT I was trying to find something and saw this was already fully written and it was a shame to leave it rotting here}
ooo that's a fun q thank you!! I hope I understood it right!!
Felix himself has always been a wallflower at parties. Sure, as a toddler, he'd eat up the praises of nobles as his fathers showed off the gifted kid they were so proud of, but he tired out quickly so Florian would rush him to bed before little Fe got too cranky and his magic started going haywire.
He still doesn't enjoy the balls—the nobility's massive egos far too stifling, only rivaled by the clothes his father made him wear.
Even in a modern setting, he wouldn't enjoy parties that are too loud and crowded. Felix might just hide in the kitchen to read a book or find the host's cat, only emerging from the shadows when it's time for truth or dare (he always picks dare, and it's beginning to get scary for others because there's almost nothing he'd say no to).
Felix finds himself more drawn to other wallflowers; even if you don't talk, you can at least look at each other with understanding before moving on.
It's great to have a partner who understands when Felix needs out. Hell, he might actually enjoy the party better with an introverted/awkward partner—it's the perfect excuse to grill any stuck-up nobles if they so much as dare to tease you if you stumble over your words or forget the nobility's strict codes of etiquette; only Felix gets to tease you (as long as you can take it), and only because he finds you cute.
Then you can both grab a snack or a drink and quietly slip out of the crowded ballroom to tour the gardens together. If the music is loud enough that you can still hear it faintly outside, he might just ask you for a dance amongst the roses with the moon as your lone witness.
"How un-noble of you, Felix!" you would tease when Felix leads you off the paved path and towards the arching willow where you'll be perfectly hidden from any other stragglers, then Felix would laugh softly before he presses you against the tree and kisses you until you're ready to be portalled into bed (for sleep or for other purposes, none of my business).
However, I wouldn't say Felix can't appreciate a life-of-the-party partner! After all, it is only a matter of time before an extrovert comes to claim their introvert, thus maintaining balance in this world.
Your joy might even become so contagious that Felix can't help but join, especially if it's too unorthodox for the nobility, leaving a string of offended gasps and/or disapproving scowls behind you—it's all the more reason to love you. You can swing and sway all over the ballroom and cause all sorts of mischief and pranks together, as long as you can respect when he needs to just go home.
Attending balls is a minor part of her job, whether she's escorting a VIP or standing guard. From a work perspective, a more extroverted partner might be more convenient for making connections and entertaining guests. Anisa, however, doesn't really have a preference.
An extroverted partner is fun in the way that, when Anisa is standing stiffly in the ballroom by the buffet or the grand staircase, trying to keep up appearances (or even in a modern setting, fussing after everyone in the party), you can help her slowly but surely relax and break out of her shell.
Once Anisa picks up the vibe, she does a 180 and lets out the party animal (though this one's nowhere near as wild as Sage); you can see it in the way her movements are much more relaxed, how she throws her head back and laughs so loudly at the dumbest of jokes, and how she spares a dance for whoever asks—that is until she finds you amongst the crowds and pulls you in to dance the rest of the night away.
Just promise you won't let her overindulge in the wine or the punch (that Sage might've dabbled in) lest she starts acting too inappropriately on the job. You know she can't part too long from the buffet.
An introverted partner is great, too! Anisa won't force you into attending parties with her because it's work after all, but if you still want to come along, she'll take care of you throughout the event, continuously checking over you.
Oh, to have Anisa hold your hand and press a tender kiss to your knuckles as she softly asks, "Are you okay, love?"
I guess you would activate that loophole where it's like, she might not usually go out of her way to have fun at events, but seeing you wilting by the corner will push Anisa to encourage you to have some fun with her, as long as you're up for it; she'd love to pull you in for a dance, your hand held high in hers, and proudly show you off as her lover to everyone.
And if you don't want to dance, well, there's always the buffet! There are so many foods you can try, and Anisa can't wait to hand/spoonfeed them to you.
He's drawn to the life of the party like a moth to a flame. Sage might be quite the tease, but he still loves being kept on his toes; having someone who can match his pace might even help him burn out all that extra energy.
The loud, crammed taverns are where he thrives, and a partner who enjoys them too adds to the fun. He'll pull you for a dance once the bard picks up a jolly tune, sweeping you off your feet and hopping from table to table as people watch in awe how he swings you with such ease.
Hell, you could sweep him off his feet; he definitely won't complain.
That is not to say Sage would push away the wallflower! He'd try to pull you from where you cling to the wall—wouldn't you rather have fun than look so awfully glum?
Once you explain that you're not necessarily miserable, but the chaos of the dance floor just isn't your scene, he nods in understanding. With a wink and a swish of his tail, he asks you to keep your eyes on him as he blends in with the dancing crowds. You can join in whenever you wish, but until then, you're more than welcome to enjoy the view.
Your discomfort immediately triggers his protective streak, and he'll keep an arm up so people won't keep bumping into you as he escorts you out of the crowded tavern once you call it a night.
If you're attending a party at Fathom or whatever fancy palace for whatever fancy reason, Sage would gladly pull you away from the crowds and the noise to explore all the secret passages and chambers. Hey, you could even find an empty room or a closet for seven minutes of heaven ;)
Like Anisa, I don't think Rime has a preference. I'd say he might have been partial to a life-of-the-party sort of character—repressed choir boy craving an outlet that he is—but Rime did date Felix, who isn't particularly social. That is not to say that Felix and Rime didn't know how to have fun! I just think Felix's way of 'letting go' is more so through mischief and less through partying or socializing.
So in conclusion, Rime doesn't care how extroverted or introverted you are as long as you know how to have a good time.
If you'd known Rime before as the Starsworn Captain, you might've taken him for a reserved prude, but unlike Anisa, he doesn't really need you coaxing him into being more 'out-there'; he'll compete with you over it. Want to ask him for a dance? He's already eyeing you up and down, looking like he could almost eat you up.
Even on the dancefloor, he'd be looking for ways to fluster you.
Recall how if you choose to remain silent during the first confrontation in the Felix route, Rime would wonder why Felix would choose someone so boring over him? I think, if you're more of a wallflower, Rime might tease you a bit especially if he's interested in you but doesn't know you all that well—not to tear you down but it's his... unconventional way of trying to coax you into coming out of your shell.
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amiibo-king · 1 year
Last Legacy full weighted choices list
pokes the last legacy fandom with a stick. is this thing still alive
i wanted to share smth with yall. ive been rooting around in the last legacy assets once again, and i believe i have discovered the variable that determines which choices are weighted towards an ending (and which ending they are weighted towards)
and since at this point we're probably never going to be able to find out organically (rip nix hydra) i've created a complete list of weighted choices in all three last legacy routes, and which ending they are weighted towards, in order of appearance. under the cut for spoiler and length reasons. enjoy
NOTE that this is ONLY a list of choices that contribute to the ending (good/bad ending). choices that are weighted in other ways (such as choices that affect your relationship with side characters like rime, but that don't actually affect the ending) are not included here. if y'all are curious about that, let me know, i might make another list for those later if/when i have the time.
quick note: each choice has two variables associated with it, one that determines what effect it has on the ending (good or bad) if any, and one determining the weight that choice has. the weight of each weighted choice can be light, medium, or heavy. next to each listed choice i will include both the ending it contributes towards and it's weight.
for chapters that aren't listed, i couldn't find any weighted choices in those chapters.
edit/additional notes: the endings aren't actually listed as "good/bad" in the code; the variable that denotes effect is an integer called "choiceType" which can be 0, 1, or 2. however, this is the same system the arcana uses, and in the arcana, 0 means unweighted, 1 means upright, and 2 means reversed. this on it's own wouldn't be enough for me to assume that fictif has upright/reversed endings as well, except that in some files within last legacy the options are straight up called "upright" or "reversed" (and the ones labeled upright are marked as choiceType 1 while the ones labeled reversed are marked choiceType 2.) i chose to call them good/bad endings since upright/reversed are tarot terms that only really make sense for the arcana.
Felix's route
Felix 01:
"I think it's risky." (good ending - light weight) "It's just another tool." (bad ending - light weight)
Felix 02:
"Your book sounds creepy." (good ending - light weight) "Can I see it?" (bad ending - light weight)
Felix 03
"Let's study it." (good ending - medium weight) "Make it talk." (bad ending - medium weight)
Felix 05
"You've got this. (bad ending - light weight) "We'll do this together." (good ending - light weight)
Felix 06
"We can't go with you." (bad ending - light weight) "Can we talk this out?" (good ending - light weight)
Felix 07
"I kind of like your family." (good ending - light weight) "No more family dinners, please." (bad ending - light weight)
Felix 08
"What's really bothering you?" (good ending - medium weight) "Do you like Rime more than me?" (bad ending - medium weight)
Felix 09
"I'll never leave you." (bad ending - heavy weight) "We'll figure it out later." (good ending - heavy weight)
Felix 11
"We might need Escell." (bad ending - light weight) "Violence won't help." (good ending - light weight)
Felix 12
"I get it, but..." (bad ending - light weight) "I just don't understand." (good ending - light weight)
Felix 13
"What do we do?" (bad ending - light weight) "Stay behind me." (good ending - light weight)
"If that's the only way." (bad ending - medium weight) "But they're people!" (good ending - medium weight)
Anisa's route
Anisa 01
Confront Anisa for the truth. (good ending - medium weight) Play dumb. (bad ending - medium weight)
Anisa 02
"I'll never leave you." (bad ending - medium weight) "You're not your father." (good ending - medium weight)
Anisa 03
"Are you sure, though?" (good ending - light weight) "Yeah, screw that guy." (bad ending - light weight)
"We can trust Saaros." (good ending - medium weight) "If we have to trust someone..." (bad ending - medium weight)
Anisa 04
"Believe in me." (bad ending - medium weight) "Believe in yourself." (good ending - medium weight)
Come clean. (good ending - medium weight) Hide the truth. (bad ending - medium weight)
Anisa 05
"This is our best shot." (good ending - medium weight) "I'm still worried about Orion." (bad ending - medium weight)
Anisa 06
"They're selfish." (bad ending - medium weight) "We'll talk to them." (good ending - medium weight)
"True love exists." (bad ending - medium weight) "We still have time." (good ending - medium weight)
Anisa 07
"Your father." (bad ending - light weight) "The Lord of Shadows." (good ending - light weight)
"Because she's mine." (bad ending - medium weight) "Because she's strong." (good ending - medium weight)
"We'll finish the job." (bad ending - medium weight) "We'll banish him again." (good ending - medium weight)
Sage's route
Sage 01
"That's not true." (good ending - light weight) "Fine." (bad ending - light weight)
Sage 02
"Apologize to her." (good ending - light weight) "It's not your fault." (bad ending - light weight)
Sage 03
"Let's calm down." (good ending - light weight) "You've got this!" (bad ending - light weight)
"I get it." (bad ending - medium weight) "That was reckless." (good ending - medium weight)
Sage 04
"What if the others find out?" (bad ending - light weight) "I know you can do better." (good ending - light weight)
Sage 05
Nod at him. (bad ending - light weight) Shake your head. (good ending - light weight)
Sage 06
"You're not alone." (good ending - medium weight) "I've got your back." (bad ending - medium weight)
Sage 07
"That won't happen." (bad ending - medium weight) "If I must." (good ending - medium weight)
Sage 08
"I don't either." (bad ending - medium weight) "Give Elowen a chance." (good ending - medium weight)
Sage 09
"Makes sense to me." (bad ending - light weight) "What makes you think so?" (good ending - light weight)
Sage 10
"Let him go, Sage." (good ending - heavy weight) "You did what you had to do." (bad ending - heavy weight)
Sage 12
I have to stop Gramme. (bad ending - light weight) I have to save Sage. (good ending - light weight)
Sage 13
"I'll fill you in." (bad ending - light weight) "Sage can fill you in." (good ending - light weight)
"I can't answer that for you." (good ending - heavy weight) "You won't fail." (bad ending - heavy weight)
Sage 14
"We'll win no matter what." (bad ending - medium weight) "We need a backup plan." (good ending - medium weight)
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the-sage-libriomancer · 8 months
looking back, i feel like the first big sign that Tohru had legitimate issues was that she didn't ask her friends for a place to stay. i mean, what were her reasons for not involving them? Uotani lived in a small apartment and Hanajima had five people living in her house - that'd make an additional person living with either of them pretty inconvenient, but like, not impossibly so. both Uotani and Hanajima would've said yes in a heartbeat, not because they're kind souls who offer their meager means to others regardless of consequences, but because it's really not that big a deal to have one more person temporarily living in your home, and i don't think their families would have minded much either.
also like - not asking Uotani at least makes sense bc of her apartment, but Hanajima lives in a freaking house!!! an actual decently sized two-story house!!! even if it'd be cramped, the sensible thing to do would be to at least ask if Hanajima could put her up. but Tohru thought that Uotani and Hanajime would help her even if they themselves were inconvenienced by it (correct) and proactively took the "burden" away from them by not giving them a choice in the matter at all. if either of them learned that Tohru had been living in the woods, they would've dragged her ass back to civilization, and she knew it. that's why she purposefully hid the whole "living in a tent" thing from them (she didn't even tell them she'd been kicked out! they thought she was still living with her relatives the entire time!). Tohru's selflessness was on full display in the first chapter, but in retrospect, so was her self-destructive streak that went far beyond your typical shojo protagonist's levels of self-sacrifice.
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diamo-chan · 2 months
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I love my babies and you cannot tear them from my cold dead fingers. Sha would give a best of typical-Sage moments with a top 3 most embarassing incidents. Just to prepare Vasilisa for the worst that might come
Also... Balsam never died and chapter 4 of Sages route never happened. they are all happy and support each other instead of going to therapy. Who needs therapy anyway with Sha's skills at begging Scylla for free drinks
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plateauofmemories · 10 months
Mhin, drunk: Leander's so obnoxious, always sticking his nose in everyone's business...
Mhin, slamming a fist on the table: THAT'S why his tits are so big, they're full of secrets
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captain--miracle · 1 year
I'm back with memes p.1
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Who would be the best new main character? (Round 1)
Note: I recommend reading this blog's pinned post that explains what this tournament is about before voting
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Nick Valentine- i want to play the game as the robot detective man
The Question- He was one of the most popular characters on the show outside of the original seven, and the episodes that focused on him were always good, he'd be an interesting character to follow even closer, especially after the Cadmus Arc where he gets less to do and more totally new side stories could be written around him and his antics. You'd probably get to see more of the Huntress this way, too, which is also a bonus (plus Jeffrey Combs does such a good job voicing him that I'd love to hear him get even MORE lines to deliver lol).
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stephschoices · 1 year
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Someone tell Agent X to control himself while at work 😳🫣 @kalorphic
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dreamtydraw · 8 months
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*punch the air and cry in agony*
They will never get an ending *sob*
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tellioari · 7 months
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Sage dye, Sage, Aloe, Beard Moss and Zucchini!
Sage is a new herb found in warm biomes, which can be turned into sage dye. Similar to the lavender plant, it can be smoked and turned into an oil, which can be made into soap or a new lantern! It can also be combined with smoked lavender, bread and chicken to make stuffed chicken!
Aloe is a new uncommon desert plant. It can be used in place of magma cream to brew a potion of fire resistance, and when bonemealed sufficiently will sprout into a massive aloe plant!
Beard Moss is a new type of vine and lichen type block, found growing on oaks in swamp biomes! It can be harvested and turned into sage dye, or turned into a block of beard moss.
Zucchini is a new melon/pumpkin type crop block! It can be crafted into zucchini bread or zucchini fritters :3 Thanks to @zucchinibyday for the textures and models!!
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Spicy Times with Sage Lesath (HCs)
Today's content, along with my return to the Last Legacy fandom (sorry I've been away so long, my friends) is dedicated to my darling "child," one of the people I am proud to call my friend. Happy birthday, honey, I hope you enjoy your catboy <3
Character: Sage Lesath
Fandom: Last Legacy
Warnings: Sexy times are discussed, not too much detail. Also serious fluff towards the end~
I feel like funtimes with the catboy has two settings: all or nothing. It depends entirely on what mood you're both in.
Most of the time it's 'all.' Sage is 110% all in. This man's sex drive is through the freaking roof. He wants you in every way, every position, on every surface, you name it. The innuendos and suggestive commentary reach an all-time high. He's ready and willing to slip off at a moment's notice for some quick fun, though he prefers to take his time. He's more than down for getting down and dirty, the rougher the better.
His ideal scenario would be alone at home (well, wherever 'home' happens to be at the moment, anyway) with nowhere to be and sufficient soundproofing or no one around to hear. He wants to be able to take his sweet time and not need to worry about being quiet. If you ever find yourself in this situation, expect one hell of a wild ride. He has impressive stamina and a quick recovery time, so you'll very likely be at it for hours, if not all night long. Let's just say that you'll both be very tired but very satisfied by the end of this.
Let's talk toys for a minute. I don't think Sage is too into them, he usually prefers to do things the old fashioned way with just your body on his, but he's more than happy to include them from time to time to spice things up a bit. I think his favorite would be ropes, just to see his partner tied up under him... also lingerie. He's definitely a biiiig lingerie fan, even if it's as simple as you wearing his shirt. I feel like he also likes the thrill of things, so fooling around in semi-public places would definitely excite him, as would spontaneously trying new things together. You may want to try bringing some food items into the bedroom, too. Just saying, this man would happily lick whipped cream from every inch of your body if you let him.
Sage absolutely loves getting off but he secretly craves your happiness and approval more than anything else, and would do just about anything you want to bring you pleasure. Beware of body worshipping, because once he gets really caught up in the moment, endless praises will start slipping off his tongue. Speaking of his tongue, have I mentioned that he's very good at this? He has enough experience to know exactly what he's doing, and he's surprisingly perceptive in bed, so he's quick to adapt to his partner's specific needs and responses.
His other setting, though, is exclusive to you. This man has had a ton of sex over the years, but he's never once come close to making love. But once he finds a partner, once he falls for someone? That changes. Suddenly things are far more passionate, more intimate, fueled by love instead of just lust.
I'm talking the kind of affectionate, cuddly, loving sex where you're tangled up so tightly that you don't know where he begins and you end and yet it's still not close enough. Soft touches and languid movements, savouring every single second you spend lost in one another. The sort of sex that is a love letter and a prayer rolled into one, worshipping one another while simultaneously thanking the powers that be for allowing this to happen. Words of devotion and praise and affection whispered against skin, pressed into kisses, devoured in a kiss that travels straight to the soul.
This doesn't happen terribly often. Don't get me wrong, if it's what you want or prefer, Sage is more than happy to accommodate that. But for it to truly become that intense, he needs to be in the right headspace. Sometimes it happens randomly, but most often this is the result of being separated for a while or having a dangerous experience. Anything that makes him want to hold you tight and never let go. Another reliable trigger for this is if Sage himself is having a bad time emotionally, if something significant has happened to shake him up or bring his mood down. He basically becomes a lonely kitten, and this is one of the ways of making him feel better.
Sage is also surprisingly good at aftercare. Sure, he's not exactly known for that, as half the time there isn't really time nor the need after his flings - but with a partner, that, too, changes. It doesn't matter if it's the roughest sex you've ever had or the softest, he's going to spoil you as much as possible afterwards. He'll help you clean up and bring you snacks and water, make sure you have everything you could possibly need... and then it's cuddle time. He gets so clingy after sex. He wants to be wrapped around you one way or another, probably purring up a storm, especially if you scratch his ears. Post-sex naps are very common for him, and now for you too, because good luck getting away from him in that state. He's a lovesick kitten.
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evanox · 5 months
exams are over so that means chapter 2 ~
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